The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 18, 1849, Image 1

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    " tete lifirsosetlnall."
S. S. 111111P1111111, 10111 r aid treprlOor.
;e:T•••.=1-47o7;e1 a 1: e .e.." me,eteVe• • fe, rub
ext.:MUT tet " lt e " rentree " ".
omm•alree.ose mast be Yeet Pe. to receive...tee.
I "*' '
,3 ametloos,
arlor. Coarre ter Noes or let* 3.
Vow., kavertlrers °rho occupy sot over 4 peaces.,
°777111. , VOLUME VI.
rinue o• favorable Irmo
TIIE RICH AND POOR; ..; which nines me iamb uneasinees at times Ito the impulse of than with whom her lot emend almost unable to proceed, she
To be thus fettered to servitude without was out; but her mind, supported by high leaned on the ma of the friend, whose
ror me swim.. 100100•1 I LOIE IN A MIST, i ouitable respite fur improvement end re- and frequent communion with the canary strength was but imperfectly restored, and
TIE lONE OF TUE WIND. taxation, is indeed • hard lot for one so ', of her sainted parent, soaped the thaidrom I fell behind her gayer companions. Again ,
1 "Shall I. take your baggage, sir," end young. But there appears no help for it. j which habit miglit otherwise have wand • her eyes were turned to the leer asylum of '
MT 1- 110.01.011. ;on intelligent boy to a traveller, who bad Ile does not complain, and Heaven's will be, At the ago of fifteen, shs anompanied f humanity. The solitary mourner had loft
what ,
......„.7 e
.. .
" ..en° A°us' ,Jjust landed at one of our
j orifern cities. done." 'an inlid friend to the medical springs of, the spot, and, with • reluotant step. was :
" In ; ••Sly sorest takes charge "tit," replied ••I would that I could plan him in a • Ballaston. This village, at that, time, was 1 sloarly retuning to the village. Them paths
I swelling cadence sadly monsoon • the gentleman But struck with something sphere more sited to his worth,' said Mr. ' • plane of fashionable tenet, and to • mind • intersected, and was already before her I
In on
it • deem-dine mournfully that fill.
, pleasing in the boy's countenance, as lie was eutirtenay, with enthusiasm. " With tie like Isabel Courteney's afforded themes ef IBe bowed, and both were for some momenta
' about to retire, he threw at hie feet a two Si anttiges of education, he would Mem. j Sodden reflection. The buoyancy of health silent. lie at length said, in • Yoko ell
The Walling air ` or the ...melamine string
shilling piece of money. an ornament of society ; but this under I was here contrasted with the languor of ; suppressed emotion.-
Of Nature'. harp, .ii tones oo ash and few. The boy looked at it with a hesitation, ' your present ciresimatances, ha ea not disease-the hectic of death with the laugh : - The nausea which biouglit me hither
Minds faintly fonh met, hater note. of woe ' and hie . cheek reddened to erimmo have, even in an ordinary degree." lof revelry-palpable images of mortality , are now terminated in the game. I leave
On the tow breath or Emmen lee they mme ; but at length, picking up the coin, he op- ' o Bet for his tot e for learning ha would mingled with the votaries of pleasure-the , this place to-morrow. Suffer me then, Mies.
r". w...^. r. " . • eePh>f mop th e. " 0 " preached the traveller with so air of ern- indeed remain in deplorable ignorance - . Satins. who strove to annihe time, and even at this moment of merely, to thank
Far eer Atlantic... Mast of surf and foam, ' bar...moment, and quietly remarked : :Though his daily toil is unremitting tad' the dying, who sought too odd yet a few: you for the interest you have evinced in the ,
"To breed Paeifie's sltitig majewy, " Peen. me, sir ; I sought employment, rever b e 3 v he finds neesionally man
hour or data to tbs e they had now to number. Isufferings of my departed fatker-for the j
I hear them an el. smothered menet'. full, not alms " two two s
he limy. devote to etudy, and three after the ord.' of babel, •he was soothing attentions mu have paid him. If 1
The dying nnisutuf that funereal call. , 1 " True , my little fellow,"seid the gentle- has • obtained the rudiments ol general one day struck, nu entering the enm 1111 l ti the cup of alffietionle ever yours may .1,003;
Where now, vanished Sumner, my whither hem
man, •• bat you would not return 60 very a science." Fitting room, by the appsraneo of an old: spirit, gentle so your own, temper Ire bit
there ,
'The hope. and the Wei.. which one. sera My
. trifle on my hand 7" The entrance of Alvah himself interrupt- man,. who sat alone anitapparently mitotic- tenses-same being, bright and lovely as ,
The boy stood a moment in silence His ,ed the conversation. He had brought some 'ed. His eighties. eyes, his palsied limbs. , yourself, hover around your pillow."
young spirit evidently recoiled from the idea little delicases for hie father, the avails of and the white lucks that were thinly neat-, Isabel could net reply. Her party bed
And whence name, al-! the darkness and gloom, I
01 appropriating the humiliating gift, and , hie day's labor. I tered over hie pallid temples, all at once now halted, and its she rejoined them, the
he remained twirling it in his fingers. There i " I have Joel been thinking,' said Mr !riveted Mr attention. lion heart throbbedlyoung strangnr uttered a stilled farewell,
Which, now thou art bu ri ed, elOlNser my tondo' 1
I was an expremion of mingled haughtinem , Courtenay, "of making arrangements, with' with pity, but reverence mingled with met- and, striking into another path, dinppear ,
At my eons. dawning burst freedom told', ,
d grat itude in hie finely wrnught feature., the approbation of your father, for your fu , r passion, as she marked the nettled and ph , led.
