The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 16, 1850, Image 4
-- --- -- --- ' F , " , ' - IN - 7.11:011 rata?. I N. Y. & Erie Railroad I. Afflicted do not Despair I ~ lUD . 2.1) - 7.14zin1,.:3 - 1, - L; • • - - ... , .. ‘ . ''' - '-r""';-- 7--- --- .:7 , ::. , -----------.--FREIGH-T LINF,• ..‘",„,,,,,,,1.•• tip • : < 4: ' ;; fr ilit 7 ''. '' ;1 111:11111 111 - . 400;: 4 <; 1. 01 14 00111 ' Nen. In, are nr•rled fail., <Mal, to their Imo. < oe.< ' ' -'''''''"" W ''''"" " .4 j. "'"'"' "'" FORWADDING UME FROM GREAT DENO, r ; • ':' ~, e ~-„„ ;.•,„:„.,., ... „,d. „„, ti ;: &42. , , , , , 17,i4 , :,, , , „, 4.4,: _ ,,,, , I IL, • renesyls units. --..---- S" : " . .i‘.! Tgar"' . ;l::'' . " . L'Z , c';" . :6: i ..: . , - - .. 1.,%%. , ,_ 0 Ft ICE MANUNICTORT _ Vern sm. Pm/Go,. Tor-in. r. I .„.,,,,,,,,„„,, ~„,,„ ~.„,,...., Ely G.'S...VS . ' . '''''''''''''” "" ' . "V" ' ...., , E E r' , E'E 'E ', '''''• '' '' s .' ''' ," Dr. S. P. irciii , NS Ir NIPS wENFITEN NITV YORE[ The ''''''""c'dil'."" ' "" r.'" ,,, '"'"'"'- , Tn:tn . :„"7':' rl: '':"'T . :::::?":,-.., : ,---, --.';,' .•,..I',:r",' "; ",","." . „7: ,".',, ; - , 'n '•'. :•,. • ', . --- - ,•• , •-, ••• •... c,—, , - „•-,,,•,•., „•,, COLLEGE 0 F lIEALTII, ""'"'''''' '''''''"°""'"" -'"'"`""- Pr''''. "'"'"nl. ":',;',''':" '- h "''' "","".' '.; r 4 ;:''''':'"•: :l :' - ' i.---; '' ' " •-• •:'''"'''•'':' '", ..'. '," ''; ,'!,• ',.:••• ''''• ''„',.. '',.::, MARGA7AIIILLA lax Koh.* il. RKI/Eala, N. V. Os SKK° r‘''' ind ''''''''''''''W ..' , ''''. '"'t h. ,IL/.,..<••••<<<<.i: 1 1-<•<!: 1, ;,n;,.„..••,,;,.r... :..„•,„..i„ . •,,.,' , ••• . • •• • ..••• ••• ' '• .... '•• The nichi1,, , ,, , r,.1 ':,.!itil, of Ihe Age, tnt G. c VAUGHN'S Ae the ........ , elr d.L.:t .. 1....^. .. u... , . a.. r r;;;,;:•,,,r,r, '' ', 1;•:"..,',?4'.:.:11,., • - • 1 • . 1 • ,500,000 BOTTLES Vegetable Lithootriptie Mixture. "`"'"'"`"""'"'"'"'"*"""""`" `" "'',".''.''' ' < Vlr= dem< Ely 'sr •soitio il us we re,old srsh. .;. E ' , -IE , t, ...,",':' '.:,% ..,,,,... ;i -, , , ~ T .. „„,„,„„ ~ „ ~ ...let Gssra ....0.1. ''' • . ~ , ~. ~ ~, .. ~. ~. ~ ' "''' - " %LI. 0%1:K THE woRLD. 6 ' " " "'"" . 4 "'''''' ""' '"' tni" thu"..' " . •'' " ""'" n•r• •fl '" " r " r• " """'' '''T DBE MERCHANT'S CELEBRATED • • ' . ' '' ' ' '• • •,.....-.•-• • '•••. v• - • ‘..- ~e „...„. -e - , ' • • ..• •••, plds,,,,rille cE al sEpar.sto, ' CARL ' INC OIL . --- N, I ''; L ' . , . _ ~. •,,,,,posr... „. • • i,...„,-..,,•.,,-,,,,... ,-,..,,„, ~,. r 1,., - ~ • , i ,,,,.",.., 41; • ----- 1 ~..., • , I. <tile Sr.. , We Ilittl that Iv' A< p ',.., • ~ • . ..-.L....,„,„,i ...h.. y.. tr. .7, b 4,1 ' «Ir.reol by 11 . 