The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 20, 1850, Image 3

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    Dogs is Ociiiiiimm
Wasidoem. Monday Jam 10.
linuata—After he dimmed of die mot
lig briars, the Omaha; BM wile taken
Up, sad Mr. Hale. who bad the Ilacr, gam
may for M. Heaton Im speak isit hie mono
Amber nod.. the ens -
eearbese..l l Mardi 4th, 1861.
11. Clay ergod Mr. Bootee le
Me med.. sad. Abu We ameadmeate
the bill bad all bees voted epee.
Benne intimated that there wee no
dbmosition W take any mite, that firths
diammim aim semedmiote was only to
odd te the waste of time already accom
plished la the eonsideration of the bill ; and
expremed his maims. to withdraw, when
ever the Senate should be ready to take •
mat Ho thee miffed the further consid
ered... of the bill be positpmed until the 4th
of March, in the year of our Lord, 1161,
sad promoded I. Mitres. the Senate in
sappert of the moth; but ht so low • tone
for Nome dna as to be inaudible in the
gpfkiry. After some mreastie and mousing
obsormstioas I. Motion to the appoinamot
ed the Crones of Thin's. and their op
madem, he saki Conroe& was made the
moreiceat of all the der of Slavery ;
emit of h hormlf, their sine were all heaped
area bar bead He gave m memo of the
premedinge among the Jews, in weaving
• gear fur dm expiation of the sins of brad.
for the porpoise of showing the analogy be
tweets the scremony and the action of the
Commits. of Thirds.. One of Mammon.
given for the conjunction of the several
massuree was die mood with which eke was
tort i v. The argument had been fully
by the lapse of time. Another
argument was dui danger of snob apposition
to the admission of Caliamds, ea a sepa
rate •••111011, IN would defeat the measure
. That resolution had been a
by them who &awarded it Cal
ifornia was mode • handmaid of the Terri
tories to be used for this purpose. Three
..the ago he and Mr. Clay stood together
is favor of the independeot admission of
Oslifornia.„The Senator from Kentucky
loft him, se El had a right to do, and ho hod
refused to follow on he had a right to refuse;
bat Mr. Clay had no right to call upon those
who ahem otherwise, to follow the path
width he had taken. Ho did not admit that
the Telliktoliell were the sopremo objects of
emeiderstion; he admitted that they
C wore
objesta demanding the attention of al
vin; be felt that the neglect which they
Mel experienced woe a shame and reproach
to Comma, but they were not the superi
or objects, and entitled to the drat conside.
rodeo. California occupied that position.
booted prepared benelf for immediate m
idi" and presented herself for admission
n the family of States. The plea was that
by this bill California sod the Territories
were to bei serried through together, but
enprise they should both be defeated to-
So spool, California, to whom
there was little or no objection should he
tagged down with measures to which
there am mob demurring, where would be
her remedy, and what the reasonable exence
for subotittinp her to .011 • fate 7 Why
abould the (mends of California be compel
led either to Coto for measure, which they
beef.* believed to be Injurious, and which
they cannot therefore vote for, and fulfill
igmiews they h &seamed He
proceedml ad
ed to consider the served bills re
ported by the Compromise Committee, ex
posing their objeetione and incongruities
He dwelt at mach length upon that portion
of the California bill proposing todeline the
be...aeries of Texas and New-flexim, de
earthing die geography of the country, and
contending that the boundaries sugmeted
are mootoral and inexpedient. lining
diapeeed of Ai. branch of the enbjeet, he
pnneeded at great length with a general
examination of the scheme presented es a
Cbmpromise—ooneolsing the ehanther, with
laughter at Ms droll analogies and illustra
tions, and attaisking the matter in a '
of biting lament and imodellble irony,
widek be applied pally, and wish no men
send band. to the originators of the scheme
its advoeato• and supporters. In conolo•
elm, ho almond that it was time to mid
ibis °mend, of errors,"—California was
nehrieg for admission, and the Territories
for peoteetion ; with a dow to that end he
Ind mils the motion to postpone.
Mr.sHalis addressed the Senate in reply
to the pawed attack made upon him by
Dir. Demon Saturday hid, foe the purpose
of deditestieg Memel( from the chuge of
ba_viag, ham ..;mesupt maims, mounted
a bobby to ride into power. Ho gave •
Many of hie political mum showing that
at the Um he separated firm the Demo
aratie_party it was largely In the majority In
Now Hempthini. As for teithitim fur the
dallans, held only to
_my that It was well
lama amen Ms Moeda that it was eery
for hem his intedies erns to sere. out the
sWO mob by Mr. Dowses, aus4
hes Ms Hato Ms Our took
s obo " V ni ssi As &Ws *snot
11.....-11 r. "owls. of Umlaut, was
ea IsoMosol otlespt to eistiod WM me
hike Moe do knoloatios at debate o•
Ike Clablersisquake to-day (Toosday,)
awl is otottsso tbs talk Ibr km wean Im
p. TM Maatilag WO* (0•11tonds)
lam op I. Oosomkto• onto WWI* Room
satoMkky thogotetkod pla t
Is ISA sub mall partial st House
vet ima Moostsed Mo
Moths Bowe" Gouty. )oOl by orsos ws t,
Wooteink sal eta..., et Tom •
?be Mowstog embus 90 Nimbus lOW
Mitr obidlod Mho koiktios of foss or 1..