AS the s il k ' a ' A " *"."..f me stole ' f so d his ' slender form assumed the irregular ' ture entsblishment. I grieve to see a ' cid expreminn of bis countenance. lOn her return, the enbilued Isabel was I
Whole the minion. of demote. detested and Wain, littlitude of indecieion. Al this moment a boy ol iwornisa thus losing the spring time! At 00 great distance a group of ladies' preened to the bosom of her father. If asap;
Wore mattered, all Watimed, and merit e'er the , beggar ei,peeethed the. ;
and his count.. 'of life" ' were indulging in bursts of levity that at • thing at this moment could bare given her .
loans brightened. : " You forget, sir" odd Alvah. " that I thin moment struck moot discordantly on 'demure, it was hie arrival,. she panted MI
Bat the find of the free w thipatmd-w flown ; , " Permit me," 110 said gracefully bowing : can embrace no proponle that would mita- IMr heart. She felt that the presence of lean • 'Tot that was now to her devoid of
Theo emoomett home en m lart. &cob"... I to the traveller, " permit me to tranner your ' cute me from my father, bounce minima- . unfortunate ago should at least inspire re- interest. The slight adieus of ceremony,
AS the inshissiod Commits meltingly tread bounty ."
!goons." I meet ; and involuntarily a pproaching the j were easily conelnded, and, early the to te
OW the roes where they Si and the fish, Promoting the unleeky coin to the bum-1 •• Certainly not in his present situation, ' unheeded old man, eho wee resolved to ad- r lowing morning, she . was equipped for de
finers they Med.
; ble mendicant, he inetantly disappeared. but I hsve friends here who would readily liens hint Her natural timidity, however. parture.
Wen. Bs". l fee Tyeaasy Mostee• Mem- I This little incident leaden strong impre• Insist nie in making suitable provision. for :still withheld her, till she was at length ' A. her father handed her into a carriage
Is ram, taath ambeienj P. wfwgfinl et 'St' non on the mind of the etranger, and he : iii• support; and vnu may then be put to • . 1 ealled by one of the hoyden group to par- he stemped to epeak with an anpeintanee, i
Fame the wish of splendee. where proudly it inde. mentally rePolved that should eircumetan- ' business that will secure you a future nom- I take of some strawberries The Immolate while a young ins, who Was passing at :
Your two has gone down in dark...sand blend; 'ens Agana throw them together, he would ' petenee. expression of her countenance at once was that eminent, suddenly pound, and clasp- I
AS e'ef en dm fiehte Sob held by Mot sight. ' Ism some thing - of his history, and benefit •• Impossible, air !My father an have changed to that of pleasure. is his band, exclaimed- e I
Hams the Meek frowning shadow of almery's I hi m, if in hie power. This soon occurred,' no claim like One on his Pon "Tie •" I will beg eon.," she said, unbesita. cMr Contemn. my benefactor !"
night; . for two days afterwards, lie distinguished abort season only since my weakness r require ; ,
tingly presenting her work basket, c lor this' cI do net understand you, sir," said
While en the dim verge •! the lists limeloh 1 the elastic flgyre of the boy among • group ed his support, and non I ...transfer the:old gentleman.' And ehe new approached the Mllted eourteney. " I know of ,
Newer fmitly 01010111, so signal awoke, .of laborers Pleased at again semng Urn, duties of filial gratitude to the hand of , him without embarrassment. • 110 11110 who can give me so flattering a ti- i
Te mu that the glowin of the undincht I. ps n he approached hie aide. . ity ?" I c Will you aenpt snme strawberries, sir ?" ile."
AS the mots, of Icheny dawomh at law. ; " Slay I ask your name, my young cc- Mr Courtesy knew not what to reply. ; The voice of Isabel was like the low, dy- " Ah," said the young man, whom can '
• emdennee ?" be inquired, in a tone of: "Do not think me ungrateful for your ing tones of an instrument ;it touched ev-n lemon and voice were bet too familiar to '
kindness. ' proffered hiridgem," continued the boy , cry chord of the soul. The old man receive the trembling label. "Am 'I then no'
" Alvah Ha - milts, sir," replied the youth, while his dark eye sins in tears, and eve- led the borne e with a mils that spoke a changed fI am Alvah Hamilton, the mid, , •
1 and he continued to ply the instruniena of ry trace of ;wide eliddenly gave plan to i benedietion ; while an elegant. dm' youth- Beds eon, whom seven years ago. you roe ,
labor with nude. diligenee. the livelicPt exprenion of gratitude. "I ; fel stranger, who stood reading • newspe- cued from extreme penny."
