EIIITLLI4 lispertainee Sr Illondll.l t Study. Th.gb km.. may , .Writes end mere or lees time roam. to reading tad Wady. molter r. mere partimelarly; treat It. beam it afford.. the memo fee this ragmen The enape haring ma berm se. maw mei the eerie. trams mom., •••••,.. MOM... dimmest at. the weed el the farmer left fret for Mt aerodromer el phew It. future pestles; said that he may eat anderstandotgly I. remain each pia. it is ementifl that he abets* It the outset. pewees • thereagh knowledge or tgi preaciptm end getieral mate et a/meeker.. The mediums through wire* thie katatriedp se ta be ...voted, ere tvadins oemereadea, td ehmrra war WWI y refirestles and Wady. We have freoemilly given ear • mmm ww here gmd Ito this albject. and *Gogh Ira might add o hew mom Ilat4Lore Seek we should not be able to Mew the imperoarmante in • M. Wilda light then they are brought eel in the toiletries remarks of Hen. Reason C on 11.1 addrem Were the Arsellaral Seeley of Saratoga Can ty • Von k: durtuulerly. the annum ha. tea Wog prevailed with no, that loammx. that ;KO xileettal cultivation ttttt cowry for the know.; that to plow, to foams mot Ile feed as tor Whore ie *mouth. If roe me a farmer mous as, Gad wo do see many, who ia mobilised he etical* he eon. to place him higher la ..moronity. ha oddest. him to tarn his look arm the fawn, loomed of tareitei his heads awl his collie...A miad to It. Bat wo have hood an see this dory-noted errer,jhat Notation, that {Melted% are commoner, le the fanner, giving way te • more eolightehed and eons. Abbe mown.. t and well may we be unused, that as .menus and intollpooe p ant upon at.' farms, will the farmer dee In Itioalatien. Intolligemea—the aolti nalod mind, with mini morality, aive task. when • an end orhomow farad. But rank alms la not all the (armor is le per, by intellectual cultivation. The taboos .f wet. and moony animist., ailed by Oro exertions of nimoy munificent and onlight. ..ad me. maser us, and the labors of mieatifie POO, as well in Olio esontry as throughout Europe, have demoutreted the importunes and ant memoity of mild, of edueditun, of r•senre, to the waseemful saltivetion and amuse...out of our forma Still, with hoodredo of &walla.. experiment. and molls betas os, in support of this position, there are t ma.? of ear own who ere daily tell ing u s, that oar ogricultural boas and our .pi. oatmeal patient are not north read's', and that apieoltand wrieeee is • Saiisillog , To soh I ean only nay, If pa do not nub then; yes, had it. net rim ;NA 4/ • ill peat denier of Wog Soft be- T.. It Is. looks &rota wit/teat practical eh eervatiora rniald lo Pow to mks. peal farmer. The mermen a mathernatiee. directly Min the *taloa., with all him MA. mould doutelms make • carry agave le navigaliag the ship in • wont, and might recoie• sestet femme in.,. the lam-•thwated I dtill..