Vinettmeerthictir etlasageweerei , The melee of • goal pasture cannot he toolndit. ly appreciated. - Every farmer whet keep meek for dairy or other perpmee, nuust be eemibly aware that without e good range for hi. aniinels, their profit mum inevitsbly be mudll diminished, and Mat cowl which hew* been snugly kept . ' duringl Momuth. which May are confined lo the mo yrtu alwaye come to the barn in autumn nr • reduced and enfeebled conditi and ..quire far more careful ..d feedie on, g during winter, time animal. Met have been more liberally provi ded for. This fact te to fully exemplified in gene- Ka , li ‘, 7eriewee to admit of the slightest doubt. tea Vim the ease that Omer. whelly net- t leet them portion. of their orates winch two deoul tdte pasturage. from the co, mma but erroneous' promote..a the. labor and capital bestowed opal hem. would be expended without .y adequate tettni. In mem em.e, we find a pen. o• rt. One. dwidirtg the arid. and meturable tiee. tie. of the Mate. and • continue. system ef mapping permed I. name.. lathe lather. wdbal ie•y ABA wha 00000 a Mama. its proluenvesom, except the col.' perhape of a few buehea or the application of • little gyms. .Mee, or la order le have • rind pecan, it I. mammy lb& the gal be imosaged with ell much eam ae our liß•g• hmde which ant required to produce cern or wheat. True it is oM nemmeary to bestow leer ienntitiw of manure epee them for the miry ried rein& that all the herhoge they pmts. ie. returned le them in be humid and valid voiding.; of he animals they .re made to armor,. with the I eteeption of the belated and Mag. eigoant mmittity which I. dropped donut Maul sheen. therefrom ; ml Plitariogo Immetio:•thm• eugh oleeeeing of Me mil fanm maims weeds. aed the erdimethee of mineral and mem lime, and imeasienal bemewmeole of red, are ie. dieponeable muddles, end le which every one who Memel... of mooring good melange for hie are male, will do well earefollt to attend. Altereete meturage end tillage appears to me to be the meal emanomicel method. By dividing the farm into fields of convenient au, 11o..yoern se .only punned. One field my be devoted to ohm., another to end a third to homey, young ite Meek—thee keeping themamino!. eth:eh ought mover tinder any ewe...l...sneer. to be cou• fined in Me mm• enclueure, wean. and dun net l .—each home( es own appropriate rang. the seaman. and if thought proper changing 111010! the find. AN. • few Immune. thimi fields sill be in excellent for producing! eons, grain, or any other culthated crap deeired, , oad Mom which have been cultivated in gra. can be io tunlaid out. I de not may Mat this method GOO be adopted. all ferrite, for there are mane whore a pollee. of ! the lord lei ....improvable by *Meer. mean.. In' ouch c, theposture mom, of uereeeity. reopen,! ei olts Itilly end loony mile, or these whit hem. liaide to be ...bed 6y spring and autumnal ram.,! liertar be eat apart et. Met, nngre, aod kept I ~ .1 with ..lee mil. They produce ..eel. .get for *keep. soil having. generally, the derring. of ptun air, am mock mom favorably y o produce dame Out where It am be adopted, the alternate eye te.n of rearing and tilling. meant. great wed decided avant/me.. It anoint , * hareem that a eertem portion of a feat awn pc,•111. !wean, ie yet apart rat orpeeit. Tn.. nil, often e h ' Paler awl orbtremetaner• nIMIPMete Puck at. et. prepriation . 1a portion of the beineelead. ds maagenumt 'bald call forth the ant liberal! effeta to render it a profitabte appendage, end capable of imbeercteg. meet effectually, the eli jowl for winch it in dawned Where lands are Mae on apart for permanent pl . . Mi. mem- city of emeheratiog appiteettens is generally indi cated by Ow appeannteo of wattles@ grawee. metres, Ike the failing or lead d imppearenee at every epeeies of valuable redder, ea palette wait were agtually tb. mint paluctive. awl apparently in the boot hart. When fah indica. time appear.. lilloo should be pep is reetwittatirw thaw This may be aawnpliehed by plowing, envelop a a wall quantity of bake heat, mast claw. mbo tamed in with alight detain .f ashes or la, ..lam the al heel, ceatala a oaf &Way calearioua man, ad seeding down with Maw gra. which are the ha calculated to affeed baldly owl abaadont Waal Mae ani mal. it'• attended to supply. AGM, lobrt • crop of rye. awl the. ea red and white clear, wed end bream lop mewl, the spring foaming, with gyp am. It I aloe the prating is am wed* el the calvary. to me ra Ma fed of yaw Whew this mothed I. @data, lb. lad Jo goaraaly IN arta in the lap N nmmer,.d mammal rye dewed with gram seed. Sesta seta former has Waal lb. height of for or la Mahe, the ai de an earl lam and await Mfg.! it darn Mom Tao rams meal lake* net. at an. eel attain ear- ' 1 heleil la reed. It liaMe 14. mo:h fealty by - -Thesateleat mai the rye name ea asela h. tbe maim awl mama fine pasra iage air wows, lamp. sod rang week. through the It le Ain sukleable le wee this vide thick ahem • k is wrJ be this peps... it rents finer *ad Jkdh MW bed i they& Wm mein .. boner he the rams mei, .. 4•61.1. Tanana Amu 0•CIU•1114.4 . •01•••• the eere Ivy enamel.. eerily Mad k metwelettt press deded doe mild weather et whew. Them hat h Irk. have dlemeend 1..1 gm. eel Aar belt le beam entre wham Me W. 4 M the In• I. thhutal emeagh le .1.. .Y num a fah elmette. Mead mothered leaves while. 111••• mom at Wei. Gee rem Maid . mipwly et wow NOM. te the swain heil. H.... ahhalmied .M MAIM elteels. fetraten • well heleand Maim. beet‘ end he the .5 entry et. Metento• Mir hone Neileet. het Ni teem bele brew Ihre. mewl erl mei*, Mi it ~Ay he Mani lie Mr arll mere et. eyetisepy wink . letht We re at ewe IVdeed he New IA melted rod . hemeh Wee her. rbe eetetei edit • mesh preeeempritlesori • Mg Wee I•neekei he their beellog. • bin . se hay it se We ..Ay. this OM Yen see 71 etetely amil et dr ey yeeeehe et embed etti - it 'twig dash, te oh them eh with • Ithet ow a - MOINE nth If =este Melee himetirantie le he& Omen Ye Mee N. ird er him, op he ea melee aroma Zen ri eine helm. Moo hem, di awl era web itysibmity War atemplii tie yeue. by wiram l hiVegthiA N.. r NI OM. • gtzmilt. Note g - ria::: - ..1:. 1 N. YI it Erie Railroad I BRANT'S INDIAN 41Viteleali$0, D, Def.. the voter of 01l 18... the kat.... 'Flaw. LINE.' PULMONARY BALSAM, ~' .gaxaocir ...... Owe awe Dot 0rd.14... """"."" '"""' """"‘". "" FORWARDING - ROM GREAT BEND, „„ , ,„„„„„„,„, .„.„,...,,,..., A.. ...ow -". ''' " - '', .. ". -., -- 1 ' Deo Vo. ore swotted 'Dinh oorDlo to th. be... elenlhy ..W.,. their not.. al ... P. ' (CAPT. 1110.1.011.) a . mos/ so,. icw.logz . l ..of ok.. woye: !0• 1 D , ~e, fla A ,... 1JA i t . 3 POlDlalaivsunl. , srremu oil, I. Ivo have wg...7r . rrilellftr *I iwor, -7= •• - 7 ; wed 1.L.L7 tr ..). , ...,,, ~...... ' .. 'is . ............"......" 1" .. " .. """". ''" 11:71, X. tZoIZ na...1 ~............": by 0.1.2.• •••1 ... .5.1.1041.1.11., do IWZIREUDI NAM TOOK wt.. young - 11w, Peso P. A. • Dre4.1...................f. dift ....... L 1 .1,1 , 1 1 .1 ..... r , . ....... .g "."".."""*.r."."."."."'"*""""".."'"""•:: ..1, , ,. ..." "VI.E.- -.. 'COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 7 ° ""';_ri....Zl.= .F;tr...„ ri,,t„; 7:.;‘ , .. qz `,7:"'" Vuy,' - "'"1:12,"..::=" ztri. ••w -ern s .-: ....I. ...7".,';7: ....,....... • . • --- - -r---•-• - W =won inn =l. New ........ Th:diff " er• froo. 1b.,. D. polweetoo "" floo T t A alf.Lir 1 ." "W"... .."*". N. I. IMI. 0 C VAUGHN'S ! . ,.. r..:beit '' ' ,. ...77: ... ..bl7i , :laann ., "! ... m eeb , ...he L"' o u la , ...lrealaea c y. 7:4 ' L .,.... 4 ,..,... :n ...... ......... r. .....÷ . ,...,............... t. ...,...........,....... : 1 .. m...: . ..a ... 7 . l4ce .. ossax4Ste . = ~....1, *ea ....a.. 1 1.• of 11, Mat. 111 Drs.. Iwolt, 8 I Vegetable LlMmotripik Illittare. 11.1.1,1,anD 110.....1 1.. .; rewet4l::g.w.fitZl.l74:l.,••• • Dv= ', 011:::1 . 014 • . r ik. O , ON SU DOI Pllrl • .. , .. . M. of fWerter a., 1 , ...... , ~ ti.•••.... ti.... . r PD. mt Yews ..' f:Dreed.7.ll " tr7 rrnimewt. .47:1 L T W... mit. cam la lw walt. n ....... 1.. Do d^ .....s. ....ter eo. " 401 A " ...... • ..:" . .Zr" 6.... " .. .X1,01•••=. " ' Z.