' I Our Imam, whim, name wee Courtenay, feel most deeply your benevolent eolicitude ; per with lin beck towards them, soddenly, Mr. eourtenay pressed hie hand with
• !nuked at
him with in ea ermaing interest. The for my intermix, arid indeed, sir, I am per. turned around, and fixed his eye* on the emotion. ,
I!extreme buty of his fa ce, Its marked ex. fatly happy in my present condition. My I blushing girl, with mingled surprise and " You mean my young friend, the aeon- j
premien of high and noble feeling, strong- ( father, too, is Bali-fled with the slender pro.ladmirstnin. She instinctively retreeted, and fel boy whom I would have reamed, but,
ly contrasted with the owe tee of his, vision my labor a ff ords, and should it here- Ijoining the group she had hitherto shunned, I for his intolerable," i
dims, and the rudeness of his employ , 'after become insufficient, I will not scruple mingled in their trifling. j "Ob. sir- minion is Sing. We ask the aid of benevolence." Soon after, the youth himeelf approached could not mistake the hand that relieved no ;
Have you parents ?" edquired Mr I Mr. Courtenav wee effected, The • 0 1.1 Isabel with • basket. Presenting it with a ' Ham you not then moue interest in hear- '
eourtesay. ' flier had learimPitis head over hie staff, and Ilmk of indiscribable impoi t, he 'Mill. it g? Will you not suffer me to hell you'
• " I have et • father air "
y . • .• was probably invoking blessing. on the " Accept, Aliso the thanks and blemein
then, what have been the fruita of your boontyr
•• And what la hi. recut. I" ' head of his oon. A storm had eommene- of age for lour delicate attention. He , " I shall gladly liaten to ought in which .
"A worn out soldier, sir, of the 'lmola- I ed, and th e lint ma even then dripping dirappeared. In a abort lime he returned. Ime en ornmemeed." weld Hr. Chounwee7 ; ;
lion," and the !my applied himmlf Is his I through the broken roof. Ele are. to de. and addressed the old man in a tone of re-' and Alvah proceeded.
Malt with an intenity that itemised intended pert. .poet •mi moderns. ; "Two day. alter you left us, my pored
'top revent Carter interrogation. " Mod I then go," he exelaimed, " with . " / have at length found more quiet ' father was removed to a more comfortable
, ~
The tenacious Courtney, however, ma. ' out rendering you any service P Will you lodgings, sir, and will intend you whenever '
semen and'lwee entered at school I,
not to be shaken "f. not even accept," and he put his hand in you feel able to walk." I could yet attend to the penonal wants of ,
( you lino with your father, my young his pocket-but Alvah drew back with an; The old man arose, and, loaning on the •my lather, and, incited to exertion by every
I friend " expression that answered the unfinished ' arrms of the youth, they left the apartment.; claim of gratitude aud duty, I could but I
•'Certainly, sir " sentence. I "They are then to be temporery engin., progren in my studio,. I was soon • rea- 1
I .. And where t • ' The old soldier gave him his hand pith ; men in the village," thought Isabel. and if ,dy penman and eompetent, and • year after-
The boy Hob d in silence to a decayed • amile of benignity. I sooes ui eu of p1e...70, of which she war per-, wards was received in • wealthy mercham
'and miserable looking dwelling I "Accept Inv thanks, sir,' mid he, " and , haps aneonseime, erne hem the idea of tile house nen under elerk. My wages ens-
SI, Courtenay sighed. suffer me to ern as e the name of him who has ! ognin meeting them. She w not &lap , . bled me to make immediatevi
provision for
A ken November blast, • Lich at that thin sought the dwelling of poverty." 1 pointed. They met the next morning at • ley father, and they were yearly augment
' moment whistled around him, told the in- , Mr. Courtesy flan his name and ad., the springs, and *pin and again met. • ed. "And now," he added, in • subdued'
adequacy of tomb a shelter. dress. and receiving • promise that they I Who shall describe the mingling of kin- I tone, " since he is et length called to re- j
1 " A addict'!" lie mentally exclaimed, wculd seek hint in future need, relnetently !died spirits? Who shall trace the intri- : rein far higher wealth than that of north, ,
' "and porter his Itlocd has been died to left them. Ile was a man of feeling and' rate and delicate towns nips, mysterious; my 11 ,1 4 motion. NMI) be to dim:barge the
snare the rights of those who revel in lux- also • man of ple•sure, and with the vide.' passion which at length sweeps like a torrent, pecuniary part of that obligation whin h
' cry !" ries of dissipation, the soft and holy whir - : over the hum.. seol I 1I in so greatly influenced my present des- I
--•---- --- - j A few hours afterwards lie knocked at poring of benevolence are often hest in more, Scarcely • word had paned between the tiny."
1414x:7.,1mq. i the door of the shattered habitation. If an reduction strains. The scene ho bad now youthful strangers-they knew nothing of "The l'hligation of which you speak," !
- interest in the father had lieen alintly sere- witnond had however,
Above lato igulnews. awakened all his • each other beyond the limit, of • few days, said Mr , eourteney, "dm . not exist. A.l
j Iterml by the sow it was at once confirm- better primipleg The dignified mbtnissi .... yet the years that had pretended had be- ample equivahmt was it once received in'
It is • serious evil that many •• young ed by the sprarance of the old man now 4 the fatber-the proud humility of the come to them es a tedious dream-the pre- the plemore of assisting indigent virtue.-
Nem has fallen into to be naive his buei- lief,. him. Ile Lad mind Ids heed .Lowly ami, preferring the meet ',moil, ham to th e ' .ent wee their all of existence, and region- 11M not the n wound me again by so unjust
meas. A person learns a trade, but he is from the staff on which he was leaning at shadow of dependence-Lie deep but quiet bled the renovated life of the eliwalis„ an allusion. But tell me-you say your
too posed to we, at it, end mast go to the entrance of the steamer, and revealed 'endemic's for hie unfortunate parent and when it venerable lather is no more 7"
shop-kee, r etreet-loafing. or turn poi n muntenenee where the litis of mirrow and his perfect memption from selfish feeling, . . . land 't briefly oketobed the /ole met..
, Mr. eourteney now shook liiin warmly
Minato Foo l ! -If he memo' make a living suffering were distinctly traced. Still there all were visibly impressed 011 their vipinno ' " K a le " e "r w amp, through the yammer itir:
" hie teadei we mia sm. be mom. i ' any me somethieg in his high though fume/eel' If an interment, with, the good induen- As yet, however, unennseio. of lin dan. j by the hand.
c Ferment, dear Ahab. My carriage has
other way. And then young men lime, • brow, that told his affitiity with the proud en even old and torbid tears, (.6 beau- ger° ee source of this new sense of enjoy. i
sap to shop-keeping , must tidy Innis or hou- • Alvah ; and the ming. of infirmity had litany exemplified by the Fenian fable of meet, they met without emba ..... ment. been sometime waiting. Believe that Ire.
an, or mime ether foolish things they know not yet eltogeth e r robbed his 'muted fona nay that became an odoriferos anbstanm The blush that deed the eheek of babel' Join io note roapmity, and noffeeffier yon
writhing abou4 and what is the remit 1- 'of the dignity of the siddit r. by the contrast of the rose, that influence in the pe..ce o f ti...t...g..... 0. 1 . r! may always commend my friendship."
Head over heels in debt, and certain fail-' o Will you mudon the intrusion of a must be strong indeed in the soul of feel- abstract pi...m.4 and the light which Alvah looked wistfully after him am he
ors. Muhitudee have been 1111111.11 by
„be - sumps
_r ?• said Mr. eourtenay. " I have ing. • fleshed hem Ma eye at her approach, was departed, bet the fors of Isabel wow not
leg above hie butanes., and branohing out, been la here merely to chat with • Revolt,' The breath of • corrupt world may dim, brilliant es the rays of heaven. The fail- I visible. She bed shrunk bask In the aw
hile what they know mating about. Urinary veteran." the native gems of the heart, but lea the ing health of the blind old man, whom bel nage at his approach and thus escaped ob-
There is so trouble about young IMO SI. •• He who comes to cheer the whits& of language of pure and elevated sentiment be daily attended to the spring afforded their elevation. From her father, who was Ma.)
Ilk .0, foal their Importance, rend who an, darkness, meet em be welcome," said the, heard, end the chords of responsive feeling I only clue men to paining remark. Tbe•; self too mink excited to notice the agile
ernes to work at their trades or
old man, whom Mc . Coortenay now pereeiv. will at once awaken, like the sleeping tones amp interest which M appearance s appeance nailed rd I don of hie child, she now heed a deercip
+all es till Air pet &Utah, beforehand. With' ed was utterly - blind. 'of • harp attended by the winds of heaven. lln the bosom of Isabel, conquered the - ' lion of his first hi -', of Alw - -
art= , _. .. ._.. _ _.. . _ .. ..... ... . - . . - .
Y. Ilungsry ! the eable pall
Ilae thrown its nodes folds around
Thy sellined hopes; • town.. all,
Of thy utsginficestAkes found;
Which thfo " rll.l... wheeling eirelOwgill.
Undying. Aide wet con to Ilion
Each know attn.( of memory, •
And wake the heart to weep for thee.
And thee, proud Venice! tho' the tun
Of Freedom!. eby ha. ever set,
Thy giory is bet just begun ;
The fewer cent ' ,,. Hest/. yet,
And shun the• years of decpsei Ihnll
(In.. round iliy ruined splendor—all
Europe sits!! forguiltn be,
E'er rinle 101 l tease to honor thee.
lead Roma! " tenth of the mighty dead: .
Thom, tee, but felt the hhgbiteg arab,
The' thy brave tboattabtle fought lead bled
To nd thee ere Tyrant'. ,Ate
They Anne nt awe to reed the bends,
Iltrengtheted by troth,' broner's imoda
For Tyrabny xruelg not th. b.,
That laid thy trctryithshed Eaght low
01. thee, luse. parneedal France
lhop the dread corp. of holy r .
Tby moN'teoa ann. thy hothle lance
entehed the hut helot Cl Llborty
Aad cast a hateful blot epee
Thy n.n.e—.od d Freedom). dump..
Embreodeng dark wadi mildly.
The WA—the temple rhe fret.
Ihveklye,Oet., 12-19.
• wall_to fail book uon, they sae
feel like ing into other bominees, and
by ads tile they will have dewed habits
that will be likely to keep them straight. :
Them who sweeed best in life, are as who
Mirk to their business, and make manly
Won they buy forme, and bourns, and be
mproolating. Look at our ateoessful
as., ad you will Nee when lies the went
of their seseess. You will end that they
were never above their business, and never
paid for the doing of a job, Mika they geoid'
jut as well do tionosolves. We know a'
as. worth from thirty to forty thousand
dol en. wad no laborer in oho ally works
hard., than be. He nem hesitates to ulat
of him eat ad do any kind of work about
=am 11•41 s Isnot above ble
; lout •• Wok be Is tee he Is lb'
ram ettrems. Of this we an man Nall
as. 0116 Mar ad reseted--alak to
their briars. and not he me o prod—sboy
useleally meted. sod Immo lode
riadiet— Judea Odes .1144184.
ii•Mlnsiew Is MONS sad bassi Is
irk mileasi44. Tiest paha
idasys • plsiative sod iis
mama Ingsap rdbe• A prefabs' la
fithkr Ana UM sad Ina
reshot sll proplw was •ma id
pow sad sviasissed .M h pisf."—Mrs.
Oar Matthias, is • dram Many m
ile immoral wow It, ru mail awl ►Mk
wp a tae day M bow kw pi properly
kaind sad broken to p.
4 Ile 11111 cintr ,lie• ift] 11 L *mats
The erentiof the Reveleda afford en
easy clue to conversation, and they chat
tad without effort.
'•I would," mill Mr. Courtenay, " that
every ono whointed in that glorious
struggle might ind ividually share the prom
perky it ha conferred upon our oaken. I
fear however, that there are yet nut, of ,
thaw w h o. blood was spilled is the days
of • independenee' and in the subaquant
war of ' free trade and sites' rights, now,
maiming in want and living in wortehed eb-
Merit, of life."
° True, this mast be se." said the old
wao. The deoayedeoldier, who. streegth
was wasted in the.. eeellieta ham bat little,
foe himself to hope ; bet I teat posterity
wah.laeg •eloy the advantages of aid l sad
m ems freerfese, bought at meek terrible
of ear pram satiates Mead sad
Yoe bare a see." said Mr. Cwartesay,
. 4 worthy se Inky web blesdar. Is tie
yeetb ailed Ahab, yeyr aU
AU wbe serrives of a larp bmgyl He
dome, the SIM of sty old ap, Iwo
awl, Is and r frwm pubs dyed.
awe yes bees lam deprived of siebtr
asked Mr. Oeurtssay.
ft C bl=y " trl paved. fens TN
newsres bat Oat labor of your sea f
Neesiiist As wants of a solar we.
Mr, sad tits Mai roped of my boy maw
ollearfal wader
that of
feats asly Masa mswilr.
f;cl ItOtins, altlinntittmr, Stlprtinallamra.,Camce, &DM Alkorra46ll2.
For • little while the pageantry
of the
wbrid tot its power on the mind of the gay,
Ceurtensy, and the haunt. of pleasure were
forgotten. He shuddered as he ntree- ,
ed the e' that surrounded him with j
the destitution he had witnessed. Th.'
straw bed of age and Infirmity—the meaty
,fuel—the proemitha eupply— the picture',
that memory dens mimed more vivid
than the Teeth,
The hollowing day Mr. Coartonay had
left the city, but • blank never •nelming
Am hundred dollars had been placed by an
steknown hand in that of the old moldier.
Yearn flossed away, and the glow of are.
thrtbly Owen that the traveller thus a:-
1=1167e Bred
&sa "H iro f're"' !let
worsted hdlothee—her gaming wave win
berried him onward without the power etre
bolos ; and, If • wweserwery wish would
have led him If eke
po the AO* of Alvah
&WINN the it ligees shut
senouskull him meted hip purposes.
Death hod deprived him of ea eistehle
We, whose Messes might have we. him
hen dm sphere of hi. lilies., rued his esly
ANA •orly ammatomed to • nerd of halo
sets pursuits ties see et eppleshlg thew.
Ter melted seeihesels, however, whigh
evw la eh rho Who. frow her
her bon the eeetasslero
of do gay wed; eel mid
Zr blights the Wend pretty of .her.
or Mw rierleed e
r g es the inns et the
. ay e
reel et Warsaw she 7441•11
me sera
plea of vestal reserve, end she frequently!
ventured • timid enquiry respecting the,
; aged invalid.
There are a thousand nameless attentionsl
too trifling for description, that roma with
; • cheering idluenee over the feeling heart,
, like the impreeeptitle Meese that mks the
delicate leaf.
Both were the attention. which mister
tens invariably , elleited from the hand of.,
babel, no matter how narrow their sphere !
• of action. line yOne, her step were already
known to the diserimineiing ear of the old I
mats, and if his cane ma. dropped or •
was brought him, he knew the ready ban
that promoted them. He mark however,
evidently and rapidly Mlles—sea at lest
label met tie intereeting amps. no lan
Three days passed, and bee athenaeum
no her hind Mame • rename. A walk
was proposed, and weary of herself she
one of the pty Le
II I , y =view of dm ar .
enceteryt hey,
hen pas was meshed by • Memel pram
elan. TV* dedee min UAW and they
went retnntimp—llint there we sok wbe
yet lingered, end witb folded NM kneed
arm the rawl made peva.
dna is be ?
Tr, It was the yentithl
etrespr, sad Isabel at mat itemprbended
melamitelly mem.
Tb. pray preemie& awl ma IMk m
ho; rmnereallingbeWhinepe waelleaded
wish Me Veer • ha meat The
hafts if wee rewlwed
tibia= 17 ssilsolpg Mena al do.
tine of .mwiedge of Alvah he—
llion. She mode no ommients, bat every I
word wee trammed op in her Imam, and
j though year. puma away without a single
event to recall hie memory, every vision of
her feeling, every idol of moral eneellenee
in the imeginetion of Imbed, was identified
with his hasp. The imperishable attach
ment, however, partook of the higher tone
of her mind. It was • deep nod mend
prineiple, hidden in the deep reamers of
the heart, and leaving no tram ow the mo
lten of her cheroot...
babel was for too lovely to remain long
luneomebt, and Hr Clourtesay was esteeig
ed at her thudded rejection of related and
splendid oleo of marriage. He expostu
lated, be Weed her with Immunise. Sirs
deprecated his angerwith marble spefilo
rm.. She autieipsted his may ether whih r
but her armless remained anbrokee. His
attention was at length rolled er . aif
mt deeper anxiety. His love of
hie bawdier@ enpeadliewee,
Ifs=lPA wasted ea estate, whielt timer
t 'kw all the emir eleserier of
woo iwoleipiato to the sopped et pow
° Vero "Med ow the yew ei rate, eel
Yew who WWI .Mead bb taboliewh leek-
WI wilily sod lereissely on he week, while
the eabeppy (hrerterwy Meow elwiet to
weileout reel" the pray
of lb• *odd Ill eal a Whine WOW*,
• He wee Joh Ihereser. wilbeet n amt!
its: At doe leer of MIL the *two of
l lds EN Nemo wierr fdy aereleperl, ao
the gem gleam. brightest through the shades
of darkness. Her affection deepened in it.
futenek,l I. its object was dmerted by otb
en. Her fortitude, her chersrfulnem, now
'same over his et:Dratted and withered heart
with balmy influence.
The Courtonay family seat was to be
e Id under the hammer, and the fearful day
arrived. While the auctioneer was yet tab
ling bide, a new purehmer appeared, appar
lently from a dietwees. hone driped
with apeed,and hie emustenanee was pale p
agitated. The property, as is frequently
the ems, was going at half its value, and ,
the stranger bid it off.
Mr. Courteney wee still the occupant,
and the proprietor celled on him inunedi
; ately. Isabel had at that moment loft her
father for promo domestic call: mid the un
*atonal. man was musing on their impend
ing expulsion from their present residence,
when Alvah Hamilton stood suddenly be
fore him.
Welcome, most welcome, to my heart
'Alvah," bo exclaimed. "Alas! I can no
longs welcomewelcome you to my Irma. You have
erne but to witness my removal from all
j that wasonce mine. lam here only on
sulforence. To-morrow, I may have no
shelter for my head."
Not so." cried Alvah, you hove yet a
shelter. Your resent house is still yours,'
and no earthly lower can expel you from
j Whit mean you?" enquired the breath
' less Courlensy.
"Fourteen )can since," he replied,
" you promoted my father a aum which!
then preserved him from moot. and secured
me subsequent wealth. He received it but I
las a loan, and that debt devolved on
True, you dinvisimed it. hat it nevertheless
contained uneancoled. Reluctant to offend
you, I delayed its discharge, though the!
the sum was long since appropriated in my ,
imagination for that purpose. It ha. not,
!however, been idle. The profile of the
I house in which some yearn ago I beesone a
partner, have been considerable. Your
tie capital has sequins' Its share, and it
!amount he.. this day redeemed your ferfei,
I ted estate. By mere accident lum it ad
vertisede and bat no time in hastening
hither. And now," he added, taking the
!band of Mr. Courteous , . with a radiant
' "will you not welcome your Alvah
Ito your house I It is long since you gave
jme • cheek on your friendship. I bane
eons to claim it, and marely yea an. no
longer refuse one the title of my bane
' factor, when front your bounty I have dent
' vednot only wealth, bat the unutterable
I pleasure of this moment."
! Mr. Courtensy wept. The thouglatme
man of the world wept at tbe monad tri
umph of virtue.
Alvah himeelf was ovenware with the
mien., and reed the floor in Armee.
A portrait of Isabel bung directly °ppm
' ate Wm, and it noii caned hie eye. Start
ling bar with smarannant, he gazed at it as
!at • lovely phantom. It looked indeed
like • thing of life—the blue eye teemed to
beam mill. expression through ite long dark
lashes, and there won *only living dew on
the deep red lip. Just sa the auburn hair
wa• parted on bee white forehead when he
Wt saw her—just so its shining ringlet..
strayed over her snowy neck. .
o Tell ins," he at length enquired, turn-1
mg to Mr. eourtenay, " if you pie..., who
is the original of this picture?"
Surprieed at the agitation of Airah's
manner, Mr. eourtenay
flare you ever seen her r
"Seen hero" Oh, yea! Her imago has.
long, long been engraved on my heart, but
of her nano I am yet ignorant.'
" Her name is Conrtenay," said the an
tonbaril father, "she in my only child."
" Grecian heaven!" exclaimed Alvah,
" What new excitement awaits me I"
•• May I ask tho ranee of this emotion,
Alvah! How, or in what manner have
you known in; beloved Isabel I"
Alvah pre a wild and passionate deerrip
tion of their early and limited aequaintanee,
and the long ;marimba attachment of his
daughter was at one revealed to the bear'
of Mr. Courtney.
Tell em," he mid, tablet the throbbing
hand of his young friend, "Tell me, Alvah,
in snored faith, if this imperfect knowledge
of my ahlld hos awakened a sestimerri of
teederness in your bosom r
Alvah long himself into his anus.
Ah I air; have I not eherished her
memory through the long mason df ether
hopelemmese? Has not my spirit turned
from all alharemente of the walla to com
mune with the neellsetions of her virtues?"
Mr Coartenay left the roan, and retun
ed with the trembling Isabel.
"wire worthy of each other." be said.
Z b e . :ll: i g p tn .. ba ,.. ntim . lap o. :nyolled
Juts of hi. bass. 110 then het them to
pens at hie gratitede la Iflat who had
lima Moaned the eyeshade' promise—
es:a tity brawl ripen tha MIMI, for Max
What gad it after many days."
Ots Now .—May peak lakin
sempapaa bat very rew prem. Oak
yet as met laterating mai iworpaabla
les M. at ermaspera It Map up Me
vary ap. with w 1 the butte sad nay day
Whim ad marts its pries awl Its spirit
awe tan the wet Inbred destekalos of
to bistoriss. Who is. take op a pear
dated bar a eatury sae, without to fiat
that shiest nay wow tare twisted is
sew eat ' apes a tenebestak a the bead a
se *u& Tbe dater (qua* a ne
at) Oat tbere amain kii neeNdses awl
sunk bee renewed Me sakkrtrals
Ida pagans ; as weabeat who saki is
ms Ms saps seal net ee new*, ids
Mb sad as saw ate 'weld ask* . OW,.
lamb er weep. eau kew say fatal satin
kw • isermase Ilewlea II easy 611
tbay wM repay
=l=lbst awlas. Oar al.
isereetwo alb filak Ma
Imo Mai Nedianimil
Jelin Alesla, ity he.
John Alcohol, my Joe John,
When we were dr* anneals& *
I'd ammo) in my Koko.. John
Whkh now I know Owen shell
lor.:= laorytnJ;olo.
Ya ino. how
J J... komod now
Jahn Alcohol, ms
Joke Alcohol, my Joe Jam.
, S
We've lime lee leteg together, B72r."V,:t:=!
F 174.1%::1 4 "17 4 " .
AS wall have th w o . leu to AM
34m Alcohol, my Jee.
Time Order Sr Jeswite.
Before the order of Jesuit. had existed
an hundred yea., it had Riled the who'd\
world with memorials ofgtest thin g done
and suffered for the fa ith. No religious
community could produce • Bet of men so
variously distinguished; none had extend
ed US operation over so east a epics ; yet
in none had there ever bun suit pitfall
unity of feeling and sedan There was no
region of the globe, no walk of epaulette.
or of Retire lie. in which Junk. wen not
to be found. They . guided the soused* of
Kings. They deelphered Latin Inearir.
Mous. They observed the mottos. of Je
'lihee. satellites. They published whole
braries, caneistry, history, avails. en op-
Airs, Aleeie odes, editions of the Whoa
magridals, eateehisnis and lampoons. The
libcrel education of youth paned stout
entirely into their hands end was eaudues
,ed by there with conspiononubility. T4ey
lappet* to have diseovered the grubs point
to which intellectual utter. can be ear
ned without risk of intellectual eseaneip.
lion. Enmity itself was eompelled to owe
thst in the art of managing and fuming
the tender mind, they bed no equate.—
, Meanwhile, they assiduously and imam.
fully cultivetedlthe eloquence of the put
, pit. With still greater assiduity and still
' greater success, they applied thasselvee to
the ministry of the confessioul. Through-
I out Catholns Europe, the accrete of every
government, and of almost every family.
were in their keeping. They glided from
one Protestant country to the other, under
innumerable dieguiees, as gay cavalier., as
simple rustic.,.. Puritantreachere. They
wandered to eountrie e which neither oar
ehantile aviility nor liberal eurioeity had
lever impelled any stranger to explore.—
, They sore to be found in the garb of Man-
I deans, superintending the observatory of
, Pekin. They wore to be found, grade ie
hand, tamales the rudiments of agriculture
to the savages of Plumply. Yet whatev
er might births', residence, whatever might,
he their emiployment, their epirit wee the
same, entire devotion to the common eau.,
implicit obedience to the central authority.
' None of them had show his dwelling.plaise
or his avocation for hinuelf. Whether
the Jesuit should live under the untie dr
ele or under the equator, whether he 'build
pas. hie life in arranging gems and °ela
ting teumseripts et the Vaal an, or in par
evading naked barbarian in the soothera
Immisphire not tout each other, were mat
ters which he with profound submlulai
to the &amine of others. If he wee want
ed at Lima, he was on the Atlantic in the
next tut. It he was wanted at Bagdad,
be was tolling through the desert with the
next caravan. If his ministry was needed
in urns tannery where his life was more le
secure than that of. wolf—where it wee •
arise to harbor hie., where the heads and
quarters of his brethren, fixed in public
pine.. showed his what he hod to impost
--he went without remonetranee or hesita
tion to his doom. Nor I. thin heroism yet
extinct. When in our own time a now and
terrible pestilence passed around the globe;
when in come great cities fear bad dissolved
all the ties which hold society together;
hen the seeuler clergy had deserted their
'locks • when medical succor was not to he
pureh;sed by gold, when theetrongeet eat
en' affections had yielded to the love of
life, even then the Jesuit we. found by the
pellet which bahope and curate, physioisn
and cure, father and mother bee duetted.
' leaning over Waded lips to catch the
e accents if confession, and holding rip to
the ISM before the expiring penitent the im
age of the expiring Redeemer.— Jibe. elf.
Tan Hamm or Aao—A good nooses
nevers old. Years may pass over her
head, but if benevolence end virtue dwell
in her heart, she in as cheerful seethen the
spring of life drat opened to Ler view.—
W hen we look upon • good woman, we nev
er think of her age; she look, as absenting
as when the rose of youth Bret bloomed oft
her eheek. That rose has not faded yet—
it will never fade. In her family Ate is the
life and delight. In her neighbotimed she
is the friend and benelbeter. In the Aural.,
the devout worship's* and the esemplery
Christina. Oh, does oat respect. and lona
the woman who haa pared her days In are
of kindness and merry—who bag been the
friend of man and God—whose whole life
hoe Won a sesne of kindoose and lone, • &-
I notion to tnith and religion? We repeat
—each a woman cannot grow old Elbe
will always be fresh and buoyant In spirits,
and active in humble diode of toorey and
benevolenee. if the young lady desire in
meals the bloom sod beauty of youth id
her not yield WWI enray ef fishkes sod
; let bee lawn bold end virtue • and to
the Glom of life she will Male them; Wellogn
which now woke life appear a stades of
sweeta—ever hull sad ever new.
air we 114111. Medina a day a two
'lnce at the depot, Nerwak Comm, wive .
very rory-obeeked lady boob Ikon the
erold Lle rams up to de conductor, sod
o )Ihwer bow hog Won the railroad
will be barer When be nesletly replied,
" Madam, th ere le owe owl of it bere sow."
halm: Year.—The Milted hates Pa
triot Oleo aware rye. Oee dhe
/noshes kekies le one asentry is that el
ea )hoobi. a 'Nada. New York. His
hem omelets el one theassad sane, be
how me Moho& beak of. esetl Amy
ewes rem. lo elm year ho made skirt,
shooesadVposemb of gone; tweet, hob.
wad of wilek Irw add at men shoe Is Nov
yob, hr tree ela sal a kelt teem. ants
per pond. No hoe kb owe wooly on
toy and sweetsl el ha hiker he ruler tiro
throsaok hookah ad ghee amok soor bell •
basket pet ilay. Led besides the Mash
1.40.4 itaw if. rho he kb,ook
phew sot lee 'boa Shoo Modred bob*
Pas soli.