The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 20, 1850, Image 2

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itilltialle Mae Amileallsin.
• NM aniainosoloalt,
WILLIAM T. 111011111110111,
tm!rr. rr 4 r'Vhn Nr, j,
which was swlllowed down by thew compatriots
Jolanet•ii mad Bakall Sellen I with • greedy Midb. Chlef ennui the reedit
flab M., Ws l Ilene were two toadying the constry-emilenined,
It *indeed M•••••••men Mel M. rum's . ,Gelphin National Adinimurstien ; two brimless
6= 1.1 be. Geo. 'Aosta, and me. (whkit is again becoming
cspericbred lA. swam/reify /rem a. reception!
eight im terse. The amount in sir-; the 1 .1 este el t h e litsty.) In fever of • high pro.
mMtimi within the emir, supplied by Institution. teen. Tare—in ether word*, sf lorpolag .ddi.
allisimisis lime., is estimated at net lest then ;meal hardens open the casemate, end laboring
firs entillime MOM% md ' chime fee the pampering eft few evericistm brit
Istealidoe mar the Wake by whit+ I, I. iinerd.l
To dm *swat el this eiividetion. the enoMitutimel ;of the spindle and the forgo. Truly much • rem.
entreaty end Wm nium a specie pagi ng Make of , tutees se earthy of as wearer. by Mould the
Ceinmentowelth •re
g Mitil lh tteed. The e'thi'm'Y hsve soy sympathy with labor I Net.
titer of them knew whet it w—the first Ise being
not simply ea editor, who dem with of the n
newhever wilt& ear law@ can home no °must,'" elisseeal part of Publishing; another • lawyer.
whe, perhaps, woe the 'snide of • .111.1,111 army
v mre ego, but hes performed no manna! lebor
reuse, end the third on twerp, lawyer, wbo hee l
been eupported whaded wagon mi ling • del.
111, from infancy A Matilda! WO to ash MM.
hem' MMOMI apes the labor of lb. eouatry for
the 11.1111,11i1, of it. repitel
givarmillgle Lectern end Experiments,
Memos. Dimmers & Lases* pureed., giving •
Enterer and Expounonb ea the t.llllllllll
meth el' Ethirrivity, G &haulm aud
metier, at the Conn Houe. in the Village, on
Fnday evening mesh during which they sill ex.
r .
and ermine the nperstion or the Destro
mageetic Mahlon, came it to make 10.0 W rest.
Wiens, mid be magnetised and do.iitegnetsed
78,000 time., per mining ; exhibit a Midllll. that
will nag an the the belle in • largo oily, or in all
the cities in the Union, methuteaeonehr exhibit
awl explain am .f Submariee %mere* of
ordlleinn aim te blew op the largeel veasel In the
mold; she the Alethal Blew Pope for miming
W lellewiej ; Move:. inegurne, Howl
pietas& ..d Sea'. copying Telegraphs. and Ira
mem ether experimenu the numerous to mcation.
Aram ether thin. . elver dollar will he placed
he • deb sig orator, and the money given to any
penes orbs will pleb 11 itev Ten thouseud Elea-
Ms leeks will be given to any pence en • num..
If &mind, without the elighteet lager, Ihinithe
Ortmeding the Exhibition can be Electrysed for any
deem, for id charge. A Railroad Engine will
likewise be "ripened by Electro-inignetiani Instvad
et Meant, aad • rod will Er thapewlad in theme,
teeehlurg aething,and neither going op nor down.
Tickets 124 an to be had at Hatch'.
Clergymen admitted for. We advise OE of
every age thd condition, to turn out and enjoy the
ietellthtael mown.
"All the Orman, 0 9
W. olio the fallowing opeeinlen of federal " de.
ater' and nasal fer troth front the lea tonotor
of tho ...rims° of this county. We na.d scarcely
ay I. our roador• that it ionewts of block.
heartni calumny and falsehood, hard, not tho
et them o II doubt this, aro r learnmK rho oourte' The 'Acrid Adinioistrotiori aria. of thio
from *bioh it orsoristril:
. 1 mainly is ao dumb asu mummyfu regard t. ttiol
rr May of the Locos am sack tineorrh W NNr filelphm byelaw. Ile Miler and hi corps et
Stele seetirmirue recently mode atlVrlliameirort, scribblers end prompter, he., an ramrods.. or
he.o.. hen , theYlneY "Y .
11ef and rye• le pow eut shoot Mir nue.
Maim, their candidate for Canal COMMFIIWW
wee may known a• • week mud limpid member of a of ." anyßsn eel. a the
the loMlfeerso frere Mouttornery county, a mere late Lege! eeeee &a.. but apes the vganti peen•
milk sod ewer chronicler whom the noon nabon Istieue of oor Nan.: Treasury, which wore
Warherd 1 1 11 .Pen .fist dti fiuuk. I. done by the lesaing crate re the Cabinet. end
mom prominent men et' the contendorg
t o
cern enly be • ironvetrient tool of that to winch Pe.ifiern• there hp. me her..
be chicly owed his neerineueo. Banks. New metleally aided, and their modem kept so pna
guide. for Auditor Generol ie rem-roamed to be roundly ignerent, es though they bed morn takes!
•mu of ponsiblequoliiimmoria Hlllench eau. ,
Skids he Surveyor General es Brawl,. p'"` . • l '" Y sad
Nb eery ooth . 1,... the 1 d... o r ch. keen of perceptieu should be m gniek discover
M of erred aid p•—• puffin, steam.pme in the' a tong and peculation where there re molly norm,
pile. N Briehmunt—end • buter ruder . 1 " end oeerleok such olopendoo• • emir of miudltag
me mid the Ponies. N'ea't it be foe on me the I tlnl .
n uiw!
