The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 21, 1850, Image 2

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    Ti,, I .11411.0killIff Law. I IlhielMlll\o6•lllranewie
The organ of Mien Banks,. west...been., ,14a Ewe. e—Cae yes Infall....drde•dmf '
eepectell, l• it, dreedfel agony over the twee Bsok mheiee e .thg..! a l tv.11; ; :a.
Bill now before the die
s uum of this Ike. TM ; her b.sema
LI; iy„ e ceeeny B ee . work
rat. im It embodie tee many Important aad ewe primal. le kW resod letter
te ethe New York
allutery reform, for able' the people— lke pre. IlloraN..l width h ho .
Dew. e tot tle MONO) , krde—hare loop putt&
. 1 . : 1 2.::. d e ee .d e
land for which. eke. the Deonweracy have for yesno Hee. I have never wen it, lad Would im glad to
Ibsen battling ; and Contains No many els.ko and hate you pt.. 11.
I ea reguarda for the prevention of fraud.. sled A BILL.HOLDER.
t• art either It se IN res....
117 . All lb.l we can my le ono coeepdadept. JP,
GI rn g6ne. " f". td
ft. Ow of dnarrrrr hav• own the 6 , earmathecattore . ho
the u, that " the payment el the Aar. of lhe . to,
allud aud are very ante a never wee pubbeh.
n..rytal .lack ."" geld nod alter." ed. If ever 1•111.1, it wee doubter. aupprocred
Wh*" i. the ''°' t"" by the Bauk grimy, who have retained Mr. Case,
,thin previa. I Had It be, enforced when the
owl la the y 1 th dthd
the w. know
C° """ " .1"‘"—b" that hie De.. co.n m
einecation. en which the •bevo
[the stosk.holdees of that bow compelled
ned prom. wee made, met the decided
to P" ,u the r""*."" of then
1.""‘ gad
id rob. of thePre. t• d Der... of
am! edcw, in.,. or paving it eu Tue,meda Bank '..PP "
ths inelettaion, who disclaimed a and all lenowl.
...tee. and In stock neees• wordeleee spor—
!who can doubt that they wo„ld have i ‘ " 6° " .. It. th
~,,, sa . th . the .. : cal.. of the. erg.. For further informalem
I t o., a i d t upon the ...le therefore. we Wall be under the
No one. And yet Ni., we s.a.e. ono .
painful... secealy" of referring our correspondent
or the prove.. that the mg. pron.ncee a , e , d,
o humbug," cure olit.d to 8.0. all hen. ne. : g
ea of all tech P 1 01111 mere.
...led capitalists," Hon. intentioued
cepoeliets." forsoo th ! Well, who ors th ey o Aia
they thew who took the prate.pol part of the...
in thi Pusouehanna Coma, Bonk. and pad It in
m their mock nowt If se, we hope to all
seenw they may be " frightened."
Dot agape aa p ee via. making all'
week holde re at B e
ek. hereafter to M chartered or
',chartered enifividuellt liable far the p.ment of
all debte ofd mem.. or Now
!what la there wrong. or tie terr.bly methane..
frightful .. !
all ther What new who etre. to be boa.—
Iwhat wt of men who design to coneduct a Beek
properly and lennestly—can object to ouch a pro.'
1..1 If men eh oom to band therteelyee.N.!
epther by act or itworpmation for the poop. of
speculae.i g by bank., ia It any ieN, 1.111.1
tie...weld bear their own lone., if 1b... Plane
01 wady and they feel, thou lb.
who tea...ea en the merce.lear any other lopee
la.• peewit • And why shout.l the pubbe bead , '
commeeallv swindled by eat It rotten teetitutione.!
meely 1:1 the coffers. theme who lay the Impel
mol el tong them when the im y can melee the great
. eye It en, / It is high le that N. me.nree
t Lk. to protect the people •goinat such ea
1+,,,,,a, 00 , 1 to emoNl men who originate and
uthmthe .nthtestau..mth iu be foohful and ho,.
!eel Axel how can the be do. more effectually
thou by makeeg them respopeible n, the way pre.
scribed l Tins will moot euuredly make them
watchful, peeve. hoo erdone.....ulareon. thaveng
Hot corrupteon The eneekholders well see that nod
end, itheal becumee • dire.or vealem they are car.
1p of he cneeepeteney end of the fidelity to all
ImA! Th. dere... glen well we w it that the
odor tenets faithfully perform their duty theli
no money se loaned upon &beaus pop., and no.
haaardone sp cat... eniered into. 11.1!
restran. been thrown around the Sum.
lhennaCounty Bank at the time of IN charter, I
who double that et would either never had an .-
1 ...nee. or that it would have been eafely est..
lished, end preedently and honealy
And vn a is week a previam, at tee have been
cenadereng that the fed.. ore.n dub. a "hem.
Neg.." calculated to frighten hon. intanti.ed
capitalists . ' from take mock or having anything ,
to do with such mei... Ont open mob hypo.
crepe. 11011041 w He .11 knaves Not no. Ina
capitabete—men who well inv. their
name, ea banking only to synod, the people. and
who rhea. therefore be barred from making imeh
inveetment— ooed ha ...frightened . ' al web •
p. o. An w d it ne because it dew. •• frighten"
, such men, that ho hae set up his lugubri. howl.
With whom ht. ....Oh. are. therefore, is per
f. oly spear...
7be neUrfalli. Bank. Th. pro. on exclodeng the e reeled. Df DIN
Well authelencated wrens, received by tele. of leas dememinapon than ten dolls. along. the
'mph and When., inform 011 111Ist dn. 111.1.1- &fucks' . mom she...ewe, We know there me
non kw be. pretty herd met far a few days paw, .env proem& for d &ten. of opienpn eq. this
Owl that itee by wee doubted whether it will b. ....aura, hut yet 5004,50
able Idweather the storm For OM 0110 part, ue ex,llleted, ..torp.a, to mitienally purge and
know nothing of the comedown of ith affite, except rued), the coreency of our Sian, If smell note.
what we Mad to the i rCed,tor Pemeral's Report, eel aro exeluded. gold and silver, which ~ now k. p 1
am wholly at. Iwo what adv. to gas note.. hoarded up en Ow cost:re of mimrs and io Bank
behlere upon the eulneet. We have alerave here. vault., mu.l and well fell the chanuels of ...a.'
loft. regarded the Honeedale Bank eon. the n n .
boot is the kwte, but It may neverthele. be a There are several other prorielma of this bill !
ra.kety concern. We native that bell hao sl.. which no amid rat.. to present , and t onen.
ready been introduced into the L fur the no ie.,
the ono which
7.r.71?!.,:t!..1:?,131 C' e1 h .hty h n? , T gentl:ktU a g t e:e ',r el th l .. l e. et of I.l„etore, end enakeseveo . P ; I
ft. 1.11. The charge agamst th at of mer lectien from those dot. a mad..., punish-'
In.. wheel. can no doubt le. rum... It is ru. able. by Lott line and onpremeenent. Such a pro..
and, e... th. the 11.11111x11 & Iludeme Canal 010101 we regard J. or, at dee.derstum Had it'
Co has ceased doing lN tenseness through that ne. horn 111 fore. when the thenetehanus County!
