ADDRESS pod and competent officer to carry them consisting of Members for the Goofed... nal improvements of the State. It wan and Munich, and it is to bold it. eittinre at ft do ksiesrallt Be" COMM Committee. "I"' the proper management of th e inter- W in e ... 'kid hY eh. Offiffiets of Fifteen Democrats of Pennaylvsnio, With a full knowledge of this Issue before' Frankfort. The Directory'will be a per- I that theDemoriatio State Convent - I moment Executive Compl e xion. for the " o liC h. ons i rso u n e we 6 a o l n tre m an7lirreta i i n ns ou fo r r ir'll you I t t h il e n7paced th nomination, eJohn Commie- G m 'common interest of the whole ot e llermany to Day whether it shall be redeemed or not his, as your candidate for anal .- I . te r Ste , .. 4 who .d ad . be „ red . a tea h.„ theLres of t p ri nn eted . -I i This issue is not a new one, although It ; seiner, a gentleman of lorigoetpmerit .t., ed will have Mimeo them three votes, I Pre. - ma be presented under a deßerent aspect . I public improvements, In thel gi I pee It. has bean the constant and unffinnfing oy of the State, and of epode. Integrity of and Austria, Bemis, Wurtemburg, and object of the Democratic Party in this i character. Aside from all other questions, the other .mall State., will have together 1 country, ever since the days of Thomas the two candid.. before the p Jefferson, to establish upon a firm basis, the reeponsiblo o ffi ce of Canal Corn o mi l s e siot r . fo 7ju n et t rt least is the proposition of Aus- 1 and to put into nuccessful practice, that er, differ in all the essential qualifications trio. The President of the directory will , fundamental doctrine "f the Declaration of fur the duties of that office Mr. Gmeable ho vested alternately in Austria and 1 'rue- , Independence, that all men arc bornpobt- is • n ,an en middle life, who possesses noth. sot This will not alter the relations .to boldly, roes and Mir AL ; and while • di- ing but what he has earned by his own in- 'the common legislation, and the Executive , varsity of objects, somewhat local in their dustry and economy Ile ha s been for authority, vested In the confederation. The ohmmeter, may have temporarily changed many year., engaged in various opacities Austrian Government have engaged to pur the from time to time, there never lon the line of our internal improvements— exude the Archduke John ; to resign his dig t,. been a contest in which this important tune acquiring, by experience and observe • nay of ;war m s( the Empere i , of 1.. glineipla has not been involved directly or 'Gen, a thorough knowledge of our whole Th indirectly. The question. of Banks, Tar- [system of internal improvements. He was don . pe e pe r n. " write. ''t o ' nthe " A n st e" there i ' s little Fiancee will bo ifs, an Independent Treasury, distribution's member of the convention which amend- non. the. • Cong." o f ... of the proceed. of the rile of Public Land., ;ed the Constitution of our State—has been held here in the course o f next week, for Internal Imps averment., Ire., Ac., have ant a member of our Legislator.; and is per. the perpo.e of Iffially eattlieg_the Ger man ; Dated We country for many year.; and featly acquainted with the whole policy o f , creation The nommit i t. of Aistentr t rg 1 yet, viewed in the &brined., good Demo- the Government in relation to internal foe- ,(1 11 .mberbn...........1...e=1 e m . h e ri orris are often at a lee. to see _what danger provemente. He is • Democrat, and at e rejection ;. of the proposition Saxony .. i roe ammo te their principle., let these euch li as alwey. been &Maul and true tdetntie plow' by r t ' a measure. be suceessful or not ; t Swim. be- the prioriples of hie party aod its organise- ; ...nover low the surface of thiogs ; but those who lion ; and if elected will rimy them out in r .....—The Paris . g!nni,relir Peffill e til tdo, nee in these measure, a foundation on' the economical management of the publiel I'. • d ecree ....t.ll .r. Lie. len. i which is to he erected the superstructural works. Mr. Fuller, the candidate of Fed- 7. 