•lo. DM when the Witht• *elm teletho n...tieing I. added le the preetice al the miler. the secomplished navigator le peedmed. The practical Lanai—beamingly calling him. I eelf oa—may, if be hu fallen nem a fertile @poi. encomia fee year., and got toletalde amps. by fol lowing in the old teach, mthwit the light. a Pfli• ewe; aed probably It. the reuse that he it.. ae. wdentally hit lima the very maw that memo teeteld iadinl. Bot in a levee pottiest of the leas sallivated pen. al ton canonry, the fertility ef the mil has bean oshammal by Mem itembeny eye. cnte, If @yawns May may be celled ; and teething Mt Mome cad ietelligenes will preibtee reetwa- If Ib. moan 11,11111101 wadi.g wad vothenst hoolte, ea Yam hle crop. tallier' .odor * ley and ee l...a owww.. eau be hod.. at WA to wk in. preressost Omagh warerigiewt, h* is u likoly to mobs the men err... es th• Alta. Me bile mightier newieri • geld by the orplioatioe er hos. awl wiewledrie hie Owl& be. the same diem.. sad wool les .seed by the row moody. H. 1. I.ht hie mew.y to sake eh* experiennt, end fan. Mother soilelibar haa .weeded with plower, wid hM iogoey eigale spent upon than awww, .d es he pes au eahaestieg tic eatulope of leaner. wed exhaustion hie.. un til he ewe up io drawn, wigs sot to . fwd., farmer ..d pee* to Wiwi.. wt..., when he eon begin again. h. elhasolise prem. lowen • now sod fertile ewe. Hle reeding ewe.. wt. Rain. hM ww. eel gen. at has it de. for . few Winliege. awl Awls it .firely exhausted god d 0.4 tow of deo wwwilial Nome. d $141.4 110 aro ph= • few bawl. gt .1.... 11.1.1114 .1 lb.. in which Islter tbs wortglowely a 1..., ad hie snips aw wee d. • • lewasew iau.wi . Wag wiewrien daily won. e• I place myaelf with the mt. Mau t ow that ore elm of ma in UM malty Imarr ohWo NIM leraimo Um follow miaow timer. • TM Mom mob em-dolni of a life at hi. UM. Writ to earn hY prohnsion. and th..mtadioa Ity day and might to ..E ....d hk loodarer and de h. dam. The d, . als Mom; *parte .11 Ye days of.. “ttr• hA Y bib Inehth to Inatatala his amain" aad &Mame hio The phydadatt aWr Mors II parlamine threlnylaa lean 410.1118 .••••• ray, aad then all MM. Mlle a w ?mensal pagetria.... made ...VIM* Menem Y hie Mho, ta toe what tio. tedi hod •Mtdmada Or eam aro /Mg. The oramential m.. ad the triateMatmar, - than Me at Mkt Miami and Mk Jolson; la atodyho the mann . trantand the alant et the malsola TN Wier of ornro os.ll. oftoo p... of or mostototoot sorrow Am t u. ..h d No 000 st W Mole, so hero rot posh loorlf hos eosin*. of Ids M. owl to 4.4 whoa or 1010 shoo. IM how Is IWO* II ohm to by lon mOlh r r. hoosory hr lin why, sod ohm WASrI mimeo wo holloro hoodoo Mr So wile hisorlhoo doh t Moo Is food M ill. do ono Mom of eel poohool Ihnoroi, to my retie di NAM*. wt.. at roll .1 So h05..1 ho orto of howl oro oolthsto, la utak hoy fo loiook, sod ohoopoos sof loot nor li offily mab deliasirkot tad lobo do we bow of he I ammo 1 he room ..w onasoily riot SO oh I. o 1.1.411114 offkkol oh , Wolof do oh olds IN ohm. onollmoo Id* poi oast. vorOlimo hoh ~km halm art Yet Whirl elkeeWl we thlnk of the mo who obeold. move m i vert b emeoto. Wes the laboratory ef the chem.. moi la throw together h.