mhoshro hr learraba or Ike Mali brsis
Tunsettr. June 11.
emeara ße —Nr. Ones spoke an herb 6
f1., 2 . 1 doe Oem
I V obese, and in
llr. OW • ben amen b . nizm iz e
In • nail* wb" be, mei a
sew et Ye .. Zna.
mei le de MO. N. seeillemed Ile now
esstensintena et W adminininenise
estein *W. ilia be Maar
Oil* his pueinelnr Miaow
einesmel in ine tans Mee I end nu
lbsigle doting
Prealingal tea)sei
; l es weed appal in beldiel tie ahem
W eenneitine. .Nob be ineneneaul
nel, one meld sennepre end bow
Oen le lb. resabg. (Arieese deep I]
Yr. &Om tonnueneed very able
'Falb is oremition to tbe eempreelie
ashore, sad is Iran el the nerintsnes.
lir pear.
Tie Meese ....bled at 11 eider and
eroat into Oesnoittee of re Whale on the
Catifhi• Monroe. Mr. Howard of Ten
se robe at saw bsegth, 11h. MeDew
ell of Vivaria dor mord • speech whirl
was eat short at or Odor P. IL, the dais
And by rrolatioe- of the Hour to rose
&bate ad earrotoe warm Tbelow
tir wns on the adoption of Mr. Dety's bill
for the etheirion of Cabrera. Mr. Jone
owed that the 0...... rise, whir was
negatived, 86 to 111, and amid rub' son
futon the Ares rear of the bill war read
dedaring Celiternia, with bar porta boun
den., one of the Maw of the Anerieso
Union admitted on an equal footri in all
streets with the original &ans.
Mr. Hilliard offend an ansendment Un
iting the ihate slob territory as is rein
am Upper California, lying of IV MY.
May oder norms Wird merrier,
end rade leerieste regrow bet no .140
was taken, romps on porta of error, er *p
role her the rehire of the Chair, and
rodeos for oho eolanittee to doe ; sad bo
nnie. A and 4 o'oloek re Mortar nos
and the Howe adjoarned, Orr a wary bols
terer seatino. The deoitiono of the Chair
intan eiroo mired renal tree dories the
8 .—Mr. Walker of a mole
thin to inquire into the propriety of "ding
the liable, lands to the State. in whisk they
are located.
Mr. Dayton resumed and °secluded his
trgunmet against the reaspromise bill.
Hoose.—After the disposal of some un
important basin..., the California bill was
spin taken op and debated in Ive-minlite
spewhes, on various anmndmeum, smong
ethers ems of by Mr. Sehenekoleelar
leg thet the compromise line shall depend
entirely on public sentiment in the teethe
tire. Considerable ensfusion reigned, but
no 'vole on the California hill Ina taken.
Thursday, June IS.
Sewers —The Ant part of the sermon
was spent in receiving memo, iala and inc.l 'talon* of public meetings and Legislatures
in relation to the coniproruiee.
The Omnibus bill was at leugth taken
up, and eupported by dl . Bright, Clay
Atireispo, lYsbeter and Foote, and op
in a firer remerks by Messrs. Benton, Chase,
Seward, sad Tuyney.
Mr. Clemens moved to fill the blank in
the Texas boundary-purchase pert of the
bill by inserting 11,000,000 for indemnity.
Mr. Clay made a very urgent appeal far
I its withdrawal, and than turned hin batter
' ice upon Moss.. Denton and fleward,whom
lie dressed dein with considerable bit-' I
terness.- When he had eonoluded—
. . .
Mr. Foote oomuseoced • wage tirade
spinet the Mr. Seward, but triu celled to
order motiral titan by lb. Obeir for Ws
grout personalities nod abuse.
Mr. Seward replied to Mr. Clay, but
paid no oat of attention to the Illiesissppi
Mr. Benton followed the reply to Mr.
Cloy, reading.. hill text 011000.11 pusages
from the specoh made by IL. Senator from
Kentucky on the 14th of February last, io
which he declared the adnoimion of Cali
fond. to be . asuman standing by itself,
and demanded decisive action. He (Mr.
pialto.l) hoped the &stator, whoa awns
ing the millority with having all aloe' de
layed the settlement of Chit questioo, would
deduct the - time during whisk he himself
acted with them who still contended for •
distinct consideration for California. Mr.
B. proceeded then to rotors book the lec•
ten which he conceived eo gratuitously
given by Mr. Clay, es to the mute of Mee.
Mr. Clay denied that he had attempted/
101601 am the Senate.
Mr. Hourton submitted some remarks in
defence of the title of Teams declaring that
she knew leer risme, and was prepared to
ewort, defend sod maintain them at slay
11011 i.
Mr. Denton mule some observations, de
nying, as hail been summed by Mx Clay,
that during the last summer. in Dimond,
he had expressed himself against the ad
mission of eslifiumia.
