The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 21, 1850, Image 1
"Etta, Mrteasetrant." I S. S. WPM IP, Diller 'ad Proprietor. „,,, Ia ""8 —*” . " %nrontltool until Om soot of lb. ' ••• poOt Za , 7. 741. ' ;•=t ma% " Loa " ToZoo . utt lot Poo. Peto to roes. 0. •••••••••, Owe. Nu, less,) • $llOO ...eq.., ..... , Seslaans N.. et .1;110nm Is, Lattrtnit ' ".'" ." .141. All Mo. 01.1011 WORK awl expedigto.l l VOLUME VIL Mae es !avowable tones. ----- -- ---- , I A Soles bt,quomun. on %lila Or a home, mo d pluses you, I think we can easily adj.' led and agreeable widow into the bargain- I pale, and named agitated on hearing the I amented Mr. McArthur , her last hope wa s hear of • mamma mu.. no • mn.ll 1.0010, the terms " 'all far six dollars aso elk 1" intelligent,. the widow imputed. He stun. ornshed-she nut that she was destined to' said the candidate. 1 Othe upon • time, however. there was • 1 awed, got up, sat down again, and writhed, honor the nepuiry of her late husbatid, by _ where mere ars no homdere, by applying st lc so H om _p, :wa ihiy ; •• ' ; Dedham Puce. ;.• I shall want you to find fuel and lights. great change. The Major wan eluded.- ,In his easy-ehair in a moat unnecountablej remaining eiregle during the rot of her nat- Little did the bachelort . who glanced their and serve me my dinner. at two o'clock, ~ Be came home ,d found no fire In bin manner. But at length Ms lepeceli came I oral life. It was provoking to think every eyes carelessly - over this onnoullecinent, my own roue. Breakfut and tea I will ; room. It win e dark, cold and dreary es •: to him and he requested the widow to Ithing had failed , after she had been so kind ;thepect that it was •• man-tray set by • take with the family. I want a eon of homelbarn. Than king-ahair wth riot drawn :show the lady to hie room. "My moth, Ito the Major, and kept Lima well, for the Caning the widow's mere nominal pay of six dollars a week ! ' , buxom widow ! Had they known the full to go to-a place where I can find comfort. near the hearth, as usual, and Ids slippers woman I" he aid, ;meaning of thin notice, hew eagerly would You know what I mean." had not been plaited clan the rag. There eo ion-•• a little debt I've neglect- ' And th e Major-he , ton e was to be pit• the anti-Ain button, anti-domestic and i• I think I undustand you." Baia the ' was nth an appla_nor a nut , nor anything ad to pay till I'm • mast ashamed to see tied IHe went to live' with his wife emu anti-comfort Societies hare rushed to tile' widow; li and I think you will hays no 'of the sort en the table; hut everything; her." thought the kind- jm ' a * n n' in w t h li " e ' vrorTa i n h d . an . if t e P o i ( ciontin . u7li !abode of the widow of the fate lamented reason a regret trying me for your house- was dusty, disordered and out of place. In ; •• His washerwoome," 31r. lile Arthur, at. No. 19 Dolham Place ! keeper." ahem the aspect. el his room wa. eo differ- . hearted widow, as she returned doyen theirs i turnenil and strife nerved terribly to e eoll lAt it wan, the innividnah who called du- : •• No doubt-no doubt. I li ke the ap- ant from what the Major. had been necos• :-•• poor men, to think that h should be I Idea every day and every night, ath good I l ac the course o f th e 11 y t o h a d, e t the pthr th ee of thing.. Now, then, the tartan." ;tamed to, that be could neareely believe j troubled with such people, who a wif e - o fd n ows o f p......d when b..... ! that he had not entered the wrong spares... ' when / could see to having his washing, gaged the widow MeArthor's hospitality, 1 'accmmodations for shoes gentlemen, were " Eight dollen • week, sir." far from numerous , and not exactly of the " Eight dollars ! been-eight .." mutters meet. done without his haying care about it at' Undoes. and love, fiir the bare et:insiders- right nen to plethe the widow. 'ed the candidate. with an ominthe shake ' " /46, au !" muttered the Major, rapping , all." non of only six dollars It week I Those only who ham eel man-trap. and of the head. "Rather high, that, twine to the furniture with his cane in a manner This interview between the moor and watched for their vietions, can have ally ;ina" which betokened great dithypointinent and hi. laundries. woe of rather long duration, icier Line-Jelin, is about twenty- I idea of Mre. McArthur's anxiety during 'islf I find fuel and light,, and eerve your irritation ; " what can be the meaning of; and the ansione widow began to fear that nine yeers of age. She ix a native of, all that day, and the perturbation of ler dinner in your own room," suggested the this! Hem I-auppoete that my kind and; they found mime dielault, in arranging Stockholm. and the only child of poor pa• i