1 , ~ . .....n , - 1, : • 1 ~ 1 ~1 , . r,:1 1 . ,11 , 1 , :., 1 , , 1 .l . ' t i . L . „ . , • • ' ~ ..t . '‘.l: ' • ' • ....• • " " II . . - .. l'.: : " Fil!:•, . . ' . Which i• ::!..:: :e . .: . • - L'w6r. la of b..ik el a .to,al. la aI. • f, r• a ra , ra re hue ut mad. et theode, by me e•Arc vent of 11 • o r lei d vol puuroer. Oen/ /I 11.1 !he d ern, „ „ ' yiehleduorne uter'ren per re med. tpd. th.d r ' • wrlsLeli ct 3 Ovum! /wear/rt.*. Therat eud p. 3 ssssl ;;, / t later e planted on !her re, were 111100 d Wu!! to : :‘„ each ether: the pOlOO , .hhohng the rhos or the cool mud ;rot/ et n! /t ro.e. ihr I Pets ni drou,lll, vv... end theorn. in the non Ors Augu.. ~..0.111, the • fan o the ruse of the van Trie crepe pheuted tr v. utld.o, the . of pets uve tu eo/ 1.1/1 7 7 4 11r0n 4,1!!, le eon • ; hundred bo ends !! •r no, " N.ul/ d . . ohlyet! who r.. - hie h/ k I', 1,1 :10 I. i. 111 thee , • eat Itorren tehalt o ere A led ;; 1- 1,. ; 1 , rotted thing, nod clost•I tos. 'straits bar 1 ,e,1 1 . • • • er the TICTIFTO.II tr, T,11,11.C !ITO TV- T. •• pansdl, te h•„I••1. •,1 1 J-,os. • , ..1 Gee hatolo dto nor l• 11.1.• owl fir, I ode:. .•1 1 1. , s • • potatoes. ilto nen , I 3 , tt , t whq 141 me il. h• Ik .1, nn, prnmretts, le 01.4 The air r err.' ,r• f. v•, v.::: vv 1hr..11 them. aml ihr nonn h i s t! ", •' fre wild.' Ow i vl vt nme. env, ..,.vro th t, e ell., mult of• eel. on', the tempera. ore er more AM. - Tilts tortrerott. at re t,• I. tr..l r ‘,.111,. wore general, i, n,d r and n. walls noted —Manor Vor, hitt. for .1. We !MI.. oft. o e.II 4 th. :tontin e r eth• L L., t • re to the tti nt nolo.. of tom :tkoLs fe e r the other ott. k Ile le. the, aro •r• tit:Warty stttobte, no or tear • oh,es o t t I. torn esp. o nee. %111 of the n 71111,1.1 ne euteut vegetal., cony or rt• et, And the eL I- • E. ,,. t L ti. •et tr. et, Ler of lk t• t e•L LLI v 41, h•t 14,.a.1 , 1 broil s4Jmov, the puntpivo It Tv., 'vs •bl ulemadabl'y .rvi, J.r.v ' It if Onre b nv, .1! though be I, , I ,t, I. v rd. ..• v I m .81 i Ale r opp Po• • land. npol uPP • 01 .• vrarepod I, s rresrl Fon. espnrls APO, rnn• fill Po I at..., Is u• .y, Ikkk Ik n pop ark. r PPP 'P • f•rt Iride s andonst.osonst P••••11s, srlp pn •rt apart. ,• .1 .11 •by Ps horn. and Is rop ,. P , P . : :PP - r• •PP P P• •P tr lllliirters nnlss •oPp IVITil r F. IF( 7.•• .... 'FL 11F11, eppl don nu ant, . tlst dot , PP mord. wdlon u ante of n ford. nr Plsep an d cos. r S I ens hr is nfidic.. rd f., t del, hill: hot us the Feed Rm... pm 1,, seos m 'n- II h.. , I lh "Id 'ti.r."•;,.2,,r,•;•.:•rt!...."•:,%:::1i....):.:!..1.1T•:.!,•„•,',;•,c;,•,' ...,:,. toe! li • ed,e4 nii . l 11111. trivirler, end it I. vii, nun ro Olin& I ' '''. ' ''''" 1 ''.