• aikidos. her acids and kin etal. without soy knee ledge h.. , proper Gof their afilomee, thmterell he expected we. results We should Apeet to sin , bora him &pro ot 1e50..1 he did not get blown up and yet M. aderneturs of mil, the oppbeation of n0...4M and the cultivation of our crepe. le • ems stoat bof oolong. chemical process. Arm., whet.. as a elem, do so knew of comet symerr.• of breeding and improving fano Mock I of the anatomy and physiology of animilsi of than diseases and proper vestment? Enlighloni ed. proetiost lig...lmre. aided by tho light•ef eeii ..mi. daily soh., and matting many of These The s e on . ealleno which are of much importance to ns. hot gammon@ wheel, in our confide.e that we knew all, Mtve net et onee occurred to me. erns. But thank. te the apirit of n, theca, the dark dye :if agriculture are peeing away, end I,ght in brealtieg epee it es dear, that de Met rams meg reed.. and he that duce cat geed will Wren awe) trim. FARM FOR SALE. n* 4imh : " .1 . 7: 2 legfner with •gn.1•••• E:=tl .IA.Ip u renwr " I n A l m l p212(. 1 ;;Z z 1:1 = ' ; creek rune 4ronpU n. ra•m. tireoanfponamt•soy nrilett, r!e •.• ••• o.nt mum., on the Moen. n.l WM barr New 13.1.11 1 . •• • •••' P ' O,II3{IIOPT Executrix's Notice. AL r hanierimir plumnnt anl proopm era r " r" ,`V.'," • Mnn L rirwm, Um. *Mu. 1m... a... 1 rar Burma Roloo•—• map. • Fire Proof Chests, FOR BOOKS, PAPERS, JEWELRY, &C. EVAN' ar WATSON, N 0.90 N..fA Thlrd . ttel 4 (I:einern Ara and, I=131:1Ei!!!11111 VIT,Vr ROAPSTONI: or-rr envored 0410:1 , 1•4 , 111'-' 'T:r.C2.l',l"VnTrlca'l; Alp ..`" tallest Coindoniatleig Leeks, .r.:71E .. .1 . :217i ... Vr ,.. ..15:" . . rr . 'tliZalattoe, MNiiil=Mi= , Ilenork Pbeeet nf the Itilx.T . y . Om. Ny *Myr la ei 1 / 4 113.1741111.1.11 FARM FOR SALE Alp - Ils IFe Fima oflwzgrtMl"=7:7 r . trn,:.:.. V 7.7 -. '"'""V-1.-• , ^ "- " • '"""' , Buffalo Robes, Fun, Caps, to. " "" NEW PALL WM REMia= MONTROSE LIVERY STABL 7==!rx. 7.7;:t7 C11:1::1 tt "" ;,-.. pasw troae..l•l•4. gmbileonthoglanesoat 741 "" " lo " A L . 72 *mem* M., U. elm 4rOwrlffll. NRIV . FALaI9II, ===2:i= Fall and Mater Goode, Im1.11.•.1.4041 rl.l. • LAW. Wrens Sway, Shawls M. rabry44l mi M ry .. ..MMeMe Y 4lNr • I.le *AY mob All who ate - .N. Uai YtN won ,10 , 1•7• •• .1••• 'neat .•10 swat Inionpe ve.“11.1. 04+ Uwe lA 11Y. READY MADE CLOTHING F -•••••• sod on Mal • Iwo ••igly lIANO. leM udi berm Pea.. Sleet awl r • Pute., Cln.• •IN PM*. .•••• V••••, ••••.,41.1•42.4 notni,.% 11.4••••11 tenon. et. M;l7=! WM mil ental• Twol••• molted. ••• 14.•• taper lay Yr mak. Man Mimi •••••• I,e/w.f. or .1.1.0 e. FM.... .1 NW, FT. egos. ..a A. •• ••• ww ••111• O.* us • WI, IL, V••••:••',.'.714171r... Om Tarot OominAl : bem 01.166 b, libroves, K. .1 . 161411 . 1*M di Me 0m.... blow woe 0m.% ...al fti wig. a.. 0.a...; 11. b••••••••••••qr • o .4..... — A.