The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 14, 1850, Image 1
" eta Nessairaitt." I. G. 1111101T110, Kilter aid rillPfietif. apt• ••••• TTTTT • • >•••••••• 1 baa•••••,•• donor. apa nal Om atop Ik. pa *Pea ies•arlpotaa. be Illawaad ail unto., ture . ====:retri••• b rai•••ta. • . ChroLlTl=l/:::=,, 8 1.0. M., $1!? Ono Slows, 3 moo., 1 E , Yarrow. Car. ;low Uses or lea, Toady Adoettlrorr (who oreory 00 , Ow r rlorrtr. ) l' — - °"."'"" 7,/-• " VOLUME V'l wr. . W.. Jou NOlllt orally ...I exp.....> dose.. ft•orablo toms. ___ _ _.._- __ _ _____ , . . . was entruste d the im omens reepensibilit ermiet3 • Seeing that his friends had now 'oll.l// 110,0110 hoer.. sunihilred. H ence , letie fi g u re . Ilis ...was pale and care- g iv e 'away in holy wedlock hie darling child ered upon his pie forehead, and his eye of piloting the bore through the dens ) ; ' Resembled around him, sod diet the battl e ' Mo oe d A l os i ag t r o d., comp l e tel y by the . worn ; and although los couotenanco was to Henry {Wet., to whom be owed her deeidedly sensual in h• expression, it still happy deliverance from the jaws of death. burned with peculiar brightnees. canebrakes of th e Chickseehtehie. It was was ended, he sigtified hir &Arc th. wa- deolde wriglit of ofillaien. Henry wee ear •• Como !" ea id Henry, in a deep, alionet sepulchral tone, ° Come ! we will hunt the 'a ro o f ...ibis and e h e r r ikos pm ; f o r the ter should be quickly brought. Hem the i el for idiay by the determination to save' revealed the workings of• ...ciente mold,- The itarepid Gre e n attad e d . the wed villains down, and beard, if need be, the eatery of • large number of non depended neighboring sprot . g and by the I se.. 0 .- 1,,,, H ie d f rom a. d ea d. w hi c h would in• led by the pop of guilt His hair wae ding. and still rent.. the faithful friend ; lion in his also . Raven revenge! re- upon his skillful conduct. while it required ve3ed also the rah that profound ail., , evitably await him, if in the hands of the matted and stiff with clotted blond; and a cei west.. and his aopl kill. Long not a little nerve to push boldly forward should be o b se rv e d in the prenence of his savages. ' ten g ° !" He tool the old 01011 by the in his brosA a deep wound, eared by some .lifo to them ! for they here paeod throirgh " „..5 . ~.4 iont bio , from a , „ art .., through the mud and covert; thus .po.ed dYing foe. " Ile breathe...again ! m oo St e pping in i front of his men, Weston take cut n glared upon hint Slowly Ids danger • whi ch but few encounter ; end have ' th en passitm through •• little dower gaol.' 1 " 11'. "Jest stroke e f . th e t • leadlY teaeillta . le. Ifre‘p . Wr,,,...,1 Alittle i ntom made known his resolution to ears Green features mewled to the nine] of tho mho- 'experienced SOMII“ whia but Sow heath' front of . nine boo„. ankh bad b een ono , and the no leas unerring tom of the Indian Ilfe, 0 God • and he will areal, . yea . will from th e m e i.. all hazards ; and that to mg soldier, nod he knew that Wilgoit rood endure-CH.ll3e/ ILI make the heir 1.1.011 J led and tastefully deemated with seeds and ,e lll °. lint . .n they marched i that bra. toll me .I! water: mote w.aer ! y flask effect Ids deliverance he wished • small num- ' before Idol The figut c approached still straight and the heart to err its throb ( men had resolved on victory or is r.rhavirted and lir is still faint! " her of reeolute men, not exceeding twenty; nearer, sod limning once hin d he heard alas- binge whenever they recall to mind the ag cuttings culled by the hand of Adelaide, to rend ° , f . • death. hero was a desperate necessity The request was pro:op...complied w ith, . and that they should depart on the Mita.. tinctly uttered these words-. 31eke baste! any of that forguight's eepasohat. Should greet him on his return from Colette, they to conquer this party a India.; for un- and the Nee of Long. Arie, bathed in rola The are of their commatider was hailed be quick! flY to the once, or Adelaide is they chance . reed this today let them not olio reached A. mud where Mr. North ;orehorses were standing, Impatiently ; legs they recute off, and prevented from water revived his savage spirit. But lin- uit jyful acclamatins by the entire regi- lost !" tkel sun prised at the suppressionfew pawing the earth with their hook. Hen-) 1 g mow the Seminole army, the whole coon- mine the astonishment of all, when th e me e t; ' n o that it was h' after comtiderffik de- Henry erred firs his easy posture and unimportant facts ; nor that I have dim.- , , . it f Las ... try would Le angler by their killer march, thick paint was completely Tromed-thus, lay that the choke could be made as to the springing to his feet, he reeebed forth Ids sed their nem., lest they should excite the ter, grum had obeyed e w ill o- ter, without an order, so that a oar of mid the smiling valley of the Flint Would revealing the polo features elf xffilir ortie.l4/111111.4.„,all.feented eswally Land. clutch the ...Blight. ut Cosh., observation and inquiry of those who ha. „. „ woe , were . 0 ... 4. 