?me Mail Democrats try., te support I:, en
s 7ue
Ith • an pony is Crawford count. -diem he
' ' '
..• ewe potty le etherford eery where ho ro• Whet 68111.1111 M 'droop. I say we fully believe ible, and we think we ea. i
41.4 .P.M..d h• ...mho* m • 1i ...wt. , ' . A correspendeut of • New York paper glees the . W. wt the men. •We certaiely knot...rimy 41
following catalogue of claim. refused by fanner; then. i. the Whig reek. who ere unen•pelofte
We hare already that the foregoing i• Maj. :
bba pasted by
1 aweigh le de it, wed we de knew, agereethr that
W O .. •mil bt•mbit—b rb... . " .I " mbY ebd bb* '. TIII6 FINIANICIA Cutts,. engivatieg in LIMO.' th e y het e played the pew i. *very p..... 1 ..
wtheeeted in malice, and . broeght both to In- rotten . the beginning, and refused by every ad.' ~....... th . Nwth B th ech tiered.. hem Wen
*UT." Y• ••l• • ••••••••••.) ....a...? M.' tniniotratien e..c.—b, ch, h. lam ..,,,,,h , ... ..„...,..,,,,, far b .,„... ibb ..... y...„ ,
b. .
heed. ae lime... refute which arparwoly ttotiM ow:l b w p0 b id i p , ri r nei ., 7 , 1 , 112 . 7 , 14, 4 7:th 11.1 e ea
.., bbipy.
••••PY t ! ••• • P ••• .Ittm ''• I ' . " nbrmmd ' b. " ' ' fur .. -I 'or B n a . me,th C . .... ' ..." less thew ten retire old. era, end particularly lbws In Aehenh mark rest
wind. e... . itmemPt..hlY timl.' "i'mq".... rrjeeted by Tyler end other edmithetr.lien.. el. ~.....g.,....
than it devolve. to attack. upon Mr. Mon.., tow..l , axd o nid. , toet. ,... zit ...lilted : ,
by 1 r - ; : T
. ... b. b., cbbbi cb.bb0b „ ..... ...
whieh ...wan and &think, are thus hamlet} to. • f
ether . edininv 7tieve— by mw--erw.... fallen epee Mr. Marti... el Meolgennay ewer,
M•I b y ".• bf 1... b.'" pet."" , t b"*"jb t. : M'
d:ritivretills o a Cv....... 1 sod t b... heelthlion ins yiNg that. ender the
E.b.r." ' bb th " a b v"lb'b'
" ..""
" r ' " i . "' E . ' e L"*" --407 "°° f°' l ". l ' "" cheunnteeee it was the rely bed @election that
the Member. of the Legidatere of nthisylvthie the Mellon • I...lithe—refused by Ger. Methyl ..,___
..__._. .._ ._,,_,_ I.
in IRS.. mid Mr. 11 .I—utiest invostigatith. 1 •••• r.. b .
'''• ••••• m' M•mm• • • •
.- ........
b "Tile . lOU. ex.. --080.001 b reamed.' el Ow e•only Jo +bleb h• dislike; a deemed..
" W...." T. fa " .... ..... h. " P.. " ...... ted be Me alb and pod by kin,
has 1....e.0rir, I' aria., ai,d bested in Abu,'
.4. . ~, ~., , 4 - 4 ww w . J. 11.. • "OM. ••••••••• 4 .... W.d...111.....1
ame 1....bi1a bbiabrithirY ....Y. . do. y..r w ',...j... .4 r" . . ' ~,,,' , 4 7......... Jolfenimias whetil, ha ba• aver been • ilis wed
It UL was it , ..., .... ...... .... .. ... ... . Allen ' . " "*
-- - moist al saporter at
. ran pri.eipie•babibed fnr
Mien be fattier Ant located. H e received. ids. , ...m.0.. ... a...end 1.,..... La. Superior. •
N .4.41......4 .1 lho aged 111 he tosaged .e' Th.., ..... •• Galphin" alai. is maned h. ' ......... H.. ........Y b..... . 1 1.•.-
illid•rilt.....b.d. P.....l be b.• I. hid edi , or, dimply hese.. ihe puck eft as ' 1 7. ••••• I. hi• Met ...a ........•../ 1.•.-
bad.a is the woe. ohne. Ile has iremmt ...„ ,„ 1 . 4 ww . 4 . 1 . 44 444 ...... ify him foe ibe dad. i boabil.•be Mao&
...d.,1 by hie Follow ru n e., la 1111 v arie d. ) .- -:
is ilo bed dm dairearacy tiaaereadled with
Owes ef tno. and Weer. 11. h. affiliated as , ...." ' ' 1.. ..A...7 . ..• ...• M.P." aay ef the elicits. er foetid" MOW., osfadaato•
Janie* of 11.4. Paw, litre.. of ih• Nike , exhibit, the comm... and codas.. ef th e iy, seaxiindo divide mad &dud oar Forty, tame
adie.i.. Goody Caoramialrer, and in I did ha ~..... b.i.i.,..i.., A... di eel! deri* h. daniaallea at did jeseter• mod pregi.
was slei.rd is tho Slats Labial., hi ohm'. he 1 ~, 4 , 4 . . 4 ,, .„..... 4 .,.. ........, Saw Mr. Horne*. is of Um raok asil Me..
4 ..4......1 s v . p.d.f • 1.0 . 111 •nfl mfr. r e p / r • -1 . --•- —•--- , deeitiver demand who by • steady .slums.. to
oratedre and re. the 5.,1 ~i., 4A. plop. 0 . A. , ' ,,, .1"*P1e• It W ... m a.... Ow Um enema primal. at hie party, .ad. ear*
weinierf;lN Ae ewer, deporimme awl reserved, presestailou ond aIIOWI.OO. of .aeb saaathermerY dentin ta the vr•daai et dm Ces..estineilli. In,.
b0rr 0 =it„ . ......... ,1
... w... . 0 0 I claims should Make the *ablest to ha nab, sr 1•••••• rd b....“......../ l• his ores put/. MI
• .h., die fear of piddia aniniadvoideo *odd bawd, . r e .- ..---........
aoll bell • .ni *day tbe I* mewl* AlMay,
_.._ . ' la Sea to all nib he hr .ad soaker Maim
at hi. nob be an. nnek fn. ..paneibility, .......... ... ,4. .................. •• h. la: •••• th• wen WM* ask* bin .• *lir hoar .