1 , 0 1 ! -.M.iter.?....1...h.h after the rev •of privileged duns and privileged inter- eralism and Nativism, is • young man of it , line r e l, . o. l .l7 ,. ..e. by l l d b led p. in: i he m 2 - , ; nests The Democracy has never changed 'reputed wealth, a lawyer by _profession, ti • iits name or its objects. They are, miser- without any experience whatever In role- Govlnne o e r st, The Fre Y nch governotest . en u n- 1 sal suffrage and political equality Feder- lion to our internal improvements, and, .... .. er e nin i.. P... to 0 _ 111 ..... 1 . ; thou is oppried to both—at firit openly, was never known or heard of in the State, gee., who, • their way t o. bet of late under various guises and thong- until he served one ssion in the legiela- famed to traverse France. General lffid ea of mimes tura last winter. Fr i th. office he • seek's not was expected at Pores on the :Seth —i- In the early days of our government, the he scrim not to possess a MAW, q ualifi, e . Lucien Morass appointment to Madrid is enemies of Domocracy openly declared their lion , and lie reel. his whole hopes upon considered es a eohilliation of the two par-' distruet of the people, and labored to re- travelling the Slate, making speeehes, d e . tieeinthe e., , ei i n i. et th.n T e lLe i smei m al en sitt d ings I strict popular rights and privileges by leg- daring himself a Free Seiler, although he wit h t ine Wetly.: enactments. They failed—and the sided for a Aerie-holder for President; a the Th. nit In every department e on whole history of Federalism, node, the def. Rough and ready leerier° the Natives,gend F t anee, with He eseeption of the Skew I forint name. of Federalists, National Re- 'any thing and every th ingpostpone dtill 0 ' I to „,,,,,,, cow , where the meatang is eto- , ber,..ntn n o:t. 91 the c ‘ sudid d a h e es b c e l l i o o n se g n . a o s tine, I public..., Whigs, Democratic Whigs, and Between these two tine people ere toehoose. Tesyl t• Republican., has been untiring la- We have no fear of the result, if Every l're i e l ; ' of the; ." iin "" bur to do that indirectly, wheel] could not Democrat will do his duly. be done directly, to wit i by establishing brought out, and all will ho sa lli fe "" O t e k r e p ‘ a nd r o a "on ‘ r aftle. .. i l "4" . ? .. lll . the r"... Minister corporatiiens without restrictions, they hope ly is united, and our ndielate,- of the In7terior, has arrived and installed to control the finance.. trade and logodation • d throughout the Stole. " All that to now himself as head of the Police ; but entirely w„gt,„,l Penon,l- under the control of the French authuritiec I of the country, and to smother individual necessary into go to the enterprise , by haring a has class of vanes will wipe out the stain iit her defee- ' 11. gr. dee.. won "P.n. the Imp. i mid Inc .aye that the estate guano - i intereete 'Firmed under the amnia' pram.. tool, and take her rink again at the head m ace), lion of gm eminent, they hope through them of the Deenocrone States.tees notes for their declared value, wed im- I Itellnions Nonce. to rule the ei entry, and control all other .1 0 L.I,NCY di ;NES, Chairman ; posed a to and imprisonment on all who ;;;Lt*.'Le..4....,„,,"........,,1,,,,1 0w .h.`4: e v w .,....„. intereets by • s ast ..Lome of internal tin. „f m.,„ sluice Cr,, c„„, I refrie to take them when tendered. nal o 0.1 on VI Nem., ex,ll Mod, Ye id a ... . dews of October meet There...l .1 coney. et 0101311 proveinents , they hope to create huge me- (Signed Ily the Committee A military commimion leas been estate- 0 ., ‘ .,, w ,,,,,,., „,,,,,, ~,,,,, www ,„ w .,,,,,,, nopolies of moiled enisrevt, which in rile galled for thorgenioing the Rom an troop. nm.e...n..e at 10., o t elofl. . 1 elversallet oci., to be 10.0.• ..f.a1.1 Imiotietitne ore oeo. to ore toll Met 011 , 1 Tina corrupt the g everimunt, denier- 513E9 DAYS I All proffiorion since November is annulled, 'eh., ere JO rem.tent.4l In l otni I rime the people, and ultimately sap the per- ; L&TER FROM EUROPE.' i,",; t 0 1 , 1 , It: cram estate ti t , 1 :2: . :1,117.1.11f ON. 11l ILI, VO.lOl Clo.l Anna independence ol the musses, which 1, Medical Meethw. found astisfactor) UM en . aLl• him to regain I e 11,u. 01..1...7...1:14.4.1.• 1erny101v . .... , 16e .. „ 0 . 711=1 the only 11‘170 basis or a republte. govern- I Awwfwwt of Th ., ctwwww ".. went I -- Om ran k. Tbe t r i umvirate of C ar d inale .. ..... re eom."`tic enton , 0 en. hoowor m. it Itthay, la illontenee. on Palonley o.other 10.3 it ttt it tttt a commission for the purpose rit mIE... 