•••••••tirrif .a = 1.44 - 4M9 a•l.• • ".* LA? ST 7•1111:02N11. tea"T. bee.bligo4; sal lammpollem Nowt nalo. raw oie pre. • V.*, or Mo., Nr.... . way Om •••••••en. .I to r Ow owl wry, ossi dom. aiml " q:::: Ass a nV ". . 1 ri.i.t.W=7"""'bai mown, Ily,ANta ; !••i•gembT di .16. tafirelNY 1/11,0,6.110, I ' I STOVES! STOVES! •, I========! . . Mere Pape, Tin Ware, ac., uod •rflelet ob lint lino of NAV WC. 1.1 110 DV, .1101111.1 d 31101.0 4 5 0 Ott la NEW 1111,1111111 STOVE 11E11111 1919. U plr.varr Iwo oar la Rom • wow tweet woe of H. env...Audio, rho on.l aronorel limb of die ir0.0rn7Fr0'771.r7;r0r..:"12,7117Z00n o-Af 2 ;: o ; :}al ' i to look.. Rail eli, par.-Awls owl Ito. put or, Wm ,nort for cad. or •PP STOVES. TZTi1,r:V.: . ! , ..72g1r.7 , 7;;;: -. 7 , 11:' , . rga,r0;7;.;:..." COOKING ST,_ mlll6 aaaaa 1.10•111.1, aaaaa YE' , C. B. COTTEN eif.E J11_ , 1.p17 , ..11. Anent.. V.. N vow ; Pnekudes nay ddis 6.. w crop./ 100 do 're,. einlwor Ind all 11.• oldTere drudo.d of Omen & &lock 100 de NT..dkerol. Rh, Whin., Sword Shod. Soun. &r. 100 Ao No. 1 anddlicrlg. 50 do 1,111, 100 do (Iddind 30 do 130ne Gum, 45 do 1111170. Mattel, & other Nei, so do Ntrach. 50 do Sogar t'S do No I & P I. Maw, MNOMI!!! ERMS;M Attention, Citizens E% GROCERY STORE ! ,»,,. Ej " ,r ‘"tr... v..... . C7=l:l=l EMS WASIIBURN & CO: 11A.V!•`;:7""' • Court 811reoll. Allogissintion, (5 Doors E.( uf the Ilinghaitdon Hotel.) 1.. I lir, Mewl. eitall .10,110 0. le et , rk 1.1 ..1.1 1.. r r M 7Z1.7. 0 - ^" , Treeee,;,,l* ritign I Inhatergre thl;,l el the (Nat.". v::: r ty . .!'"".:"'•.: 7=7. 1nt.7.7:. ono roe Orme Hide DENTISTRY! • Tia.ll 11 . higteynerswyet.n. OW .11.110., in ma, ...ent.g, Fr le Ime por.114•11 vit% =ea. Wisp... axe se pane of r. of V... 1. ateresplierile Promote, 41= 7.7 Monenrof July a. (Mg `""1t.%41:17,;.'.'47.,T0r.'""" ""'" axmly MI per Fn... omit.... ..I.ll.Yei!gm. AVVVlroVrj=4:lf:;:r . ". May 2.1 S n tral:l2l=4=t n al 41:4: lIENTIAV R MD. (101.0••41111•1•1Vs./...eviryomive.m.1%. """•—•"• eatilgrkr, riTII4F4 44.14414, Ala 4. 14444 144.1. 144- ,444•41. 444414.444, 14.4 44.4414,14. as., 4.0. d J. !MOTS. Duct. R. Tuavina, 111111011/PATIIC PlOllO, 417 . "'="4“ .. "7: "'nit= arvin P. ...Om seal, •61111.....11115ui torn Yap •mll. J. H. MOCK, areconinnr A? LAW , I. PA. aborapornibl..4 Man.MM. staisnoiamee. wir soon sows I D v &Al, 4.0 40 . 114:=WiZe, OA, aml Ilte•AVAl=L 6 tragr! ""6""n on........ WO Seek 111.7• 11. 111des .emet.....o* 1. 47. 1 11.1 . 1Srive,===i 4144 Fen , 11=7:71tAl=iy. WON. 8." S". - . = New Daily Line of Stages A\ mesa alisatmoe la Gralit Mandl. A I It HOKIN STAGE .111cose ..nitewe yr, ame n. Mu tßowlar. ex Deo.l . 0n...* snivly I: . " :1 ; e,,V= rM Mn := t ' M" " . Careful and areentuunlatrne dOrrn. sod an..o Innar 117;:n " ..et ' o ' r ' n "' lt . r ' tro " n ' tnttlint:l:4ltet . ant knd r•Prdl.°." " %. N. <cr Id. It. tt. Km& & p.OO. Wontera tr 0..00f .1 Oman* re end W... Iron =I t% un~~ ~W ~ren~nmu Nip u~fw~..