The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 22, 1849, Image 4
grionitural!. 'mad. for their sot. to .cold over —litilliterar. •• , 'rhe Exceutnra of the late David kof sil owl Claylmle, who dirt recently in this city in hi. 93.1 'ear, tolverti. , that they will thin . • :pose. at Trublio sale, on the 12111 of Fehr.- ' flat it.. e0n.,,,, arir next, the original manuscript of Wash ingtoo4 Valoltictory Alltlrees to the people Italleataisin do Otoraem. ot Slate. This intertsring nod Es. CoLmtnea—The dire.. 1 ain sleet to valuable &moment is rt the handwriting. matador undo. the ahoy. *llls tenter and bran the signet me Washington. QT,‘, ltd.-' ,- ; , r ()A T E s , knot. moot bervorn. by that of odttener r - I With 01..4 Qvolencu that it n. the utmitt“l I.:` I . From the real new* and Piper toe•ton.nt of prodution of that ilhist shies man. aieetitm eel• the tie.. At the clo-o of 140 IVashil•glull's ad- 0.00. , be, of her which rontually fall isaterillee lie toinistsdt lit (jr Chi , link the ••• ••• tr •sr inftsettee is al.. beyond caner, ~,, a 'lls e character of the, lobo odor d nostril, nor, plmter to {lr y , ; Mai ! ' ligpe. 1 Tin art. Sr.. o.'lol arconlin, or. the tho r••••• ir • whlreei lino] the 11 4 44111 et the tn. and cood.oun ot wheett the rei.l lieneral for intbliestino his gale:lle. the ; plated in the nine .1 hting Go rektd. It nom , feet paper n Melt it tilt in inted, in hi•lt -- fre q uently.ccurs whet. the eirintlt., is it are.' ht• thy, Ilttli . Seittentles, 17. NEW 111,1'0111) ROVE DEPOT; pa- eels , , ,„,„„ An,„. this Mr. rla, vole railed urro 144 ter and from being pistols. seato amen. niers edit the to re" it uth . th ohs titre it. at the 11100 flute told him, in it. ~.....4a.tnime @lint to be a eosin.. disease loathe mot pin- respectful ahee balite mum appear. to me to Ire sadden aim..-'at'kr t tt"n moat ineatinmh4fit‘nr if Ogre, changes, as nei dry to wet, end form het , allow him In keep it The l`resillont tr.t t.i t•e• t e...!•••••‘.441.••4 miii.r••••••lehtitt. n ro atrawrr..o. if it wouhi be any satisfaction - - i; e;;;;;;;;;;;; roll he wax welc..tite trait. )Ir. (:1.6, pole STOVES. '- the ... et _ t ,,,,,,h r . n0 of the 0 r th..r..f.. , o rct 361,4 it. •„ ttitntn , eett „ et. ge „„ ent rii ir,:lns F. Ilit. .• • • th.theth i th the thethhe , eth , 1ir.11i.9 111 1.•14 1. 1” S I P, 1. Wllll, n 10•11 lints • • _ _ _ pert of the ,„.„„t, rrf „„„„ mot i• tl ne n l , in the tern. twos- I.s.pros ed Double I , 1 1111 eset.lli irl slate of prtsersa- • Us en, Illot ti e down the woulinde, and do rionideetren. ihe bree• t „ „ .r wuiueui=, „, t „„ n „, k , (1 ' T ar it may so *hi! finther. end lwo ' rat r ; ; ; . 1 . (0 K ( A m I e . rat the whole orht .net of the eta' le to re sehrott . atttelt. se. rte., slight - ILotrlo • ....I•1 • ...11•• 1•• Itilmnr• tr. d it roru•es pan sr the whet. et hoii.tal of F t 111• i"••• iii., 411.41 i. p era" . onus. We ar• hir..ishrd t hat nil . . li , dt nil l. ”I•DY t too Sr l t , r , t it itt „ e t hr h to ; then ratr r' 11l it 11 the throat makes the animal thileh arid eis hen ,1„,, „f • `. I ` , . t. aallghttlit d'• • ..d publir n hon. it std lre soil ei the •Y•' ....ill. 11.1 —N...rote, 'rd./. ( I s B. (I()rrrriii.N In vont* ess.t, the to-eines of the tino.• eau+. the innei.e to retry Int neck ri.% unit let I tf owe protected ; the lied and rooter, heir ed to be swallowed, . forced heck agose tits rule I alit't" 1 0 'ett'. e' .". sin, h ;he ;;;;•;;;;,; ; ;he ei , e eb ..„ ;he ~„e „ • „ ;‘ , e , Markt. G dm. the e,I ref 1.0 Pre,,, •.. or less ewollen the ,'ll„ ' I”' and poinfol, and speeded with a m miner limn. ; _ owed ni the throat. IR momeeee 0.n.0. Mw bine; thou Mennlne buu of 1r Jm .. rr.‘ • 114. Pr m.o.'', atolls.. it• t".‘th epee - cern, Illeuzletillikiloet, tt:ttel liarettl mnd. in hie ,an dull and Moine, iii on. „ wen. to I.4teer Meer.. Depot, nh I. .old kW . t, l r`'""" ,F ' •I L " "" ride.g. the deetharge Mon tim 11.4. • • ot • • tilha nt la ItWi 13.• .awle nlp. . ..[1.1;M: •...m.or ilncheratere at thin do „; . ' " nn ' "'"" prominent femur. e \II a... 4 in.....m14 m of :;. m... 1 mune be p4nl to Me et ad ends.t• et of thn ; 4 • r • Attention, itrzens ! denmgonneet watoutaton: 0 Mu tee Leer: o 4 too ' lrr ‘ ""i; I y hmko'Y \LI.. • u I 111111' ‘" thoottes Is dAtlrt Wore, to the Gant toll.: „, ti ...,• Y. 87. Erie P.ailrnail wels Med repeated hh , el.led.o9, to, woo, 0., ,„, ~„, „„ „.., o,t) .1 ::••• It Elci it act 1.1 1 : k., Iha Hera Mt FrT.l tuna to • kw otol weak mom At the emnowneem, to of the , nnt „„ a seaway to keep Ilinminim. e Mr, od , • tta exercise mid in the ..... 4. • t mini, be kept *mead ye pewter. ............1.1 int o t direct cermet •et utr he Jet int, emit et nr' t ; ;:t ; „ entitled bran nod hole, w,tl. tried oat,. Tett,. • few drachms nf ettiate a otatilt die irelmd, alwate edit.. hi. p mattli Lt int M •'': II SIIIII I .IIIV &, UO. sweetened with honey er tomoltad 1 , .• a tura. a . ..t.n. a „,, palest libb it. The home ehmaltl lo; et .11 n , art merni • ertro, t. an 11 „ •,„. o „,„, ; „,„„ se W. 1.& he , eledhed ....IS , ef.ern.l " he leek erthl and Woven If the Newels ore cm, '"""" Court MI reel, MOnolloku.lon, ,•• •••••• r. E.lll in., , Auspoton Llotrl,l th• &W. " h. " ; .41"Tni' n. ......7 . l ' el:Mt n;!.! t.S;:ttlit; :. ; tt ' Tt ' .....:,. ; :i " t .-" triZt ' ; ' .!: ; ...t ' h."l'l . 4 , i ; emend.. appear op, the hand oiled to ho nnnt , ler , et, m.,...•• on, , ionateewial.d • ely•ter given comp. d al mina, I iemnt I. a. ,r ... w t ,;. • Amoco., of el.. "'" '; ' "" tt """' t. • ....It , - 1,,,,, e . en , e ire eplor t I ht. , . one- a; •in it Mod n lei pk ' Ann 1...1 . " . '"" n ` 6nlo 1.. 0 "" 11,e nm act fan nt.d with r het noamen esti lota, Wit r; jr..7.:1tt0 tt" d ham h 1 tit o hand ...mead in t end ...limp he; no. rt h Aden the tipper part a' the windpite ithen.4l „,, ut ...Merl with. the follerrtn9 hutmnt e . el. 0.:,..! t • e• ta h.iere.erof . .... tto. Fou.• rorh an there, rt Mon ay. ...• i ; . ...moldy of ewe, he &towed le the Imp,. • ttit: a venerate mammon. to heel.h (UNION' for Live stack. I have •• emote ten feet in diameter, and we lest deep which has hems estimated I. etedd 90 bands. Fer neatly me rees•ths lett enelid omen, ymmeint tate wry dr, *mo it hit helmeted one , doook foe half • do wereet and feed ham.. while many fanners wk. hod no mark materna, drove mon,. •at ht. ; in ht. r their cattle to condoderable d.ontree. In mime pane of &tempi it has bean hound tent th. Mirk bon Ow Plana the neeeemrt Inoldotse net • ha....t0 ralnelont, Heaved, for ell the bye' • •••O 0 .••10 , 0 .• r• • ' , •• "" • .: "''' gtl - • Polillerie of Ike lAtate d el Ar•stst girder. •• shay serene ' 91mot nail e R. IL Rare, deeettlostati. in fhb part the waters, vormnially I. the Ilan. o 0.• Jerome", tho. G".P. " """ :V ;!, deewow, ..d twe.o. Mourne, wen to be Iv.theat say me( le tem In rann Cew erriN • • 1, water, ON, •••• Mark. 1111 des strakin reins of ' tat I.lnwee:4., nnte r "ell ita mit mined tn on • a...h....tare r On) ,ett Anions*. satmats *sly ths oil. hut the sultan! 9. `• , ` , '" Om' 9 1.e 9 edeson le soltbrAde depth. the IM sosettrary. • cis. Va-han. einner. trmt .9or oo obhO 4 •Po. , ••• • oPPIY. o•P . 4=l:Zieek lie,- WA.: • iney memo COON elk.. - Awl be— demob WWwakews dome Wile bet 041 an wager he bees lbw Ayr they we la we. Owe wee view Mewl eon. Ike TOM 11.0. Sad gnat farI•VOMM Y yet webbed Yhe gushy he wed*. Alwebwr NM way Y wehl. Wweer4lbee Omer lupine b....el by beis l bow **how AA. 4. inf OMONfid 011,11.11.11 M. we bad W.M. YY wwww dee Whom 6..4 wish HMIs& OW, Y 1 pr elevtap be the /gib Wee fee 6 h wee hew were* "—we, ad we have AO. weerwl be .111,..06•MA by tbe heel. Aderbeaw LW A lealy be ray Aim am dee ..p.. Ow *Am &NEW ef *Meg wen h.( Pasasse te IWO , , ill peeler Own le Ws Ma hen lbe Ur. twf Owtell t Nei the eke hembehe hoe eh.'" ` . " l° "." m . Stove Advertisements hew,. olio the des yard, w bete thud would Ed!!MWMM NEW GOODS. ____....... r ... • , MA.* 0* I.....ol••••ktr•rnr• " .7!..1tr it4 " 11 . • .1. Al oel IM i il• NII. l • . r P•1•••••••.•••j•••••••.••,•,.....”..,.. n i:• " .,..;i.... lA,. ..4 II "Ale. 4, !IMMO it 1110111111111111 114010111, Cm* lOrrr Bp, Cs. .01r. 1.::•Sa, • . ••• I. .1 to .4 ...F., ••••1111t . •1"••th••1‘ . . t Bar:bones olutbian ink . , ..,,,,, ~ e . 1.•••• Nam. ro••11... .• VA ••••••I Ottse ki. 14••• • owl, at' ''''''.. '"" 1. 1 t h •VIZ 717•7:::::7•C ;1..4 ~••• Lb... ea...W0.. toe re. in • ••••.. ••• Mr.. tr.47= ....................„.„ ... " / 11."1" L . r= 7"..". :Is tt:. *".. ""**..... 41.,.. .V .1 ,. 1 7 "...". ar •71.1 V.; . ..; .."' 9 ,L. POST ~ CO. ~. . q.„... 4•1 , 1•0•I•e•• is •• 1 ... ‘ 1 •••• L'lls."=nr"." ' ::: loons Pare Silver Spoons I 1 It 4.911 , k 1 . ltko .1% % .... ... ° "iir . .0.-,a ; .r A AIMS awl 11.1••• Id• wort.. Ie• oak a Mrs ft:rm. 4 , , u. ...... = . a . ..... E .... A T••• Wen by C. O. AllAAV.11•••••• M. V=. 1 e... , 1 , ..6. : , p, . .—Z•••••••••••• la •••••••• .3. •Al „, . VLlA•Ri•llirret•• ••••• WO a•tirt wilin A. .." 11•11A•A. 0.161n0..1 .11,1111.2 AI. •1,1:11 tar 11.- .3 01,10 . ,- -• Ait• Id ..invinei•non:•••1•••• 1•••••• ' (I sae Alm, ••.•••• Am 11•••11sehl • ••• ,•111.• ..1.1==•••=1•4.14... 7 ••, :z rz AN As. "..... k kk•;=4:="" K ' “ " r " 4,:• "*".." "*".4"""1111i1110" Vrrkr1:47.... ... 7 ......E!.• 71 ..t' . ••••••••••••••• 141,11.tol• ALLEN C.Y.M. .111 y••• Al= • Tiil• FI, •• AM... , . •••• ,A,•,... ...,........... Meg floods. IA •th•r• ••• ••••.•••• • I P.rply 4.......1., at 0.• ' ""*". I.*. " k MAL , . ...In. eq. AM., Ant, .1...• m Wt...1...........s 1egurfee..4.1......7.1...- r trim. • x . • "It= Ali; . rL••••••-••••••••••t• ••• • 7731:;:*** • ' 74 =o, r.; 7l c ''. 7 etr::..i. ". i % •"" ••"41 to N. Y. & E. Railroad 1.,14:1;1" RIM'S ILIIi6C Ll\ 1 r"', "'Finley umil 1.11:1160 DENTISTRY! ~ li~~ A.M.PhCrie port. FIAN.. .11.01 'n y 3 2 *GENCW or Dr. FITCH'S Celebrated Medi,'lntl, r•^10,„7:.• W " "- ST; New. Daily Line of Stages ViL -4,i7i4.10-4'4•7I.NAN Beta ten Mantra,. & Great It.. =IIMM Ni • Vts tt. et. - Rice is Pock's Western Esltrrss ~.~i~ , -:: ~i.: =BM Ramapo a Pnierana and Pales . •on a Iliad Riser x et IL 73 h., EINEM 4 . 3111111.1 Slllimin.ler. I i, A Mid' 1444 I 1.t.4 ES" INS AA WY ATNON. r lE el l "." ." ' ' 1 ". lif ; : ' ! . .', " . ' ' ' • . !: : l.,!. ' l ‘ 'IT: ' !i . :'-E:7:1:' ' ':':..“ ': i:r . : ; . • .::! " i1 - '. .._..., ' :' Z . .": 1 7: 1:;,:i.',.:.! :.: . :' . ,::,,V,':::,, : : s'\ lAN AP %RAM ; %. 111i 4117t4. , 11•A ; --.- \ -,•dirrrT, ' , ' 7,,;, I,',': .!,..,:“ '...""“: :::::::i:l ' :..! ' : ..‘, v . $41‘14142444 ,gxm.xot ? 4/' ti) wc•erranni NEN SOUK COLLEGE OF HEALTH., YUi Italt.Noweg. MM., N. 1. OR G. C 1.11.:G11N , S Vegetable Lithontriptle Mixture. r . '"'"'' 11.1. OVER THE APPLICATION OF 'FOE KNIFE BRIE P+l. MIDI" :1110 EFVI,4 ri 41. II1:1111.11'1 Ili III:: w1..1'..11 =l= =IS 1•011•11 TIII:11 NI/T TO C• 11113 !. tTI IMPORT WV To Owner. of Illorsee nod Collie. keLeor , . ;•-• tr IDllltotVie Green einteseent. Art Pr.l 6 .P AO.", r • r '' . .IIIIWITLET a Mt 01. • mato ter Morklrme. Farms For INdo. i5p.,,„.....„,,„„.„...,,,,...,,, '..t';"::, °:,: •li rz lrM .r..",t4 . .,.!:;: UZI ;7";•=1.7.::.':1, ga . "" ...0.r0we........ nIFr or —... etourotineßlon.,.... bay An pale .G. or ....Gil 1.. o• • .1•1111 Ow lee.. 11 . .... Prl7V.ltr;7 1411PVIT ."."'rn. %Nmo Do. a nai ...GARTON• mum.