' .......,.. b....... aw ems..
nos .... by wtly aad otwanysles. adviser., la attempt IC awl Mil melds, hiat Oder arsTart. He I. • ileser
Destenstia• I bury every fraud sad roalvenatiss lo the realloa W. **MK M." °M..... th 2... ......
to Wiltini YWm agree we wdenk the Winn, 'ef hie Into New - lii •r .x.x at my winnow Ohba** I luraw dm
—_______________ bat
M.. 0 .• 0 ....... It• O u•r • ." 11.1 I. Me ' 1 . 6101••• NO .I. ill the ware' pranala se per- ' il r
.2 .- r 1 P. "... ... .r. .... t= d"
1111MOI•O ' D rem. emily :
feel • *ONO Of Inn* cream.. mel et bras i H...........**.• 17 ...................-
Oar annul blink fa ether even* of the' w.,,, .. ci. C.,....b1y paw ....... • .......... 1.. ... ....Y a
MW. nay ma enured. that Mootrawry seamy
_. •r, Mr . Y•. 11. ilhogreedry. We Imo of sem Manse ad**
*Ma prowl of Mebane Win h.. b....* her ......... ..... P•dal l eased .....- a• Issandlate Wessman hen doe
la abneley en et ber lan.* es the candidate, Of lea email of bona. lifie. M. solider ase of doe Mau. have bees eisuilladt I.
.ff .'.." .
s o . ...y...d Won na en of sial eons* tee , d.... b... ...,,,,, 4......0... Wan .. On 4. all anentrildier km the•
will new her mai** I. bin aad her atte . 4 k....., w..... wan 4 ..............__--- Its •ey add, bnadesee. be ham ewer Mon 11.. h lb.
an 1.. Detweersda pristr . ,. by roll*/ • — w ..... .. elmnyna ud Wynne et tb• ewe** One
..... .. g
b .. .... 0 .0... b. Mr. [Um repo* Wm. . hi. Ma* ha inane wear ee* Ikasolt ••••1. NON naay of no win
blensas •aame la the Ingleimis In a* km et no corny. co**. Um dewed sb. 1..... sad and—i• *de owe annamin. wbs Ints
bin .... blab nand of ear any Moods.
we will j...... Al iim ..... .y a....... i , bees lead win ants lo dm leginns. Mar
ne OW happy* an* =rob** l* .... b. ....... b.., ... .....„ kononiy• *ea ibo midget af en in..... 1...
ash* wb• ata low* y nod psi* of _ : ponson. *nen Is met man, la lbe meow
ebanner. *a Nee/ of I* end la ......... 1.........***4 11.• dead. of M. Mode W* snaltbsbesb arm ant In seder asow
dna no wbde Weer of blo Iwill COMO. appan to Inn Imes tea ....1. br bb all by oho WI& sad onnonal sea of •
hem Inatbstbef parrs, are named roan ...y e.... ..I .0., $l.. r... 6.6.1 a.k fove istx egliebbsta •• amble Marie Me
ths Dame.* en* le ken Ink mien*. lo ... b . ... ~..... , b ... ........„ . =.. wise Or*. Ana senesiona owl '
dranalroy Ws te ea.**. be Wen *man ye- nab olbenag Om al noltswafted.
maw* IlMid. W. *a* dm ••••••41•• 1111 the ....11... •Y. ..... •Y ••••••••II 1 •• P... ellsoln. is Wly " *shod or am Ida *le
se* of Yoe *Ws d/ibnigamen ansty.frnis Nat Mama Wei Ms damn waremend. NW ..... mid opposlain dm ingannon it.
orolleMo Midi** ....•
Wal. be 11110... bred 11 . 111rdt . Phhii."""6"-"ad"...".""?.
fag d1'...•
` 7•• Ha cl''''',.l6
As 1mmA1te...... **. bond be • ..... 4 .. r .. . 1. 41 .6. ii. ..... . 1 ihs N... T.F . I. 1 4 " .1. Ha view en ex.
stamen Camaimksion pros* a. If desib wen on wady Is Ismod In prd0.P......••• ••• VA..-
Ms Garbs @pa Wan Aldo rdl Snob,
re _, ansiihr /Joh r ••I•ll.bret
Inerhordit they on. aerabd.
A. Magi . gado t• n► dr liallotor
•r►. b00h00... et Itildoy AM, HI MINI
Woosll loweloolloo of lb. pellet
IT We ate by the "aqua" that dam
'him" et Mb email, bald • ...bag " at Saute.
fle.l at die et tha thaw
pea. aryielotbai a Selma. la *...t party,
read. rhea" at the •Waaglaier Uwe." male I
baiter d. 1111 k Pr I. alba.. Is Name
about which tiny .pp.. b. prollatrgy .h.
Her tally h wa. Wooded a ileporteat whit r
hat an lb. p.klhb.d piewediqp mita ao bans
or. a "vary large." eathadaalica *madam
and a• very few but Pm wir.pallar• here hem
aught .111 mail the appeantwas.f .h. ~...Yap
at the " oria.a I. bat fair mem. Um it
'was rather • rolaiatarie ad (?) attic
However, aa We ablest Nth. meeting eras manly
te fang* the " Galphiur with. cry far des mat
campaign,. 4. aitt kw... that 11 was *maul
whether it time searaftattid ef Gre at In banana.
A committee ma remiletiem, ceeeintieg 03. W.
' Chapman, Alb.* Cbemberlio, mad tome Jobe C.
Miller, ph* letter seemly eat ef hie needling
It .—With • eerie portion of the
northern LVennocratie peers in the interne el einem
ry, the groat federal embodiment/ . Hoary Clay,
euddenly beaming • paragon, and is lionised
and b. praised beyond doecriptien—nll became he I
has canto ant in fever of theory. aed i• the father
of the Senate Compromim. Snob nendeot, en the
part of Demeaning editor, cemildering that he ie
spin playing • deep gam. for the PreWdency, ie
to the lam der. mpresenetble. The renewing I.
a specimen or the w aft enklee• with which he le
being deliver', which originated with the N. Y.
01.1 e, (Ildnker paper.) mid we notice le stapled
into a certain Pennsylvania paper with marked
Long may the day be poelposed when hoe
mortal wore., 10.11 fontanel. ! But wheu that
mournful event shall heave. , where of h' mom
becoming that he should fall than in the theatre
of ha gkrry, when los renown wal merrier. while
the Antenatal Benet* shall eudarer Hie great
cotemporaries, and Wag his gratentoo rivals. died
in thew harness. and upon the field la which all
had wham helms each dminginshed parts. Ti.,...
I leo, re Irak the Kentucky Materna* will meal.