~~~w tilYno~ 1 ylm • ,• .11;:eV.OtopNos NIAMAAA, A MAW. - '071411::7!"0=.: NlAAtalta. O**SA '• • moo A. 11.19 bats. Vorni•A Ramapo & Patereatt awe Paler.) wo & Madge. Inver 2;_ ABE alga APE RAZII7/LOADIS. It, the Males teem.. ht. I , ;17•4114.4.JZT.P.11.At '1 : 7 :;: 1 ; V tli: . I AtT/111 eF . 011; ' ,In ' 011 . M.AT 0./..1 At /II o, orre At Le il a ]A e fleck IR .1. AM. PAII.OIOI. MP A re VAr. Var. et YAA 11 rv. ! 7 22 e + r „ t,e:U:. 4"" Vr:Verr T n. . 2P5 ,' 7 4 1.tt' . . - :.{. n, ,iinn,,,,norning• 1 ha firt trala from Pullerit'a wall leave at ri 2ra le.enal e 1 ..., or on liacarrioral at Om Port .1, train N, al A r even will he In i tweet tin,. Irai, morning wall even -17:111*".""..'"' N. t dr. E. Railroad I EVERY 130111" S MARKET LINE,. I TU.:;;'17,,1:'::,•: °— ^"r""'"" oaaaa, Gloglamatan, Great Rental and Laaerboro , Depot., Tooad Wolirimlaf niw ,, ' ;:t1 " 71;:;:;::= 1nV1L:14 ' •11.72.7 Ju .11. n rent Naha J. MAN. 11..11P1N, OltD. OWryrn..lsls 23, 1125, Captain James Sisk, Ormerrie, Fruit*, rI.M. •It. • It.. N. Y. & Erie Railroad FREIGHT LINE FORWARDING TINE FROM GREAT BEND, I " '"" "TT„;;;.; • epee a. mmix~ ' liniae~ •••—•..,••••••.,-"" ' h =llllnOt 4'r%.1,1,19 I 1110.11.11,1 • D. melts l'arbratrd V41'41111, C.' by Aim ,fll gmme•• .“ Om novo • Irom . lr U : e err l; Dr e!, .o.4omir ..Drort•re.P.mlrier nireCommOnia.••• me errorrer..m.a to old Agr, 11.11 V a ME. , Pave 1..11 4...1.1,111•7111h. n•r Ow t), •r, nml ••n To t<te NetOcr~ of the Erase as a. ill. Mom, deeeseed. F.".7Ct" P lap. tom at tpr purpn..ear malting Arryle. n. ry r x kw i in. airy ni..n,l In Me pl.lhe PPM.. at OSP. at an, I;an! , , z;:pirt , rah "' ."*". NEW GOODS. n SPRINO 1117 E" axone, ~.,. t, 7.1;X:""' 1111POWIE To Owners of Mews sod Cattle Myr "' enii.thibie,llm r rZillottrin P7n, .I:43.4=mpe ' • 1111.0.4•40.1rgmbe,•••• he fM nveratIM••••6•1•• ••••ga. Ow ,••••••••••• am 11, epees. ollneity of•••• 11• • gla•ex..•• Few.. Ono. awl ....me. IM MmA .M •Mle• MMowlm Iw•n• AUIM~MW lie 10.1••••• kt• • M4h :1; 4 4 :go • • •AZ Atla n1"'"'.. •)1. I " r Vl:=o=t, rod% .1 n0..1 mr. Yee Needed. m., Weep ee De* gores ed Yee 14••••• MO. ••••d UT Oteete. dad Fred *add eiare Seededellt dm/ed. re a...am Oder.. Wee. Ondememtilirom doltdmeseir as butiereepableadide—le peeve...ll no. wend eedltemee et Ns Mew, en. be Wee, MA it to set weeny. aelfeeke•teda oe MY*, W ene mee I.od PreNT,ledepitd,•ldd, O.T. !Mee "..". Mere • anus, wt. %sot. imas u CIL, fl.l A" *. 70111.1111 MARI= Allman 1850, NTATITRO, a.MYW mi. appapise• Mao al- Maas, a fame to came, aa,a Imre. 11•••••••08. Wand mama. math alma sa. ,aob ye* awl lialtrm• eela, he "Nab, 14 t'44l4".""""9lffiS,`l7ar $4612011104 . • •Alf ( X9 ? X 614 7 7 P 1' AA I if ..t .• worms"! NNW TOOK COLLEGE OF HEALTEE,T , YS : ri . :i 4 :FS , 7:Ig.SF 4 :"iii; OR. 0. C VAUGHN'S ",r-73,17.:=21: Vegetable Uth°lltriPtk Mixture. ' l 'µ Tul: ALL OVMR THE WORLD. •-• DR0P5Y..N • rait. r .: • :: • . • .:t " ,:V.7 • :. ' r..111... • ,:,,: [ 'ro elt.e . tto trotion . o, a. Cmsat, rood the oltor ay.ind orponon or .oviy ow.