41 , 1 , i n „ „ tyro, be le ft tie bare an when the caterpillar b. quaktance cud fellow eiti..,,ltileun ! A anx eir leader, . shiAld, ifly visitor, but he felt lisdhing but the peril- more recentN multi in the valley of the '-a necessary attachment . a horseman's ..Pt• the geld or 10 gr eenness. They thunder-clap from a grilles Ay, could potable, his pweßiff,. Rope The p• -r• • "ashiog from Ms tent. he All. aloud Flint. For thither thousands as wendiog must be suit, and compered ; net have Ha mith aumsenitift the minds liminely arrangemelffieftlftiffigally e ff ected to his guards to mate the bold t Main ml'.,' their way, hairier by the mania for good equipmein those days or danger. Mr. Northam( had mechanically obeyed the com- and no hotter ire be selected than of men, more than this fli....suro 01 double they sallied forth with firm resolve in their had dared to intrude upon hie pr ivory. Th e • colt. lands, almost in proporthm with the • . upon the knoll 0 . Chickasahatthie, villainy. To Henry Wesson, Wilson re lo al.-rot:AA op their lives or return with sem ands we . lei ,. e m s e e d .A. agitate) osoduess labia has waxed the minds of the mend of Ilenty Weston, ~,,f seemed tacitly . i. ,, , kid ~ ~.,, - . . , "patrolling - °Mimi). unknown, and he had ',Hewed hint the frt.; I °. *rnittii" - 111,Ncrthrop Iran mu moiler a Col West.. and sooght to oa . 1 myriads who are g k arm a a r ith t i i i the sgot ot ll a, 1/..1 0 V.llllllllO ili/0 hs saddle, Henry .14 , hitherto to be • savngc until his features-. till.puterionpsiorriort shore tins also- sure hint tint they had Le. fuithful to bri•atidess eager... to the fr-dietior d Slowly and silently rent the long trail . were fully unmasked Ik knew o nly that get to which Henry might be exposed; end their watch , affil that no iwe could Pm • California., phrensied try their lust for gold. ,led the Ira) in 8/1011011 • Ste Nottbrop en of 600 men, as, some Logo serpent creeps , he was the villain whom he sought for re- although Col Weston liad urge n t upon him passed the lines without tin , it knowledge May they not find there the grove of tho the try• black grooms 'keeping in the rear,. Is r. dis theyllopproached nearer veer. Far when upon his knee expecti n g the pr o priety of remaining bellied with his indeed, • sentinel had cutaimall) passed enthusiast or madman on ace.. of the norm... of the path. .1t knoll, ., , . , - - N. , o wr,rd woo ~„,,, , ~,,,,, or t , dimthey niuteu until Ste rear should to receive his death blow, and pondering regime., iii emeideration of his age; no ,in front 01 the Ci balers door ;an that it . _ ~ '' mater de ,, 1 .. come Ap with the front . Order. w ore is- how he should avoid by stratagem the mar - 'mammon could iodises him to desist.- was utterly Milford le that .y In ing bet t Ila DM. Bur. The Iffniffierkoaket party ; for th e skies estop p y with the et ~1 their sts, whom Wilson, the h Lon -Aros" of Elam observed the change in Mr. Northrop 'a spirit could have entered itlit. td' • . Magri. for February sit La the following: sued in suppressed whisper., and obeyed as devour stroke, , . " Long - Arlo " y .. ,w o ... is.. . . teach marls.r made as sure an the Indian, there taunted Ids knaling foe with mournful eatmfaettoo. Yet there wee ery. e There a Shen o Ithour who Ira they idolized es their beau ideal of human •ile.I Y• P• 1 a m ' as roaa igl a , e n d w h en the oonimen dolly asserting his claim to Adelaide, and no •Ilusion to the past, although Mr. Nor- I All woe now whiled that Col Weston rather • taken ite in thr region, on one excelknee ; while Il an end ) Iry Nortlirop , fire" was given, many a savage bit the boasted of the luxury in which I/0 would throp had felt the bitterness ofromone and had seen • sides. or dreamed a drAm - .... ..“... foe.' He mode it • , were too mach al. 'rhea in their nosh.- - ; dust. "Charge ! my bra. fellows ! charge!" revel as the lord of her wealth. Then it had almost made a sacrifice of his pride by But so powe rful was thu imp ress i en ~,,,d, promment pert of hos bunker to ferret out ti to indulge in•conversation shouted the almost phrentied Colonel.- wall that Henry leaped backward, making • begging forgiven. n at the feet of Weston. upon Ilrory's mind, that lie coil) no longer mid putdeli pediere tor ffitveling through Not many inonients had elapsed halm 1 e State without • Noose; but Revenge ! and no ;per. , l charge! " On' eettmkte souternet. and befure Wilson Auld For now the very air rung with praise. to remain inactive. Olio ing the Hoe of march e'. • „• . °1.." - ' Goy neared the dealing of Mr Northro I - P ' rushed the re ant like a parcel of blood- , recover I'oolll liie impose the sword of CoL ' his name ; the MIN Rod valleys, forest and 011 the instant, they again pushed on, with ,''l'' g . • 1.e.... •• • 11 111 . 