'I .. e 31 ....Le totoc.....6lerettuo Owl 00 . 311 th e.. i • ttnc... .ilid i ift Prevented i The Crinlina arrived at Mali*. on the too, ine , we ed. joie e tedereidee ee.e. I of preventing the author. a_nd ; accomplices 1 *v w rn.,,,,-, , ,zr„.::;,„,—.7,-.,—,,,„„„--,,..,,„,,,,...,, directly or indirseriy, the Item ieraey have tt i ttt nphed and it was thew highest ; pride, tow „ of 1,, news: asst the outrages el...lurid during the rev- av rw......4 ~.. - .. node , the tete ededei'dte'i tt e• 0 Peet t" Tie markets arc doll, with... notch I ‘. 4idi " idi ! ). 1 ' 6 .' 4 "' s ing , ." li i; bft !" min ', I Asrlcultural F.D. 1 the records of their count," for the Au:ewe:ll, hang°. , !stern, toe majesty or t h e sovereign, *no The .111, Anood cams Shaw tool rem of the of every Democratic measure, and to Hat ; Thu sciatic r for !meriting I See.> fee dm pompom of Annenlinee and Mt • was fine in i N lTe k on s l ec lo u o r t i te b..... i l ie enni..nd Mechanic Ana in Sum . County. will ho held an to the unotampled I 1..../ . ....- 1 h.l'ln. - : ell Ci rest Ilinan I Mom... en '1'....d... Wither Ifith orii In ness of the people for the fruits of these ..n.; Tio Li, ~,,„,t j„„ ra „, „f the 9 , h .. s , lof the Fnoli li &refry of orinpation The Austrian troops had mai toiled Mo. r.,:07:""„%,"„10tt,",t.1.4.°"".' mown eon uneo. I The harvest hos been nearly saki. housed, , wre „ he kw , et .... widow „ hp , „ woe ., ;„ i There ale ey s hose Lein, tool alma) a will 1 ow i is poimemorial ati laid, as tee potato —,„ —---- -' ft, of b net 0 i*•• I* 'rte. in • ifte ere- I, reduodmit arid is so liir e seniptetl trim i :.. b : ,,l T:ntr w t r . i ::::. „1 . T :;: 5. 1 . i i ,.. .": 1 :: 1 3.l , shC.T.i'lltA l : wont, end in assn th e dem•ii • raey ripe raollll , , u , In Menton.. on the lent anon,ll) line Rey )Ir a the mirises It E. the pro, time of the nth-1 the name a. Triide in ac ti ve, if ind bieennft an d on- ra ' I Th. lecoe.l. G. e•romE ot under ed.° I V. t Z t Ph i?' M T. a1i"...!..tV.:. 1 .4. 1. " ." """ . I er party, leader nh o f vex nome it inns be i d "" . " ." th ' " .... "' in g d " r.d. , 151 h, The grin. iiffirial notion that the , -- known, to bike core of the l ir. 11. god slam- o www , o il w h o ,1,,,,,, ,I -- !blockade of sun ,'ar t comet of the Duchy al I 'tin?' MffiliffilletTlNS. es and priveleg d inti re - sta The tens e and Rosa' Fond, were ridl, tt „,,, twh; ;„,,,, o d A ~,,,a , h o . h c ., —__ ___ __ _ _ Lt the success Of 1117,.. mcaffires tie ale in S. olleml. aEd would return to 1..4.1 1 hriv v uaa I 1 Pre.l.l of a cones! ive note from Ihe three, ""‘''''. mocrecy lime nothing I. I Isar, they have al- „„ the ' , to; ways it... plied and alma). will; etl::,,n,e.irteh.yeteoletcheoortaffnocee, eniiiii...RF::..7.:Eirbrtioil :,:, 1 Re e1 5....E . :T ; „ . ,/s . is a : il re bind. ' di ' iib ' id du ' I '"“ 11 ''' nuld ' ur '' l '`'''!* bbi g" d 11. di. " ier lb° neck ending' ' that the Canton of Neuf, lintel must Lc re. *,.. •in• v." ift* . vieeft.. et . professedly sithoot polffical prim qt. o. is no, inn. , in I. nee., nem "!tee , of whole pee.....ed to the pe T ie, mid el.. their 1;1 ; 62 were ~., , ;free In b,.."..i, dm i oared to Preppie thlls d rown by the ' It: ear raw of speni-11 (I 0, erineceit on • Warn in Italy, r,„ll,.„"e'' , t , „t . , '''''' . on d„ 37 o 11 Uff"3°. fid h " nnI " . " 1 ''''' i "''' '''' f “ . dra. " b h el "' ig nfte ein . be g r ..' for hall a million of dale, for the payment i Los ei ei•• .1 .....te0.et1.7 . ... 0 7.. lees may change, but our von ohs n. tur, I. ~,,,,,cr i i tttt t thou in any ; vet of England f 1 I f • 1 and such bse been ti. read[ er .." L ,, i„ ihiblin itaraann tlinmereane Se.- " 1 ' r. "" " rm. " e ' cal " 1" ' . • 7,7=ra: .”'"l n t 't:7.7r.,7" :47. 11l 6... lease returned protest Presidential and guts, riati ri al elect I. ie „Intl ,h,t,,,,,,h, 0 !I, :er 10 prise. has c dod will Ith ' Elgin d _ o isa m elt. ..... Ito pito, Lord has keen erne. a moon. Tho °country miser was in a stato of higher „ h o w „, t „ ;.„; ;;;;;, ;„ ,the, pans el . Sew wean eaten Id . nem 21—e Wee- I'mVerlti shun at present; peso, llama- Fronco \le one and Berlin arc at the Ross • Jesse. Mow 011 mes. ~ t a am e na r i rio t J eerei , sion = Initsio inoett, nem an ebonite°, n are ovary where.— t ,„,,.„, 1 i„,,. „or ring more t h an p orto _ We find inn the New York Evening Pont Z:4";:r e ;a:: ' 0 ,'" ".• . ~. ,-.... Some ono p nth ular branch of ',ldolatry may V Berlin the deaths are moro than 40 per .0.0 111 , t11 in relation to these voluble, emeLlvay e7e lle_esitaryita,..r .. ........ languish„ but it es 0111) ',upward), anal ,toy , Milk. The vein. of ore oxide, recently ItZ. ma ,. ~,,eotiee ' ,ore ' . .00. 0ge,,,,A, r..... er r '! this coostitutea feriae small propottl.,ll of tio 6 t to Ow 6.111. %I FITIt 1 t 000 111,1\01 The Lost don , . eted. lie in Seem. muntr. New Jar- ~....a...,...L.......,,z,:tvz,....„7„7,,r., . . the gnu thrivnill 1 "...) * 4 ft. ftiii.o Hope Cone —Onooen orld Peterwoldi•n ; nay '' about forty miles from Newark and' —n........ 6,...:.n....0al ow, ...mon ... All these exist under the tell may ord., 1.11111 110111 cut—the timelier 14 commended 11 . ) 'eight from Woodeport. at the head of one „P: oo l 17,;:;;:itz , g :Tr.::: .71:42. 1 naafi., principles . Na • ningle line hao Wank, the latter iy Earl. the f. eases of the Morris Canal. There .e same .c.• The .in* colanio memo , . i litterelle.Y.lP•f4lo6.llo.• • .13,..... ton. been blotted out by the oleo'. or 11;anta•I Th o R otoi e wo I; ononi t s otg had . l o n g two important mines. via: Mine HR. el v 1 ~ ....dye extent :sl co o emu, iriSaiS flefuel Taylor, and by the late elections as coin. intern'', with th e l a tt e r on the 2'1.1 ultimo, owned by 0110 SUOMI Manufacturing co. calr., ..., Ig .2. , .l a wn...un..^ we wed with tin. of last fall, it would 'teem Ilio result of which was ilea, an Hansen. pony and Sterling. owned by the New Jet es If the people haring sustained their - Major ......t t o tier Ils) nen to y e ray Exploring Company. The latter com try's war, anti rewarded it. hero with the term. for the capitulation. The impregna-Teny was chartered by the Legislature et highest honor in th e i r o ft ,. je.,..i.ea Lie posin tttt of Comoro induces Elatike to New Jersey at its last motion Professor to seerround Linn with a Democratic ton- demand wood ~tit t, ,,,,,, Rogers, in his geological report of the State. Avow allowing him neOhing more titan the 111n,yor Chief's Prerlded by the Am. says nth. the dip of the vein is from 70. ... of Preahlent and the emoluments oi tetoni—A letter from Vienna of the blot. to elth and from eight to ten feet in thick office o e t Aoto „ t h w , so , ora l of Sue m m . ro hk.n, nem, and visible at the sort .r. From its We predict that in less than six months b.,1 i,,,,,,, executed . A mon , t w om aro th o le:posed eituation on the flank of the hill, the N.M.. and State Administration,. ex-MIMIC. Austria, Pobiale, and General I the ore can he excavated to an almost in will be without the ,In we to pmas a single fi ww f w ,,w,h ; who Ind been hoodoti, sod Goo . Idefinite extent, and with a Wilk) ...I slot, either in the National or Stole Tenn- Außerman, who bail been Oct Oen In. in inhume operations . ' It is a remerkable lour. Still, while they ore without power wal l, , who gat •e thin f o ur,. of E to , t o the feet, and one 4.f much importance in a na o legislate, every one know. that the exec- Magyars, lard h„ ot , to w.. to T wo .. t o I 6.21 point of view, that • pore oxide of edit* power will do it. utmost to paralyze o h w t,,,,lathe is nowhere found emcee. 171 this Amin the Democracy, nth the hope of ultimate- Heart/cad Cruelty.—The mother and Inf . hig.. SiinifteeeeW• The metal P.' ty breaking aovin Reek principles. The children of Kossuih, and the wine/ of Nev. I deiced is a beautiful white, free from srsenie, policy of G0...0r Shenk was endorsed by oral Mop. G enma l a , h a d arrived u H a . sulphur. and other objectionable ingredi em overwhelming majority in 1e147, and nom at Freeburg ents. It has been manufactured into dish sedges but the fatal murky of the De. There was HAIM talk of Gm ORSlee cover., forks, @poops, Re., and from its pu smeraey prevented the remount.% of their w ow oppotowd civil and wt ot wo ,o o ,, wwww rity is destined to immersed. in • great = MI 111 IRIS. No ono dreamed Of of 11.„,,,, nmesure Demme silver, Dime's metal, and 1111111 while all felt moire, 00111111110 T The great ipe,f, gef. the Kew.. army b e g the like, for hoseehold purpmes.—ScoU's Johneton traveled the Basta avowing no ~,,,,,0 4 .. d .... ~....,3 6 t0 .,,,g. thig, Weekly Pope. steiples for the publie eye, but, herein- , but the cerpeefernece of Gen Auditor was with Natives, deelminchboself for Fres g o wwww ,t o at miaow. ad G otwow d e t w. ; I 1... ...ion of M. hate , ad •deo• . ' Banda and Frith are to have • perks. of t sating a Offive holder for the Presideney is 8000 u. a . soother, he munmedod In mmTiefi the Seat.' The Hunprian emps of Panel enured by a few hundred majority. ' Orson, but the Torkieh embattles woold We will mot attempt to ghastliest@ the, not receive them until they hat laid dew. We moorage. It la wow well ftelersteed dm, um.. I by the people, and loom. to be 'Jaime • 1 cl ov e. was i t ... w n e e„,.1 Pendia te the bleb./ el . eel' . 6 MM Our I morn ea the 15th, and soonnona went out 1 objern le addend.' yes .." 6 1 to drew ;to the genie., either to follow hi. ....., re. ugsol. to OM ImPorMoo• of M. 1 pla or to and Is 169 Was of espitoladon. p.n.s ....I. l e. .... 1 I. &dna ml wet Klaplts, and those stembors at the law; Ws Ought It expedient to a.. that the, Hungarian Diet who had deelbued that dull 10.4 1 °. a ampryme al gas; . 14 . - boas. of Itaprbors had (Wailed all alai.' eat&loud% thus u leestb, they w too ow tb. ou t . of Hoy, es whom rim! ...II . doe fti*.q.6.ll. 11.4 N 1 ow RUIMAIIN bandrd over w A .. .Amnia., oo hs raued lo cloolut. and New York A.**, has hew ...eyed to Nub. mkk km •••• mo re UMW IS olunnorY l• A mod ho dna was ordered In •U the November, sodmb, tire bunion/ IBIS will hide aurae of Burk, le homy of mows le Derne,.ths sessiry bends DA Dowesiwy Haegory. Tine Immo, of assala eras et Odompbsol. Worn. on the 90th. Iltnonnsl• of Polmothunk. Me la the Lamm hum llama stony that the Em il°. Hml I . "' "" 4 " 1 ' hi Ik ne the pew at Aunts hes pardoned Gorgevood DID SIND= it might wet have hoot so— 11 . h... r bee departed f,,, st, o t w. w ie t . I. " ma, %ma" I. b° P m. " I l mi M OM !DDSs for Oa rout to nod& ousel weld tau bent the Ands et • V.... ...b. • . k. Ht b CrriMoor hr Dual aleisieWssr. Impart W., in this tb. A n i t, yen ham now the dub& *sty et ........., h a s b......,a mowar row 81 •Mr•nia w ••• Pumas asa Annals —Oa an au poles you primal and o • man lanais Gore Is is bit • diseuttly. Vie Craw Kapedition.—The New York Triheee sars : The hawks giv en bonds in 1150.000 oar to violate the law. ham beers delivered to Swim. Fon and Livington. The anims are to be sold. No further arrests of the permit against shoe warrants have been Instituted hare bane .drmated. The New Orleans has bee. or is shortly to be given up. and (he t :hole affair . l l rs espeditros may . Li text intend to have the law repealed at the next inowdon of Onagreso, in that they in. ge to sea when aed how they phame. Tbs Clovorisor of this Mato tbs wpm of Olin a weitooy in the odes I of thaw (Woo Mercer Owe as Nato of 1111.141. Ths °worse, sloe aosoomos, as Waked moms for Ibis mars osorlion, whims other rotas! of Important iloosolas Worst Is Is rib dot 00.000 kebob of 'Mg* aka is the kb bk Brame ware WA, a. 1111 mob rib MOO 8 1 111 auk =kb. Wail rarbb SION& Mei smell slierwl sue this No nodes 0f.., pa ving bk. Tharidersignad, • Committee appoint ty a meeting of the members of the society for the promotion of Agriculture in Soma. bona moot', bald at Lb* Conn House en the 29th, August last, to make the nem. 1.1.17 preliminery arningeamata for the !Plowing Match determined upon by the I Society, hereby give Dollar that they hove selected a piece of ground els the form of . David Post, Elm. and have appiiinted the following named geotlemen judge for the I 0.11,11k10-Till. .. . . Con F. Dainty, I Mann, Jens. °ARLEY, TI1011•11 NICHOLSON & Jolla! Stowe... The lands will be MAW out .bout 15 to 18 rods long by two rode wide, and 1111111- leered. Correeponding numbers marked on slips of paper will be placed in • Flat and drawn by the averal competitors, that per- feet Slimes. may be mural The ground is an old ineedellf The plowing to oat manes at 2 o'slook in the afternoon of Mon day the 15th, day of October next, the day , Ipreceding the Fair. this , Hone or Os teams *uter i ed, or one of each by t n. 1 Any person intendin r hie team, most give notice to this Sae of each lintention at last five days preview to the Match. The premium. to be awarded to them who do the work in the best manner and shortest time. let. Premium $l5 1 2. do 8 , Every Competitor will be required to procure his ticket from the Committee be ; fore entering the ground with kis team. N. B.—lt is hoped that the Farmers will not be backward about bringing on their trams and entering the Bold. GEO. FULLER, 11. 8. BENTLEY, , Sept. 25, 1849. M. L. CATLIN. Bridgewater "`" m Mr " . n """' ""'"'" 1. °Arum, a. ry Agricultural Weiler. he., g y r: d t; ronx.;:zp.,..7,7avt t".°4laZtratr:lt=ine", : thrrel=l:;F I . k 7=•::607V:M1:•••tn . :;7r1 . ..117:, October nem ry. 111.1.40 i A A swit-rom.O. Vtrtri K.'ol,a:7l,:raranzmaito is Illackmaith Class IM Music s eseiing tom .1141:ZIkee ea 11. 1101 a Orb*, Ya tenomr !? 1./ . ' or 24 1.15,n-larte YMM low I S "7.7.1A7...7"'" Swim, !rya... IMO. MONTROSE LIVERY STABLE! ".,...""'""""it=rar . "3lrr NMi roe yr, WOpart er.V1114., .le,lowel. se. ••• week, los I. isA. po w.. too.* llK,Allenethe *.U.•,•,111. IT/i 4it *brume ..10. , 111,eral ..••=4, ,, ,e• *l. lNM~se M'I. SI, N IMMISON Court of AppeaL 4 "117. rrLentrir ". = ay MO.* own I.•••• Ow bow .4 toolve pi .1w 11.01.1 f K. IMIIRMAN.I...‘ Nowirem.ll,l 21. 110. t ir bl=e r rlON.•••rmo. flay hot eanoo d n. Wog awl Wareirrnwat .11. Walt 07.11........1.1.4. LIAT01111•011.... Mk 11. Ito II ow 011 M. on* Iwo Woo so • 1U MO bod Al. woolpflft.J.l.B4lMrs llodt Me 111.11•• ma 01no. a TIMUUIVP. NEW I PALL & WIER NOR M....... .• ......., It Po. Toot • rads, .11411 St P. FM ea/ 6•lyablelrm. be , ...I . = •414.6•,••••ftn...1a.11. ...6:: ~..4.64,.. , gt=r . mint....r0r . 4 . ... .• onw=t“,.. =•11=7“.•••••••rel. •••••••0 ~ ~....w ..~.,....~rr,a... FM UP WM WE hie LOST A Large White Homed Ed , Imam. rld yon• es IM/ • ••11•11.••*1.1111. 1.1.1 nom, ends .17*M altbn. lone mlniml. 1111••• Wm, er ego 11.11/./. aa Mt A. 11 50611. la* E 6 Int%Ma. Loy.. 11, .661. lirentle,lLL, OILLL, LILL Iron, te Le. Moo pay@ ea.. sU Ms& IN "ITIVZ,II.7I.Mr!"` Take Notice ".. .Yam *" irtir " IVAZI lass sr sm. csatsesraiu. sad tam or esis ow. els.* I appoant.lllloulay 11.0 t iikt es' moan's.. Is sow owl ley ereds dm Qom Rosy is warm. at 1 o 'clock • IC MN LAISAN .11.11M.L. FALL FASHIONS FOR 1849. tb.ever Ihr eamb. SWIM Me.l If . Spoons--Pare Silver Spoon. A ttIVA.V..“`",":. A'="..1.74 " " OM' N. • —Am*. r•Y nyer..../. .06 Wialleadde , s NYS. COOT i 7 STOVE. WI ag Von moot V ma WI et* •4•••• sem TM Meth* Ira met.. 4.11, aver.. red " r47: It=orartLa .." : " ••=4 . TX= =:=ll7 l ;:trZr• "Te1=4174:r".."1.1.1117. Andftoris Notice. - • 1"..,'%" - 1":gra...1. , 21=7:=21 VA.4 . 41Ae1l . me. 1.1 hereby goo r. lk " ;:tt 11731r1: 4 1:42 b ==ytt ;CZ — 4 4 ; ' 17.171:1 " °' A . 1 : 1111111.14/.1A. A Adh.o. READY MADE CLOTHEGG. 77..... * .r1i.t " :== . ...rrf=.1 '". r....,F10ti.............; 8...........111, Boa 1s- cm raid Ibr Sheep PAIN == ,, ,z A ri esed llain Coate , Shiets. A T the Shop of . XL...a 112.11 0,01 /2. A• 40.1 lea. , - _ Hats and Caps. , Cheap Goods. .."..=1,==14'.7.."'•••••"••;"' - '" - • I W`=•7l:7::;:ez.:tn - ::! . .z.'.'::.!.!',"; mo.. pl4n , e 1 ht 11.214 .1t Cu. Owe, June 1,, 1,19 I,otti=l " ttrlVtet ?tte."....rr0 . 4 .. r•re1.71 . - . 1.2 the•dn...4w. "' , 11l AOA Ell 1, It MA W I 1 1 t .........., At ......... Mete .1 Loiter See.; 0.1 paid kr II MIN .1. he hkretr. Illowl, Mgt 1 ehre, 5... Cer.thr..., ...*. F.. 11141der• ..e 1.1 it. 24 , 1120 A.. • etyl• e 1.11.1 Dia. Wel llembe. Me.... i• the am., watt. 21011•4; or Letter Pa- VOLE L12111111121 - -..tree.41.4 1,, , ut the 1,1, • ...el. pa, ere 1..0l 11n0tte..1.1•.... te .1...• ma, if....F U let .....1......,•••.....i ..;; . 4zgt . t ..... : 4=".7,: 7.142 r' """ 44 /MLR.. 0021.—Nor 144eltrel et,l th.llll hjunt • ...I 1., Iletl _ . . , r 1...., ••• ..web. arra.. ...AU Harrison's ohunbian Ink. , ,„ u uu ,„ "`"" 4 '!nr 6, " - 71 Clock, Watch & Jewelry Shop, I.e. •uw • VO% • LADI . II•' ,ou waa.:l• meal ' WASHBURN & I 1111 1 WM MM. V,rt. M . • Court Street, litterbane tem, rrw r.....7„t!„„Z„.„13,,„ (5 11°5 " E '” (u J tA e ni 'g ha "" . -Thad . ) an:". 4 7 7 ==== •••••• raoaraviaa a sill 4111.1, ...agra . avrL hatooaw at largo thretylbout ftrOms. roman, too "'".".'"."'. ! Crockery and Caw. •••••. m. 1•••••• on 1111111,041.1 Mem • .••••• "" 7•4 " rmetr1. '""."""..." .. "' . " tr;= 1 : 1. W '""'" ...;:i ' mara ' " fto;••• 41•••.k.a1, r•••• •'••.•• •••• ; 1114And i t•111••••111* .rr P1m6 • 11111•14 . r.•••••,..., ~.r. ete eter nffned .. 1.1.••• of the 1,••••••,. dims 0. ,4,+.'"""",. am,. Jut. 719, DWI . 1 . :111 . 11101WP A t.a. mt. tn.. .aat par aaa , ••**l.. , ‘11 .7"1 ' 77."7:7;:""';: r .1 . 7.71 . 11 ' ItEIV MILFORD STOVE lIEPOTI . " 4;ey n inners lis;••11,11 ..... sod • 11,1119. C. B. COTTEN , 11,"i1T7'.2i..!Ei;KZ..".7".'i,0iig.:;747,.:4 77 ,... 7 ,t , .. 7 .; 0... Is hositol, sot whish:o1111.• Vred• otwolliar otesolaoss tpostattf 111,1 Sosorf• '"""' am. nidlahan. to Is ea.. at MI dia..° ntler arra. lo- sot stn. , ro , h solsY.T• durosents In Von", sorertll•uot Ileosent to Cash. stot Igo oats 14, J Ist ONX aorn 11701:014.7. ankh. (Ost , peo ash., inn,. Y., tinal wo•non lOU ea the .I.l3.ernt ' h "" . • c:r i evd ,... ...,k.tho et Green &I Mini ATIRANGEMENT. ,00 de Mackerel, Oh, Whit.. Indent Fidt. Tenet, ilame, Shad. Henn& ; II elm; nen*. twee.... Ay • Chan., • tho tocaoros lataisraniNno hs S. Itwooll it Coo ' 100 do N. 2 Hemel, 30 & Ceffers, Dover, Thirst., Dry Dares, Ore- ID 40 I :rotted Spin, 30 an Prime isnoer, ceririlurriware, Beet 43 110 Dened, Medeire, & ether Nets. memo ,M. NI Ts, no, Pat nt their molt nt trawl as low •P do /40neh, Omuta... oases onolity rap to lownsid swot also, rialt 30 din Neoer /k tits, 4,11.41 ore or Infuse port.ssina II son want to 23 dn Ns I & Pale Me*, VS RO WS. I tans 11, Mtn. stelrstren 299 do Mum Nlntelnd, ." SO de Idenato and Onettpd, 911 - de Pewee, C.**. &e., 23 All ad... promptly executed. C. BALDWIN, .Mrs on the Making anil :Ml hosio as tee all Ito suet NEW ABEL TURRIBLIL, ry..14, iti he Soleil ItUslont hoot Mosso no hand at wissleonla coral • te. ye*, Mos Is scull, 111,111• • ' Etry "." ' hotlett Otatto. o . ) SS. JOHN lilt 0 ES. • doe 5.111yY Rrr, W 111111•• odt an dm* o, th• 7.16.11:13120114.311.12 MI par Me"."" 13021,301%. t. doe,&h, awl etlVrt:2 hr,rnX 4. 1/Le""ante,adr/rdee.VS"./e...: *or.. y Ms Aided eed = . l .. ehoda . l=ll... o. == . l to ton *dm 10ho, o. Mom& au. see., ma *Bed eta Men &Ile $4 we yank Lannon/ dendnoodsellmemed INelety.Undoolle., todobe, Mal* 02, lied, feta, Itetemo, *pew t/ealnooOt =LOA. Tertr....2 Ole•Maten,•el& Owl sed_Oded Om., On& odd hirlik.Onkl redo,dee. Lead re OneOrra . • Gehl For 11.1/o,==. &we N.. see. o.e.,•edeedem .. .entetel gleam, left eee *dew, 40%15 =43. alhdhees. Irk* a s/ mee,ll****llless eine dd.* Nen... lbedetene. M Tehe. atereerres. see. *me Yee. OU,rOI. wen* en&h. elen TorpedUnt.,••4ll.3deendell&d, set& W • .m.l sad erg.m renurt of Mi. smdl 1110111.11•••• *WWI Tam. mpoploon.... !AK .1••••••111•0111116r. rifeb• No nalzrare. . NI% A. kb. MI a• rino. ef=7 . l4/ rers. ope. , Imo. 1N10..R.<1.mi11../10,116•41. It* - M.60 . Mo. eb•rdia,lap me SM. des . • ...4. It= fro,ilietwidt,tr beta.% ee& b• .1 ••• mamba qmlll/ ma P lZOses.. " Amo MOW tille=V"'"pp .. 'AVer 81141111ila. • 1.N...01.1., INANOW limian INAPT. IL, li. . 4, wy. a. a. i are a Paterson and Italeare alp a Peak.. Western Esillreen 1 wal & Modem Weer NNW. Awe,/ Dva• ts kV T Ma, N. Y.) attirMIIMINME r..v.7.1,-.14:::...: irr=...- 'ILA mao.iins. W Al* of AlwakVe. PAW.. AV Yam,. Tb• fug eV 411441.4.. Slar It We Vim low. VWV vekkaten Itatruk witaktwww• kV No L. VV. to 1 V low : . Irk:•: " :l======rtt v "" ” e". 11 " ! ". .46 tre "*". r " , M.o. Vey ,. ........ I k a. W Mkt.. . •4444 :I. W Ikl. t of 1 6.. " .I....NNNAIr . " ' . ..rte, IN ' e All. awl 1 . Ikg 4 "."...." k." """ .... t.:=4 k Poe I k .In k •trivektir Ifll4tßig. I • .• il tt. can. ,••••• "If.* • .••••••• 1 ..... 0.... 11. 449. ~.., At a A otneek A X AI •WeloW k. X. , Attention, Citizens ! rwrioluroml 11111M1101, ' /.. • Pore..., Loam M. Tari. 'Ata 40 , r 3.1 4.4. Al 0, ...114 Aa h .t lEW GROCERY STORE ! i ~ --,-- ...-. 1 _ 2i '' .111 . ...... I Owe dear So. OW.* iimq*, Rime. I n . Yatmommo• 'Tql:talt=l„7:,7";.7l:=V".'"' suIiDAIV 'MAIN. Lout, Rour•••• 1 Leon No. Task. OlUtg g MM.( WO. . . A..: .17 , nr, i,,, 1.. •.t. , 1i=!!..4;1*- 117,...r.=1.:::?::::.,=:: ~ , t,t 0-,= , —. 1.,=,..1.1 1 :—.1/1... 1 :7:617.1:71%1",—.%:=4`,=•„?.,77, t. 0.. ~.., .7.1:=„„.... ~.„,,,, ..... . ow la IrAn.11•••10.• by too lom i LLT•i7 , 4.l.j r ion. v...., ! . da.":,......,........................VZ Ilan lor I. uset or MO .41 or • am an, mpo wr0.T.....a 1i0ftw,..0........./. 84....... 1.4.6.• w............. Wbg.rr. Antat =IV: . tr'.tut:tll2, " l":re , '' c o m` nium ".'"'----- pt i on m a 6. c erei. "'- . . . . bark Mt My*. or .4.111, • MU I. uf Winos awl Liquors, Ths . folleasiss sass as sae slele grestaat triss*af AN/.YA4 tlia ass,. sf rnedark• amiss my paldlnied In erol. irt:=Valin t= ti. " ""... 1 " 1 "" 1 " 4, 1111:%8T11 , sum, olant *Mak* twa Dame, ••• Ammons. •GENCV OF • saws tn. katemakk 141.- If. Final manta makirs, M.., Uttar* M • g; w.1471a. Paw, , .1141IMMOVe. Ig I :I:: =; n at.l=7:4lirrtra:orWiMa7Z= •(...misa AVt.. Ll.ll a OD kozr.i. l• ARMY AOTIO • ARAB DD.*, DOWD.. ADA. t mtaral wak. kwr sktaktiw. A Dot OAV , A Mr .At =fa= koaD, ^AAA.* kit Maw vakkliz ohm mem .864 :17:2::AtroAZI:Lwaymeai " avriar STOVES. '''''''''''' f War kat. awl Want armal Yam kaa am** Mat • so aMag. I mama Ma. M I waald Lambs Wool Wanted. w s ww. MMer Maks.. *MOM rit r AraltTatTartr ." : " .m. " ..r=== ma was tw. la Me akaamma.. TV, AS Mee amtaate . desnuma. .I , ==l:7= - • MOW.. toy kowelwlelleari mate, pm week ' rtr " ..• . ;:.:Al::::=l4l7=lW i err:V= tr'"""" D. ma • ...Ay MA war ..A Dusan.. hew wed ow MM.* wawa. kaws . ,ww, alwaya yisktpm, ...MI sok omits k. meow. 11,1 I MM. aaka Mak ot shwa 01.111. Ski. II Mar Ikwarma Wawa,. :=l;::::rlitteWsr " =r= :174: wa I moats mamma WI kla DA... I:.."="=l:arra ". :=.7.l7l=Arrl7•ol; am awa. detantmW panlmlom milMit! IT "'" lrwa "4 Ya Joximon. aka*: A. k.. TaMitatow . A latta. w M. 0.. D. NIA, Ls— , Maysville . Ilastv=wlll TT= =az I Inta ; Y latalaM ems* xl lM M.Mn ha all it. 4 and. al old alav w.rlY Y. Mom LINZ° 84 2M:0Z:4., FASHIONABLE TAIIABIS O. x. SZIERUNS. SOOT AND RIME MAKER a REPAIRER tatepow Ft, MAm "eopleislr, rake, (010.1ty. r.,llitydeare Wermene.filare. l iWN rramy. SW, J. H. Ii MOCK. aireCOM £T 111111, 1101M1011.1, PA. lirmumwed Om re* 'pm AMP TAMA., .••••• Rol Oft ImitinA sad rwrip R. P. IllimaP Sum 01.14. layea," MDT. S. 111LITIIII, MIMIC INC lITNIIIMIN PM ill,40.•••••1111. p="iWilr 1 . 1.=" 1.1111,26 mln=rmirowriotl= -~.+. ' w r o. s. labalsirmas arocar i Mielase "17"M= • PURIFY! PURIFY! Tor 111 , 11 mid PALM m la Um MIL p.m 11. pa a* a a Jo a* nomass ....4 or lawa aa ...low *l.n. r„.... .'M h. 1..... 1 . 1 •• ..... BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING RXTR l ACT. ............ cr47l NUN —THOUSANDS Ham hem nerr dm. prie pm. ammo et/ IVWhy dna roary4r—eml se* ammo wen orb.. tar Tan Iw. gana7. aid a 7,a, Taft Ir Val. • • ••=tros . cant rime , j.4lr moi&er •Il* We It mi.ll. le — miMIIL view Yr MM= THE WORSII . 1110110 maal Yapese 411 mans a Om .611. an I amatioa. .Ay., Mx*. Mao, varawness, Mannar vagina. Paw Asa. /Wk. Mi. Lima. qf .ar,.=;:r.'.7..—..=--.2.,-= ledle MUM INI /11/TILL ••••• Irtrjr••• •• ••• miet r ••••• e••••••• 14•• ••••• —l:7—=thir ••• ••••• ••••=1•• *kb ••••••• &MIT •• *Ow mon 11. ti re. 41•••• • /•••••• 1•••••• ••. =b• • b••••• •••••• um* mo. ow" •••• ow*. 4 linr••••••11•••••14 •• =ld • •••••• •••• t• %grow ••• nod mad. •Inom• a dim 14•111, ••••• •••••••••• •••••• ••• •••• •••••••• Imo Imo 0.11. .•••• *a* MY ONE DOLLAPP• WORTH. Tio• 1. am •••• •••••• in* MY., I Ur .1 I. Mu.. of Moon Omolio Co. 11. ••• ••• ••• ••• 4' on. •••••• ••••• •• int di 1•11.• wl ••••••••/•. .41 ••••••••• am or es., 6. e=tl==l Om eve.** ewe 1.18 168 wade wee . eal mu en* need t. Tam hem Lede of Speole re/::: •=6:11,74 ti! Z• wr bed god wee eveee#4 Ye. hoomeAw Yee ..e•N he meal meg Se Pry. No ma hag ...A eke. GI tem ek , Lie gee-. bob liee ••••• 0 , -Weer Wei, Made awe-1M tim lll%;4 .64hini ense7 g ee viamir -tles de prat ea* le wok ##e he re I.l* but 1.1. ••••.*••••••••• Nome 1.1• o•Aled I. ID .1 epe ef ele hom-lhe *4l WM ee*lnl tee...mei OW ea 0111.1/ iiieLVl SUITT gond Nova md mewed h. Iv WeedNo ere=l.. he erro ey le mei rlrl w he WI bawdy &ea Weis ehztenVe 04 . # lesavem Ne== n4 Ftl ier"" e7 Woe Ifr le=eidreilerifF Ye* noilmo /MUM -Mee Tame. Mame Oftwy ervilf7l=3 Clootateh i te46lZa Neoldrs hiheelee efeeeemot, De*, leelenee Wimp • Nyets , Cilll. • FAL eelltheme me lam amp* wio= la= woo Meer woe emu won No wermir. c r= =.• ===l4 i m a . Owe I. ma earl AR AtIMPW "' I db.a. gimlet jrw.d•dwN...t NA z NO More*:42 .. .ehlleetle *ell= '••••• ips4l=thlr ".... &Mr , egiA LL I #1=1 ... 1 ..horkliem gone • ••••11 Dm. and aro, b. 7 4 1 ,1 2 4 • eale