MI the is...table hear shall arrire which calls far
lee departure toetherworld. mp mew
srle —lds Orme.. trace—may el be mere nem.
eery thati ever in emergencies of asap, aud MM•
catty. lbs retiremeut at thwerisis would be
ed open as a national mdse., "
Such fulsome peal«, even in a IVhig parr :
cold a dm:imam. flew much mom Mathew.
does appear to • paper claiming to be Denser
rat c, and 111611, than all, an Oracle, of, the party.
Cr Mama WM., • Feiner Iwo Jog moo.
••••4 man • print WI
Di •
Mohr Ord, boaminnowith 1•011 die
Y Os smiffil sr M ladopsom
iineWhee Latin from Seen. OW
We ampormlued I. FOAM Ms follmiog az-
Owl Mot • lobor Mo W. ammo moMM by
1.11. Maim Wm Gun. •Mo 4.7. !MII.s It
MUM n... 1 MO Wawa.
Mum lino. Mr Tam Muth
Aril 14, 1930.
Due Bum. 3.—Wires I math yeer W, wie
wen amangred Y Boarameara dyer, whither we
remaking mall dread ef Harsh, who wer laid le
• Meek el parrialeu pwahmed • beak .414.01
with shoat tutu hawked pude of fueled .p
the Barrareseate, is wash .1 rm. After navel
har &MK 40 mile., we sum to the waft
Feather dyer; kllowed it op Mown@ alma 40
wile. to the sunk of the Yobs drm r op the
ITEM about 11 mike, whew •• cum la Hamitic,
eaten IBM villop M hoer hue., palm up
Marla awe oath. The !Mu the bead of boat
awrigatin. we engaged • teem to early n• ad
goer Inuage Frier. Bar, mew 40 miles, (which
is hig•Vrial the head .1 wag. navigatiew,) for 30
eta per Akar earryieg uo alhert of oar /ma
my, there awns ea a loop raw, and ear tau..
I Welted from hie earalmet, fearlag that be math
mat pt lb/ugh. W. mu, Imowt:i.r. .Pll. l
earther WM.. army a. fru Swale per 111,1•Ideli
took in to Long 8.. (14 mike) by the 13th
Meath; Ike weather MITI Ming navy and thanal.
Here we were WWI that cm weld., proceed mare
than 10 mike farther to tionemesse el the mu;
awl we hired wit to kW fer $lO per day. 711.0.
fug this email pal, for Cala:anis, we ewe ameba
Mid to peek ahead ; 1.. s buying • male hr $lBO,
we puked oar tent, punkas, pt wads. du.,
&ad Maned uward. Arriving at none@ Bar eal
the Illkh, we proceeded 6 farther up the
du, whew w. eeconsped, wad Wined the Bar oc
cupier/. The out rnerolng,Jaamon Warted hank
hr another pack .1 reunion. sad Mast. Hull
and mph/ wart le digging. The river Ming
high, 1.5 met with rather itoldrerna auccees, awl
Ile awn day crowd over the swam, (which le
about 100 yarde wide and very rapid,) and patched
ear that ara • wean risky bar, which nobody had
prenosrly theughl worth warthog, and woe there
fore vacant. Hem, however, we manneneed
work al lib... II Uleht a. m.. Mash 991 h, ud
at might had wished .at $34 of the "porting
nut" The met day we pi $01,73 for our la.
bor. TM next day war Suoday. Oa Monday.
April 10, in three-feetthe or the day, we obtained
1834,50 ; April Rd, one half day, $10,50; April
13d. $33; Apnl 4th, $30,30; April sth, $39.
April oth as rainy, sod 7th wee Me Ilebbath
April 910, a railing iu the morning we wrought
Ml two hardy of the day, and get 1172.73 ; April
!Ott, $78.75; Aprit 1010, $63,30; April 11th,
VA/JO ; April 19th, $7l ; April 13th, $BO.
;Jammu La returned, and le au packing the
rflie above Cr unmated at 1116 per ones.
which is the pries Bald du fetches here, although
lot le wrath $l9 at the mint.] We expect nr de
mewls better wheel the river gets leer, kr the bed.
of the Means are much rubs Ihm the Mots.
The unary here le wry uneven; the moon
mine mu a them being In. mike Mgt, and very
asp. The rail lend clay and mad, sad redoes
insides bet timber ud Indians—the latter among
re Meg filthy and degraded beings en earth.
There is real of game in the rued. Oat I hose
no tins to hunt... I madder my time racier
while I rennin in California.
Ey health 38 geed, and as yew wall jodp hem
what I hem written Mom my mom. fair.
L.. winter I meat my gloomily hors. bat Imps
te mind the neat mere *meetly. I think now.
if Ged miss my life. I M.ll be et helm with my
tinnily and friends. In the early part of wittier
et, for I hne no lem for California except ni
et a yortim of her pld.
Mr. Moorleen—Vito N•rth
The Ifemobers eomemondwat tithe Irsiforil
Reporter has the following network. In Malisn to
the nominotioa .f Mr. Monamor for Canal Cent
.. ewer, which are wortlealartt Wooled to MIA
worridien abo, end will be read with intermit. And
yet, with dl this testimony, and the ...coed,"
Meting them In tho fame, wo will venttwo to pm.
diet Mit there am me. la this mot), wh., he
ron. the Nom of the comps*, will topmost Mr.
M. aa hostile le the North Brooch Comet! W.
id. anqiirroxialiftday ellelbe midi mil tres4
1•• oda dt Mee n il• .111101111111111 rd mike
Falb *di don ,der pads. ell do Mad&
old Ilmmed aro el di
einsloimil may is hi• bb smog
••• gnaw oll.lorma e
of lbMW arm Ws peer NOM&
• WON INA , • ,
«....d.. ......« T.
Tim (Amin lo dos 1111* =Woo of owl.
most to Ow Cookom lobed bow of I. Coo-
Immo oallb, mood by u. Loglialoo al No =-
gym. tea :
tbe nerd of the sad teener rd
r[h. re Presider Mr. lewd el Draled4
povided I. O. preeedied erthrj the dr ist
drawer d.4give et least innsas
ad re thee taw IMMO er ported
I. be pet ep le the reel pare - le the dN.
Isiah that be dill oder at the 11.116*1 Orem et
balding teerabgh dud se tarn It dram. es •
day te be arra in odd riarterear tbe I
!wpm d serer, .14 nedeleg the .reel re
be rid dater. er adhea wednerve the
sere. /Meg reds, Irak, i.. 4 Rir e err
arrival by the rare payer the raw
The 47th rear farther provides rat la ease
er *shed ld roars sapid eddy rye for re
ry apprised by the Trierthes. II rail b. hie
Idly le pier h. assert lead rehear le the
hear ee the Ceeetelda ef ble darer, Ismer a.
ward, airs day fl dell be to dart the erne
whir twenty dam with floe ply mat adlitleaal
da reproastiee.
IN. B. We ere regarded le my that the Tore
era ed Bripmater dwlar dill meet the tes.pey.
en Maid Arid al re Woes d Wes. K. Herb.
ea garde) re 90th day ef 'pay ...t. fee the
porpese ef rearing their ureter err perpree.l
Pref. Woleethea—wever Trial Steamed.
The milked. for • Writ of Ewer la the caw
ef Prof. Welthter math op berme the ha beet+ of
the Supreme Coed ea lb. Illth hot. The thee
• argued at great length 1 Vrehotergry C. 11.
Goodrich Poe. G. the led, Chief Labe Sheer
preathaeed the *Wee of the Coe" which wee
aeon* to the peak.. His neap* froth the gel
' lowa, therefore, depth& wholly with the Gin Inver
aed women.
grrh• ooo reatrookkot tattoo Coreelog Poot dim
op that lb. eactoprarolo• whom@ *III poem the &s
-ate by at hoot 33 votes, slalom woe aomeenteeta
ohoold fattocatoly b. attached to It to make ia
palatabie to nn etero of the mothers Boaelata
It. defeat in Ilia Hosea is pre try cortaia. thecae k
roach that belly.
Wa. T. Monson Emom.—Ttmo Pommybunion
meta dews Mr. dlorlsee'• ago at 411 yea, sal de
wribal his panne to Imo shoat six foot bleb.mlieht
ly bat compete], Wilt, sod meet ea ea snow. Ho
leach,* and peactoal in the discharge of hie Ind
iana ad the aflame anifo, both physioal ..d
ICU The Connecticut Lo9elatare4e will amble
to Atom a U.S. Rooster. Three trial@ hem, hem
had, the law ballet remelting. Baldwin. Whig.ll.ll ;
Taney. Denitioratm nominee, 31; Ingham.
Democrat. 46; Catho. Demearat.23 ; Cleveland.
Fr. Bed Demeerat. 17; ecatterlog,6—tetal.9ls.
Yeaterday we wit apart for anedier
8:r Edam Forma, who a boatman( •• noted
ow for his n.wdyian, he hur hewn lama. as •
tragedian. eseeoltod N. P. Wales la • wog THUM
and cowardly manner, ea Wukingtos Parade.
N.. Ye& City, en Illenday aril katatilag
hint down, and thee Indiana, Noma twartly Mew.
upon hint with . walking mum. The calm of
the =weak I. said to b. Willie atrklams open his
opplanatian for • &vane/ran hi. wife.
Colt/ Comfort f. tke ^ Neon. Sera...—Tbe
Democrab of tishaylkill, at their County Cessmt
ties, held lost week, ormooseady resolved—
That ha Geserld Can we dad the rea..
wive of ell inhere is the Odes. we prefer se the
Owneerstie eandklete fee lito seal President of
, the United Suttee.
O' Tho Coohoelleot River Bask. CUBA*.
N. H.. wa robbed or .11.000 IN Ayer sot pid
so Teemlay men week. TIN may was roe..
end, but toe tbdetu
BAmar. L'rorta allataistres ear July (die wow
volume) armada. as lave Mae thirty-Ma er♦bl.
I.hrneere—nme of ohm full page—..d t wooly
four article. ea uttereetrag weed
Aareag he a...tabours are male. the names NI
Hoarier Martieeau, Nn. Kirkland, Fredorika
theme, Caroline May, Rev. J. Orville Datvey,
Bayard Taylor, Tata Mee Eaglato, kat
I rbe Cabinet Ga'pilau Swindle
Some of the Whig letter writers from
Washington are too homed and independ
ent to cloak the Galphin swindle, perpetra
ted by the Cabbie( of the Second Wash
ington." One of these, writing to she Wash
ington (Pa.) Conewimmaltk, aye:
ID tot say what I think in record to
this affair, whether Desmond or Whig be
isinearned, thin whole Goiphin claim is a
onus of eheatisg and corruption, by which
• quarter of a million of dollars have been ,
Illohwi from the publie treasury, one half
of which has gone into the private pocket
of the Seerwary of War—not owe sent was
neer duo from the United Mater, and not
one cent was ever authorised to ho paid by
Tu a Name:tut Co sou Ms ad
journed until memo weeks ohm the ad
journment of Comma The fooling of the
people af Borah was wsum* em
dthat emnatory of this troommablii amemblem,
the dieenimbts somposing it wort de
terred by fright from sadareing wy tnim ,
satiable maiment by a majority vets. The
following expression, bower, uttered by
Mr. Uolgdt, a Federalist from Georgia,
will show the feeling width pomaded that
body, sod width nothing bat tho him of
the people they were mhrmiremeling, pro
worlorl from being mmifast •I would
advise mem goatbern Eitato to bit monad
: lag ballets, anti., mem" and lilies their
aroma* If seed be, Is order to deeeW Moir
righta" The farm aim is mar, sad Qs
arum In it, ham mak thomeolves Into an
iefamy from which they will as.. miss
Tan Dmieenarsoitil■lu FOR Onnazi
Oinnumma an.— Mr. Minima ass a mem
ber of the lest Haw of Representatives
end voted with reaserhaide
We happened meldeatally to hem In ear
ralA upon ranking the mere or hi• mum
meths.. PM WI 'ob. epee Ws Deemer
and eppertieemest idibioad epee keening
M them led Wit Mr. Merin= reeled nay
la UM awe Then mire me.. %ha Mid
nieribi like— were MA mien. and lin Si. k
inked its Sod amen simminaled fee She of
of Clawl who
=la every mkt AU 11101•0011010-
IMP 111 reppmentlmplielle• awl email
sad moray ma., and me whets the Dm
seeentep mis supper{ without Ars er ban
Tbe RwemmtaWise el kis mmity he
Legiekeke, T 4eth d him midi maw
dram end et his allelmet support
Mid web= sis the Nee* lira
Alippmetakia—Wanierrs Jberadit.
Jens 1. Dm YbW ilsopierly all
W alihOW WO polish.