1 . • Y." - On hooking up a lisk above Om horizon,' el ' I hounds, who have got the ra t of blood • Weston had par. throug 1 the body of • pluiii, re-echoed the shouts of bin admiring Green as their guide, leaving their baggage bee pedler.. o . What bane yea got to MI if • they beheld, to their astonishment, the sky suddenly illuminated hy ale he., li g ht. and' upon iffe trail. The poor drag., bewil. , his rival. Ilk situation was too perilous fellow-chin.. Mr. Northrop heard them and all other inc brooms, lichin to avoid • -.3 thing . asked the shoot ....MI diecov, I ' t f nut ;mg itele 1111 areuon 0 , „ , demi by the suddenness a the out:spout- fur rulleetitoli ; and he Lad ther.ore akin with regret, and yet with sidle.... Vor, rounding the sapidity of the movements as' " . /Cm , *..1.i.; Wl'S' 'a 3 ,, like few the into Months dl , pth ta the haernenint ''' ".•••• ." ""CelY time • • • for reflation , his antag .... ist Wore he Ltd time for con- Wt. young orphan-boy-so young, so poor, much as possible Isom ,. a oombmmly h.? GA reser, (whale; that's . ari a. wah et none uoireo .111 el , r, fort st Dasiong Sllllllliancotmly tlawerd. . mil became on easy prey. At length llielsolerato•n. And now that I e saw him pros- could command so touch applause, 111/W ma- direction for 101010 hoots. they at lengil, es- . 1 ... 8 .4 11ar e. 6 " you one, 0 . 1 . I thou d l'uou a uull-pond•el,..k I, u Idle, h e 1.4 of your baird Got nod , , e . , , ~d i, „, 4 She ',motors, who still outitumbereil 0.1 Wes- , trate in the duet, end woi oiled; to the core, ny thumands would join them if he posers- pica the asap - ti' Aof the India.; Kid as ”1. by . • g wi,.., ow um, II I I h. Id lus tut., the . .... .." '`' '''' n'l ''' • l' , ! n'' r- t 1 air ;,,,, rafaid. ,„„I fought lath grict filled hie eoul that he had thus rashly cal the wealth of Adelaide . There W. hope, th.o drew moo cr t' ey heard the shouts DI . "ek... ;t II make them old rawhide boot* tie the,. A board seen dit it e ....te- eas Strip of wouda, and lotoultir tolo Ihu .• r ' their aecutdonnol -fern • for they moon screed the last link wide h bound him . thereto. that Om daughter aMr Nor- savage late it Each to. coicklly ex. ll ' 3ourht phi. .'t you 0011 AL/ 0 into .. OW Ilidl d e, 014MA : rel .. he m..sp. 0 owl ; pm. d. open arra to front of the ft... Biog. the, • ' • • • • ' • ' • • T.II germ merto dto tin ate dorli, ! toto with nose doe. I , ~,,,,o . „ yob , , 4 ascertained the fact that malt , was inipos. los Adelaide ; that ell title must he fore, throp wo r ld not be &wawa by the union. mooned hot lb e-arms- his pistol e and o bis • ° • • • 'oil Hahn o' Coluinby, tow; only d I Awl ma n e Ilmool. 6..... wdw r.OlO r ',aid: I;„ fi noon I e sible ; for they were fterrounded. In th e , a lost by which he could recover his stolen But alas! the vain and the aroma. Mr. rifle; ond suspending the broad-sword upon , ha a bottle : good for the lAN, sod • assist ., 114;4;3,01.a '" he ;taut. o hues that '-ohitarli.,• ~ T .. _ ..c . . . thicken or the fight might be seen We tail ire:more, miens the dyiug epirk of Wily. Northrop bad um no daughter . bestow the right arm. they kit the scabbard upou ,'.' P.'e 11 • 11 .• net.% ate the pea ..y.' - ilea. gei ,hunk ' , I / Mi.!" cited the four in one figure of Henry Weston, mowing down Ids could be revived. To effect this object wee away ! Henry Weston barfly retraced hie the sort gram „trebling lb e light a the, - The itheraff bought • bottle °Vibe ohl nudge o ut drunk ! I breath, and wild a shoot they charged up . 1/netek, theek. s ~,,, he• ~,, ~,,, „ rm .. Immo . , B . i . we . ~,,, commies as R tarot. reaper keel@ the i hie now.his ardent desire. ' steps through the swamp, until he reached fires, they followed the sound of the yokes. Bei lion, Coluntbia, end in reply to the 'I , I • •hi• • ,•);l ire d wheat with MS keen ecythe. Ho 'teem. to "Ho 'breathes again mill whispered the Indian knoll where now the wale occu- which promoted from • thiffiet bard by 9.., whWirr " ... 14 .d ."Ithi l .ll o {'oh' se, b, ,t, ." nod 1110d d ..... ;nu ha," I da to save the no ct. t tee from estrue he a mark lor their say.. hotrod. Around • Henry. •• A li ttle note IA! l'ity th. pants were the b d and the wolf, teh% On coming mar they reertained that the cha r that 1mm0... said be did, he mant a deep Twee uoduered o Nee. rlomecr , , a as. Riding ateitiol t M m.o. settlement, . I Lim they gather in scores ; and among them re.r-bladu ; , f mine mho • dd our no deep a lad come . feast upon the blood . in. savages were making 11101111110110 in a owe, l'' , l .. lhe 1•1 q.• • lie.. 14 I .l "n in f Aoil thsine thaugla seek hoon.1( a us near, I they toned moo el lie.° women b idg open Amon, ii... hum. A the chore , Illinois, that being his duty, as the n • may be se. a robust and powerful (ono- around. A little more broody to stop for • Here they paused but for • moment, enough end that there wen a aright light in one of 1t 0r ....,,„ . si.,,to n M • the grout., ts WI their heads gashed open. to, ilindmin a u.ot It .to not, 'while the men had all • di.appAred. At 111 ' 1 " •• • 1•1 "' i'''' Lis ''''Y 11"'"" the nil.. only Ms fleeting breath Adelaide! . shed a ten over the field of carnage, nod ti e 111101111100t0. 