> Ltioi. I ALL OVER THE lIVORLDs heo, 1L.... di , "'"." ' " I' " -• -'1' 1 .. • w .......... ' The lout, Threat, Leap, aid Moot. !ft ..... bee=tredio• for lwx., mar....a a l Una. . .1{ 1.1.1. a Wm., 111 ' 1 ite. 1 W M. 0.., ~ af ..,,,al,mr.r., en., pa , harm . Polio., • tol I Nnethowewewl. W.W...e. vj 1E77 , 7, , .......:A r . "'” e2:1..7. 1.5,1: . 7:L . / •.":"•. ti:i7f ., t l ' r .., L i : 1 . ........ r .... „. . . .111 , 10 . . .I` .. . .S V , ... . . . .., 1.1. of DIO.T. erjett.... 1 X IN. of ow, c 0.., . 1 111,:z... . 1 Zr.:,•Zz.r.r:„l.:Azt..77:l7.l";:av'' ' ''' -,;°"'''''''' 5 "... nn55'inn'n5 1 ,5 17.1 Doell•le boo, , Tln• Woe. l• •• frogtful„. I_ dor too, and the • w ... THOVAANDS OF coNNFEITIONB . 1 1. 1 . 1„. 1., Dom. Note , 4..1. lwee, 1, New Work. .a t Antow es.. .errs. ID wife.. tip.. ........,.....,,,,,„....,. wyr wroo . 1 - ,. ',.,73,1:•""3 , r , 3! 1"31 - m=" . .33i , 3'..:0..=;"•, - ,° 3Lr,t1.1. 4 10:3',4t.33:31:33 I HITHERTO INICUIRABLM .... Ds r wirDiwo. Di. x...g al L.A. ,It los• Deld• io Wm rowly-andrw.t...r . l. l D 'l7:l7l;""4i!,rzt 1...-%-,---.. - 21:- ,t; • ;-'.71. 24.••,,;1:3'.7.;:•:,...1.";;24.. ::3t'::.trA7-3 1 =: ,7 -4. , :ji ...Z. 7 r. '' '? : or New Volt. en 1 Daivalii.file..ll , .. , ma Dormoterro .. •;. ' Ws. 4, .W.. 1 .1•10,-. “i.t. 1411. um. by Ow of If ...... ...... i• .. ..........k. fin„ , ... Wu, ..... Vi.,..a...ritt01i.7, Ino oitireVei , ./.... , MIMI WhikPlEllll6 ISO CONPLAIATR. I APPLICATION or THE Koine Nab ray WS Me Oben MOO to the Web, ho •or ' ~,,f...• liat Si Who a ra......1 ...... Loath. Dwe , , Darm awl Deo• Meow it ii " ....... 1_ 1,......,.. , . !ii '1.... Y. :X1 ' : .. ,i . 7 1 ,,„ . ..".. " ".; • ....... ..... '. 4 :V.V.' =I: r ' '";,3°'"::;.',:a7,:K :=7:47= ~.:. .. LlA•tr,`,l"2:::: 1,1;:.:,=!,,:.°71: • ' t . e:a r. a o ' :1 a r Ilet • e " . 1 " 1, r05 " .....4....we1h.r the coo, weiste. het ihew .It oi any.. ...W.... Myra I.Tradere. Met. 1 ......... W , ":A.17771174,1174a.tr4...:2..""*''' ' '."'" L:a;V: " " ' 1.". ''''. h0nt5. 1 11...... ,Feasitlie.lnroeb l'• , do , " Taw ' . mdet wol itmTI.II awe AI LATINO Nor . . . MaMaa, dn ;tlTriZt ' alLea.l. 'Pan Pla.. WrIt . 110(113 1/1111,•14iTlf W. ow 1.... .or p.or .......... . u . „ .47:4:= :::::„4:,= . :T:,7: ............ n . 4.1 1 ,...111.1e, dn . CHANGE OF LIFE. , r.Z. -...... ili• [me. 1.1. will v.. the L.., "."- 1nZ,... ". ••tr..".Zeii.,-.. 2 n"'"*"'"'" " "',.,: - ,7:57.1%1!"." - V.:414 , "W.:=l. -- f.r. - ="6..........r. ~...,1 , „,,,,. 1r,74'.3:...., . 4i...1. cow.. do ... ;=:• . :rprt....• 4.. rt ..... .... nn ""Valyn*" Y. '""tar..lUair-a iri 7 . .! ' l . •,•• 1110.10• A, Sep., do 7,.... .4. id ...... or ... 0.. m ray he no., herood-ir .. eves.. wow Do ihe 1.4":=4. 11.,A1andee11..... do CIODISUBTMON: ' 11 .... Itit T. am tune. a Dm in . I. Ow 1..., 11133 t• =A 1 0 •32: - .,,.=;11:"*" .43 I :;TV:=.•'.4.:z.:::,=.,":Yr. „, •••: , r;; ....,•;..... • tlz-4--- 1. A DYING RONAN CURED. ow one ... thr facardiani i , 01 I .' ir.• or Lt., .. of D 1... .al A 1".... T. ii...:01... : D .5 .;1 :, ',...:::. 4 ,2 1 ".4 . ". 1 ,Z1:: riTtit:::,,. (' Z ' l 1 .:,::::: 7 . 4% ,„.,z t v„.7..T . 4r,-.c., , ,,,;, , ..,.;:,r Du el M.o. d , 1....... One. . ow IBUSIBIY• SNOW. ' P a ' ar '''''''' r Ttant ' e: t ;:,: ' ;f:na, ' ;:.7...: , ~ v. ... 7.;, T.; 4,..,t, 1rg,7,•;:.: . .:,.t.:" Il: ;11,=6... tp.= . 1...,, . T !....M. V ........ ''' .4 'TV re ja.ray '''' ' '...., Lt7 ' . , ;7::',..., ~.., ~.. ~... ~.....„ ~,, _t. i ~::,,,,,.,. ...,,,..„.„ , ~,,,...,. • ~„ WZIDIAL DK NOV Itt, 1.....= ........, ~.. rr „,.. ~, • ,i, „,,,,,, 0 ,,,, ~,,, , ~,,d p.m.!' .1 , lie Do a Dayor, I. ....D.. D. Trutt Cn ,do .1. 11 .41..=1 . 71.....1 , , w ,,,,,,,,,, i g eireum.tottc..l 1.... nv . 1,.g , : „ .1L ~.,, ~, P. or ca.. ............. ... ..........1.„ a. ~nod. ' ....... ..• 7. ~" 1. : 0,. , o „ ~,„.,.' .d ID. of . i. ....m en., ' *"'""n ir .". ."."' *"' * ' . "'" l7 ''' I;r ' ala.• ;rail. a* 11e,,,,aa. mid utaywera rl: 7:;=::i . r.P.....:447:= 7 . 2. ... ^ . A. rl=.r.tZrpg"."'...L"'''.."..."." Vot . 1 14 and i ..:04. IWO, Wlatb .• or . a ii...... ' ......i,•..d ror . ,Aaid do ...... . i ...MN ..a . .......i ' p... . o nem:, .1.11. /1. tonere. t • .., do r....... W=l.. W Dec,. 111.1...1. de , WV= 002111PLAISIT. r.Mrt1144....1.. . 11.11... , m . ..... = all IWO Dv. yosabobore. alo o. Pooklewee, a.. y..... eses . ". Dob woo.. I We dm we of Wart WOW of w.f.,. foe W ofbeeeNele,llWeo, de fenobeevo. NW.. .nf ...D. . Idoenntile. do 11.1•16___ _ .___,... _ [ Do of h 0.,,,,,, do Der. SDI ran. It.. il.• =4„.„ . :. j.=....... i ti=irA...... d . : ......:, A ..,.. ' ....U.. ....1 him. no 4 Now W. 11e. 0.. t alit, 41. 1 ...,,,,,:,.. ............ ~.... 11:=7,111 . 724 Vtrrffl ' at•Te "" any `'' .... Dens sod WOO i se an . ... • 0... v.. !Welk . D.... 4 X" ..... " . Owl e" rctlroarilte.l.l. ::1;."."'"'. ' .:: N rerh, 7 .1.1,1 "."".. ln E-ft...... eNeOnem .Ws .... DWI.. WM.. I Don( 11..1 el .Itet hoe t ro, . Jo ...., Do ni e.t.a . ZiOddrathono d. . ..;' , ..4. 2...d0e.. Cr., do ' TESTIMONY ELEVEN YEARS OLD! ra ' 3V:Zera. ' retra:Ml7br:aie Omaha TO ..1 .A1.. V., .. - .7 . ....e -• %.,..;,;-.4.17:4:: 33:3 41.1 - 71: :17.9,74^,.'" - " , 3: -•-, 1. ....-...,...."- -- 4: 1"1":" .. ta, ~..,,,„„... do 1.. 1.1... . h " rel "" ••=l " Trliff mosal. ny 0n..... diT , Ms ro 1 it=... ti. '" .• " 1 ,. .:;;, 3: M-- -- pr. r.L 7.7.1 34'. -6 , - .3.1 Do of 1,11..... . Pi. t. 1.1.1 n, do .. .1.1. kba from dile loor . of . • Ir. low. N. . Do of Wt...., dn Protl.llle. .Ode. ;14 . , L'0 , ... D 0. ., k r.3.-.3........ t............ L' . 23l=r• ..1•"=:•. >. dn D wooly on hoof. o It . zriorly swfillead., .11 dn we wee We awl web. Orel Worry 1. , ..i.4 no.. Pp...., .Parnoorir ... ...: .............r Mn ...... .. %ark RI., 3=l4'; '. Je ' use.? MAIA• 1006. Ilroporhomo• On'Yeroolty. do , Lector, WO LOW . • 1 . ,...P.a.Ma1.1a candy, 4. Yemen •••••ty. Jo Meg W realer owe ofblee OA ..40...5e0w tow. /sa, aniPtea.......l, da heei woos Nees We. lo WOW Geese *a 'FON. aeow. dio .."."' , dn,......., We ' lotier, low aid Slap Peopelder, :=, ". ..Tir.V;',.., : " .;:=l;=,, : :,== . 4:4 " :1tt " ..... ^ ...=.1.7. ' ,1; ..L. =................................. a.•ln. riliallarg, .1. TM) ...a We. .... 1 re heesiß , =Wl, Foam* syswoopeosoh .I,W. tea Oa TO 011.1.• ON mew cooly. J. .” ..... S . The offeeoll Oa lI*WI W Iwo sow W eve ....i. tit., Tr,. Vlll. 1...1 ,11, .4 . 7 , ,w ww , w, w • " Pri0.1.1........... iv..., "1ng:333!i4'.7.::::, ....I Z:;...Z.:17.. Toe Modred Rows ''' anal Iwo we. me of Mown , Gorellet ON ler ow ii . .... or I. yr., .111 . ........... 4 nen ...c. .... 0.... ao. , ilur .........9!.. .In WICOPNINFINAN'` . 0 .............." ........ 'et, „•;,Isr" .11.. roDu4. . 1' New Jersey. . Der b el . poossese so We onsolON We web WNo Now. One lat •• 00l W The le he its Wien. Ow yoorbeere f lew abeesch NW Wrianonn mo. Leo ........... Mr... fi: =7..... el Ono of sa hheabel ..r a.m.. :== . v ....I. A... ~,,,,, r.... 4..... of , ow lew *I:ow oeLlose pothee=o owe / . fent:ea of M. Jrr.... ' 423 , 2;t: . :17:7 ". 1 , 11:=1 *"* tri= " r ". eno• PIIIO W ..r. a mr .. .. _ n , .... ... A 10.”... c....a E5cEr.,.....,...n. n. v....m...1.M dab oihii Pann . lry , ant... • JR eamllen N.walic. ben. mad in leo Mob:Wow W tort. sir a e ‘ a:=e•obs g. 111..., down wod Nett ' AID wan ..*. .o. meow WI he .111•11011, a Non. T. ~. o ''''' '. ......n,. ' . , Tn.. frno D....., . 4 "5„.." . =" . " ''"3• - •"" - -- -""-- ,* . .1 nlin, Dower, """ ",{ .. I .l•l•l4.. "7 ll.le=llytthollideds... c.a....urea. we Ord. We by Wow. eatO rats eaor owe atlT•Vf'„ en. ''; ' I . r. il ' 7NoT ' i•i l is] l b I . ' " o l M:f n ii! : s .7 ::77a,!;:bo l l . ..117....7.,:. .T.:l•l7:="'""' , ... jeeleybeol 11..11 1. R i o. 114, ~„ . 't, .-1,1 P.... 1.11 Do. wrol Tn. I, It Dant Wow 1whIon• .., 0tn'114.11,, 11. ~, ....11,74 ... 7... m-.- ~..- Tr ow" a 1.... ,'•:;',47,'..!" . '" .. 47,r'5.... ... .717..ra.1,7a=t '"'" 4,774 *- ,.: . i11 . ' :',llt " l d For. it Me. do ...... ..1:: n.., a F.... 0..... 5 .... ' n . --' ay.* WrovieD vim, . J.... eny. ..1,11••.1 4•41 .. 1 e.-hank... Ne. iiiiii •It I r1..e......nrif I. ot:14.17 . 7 ""'"4"" '' I If*. P •141.111er.‘ Os. .. ,.... i. 7 ., ...... ...1 N144...rwm do Wis.., en. 1144.11, an ."I 1..4:=:::“.a. m se I owiror w•tx a. 4 11=11=1 - Mt:' I n on .. .. Itausare & Paters.. sal Pater son & Haan& Raver r_7;:_),...A7 - agimompm 1 RAILROADS. 01 . = , .. , .... , PP , 0, AA , ' IT, Abe to iMV4/ AA M. L...• ..N... •• .1... Loam Now TAdic At :r...A... A , 6O A•;1•AlA. Ai : . 4 . ... al rt . V.Tor; .. 1 ... W..... leL AAA. 1 At 'TZ:;:7.1.7 . 1 41 171.1" ..Y . Or ~, ...1 ;. - .114101.11111 TM A 11:01:' At 646 A. SI Moro.. .. At 1; ...... '1 . .. .PO o A.M . :23 .. ..' ,lart.o.ot '1 :: %M. r " " .:7 , 74 . = WAR 1 " 1 t n :? . .e. • rArtri FIFEA . sio, I " 1" , ... d.1.: _.6 , ,..., , ...rePA........1ti00arml tray ibo=o, 7.647 7 ,,T.X... n. ..7... P 00.% Po Po logoontootera• :I . 1 .7 4 . ri ,..,..... r . 4.2,.. oIT . g .A ..,...... , 047. N. T It E. UMW I EVERY BODY'S MARKET LINE. TO a! N allYohmike ..w. e maim, einNlPis Bead : Owneselbere , rjet=r4l=6• Thenez:l mod. =i= Ihim Vat= =.l••=r: 4.4:•Pbellqg i . llodj 2 7;.=, rl ./NW &mi. ell. ka/ NOW . m alpa i MINS Nit ; m* rdaeNrmmbOel e Ur. aba.••••• • W.l.* /%11.. Oryease. N. as. . 11.011111 • 111 . 4 gl=bpilmobafte Irak •••••114. air eta. sone Ow/. ~` '~~- ~,~ List of Patent Medicines Per sere at Tureen% (ILlTlloctor -Jacob Town•and's Sumps 8. P. Townsend'. do.. Dr. Gay eatt• Extract of yellow Dock and Santana ! rills, Webster's Sanaparilla, Edinburgh ; Blood Pont.,, Great Western Indian Pan see., Brinekerhore Health Restorative ; Dr. D. Jaynes Expeotorant, Alterative, ;Carsainitive 80b.,, Hair Tonic, Hair Dye, Vennifuge, Sanative Pill. and Ague Pill.; Ayer's Cherry !kriteria, Brant's Indian Pal nary Rama, Bront's Indian Purifying Extract, Sherman's All-Hoding Agleam; Swaynea r Compou . nd Syrup of E lVile , or Ch . ; . r- r 24 . 4 Alit i lre " w% Pain Kilt, tilliase's Pei Extmetor, Dr. Truk'. 31agnetie 0Intove;; (a sore sure for Rheumatism) Dailey'. Pain Raiment:or; All-Healing Linamen,t ; ; Sestya's Aconstio Oil, Down's Veg. ir, Gems. (lough Drops, Janodice Bitters. ; Lear. Remedy for the Head Ache, Dr holoon's Pile Embroestion, Myna' Liquid Cons for Piles, Sores, to. Clark'. Wpm! Syrop, Chick's Vonoifogo, Faltenetnek's, Veneifup, Wistar's Masao of Wild Cher-' ry, British Oil, Hahn OiL Tammy'. Oine- I went, Oodhey's Oardiel, Betemon's Coughl I Drop, Terliageno'slhdeam of Life. Chen loan'. Arabi. &Aim ; Bltlo of Opium. Thompson's Eye Ester, Nartea's Bit, Rheum Changer, Liquid Opodoldee, ; imbecile's Dyopeptle Cordial, Poor the's Muter, Copan Copiedm Orman Het- I sated Seep, Osman Tooth Clordisk I.- Wks Orroth Co..m, Pliormare• 00•1114 Worm sad Obargeor Lounge A. inabsat's Clarglieg 011, GA °Mord Ari M d arise Wotan Dr, Farindrs Paige Dam; Dori Lissuestithsenstis Ti nto% Woodeseles &ban. Dr. Allee's Darespsditk Poufs Palm Delusion Deiveresl Oirs Cm% la geldbys Pilo C pham Ns Ines mallow Hem Nig, dee. dre. - - ;-111W's hams Vst Dew Quid, Meliner's du, _inm mgr. Sersmily mars, Wersibli's Yaruside, Ow= 0410, &y.. Durdire, Jeyse's iremelud iseeesAgss ..d llsdier mi t i ra:Letieer's, Ty ler's, Ws, . - istr••••%. r • • • d =*: " 1 = a m 1.111.001. LIVER 0031PLA INTIM ; Cern amil Nix• •••••• "Mkt We., especially. mul wherever Neve cowl 0* uwliclur 'sateen.. NO MINER •L AUENT. :1 " :=74 . 71..:= 12 ?“7: A = 4 = n.ono YOU. ....W... tlisassOily Meet* mi. * ael f. Ni• diNace. Nal Nee. imansaliaft ewe is We. All OWN mu** are no. . " set *le. es NY mess *NM. eresamien. t. r , aipMlMa ß' Y. egetitgr • /I II = . lO jirlatlO W.lnso of ull Olummem mid INTSINIINID I I/PENDV AND EFFECTUAL. an Corea by We, • bloom NIA* fail it • *pm. Pealing acme. wid le daily No* IN O. NE EEEEE sod 111./NINNIN COMPLAINT Is INANNAN.wbiAbling dee more elan rkildree%. A.lO, s—and ammo,. IN Mai Neeseo n*** of ONinel more I pmpeolmestb row ms.. A thWiret IWO!. 011101311 LA INFANTIM roam. ere Wreys nrra by this ! • *NONNI of • wiaN painful chars..., is Too Asco. Is e 1 . ,. RELIEVED. d snot moo I nilia el NAN, is soice. I tinw N...., orl W airt ul NN* .11 Nee. Me FLIRWIr 1.11 Ter, and Ilit.Were end ~„, , 'NN..:egSlehles Is 07 n.:, " " ...... .* hi a Nor 0n.i...- 1110;e1Art 7 ler recTtiro= n ll== . *. Awls risioN Nees ...... ste. and wore ewe 'adir...a* act* of OW NINON panne, upon We Oa. it too. go to. penunisent New MANNI. limlbey elord...r. ON*, T. P. INAger tbsu as. rune peoiNeeil L.**, dials a r00m... a..., L.O. 'no n, I DBBILITV or TOM STEN. : Za7.l.,"='; baelt. .1., Claw, Le.. sr NOONAN : Awl, Spat... I Ire I'r = I:7:=l=7:lMtri Afflicted do not Despair I Tke follerang eariraTelle greatest Awoken, medalae rarer darem ever poldwied w dud wog ki•ary. Read at IN I. mate• • Mao Coma* v s -0 4 .1.114:7 vrmll4!".== ;11 gloolent .141, ,, 0rb1.0 or. > tr..rt t :::: . 1 I : 4,7l7:y:X4Fittl TiZglo • r :=1:141...: Loot of Ow Ow, Ibtoof tro . orieXtg;;;;:7;l;go:N ebbielly alleuirol me, ood allet • ..11r. 0.. .14: lio.•••obt rag oottooble. Imbed.nowood boy lomg , +ow algoot boor, goal colgO not rod., 'yre da :t dor. rgob *WI onol.o toy Is boo gyylno. 74.4. gook rot lbg ogtol yonotOogol : Roy bra.. god go gold., tb, r attet . ;:mtlloctr:rt n Ml7:7l:= r . log " 2:=Y . • " ‘T. 'oh. to 0b.., soot or 17.:IttrIbal ' ;11 ' ' num 1.11, • • d ogob t woo g. grow.. o tgb bor Po tio:Lle boo., an otioYgo :Rot*: In t. „ I le ou ' r oty b • lyb'l yollbeml • nonnoi go otOg Oro :babe ro., m. toot leo room enotosobroil taboo I nit , go,l b•ye goon WOO In on:amend It where,' 1 ie •I• 14 1 • u Vaogien, X- Ink i ma • naan g."=:::"..711=1:11.21447,11:. r•V =V' : lave. Iteno prmaing • I bead milsim•aMi tWalite===en " ; net I:4 r a, =XXI' ttr;::: saki b. mama nava. ma am monomial, I trorb7l7:iregtyl V IT .. "*. rtiool Igloo b. • so.* bbc am mil mai ;•=7lr6 '•tr=gnal " ni all imiemmini• rr imam. "ward km so ivy rit e" gr ' Zir;tl77l=t4 rang= Vr rir• ibe !a lama is .• • •••• *VW.. Ma r . 7 , 4lLetnarack,ax;••=ete .. ellraiesain maids im trod., i maw mem mak by lblob 1011. be Maw mibilacimilymmim• !cm am. ••••• sod ahem IWO I lima be, bees cm* by Iblo nig" . I:=7{Zra e r..l7:ll7:t . 1 1 0, 40 1.01..•.nrell maw 1•11:14.1.11 leomi bale rel .:457 . • =llrel "I• r. =a . V. ' trynry n oli ra d "5 4 :12.=1 * .:11:47Z roam imam mbeacjaa , a am • OULIIIIII.II L. LIU•LitT. -"LT:" *1: ra""" 1010. Afton move I*. :WA kidart.."o.=:l2t.o. =: " ,..Z.V •••• .;Mrar d e r ' .477riknT.!alynyiey, l Oman lannimil Wmalma . wankollneme., C . am•••,C•••••; pdheY Was , Owe I • ~.....• Yr ILIV . P.www.::4 sor "" : ".." .."6. kW . 1 MlVlmildeso . Tr ' . •. _,,z4pc.,...„."ra• . =am.; , t .; Z--. r oh. AMC i g lu _ ,__ ..,d.....1.1.....i '.'. ' - • ' 'Mom.. Tr.rd:Lika• 1"!!!!1 lIIIIMOVL tarrllill. IllvirrawbsioNs. Wu. menWniaima. •Ilerk !me *r rm. od g7wWwil " :47l4l:72wt:raw . e . =l . = Ad we R. µTwined cowl.. give A TIIOWEAND MAMA am the be....wwwee. OW :gawk. Inimdtal.l, wadi the powwows lumeral '" Vro a t L /rn 611 " 7•prZea 'Axle epenpar aalialr. "." 7. " :• "" 1 . .. "" 1:: CBRTAIN BOTANICAL AOZNT. MI X, an all al.r,es delanarnarma of the lk male flame. eil ' a r : l7 ctr.t . grZtr:Ml S ran ." l• .:3=l‘ ar.:al7l4ll•l4:er="roat= In Mr prearatman. .0 , 11 a. a all* Ihe ben reannl, ;::11r1:e'r4 ". suturrive iriolriouss will find th • ala riles av , ,ria.. at ...mantrap PURMYTHEBLOOD, Jrire ooneaw. (mai Me 0p.... Soo pity*. rutin., of row, in an lownoes. which ihe ine to oil .11.Prillier.rld will 'KM penile named 144, 4=======al::'"'""" • ARRAY OF PROOF gqlslo7::,:ffr•FlYl3l4:7:l47S47:ini EMaPg=l SARSAPARILLAS. inrairrs. &C. TOILTII THU gar. Their in•rman twver Mot ..... owelo Moms GLAD TO MOGUL ATM grioulamily. lA. SIM Yalu. al CI; If ft. Ai. • larger 11,0411.• ma roe iblio lan am. ewes. Goa mai wad ma gel do=ipsa. Zyery boa de has Vim*. Veipai. P. D.R. ob D tA " G Mews m MAC Amp, am De am*. Name Mbar me miaip. d. a a. va*, am Priaelpal Myr. 11111 Ones Mallala, ag allainday ..11. oni Os Anon maim post A OrOrs Dm Ist, * d.. .... Paw p e id .Iy, or rommiameattaina Nairn. ad., manipai mi ler. la. amid. Ca* by MI ie.* Ocycare Ma Called Naos and Cu.. xr rgall• Ku. Anms. Innano., n. mann. Dn.1.6==.101 .11:17 . ..., se., mil mei Om he fir ell bed... r.o. abey Ow. in.• au r.. a. 4.. on ft. me , ars.6 and gam ale dborm 4=1% v . MIMS MIA i • tie rommry O ere siroleis rib swarrobsele. 01110•Ws Om re Fee bore, rare, rob ea or rear On* Peartis W borarkat........ter Wee, me to aro roe ••••••11. Tar bomb Molerr — wu - bieer — babbreltit ermeasisea brierelierieb-bareofra tomb sorra bs Maw rib be *or bse bre agar roe sorb, bobs...sir For sr prera, ma Orr UN owfts .glim.r....,asmar.ll. I. Or liar pm • •••11..••••••11 el k. M bkimeilitriler. rrb+rrrr Aresseeree mom A. Mi... bare VZerlltab. awns, ae:CaMlAT•tarll==. • "- r N.: 1 1 " .. ' ' ` ' ' ', 1`::=- 1 ;•••.4. • - . - -4 . ojra ).0 ~- , - • ~,., ~ • •,•, : ',..,,. .... -..... • • -Dri._____..,..,,r - , t , .' , , 7,,t , ...•. , -1,:.??.:,r...... ::".:., i;,,, , ,,.; .t:,..4.1%,‘, -- commons =cram DD 1. 4 1 , :j.^,.„ V.,4.,;:rA,,t:VArtzttr.:. .:::!:.:IL1:1.7.: : 7 : vvr !i" i1111:1 t;.°1....,,',,::..,.,,,,,.,.ri.,r.!::......:,..x.,,tr.1:::.i...tr7=: BARBA P A R I ' =:.,!;,;1,1t,'.;:37::%1F,4:.:7 7. ....... t. r. .... TM .111 Mooderfel Iledlolu • 't',:!:?..!:1t:,7 , 1V: ,, ri , ...igiA.1tirr 0. ... 1,600,0110 DOSTL ' r„:7;;,,"iat ~';....rt,1;,,:t., : .i.,;tz.rrt5e, MANUFACTURED 11,1111, lif: aifira,Z i;4::::::,,r a ,jr, rw. onno. “ •=1; 1 .1 . "... in"Pl..":•rttg".24. 4= m .. "''' ~ '''; . '11: " :l !UMW ma.g.... 4 WU. Me Wig Ten Team Pow Is 0w... 14 , 1,* • :., ,•::':,,;,. r e 'rwalor•••:= elnawalgno• DT •. P. TOlWlnellflOr pi rrAt,, . ~....,........ es ~.... EXPOI4 }1 • ', LI,, ~ , .••,. ,-,:-, .. . - _LI 11`.11?. .!.°.,°,7.I.V.A.,`Var,L T . ' -''' 71. j. 4' " , ''=.. a r .:t!afTTVOlDP. feet, Ibr slaw De rita n th ' es call 01 Or Jacob To.rrewla torsaronlls. raw law .4 Will. able i S. to .14.• Wish is . .. paw. and oriihma mad of W. , ratrgrifenr ;o ' grat ' eTl:=l;:srlarlin. r ' T•••••• gis. the anginal wrieraewl roseWs 4 . l , wll:4:4l . lexit:lisi lit nedle. lwe i larrrigmbetered ever ow warrZrags 7 =i TWI terrnorrani . :I=4 "• =rerelratg 411.141.14.41 Wig e, theo 41 Pe Maw Wm... flwohstannis lir 114 ow. Priserfed 044, IP " ; 114.144. BEAD 'MI 0,11 1 1DAT1T. , ka. A—. 2 4 2 7 ,1 F: - 2-cir7:;at ra, ___ • . rarlot Pol• genre an. say WI lit. as a wrilleal 1 oncost sra ttr sas. That row Wm .IM Istw : • \ ' Msferr =lrZfartrw'r:% seen. ', trXV.T.:""-.7.21. - r...r.77.:._":::.'"" ,WM Wag? woe.. '. " to wit.= • . whirr Ir. • •le who a rap off Yew.. ' :Inv ° : — 1,..... - ..:: -7,......rxrvg Old Or. IsLetth TOWNellit .=i , t........r.r.:÷1:22.4.1:rtzgz.= Go r mo e sv o s sI. Tarr , : igo:M.... I:rtes.. " 7==== " a= l . 7 : ' I " I.: * S ' "" - IrriTAVITISiii Jesse Towns.. 071. ' 6 irrrl l l,,,- . ....,..r.a . row., .4.7:l.l":.Mrst"eitilZ,,: wJ art! to , -.P"T•r•,:. - ,,,:1ra=.;.tr.".:=1' , ..,...:. - -tziiat.w.;::::=7 .7.i. - 7: . 1: .: .. ",.. lig= - ,:.....—a • 1 .... t. r e' .Tr:, 7:21r.7,,.: :.., M.::V:47 T:„7 = =Up. 1. 4 144,41. eat of rt loa, Shre rw Wag Twaread .1 turmoil runad , . 1,1444, Pr • orDrow• 4 1.4 48 • wriefi lIE MANG POWER. ..,". r ..... ar. .V. ....11:`,::i.5.:3 Itel• 0 RAMO AND UNEWial.l.CDraer•sxnmer. a. D. a 7 r......a. le TAW. Ir. s......Ctssi Ir. ..........trtt a m r . Ta====.ft MPDr 11. r Towwwlworslila. /Wm w trin Ner W. - .,;,....i,..h....:,.., ~,„,,„.„;". „..... m ... MP* e•••••••• Dor WI IN Jig wit ear. fin r a wa. wriara N. 1. ownies., a morinnw Wllij W. as Int WI farmed a ersparawanaT wrO ...h. and ne,er • shwairs h. s. us,. tr... ft . ..7.„ -- v . ....7.75tr=r - zrtt. -- := o, g a g . a; ..,11 " t1ttgrjrgareran 11r4 Zwt he wwla oo h. ''. ' art ag. a; beta br0rie1a r.,....,... -, ~.""="`'"1.177::!;: 7„1"r• ~..,..'= .........,.,. a . p1,.........r.ii...4 .... it hr er Jr cri.i. •rN I ••,.... ~, 4. .. • . 4... 0. ......... ".. r" ' t: ': "• : 7• • :;: .• :% " . =%r . r . :7.7: ' '' z . a ...z . ..7: zr,, .4 ~,..,,, .. ,......„...,.„..,..... .7 7,....1FF: r., 4 "L.- 6 :41. ~•,, , -7--- , - TN ~,, ..7"r,:;,....%•,, T ;;•.•:•..4. 4 .V7:-..•,...... ' N. JTV.I.t:':.: ... z:,..:7,:',° - -,:::7 ;, .7 „:: ..': „- .. .. , ,„ ...,..,-...,:‘,.... • ........, 1 .',l* m ''"'"'" ' '' """'" "`, '' '-"" '' ,"; 'Z:'n4',T=7.411:1:1,"4.': sa. srst ... Is. so,. sr L... s . Is s.srss s. . . • n ' i riarl 4444 erre at kir herels .lepoirent ninher say., that he lur 1 ten maw Jos 1 wow rhe now ii1141:117:412 aus i "MM "M r... " j aa " aa T aw r"" ." ' " ."..d r " l ' ',',".' 7,.'.',',1,1'.4 XI 7..71 , ...7F,..,........ ""`"'"'" - '',,,,,.........., riIIOISTRONU , 11' ' '' ' llil .. ' " '." rt ''' •"''''"...... Now te PPre me, Ws a Itlvht aNW oi. I (LI I' iN n E ' WA, Oa JACOB TOWNSEND', . i x. 04,61.14.4 . B:II,SAPARILLA. r Mayor et lho ray of law I rwl. "Two . or, ,gargrarllrri all thr men Tram 4is ROOF !! PROOF !I l r:r s tl.7...Z.:.;.ZZ ' s's= reorrrlt ' sj. Mn 1. 441•641414 that Dr • r Townaead• ~ ra.a ..... ran, le sr ....n0... m •••• Illmegonlla • Ile 44.1. TM .MN., 1. Wm , rial coargariwil swig ar.111,4 rt ............* .......... 4 4• 444 POW 4 PD P 4l . Isr logltts wry • lir rsig ,11. awl lowilw ..PP r. FROM Tll6 Craw of 1arn....4 amble ahleonew.. Flgi"rign...""th.=7ll. 1 lbws ills maw a Iry 4 hes. ewinewlarrws r emi Ow a, •44. ma 5«......50r5r• 2 . ,..4.1';",:..N . : 1., t '• I: _.•!.:::(•••• ." ' •••"1.. ' • " ” ... t .. L . V.L .. . ........: ......%1.: (:4,0 ,* .VV1T1., .10 NI. , E . P lA. •.1 r•tt......Tra.grt, ... P.0.0P 17. ... 1 ,•fi.Y.•";;;&?;.•1:.,'1,!•:.'.!.:9g1 , 4172'il mit.. ::.! cr ..,....=. ,z , ... 1,14 V 1,1.7 . 10 ,PI , 1.1.V.H, at, 1 , 111., d• 1.......1 . ...... 17" ."........... 7 " 1 .' ' . " 111" ' I'lIl'E, '',VTIIF PL.OOO New axis • re 4 Ireer. agrerw,....l susses miss ~ ,„.„_-., . , „ ... ,„,„ .. ~,, „ ;„ ' tars. tr. 5r............. st our ......... 0........... 1 „..,.„ Cr' "` ''''.."'''.'.."''....."'"....''..,!: '1,1 . `' .. tt".!,'',;= ....... srlizem hay • any sirs st ow ...sum st ........ ...,. ~.................,, . ................m.ver .......... tsst • MillUddielo.reJ at J ad .sec .,.. ....,..., ... .. , ...... •...r..... sr as i...,......../ ~ .1 1 grAdr , a11:g. 0 2 •4174,1.1.21'1 , :-V,:','.'f ..-: , .1.1::•:• •. • •••:,•• 'VENIALE I'ONIPLAINT I" " S. 4 .n r; • ' • "' ,1.7471.7.%:. I • WO.; 1. ...t mt tr."=r „. , ' "—• e y p ul amen • 1; ?....110.•••••• &NA• L7.7.r:V.E4 En;Paletn j! . MrY .en l4" .“ rt:r4Z x.i „,.;,7,.,;""' 7..""” 1 .• • ,7 ‘ .1. !? .3- • r! -.7 . 1 %". 1 'r ."' Ualsll.l FROM T. COMPAII wrri I TUE OLD DRII. Pew 'Perlis 0•1•11, Tram.. •itt.71 • 341;14=11W, '. 4 . 1 '"." , „ r „,„ _NEVErt SPOILS " 4.4traVt 5. 1 r. tr,n -"At wk'g -r •••• d n .ftwit abnesse.l mid I=IX =Von,: :t:lku r r IrteMVIVIWrZeo " :-.. • P ... .mm.01161:nd aintiorollse ' tr .' l • lt •••• •••• F M •rearl'p^raJ••W 0.77;:. 11:41 aw 111 .? , • N..t Dr. •••••••••• extrao.•••• abrftirearril,el.l. • ••• ••••••• ber•,•••• ware. •Wa D. • r 7••••••• 1.1.• tikr reigiwal pr. • 1th.,• , ,n 1•• met Noi WAT:: NA.7.1: ""‘" .7 tg:z• .„z•;„ ""5 - OP ="311.".";:77•V•Cr 4 : 11 .•"4. .5115 r. Ir• OP • !me roil . . Now Is. fir• •••=,...• r :If11:11 11. Ptyr.„.V. ha ...rill!: er P. Two. N. o• sto.r.6l.l.•eatr. • in 11, ••••••••••1, ••••••••••. AWE* AAA M....A ...mi. AA H. r, wide nrn ~ ..1,Parr••••11•1. r a •tt . •e ... = j . •=l Itarry•relb, orr, •••••••• 11.0=trt ft .. 11n ,. ....,tr "- • 1010110111...111•17 man • gal;:r.;;;• Z:f.=';::: on v. ON As* TourmosAl. I ..••• AAA AA , . b ..= Jr-. i.lbrem• lo , enet.l.lo. I I.llll* ao , ore " : " ..Mi.oro.• Vra 4". "..."'" soma MMe ealrHl it Is kr :••• 1 4;: ^ Tr -^ • ,,, / ale .. .AAA. overt.% rye. lifes arr, stamen. I TrZl7rnWiliZAiVir..7.3ll . 9. 1 r47.1.1. :Cror4l:= rwidt Urge = ".. 01 • Tai:r Vl* a•artionftwri..i. "'" ri57.11,7.71..-""`ttea.. iA , w. bonrH Ff ihe A. .../••=ter•Alt i 1 = ..,. • .. ..•teir .. mix • rr l FIN Proof OMAN, ••••••• o.7=roteral - • -• •• ft -6 " - FOR Non, PAPqs,_ JEWELIIY, as. SVANS & WATSON. ow • ...Vll=l= -111111 -1 4.,== PAL on Tura F--- . 1F: 4 1 as. (emArea Inu mum... mamma) ; 111r .12w : Ore :Ye "". ArA=7l:%7 7:117 .46" AA va. I strt; !•••••1•• S rak me be 1.., A. Ire ••••11An• aurnarn.iiewbrr. • •A g M t ra...swoor Awn rgti4. " =. 6 AVrierwit bralgri.... CIZAAA4I==I: ". . •2 1 .11 " AAV AIWA .....IC.oArat'