At the mewl of .wand et war pianos
w. releddieb the febowleg road la., par
ed by the Legkidare of this Shute at hal
maim le 11145. the promotional widelt ban'
Ma.. Mee ezteadod to • Makteity .f the
township. is this eminty.
Elm. 1. Bo it oftiotoi by lA. &took
sod Mow of liprosoototion of do Cooe
loommosioll Pooospiloota is General
..4satinely ma, ami it I. hanky ..add by
the authority of the amm Tb.t from .d
after the prim of this met, the eupervi.
more .f the towalhip et Lemon. lo the emu
ty of Sesgmbema, me authorised and re
gaited, baton the Int hty of April, le mah
year, to divide mid tewsoldp Into • move-
Meat camber of read dismiss; not to exceed
14, in mob Imam ea to midge to ...b &t
-ithe( • fair proportion of the piddle nada,
awarding to the amount of road ter memo
ed ht the nspeethe districts, and as furnish
the rood ..for in earth district with the
bounderthe of bis dish** sad • list of the
taxable, Omen. together with the amount
of tax to be paid by mash.
Sem 2. From and ether the pomp of
this met, the graded voters of said tows
ship may. as the elestioa for township Al
.. s, Meet by ballot, me person for road
master in mob road dietrist in mid town
.hip; sad the road mamas so sleeted shall
bold their dice for one year : Provided
farther, That ki rem of retinal or neglect
to alma maid road mamas, the supervisors
of the mid towembip ban mathority to ap
point the mom; or if Niamey shall mg"
trom any other tame the maid Supervisors
shall all emit Toomey by appoictmem,
the neat towsehip olootion.
Sac 8. The said road masters stall no
tify, by at least two days' mike, etch per
son tamed io his duplicate, of the time and
plata he inteade to work 60 maid road.;
and if the puma so mailed, aegleetm
foam to watt as dimmed, mash deliugueet
shall be rerareed, am sem al the road ems
ttre may think pram to the mid supervi
sors, who eholl Wee liar warrantfor tho
oolleetlea of that lab of maid dampen; as
they an remind to do under the azisting
Sze. 4. The said road mathercare re
!piked to have the road tam in their respect-
In districts marked oat, as .von am may he
after they main their duplicates from the
supervisors. but not later than the Ent day 1
of September. mum uoavoidable repairs or
the cutting out of now road.;
and they
.ruddy, io month of January of
each year, meet with the said supervisor;
as a time and place to be axed upon by maid
eupervimrs, and mtlio their reminder, ea
meet.; sad soy failure ao the part of maid
road masters to mettle or to work out their
tames as above Mated, .1411 subject three
riegletaing to • doe of 16 dollars, to be m
oorland as other lime of equal amount an
by law recoverable, before* Judea of the
poem, at • suit of the proper treasurer of
the township, oe Gamlen' made by the
roperrisors to said treasurer.
Sze. 6. The tamable, of nay road dia
rist shall not be nguired to go out of their
rapped.. districts for lb. purpose of um
king or improving any road io maid town
ship ; but in ram of dump or dmtruction
of any bridge in maid mwomilip, the emponee
of repairing or rebeiklieg whiob would he
too heavy mad bardensome upon the 'shah.
dants of the dairies In which mid bridge
may be situate, then lb. iehablunts of tics
MMUts nearest thereto Mull aid in rebuild
ng mid
Sm. 47' 1 n. ammeematiou of maid es
genitors .ball em mated 1 dollar per day,
and lb. said sopervierm .hall not be paid
for moors thee Ave day. in each year, for
sank. rendered in and about the beldame
of maid road. In said township ; and the
road =wen of the cameral dbmiets shall, to ' 1
the amount of their respective road tar, 14
allowed the sue daily pay am 1.6.14 hands
retain on the highways, but the earl road
master, shall reedy* no other etimpeemation
than their retaliative rood lases.
Sea 7. It Mall be the duty of Om od
ours of the election in maid township, to
provide • 'operate bez for mob distriet, for
the Musters of tea district of said town
ship to deposit their vane, therein; but no
elector .1.11 vote more than one person
for road master. Whm elssation le aimed.
the Mims Amor' shall make ratan of the
election of maid road masters to the °lark
of mid townehip, who shall truly enter amid
return In the nem& steak, townthip.
800. 8. The misting read lima so for
me they are sepplied or altered by Me set
are Wok" reprolod ia the aforesaid tow.-
dap of Germ.
Auer ton I Money !I Aomori !li—
ne ban rivers of Whiney are beak
ski thek sedediri bowl shut Tariff,
Tariff, Tait They barti r t Aar red
likg eel beaten an bell sad the
lugs oakum. te sass people eases late
as obearranes of their patriotic &twisty in
rarer aas "Proleatioe of Bane haw
try." Su the eau day they advertised
as Auks ef Taylor es the ankle sure
for ail ills of thrrbaly polka The paint
tab the reedielas, bet behol_d. by the Dos
sers own andlaske se areeffersaos in do
Maeda km bete esperieret The Tay
lor OM hew met eery- set awed bb bet
be is tuber agree thee better. Bet the
shakes areggire with few abat
is( sips te , and mar sone k
arts." earn be Ihreesh the Tariff
ary that party has aresekus that it .y
as well disbud be hues gaphiebn
red Tsylorku ere to. hem • bud hr kr
.ambled iffilistriarre ffluiser.
sir emirs' mks a dr drarsima
ikr et sr.. 1111016 sal Ms swirly/ es
M Word by obi Bea Daman sorry,
are Is skeskikr. Tar Spear masses%
Ilenary alarlag • bag et ssis sea heals,
who bads s law Is Is. Mud sal as Ws
skis Is • missal in as as bra sham Os
his ..l Is Om& Mar . pair it
maks. owl «1M der ers Orslss TM
Simi Is am* drairl. Ibs pleas sr she
pros Oak kw ON bin anima he Worms
sad Mir Willy ler lis essalsa
, 111.—Ofrksrl Mrs.
Her Mm N. laps. ihkgpsas laor
Ikat Mama Is Ms Mot tmis sr
Oat amliney. ars* Tap
Ws Osllikki lbarisry d Nir Onsia
OA via INlOsiks mess 40, sal In&
fly YrdtM liss Mom raw ea hot I
dolma Ss 11.1... Ilea Nat
Mohr lb alairs 4ama
me Mil ray Mk —ThoW.
A more 1111411110 bely ieallanee of nth ie.
shthility of Mr. Clay'. ebauseter, and, at
the mean time, of tho stretch and union
of whieb bin inordinate ambition le cep.
bits, cre• nem afordol to the Ancients peo
ple, than Is thhibited in ha present nigh
lido on the oration now pending In the
&mats. At the opening at the prompt
....lots a number of bin were introdneed
by diderent &maws, in relation to Wirer-
Dia and the territories. The prevailing
opinion bison wee, that Osliforeia should be
admitted ss • distinct measun. Mr. Dag&
lam intimated • willlngsars to raw all the
quntions to one sommittee, with tbo un
derstanding, however, that it would be hot
ter to bring lo the California bill by ilnlf.
Upon • motion to refer lb. President's
'" , Mr. Clay spoke as follows r—
:7•11, if the proposition be to refer the
Presidones manage to the Commits. on
the Territories, I shall with greet ;demure
vote for the proposition. But Ido not
think it would be right to ...brae. In .
general motion tits question of the Mais
el.. of California and nil the other subject.
which are treated of by the resolutions up
on the table— the oubject, for exempla, of';
the ethablisbment of territorial governments
—tint subject of tho artabli•hosent of •
boundary line for Tenth, and the proposi
tion to compensate Teo., for the surthnder
of .territory. I say, sir, I do not think it
would be right to confound or to combine
all then. mobjeete, and to throw them be
fore one committee to be noted upon to
gether I think the subject of the *antis-
WOO of California ought to ho kept separ
ate and distinct, although, fur one, I should
have no objection, that queotion being sep
arated from the residue of the subjects, that
the resolutions nod the rest of the propo
sitions that are infore the Saute, solar as
roped. those 'kith hove a bindred or
stemma nature, should be referred at the
proper thee to • etnamitthe, to be acted
upon together, but I think the time has
not yet arrived for such • reference.
•• Sir, there are three Or four masher.
of Ooegress who bau dome here all the
way from the Pada. with a constitution
purporting to be the con•titution of • State
which is making to be admitted u • mem
of this Union. Now, sir, is it right to
subject them to all the delay, the moor
tainty, the procrastination which must in
evitably retell from the combination of all
these subjects, and a refer... of thee to
one committee, and to well until that com
mittee .hall have adjudged the whole I I
think not. lam not now arguing whether
California ought or ought not to be admit
ted ; whether She ought or ought not to be
admitted with the boundary which she pro
poses, or with any other boundary; but I
am contending that—oonsidering tho Gir under which her representation
presents itself to Oongreu ' under the air
emost.oes that whoa they loft their homes,
perhaps, nothing on earth can further from
their espeetation than that there would be
the slightest hopedimeot or °basal. to
their admission—and in consideration of
the condition in which these gentleman are
placed who are hers in attondance in the
lobbies of theme halls, it seems to tn. that
we should decide, and deeide es promptly
as wean consistently with just and prop
er deliberstion. I think the question of
the admission .1 Oalltbrnia la one which
stands by itself, and that it should be kept
disconnected with the other resolution."
It may not be uninteresting to look for
a moment into the motive, whit. produced
• sudden and total revoluti. in Mr. Clay's
I opinions. It may he well to roadie. that
nothing bad transpired, at all changing the
elation of them measures, whiob Mr. Clay
denounces as iseingruous, and calaulat•d.
by their connection, to delay the admission
of California. All the threat. of disunion,
all the turmoil and confusion, which is of
fered as • pretext for his desertion of Cal
ifornia, was but • childish by-play, gotten
up to dire. atttplion from the repulsive
futures of the leguintato political drama.
The indisering.te and unbending oppo
sition of Mr. Clay te all the lessee. of
President Taylor, was as distinctly fore- I
shadowed, as it i• possible for events
to be. Mr. Clay mum to Wa•hington with
.harp recollection., rankling virulently in
his breast. He bad bun superseded by I
mn offspring of eirmanstanee and ohnuae.—
He was d.ply, incurably ...railed, and
hi. feeling@ had reaehod that pitch, whieb
neither wishes nor rooonelliation.
Hi. mind was determined. To mould
hiestell, and gratify hi. pride, as well aa to
ampairrA the shames of future promotion,
he wan compelled to any himself agrilnat
the President and all hie plans. He was
at the outset, from remiss esavistiea, the
advroeato of the linenedlate W 0000.didel.
sdmissioo of Caiiibrefa. His origioid
swami le her Amer la asstrang sad coo
winging, as say oa theesaveiwial nor
owlis. As silos, bonnier, as he heal the
neomseedstioot no Pretldeut to rug
lo no tut natal. be Mt the full paw of tbe elrenatasen which bad el
reedy gat/Weed him to oppentioe
teraisating worlaw /ad a tic nye dim
lb. again onsaity of analog about for
sane mount to MOM Yana from the
man of ikauwa shrtrealos.
Mi. Douglass was about to prone. s
ahem if =l . m
r blooding sll 11111 di
verse sad gains of gm My.
It meson mon probehlu that soy
telniele of adios wend is wriest on,
whin wer int prantob mot distant{
nlll mayrnsioaal sad popular rename.
My al as nd name weebil Meow
the nig soh,* from ditinniee sad Mead.
TM sawn of tic empronin V lt nand
sullneently mond, will Its stallsnablo
' snag to the An gm no wham sie tic
neetey la osbauted, sod he Wig= M duet • ' useasity prollwiNg
neseas m stenelansi • ram.
gee of Ohs It sey
east sibessee penned Mgr.
• isingrestbu tad bed &mob hi
gm Mob shoe i• Mb WA, lii
eir sumo mai Iwo bum ram PA
as sme Nese et Ms
lb. 1= le ollma7t1 0 !"
mini Mk oad .Ns odd hem tie brie
et lIIM= , b . 6 11,1 =1 sesomme. Mob
• Y. sod Mmullp.
•le am nee nue, nges=
lie " greet ftillMMor" es sas
albe Deneerne sal Wes 414 eloo
Meglen enthllty 1. Ws palentins sad
ulasalg s nig ererd hie • Omega pm.
• Mos ow yell areild Ms Ihmsam. Ms
Me GA so sivommil • loglo mormost
l minor{ W iholl rake; loot IlonrOPil
blood( mainly epos IL. *rim* d M.
moon., obanuotor, sod As to&og
pommies lbo pub& mind, of Ow oommill
of 1101110 immodisio odjootsoor th. pro
loosed 000trovoroloo. mid& b...
.11 Hodges sd partial. Ithea .
thoroughly ; by
over notrioroi—tho ooratioy of dor
pool* mill, wooer or Woe. pions lb .r
-sorry loolivo, sod lbws Sod oirlidooo
doomoot for roamedol to. sot
dotostadoo or, by =o
oirstogy.—Douy Taw.
Tremble with the tontines ef bibs
A tologrotbio diopatob, hal geoid
oonroopoodost of theliWodollplok Nadi
Amoriou, alma Wombingtoo, Jams 166,
"Advises, wader date of the lab LONA
have arrived from Gee. Onapbtil, our Mo
sul at Havens. From the tenor of these,
there is ream to fear that the &Mak be
tween the two goarumenu is by no mane
at an end. Sen. Campbell masa. the
opinion--au oplebe penally abated by
the Amerisee salamis and ehipemotass as
Havinia—that tla impales of the Gem*
sea and Sarah Load would be
Indies our emenset Wadi=
peremptorily bartered to prima It. He
therefore sake for prompt sad rehire ie.
*auctions to deemed the prisoner, as Nei
intervention short of this will aolmbly,
prove ea:schuss.
The Wads of the primer, were
Snducted areading to the aria forma et
panish L.% whirli require the preeeedhipu
on preliminary examilutioos to be smelt-
As these summarial porseeedings had ea*
closed at elm date of the Consul s dbrusb..
es, it is to be hoped that Mr. Clayton's ee
nouneemeet of the 1s Inst. may arrive Yu
time to prevent soy hat tail.. on dna
part of the Cebu. authorities.
From ell tba fiali which hove some to
light, it b believed that the prisoners Wise
at Cooley had shipped for Onlifornis via
Chagas. Snob waetlie grad papal
of tie testimony widowed before Judge
Marvin, at Hey West, before whoa it wee
emablishel that when Om rood enpedidea
iota went at board the Creole, the alias
abandoned them Under this mate of damp
any violence offered to Am any involve
serious complication.
General Campbell elates that, abbey*
he has not himself witnessed the uhibithe
of such feeling% the Amain. midgets of
H believe that the eseimmeat spirt
thorn is very strong, and that they are re
prded with absolute disfavor by the Span
ish people and authorities. .
Since the intelligence, brought by the L
abel, readied here, the Spanish
had not bee 'bible. It is not beam
therefore, what adrier he may have re
mind, or how his opioious ay have hese
muddled by them.
Two DAY. LAT..—DLO Americas
Privateers relearned by Me Spaniel, Gov
ereleeni.—lotelligenee was received at Now
(Meant, June, 16, from Havana aa late as
the 10th ions, that the Elptnish governmeet
had yielded to the repremotations of our
Consul, aided by other Amerieao aotherity,
and, after pude( through the fens. of •
trial, Ltd liberated the Americas primates
eaten on bored the brig Georgia. and Or
rah Lood. The big reports from /dr. Clay
ton's department than, which Mulled lb.
community to. Stutrday, were without
foundation. It is endow that about the
last place to go for certain informal/es as
to our foreign tvlstiona is to the easels of
the go•ornment They aunouneo
very time that all hazard of it has pared.
*WM .I.llllllMbeet ilGoastelp—Twa.
bemired Yves last.
Ex.raou 0//1112, Beak.,
Itaday, Juno 1T
Tb. sinner Griffith. O.s. Roar. Mb
this port yowerday morale& with over two
hundred meow. fiw Toledo ..d whoa
within 2d wiles of Clovelood, ;ea thy awl
burned to the water'a edge.
The lotto who mu ashore sod maid
Moreland, reports that 'alp 30 poromo
were mood.
Over two bushed lims wore lost, sewn
whom were Oapt. Roby sad wife.
The pumps. were mostly merman.
The some. 0. lb. barn elg womb am dr
sashimi as having bees aided he the salramm.
it I. impossible as yot I. mammas Um
tame of this disaster, or to aim say hutbser
partisans. lt is the greatest ssimity WM.
km seamed o. La. Ras dmis the
log of of the steamer Er* seem ymni asp.
Terrible Me In 41:111a.
LARAMIVIS, PA., Jua 17.—A my do
olosotin ing broke oaf monks at So
boob's. I. Ibis amily. Soso so or 40
beak." wore doolroyel, G arb le
bar, awl Ake of lb. Garble Al
Ind t000llio• Wows .6 M...
sod bone by Obi oolamity. Loa MOW
Itavouresow sw Ilhuesss alb Wenn
Power.—A ...U..s be have Webb
light ea& best the beer Here le Me
ehy by epparaime imbed by Mr. Mow
M. Pelee, of W•••••sr. Ihsabebba.—
W. karma. moo Ow, des lb Palo
eassesibl. le syplyieg bie hewf
tbs is the Welke bin et abs Bekinese
Ciebeir. sad if b• fay weembi Is she
pliestab a hie ',kelpie Is die sibelbsdee
of sho r.. xpriseeis el' be LOW U. .
wW I. lle sebeipswe• Is ewe
whole spew of IM beeshi p eil
ebb maahlowy. We Mb ae
of ebbing neweesiew she brobtba,
Am we have ebbed lier elabssesbeei
pubes libresheastee awl I. %ebb"
eve ; bee we ere pniperel so Web. Iwo
...web dos Ni: Mb, be ow eves.
own obboakes, sea b dole be Are be
she we rbl see se be ressele Webb. ay.
•• Immo es bewesay. libelee I. ide
shy bye blend bee .beade ea 1#.4
lawiNcir eue ban of bins kw W b.
'baba, slab • bew le bull=
waive eiesbee; sail a
will Is Nab Able M. NFL—A r. Men
!midlns 11±ats = las per.
smug sow Awl 1111
. f ir. boss llls hem Hs puld In IS
'MOOO is sub. I
C Y Ids popes se Asa.
66 ids ssOlia ies, sews Lillimq.
mild' is MOO is sessisai steam.
Tb• Mass Pues asethee le redid ile
pireas i b luem pa g . #.4 ber
eel mut Sri 4TIMPOP,,wa•IIP,