The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 15, 1849, Image 4
agrionitur al The Pieogle mad the Sickle WI nom. 1.1.1.,0 1 1 WM. • ~Wplower hemwhat a coniwext ix node; l hat a tlald the few. n wt. What Nem. witluewl Wool the Iv adorn... o.lw, An war 'maned m the beam. of the Cu..! Then the reek where our fathers itt es& fret heeded, Their eleartag, from 'river to rtver.tte• .Tread And notonttnue and pleats by data owe we cam ended. m TM hew oat the beech of Pacific they tread. Whet • feret for • nalee to cultivate now • A. Other the woodsrlel h trt sts Ads : . empire, seduced to ths r•teills use I'l.o As empire ee vedette, *ad °eche. sad Md. Had, NNW. Fannon! eerie. in your tad, Asa Omit what your burr. Is Room. the oppromod to your land yeah a Milli, OH (rows every foe from y our troolloutul ober. Ad be •he by deeds Ms am mocked a high ma cies. 4.1 V eelM b preside e'er Dm corn mmraeahL Mrs , relnspish his farm, to says our ystmg nation A. Iss Ream, Ciscsonstus m4rvryWted Li Th. Plough the Sickle shall Asa. bright i i 11. Y. Whoa the Sward a`ad the Sceptre shall MA Ala dll• dull bye, both io wag awl si Whoa warriors owl kings ars fargiitten in duet. neer IIla• rimmaiser Clem. Eveayealtivanar ehald keep hoi premises • elms .. parible ; for the important purpose. maim. mason aad promoting health. Paine dui amnia, proms remark that in hot summer. while v0'640010 io is a floon.hing candaio mon healthy la the country than in tho eity, n, but the re• arm Iv the ram in September and Ortolan IbM mum many votpitable proditetion. have come inalority .ad are decaying, filling the •ir witl anima gum and orlore—henm arise fevers, di li mitary and other amnpleigta, which am inure rum • man in the country early in the fall We giro this view of thai whirl. that nano hare premnicil, and yea will make a few remark,Rdentleetahat Ow particularattention of every cultivator. wheth• &le view b.cornet or not. Koop the prenemeth ramecolarly •romeel the perfeetly free from ever) atileatanee that will tuba the am Every dee*, lug vegetate. or NI sks...utee thoteld be r•enos r.l good tl. isatteand them coresed m .enh, fur OM vorp .se of The pp yon, thatch et • reepeetaidc d.elmire alwald be supplied with loam to &bomb all N i n.d hasher. All the meows in the barn, enl be mend with IMO, sand or J. to sum e it freimm creme. ucl e hoop the sit pure, ims m the Huma.. se emounew Um the wind, the nu me liable hob s .mfmt ed hem the barn to the Ileum. Cohere •hould be Slit a• clean ea pneable par, liesdarly a they communicate wilt the d COS., More sad any fool mr prodissil in then a I,uLl. t le pees iota the house. All wog', Milos in thm. Mellor Wm are towline to decay humid be monmoved tome. *Moly. It me best te ventilate cellars thermi,hl, lmy @postai deem and windows sod me keep tic minor P;cl;ilii °mud pl orl freshly burnt charcoal, of la Tomb. av etrotrerl around in cellar,. oe nth, pawwhore foul artellat• 0 r 1,4,10 in h, v..- 4 enl. has a very healthy effect, by nlneclontg Nocoratme often vneloc, n foul al,oterbere areeml them awl as the tits ollittz ie nolo, th.. boors us oaten affect la It. awlhot wit,. perceptible i• often opct.titag nilnrionnlyoJuan . ... ... ... . .. ...kb. , .. • ~.. ' i n 't tin ~. ',', l ::::„;,., .7.„. "' . • : I°. . , Susquehanna Academy. 1 ...„.,....,...,... I I 1 .„,„,,.., , i',..'...V.;;: , ..:!:. , „.... 1. who,- ‘,„ „..,.. ~,, Aill:L TrilitELL, """= ''' ''"'"' """ .-,. ~....'„•,';';",';..,.7....,", _ , ir ,t,..„;zr,t,:',q,-,; .^.0, , . , . , ,,, , ...""• , ".. , .. - '';';',„ ".."...., : . ' - 11. 10 ,01..1 I. t 11.0000...110. 11 1, :.,„ .-... .1 . 0 ‘ ..:::...4. N.•n .1., ' .'. . •, •n. MINIIMIIIite. Fir, k Thivf ri - W7M. -- ......' N. ' ... '' '. . ''... ' .... ..' :' ... gr7 . 7:;,::T.:Z17,::F: ' .' ' EV ANS lc W tTelO%, '...._'" ''' 1•• • ''''^ '' ''''' •." L . " "^" '''' ,• . 1" 1,11.....1r..., 4 1,1 , , ..1.• per 000 1111010,00..0..., , ~..,...,„ Wr::•1 2 44Z7:77:. ‘,, ;, 1:. \ ..:n . ..X ., "1 ' ,..... ". \ 1 . ..ny. .::: ~'. .., 1„,.". ‘ t " !'',:' " ''' ....."" ,.. ^." ,..:41:17,;;;,, , v, ~._ A1. , ;!„.,, , ,.:4, , ,!.,.. -:',.,.,.......,.. ' ...',',.'. l. ”-..,............., ~......, ....., ~.,.. ~., .",,......,,,.,..„..........1 i ~....,,..,.,..-•-.., ~.............,-.....,,,, ~.. '.7 . 27,"..',:.7:.;;:.::',',1:::." • - ."-•'•- . ;11.•..,:4,'...•:•;.::',„.:" ••.•, • tr. ~.; •,,....', ,•„'„... ': ... eO N. 4. 1 ',..•;:',:;;•;, , .v.•!..., 3:: r,:•,:;•.•.•:, ", , •" . rT;•;•::',...,,......,-.... ....... - "ri.;.•=tt, ":rll '1" .". 11;" .‘.. ' ' ' .... ...I 1.11...... oil .40 •Of ...., ...4..n. Nag..... 1. ' tr...VP•fet.....10. I ix, tr...., r .., et.. ... ....I ki. MIMS ill•r relfelserio rift. 12 . 0 UN X 1 , 11•1` 7,";,',,,, ~1..... 110.. 1 4.. tt.....1 " '' ' ' . p=o..-of wltlrlt . solleefirl..l...t ,•' 'mv . m . Ton 0.4 MOON oilier.% end l'ellit It ie ea tow to plan se ed. It. • ,Slate for.. I ih.rioninA...„.. ..i.:,,,,.....,..,h. Oen. v. 1... 1 , 1 , t , 1 II:: .... Owe. le • eel ere any Ht nail (rem • .f.',7,7:,.0...‘,.„..„„,,. r.,,Z...i,t:........... 40 Mow... IN•11.•••• . . . 0 I n•iii....... ..........tult , eMit. Almon. win rip. w•II. ... ....areliinimli pitpti ola.. eat... ton.. . p p,.......„...• ..,p... „. 4 „..,. „,,,„ „ ~, ,„ . -',), Nme Ilu oe intik, dad ;km femora ••• ,1201•4111. , 0010,100 . 10 .... 1.1....,• 1.v . .....1...... sal tbe a., Dye ' .........., .5 0 ppp,.,,,,...,Y........ tg . i.:.,,..t.:...,.,....., .... • wino. Vol io. ' ' ' ' '- It ~ r , _, ttiro.d Ki t e rry I'm N. , . ih.• dirY Till ...'• Y.. t ;:'.7,',r:,'',';',:7,',;',,,,„,. '.1",:l'...;;;;;;;;:::::,;,4, ~,. ::.,:.. ...,1,7„,.......-...,...,,,,,,,, ~,,,..,,,,,,,,'7„;,1",,,tr.`,.,..!..:7, ".:!''-..„;'',.7''".', .7 "' It WM .04 no So lii. • Feat Sold for • lilac crop. ::::::::;=7,=,.., ,, .re • 'it. r. Palen. Mont.... nina .r . ) or to mow twisty on. fen let load. at he Enn , en.... i'.... • ionn Ginty orte won, thus Ilya res by huh.: i i'lX . i . .; .. V . :o;'.^ii , '''''.. ~ ..v.. 1t ,, 1111 , .. ...'., .....,...,.,Z .. .7...a.',:re.t . 74 . 4; 7 . ..„.......p.„, App . 1 . .7•=111.11,7,1t s 17:1..4.11V., VT. " i ' l..-. ... ... ''...'' -•- •{_ .• . . la dry p.m. eg he water to the brow of a 1,.......01 10,...1.01 ,, r. 10 ono ...nit, 1T . .., itirt.ii.• Nom. oiii...linonoi.oto. Three 4.1111... th•inn. Te• ...T. , . . 0... , ..1. t. ,, 11. t , , s , so • Might than hi • vole. .1.• 1.10 1 11 " ell " : -.0.. 1 . 1: :I . llV7:Ver '"". . .1t woo. ~,,, ii. - ninon . , moo. ono., /I ........ est 4 1. 1 . • 7 1.1. .••• et r ....... r .. me.ltelrea TN.,..74 .. for. ' ". • '''' " • • wiiii i ' '!Mato 6 " '' 6. 4444 I. 44 4‘.44 • 1 !"'" , • .% ''' '"" TO • 4.... • .^ ..r . ..4 ' .1.e, .V.74 . 4 " =.74:74........ r.....wwww....., 1 it 1 M WS "lebn'l". l I'd'' ,, "`• ' "'•-.• "- ''' -- ' • -..."'. "'•'''."-.--,' '' •"' •• . ~' '''" .. ,' - --.."--, ”.,- ...• mot ...Moo Web I , • ;',..."j., "'• '.'''''"" • """''' ''" '7 "•''''" "."'• '''''''• '•'" ' ' 1...1 / 2 '''' . ""'''`.'''''''''" , " ''' `"'' • r '''. '''' ' ' !: ': T 1:::1 ' 1: ' t ; ' 1 ' I ' ' ': .'..; :::: ::::, ' . ' ;... " 1 . . " ,;:. •: {1 . ;; . 3,',',',,,i';';:,;';'..,..;','L','':::',',4,'::::',rA".:;:5.r.."4. 7 '"'"hr.T.'1,',',6.11,1 lin 111../1 Cot belle that yes whit to &dry. in ihe . New Serum. In ramie aro inni...1..11 awl 01•100., omit. %MI, ••••••r, rel with • Whop ieetteneut -they will NI•11... If ...... . '" \i ' .7.7f4:711„, 1MA.14. '.. ____ 1 nieutle I . ..Teti!, iti Wed freely wed de. •• "' •'' . •••' •••' " ••,•'• • '''• . ' •"' ".• . ''' ''';. :".. •• : • :,... • ."...".,". • '.,::::,ii. • ,,,,1"..; "' ...::::1".c", • ....V.7.7 - 'l t be , ........r , ^ 0 il . .. ' " '."' . ......... ,,, h id , . ,•,,, :;1:77,1`. ..... .1„: DENTI s T m y i 1 ,„ , ~„„,,,..,,,=.74,,,..„,...,..,...,,,,... ...,;:'‘'....::,!:.";,:..'vr.''' ',.',', - :,.' - :::.','.....::',1'..:r....`, 7:7= .'' -,'-^-................... $^ "..0.. " ~1;:ct7;".;7,111;7 : :::";:t.:t..":"=:= Awe. awed belled. deleillag the expewee. c.w.o. j „.r . ....,. . . . ;nom, I r0w... , • •••• ••• . ..0.0.^e• •• 'I rtn IL PMITII. Dental Penttentt ..1.1.1.•• I. ..IN ' ....L' ..... ..T... " ... 4 1 '. ' r7; "'' ' ~- , ...." .1 " .." . '''.'''''' '' .'.. ' ''''." ' " ' '''.....“' .'' -'' ." ..... - - - - nn N. Wprot.e.r. .1.••••./.. ......11.171. It . ba swat owl mile.% of nod ilobi. P.n.& tiro.. itsloroy, k ..e Itank at Wm,. MUM ir . h h ' h , ....M..... k • ' •••• i i iko• kn • • . ! . i• •i•i • . •••i•• r n ni.i.., . h .. h ..„........,,.......... „...... .11. .1.111.0011,110 m• 1. at I. wan... I. Minn - 1n.........1.1....... 1...1. W " .. " ..1 r''' A. i tt•Tan ' W.tirlii7": ., 01..414.11.1.100 .01NE. ' ''' ...*..". " *1.r....... ..............., Illinntimr It BRAD M.N.. 0i1... , *.i. . • in.... ''''..“. ' '.'"''''" ''' ' “ i " i.k " ''" .."".."'" '"" " Teas---11%,..:,!:,":4;!,'.'....'.',.,..1.,''' 71:VA1.: 7: 7 , ,F." . 1 3 .11,'1.F.7. 7 .'f'Ver r 1a,5. ~,?..7* . • , ore. nr pa. 44 , 444.01,.....nte no •••••••• lay It ••••Ily mi., bet ere let it b• wall Oa Nee.. h larnine.. roan. ••••••••,•....., 1 1 . N in..., non •• , gPilid 4 i'd 4 a n'...: , ‘ 0, 01.. r .!!!. . .., ..., ,i, , , ...., -,...-. -,, ..,, • - - I %be.... ewe Ten, pr ....• iti i Aleswipberle Preeseroo, honl or Onle mon. ralliTlolll. ~.:7!.. i'ii. ' :„ rirr . „! .. :. 1 = ,;','„....:.._''..,.: ;,;',':'..,: 5'.•.' . .'.:.'...7.-4.-..........i "'- "7 7',„; . ..r.' ~,,,,,,, ~„ „,.., ~..,,,, „„ ,_,„ ~ ~ ~. eh.. ' '."..'"""....,- h .5 . ""... 5.. e ' ... ..... 4 ' P i ' moon.' wrlinrple..breekr Tee... br mira.•.l obt•i• roil ...a, pep. yew owed well., ....5 m... .. r.. '''..." ''..........., 4 rrin.r.wrinc.......... ....O. riwi To Ur S e ttle ., gor lbo E•t aiN 01- 1:=V,;;. ' 0t. ' 1;,72:• " • " ..f...,T. ' ::::. " :.:Xi. ' ; '' .1,•,.. j ovehy ... At Timm , - -_ __ •,„.........•••••milla • •••... of ono ••• iiizgz Ceeneollesre. 1.0. W.. r.. • owne• • a..., an Xn.ay i ••• K. Nees,weepowe& Erk .. ..istfre=,=. " .r . 44l•V•o. be low oely. wg WY `..7 I." width.. td 0 ...10....... h Myttle. W. and TN.., elMt me.. MI MW 11t;:!• . .....Z.1.M. 011.0111 W 11101.. re ~...Nte.non. In Pt, ..k.lop ......7 . 7..... , . ;:i . 14.; . ..11.. t ..:.1.1 to. irl.o , b.. 11 1 . g . 1 , 704 1 . :N:21',.:...=:=7: 11 . 1 4,t.. 01 1 0 1 11 1 ,. . Th•N;••••/. P. M •II 1 0 _,.. ••••: *Om. rt. IN ...... . 1.1.. Nem moon NM.. moon. noonnewoo.noiloinnort doom mono .o. . 7: ,1,110.• Jens. - 4..,-......,........ ,, ,...... , .............447:r '''' """ " 7 7,,, - 'Z... ...W...:: - ....."...= at= ettikelo yew tat Farr eight ; sweember I twee. ewe ete. te. *eve twee., ...^,l timer niononio. ed... U... ewo ee ene ?i....,,,,,,..,,...7.!.4.7 • 17:',..7.77;;',7:3',....., - , 7;.:"7?.',': ,',.:.;', .', - ' ' " .."- " ''-. ' '''''..."` wa ' &•&&•, 0:17:•••oro • 74 e . • e 4...0w &,,, • 0•••••••• • eta verreth, non dully' be1,...^ , ... , :,.....=..k.....,,, :.^: ' %0w... - . ................1 r„.... pp 11.1 at Mow 1.,. Ihn rteoooo, of 11.0.101( ~ .111.. ' . , ' F1 . •1111 h. el?! tNT.P.I..Pr..,Int,r. All t.y. N V rare ~,,,,,.. .., ~,,, ler, 1..1 1x..7 1 r11:141 woo eV,. Ott-Ntes .0 ••••••• "arr.( • - . 5 "7„:"";,,,: b . t0 6„,..i m b,&,&&.„....... *" rret011 .. ..7 . ..... 1.'"'" e.oieem. ' ' An i GIrOAN •••••• .04 par .... 0...4 •••• • ..... *IT .. •to iii....• of 111.. .1,,,....2::: ' Il' \; . 11.0V k Inn h. 11,. n. I,r N. , 4110,.• . illieoi.all 111 . 01,11 Mialniii• .......... /1" 0 MINN., at. .' "". 6'.°6‘."." r0i . 4 . 7,7V -", „ Mat r"., .„.„., A„....... r,„,. •I. ...1., Ne. , tr. =4: . ...?,....r......rj . , ...z . ez.. wv . Oen D0me...1. bree% ell yew bayeedrolahe be, w Thew.. le.. el. - no Veto te^.....t t iwvir=viz. bee= Le , etele ; id: Owe ••,,,..... , hh. „ h. ,„ Tin: .......,. ion. lei .1. Mir twn i Awl m. 0 ., • Lowy ea e ail . men •••••• .II le OM la lb Widnowlio "..."" in Mow (Woo iii . e. - linnoisi do /WTI i ' ""."' ' 'i: &Venn. ' „ron,-,„'L ~.. ~., 1 .; i; m. ll'allke• Pfelleamb ",,,-- ^,,..,,'", ^ ~" b. , " ...".• ~. ANI Pt Kelp et, 0t.1..„...11, kept ...I. inn. NP/ M .g "." ..... ""*"'"'" ''''" ..."' W." .......pp ii i it.""" p”.. """"k r......... """ pmbni r ry.p4, 6".' I . Viv. 4 inno *"*" . ‘ 7 . 7""* . i l li ""'"'"' la. t I. tioOL - Llt s .tomiiii.-noot •••••• nom Ow Motion.. NEIAA T GILIrI•P J 5 M. ••0 Iffl ' ".'"''''."'"''''"'""^°"""...--"'-'^'....- - 'sooty ,^. ~,•- nviouto • NE•o /iv No. kr 0....... 1L..., st• No..• up.p, ,an weer -. 111. .....1 1.-, 1P.a.1......t.a....,...4j I __ __, _ ____ NI N. 11.4 co. **Apo , I. if•J 1at . .1.• La.., v.% .Ibe by ... • , :o Itobe•••••••••10... iii.,..1 einiehann • , prni • ion... D... The WWI. 1.t....1.... .......... 1 , ... IP. Geed Mee mode red seighbee. , meet. a. MM11T1WT1!.!...4 IT usemoti & euesper& weeerje, it, a. under a rp.....1....ra1t1nt.i. 'W.f....multi • . Or. Gleywoll.s teeopeend Sulrset Tloo looleo W.A. ow be M. td OW wow. ..... m.o.*: .., .. .11 , 1• In n• ona. i.....0e•1ir - ...,,• , •••;•,•••••ry10inthi .1 be oft • • yr. n.ll ornat . Wi• .• ~ I ....7 , 1•1 t^VIP.r ;.......m-tte at n.lpt tplt p•trA•new . "--. 14111WIN1111.1d . • NarINISMIWIIiaI (Yr..1.M=4.1,1.. I.!‘„Lgltttlntr.:ll"....l"..l ee.oheelle they me be bob He were prellelle N. .. c .,..,,,„ . . At 0 .0. 4 16.1.1 isinnimaN, t i lW_ •• 0 ............................ rt....M.' ... ..;,.. ...p' . ''',. 7" .. i . ~."...... .....1" ..... ' 1r , ..1................."' ... r . e ... 6 IH. innio.--mationionrs4ony of frasono-oge mu. own. it • IMO. ,ees oh ea.. "meow • .... ae.‘:..t .4 , e...wk. n •-•:,,, - T . ; 77 .7 -.... I v,: ...r,..... :ft7 ........ n .p . ,„... a _ .... ._ • t ortingt.vit. *gee eel Omen work der %Mk. . Caba.::.ll.= . 0.1. in.. 0.1.„ ' 5555.55. *.......... 7 k'''' ''''' ''''' " ''''''' 4... ' iigir" . 5" . ''. ' '.. "5 . ''' . ' ' . "- - - II NC. UnilinneknOoo,.. , tetwkiet.t....o.'.-- --- -..-- - --- ---',....--- ---- NM ......... . 1* d WO. ' de ee ' ~''.. e 1 . tworeedee, - 4"..." . 1"... " .. ' 1" .. ........ 1.............. .1ard. nit,! .7 . '"I=I",:e n VILT...' • lA...we •no 1 i'w ....kW , * 'r Wo• k Ihwn.O. rim • Miniiinier, II 0n.......11......... 1 , .....1 . TIN W•.. .. elleedeetkr . e . llll rear . . t. 4 4. 411.101‘ h..... h X M.= 414" . I i '4.7.' , W.', ...;." , :' , ','Z': '110.:14,'..i;“., i ran.;r4:::;.•.'2„...74144 . 41..1 Ina!' T=... - .., -:.r.., • .:. ...,.4,,,ine, Coe. we WI event...Owe...Wee ow- Pm.. WU. I : L ii/t 6 11,11 I L L G ill 1t I 1 '1 - - M• aye ltY.r ; ‘.. .C=Vir t.'". 4 ; Air al= e o" OSIMISCI"B"..* C".llmm., "" "".1.1".17m.. •T'""'"•'""'"*" . ""~'•"" , Why . J. LTOMP - NIS M.N. mad sewn,. rout .de --- nsnol • ' , 4,"'°"*"' """'""' ••••"" 1 .Mrra,• 1 1r.,11. - • , p i,............ • ...i. I== athat malmtanee• DI ni g ht soil.. an to do norm . entirely soitl. mtpleamat Rad 1111.110 h Valle Wham thes I. tho cam, rharroal, planer chlorot , of loma t eo Mbar dortufortsats Would br iltroa tt ado IM Malt, to absorb all /WS Wmer fron, aboorboal m loam, 167., for mama, nomad °Croon tot fool gtom, and Imiag blown tom tho lots•. There aro some •••••140•144110.811l and tAteldmortlorsgrong through • homily. win]. all the 'r.t of thy ore I. r ot hinklih. That ...taloa meant to mom. total sawe moo fool paddle. pool. or etaonont prod.. ow dm dwelling, or a goners' neglagrace u. ml kaaaing dm promos. clama. Doeaying weeds, plum, petal.. affected with the tut, potato laps, pumpkin and other vine., and Indioon& production& are undergoing decompoomen in the fell and in the egg...gate tho 01110.1111 lagre, en, 1 the an with penitential asetwo— Fannon wary do mnell geed lo thelmelvos and the eeereeelty by baryin all molt &almoner., and thaw into manure. Melte them into eft"aw heel, well corned vrlth loom, le &hooch the gem. • Wheat you see the fence down put dup. if It re-! Sheriff's Sales. New Daily Line of Stages otAtiagNut mains wont to-morrow the cattle may get eve, 'DV Melo. of anon, Sheriff's .IMoul of rnurt Who. ought to he doe. to-do, for r=7,7,1=7..1= ' .....V.X....T. I - .4 ;,t.. marooo et may ram. • t. loth but at aboi, P 9 1 (X/ 9 3 X 6 .1 01 4Eg - —tn l Maas. tl.A.Mmage In Mat elm. • rr —Now =t,rolVae.r . 2i ite=teeTb= " .. l.i ' =, A rl .to . 4 c. , Y....c.d..... ueueeneg...c. r=r1t1=411111:1=11""'" I lA ' 54:1) :V ti Alan l'orn—olgoy., thar reg.. nue of the mom .MonoolMonhernen Memo alma Me am et solt tram ,meeZ4IIMOIIIIKOMigene 111. Greet Dena. mune 14, Mon. mot 1M mmlo. to • b... d , entpwtotet mop!. pr0d...., will Inn„ b." open- toot. A Fenn llomnr rum: om i• ..11•1,....t.d you R'" " •I 2 .4A .1", ....... lon and maelleure, nog wa rep.. lathe •Mt ..... me. 44, tam. ea.. loam-to ammi.. to rem I. gm YAM rle • mom.fland. be Itountlio. it. I mot, al • Mlle. going through ,our cum &Ale anti atm o o ., , 00 11r mg nu' and Mutt dryeluged ........................................ • enry Awl relay., Men. for am El. ,on weure MM., 1 memo. m the mi t . nom to oo • o et•ou ith 01 y hopmrlnot o d mn t. g , m , m i., 1,g1••• mane• " 4.,Z.V:l=lntoprot 411,11! raid num Amon lo and .. " 1 ', ramie , Ilmm • rn.,.• anotm VS method, ao.l agmherbl4lo eh.. other vegetable r.l ~ ...a Ismonim al r aMjnool mAlhalr ma' VII •x • St. V. lit • Ikt • p—i-r• ro.h.d.d Hier A& P.rlo. W.lern mental nen& by ,1 , .. .shed ood erg 0 ,. .uve!.•, , 1r0 . z..r . ...r. o• 711. to a l A . A ., ‘ ,„ A „, „,, I r , a h ll e ., n. I.of bea , F 4, r""' n,elm """ d • iiraii;.ro it •111.11, rMlhlu.f , n , t .1,1 Mem All a.m., ant rm. tr „.. W far " '" rlY ""'"'"'""‘ • rade, ale et can I. ocrompholeod at monduets or M. 0... Pen .1., Am.', trio, or THE comporatic. lees., or oh.. , to wo mumeetoc. ^mt. u•m " ltur.. I a prem.°, doped... to to. attended to on the Nit II tit. I t it t l 111I I I ;WWII , . lit It NAN . ItN I I FN." . A N N .. 4. OA • •On 411. finds.= nicer • ynt engage in it with a ..teadhless till •tt 1 , 11 . 11 ' 40.... Irmo' • • • purpose, as though ) . ou were determined to • '' RAXIGROADS• sad' A oncjiattog mend ne plial .I ray thing en ii ver mecum- 9.0 0— VI U • ny • , 11.1a1.. tiN Ttn.lay Ow 1r.... t itvro r Thr m is t. 1.;:w. nothing like fist.d, i nn aiyn. It diatti- al A l• tm fie, yonY nature and insures . 3..0r o r „,. .11 • r m Who have done the moat. Inr nennkind '9' 1 .14 1, ...1MM1e mat ''r`e Ur"' L L „ ..rertrr • .4 triturro r „th Men. , Af d .4 root re NI W Ito havgleeured the rarest honors Who ' reo e. It, VONA It , . WWII. a.. derr..• or. Cl - 11 1.,' la •V . 6 it .1... til"ll'°ees flTlo t. „ rit•hes ? Those who were steady to thcir 0 ,, u.ommel no.. a. ‘ola o, 4 m 11 . gorpope. The man who is role thin., to- 0.. , day, and aidetber to-ns.urede—o _„hr dtivea , dr. , • . 1 et. : 1.1, oo.otouug•u.?: A , AA , A A , I idea pell-mell this week, nlole it drives twe: l 'hint the neat—is alwa3s in trn , tkleand • does just making (Font one year's end to, t. 4 a•ro. 'the Cloer. Look and admire the r. in a •11'.1.11 .. rtt 'ready "r" e * ita " '" '" to ' n along. and wet what wornlei she accomplish- th0n.,.,00,...,t1 A 465 m on yea I a • g 11 °gr.” , — hut him neillt , 1. ^.1. 001 his r , aelt. 1l 11, „ oA rt ny i „, kmi ,„, 1) e .1.. m the v tr: I;rr,r, tr. r q. ;115'; === I r. ors .r ro liorrt of Y. Ilti•••• ..11• I '•' ••., 23 . . 111. C■pliain Jane,. 011. k. 'C . V. York.•,, r them, I • 1 ...11 .rt I tm.l .mOl, MI., I ,levrer• 1 g . .• 7:7V. ••• " -"" It Y. lc Erie Railread „ , t' t; Li II T L lAN Vj "" ".. FORWARDING LINE FROM. GREAT BEND, (c.., J. u lat'l,ll \ Ito rs • ivl. %.61:ST til." . 4. •lll :a;;; ',ol . 4l titti • VArZt•••7!. • ••". • •': •••• •I ' A •••• •A • •• •• • ; •1.1 •• • ;• '„,•• •• 11111 itr, 1..1.1, J 4,11, N. Y. & E. Railroad ! E\ERY B(R))"s )j,IR r LINE. •'' " • " • • '" 'lead and lainenboro• Deadly. .‘!: COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 907 nall.e.reet, illuffalo. N. T. G C V.11iC1IN•0 Vegetable Lltbontriptie Mixture. T i .01.1. OVER THE WORI.1). 11 1/ROPPIV LIVER coltrtAls r 4 NO lONEO Vt. toI:ST t; r r.rl; s•s. urro:crir 'r. 111,11:01 %T., A utArr lA% iturlci.y 111111:01 1.,RITIIN.1111.1•111:S•4111,1 =U! $1.4% , 1f Sll, UM% PI HIM 1111. IAN. 1.11(141'1,.. &I Genuine Townsond Sarsaparilla. //1:.11.1\1:1.1AVI:11 MEI M=Mil , JAi till IOWNSI:NOS \ 1,1:11.1.1 ";;,' 'k;dlf'r .. ... zof arap‘. fir a .;"""".mumeTonv SARSAPARILLA. w.f./ """ " 7=4" 411 4 ~.. ''" - -c7_ - w ,:"" - ' 9 _ ..nor. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Thra• deste.l. •