has discovered that i thew accounts. But at length, to her noon, both of whom are alive, and living in heart u !weever she 'heard the door-bell widow. intelligent landlady ring "Oh, there is something in that I know. keeping such lodgers don't p pay. H-i•o 1 great relief, .he eaw the woman go away, :ease and independence in B.lleet hind. She The first °noon-noun candid a te hir the But eight, ma'am, I must confess, airort -It' I' d just as expected ! knew h a 'and heard the Major cloth his door after •is about aye feet six inehee high , of fair place lot merly cceopied by the honelded to me on rather too much, after , al!. I don't delightful mete of things could not ric h 1 her as she went out. 31r. McArthur, was a dapper 611., at least think I could afford to pay so much, altho', all for six dollars a meek! I thought I ' From that time forward a groat change beautiful, hut very interesting. Her de. ten years younger than the widow, and al- you may find twenty others who could pay couldn't be each • lanky dog long I" Iwa. aneroid in the appearance of the Ma-Imonth and minima aro natural and grace. together too gay to suit the tansy of an it easily.:' But the Major to.. mistaken. Ha die- jor. He seemed troubled with melancholy; fel, and free from affectation. She has al sober mod quiet a lady Therefore, when oo Perhaps," the widow; "but I want covered how wrongly ha had judged of the 1 reelections, and be did net smile an sweet- ;need accumulated a largo fortune. Her the ythtlifill candidate demanded the prim a permanent lodger , and one I can depend kind-hearted widow, when a servant girl ly upon the widow .. WU hi. wont. Mr.. won t power. were full developed about for rent or board, our eitrewd locaine men- spot If you will take the room for any , came to apologia. to him for the disorder McArthur thought there was good reason • twelve years ago, but the was the pride or tinned an moo bitaid suet, which elm knew length of time, sir, I wouldn't mind about of his room, sayi ng that her mid... had , for thin, for the strange women haunted rite' Stockholm, than as s child. She made her i . the dapper young mon would not h e foolish p ett i ng i t to 'on , t ow ne moven dollars a gone atrily, and that she didn't know any- 31ajor continually, repeating her vision first appenthee at Berlin, s• Agatha, in' enough to par. week. Them that pay the highest ain't thing about making the Major's apartment nearly every day. Of course the widow; Der Freichuts, ma. eminently successful, 1 " M hew:' whistled the young man, always the +went, you know ; •nil a bird comfortable. The Major wth delighted to was much concerned, for the Major did not, and from that time, her career the been sailing coototemptuo us ly ; oo I eau', go any 6 the hand ' s worth two in the bosh. I'd find that was all, and calling the widow an neve. , to appreciate hoe of its to pima.' most brilliant. She will lea ve for th e Idni. such nonsense as that Twelve dollars a r a th er h e sore o f ae , n eh oo thy. the p ro . inestimable jewel, patiently went to work him as ho once did, and the many comforts ted Staten in September not, and will sing , , week I I didn't suppose you would ask mi. of fourteen." 10 make hi , own fire. But the fuel would she showered upon him seemed now unto-' one hundred and fifty nights in Oda country ; more than sic on Om 'wd " "Jost so," saki the 6, candidate, Lok- not burn. Everything seemed to go wrong. ted. and at Havana. Her first concert in the I " Very well,' said the widow of the Into i n benignly of the widow-"just e n Now Th en it washe thought of the widow, and ' What could Le the matter with the Ma- r United States will be given in New York lamented Mr. M I cArthur. .. you are not o- shall probably remain with you a year or thought how he should miss her. and thol Jro ? 1 Her private theretary to now in Ph iladel- , blided to take we r owl." 'two, at Icast-if we both like-as we shall hew hard it would be even to live away One afternoon the Major intimated that' phia on bthineen connected with her engage- I - But I like it-and like the locality," of cooorse-" from her again. The Major even wonder- he wished to lime • little businem mincer- meat. -Sat Post. pursed the promlitlato ; " end if you would "Of worth," repeated the n blow blush. cal an he recalled to mind her many nate of nation with the widow, and she accordingly nay t fight tollats-" ing. kind., towards Lim-Low he had been ' called on him kb'. room. lie •••• m 7: Obadiah Dobson's Valentino. ; Couldn't think Of anything less than " And if you think you meld afford to blind to her inostionable worth too long. , serious, but 110 premd the widow's hand - lively, sir," interrupted th e widow , firmly. take nee on trial at six dollar. • week, why .. Then what • wife she'd make I" tho't' more tenderly than was his wont, and re- steer Pour Ann. Ems River, Feb. 97. 'lAnd she made haste to nhow the stranger' I'll have my trunks scot up hero immedi- the Major. .gardad her with his peculiar look of kind- ib the Editors : Glittiltillt2ll-I'm in LO the door , ately." Ah, the Bowie,. woman! How right-, eau. , town spin. The Polly Aon made her on- Searee had the dapper young mato gene, Ti,, widow hesitated, but not long: six ly had she judged of the salutary effect "Pee been thinking' said the Major., and trip down in good order; and after when the door-6.11 rattled nada arid the dollars • week was very low-too low; but her absence for one evening would have up- , "about-hem-you comprehend ma, M Mn.I we'd ached oar Sl: i ar e. and !th h t h i i ng. put 1 widow•ii head Was thrown hoto a state of the prospect of gett i ng • husband, by ma- on the prospective eueceesor to the late la- MeArthor-atuout domesu M e alty.' •to right, L aroma I pertained.. A SP. clllll . validate wine atl. king • little sacrifice overcame all her ecru- mented McArthur ! " Indeed!" ; 'boat the city. Plenty of human win her e mittml, and you may well imagine that pie, What wan two dollars a week, .hen Senn the olden returned : arid then it, ii Yes, ma'am ; I've been thinking seri.: for ebeerrationa of • man ha • reffectin Mrs. McArthur seas not • !idl e eag e r to' a worthy. enceeesor to the late lath:need Mr. was astonishing to nee how soon the Major's nusly on the .object. I think I could live, tarn of mind and • radio for mrmoniain. behold his mountenanee and joist, of hi, MeArtlmr was in question! ,part ments mounted a different aspect' tall an happy-liem-with • wife-brim- Ble•uldn't wonder all took ¬ion to write , eligibility. What was her horror at seeing So the bargain was made, and too the 11l- The fire seemed bright and warm, and coin-' a without one-perhaps happier." • book someday 'bout these things. That's a short,. sharp-to sawed, ill-dressed, miser- lowing day, Major Sipley-eueb was the fort .mind on all 1 The widow - felt the critical hour had Inn best way, enter all. In get one's name i ly-lookii g itolivullial with but one mon, candidate', items-arrived with bag and "Oh !" reghed the Major, what • lucky ' come, and fearing to break the spell, and up. Ef thstemblie swollen down your work, ;awl eyes that •• Looked two ways for Sun . baggage at the house occupied by the box- fellow the late McArthur roe, have been ! ruin her hope. of a suthessor to bee laments I nil right. Emit anat. in the public's throat, i ilai "Or coin, the dignity tot the rehe a t ram widow. Such • wife's a jewel to any man." 'id husband. wisely kept silent while the like a &under-bo th it causes • sort of cho -1.12,1i.e.7:1,r, la . a ... c ‘.1 1 ,, c.! n 8 . 10 , t . ty ., a1l iss , 3l. .1 .. r._ .n llao r n 4 i t i filt i cin a Oxfam v ., 14,ti r is g m r ro , l ; 111, 7 Ar o sno . /p i. ~.,, , m. an jay all ' k th i:, pa ltri p d a LotlrL o ure ya lC a re p tinz:O y ise aa . aa Le .ra l . jog ler lioshoioni ...,,,y, lov taking, tr. ice a cheerful fire blesiog in his apartment, op between the Major and the widow. She , these comfort. here by myself-indo e d, my' it'e all the mem-your name I. [ ui th , l i k e fill his place , th e', a ',odd tg nhj.,, ~ ai m ,. a ,!7;1 orer y thi ng put i n order for hie to co.p- dined with him in his room every day , at' dear Mrs. McArthur, it isn't right. I'm . • almep-skin on the gable end of a barn. The candoiste we lode jest deserobed ii on. The widow thereelf was there to wait his request, and every thing palmed off as' ewe I should be a happier man, if I had a, When I'd got tofu Chatham threw, my , The widow ad pled the same a ito ca di re on him, and sloe pulled the reeking-chair to ...Oily and comforthbly an ono could de- wife silting where you all now, while I sit ' 'tention was taken by a winder chock fall . I fir ceding al of 1' which load been no the fire for him, and took his hat and cane, tire. ' here-don't you think eo I" ,of little sheets of paper, with all sort. of them soul with the damn, guoth, 0,,d r o und tjaing an d ensiling all die time in her moat ii I'm afraid." said the widow, one day, ". Oh, don't ask me, Major," exclaimed ' pie I elle 1.1 notions on 'eon. A feller wand thcii bin difficult v iii dim:tied lo r idiject. myth wing style. Oh, the happy Major ! as she sat opposite thmed.jor at his table- the blushing widow. in in the door, seen as I was considerably Th, r . Orp-frot.ireti i. dividogi 50,,g00l 0 0 . h e h oo d just then ovary root. to consider "I'm . afraid yon find but poor amommoda. "Bet what do you think, though 7'' interested, men toe me-. Nally troglitetieol at die mm eat lotion tof himself the battiest dog am. tans Lech"-and sloe looked at her lodger " Well, if you want my opimon--hem ; " Valentine. very; cheap, air. Walk in I lon he e d illor-, a week, etol took himself In half au hour. the Major felt lam a ], comp a seinnot e ly—oo f o r I' m eare you've -I .Could say-a wife is • good thing, 1 and take • Ink at em " , 0 ... 3 ;,, 100 t, . . . 0 p -1.,, ~,.,,,i 1,.,. t h e si id. perfectly. at brome Sitting down bade a ' been used to better rave and more mast,- rometimes T know Mr. McArthur wed : "Don't ken of I do," as I, "of Itotnr. Olf . i. 4.11.11 N might solace kilo too make the eloverful fire, with his slippered feet open a , tial comforts." ,to think no." got 'ono handy' sacrili..;.. Cr' on, emit reg, and with hie newspaper in -My dear Mre. McArthur," said the Ma- " Mr. ;McArthur wan probably right," • Now. I'd read in the paper. all 'bout the Air. r hi, &imam nevi col a; pilau's his liatal, he could rot help repeming to ,jor. with entlonium, " I lithe nothing to .ai d the Major. " Well now, to come to ; natur of the valentine hominess, and I'd m i lks!, m.O of who m suit e d we onion's loimaelf with nob molded matiefactiion- desire here. You lake excellent ears of me the point, my dear madam, it would be bet- made qp my mind I. go in • few f o r the, idea .1 wlrot de oda amid to 1,,, v, 1,,, was " Mcst detonable amommoodations-cone- -better than I deserve-far better, I an- ter for me-and perhaps for you-" sake of Nancy Miller. Homey is a leetle I ,the cutest pith. of gal-flesh as ever mortal to fill tire I.I:JJ.J• of the lac I norlited Mr torte in abundance-an agreeable and kind- sure you. Mn,. McArthur, believe mo " Oh, Major !" McArthur. Stone ome too o Id, same were licar•rit g Wow—and all for es duller& a when I nay that I appreciate you." • " You...prebend-you would still take set eyes on-none of your slab-footed, an too 3 ;ay. n. me uore ',no shololoy, some week !" •' '' Dear me," said the widow, blushing, care of my appartment as well-" pin. I 'bominate a gal as eats on-' toJi gr•ntecl, sonic too Lands , me, P inn 11101 And clonekling audiloly we delighted 31a• ; . how you finder me ! But I wish you . "Oh, better, Major, better 7" exelaimod yam It's kinder wort, I know, for • me. plain ; some she f e lt. s un . slo e mold never joie lighted a cigar, and throwing lainotelf I wouldn't-it seems to mo that you are ma- the enthusiastic relict of McArthur. to be talkie) 'bout sieh duff, bat when 1 hoe, and whets. Olio Nos equally certain, lack lonily in his chair, puffed away with , king fan of me." " I &ode Acosta le," ..1.1 t 1.,, Maj.. -... v.. 14.1.111. O. 1111 th e &omen of Nancy! ,'Cj i Ss.:f.:.. - ..::. 1, , would never hive her. Hem o tho rel,iot of :rash energy MI 1 . 0.141M011. Oh, eh hap- , " 31n. McArthur," exclaimed the :Major, ' " You're • true woman-a prim, Mrs Me- , Miller. the the say, is. ii r., ... dose d ~,, - the Into Mr. McArthur was begionting to py. fortunate Major! I warmly, " how you talk ! You hurt my ' Arthur. Bat, as I was saying. if I can the evenin." I adore that gal. 1 seed her TIIE WIDOW'S STRA'fAGE3I: do.poir. It woe not 'tern day, only, that these ' featly. indeed you do. Limit my any:only get your minuet, which 1 flatter my. , NMI 'bout three years ego, an apple- pario ou 1 At length an encouraging eircometonee ' eonifoorts lasted; bat every afternoon, lie, thing about my innocuity spin, if you self lam sure of, and you will correct me, ;at Deacon Sprague., but she didn't emote anon .... °A.AIA" Ann. ........ caused her to hope. Jost as she wee on the Major came home from hie place of NI- iany regard for me-which I don't know as , if lam wrong-" any pertickler moisashune in me. the' half or ltrt. 1,6”1”1 the point of making rap her mind to honoor einem, he found some new maniiestation of you have." ' " Oh, Major, you are so insinuating I" .• dozen other fullers wore dead in love with ;the memory of her late lamented lo,band the widow's, mtoroiehing and unaccountable " Ah, dear me! you know I have," said' menaced the widow. " How could I nay' her. Atter that, I want rolliekin and coasts Me. Benjamin McArthur bad been dead by remaining Anglo during the rest of her kintlneee , and of Lisa nexpected and un- the widow. no 7" In about all long .hors, down to Maine, and two years. Mrs. Benjamin McArthur bad life, a new candidate appeared, who struck merited good luck Hi , dinners were made, ...nen believe me sincere, my dear Mrs. Ali, I'm delighted!" cried the Major; fetched along aide of neatly • fair craft in put off her morn i ng an d .........,ore hild ia widow so favotaloly at first aighbt at up of choice bits which no man could help McArthur ; I do appreciate your kindness; " I have your consent !" I the feminin line, but everhaltany of the lb. "mi.'. Mm.. BenjaminMcArthur bad , oho determined to make choice of him Ind relish, and plum puddinge, of which the, and 'sometime, think whet an enviable fel- I " You have I you ham:" tender. undoubtedly loved her late husband the sweet ,eor of the worthy Me McArthu 'th was particularly fond. smoked every low Mr. McArthur must have been. Yon I And the widow mnithalf uneomeiously , , 'Bout two years orter I'd seen Nancy theirbemoans goodat an like • sensibled faithful wives to lath, The last applicant wan one of the best- dayte nhn table His coffee in theme,- are • prise to the lucky man who mord,' into his arms? The Major seemed a little Miller, I wan bangle ant oat the bowsprit loofa b woman 5he:...... d 1 ,,.. i . p surpriewl, but continued : :one night, when we was nut inter the widow hail ever in was alway a hot and palateable, and he you, Mn McArthur." bad not allowed grief to kill her... , to de• au, end she know a t a g l eam th a t h e never ne e ded g o od sugar std yam milk to "Dear me! nnw I know your . ° flattering' . 11MIS afraid you would not eionsent--" ilt woe dead calm , the air wan warm and still, the moon 1.110110 soft and bright on lite *troy her twenty, ...... ...d u ., h er life , would make a kind husband. He was about , sms. it with. In short, he lived like a me, Major I" maid the blushing widow. " Oh, how could I refine 7" with melanalioly. On the other hand, !ha foity year. of age, quite eorpulentond not retired nabob. But the luxuries of the . I insure you not," permed the Major, "But Dille. you an willing, I'll bring my aortae. of the sea a. it lay month and qul• ; consoled herself with the pleasant ream:, ill" ; exceedingly bad-looking • in .pith iTiPit Tan. table were the least of the luxuries he en- smiling blandly, and leaning over the table wife here to-morrow r' .et as sleepin inotercence-and ail that sort 1 that there wer. s ingle m" blrii •• "a".• dy beard, which was the Ink to a •t the juyed . Every day he found that some kind till his face almost touched the widow ' s ; 1 You' 1111/A I" seresond the widow; and: of thing. IPI to thinkin 'bunt manors in I some, manly and devoted. as tho late Mr. widow ', ...1... Ile band a p.p , highly eel- soul-(who could It be 7)-bad kindly plan. "I enure you not. I .peak from my heart , th e seining from hie arms with a frantic : general, and Obadiah Dobson'. prospect. in 31eArtleur; and in two year. time, dating ... d ra.e , .yea of • mat milt! and benign cola dish of apples and choice nuts upon when I say I think you • prin.. Mre. Mo.:gesture; your wife?" opartickler. I felt like Odin • wife, and it from his death. eh. appeared as fair. tang expresidon. and teeth which bore no marks , his table, and prepared a wart of morpnee Arthur, you area prize: • prim too k. ex- i "To be sure," replied the Major, not a In. the ford time I'd ever ',Menem] such em, and bewitching, me at the period when ; of tobacco! The almoner was plainly dee.- : for him by ethenng them with • • napkin. namely lucky fellow who marries you." :little astonished at the widow . . anion.- ' retain.. Then I began to event.) the logs she was first made • bride. • lied in black, and he carried a formidable, Once he perceived that the paper of pine he •• Pm afraid you are the only one who' my wife, of emirs. ; far I would not think; book of nunnery, make observation. on the ,' Mn. MeAob?" 3 thr• `••• 0000, •••• in eana whieh the widow thought wee just , had f eni upon the wall had been stink, thinks no," faltered the widow; 1 bul of bringing any one's ohm ban." leininines I'd met with in env rambline, and toe •••• 1171 . Sloe h ad a •" • 11 dim r o t . ' ;the thing for so heavy • man. and fancied 'down and that all the pin. had bean stink'," .ha stammered-•• why should I coral " But e r e Major I oh, you wrens foldi Inse what enuld he done in the wit, line.- .iy—.l.l enou g h for a...0n ; an. ^. 4 to be • great source of terror mall the, in • 'nautili pinthushion, which he saw for 'for others?" 'me psi were neorHrd r mobbed the widow:l thought tut of two or throe cousins. and Wog Glassed weh ebildrth, it Was quite dogs in the neighborhood where it was most I tha first time as It lay upon his droning! " Ma'am!" said the Major, with • start. hystarietally. , thee all of • mold. I hit km-pimp on natural that she infield abolish the mar) ..... I table. If ever he happened fn drop •• band- 1 "I say," our but tbe widow, "r. -Ohloh I" I Nene, Miner. It wen no use tryin to think , biome/ma wish that mop kind noel might . o Yon have apart t. for • single gen- ' kerchief anywhere I. Ids room, he was sureinabody loathe for but you-and why should " Dear me . I tbafight you undentood ' of any more. I hadn't nth nor thin of . 71, 1111 " .... reelr., . 41. b•• • BI !' "";,, Deese, I belie.," said the new some thry , le led it, on his ninth home, washed, iron- 7 -" • , , • le. in ~,,hd...1 lb. pio, .. n e ve w ' that gal for two pan, • aed all at oast I di. . . - • • - • • • • • M®m¢c•g, • nIV , • rrrr taa ri . nrr?rrj • • • Vat eireltag Noght propitiate hear, Thy dad, .bedews perched en hdl aed lower Itsperierae;ftelmen Nature to rept*, AN math. In deep remembrance of her wel. Smog hours of rata! last in thy toed dalighls. All woolnt• vanish. hateful to the Nett; and realms wintered by mortal eye Conserve with ed., unearthly visiis make, Till wskriar hour. the vier's.e simian. break. Wildly .0 wart, same& reality it armee. ITt , T , I:Iz Tim bnbble boram. M. Mini dream I. o'er The main is parsed, hsgh looms dm Mom Honig° Night! e'er light, or earth, mess, Among from the depths or dark immensity. Aegendant then thy reign, unpiered thy gloom. As dreier thy shades m chase of the Minh Ths hear arrived, the mpr /OUP moment nigh. Peals the loud mound. front lln (ht., the sky Subservient, &Amid elements ohm, Then roll.* er all the nloriouo 1,10 of day. H. spoke. to,. done I forth •prong into earth And Mimi, time proclaimed the Prei-horn year. Then pleated, the allaccom Eye teirreY'd ==IME Nor plant. nor ohm', nor Wr., Honer Tiro barren •pt, nor freshen,' on to.rfrim'd Ho spoke! the onperrono ir a lorded, And parted wri.ere tumbled roiled tee wend The ••• ite hounds, wtldest gruntlenr nave The rolling 1..1e de reeky ritiniiiirt I it', Almighty pone, the weltering drop oontrolo. Now &Mid rarth appoare. tho ...illumine high Roar their proud wake and pierce tho Forth ham thaw derpret bowehi gitehing fountain leap. And murmuring twice. down the gorgoe Impetuous, mingling watery ommotow Anriewell Itunnlinnow oroon'n wary tido. an lie wreaks' d mirth 111 11, 111, ,eon orrey'd: Trameendent homily lights the dually aliado Fie in. of flow,. all iforled gorgoone Bloom lo tl.r wild and fowl oho onropined view : liwootest of niromini hoc. at v mr,ll, MM. Mr. brozlet ear. In• fi..y raw,. whret 11,11 op the *My. Ihe ft 1,1.1 EnrlA oPn, and len, rase, And nunwrnot, hill and dale r...nnio, praise. Fsasr wnlA... nrh on on liter on Th... sink inn d jnunory run, Prnurs 111 r Ir.lintols it, urn tun 1.1111 Iteaplrallant lozlit .11 mare T. arlaaalaalslow , dully 11 mark. a• la a ea,1.1 • ra,.. And odfliaglo darhotorf dv tornado hall. NM long nada. soe yowl y sy:moan 1,00, Foretells her „('r: :1 Idarry cf ‘l4lll An: karrocin all Ih.. v ?avian dads.. so flay, Fonts walk. pale Lima herald of Ilto okay, Bright o . tr tho rank Iti.r wiser, Itgititung streams And rairnt Nnlnre h.ght tier ms Vogt th.nitis. rrnjnnnp. seemed ilspoes;ll to take upon himself 211 . 1 .11 PM•• Weil The widow replied in the eMrsiadm se =mi by the Itioritw Mt , M•Aithiin' enwipanying her rds with one of be, re. M c Arthur, in sonamptentm. f• - I eweetem smiles, an d invitedthe stranger to maimed • widow. look at the meartments. As ohs glaneed '• W. • Yule • 0 • 0 11." "hi M•Ar - at his portly fonts, and observed his diuni thee to hereelf an day. restin4 Wanes on • • win, / I mr•"" •• arrap a n.- up etainhehe 'eaif by fairy bads. His skies war... • 1.1.1. .11 her ad. 4 1.. r p....— "lt's • I umiak' how wort hy • areoneor be email ' war hreebed dories hi@ .bona, ud of• ad. ofE r :::: "• 61 •11 Wort imi ; ...I' =eke to lb. late lowental Mr. MeArthur, 1 tee tbe Me* fount Ide boots and @boa i It's ww• al " 11 irw puts A.*. Mr. ple- lad larerdly nalred that he WYNN not pantie& Mamie inn bees Area li. Asii , 1 . 1 ., ur. . ••• 11 . 1 ;Pk depart fran her house withart tat eater room granitarely, end soy qesally ef ea- Illiwhid " w wit. iii. the 1 0 .1. 1 "7 l• ihil kg bawl ad ledgisip wader her kola. erel eurioellia end onnueente of art dope. world, If arybody woad propene. I win b ' id,, ~,,,t Mai the meal-plera Meratar, tbw 1 wag lit" •"•'• ' a l " mu l 1b ..•• I The portly ledivideal nudged tire rie , 'bad elates, the room, sad the heehaw I. eat 1" ' pea of are now with & look of serhdreettert,' it, were kept arupeleelly 4.11. 5.4 MSG Alm' UM ma mkas 1 . 11 . 1 ** 4 6 6 . 4 .50 d dammed with Irk lame es the Ivory • 'peek ef that weld the hely Ibilew rub edlh of As hawated Mc M•Artli. , *M lin heol of Mc Wavy as sbarsawilly. It of of @aide one le tire meet obeare ow et awl.* ••P•di•••• 81 0 ma". " •Il' :,... adie • lam room, and foraged h. amt. His tooth tomb eat all broth tie miles I Da sot imps that Uwe her 1 ...4" . 0 - 61.4 ....„. 4. ." iii . pith i 160 .,,....., . dip, b. ... 10. ... 6 ,...... triteethowio ehn sake iir all me ii. Co. ' Individual wee at the ewe to deader Dori thawed 6164.461 h igee;a4 eromad di- ! red, ad to she& oars he lonnialar, Met Orel 14111,111.... 14 may oar the wodouteed. He mac time mat.' • Inwh." l . fw' Pl. „ww •••_ ..,____• 11 •••• I I .li nN lear " odd he, theribtfelly, • I met Whir dult,.sitbeet I. ks • kap bardra wol_ ...Awl to ii•midi •••••• iii•ii,•• tied may Ands with the ream—{. DA I le hie ream, and be mar wienred si iwy 5.0 negsva to 1 ... MM. , tea ••••• talk We jam Mat weld wit as ; end beer witim=peoted whites briert MIN bit of etretagen, to earsew beiheed, ~,,,, f ,,,,..„,„41,..„,,,., Mee of • ais" r B=l mid a Warniiiiiia ww•be,,l Hie •••••••- "Ob, Ares le es dent Ghat UNA I es- rad maw Ile rub Ms barb ••••• appeared l• se a ••• muilif PA' awe pm"' hawaphei Simi'vellAmr, webs wed Olowdoe-n. pews ma bewiladwg mile. •If ibe tem •MI eon onido—and mad-beat- - ILA Nagar Iwo lont owe way, sod 1 basted , . 11, __--, 'oat ea follows : ----- T. 11.• Mosey Blllllor. '' 1 -cittr*ri ; ,, e „JR r, iHi *rico* t ,ir tot dollatittol little Unto, Whoa you I , Mli Moto ...Ms I write, 1 ---,. Ny, Hem I, thole. of low row,. bound otot Mott •Matioadas Ilea. C ......c1) • Doe% elate my your Itwott'• botches Uoloo• I'm Mot ototwod ewer; Mot Mon, my wool muter, (Met Nost—Act 'ma quicken. Moodier l „ „ „. . . , iliknomitet 4m lold¢C¢o. Mews, Mdeavasenws, SalvdrrtaiinaTc, fflig ersal gi t2 - ad mod neatly done up lyiog on the bureau. Mom than ono% the hooky Major olosernd that his alibis had found buttons in a roost mysterious woommor. mod thet diners otd pr. 1•10.14, 611 had Mound away le his ward robe. had ban mended Madly and searatly. '4 if by fairy buds. His clothes - al. MONTROSE. PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, IMO. The Major, from None aeseeettotable cause, began to feel eneharrameed, sod, mole a Nighty effort to Mange the °mew nation. This he did to the ineapmeible regret of lM widow, who thought it my intoned.' Weed. Bat Mn. McAnhc. ---'" dal Mn. Masan weld en sandals. , Hops Weed ' Tbs . 111•& MI assersdozz "Ah=, ::= 1. 15. de of W Y It.. Isnensd Idsdadmr, sod sbe esdynininsd ; boned se the hie ibai wry day was 1k . Web Wad Mr ti Sae One dn. beeenr, • sisidin sinew Anse mewed • niddisoned daily ailed st Mw. Mianskses bars Re lie= Mu • abarp-Asiered, mew !Winn wenn rid Mr vain WWI de iniver as bend Windy* st an Wm whordra ea Wails fflefi lady demanded QM Ns* l• sub am bo a. row WS N,. Nallatlo lll n sits dam Ye on . sf winbse W as ids awn t. sie big visiOn WWI Ye Ns* t Ns issue .7 Ws who b.. b... hortio sin am as oßsa leaky." Thai your asp r : Yak madam! ' Tb. Major has bum baud to nosh that sesr salra 'Titan dtasppaarsaquisk. ly es tlio widow did at thaijititimis , mist. Poor Mimi I Moo he mdoreteed ls , TM widow beil tbeagid be wes pre.' lambs Mr he Mr Mad. wbmi be was molly • bona. dor the eseemeo- MM. oftor worm AM Mos ho saw bet modem free do bagioaloyi oftbeirl seq.iw...l. iMir Mee VOL h bod beill immarata Imeldb," ibe Major to " I woo might looff at I ea , = li sliedd ban lima am. I Ms years .p—Mw paned Min my be Yee—theme sompid Mr at lest—bat she hued mit ima—md way my rem is broke.. Sad Ms= bops us. Mimi I Mon saddles bea—aUferefa difitore rot /' Tbie limo wir sot mitilmt Sr my molls. she Aim met m N. bil,toldb • iiMie ao Mr I ibr Me dree M N wrM of Ow NUMBER li. pi years, at oast I dio : almond that the boss-an-morn sables of my heart was have owl, and bosh was futened to her. I could rowan her I. all her be witahin sweetness. and I fairly tromlslod with joy to thigh orison Thera I'd Ma for two yam &look full of lass fur Nano), M 1.7 kr. i.d sow luenrod it. ry• eta; Nero herd g 00.—.. oil right." Welt so I woe wile. rdimehoded ta do aohotide hr Sway =or Is tin tray of tM indootist li..jelal INA ler le gees rim. I bought is. .t he hares Amish I otiee—oll Limed with huh. stook On with ahem sod lot or fie Woks duds Ironed he geld& Al fool I dile% like de the re both es dm YttM hooreoete bet dm iokl no they m I u only olior sore kook 'twig oB riot. Arior ook to he Asp, ..Ned ewe Z he he embattles ; bat then woo a orlaw—rreil will he het word ' of he add le my lilt. Ow eta is a ht. hr oesteelehla edeirir ..d I roil Ildu one knorel err reor I. WI re is W. lY ikeiteatn, .43t Ned. as reel reell, re dr MtbJi Br le re go is I rile ars beerir, es Ireele6lSU Me I hey tumbled ea the oaten. And I've traveled ea Mr Mete: I hey met with malty • Mr ea, Aad may meet with many mem; Bat I yet hey med her A. caohl tech the mot lA. you. And make a feller feel se Ef he wee Met that and Binh That law - mak what you ea ens Wee what .11.1 thribusiuess up For a nand nu, like a fly ea In at Inelnunw moth Shouldn't he an pilauparty r . er yen draft went Wilkes lay— But you.. eyed...a sweat. Provo,. kauhrr lade day. I've got. In In the ' Ale. ;hewed wt sevav eld eh.; I've gel • handsome dr. cent And I've net femur A rh:t:t l e :Mr:ltch on ' e sea, I go to met. ;loader, And Ns era feet In the elem. Now. my meet Auto Nancy, When throe miens hoof yam es*. Tour hoort within ur loam ray, ehow t he chap for me Then 111 Get yeti wenn nice headier i To make a *eddies moo. ' And we'll k. lbo dorodeet hoppirt Two mu w in all die Warn. Votsorneo. Actor completin the mines to my antis facchun. I read 'cm to the cook. He pro neonatal 'em very affeatin, and said I eight to km reckoned am one of the poets of Atom. att. Yours: with evertestin affeesimn. [Sunday n'tnee.) Oitantaw Dolman. I A Gene Scour —A scamp, who and to raise particular purgatory about j Middlebury College, had taken • shine" Ito the daughter of • staid old deacon, who nand frequently to inite hint to dinner.— The deacon ealled upon him one dey to ask !the customary binning, end not wishing to 'hare it understood that there was any on thing that he could on dm her made the rife,. llaotily racolleetingall he amid of j the usual form, he began and made an es cellent start of it, bat for Ids life he mold not tell how to close it off: It was easier to go On then to atop. Finally malting 6, desperate dash after a period. he closed of thus Is eonelasion, any dear sir, I remain Ten resp ectfully and truly your obedient servent!" lle has not dined with that deacon since. A Bees Imposren.—A. man ceiling him self Dr. Wm. Booth, and pretending to lie ,a dentist, recently left Loudon count r, Va. a hurry on • borrowed hope. after eon trseting several debts, and conning a lady whom he promised to marry. Tho hors* he mild at Georgetown, einee which time he has not been honed from. His trunk which he left behind, was opened. and found to contain nothing but billets of wood!— The Lemberg Chronicle rap it ban sine* 1t... aseenamed that &der the name of Dr. Frederick Preston, be married • lady in Wisconeln. in Oet. 1047 ; ion her in May (.]toning; milmequenily appeared in Howard county, Mll.. as Dr. Jan. L. Dunn, in November 1848, mania.] another lady at Indianapolinlnd., converted all herprop erty into money, and in March last desert ed her at Fayette, Mo. Be neat appeared in Philadelphia, as Dr. Dame, and came to Waterford an May last. 11e I. about 40 ream of ago. Them facts are obtained from a letter written by the lady he married in Indian.. Tim Rion, Gem—gums of the south ' ern members of Congrestmie-represeet and 4 exaggerate the Mate of feeling et the south. The mass of the people 4ere weed to the I tore. By way of illustrating the siorreet inese of this !pinion, we will relate an sue r dote obit& I. familiar to the politieni dr ake, from the ohmmeter and gelation of the Flamm to whom it refer.. A. the deity Leintontle;:goatil sia'art`okitel h af came famous from its ameistion with the battle at New Orleans, tram dissuade' the objects of the proposed southern eonvets. tiny,, and animadverting upon the polio, Ea premature and injurious. It wss sonseeted that Iliennion was tho real motive of Ito pro jeotore upon which he deekred, that if seeh measures were adapted looking to snob a result. he would draw the sword of Juk nn. and head a gathering of the people, to drive the conventioe from. Nashville. • law telegraph's disarm - has base made by Mr. Wei 8. Thom., of Norwich. New York, relied tie ElertreAlignekt Tel legraph. This iostrunant le maid to all the advantage. of Mono and = and in anni mamas is far superior. Dir. Thomas does not see the magnet whittle is the basis of None'. eleotrio magnetic tele graphs, but works on en entirely new in. eiple sear betne applied in telaraphing, awl hi plead beyond all bilged.. The principle of tide limeathe Is made, gear arid eel annulled by the salaam alai. r,; and with the new manipulator as op erator le ambled, it le ametted, to tuna the amenet of 1111460 PS la the Name time a. any telegraph now le ass. Thsre illt• bees rest usitermat is Ras hag. Pa. TM lam are Melly u Mims s Wbil• eresaag lb. Missile. see Naegert• an reeve MI Is loss whb imam rr‘a gees We. As saw as tbsy masa Nsw York Ow wila shred with lwr sia-lbsesd, onestasbesd Myer —they mow mad se Resoling by NW nosed basband. dm and dswe Mrs bow kM tbs sms bee bewbbicerei paramour. TIM% am Wier eberphe M No rsesess se nal NA. Air A mow reNeoeo solo wadi The Mona of G.d." boo oloned op be W. .Wier. Minim& sod W Promiliesig. poor to 100 uomonpoo II Y oull to mom marl* from Ptotodonoo owl cidiar. The Qom at Patogol omo a lot of mooll Is Wublogook OM% so lb. Pork "Iwk aainakit 111"116 siaan • saw nlgiesa vehrhors boo boss osill, ma shmea ho haind SOW. has Di.Y.w In as IhromporMs4 Snits% 411 seili he Allvens we No poi*