* to %LOB lON INSMOD. wrrr~rnofto t o tolook ...Writhe patient 101IIP4 matt o w 00, onterrolt. Ittalonto. NrrHRRTO INCUR/MOLL " '7111.7.:Vit; tit= ouck: • =nd kt r tir7Wtorl.j.ri=! Worst APPLICATION OF TIM lINIFL = * 7l =te:4l:7lVA =1,Ir:;!:::,. 74.17,••• " • • onivial:. •"'"'' ."--1r.,:;:1.".= ",7:X.V.:r.......,...,............ F. „, I=ll., etaZ=int• minlid r.........., ... 1 W.'"7.'4,12::* Z:r."l4:.=r,.trAllr.:4'',';!: " '''''' """"'' '"'""'" ""..4 . 1", Z tr.V.::" 7.Z ''''' 7 ' . " 7 r ` .74. " l .,""'''''tr. ",";!'",:, 1 Old Dr. Jacob 'l7ifisend, ..1.:20. =::-4.-4:.==.,,..,-r.i. • ~„,„ „„,„,. I . TAI DISCOVRAMIL OF TAO m ". "*"" mwr ,tf ...."" " :01:r t jor . =AZ : ge tt:: Osauins Townsiind Sarsaparilla. '1::1".....1 - - f.211,7',..471, 74: "..',,r.:!"..'. .1= .T.17 - .71: 7;;;;ritxr.l,wattl ;We ti IS All , IN At 011101 AL 4 TOVNaIIeNO '''''''' inint COMPLAIN'S'''. 1 tf,tl.ll,frit,t4:4 tttax. - ::,!7.1::,== ....;f Av:::“'"470".Z7::, - , - 1::::;47:L":::: tr,T,•=4.tveraar=,:::l4 0 '17.1":17X, isedletn• isell.l. ( Ltert:arZVAr= " hrt = r.:,::::1: :,.: I NO 111 AOIINT , el.. ia5,....1 .....,•'",,f"'"" ""r„""„V""„, 4 ,1":, ""'", „,7;,:g"'". i )IEAI.ING POWER. Live the """ nslerlutrin " . P.O. ' • * "" Th. 0111•1111Ahn 1 .41i ALPS. PAPPARATICA .... " 4 " ...":6"""." .".'"."""""..."' ' "I".'"'-`4, MI = 7r,5;r1.1 ""*lv 'lnt I =. 7: 5 7 1. 41. . r .... : . ....., zt i m.. ...r.:Fxr,ll„ 1 . .., („,• „,,, ;,:„., ,„,..„ a P Tiononit's et minor. ye. •14e,' an itaseirle cure i• mule. All ether tea.. me ~l i, n 7 i zi ., % ... 17.A .. ;: ... ...._ ............ ...; , = .,. y inneontit At the Mot , nemme to to men* I."'ronol OW po e,. by a Rowels/I , me The eth.' AND NITMOTUAL. ~,,,0,,..... ellerietry. •..•I . lhe lair o dwor elet . ol ~ • lie;feettrirt."4l."...t::::l;3ll4 Ve r .' ", cnr tu n r ' . ..Ve:A,l: , ;:. ' . .ft,..T.....; ., ;..... .....,: : 17,La ::.t.t."ZZl:X=l:.....l'4l="'"''''' ; .A.,...'..;...„',7,...7,.,'....:=:,. „,...,,.......,1 ILO.. I ...1...e... wbieh o roat..l on ..tint • . me, pm ' • comptaint r • h. pninAl ch....ninii. IMMO DI ATMLV NISLI EYED. nic they mottle ...no' and in/ T. n. the pug...Nl. Rbetionall., Whi er:e744c ''': ::L;•; - 47;Zr1::..:t ''' ''''‘ ' :h : " " " ;:i. " ::::7):::•Cingile , ::::::.::::r, o .7:„„: ~:,,,::,=1.4 I.:71:17 ::=,;,-.:7,7:;•!;..,t -...- -..4. , - , -.. ...,.-- •-, ,-- ..„,r;"..„..! : ~. .. „„, ~,,, ,„., ..,..,,,,,,,. _, ~„,_„„.„,,„,..„, _,„.,,,„,,,.,„., . . 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"'" . •^ " ::.r.V.::::,"...1.1.;VZ": !. ::: . ..: : ::,...... :.: %17.1i .. . 74 ia, I . 14.. ...... t... awl IPA nth. .11317,: - ;;:! . l.:....,::1:1,: . ,vg . ...:.,.r.,.:z:z. ,, ,n; , ..:::. 4.1.r..r:r.7.:...-,,„ , :L.• t .4.,..... 4 . RANT... A READ Age., N.0.t.,/, N. 'OMIT!' ...v. .../.., . . . .. ... .. .., ~.. ~, . ety ... .....:=1... .. x ... ar .. 