_--------- _ ORR MOWER LATIIIIII Rivet . Thal I Middle Yorke of the 4poriean vet. TlNlan f r atrirt m onw rao, CALIFORNIAIIOO.• el,ttlet time IVY several feet deep en' F IL ON - I SUING GOODS ,„ !, work. Those who wore Operating had . •g rre n ams "II 1 1 For retrVas:net en first tO roman the mow, then the top &Miro. es toe ir modal. New .I , 7l . lfmago vita eaverfficeat m.hcoor W .. W.. land stone. frequently to the depth of sem , I•• 7:,l7.: ' , '" W:r ' atiTtlris: sm . , 0,1:10 I. The 81 ...... Oloffn k s . so d T.P 11. 1 nil feet, bete. coming to the strata of Cen-tinteesortelootaarota.,oratee tail Moat • I a.. far ..1. ..m, be teem 11., Y. O. 'Teen. , City arrived at New York on Saturday brat,lmrth on the bed rookie which the gold Is , bora Chagres March 28th, the former bring- 'always foundmost abundant. AL George- I wage county Tinware . a !town, the richest Mims in : the northern ;rlof forelrefb and now mmolow . a o r.••111.. ofAo . leg about 80 paseengers and • million anui .i. , i. boat e d. It is an ..... got ....r..r.;:,...tvrz0..,:.........., 0, ~...... a half in gold duet, and the latter 135 pa- !running ibrough volcanic hills. end "bout • Ioa• i coo,. In .......1........ nwar or me .101,11.0. WWI= and about a million in gold dust — mile and a hid( in length, known by the :1117=0:zszzrrAer,,,m2.:syrorarN,.1 being sitegothor much the largest amount . name of Oregon cannon. 1 omal to anro TM" wow . use, l ' or ...Wm Iwo so ma. ' ble Alm. now of tbe MEST l'l.oo MIA lIIIIM. I toms ever hod In New York in ono day. The! Only s portion of half to three quarters : ~,!„,,,,,,,. . a b e ,,,,k.,, .6. wmg, the U . S. mil f r( a, llf this portion , those , :o h u o nd v.ergi:hr...lll • 1ea r.. ... , , ....m . ,..1 . , „ ... , . . • Et ADO from ea. ...w of 1 the Penile, to March 1, contahing 20. 000 j have for months been literallrshovellinglF """.""5""*"...."""" . ." 00.5.. lettere and a largo somber of papers. ;out the gold in entree grains and pieces va- I as THIS II A GREAT DAV 1 j The Tennessee and Sarah Sands had tying from a dollar to nevem' pounds. Our I For Montrose." both arrived at Nadal, and were honed/- !frle ' ld ° P .II . day or two III" ' ha ! "" S' 'n , ' tote • Gana an it. eon reeettot tauter new.. ono or which ho saw four men tam out e y ~, cae„,„„,,,,,,,,„„.,,,,,,,..„„„„..,,,„, ~,,,,, ~ .„ lately to mail for San Frmeiseo. !pound., working but four hours: another ! tr:;. , TlA:rjry,:=7.r.grz e , r e rzt The news from California wore brought party of four s pound each. This was of ha mo 4:rs• yea Into AO-5 ...no rem.df j ° ar by Me Oregon, which also brought . 250 daily occurrence, in that tonality, and the 1 ,;',t„;,",1=',;;;111V 1' ,.„7,at1,r,:a ,t •re v / leaMengeratt od 2 1 • 116 . 8 33 no ..".2.. ent • 01100. were averaging bolt a pound per .m.l. rAprllll.l.l4 t JOtei 11110,10. beside, what was in the hands of loosen- day each man who worked. But it wes, Slatohley's Ploughs. g en. The flood ha s retire/ from Sacra- only in this 'Articular anon that ouch re-1„.,,, e ~,,,,,,,,,,..... ~,, j ,,,. n „. ...,,,, .„. , ...nip City, and real estate , which main - ' sults were obtained. Elsewhere in the 'lN:7..a.taiser st tse ittrowes tow.ort. cao nom Dined its priee moiler water, has odvanced [neighborhood, one or two outlet s was con- , 0 j 1 ; • &,=,„;,,,," ,71=:;' ' .; : ' ,P, ` ,ra.,7: in Di. as the waters have retired. The I slurred a fair day's work. It is known that , oriel eno selssotrworow M. I. 00,44,0 at maw,. authorities of the city are about to appro. J several hundred thousand dollar. have be. '";11711,,,,,. , e , ...„,„ n e ,s„ j.,,,,,, e ste bo. nay FWD a million of doll. ra to prevent the , taken out of • Oregon canon' alooe, since' tvwerowsta Mom., MIMEI.II YUI.I.K. I Ifnotroac, erre o, Me reourrenee of similar disastiars. • the first of October last One or tbo paseenA .,i t I s by the Oregon I The limo paper odds: . it e Imre owl nretehtry , Immorml M0m...4 cow abler them sur• mo• to , vet , ^ ,. •e , wr haw caw ow.l 'Reran brought down with hi lump of gold for I There are now about • 120,000 inhabi- wth ...ammo: wwwww.lit..... lo ihereneler roman .I VII 11..1 . 1101. which he was offered 3 1 00. Tho torte - i tants in California , moistly male adolts ; it ew r - JAW .1 111,011.1.. nate finder of the lump hail Wiled without ',even well sustain a imputation of millions; . m awns 0. ...01.11.1._ _ _ —.mom for several months when he wan: and even in the mineral regioneseveral bun- ' coess—rwoo hoses oanatfor wow. Den amply rewarded for his exertions. o dud t h oesond men could lint occupy the • ' I M .l° wi ••111.1, a KNAPP. The quantityof gold dust in the hands , „.1„,10 ground, the miner. is large; and they were ta- ! Those people in the Staten who are atlx• FIRST ARRIVAL. king advantage or the improvement in the , knotty I.king for the - boosting of the Cal- ; i ~her, to bring it down to San Francisco gorilla bubble." as they arc pleased to all It L Sutphin & Co. The euemoding steamers, it is expected, will I the extraordinary (to them) condition of A "' J ew w w oitte Jot a...a Inn , ...Pk , . r "- bring larger amounts than lame yet been , 0,:,,,,, 1,,,,.. „,,,,,,,u0,,,, "pun no , coo h ro no d , o sent to the linked State.. . :radical clouts° in the standards or value, SPRIA k SUMMER ROODS, It was quite healthy at San Francisco : will he doomed to much disappoitament ;sloth they sat see (ton ash) as tow as they coal and Sacramento City, and as the mod was Hot a Pinsk failure has ever been known to 10 . Imoght dos side of New I net. het doing rap, things were assuming o very have occurred in San Fram lac , , uhich in The, wet, their Ihnoto In 111/ public for the , cry liberal ollor, or patrom..e brenwel on mom native appearance. , . a busioess impel:ohm or 11........1P. nen . tlin towt aror , mod oroshl napes golly mole • soil The steamers on the river. were de fog trju n „, n ,;„,,, o f hundreds of millions, cannot wet • X.1111111./11 of floor ...In will. Wm olosontoce very Prei o w ide bt l Wwe °l—the N l ''' Wnr.li j well be paralleled elsewhere." , mat me. too, one WWI offer superior tarbteemenie wimp 1111•1 freight fist. to and from Sacra-1 The members of the bar of San Francis- toloorlitowts monto city out ...dim la times to $15. 0 0 0 J. have held several meetings relative le' r:Z l , i ., ' , ' 'l!..S! he'n.th"." n.l t". ''''' ,7 l l, end occul) ins but two days. Cool wasp the adoption, by the legislature, of the 1 ' worth about Vit per too Price e r l ll4 C.. , GIIIIM , III Law of Eogland,l.,r the regulation I $25 ; distaime 130 mita rood goveroment of the courts in the State, Lumber of all knell was arriviog in lora, njja oho practice„ me m ;h e r e in After n _o, quantities, and price. tool fell mato loll) or °table debate as to the bat cowa to be.' commitment Good lumber mold he pro- imm „,,i , 00 meeting 1 eared at 3 82 per 31, and brood ales hod liceolved. Time the tegbleffite bin ra ttan made still lower....noodled to adopt the simplest forms of A proposition made by the State of poetic° and pleadings compatible with the ' Deseret, to amalgamate with California, and' common hw system, term a new State, hyOD union of the two,' --=— was laid on the table by tho Legislature oft Din .Sao TO A CALIPOONIA ffrasese California.l - —The ateamer Wilson O. Hunt from New The squatter diaturbance is yet uneet- j York for California put into Bertitfida in tied, but nothing serious is likely to result 'distrait on the 11th ult., having en.un- from their agitation. I toyed a most terrific gale when a few days The Sacramento people have petitioned out A fireman, Thos. Blackney was kill (be legislature tor a charter for their city, col by a sea which she slapped during the nod Dew tannest wan assented to by that ' gale, and two of the deck bonds seriously body, but vetoed by Gov. Burnet w fir Ma- j wounded. A box of gold, containing W eed reasons,” says the Alta Californian, 000, is said to have ban host over board in ( t which do not relent favorably upon his: attempting to pot it into a small boat. The motives." All the towns on the Sacra- "mat went adrift with a martian named meet° and tributaries aro reported to be j Richard in it. thriving, partimilarly the new towns of Yu bar bailie, vorn , o, vroo,oot, and A survey re-1 RICII6OT MAN IN run WORI.D.—The coldly made on Feather river,near its mouth Wo-Itioston correspondent of the New York called Nicholas. ~Tournal of Commerce any a gentleman The disturbance betatron the Americans from Calitiwilia.now in Washington, elates „od the Chili' con oil the see jeo i eb, w hi,-I, bli3f. Col Fremont , is the richest men in the created apprehensions tier the s tretv of the. world. Ilia gold mioe will probably be latter tumorous class of miners, bat been mlable, in a oil yearn, at six millions an adjusted. I acre. Mr WI ight also says that he knows . From San Francisco to Stockton the ' , or Ma w s hvi".Vitr, to the R"v e r l " weln which rash is nearly in great as to the upper' arc worth six millirem of millers an amend is watt. of the .Sacramento. Travel' will steatitic from ton to twenty per cent a (militated by tlio""regular somi-weekly : year on that sum. trla of two small 51M111.1.1011. he temporary loon bill paned the log'. ; Ware on the last of Jemmy, notwithstand- ! ing strong opposition m.lo to it. The bill' requires the treasurer, as soon as practice- j ble, to lame heels of the state, io sum. oft one butolrel, two hundred and tweuty•five, fine hundred and one thous:rid dollars, and t not exceeding in the aggregate three hen-' dead thousend dollars, payable to the order I of the Governor, six months after date, with three par ant. interest. thereon per munth.l It also provides, that bonds shall be rooeiv-; able for all taxes or other state duce, The resignation. of nubile officers hav e, been se numerous that both branches of' the legislature have united In en a3dress to the people, reproving the practice. The Hoe, John Bigler, of Sacramento,' bas been darted Speaker of the Assembly, in place of Hon. J. T. White, resigned. An independent menu-packet company ha been organised at San Francisco, over which T. 0. Larkin Mabee* chosen presi dent, and towards which $700,000 have M. • reedy been mbseribed, 5500,0110 In Cali fornia and the Loden. in New York. TM polideal parties, whig and demoerat le, me organising. The deMorn.la assem bled at flan Jr.., have adopted a plan of or ganisation and an address,whieh we may ea rned by the next steamer. A petition boa been ificeented to the; Mohr legislative, praying that goners! nor- potation laws may be passed an speedily as; possible, in order that a company may be formed to start a railroad between Sawa- mato City and Colima. A large Ire mewed at Chasm en Orel mean' re Saturday, March 2$ by *bleb • lame part of the town was eoneemod.—, -' The Amorists side of the rivet I. rapidly; Imildina up, and now sports the title of . Amoy Oft" With the emotion of s slight diatarb me swag • rodeo of the perdition at liserews, • leideldng uttlemit attes ted me Wessiondlle, on Weaver's week, everyible. h qradeldunent the uteri% The silts le my ems reihnt but ill the M em OM dad Is foul Sondem late Mary. ale. Yobs Clip, nod Mar Yee air Ne =MN and mosey dim Is MN& mks at rhea 11 ie le Ma Temisio. One Err=els to be pretty MI MM/Ma. sidle& wswiw Nan before, as the bode bring emu geld he& above, smethies mu depeddio • ••••11- irredty in the holm - wilel hal Me; 41 . 1.167 t and left by =Mrs, Now. toyer " A Mend of out, • resides• of dde city, meetly paid • Ash to the Georptow• eg telgs. sheeted eme tee is mho Wise' e gotten Mill, (lb. petal of the 6d' discovery of go 1.1,) beim* lb. bulb ad 1,7,== e Rotepot er broke a horse ?"' ,red • horte•joeke ev y. N. not exact ly, ' replied Simon " but l' vo broke three or four wagons " jr.,,Tr The 13 Ink of I.bther hue ten chap ter., but neither tho words lord nor God in it. - - Bridgewater grimed Board. A no Anng a the School Ihreclore of Bridge. orator U. :net will by held at the Coori 1 louse ' :latunlay next, April 13. All Teuehet, or ether persenehoving honoree entli eon! Dowd 11/111 please attend el din" 111 l e. N. L. CATLIN. kh.r. NMI of Jarmo, Ds am ru cc rrr nl .11,re1 Tern, IH3O. 6111•• IP man. ApoDean—Edward Herten, D.eval Ilialava aler—llydie eraelecr, Amor U. Hard Jacob 'Nu kthary. rlifford—Ai cry Ileenhak, Lather 1.. Hardeck. Diniack—Ezekiel Medal!. John Fader. Ferrol Lake—Threams Meehan. Franklen—Tim• I. Adrallessn. Great Bend—Nalkaaiel I. leevria Harrold-11mq Ilddry, Asa Mgrover. Jeaaap—Jahn Haden. Jarkaaa—lereen Maty—John Harrigan. nta Travis. :Sew %Vaal —Timothy lloyir. Heade—thalami Hester.. priarrille—tlermaca A.llyde, David Wakele Imoit—Jaim Ilpa. Edward Heald, Jera-1 M [ali Ryan. Ilwdriewaler—Tyler Brewster, Joarph Beebe. Chormai—.kirk Ale'Masao. Cl,Mord—Jael wnp D:rmick—Awl Crwrirdy. Pmst Lalm—John FrankNE-11am, Web.. Clibraw—Siephen W. Pater, Joel Mam ba lime Mad—llama W. Kerb, David Now gnaw. David Thema. Ilarfowl—E. M. Illowliog, 014.1.krandiell.15. B. Gaik. Chewer William. Umiak— Elm. D. lasintiak. Jaiskrie.--Alvie J. Harmer. Liberly—lniCawavell, MMINIONO W. Tramdell. L...—Divalal Kaaba, Similar°. Mama. Larfami—Eliaba N. Lott Mologne.—R. C. Mlddlelawa—Da=wa. New lltdrord—Jaese Noy,. Ramb—Thesou N. Jae., hteldi MaCarly, Mel 111141=e--Lanas Primpille—Syhmter Nor, CIS T. Leonia Dal i n I Dentistry I I illai""" 1 i Dody oub, molt, r mod. •IhbooNlZ= , be mrlol WA M. IM. ma, orml 1.4.4m1a IN , Alm la Mmlm,llM. or Moth. MM. m M i llNMesequ*sMl. IM INdoml,lN aIIIM Mamba Z . ,.....91 01111. 612 .. 0r a 11im. lIIM .t , 1.1 non4T• " 71•1:li%e la ....IL. ' et MIN* M0d,M,113 IimMoMMYM -111 owl v/mmial. V* Me MOM MI MN. ge, MO MMO.m.llb• Msmift .mom ~ON on , =IC:WM , m/mMI lIIIMmI . mil .... b....ai sr MIMI. el ~Ws MM. ! MoOrm• API' , M. Look at This. Partnership Notice. 11...11., ft • 11,41nPube tan,..nt Hat, Cap, St Fur, Business, `"'""m1;•.111;741 . 1 .e1111.1°.. II T. T 40.:11111 WATCHES & JEWELRY, with id. www•lllutes t. wn.l , CV". NEW FIRM ! New Awortmoot of Goods '74..4 rIIn,W o. null I o, to our• 1 117 . 1.• 1.1.11t10n to llts mhos, wt hays In sonata.. A In n n %hr. Iron I s Apr. Ill t 1..5 , 1 s. N. co. 8021 1021T.3.• I':,l:Lt:T;:l.=r-"rraattr" A CAPS. HATS :} 1114.•—• Ire • , Y VB5 aimas mans re,l4nit i. l.4 " ar%V:= 7 • 77.l :=Z• l e•"•••• ly 1 .11,1.11 , •• Set . .atTaitt r =Z ? 7414711 %%, IMAM ma Mu* • CO. , J. eriCEN $A1 ,14:. ' a:c 4.1= ••••11,11r.• Az 3 Ll=“l"ari r•:.•1414,=•=••••,,...471V; • 1•• Wine: t • aralii VP . Yr ' "11.• 11nt.1.1•A 7.;"“"atin=ilstis. MOTION —Wit 4= .I=7= • • 10... • ,urallmosetl,•••• oar. 1 ,01; f .. ..er )MR6 I=4 1 et .:111...e•o d :rkttenlyitabo. t MIAMI •.1 Trims cuirorm. AUCTIOTr-ITEMS= atibessloolber.rnMetrwor jObiedh f 4 Ham% II 8010 NNW thavo." Lawlor Warr, - II ••• Wm 11an.... LW Miro* 3 A. '•% I CHI.. 10l 0 ••••11.11 I* ...10". 4 &IP .-I.' afig7""Trinamm lin 41•••••••31•43•4113 wry. Art Ill• jrz l =FA:r r Mr". el Om i M. do, • 64.11.16+01.1111,11... W W. te HAVBB • IIAnUERRKAN AdiusT AS ...rem ow .611.1. ......atlypletenteloy Obe 744...11....crwr.,„..... .21,11.= fremiilllMpinhoonnr. 1 ., .1. hall .1:4".:WW•1171"* . "*" ... I. entry = ctrzxr . 2 —.1.1 MN err lon lain Led. ~ , ,:rt = l let zt. •••=malscother.•• Ir=l:r =-1cr"7...4:"; I...morthe elan, we closely Cancers ! Cancers I MZlrl==== r.,ett4lnnterTgii.. l •=rer= I=l".l":Z=4:ereMis adettr:ll.="4: "4 ...la., Is Pplaitylll4.. re. I. NOTICE To Whofresh Dealers NBA Dealers fa Aferedee- Ass within Ike County of Sontseinnwo permute...roar am or Arrontity Ommem I wealth, Az the net of the dth day ef May, 10 Addled "An ten A provide Avenue to meet the den:Ands upon the Treaeowy. and fee Abet Perpows;' an AA ef the lila of April. 1015. a. lid." au Ant le increase bet revenue end A mulet. the legislative repented A the Ilionnewn wealth." au eel passed t h e zia day of April,lBl6, •• en Act te i pmeide to. the reduction of lb. Addle debt," and on act peed lb. 10th day (A April, idly. entitled "an An to create a Pink. ' ecot food, and to provide for the gradual and Per tain emeguidment of the deld of the Comm.- ealth." the undereigned, Appria.. .1 Mercantile to are for beeplohOnlle minty. Inas prepared • lit I of AI Merchant.. trading •.thic. said Capnty.abd placed each of the rood blerehente in that elms which to Mot Seel. right and just according to the provimus el raid eel Amendtly, as fellows. Rrstalesore. Itirrehano. Ma. Atiurti, N 'Rachel] A. Co, 14 Brooklyn, E T ad,. (leaner)(leaner)ll de II 'F &Ale., 11 do It A Ektotal. 14 de F. A Kent. 1/ Clifford. Geo. A CooprE (lower) 14 Medoff. 01 Well.l'hatendoe. &a 11 de & Lengdea, de 14 .k Wells &Chine...den, de 13 de Como & Ayr... do 13 do T P Iffonney, 40 14 Dialect, threat Illateetre, 14 Fnendevtlle, Jl' Irteme. (hper) 11 de Ww.kkom & Steno. 13 Colman, It Borrow. & Co. IS de N E Kennelly. 11 de Smiley & Corti, 14 de Aea Brewed, 14 Greet Bend, Won Dayton, (liquor) 13 de Fayette Trowbridge, do 14 de Jahn Mcgonory. 13 de Joe. Fhtleee, 14 do Wm 11Trowbr811e. 14 annony, I (1 Mealy. (denteene) 1I 40 1,0110 ik. Cho oak r. 13 de D A Lyon dr. Ikether, 13 de T P Badger. 14 do E Copky, Illartend. Jahneen & Ferry, de Lake & Bala& do 14 Seymour. Lamm, Grow & Bream, II Mournov, Roo & Snores. . 13 do J Lpro, 14 do 11. Pak & Co., 18 do Bautley L Read, (Ikplr) 13 do J Etheridge. do 11 do I. R Pilo. do 11 do Molls & Kaapp, 12 do Abel Tanen, 14 do Geo. Lillie. 14 do 11 Searle & Co.. 14 do . 61 C Tylor, 11 do • Mel Erilmo, 13 do II J Wald, 14 d. S II Sayre &Coo Ilk do S S Mulford & Sao. 13 do Lathrop & Salisbury, 11 do Pea. Fuller. (olomeilia) 14 do Eldred & Nerroosb, do 14 Now 2111.nd, C $ Mennen, 13 do II Burris, SidodP 13 do Nommen& lloydoo.do 14 do A Maw &Sous, do 14 do R L &Solon &Co, IR Itorti, Porker & Proof, • 14 do 11 .1 Clianyron, 14 do 16 P Ca, 14 Synod-v.llo. Lalhrop. Safirbdry & Co., 13 do T. Jackson. 14 do I Stoll, 14 do lobos., & Dean. 14 Alves Laker Roden & Conk... 14 do IV Ildrofor Yr.. 14 Brewer Pk. of gallon Clifford, Jana NlaAlla, 1060 List of Ile, 6.00 a, Rating ken., 44. R......knee. ittpfl • 1. Du6did7, E Charobero, do dl/ Warmer, Ilannoory. Mallow &Norrmos..oi9.) 6 ' do N 1141, do 6 .341 Elhor 111.1.10, do 7 do A P Stadanl. do 7 da A A Powders. &a 6 Meowed, A Neryi4rr. 7 . . • 110 J Churchill. 7 .I.nd thy Jades au. C. of Camases penal maid away arid MI • came et appeal at 11.• Can Home ha Neater. is aad t. 1.. away 1 : f ert at 1 tAleekl4l. al . YL 4 .1. 1 ti d"alal;ltai r am 'j m th. " nr lai d ; :peat: at a n : . y d y antra, mad appeal haat maid amattemesd dthey thiak prop, I. N. HAWLEY. Apr.B, 1850.. Wm; t haa..1.11176a eiroa7mola ma art a nee We Ow yaw•leas la • Oat An *a aima avail,maa la Ma p 1.... NOtiee, j r=rrrenra "" sor "." ! AU "rm.. luniag moneatlal weer.* =Lid km .11 Lb% of Lott/10-4 1 .4::"= 2 . al•=ue . ............. Aostla Nils ... Me* .4.11 1 = War ow* WIWI, t ...... Orend =* hL"." 11•1•0111.1 . • , Namollgrab II I: Jam ay. Naas f reMas 1/ "... t ...... .. r w rar — ...,..' . id.... — rwianre Nay hist I harld ray s IN.: •• 11%. Ad .r. 11.•••en* 4.••• • Jake L mos ll* iii••• .4.. an.. Ira , 1111••= =,1=66 spry. Ilmoil oam• Um •• Wm. NW • W Pairmitiole • Arm E1i..... r a Perm =el • OM* =A rWI . ff./WI , 11•1111.0 " kid qr . ' r Wm 8...1.•• • .ilkee n : . 570•••• Lome W.. TiPmf M, ......, *Ea IL OAIIIL • 111. I lirttiftl."ll " l - 12 . 4 " 1. M.. . ""'S adIEMAIIMI4I.IIEII4 imAzzaioAsom. 1 ON rd , •ll. twolay, Jetly 11, tbt law l_,. 6. Pd• 1 ..." 8 ........ .1 1 Y.. N...1 . * A. ...irpir..A . • 1 Al 14 u . 1 .•••• • ..111.. • I ..r.:1...t.nr.V. .4.101:1;to ki.11.... •11 , 11111.• TMAIINS. /A••• Attfene, 11,11 I Later Aka. IlAr At If•sit?. A . At !• Allot Y •A ::: :: 11101 . 11 Ti!/41111E. es &d- • i. HM F.Y At • ...at. • .• 1,1•••••• An t rii Prtirli '"'"'t v"" 1 r n . urn ft. sea. , •111114mre au X .221 n. imload 11 Ma, or m thoarrivoa 41M M. /wets tr. r. I..ztvr--...=:z.• " 1.4. at seanas n nM ~l esl Mr 11rR. I YM YI, live~~ p.pRlO! RRN'f'O]IR. U. BURROWS & CO., 07.1".:4117.2.:71."===t1nt =V.= :=1a1=ta....7.4••5ty,•••1,141, CHEAP CARPETING. !pc a All Wool. Ilan' WeA. Woni gra. , or:T=l...m , V011i127r17: STOVES, STOVES C7=;.,==.ll."ll.',lr4tre:i4l",at 1 by V. 111113M0 Joiners' Tools—A =""":""' Wmal ar .'"' I. NI 111.11411• Cloths and Casaimerea. mid came.. W ytret:2l . 7ertntely r":;="."." Izrztr.:l^a"`• READY MADE CLOTHING ! Is1 " :=1:7•Zis trit *mart Zo7ToVI r":2l;: '' Cli7Vlll% ts sod ...Ss, els Hata and Caps. wittleral aro.luent P.M suril Wag Olaf 'loth am 11114.1 Vap.. rz.=;"Vgt TZt",7:l4"X= t: MARK. 14 !! C111 . 141411,./**lt MaSIMV:A=.I7II.B.I6 A ""'"liMarrlllll... hvowseml ..""="i7r.V.Zgar "A; jr=frfe vo.oct,.a E CABINET SHOP ! TIIR wolenignonl hinlo tm enal Lo t o z ollo = A 1 . 1 o;.:; ]loot 4 . o .tfh p o l/.7:t10ja:m 7 ...714. 0 1.. r WIROSCOIPIA %P.:4;x" e. e nt n Hama . Taawl i•. 1• pn.h naarw e an e.. !, lftlde.nh • ea.. iibtrinaisin mace ml hie unpin... Oxelivoa tnewitnn. en. isei. tho • me .. e .2" =7:71=: " .Z " ittl7 non.taninind .tn I. .... miti my that h• i.e.es iii•est. by • eb..l nod I two : t l e . rhin X.inOairol net titi7= rthae kln r •i. 7 el.• • bite fee eta.. • eamiewhent. a im tile 1me•544..... Ihwriree, 114;Oo ' elO - 1.. 7 1;1 . 1,1.• ollt. rot.. lo 1. rt./ ot Too T. Ye ftwr001...111.10, . Melw K 11. o. o. to A..1h001.. Gem. 11.1.1, Te.le " itrle rrl ar. " ITlrorm, 11114111110. List of Patent Medicines V., We a Twain,. OLD Doctor Jamb Townsend's Barone rill*, B. P. Townsend'e do.. Dr. It ay retie Retreat of yellow Doak and Banspe rills, Weber'. SersatorMa, Edinburgh) Blood Purifier, areal Weiner. Indian - Pan- SOWN lirinekerhor• Health Restorative; . Dr. D. Jaynes Hapesterant, Alterative. Caretinltive %Bata. Hair Tonle, Hair Dye, Vomiter, Sanative Mlle, and Ague Ayer's Merry Peetoral. Brant.'s lolian Pul weary Ilidsole, Braes India. Purifying Batron t Ighennee's All-Healieg Belem, !Wayne • (Deepened Sirup of Wei Cher- , yy tPub l r"1 '; trrit tirat,•:PTalsr Ratrattur. " Dr. Trask's Herein Ointment I 1 (a sure ewe for Rheuesatinej PSI n Hamner ; PI-Healing Lloastent I Sarpa's Armenia to I, Down'e Veg. Min. J 0a1111•111 Cough Dror, Jamileo Bitters. I Lear'. Remedy for the fold Atha. Dr Jorikees'a PW Rnbromtioe, Myra.' Liquid Owe fur Pike. Som. doe. Mir lee Wenn Brim BMWs Vermillsge. Palnasinek'sl Vomiter. Whiner's Blame *(Wild 0h.,- ry, With& Oil, 110111 M On. Tod* y. MM. nook Godfrey'. Cordial, Buena • Onielb D..., Talipas Beam of Lfe, Clow mad Arabia Harm ; et Opium, tkompowes Eye Wow., Nona' Elk Maw Oidawnt„ aid Opedshdim,Dri esbedle• Dopepidslda • Plata, o.pa Nosh.. WA *Moil flap, Goals Tad Owdlot, Dow adw CWore . i . 3raw, abmwmes Wane la Leawied liwohowde y e ws'. Peal ay. is= =Rbenends IlleilerkWowiewles Dr. Owndedd ik, Nees M r beererir, named Ono Oen. le ' Speale, Upham Pe. Saw ang ua Ddlowe Dave CIA. Is. !a bika 1/Vi • d Bop Char& asloaa Oda's, Jayr a ttiY.4addded wareadd to ma *pa .dl .lr. aim& ma. , raw* dad, Lay Aldloas,, OW. PIITI6OI STEVICRIS, ••••>. MARK Ja ...= . 4l=9l4l:rerr r r . t. pseteramp. • I. noi •••..111savor, RAIIIIMI Traments, IMMILIMALS wontimpos Flour, Feed, Mai, Grain, relax. ■ ',Nag, ...AN a.. crambers it in OWN @ St., mr.a. We N. Y 14.11... Depot NEW YORK. rl!==:1 C. BALDWIN, a alwemAy 1.*••••• all la au. was anaraaa owe am* wad . . Nilsen, nava an. are ' ltstrl ta . gL • •.•••y • r Poorry. pot op la aa...,hdat .ya Maw lr—a no !:;;Zia.taar4raatal.:=ll=AfAir DOLT. R. THAYER, 11“11110 AMP 11111110PATNIC `"' . "llr:s Mem Ilat Imlay ..m.ry .t• . 1 . nyku., *wow AM 4...111 lit flyy Mt BININ a1~1 •ea . P.M.e....., .v r...., Pm. O. FL NNIMMINKOBITIS. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER & REPAIRER Steamer Falcon jut In I Imperial( News fns the Gold Itelses I ROI Gold Mime I. Memerese, Where a man may make himself rick a Jay by stepping into L ITIEROP & adeL.elfrok Melees. a. most camp.. • seal i• nr.itheris Trade Witt, Let. Tny ..... no. ..• 1 , 110, • =W We•Jv.lJrllq.~ „ b*Y Itasila7l4eso sea AtoLiess elas, • IZarii ltre , l4. 70 rq=l4:arrin jr1.11 . .. mut .4.A. 41 : 217 lahly, • ism , 1..0.1 iciud•—•onoat k"rka I.ll ' ef gdse:l= trrx: . . 16•11 . ••••• f••• 1 11•10•1•••• I ••••• ••• i Rlda.,lll• bet my , Wog Iling tamers IN. v. le tom 46-111•1 rot*, 1 ..... My atill. owl srAng ... P.a.., ........• MM!tiESIEIMI . oPll.l—e. Pa.lumen P Pat. Amqpi Ible. CP•••110. on• Paws dna •• ;P.a. PP. . • ...PA. WIPP Ma Mop* e PP .t.a. . M.rrml •xr. Pa. of arkkh pou. ra P....1,PM ll*. Mos.. PM off 14, a M.N.., wed ha 11. ONO, Wm wed 1. Or et.. I I . Lorn= a rl y t . ::::...= . en I. bum Pot se... ;11.... Inewplol=lll.l, P.P...•••.....pima law MA Oar; alca.t..l /11.••. e spay allop Av.k W 5..1111 I IMalls; au MM. emehe MRMS M. Yr r. Pump •••r nrl4l _ , Ma air AN*. Eno.. ram, 11•••• N.nim /1111.•••• Irral• 11M. Von, 'll.lln, Mom •••• Ocala. LIM.. Chave. NW. 11. ens.conono...ar esi Al*" Na •••.• bft loft ft.. by aft ft ty. wite ft.. aft bate. ftreafta • .••••I ftwal le ft watt', MOD wftft atatta =l . ...l====re .. re weft am bwaw. Iv ora. aftsftwaft aft rift OK. N. IN oft boyftft• Waft. , Iftft abb. bay bra. waftwftled to lb wfteftbila eft. ft fteaft at ft tuft ft• baba bow taw szta Oftwww . ..ftare A. X . :ft awe . ft* b.* ft a. bY MN *WY la aft *ie yr was aft. taftwft ft* fttiftw bye In by. Weft.. am it waft Mr.eft b. ft ftwa wiry way wat baft. two , I ando4 Is ••••• Anew* WM% •Oravva.lb Maws SW. ,t. . ft • n n' 4 "l ft r , ' hiVe aft.owft Ib . b ftwl = • aftaftlft ta•qo fth b ' Y e w. ftft. wwww.. • . I tftft r S. ell yft Ifty baaw •ft Vr aft ftft. Fr rart 77.1V0tr ookai. ..ngtd . '" ia W. ; ...ex=r4=v .114 at • alimarrbil of Zile ow arickal many Wen abaft ft. tr, * kV W..* OITA ftat. aft. lb am abaft illot,aifteftl Of MN be mime, 1r .of wwWwwww ww=ro.WWwlWww .=lll== . lr= , . 11•Wi ! . 12Ww‘r14.1:. 1•0 Trimmer% Bale era ammigh. ;L. I'A* . 21 •••Wl. .472111="1 tr AIM w. MEM zoomau . NU GOODS. AWN, idnamuLL, IS war 011140.14* (mi.? &0a... ,••••.0",4,0) ' lynx ; / e s. Cliemestab, rmaxtet, Wee .atto,C4r.rircr Clorkir.Waelee..M.l4, &Mr lipsrsi4Spee - Wks, lisaisd "Roarmieliste. Trashmi Mama lautrifolents. Lirmrd; PerfortiV, II ittehmbh* eruhea. rel.4e• ?Mime, 4.. 4,, fne UN, NV* •••••••• osi •••••••61.1 in MO. in 01.10.1 tier.? trr. • .....,___ , 01100.1111131.-• gra ....ft ff .6 4 % .." .1 , 1 1 Tose, ra ad =lama Wa 5 , Sea., e. g are. Taa Aa , r fMa,. . Was g ... W .. : agr. Ora, raga Mar. ( rla Id i g Ns. ilat . 1aga...., ga ear". ‘ ~ A . ...• wien. 8... aria MI sgag. Telma la Ma/ V....a sn d4141W-1.41.1.,Ordm11•10••••011.. doa, raw* ilmoy WA.* Weft r.l+l • On. 40.41, Jeer, nme , . A II cause., 41 1211.16 TNI." .. YAM 01.1•• tri=ilTAlrlr. SIUMIRIL—StiIIs. Dow* 111Atwillad Stn., I.W. Pane twt.ron.o.4l. NUN 1.. dohs owl =l . l=Z•all Woe, 16.801 r, Dm, Toot • CIMUNIT.—PaIIeiII.M. TOM ram poi edka• .1•••• lay 41*.es,Ithers•ai Bina. POTTS.-•••• Mae WI =I. dllajte Isipoftl=, _llbrome ?Of ter71,Z=Z.1"."26,z Odiff.lisdead 011, • Wed Ms. =lll/ 11•• OM, Ma 011,erida 0111, sad ad Ye 11.—Tendled, OW, IMO* did *mot Vffinold, He. • sins,Zußrierrattr. %E.* i 7.6 vt.b.t :avriaintilt ern "air. ark "g smay • µ' =, S . 1.11111 M; elelbso, Mau me.1110...1.116 .31:1401 , 011, 00- ' Ient 1 .0• 1 1 DMA, MC !!!!!!!3: 1064 ii Vim—MON* Tialsr . em, erl yebas, Rboli••••• • ". • non 'Mali —asp afar res A wune ime.owant IMs, Perm are.l.4.4.o•Triaaa. M.lll. Out OMS& WATOlMernent,74 . ...4l Uhitele s.a .-4Mes era as.* 66141 vrestmodrold lksis,•••.... As. ••••+ men. Wee.—winoone.,. vilety awl 14Sp, 0. yews, 110/1•• !lac )t or pared sad 0.01. - 711 W mars Me. llNeel ai.e .. .. , ..—50r ftedly is( amid illine Mose, 1.04.111ar, PldrlCONd pea ••••rly nos4l Mot •MIN Wiese ..ineollm, @M. crf *lt* War. Z.Velt raw he Resomeners,.l4l...... rosrog.A. oba, Mg sad ley r ya 1.“...11. NUM. —M111•• Ob. W a*.ot war lotemeak t al •11*.I. *WI ilowa. 14.8. MIN ; /..-•4•1140,•;;WIN, 0.1...41m. .Mosa. ArSwi: Ntr fsUflSM.—ulb*' ' r MUM! —pbelne 11,••••••••••11. poopemis,MP M M, “..1=7.41 4 :, Yr, see.. 0114.4, Illma.) 'AL 11Z . .•= . 11.14.1,1 " 1. 4 4 1 1•7 1 . 4 0 , no, wow. TOogpan., Nor l&ge IM 1111 170}T.-7..10d1r. ieuerXe.:= ow it ••• 11166. Kiser aml MOW. 1011.• •■••••• . ilmao fa*. ffillne 4M.:M. Mole a r k= I Mai 2.'l= hymaere...nr"' Z2l= 2: 4 1 h•• V Z.llV t 4 1 M.,M...11••••• Mweri....6... . ny..; Owni . 6 . 4 . it V .1.:•••.INA. ' ./.. r2.9.4. 74'. ir ' Z ' rigi t t= " Z ;rear:=Prii=itlfta. essZ amaIAWY•Nr ob• 0•••• 4.1•11 47 , 1 . Ow! ON, T•••• aMO, 1•••••• •••• ally • n_ .s_ ol.• 61•0•011 ...... M•bdh C '''': 6W1 . 1 . •=1 .1.... ..44 Wei . :,... ....%•1• , •Z ...,,.,. ..1• •=IO:9E ..•14 ZI , gotir . Trem‘paelqi , , .‘ =1, 41 , .6 laMe . AM. me. bmi.l. ' X= Vot MOP AN6 n lwel. IMltr.
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