"C1aJ.)1'1,41 1 7V"° ,41 . " I. G. aler aid rrepritter. • 'ear, eX. ."'"" ..°'11:.;•••1t.A1.71r:te1.p.5.1,1".;:117 '' ....... the • Until Tatt:::11 . •17 1 . in Qs( VOI,IIIE VII. SIPMEOM OF pint wehave n,. here reaelnd. lan, f, etin_ HON. 1). WI E, \1()T tr.g tream.n. I wdl kn.,w no. . the thrws of fu , .tion It would be I 3-. , ,slice—a fip:Lt 11.21,11e1i. , 11 4 EMMM Mr. WILMOT i.ii.l : Mr. Cll.lof ve 'Chia lii in my julLon at least one , cowl re.tilt beyond nil toe.ti., of del tion, the pokey It &Soda ample juoifie,ll needed. ivh.re the It 1.12r1v1 out, I, policy, rip al t.. S I 11. ' i •. I Nllll is it, and uhat thus hurl i• at the ..f ti., era a &tam. tat t I.,at t hilAition (` the t hale . wide—Tr .111 al r0..1 C 118•1•4. ire 4 ,• depths t'..• pa•e t.—f meenitoel...d errezie. rater,oe.• , L• .r eept th 1, I whiels t'. ri • arias'', eel, i•, arise ioo noir .•010 •, intereit. • o o • ••• ios •••• g it. w. iz'ot as it dos., to tl,o rein , a it snisinl. it $l, liil• and polic, 1;••‘ , ., it shall hay,* family of I, tt I T 11•• era= Hof the tooth. r t half of will ali, . tr: • a oehe wkwearr e, 111,. the c vti •, urtte t f 4re I to Ai 11 , . “'a •:T. -..n .p , t, • , tor by CI, • patri t'. • H.,. Jet^-14 .1 41..1 I jQet, ul.l t ~• plarp , .4.. Ow 411..11 ••••I t..t .1 .1-4,1- the a :IPi t rit i tl,i. solent, n arr n • justise, and I iw, a. t', • to .t to 1..-. :M. -.." '' • '" ' • ' . . , Sir, v tiro o.er res.," i,, t„ „1.„ . „,„.. nol , sho • , t it is an. ,or ha . .,1,1 _ .no .1- ..t..1 11141 fo,l r...i.ta re egaiii•t. t!., roggies. .1.:!,, , i11. 4 xelel•Cd " obtring oearlv thr whole period of oar an t . I repeat, nir I ant the friend of party 4, whatever plausibility it tney'Lle concoct:el. ow just and h,,,i, g ~ m • m it. MC ... I. Li, at . all . two ~. i , a . ..11,1.1.d st. , o• awl threats of slovei, 'I 1 frost that s t r, t o i,i, .. pm,,,,turg d 0,1, , ,." ~M,.. ~,. , i , .. 1 ...k.m , , ill .0111.1 V 1.4 imit. , .1.1- ~ M. , .im.. 1 1 ~., ~ or hem. one of ita ' however imposing the dreamt...ea phial, Sr, this ..,,74 it r ,',.. ~,,i, ..1 .1.41. .. sm3 " ..--it!- I,„ ..,, r no , ,i, ~,,,„ „f lho rt., r‘,....n. at i 5..... f“,n, the ~:,,rth will h s „ e „,., i„,„,,,.., „, t i t . ,„,.„„ t. „._,,,,,„,, bly milted its the eotnnmit itit"res's and ilan. most ateadfant „Hotness 1 value it too may attend its introduction into them hall's. ergo e,.... , h,. . , ..... i.il c 5 ........, , , , h..‘,..... the „.„,..,i,„„ ,„ ~ ~,,, if C . .. „„ a t ~r i „. „. „. r r .„ sr , t , tio„, C„lif o .aia s hall he m s .te 1., ~ 4,,,i„,„,4,,,T r ,,,„„ tst ,„ f.„,„ m s „., got •.r ale, -1 I. ,cpcet the pmpositi ~,, highly to roil ~,,, t, without n etraegle. that . I hey. no such veneration f a r l am e e u m„,i, ;,... ,-.1,.., ,i;.- ;., i; ... ~, . 4 ;,.., w,,,,, : e , ,, , e. , o f .... ~ ~., . ~....,,, t , 1 . .. ~,,,,,, ,T„. ~,,k,..,, ' e h, t h e t i t ,..„ 4 ,.,„„„, d,,,,- .„., „„„, it „,,, „,,,,,„„i „eh hi. T with a Well I set not, that the stns.-holders an arist aviary Anil *idol it for tits advance- ' tees, however distiognialted.the inelividosiw ari.,t ,any art .tolished oi. it- r% -that tlic. will „ye t'..stoseitee Dad odium To he it) of di., r, In. the gentle- "I the 'mull, v.:lstituto this d.t, one 441 it, moot 44 its Load owl i.e. ti. nal objects, aiid„,Errhieli they are composed, as to reenneila 'ball the diem of nor ...•• .1. t Is. p r ,......i1i. 41 . ' I . ....I I'. h „, ee under th e „,„...,,,„ er „ ee ., „ eh , ruin, let it Io .1 ,tio. b. a el.aoue 100 our or. the bees eio•istitnemies they reprustoot , tro m trom who , ~,,....1. ,I h a „ jos. , acne: owst ponerliil exist o•ti tl eno e .., . ,i, nth , pr ....Gm of tho, prineiples.' ind - to the eatonsion .4 e i aver y. Th e c .,,,,, oeee , e ," we ha „„, en , e , e ,„.. ~., ene. gal jr. law-let it 1..