Mr. Cl.;, in granny for havisn ode
the suggestion, end a letter written by a
getitiemse named Reed, at Indeptadatee,
Alimoort evidently to Mr. Foote, in which
the writer asp that Mr. Beaton, In can
venation' with hint in relation to the ad
mission el Ctlifornia, said she was not It
to be admitted, and that the EfOOSIITO
evilest looking to that end. we. • midwi.
ly pokey, wd that Otlifornis amid
treated as mber new state. hod bane is
time. pus. He only mad this Ismer is
viediestioe of himself. He did not knew
the writer, or roma for It. ansursey. The
Senator would know, however, whether It
err tree Of cot.
M. Boston dwiod tbo dila if tis
star to sersigs bin thw la tits alemilty by
esedieg a letter - sod whin epos bias I.
say 'similar it was arm or sow I bat Ms
@water would so/ go et is that way. H.
bad soaks to do with the www4lefw
maat ; but as b bad prodswed des 14111• C
ism sod pabliabod is, awl 1111.• rile It •
part et a lb" patilassy itissay of Ms
«matey, beWM binessysseible me its sa
tins. Ho promansed 16 as Me (Mc Oby's)
Mum ast, ss Ws lawn be tumefied is as
as Winans adsway, lass bogisalsi Se
sad. [howl sails to usehr.]
N.. Uay—As to Ms ossefte's *Ma
slosh 1 hod awn bwk with wasitstable I
sod isdigsatiss, sad is Ide
to psi Is Ma swim et whimmass.
width bsee,[wits of erisr, see As rep
pif tie Vise Peseldw gash, MK,
Need% o
the it
inestiti,. ds .
Aft.. sense b Harms Wady
awl Haw N.
Nowa —The GeNdesis MN Ins tags
sp, sad am sawedmew, preposiag Mrs Miw
. lisserseriss as Ms metiers bsweds
, .i....Cankrals, wed aessimes bowads st
, was ollbrad awl Aar mos Mom
Tbsoross Niss. /11**ass,
Vs* Dyb t Wss. MosstAdhow
OwnSsa,ra vt, s ays Moods sad idis* was salad
BOWL Ihedisa, Item Oaths, sad
Tlmapro, cif Ow, Moak Dash lawahs.
Wisdney, Mak nulls sad Wpm sea
made In slows tp.Nb.s ayes Ms was,
low or Man ssaildstabis 'a
shram& Tie shads swiss was hitiond
in l Ibis twat, sod se isoM tam se
Ms ows imam
Tam; Jump It
811141M—Alkerlie Moils§ wan
it =n till Newby, M.. Olemen's
at to tho OweibenHll was tojoot.
el by on over beg veto.
Th motion to • ke oel tM o.tin ...-
Wm Made. to the rd Tom woo
rtby Mourn Betio. ..d Rook.
.. yoke I. oppodtioe le the ...0i..,
no did .Ye Mr. Bootee. The quelled ho
le( takes es the eawsdoent, It wan rjoin
wiT—Yeto U, ...To 2 7.
Heys.— The Snewah Spoliation bill was
roportal red refund to the lloomittee of
Oho %nolo.
Mr. Bayley. from the 0011Inialle of Ways
and Means. reported the Gerona Appro
pristioe bill.
&TIMM. Juin 15
8 :—The Owoibw bill beim lint
ie order, Mr. Hale mond a of the
Texas bander, mseetiw to the Jadisiary,
whieh, after ea. Maenad., was adopted.
Mr. Soule mooed an ameedan► provid
log that when Utah nod New Merles an
lAwitted, they shall be remind with or
without slavery, no their Osoatlntleme soy
prowl.. No vote takes.
Hoosa.—The Cloliferoin bill waa idled
op, and the fano of the few propelling daya
b •• Its,. armed. by in minote spew
se. is-emoted. Mr. Ingo offload .
meet giving to the people of Califon%
eed the territories the right to say wheth
er they will have slavery or not. A spirit
ed debate eons., bet no vote wee taboo.
S .—The Omnibus bill was Ind
tolled up. Mr. Webster spoke at length
upon the amendment of Mr. Souk, ibd in
vindication of his 7th of Marsh epoch.—
Meters. Norris and pass said they should
rote for the amendment for the purpose of
putting on 1.0014 a rebuke to the Pro .
Soil members, not balsam they deemed at
of anli lase.
This was followed by • pump between
Mr. Cu. and Mr. Halo, in weld. the Sena- 1
for from Michigan enifered badly from the
ever ready wit and good-nature of the Sou - I
ator from New-Hampabiro. The question
then came up on Souls'. amendment, that
of Baldwin not hating been seconded, or
having been dispond of in some way not
reported by our di.patoh. The result was
that the amendment (Soule.) was lost by !
• vote of 12 yeas to 88 nays.
A montage was received from the Pred
dent with information as to doing. of the
Texan Commissioner in Now Make and
the order. issued by ties Executive to the
troops in that Territory.
The House talked •bout wren! Wage'
and seeompli.hed little or nothing, exempt
to •tree to asset au hour earlier in the day'
beneeforilh. , Two or dim reealudene of
inquiry woo aired, and an attempt nude
to pt the California bill out of Committee
won, but to no purpose. It was not ad
canoed a hair.