7.? , :: , : z z. .... lOW Mi.. 11:; " 1: 1 1:t::::: " . " . ": i: ::, „a ;,•!';......, - 4...4..... ~..4.., ..... .71. ~... -,-, ........... .....^..,,,,,„, ......,... ~,,,,,,. i 0.,„ ~....., .......... y.,,,,, 0.,,,....../ lIYEIt'S PILLS ':11:),!,,:...;,'7!:,,..,...,',',' ; ',;• ; ;:::-,...-....-'- . ..7.- ....,..',-.7:.,t,-,:-7„=,1;17,v1:2 ,„,.....„.,,„„ , 1 , ~„„.,..„„..:;=,,-,x,,,,,4;!..... le. ahl the Mo. il/.. ow N gala Ammo Man ant idlii c eon... itiotentine.uspenhemmal Unman Vegietaiiie Mealtime. ww....,....,w , .......ww......v . A5,17,7; Th , •-•. , r•-dy M'Thrr T , r , 'mr. , 4 ,,, .. ,, 1 iV......7 I:: L7.7.r...r..?.it174'.77..T...t.1 ...AA an .. - 7 -,, , , n all rnottplatototorolettl to the Homan ruxtent ronide ntrii./... *Ant hip.; nolo Mem. AGSPIIII el tools .9,11.1.04.....1 0 rpraral g ..........1. .1 ...°T .V: 4 ~,.,., ~,,.,, ,„,,,, o , * ~,,,, ~,,,„. 1 0.104 ros el A. noire .* '' .: " .l ' • ni mintronton tionitr llt ...ire. • pot% i.Xit. to enin. a tettinik tot woe up.ona IThr Am,. P. no pony mot., nt two Ithu. row.. on. to ti 11...ut=er . ....1 Is It :r,z,' - ::,::°,r- - :,":.7.:1".tt.?".1:.-.;,..°".7xf0r:41, ..ar;vglolxTgl; v:r...7,v.at,":4,1. fnoul le 1n..., 101 hr .. ea. to popted•one. ehimn gums ni II du. rlirelsn.oertre of ... r ,....... ..1....1.....t.;v1., gv-r...:741,7.7.-..'=,:: =7:,:z...7.1,......i.:17;rwgr..5p.....F.. 4 1.4.1 I:;za.11.411:11 1 :7=4".1::::1117.r::, r'"',:tt.'"Z.:-"T" " 001, HM M. ' " " .. ". 1 lb 1a te *mot 11s. nom ih...... le now ha. Or Tecattenot, that MI Wm.. ...le . man, .... a ... me , ........ 10 .„ ....., ol,thmiy •11... t. somy Ire n. Ay ........ n.;,,,,.. ~,,,,... ..,,, , ,L t„.., „,. ~ ..„ t ,„ '7.0Z,;"'":""*.hr":".."'"...1........`"X=. i timehm " Mil lindrengeol to hen lith wimi ltz a v z. "N:ar=o, ."""*""*""1"ZOLY. ann.:n. i =='''... 4,1411:""' . 77 , e... 11. men ti11eu......1.7 omelme, i "serg unt . ••• . l.l .. r . r . e . •=7 . l.M . Lintollp : Eli!: InanfrW=. ltr== . ir="--/«.-;--mtgiTi___:";:erreiss'}"ArgrZrr =Alee...Ales Is Me ey.te, Wyway Mr h. iA. TO .. my... tor I.,..yeas 0...., .. sommearled.th anteroved eq.., 1 . meitmArste hard • p.n... ........• ....... salb,,...aby • I ow W... so .......41.11y=0. Ad.. Om Prouhleeie nem 1.11) he• p• 0•1 at mi. Mos II ymov, a. ea a..s.bo.mloolloodmAr.•• mhos, gown...* by a5ab...e1,11•16011..15. . 74==.,........,.. ~... p........nn0g .1 lore thmet .. .•• Is • 1.1. ae ems••=4.llll.• roreelell: al =l7 : letrAlr. ... *l .l 1 es .11.. anmilinme.h Me 1.1•11 i ril lh room me, owo Yr.w." WWI. 0N... •0ftr... , •• lAN boll " ISIT.• " arll=7.....mobaNlmet awwwwwwwwwwsworaa R. ....1.1 mg.* el. inhellanwe. Ow NW mp v.v. ba MOWN 4 Odlar mob embiOolibm Sots/ wen*. I. mai =CI " I .., .. lb 41111...Ne5• e• N.. IV. uXhr ... or Ow NW NOW win, ....1.1.0 bot=y4 i . Ix" ...r.sadO•o.l.y.nban h.. SIM .10 OEN #.116.4 a, .1, FO•11nolooft Wm 0. 1 MOT km) iMl,h. llll =l.ildir,r, ' Nero Yo 4. 