. - .. libertilli Sale. I N. Y. IS Ede Railroad 11D1 1 11 . 0 "". - ~,,,,. 7 k., • ' Atltta tit 244144" tatoblir. ! i 54.71•7 of ron./..1711. athe 07 ' . O r * ' I ',.. ; . 1.'"..".. . " ..../.. " ''''';.';"."...'" 8 •` - ....., -- - - ... --- ...=.4•:1 F REIG H T LINF " a. / ..:::: ..... , • FrI •7• 111111 -I4 1 I r ~' f ' • •-• • '•••••• "." 1 •••• • anew.. Jep •M 3 ..:111• ohs =le., so aweeby Orb Ow a .411 sew, m mlit VA smistanore ...0... 1 ". ...41 . ••••• ••••• r W-01.......0.,. ......,C0RWAR01N8 LINE FROM GREAT BEND, , .....,;!:,',.." • • - •i.i.. •-' ' " ~/..01P4 emse by mose seo... Wen N.. emer teD tte " a . ' '' relplrrete ' lett It re V•"rent cf.,. J. YIIOIIIIIIO 111 L) ~._, - ,:-..,, e.mir...... - 7 ,, -.....‘` - ' 1•DBMIHEiWIMMII1B• : mrp... • =e.060...... • • =.4...• eitPlllol I 11103WHON ham eadoemageenee.. ha., • do ei . mMearlp demehed. ...Rd Did . Ufareard. SM. bemernOrmat he... Ne• York hp 4--••••••••. ••••••: ••••••• ~.... --m.em-- . V. L :, e lf e , ••• . • r * r thir: LI. ant til ••••• teMe, .: er.. Om., W.4rme, Rm.. I the Nee etet• 0....m.4 me. ••••••_, esed.._ ........ Ole ewe. ' ACTORIf ....red Warm.. rfestale. ' Tem a ii ~...7...t, ‘it ..,..... ....... ~. ...t, ..• .z. l -....... ..-: '7 w t . :rt . , .....- - 71=z;,% - ;g= ' Dr. B. P. TOWNSEND'S Wean •••••raed to acknowledge that rail.. Temate. . aer ....er..- . 4 . .. At , . h=r, „ „,„ , .... No la .., Ilk 116., rea al. stem Ilemer';_._, ..,, me_ ............ e _ ... , head. mom Mele Me ••••••••••••••.... 0..... 0.,... T p .. ....W. • ••=,,• r.°Ny• ..11•011.0 MIN.A , OW M.... ••• then • .. a mi r mi. "": th. "" .. 1 .,,......M.r.:.4. P.T.1.E ." =.7 4 ' pr* ,head. V ..."" t t rt ".•• • " "j'ar .".. ' IT" W. r •=1.7:11 “ = " . rt . ra1 , .." rao XI. SARSAPARILLA 4 lONW.TII Mbideill•eY DC" km•• • fir. 4 ' r " . ilietiraMatelettt.' .1. Pe.. bosh Roar,. . Lip, 0 1.1,72, p p .= ' . o, 6 4 . : • .=„,po t f e te ea..* to .........;71,.... amo as a who 71 ...est reduction ur la- • mernmater P. ,we Per. era ...mut ~ „tto mance seatan Uwe. Y. 114;bote . • . to 7.1......... 0. t.,r.,4.= ". ..... w ..... rui leaking of Ilia p, 4 ! "'"''''' ''''. • 1 O. " a ' n • ''''''''' 1 .7=.14 ' ,.. ' :. " V.1=T....:.7...... ..'.....",' 1.600 , 000 BOTT L X I Yet, remain looredulente and pet.'.. in *dug ths .2,,,,- ; . ..,..,,,,...... :„ , .......„ .. ....Z.. I; R... tOreen,l4•l4 • ymumfrom dome Must: Clem ma Deese crelesatehie.• hIANUFAH.TUDEn YEARLY. leant I. olden time. instead a adopting Chore 1/..,t1f . t.: „ 1 .= „ 7 „ 7 . , rer &ere= which would seduce their 011eml leer.. 1146 of nomensto., etoneworree , Pl•:• Sheriff's Sale& , ' lr...ta ' nur.,:r. ' , eN ...... nu Mown deihment at ' 1. .• .....• .... . W. 17. Morass, seweet Men New Do 60•04166, 11 *es 13 T.. W mad, ma... oat et Me Caen 6 Me..., 1f.... OM beer P.P.., prat. Ilmtr 50 . lrthi• 'IF mile " 4 •• ••• allratitets., • we. • Maas.. I . „. ' Dl,lmuses PI.. ot dueembreatee County, 6.1 to me . Oren& Bead, Apr a, Ign, , JW. FROMlntral _ I 100,000 Oa. ad 01.7, Dimatea, York, ...Om • ""••••"" ••• ••• " ..5)1 1. ' 1,7, • 4===ei11... " .I ' i:tr. '''. " 7 ti=loir.==tr tha b ,ll , ..tietta ' y ' r C reTt ' N. Y. A E Railroad! - ............. Tea Wears -11mee lee... .me w mMelm. by S. W. WOWNSZIN. has bd. clearly pawed O tt Oia i.e... in n 00 r t ap,......., „, • w........, l• arab ea sae Web.. P Id-Allot 1.1 meet. ;Ime?..: eteey ••••• 101 l do the work with a *mule home, tr„ 1 ,1":=4: m. • rri fo.Wr,., P I ''''''",' '''''''''''''' ''.." ' ".1. ' ... " ' "." EVERY BODY'S MA RK E r LINE , gooey ore .mbenes .4 ewe a mamyhm. I EXPOSE. a fatty men with boss, mill it is far from balm in Coaarata.amehmara, :171:awled ead Wombed es ....... Der .0• 6•6 THE 00h5... see am pima. lo mem P.M. Jr. grial,Vattn,T. ' ;;.l.,=tcr,ZlT. OT ems. 3.• metro. lave, I at •cm 116 me t comes el • bale aer• let M . W 16••• I of •I/ ry a et Om neim Dr nealalne the eta! they .611 OM Dr • mee porn, um, awl seem many of ear market gr. , Raw iota: ~....w ..: .... 1 ,=z , .. n . : . ....1 . e• ...jct.::: Omem, liinalliambon, Great Wind Lor 7.....1:17,v. , ~., - ; ...- .1 _,- -1 ,1,11,..,,,t; dems mouth. to Mel the hand hoe for.. en.' ........... m., •.......,,,,,,, , ~..%.„ „. .. , ..= „,„„..... ce . ....... „..„...„0„.„. „.„. r MEd Loneobere , Dovetail I ~„,4,,T„7„. „„„ „1 , , , ,...„:,,,-„,,, ~,,,,,,,„ „ „,,,,,, 1 b. .... r ..,,,, .„.... be ....:t0f,„1.1:7f , , , !". , . , .. , ;,; . = , .....t., , ..- , , , ... „, , .i:,,-,-;;;1...f.te, tkrattoaporkraft•utr_...pwate ...Twat, Weemotar sal Thienelny of mrh Imet. Um odd.. Ile sorts • Banmernis Dr ~ P_ De. ....eel. 1 , ...p....• ¢ r'^ r" • •11d .. 110 .....,...". 0grrt,r,,.....t01. ' aenosag te....r...ndkV,'.141...".7...r..,74. :,11=3 " , - .1::::,17;„.7,=",11. " 47.17.. Ir. T,774 ". 1VV.7.T117 rztr=::::. ..d...- -di •••"••••••• r. r mr " .. " . "'"" k ' 1. 4 711 :1 .4 . 1. t. 7",. . 7 .• ' ..,......', ZL. :-: • ''' '''` ..:Attllt "* l,l , '"'" 1; " tl . ::. ' L. -^ - "-, .... - ' -,-,-." " 4 " -.^.- - r - , 717 " ::::::::. " 11:4 . 7 4 7.:".: ~,,, ~...,, „.,„ • „„,,,,......,,,,,„,,, ..... I. .. ..... , Chen 61. T. Dr, mad Oeld, I ~,,,, „,,,,,,,,,,,„ • • . Wean ierbe Da DI n.I lie . tr , eplonr of t...:••••r e „ re , .1.....: „ Z„ ... ..., ............._/,....: • 0 .. • i' . .- • ••• 1 '• • Ism • .• . 0 . • ••• 1 ••• T. •le .esmileuent thomett ed.., reow.... • =74,4.= 4,1%7.: ' ":.'_!l:,.„ • ,;',.1,7 w.... ..... ....,,X....., 401. O.ra 4.- hearomatt by namo V.., bather Idel , um I Ono ~•es S j, ~..,..,, .I. Rnyeefeel. 0 • : ......errheue. el C Welener ........ 4 .3. Om. .......... H.. ,0,.....6 her. r e ,11 0 e,..1.11 6 6., e?,.,..,..:',;• , ii1f=.. I ~!. . ..nrn,,,,,, . , ,„ , ,:, .:1,- .fl ...:57 , .... TT: ...... d .......t. ..,,,,,,,,., ,.. r0t.,,,,.......,, :7* a tee wan, ono.. 07, tee rime thiet simple rod ...Pd.". i•••.." 1" r., t 0 1,1,7;Z:,..% • ::: 1 , -41 , ,,.7.°- , k trxi• z, I, ~ • : -. .- - --.......-3 . =/V1 . :..."4717:7;,V,17='37,..7:- . „,„,....,,,,,. : BEAD TES ATTIDATTT. pal. if mod at power Cmes, of modem. the me; ...h..... Illookm = 4, W. ' mil l i, -. .' ,lreTl.Z.::et o n a ra U .l=. ill i alte . P. n......... ogem, , ete, ••4 (....try .1 New.... la pothrwarnl. and of tearing the Malice Of land to 2.:17,1.=1. 1 ,..." ":.!.:"... I u v, ," amfe wa • . saw.. )Nam •a map... (:"'•"•..."'•• '••• 4 . : et the said Item, Demkre Me lden lead ma e Jas.. - ••=,Voll e ‘,l7. 4•• •talrmT l •bt e• h Pee rlacp t:17I be mow.. had. mad Wee liable to attacke of itr. i Inez k e et arr 4 „ Jram.szl:47. :I,• 4,..rey...... th. .rat . owth erah ;!. ..., • ....... James Sink, mown ena Int.ant lbs. .x 7 le tow lam. Ins.. dm. • 1.. sent. to mono the wen emowe.t I. sal lel,' Mill .60.441 t ores themele Dee eba. use.' omt a War... a ......". • on. er the .... 50nag........ %,......r, • •••••• 5y... , . ~, „,.....,•.,.,,•, read 41 .1 to 116,6 Bostmell sada : andreeme sad it 101.1ers for a tome Toernmae who se tia, 166 or • • brall. aad Ti.e use of dal tnachtoes tor plantiog, i• beittgl 1 4.1,111.,".tpm . 1 . , 11.14 1 „ .tta tr:g 6. II / artr r o: jrattsotua Dart Om t ...by Oa 7 . ...„...,........„........„.. 0 .... 0, 0 ,.. rt. a..Z....C. 71. , eit . ... I. reeraily "bred, and the the rd is sown I Awe., L 04.74, P0na, , ,,,......7 Ad.n.o. gy ,,";;, • • • ,r.4,,,,;',„ ~t:L .:7,1171,1,..7.= , ..... .fl , be.. at he tow. mode... te N.' 7.7= ...a mpaZite, mite hire AttleMeL Heyetre. doll:44cm Ild rat Iu lac, .4 • t I/ • Y. and roman. tea thee of Mu above stmea De„" : I e welateh la .14 •etre el Sam tilla ---.. Wasted t• ma al•itade onma al tom the, An .7. le 41.4.1meselle, foaled : V .. % " ..,2 , "........, .......• ...-...... . • :1 7." or fon.. woe. 7 kith...4o. field, and at the roan d. pth. always yild.. a ; rrN.Vl A rrerr._ . 44144 . ••••te• : , : e : l ' et 1 / 4 • • • • • 11M..1.L . 1•67,1%1Vti?Te1l :P ... ., 474: le "' • .1b ad Yee.. et Dm MI. of Tlueohn. ow., Farm for Sale larger crop .ma a mare revtae onloy, but st di, n o ..weer," 4 .1• 1 7••• ~r 0 r :„....„ . ..."1 " tr l. „'• ..: I ia; ' ,.!:•:;?.',l, .. ' ,...rtr. ' n:Vt ti.7 " ..., " .... ". .. " Vr. " ,... ix. swu. aers Ws ram 0w... rim is tee I IZi =•arifoltro r .:lttne,7l.l.== demo. the acknowledged usefulues• of the inert. Li: :, 2::='.. - '--- - -".-. 4 ° .....• • ~,,,,,,,, -ter on caeteleehre tr.: a. • d theme tut. " ........ Ina . A emraeldp of R 4665. Stem Co , pa , ' elm.. 6. r time meal• de... mametam tlia memenetum et wt. .....cattety • : mennewee. soitts 49 •' dog... M a.. to 0 tr• fon.. of • • nall• fres the Mtn. of .664. coaleheate faluele el bermemille 64 es. ander De same aPc .eel. mem thau three quarters of our gran calm: De eill.diel.l., d• r : peloce7 !oetaly., •11:` 0 „,,,,,,,, „.„ 6 , 60 „. 6, 66 . e. 6 pa......... X.., we m• hune. emes. Th. err Mom le seem in. Dicaleysernacre are pl . wieho. I. Of OMM•niraT 1' , .• n ' : ..; . ; ''' . ' ,A 1..., ' 1g.i.:..,:,...:4;; ' : Tr. Cn ..le : ;',....,• r i„44=Ptrltt . pbt7pl,7,7,,r • i' •• " . t 7,:, It ilt:!• • •l7ll:Tet.no r s7,•=eTlll . 4 " 4rmt ••• •ht ' ~.- 7 .- - - , ',Lvz,,nft=•=!.....z„-zwt th "" a. "'' dn" """.."'d bit h.'".l' •" 11 ' 4-, : r •:;'n'rt• 114=..,` " Z 1 2: : ; '" 1 "' r„, " 1.2. ` . " .T17:17.7.., r ' . ` r..., ' ... °* "" '. :;,'. :. ° V..lll '' V ....1,7.'4' ' „ ~7.1" . ' , 47.r." °7 , ' 7,. , ... Zl7l4orirsi47ll7 . :ljr:=Vree: with many crop, save h.lf the expense of labor in Pe nr Ono ..... i 0. 1 47 , 1f , .7 . 1.. , e5 5,,,,... :1 Z : m .',1.: 00:06 . wog., .0.. 06 : 6 141 •• • „. , .161 re leak rant. nr doeire Pea. sad Plena teem : r D. meld well, arm me mat tr . .ey vs . ter . thee culture. Inwe. of turnip.. earro., pan. 1° ': f t. ..! , .?;' ". .... :7. thekent...l tie ..A.t. do ,:".. ' r . r " d ''''' . " - "'" • " "'"••••''.'"••• " V " ,..17 ' .' 1,-"V,ZI n ''''' e 7%, . .... . tULe " - 77 . 7 ... 0 . 7 . Z- Lti ...... n... Or <Ten e ve , wok hems, .5.t. , b ong Waned r+ ZI rra 1... . 1 . 7 4. • ram r. C.r. , .; .... " L".... :" " 2 .. Z ." ' ( P".. r... ". 1" ' " ' In d"-- ~...7.7fl . f1r. " ..:, '.'..,, ~ h. r 7r. ° •,:l:. :r . r esale I• . ettat . • or. P•mo . Pm.. • "ct d nue ..4 nen.. [;rte . ........7...,".„„.„...",.7,:"Lar,„.77....,.........".j . ..• ........t.„,,,,.. r . 0 t 0.4,... oo .... ,:.1..... sal as.hetow It eta , . If. a t by 1.. d a. sosectosem broadcast, they tri•y. by IPi cl 1e64........ eletereesset• Hued, : W 7 . -; ,FT.7, - ;,,„i ----- -- --- --'. , h ep p o u ..... m• eneba. Wed iMe To••••end al be wan vela. I. use a the &oil bor.., ...ow. in tint!. e.,- I ,:;,„7- , , , ,:.:1,, , ,;;:ir,;;, , , , ,, , .;,•,! • f.;P4I- ,, , , 71e , `• `ad . ~ Ahem-. om wermo towamnoter taw iMor sna owe. th. raw.. rho. ..... t. sm.. mlt r o i.: .r. pr1.:,...".1.1"......th a0 1l .r,ltd;.::: ere. 4 , ~,,,, .„, o„. pm.. 6 .beer Lm e DO 6 n e e ., 6 Orme roll no 6. 40441.4.61, on the prowl. A_._ .. . _ a . ~.,...._ zi, _ ____ . Na.ant apart oura with r.gularity a dret.ce need' g••••••,14.... o. , boundodasd enentool . r.J.,........ pool tatreal ler 6. ntf ilea' me hen 1p pot ..44 hy . ;17. Ix . ,m7 , =.74. ,, r m-,... , 7,7 . 77 . 17; depth in the drill. Thus the ow. 1... I. W.:. 4.:".':... am, r. .1; tt:.; • ..T.:. '" ''''''• 17. h. "... ......" .". W.•••••• `•• ......: .."*".°'•."' r •"' '''''''''.•••"""'"'". walla femedele et.r. • ........ra ...-.... &,.r beim: awn., the weed". be kept down ' D . , r , : ,', Z,77 : 7! . .,;,.„ ~ 1:• • Ve . :` , : ,: , ,‘•,:1•,•4 444 ,- t ra , t, • tlS . i: l • l• 4 7 lE l' 77=l=:ve l e=e4l7 : , fl • ei,l•A t• c ,', ... ' ,7. 7 1::.t: . , 76•71;1171• • ••7 • •:1161 • 4 ' t .7.7li=tait.=•••••if Of• Led ••P We.. by U. M. " 1 " b.. m"" "".." I•••••d ' '''''''.';'"'""""'' .I'''''''''''''''”"" m r• d• , s.7:;:er,e ‘ Ofirt r i........ rZ . ..k.Vtllt " ..= 11td=4,1, ' 11..: 7 r ' """Act 'A....TN. ! ~..-....., ,,,, z, ,,. ....... mad Ise. Tam. be ern. • men* 6r 16e a she led.. rod o‘porthoo o. or ,„.• 1,,,,,, „,...• ! r.'',',-;!43":7!!''''!"' ••:! , ;'' - ;r4',',V;, - ;','17,,!„ !:: ~? -.', - ,z., ~ ,,, , ,: , , 7, ,,,, , L , - -.., - ' -- - - i ......,....„ • ~,.., .„ ..,......,,,.,...! ~. •„, -,.,...., by thfs cheap and mildly arts.cult.-: r'21770Z7••• ', .'•."'.l=ld , 'I" ' 'Z ' ..7 . ..rtro r 'r:. : to'.7 , g..l.f. ' "X :' .. rt,`.4 i"' 11 1 r ~ ,„ . .. ! .11 -inn FOR SALE ~ 1x...°4-' ,17.7:::,..,.,7.1.:',%,,t,;;V1L1; tw. atIO 1 . kept rol"lore 10. mtd , II eft.- ;1; 1. 1 1 .... !!" ";;;;• ---. ' - ..., . a. ' ,..Ll;'.;'; ' , 7 '; ` .ft:e. ' 1 , 7:k1 ' 4.r.17:1.1.7;.= ; -'• -' r pp.. se he ',Wed he greedy Mem in meet tblng dor --tuseed. the b. re... rt. in,ent 'armlet, j•,;0,5';,1V1•m• 3 : ,,, ; ! 11,. .. !!! ... Co, , :LI ~or le ,i t . p ,it .. 6 I etneve t.i7 1 1..... a a i,' r g.gr.r . . f ra ;:=:;;::;.! • I :Sl ' ` ; ', 1111,v..7.; . .11 . 41. - : • .T.7.. ° ,7.' ." 4: ••••M la , mr. " .. th • .. 1 . 0 !..............-. " ,7 . 4r.",.=:'''''' ; ';'".• ' '-'; ' ""-- " ,:r!:....7....;.....r.V.',11347.4 •!rre•t• P reirb • e • :LS . ' • • L•Itult••••=17" V'ertZo:',• to leech . e 'same me .1 Mope'. Dr • P Towel eel the axe of this monument. I ~,,f,t4„...; r.r . , r:',...r',.:,....,',...,',",,...„ a : ~....w. • , .. .., ,,, 1,, ,, c0mba MO He men .W, .1 P.m.. oar ; .: evniere . rnrinenge.nyelay : 7 , ti: • 61:1••• • =7:14•1•Irrl Ir.r " . 1 re„ 2:. ' : ', : •at roem one of ha Mel• The Ile• or a xnAll sub., plow rot et.theatieg n',', ;f r . T...?,:',..=:: ',, • ,..,,:;,';',',.'" m r , rr, w^I••••••• 14 " r , .. , ...eh ...he mt . .. m' /101 . 5e.1..tt., 3 Vie it • 1m0... . 461 , 6 464 : Aud deteeent fun., ....1.1 be I. two mt.. own, .hould not be overlooked, for with tho Imam- no a cwramt• . .4.. 1..,. ~,, i a . .„1„.: i . .,=. n dee . dlLeliez. ,: zreiatenle the am el pc tom 66 sc. nee fame! awe . There .on the 6. me we, de behemethe Illyna• of eserreeenll. .61 ......4 . p.p... he earn may bo worked li ' eVl l :;474.n r, rx...,r, n .,1: '. . '• : , .-- :I.' 4' T . -,-;- 0,4, . -- 0 ,, w. "" til "'"'"' " • r....x.; A:. ' ,..- " , z . i.: ' ,...:::; . , ' Z,VaTZ: ° 2.. - . V, ' .: :',.,2 r,":17.:%1.;•=1,°.1,17.1..X,:43 „. „, nn.. ~„,.,• ,„„ p,..„ . ig. ' ,io,' • ~, , A ......- .1 that redmin a. or petrel of ' be.... 5.e.....ara tre • ra fn. we b.. Aad tea. anvosent ss. not • ' Tr bar the expel. woolly pt. te.t. • lend ly. end ben en the leter t mhip o r M e .. el and 6 • 446 1•66.6 Ima mot ehepteel . ern • .4: WILLI tM ARS6TDONO. When the awn i. abont four w flu ...high I Ira. ,mew wit ...... - . 4, Peen. C.,131.,., 4 :M"...1..th. m•m r or 5. W . "... bm'ormi ' Et7l.. s er:Zi r rltT.l:l7.l.7.7lXV:T. nry7.7::. 1 '"'" ' m" " '" '" v 7 .I ..:zrar „ or le. ra• the mtlyni plow, wsth da fin •aide /n o .rwermonr, n o ~.....r , 1 0 and dewed. as felloore, to 7r On the none by i nu,. weweainth ,ma a meth rum t.ough ::.:, . l i c ,: d i. of , :llo;ne. l'. Ward , on the east by lan. of , lelmer of Ible ray of new t eel tewnel .1.• cent rod • few inch. from II le futt I :','"'71"4" . t r .... wl.'" , . .,, 1 ,,1t.,7,t 0 1f.L.,Z 11 1 , ; 1 rna .e. .b., ant o by lord ./. Deity r P art .„ ' a. ' ,. _Ttab . z. 0. Ith h. ro. Ten. t...Roa • ROOF,, PROOF /I / ..,;,.... , , „ _,I Gen •pr OF tbal Dr •r. 10wa..., depth. aad the sae.. the saw ids 0 111 row. "ramrraya. 44 1 Ceeltine Wei en I. Weel be lee. 01 ri. D. Dire. :r, ':,,.4,7:;;:.:P p r„ : 1 00 7,,.iiiW p0 .,,;; • ,;;:,7X...,;; I Illsomen. 1e1....1. TM ...wing la Dom This will not &slurp I. pi ea, bat wil lea. the! Pr=,...1a " . ' 41 ' ...... T., Z..." . ,t r ,r,,,,,,, ''• . Indr..ntainiag 18 etre., 27 pallor, all Immo, iOa Mont remand Mahreburre T•mpl. • , wee 66•01.1.66:61. p.m la WIN elate eerheemel sod 6. thoroughly dia.. to • well 'lest. ens Pi Stesheneam. • d o •44 late the Delete of Lymon Doolonle. Taken in ., r".. l" l'.l it waxy OTERHOIT. 1 FROM THE ee ..11.• money. do : entecutrore al the sol of C. S. Benue! agar.; -.. , 1.. 11571. G arner. dant, nod to rent. molar. and adoneeph•ne CI•Wdll. ••- de • ..... Pe .1... 4. ~.,...,0 cp, p o,,, . - • Fire Proof Chests, . r. Tranmeib Innamill. IDere prob., name. been mpepalem rented, 7.7. and ..M.ng the corn root.. faa as P: ' ..tri. ' t=ratta, ,r, T• °•^"' A . ; t'i - ALBO-All that calm. 'ere or If 1 Pawed. Lo nen down re .new mod cob reces., 2 , ••elecre. 4.60. deTne Coy ' 2:1...1C,. b e i ng . 0 th e 7, 0 , 0 0. 1••••••• • FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &C. . ..7.137- ... ..,14 . ,:i.7 ::::, 711= :: -. ,=z7 . of °rel I alt. penteas ef /Moor it. solution, winch 1 , •,...moor cairn do Cnellee .'• Bond eel the county of Sneepteharunt, bounded EVAN,. & WATSON, I: tn. 6Mb cap, Sne Dream 11or bamell a. ' enema. Dr •••••••I e eee th• p.m. time ~„ and derenhed serf llows, to wit: on the north by N.. 00 -Nee. Third 'dont, (berm, Areh cod I er g10m...r0w... the. popteton a.. *ll5l incl. t0...N1 I. tut. The culltral, r , ..'..::',..,,,.„.. ,Ho 61.607 le. Drineal, I noetor W. re. 0.1.1 In .1 retrr counts. . lands a Hobert Colman ; ora the .ttot by hmtle of Read mad P 3 Dore ...... . 171.1 then ba see n. the bread war. bet.. 01.1" , ... , . 4 4 o '. u rns, rITr. ••.... 4. , It Mown Dayton; oo the Death by the hwhw. ; (oineelTE THE nut...... recurasoo.) ; ir7.7,.. ‘ .7k.i5e .. ......t.. • ,...n . gtr po' . l " nt ' fr a he . .W., ' ,?. rows, to dwantegrate the surfs.. end the two rear •• °1 ,, ,7 , ., 7 ,: , ,t,t"',..7‘ 1L,,V7,;„,,, ''''..; nod . the raw by lat. el Robert Coherlt, . PAD. SOAP/MON. Lleet: •••••T • „ ° , ° ,....dea.V.ihtr..•=.:4-47 teeth may be for I,kr small plawoho .... to / r.::'7!",','44 • T':'""‘". 'tir7,O", o r„ o , . mgrs" •'''' '''' qua of ......1"' " 2 "." r I .... - r 0..- --.---- r.:l- - --,-,- ~.. earth lowa. the In I. or edges -them Ila rmene,..1......0.e. 6•6 ' j e ••••1. th e • I . P" " '" • "' • • • •••"•• •••", •• • ' - '''' " m '' T ' • '''' '••• .'•••••• &me . met eltlente No aey Mmnf the • ent of ,r _ ... . - .. - • ,bleck.mh amp. late the emote a Jonah lekim . " r, ... -It r 0Mmrat......... It." I ....0p... „,„ „ „„„:„„„,„, ~ „,„, „,,,„. „„„„ ~ „,„„. , r „,,„, ~.„,„ th. „„ „„ ,h, :,7,":::; . ..7=0. 0 .,... 3 , ,n;;;;;',',r' 1: sac Token to • ion at the wile( B.:, li ! '. • , ..iii ' - "".7!,=,,,:=„•1= ! ~,;;;t:', ,, - , ..4 I,;,';';' , ' , ''' ~ ~.... 1 right in place of the ono on th. Wt. will t.d,.. the ".;••••.. owl from the hi 11... normal. Ca. No tilled, XIII•W ' al i e w ••• *"." ;7 ". ''' L PP : k yi n ::: -- ,1„ r i . ... "- 1 ' 'rik L 7:7 3 ,7 1 ...7 m.":"-':.:1- ' '.77-1 •: ".: 7 T ' ' '''' ..: - .71 : 17 : t :?.. "1 7 i .'' ' '" : '11 : 7* ; ;""; 'I I 4 7.1. „..;. ' „ ' ", ;IL; :1: .1 .4,, ,1 :1 i' 1', " ‘ :'; "1 ,....; ' ,. J. :: :::'' ' '' ' : ' " ' !" . ,'l,. !' l will wed hide to no bring. and . wend for lb ROM.. te armee. . Alwo-All that c. 0.. piece col of Ind' ' Patent Combination Leek& wedeln, wn•lolt, bnere, 16.6. et . tn. lene and the owl wall have be. onote thumbed that. to ten ,'=•."...='',.... r' ' , Z .. ..=' . 1........." , ..; 1 lying and bong la the Impophip efFrare6 In web: tmt. loss elerh em IL. ebneet ......1 ......, ..",r,t,,`,"11N,... 7`,.,',,f.,...,„ ° ,7.",,, 1 7:44.mm1, ...., ton o r ..... .. lb . ....... h.. I rembert.d. ' par ea. 11 . . Company, ' 6 , • ..• ••• 0 .3 a gi.l.h••••• b.. , " "" Ils- e " • "1' -' ''"" b.. .`. '' ,:!' "' •..' ' '. ' ,.... " ,rn '' '." N'..` k ':' '''''',. "; a '''''' r .. "" :*".'""•• '.. """"'" ''' omm . or 11. he., ....oerre I ennoty .. , mill.. follow, to wit .on ille nonit by lend of d 0,.714.. " %", er ' er••o ' l4 ..' e n t ' ne e r,: ~' 7...7 • ' -••••. • ... 44 . 14 . to eat eP ........64 lure.-Werkiv Fero.. I.r.e. • New.....n. IS It; thtsh m N... CM. All. Bewell ;Do the awl by load of ,taxi'. n.lmat. •• • et', ' ie.'? mann, be bin.' 4., h4P: •••Tv . 1 -: ~, •••,. , x,..,,,,,.. ...ale 7 Tra....... 'greets. 1. 7 11.:17.:.i.Z . Z " 0a pr •• 41.6 " IXtote7:a:inr " i W t.. ni•omeie anew .. by laude. late of .........I.nrseees Le ie.. a . nft..l.mi... ' i,..;:.- ~•,;;X.7.7”.....7.7.::::,,;.Z.VZ5L Ty. b e .. a,. a th or „, th, th o b th ,,,,,. h., %... . =yr. - `.. 1( 'admen It Rent d... 1, comm., 301.erea,be the i ...,,, p 0,,,,,,, I ;.°:l .- .r . ""yr-•:,' - , ti''' ; ',.- -• . . weer at Imud. bean people think Ike fall at ter, W..n. no ..... F r ... ,;•._ , ...„. ,_ . mune moo or loot, together esith the epparte. t, re 6,10. 6 m R •e h mn d pt., , •••••11-... -„.., I. :'',. r,,,,!„,".'a • „ ;..:7.. !;,',!.",-. !, .. ,„„,,„,,, ~, ~ ,;:.. v, , , , , . .1„7 ~ - ~, ~.„! mane.. a log hour: and about 15 acre. milord Patent 60•41.11teremt roam onnelard euperler to , weir nem 0/4 • r 1...... y......,.., , to w . th.....,..... •al ..••• • , helleeeeelm, but it os not so. Trat.l7.4iu the ; • • ~....a.'.4 • .:., • ; late the emote of Domed Clark . Taken en eso...lVll,o r r,- , . „ _, 0 „ rr , , „ ... • •• 4 0 . gram " the . 4 ...... rm.. Mos. . c0.n. , . , h.. t,• . ' "...., . ,e . .. f . - main ha. gr nemlly be. followed .Oh better i . ht,: . r , mok h Mertle. h :. ....... 4 • H. a R••• •nd OOP., *gm. g.j.1me • ,.„7,:t.m,,,14.,A,:',..7." 0 rn a rtZ. ' nt.l rj! . . 7 . ' tf " ..r......ra:d . :V1.:?;11 . '"ir. r P !7,'„'!!'.2•L".:(,': " 77 th. to the fall. Two important thi, , '• N ''.... 7.7.. Me... aoloew 11... co. aro meemary ea order . mace.. fella. t- ...; . 44 R. C.. •• Te. beedme, Gem re p* A7,lo 7 tlii th o . 0.,.. Lark or,pareel of latul ' .17,71.. " .t7h7e .r ir0rt ' 0 ' ,7,!. ' i . r . t..t:. 44' '-''''' ' 44'. I ' 1.... ". " . .. I . -r -r , - , ....• --,,,,,,,, r - .. ,, •., -.,,,-. "-'' 1 ::: , ;;. , t.y , : • . - :. - 47 ' .. ...: ,. .: . ..t0uz....,17 , 1 .7.:::,' " ,V;; - ..,, ';i .: - :...r'' -- '""' '''' "" ""'"" do N.M. ,p,61.6 in the owned a 111.rford in the eounty W. W. the .001.• a your try. ta • • 7 ' Peat Iran •••••• de Plem ellarile6l .• of ttuequehao.. bounded as follows, to wit /.. ' r..•• V ~'" - --"°-°"`"°"^!'"' ! TrZ:V.Vr. rfn,,r7, - r,Vnlc.r.=l,l. fssoralde to the formation of re. p ;47.m.,. . 0 r0ni 1. , zltzbot . t . e. Nnanetch .. the north rust and soath east by lands of Gunton NEW i ' Alli GOODS , -- -- ;..... - ,..r.. - ,.. -- , I ~ . "'AVVI'n n''.' , i'ili'i'l ,, ii'V",l67l':;l, Row iron .......... 8e... Red.. the heads In rote • m. ! Para &Maw . Baroant •ou the south weirt by latade ef Dm.. ee , U. IlDillillTT . ....". W tr b"" ' " ..."."'....°. "'"*""'", '1,111713-7iV,V;AIZ`.7..."'" '" `'''' "'"'" Wert.. .4 .1 147 •••' 7..e1a c, •G. Pi., mad en the am. Der by the mile as to ....pond web the eleseactet .1 tha w' ee.; ... p....,..... J7,,,X=.,.. alo I ~.„1, ....,fli.i., ...... men...v.lh. a Awls. be 1 p - --.... • .--, --. -^.- ---,-- ." ....r=„,..: "'" 2', „.„„.„.'""",,,,,' ~"' "0r.", - ,: - L'7,'" 1 '- V '''... VE.. ' PAIL.' the mmdtt. it se to a. Ow M.. e. h e ' .4- , __••"•, , .. , „, ~ _ ...... , 17,-,1 ,,,, ,, , , _, _,,,, the • nme mor• ar less, her with the • ...rte. , w o o. ... e . ma..., re „„....._ ; a Camsments ;Zen .In Towtamn.M. ' • Otl • e: .h. ee e her MN 4 e eeinc.o4,4 i.e. Bel . 6 . 6 , le winch it is 11..1.1. ' ....„=".., - ;,:z•":, ,;,47,; .7,....„-,;,!„1„, 7, - ; I none.. nee dwelling 1.7.4.. aod two b•nut, MI i OIL and orul.or UMW% , ....... h......... en • P. o• .... 77 MI . ••••• •"'"" .. 4 • ''•• •no m• •.• to •''' Under all circa..., nle orb le ph. a' Min . , imposed... the mate et George Sham.. r.... ! 1.... a olenala moll of • i 1 . 7.113. 1 woe rat an • oat,. ma .11. •he the I :0 r 7.• r .. ..1 .. . • .. r ' '... P r ' ' .... '.. '... • '7 .. '-....., ' :.., , ..4. - ...., eo. no.. an ' k,.. • tn ream.. nt no aud of llorgan Morgan, , Ladle.. Ore' Seep., abellris, .... • lea mate. oft a.m. he pt, •ow ...... ,, •^4 o''••••''''''"••• I''''' , "''' ".". • tree with.l redwing de embalm in wt. • onto-. Nhl••••• . ages. George Sea ' ' ... """ '". '"r " ''. ."'" .'"..."..." i:Zedr! " . - :,:.': ' '' ' .h, • .'' ' : ~','',",' • :', ' ,"f ' 0 ' r, • 14. • 17,% . "' ..r..1••••••••••••, co, the law of raw. and... ~....`,,,,„ r "".••• I. I, „, .1,7,4,;,•:::.• , ! ALF 0-All.l. cert.... or parcel Wien& ' r0f.: 4•11 ..: 4 ; r :.:3?4% .„'„ 74::.V.ZT4V.::4::'.: ; :VT " 'CI.„, :=,..,1,.......,43:-.,;;•..Z.', ~.., oral..* agement leseparstie lean removal. i u. ..... tt. see. . 4 in t! '' " d b "" ' '' ' " ,, * _.,.'" l ",r`',.' ik ,._,..'' " ' 5 ,..!! • ; " 111 , =...%Z . ..r" ' 0rt . r. ". n mm,....0'a, j ~.."'"• 74".• ""i"'"""' ' " 41 . 7 .: r. , c!'";, ',;n .'...'_.%%r,',..., - .: .. , - .;:;•;„:„!.::1:;';g . .,^14, , ,., If • tree b. wised • ..siderable sae, aml '' ... ......„r 0 1 00 • i:Z•.%',1: t1;47... „ ,, , N;........1.• , .. , ...a1.. , 9 , .....- -!...,..ra...... .- -,,---. a .-- - ~,,,,.....,....., ...... • .il eaenaporeba. - '''''.. Us • branch. b.., mew branch. 111 Id he tw nneeethendo, - ~ ... • • '',,•-• '* "r" '""' '' ''""" ^.^', IT ...". ", 1 - ....y• . „.„0. ; youth rom . le. a am. Clwt.; " Kw VW.. ~m en nn. All othe. Nee. TM . t i M ee t j hr. • ..•••••""'. ...... 7.. .....".• Ire ' r,'Tit'it ' t....,77.''''' '7; '"' . .yr.!,.";;;,:: , i. ~ Yak ...... to cireematances. Acre. .' t h 111 w.. ra onoth vrem by lota of 4k. S. Ihmook t and o• the ' al 0 r,. 0 " . o Dairy and Farmers, i :7:3!".7:17.47:..11.t.1n:z.'141.7A7 .•,', 4 ”. - .: ~..„..,.„...::..„;- : „.."::r. logo sod healthy roets, • 7 • abemlanee of iihn., •,,,,,... „ oonh mein by land *teem Cunt, ...ohm 17 ' • 7„ . .dr,',;;, - ,: • '''' 1• rimer weld bud, It Ming pert of •1. formerly Valuable Property ilbr Sale. i r ''''' ';' ` T......'.... " . .....• •• " N.." , lama man, . o ...., .f ,.. ,ome.. t, ...1 eim will age,. • mueh gmater anamel of 11...1 th......L.".... • • aro 'r0w .............. .... m.. f.. •,..7 ot,e . be ••• .e.n.4. tree ____ ------ • anre with 0.. poor. or badly matilated roots, Fro.. B . Florin., Pally 0. stml Betwy Clerk ; • 51.6.6 Dem ............ melly Pelee , : e__ . ••• ... •••• ...• .... rm. ." .. . 1 .. 7 . 'lf '" '' "."...... od ..." ......." MI few Rh. App.. qt... re pew hoe will Stove Advertisement& tt being No 4, ...ding to dm... tes.b., win, rr0,an',=,..• , ....0.0.0v,;(•••••1••••,: 7,J•r="l.,:',„=Y"','". ..,'?„7, "".•,'..,1 i1.,',:1°71,'.,•!•,;v:.;•,;; ; .1, ~,„..„.,„.,,,,,,...,,,,,, . The R. es.e Asa beditoent he d th•• nem or plume, aud so on - - • • - - the epenerlensnere late the est. of ham 01 •- • = 4 •Joallia „.„. ......Aiteallemeartla. • 11.11• •••••• te ....- 1M . . We, deed, ke. ~new in emealilleall th. soil, Seven Ilimeirod Acre. ~_ WM ni h. 901,40 4 r e •' Ar ID ofloll.ll/DIP. or Trees taken froth fr. the soil atad ...ohm. do .." " ' • - ....- of David N. Lew. against Charles Avery, RAW,. , .. r env b.ty, Me a war a. .are .......,1 t,....r . ., " '"' "7`"" 7. 4 1,;,•:. "'" I ~,, ,• ,' '',„`"1::'•.!'• ~,,,„,„,,,, 4 . Tr unwire I. satue dap. of cold.. these , ...- • 7g- -- . --• '• • • of Jahn S. N. deed, lamb notice l. h eirs •aml• ..... "N.. " I 7• In lee . = arr ram . r..."::P1a.,- , • :,.."4,-„,.....1,7.”;:„,,,1%, , ;,T.; a 'AZ-:,,,,,ing,'.. ler Del ban Me Inteeponed to a . Orange. ~. Term Truant. I fm sherlimg Mules end Dm deal ant plea. in • hien. mellow, Rearm ••• I I 5h,, ,,, ,, 0. .:; ,. .....w: c; ERE. Stheliff i T r. "....... ••••••• " • ...mt. ......• '''''... ...1..... " .17.'" ' -.1:-..,, , ,T -r l 7: 1.. , .n . ........ ',..„ . 1;....,; ~ :::,;!:,...„7,...r. ., ? Tn. ..... i.e... ........... ......., 5..1 .....,,,,g it I 2,...............= .." ••• 1... r..... • ••il, few.ralde le the f•nnallea anals, will emu. r ' ' Mord, •21.4 111.30. ile 1..7:z .. : . 4., ..„..........- a.. Inelef D. eultteg 06,117 planted. • colder. stitTor , ; -, ' -- -- = oh. a. " 4e. or ' wea " =7,l7. " re M=l.. I, rart• WW . ••••••••••ra .da I r ', err,?: "' : ' ' ' :: .. 7 1 2 1 .: ,, ...et - 5 n ,:',7.7.= seil. wfb. mere will be tmatted rawly. Tr. ' .111 . !Vster's Notice. .p.m . .....z . ,..„ ... .............„ ... ... :, ........,..............- ~,,,„...., ~..,,,,,...,..,,.._, „„,1„,,, .. nams o• me... 111. rot ....dd k. 1 . Aner4.,;.:::....; i. „,.....w..... 77..1= 1 : Lzr:r-trg : t.T . 1 . 1 ," ..L . , -. 111: " :; tv, .7. , at - a:Iv:All r, ,, T=. - .117. - = I t. - ...1,....: - • - ....t..... , . - ,', ~.-•'"..-.... - , takes op with the earth around dm Mott., and T anagree. ant OM saly • 7..7 Thaw are a • r '''' r''',, . i .."" *"":..."*". 4" .. .... ~. :......7.77''......,:. An'''' z, " = ttr..v..: , 7= - :::.;;;,7,==z, ' .V. - 4,r • , ‘ =ire -. " .. , : • .L . r. ,• =l 1 ::::. ' ;41 , :::7.7.,,;=:. - ,; , ::: , % , ;..:;;;,..:,.r.a....,.:, , I. of the eifeenblelleee• to ha well eassidered by ............,,,,......,........, o ' Made teem., Omni wa r y sae site plaids a trep sTo vEs sT()vEs I . ::::71.1.7. - 211.7.z1iter'........ :: ::=7?-1 - -*Z37.1::::::4'4::14e..7. , ..- ...,:ttr.r......a........ , ::::V.1:;4' , 1•.. -- ~---- z".-4.--- I Wreak.... amt. leek. ma mat sly b. _ , 7_ _ e l .... ',:gt.'l . V.: r ",.." . " ..-... " r r" . "'" .. " t= " lerel=7 , =, eiß " .:=lrt. ‘ tw ' r . Ot I LtreeetterrZet.... " es=el==t.' i...r.r " :7 " : " ' Z'f . "'' .. "'' do.. 7 deres will. hle eon le ....shter 1 1. ' ,.:;. ' rer7,11,...‘,7,1, .',,,14=,,==.•,', ..........:....===•........ ~.... .....be an.. it. It me he MM. Mese. 111. lie -Md.. y........ 01 ' „tr.; . ;,": • ,;,';',,,,,.::',.„';,,,7,,,;',"....!„ • ,M...."; -,',...--__ ...•...e.,,„ ..,,, hm.0. 6 of e t,,,,, ~,,b .ca O.& a.m. mod n... • ...sow he am. Tr •.- 1net.L.2:4..., ... Ir . ~ Pore.. /nob.. = . M. ..44. 1 1 - ^ .. .........,ge.....74 . .eimi .Z.a.....:4,1•• ••••=.2..4".•=• • • I ri.,,,„„,,, 06 ,,, ..,,,,,,,, , , eo p .... 6 , 6 e p t , e 6 - p, Me. saw.godjachkesfa. It lard.. • ehe th. ti5=1 . 1 . ...7.==:::: • ..'“"'"' ..... -- /: 7. 4 . ...' 4,4 r:t . a.al "7 .:V0*Y 00 0t..1 " ..;:' ~jr 0 7. 4,•,'"4,. • " :1 , 1 ,,, L1 , L ,,,, -i.•-;•1. • coy '"•"',.......,..,.., " '"'' ."'"•,.....;,-..._,--....,-- ~....,„ .....; ~..„. ~.,. „,„,,...... ~...... ;;:e...,/ 7,•;;T: 4 '..r. :: 5,;';.;",..;.w.i!.'re;".Eir.1.1.1‘. Ime ell.ghttry. A pneang knife Motald he a• /Hove rip., Tin Ware. Amen 4 147.r. " ,,1=r.: *"" 1 "" ";!... m0n•0n.... ' • ....".• • •" . :Fo ' MilLtsear MehLw " %at... l .... ---- ...... - .7 - .... a. ..... 1... y am ., m. m 4,... come... or onsta the twa mogg, mal ...b. the .........., When .04 .11 a.. t. glue ~ .11,1.......311.• wd .7. W.., 7 . 4 . 1 ra0. I r r2llVaTga: ' . " tatt " .07.:r1r1.44 """ '1 .. ., - .1P .. .. ".... " -1.• 1'i t . ...... i." 1" * " . .1..."'"0'..' r 7 . ,:. n . r ."raV ..' 7... ~ 7rae..,. ' raale "". = . r,...... I& b. elm,' p.... 1,,,... r.„ . ."'............."" 1 " ...i.•".:4.... , N. li. i f., TA. IR. R. , - ,•., not wale twirl be req............11.71 'Lk . zli, ...7::- - ri,..",.... ler .enet h• 1 1m0....,' ta the n eon,. gehreorstaid...,..... allse 0. I. no the..., 0..... le.,.••••••••••• ft wel mei. pa. M. ••••••bly. ehtle to Oho WM, or limb •• which it .1 . .........• ~- __A•_........• IN ......-601 •• !. am , fem. oPas te• 0d0r... .=.l: Bme. If •MA rely te be dunt.d, it' ikEw yiLFo R 0 spill DENT! . nye e ren er de.. nax.lT Inry„, V, 1-=,g„,1,t....71,,..,7,„7,",....t..t', ..:•,..., ......."..". r tl.• wrivi. - .=...r. ......,z.zm. , ...7r,=, , ... , :,,rt. , ...7. - „,t; ' Zoe Imo Me MIMI b• Mel 017 e • goal phone gad heakto • 1,15... r. 4-4, ....1.1 . ,....z......... ~rant a r r., h. 0.::. ,-,,:.........= .... , ..j,4-1.)'..., " -.*. &V M,... • ,••• rr, - , ....4.4aia L ., ::a1 i t,.4 . 4 . 01 . 41.. • 110161). ilwaqi wwl. dA , Pa•• , ••• ,• •••,• • .aaa t... ..„,„„ „„ „,„ , ~„, , „,,, ....„„, ~ -.ld= of . 447 1 11" : . 17.Cer•td lt "..a tlCeowf. . r....____,....t0. b... bit andte......, ....... r ...._ ....... I •••••••••V__=,_ 1 ,,, , ___-•.•• L r,•,•lw ~, ,,,711,7„- r , - -. .6.. 1 ....„,,,,,,„.„4 ,„,-„-_,„„ 4,,__, ~... ,„ A; 7. .................. L.... "....... ••• • •..... " - •••• •... 4t . " --.. "." -.= .C. - --.. .14 a.. watt,XVl entArar ' .ll , ...Vrlt -.... -.--m- ........177........ a.. ......................... ........_......•......... ft. ........! =. 1 . 0 .' •• ..a........ wy., w......... 1e.„,.._,1, ~,,y ......., ... 77 p r ... ......, ...... ....... .111.. ell Mem0r....114.11•••111..... 4.4..........= a D'elee..e. . &De b• h. eill.•••• ...E..; r•=l::;...4e. , b4DUsszter, to .... Tam ale ete . le 1•1610. Mae. et mode ..... ....0. ..46.••••••• th: MK. WI =6,;= . 14 . .• • We Pry mmilened the pllm. tee ows .74 by Nr. panersem mid ...mem b halterhasrat ' •••••••-••••••• a....., 8.77. Ms offs. emetiemmet lbellhoWLes 1__•. :1 ‘.•817./.1.11.1.••••••• 0 .10. _ Ili. head. M. peepefeybere a. se .• M.. Helmemllem Wee.: im. Mena a pr. Towsw•dedeenees. Mi...• • Meld,. by O. la this Ron. a usi•• In fee ....................... ends. :. 21= ,, , ,, n e o n ., Op bom MID. fee ...I ma fle•M• horrors al. I 1011•11...... WW allow . .....11 . -ese .. 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The wiews to be a tiseMei etwaraws=lr."...at • • MIMI. 2. . ra.16.101.1 Istne.a VI. •••••,4•01. 011.110111.1111111 Al.. an In ma I• We In • pi. of else WIN., r0 , ,...,_,A r ....,,, p ~........ ~.:2=, .. .• - _________ A , V.if . 7:4101m= 4... ........ = ,...-. ii, • , 06...........r.....d.........1., -L 1 CHAIN PU MP. 1 lug . --.„ 110.... d. of meld. the iatlio M .ak. rrift , i.i....;=. 4 " " :";et=1.."""M........... 1 . 0 „„,1••••• 5e . =•••••••••1.0' NEW AELINGBEHINT. -ivial , •:•=i- P. 11 11 . " ,. ligtdWo krt . ../1:11 W. W/Ws W Mem I. MOM. 717 do. Ideatamo-lere. filtr=l g .... ••••••• ,,...„.••••••""" ..../: d r i . ......a=11 *a P. 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Ti'l: r= .7:I 1: -- --r --. ," ALL Ore 2 TEM WORLD. ...M.0.., ......7,,,,t.../.. 1.... a. , ....., DROPSY: Tim ...waft I. 1•10.11.1. 7 IM , I,l=aente . Mor awl ......... Ibeur one dmow di.eming re• Own. INVVRAIIII4 rtt”tttotts tot it •o.,„" . Mem and if Joy 6•••1.1 =L. "r. "."" .1t.:1110 " :7:r1 :Lae .17.: ' ,44 ' grurla;••remedy le anm.n. and • f•- tore., a•sare. let Nenl , alil a!aay :Yr "...tr., and • cure in aerial, IS Ow/ efir • no ta OUAVI6I. • u 4.44 f 4. rinary wp m EM.. Ann. ' ltivaninui aam I • alata 4.4 aaliele [an Mien You • a. tlee tura. samitimi to anal covalent man " M:=7lll " 4=ta• painful eampalat a.4 . im- LL:=l, l ll7:=TZme asarna%727. l l• yet .c mar id nanny aidaul—it way aven mon in ea fen art man. uf a am OM MN kainul .11.eque, and same in de 64Ydr. am 04. by ad ala .1% nanfinne nit n r ?laiuma • rn 4 :a . n. =. dad pll6rdd 44 441 uf 'dud by 14.0. ara Peal. C=l Amer mut Adam. "" ' Owens—To We Meat We. 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FampeON boolobooy coon to wi11ek.1...•• sn auve ....... 1.11 n. mow to to named hem— efles*offg;l:tarZTrr, • • ARR %If OP PROOF tle virtues of •nw.fleone. ften.v m.. A Aar Z. IL"; ::::1::::?..Yon:•":attract":741: Amid opem. lei I •x•llsozers, *AK =a!aSa= =2:4013121:223 SARUM,. %BELLA& STRUM W. TOUCH THENINOT. grow.. t eaci., •001 Awn= Me dw.a• 1. • Y • wiro Rift., a... MR 1411. AD TO COICULATE •.• !rest,: lu• t7.71: 1 :7 It e dtgaroarl ` f e. ecrje.. pgl !Is ant. Moor saw as,* INFEwI liZronn=kted=r! rotor µ:4,iveVe. Wont ... row .1,•••11I•Yeel a,. a. ...peed. E. INhot, Or tromuolc.l.o. FM,* ••• We am. so. on.. Poem, by au bm.ycsobte lOntoOmbe 11.1. Males and numb. N 1 . 1442,174 44.111114.44, 1144444 M. 4011.11, I I , Ts Owners oir Moron moll CMOs. I iILLORI ( ... k=116••• thin 40..•••100•0 , I 414, l• C rsOdeil rrr Wilb• MW.. be raise Orr ell beAlifteem ama., t. •••• • nenlih• I. mg et Ow YUI• •••• Mem W.I. fte and ti 6 1.1. pew. • nmik 1 son. or.. 4==.l—sa "" 22lE MM. somem, • from door boo labs _... • Vat Ireedim. ......111=tr"" -- *so•-•• elk. 11.44: 11 are :1, . 4...V=Vai ms••••• er 2=l, ....IW•Ie"..N •••• .....m...• .011 MINT •••• ....... P.M. ' """"%iii...• N. T. rd. O. • l a lC m eiaiu l"kw amen, • ;ha I,lllla eft awl dilaiivi14•1•••••• dm MANN • limVtargsllll,llll, Ihr. S. I. Mbil, WignommahOlein Inee,IMMY. Ike nt•e=relift=le a oMerrat i === am. Um* Om mit ,, --INotk - t=zurr . r fj:ntst M. 14•••4 ircS
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