Ten Now Tooter PAIN to.—Tbe Cincin
nati Eartirer, in speaking of the attempt
now being made by the Gaiphin Whig* to
get up a Tariff panic, says "In thin num.-
meet manufacturing establishments are to
set their part. Wage. are to be net down
mills are to be stopped—Armee. ens to
be allowed to go out—and all to be laid to
the operations of the present tariff. Some
of the antern moon mill. and Maryland
nod Penno3lvanie iron works have already
made a eummeneentent, end NI endeavor
ing to sun the panic. This Is to be fel
' lowed by meetings and the eirsuistion of
petition., aceordiog . to ones from head
quarters where paws and Moss are man
ufactured "to order." So the country, we
suppose, mill have to ran the gauntlet, that
Senator Coerce and other proteetimists in
Congress, use hart some tome for re
mounting an old nag whieb, by pretty al
most universal etionent, had been turned
oat on thu common, se altogether mines
fur farther /tontines."
Ton Nocturna Kooometea—The
Roehamar Knoekinp have been tmnsport
ed to Now York for mnatour exhibitim•-
1 The old lady and her daughter. who tore
acquired ea notalk eelebrity for their sop
, polled imereonrea with *ries, gave en ha
-1 bildtion at the house of the Bev. Dr. Orie
-1 wold in New York a few merger Mom in
the proem* of a number of the nevermid,
literary and elite, whieh is said to have
proved quite aneeeoefni. TM humidor
were beard all over the house, and Is due
time James Feroimore Coop; the °eight.-
ted novelist, was introdseed to am of tim
*rite. mid held • mysterious eammuolea.
therewitk, in whleb he ammo to bare
beso most sumusafolly hombogged, without
being ebb to toll'in what resew or by
what M.S. TM answers of the spirit
.or. very like the response. of the doming
twin which the Fakir of Am used to exhibit
In • glaas goblet, and no doubt equal,
tewiMnlng. We advise Banat to aware
ao emppesent .111 this eamemmy of spirit:
magma, Si as Mammies sthilities to his
salleotio• of popular merimition.-Bostre
Claimozono ow raft Aoasamor ro eso
Unon.—The Alas Odiforaim to spook
bog of do ddoy la do odoisdn: tau
Ilude We Iblllowift bouris
The poidos Agfa do Am - loolboro
nombon rho wo do mos bale.. old
M oodebod. boo day on .U , Mob
desoho goodly of a boor ism
—is be Mob Imo dub some m bowoow.
M & olooodio
odd do b.
dos *wry b rosidowd mid=
oaf &ay sill by dogma booms oblprly
INN mom &nom stab what
.Gun.y tbe @idol= of Odbbrois
zmod ow groool. non omoiblo
of the flood: bool kr yam
W dot dam, to. on cell bomodosi SO
Qom by their moodoo, sod of :AM dory'
ooddl rot ifd Obsoodeos, oloboogl: Amy
mobil be OA of oi iirypodoolty! of dein
oh Lot yot I.
boa of ibis swim*
Noy any do= Oahe& sot boo
mirk ken doom
bolldfrog • ilid =
oso-obne boldlog
doddlliop flor abooss obodor slay mil
bo bird with. odes Y d moo
—The alias he braes out is Os la
uds" et Os Wool of Oda, ea leo Pio
tikes. 11%, Imlay ma Imp.
Sm. A. CA Wow= WA Ai andATA
AA Ihmkg /ma.
lolbeifte. ea OaIMO WI, Ma Illiaym a. Umir..
••••, loam Mumma P.n.
Min freitevittaesstionso.
Late Arrival
Bomar lOW
Wj . •••••••=fl====
olompy. so en, am .1011.••••114•41•011.•
YOM Wow. ••• ow woo Po, an Wind I•
•• We • kW' MI. as.• W 1 N~rf
l i MM. •• •••••• spm• Imo •••
===, LSO
A New Supply of
tannznr" sec
Administratrix' Notice,
ALL Waal MU.
••• "" rr '• =bt:
P.!....41 1... moult Yee •Wi r y wriad
7roZVil ."'"*"."'
MAMAS .121L4 Admen.
Administrator's Notioe,
ntet. le tblior.=, Mho •1111= " rerInt
Of 11..... 1in5i0a .••• miry ilawday tlarlar. moth stJeso. '
QUM. TOM IR, at',
fr oulooriboomooll•mal abooilooliosoftlo poloist@
I 1.1117 so* ell. MAW •OO Woo
ovio. *Lisa It=ifeva. itoof 01l
Mr Id* maw. Unto Ito O. as• lboo•—oloo •
loroe of Molooklo, A.A. 11.1.4. Pooh,
Ilos•rol. Coo, floogsfloo, Tamp. sad Rai nolo. me
1.04 bey,C1.1.141 awl eons. Calbs,*••••
boy do,* thy lure ,Noloodo to al. nod, ply do
obey i obey use bo N. Ono. Wool Wino* Weis of
tri:7l=Mtr. Wu
Mo. Mb. 1.40 R 1,11.1) 1.11.1•C011111.
trre=' - '•
I.modlsto NomeNt; pH p.n.s IN.. dmaaji
rtrt rtrais= ""'" '
JOHN HOOD, Her 41. ems won
n.. .
F1L1 ,. 11.1 0 mu* tab aril Mak, 1•04.
IblaghLes .
Split and Shaved Shingles,
Cash paid tar Wool.
H. war .17 Ow Mem* N.,. eult or.*
Sheriff's Sale.
Sy virtue of • ant of Ler. Fa. inued.• of the
Court of Comma Pte. of
tap., ita•sty
ad to emdirected, I will tap, to public ftie la
atio Caw* Hews he MIMI" se Moaday. Jay
1850—All that settlfta bset ete parcel of had
sitembe in the tamable of My. Lake i• she ea,
y a Staqueh•••• ad a.. of Pensayhruia,•ad
batted, bounded ad deeeribed se fall., . wit
flopemlux et tut ash •• the bask of • lel.. me
mealy culled Pr oad's lake, llama by Mutts
WeeeloCe land. bosh 741 dames Ina 575.10
perches to • pat, theme by 1•••• Ileeraoff• 1.41,1
earth 051 degrees eaot, 23k 9-10 welt.. • horn
lack ; thew by Ezekiel Tripp's land womb I de
' gr. M 2 5.10 perobee. • pea ; theme meth 851
dere. wow 185 perch. is • post • same of
Ezekiel Tripp'.teed ; thence by the and Ezekiel
T 019" B .d. bosh i &pees. 'or 5.10pna....
to • l ; thence math 8P eem. lova 17 0
perchedle • poet ; then. POOth 53 dogma erea I
189 peathee t• • am o.ndiq m Phill• Brim.
; then. by the add ?hits RAW. lead, swab
p degree way 105 4-10 perch. to • pea oet tie
Mk ef kh• and lake; theme. by dm ...I
eaaveltmed dia... op the mid labs Walt to the
pia. a( Weaning, ...tains about 330.nrs„
tb-,tnhthaa:d.Mr 1:•:11: ' •ZI ener 1 . 00
led Rakest t=b7.,r d.
doto cettveyel the mid Alpha. neab.
Taken in eneentioat lathe e•• L. Hodoe.l
Etir ef R. H. Rae doled. .tie MOO Of
use, ve. Alpheus rash, with 001 i. I. Jab.
50,14., Terre T.... C. M. °ERE,
Sheriff'. OM., f
Matte". Juste IS, 1850.
Ready-made clothing
O === et Ready* CUM..
tM NM bLq L. S. .I.l.lirt
met Mod, Jos* 0,1.110
50000 lbs. Wool Wanted.
.1.. as law as Ow
W granb{ •••••••14.
Illaegme •
May rt. LAMM. • (UMW.
mai giblen.ll.l imetommli.•••••••1•61.41.
A tarsi ea a whew* am
0011,10i1M—• I.o* MA or the *A
*pm nowl,•1••• we a*, *my b, L. ••L
L 3, 1 • •), L • +l-•• ,- 4 1`.1 1 1 , ^- E• ..4
Id A 1111 IL ?EDI 1113111111.
.1."2." - =7"
efow • eke. easolseloi Meek kw as
eke.* IJo 1.. b...... Ulf .• Nem wir
love ••11.1.11, potesels. no *Am Ns pow yea, sod
=MY • imonewusee OW ma.% Man.
W- em/ . ..
.a•rrej NM. NM
VIL' Tnar____,"="="w* .r= rnar,
gra • =4: • . " I•7= Z
" It ism penhlwi •••• ibe •••••1••
Blutdolsy Ploughs,
0r...6•••• pry.“_s..
oits m 6.
lama =VAtik Imo*.
11.1MIIIIT lInWl; 1
E - _
g ni :Ayr - Lk •
A ga
1N.i.7411M gVens•dlli.
- c
, -
New Club wad Dow Kin.
es* • ow One la ono
f1y...n.4, N 0... WWI Mom=
corn i.... ttrzi=ledg
Mill MAMAgild Ilium sail eM
P• 4•• Onlf
Me ...Owen ai• 4•••••••• asseeft. Or,
OM. itge 014.••/. PoNkar. IN* .1 Ow.
••• ago. NY, Eira•
•ON• bon Wm. rm.. INV,* •I=
p.m ••• nisgaMewitylnibisile people•Ms
"••••• b. sad •11411•11, is WI.. *bib moi•
uhn r.e....*lrre. awe* la Os •••
d•••• ft.* penlor• at .••••••••••14.r. sod
•••11.•••do ma ang.gooss.Mh la low l
Iwp .11.•••••ualy
miaata• Oseis.
wad Mall—e very ew
.uredeek Mar. W..
Nwee.. a
prile ped. T
~. rewsw.... erdts • Awe
YC rm
0w...* *4...1
HV.Liwaer .11,1:: "'"" et 1.•••=1,
Tsar. CY, 1,4 0 ,111, . noel* Pe* .4
ammed wee, rd. smart saw hi* mu.«
geld Ime.Ye
*pals say •Mweeslallimma We Ye ell. Ty,
.1. 4.11.4 Imam Os wool.
, woos M .W w ON. pee MU ast ge amp 1.•••••
N. ■O. sai nye ,111•• • .1166 NM. ow
nybas, 10.1.111611.
Nora Eroftasont 1 I
NEW GOINW—m-- •......
sebar boo Nee ...Dedham the
1 sew seed•••••,•••••••••••••leeseetaamee*
eeee•beed sear. emelt, be.41•••••••/7•••••.•••••
meg ben
pem•eeed Aimee ina• mlelee Yee es
' tb• meelub••••I be la obat la Whir 11414011
I Mal name to 'Mae. sedentary °maxi. roomer
ele perebuer fee Caem,ellll.l6 ee "pew.
maw ow. 1*1411.1110 warm.* emblie.
..d.,edellpie Yee•••••••••••••••••••••••••11
et MTV*, 1••••• MI meet ••••ashly al. • ••••
Wm.* .11.4.Avent. TIROL
O "Na IjWt. as met. T .,' 1MA74,..
Saum.• Male Mosl
4, a WY, aour Tan.
;..1,1 , 101,,, Ike., very 1•• w, ash se: rpmfor.
rielOis w. N.C.
1.1:e es...a 4•41/110,
1"11 geZt
.t. 1 ... 0 •4•11:7•49 nuty
" 41 . =7.4 . 1 1•11:::= TIM EA ..
:.4.♦ N. C. ',Mil.
10,1011111, aosecommeorliad& Ledeas.L.seme,
tl. limes uld
by WTI= It AU. ..
DOMMIT Mnamo. IN•sm L.N/ &awl & Pala
Leat Nue. oat y MrLAII &
• 1110 •••••••••••••••,).•••••••••
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GO2: =•• . :V=iimpleable.Tre..ven asi
MTLg =
1111 AIL,weO•T••
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Übe I.*l
Se mile...
MIA wean
~h~ z
DATWell.—• mg... Aare 1•1106 Lret—Ale•
1 1.••••,1.1reall ou sad MAW 01111..•
Valuable Books
VVITOWS Day N. Illeanies.,=••••••• Day%
If /11*11.114....y1r....1...........".
D i ' lltr 110V7
•UNIIITT lumina ••••••••••11•••••Ing • fell*
/prim Ilimerwirllls,
Ms.e sot want. mama et WI. Dam
arts a Vat=
Y.Y. trombi *I Moal et' illeeelortabla Wrenn.
...........*s. ha nu** ss. or OM
..., Noel emenon. bweebeen IN ...6.
....ebt, mil se baser. don Atli MY seen. se Milt
a*mom ant.* Yet.. eels 4•11 blob WI be
l et Wen Oat absit ore be M.
N. b. Parma N eenfteatly se bead.
New 1111114ed.U.1 I.
313 AT 11.10 L RIVER).
A Now Illwpgay dot
Drugs, Medloins, Mite, Oils
nroneriss, Tonkin Notions,
Jewelry, ke. kr.
.t Tuaiumm
. .
...., j10 ....
li g w
Apt mn who*, Yr ...,141 Ark tar I
•A=l . l.= .. reirs . N. , in. •gt barn
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. t p e l u w s a bftl W..
Ito .4••■•••• Mal Naives of MlNowNi*ed
••••• . I. •• 411. IN
erry. Now. sal •ll • Nam. as
N. J.
~~ ~IWW~rfwlW ~rii~l!!.
ge. o IMIV mem, •Ig.
i.r 4 ~r "'...
4 4 +n ~ ~
Now Dry boob,
7 ~ ~J
ti-V.4r4Y-6 , ( --hut L• -r
Watches, limit/7i
ao, as.
TWILVI Ibl Ye yew
i llri=r=l
11 . 61 .•••••• "" =6 Oill b••••LlNleminla Os ,
mdboor•••• %Num eta. now .. ....._.„. ••• ... 1
wivel kb rani* al Mb., ......10.
Molk him 1.= ... emaftemro mia It
, ”"
IR OA K. ....Nels. ••••
4 Wm., NW Amell. NU
A ••• per
Watches. Watches.
....111. 7 .•••••••••••••••••=o• r U.;
1.6114.1. and
bo.lll roull Y..
!N la. Sliver Ware.
common a b . *. Too. 11110.1.
IMETS gm= evoi
be win. I gam by 411..1.11V ANA.
MX. 2•11.01••• Moe 4 .10•••••4111maloam mil. -
lOm dt. X. Iwo s a. , WI an see goodies I
New Aasertmemst itor aloft
Ire Ists.“l *XX. 14. may gy,Wholybibas
midis WM be OW. eorb• mq. Om Imo
Use Fumy. le antlag W. m
t om.. 4111
*I ma 100 oba. may ••••VXY
. 17.1 . ..1..401. t. Ow Jon, or. limm I. mew*.
Tia am* Nee,
sen.llmo Ketabilllnglmelle.
wne,gal be
... 164.1, •
l i l . +l M.w. L e.. V=
...7 ..
IIII .•11.1:111 Ye moU
ar. ltsl.
Apr. 10: MC . 8A Y lt6 . 4/1. CA.
QP•1111> •10.•••,••••-• gnat ••4•lyilf lamb am.
• . N. •ipo.
(IMITLIOIBII sad Yes Lagboes, prl Lae
Wl—Y•• • ..••• ••••••••••• 16. caps. by
S. If. S.l YRE # CO.
" 4-1- - ^". w! 71711171.4
MM.. b.
w ady_ S. Y. NMI • 00.
112.••••••• body /••••••• dd •••
10•41n•dag okaalt dilmial A•ded
moudi. ea she Rid .
•dd, Cm*. d• wad
Wow, Y•dy••••dMild /11•41111♦ •••0•1••
=Mod le Wilms dr =I d•Mor .
m•_, ORONO
*An 41014=1•Ilia:
•••• ••• •Nd. ib••• ••• WY ore.
Icy •••• up *Rd illh•••• •••••••
1•• odf• •sol •• MN mad •••••••140
d••• ••••lity, •Mm••••• ••••dreol Oldb•
ly•• Med, ••1•11•11•• *mew. Yr Ma 11•01
•••••••• •••• donmed ••• Mb. rime
Fdr dm*. *awl orge•lel Ad. ••••
M.. WRAF Agars or
•t• •••• •••••
••••••• *wk.
Jdoe.. •••• le. Ind
DipM! Dentistr, I I
ir . m . lONINT
mi Ntr . :=
. ••l= d. •••:t• . -
r= ill :
:1 .... Irek =4 . l•Tra=
Martel. *rim .31 . •• ••••.... •••••• ....
Nino. •••••••••••• •••••••••41. MON Wm*
. ••• loyw., mi Idelk ON *lmo of
n Ur wool GNI.
No.. ab le ab• MO. •
*lsm years.b• "..••••• We M• 1••
Is *NW •• Um , * Ws* Owy.N. ••••••••AMNANO.
6.e y.
AN v.. •••••Mel. Thom Mos Y. NM •M• Mr
U.... •• Ye •••••••.• ..••••••• N•dpie. me
•••■•W NAY. a• Al•• NM • eon. no NM •• rah.
M. •••• Is doe• dot .8...••••• mr .. .=
maw. all .•,1010 ar •Ansliatl.• NM
••• Ir• •••••••I earl. Mrs •• 11•••M• 11•1..
I Item remmearoweeemt by • eed* ami ate Pelmet
le sm. TY. a seam meter hotee ame *Wm mag
Mem ••••• elm SOW; Yee ea met est met el weer or
mfeetedly *al ameba le amy mmr. or Were
meter. 11, Imee Wee melve Wilmee* es yee,emd
••• *MOM le* As p.m*.
. .
1::::: * !! . t:
1:::::M' i•
DlD*Dr in
DO D DO 110 Y 1
!go . n a ye .. NOD
:: :
IKr TM Noma% Is all *Doom. ossooool fDar qv 1
.oOma at Obe ositS• Ibo A.Y. ,
, Ilm soNoloooll 100. Ime• !pod.. Domes On Y.'
IL dam's. a co.
On* oiimml Y. L. 1/.. .111.1.0... Mom COW
oos, Mods ea 11. I. l 4,lYeasoOk D. OINK ....... M.P .
ri• • ••• " VagirgOlVtatiZoirir:
Ars•••••11.6. Um Nods or N.• 14•••
hr. • NNW illor••!••11141. s ".. =
r«. M. MIA sOMT. MM.
WU illgatel liKorittnll2.
mama a. •M%p,
p.m ••• rob NM mew% .
P7- 4 . 4 .1 4 rA
INK Cbowlesse &M...... ...
Nem WrMs.ggp•ll.6oll. T. • NW 1111.6.11
/ 8 . 4 .104.8/10/Wrieeng Yaw Alb.
t LD N
_T.L -
NIT MMill &
die.. a. aft
BOOTH 4116 FciCTER.,
Left J. Co 111•111111111 6 C., ."
W 1101.1841 & RFTt n,
WV o~llllmeas.o6 Wow TN&
ta vs.. 0•1601•1•81.01•11.4P1MT•1.,
117:60/41.1MINIVIACI 1. 1 .4114 ••.•
•••••••.... ' W 1.' 41..1..1.., big No= ...Noe
brim. Ira ratimionni••• wawa.. ••••
Vattirallei y asp la the thy.
Osi.tibe Iltwodegme WU.
01•0111:12P0 in.ditnllol4, •
Pim. ble dam A
ar.V...221 1 •. h.64"7"7"" V ar. Meibee rl":
M Am m........1•V•711.0 fa:*
Maaitastailog Dopamine.;
AMI AMMO • 'Yr. • lb.-
••••• Nod MI6 mol mem..
$llllO,lllll. la Vallee,
powilordeaty Mean Pr one.. of
..... = Nor W.M ••A
rnf am Alm
•IN AIM Nom Am Mom,
MW so arm NI ta tit dr aril arra tar, at
mar Ma atieit Otrariallerat.
Clara Illaaralatriusel Mara Merl It r.
W a r arra. ramble. at Darr sr /rm. Ira
rat Ira Taarrtw arm ar Arra Orr. rt
ra Kyr at rap Polar Alward Sae. area raga.
aras W marratarra
Vara afar Marl art rtorpralt.
Oa aft, •
lesuredime Per Vlbramiloree f r
Moore., .1 re * elm a* mew am llow
6:1:".1:7= •.. L1.1617.:::. 4 "*" . " - 1 4 " .
t•EN•visu A 2•1...
lUMAteI. **YIN OM sedw - as
Powth Ma 4. limn. Warn
1 Ws Msg. 1.1.• intemba Or 11116.4 or
*grosedllyees* • Stardibel* ii*Yr.
BY*. Yragny. 1 blhoy* •••••• .4
or Ml**. bysba be*** byy *v.*
Ws by do •••• or b 14....• Ytyyr• Way, 11.
Wes Tribmkayi *111•••.0yosoyall *Mu ...
*nor an I ***•.* Dyobs.
NY, eat. /11. eyeds* Y. ,
beed. st
sly* ybobas Yr*, • alyw.nt
I Mow esigi larilain,
/1110 kyloy a****** goy by.
111E .... ** la Tem *war you Nal by*
, ly, •• *I2E4 •••111.**.
1 Myr T. INN saunrs stow
To Thihrus sai Farmers.
v.a.... pm / mi l aw amee.
I 1"=.11" — "•"."- ' ." - =,'" - ra,....--
four aware/loom sad mese-Son.
TM ...missal 4•1•••• Ors IMO, owl lo ogaMo
hollogl•••••• •••••••••holmooo, ••••••00,
••••••11.116 ••• ammo. I.* .••••• *
wri Imola.* le mod*. rd. Ober
oh* Loa ••••• •••• ••••• ••14••• ..on
••••••••impod, rd. dowser 1.1•••1•••••••••
YNaew or Motp• .••••11 11..., WY* •••••••••
m 11. oo mow, wor ••••• ••• aim lw
wimild•••• bin. Y. yaw.. b• MO.
Wenl• • • ••=1••••••7 pram
••••14 looorbo, ohm woo. wan *ow Sow Nod.
ri••=1••• Ow Sward Y. tie. pawn,
ON• ow *Own Yopo•••••• 0•••••• as M
tl••• woo
Yr l Y Mao W..... ••• Wnobles ••41•••••• *.ro Torii WY.. 1•••••••••h•lhoor bad. 11•••••• ••••••••-
•••••01* JM An.., memo" MOW •••61 100 rlon
"M•••••••••• oat bore. Ord.••••, •
O. shun •OS am. I. ••••7 i•••• alma.
nolla• &wow rw,••••••• *Aro ow, workimo•••: .
••••M "..1 .. " " istr= " 1••••• ow:• • •tr
wro ow. b•••••••• 1 0we1bm1.11..pw1...••••
W. door
n..YYorw pas.
••••••••Ahmiwg ••,••••••••••••••
ado* to lo pals ogosi =mai *al loin
oot *sorb o• **win o•Yor. 1.
" "
US. " 7 . TV 7 . :111d r :
. 17
r :
••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• 00..51
or MN. .1.111. or prey Mt moo was
irdoftwl. •••1* MO borfrom.
W.W.I woo* •••••••44 owl • wow 41.4.
alhob alba.= •••••••
ler Yoe ••••••••••, osi• IwOw os ,
="11 =••••••••••• — •==••••••11
•••••••loolor tbonowooD. Oelow 1.1••• or lola or•••
lasi lyingl• ••=ro Woo Wory• Ow •••• 40,
*mom MP •• Iwo NNW or Ow
11...1” 11•••••=••••••••••
pararolwo OM op be lear
= ow
P.S.A, ING.i R,rwWw. WI. Mar...lo sr
Da. A ........ 014 u 4 a.... P11f.....11* Minima
' 4.11n0 kr 1.111•11•••• AY, •1 6. 0.... "" V=
•••64 •••••••110.1a porge sew as 1141•41...
••• IL IL Skidefe=all, os maul Wry
. adreir 0
••• •••••• •••• •1•10.11:=
••••••••••bliwal 0•111••••••• z r nay
41.114.1../•••••• mime., ••
threase, mesa do. mammy .111.e.d.
..01•41•4 dliamm• of wow dmisr.•
pa to NNW Moo e.
Yr *Mgr do ir. 1.1.•Imallt
at Owe Oft sae. .1 ire* low
. 7 Ole imam by • Asembew mei
...= mq, ...Al . lft =pia. le. • =44.
W els= ild•flirlotrom germ..
md ...met dm pedn• ...Ye wedmi. I. ••••• 6 ..
*Pm mobil. • •••••••• aommilims loWee.
lammillim awpdadman.ol.llfte Ilio 'ON*.
Me readmilimeo, mentag 0.1.1. O.*.
I .. .
■•••••••••• lolYiaillieffie• hen p.m. Mour
Ye Iller sa r• Me abbe et Nff•
Parigtmia. Ea , bee.are *go
,111•Mtn.• a"" Zr=
IlkowelN•mom Nair IM Nam,
.01:=11=m, CM. .111pwaIem.r.ramagele 1.6.11
ouaa FWID
NW *Os and Nettm4l,.
• tilmerV
nail l.
• 74,411P1 11 11: 11 ?1•80
• ar nemc ar e may •
.44 • vag..-