11 ing, 1111,01 MM.. •Eims 1.1.• Daft ma epoiol of 11. ft.= I . 4=llk• ••••••00 p*Orw_the Su l fq•4 Md. lisminne toVer,•l•Moveft,oo4, \\• \\l TI.••• 11,1•11•••••• Do Towoomol t 11....114.-1 M. On Irmo r .0.01 rarotrwr . r 0b= 1 ......1= .. ba r r . ol wog gr.ry ermarriall lod eon. bon ft. iboo A On I II mob .1•••••••• Po ...It I ...... , grooo o. • t narlinllA/N. MY .....offl Di. l'oo k or... 1 " .. r. ' =.11 ".. ..... .111 4 . 7 . • sPo 3. • aII) %; 1 67 . : . " 2 o . = rl_ 2 .. i rgraf.....=." TZWII72 Farms For Salo 1 1 MV".1,41. 11 ". 1 ...... , pp Ostrom r/oe fr •••• thober . o. 11. IN P.& abolyNlNP•o, . . &lbw 0000, wyjyy rw IDAVIVININ lII= ty " = " = ‘ ,......= eoloo oo flo fog. Moons god Immoom We of PO. tom* of 100 .r.-M\ J 0... 1 ................................... y. .... ........... Th........ W.X.JIJOTIIIONob - liiiios. - 4 Taw Itysool ••••• bora* of osionolos. YU Nor *I bo=ibor . r . = .. 7= c 0 41... ..finoararb. v ._.= tr. irerro ihIM -*Ow 0100 l n. " 4 ro ". .•=r,oiele . , ovoid be= Ow ism x4l. .- . •••••••• sop. of Int. 3r. Ihomil L ll... Ifoodoej arCirr " ...... I...,eraftu. , PlObbmo.ll.. IP, 1.541 1100A1V10311 • MM. rifrlr g".."""W"."'"W J. 1.1010. 1 Mot .ii 4 ;: :. B"i' , , a ?van - ...= iToaa - 1=11......ir --- WU= • OMAR Yeats .Oogl.1•10. tom.. ' 1 3=V= 4= "".."- ytr . v ... rartamairih ms ,irv, ROM bus nw r yfte mium. hatm0ram.r..."....nk......... ne5.......0.....4 • ,W.rwatnr.,..=„, ..„. ui "'IT: nma 5... r iro. oirrr WI Mt Iv ........ l 00. wrap *X* ol000•O by BilellOVO Oa r 1....0...... , -_,. -..mw. 0.....0.84 5........ PLK4IOII er ..r. a Ihirrina t i lak M.,. a ON& plarool of 010........ • Of ICIA.O 'gy obolloooo.O. T1D.P.0004. ' OM solrlo No. -, NAY •I • • • F $ • - 111.111.1 r MIARSAPARILLA • TIN W es anllawy YJMr le the IN.AI lOW :....out 4 •.t op a Wort 1404 oio x. ."*".l4.tortrrionl:P:=:Lo=". beak. amal tqw•lority 0. erawlyndi r " Tr I . l:l“Xly. d r •7 "" " """'""" VII, SIMMER MEOWING •••• ro.. ttet ray pow.. dm ••••• .potom . f rank wa f r y - •1...1 411.1.7".7 era,. was* It hoe R••• am.* Wit VINO ....IN,. mo woo. .11.• City OP. Twit* MAIO maemajtgreamml.llll4llllll, mad aramal a. Talmeaar• TarmaZalla 1.•=44 almla moua• " iil ' Proraa tl= tan k " =27:rra moth lar memo.* WM,. aNammaam amay MOM. umanla 16.1 Memo Cmosamalsa am maimly woad M. Om rmmay TIM Mama... 1. wpm. as amt ~M r 4~ ~M N~~yl~ w h ~rW M 1 I ~Yna 4.1011111111. d.• CYO. 01•••••••• !Mogi P••••••••vis• ••• N nowt •••• (AMNI.I.M. ton. Onego 0.14). Ow*. trlttor d Artletr . l r"..4 ....aim Pe. 1.4. Ma. efa. 404.440/1112..r.,... OD len —I verily . i•lM•iiirl..riegooMk!" ‘."." %rarrt:7 - rf.,: •- t wnr• two •=1..11•41 ••.1 ••4 mimed* •••1 4M gm. •••••• tot" I • zlz . rills • •Omr. mom, •••• Ime• •••• ' reMstnr• wrnoglit ea me I ••• sow &Nis sr ... 7 'IV '" ~ ,~/"„ . leeteada tharellk . t . i..... == . 4.. .... 7 0., t •••••,••• NOM. Kai 111 MO MA. r .".. .,01.111142 An*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers