'eh, arses -...--. approrri. - ini..ent - -.--- - --- 1 -- A bond, olio Inui -- htriree asoess --- te our . ._ . . woe motioning risotto. , Rail Road Miciettnit. i...'..1ti,.T.i.,,,1.,:z... i t :‘ , .. 1 ., .. , e ... ... i . i . t . !::: , .. , : „ . .,: .. - .. . ,. ..th . . ,. r . .. .t, ~ m .,.,,,, „, i,,,,,,,, ‘ .,,,„i .Song „,,,,i„ . i,„ 'Jim limo=hing A' yea ii. , hi' , todennt-T Pt- r‘elmimee of late, has hooded us die following( for and jorious of their rights, toe wort:memo. __ ___ _... , "411 4111L‘ is safe, and the cause of freetioto sill coot st_ - ___ __ .... thous tn triumph over all de 0110111.1 ___ "---..---"- 1 , . ... ~,,, , .. ,,, ,,,, ,..u . , ...,, h ,,,,,....,,.. olli. 11... , Of C.i i '' . 11.4 ' 1 , I . iii iiiir ye , oo/11 . 1011, I. 00k and Altura, licid at il.e limse • .r , i .”, , .',. ",, ..", , , ".", ,“, "" '''' ti , " 0, 9 ,, -, R.U..... , ... Hie statement, that ahem theenthe - i ~ te•t , o) Duke., on Wednesday tho .2,1 eldt of M-ii. h, die APPl , e , nit ~,,, m• Ilid u le . h Ism nist been Ye- press of We country. out or ti...., is decided in But it will require stead) and p la, s., - II from th • Denim, he 1 h ""' . '''`' d ''''' . "' i .. `'"`"' 't ' ' „, l'itisttaut to Prat 'o ell • ' D.ip ..1,,..„.•. alneet Loom I. ~ .d., • •, , ‘ 1,,, G.r..% , ‘,,1k.r w ., „rem i t. it pr,,, i ii e m, g ine . bud by om .l , v , to G0• ,, 0 , ins exertions on your part to i i.I yourselyto . omb. ~, ons the ,rdoct in the case of Prof. Web - - - --- - -'''' --- -- ' ' ' ; „ " : , :l S s ' ; : oi t ' , ; 7,, ; :. oo „:: ; ', t : ::" ; 1' ; ' ; ' ,7,::.. ; ::::, ' ,:: ( i ; ' ,; ' , ‘ ,;;, n , " ; ' , ° , ; ' ;„ ' , ' , ° „ ' , °. :1„ 1 1T, ' „ 1' 2 " ..„ ' :,7 1 , 1 ,ZL ' ,,t7 ; `,',, , , i ; r : Will,„ : „.- n..a. Mam e 11 oils. Ye , Preetdelits..- :It inky be . that Dole arm a 1,..iy rough st. r, oe ~neon os correct. of the iniquities soul toiseltiels I the pal er ' - d . system, and to check the spit it ol in , mop... I III,.: 1) EMOCRAT. than s iiii ~ 1.1 ...1 dm loao donnout .nod ° r thet t ..-. , 1 and Dr t. 11 Lattstep. •• 0rie1..., ptoLts to this bill, too the whig, hat the . , - ly and other aim., 1, hid, Lase si rota nil the Court llmise, re, Monde, e.t.a, Apra 15 „: 1 .,,,te i 1 iI. 0.. i!..t ty,II „rung op ....d. r ,Iry de. T. 1.11...1 of llo• electing having been stated by 'eight fitul great relit.f lo their indignant 'rho VI v.., coo, - - - - - r r• 51) Tho meeting being „dled to order b, With it, mid qf shieli it i, OW 100 ill 10.111- I , , •O. j0i.. 0 1.0. 0 , .0110.11 0 , 00 tumultuously feelitogs by a will/ n•twe to the hill madc 11 '' .... '''' 01 ''''• '''' ...h.°r, di° •°' 4.•• I. p.m alm li the I•enues h omen thus ,only re of; ;,„ d; th, a d ,„„,„„ o c 00 0,„,,,„ t. nee by 4.boutsuis ~ in IN:lh, in whieli they toer- ;; , ! , ? , ! ,, ! , !! ' „ 'l' d ! : ! ,' ,, !! , :r ! , ! , ! , ;; , ! ,, u e n . ,! , 7 , 7 , :: 1, "' hd 7 , : ,,,d !" ::: ! C . . ; .; , b; ..,• 1 Isureany, April 111, 1.450. Chain.. of the co ~,,,, atee, im motion or J 1 I port. .. many interests :Ir. Ito I . Din wk. lion M u. TV LER is eall.tl to We. ;ice w „ ;;;„,,,,, bo , o tt ,„ opo „,„ ; a ,1, 0 ~ , ,,q., ~... .., 4.. ,.... d h . h. , oh . ~,,,,,..7,,.° , , ~,, 1101,11.0.1 tIli• 11.0' II.1„•'1111It u i ...Ts that th e . ~ - - SW all reform ou this t.ohj , •it that pin .;„„ h. „.„,,,,.....,„ „„„;„,„:„ „e r i„, pore y w t , , : ~, rhor, one 11.111,1 WI .N. 11, ..r.l. if ,e, , ~ , , r t, ti ~.,,,,, ~,,,, ~,.. 0 .... ~„,•,........„ 0111, 111 Will/ dsured ten., not only the trial no must opt, hope the ~..olli. t u.. 1 b• • rr , ",. L" ;'.!,•,t,;',"• ‘ ",°;..1,;' , „ ,',:;.',,,'"•,';,.',;,..,„,;",,,„„ ~,,,,,„, 1 ,, ~....,...,. ~ ~. .. ... ...„,. t . oil '' ' ' " ' ' ' •''' ,I,Nt 1,010 nbi e root° from st,„ T im ki n ,„ ;;; „ o k tti4 , unity of moulting and unscrupulous Mel, "" ener „ inclueted, the charge a dot Chia Joan. ono, nor armee. easy 31) humble ..11 .1 iot ,"„. ,„ o,c• e „re vo • toe, m :so oe moo to o hoot, .., o ' ' J .. " ".-" " . ' tio tooth.. 1... iity . ~ ,,,I [ the ett tem is te go Oil ,•.,,,, „„, h , ~,, „,,.„., o f ~,o M 00,,,,,,,,, c oo ,. could sus nth „a ileyi ,, e. It did not 1,. " . i ' ''" •''"''' ''''''"' ea n ''' °h i e "' ' d d ''' umlierked. it em "el n , 'AT'. I, Tt '., 0.1110,1 ,t„ , ~,,,,, ~..,,,,,, ~., . ~,,, ~,,,,, ~,,,,,... ~.. ~ , ..1„ ,,,,,, IL, nipeala,., of justice, or lb, t,,...1:7,,,,,J.,,,iir:::ni5. wun,f:i.r,...::dzolciii,l,vote.d.ddi.7.lly.;.e: ham out been spared, dut in* toy tithaint-- ~ •, ~ ', . .0 , ,•, ..i . r. ,, . 104 ' ... n e "..., L. n naft d l 4 the Pusideat• '.• Le.,,. flo o r; % pd ., r t ... [Le mere p.emio L.> ds- „„ I, ;,,„„,, ~, d„ h,,,,,,... 0 t . b „ b 0 ., „„. ledst regard . to . the plamost rerun. mew , - tratiou of the g, V. 11111 lit f o ,lore tt.i• , . 4 f . VI e .on indelo, it to 11./ 1.0.0 , ''..SO fur O 1111011011 01 0 G. IlempTi....d, a omonottee of tit, port ;;; ;;;;; o; ;;.;.;„ ho,„; L" ' r, Ilse o „,,, 00 , .. IP o' lb cutistguttott. It uas cittuall a bill 1n ° ;"" " d!" 4". " ""P"' "d b y . constitutional co, illll. iil ~Id 011 ii ,ill, 1 . • MI. de. following named awe.. wore appointed • ' , . i the Wilmot Promo, mil oeie neaten./ by t"•, lidir to to port rentlahoes' ' sod munething It t most hos le :ot dom. be "'" '!!!''''' 9 "''' !!!" ' ! " , ~ „ , • Ino oho. li the Alm. J .1 . ‘h. 'h... .k.h... 1 ~ eri ,d , ~,, 01 , 0 ,,,, ; t ro „, .r„ 0 k h000 ,,,,, 0b ~,,,,, of disfranchise and an attempt t o m i . tort , and hin• d ~,, -.° ado, dauactim• Precedent in the Wards toe „„,,,,,,,,1,..1,,,,,,,,t or r ... an... 4 de. t° U . '" i t " ' ! "'" t to ` "'!"' !!!!!!'!" -!!!!_.!!""'" 1! "' Ut ' k g"'" " 1 " o ' oo ' "'"' ""0" .Lon 01 ' 00 ,1o, oM. soO, mot, ,' , e"/..try ot %V, tar nom. th o 0 ,,,, t h r . tit a i e t. ii„ ,„„„ 1 , ..„, k; th .,,, g0 tlortuitm and destioy the pritteiples tips, o t. '""'"" 1 . 1 " . " 1 "'"'"`" ..!! "" ce dtdtT. Tit" e a' ' , duo il I+ th, , •• New York Tribune." I. editor ii , ., t.ver, failmi to arcomplisl. their sirable obijet If•tt etionch jet 1 • .0,1. t , ' NI. GiTi;on, Duguerreat, pet, remieete . . tieY ''' G. Ih. '" ' '' '• •I '' ' '' Ill '''' ' ''''' M. ' (' T. g - %lr. Cs to ~, i d „„ er s,.„ p ress . a b.„ d am ii, hh ~,,,,, ht „,, c„ ; „„,„ , ir e ..d Welsch, Ans. Wi“ch all "I.6li'''''' '''' er.”"" ""' " ...I ,•„„„ „„ m„„d„ oas t,- I li'hY , Ikmona.i. Glid.b.ti Mid Harvey T > hr ".";. odor, et, Fur m u ,. ,s.iter than tile en g . ~ :, I cal..' mod Itenyanon Thomas From th e w, on !living' so 01,10 hat e.l prootinee. wed notion thst Webeter require all. your ..tteriy and to. i...:••1 II ' • Ili II 1.• de,..,ns least, This power, how.: tr. is in No, hotel-. Nod Lot ~,,o ~,,o t ai g pictures mast then:tore C.Ol lin• MP° tit, id,... in d n i ousr i... 11 , o.nt of t. praeino ol the .„ t h e h. d d „.„.„. , d r° „„; h m s „, b ot We'purr. in thi , Iva), I hey aftet wards et- 0 ' .0 0 Lt . ••od w.'li o rent lolly ridoettleus.clemort 1 oto motion et J II limim k, 1 ' , ' , I/ tote,i. % L.o , ...rnineut in molt e...„e0-nrol the 11101100 . 1 Wyttinsiug Creel, t ha.. I Lathrop, the remedy must and m ili h.. a ppi .c.. 1, il • ,) .di „, ~,,,,.. . I H. ~...,,, temptud to treat the elections as it they , laudl, for I. 'oat I would not be uudemteed me determine upon it I! _ IN Bt ' ll " .! : ".! Wl T''' . "'" "'" "I'D""" '' !i• h I NI NI -nor his aceouuliug olft-!lia t „I A% alt,4eir, George Welker ood ~,,... Lad met loom held and Ito ttoutle the govern. Milt r.,t,0, 4 of Dr. Webster's innocence ; bat I 11..1....101,111 . 11,11,11 , 04.ii Ithirt.s• • . . ~ . ~... , ~ • .( . .. . ..It i . r ~ i „ Te o, . p. W ., h 3 il . Ll ., t . tm .... l . lt . i . s o i.. , :i l l . , r no i r r iLig , 5 t . 0 1.. 1 ., r 1 , .1 .., . , p , : ‘ ,.,...,f, ::: , r „, , , , , , , ,, _ ,,, ,,, , , , , ,, , i ,..:::11r .i re n , : : e d ,. .. ,, d . t ,, i 4 1.,_. i:t . ::: : 0 7 , ' , e ' . L. ° .• . ; 7, ,, !`` ..... : ' cos, ''" r ' . , .ci u r , 5 ,, ::. , , , 1 0 , 1 , ..„ 1 ::1 ,, .1 . 2 , , , ::::• , - , ,, , ,,, : , h , r . ; :l o o h nt o . r5 t 0, tt , i1 . ...:: : !. ,, , , , ,, 1, , • ,.., . t. i 'r . r..ir a o 'f u rat ,o kl , r , :t . ie , c , k , I tZ nec h h . 1 ,,. ., . i. u .. .,, m:_ f , .. 1,. rd , 1 1 ' . ../ .. .. , " i , : i . ' ,,. " 1 ., , . 1 . ; ' l ' w; o r . ~.... ~ 1.,,,.,). who ' , 1 .,, " ',','.., ' , 11 :" t I ''' ''''' Ida cid ' W... •^ 1 . 1 "....' ', .oral Disuiet I" ,-. di, i .1 nee produced. sanction uu.l suktain stork proceedings! I ' 0 . 10 0 , of 'n epee the trial, rearf.icely. deem of vital importailec in I!"• tlt" 0 :-' 4 °: „,„,„,,,,,,I °to .; I,, tac y or ene o f the I,ureet '!" """! fl i''''''''''"" !" wh i r ,'' ''' A ' ''''''°°, • toro• y I:. ra rdl 10w... , who deo , d , d in foyer el ; shop,. Creek and thenc e to th,", Wyalusing, ,. ' mid D..; ;10,, ;b. r ,, ,. .. n. ...., as these, too exhibit such nn excess units- ibot Dr. Perkin, o nes murdered ; indeed...nay concerns of tho wountrr, 1 0,141 it not to, , :" , ~, nod meet wormed ooweerril 40 , . „ , d. . wilbo . .. lest to the Senatorial r.r.f. [Now, , tb ; I L , . ot -. . tlinintion at tho paw.op e „I or la , ! poy log this Havre., a. , •••• then PO hi' sr- , Milton Dorris, Im - • :men., WI 1;01.1 bly. It wee resolved that . pa. over, with both, tin , inip 'rt.' • ' ' : ' , " „ ohn ,„ . ,_, 1 - . 1 .,,, 0 , in ~,,,, „,,,,„ , ~,,„ i Mr. .r - on , t MO% ell 111, 1140 C01:1111111.10 L. 11, ' 4.. r ...„ m ‘1„.„.,, , ,,., ~. ...... h i , hr.. Leer el 3 , y. Le ..1.,,, and the . videnee which gots to web considerot ions u toich shot" govot ' 3"tt' ' n! ~. we „ dd ,,,,,,, ded . , „f0r d „,,,.. ~,„. strati°. m ft.. , on 0 " 0 1, 00000 .1 which • to'h lit. Id., ~, , i ,....,,,,,,ted... 0 ...i.,'„,,,, (..„„,..,,,,, c „.„,„,,,..„, , , • I'. ""..'"" ~I . 11, w tomtualities. awl Solite . ..man. his death, not be invalidated ill the lead. policy de ei . powers. it is, ate , P'"` •, , ~ • , , county will bm oun . quer n ~,,, her of confer.... in . , - " .... ha. "' 4 1.,1 whit h were tirade, if o e are mu ri oils ill-Thor. 11,, r...... nothing old.. idonhfe I. holy feud ques-i; i toward. r r • , t it t• ' ." . ""ii '‘ ''''''''' th ' • P"l'' . ""“ "'•••"'"' 'it r ii r .1 ." ' 1 " '" • " tr Y "`" ''''''''''' P .M ' "."".'"' '';' l " . losP°.d mate•i'm bloomed.. the as an. , footled at theitst fI • l i - d ' 1 . k. • e e . otuto.y. our . riot: inter., to CU -IVI t , ol .1 to ... onto ,. ~,,,.,..t . , i . ~,,,..,...... 000 , rti , e, w oleo 1,1, MM. 011.110. en lit J 1, , ~ ~ ,,,I, 1., ~,. .. , ~,, ~,, ~, ~,,, , . 0 ~ ~, ,0 0,00 ~,,,, , ~ 1,, I, .., ~,,j, ~,,,, ~, . 4.... , 0 m. 0 ~ .. , . , . f auee otlc u iius t.... - in die 11, _ie.d IL one:, . _ ar-inau 0, NM a .41W .'. .vIV, toy install. e 11111011 , 1111.• Iliillii. I I ril a t' f .1 I 4. , , -t • ,ii.l ‘.-. i ri, , C.ntgreas a ill too hi a- •I Do 1,.. l.'s, on Saturday Mu 13th day of A t ,' I . • • . ' '-' '- ," " ' ''. '' '. ' ' ''' ''' i°g run'''. °I. w itt a • ti.. 1 , 1 ,, ..... t r; . , , , ,, . - ,.. , :::, 3 , ,, r,, ,: . , t i . , : g ry - ,, i ! , ;: r r ,z, , ,, !.. " . test-I ' S. ‘ ol7too l fd ruble. o ' ol 0 lo . iett ol t o " i d ,fi t" , r ! _ . 11. 0 11 .:, !! ! !!!"4! Ti!'" I"I!!!"" u"i '''!! 1.!!""! w!!! /. " r' P. i ' I . ,i ~, ~, , , ~, ..,,,,. ~,. ~,,,,. , ~ „ , . .. .. . . o i complained of Ix, that the county „I Dela- Mr,. en/mimed, awl yet the Judge charged the Louto. +. ...),...,:....: , i0 u f . ... , „ r i. :; .. 1t ,„ : , „. c .. , : , : ., u . ,, , , ,, , , :. ( 7:::::•. , -.., ,-........ it , - ware i s attached to Chester instead of 'jury, that Set. Or six credible witnesses, who moo me..., lore calamities 4 ~,;;; ; ;;;; ,1 we .i m it,,.,.l”libly eurntanoted town the minds of all, 0.. • . , ."' J' ,. ": . ~,, ~,,ob ~,,, „run, ow u,,,,,,,,,,„u u , 0, ~ ' is° " 1. fiY° 1 ° PP.' 4 ' Montgomery. Now we have heard it said I lost!, iy Soot they saw, reel Now, we I.llme , traa a an ,..., an d ler AI cr young. throughout the length and hreadM ! nd to ~,,,L ' tu p 0,, , :.,,,,,. ~.. u, ~,. .`.,,, u l P" o "to tio . ."*".• ..... that the whige of Delaware preferred being ! that the) ~ettrerind with Dr. P after the ellemd best attain this 0,j , ... by s i ~,,,,rky in (~,, f. ~, i 7,, i (~,f , ~,, ~ 1,, th, Or ow note Oildly alive, erena ...try. Theo 1 L. N.. ..,.. .. it,... ; . .... „......, 1 ., t; ), ? ,, , , , ,,,,. . , ...... .. Weehtag,.. t0,11.,v.1..M. it le i ...le:l . llnd Gen- 1 dra h ug d ht rm... r.spr i m.v e Of th e u.,..uou'i . 1, eral Tim , . von d . is`, OUT c aim A .t.e. , . - c meeting, witereurii. Timm. Ntriodwo, Albert t attooed to rower, 'menu. it is a wbig • lllllrtler. must hale Iseonnamakelt; and Mat thus 1.1.11.,i1, and knowing that among V al to . , 1 , „„,. ~,,,,,. ,„ ~, L e ~,, , ~. to th. 1,1, edit, of IL,; Ilwordoloy, Dor id Walt whe, James W. thckcooldgwirt lather than to be joined to Mont- lie:soh aro sufficient •yelence ot hie death-tims prompt and faithful oseeittiStr of treaties, t on" ! ""n o i ' Win C. Went for s rooter„i Doh re ' and by joatiee and inintalia!ity in our con- i n '"°, P r ''' ° "' •.t ... L . Mt ' "" `.. f ...*" 7' th rime Ur. Of ' file C4lllllll ' f ' :l: n i e •", Y '', ' treasury, rook r rho pie tut ilynesty ;mid Caton. ; tool Im Scott. were appoluted staid Committee. I g t h ' iti ° l7 . ll7. h t i ll e O h w W lil U ga ld hat d ii ‘,7" r r ig:tr i t!o e. enn it i t -11 . : I t C s : 7k g e * sliZt ry ZeetTL:n i clu " sitre..rod . pio a. si:i ' v ." ti tea: duet le ail. But . uation• Lowuvor de•l"" th's """°C 00 ' r dder ediaeatt. 1...Pe bad ; ° ... , a k a .. a pC.,.. e. 1,01, 1,, ~,,p0 n e „.. 'of then, hate almost if not quite forgotten it--we I WY...0 . hut htnie ...Tee.. . me. m ' nhrister• trio posh threddit elan. for millions of , mE.O. WALKER, r.,,,,d..t. I lain of an net done at their request.- . tinoony. ' 4 ,1 Witliaomort, oo t h o go, ot bo o „, 000 t; which , Julius ot mtenet "Lich b ~. be.. ....dating ' Abel earsedy. i sienna collisions with other powers ;mud the o e . ho , to oat"' Idina d b.f.,' the Nerk , ! ..„ w. d ' 1 s aei sple red adopted. for teem! What lye cimscorieuros aunt be, il l ; They also complain that Lancaster, with ' soundest dictates of policy require that we o ill Its: g.erally, aye, univereoll, seed; nod .1 ~.h en, it was ordered that the proesed - map . should place ourselves in a, condition to es- morel.. ne truths and 1 Warnings tit mired up ". . ( . h! • of 22,11011 taxable!, has but one of t h is nvontwo be publ , requirw, oo rept,. to no, tell Thero W ee r min! Ad f loouryboha Ran Road 1,,,,,,wg • a1 , n ,....d_ ishod le the 3t.trose conduct which, boom,. crannied or defended, nil Bart our rightP, if 0 resort to fore, Arad,' ~,„11,,,,,,de d ; At no &drowned meetingol thoettitens of Dim- senator ; but they horget to tell that Phil _ _ Democrpt,-and ia the Deniorrolle OVOIII In the al aatao . I [ td uo stouter o lie OM the i VIM become necessary. Our iocal situa- I w ) I jor) t.,. no., t . wk, Auburn mud Spnogyille, hold •at dte hones o y adolphin city is allowcol two senators,. one A nether Lthol halt. • counlio. of War, WN °ming end Rradferil. lion, our long lino of seacoast, it.d.utod by i . „.„ ~.. „,..„, r ,,, by „ form .. „ our preoved• (;;; motion, a . , ; d loudly partite. 'rho 100140 will not fait now to, Spew., llickces, en Saturday the 13th oat, of wbielo is tin a fraction of about 0 ,000. numerous Kaye, with drop rivers opeuing .„,... „,...,„.„,.„ too hat. 00100111, thel. comp - iced, i !!"! ! !reitionilmr sermons egdiad ...el motoortrres - G„„,,, w.tk o , ~. ~,,,,„,;,,,,,,d p„„id.„, o ,„1 while Philadelphia county, it Lich is demo-' (awned by the °firers.) lOW the interior, as woll as our extended , Henry Drinker , 0001 Coulon with a civil p ro. 1 uguiust loeoftwo defaulters-agrund Imams. ex- io do „„ , oboto ,„ son,.na.i. erotic, has a (ruction of over 111,1100 our t and still increasing aummoom, lllliii I. tO t.llO hoh let no „,...,,,,, hi , „ h , , , , ,,,,,, ir .... n .. tab. /haute 11.505.111100. , bravagance-. the part of all then/03116.80t the . The anent in view was to receive the repent of resented, is greater titan that ii. Lancaster! navy as our natural MOO. of defense It . ... 1 , , ,, „l ob ., ' oil d ,,, „too, the oo„ Cr.. lu the Illots. of Representatives, on the :Mt : tit„seni pure /11111 p.m: Item bey, with the ..cup- :. ['minutiae appended at a former meeting, to county, and also greater than that in the will in the ond , bo found to he too cheapest . . . inlet., Mr. Conger, from Now York, aubmitted ii ta m . ' Mr M"tratea• aim , for a ata..° . 1 .1.- I tind out by .11121 inspection whether a favorable 64-, ou which the latter has been allowed 1 t adduced In evidenm, him sought another anon and most effectual; ..1 5.11/W 111 tho 1t..,, I . . • moolutiou itutrutiling the emtnittue ou Penetrates bas and in fisauee, g e ts Moog very well tit e 1..-, dodo pr0 ... 0w , ~,,..„ , h „. h „.„,,, , , , th . ~.„ 0 ITriat . nr. If the Tinge senotorial district, ea fin his stole by brio a mu or behalf of the in a @moon of peace, and with an °Volt... to repo „ •• a 1,41 without. delay, to abolish the' deung,tbs abstruse.... of the Nystrom ley Ii I . ' e '!gete Gap Railroad from the paint whore it sink. Mr • latch to democratic, is allowed a settabor Vommouvroalih, whoro ho Imp. to • Out out ell I Mg revenue, that we tan, year after you, . privilege and for oho redo.. ofon nemothin • ever S lOW taxa hies, Flric,l P° o - " public "...try maybe a...ad , ''''''''' corer Yr 1 the 'Prantilssuneek Creek to the klesboppeo, and, b ' limee lut his awn and tho• ride ewer us ho ° 1 " 0 11 add to its stronght, without jeer . ..ming the , ."'" toll shed ;' ' alai crit ' sh us beneath the amen •ge to the uniform rate, sob propel& a Iwo the 14.• Ultt 10 the presort ....alienation betimes ; thot ,„ , rho f „„b o a ' o , d wyd,,,,,,,d die, ~tehich is whig, it allowed one . about the' burdeto of the people. It is }'our true "fit":.; . • °oat. ee .ttere weigh..., no mom than one-half, , exclusively the glory id he . ; ;be b ., ;hot oh , o h. ... , . o.oi , ....... . I , h. .„,, „.. same number ; so whatever may be said in peed... tufluonce. T. motor.. avouch policy. For your nar y . will not only pro- . il a I kind f r. door ere o doubt the "" t ".." fi '''' ° et°. "be. col Prelmid ; ...Pm - I allowed en etto.t . Y. ta Ow item. of a ( . 111m.nt...., „ tor tti to tho P oonto. The in T ow,ng in.,..1 roger d to these inequalities, it does note p- I toot your rich and flourishing commerce ill t " .... t eeo P ee e a P that ally injustice has be. done to Tiding that all newepapers within the county of , 10111.1. r, so to operate on his colleague., as b, oh- a bl end re I ' •we ado ed unaMmonal I distant seas, but will enable ou y to reach eau . thees which imlaced the ether Name :- Men loldnatiou, or the dromoco of thirty roil. of I lain wan, two Imildr..l thousand dollars of lute,' ' w: ;0 1„. " ,„ "t i. '" ;,...e.:. ° G .,t,„,„„ d c o „ , 1. ' w l dit °, a° • party. and annoy the enemy, and will giro to o n- ton. „ 1t"t :,""7 .... 7: r h " *" ... :, h i.d it""lmi°"l"n* ` i ; U....4...y be ~,,,,,,„1 thoote, the mall . 11 • ; .., 1„ tho „., ~if t, pr,..1 ,b. go; o „,„.. ; b .,. „ o „ ohooh „ o „:„ a . .... (... ~, , ;."`.° J . 1 There is oat diffienity in ',lnk it' a hill, fence its greateat officioney,by rusting don- to o cc' ot , c• , 't• c the Pe.. ef dr . no ,__, _.,___.,___, , uo o . ugu,„ I for half ao, slur), upon u debt that had boon pro 11,01, in Latuerno ...My, to the New York and with tho fullest intention to do justice to 1 gar at a digitize* from home. IL II impos- moony, In e.h and credit, of mere then on hoe ~7". -7' -.."'-• " ' P . ." . Ene Railroad ut the Great Bend, for the transit every part of the state. which will not bo I able, by any line of fortifications, to guard toseenen wn made to ii. introduction, whoa . To:only paid 11 Mod thousand dollar.. and to gratify his whit bf , , ; ; priumpatly of coal to supply the inem.ing and liabli too exception. The present bill, no 1 Mr. Potter, rem the cominittor iu question, re.. l .c., .... ir • Irk. car.. !great deurauil from Weetern New York. but iu every point from attack against a hostile ''*dkrii"n“.. nod th" of 'h. il.nk ,low sg**" amend that the eabject embraced in the reset ' " ' '""°"" th" !!."! ' goo o Nolen of this m.tiog, e rood located .cor- doubt, ermine:, tome imperfections and iii foree advancing from rho cosan and Meet- arch ow, Co. our faithful exp..* of Me hoods of . n - 1,, There is one Whig paper, it woos, 1.1 supare, ~ o 1 I • d ed ' I f • ualitic.. These are often Unavoidable a lto eoltne io last in Ito uncaring no bon remtd I n, reported upon moo by the P. o.' lo „ 0 r... he &hook, tr o tiel..hie oluader I '- ' ing its object ; but they tiro indispensable that meditation, s od the gram derallatiou cite _ o. _ . . ,„ _;;, ...„ , , , ; ; • ' • • • .11111i0,01, fn. the Tunkhmineck Creek to Owego, We bore out made nu effort at too forma t* protest cities from beutbardmeut; dook matt In fact, one of th e main this, - '" ~,,"'" r . " ~„.... • ~,,, %," P re r ... ed ~ .k.l arid that 16 the Oneida Mos.. In au article, would be more eondeeive to the interests of 0 • tion or ft bin fittrodres, and therefore, do yards and naval aneuals (rem destruction ; planed of laths iudictment, ie an article we rah- fit " t* " . 2%, " " ems II• nso.tim "the m - lin which it attempts to °to score a to° the r/./. eolllpany and al die wore limo mooch rows &Pl. net know how far we might have eoucurred to give shelter to =embank remelt in time lined en the 7th or nehmen lam, ia Mash we deo w.. ...r . • . 7 4 7, , ...h i l k o . trzo o rned i th . at he would i too, it odoooooe the w oo , moo that .. to o pin. t i ; r4 . ;; : o h l, ....,ti 1 ,...„f4 3 11::. t rl l la in the hill under consideration, had we hare of war, and to single ships or weeter squad- 55 0 11.51.15111 the eseidaet of all lbw who had had Pro „. Us b ., no d ou bt .°°°, k ° w.° ,?", m moat carmai h. iakan •• • meder "f e....." , me conveyance of coal, then Whored. will he - for- had 51 VOW° in making it, but We du know rens when pressal by a superior forcer.- the management OH. owner. al the Huh, in = _ on ''' ' ..-i''''''lt I , ha ' Te which the Trttmos thud die.: 1 ther promoted by opening the resource. of this it perpetrate. no such wronge ND the rights n sr would be found In farm ..f the re- , Fortifications of this description cannot La • gourd, bed . one individual M panknoter. N _ot „. d. - Yt e Ito. Ive t 00ute T. Herald that il demi county. of the peril& al QC wbig bill of it.ali.- 1..1111511101d the matter. The allownwe of Wei Therefore Resstred-That by the report of • too seen completed and armetl. and placed Ike Slightest *Onion was made to Mr. Drinker or '" nor P”P"." Nur do fro tl ! k I au , that so far as mote party . principal noon claimed to be due from the Fad . co.:tine, of whioll Georg.. Melt.. • . Chow- is a condition id the most pent et prepare- any oth so pawticolar iodivolital,either direct or In Chum. In ibe Cronin.. I I ! Gower ~,,, or dee, not •'• carry wen as a utter ' m nimi, u favorable route woe protected to their arrattfitmtcnt is concerned, Ite 0 t , T. h ove Jjoo. The abundant means we oelt punkin duct, ult. reader may windy hiomelf by refer- The maidnot of Memo -hawked. Meredith,' of eounie--quite Oro contrary. It is a axed rule; view, from the Tutilthanuock Creek, by Fitlits• an great lico of complaitd, and that they cannot be applied in • Manner more Iteald ring to Mat number a war paper. The metim John. and Ewing, relative le Me Galphiu chum,' oith our tiownosnout not to pey interest on Creek to the summit between said creek and the hail bolte rreEeree their indignation her to the poetry ; and when this is done and that tore prompted Geo Proceeding., therefore, lo touch eoudemned by the Leedom Whig. at 'Ch r Y a n t ..° "1 . 1 ';'" le! ,n it n aiay.)• stn&l Neel Luau mid *lance he v..? Made° . 1 .9. - some more appropriate .eartinn. We re . ed..% launover rop s Inlow, ono of the head breeches of the My -90, naval force sufficiently etrengthoned, ..y he epp o w o ot or. o 0, 0 „.. It 00 ,,,,, b. . Waahington stud olowliere, "" • " h "Mn t "..". rey y thould ' he t ' lly to tliatiouted and prated, aud ' ahoung, gard all attempts to perry - winder and de and our militia erased, we need not fear t0ad...0w.. hisfair mom, feu. nod snail;' .he Cebinet . intorretinty demanded. Groan nye. mat ...hum ores really due up t o Moe time, and: k r „,i,„.,r_m o t ort 'h. ',m e ow ddik o ity i o PHI*. the Poilde of an equal representation that any motion will wantonly lomat us, er whom would Ike te hal. the public believe, for n there leo. he ohnume,.. and amt w _ass • o io the 'of ~ 1 514f510 1510 i..5....... 5 5 ......, 5 5 ..,,, 5 ., 5 , 5 , 5 1. w e paid' mere... he attaining thia point, it is Anther roc, ./° ditally wrong, and we do. not lichee, uoselloeeki t iesevoke hostilitiee. We shall ~,„, .......,, ~.._ . •-- , .... wit iu crows ot name.. of nen twenty who line oity ...,_„'_ • ±,,t`:•';';.:' .., ~.`._'"'. ." ...7' ":'' c. ~,,, .-ed!rd . 110 1 ,, the am. no't'e hit Neu , bm. that nny iortv. that does it will gait, bv it o.on• o••• ...... ,-- . . ...." .. .. 1/151Ch Me fasts mold bo given in eekleuee. opinion on lho subject.° Thu of come, conce. l wo i n '77. ° " n " , 1` .. ... o l , •Ir o Z o r o r , m7 ,, V , e , r n m uo t , r , o . 1 the c lyi, Meng and doom the Neel. r a. the in tlm cud. But the idea of rho whig Isar-' wen understood that we are prepared for table fur tiro roud. • ma t earn the &nano... of the conduct ef may ha so lo,en 111.10.e111 of RICIS paymoul, hut' ' Dere/red-That: Itoihead Immune th e fore- ty eurdertaking to retook° the democracy I gendomea d implicated. ; they out have be. a ,t , ,y rem imha. The gu/14 rouzo is gauntly recommended by this meet. by hohlittg indignation meetings, about ail A corrememleat of the New Yolk Express F r .. ' 1 , 1 ' .. ... 1... ':: I '' . '" ° , " . "'.7 thh.• every toe. le the hr. Place...l at ' , no". M krtt aptoirtioament bill, is ono of the nio.i far (rhis paper,) lb. speculator hr regard lu who' 7 "r . !".1' "tie " :r . G' ir i r i,r -"'y I" I ' " ' d " ". ` • "'"' d "."' It' '" 4 M°"." cruel nod ridieulcos thin, that Ilea ever I run, angry "''''' so ~,,, '. . we Mom. dry ' Crook turd the Goan Llso.d. Secondly the 6.- V/ill b• galled to take the plan. or llzu grem ojcet• yean ago, aid' .1.4 hue ever reseed to pry' 'hen of beam itibutary to the Ede Reamed Corn- to'n ' ' n- '' 1 • I d f It is not ratan rebuking ode: l more thou Poo Millirem tat wry time owe. Ott pony will be avoided • and dowdily, the um.. of sin, but sat. caning attention to his own °lt is bellow. that neither flay, 'Webster unr ; lini'"":l* ''Boars . pay" ''''''''`' on the ; this comity will be developed Mete thou sty Oh- wickedtmes• --- Crittenden wooed ewe juin 111515. to ricrod 1.., u IT" '::"''' ".." ' w ""... ""; : M.. "' " ''''• I '''. Mato Deparionst. Mr. Rim. now at Paris, and "." '''''' • ...Y . "" '°'''''''.... , ame. I Resole...to-Thal or it Is the intent.. of the Mr. Winthrop are erotism of for that impound i W ho rT., ~...., ounce you provoke 11, that that i IL,r 5/55 5.• t o med..' Company or d e r a eur. pO6l. 815.151 Me 111.ves be culled to it, and Mr. ~ ,..'“,, P it.",.,":0, 7 ,1 „ -°:,m, " "or, -; - „.."/ .l I P dr to tome i° '... if ti. eitia^es of Star , Winthrop mat Munster to Frau the torrent,- '-- --- ""' -.-" "`"'• t't ."" ' ° Mtelmmto ...OY vb..' M. 0.". me eot'es" ,,, ddddi , ddd , hd , d pow .. ono. no .. John Do., none, vain/ of cat etuatst. lf We peymeut of will moiler s MI6 orowiunts with time arid mean, vie has numer.s friends oil over lle conotry , who ' . ',7''' ° 7::: -.. 4,44- ,4 44 .44.-...... d if that it Wad..able to take op mbrcriptions for thio donee to see In im at the head of dm Treasury 1.. ~ , ,. ;..11, i .,. , T l•mus ore there.wyotd mid porpese, /11,1 that it io further recommended to all panto., putt 1. °lgo. and t. I reorien t yam' persons situated ou tha proposed route . else ev- . John 801 l arenaeseoe, end Mr. hlcKemour a 4 I.. "''',; P''''''" ' ":.'" ''" a .. . , .. the 1.. k, - `,/ ...,nonce m vise Pew. le the r•adimor 1 ." I Pommy..., ore highly and warmly spoken of 0 1' u " "" . 1 " ' 4 I' d ' '''.''''''• .• Ih° " ""K" la• " . ..a. for the W. Ihriertment. • /snot them loom like- ' ' d. ° P . " ...".. ") "."ii. M'atio r, °Tonal- R, same!-'bat the tuegoi, pree„edinge hs ly will receive the ormoortniont. Thus.. Butler ing the deenTot of the prop.,r and ha, ollie, r, tli,w, pubhslietllllthe dusqoehenue Register and Moo Kin, is the mitt ersal fem. ol the whigsand the, '''''' "I you that the thing won't do, turd that there ' um. Dement. otheere of the Navy fur a. 1,... or Se... y id ; Tr' '''''.' " 't' I ''' °"`''"" ,u t" ' C '' ..."' Yo.' the N., it t some 110.4 r •t. Lor porvor-ti. pre,," . Tho au John C. C 11.., rho Hon. Col. L E.' "•''', • '"'"'''' "M. (.' Lk. ' Loon r ''''' ' " , „nut Moab, end the Hors. Truman Smith we stmlieu b.e. n•': , tit to wool iit r,ll , 21,15 i, dim et ill dusk' Sono, of the Who: prom , . net up a great shout, o f „., 55 .,1, j. 5 ~„5 „ ,5 555, „ „. 5 1. 5 ],, 5....,.„ 5 ,..1 5 1, ' 1, , e ;" . ' , ... d.. ...7 . , , .. , " .. . , .. 1 .'“ , ;:atT . ....th r`a b i: 'over the same. of the Whig ticket tit Rhode Is , 4 the Ilatoder mid the A. , Mani r Gi aorehthiP. m '',.' ',' d m' d , d ; !..,°.. , • 17„: ' b o r . : • ; o n = c o ; load, Y11)51 the Now York Globe. They we grate. I 11. " . Lob. ' 1.. "• t.t o tit° .1. 1: "' With ' . "" t " '' ' ' t, .c I ' •'- ' - .- " ful that Ili a tie wt. defeated them For mongol Governor of 3liminuppo, is now ill the any, and rat - ' °w 1-0 °.'" ' retnatu unchanged. warmly urged fur the &Bee of Piret A!....13111 r i . .. t . ~.,, ~.. . fl . w hs , : L . - - I '..ore their gradual. is top. and overlies , . ing.l Pwarunter General, in Oise,. of al ej. Hebb, to: '' ""'"' "' • ""•'; - , "„, , -7- IP" , wk. expected that in the Alserino State the Do be remora d. I .rally, ...,• ' lt° Eh ' .° 'O n° '''''''' fit ' , """" ' mocracv had any clam@ to .ccess ' The Whigs The great agitation emotion will not be willed woo. of the enotinit) and prolligaey ins dyed 01 , , .i h , , , tod Terry by Congress derma he piesent ..... 'fie., the G o t p h io ,fir,,,,,,,, I, , e0 ,,,1 y . ...,,,,.. ,1 i, i •" . '''" r "n "" " ' '' ". ` icier.. Rhode blond end Vernier.. the Mo 1.1 scorns to 10 - • the gcnerally tame dot 0p... 0/1 MI oh . ;. , ; ... ~, „„, to ~ ; '......., ' • s • widows No Tengerial bilk eau I, inuLd throligh ". '", ""' •'' '" '•" ''' - ",' '' ° ''"'- Alai,. mid the other a ten ac.. 515111111 NM °MC I both noun with or reit.. the attach.. of Taylor Irmo all coanoet, iu with it, end to attach , 0 1.7 „,„, soon . , boor o , boro oto; „„ by , L_'• Wilmot.° In the Home .0 would lie uld.g. Ate principal portion tit the Maria. to three mom- it ., Domooroto t . . or • bing tone. . 1 khe eta." 1 . ". :-rate .l ...I he : here ot the uotwt, M.-. 11, redith, of We 'Freasury I meek .byat li ant ten majority. tialiforma . . department, Mr. Limp, of the Hoino deporiment, wiII Mier a whdo, b.' ednotiod, but not till a row lakes place in Ow Hots. of a disreputolde n0t.... and Mr. Johnson, the Attorney Getters!. The I Tide is 0 lly adruntod. I hope that it rimy ! Wnsktemin t Repub. &Meetly deeleres that the' not be se, was new seen... Iherodent bed nod., to do with 1115,0 4115111114 Ilp --. - _ - ----5. lea Om Treasury. TM ,tatententere think rather utiforuniet, beton.., c o con perceive no differ cute le. tweet, the e Airdrome at a system of oksme:c. plum!, 0.. I the wilful miglect to weal the i .e., or I. .owl ilia plunderer le du i gorge hie ill-gott a . re. The rotenone, how.- or, to Aught all 11. , rorponsibility trom the likeed-1 Jere of the Prcedeut tipm them of the Cabinet, ' are weir ao we would openr rury high-mioded r men holding WO ":dose wooki scarcely be willing 1 to brodt. Thee...peace of granting tho intern( on thiell old elaim wen wordy to bo Metareau. It le EMI that annseram application an row roads to Cu rer, far the interne or old claims agar.* the Government I and we brat. that Eloennosy Ew ing hemmers', allowed natant kr CM/dun mi ornament., whisk won dieallowed by Palk'. Ad. Inanimate. In presenting to you, my fellow citizens these parting compels, I have brought be fore you the leading prineipkie upon which I endeavored to administer the government Is the high office with whieh you have twice honored me. Knowing that the path of freedom is continually besot with enemies, who often assume the disguise of friends, I have devoted the lest hours of my public life to warn' yen of the dangers. The pro- mum of the United States, under our free and happy hishitutions, has surpassed the most sanguine hopes of the founder. of the Republic,. Our growth lies beep rapid be yond all former example, in number., it, wealth, in knowledge, and all the useful arts which contribute to the macron and convenience of mail; and fnut the earliest ages of history to the pro out day, there have been thirteen million.; of pcurio associated together in te.o p ,litieal body, who enjoyed 40 muck freedom nod 1mppit0....3 as the people of them United Mates, You have no longer any cause to fear danger from abroad; your :growth tool inner aro well known throughout the eivilited world, as well as the high awl gallant bearing of your sons. It in from Within, 1111 ii rig y .w -eaves. from cupidity, from oritrUptiors, Iron. disappointed ambiti•aa, nud inordinate thirst for power, that faction will be formed and liberty endangered. It it agaiust em h do signs, whatever disguise the acture Witty Ps- BUM, that yin hero especially to guard yourselves. Vitro Lore tiro Merest of hu man trusts committed to your care. Prori deeee has showered on this favored land; blessings without number, mid ban chosen' you as the goardians of freedom to pre.errei it for the benefit of the human mee. May He, who holds in his howls the destinies of nations, make you worthy of the ferurs he i has bestowed, and enable you, with pure' hearts and pure hands, nod sleeph.s. vigi lance, to guard and defend to the end of, time, the great ebarge he has comtnittl to' your keeping. My own race is nearly run; advanced) ago and failing health warn mo that before sag I moot-paw beyond the reaeh of hu- I map events, and cease to feel the vieini lades of human affairs I thank God that my life has been spent is a land of liberty,' 1 sad that ho has given me a boon to lone my 'wintry with the affeetion of a son.— Aad Alla with gratitude for your oonstant and unwaring - kindoese, I bid a IW and alhotlonato farewell. ANDREW JACKSON. Da. W 's Cent—Bo mush been already mid and written en this en. tiserdinary two t h at very little remiss for um to say on the subplot, except that a very rhang of dWpproktion is enter mwasli a lialest the viediet. We bow that la OM ty thojedge• of the Mama. maxis, ft/maw with it largo majority of the mein km et Um W, have impressed a very do. Alai °plata of Its illoplity, and we also, have realm to know that the Bench awl! Dar el Philadelphia, as well as those of saw large sides, share le this opinion, and well they may, fat never before was any era hand platy of warder on mash deader testimmy.— N. Y. Weekly Usher's. I Dot we will not protract our nemarko upon this matter further at present. When the proper time comes for testing the fonudations of his prneeen time—Dank persenstions I. may with propriety say—we shall endeavor to meet hint. Illuanwhile we give blot and all ether pinions notice. that such 1. thing as reeling our lips in relation.. the Bank of Suoquchanna county—to =weak the perm, in fact—hy preeeentions of this kind, will have no ouch effect as he and they may untieipate. We hove token up. Um ride of the peoplo, who have been robbed and phiudered by that abominable owindling shop out of thousands nod hundreds of thousands; and a I all the libel emits ho or they may pile upon the record. of this county. against to, Alai' froghten as from faithfully adhering to their rewa. When... therefor*, we me any thing WIN,: that has not hien exposed,. relation to said hank. wo eholl fearleesly .spore it will. the hinds ;air..tied to the prom; end should the tint. con.° x 1.. n the Lt.g.slatiro coontaitho .1.41;1 tuako a eau:clang sovaatigatioa of the end,. and innottg , usent of that Itsalitution, we abut! mark the eurloont o,sportonity to lay tt,o rrault of their la- Vl,llO.Mi/1111 before the public eye. Item .41•11 the peer the people'' , righipmaiebun Vumwod by Indite.* mid unbribed by gain.” ==l As umurcl, me hat , hothiug °Chilton., Tba sp. pa.fiatnout 11,11, twined to by both Humes, ha, ing 1.1,n t. bud Ly the Governor, .d fa.bng tu Inc pu,d by it mutat...owl indjui 1111 r. Pack er tiarodue«d a new atm hitu due tbalate,. Mon day. wh:rb, if it p.m. ws WWI publish. It altar@ our S. ttttt ;al Dm net b) making it enuodat of Sas. goat:mai mid Bradford uatatib• only. It .1.. dltste tqat Wiser &one.. pa,od a bill en Weduesday, to eorperota the W 3 urea% contaty ineursae• eampa Lie‘ end evelifieetsene of the School Law ere be. togdinv.wd. Tho bill the ..11‘ onto Edell. Fen.' la .1111 he, e.l the Hemel. Iteaohthees tortruettug out Senator. sod mem- Imo of cool:no« waxen their iufluoueo to Avor Of, oh. rake:tie:l of poologo bow. pomd Oho Ildnu• eneohnoutly. A bill to • net a are eery eat of parr of D.d ferd is to called Maar ham pared both braaebea The roper of re erestuitame of orforoar the beak bill was teeelrd ..d adopted (le to 10) by 01. 11.0.1 F It wea aro rode to ro Haese, bat ma rad rim. It I. maid that lb. bill hr mirror Bernd alteratleaa is iseamiltoe. Th. ton to ',mow Wainer wag w...( Iwo dawswiwaisie than 4111 woad dta How ma Maw day—ewe M. .y. 97. The n...... WU was eseerlsemaists et Waft satiess,llol sppeeptialla LW yet Amass I The nom la sweat le the rewesata at the Mhos bleach I. wents am 6. 11116. aaaaa sea limos 1111.. n. he Way Ms bus sooolood. It ooeSala• thrums asipayingo, ahem grislob la Thep ihaent. The Dasolss issaea,— Waablayaill Mhousase, W. th heals. aro Bona W Imo eisor, &mist Marthoos, Plot Has, Illator Leh. ashes, Roc Jahn Told rtad odsore—Sl Y NI- 1 Abasolbar, tbirsoosbar of &stale@ la very at traqhm. la tbo 3... somber ha publisher prem ises • Porbsit ..d Illognoby of Jaw lid, Um Wier la is per./ by MN Fordorlka Brows, —..d willow Imo ta ml 111 remitted hos et poni -11,111 mean a.. *vim et that reasksit , During the Taylor end /Austen ePrapaign of Itti t i the winda berth.., of ou the stoop cad through Our press, saye the liurrieburg I:elan. wee lbw to,, which lied been made or the vote power by Ilentooratic Proideuts and Govern ; ore. "Thu will of ilia oteple, as exprered time their representatives in Congress and the state Legislature." tees net to be thwart. d I.y the mum.- Gip of the" Co. ewe peer," and tier. Johnewn pledged himself la oil his veining to abstain from , samba adr vete, If sleeted. Well, he was aaled by lb. skin of his teeth, awl from the weedy of the ant Legtolateni, afterwards, he has been raider and meow i as rulers cooaidese he has throaWsed hard abet ho would dieregard He pledges, has asked Iba.44.gieletwe is pr Preto or& to bdt..nal asd e w6,h.e netsally psrpotrotad woe mail stews. Up.. the pomp of We Ap portionment MU, however, hie WI/wake Ives .testa, end he ealiod .p the felddid of Dauphin seenty t. hook bi In • grand Indignetien meet ing, whisk efts hold Is the Cease Hewn le ski. Owe, es fletwillay nigh& Tensible enemas. were nods, end brier eesehetbes wore adopted—snit- INN sews Wldgp my, by the Hennes himself.— The gnat Whig *three was alleadmeed, end hie I, otones*, wee &led ws I.We west Wenn. worm to Mee hie mighty mt. and alio the will et the people as exponent through their ropownitelives.. "AU the world end de real of mookimer may, thorehro, stand prepared te end THE vim NUN Anti-9r Gerstner eU rennsylessio. tr Mr. Callbsea'. fatally ...j at . Mb. her ma hod two daaghlono. Ilia agate la valved at $100#IX). Maw Ya• MT O•. Liam, by 0.0. Anlo, 40 •t ^ Now York ia 00...," I. lb. 010 a 1 • p•sp►lol of 6100 130 pop, jar yolahead by MING ••d Dampvt, T,b•a 11•11dIng• N. Y.. so wbe we an IndAlcd be • aapy. 111. 1• Nana, an .opM of the my 0•10 of ihninar sad aarnspbea. W. dew. tay rke, debamalawy, arinst. slaty .01 lase 0 dno pat 00010110 ,•d ••y am wino has • loath frr nook noadiag, 0111ba ds•d bigbly imonrl•g—PM. 7b oo•u 117'A ma maid Wires, hoe li.. Ter (for ear liar eimareied riga re o. emna7.) err inured Is wariagre ea Theriley mars I.M. and read dead IN ble bed bride hi. beide IM sea evereirg. 1 Mou GoLta—Tha atoanaldit Ohio antral at Pima York lam Charm ow day Wt Ina ad* or WNW taw of pad demi. MIIIII CT lieu. F. H. Elmore hair been appointed in succeed Mr. CaAmin in the U. b. denote, the Govenior of Mouth Carolina, and hos accepted.— The appointment wee previously tendered to Gen. Jaime frontal., but declined, nit lie bad ammo double of Ms eligibility le the Mali.. Jta C.Lnouxl RE.1.{...43 — at Seabrook, of South Carotins, has appointed • moues eft twenty-five If•otktneo, cilia, of Chaska,. to pressed to W.hitagtoo for the wpm. of steels. kg tad earplug to his Miss state, t h e mai., of the Not. J. C. Calms. Tar berencstesd oseseptio• law has possod eleo Haw of Itespnaosioeiros en ►pow York. by solo of 67 to 34. It b.d already passed due 8.. M.. sad it sow only rapines lb. *sobers of Met anew to kootwo s low. 'TIN eremovi.lol.ooo Ina, orison for debt. IT Mr. T. J. Compilell. Clot of t►o N•tlwol Haub of Itspouie•tadwoo, who hill bow in for ' Nom thus pow, dial at hie Nolan.. I. Wallow N• w listarday him. Of emu • sow sh•Uw wip bo homoi•Wy hold. B. 11. /mob, 164., • fanner Cloili {lbw body; it Is demo& will I. hie moolowir. Pramoutur ens TIM acatproarte—ie the title of a Metre *mini Ya o.tsp.llMWp of Mae: .d the Christian Ilesslatim. It le pablishrod he pamphlet lens by Twists dt Width 131 Nmeemet., N. Y. M'omoms am Tam Porem.-111. Laildaho, of llWhips has Jaw repealed dm malmlaa• b anally bar teaalan d ismamadm la Caw= la vati. f. the Mimi rem*. Gen. Cam promalad the last readmilem le the PeaaaN! wehh peat gratilleadaa, eaa day hut weak. A donation of e 20,66 bare boon moae to the wits and foxily of Prof. Wobabit tba Aims of Bootoo—Dr. I'ariwan widow beading the Hat with WO. , •To warrant a conviction in the one of Prof, W., three facts must nereasarily have been established; tie: Firm, that Dr. P.. was dead; second, that the remain, found in the Medical College were libi; and tidal, that he came to Lis death by riolenee, com mitted with weapon. calculated to produce death by the hand of Prof. Webster. Now where is the evidence, area that Dr. l'arkman is dead ? True ho has been miming since the 23,1 of November last,. and tho rearroneble stoppluitiox is that he is no longer among tire living; but nothing shoot of proof positive, that such is beyond all pa:lion the loot, should weigh against • man wile i.. trial for the murder of the oni...iag man. About the same time that Dr. Parkman disappeared no mysteriously at Boston, a man also disappeared maidenly at Elinioa, by the IMMO of Salisbury. Be was last scen on a bridge in that village in , Court Proceeding.. ; eranially with a eutinie of ruffians; aed hie 011.010 Jour —True Bills totted ye.: horse. and waggon, with sputa of blood up .loshun Stage ft r Akmolt and Batter) n — the latter, were the best morning found IS. 1). William. prosecutor; 1/I.e or. N I).' near the Collie strut. Ihe two Men were I ,:ralt der for Assault and liattery—Williano intrusted, brought to this village and shut I Mt:liceby primeelitor; one vs. 0. 0. Hemp-: up in our county jail en a charge of mu tate:al for libel— 'bury Drinker p re secutor; doing tine missing ran, but florally escaped lone t a Baits 11. /10,,eff and Josiah Will- ''• by the skin of their teeth," being fully lisle. for Asmodiaird Batter) - L.,bor t Bus. I 0;u/witted for trial, although many thought rOll pr. /...1111 . ; one es. oeo. W 3layl Co i th at th e iringistrate did very wrong Miele for keeping o tippling house-11mM. lice- I ring them at liberty. Well, the sequel of bas pro..ecut r; 01 .0 Peer er V. Poo, for itilis 1113 sterious disappearauce—this sleet j As,,olt. and Batter on.) ...-Johor fined pan- ! ca:c of murder, as many conceived it to be !ecui, ; n.. 0 rt. I: mints Scott. for keeping '—i. already known to our readers. The l a tn. lily lini.v.e; an I vs. Can•illie IA- . missin. , man Sali,hury returned to his bone lie tool 'lei rift Lillie for .%r.sault and Dal- !two or three Seeks ago, and related that tr-ry - Geo. W. Crocker pro...qui,. 1g- ' the whole time of his absence was totally tarred 0!10 vs. Jobe Birdsall for petjur)— . 101 l to him, and that his returning reason Pet, rV. Dunn proeecutor, who was rem- i a few days before hid re.appearsnee found tented to pay the costs. :him away off in a back district of Tompkho . Cor no —Elisabeth Ellin, by her brat 'county. He remembered being in Elmira friend and father Josiah Ellie, vs. Alien !on the day of his dimappearance—remem- Den I .jr., slander. Verdict. guilt;--dam- , b, rend being on the bridge in cowpony with I ag. s .1500. Rule for arre4 of judgmeut .11re two men, but he Lad no recollection of I granted. Comtnomeaith v.. J...11ua Stage anything further until some time in the —,1,.'.1. plead guilty and teas cemented to mouth of Mach, when returning reason re pay a fine of $lll. reeled to him that Ito was a long distant* ' Wright and Bennett vs. L. M. Green, from home. Now wo submit the question, appeal. Verdict for plaintiff' for $44,54. was not the pr.,: of death in this cam quite : Commonwealth Snyder for as strong as in the ease of Dr. Parkins? Ansuilt and Battery— verdict for defend- lint, answer. the champion of warder k I not, null prolocutor •enteocud to pay the the latter ease, bow do you account for the I costs. ;remains found in the 3ledical College? We ..... 1.„„,„,, „:,,._ o „ m 0 „d„,,,,,,,,,..„„„„ „,,,,,.., answer, this is not tor Prof. Weisner toms. lam LA o n re ,,,, a t ~....;„ .„,r,„,„„ of ,I. into oft count for. Ho myo he does not know how tr , ,c,probilrinnelionices of the Peace. Aldermen,. they came there, and that Le dues not be e„...bk. 0,.., 0....... m„, i. 1 .. „.„,......r; Hove that they are the remains of Dr. P. f. g u,,..„,,,,,,,,..., 50 ; ,o,„ H 0.... o r ft,.,,„,„,:,,; Ilere ho leaves the whole mystery for his lives of ash Stara by the failowing role: aum them to prone beyond all reasonable doubt ILusrs. Beont, liiddle,Brito- ' ".autt'r° to "ye; nosh it devoim "sit YRA-31e „l ik . B ur d en. co „„, 0 ,„,, h , Covagham , I Gm identity of the rellaille, before eves the Cridland, Dobbin., Downer, Dunn, J. c , death of the miring man is established.-- Henn Feather, Finlotter, Gibbonney, G n i_ I or, Griffin Onfroy, Haldeman, nas this identity boon establisher's* elm, it... g , iy Out no doubt remain.? The oh= Hemphill, Henry, Unpick Jackson, Klein :is Dr. Kap, the amulet, who sweets that ,' eke°. railed upon to " 'M. gablilb Laird, WOulloch, lileurdy, Mari, mo„ Meg a , Morris, mani.an, Mowry. Num.. certain artificial teeth fonadin the eary i Noe, Packer, Pierson, Porter, Riley. Rob, ! k W .., furnace of Dr. Webster . s labersam7, 1... n o m.. 13..11„,.. pier.,,,,, W. A . won made by hie fee Dr. Perigees same !Smith, Eleedwr,llteward, Teens, bey, IN'Oalmoot, Bpeeker-50. ; make of • lateen body fred, were mei wok g....' three a fear years ego ; but the astral se. , identified, and so far as any porker near INsre.--Hewn. Acker, Allison, 8e1.._,. .._,. e .„,.. , ea .,._... .....___, „....... n. 1 ,.... Upon them were eoneented, were just •• ; i 7C' E r -p.,.- W m. - x ,.- - .7 . -ii win - g -3,,,....,1ikay to have bete the regains of gam Hop. n 0,„„,,,; • f object brought to the College for dhow- Ferrer, tii. Hart, L. Hart, Jones, Kinker Kinkead, Leer, Leonard,: IX.. °. thee• of Dr. Pkrkmo. The _.,_ .iira- I Little, K'Cfficir;ek, WLaeghlio, 1 1 FLitemI teeelt r e ef the wile ": " 41114 we. ' MS ' Millet, Niarky, O'Neill, Powell, Reid,ltuth- upon by Die Judge and Jury ,a. sstablitk• .6. 1, su m w.. s..b , 8..... 8.41 ing the identity of lb. reds, pod Ike Stockwell, Wade, Welker, Wi nkel.—do. ! i "RktiO" Owlwithrnedin ein rerun • .• Whiggery neat feel sheep over , nothing sheen threes teeth, by wide lb they of another 'Milled Media that thew wee the Oooosnieul elation, ea well as ever i weld be identified hoer any edam osprey its leek plurally, sire its advent to power. idly after hewing undergone the poser of in 18411 Not an election has barn tarried burning in thk foresee) tweed apoa ibis by it awe that period, aria( and ereept. evidenee. They seamed to tssaaider the ing, whiple we Week ever will renahr arr. jedgenest of Dr. Keep infalliLle, and thew ing exesption—the vicious little lkitish to act upon the fiVenlpiioPl that the iders- Cdooy of Rhode lased.— Wiikeadsrre tilkation of the artificial teeth, royal ihe Fanner. ports of a body fared to lake( to the body The prisoner sub...toted moon ciAarly which alone, isi accordmica with all criminal gOOO - should Imre acquitted him, even though rhn evuleuce of his guilt bad beau lon fold mom ctut 111C1111, OHM it was. The folloa sag candid remark. which I Bad in tb. Owego Gatotto." of le.* Friday, I would like to hove you publish in connection with tbao article. That a tram of circumstances was prov ed, tending to cast suspicion on Prof. W. so the murderer of Dr. Parktuan, is on all. hands conceded; but was the evidence sufficient to atablish the . tttttt lesion of the crime hryond all reasonable doubt ? ll it 1%. 11.— a a single doubt remained, the law entitled the primmer to the benefit id that doubt, and the Jury were bound to. acquit hint. Nor has aPI veins a right to go beyond the evidence adduced in the trial of a cause, in making up his judgement up on it. Ile must take the facts andeireum stances proved, and if they leave no doubt of guilt upon his mind, he must convict— others fee us acquittal is due to the seem od.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers