The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 11, 1850, Image 2

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    Homicide may olio be minalanglher,
when committed is sudden combat, when
two penons get into •a queued on equal
torms--no matter which sta. first, the
law apposee that heat. and passion, insteed;
of mike, and the killing of either. if it
bike plan, under these eirennisianses, I.
held to fie yealaughter even if it take
pine by a deadly weepon. Prof W. then
stand. charged, virtually, with murder and
manslaughter. Ile is °barged with the
killing. If be did it with malice or fore- ,
*eight, as • deliberate and cruel set, io n
was murder. If it was with sufficient prov
ocation, or is sadden combat and heat of
Maid, it was manslaughter.
The government is bound in the ease to
slate not only what the mime is, but what
the in of it is. Their statement must
set only be eitbstitutiated, hut even formal
The Rayed has a right to know to what'
he is to plied, that he may prepare his de
fence. Any mistake or maceirlfey in the
statement is fatal to the prosecution. This
is the shield which our law throws around
us, and without which there would be no;
safety fer as or our lives
In other lands there ten; be other cirri
sal lam, with mere or less benelleilel remain ,
Bat thin is the lew ander which we lire, in
pease and quietness, and the defendant, and
mod seer y Ye maned of tide great crime,
he • right to the benefit of it. I now ask
your attentioo, gentlemen, to the indict
ment—lt ensista of four *sante. The co.-
..mane is allowed to prove its indict.
neon, and if they be properly drawn, prow
ing either of them ie aifficient to establish'
the guilt of die defendant.
H. then called the attention of the jury,,
to the Mee of law, Find—defining the
offence net the defendant, Second
—To th ro les of law in regard to the
modes of bringing the charge in the indiet
meet. Third—From the rules of law in
reiprd to the proof of the feet..
He then went Into • diequisition on the
various kind. of murder.
Me. Bolder alosed at sin o'eleek. having
spoken two hewn and • quarter.
VaSTIMONY tot D 8888 C 2 .
Joseph T. Baskiegham, morn—Rave I
known Dr. W. for thirty yarn; shave know
him to be a peaceable man, and never knew,
him to be charged with any act of vie-
John G. Palfrey, sworn—knew Webster
eight years, during my residence in Cam
bridge; mean years es a neighbor, never
boa anything eharged against him as a
man et violencce while he wail Profaner 01
Chemistry aniarvard.
John B. Blake, sworn—Piave known
Webster 25 years; and was in the labora
tory with him, at the Medical College, one
year ; always knew him as a peaceable and
ar, awora-1 hare known
'0 yen; sayer know any
v • peaceable and hu-
Al, avrern=l b.,. been
(hAloir 11 years ; have
20 years ; I have al
. a humane and honest
Savory, sworn—l midi* in
Cbarleatown ; I have known Prot IV. 12
pan; be has always been hold in the
community SO a ;tearable and quiet man.
Conan. Pusan*, sworn—l reside atl
Cambridge; I have known Dr. W. an •
neighbor nip.. 1842 ; 1 have aloe known
him a• • ',namable and quiet neighbor and
•11 honorable man.
Abel Willard. sworn—l reside in Cam
bridge; am acquainted with Pror. W. ;
ham known him for many yarn; never
knew anything against his °hammer ;
ways beardlike spoken of very highly.
A nuttier of other crime... testified to
the good character of the defendant, and
e. the court adj. at T
' Diarsday, Merck 28.—Ten or twelve'
witnesses called and sworn, that for many
yam, rune for • qurter of a century, they,
have been intimately amminted with Dr.,
W, and foami him always a kind, peacea
ble °bison.
Chas. 0 Eaton, swarm—l Lee known
Dr. IV. 8 years; I am a Rip painter; hare
nfme been as hie prDato rooms in tba lei- :1
legs and Dead them bolted; I hoe been
then when the Janitor mail not get ad-
=blame; at one time when the door woo
fastened the Janitor told me I could not'
ea Dr. W. ; I told him I bad an appoint.'
meat; em went to the lower doom and;
totted them fast, bat a., I
Edwin Whltney..ewont-1 do not know
Littlefeld; IM men who bad ehmge of the
Whew irst, said be saw Dr. W. pay Dr.',
P. 070, and aftentards mid Ise did ant me,
MN poly t
at tea at IS en Friday I aew Dr. W. at'
Jaige Vela&
Pay,stams—l am well aimmint-1
al with Mr. W.• I maw beard hale meats-,
time Ihr Madam; cabal in mmetim, I sew,
ea rag modes /be day of the:
=mania ; I ailed Mr. Treed-
• 4 11trat at
9 eideth ; Dead Dr. W. mall
his milk Mr. MerrM Wyman wad his wife I!
I eadised amiable( maul; I ems at Dr.'• , ,
bathe ea kleaday, Monday, Tenant and ,
Weilmoday ~hp, to kaiaks for Dr. P. i
Jonthb Kidder, mrent—lam a d
I sold Alask re
.'sleekea rat;',
boi K Champi. I la'.
mob:.. wawa., dviii-
Wr a A. W. Ft!! 11 . adier
wen al hem at Ms. musk Waal 6 ; wow
bias 6, .d dos mot le • molibbars
wide rim../ sepoU awl named as
yVt iss6 II; Iyr sit Ilasklhoi; wt
Ihdor 66 Morse I we 61 bon in do wow
66fig es orol I hher mei war so hew
lordsishonosee Mbar Woe
Illasly re seri t holip h 7, 11Mhor
ahem pined ail WA ha man M 1 lo
dirt* d he dholl 66 bins ea Trolay all
weir lows; be irks Se se Waileasky
Iheserr Mom do bulk I was why ;
Ilbunsiny M AA 616 go INN Was; w. 64
411 "."'" 1h 61 66 h el Ms NMI
initst wpmww.wt have • ewer at
NO; she w arnilol hms; 66
b as 66 66614•6 FA a=
Berlant*4lo4 boom
Harriet • Clh P. W , th
or damp of the primmer, testified to, matte nth own apparatus between Imam's.,
the same to as above, being nearly alike and that is the num why I excloded per
in every partied/a , respecting the wherea- soma from my Laboratory. As regards my
hoots of their father from the day the sue- whermabonts from the hone of Dr.
der was charged to have been eanunitted, appearance, I have put into my ernmsel'•
op to the day of his arrest on the following hand. satielantory information, ',bleb will
Fridey. th count fur every day I bad spent during:
The daughters ere laid to be 16 to 10 that week—for every day and every hour I,
years of age, and behaved with much for- ever was absent from my home. Imu at
thuds and propriety in their trying Cites- , home every evening."
The Profess. r here sat down, bet slmost
Ann Finnegan, sworti—l live et Dr.' instantly nose sod said—" I will say one
117, , ,, I te e th then on the 16th of Nov.; I word more. I felt much distreesed by the
'recollect that he dined regolarly et home 'predate .n of dots letters, mire so than by,
very day until the time of his arrest. anything that bas meurred during the tri- ,
Dr. N. W. Saone, sworn—The hole in al. I call my God to witness, that if it was
the thorax was not a deer cut ; there is nolthe last hour of my lif. I never wrote those!
difficulty in making a dear cut in a dead l letters. Since the trial commenced, a let- 1
body, when the muscle. are tease. , ter hes been reeeived front this very
P. D. Mach, sworn—l live at 15 Vineiby one of my counsel. If dds person have
'street; have known Dr. Parkmen 14 years, I any spark of humanity, I call upon him to
!maw Dr. P. on Friday, Nor., 23d, 12 min- come forward. A notice to this effect he.
' tans before 2; 1 told my sister of it soon been put in the papers." •
after getting home ; said I had seen 'chin, / Dr. W. again took his seal, having lasi
.to make Ler laugh; moaning Dr. P., who' destly made a deep impression Imam ell pro
bed a long chin. sent, by the seriousness of his remarks and
Wm. D. Thompson, sworn—went with the earnestness of his =inner.
officer Fuller to nee Dr. W. aloud. the data The jury was then charged by Chief Jos
of mortgage on which Dr. W. laid the , Gee Shaw, at considerable length.
money; after looking over his papers a- I The Jury retired at Ave minutes put 8
while, he said it was not on real property ; n'oloth, and thine into Court at eleven
I new nothing remarkable in his 'miners; o'clock .
I have known Parkin. 10 yeare ; I saw
him in Leveret-st., about 10 minutes put
2, on Friday, Nov. 23 ; I am certain ; 1
paid for this coat on that day and have a
soVroofir'.l;ol tho 17 1 1, pt s . worn lam connected
with the Ilervard University; I here ex
perimented with nitric acid on bone and
flesh, the largest beef bones put into this
sold will dissolve in 5 hours, and the Gosh
in 3or 4 I never - tried human eons, but
they would dieaolve moaner.
Dr Morton, sworn—hare practiced den
tietry 8 years; I took instructions of Dr
Keep ; the witness showed the jury bow I
"TO of his oldplates of teeth would fit the I
model for Dr. Parkman'a jaw; them, wee'
nothing particular about the block for Dr.'
P.'s jaw ; gonad not identify my work after
it we, warped - by the Are. •••
S A. Wentworth, swam—Lave known
Dr. P. 2 years; I saw him last between
the hours of 2 end a half cud 3 and a half,
Noe. 29, in Court-et ;I am certain ; I know
by the time I dinner ; I dinner.' at 3, and
my hired man had ben feel! en Lour to get
his, and after whielt•l had passed down to
Court-at, where I saw Dr. P. ; I was mar
keting, and always do it on that day of the
Samuel Collud, sworn—l barn known
Dr. P. 11 years; in 1437 was his tenant;
I nu him on Friday, Nov. 29, in Washing
ton-et., between a quarter past 8; em cer
tain from sn appointment twin that day at
3 o'clock, which I had jut
Abby 8. Mummies, sworn—l last saw Dr.
Parkinan on Friday the bild Nov , in Green
Arent, wormier before 5; there was► man
with him; I was as nur bits as I could kin
with my daughter between we bower
to him; I bought --
loure refer
and .../ fi fro hor . ses. ' Mani the imprimis ofcollovion on he yet; th ee. and • A Card.
.i , ao &en . were preparing 10
reanii, iir it don net Nary the teem. engaged in ii—momp' To Mr Public:
I The Yanctons were also preparing for tt it."'" of G. " . Tay he " C"'""" though d"l.".•—' On the night of the Ida hist •et the
_- - sth. P. is positive. deeper bemalh mkt. obloquy and contempt than Martha' home of Ward,l'ais 8C.., at the Lane..
Friday. blotch :Va.—Several dentists war with the Pawnem, 1 " ...T... or , plummet ever sounded, then have we totally m i.. bore' Depot, which le kept by F. A. Weird, a Int.
wee called as rebutting evidence to' depredation. committed by the latter
preawy contain . aanangiiena ' taken the seoltmente rind 1.1•• of right and pro. ...miler tacitness hming occurred among the
ste r ngthen the identity of the plate found 1 This war will
in the furnace, ands worn to by Dr. Keep the whole mum,. I priely of the American people. Already has • , hoe.h. and Ps. td the hood/ (ma of too loom,
las the one he made threo jean before for There is every tenon lo fear that parties ..00 " ... • M ia a l IT e°"drem .."." ' M ' %V•rd b " ...11,, aid ..• sat. athhhlad.
Dr. P ; they wore Mostly of the opinion tof California emigrants, going by the neigh .... 6° ..., .° w. ha ° it will he Glthfol Laving ben adled open by bill' Ward lo P.m.l.
'that the dentist might know bis own work,' aide a the Platte River, may fall in with t."l t h orough it.....• Th. ...".", ....' 0. • ....I.f 1.. "....". "...Y....U. hero
If not warped by heat. Counsel for the' war parties of the Indians and be .hooked. t adb y M. °G... " the ails.* . thadarol• 0010° I° d. f•naa"ll ".. 1 ".....h.b ." thloth
gh . o y 11,,,,,b. the .gout fi, Si, , , i. sad he Whinge." , perfectly tinplating. As yet we', give to the pubhe, both ha Police le Mr. Want,
then offered to prove by sever
,al witnesses that there was a certain man teal to arrive here about the Imt e r' hem wen n• Whig paper which km undertaken •"d for the h.t..t't of eth...4. me, haven eine
! men in Boston about the time named in tent month. ; the defence of the earth. amused. On the mu .. lice noon occur wi th dm. It mimeos that out of
Th• TriMmo i• bold In us demociutione et . 1. Ya•••• ." "". "'PP". Wad." a.....°
the evidmee, who etrongly resembled Dr. The Union Fur Company had been very 1 a re The
IP.; anti thSt be might have been taken for .sumeseful last year. over four thommnu • Moir moduet..hik the R.p.:hlir,th•sdmi.i...' ..).• moy Wok, mot from the symptoms it e .
him by the several to 0. T le C ourt peeks or it nob. bad Wen brought in, !... org....outente itself by the cited to memo ' the. hero hem . mom ai 1111 l al m o m , m a .
objected. Two more elm... wore eulled -- - -- iho Preindent and one or two of Ili. Cob net mi.. the beet elm, knowledge and belief. ..110w front
to prom the irregularity of the Court! PM BM DiN 111. D/ORITT. - 11 is said that , Wen from knowledge of it or blame, and pack., all the facto that won preeeeted. we env dimmed!
[lnto., clock. The),
it ...led 10 to Gen. Taylor is raking fif e i n rh o Whim I; ;,,,,, Crowfeet Meredith. Elvn and Jobe... to Mita abet it wee protocol by mote pairesaue
30 atitnefits sometimes, but don't keen what Boum eery smoothly, asp. the Boston Post, —than
virtually admitting ll .emunily. Rut ....., ruin in. th• wiser, sad from the roily
Jaye it wits wrong. in spite of all the troubles that encompass ' if the President really condemn. meh • *windbag' .ate of iba water. into the Tea kettle oedemas
Saturday, Afarrn 80 —The excitement' 111. real regrets of national ta.i... Clayton', operathin on the part of his .eoniontutional u m; ' mod by the mak. H. MUTTS, M. D.
increased as the trial drew to • close. The tool 1 . 1 . , in she Isbllf.° of hi. own pony aim" will ha not ulnaest it by immediately dt.l E. N. NMITII,
1 eourt room was erowded to excess and the 9 1 .. — Motwaill .../ bo 1 . the dre.. !pacing them by hone. own 1 If h dem 1 dot A p ril"
tomtit intense feeling pre, sited Al tell di..... foo ..../ "I° .° 1 1. th e m. 0.." . this, cm amp one dmbt that he has e aiv . e ' d all ' '8.4.
minutes pest 9 o'el.k, Attorney General —Calmer may play the eproiel devil witty lb . , ; . 0 ...,,,.. that a ,..... i . b; . 1 'b.m I, i
Cliff rd commenmil Lis closin arama , taj ; the mile, to his own chagrin and the port.: Mae adiaa , . ad ...... a ...„, ,
' for tho gomniment, and
nt le nt M
we ben . no , flan . ; for a‘ ... .„ a b a o f `dent. Ile eats, drinka, and sleeps without ;
any of that painful solicitude about the na-
this loomed and powerful appeal to the Jo
ryi the aeni for die ria ,, ana a aana k a a a , men's advantage and the honor of admin
and to establish Li. own
/studio. that was wont to disturb the bosoms;
oelobrity in .rim-
' laid ease., watt too appareut at every point' a the "..° 11 .°9. 44 . 0 14 ... 1 7 "if Is-'
to avoid detertion. noranoe ii bliss, (and there is no doubt of
t was h
er that the priso
it ii in this ease.) 'lli folly to be wise."— At this point of the trial the Chief Jam
ith a !inlet oneoncern about the prceent
dm stated to ni t
privilege new an , da „.. tho jury, l! if a n ha d difficulties whit+ environ the government,
ho le mid tn he dreaming—sometimes aloud
anythies tony or an • .tdanMion to make.
t p rof . w ros e a a ~:n ry th a d a , „A. —of the fat loaves and delicate fishes of a!
aide e ea .., ngnne b i of wbjej, or, give the t "almond term"—ell to be had Or scarcely
substance . t eo much as the asking, as the tribute of a'
° I. have desired to enter into no sepia. I derotbd
piney spd an adaskiffil people I — 1
sir- '
,The Gretwar s . orient rem dignitatc" re-
, nation of the eomplieffied network of eir
samstanees which by my goofier position, . 1 . 1 . t ..7 fo.lbli of the /I. l doPian 1
tab....a...a has thrown •r. me, an d minstrel 's .eittent bomme, whieb seems.
whineln nine eases out of tea ere oomplatts- t axi be enaetly that of the .811001141 Muh
l) distorted, ad probably nine-tenth. of !Vt. t
bleb meld In satisfactorily enpleined AU, 'II , all. 6 . P.n.. einem ilatted el
!the volute of the testimony have been planed l l'd . 1 °........./ ...leg M.& (.....!"
,In the bands of or, meant by whom my t --
' inatreeme meld have bees firmly effiablisito
. ed. Affilag entirely ander their direetioffi
I n binte ended my Up. during the period alf
y sordleement, training myna entirely I.
Weis. They have .et &mot It warm
• to Wog Deward thr rvirloter weld *as tr
I .201101•11. mil nem • variety of those sent.
1 I,lli net alheile to many of the ours
the sorrromest Ise brollies' *Ora no.—
, These of dm Was tenn► me urn Dos
way slim TM bra* Duet ass am
, kg one2l/Iste e m
. 1 A* ors Atari to I. go
I Mier to a , gm a pullet of Grid
I I al roes Plan lir asmesifs
I mt. The siltrio of sapper Mad es the
I foor, Ins arlimil tian , :i a bat"
P illtrot Me than of NW ' m=ire. ID
1 ereli mph& work= drommtioness
1 TWA love boos dkirriaL My enrol
i lave peal or to Imp .aim--my eat,
I Garr Mr Imo mole le brar_qpiest In
I bel my Mali es boa Is Ity DM ad_ ory
lestmenr. I i mewl Is Or annoy "MD
1 phi Is Dr. P., 11 arid or Dam ago 1.•
Chief Jitetiee Shaw called on the prisoner
'to stand up and hear the verdict.
Chief Justice.-11, Foreman have you
agreed to a verdict ?
Foreman —We have.
ChiefJustiee.—Do you find the prl i oner
guilty, or not guilty
The primmer sank back into hi. chair
with his hands upon the railing. and his
face on his band., and so remained for ten
mi 111 l les.
When he recovered from the shock ho,
said to officer Jones, •• why are you keep
ing me bore to be gazed at Y" fto tram
immediately taken up to the jail to be look•
ed up for the night, the precaution having
been taken to remove his razor and knife.
A buggy Ina at the door of the open
room to convey the mad intelligence to his
family at Cambridge.
Sr Lora, April 6.
Sir. Vssquex and Lieut. Dauphin arrived
hem lust evening, from Medicine Creek, n
trading porn of the Union Fur Company.
They left there on this 15th Marob.—;
There mu no snow on the Mins, and the
aosther had been remarkably mild.
On the 11th of Novomber last, Mr. Dan-,
phin in company with ten traders, returned
from a trading expedition. Tliny were at-'
tacked in camp, at the Perks of White Riv
er, by a party of Pawner Indians. Mr.
Dauphin was badly wounded in the fight.
In this oondition he was deserted by hin
erimpanions. The Indians then newt:clear
ed him, look his goods, and
16 finally succeeded
Toe Oo sere. —Thed
isiontyrferee arra le Oros Vt., boos
bees ramrod ,• ..d Drier Bill, Darling
toe, Meadows, MeMersbald, Lew, sad P.
bre bar sereitted he lair Is duals of
bell le dims leen 'MOO r $lOOO. Try
sr on le Dori& Jan is doable leer,
pared by sr with Ire err, seatiosed
mirk re Aftier surriles
of die Plan arras' wow
orebr„ ranee dim," he
re Ores ter Ms, wen Med Med
Is •
bsedieweirf idemiled wbrashig
Musk nil ibe Irak ersord se
Is tbe
to .0 . We .0 harm Tina din"
sre Isderied se beery bees roles
ors tre ere, Ire Me. Wises, r
par is leers.
Tat Esrerabas idniibila fibs Ifia
bpi Iss.iipprobbe se OM brisoller is lib
basaillel I • Lb*. babe, his isisibi be
wdi besplykirldie soisil pm =be I
ismehe le is Wie, Mai yib ispo Ml
slam, milli 41 aeresi p. weep."
MNEONvi, -
Ta.rodimi, Ap.II 11, 11110
Te Ailrwrilioers...The am.* 4/101(, mg/
elsJs 1.100 cope, WWI la dads *est..)
wo.• op 'tll:=
' rerr :"L ' ars . :Zt n"
" """
Democratic Deethig.
The Democratic Cmeeno ef Semeehanna
will meet at the Court Hers in Morrow, on
Monday rennin. H Court weak, (Aril Ifrth,) for
the porpme of apponting Deicing. to repreoent
this Carry in the Sale Convent.. which is to
.1 Wittier,. an the 91.1. f May ret, tit
pat in nomination a Democratic candidete
nal Commisoierr, awl for the tranmation of much
ether berms as shall be deemed nemmary.
Per order of the Carty Standing Commit..
A new sham. to empty the Treasury of Uncle
(ant ha just bon breoght to light al Womb iuglon,
in which no less dietiogniehed ponionages thee
several of Pnyudent Taylor's Cebinet ellteore ere
the chief concortem It routs. in fishing and,
bey tug up old aleine againat d... Government,
which have either bran lan AUG. C•Otillell. o '
else repudiated by previa a administration., pre -1
ecuttng them at the Treasury and 'smug them
cashed. One of thew claim. which has just been . '
paid by the preveut Dicrelary of MI Treasury,'
and which le producing a prodrypnw enr in pelitw.l
ircles, is celled the Galphin tho leading,
f which appear tube these. The claim
was for ens,ooll, and h a existed mime 1773, haw
ing in .me way grown out of certain traneachonsi
to which 0110 Gelphin, certain Indians, and the
Royal Government of Geregia were pasties The
, claim was originally against the Colony of Geer.
gin, but after our sodependenee she ceded all heel
wild lands to the general government, end with it
ale this claim. Nenterous efforts hare been made
al different lime. Ce pt our government to ..I
k.wledge the 'ratably of the claim, and an at
' kmpt was ale made, at one time to meddle it up.
on the Cherokee Indians, bat both failed. Finally,
however, in I 316,Congreen pawed enact directing
the Aectetary of the Memory, Mr. Walker, to
audit and mule it. which he did, paying the pin- I
cipal but rejecting the interest.
During this ',stied, 00000000 Crawford, now i
Secretary of 1V.,, sated ao the attoritey or agent
of ihe delineate ; but having succeeded to • pew
in Gen. Taylor's Cabinet, one of him hew mese
') teen. tea. the pwreksee of the aidclaim, WiliCh
he re-presented to the Tetuan" Department for a
second cancellation. Mr. Meredith thereupon di
rected the payer ea. (Comptroller Whittleery)
to the mid claim, which he did, and,
reported ,het there wee nothing doe the alai , nt.
we are assured ne bit.. aer.
ter or re-shatter a Beak cart be get through that
intrigue. to
• country, that there
at record. h fir'
The tarns t•wtlrreeNu.
In a late Washington letter la the Bradfurd
thrall. we had the Waning panne:
t. Talking elf notelet neminatieem I weeder If
the North Pommyhula* will motet. Mr. Wilmot,
whoa he la again • oandadato—.e be I Imo lobe,
If h. will acmes a noinination
T. eay Nothing of the met impropriety of •
Waskington latter-writer diemliag to Ike people;
M any thetriet wham they eltemld mad to Comore,. I
it oinkm to that OW bringiag et of Mr. Wilmat'a
team. be another host—the fiord in aneemema—
rt. • had dram of policy, partimdarly at title Jane.
I.m; ealealatad. If posited M. le work • eerier
coil to lb. Demweratie party I. tbla thstrietomd
whleh, w. d. ma behave. will moot either the
omelet er meattee M one Mr. W..lthemilf. Tar
ewe part. ahlmegh pmeatially Meetly la Mr.
ad m the greet "melee with whirl h la,
ammo le °Molly Wattled. yet we im•
meow len noemeity. br W rameatimalm. M.
hr already bus Mike hewed by •• aleetMe MI
the egilitit•—mildeli la awes more Mae the wage.
OM. party aed et the WIWIeI way ended
to—awl we UAW We hinds waght net le ash Mal
be be swim lambi eat Meek • awn, we we
withilled, will tweet all the bed leabag, gash
ead yealewies WSW hew /WNW the &Wm is
the net, wily with tradWil anwhity and Hew
ad Mod le • Mali et align that way awe Dome.
.ml woad womb deplete, aad WWI be alleald,
welt I. .art To Tier entail heleepot tight,
Ow by et Ileinhibian bra wel Clit
lie Woe her dety webs* tie dinehtl, wikiniewt
Mowed ewe ef her lwat ats—art ber Wee.
dews, VI WilnCestereabie, or pwelawey brae
—we hew WI Mile deek he wiehl he aitemptible
te the abide. Ile eastalehy wait be le 11www•
Mass. sad we that weld wwwwWwily be
ermaktaMilL We we wile asediliwit t wwwww,
51.1 Mr. Wirt Wee I. a awillinie awairt
sea a ma, ewe dwaM W wad dewhall herb
Wake IL
..111“, Orr of Ilr~rbror rr era
rind • worlir Throb) fry ron
Nth ra r w ay of lior rrnirai.
elerlowm Camaaettamt.
On higher* aalleipaliom K lho romh
lat. Worths la Coamegool aro now, Mao maliord.
Aesoodiog oven lo Whig aaeoublo, the &mom
will Mood: Doamends 14. Whigs 6, in dimple, 1.
11..... 119 Dammarala. 109 Whip. e F... &Aim:
77t0 vote for Governor IMO all gm Towns but rim
Mood.: Eloymoar, Dm.. 96,473; FOAM, Whig,
08,035 Floyd, Wm* Boil, 9,673. Thera la mar
"molly so bleolioa by dm poaplo. althoogh Bn.
moat has the phourahly. In 1849, Seymour had,
lb. whole 8 iiii i 35,106; Trumbull 57,000;
Nile. 3,520.
The Legislator., however, will d.ido who Asa
lb. Govarnor, and Mao eloct a United Mateo Rena
ter an the plane ef Baldwin, whit. Alimpahor,
lb...fors, this is a slalom steamy, rendered the
, more gratifying berries. it was hardly anticipated.
lAnd what • commentary anon the nerepulanty
of the present imbecile Taylor adminiatration that
holds stray at Wsohington: What a rebuke to
that prince of Whm ining.rll and umerupoloo•
mountebank. Truman Smith. the Mamoru' apolo.
gist for 'Taylor's broken pledge. and liable.. pro
isanplion ! Oar only ravel is that he ie not the
Senator, instead of hi. colleague, who has got
to walk the plank a. one of the fruits of Mi. elec
The Apportionment ttttt ee , l Vele!
The Apportionment 11.11, with meant unimpor
tant ameudment., named the Serrate en Tuesday
eek, and was concurred in by It House on
Thursday. A diepatch is the Tribune. however,
states that it le quite objectionable to Gov. John
atm, who hasreturned It with a veto! Whew
Who dews not member the vlokut declamation
of this Name Dilly Johan. against s h e use of the
'nen power," as he called it, when
holding forth in the Court Ilanwr in this county
euly on. year and seven months ego! Anti yet
!this same authveto Governor—thm ate eliame•
! less hypocrite and political apostate, we should
! rather Nay—welly write.. anon the back of the
Apportimanerri Bill, because, feeseeth, it does not
give to whiggery such advantages as he would
!lA.! Such sousielency.
IX We would call alterable la the advertise
' meta of DIATICIILl••• ........ ruscoste in an
other column. As we Sr. .n agricultural people,
any improvement hi me important an implement
es the plough to well worthy of attention. Com-
Wein Pages pronounce them superior to any
thing before introduced. The merits claimed.. ere
—lees pow, required to propel these, greater
Meedinee" running, end with Me eame purer
doh, uheut one fourth mom week in the 6111110
time. !tinny of our roadie. will meollect the
working of rine of diem at Ms Pleasing Match last
The Beak Bill menu to cause rr Imarmeksre
et Harrisburg . mod deal or trouble.. It first pme
ed the Room, by it very dmided vete, and was,
sent to the Benet.. That body teak it op Bud
pared it, (but ea amended eir dmmy its
ideulityd end returned it again to the llsues far
its neaeortenee. It wee that. re-taksa op -
Thonday, Friday and Petard,.
'Astor fls Europa.
Thy otoanwhip Cm& Imo olive.' with two
woe km logo, oowo fowl. Sumo.
Celt.. ha. MIII Nether declined, mid Broaddulfo
@lightly advanced.
The pelitleal new., both bent England and the
Continent. is telluric devoid of Th.
in Frame pawed net malady, and rho
Republic matinum fm from weintmont.
I. England there lain., little doing. The Chan
; cellar of Eno/tremor Ma promoted Ids budget for
I dm *wan year. but it contains nothing *strut.
dinar 7 at moth naming.
Timm am prang seaml dg.. .f an apptweb.
lag diemlabou .f Parliament.
Th. WI for dm abdition OM* Lientenaney
Ireland, late In permuted le Parliament .It.,
W. Nara how hollo.d that aalthalOw is shag
mg Mall rapidly Waa has aadhpawl. ..d lOW a ar potatowisaw bon wow
' Eaddratioa haw tM waMn froodion ad In
ked I rapidly Woreahog.
The AM of April is the Who hod dud ho
ratan of lb. Pop. W Roam
ma Cfrothad rash hona bola sad Pisa sr
dad horitahl Manbla. Il.wW.d *odds(
of lalerah. The mother I. China had bora am
weally odd mad hat
Cr Th. abeam .f mu N..& reddlog In the
Mains maim et Se onnoiy, .1. may .k.
linglhanins 111.14 Ore of trade. In dineWoll Is dm
a&egilsonnts of & J. Ryan& sod &Wien &
Inillun in ..Man put of IS.. N.. An U.
edowilr r. *may •• Any 41. eon londly MI no
M libmnl /.ohm
IMmohl dbm WM/ meM by
Wombat Webbor le babe tbe Gomm/ m
ommob W.ambes• etimlb MUMMY MOEN.
mom ti Wb 7M Mb me ilhosbM• of hot
W. mid IM Gymmr •Mb se Mbriy. M4 May by lob winba We .S MaiMMI la Ibb
We ma Pim Ye& md Mbe mmemoly
4....arwur lie 01•101. E ., 0.11.1 h. 01....
ad ilhe Ilesobs ea& II am Mem Um Mom.
Onan—Reteme rem 11 Dietriclaelrew the eke
-0011 a 84 Demeerea, DI Wbilee mod d Free Sell
ers, eit delve. le the State Camelia, to reside
the Cooelltellop. Thom le therefore me deed
that the C.• lea will be strongly Democratic.
—The Hoare of Repro...dims of tide State
rejected the Wilbert! Divorce all ea Mmaday by
by • vete of 32 to 48.
—A gamble stone visited the Atlantic
tu coast IM
Saturday, accompemed with same. Cemiderable
damage was done te •liippone in Boston aod erre
ral ether New England barbel.
—The U. El Steamship Suswaehaana, a mord-
Racal war steamer of the largest class, watt launch
ed at Philadelphia on Saturday.
—The reward of $3.000, offored by Dr. Park
owes (wady for the recovery of hi. Jammu, has
been paid over to Littlefield, the Janitor of the
Moth.' College.
—.Thu wife of Somme Dawson, of Ga., did at
Wadtingtou oo Friday.
—A fire broke out in boilding known ao Ste-
Markel, $n Ithaca, ou Toceday "wising,
I and destroyed Notre old huildwg• of but little
Gtattan's Mamma. --By an advertinement nn
the third page of this paper, it • ill he perceived
that George R. Graham is once more at the head
of the popular matranne whteh bears his name.
Owing to soma unfortunate speculatious it the
Stock market. Mr. Graham ism compelled, a fear
years ago. to pan with is. megaton., In the mu-
Mtione of this very eltanmable world, Mr. Graham
le again an his feet. and prepared to make another
struggle for fame slid fortune. Knowing his en-
WT.. , nod alsltty, we feel no linatuatty iitta..
oaring the politic. that as eon its coo be r.
Op ...amend, • marked improvimeniin the easona gene.
ral character of the content, of th ofmagamie will
take place. Thum who wish to eubscrib• for a
good magatine. and ut thesame tinie give an able,
self-nude, and ..p.nentus hearted man • shove up
ward toward. his old potrion, minim du better
Mau mod on their mmay to O. R. Groins., tigh
ter, No 131 (Ivan. Si,Pool
Owing to the space we have given up for
the trial of Prof. Webster and tho Politer
nia news. we are tumble to give more than
a brief summary of what is being done, or
t other talked about, in Cowen. Nor is;
it moth matter, as there is nothing done et ;
any importance, or talked about which hes ;
net been thoroughly worn out and exhaust-,
ed. Ou Monday and Tuesday, April Ist
and 2d, the death and burial of John C.
Caihoun occupied the entire attention of
both Houses.
On Monday, in the Senate, resolutions
directing the printiii&in pamphlet form of
the addresses delivered in Congress on the
occasion of Mr. eallionit's dooth, and fur
Lis remains to Bow` "
..tia rude
ness anoarse personalities towards Col.
Houten a few days previous.
Mr. Baldwin concluded Ma speech upon
the slavery question.
In the Vaasa a mimmildee was appointed
Ito investigate the conduct of Secretary
I Crawford-in the ease of the Galphin claim.
The California (lineation again coming up,
31r. Cleliand proposed a plan of settlement,
which ie.
First, To admit California with bet Con
stitutional boundaries.
Secondly, To great Territorial Govern
moil& or Ut.l3.
Thhilly . , • Territorial Government fur
New Memo, marking their boundaries, and
000tinuing their present laws in fore., to
far as is consistent with the Constitution
and lows of the United States.
Fourt bly, The bil,rovitla • compromise
relative to the Tex boundary, if Texas
censonar to reduce b r boundary, to receive
4110,000,000 in stook, and tho number of i
new States to be formed out of Texas a
oording to the 'solutions of annexation. If
Torsi does nut consent, then this fourth
point falls, and the boundary question re
main. open.
He offered tide proposition as an olive
branch, and not as a party scheme.
This proposition oussioned some debate
of quits ordinary intent. Mr. Richard
son, of 111 spoke against slavery extension
and the dove trade, and against the Previ
a, Mr. Marshall, of Ky. mods • papery
southern smash.
On Tuesday, In tho Senate, Mr. Under
wood rade a slavery splash, n.d was re
plied to by Condo nod Mr. Halo,
wipe Mr. Footo again premed his 'veal.-
tion for • &lest Committal. Mr. Webster
urged that the time had ems fur salon
upon the Oalilosia question. He on. for
admitting California at once, without any
further prelude, believing It should be placed
upon its own merit., and not cumbered with
any other question, and than he was is fa
vor of the territorial bill. He desired a
setdontont of all the questions In este*.
smy, and therefore ma is has of am
meal.' at the beginning, and going that'
with them all. Bush • emus, ho believed,
_gin great satistatio• to Om cola.
try. Re expeoted to one nose of the im
portant business of the sentry disposed of,
will Sam disturbing mesa Sr. removed,
and it wee aperient lb the end's of the
Reran% that they should no leaser be
prmitted to distrust and obsess* the log-
Wades of Oseposs.
Mr. late replied. daps' that Sin
was soy Fusee for the adosiaoka of
laws spot than far the eaut
as of • goomantat for the tet and
~lag that AsuM that patia
fess& as indspardent mssont, anal
sae pas bah Rosa of Oregres. The
sonthers umbra he sell, on. Is raw
aim at maw *hat wadi he Wei Ilsor
lolly and fully to the hud, meat we
tle=thelarod SAW, that if ens
sf Ho
Uri palsy obsold sward hi
that mesas% It would amnia 1
tar Oda i
Mr. Weals" exposed lansolf mothntly
larmillos all prophesies sf dissehdas
at theiNl . V . set Si Wise of
She plead The larstoo arts
Misasippl ',sunhat that l• those
has alp of prophesy Wes irso • 9,1111011.
I day on whieh dissolution was to take plow.
The Saturday mums ; all apse& • rety pla
net day; and retired al tally sea
sokon of the integrity of the - tiniaa
' Mr. Foote are explelood the eirem
•tanees or bt• prophaey sod Its nen4Yllll
- went.
In the House, the Committee en Elea
tione reported against admitting Hugh
Smith and N. W. Babbet, drilegorn from
New Mouton and Demerol. Thu California
queetion mu thee taken up, Hr. Ones of
Ho., made apro.davery speech. Mr. Spal
ding, whig, of N. Y. made a non-interne.
tion epeeels, which °coupled the Howe to
the hour of adjournment.
In tholionate, on Friday, after the pre
' sentation of petition. and some other nu
important bueines• Gen. Shield. obtained
'the floor and made an able speech on the
California and davery question. He de-
Jared that he should vote for the Wilmot
Proviso, should an opportunity offer, both
in accordance with inedruetions and his own
tbeline. Ho was opposed to Mr. Pont.',
eroinonitteo of 18, and in favor of admitting
California as au independent measure.
'fee remand her bank until all the other
quoted°nn were disposed of, would be •
Imookery—such a count, would bring Cali
fornia in memo time between now and the
Millenium bet not with much dispatch. It.
oontended that slavery woe abolished he
California and New Mexico e het even if
that were not so, olavery could never go
there—the country we. not adapted to it—
' the potpie were opposed to it—California
was occupied by such an emigration as the
world never row—by the bold, the daring,
enterprising, eleiv.irous adventurer.. They-
were endeavoring there to dignify labor, and
make it honorable, and would never noosent
to its degradation by the introduction of
The effort of the whole country mild
toot for., it upon them ; the very mine of
the Southern planter. now occupying pis
“s among the pioneers of the Parini would
resist such an attempt to the' hat. He ex
pressed hie decided belief that Texas had
no claim to any portion of New Plexieo, but
Iran trilling to give her in return for the mi.
litiquisli meet of her claims. a sufficient sum
to pay her debt. Ile repudiated the idea of
equilibrium nl the State.. The eolith
might relyupon it no an inevitable fsst e
that the free States would always be more
Dumontus than the clove, and that with
them the power would aver preponderate.
'(he North wouliP never manna that ono
foot of free American mail shall be made
slave territory—if they can prevent it, non
stitutinually. If elan. territory should be
annexed—Cuba, for imamate, it would re
main an until the people of Cubs should de
cide otherwiee.
t soon gave way
In tho House nothing wan dons
Neiibor Hum, woo in Komi. on S
On Monday, Mr. Menton renamed
concluded his .p .oh in favor of Califer
[We may -ire • brior mynopsis of it in
after.] Mr. Clay responded, reiteret.
the eentimenle he expressed on Friday.—
Mr. Benton rejoined briefly, and was fol.
lowed by Messrs. Can,, Hale, Smith mod
Douglass, who kept up the debate till the
In the House the maim bill was report
Mr. Vinton called up the prograition to
allow 80 Marnen to be transfecred Irmo
the Navy to the expedition of Mr. Othmell
to march for Sir John Franklin. Without
any final notion on the qnestion, the slave
ry question was again called op, when Mr.
Wallace, of 8. O. sr.ade a fall-blooded sou*.
tern speech, threatening dissolution and di
!sera other things if Calif...llia should be
admitted without giving to the *oath an.
other slave state at the same time.
Mr. Jo'moo, of Ky., followed witb •
speech but littlo more moderate. After
scow other boainews of no eonerquenea lM
House adj.
Wade= IN/p
Re, A. O. Worm, wdl poach b Brae&lye Ow
rd Atteday IN April.
elphnireille, en the fhb hot., by Arlen Kemp,
Eat. lily. CR/1111.11. Deem. e‘ Anion
AM. '
Ann danghber Nalhuinl El‘ehlho.
the feemorplaee.
V. 1.1, ea Wm 31.1 I. W. Wi11.... lb*,
Mr. hums C. 'WPM and Wor Lowsm 0. Moor,
With of ■.rri La..
fl A hawatifol loor cf OrMh C. soma,.
Wed the Mow* node, which redly M the Mo
tto footle with dclight, cod eliwitod hum Mom
owicahown woo of thooko awl kiwi wiclhoo.
At AM miimat 111 Mummy Imnsidp. •• lAr
II& Jonx Canna. gal wawlt
urea yews.
Ti... bee gaud mu mothNr eg lb. oily eel—
don ef the .try. Dreb to him one- mug
ems semeegoe 11. bad 11ousing...1i ben.
I. sae, md wr oelnly uniting ihe Nor et' big
naleue madollu sad yet ea seedy, ear W
g1,111.k. 17 5 =4 . N.
et hie 4.:•••• ho eejogrd hie adieu; N.
.h.. Why dgihdy Nunn N lay Nu mid •
I. Nw. y afteruudo. MO We ble
auglleeee NW tubed whined a Illeeo
Cubit me gm* numa
go.who lam Moo 111•1 bee woolens go ohm.
1 ea...". Wile. emerge red MURIA N.
es • pale mule be wee eampiwor Me
Ale bubeeu eaullY eyed of gle•
base noplomeed.
Ae • Ovule Neer k may be lowly ea bloo.
N us Wed new by Wee who Uwe hhe
110 I••••• • Imp Ude et Mahe. le .err
by bet eel ea Um milbeet Mu we Obey
eMio , W. M l• Me NM he earned the Angie. of
Ged hi Meeker. eel hie dude we girl of ibe
debate. • (Oa
AS Heeled, a. lb* SIN Iheeeellouo
elete Übe, et a ge. ei. Jou* Illesebo
yue of too
Oka B. ue • eaters Aillobeeugh, Mu.
fide ebielt U. temedod MAUI le 111111.
I. ugh, Udef a revivelorier W him. of ihe
1... 11.41 WMeee, gee Leeman •r 1 lof eo•
subs" rem, awitedirido dm
Om* nue* dher leg yeare " =l
robed with body aid label.
•N. wok, ge ode' le geed obi ... W V
t tet b e
AMIN bullies gm .h.., of
mrelhor C..