• • i *.' ' r ''' : .'""'..' ' • !...,: • 71:: • .7.; ' , ' ::::.!rrr. • :. • • r . "• ;;...t .••••;;.' soh,. et to 1,3 I'. iiiii the ent • m.n -.el ot‘srr r mi.- 1 "hi"' n. " "brr. r r" ""'"" """'"'" "r ". ""‘I 'n. "3. S:e. rz. oLari S. :NH ..„.1.........,...... I. 1 . , VI 31 1 •••I '. • 1 . 1 .' '''' • '. ". ''..' ' ' '........' .............. I Ylll A ' 4. 11.1 11 3. 4,•• ••• .., ~ ~., ~., ,•,, “...„.„,, ~.,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, t. 111 71:1 •I r . .• Jii li r ii i riii li .v. 4.1 . EN 11..1• • l' i IL . • 1'r...1. • , ‘1,e.f... Int! , BY ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH. ...,,,,, ....... h ..,.. ,, , , .. :,, dwro ..1.1. 8! .• idow nr ....h.entot. T,.- 7.. t r.- , , ''•' '' 0 •"- . i -• 1 -.' ''' ' ' • r.` 1,, .'' •.., '". . .ii•ii •.iA , 'I ,i • . ii. Ai Pi., 1,1 liril i : , .11 I 1. • I ili i , 1 ilii i iiiii ill • j.', !....,.•:! :',..: ' 24 '. i . .i!:iii! . .iii,l lo s i,:li:tliit ' ilmitl ,..n ,. A. ' i iii ,l ii• 0 IA: iii :0 lot ... ma the de ..., , • 1 1 . .. ‘, memo. lefht Irm. ir0 , ..! del,. ohont the Alm., lit, li • , iri I . mil iii , iii • r..ii iv' i 1 i iiii iii 1. , it. 0w..., ~ , ~, ~,.„., C ~,,I, C., .. j,,„. l, , Sllieoll lllireld riereefililsot oderoMmlly remade.] tot_ hterr rho ..rth• ee the ' " ‘ '' '.• ' r r • b '''''' '''' "'' l '• 1 r .''' ll ' '''' v I' , I' , ::'r f.'"'in I",':' ''.,•;:' 47!:..74 from the teeth of Ine home m whore, or Me mer- . r; • n .;.• h• h .n .• .•• t. ~ h , • , .. h ... e, • ott (h., :rIV,; . . :. • ( ' 11,.. •• ,::::, ":', '. ' rrn . . '...:.: ' t • dd, ' • .•'..."'"" '""" '. Mimed clods. •• . ' lt ~ . , ......, 11r.. 1... V, th.l ... I .• .1 t.II I. :•,.; . , : 7 k :: •t :. ... ! r, : ~ ..,...; , -. . ,, , ..;;;;;07 . ,, , 7 4 7:!,...,, - , me :moo worooma. Notre pernms ,•••,,, dud d the MA nr. 10. , 1. , ,, , , 1..., ..r. V. •tililuy i‘ . 14 IC: I;b 1- ~.', iVii 1 (1,.. ' .. ........... I..7: ' ;: '' n:.`":.: :1 " 1 ' ;7,7 '' ! .. . 77 ::: 7::;.!'7r:::tt7:;., .. 01, ...01 , ... , ...w .h. 0.-1-, .... •:.-, " . :: I ni •:: ~., „:,, ... I; d. • .'.. I' ..I; .1. I:.c. rd .... 1 . ... d, *omen dy..o•,r, ••• •.. ••• Yr, •••• • M... Imert Idd •' ' ! •••', ~,•••, ~, ~ , drfferently over Intrl es lirt•rrn et•di. or r. ....; ... , st o; •-• t. 1 • - • I . , „,, •„., , , ~, , i ~, , - sdd , 3 •••••!....."r . . • •••••-•••••”•""'!“. !!•••••••••••••• rd: itte. Z.; 0,..,%:::,...nin ineketlt;ido:lll . I, nod. Bid dna is ta nreal liiiiiirikii. untl irr ion • ..‘ n . . n n ••• n••• • " - • '!,':•••-%:,,,',;, 1 . ;. ' ,; , " ,„ ' [ - 1... ", ,, ' , , - ,,. - , i .' , ( ,;,.:,,,,,. Tweilly Low, leer ; 111et .., h; , z1 . 1 , 0 , •! . 17% .......... , ; . -^ ,. ...........47 . 7 ... " . ..... , ...7 ... .. 1 Vint th e jou.* eta l.:. Iv If,* nio e mt... io th fd. .r. , , 1 • , 1..,•. ~.V. t T,.. ~,,,...r.'s E t ,. iY,,,..,., N..t,.,.. F. 1, -,-,;';',..,';',..'. :".1,;,r,:','„ ,', ",;,;„,',1".;,',„. '„„.„.„! . „‘„, 11.., ... .......,...... i .. oir . 0, ,,, , 2. 33 .... ,4, ......."' .' ' ''. ' 1i r ..: . ..:,!:,:g4:1:,` - ` qq -,.." ---.......-' 6 .' - :'"'.:::":::,::::,; ::::: , ~.....,.-........ motet. finely-mlemmd, rich .0,4 ',do .Imm down .r ' ,i '‘ :! . i ' ; ' ; . ! . , e tt., 1 ' ir •••• 'L c' j. l ' ,' f al,rito, I lint meta, Li.,,,id ~,, dehl. r, Mi. .. " (1, • ,, •" , • ,t, ' .... “ :,•,,', c ,: ' ,, c ,t,1,,V00d .1.; . .!:• ' . ' , • i tht0me.... , .. , e'' iinriiile.i ii.ia.nieriwi.ini i i m e i i.., ~ ~ ~ ~,,,,, ~.,,,, ~ ~...,, , ~,,,, ~,,,,,. _, • ,, .. , ,i, ; , ,: ,.. . ~_ i, , , , ~,,,,,, ~.,,....... HOP which, nk• Po raw onm. draw up .nod- y•on V. berm tertitterdir,t tr., rat svorre'. ...I. lin I k ..1. Wit . I'. Idi .1. Von. %rd. ONthylett e . ,mr 'ha sierst he ilio ono or ilm vim.; mei mom& the ."7:...rr.'"."'' ale m, ‘••••••'•'"'"L'.c.""cc, Ploetrr I' .ion iha II • tr :onlien, I,; humid' s Ili Ili- ••., •"••• r• •••• iii W..' 1 ..1 . .. ''•n• •••' ••••••••• 111••• Mot their ii ov i ii. or M.. •i•lt •1•11 . ,•-•,. ••,„,„.• ,•,..... ,• :, •-. ' •••••. 0,"••• ii• ••••,••,,„ „1 • • •1 „ 1 „, • .• I, .I . 1 .1. ••• ~ tor. Se. se l keys.l ' c..l,HS eelwit o l ' „ , ........',7 ''',''''.„..1 . ,1 . ,! . .... '',' Vi ! . !!!!! . Eland Soap, I : c:Inall T... 1, I horliol, ffnu- :ti ir.:;rj " .L.:1. "...."' .""... " Rob pen. from DOl the •••••Ase melt WWI imam ' !Orr r..... " .*7.. " .X rW1.4 . • lit, ;7""'"" ''''''"`" ~..n,,, Co.. m . t i d I'mhtor, Shermen • n enriph. ~"." `cr." ' n 'An"' '' ' . 1 • nncr".. • cc ' cc ,.. " " c •••• ..... ' l.° r", , .. ,,,,, •••• 7.77. .. 7;7. ~ ~ .7.7.7 7...7,7 7 ......... ..... .. !J....111110,N%, •11 li . i-I II MIT ord . by op. trldell an coneutlyffire• oNty pelt wee Mr; ""c *. ' • C... . .',': , Worm lind emoiplr.r indeligen • :Ikr..l.onen ...p.. , ........ 18. y.• •• . B .^ , -b ,'; r' r,l '!".....- none, , entin MA hos tertnrined re men, newly.. ' ',..! ',;..., , ~, ~ ~ , I lOW ~. 1. 1, ...1..i• .E. : , .1.0. , i• meow. rnt • • e0,m,,c,,11•cr”!;!,`,,1„ . .1.,,,..7,53,, Other Hallett.. • poserptie Wee, einoehlngi KY. b. E. Railroad ! gargling lel 0.1 Orchard .Ivid Frrii.,,, r, e ,;,:',',;"Lt,' , ,,:`,:i . ,1:e'„,`,!',',", .;', , .','„,,,,,:gr ~rtri; co: le. ....1 . ..... 47 ....,,,,,,,...,, , !.. !;: ,.,..11, ~, „„ ~„„„ :,„, ~, , „ ~.„ . ... ~.,.• ~......:..!,„! , v: ; ..:! , ,,,7 : •, , , •,:,„ ;,,„, .., .„,..,„,.„,,,,,,,..,•• ov4 Ii• 'Hype. limbs for 20 or .70 feet lo mom dt- I , „.„ ,„ „..,......... .. ~,,, , W•ter, Dr. Foweirs Parillo Ilnlie : 800 're...." ee•••• ':'•••"e•e r e"""' 747:.:7:".",':::. 7 . ,,,,,L.::•714,,:ZL,;1..1i.f',1,:,;, ,-....“ ..... ''' n " . ' ''' "" ' ."". "'"' "r . ................ ”...." '. '• ...... reek, ow Roy win ertmetmeodoon • • sweat NA; hVEuf idiot - es m A uli ET Lisir.. Li.“,onent,Rictionatie Tii.eilire, Word...ilk's «,, ~' -• .. '....r ' ..o. • •• -, re..... e t,'„."...• '''"'"'' '` L '." t g L . '" • ••::" .7.::: • 1 '• . • •'"." ."...'•• -'"...' .'.."•• 'l'''. -- - - - - - were rot tm crowded, groshl ham to Peek is ;tr. , T c. ,:,:ril c ,, C ; ;;;M: h.. Mem.. to reed.° Mtfturif 1 1DD,,,,, D, Allen . . 14 .. , ' , 1'...' 111 .. P.' , ..r. L'.:..1 . ..."'"'11.:',',.:',-,:',1,.!.:ri,'..';;;;'....j.. " "„';.!;',' ...,,w''„',..t 7',...,'..;'';',.''',",',.; '",,'';',„1,•11',"..'''..;::: - ,.,' , ~..-,.,..........n..:.......,, , ,..,., ' Fire Proof Chests, 6, " 66 - 6 """. - 'SW/ n.. "!. 1 °W.A. nell•ettseet is pi ...,, Plill Weeuner. Universal Corn Clio lw ....wee .'eem...• • ...• ' ........... tr. N " ittoold:- e;;;; - ,ri..,;,,';..,:',... - ,4 - 6, , , , ,,...,;;., - 0,..11.i, - 011101V . I. Goes Olollsorlille FOR Boor% pApist jEwEtRy. ac. &no roofer • Poo pipe • meter • • 50-heed o.llld LIIIIMMiemIfec'ENIMIIMII., , roldliy• Pile s r ak, Upham, l'ilo Elec., t ' ,77 • 7 ' •4.:.,!,r74 , , .. . ' .• `..• •••••• ""•"•• •' • "''''''''''`• v 0,0.. Never. EVA NS lk IV ATSUN, r emer.w. weedy OW OINIIIIIIMS evaporail•• rrf, rorroawareem= mo Tan., . yeyb ...II,: lustY. Me.' Ifeeee C"re. are Ike' ._ __ er,..9:::=::,...z1....4.,...,,;;;:an.,..„ ~ dr. form , . t ,, rruion •• r . 1 r•M , r imilii riiiiii• I. Ap. 90 North Tletrd on re', 'between rirrA He IN Pre low. HI Say Wm. la • o,dos nap I := 7 :1 •• • ' To on ' 7, "„:11 . 4.17' .. 7`..,=. P11,1.8.-Wri,diPs Lino Ver,, Smith'. Wei. ..iquid Cure iit.,,, ..d .3 0. , 1 maw day. kw. gyinsytiwy v.... waysyyy.Y.oanyouimeed I SOW Coaled, Clieknor's do., Planner's i• woo m ..• 6ls t. nr•lnT•.dirredr• ...Y, red.!. 1 .... ..... ••••• • .! ..* '.. " 'M • ""'" ' 'm " r ""'.'" r; "' ''' ". '''' ; ' ;:l!' " " V ''''' d•• (..".."' ".."""'"."'" ''''''''''') mon vim .1 , 11 on .1 le Om polka of Om a. pommy. Amyl 0i. , 11 , erne. wiss., and Est ns deceived by 11•••• 11111,111illidi , I mil ri, Pi.. ...Wll iiiiiii ito t i. i - i i• /or eWilliratel awl yarn. SW, lAni iti,illani WY ... ..., ,,,,,,,,,,,,, . 0„ .„,,.,,,,,,,,,, 1= Preele• aro peony nme• • snowier, Ave!, rt.,. oho yews* 8. 1.11.4..pyy, y y ....:M ....1 Family, Souk's Sovereign Dohs. Fisk's, I. AZ II ylea my. - - oat IttybaNeyym. ~.,.......o . N g ~.. ..,,, i ..... hi , , vi l ee=rme fe= • 0e .. .. .... ... .«,....t. me omme l Sneers, Wooden's l'egelablo, Sorsines, im• mono«, «,. a 1.,. D r... 1. p.a.,. ...ewe. ...Mel: e 1 .-,.....- -.,,,,t , a: Az.`4.:.l;:ret,': : ...Ant;(11!..T...................../.. ,- " c .1 r t. ,„, mo am Torino to OHS pe• or room Oierilhe Int More. I rud Hew . Ir , LB.B,...rjboOny e 1... 081.,111.1% Vary,..ilOwielee, Jnyoe• &olio, Aerie'. Agae,1:e .. 71•;:„,•;','..: r,„';'....,, ~.., e",'; 'reel:4Z id ilis !mid. ffi1... ,,,, ,... , , , ......,.." .. ........ , , , .. ...0ff..., !!!". !ff 1'1 . 1,c..., ...,,,,........„......,,„„ ! ... ,.. 1-1 '•., , ....7=1:4,14,74zr001ati a. r mooooooopoom. 11. yI . M iv IlleeeePly very ~7,7,-4 7 ..-A , =,-;;:m.,„,,,,,.., , morseled to ewe red VIM . , Brod y - ma Mor My y..l '. . " ronas:li n gly •• • • • ••••11 ' 11 .11 -ttt.:4l:s;;;izii.7,:-.• m ` - iiiltii i ---L' A 4 g - E - rreg ir a, s• -f l ' • i.., A Mormon In . j. MGM • 1 ~ , _ mt ~ hme. be we ere Peened. PO Pergod re so • ....e . .....emmooeioso. : solidi, Idol6Po, N o, Welinoes, Ty- ... "' . ...4=' ..... ................", A. 17...... a...... i I --i - ' ' ' M17.7.17:6=4 " gr; Dr. FINNS Celebrated ildiel.Ool. 1 - 77-- , -, 1 / 4 ;--- , ~ osalogoo , env. Cm win be head nen rival. I t•ea, leso'N. Allehesol • 111. ison's & " .... 01: ' lr. " ' : ".. . e :! " tr '''' r, i;rerr:l 4 . ' ...... Wr y ......' q « -We N yy . ., • .r . irly ".. . flerwm. Sr He 1 toolloo, the U. roll, dd4.11. iDarlalm Swains MM. ' ' ;.: '''!7::!..r.i...V.17L..,nw. rat..l callus...mien Sado. 1 Adsmi sg ......„' " i ii .T 6 ..-- . 7 . ----'sa.. moue, ~, ~',;,,,7,,Q.eer ~.., e• :.,.......„,.,.. ~...4,,,.. ~,, , • 1.,,, g ,,,,,,,,,reee lee.' •••• tr.m a, .a. d, 0,, yy,...1 •1-yry• .. the firre• . ...., ni.i....iil , •7 • p.m. irp•l, ydlow . IMO pmplew-Aperk. Aid. ..r , -41.4.14„1- .-•-.............. HA. Lew . AIA pews...b. r• as prw• yy yy........ , ryt,l=r,:. ' r ' .:,:i'c r ,:,, n l,==y7try ." = "'"'"' _A...yr-SA.I •-• n• ..... ! ..I . •H ! A.... ' " Tror, " ::: ' !L0r....... rt.. .MP Ire.. em Ire Meyer rent a.... ooloorioo. on •• ••••, 11 , 81 1118.88....1y ibid. ynt priillorit- eatiOli•i•Ws a “eses am .444yets .' ' Goo., woos. rise, °Fallen. Ow e1ime....."•••••• moms ; «el en r em« mie K ep i ' r . i . a.. . Ir. tear no al c •••••...1 *-" L ' I • 'Aso. .01111(4.-elneffililelm Wt . ., li.. , 0•11.0. I. PRIV n"."' ''''. ".." 1 = • Merelt. c • .71 . by 88. Yl.rb'y Ab.wital mpportammmm, MoNalde. 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