• WI it It. I 11.,V1i, NI that fr.. 111 eindi ep loaniliation. Calif rain ana I think I rtaild MA a,ome seor, , ~,...e . the earth. iiiol are now flriOing a battle a ~h i, t , it wa• deal !tied to uph ol d end male- mince or thirteen, reeently r a i s ,d i t , IT, e roe , the the ,„ . ,,,,,, Te ~ „ eh ere , h , e mu . , i '„, the rot ma of this r ...try /1., tell it - • .110:01.1..11..1 as ats independent and separate who bay. at I. tot 6,, teat, : obaotege o f , rah end death for the permanent eontrul ol toit.• Aa sr lb tees. ot. mid one it the 'enate, compo•ell ST it is of eleven te e mb,,, ~,,I f,,,, fi1,11,, i„ this „ 1 „.,.., ~, ,„„,, 1. , , d.. psse. - mid pi is il,. s ... mor los•- ow a..tro., and there is no gr, owl up a whieli the :,..eettiati from li-ii... iil i. mw. I the Government of the I ',don. Sir °so of i i,„ thee ,„,"i,,;„ „r ~,, ar k_ shall eatable., tie to with all on feeble •, South, will sulinift no plan of niijitstaneeit °strut est of thi. . et ' t have deddel. and who are khown to favor the Tenney of the . . iai.aiiiiiiiiiiiy ...p.....410, i., ii,,,i,.,iri ii.i. p a . 1, di-ti,, 0, ,I, g o o of and o .or', ri 4 hts the toio•mla ot fris oh its sari mond end 111.1i 1 1. ......11111 I.t.i hat ed....nal thy. ...WI, o: woe, a• nt, v .wla.if..l to If have the guar.- Milt thi• tiii maul striie.le Thi.. rrowning hot that I .1.. ti. t t',il.l, it fair in Ma...melte. torso., is wirel.soti.,4 a0.i .. m.t . 0. giving Ire- ,1 , '..e”.. 00 tot' , ever , ~unapt ot dm pad that is not wholly - aided owl ...d o e!. country. Bat we are t -hl that Re um teos of written law. llf all tyrannies. time net of tr. w I.sr. to to orthern holvrest• a 4.41 -. to emaito oligionlity hr ell tits: IVI-11. -tied 01 dom.: Is Is s mormion its • 14 iV del , s or ''f the sluvelioldcra t 1 the Kontli to wield Nothing can he Loped from that quarter itr understand that C aistitoti on, tt.4 it . ' hall me fi,on tit it isolionits I old melon .. 41 tar ito,llwra rights. would •trik.• a chill moo ti ..scootteeted with lit, „Ilea. SI, I n...ail itss ismer. Slay. ry Ilan 1 kllillltl . ll ' .1" 7 .r .....''' . ' 1'.. ' 4 ''''' ihmt"et.lin 1-tlrtY. elm least mineable to freedom. The eons: be taught os hy th-- advevatm of slavery .a,, *Licit : t ektiovits Iges to • restraiot 41, i Ito heArts of th •• Ino , ..ten r.r lids lead I res... utli ho ramble in 14,r pry, to toe es- this in aon irked degree, du ing the history. ',purist . It. la 'mild,. nod for the par. mitten wits nixed ere mug adopt their c esstra.oirsis of t ha; in ,,,,e,ee,,,..., a. ". ii ....,..... ~, ~„..," c el l a r the wino, ramie -ot elm tyratd-olsieh should n a 0.y, , v1t . as if tl.c oo‘io‘ were rhution of earn... and mon. no:titori, us in. „ re ur 11ot ernm,ot. 1 Theo Imo a state.. per" "l this loolmrztti ~,, il Loam. alaverY Rho mpreshosts.l two-thirds of the freemen, aloe my limb.. I may Heave. emcee. A distingokheil Senator from man r.f the North, however Imre, nod host t !ill 1 . 4 . 1 4 . whiln I hor s airconth ts , vitct or sm. roootry-its nicenbentelesied them. Mb. limit. of their interpretation. ill it the d'..... d " e".." '''''t nq .1'i d n""""" ''aaki."ll and citron cs obedienee by it at v may not toe; let I fear the as.- ' that Mote, claimed the Proton , ' lit. right of nod wail .- Ilt.NeN Cl' C.11dt...1 j.. the l a,. tina sd.rt br lead 1 1 . tssocr•cY to malt-de- selves mid each other. sod I tumor Ogee lit Ultiall shall be di...teed, and ora dem of 'a threat., Vild Of lifv, a all that makes li e rongensetc• and rodoptiona ..1 dd. poliCeal poi d t ,,,,,,.. ) .m00l eshihited much warmth Goo, .4 his enontr,men-* Len has ...oh a atrtioth... liS ott tmserttruhots ttad mijnetili• its any other light than as a eche.. to fore., prominent overthrown Nut t, .ll, thi., bat the lino of nur Imam in irihrol to `raluild. mart, n here p inciplei. an d th e bi g s,,,t in- and imhgoatiooi, that 1.0. M. num alto .141 man cro.se.l the track of southern policy- :'Lie " I ''' "I . 4 " a'idiai.ath'" upon Me country •on - of souther - , . tut, withi , the tie N o v limit, ~, it. o f the Mr Chat, man, thl. is no pie of tlw te"'''s "f . Int.m.ilS ttue. an , ' v"imooditivrt 1.11. Rills his •- thunder" " 1 hie, hoe. er,' when line he planted himself hi the path of . What are the legitimate object. of party policy, under the name of emesproselse.'' C on etirotion, n o Smte., , try h e ..I. imagination, fl atted I, C o ngree• loth thin 1 - 1,10 n," i. the stand the Meta? We of the ...... .slat eh -111- mode I" '' ,l 'ide the grant , s`ttv "r r.... 1 ,.. of profit, the dial ingobised *stator has re. .exorlotned demand. sod survived it. in. e motet stand, to blimp together those enter. qtriet the North, mid calm the agitation aapt tangent, o f that i n .', ~,,, ent. Yet ing States believe th at Congrcsm . has power or "lav''my W'mla I ' li"d that the mot.' e. ntly almothmel. 011.(1 invented another in. ; acriptive wrath I Sir, the example tamest reining common opinions and sentiments growing out of the dangerous and onwar. -. who t.r o at the plow nail in the workehops tamti„, under the tune a "Orders/ gc.' he found in the history of thie Gov e rnmost., moot politic.' subjects, and trailing them in rentable demmae of devery. Sir, Ina pol lee are dive. to uoderstood, if we presume inter the conetitui al 01 prolotat al to eyee e i. this easy and admired pow e r in the imams! territoriea. We hero read """Id 6 " 1 ' 0. . 1 " trait end rate °I. .theta . ozraphy," or the - tam athe formation of Mich o nue could Issto meaner passed in mineentrated action. The ntaititratanie ..f' native which may booldred us by thi• emu. t ee th e case o f : i ns without oselting that . instrinnent for ears. Ives. We have ta"taa' I''`nt 1 1..vatt".:- TI.T- sir, 1. ."n1 d lit , ' l ' , /t." l'Y a kb'. he I. I P - ' ll t° quiet 1 ' 0. .1' tlt. mric..l a the Isoterr me in the principle in the end, to .Lich all legitimate mit tee of thirteen, will reach the diem. er sert•ie ennees4iins to deem" a. en rook-. eon-billy •uss VII of-. proddona We have t."' b " """P° 4 hS "lerv.." , .... I.Y the appteheosioos of rho North , upon the d irk ages , upon • charge a heresy, than he organiaation points. Its object is not Mlt Tact to hi o country. This Woggle eke', that ...awe. a• a meohnomee, eade.l to ear sit the lig,. id Water. assol . .h ll '.'". e" , I "''' "Med bY "Ir.". With subjeet 4.1 the extend... of elov. r. Item entsl-1 pau that Semite Clamber "ta.tia . , .- bring tegether th ee° holding Incongrunu a ail( go on increasing in tome and hstenSty el t emeeme will I" 1,-, 'eta for , re.p.iti.,4, •' 0 etpoiet, 4.1 the past. swl w.. 11,4 , acne '''' lo i'dt 1... "f truth i" att . ' MI , Cm. fi... ..2 . 1i 11 . )1 10 , 1e1i11n..t . • is iniriegi, noon the Are timer thin,. ever to be t Must we for. and 1,111.11i1.1 i.. 4 011inlo.s It may. and in. until Smite are Seed to the posaessiem of to acoont oar action- fecal the ordirtam g - , mitii .o. f r on io 0 r :: :1:04:. :: MA .II ~t. I • ••-• "r ."I.i. , Jo. .1 1 . 1,111•1,1.11. 1 . Ti.is woo pane,a evo r b .ar , or neeks to the yoke of slaver . , I deed often does serve ill reconcile Merest. elavery-until the arietnerary of the Sends ... e ...., aniti di,.. yin h e w it ,s, dd _..s h a t t •i. 4 v ritro,,, t omt4iooot a ,, i t ,..1. par t. 31r. C :ti n, the whole hi,s see ~.f. od e ' wee . ty,....4 t ,, to. pahlin es early al the Shall ths loon men of the North be f lever eels of opinion upon ini tor roil," but it' shell abandon I. alarming pretension.. and lb. p ..„. . n , „,, e „.,q 1,,, „II .I . T„ .1,41 to , t,.. fir ,h, , t i o .