~ i,, elikh. if lone. Is rather bad ann.ll. Bank tr. in operation, who believe. that such
On the other hand, the report or the C.lOll of eater noel. t of their deed.—eoteb ahem..
the Hank to the Audthertloneral, mule and morn rewelmences end en regard to the man% I
tom die fiat day of Revenelet lerl, (Ito. a etry n 1,115111 of 111 , cane., would fora moment hey.
flattering exhibit of ...Dd.. ahe 11, if title. ir b een by de du c e.. We m y ch,„„,„
calculated to dispel appreheueion of it. failure, ar ' l fore w w„, I. e g ood . e ne o n , ne , dee• end
it. abibly to meet all it. habil,. of it shooed
. .e that le calculated in eNse the deers effectually!
fall. That report alstee it. 101.1 . . c.o in be in fe r lln oil g of D.,„q e b y eqm„ew
$491,1110. To Wane. the, a tete don thee a. au , it mayt he eats of the abloom as Meow: tender ...I,lthes of tie friend. std organ. of!
dbeanded. 11 I 2.P56 25. M. bthlteng, and Jernbably' be pronounced •
lan to blab, bomb.," nelntatated to frighten rdie.jhee. I
Real ela. 2,902 1+ 1
Bank Mock, r,l,tee eepiaieltWer to. oenwertheleee. ee up.
Due rem Banks in N. Y. and 12 43 prebend 11.111 be ...roved by the people. sake:
Forge.% notes dr drew, ope.i. ronde,) 219.1174 lid' have ethetedy wen and suffered enough of tot of.,
epee, au Ude
• • NeN ofes.h stupid aleg . ect It N deigned w I
~- - :~_;
....... ~ ~L ~~.
TheridaY, Mirth 11, 1060
6 . - Ad•et rrrrrrr roe e&rsial,en this PM. ,
i.lOO GP (..41 • our &nerds's,' ts
was GP
paw Count. , se &,noriant to !Jess.
sem may be OM*
Ptcreaos us to ncm...—lf any of our feeders
to lAn vicinity wept thou putts. taken by the
Duguerrnan prooseib in style obeli,. unserpossed
mot unsurpostotble In the art. We otitis,: theist by
all memos to all at the Roams of hf W Crave,
over Mulford & Sous Shiro f"til wont or it mat
be tee isle. _
repiarerd est Luger.
We Wino from Harneburg, ends much *Wilhe
lm, that an Tuesday week, Mr Srnrrr ew from
the Judsmary Commdtee, es:periods lull prondiny
fm the apposatmetst of • corm...mon to investsgele
the slaw. and conduct edam &funs 1 Sosinelsen•
tsa County Dank. The ti 11 sweat. the commie
... Ref •v. full puree to wake lhu ro ugh ine..
titration, from the tuna the cepa sl mock was taken
to the unwept penal, giving them inside authority
le earnwl the alleadance of ell offices. of the
ch. of Me bosh,
remade and dmemente us any mr relents, te e
dm loti o n. The awn of an a
ugh ne
tl ass is neeewery, se approwsnwd fur the purpaw
ef defraying the espcums of the 111YrOligallOn, and
the cimmusawiters remisred to make repast of:
their pseeeedinge and thas lustful, to the next'
We repeat. weans such gratified thet duo blll
bee at length been brought forward, mid Imp,
trust that it will speads:r pat. both branches atilt ,
Legidelme. We e“ no reason ahy such en In.
weededou it. it contemplate. should not be had
ea the contreryt there we multsphs d and
taut memo why at should belted. The people o ,
dm county are firmly of the %mon that the mew
tame was coutemed in fraud and it brought forth
t• =quay,. and that :t hes b•en ensclueted ever
41WOO in • manner entirely worthy .1 Its or yi n t
They we therefore unammoue us dews whom thus
Ile engsn mud history WWI be sum mgatcd, si. st
the frauds and guilt us the mutter, sf sWy
may b. saprawd, and charged ahem they Worm
W. koala the proepectoof the •ppinotmerit of eneh
• cornmeal. of the gentry nem .*
and cruet). nit they eltoo:11 keep cool end let pl.
hes •• do her perfect work''
Wo have at length tho eat...range of anon...,
readers that the re... Anion providing for ars
sateedronnt to the Cmttttttt non so as to oink. all
helps of Court* withils Owe Common% eelfli •
nee.. by 11... people. (which paned the Senate
atal wenn art) paned the Ilona, of Reeve
nine.= Thureday Int by • sow ot meg to g
nays. The this. voting in the negative were
Men. Port, Cornyrt cud David Es an—the
farmer • Democrat and the two latter W logs Il
willdhabtleee receive the appro. ul of the Unew
tin, sad then has only to he ratified I, the people
at the General Election to teems. • lan
Thaw et the neat succeeding election, tho neonlo
will elect thaw Judges in the mino ni thing mat
they mow clam thew stew and Cnnty mitten.
aped in the day any we, when tin 1111,... 1 11 '
reform eau be. ..unmated StweitiAminn Cwan•
ty well that nee her ~.Ones to MI,. Pres..
di... Judge for tin Dann, who. to my the lent,
will not yet her citizen to howls& of dollars ea
t.% engem annually for !special Court, and who
ta met abutment to her on ether accounts
Todd arsenal of meets, 061.1,115 55
Or• ref uric cur .1 SU ),. Innelmou we wish to reeler teens feet which
02 5 . . e „b y " war co t remembered. h le this: Oa the Anal
..d pump of Jw bdi i. the Haw, It received the
b.owner, unshed Democratic...l4f lea that body. while every
that deo B.& I mi..... .11 ins hatedinee. and Whig Pre... voted plumply it.
We a
le lOW me W awe hawerably, men if it should MM. w• d•eOhe people, vd , eePeVellY dl Wle4fre
lime its charter talwe from It. Thiele all we cm., who •••in rev" d vazh oletnn,.. Ws WI
say INA safety mail farther advemd. end (men it' ,to bee , Mb fleet in mind.
litiMobilees meat Mew their own inference.. I
P. S. Tbe Weal memento flan Vele
*M ON Sulk Mill emetinea its redemptions. both
Mom nnd he Now Yee*. 'Mich eerteinly does elm
bah emed
Sr We setboolemt thst I. ehroofelise itt• at-
MI el alle Ili NM I Ce•l7 a ear village, in
Now INC Ye .reg... ewe b .tree b seep..
ing It to be . eviniatot armee. It 'ma • *POI
peemeoLLe• dot tree •••••••••11. lb. amps, of
N. eke ••• t.M Ilme, mite pt W loptmle•
five ow smile@ se the • =Me b•Ilittoo," dot
m.•.• W Ihwh. limb Imo mob Ow ow.—
ILO goo Al NI ibm Yaw doe OM Tooke
aler( NY MI6 et moteibt, sem lembig
es It mosseteme hats
&gm We eke* teamed to the " amble bed&
loge b tbo PVC Is whisk te Imo atm.
dente.' Cent.. ono MAI, owl j•diee =Mal ea.
M troll or mer,.l•.•••• tam If mg toetilms.
fen, wrested It* moM le WY.. Ibta M ery
1.1.1 to tbeglosoltlon Intor•••••ef Me law
ete Moe and gomidlel, Ira es** mi.
eaten Ow turogo imilmito et wadi ete , ellOre.
Th. Illartiaborg papent f. tho poet weak Arm
that than i. mach mon activity I dbobatilaff 1
the datieo of Legislation. dam Aim boa bee, be
fore daring the mole.. Tho Apoiortimatost bill
wood tha Sean without amoadaatal, on Wed
sloodity, by • vote of ayeo IC awe 41. It vallai
bat little from di. 'auto bill ..bleb ant bola al.
ready pabillibe4.
A 1411 ie setheAs• Me Omerme eameele
O. pesidemet et des* a* tat et Impelmomme
M Mb, In son et mftein - latildesbo seminal et
meter la the ant nine, p... 1 Me $...t. en
Theniey.—eyee Y. wee t Ms timeess mate
se MN emerge be fever .1 the prier et the
bit .meet.( *et it misti be ompeded b lb.
et eepltal pesiimmA, Mame my me
als* el Moir primbin.
O. rads', Mk b....... lasedar Irak Os
door .081 Had. at Itlag noti amandlail
mu aad 11•Norlaallaa
Aiima st G_.
A .
halm% II Wag
W Idedda .
117114. Wel P•L ••••••••1
Took, MI. • /my dot flik•radi, red dr
WON. ormai •.
AMOIIIIII.II. F/01.1 . .— A pereonal colluders took
piece en Thumday evening last: mit Washington,
belets*Bmater• Foote. of Mim, and Borland. of
Ark. It arose out of • political diAmen, en ,•
the report, In which Mr. Borland aceneed
Foote of having deserted Mr. Cathode and the
eaum of the Booth. Mr. Foote retorted open Mr.
Borland somewhat tartly, when bunt weeds fol.
lewed, and finally blowe—Mr Borland annetroking
Mr Foote in the face, and then kept pouring In
the blow. upon hint, until Mr. Foots wee conaid
arable damaged. Mr. Foote was token late the
Intelligence, oMce, near whtelt the m ay hap
! pelted. Who will my that mach eeetuveneee et
not dirgreceful—dwgrao•ful to the nation. se well
as to the participants' , However, It hay mormd to
deerdope the strength of the Calhoun pert) la the
;mate, and to .how who are for the Union. Mr.
Fee. we • 'we Sled to may has arrayed hinted!,
with the law.
ItT The •lewe of the Southard Senators upon
Mr. Celheun l e profanation to me the Mnlon are
pretsy genevasly aeoartinned. Those who .tror
ore said to b. Menne Kanter and Masao, a V.
Butle, of 8 C Clements. of A 1... Yale, of Fa.,,
Downs. of La • Florlabd. of Ark, Tuntey,of Tenn ,
and when. Meows. flabsenan, of Ark and Soule,
of Lt. The temsuss'mg Southern Senators ant
generally understood to be opposed I. It. s Who
shell decsde when doctor. dumped r And who
fears that the south wsll *reek the Comb when
It. leaders are themeelvee se by the care
'rhs Senators and Representatives sleet horn
Califon..., now at Wmhington, ha, a tamed a
memorial to Cinigrem, asking for the adinimon of
California into true Un i on. with the rights and
privileges of an independent State. It i• long
and forth clearly and toeur mind. meat em
elusively the reasons for immediate edridemen.
Castroasta WI —Copt. ticelleld In let.
tin to the Now London Demoeratydated Stockton,
California. Jon. 13, 1050. On)s: " Winter w fast
pawing .wily, end woe .11 will be o the atone
again. Good fresh peen arose I. already two or
three inehee high, and the whole corth .bent us
azz o:LTo . ugh carpeted with it. The birds
pears to join in the melody "
Ca. la Go.o.—The whole enimmi of gold
from California. received al the mini on Philadel.
phi., is nine million four bundled thousand dollars.
about one milli. of which was recolved during the
pest week.
Mr. Cm.troce.—A &watch from Muhl,'too on
Monday Mateo that Mr. Calhoun ie •onio very
leer, end bat little hope are entorteined of him re-
New Havirmitas ELscelos —Tho Guam.'
Election in New Hampehire took place on Mon
day week The Democrat. have carried *very
thing des.rable. a. usual, only by Increased me
iorineo over last year.
—Coonecticot hold. her General Election en
the Ant day of April Cnl. &Tumor I. the Demo.
!cram cesd.dato for' Governor, or when election
w. h" high hopes:
of Nmaars Fallsmicidor notoriety,
Noppoosd to be secreted at premat In or about
! Baltimore. paramour aml seducer. Baker,
who has several tome@ been wen with her, has cer.
teinly been men hanging about sheen, which Mr
camomil. tends to show that MnMiller Is not
! for off.
SARTAIN . . Baum Itilsassma, for Mara, is rath
,er • mperiar number. Its two loading wobstholi.
men., The Departure, and 81. Peal .t M..,
eery rich. Ito amtributera am mak well
known literary Wars as M. Kirkland, Mrs. C. H.
Butler, Caroline Stay, Harriet. Martimae, G. O.
framer, Rev. John Todd, Thos. B. Read, dm.
rr The Weekly Ultima. publish. , " 6 7
labors & Burns, 61 Ains.M., N. Y. city. is M.
one of lhn *cleat, maim., and most independent
pope,* that vials. oar aanetsm. Ws alwayo find
in it something to amuse and animal.
rtw the 1...w0e beinectst
Mask of Moog. Co.
M.. tonne am • canoe .f Montrose. I
moor owned any neck Is the Book of Elong. Co.,
end oaneeqoently *ever held the Oboe of !Woo
-1 tar, et had ~y th , og to do with the monornmat
ef its alone Monk eeneore .Melted to the of.
deer. Mum people in the Comely wens Withers*
Si.t blame epee the citioese of Montrose. Indio.
mintioately. This Si wog. The greeter punnet
' of the citizens of Montrone mm had uy ddott
to do erleb the management of this Book. They
seem seiner.* of Its efildts.—end they Sr. son
hmoreeol sett free Iran Monte. es the people
gereeselly In the Conety. The .....weal ef
the Bonk wee tenanted to • few hederkbesh.—the
greater penal. of win.. It le tree. were reddest.
of Mostreee. Let Mew take the neopenellenhy end
the noble. mom. Chore* It net seen tho Wean
seat by Mos Indhooknleskely amen • ohm the
Mom, of Mooing*. Tor Mkt rooma mold like
Si Si.... lON Mt <I 1N 06110.11 . mom poblithotk
ookeikm hew IM boghoolog to the mod of We
B.Y. It Yam to Me yobbo. TM Moho am
Y the Mao of W .Mm. If they am morYlley
to mWW pram, u.i awprufm. .~lt.
.1 A. Mool•—erll they at Imot pollhit • Vot M.
Ito memo oh of Ito saws &Mg fin Om of
ha Molome,—thoi m. MI& may tumor m whom
to pime M. M.T. A IM Molt 011Imm M sol
oemiholo lho ;Mb of Ilmesom t ottlehl
Si yew Yee melee got IMF the Bretelmo
o Dome mloots pale omlimot. •IN M-
Gto Si.
rf 11.• Heim Am I. vow qpie limn New
Ti top A/tray. .1 do reamandie of lie dills
ea lir We am* imurend Oak are
alp Mews Yon OW.
Mustireted Westing la the Western' Moonier Usilistet egreting. ! A Wand ea the Bank Hill.
part of the County. The Democrats of Philadelphia City and ' We have been not a little *Welshed to
At a ammo. and reopeetabl• meeting of the C ounty, .1„, ma l a & oar o f th e ii,,i,„ of beia of opposition, fern qua, tens not an- • '`•=---
eltisette ef Om Weems. P•Glilf••••"Pti .... .....' the immediate and unconditional admissionWftiontherou, March 13.
ticipated, to that provision ot Doe honk bill
S i t . ill . 7 -Mr rholiglass presented the
ty,heldot Middletown. Marsh 11,1050-CALEB
or g ..,. . wioleh has same .d the llonse, to tor hibit
...forma, avid opposed to the further I teal.F 1 taktlD JIG
CARMALT, wee appointed Proud jtm. • tliemoulathoo 01 h o ok not., df other etates, " r " '' G " • " Gm." i . r .14
elected United States' Senators front Call-
Covina Lear and Noe.. Roes, Vice nag.. t ..t. "" i ". Pr PI"PPU, as well alt lii lii• re- f a Imo denotitioution that: ten M.N. -
• fond.. tont it memorial askiog the immedi-
B. ("laden. Erg, and Jahn B. IV town, &cote- , cent Buell.. movements and the pan - This 44pihwition, tome from what quarter it
, ate admission e at that State into the Uoioo,
Ma lite olgvet of the menet tug stated to be, slavery meeting In that city on the 22.1 of may,'t melontmedlY "I'id'il ° P" . a '''''' in accord.. sit h the instructions of the
for th• pets., of caldron nether open the] Fobs..., aesembled in the Chinese 111 use• arm, hrt•si ri id the subject, and top. sur ii
L .golatiore of Cali. nig Alter some corm
subject of Locating the NOS G•P G•iPP•dt um, on Wednesday week, in numbers of I , " 'nd
''' t
" o i l!: Ve'll'nw'l- vervottoon. the Isom, were laid on the table
The following prey • and remits.. wee. 1
i . , . . . tee. happen. It cannot I e the[ • ,
" and oodered to he premed.
anonlmoogy a ed o , I I ousands, Mr the purpose of giv i ng, rondo will rest. quietly, with the channels/7f
. A numb. r of Ab..lition petitions, and al
' ' I ol the • now are, 4, ith ev
wr, pr0p „,,,,,,,,,, ere new new , wae w I eepression to their views and feelings upon cireulaiten fi It ,as 3 . ai ii , ii ,„,, aira „„ i amimi iha Timm ,. a ..
Dome the Legg 'e Gap radioed from Legget`yhose subjects. Hon. Tnos. 31cReate Per- •aty 1 .' 6 0" ° I ders'ehit''d P"P ar ' " b ": , : t ' toosion of slavery, were rewind and refer.
o.p, m Luzern. county, through the county a Tee, who, Was President of
km Demo- • wltich they k now nitt o ltinF i:h mo r :lr
. pzt -
pul. :them+. Butler, King and Bed
Sumach.. to the N. Ydo Coe Redroud ; used erode Pittaburg Convention, was called to net lisnfo ul ll ' i f ' e h' :1 "" It !Alert:it . ° i ' i n ,. ' declared that in teceit io g such wide.,
the sold road, it jadotoonly locoed, wilt have a
'the Chair, emoted by some seven! or ei 11- cis tapes Y alot ' n ' ilalte and th. re is :DI, ‘ h° ''''''''''''° l'" britltto down the rule for
tendency greatly to devolve the onarees and ,„ . 3' II t. .. , . it . merly'obsemed, and that they would never
v Vice Presidents amon whom we re. . mg ne.ssary or wading, to bring into
benefit this county, Go wen as ie serve for the'. R g .
.again obj,dt too the reception if any pen
nant of soul. And the member , to le mac in t ,
f th' t . 'nine the Varna. of some of the first Demo. ] eirculatmn. id
L . to banish the tonal, that
Dolts no Malt, of what c.i.f.. ..,
a I now takes its pl.. Surely. all patties • , .
believing that the object a teal Road le not only lents a the City and Cnunty. t 3lr I. onte s prep./tido.) to raise • Select
S i n ' an '''' • mast agree in hie ' I and I '
Is Dom e t mono tooth,
the .. or east but Me benefit of Me tom i were made by the Chairman, by H. A, an certaiol) no
alined dideremi.
~, Coliiiiiillse of 18 woe taken op, and after
knee ..fleoltural, mantifectering and other Into-I Nnn i, " John M . nu di Reed, Esqrs , and ,opinion, or P . rejudiees on mho matter. "' ma ' mail ' nPnn it by 31"."' Baldwin,
rest. or the county through which It rot, peso; . y ' Benton end Webster, de latter a when
b Hon. David Carter, M. C , from Ohio,' might to preve n t the passaao of a motor .
ii i„ a !law up. this subject . Th„ Duo. of rep- j1 7 4 ,'1 : 7 1 ° T nl .,l,,`,,'"" th 'g.,"' I. dn ', 64 °'
R...,„th th ... wow ,. , eon ,. in , ~,,, ,I it hieli were masterly e ff ort.
Th. d " ' remmatives los done its Mit) and we Du- °' .- ''''''' n ' a '''''' -". q' '''' ''' n q ' ""7
Redwood along the 'Dim ache Aiwa., Nam ,of the Pittaborg Demnok aria Sta. Conlon- ]erelv h Do the senate will . 11.4 Nil 1.0 re- in thn l'a " i ''' iaa ; and o' n 'i nnu " aad bia eaad "
' Ro a ch and Fa Braucher the Wvaliwong would.: ri
~, in ed .,. ro dosed,. ie... tiled -, °., , . inem to vote for tier aunties'. Inn a. elm
• Ao the opinion of this meeting. eshotiot . level. as. ' ~ spoon to the popular neonnent, on n quot
a comes
Mr. tt. aniiii every ' , m eet Pig el. s ible • ago- a. and Oa followin resOluti out were adopted , lion hat affects the interests cf every Met - 31 ,.. ~...., i,
onio t hat bee go boon mploo.d .., Phomoiehan.
........ 0,, , T i 'her of the opounninity -Keystone
my-hr more beneficial to the hi ''''''' of the "..." the go eition token, yiatordav, by Mr. Clay,
, county generally-mot we believe snore ea to the R..• dyed, That Cmgre. h oo the pot., sa e . ...e rr , ono rm.. Orem... Amides ait h rt•tcrenee t . the Select Committee. Ha
I inter...ler the oomemY. to eatehlish Territodad Ouverommots, Wild) The '' hdelltotual {pant of the Wur./d" 1...k0 4 up. n it as , &Do gone more Danes
ann''''' hot ft 'n '''''''''''. of his '''''''''. to orohilit the extension of elovery into the t has presented his tribtoc at the feet a he for the G. 01, meet of this momentous qv.-
pled. themwlme, in raw of a merry of dos , , . ,
r r ii ' I U 't dSt t I slave
a n d -r his former profess- loon. althenult ho confessed lois hopes of
rote.. Word me, facility end owlets., hi tee err or.* el tle ID 0 • es. p
mein power, t o the moons employed. and in ease / Resolved, That the Territoriceocquired, hies, and completely - mold out" to the moth a result were very slight. Mr. Beni
or he adomino. a on.
ions in pant the nem of by e,ooquem, and by purchase from 31exicm,1 in' ' set slavery. He was thoisloDesa ' readmit,. were conceited in a spirit of
war at . hole expense and°. atindoreduat term' eat. to us tree, are new tree, mod should i F ratelul to the adminiv '''' iin foe aim mot. J a mi e , com ilimi not , and ...cession, though
. Will perm. 1 forever renmin Dee. 'tog lois son Fletcher, Navy Agent ai II a- Diet threw out a 'tope, aid that is all.
Resolved. that after much lavowtentlon mod , „
rant inoni, we have reason to None, that ne I Resolved, I but Congress, Ban slug the, tine-• dI. r givjoig loin otht r relatives let ] Ile compliment. dl 35. Foote fur hie af-
Zone d•filestio; won be met, nDo weraernonost • rimer over the Teri itories. and al. thole.. Ai 'Jude S.l 11.41:1's sill, 00 o,e 31r , fir. to , procure a 41. ttlentetit of the agita-
Irony or mew five intl. ot of the ronie we propene,-
celete., the wmtern nomination . Owego
and that holm, loon .e ...mot or trade. ev.
I power to adroit now states ht. ths Uttion, Welot , r mood. toot it. Lis 1. lot oal rue., ling quent oio. 'I hat Senator load pliant
it I. their lookout. dal, , with the examples he 'polo 3.113- be the pride . f Now Co g • , the ma mmy undo ebligations to bins for
l an d
oilier Railrmd miming to and Own he rat, a felitions, and .1. non o on• to . n li d, i 414
1 31' •I L 4 •al . • l an d o a Imelnl or eine don the httel. his comse While he load stood up buldly
gelds of Peauseltatoo, tho romps. wolf need a Ito admit Cali'. iris whit lied t o sent Consti• lecthal world-hut now hit liam. a 3 copitoto 1 or lion rights of Iris own semi.. he had re
that will plsee hem independent of the N Potion and loonedori r into the math den am ey t . the Moon y tool al iv, pewee lode ot Ids gat do il the right s of the it hole Union, and
Y. & rite Itattros Res 'trod, That patriotism, • dp• tiny n inn' but ti •• low. 81 mid omit. at li" among tool given ore xhibition of moral courage
Roolved, that we ore ered.hly informed this
d 't ' ' f the Dille treosure Ith c an who nation. rooDistmai
.3 end I.umait alone. nompiall, 11. when he disavowed the
f r o m the im i e t w he re t he Le s sen. Gap rood strokes et. •Ps "'". '''' lY " •P,
the Tunlihonomok. • route may toe lamed he wnv and the univemal 'lowa In L i d . melds. us' freedom. Mr Wcbder h. hog hero, 11 lomiti • ti tricot h 3 Mr. Cs... in his epee.
, ooeSkinnerho Eddy. Kinney'. Pond and he forloof, on the Pm Sic, to tor glom ions MM. with pololio motor ie ...m.o. tht. pm-on:II lige., the other 41.1% 3lr. Calhoun had avower/
, L h e %Pentane, well d 'no en es•""i"""'" - O bands of iron, olctuan.l doe immedtate aonl ,of the cotton mill 'moots otf 31assachmetts, nod 'mode „hol e mooing from him, with
the do•nome hem, bet lwvnV 4 ""r 'P.". from , „.,,ii i i,,,,o a b n i n a no o r the sa. b. 111 to their ',Depots um identical nith 1 his ifleoe, wo re ,al, übto ol to influent.
Tunkhenneen la the! rk• of the Wroth..
'Wo t ' 110 the olos • 4.1 States ; aodl tloot it.. 01 the entnon growers nil the South,' the piddle mind. The
. Settator from Ma-
Resolved, t h at a •:^' dole mown. be ompooomol in, as , 10 g 3
a ee ma w ok Dte Preside ,Engineer or , tour `mo an I Members 0 1 Congress he mord make them harmonise Every si : sipiti. Imo incr. op' F ated oo • memenger
h ont: " .... n nla r and . oth. sissf once said rie,l4,rl ison. r this State, are earnestly oq tinted tu use , American mud deplore the pr, Whole,. 01, r o t' peat, to •• P ont tit( upon the troubled
P., , and make known In hem lb° °A . m. , ' . I ever' It ,erti aide means to r e
ffect this most Iris giant int, not I watt . " The qteeelm tot thy Senator from
offered by 11. rm. wo propose. the eneaaroze- 1 d • tole olijoet ' In Lis erre , . he tars direct o uri end a- . South Carolina 1.44,4nii441 to eemain straoge
k her ,11 from the iiihnbunoila of, r`ton ,
n ' n . ' 11 • Ivan That in he opinion of this gaiitst the Siilinot /holm, and thinks there , torts .ii.ol oo tad mi um It prevented a met
tn. valley, and to commun.. wick other lure, ie.,
mn. as they may wig. to obtom upo n the sub., wetting, it h. the dotty of out State Login- os no need of it s o . , .
at soot over no) el tour aneit. it eml, eh:older aspect ill the ram
met. ] later° to f... Ren,11.1.11 in favor of the acquiretl tetritoi3. Now la his eonstatett- uhadt would oever I nee barn seen if Me.
To Min service Henry Popper ovtre appoleted. ' i m „ ocit i ma an d oneio thamoal admission ol ey. Less doll three yrin it ago. tlettiglit Calhoun I ail not Hotted it outs
S.A.& that • eetreMenthtt2 "me... of,Colifttruia into the Utiffn. I the Wilmot 'Dm ist, of hollinsh ct.toeqtat nee lie edes rrgrelleil alto, that the Senator
three be appointed to commumente whit ti who, m ~ wot , . o e i
i mime., a not a onnakiVallitt trealleo- , that. he rlointell it. poternit3. At the )Le-] had alluded ti. 't% iishington, liar MS the 11.
may take en into rot in the lora n of the mid ,
1 . • I all attem tor to weaken orlsachusetts With., Slate Conveetion of 1h47. tooth.. Aomori., or ill • distignished son
Railroad. and temp.. promote the objects or thin i t it," Y PP , . P ..1 loot the illitori Das South me
dissolve the Union, and that she regards all helot at Springfield, Ito made Do 'ullowing ' tit Vire... , . e e .
teeming after tie edjournment.
-tie ethic present mid Lean) him.] The expression grattnl lorsloly on his, one.
Caleb Carman, Henry Pepper and Jena 8 l Conventions, whether in the North or in remarks j
- I o' I h Mr. Foote th
ion am end can set, et to the loot that he meet. 4, • • 11, min ISi losi e 3 i r. o
Peironno were appooded mid committee. 'the South, whose object. era separat ll
i.II 1
, i „ a fin them i o , a Si tidy soft neditt • the delivery of Mr. Cal
/D.l.d, that the proreedines of tats meeting , dissolution, to he Commonable, and a t tel teem, o t mug 1 wo . :
be .blialad us the Montrose, Tunkhouneek and, echoes ill 044, 10 be moral Palters. York paper Hear loot rhea- Ito speech, hod caused him (C m) gnat
Owego .puto Roolved, That we recognise, to the full- I .• Th ere t o no t a ;non h o this hell who: sot inferno.. if that speech had gone oak
C' Men cAtt MALY, Pm....
Ll' ' ftl • t holdstothe print isle of Doe Wilmot pin-' ] tit the et tontm, and node the imprenion
1 I - of
eat extent, tto Doi mg o ippon at' et IC
C•i.'''' L'''''' t P President. u ad- wltieli it was at lira, calculated to prude.
Nommo Row, i ' o° I mo ovisioin of the Censtitutitiu of floe United ' vi. Mil e firmly I dn, no one wit , .. . . . . _ ,
lON'. Mold., J , , . Staten, that oleclares, „ that no person 1n.141 her. to it noore than another 1 fool some o i lo• 11.11.41 n right tog would have already been
!Do A Wstem, i • e°''`' .r'' •in Wall .. 04.41 Lila numbered
to Novi. or labor in one State, under the. little htterest in. this matter, air Did 1 nit• a en 011111 , . . t hy
h hall commit myself ito 1038 to the whole oho- a
kin Dont and finolted it.'
a.m.,' Elk:. of g rkfters th. Not r y. Laws thereof, escaping into anotoer," . s h , .
", . , h, . ,toss ~ ,„ ~, , t a , n ., ,he disehanted loom such service, 'ut , tone, fully, y, i 3", , . 1
' I emirsl • 9 And I mum ho o I.- ' Throe moo's hod nor be. spent in die
': , 1... kJ.. t. mu A tot Mt other beet
'in" Y' In "' " w n '' n “ n e gone ti to mlinm such eerviee or labor may he' that more lie cut ohmoverers alitodol claim .o'. tool what wax the result 1 I% Lira
entolill man wall deny, that never since the , ,9 „
pea- duo, 0 the merit and take out a patent. I deity loon well atom tallied t• At no Wiltriot Pre
f"'""i'''' of our pornnumn't Lave lion • Revolved, That the President appoint • i the priority tof th, it invention. Allow tote I vis . mold los , the Senate. They bad as
ple of the United States, es a who l e, cApoy
h..., Comniittee of 76, who are authorised to, to alto, sir, it is not their thunder " I remained abort no Wilithot lionises eould
" I "'l' gene Prn ' r " i'Y n". " - k the necessary means to Perry 001 the . W no, r uder reeding tisk cameo, togeth• , too. Wan there a oingle Senator in the
during the past four perm This is tre- I
~ : ;. i: r t.
er with his late epoch, will place any reli- o ellamber who mold vote for that Comer..
qr," l Y.,',;',. n .".'„ l ' d di " ; ' ,,', e ,,„",, h ',, , n s f . a ti ,,',l4 Resolved, That our watchword and cal- woe upon any of Datti. I WelteteCe polilice4q mi.° t Would the Senator from Ithouth
'" 4 j''''' -''-' tin, - ----- '-. the '' - 'Din g in "Thu Union, it must and .11011 professions? Will not his owo patty, at' Can ~tin ( Calhono) Sas lo it ?
is as Involuntary ttibute too the great onto- , c ry . . „,
L it-exerted . the North, disown Mtn ? It rer•ins to us Sir C 51114.1141 Made no reply.
sures of democratic policy which love been 1 1
then the honest II onion must The collo ! Sir Foote Dotterposi.,g, laid that for
est•lilished e nd wiled) are noose in full I'ooool E ri ,,,,,,,,, a . i .,, Ca iiim ,,,,, a.
_. { . 1 , 0 .
odd ,eta to t h e 1611181 f, lou would v• te fir neither II North
andl operati WO toOnt oiln . ° ,l 3' helin°. eilligt.i. tom California, ito spite or all Doe 1 ii„iii ", no '. ~,,,,,,a . „ Imi ha „, a , !, ri o or a Southern Wilmot Proeille ;he
that this hie rewrite With Which the retool'. about disease,
8 "'"'• ,• "'"'" h " I elaittool a. his child. en all .• in, na.II Oi wanted 1114. Collo itfftion shorts es it is.
country is blessed, is juntly attributable,l the gild loin. is prodigious Duriotor the ,
hr N.orrlwrit-row " 1 )Ire Cots it out. il, and said all eg reed
utoder Provide., t , the operations of the 1
i mat week, two thou-niol persons or mre mi. m . , ,,, i .
„ a ,„„„ ram. toothy i „,,,,, • oat a „ imi 1 ,,,,,,, iii ,.. „,.,., i, ,„ r. ,
Indo•pendellt To..rp whielk L. held 0., have lett ar t city far Son FlattOnett, 'l'he
„,, • lion-elf lot lit he S44llth nithoot talking portrittiog elm err noutlt of 26 30, mold
banking o 1 •r i ,n, of 0, 0 coun t r y 1.. rev {Georgia, the other day, took out trome • on, like ii,,, fall .i„. i„ regard , tp„,,,,,_ r pas , that botl3. it lot then could be dome?
Mraint, and conseqiiently, clo eked, in it I the Empire City yeeterday 336, and the „ Terse lona been I.4lllliltell Wilh all her, Ile Omagh the fughote slave hill ought to
great degree, 1011. lath,. bra cad the I c herekee 277, beside. others that have ~,,,, iy. e i,,, r , e ,„ w i sns i e „ 0 , ' ,l ev be taken op told edited , 11. so as to be sat
... of the °notary to lay• And Oki go ow by salt •a, rensels '' mil I. Homo - a „ o r a ., i on ma bad a ' me t o y ,m,i,, if loco istoctory to. the Inajotoity, end r fwd. The
has been done under a mere lineal cool The Crescent Cit 3, fro. New I bless, took ..,,,,,, erg ,A,,,, ad ,„, of .„, 1 „,,,i 0n o f h.. et. elefirt•r3 of the 11l gii ire slaves was the
, ..steel "YD.. of c a then ever ' nod about three hood. cal The eve! land •
ten her., Doe, shell he clove Dates, arid Ise only poetical prievattee with a hide the
poet eikd helnvv° thi. °' 30 "3 ."d °me' mod:Dation faun St. Louis is pot begin-1 k ,
. wos.,eol it to ho dislinetly understood. that wrath load Omni , mo ammo of complains
of odher parts of Doc World. Our exporter „i n .
iDo e.. taidered this wit innocent .1, 1 3 against the nook. 'l' lic passage of that bill
and hovels have botlt been largely ',cocas- I 'lhe &torture-of the Lane plendid mem , ,a,l lon la . i „ 0 ,.,,,,,,, „.„ . 4 „, aim , would do, nouclo tow ante mooring a hotter
ed, and Moo nerd. erica of lea multiplied niers, Empire City and Cherokee In Clio- ~„ 0 , 1 ,,,.,,. ..,.,„ h„ unitary shall en „. . hug on the part of 0.0 II : and time
and cheapened, and the revenue of tbe fed- I urea, yesterday, out need aarof 1 holland r ,,,, e
0,, , , , i ,1,,,, , I 1
~,,,,,,, ohood to a Lett, r wider/Denoting in relation
oral government nnument.l beyond the an- ].,,,stars , p .,.. 2 .. 2 3 North River .-
. , Can 31r CalhZB ote any other Southern to the oar...questions, Ind 'Mr. Seward had
ticipation. of the most song '' i,, cs, whilo the lA{ a f ee minute. past 3 the Empire Colyt ima ark ... 0 n W e ~„,r,,„. ....,„ , u , .0.1 that it wan immoral. lie would ay
prediction. of theenemica of si,se two great, fired a gun, and then moved slewly from ,
• nri col nt 31r. Wooloster'a nen leoreancy to to him, that it sueli wini his opit.i., he ought
assamilf., the Inddbendent Trim.. andl.h. a l .* , am .] ani t ma i aai t. alma., from' . 1 e _
principlesl i. e lormed p rofaned - never to have come to the Senate. No
modification of the tariff, have been utterly 1,. passengers on board and the crowd on 1 ' n
New London Demo,rot . man ought to cone here mod take the ad.
falsified Yet, notuith.unding these in- he what!; mad es eke pound down the emu oath to enaimain the Constitution, who
disputable facts an d the nWpreeederited river, she was signalised by the ladies frets, Tao Taxas Dooms xv Leren.-The refused to stippert this use of De previa
prosperity of the country, there are teak- the promenade of Castle maiden, who waved ] Now Orleans Delta has et..ersed a ilk a in . s
Pre and fault finders alth the democratic] innumerable handkerchiefs in the breeze 'gentleman dirt. from Washington. Texas, After reading a passage In Mr Sewardl
policy, who still cry for government proton I She h a d nearly reached the N0r..., when] who took some pains to ascertain who was' speech, he asked boom windier he believed
lion, and would again diaturb and unhinge] the Cherokee let[ her mooring", ad 1.... I the writer of the letter itultiolied in the . t han
sea • man in the Senate whose ammo
the measures which, in eonnexion with the 10,4,3 .. h. r . °mime , .... Tan y ee t w ith Dolt., signed Ornnoka, the writer of which ] wee ~,,,e , ,,i ed eieiiii. . by hi. fidelity iiii . 0.
repeal of the English corn lowa , ban. Imo I similar demontrations of rtjoicing and ' annfeased himself to be Moo murderer of Dr.1,,,,„,,100 '''
parted such general prosperity to the whole I a im, s o f a ',needy .d mat joorney.-Ers. , PDk man, and wills : lifr. Seward, in reply, remarked that be
potpie of rho United States. One would' p aw. A/ m m . lp . I il The letter signed 'Ormooka,' is dated believed it was Mr. Jo Hereon whn sold th at
suppose, that whatever speculative *nine j Washingt ~,,, 2801 a Dooember, 1849.- ' slavery - slavery in the 8 I Lod '
MIL llts natural ally in
men may hart entertained in regard to thol Word was received by the underwrite. Our informant ha. ascertained, beyond all
the Dellifieraer of It . X tort 11. 11 u(Seward)
affects of tht Iniiarniree now in operation. last night, that the packet ship Argo, Capt.
.Lobt. O, •A ." u"k••• , ... ... 1 ...,..• believed it. Ile did not aavoll the motives
before they ware tried, that the ...Del Crawford, from Havre, had gone ashore near looking individual arrived in Washington, D Senators, sell watt nut to bo drawn inte
mein tel ha+ ettended their adoption, Mimi°, on Long blond, and that though about that time, ho e came from Boston,
. , stewed altercations by any interrogations
ought to glen. ell opposition.-geyden, t h e are . end lassengers were nosimi, the via GalveDon and Houldon. He Minn:tea
~.h . „ .„. ik , 1 , i ,..,. 1 ,. iii. life .., .
' eargo, oonaisting af valuable French goods,) a{ Wenhiaglon but • few oh). After re
, must speak for him. Ile would noon la
Tin Doan. Kt.. -WO saw pater- ' would be lost. I neombnot was iintnedi- .tilling 1,,,,, a few days he departe d for hi. 0 .,,,,,,,,,,i, „ .3.„....,
day, for the drat ties, ...ens of the ably destotobeil to the relief of the Are j AuMin, where he entered hie name in the Mr. Foote denied that Mr. Jeflnee had
Twenty Dollar mad solo, authorised at the y Tho vcsaell and cargo are largely Insured, minter or the °deans House as 'John .... ,nerd ..„h ... d i..., .. b e d b een
lot none. of enttlree• end .^.Pat at.- *nag or it in Well street, and PP•tenfl , le 1 Weeks, Batten.' The appearance of the inn ,,,..1 .„ h ,,,,
ad from the U, D. Mint, in this A dty. The France. The Are I. said to Iwo worth , ..Inger was calouleted to excite smspkinn.] Mr. Dawson said Mr. Seward if tie
POW coin in womewhot leto , time the half- 11410,000, ad She Cargo Iron two ~ , d1 He was 'nerved and INtrtroons. He did not I .„,...1.,,, .....,...,,, which bse e d eee m e g
dollar, and is mnsiderably thick. The three hundred thousand dool are.-15. remain long In Austin. H.. 1..." out A. were the eentiments of the Whig ratty at
fan bean the head of Liberty, ourrounded I
the reg.., the entry of Lin name, which' .... 0.
by the thirteen ears, with (bends '1850;1 A NOW tient
en comp with Om haesderiting i the, H.: li,ia rob in 1m g a a . m . ..., imid.
and, on the obverse, thorn Is gamed Eagle , letter rot • Orounka: and anteing ply. of .d ...„....,
.pporting . shield, and an ornamental 11. j ' naemblan. In that of • Orntooke which / bb.. oft... 0 b....4 .b. loon .d n-
Aboveshowing the motto •IC Pluribue Unum.'l lame very molpahle and striking" plied to Mr. eon. 'nal Booster and hin-
Above the Eagle are rays, in the midst all
whleh are the thirteen stars-the whole en- I The new ferry at Pirreonos, Ow terminal self, said Me. Ce 11.% had two Anita*
@haled by the words 'United Sta. of A- of the New York 1111,11 Erie Bannon no the,"...." 1 ""'ll Ole than. Mr. Hale'
melee. Twenty H.' It I. a handsome, ' Hodson Morn will be emekolefed and the ...fee fad hem me of P.11101.'"Ifellelle•
I Imposing looking taint-Penneyhmtaien. 6.........., by Thini . d „, ... et an d ft k. em. He, (Mr. Calhoun) begone that le
- err already -.inn will referees to • !Tn!. the dinet i ll we netierrylenea.
Wow, la this etido...Tolompb L 1...
bay. Moo Wooded hdo mealy ovary
fowled a - and 11611M1141111% onotbed of
osonnookagoo. W. soo In a. toolaned
pip-. • datesh••• of Om prat of soot of
ibis. Hood TM faselpao M Ill••••• 'ono ,
•g• alooot $l6O per sootb.
Ti. "Podlam" of Ptiia•rg aro Awl
gurlleaphoo • maudlin of ,•• Os
yea they mob • pea doom
olrads• am& tho Snots. wish bemor
WI wok sad Om Poe rya N 0....
mg • liloop•Oad oit illooolooly paws la Ye
A new and valuable intim...wont in
farming utensil. it now bting exhibited in!
thin place by Jacob tltronp, Roo., formerly I
of thin county, called the "Amerman Con
bination Ploogh." Tim new hewn in this
Is, that whilst the farmer is .e.miid pbsegh
log nr stirring Ids land, it saws the mod and
harrows it ender ell by the mime operation,
end that too with bet Kale or no additim
,al power. It can he readily °banged lean
la med-newer to dropping end etmerieg mon
or any other grain. The whole etneetere
'ls simple, and sea - be made at e Toy kw
prim. Many of our farmers have exude
ad it, and are generally of theopinion that
it is elm of the Mot homing haOments
!roamed —Perry Democrat.
sior Dr. CU.** awl his .If. Moo limo
Apr trial for flbolimier of
Jaw Adm.", at Lawomooloso. Taylor.
tbo alhoisooll oulogoor et elm ..t MS
ems, yes Geld W ben 1.11,000, Is glee ev
wee el lie Ida
tie we already -----
: dull
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.norp.ithet:luson he w0d0....d0:06.1
an asweilawat oho Colowitutlea, web aa
twwo~ Dobb ,. pwrk . Ihe had lodlested. dimmed with th•
Senator from .Mlon altop th.r , and hailhail
gr-W Th. dea th of Oapteln Mn,, who , himself prapai.a , blp
th. Union ever should
won 'b. what laurels dwing,tb• Maxima he dhaohrinl, to show that Mr. Cu. had
...pal^ I. an.o.need hi the fit Lois; had Me full share In proolothig that malt.
'sows. Hs died, lays th. Mon, In San was coot prowwdlog to reply to what
riwelewiallse • short Magee. of IMMO) ' had wersteed Mr. Case to hay. said this
and brea•hlthi, premiered by • long and wanton, to retain, to the eowititatiseal
diregrowabh sewage floor Nay Twit tol eatendwww—
that plan, by the way of flips Hon. All Who It,. Oiss Wormed, awl reworked
Me period efW &Mb be wee sheet 27 ea that he WI sail • went ea ale milgtow
• yam of efe. H. had aelliag le my wawa the pep.