1'111.1.111g ken tugh several 'h :7 t Ol IN wort. Ilk a 111,1,....1 eo, fork. combatants. His red WC 01 almost Oh Adelaide : You have leen . last nor lodeplore the stern neaseity which coin- doors, some ;if whisk were arched, they r "Tie padre .Lowed I • .1 Aowo- JIM a _oroment, not hared sli.ww. ...... ihroa d nos path, !length, Lou. vcr, 1 hey Am ft rot mond, atol ~ purple with rage, for he chafes with excite- feat Nay ...god ! polled them . arrest tbg faleon in its flight 'length reared the room in which • [ o w , • fixed up good. in black and rite,' which Alia Iwo. shoo. d lona mot tor, own olowatwil llio slalwnent a scone of the, ••tna Wei. rut amok • ' I sootolml, by ratting the bh.ody 1. golly b • enc. lest his rival should be stole, and ii.. " Who tulle Adelaide "' easel the dying -to herd the lion in Ilia den-to curb the fire was be in the centre, and (roil which 'the "Wieer .....ed •' •ell ;Year; and d i, I handing it back to the prier, be added, . I Old i 101 i, h oo k. ..... I.: ~.,,,,,,,,,i . ~,,,111 er . erat he left worthy of loin prowess sminpuidonly opening L's epe with a oe- Ravage in hie . wild earner. Up;in lean- seine half doe. doors seemed In lee d , ~. . ~ ~ , , .. _ I whieh had 11/1011 S.l rod:idly Itrout. ! 11rot.l. l" . l.l'unhat as Ilk cagesa comrade les tried Altar rhinos • toff Ito.' I.T aroui,d upta, mg the field . skughter, each niall teak a different Breese.. It was a moin or vast.. e .m• new H.. tve "meg. tits e.g. ll.di, w.wwiwd 1nw1...... I. di d.O with fright the othlition:A ea mid that fove, ul of the i 0,4 ,. : or 1 r .... . . o dge l *l'l• I , Ms warlike nit :oda.. wil a degree of h - different course in order to find, if possible site with un relied roof, Rod severs' ~d. that I care anything about it. I reckon I Ipi knot fellows had been curried iff by the „ Back frionls! bettli ' l ' lint ii " lif:e! '" l & ,e ' lev ' e malty unusual ' . one in i ' .. exile - mei mat- the trail which 'wan taken by the Mir.; mi. a oeee Air"... width relleete'd myr- may es well sell it . you again. What 'II ___ hostile band The. e.. 101 he Ai kuger a him , did.. who had escaped with their women and lad lights end treated the grotesque form Y. give for 10 " doubt li .ort the nointleof oil ittterectod that tom. • ,' , Ile wee a limed 001100 lof polished facet •• Adelaide ! .telu"-T' en sinki n g hack chfflren. Several trails o ere a ppareid, of the prided and dis fi gured orogen •• • 011, 1 don't know in the darted store Oh , . 1 " '' I' ° 0 ° 'I" h. . 7 ...- ,";," ~,,,, ho ~, ..,,,,,,...,,„. „,„,.,,..,..., .."- he remal t al . too:node. • .4,4, of too ., ia . • f A a d .1 use to me, heal stein' its pow, Sheriff, Como t a l odott after a . wum party crept to the nor too rows- , , ''' l' " ' " '''' '''' '''' .'' ''' '• '"'Y c.. pit'' hill . the bro. of - lienr3 Weston ; btu.. before. The so At ;atm.. ;Ton notes contanuance,.riniout log it; .• side and .e• ...I:, •• .1. vT. w sue , l i d, th e hi ml ear . I'll gme ye. al.. Witty em. and a • half the low. Adellido Th.• rood' WWI t 0.. • , the blow was f olded with adroit... The fir hrow of Henry Weshol.. Nit the well-trodden path. Pursuing this route un- died its the vidoe eel Henry Wctitou's to.. • eentn for it: reetionded the Mier. -, loo t to he r.• t eete.l hi theNnest endow luoshat. was n ow susneo d e d on e ith e r t ide, , maw of the dying idler receding, while Ids tip Bulk, they emainfied for the night. Set- Fora ring of fire surruneoled • tender te- " ' flie Sheriff hooded over the bottle, mid , i 1 . 1 . , i i i11..d. I i i; as . cosy t, precise, that ~,,,, on ..., „a t om, ~, goo. .... ~. i t 'nothing loan. sharer and more diffietilt thick were 1.00/1 punted and tree Milt, while toak, oho an tied firmly to • eake,driv- , received the change when the pedlar rid, i s pato I.i Ilidiatis Lod ben Oita.; s Ingle-handed encounter with the came 00 / ,Slidoknly Viol t,y ette d Ins 0) ... His the real of the band slept pniomdly. They en into a crevice in the rocky 110 . She I• 1 ay Jaen, peu I re • question . ask 0111.1,111 11. fer o und the ..... I, ectile hours hefore . I . go oe . o f O i ns e 'h orn c hi.. w ho iisc d (calm ca comirted oath a painful Apes- had n. been eery lon Jo the encampment was half naked and had Moo whipped with ..1111.11. He ear ra , • onihnen !in.... ,1,,. ,0,„,a, , .., : h r.t,,, \ .h.1111114` . 01011, Wh•di the lisiod hoir for supper had ar- , , to whness the death ,1.gg1. , a the no- sh.e, Lis breast heaved, end a area mof before a rustling tote herd among the thongs mail the blood trickled down her about )°ur trowsti's e iv e d, Mr Northi.. trot s o l in Lend ea rj" ,in g.1: ‘ , ...1 , " g ''`` .l! ". ° . "'Y "' L'" ° ° - in . ' , o n d io r ian All mop silence , suwa ti t ,. hlo, .1 gushed front i ...... th and nostrils. l o area an d a g ra heavy t re ed upon the alabaster breast.. Het head leaned languidly ". N. i I h. , .. ', ....Y .e. for lb. ankle Adelaide did not Ina. ha appear:me in ",`,.•;• • •, :1,4 i : of , • , , " r „, "% o c• P r ll.,`"i f t " ' lll° . heavy 1,10,1 od Are 60h00 NlTivb kh like ° Where is Adffilik ? 'Hilt. for Guile earth. The sharp dick of the rifle, and the i upon o u r of her ehouldere arid her bands k.Y.;114f...• rid I" 81 . 01 Y the private pat lot !lu a... Minot, Arch.' '" i nn „„„ • ,,',' ~• , '„,„l ' ;‘ , f m b dw , , rein-so thick and feat they fell But mike, an you value the deathly of your int- hurried challenge . th e sentry were respon- ' were clasped in prayer, while her eyes • • He.% el' •1 Well I gee. •o'n ••• patched one or the commits to Make search . , tn . fee N w., , ,, ,:', i t. ',lr, Iy i , 4 ,I • :', loak ! the vii dory is doubtful now ! Hem; moo. spirit r• Henry Aouted in his ear ded to by the vrelknown Vaal, or Green. 'turned upward to heaven, o ere streaming about that potity darn'd aeon. Ef I tankr tur the dffinquott io her bed-climb, • but , ' 1 "I' •• ' •'' •••'"" . • ' • has lost bin footing !he kneels! Ilia ene- with a phren. which made rim the dying Hastily mitering the tent of Col. Weston with team Some thirty or forty men ice d r el•nd the lew, °sow its • eke, MUM. than . ' . them as to tto roue, the, shoold pursue Adelaide Watt nowhere . be found. Iho my palace the blade to make mere dewily man start. But a mmHg.. smik was the the pilot rapidly related ell that ho had 'women had joined hawk and were dancing you've been din' with me- bawkin' and Aceorditod they moved ewe • with the lit meal was ropentled until the search should , 1 f ,,, wo ) , , the etrthe 1 oidy • answer. Hie li p still quivered ; I ds, dirovered in hie remount.. He had heard with childish glee around the ring of fire, ' 'midi.' Balm o' Klumby on the highway be effectual; for Mr. Northrhp hid a vague "7" 'l"' • . her ~, , „f '', .I' , , 3111 _"'"' ''' The exeitement had at. tlds pint grown Irate° became sliglitly convoked, and the the tamting avowal of Wilew, that he was' which surroutoled the tardy Adelaide; and' -and I thell Inform en you ; Ell be darn suspicion that all was not mild. Ilona, I.IW & ttitirgo ' Ll t d ' a " c " i . ; ' 7A 'l:.:e&'n&iiiim intense nn either side. Mr. Northrop had sovil of the dark villain und foul traitor pas- the sole and undisturbed passer. of Ado. • ever and anon, they would taunt her with I'd of I don't I' when the various raw as who had be. "1 , r 2.,. . „,,,, ?' l, - I opprobrious epithets. , . Kerbing the town, the Yolikee was. , f . , sent i• opposite directions, prosided midi 1,1,11'.: been ."' • ,,1 , ....:: a ' •/,',. would Henry Weston, and in come, measure still A murmur arms. ai itivoluntatily es-, ton par through th e vallain'e body. IN. " She's the wife of Lung-Am!" ex- ...... 110 ..... t. High Sheriff wee Alright torches. returned with no tidings of •• c " """'"" 1 " ' """ retained the hatred he had imbibed for barn ' coped the lips of all assembled ; fur in- had heard of Adelaide's mysterious disap- ! claimed a Call Indian, .• Liam-Ann slew our .01 kr peddling lobowito a Boom, Ike rem weevilly ono kindred marksmen. But the fugitive, Mr. Northrop's mispicione be- I, i , f l , ~., r . , bed lance the disclosure on the erode/go( Hen- , tare anxiety riveted them to the apot I' pentane°, lied the werequeet grief of Iter i old chieftain" cried another. We'll nr . afterwards heard y, • You right as our confirmed, that hie daughter had! t &&. & I ' il int & elli ewe firmer , frnn & ft frie - d ry'a return from Scotland, notwithstandiog ' and an interent in the welfare of their be- lover. Familiar with these facts, therefore,' pea. the shade of Ilawkbill by giving to well hold a greened eel as a live Yankee.' " really stoma with Henry Weldon. Order- • t rrin t iltn "e tr " h•l' b .1 hee "", they were embarked in one common ruse ; loved cononander had enchained their •be was fully impressed with the necerit3 the flame. the wife of Long - Arm!' they all „ I blt s iv, Loy whore one is that you'. Mg hl horse eapariemed, he immediately , ,y . f ' d 1 n , 1 ..7.:,n r 1,.., 0 , 1 .,N,T .- But the eympathy Le - now felt for his coin- i tongues in 'Bence. Grief weighed down, of her recovery, Seeing the sword of Col. sung in chorus tidbit 1" took the road . his ward's plallaaalOn, "y " 7, ' , t r., l L nn .„ ~..,0,51, not to : - • mender and fellow e 1..., and the hatred! the nprits a the aim,et broke -heartsd Weston pro through th e body of Wilson, I Hero, who me foretmet could control , „ Why, it's daddy e" armed with a brace of loaded pistols. Ar- i ' •of the savage who had robbed la m of his Henry, no that he knew not, nor made any, and Mir no hope of • confession could be' himself no longer. Giving a sign to each „ Tin one thousa Y ial warriors • d ,it was eter-D'ho' is your daddy r tiring at the midence of Henry Weeton, - resistance when MrdYierthrop led him by ' te p eo ted from Lis lips. Green had home& man who stood hear him at the canner , „ td ... 1 „.. ~,o w y y Why „ mt . P .. noned to 'pieced more cautious] •in Line the infuriate man entered the dwelling can , ..“ I To 0n ..... v • „? or eel the tender feelings and the warm attach- , the band from the see. of death and I ately left.tbe seer of milk t with u view I they each took • aim at ',articular eat- dn ...." ' amnion.. Demanding bie daughter in &lin% ', or to ....r a v el .; elar duo - • moot heir many years experienced daughter . So rushing bed been the of- to ascertain the retreat of the Indians, by age, soil sitouliammuel3 fired ; nigh. upti „ So-you e. the son of your 'Male E' peremptory manner, he leveled • pinto', and , " t e r" i b , , . b . p ',"' toward. ster /101/. item°, when he feet of theft few moments of bitter disap- I cautiously dogging their steps. Following ' them with • Amt. Astonished at the loud- „ why ... I ea , de .. I .. y , re., fired at the head of the astonished young ..;,,,".".. i tr &M. obje t , 7" f "'",,l' o r t 'isaw COI. on abott to be sacrificed by pointhent, that he can a rd no longer resume I the Neon for mne boom, he saw them liens of the report, the Indians stood still dint iso a o ' be 1 „dow.e. and ....4,.., mao. The ball grated his temple, and,' bed ' elapsed ,1.,,,ee Inc ,4..,, e L oint e4 the malignity of a savage, the generosity the command of his trop , ; the brave and I halt in an oak thicket, and them build their with amasment, and it was not until meter. er's :inter, so I reckon he's my uncle r paring on, by itself in the plastered I • A i n ..4 , aeam„,f this or Die nature entirely revived, and pushing intrepid leader was now led from the Man, fires. He had observed, alao, that others were eat down with the swot d, that they „ uo „ . 3 ,„ ........ fee ..... 4 Kean a Wall behind him. Staggering beckward ;P . M Y .qmPps • .01 ' forms' with hie 'drawn sword, he tried," a little AN. Mr. Northrop became as- met them with lights ; and concluding very could gain eufficient perm) of mind to ~,,,, ~ , • delay Henry It eaten suffered much mental Henry leased for a few mends against the . •°Save him! ea. him!" siduous in his often., .to Henry. All properly that thin was designed es • map- I mite their reap through the corp.. „ Well, as we ain't earn than three Nee wall, ....,.. 1 ... eh by it ......... f10ary anmety. For while ho rested upon his' This action awoke from their stupor the that he could do to comfort his broken spit , ' tog-ground, he had returned to report to Mei darn of the apartment. The sharp It • - 1 .... I 4 '.,,,, I . t 0,..., .• radar of Mr. Northrop es the tweed the Mt:art l e n t t tl & elan mradit not entire band of nien, and limping forward, it wan faithfully performed; and now he commander the sum of hie observe. .... e.- iof H ire so . 5 ,,,,d the t i na ,,, w id t h pin- '... Good morning. " bullet. Reimer% so. from th e effects 91 44 P A the fight became more blewly than before. 'rented to We more than he had over ha -' From Ills knowledge of distances, he right- , kited the Heir of Adelaide to the make' „ .a to the rapacity of fiends! The Good morning You diffiet acme in of the surprise, be damandod in • firm and .., 7 :, 4 .. . u . Bei a few inments sufficed to determine fed. For 011100 AdOIOIIIO was lost. het,tilers'' , maculated dist to were not ... re (hart, which was int.."' to detain, lee as food ,thei ~... „ wager : polite tone the eau. of the intrusion into ' A g ' ''••• "" 1 "••• '' •1 • • : the fare of th e dap . Tho Indians were wits no other being hut Homy to bind fourteen or aft*. miles from the anemia s' for the flames. Looking around wildly, she ; kis privacy, and the reasons for such un- At length the preparations went eon- ' completely routed or slain. So great we• to ffis memory-the kat link in the chainleamp. . , saw thefforrn of Henry rushing tower her,' • • Hey does say. that way down in Gone violent*. Henry Weeton pm- Piet.' and Henry was 1111.....1Y chosen the slaughter says • lining wittier of the of his affection. ' The resologinumas, therefore, quickly . whik the slaughter and the tumult mill e i,„ . I f, d a „,, ma n „b ap „ oi l, ~,,,„4 „ ge . oared a bold and cominanding count.... leader of the regiment. Al first he would battte, that the bole woo literally crimsoned • - ; adopted that they altould re-commenee thew's...our. and uttering a loud shriek of jay , hours ebbe. day. Now lookN Lea, Fr His calmness, while confronting. have deolleed the Is omer ...e. 11 1.. with- blood and the plain ie to this day 11101,00 U. !march some hoursloffore daylight and thus 1 she fell fainting in hie anon. Lien told that • day beim% got ...ire nor awed the wild spirit before him, anromach him through mody ;but upon relketten. strew, ate le.. of the forest, with the An noon an Col. Wes•on's battalion had 'ennui upon the sleeping savages by eurprigie.; Folding to his breast his bride with wild tw.ty-foor hooro and I treats toe. Mr. that the trim. quailed, and hie eyes fell the thought Wet ho wooed be ro••••n•i , in ' bones e re the unburied area . Tho s, nt issued from the swamp it was remarked that' These sampan:n.l being made, the party het miry... delight. eli conveyed her Johnsing, to Nplaniry t o die .ffille, h., ally 'towering 000 n the nom the fight, and, h firs t P er-. 1. .. --ea_." . lb. rm..° boil we hewed and bared to piece and' Green, the pilot, ma missing. This little dept. But "Ivory Weak in vein endear- I fainting from the noisy apertment, and coy- '... h oe ...i t t .„,,,,,a ie m a w .. mud s your wean, Mr. Northrop? " of hie beloved Addy, ...hi. 10 ...I, warmly • man reached the Seminole ham- I eiremetanee revived the depraved spirits' ored to eon. the noothing influence...lna- I ering her denuded b ..... with his overcoat, o ma y mighty, " g mighty, what ignoring,- rid Hem, In a ear, rather affectionate hie .0.6••• I moths to tell the ruse of their delay. And lof Col. Weston; sad resum i ng the eon- tore'° meet restorer." Sleep bad gad his ,he soon succeeded in reviving her exhausted ...... 44 ,, y. O is. u p f o . .4 ~,, down vales; °Cm I oblige you in any particle- The choke of no young a man as colonel yet though so fatal to the Indian race, buts nland whkb ha bad temporarily relinquish- eyelide. At I.gth ho arose from his buffo- strength with a little Mundy and water.- there, they ...b e p t . r nlg g . g., yr .4. jar Y. ,of the regirent, might tipper stems,- few of the whites perished in that bloody' ed, he immediately ordeeed • detachment to, lo Ain mid paced in Alone* the email area' Ferrying that she no. very week from hour afore day-domeg thief, make op ° By terairitig to me my And, whom' Het, ride from. the consideration that he battle, which might more appropriately be return to the geld of battle, and make dill- lof his lent . Now and then he paused to , the want of food. Green hreneht • few pe• reronay.rheer mo o or.. eo riecoff you ham spirited away." !had been deeply injured by the gamin, - termed a *lave*, gent search for the dead orwouoded bodylliaten to the tread of ffindleitliful eentioels.flatoes from the Indian fires without, which "Yap child, air T" eird Hemp sti t i Henry Weston was universally esteemed by ' When a renew v of the gght began, there of hie friend. It wits rimarked, as .rice I And th en, how bin heart beat with pride' Adelaide ate with envenom. Than, nest- In • town kir. thirty ..a fogy mil. f, 11 ...nth of Boston .Idea .ore tert Wit. re ping towards Mr. Northrop, with wild - I all who knew him, on account of his native woe • simultaneous nob of either party; Oar eireumetanee, that Gera Amid be' that be mu thus guested b y faithrol men, I ling hr head in Henry's bowie, nine . „ . . .._ .. , _ sly. .. Tom child ! Greeious God I w hit ! p , the lloblenees of his nature, and amend the bleeding combatants. "To tha missing, end ")act that his abloom Would ! whose hearts ware tree to bre s at steel I- ; isle • short but refreshing eller. When belonging t" • , te. • Id him.lf numb superior to tbe ether, who was of low yo you mean 1 Where is Mange r , the keennese of hie inseams, These goal - I term!" wee now the battle-or 7 of the ' keen failed to ammo their attentkm. Res- !But soon another and fairer being agrees- Adelaide awoke from her slumber, she ree d ree One da the met in the id fei "It Is you, We t who Amid ans wer OA ides mobinol, rendered him not only be- 'American form "Long-Arm Y the War- I Ling op. their arms for amoral rem they 'ed his thoughts; and Adelaide, whom he:wird, for the gret time, bee enraptured ,eg ...... , . 7 7. ....... ..,,,,. eloottion. I demand my child it your ', loved; bet freed and respected. With .stry of the swage hoe, fro olow became !awaked patiently tito nem of the goad ' ought be vale, wee perhapi forever lost in father, who had hitherto restrained Ilk ex- n th: 1 '..1 0 7 .7.1 .0 . 1„ ..... 1 •.• rear' loped% and must seek for Imps this house." . s,eh a leader men will march fearlessly to the t ank., en greedy kt ,, e' e it wee for : which should tag lotelllgeme of the un- ' him ! Krim now, she might he aryls% aloud atable temperament from motives of pre- ,0 .. / I know lam . real" " . 7&& a" & mod ler. ssw • You are at perfect liberty le do so, el', ! the °smote. truth; with ..1, a blif t f eo via m ,,,,,, ti me ber.,,,, they .. . 4811 their wee- ' formate Gram. It was mg na mall de- to him for scream, and exposed to the en- i dance ;and now that the danpr had pawed. - ~ • w , ., ~. ,_ ._. gi togrzt .. het Phil sod 1 will await aria you lo the marg. tory is certain ; for hop and pride brill... to advantege, and the two warrierelger dormer therefore, that theyreasiv• Ally of her wags keepers Bow harrow- . and tier life wen deemed more ler. Nor. I• a ~_l you .._ nun ... . f_. I know it Bat int toll me -the panamlsre w bp, I strong in the Wakes Meat, when raided: amid no learn be men by„theii friends.* the melmeholy tidioethat be wee so- iog th e thought ! that so weak, yet fair a throp gave full scope to bit; anode.% and I=7. ''''',7 . • ••,.. ••• saws For essay am wegi mom ham' by aWm in whom I. mold confide. , Who. the duct of beak glared sway,' where to be found. 'IU ectuvietion was moors alma bemuse the jest of heat- , lawilmil and sobbed with Joy. g • link ,' .."... " ... • "......"" her tether's bow volmtarlly." - ' !however, sod the vietory was won. Caine l! speedily nerstet awe, them that be WA line brutes! Aadiben, be saw her hair child. For who meld brig a &Owego), ! A gir ,. p, i s 1"....jd.... a.m.,. 0 .. log ens the ardor of Hewes mass , tv. Weston was among @Whig on the ground, bees serried of to some Indian sang A- dishevelled sad her modest fem exposed to', ohne the lent is found aed the dead return- ~h0 i ...... h . r i m We m i.. ski ir. di .. ad No Offillai his ineemee • gat gr. Preparatioas were eleimailt mad. for a l bathing the foramul of hie womokid end rise` the best of lestile, to sates sh a victim- tlin Gruel Imam the melds( but of nao- led ally to be duped with raptors le his ~..... b..1....64 ...y. 11., 1,1. 'lags" was earpelled to Mate al that geonnen attack upon the logien onauspr I dyls g ...W. end Imer led en i rlal.l ' of "" dad" go liege !arms spiel Ti.. log ._ _k. r.fleal,.___ I .t work aid betook ithie go woods. Be. ._,,__••• 1••••••.1.1e• to "...Id" "d or . ed is the aldeltamhatelder Swamp Al this down hie throat a Sow drop. of la id. . Theo! This import prodeeed upon an nig ofl Time g m &t was tee lOWA le kw. Hem- I lately Nook .1.......•• • • • ... "". i leg found by hie mermen bet asleep, be e••••• ...M.... of de &mum pant, almost impenetrable is pose do go geserous rpm the field of bade to ; Oa. Weems quite en opposite abet to that ry groaned In spirit, and lunellag dews he . gnaw joy. whme We labor kged foe bin 1,...d himself . lb. ironed Met .. i ,... \ Hoary Aft." with ...k. to the ..- of the numerate ounstrokee glob Inter - than him foes. Bet there mu soother ' salielpsted Ids Mega lostesd of do. prayed to Ged for lwr dalwreace. Time 1 the hag s mg and plowed ter! Ile "all_._ Om n preperg Is clad I. Me he hod gone o . l .___,___ ..t tb" W.W.I Ide hag. ape. hie mpted am penes'. they bad bees quietly heeestive to the apparel* dieleteneted 1 seesaing the mod dessestiog hie, seeping bitter team be falling .:banded , the AY. nd ea Ida "dad a " . a " ".• !to the woods to modllete. • list rld tin a ... " " It to allay the e 1..." 1 .• gldbmies their forms, together with aqua- seetheet of eel. Weston. m the sequel will intaget, It armed him to vigorose seam. ikon the game of We ometiga. Imeslog,d lams I averse, .. bow was It WM you west in emotioss, he scab into a aide. completely I thy of pongees • and, nl g they mama . 1 . 0 .• JIM ma the dying paikat grows skew lOW bask wink a Woe withis Ids tisk Its! Slowly mg eslistently did Beery Weetes o wr. I 6,..,1,....6„. b e ., Overawe. by hie hemming thoughts.- I and eigehes. 04.11 Wenn. had forts- As the friends of Berg Week* sow We last moveleive effect to mein the heal owerod Me bee lag ids Menaging WO MU ilb beg upon the weak tam 0f d ......06, I. iri k I .... rm .,' lillawlY b red ...yam benevolent elms- wady selected es a rade a wan he whom "gong mould bies. goy mm. /1911•111 .. i equilibrium whisk weld name% him thelasel son UMW WI is go walleaseien gide to eandsm hor perms to libe Geed r ,_,, 7 , _- doe er b Lagting, sat up.. hie msg. Ibe mad amide. by am same of Green, (a is diseemin theft ge flagand 0 Ole 18 . 1 . 8 P.... of Ilk Ti. • Ir . •11l " ....1.d.46. asst mote in "he be leee lee """ . lisigniag his ali- ------ rem. rk ogle still played about Wel liege whom of thearbioody tramme d it ii p, we em ung whiles this the net sf an ihst the nag agnead la the Oat WINNOW bad reemanall Is eased bade r e ll i rsosimm segmem of her Ssimml Calk go Wogs, age nook. handsome mouth, but it no loupe wore WI a ogle .sr, which woo acme fsea • moo imam over him Haan MIS reds se the weight of elholion Me WS i;ovenve shoes as bear gm be out Mat. be leaked am.' allnakie aafallaa - leg Fkadia• la la C and ha• .restored swentoom A frown had gag- 'by thin Waging is peracular. Tee roes Mg le his IPA . 1 ! 1 . 1 . 0141 •11 b." It 4 •••••• 11 . . al " I. .11•617 the dat e el ins Wet "MR" by e Seit e". ' -h r " an"' eabisaholl as a timid maiden ' Um graeicoudy r ley the &kw Ti 9 nr 1:111:1=M tier hum was but • collage how, A simple holm., and 161111aii j Yet •weet•re• and alreclioo made It seem • fairy hall A little mete, a hide care, Mode humble thing. appear A. though they were trandated there p some superior ephere. 11., home was Mt • collage beano, A simple home, and email: Yel sweetness sod uffeeteou mad. It stem r, Wry hell. As sweet the home, Boa el Ihe mold A. gracefogand m goo m d: She seemed a My so the Made, A oi•let sn tbo bud! She had no %ambit, but maiden worth, A wealth dm'. Mile fume; Vet than, the Wm. geld of earth The °Merle but • name Her honry w butcottage home, A sim p le home. and woall; Yetoweetarea and affection made It seem • and hell. A rhoerkiliteno of caul that threw A coda o'er et cy took, A wtrangnew, WM ever flew To mine, e. one could oak! A wmettong ore could wok our own An humble flow'ret Mrs To craw in to degree a thron, Or auy rank adorn' llor home woo but a cottone home, A romp!. home, and ; Yet swielitewmod oireetrat, made It went • fairy hull. ~ ~ la I s : ! I:to Hod gni. llr flume pnrl. When or Inle•wurde /. Ile heard ilk, I tn. c• of THE E J ilf -- - 11111:ontr*Ait *.lo. tin* trats.)--- I.4"ir%zz, hIONTR6SE. PA., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 17io. anght by her stern-parent in the awns of Iher lover. A few moments seated to mete the ne cessary prepmations for • rot nrn homes. A soft litter was barn prepared, open nhielr Adelsido could be Imlay convepalonal by the close of the same dry. she was wkly deposited in ono of her father's mansions, whisk though not no superb a dwelling en the one destroyed by the ravages, was still quite comfortable; especially when eon . d with the damp cavern in which she had been confined as a prisoner in a bath inme dungeon. And hero Mr. Northrop , joyfal exultation, ropoawl, himself, to NURBER 7