„ 1 „. t i,„1 . f i,.,, a i s t... t r, ,s, i ogel4. is a' history of MO oad haughty fali la 1047, by a disaiostnislod ..itia,... a , ~,„6 , 1 1,,,,,,y Are we to stand still and never canh and never ought, to unite into . rept ...Mid with that Agee of la aided let. acne ) of rartur t o any lase and image. rpm We bslist • forth , r, that it. m our li no .1 .44 ~ .t.i n-- ,, i proad and a. r.. deamec on .y ow.. State, in A cvlobroled liocotnent. gee our children promribed in the lota ef harmonious anion, those bolding opmming dtenee to 1.111011 It ill jeally entitled under Mellon. a nd 4.1 dory m o ti o n. u n til rho e o d doily I s G.. 1 no I the ....testr . .. to exeici.a. tile pad of -.l.lery; while nu the title .f ktiown as the ° licit, c -tints Ideter," It their birth t N.., sir! 111. I The men arc prineiplee, which aro deemed vital mad fun. W e Constitution. Agitation will contiting of the pr.-sent C aserme - lilac power. mud to giv• to the prisuiple .1 Ire. dote thew has leen a slininefol exliibi- did not promise at flat time to become a horn who will romue this Goyeromeat from tlamental. N.. one would think of uniting until there is freedom upon this door, end mr, whe r e ere cr ., ? .I s Chia a chnody, the no e extents' 41 or a l s o ao. my, the sittlmrity rem oof nesik....., irresolosioth nod • timid. moult, medicine. Eyery Whig stomach the grasp of a hearties. and rudder, aria- pormansntly in the 'same petty 0r5..., We deo* of • .iiiodlY ttaka^ l,l . ll ged soul Is which the repre.entatieco of f in e and ferce , -f i. -Mir.- I.e. !low are we by b adoring on cowardice . The North ha. rejected it We shall fee Outlier no not toeracy. Thie great wick is the eppmpri • turn, the repehlkeu end the monarehi.t.' recpetstrd. Sir. them threats of dhunion--• i. " gl i ng ............., "hi e n th rea t ene d stitutional authority of tilts Covarneseu6 Sem* for the i m portant earl determined m met ? We am told that if we, being in • bee t driven from ono positi ot to noodle' , it will he more palaraide to them, when ad. ote and appointed eetelltaa of . genuin e Th..' They might for .limn soma together., ibis bold &don n of the eitchtful and con , Of in.,. Aga Important . i ...ti on s v tie I. it essjorita, darn to set urn :his, our mob, -mull the outposts . are all abandoned. and solaintered by one of their own doctors. moemej-comisseed es that Denc•rsey • tWalts upon which slaves ore tatteht pen ., cord will Ito restored le the country. A mooding ..f the ow., stuti..n-if we t hrill wo are now stammoncti to an unconditimtai Bot, sir. it is oat my purpose to ehlerga truth. of the groat free mums of the to overpower both ; hot tho Mower oem!..l cease. b•f " . P°°°. awl Ihwool eat. Ater obligations and Mules, It boh o vee dare to carry not roar deep and solemn son- surrender of the eitadel imelf. Under the arm th i s theme. I only desired to state country, however now divided, or by what. I paseed. they would immediately us to emoitte the gonad open widel t w e tried.. at nubile deity, that the Unit. shall influence of threat., of pereuseion, aflame- the fame. to vintileate the "troth of hist°. , tree party e.g. they may now beknown. anti comment. warfare opoo each 0i1.... 4^ 1 . °. 00 t htt pal to WI. remetlidiee ot . .and. We have arrived et a point from he dissolved. and the country involved i. ry, ad above alter _patronage and the pro- ry." and to notify the South, that. Pommy', Manowasey la e prinelpf• of su r real jue. f, This Menge of antarelet letemat• etnij irdialni man, Who Ille old aoknow/edge the Widelt we emoted meant , withoet • mom- anarchy and the hone.. al . Mall Mkt. Oen. Wee tit politimd preferment-oar ambers Imola elehme the drat instalment of pop. j dim. It ... to o& r,,,,,.. p u1ity ..4 right.-, pri tte lplea, ie . 0 1 on t. Ii ChM). I.:iiiit• ehnintete , end inestimable blasting. de of ar leriependentte no repmeentatives times representing the slave State. NM. have been reduced by de...lion-our ranks • To Worn. Mr. Cheirman, to the av l bjeetl It m e t t le all wrong sad oppnwei t ,.. It i s ,' takes pine. when thrirtened by • we... 1 tte ehtoerl. lo Amt, tide stropht Internal yea Mk leer. I repeat it, tee meat Jr . that they have • different reading of the broken, ma forms divided, until there is from which I have been Intl by this Ogres- , lb. fee of all special privilege. nod legagat. denser. Eve., amebae deePetitt. n. an- We "MIMI JAWS= of Mode. and Parts. 4 To clap back-to now.. seder ennethatine. ,Diaregerding all pre...feats danger of a general rent. In the email...me. sloe llt wee ender sleds. of gdolitp end lieu ~. It eeeks the el o vetew sod nohow. , frequently glob its intern& sod doll 1• g to on .••.1. will NO ....Maths' day shell ad*. Yea threat, is base dielsonor-• virtu! -rejestiew .II eotemporameme ...true- -tomot of it& ili.Wel., the kJ...10 or freed., Demon* that treachery to freedom fret took' tion of me from every species of boodege ' Goveroment, with ono nerved in the ..mi t a.. althete_ with the down-troddee muses, end , when dm eldid that is mused by $ white . ' la p of somilder of oar rights, and the right. of Not. they moose. to theolselees infidlibil- wereelosely and tharooghly united owns We shelter. This cloak was wan, until the' and tyranny. It is tho faked of the down. marneefly woke to remove, in tome dewy"! maim , . then Mend •• gal ehance no thlir the frame. whom repremelettives we ere. 'ity mthe espeorodert Of that instrement ; groend of immilice kgiugattes prokildrhen Sends demanded that it should be laid trodden and oppressed-of earth'. mi11i..., the swohhtli tr.ryy wide/. It lino goodie. of honey err pweensi ad if we shag thurt net romeow I. thee , egtiott We lotmattetio. of slavery into any aside. The tefettattee wet. acquired, and, whose destiny it is to at an WO fret. dam. It. so to-day in Ruda. and has,• slam!. We shim fee the moo of the North pane • bet of isdepsagent &Woe wen tills eopositia, they notify ns by the !met eel- Writer, labia wt might arepgre from Men- It beau. netemary either to Maud up tel, the needle to the Avant. It sympstbilme I bee. se for preturite. TIN Automat of that r se septslity la this Govemment. It. ears NowLef the eserels• ef thew aeltemwfolg. ems wander, that the peerages.% dal ItNt. The ••••Milotimmlity and propriety or two. prohoolooo, or to 'edemas sew move...writ it labor, and eigihmtly roods he .Mr- Nmpiro has • formidable deal, ad at time. by tight of inhatitaneet, sod with the idea- Oa Iltowor• which babe to ee es • pi. ahe ...h..% sa ear ginrinomilaiiilliiolllo( lido patio., met with the reseal ea al. ; babel whieh wa rm dater oppolgos. A teas sari era the Wallow and, a data, enemy, in a panda erielmeney, \ Nag of mod me sees to km it. We wag. lis Gearerent. Shall the selreeelsdrei a Marty awl law broili le tim si t c . ti nest elven& maga the of to oh m s shrike was Mag. Tbeibtartbas of I.l. tapl Goverwei I which holds In mfitom the rest ma a tie maw epos the flonle. Their oyster perm a lisle grarremnel Joe areased,inesnimbis ad% IW, a IWm Sham Thar ea Ms ohms prom kmaisNly Ns pm'. by them high palaver sal Done. I Ms "Agana If by navel., the norbtrete of Awn is thar ewe, se le to aristocrat., Are Its emettitatimel awes? writ a liml en Am Ilepallsee lanament:Careaills , ilsse, pamented At sem alba ma labia pas I. appall se rata tiat AA ea^ ray hat ntreggied whim the I tone perinea el the treaty whack mama, it ..acid. Their right% seder the Cow 7 Me nt I ti .1 TI 1 •r. I I) conspirstor4 t., arrest i ite out harit . t at tleti.tare 1103 •urn wler of t ri of Oa. fiteti,t4 •übv r lul auth.ri , y,ml 1.14,tru vt int,it k I aud f a f all ri I MEE Lut Jar. rd tr rod d I I Ilr tr,fl•: II tl t t• t • I t - it al ott, tl ss ils I In a t iitrt I t 1 r I 1 d t 1 I , t II Ir I,.trk f t t iI I t I -I t t t ; Ito ts Jllltønctrøøe AliVritoSE, P.L. TIII'IiSDAI, Mll - 16,1.-A). made I I t 11111Ull nl rrs ‘ti.mt 14 the ..... st dire ena '.ll Wlalt tio• tm•re. 41.1,,r., !hal ,v3r1.1. lc t.I L. ti.: a 1n..) o, c.. nr it,ry bAcNt+ .1 biTrlriato.pf liplevee a I i.. loa I 11. •e 'Own , p.er; F. , .t t • Fw ... a I t , Ir,,itt.d. • On fat Li tia4 e and I ndrpen , le no, ~ 1 111. 1 1 .11 fn /1...1,1 of Calif .rt 1,11..,11a..i. MEM= tt.tjtt , I tit tit t :1r 11,11 1- tit It" ow:pr. I ; . r Sir. I II ihe N.llll mar, frovl jOtlll wtewirtro. re Ul, II T.. IT lei kru trratt heeever, the 1a1,1,6 et the Ida. 0, inaLlada Den.o,eraey beaun t„,lve ay '4.111131 al under thu pra.sure w patina age of a undid •ra .danl • a Arliniaial‘arten raari, to nban- darrel, zee don at eau att.:, a ilatriple nidehN Lau, the reardsrd with ',Leh general on, ny td ~,q axtenai a ~ at Narth di -caner- intx. . ul ed Oa" the c :nati f. stal 1 ”ce.tpt 1.111 and zeol..us I t r tbr jam. the gr• th, t., k blot t' tii e I. I i I di i i I I ..1 I ifi I f i r err 1 d II L arti I 11 1 tI ~.I II to I th n., II ~. y „o-. It • VI I t t a At ; nth I slot u 4 11131.11 , e s t . , c• la E t, f, 1 I in s.l: : - I , •r . n ri II , i 1t .at ,1.11 uhot .ap• n tray..l- n .‘ll.l oirry Th. ir -ttr ,i1.14.1—a ,•10l ; 19 i. I • aui to .L. 01.11, I i tic face ~d 11, H. . ntking !WI hk :1,.., r •• I .111111.9 Ike • I • IP, 11., IL L. 1 , ,ILLL-1r.LiL,01171,1 emir to the ego he t o •111 I U • n • tt that I. n.fle II I, II IS i I iit t_ r . I I . I la 1,1 1 tot r I t I I .1 . I .1 I. I I' II 11, , I 11, II 1 MEM e rl ui I 11.1 II it 1/ err • u e // Vt. prorbiloy e riv,r jr% o ir ter, ih:ry lorirrn. irmt ) et aa'd iota . 0.4. a nlll', , r.11..it 01 tho oal e•tato of the ry 11alar the •litle g ern h....m . 11101 ..vor tile 10111- in lac amen - ina, ol I.rar nil the rt.oiti .11 , •pf f a r mara lru,r. 01' I 11i00 owl 10,wor in their" 10.000tivo• ef 1./040/rg. 1..11 nit'. oine , y- tent., 0. , tliv. A .1 at tho 1.101/. thia oor, Inco onu 01 the :4 nate. and 1,00 - er t, d., nr can be Iles l , :xrcutise L-unch of the 13 ntlln °mat 1 - J .11.1 reord Mitt lee .f tro..d.m. I the beat favor the, pone , . nod unjast exactions of the great Governed by the same great principle/ 'true, a prominent nem.' interests of the north. of human notion, but under eirtuovimuceit Ids lllll'lliliVo,ll t II- 1-7111.11 11 , /W. nt' hare never had interests of widely different, we have nen no aria, •n of it as a peat a purely seeth.' character, pushed upon , m alio itaerest at the Pernik drawn inkt eh ought nut, and the eoulary as the 11/Mill issue in national [mummery eounexion with the Democracy I. But -la t er" we politics; but uow, air, the South inningup- 'of the coutaVy. Den.orraey. as princple, u iilust .... eat., and it on making the supputt tool extension Of can hove no nympathy or nature' al:Lined ded.Sir, the oracle slavery, the all-cosarelling issue and test with slavery. Light and darkness aro not. troduced tie "Niel- ill Ilia notional polities Dot ..... croey, true inore opposed The) occupy the entrant ~ her the first time, to its high omission, in calhd upon to Icsint point to political antagonism. The one, by a nor het u man, the progress of shvery upon thin continent, the friend to the largest liberty ; the other,. li unconstitutional. 111111 noon this isms , kris net by the Ws- the enemy of every human right. Whiff .1, Mr Chairman, of toeracy of the _South in 4...11) sartit.-e , thus opposed to each other, from the nax le North upen the Sootbcro mist,. atry, and southern capitol, turn mid teonatitution of things; yet Des , 1 the Sollth wanton nook to nave them-elven from the applica• neteracy, aq an n• the and practical claimed is up , et the North. lion of those great principles 8.1 justieo and in the w.aleittga of our system of Govern , . 1111.11. Sllll termts right, ender which they were willing to light meta, ma a prokund respeef notl local arr. trona h. She leads the battle of Deniiieraey. against the capital 1111,1103 to till. Coontitution, and refrain., me cing hi g h mom,- :oat aristocrat., of th t North. Long nem.- itt dui, boutttl, from any itacrletence with ri u Lit.... 1 ins ~. tido bonen to lead iti our port' coolliots, the or- slavery in the severul Stake where it az • S oitti still liohla the 11111. Intl. .I.a a local, domestk, State innate- P:III, and by a lead and un- !lion, ulnae, r may be it. evils and it/ ll' itr -,liiiration, seeks to wrong, it in manic , ' fouler the Coootttu mt t ....elfole-truotien—to lion to peace and necurity. But whs. 1o ot these great prieciplen slavery steps beyond State bounded., and •11.. nide', have gimu it vi- iovolics the power of the General Guyll,o. Ail awl p . 000 0 party, anti whieh alai° twit to extend and perpetuate the spjen. ...title it to 1., suet oet of ti gett..rette and . —to strength . . and uphold the sristoonsey lacy p. eple. 1 mit the friend, a... 1 have cv- ' Wlllell it noundies ittlii Bust., Derenvitiy , 1 bon the „.1,.i-rout .etpplitter of port) taunt either be Luise in its principle., or la rgan...aim, but 0. • orgaoix aion I I.il- must I e.6t demands so extraordinary watt lon, must b: o•te bred upon pritteiple, and dangerous It in only an a Steno intake- I,:a kg Foe it A 1.1,11,1 di,. llttailllllolll. IT legit- ' lion, that slavery can claim forbearance end hook, end+ I on' not organe to ideal, Lolcrotien. When it voluntarily lay..ide m r to evader, nor to exten.l in iz to territory its local and doomed., character, and eaten , 111/W Iree, the iestitto i oi of .%fricatt literary, upon the theatre of national politick—when Sir, the yacht elements by which slavery it SW.IIIIIOI au attitude towards the Federal seeks to vateml and perpetuate its pow,— . Government Eneit as that in which it nee( to beta d or,, freed nt in this conflict, are i stands, dictating law under the threats of the ~,',,,ix i• ion of tint Gensterttie pat ty —• disunion. resistance beenmes a duty of the the poi toot, .of the Voleral Government, I highest obligation. Silence and mibmissiorl awl alrandant Iva prolific promise. of future , under such circumstances, would be mores ie.litienl prefertni•itt. It seduces by its treason to our free institutions. pry. •<, mor eon by its patronage, ate/ Mr. Choi man, we hear much enziety ex-• driv in es by hs one of party ortank lion.— penal in certain quarters for a speedy and The two fist are emplopol up .11 rho leaders final settlement of all the controverted goes+ —the latter upon the rook awl Al,. This tint. gr o wing nut of tho eo bi oo s o f a f esme y.. dtkiog hosincsA loan been flint upon not, Some northern gentlemen are nfrvously it-' Pretty thoroughly, but with a , or . homed for the satiety of the Union. So din , lather want of 1411,C11.1, which I trustsu ccessis tint i trussing are their fears, that they tmonot , 7 satisfactory to the operator. I shall . speak except itt term. of the most gloomy' support no organisation, wielded by oleo , foreboding.. A solicitude so deep and anz• who openly declare their purpose to extend ions prone. its weight upon them noes LS niarery. and Who proclaim iti advance, that i l i oirr o y d o ., and nprogiro, nod phyakya they well soma. MD lla111111:13t0 union he , comfort. • Tim .wect. o f .1 0 ,....m 00 t 0 d,„.• avr:us prim tides favorable 1, their policy. tirsment cannot hold Within its sanctuary 1 shall go into 8.0 cottons with moo who tell the anxious throbbing. of e markt besot, m et.n the threshold, 'hat ppo , ition to' The real of a quiet re ..... in aliandsued 11W Gee extension ,I shivery disqualilies a man g pilgrimage to the C ar it.,l, t o lash thou for their snipe'—that tt under no political North subtonietioo, and and the South In the nrer6igity whaterer," will they vote for a i work of" preserving the I.lnMn." Sorel., man x Inem principles harmonize with my suet, patriotism tionervesl ward! 011 . : own; and yet demand el tus. that I YOU for ' in. h one , augra t e r u l. in a an d ...L a , a"f °l'lm -. .14 "'an Thin la It hied of itable world, to breathe anspioions thee i i panty et eliminate... which I hero not ikon I enflamen or ambition roe rreeidoothl hon. oceu-tomml. and istto which I cannot bolters had aught to do in this labor of love. ,biro' , ii . . I lin..w of but ,tic way to tint Sir, there hen been an holustriou. and log a mop to tooth a ny nem of wrong upon lay' bored effort to ornate elmm for the safely right, and the rights of my conslituent•Hof the Union—to get up a panic in that Arndt on outrageous perversion or the ends I country , and Xi this work northern meet awl latrlmta, of party organization thus anti northern (menace have contributed their' , enatituted. and thus perverted. I would j full share. The North is to be frightened! 'till 'tee co then an who had battered 'twee from its principles and prom it ty ; and one my lamaild'' for 'glee. I ...11l d" this, if der the plea el e dower to the Utdon,"- - tor tet high , rent. an eo Wenn, that nil northern men on thirrfloor hope to ;nttily sell. respect and 'min . a.. od had not boon ex. , thenmelven to their et... g la atilt. lan for thew' i ksh , 'I in m :eh e , sir' th e ma ,, who 1 obandonnieut of tie cause .1' freedom. I a settlement, upon • ells my [ri lidos, most not draw on one • J oa o. ° f 1„,,,, , oeues ay ( ' .hell t fur no atm , pre fer !just and truly natitta.al basis, of the present The South ost. rowsriLliee `-' ' • ate I.iml givo•ei it I dent—had .orket itu whic t be Illmolwhecl. .11v Th, oracle Nwak u. rhtillowlid .A • sud w ,• 11 r itt 55.11..11 t 1 . t Len 1"r Al 1 J.l.n anti I >Lue n I : to tl tint nl~nn the It it tn tl e 1 .1, I L I la, I a II 'lit till .1 t i c o ' l ur F anr • rer g uf the of ,luvorj. It , opt tr ta ansl 0 tu re (In ti sn ita lig than date I Effiai i 111 I. 11111 r ti I•r9 r ti e ni•lt n .pi (I• i a.•. Iy wotdi tr Igst law be ur I . 111 are e el I tee, a la. it• tti , ity it is wick aricillance tor st it Itta. I sly rat, r 11,1 I". I d. la% dead letter a nhj, et There la n I tat, hr u lull and it the Suoth, ale° 0.6 ch.,. IV . I nnaw. uu, a u r i ... wrae, 1.1 , 1111, ••i, 631 II II k EIEMS las in elitint...mb nnil v,ry -nhjoet, x r tlint it does tr“.-11 1,0.1tW prertpgattvcs tho ri ail •.riel. I"'s N.I a. rary vcr str,J.,l tm pro des !,l a , •l f.Bl, tll,l. pro -411711 , 1 , 11,t111, -111V1 , 111,111,T , 1,1 01 , 1111, 1,1,1 011 , 1 1,11 1 1,141111t1 1 that 11 11.111, itr. the. 11. Ad t!...ir 11.1,14 fi milli .1, pr.wert, to_ether .x itl ichroshing tyrsnny which had kept. Limn/ ------- !down, would dowusnd m. eclarg&nent .4 NUMBER iO. Ll.c 1.. upuLn, of Ilbe.o..eriZ.v tLu Lore eking alow , j. tits ttml --It must rwevtl. .'e..ittroveray growing oat of the demand el? ovo vesselx She morn 11 the slaver) to overrun nod occupy our free tes ti,x tool lotJh ce,,,,,,,,, , ,, ritories I will import any proposition/ reward to northorn men for thlit Irttell- which aball give t& ra steal guantees lagainaS to the room of treed lu. and llhst roll the eattotsiou of elavery, mime from what• o the by ley vote, to consummate dm bar- quarter it may. 1 will support no scheme. . Lich does not give such guarantees. with , ' ' them, he could 'nipple the power of this ser isteersey, ha would feel mu% minim h. Lid prerogatives, and more safe Yr. his Should he, however, sue• cud in mat oh/ that aristocracy, (which now is the in iff cheek upon his power,) by a ; cruel entre, easement of the mere, things word!! lot °banged ; and there would he a corn pion , ding change in his sympathies and policy. The memo., relieved in pat from the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers