a Vat Ntrintavagt." I. C. mrrtne, icor sad Proprietor. '''' 'WM:MO 411,81.1.1. until arrean,..,... "- ..... ifj..1141.•4111144. an. 14.4,, $lllO •-• ~,,,,,,, •.- - • 26 0 . •*,,li: 4 nAnion,444ll4,settlow. AI ' 1..."' 241 4 . !wino. Ow.. of row line. arlms ••• 4 .1' . 14 ^ 1 . 44441 . 1 . 1 041,2 ant * ever 4 4,aare4.l 3 ! =--=- --- ° T,Wllrle , :!l;76 w 0....., ..".,.......7: VOLUME VI. done en Inenniblo. tams . ly so than a younger lady could be. A ' rnent He wee a very handsome elan of were delighted It was late when they drovling You forget that I ant your mother, I " Mr. Merefort," she said, in • constrain • Grum will and powerful !melons breathed I thirty, with a polished and frank bearing- 1 home, but the spirits of Mrs Linn were that my Me in in your childteh hands-you ed tone the lolonmal aro ' in all her attitudes and glances, and lea - 1 with a singularly loocinating smile, though hardly y a relived will marry ClevGand Monfort." 'sh:ffia '" was Om sad and greived reply From THOUGHTS or HEli ri. tares-the motion of her firm but graffiti' he seldom smiled-dignified almost to cold- " Tot will call to morrow ?" the still, .' The woman who had always been so cold • e Effie," he continued. " Moo I o fi euu d e d No wellness them foot, the curve of her delicate nostrils, the nem-et Meetly a most perfect gonitemen Cleveland left her at the door. The flat- and proud and calm, that the young girl l you unconsciously ? Belle. me, Ido not I No weary newts' ef the frame awe, anima] torn to her toll, red bps, the sleeping There w as • kind of sadness in Lin eyes tared man consented with pleasure to ante MG almost feared her, was now on Mr Iknow in what manner. Tell me, that I Not..del shrinking from the maimaht me. fire in her large, slow-moving eyes, made her and reserve in hie manner, which told of to a private tea with Effie sod herself in the knees before her child. It was enough and 'may atone. You are very much altered to rie dread of manner's bight and renal lel' a fascinating and fearful creature. But elm passionate reeling. repressed and hidden- boudoir; for Mrs. Linn added this to bonbon mueh 1 night. desrest " bed made it a study through all her life, a kind of mournfulness in hie smile which intitation. ....... i o m o o, r h o I did not speak beaus' °Not et all, Mr. Ifferefort ; pray do not No hidden our, Na sold and cheerier rowan of dolma; till she bed attained a wonderful degree of went !pick to the heart-a kind of pride; I maid not-but lan resolved. I cannot, I think lam offended," oho replied in the No vain poem. for • mat niter.oelf-posseasion. There was something that that mingled with Ids maim which made CHAPTER It. 'after what you have maid, merry that man lame conetrainsd tone. No tearful eye,. boohoo beano are MemereL swathed of power and paeiion in the very him deepl te y interesting; nod all these thing. Tho lady did not awake her maid when I only hope that he will love you. Go- She did not dare to raleeher eyes to meet Caro ha. es home, calmness or her slow, grateful motion,.- odd that he was "bluntly a talented poor s he reached h er room hot on ih o o n i ng b e , go, if ) 0 11 please mother-I wad to he his look of suntan, wo n . the) reohn of ceawdeee prole. and sag, A n d now, th ough th ere were a th ousand soon And this WS. perhapo the re•omt belay ornaments, oho laid them It aly end , alone. " "Good evening, Effie," be said in • wound lis taro t Intlmio break and melt no room, emotions making her heart throb, she stir- why he had never loved or married hither- threw herself upon her couch. Though very "Bless you, my child , -my darling, no. ad tone Fee A.' the "moans of he .path I red not one of her delicate fingers, nor the to weary, she did not sleep. Iler reeliFraure Me child Of e your own good toe " evening," was the ehilling reply. small slipper reveled beneath lice flowing ''fir.Merefort," said the lady. reining so s•ery m i ng l e d m ora l, r _to om pb. 1,, v s h e will stoma so meh the proper manner for u G o oTxt moment he was gone, and the 'lle otorrn's black want le never woad athwert celestial ekes' drat - `hoe eVca lowly WWI' a s weet WS" upon saw that she M mes .,' Gl a m o r; m ono ', et yOU to °tome towardl Mr. Moreton Try I unhappy girl nth darn upon the floor and , Ito tendon Wads not *oh oho vows of *prom l P r e s ently the door again opened soft- her lip, and holding out her small hand -Muchness that h o h a d no t p a id b oo .. amid toga this, dearest, and I will at length buried her fate in her hands. Her heart I As elms to' tender r ftew. " ' A'''. sodßees I y Iler bosom hayed quickly and a deep without rising from the solo to her power before, but bed dared to ma Ihe "CP3 '' ono almost broken ' I m Na en Made flesh broke over her • heck, and with a smile As he advanced towards her with slight her by and bestow his Imo on a more street I She kissed the cold brow of her daugh- , And she meet still play this terrible part, Its dulling dews app the feeder frame;..f ineffable brightness Gm slowly raised confusion, her heart told her that this con- child-moiety for the result of the g .,„. 1 ter and left the room. Wall satisfied with t -wound hi. love, estrange his uffeetions, 1 bia mean lamaeeded therelAlse Itcht. what. MIS her deep , bewildering eyes towards the miouonese was nut,. she bad fondly hoped. s h e played - and-teeing her i ngen uity t o the result of this skillful appeal to the heart when her own heart was yearning wildly-I o f p oor Effi e , en d f u miga n t w ith all this e a- ' and she must sea him rise that iovo to ens That of glory. from MI Nicker came , rose'en ev id e nce of her power, but was owing to know best how t I manage Effie, and c novel e." N. paned Mena , But she paused in the welcome that the thought that Effie bed probably revealed her to resign lam of hoe own consent acme., she agaiiinsought her couch and, other-sew him ut the altar-it woo • mot- I "" 'mew?" °ea..." Irese ° ...I' • to her lips and the flush went bark from the new relatios in which he stood to her. ; Sire I, s i eet d ea ty till long past o‘oo d oo . slept, undisturbed, many hours; while the Mrdom to her beset inert cruel than death • Ne bed of death enduring love siteuthe h f f 't s not et Aim who had This then was the mortifying cause or la busy with her thoughts, and then, thawing ono whom she had called on to make this , But ohe had resolves! and promised to play , To watch the among of a Woolen deep: p her ••- . 1 w• 3 come frequent calls and delicate attention The 0 „ lien ,nne„ing_gonn. she song., the oho.-' miter sacrifice, was pacing her rom with , her part-and she would nut fail-it must No blood flower 1 A soung girl stood timidly within the, deference of his cervices were those he paid' her of Ely,, Ti,,, y o i c g i r l l a y on the bed, I the "Ins, heavy steps of misery. !be done. Or withered bed eolmnal milieus know' ~ ~,,,.... $ hesitating whethor to &tut in ore emain, to his future moon. i notoc d ,g_ud u , elm dressed in the aim attire. and _with the llt was after dinner before oho summoned. ' (cog! LCD. D near WEER.) No merchant blew. or fierce. &wend, ohmic for the lady .11,1 not bid her to enter She mad have gnashed her teeth in hitt...sat some theca lying withered on her bosom as I her meld ....° its .he's.i"g. Saatiers destruction lane a ruthless feu ' wa). as weer and finr-not more then Mao but it would Gut do then, end she looked . 0 • t h e even i ng pr .,. Sh e h o d not no . I " Which is the most becoming, Margaret " ALL SORTS.. No battle word I gals slight form, and hair like an an- up so eloquoutly ith.,,,..d . het woo" now m ow , neorn „o y o (Ilia green velvet or this black one r vi The a . 1 1 . 7. I . lr o p me c rva . c h ... m . tzs . ll . f . e o a n r u E ,7 4 o, d; r a d d , • g , . ~ g, changing .Toe l'au AND TIIR PARDOTINCI . ow- and bright, and gold- " Sat here," she said , reaming his hand H ee , 0 1,„. were s e vered with tee , ; h..' "The gran velvet males Madame look Madames look the int.-Federaltsin tluinks that the ‘eto paw- Is na ) ,, wherever angdomovel • trent , en . Thera was oonisel.„.g in, her gentle a mounat, and motioning to the ottoman ! c ho c k wee G nome ], an d sh e moaned en d raittftius. th e bl ac k very charm i ng; Mirkg ince . eyes „ ee er in a great LIG of dapotism opon the t hesitation very different from the proud re- where Effie had sat muttered to her dreams bright and her bps red." - fair face of our repubhcan institutions Tit Let oe depart. 1104 e of the beautiful woman before her -1 The w otlemon felt grateful and genii. I Ilusr mother sot down by tiro bedside and 1 If home like thee swan the n,ari pool. I nI. will wear thh black this evening veto .s cried down to a dangerous and ar- Look up , thou sunken m e , die wiiiiiid it heart Iler dress was of delicate white and some find , for he had no doubt now but that she tatted upon her. A thrill of remoron slo t I bitray oiteatan pore, But the pardon- I Margaret, as I do not wish to look magnl: am e n w e ...more ut some'. ntern mom, Leigh roses lay on her bosom-her face W4S prepared to reecho him . hear soot.- tlinmgh h er h o ner o n she goccil; but ot was nog power O. Johnston thinks is a whole was the puest thing out of heaven ! law . anti p re , h m et,, . ~,,,,,,e nd m e loer 111 Mental, - she lus calf mold Oct he the hcent in my booth , r With fatal our mode, I w You may coma," at length said the lo marked kindness to Iniii, lie hod entertained „„,. r ig eo _h oo Ada mom lie gi ro eco ,„„, Sr when the mod had finished alb ing e " .. en d blec " ed h e ".." . of she law, I ohne roh,d mod innocent • on oroee Me o oi, , a fear that Li e poverty lull be an shjec- ed that her bite was strong. st, r e , , t e „,. her, her moteena was herself pleased with " Ica ea. "'" be ." strongl y aced-c c good Why Gm to pion, no Bard of a moo_ ode, es the . tulain, elegant Mack velvet arid with tho Clun g of which th e. ea. "' he Ire, seara And find tlou memo of taenal dis The to iden glided in nod at dont on • that to his claiming the band of the daogh- ; th e los e of her asthma. Wlll developed', delicate not- work of gold thrown over the , s e a the givo too i nstance to show bow , cushion I.y the sora ter of the tech avid. Linn nature. No ! Effie mast Ire the rum., the prerogatise of Mercy.. Oa th e - Effie, my daughter . said the w soon •• Is tie, Effie well this cunt ig"" he Ths te, es alb,' maiden opened presently back 1 her glossy hair, together with uloin ''l C • li 1 k 111 I. E. with tau. sl tenderest, far th e woo chary asked, taking the scat the tempted lam as it she was awakened by tits ••dth of Se t b r last four in. we b 'Ol gaze hood gold b racelets Site Good long studding - , S surs °. r° r " " w o e i n 1,0, . ik.,,1,., ~.. done ha ore od,to Campbell, to the quarter or ter nffation she bestowed on her tnthy close by ber ode . 0 upon her . I ' - - - shad ;Mt lace sans busy RS her hoe • w A hole IndiaMmed-nothing serious, s•Oh ! mother," she murmured m„,g ug l y l Op high to fohls and ohoweillackly through l' t' i i the t of whicl h Matt and I .re "opens th e manner toward.' was the reply ;•• she retired to her MOM O, e sly Burling M u hl, did w h e t i - ceo t h a t the chaste 1104 glittering net-work ; the Enf7l'...a ~ . ,:" . .. h .: 6 gn, ' n e r e n re he au I all. Wild, wild dream. Of too were waking few moments erg"." h tee ot la r dep. was Imo mot „lain • " e • '. ea "' I night distress you . meth " I sans afraid I -"d • ' vexatious and dangerouo to the peaable I to herb fro'" and changed her cold bearing " Indeed !" was the remark in • diap- I that you eon , ou ty e a ug en d t unve e „, no her arms, bore to thedimplod elbow, looked , .... nf . pundnipnin Ennl h of the 1 ..., i ~,,,,.,....i ...Iv pointed tone ,the. early to talk with you about it's rounder and snowier than was their wont, e .. .. Mont wain w•nit • ' , what , neSt l . l . a Mother," said the fair girl, Imitating- 1 •• I have not ordered the carriage for Mn • - You hose come to take loth those aimlead e tilt "of tho crimechargedl in the broad circlets of gold tallith bound m oo F II 3 1 • ina t it Ist,1 st, end they were on the sags The' ant soh "he' 'eel' he ".eee ' ''ed. Iy, 'anima her tweet fain , and then drop- hour yet continued 3lrs. Linn sweetly .' nd ~1 wordy-to take them GI both I k n ow thy. Her dress gave a pensive, touching P • , . S'ell ' lllea ibreri, mod sale control.„,„ • • •I day sentenced . Light days after them and And the account us beaten he treetund plug her oyes till the Olken lushes touched ,we will have a quiet chat. which will be t you have, jou tweak so kindly,” mid Effie, I ole to her brilliant beauty' • her s did in - ' ''''' ~ , past fires days before the election, the Com the clutch where • delicate glow wa. wo charming, 101 l it not? By-the-by, .ffit you ;eagerly deed look darker and deener • ' and "." u rdonad Robert Walliffie, me of these men. Car. near sways a mainly oui, mom nut into a blush ; '. Mother" -and fancy the arraugement of my boudoir c" I o Not to take them back," said the mfr- curved lashes longer, and her height lips r. 1 .1 111 album ie • Whin The tuber seh are F. " * "" ... " . * .' .. '''''''""" l "' ' her elle. hs were crimson -•' k l you _now . ten' ait is 4,1,.h 0 f e 1_. yo. po em ," l e 'lied thcr, in tho gentlest lotto, 'Mt to Was You fro th ier and doe ier A crimson tore.' • , They, only they, have came to re tr, I a Democrats, and love not been pardoned, Dloos.0011••• hale thew t...n011. toted but a child, roils II teen ; and I have never her vssittur, gl Owing through I his el. goof once , ' f or o l oe t I said-good reasons that In -Told nlmost hove Mateo . ) ed this effect et tor do wo hear that expect to be • me kept any thing Iron you, anti mar I apartmeot wall a leased rye • •• Il a Yore 1 sill reconcile you to them " thee ample elegance She decided that ' i, g i n n... one, no on. they ; Wee will my twochbov eay if I tint tell you how very , Les happy I 1011 Y kind ells is to give noo Ilia fop.. .molt to e It emoomo l e me ," y,•0,4 t h e fete g i r l I her dress, at leant was peace. 7 I A. to the pardoning „ewer we believe it • ahceld "" cc.. "'" ec '''' ... "'""' ad how illy In art so sti ll I;ontiltio4 with Ha 0p, 0 h," limit& he ,al II the Ile Intlfal lady mournful! I ' I II hd t eth Mrs I inn was in her boudoir, but no w • -• o ' , y, at mg ler sma an s og • . , t er a ser ism. • ow a in, , an taended to operate ono' in does whom If he pm. aoot • huh.. metal. ear d e li ffit c von kllllle . Idiom he had always antra appeared e r tightly on her haem Effie when Cleveland entered. The two oat s - the ors. conoGed era. mubsenuently, The h 1 shlul gwl paused, and the mother , doubly in Giant ad bnely to Linn then ; o Effi e , I so t l tote yut i st. my onto - 'limo nt th e bole table whitsh bad ban y,,,,,,4h he ;,,„cent of th e oo n ne o k oogo ,„t That man a tome she lino...the wurhl. wom i,.. m g if t h e , mere Add amid have , But it In. bad th e opportunity ., he Lad no ileum You dare net b. tray th e trust of brought in and set with a dainty report in a ins in; or where such mitigating „k -w.” "• - er Lffi."."lwat ' 1 " ••""' lll, 1 humid a lover, laid her white band on those' way to improve it; for the rosenanting mu- :your Motlotr-WW cannot rival her. I lure I debate taste The young man lookal ant • W. keens that mud., eon on view. . . . 'ar t • II• II to there ams an. ao p an y a r p urown orb to resoluta nem I mon red g on th e . 0 6, b e f ore hom, in ,Cloieland Meafort as never woman toyed ious till 1118 hostels. informed him that her aIII A """eeeee el"' "I" '''''''''''"' '. You Mow Pia else Mereforl, moth- h er Splendid attire, with the rosy light !Speak, env child-your mother'. happiness daughter w still r .1 d Id t kohl with rogemso a ...roy to dent cps y --.......as int wpm a mold no eeo for whew mime. the in„„,,,,via. er '" I falling near her, Mod bee large, dark eyes is in your keeping' appear He then looked both anxious and „ eoehuy of the f ew b e . net p rovided .-' ° VS9 ' Ise"! whet nf hint r' suddenly ex- uphn him ad murmured, In a low voice of -Do / nil, too, love Mtn wildly, devoted. I sitapponted Star of the North. e l e m.' the mother, withdrawing her had musio, • thousand eMpont things ; Doffing Ily ' !hitch, tt n 11.1.1 kill me to gis e hint "Is Gm seriously ill?" he aelted arneoL / - --- mum Rio nom. ammo., and Mona her binning oyes intently on the his thoughts, m e n fr o m th e eel jeer that on.; up!-mother-mother-mustio r ly MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. blushing ham before her ; " what of hat, grossed them I•• fasten. Effie I would tat be selfish '• Only . eery little intii . Fewed. Set the _ I Effie lino ?^ , She spoke of beauty, and he felt how Ido not emit to be of Mob ; Lut lam elder thinks SW had better keep her r oat to- 1 Se sea** NICTeIIIS el LLCM ll 111,, mother, von Will not lie offended, y ery beauutul she was Sh e a ph o o f love then trot, owl Lomw the hart hotter. I day:" y ou nest he ; he is an gond end m Init. and be reallre4 that the was capable of um know that with poi it 1.1 but i wheel-girl' - She must be really unwell if she will / maven 1. and eo n,' .. 1 mai d net think ot. • loarn. teloSe love ; the. imastenhte emetiono Offish- age, tom- on tun N ear sun w il l smile ot not come down to See Me," thought her 1 e Tla it- that-tinkle l" ran out out the , , 1,,, e Lim ii, u* 0 ,, h i oi n t inl mild goo- head beneath that bosom heaving in those the Gee of dying for kite , hut with one it lover, and the expected pleasure of his Blatt , little, odvery-toned bell through the boa- 11,. std h.,s ono to eernestlt -I am sure he richhill G satin and lac llociditocilt is hie ho b ein g, "li It I though that 1 vanis h ed lie was Solent and grave. In • , hope , dear of Isabel Lion. o t oeo n- mown .. ,i the timid girl, Os her a poetry tell us liquid cadmic. he her yon W acid eager in nll as I both already vain the tinning woman exercised her r w. 1 The white hoed of that peerless lady re- chunk grew pole and the taus sprang in- bps ; end be wondered at, mod then was o•u ff u jy e d since you t o ld m e th a t h e b ooe d ors nt fascination; tier fell unappreciated placed the soft-toned WI upon an atmue sandy to her oott eyes teamed away by, her oreshatilsle eloquence you, I would scone, polish than require it .", upon him, except ) hot ho thought that the , mosaic flower-table, a n d s h e relapsed into ii Weed ! did lie tell 3cu this; did he He was a won pre' at dot them° G beau- • •• But, mother, be loses nee; thall I wrong swot lady bathe him was too young and I her former attitude of elegant. role.. The a s he h,vs d von '" asked the lad), m • ty, genius, poetry, love; ond here before, myself n o d hiuns" Imely to wear the title of mother to • non bettol.i. •••itud netlweN but the beautiful tote , if withering enntempt '. Or arc you him was • lovely, nay, • glorious ohm., I •• Act coldly to him, and he will forget of la age, and he smiled to Mortal( at the Ming who was its mistfea It was a small „,,;,. g „. ~, i„g nt all ode he se taloa with ono and gifted with anther, you- only consent, and 1 can male him' fanciful thought room of circular Asp. -looped, lam a tent, .• He Jed tell me Mint be boa me." was breathitig with the third. and glowing and love ea' . Thithing OM he looked et her mom from the centre of the arched roof, with 1 ith the proud Moll earnest reply; •• and I knew blushind with the lost Tito ball, and even The young girl hid ter eye. and moaned , earnestly, and thought her more boauttful ..mein of ''V " la accce l d "li d"... t he that try wasthe truth he Gloat. for his meet Effie in bar lonely room, as forgot- 1 -s. Mother- moths el" ,than ear, fur bier brilliat chains were Gds. and caught back by the Witteruo eye, weep solemn and looked boo mine so • ten 11 0 bunt forward with muffing eyes! "Listen again, Effie I have not told you soften. d into a mono man e stile ; and (he mirrors, lovely statue, m a t pmte„...light gently, and his lips trembled as he spoke . 1 and h e i g ht... e l ee l., to linen; ate ran all-you yamst dream how utterly my weld, impassioned lose she secretly cherith tables andsnore vases placed between slot- these happy worn*, and when Ise drew me, animas, so at.. cobbo o od by emmea. hopes are fixed on this. Effie, I will reveal ed, lent a melting, glowing sweetness to her de. POI." of marble. It. every ..."))/ffi'd dose to Ids heart, I folt it beat so rapidly was awakened, and he rivalled her in the ' I my he at to you-this is my fires los ss, as Loye mad lotions Hoe eyes were almost menu, luxurious bapsyely e of t meld ms , ~,,,l- ~,,,l- I Ilt4oeallee of heautial sat imento Oh ! it, it is my last From my hitt., till I was hl ( ddering. but there was ...O h% shoat th• .. e. ' ea ' der .. ll ' d- r 3 ...., •• Effie -Effie-Efrie !" almost el ricked was • feast of intellect and passion married. I aliened the pangs or looms ; them that did not, could not Muth his thrown. The lady lierot If re. loud on a th , e. woman m I In thealst of all this, the carriage was beautiful - hut I sans beful-but beauty was a mock- I het like th e clear, pure, innocent ems of low. DeWitt{ "f...." 1 13 ....tied hen.. .s You frighten me, mother; you look .' anouncod i wed the Splendid ohm, m ith a ; cry, for I was poor I longest fur the means his ..a.. meet choke. the splendid dam wh ee l, fla • t ere, t, but Omani IV Inn 1.. I done? Li it wrong gay laugh at their forgettulnes• of time, of gratifying my tastes-for arra) ing my: This little tea-party was a failure - . 1 ........ e1ee •fi n befse" o4 05 4 .. 10 1 to love him ' Tell me, door mother, is it ?" I took the arm of her companion. sod they loveliness in jewels, silks and lams I long-, Cleveland continual silent ad and, and whiteness of the bare am and the riot, glow ;shade th. '1 ...1e 1l eel " of the young, wen whirled away to the ball; while cal to be • belle-to be admired. Oh ! I rose at lest to leave. The widow was de aths Mend Oak nestled upon It. It me girl, shrinking from the intense gaze of , young Effie lay moaning upon her rea les. forgot that there was anything to he prised , grined, but she did not at all deopair . eetodull - •" • lamp, flood with the .. a., the dilated and burning eye. I pillow. but wealth. In vain am mother wanted A. Clocked returned through the per sonating tier, Modell the beautiful apart- , "Do not look at me so !" elm still plead, It ma. late when the two entered the me.At your age I married a man whom I' las alone, having begged his hostas. sot to rot with ••."...1 nod elefluctut /Icht "I' ell, an that motionless Imult and the spot a, brilliant hall 'could nut like -but he was rich-eery, ye- trouble herself to accompany him, be saw nab Unfair °raiment., Me meet pletura, , livid red on the cheeks of her mother made Many eye. were centered upon them.- ry rich . What mattered it, if he was old , Effie half concealed in the embrasure of Me ginfemed lowers, the young statues an. h., ~,,,,,b;,,. I They were cortaiGy the most striking COSl&aml ugly and ignorant '- he was aOM as a window in fo. of the apartments. He . 1 Om .11". 1 •4••••"...fOcuud ...Ids '• Effie Linn, remember !" we. uttered in in the hot. Mrs Lim win the odor of C. 0.. 1 was hi" wife; I lived in .pion- ' I advanced immediately in surprise and held and young and depot still the distinct tone of sleep passion. •• yen n ill the 100, and the handomo Cla eland WOS dor, and From enurterl, tottered, a n d envied oat hie hand. The Ibly was evidently droned for an errrr marl that man-never ! licerive even mom interesting than used ; tome- I was beautiful and snobby but miserable' "And you are welt enough to he Gand a...Wl: H e r gibe "owes...* fen m souu ein more wows of lore from Iha 1 east him, thing sparkled through his dignity that was indeed. I bated your father-I could tat' ing here, and would not tiveA came a tw anged ta rich aimscn satin, with an over- off _ r ,„, go , hi._ you an to O in y ttld of sew p I ewing.lie Oa. Ow•Ye • "troth. ,en re his ammo If Ise hod not loved , ment to we me at tea," he aid reproach dna of exquisite hoe. rare and &Mate ;„,, I ~...,,,b,.,....; society, though poor, he Was noble, line- I me, oOld have been grateful to him for lulls, gazing fondly into her face . Ormanden of gold and nobles caught the ; .. c o . yd. off ? -never I" ma- looking and peculiar. The man. and the lux ry that surrounded me ; but his The purr girl could not speak that mum III.• IT. h«...r...,,,b...., —1 b e ld_,l,C Mt mend the young creature , whom this sad- daughters all liked him as • visitor and coon . ' lore-tit love of one ea imorant and with- I meet. Site had not known he was there. hem "' d '"""'"'''ll'Y --1 arm., . I. W ' l.lll den shock to her Boat happiness startled pal., bet the former warned the latter to : mad ap, and ale-was dreedal. Yet, ell but dared not ay no • and if she had not them it wend boa ~,,g e ll ~,,,,,,g_iike from oohed. world of life-dream to • sane l ow .. of anything me ; *Mid i Imitate- the ten long years he lied with me, I was known it, what weak avail? Elbe tam Hi 1;,,,, ,* mold, 1 51; f,... !et I,Abg sou char s.: of atm misery; ad Wink Ikea words, she ly wee onammay, the rem. and per. eompolled to conceal' thin.; for, ehmeld In ed ***Y Itele. ~' ~......,_„.' ..d,," bleak bale ,m,... hand tw. 55 .• slid from the ottoman insensibly Won the dada tea. of the gatismen keeping him know it at his dea th , but my third of his ...Forgive me, dearest, yon do indeed look .." Me" . ••• wend cased he I. rich cerpet whose gay hues malted the pal- firm my dalmatian, which might alarm Inensenn wealth would be mine lie wee faint and III," he continued, with amines angeibmise folds. Her 11tylia of beauty , 1,,,.. o f h .. ~h,,,,k. ..- Minnie and phase young Wien blind to my evasion, and at hi. death leftf tenderness. " Ton are sot; ing to he re r.1.186 Ideidd..._. t ibal di .V “ ,,.____J •weld Ird Mir'' Again the bell mended • sharpen eon- ameba wee a ins adtser, se wen the all to me. At lam I was fr ee-fre e a the ' ally nMk I oh, I hope net. ' i '''....,____. ••• a . ."!%,...1 . ,__ . .......„ aw e , mom than before ; and to Me meant who ; superb widow . They waned till every eye wind-with all Aintree( aresmand Yeti " I ant not very unwell," die at length I '''"'" • ,.„......_ a d a l ••„-,_--....,....... *— ~.... appeared, the lady make In • cold. calm ' , was opoo them it Wad SO beautiful They was my only Mild, and enrythivnu tisk- arid, In • feint Sold tone. withdrawing from 1 ,L l ''' t_ 1•••••• • . J.."... were bight'' „,_ ton i - Summon her maid and ambit my gated amend in the mei. perfume and ed me yours ; you have always s grid- the arm be had estanded when dm turned km Ma owe lut fa ad 111 ..7**** ***l* l daughter to her roam-she I. not well.” linht. The bee dens waved and the man bled in nary win ; but all this hoe that Ise white. "I have • slight beednehie." ' big ; sod the beeetifed antrum of Mr _, rd- i The maid man and tiny bon the Oda- glidavid about that lady form ; her cheek I loved you and cherished you maid I lm- 1 It mesa unlike Me anal naldiag me van I ....y.a llair. nris,_ back ,P W.M __, .1111. h igh whim, log girl from the speciosa. - The mama , was Omni sad Mr rubies limideg. Gen. slim In whet way yo n was to rise up sod ner that he Mew Me was MM r ill or effes-1 ""'"'''' "" ""`d dsd l ..•••• ***d e ...di they disappeared, babel Line podMr laid Meat winanimeted ; it was par- even ...• r , Bed. i am tardab'. After riempteg the .11- ib i ,,,g 1 ovphg forehead ft if to Rd if ag hotly estremeing to hold the imignignet Ards the young girl mend Itelplesidy. "Oh Imy dating ES m, you den'. knew, an hell. ele. . ai late lair lamer Maw trans & her minion were smoothed away. enemas, me to obele m izi÷de end goat "At lest I base loved with all the lase. how I wanted to @so yes IMltt eight ; wed to- , alliftele, end when • smut entend et ITM ". ,g,,,, b e g e,,, play mu g,,,,, soon , away to Shea bright , breathing My of @sediment ad peseta., bearded ap, night I was so gisetv-I thoeght pee weld I ii• " 0 "i" eidh "." l . lo ll l ****l. -- digleek and le this memos maned .11 ; with Inwitelsieg melody. H. felt his ea. mid edged for bag years,) Inn. To say I b• with year mother, and we wadi hen When Mr. Otemilead Monfort alb, 1 big. aim fabow him la Wm* . !Mob.. an, with tits dean , . prate do- line bas empty Una I teal that my very nab a happy evening. I wee so mains I Rammieg her Ammer posilkon, with her , see to him, and ho eddied Mae it mu Sae mune Is bound ap in thb holing. ESL meld tat rinds-Ibeer your mother Met TM sons& damn& mad ehe au pi. feet half hidden be a amble. and Mr heed the wee Awing this delight; and In whirl- amid you he happy mold to this men I me hardly polim. Oh ! Anna, 1 wined! =Mb Mr Me t = Thu •IMY WW* Meethld I. the high mar of the an, she' .a ~,,, IS the h e i g ht bay mak em his im. , nil your leather, perhapo-I fool to"-sad Ito steel to year dumber sad net hew MI **l . leY odd. *MA anon& her glitaniug dans mend her, em, and then be en@ oldipd to sad his' Me pnemmel her hand to Mr Ihrshoed-"ma yes were before I own sway 1 and MI " --- ; „ 1. 11 1 1,, o ,u d her . bee - dho m eich ' &Mei her small banes, notedly smiled a Mimed mortar. No, se, be did oil wish 1 ing. • wastes, or, happily, le Mr game? venal hene wb cimed . I t o ttel.tid.= :I: ey. ** * o l:4 * u . 444, 4. r4 ,„ :7. l•ol . l tu a z d a lsed . tw hir: . [mislaid.' it me. Ulm was Isle air-thenght-not Nene And I would mot hare mkt this- her pun MI6 with all *ea eyes upon hew, Odd ma I would inn ward mil died-bat thin away. I •sPh__,Shele 61.41.1Lk5h05... Isabel Idea pave =bow arterwerd,Ohered Mara wimirieg ;h• wee salmon eery that it ma lus antelemod Mat year bappleas Is ea Her Mart best 11 a& to Inestlng-she " . ..1" .. 1 "3" . " . va. "" " "1" 0.4 Po rt "la . 40)10 11. ram. H. II•dood rafliodellbw• 2 • 041 ; lb*Pl Ml* Imhodd.f. rally semema I. ilk Remober, yin ....ia ham gine *odds to hen menial 1 " 111 _, .. , 11 . 0 . .I.Y• ■ "*. I IM ,* 811. was pontogy seemed Me gen slain beeddr, ebb • belt& and Ann elm asp Inked &pis. II woo us a more MK Jut frees year hooks and Mb earn& Man Ilhe thought et her ma .l ... nistd&m.l mums , ; mKP 0 0 01114 - empfleit. maws alliginly with solonsis- a bellirst sety, and We on" Off two. or/ii—ii ono* ha! SA gnu nag nab. Per, sad her preedes. Mr3=9 Who set• wah il.reorr 10 11.1 IN mot: ace !waved by os doinimon hntrle iiicnt , ifgotucezt6 flo 23ittS4 01.7°Cirslf:rairro C6x:rta'n3, ana Olareat6CC;, MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY, IJECEMIkER 13, HO. NUMBER 50. la= The Constitution of Vermont provides for the establishment of a Council of Con !sors, whosinftfty it is. once in seven years, tosses whether, in their judgment, the eon istitution has lice. violated, and also, if the constitution requires any amendments, to recommend the call of a convention of dole , gates to make them. An election for &le galte to a constitutional convention thus cal led, has just been held, which, in one hun dred and forty-nine towns, has resulted in the choice of ninety-five democrats and fifty whine. . . The Vermont Patriot rays this le a gain of mventy in compared with the same towns et the at September election;' and adds,• there ten be no doubt but the democrats will hami . decided majority in the convention." In thin wag General Taylor is to ho re- warded for selecting a cabinet officer from Vermont ?—N Y. Post. Lint or Hues Orman. —The gaud jury of Morrie county, N , h.ve lound, bills of indictment againet the Presi dent Cashier, and Directors of the Morris State Dank, at the time of the esplosion,l and the President, Lambert Norton, has! been arrested and ie now dowdy coolned in the county jail He has been sojourn- ing sines the explosion, we undentand. in New Heron, but had returned on a visit to Norristown at the in•lance of the Deceiren to booed• 01100 required information ; hav ig done which he w.. arrested by the sheriff on the indietasent Jed prevented by the grand jury, and imprisoned in delimit of bail. The indictment against kin, we undpretand, in for perjury, in haring ewont according to the requirements cf the Mw! that the actual mob thpitalof the bank had I been paid in, whereas it is alleged that it held nothing more valuable than woribbms Suequebanna bank paper and other irn eponeible promisee to pay.'—Deily Nnos:l Asrs-Peose ..... vs TITLOR Panes.— Since the inaugunition of Gen. Taylor, no the 4th of March last, notwkindentling his' noleelti ledges &pint proscription, we en i it sto in the New York Herald, that not :less th health fkoweend removal. have; I been made Of then, 4,000 Inn In the; I P. G. Department, 4,000 In Ithe Deese De.; pommel. 11,000 in tio Trager, Depart.. lomat end even I,ooobootker Dryoutoosis 21 Sea viadkanro preeeriptioe sod hoary " g e n d er d w & t otherhea A tt l b o m f e hnthoaem G a e b i m e o e . s , ' s M ha o g w O e w miot e —Peoreflie EmperloaGomad. w. even! dee Lebow& be Draw& way ea erne relay esthete to be Wit— The objeeter", who at lithe were lewd sad esemwook bate okra* Immo Alone, and wooly are ere. wars ashes. et Nib Id llopeowebto ilopreremeot. Tide "bows what no Imo seeempliabol ihe Prem. when wilted mad emerald New tor entargjag the %Ow* sod doe lbidse Ilrealrlyah—N. T eme, Were abbot as antaiverstry. The teeth and jaw ham whieh Irma tenet in Mr. Mahe/ter'. into bate been Motet• lied by Dr. Keep, • dentist, who operated In them • short time sine.. The jaw law Ilia • mould whisk was tel.n auhe time by Dr. Keep. The family here eislint4 the body, •ed ordered It to be oedema is le leaden collo, preparatory to burial. The bay ham • stab in the ribs, through into the malty of the chest. Mr. Weimer tee mains perfeetly calm. lkissos, Dea. 6—P. M.--Tlis Yury Inquest se!t this morning, and sties oao• siderable dist:maim, it wits decided by the Coroner that the inreetigetiote shoul4 IM private, end that the reporteni shou/d va• tire. It is stated much new evident:* &plus. Webster will come before the inquest. It is also rumored tier the defeats for Webster, in part, will rent on the amulet to prove that be mss io Cambridge on tint erecting wise the light was ma MI b 6 remit after tie alleged murder. OWN Loglelliateune. Commuss Onto, Doe. 6th. tbutsv..—There is no prospoet of a* immediate organisation. Roth nsominown from Hamilton county claim tests, and are now to he sworn in. The opeeehes on lout o sides are warm and animating 'Hover —Thin body is folly organising. I The officer. °hooted are all denneratic.... The democrats from Hamilton wont", I whole ants were disputed have, been ad• mitted—the me ashen gmemily voting with them. Ton Clll.lll. Bens Swtunea learn that a number of busingm moo be Philadelphia, hare refound to reedre the notes of the Chester County Bank, on the ground that it 'Alms to redeem any of lbw old notes that, may be in eireulatkm. Thee ie just as it should be, and we elocerely , hope that all will refit., to countenanoe lb :swindling concern. The Bank, thrones the emelt...sof its President, wee robbed of $50,000, and then forsooth, with probs. lily hundreds of theueends iu circulation, they refuse to redeem soy portion of it I Monstrous imposition We my mails don't touch the notes of the Obeli. County Bank, no long as the Bank itself repudiates , them !—Potrarille Emporium. &W. Rpm ions •10 notes on the baser. to County Bank, are maid to be in eircula lion They have a vignette, Neptaoe hr hi. car drawn by horses—a Imomotive and train at one und—and at the bottom (an. elomd In a circle) them word., "real Water pledged and private property holden.. Tber Osmiurp are well eseouted.—Ccbstakid Spy. The insolent fellow, Randolph, whose Gen. Jackson discharged from ti,. Navy, and who w gromly Insulted the Gensisl hr the cabin of steam-boat ; he. petitioned the present Secretary of the Navy, to be , reinstated. If It. ea. satiety thy preset* Whig Cabinet that he actually amempliabei ibel, disgraceful aet, mid really pulled the non of a demoeratia President, I. may , rest awned that big mum wM be grant. ad by the present whiz authorities—A'. r Globe. Coat. Mules in Tu. U 11.71111 Swarm— The papers are teeming -with amounts of discoveries of faina of this valuable amide, in all parts of the eountry. On the shores of the klhmistrippi ; in the state of Alaba ma; in this state; in Massaelmeetio, sad now again in Rhode Island. The Bristol Phosnix annoenees the open • ing of • vein of anthracite in that town, by the sinking of • well, at the depth of four teen feet below the sunlamp. - - There can he no doubt that khode Island °moldan within its Hein eeeeee ive /ebb of coal. that will become of the highest im portance in the furtherance and support et' her manufacturing interests ; end Goal of • quality equal to any found in the teuntry. —N. Y. Ere. Port. CALIFORNIA 111.autao• Cournam.—• A private letter from a gentlest. of San Francisco, to his friend IR New York, says : I have been as you know, over eigh• : rears in California, and am yet untuarriod My friend Mr. C.— has lately kit for Scotland, and I have given him a 110111•1 i.. lion to bring me out • wife of the Ad/owing' demriptinn not lean than sit feet, blue stye. and auburn hair. I em either to marry her, or pay • forfeit of FlO,OOO, Ido hops, so moon MB the country is • HMI* MOM NI , lied about ten thousand Int rate girls wilt start for California : we have goods *comb. and gold enough ; now give us some wine." GOOD —A lawyer not over young el' hmideome, made many attempt. to ironies.. • young lady, whom he no queetioning me • witty... She, however, remained webs. At last, determined to perplex her, thir lawyer said— ^ hlisa, upon ray word yogi ear very pretty I" The young bay very pomp.. ly replied, ^ I would niters the eospliimek, air, V I were oot on oath I" ger It is sad that the Postmaster Oar end will recommend In his report to Con. grass, that s uniform rate be setablished far o letters from all dietances. This is tior system in England, when haters are .v. Mod any dietanes fora peal, an! ander which the revenues of ths ofcre.lume been greatly ineremed. We hare ever found, nes n SaeWog,. that Llarketaithe oonweralog wlth them, are more or Ive s gine to flee-y i and eeenewhat given to vier. Cowmen foe' the snot pert .peek pfouv.lyi bet they wNI eAissle, when they get a shame. It'of " no7 "f le ' ll i tit tie:Zdanramei. cud of.. A Commoner@ Tar.—A boll MI6 'ln Bobom mom, me Wed, eonnetek sod lemma to As norm bouimment In tbr Penitudlory, for the aim et outs steel. h. A for nab@ motor to hio trial, Or mai fee sebum broke j@Aeo !May. and bett li the BUM en on of dor be rarely vomited te ellor—. I Might km .eseope& heitmerMAno murk. sum tronelno es lhouley " A woo hat trushfollynnid, that if now .nn could 0.10 out of ItAlf 1111.tl• mid and tM imoriptiom a the Malvin.% they would WA gm hod into O h . wrong gram