The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 27, 1849, Image 2
__ _ THE DEMOCRAT. la(iMN hefen Wy er•de W sores- I rl•rler h three aria, M oil wily . ord (rW _ teal If they Ad them they infer/Ad to t ier Reinder) la which he avers hie drawee. rd 'e' r ' t i r d llb e "."" lm . e.'"b4 ' lr . :ll37 ° r« :7:rum t r ..tii c y ...l - rant The Ituth the eanwaden Mt • felorboisd ,• Whig meeting at Brat Bred • fir *Tramp tlf the oo enwthier chortle, sad thio Whip ince, bet tad widt • Areal ll.r W.I. well _ : ham 11. We email le the Jeers."( dr Hare Om ed.. to Mr. Ganable_a_m_motaleddway de . IMOMP7IIO/11M, PA t to prom that of the Meade Ona awed.. of that ohm raring; foe melt mortise he ram. The n. Doißioomboto DIA& e"*". Demo- •‘•••ls Ple erste, and only about one third Whir.* We ap. ; But, bodimge open our Monde oe .thee pada p e el eau to 34r. Lode, et Wyoming, to my, of the Mete need taker Wean at 14, firten's whether the aria. and only clam bill, (which he portion ; for it et as tomb to hie parer to tom the mtroduced,) was net defeated by the treachery ofSurnehavate river upstream, as a at to induce ono Hwy N. the man who ROW , Democrat on them parte to vote for Fuller Nt ip the Nath Breech candidate fee Canal Comm.. kr..wn here, end known, takeover, to have nee., eke.. He preferred to do the bidder of a car- with Derocratewhadever, nor dad he ever item 100 rhiledelphis Bank. and m conesquere, much. He km hoed dengfieg at the tail a Yoder. red ficed the N ee d, Bnrh bill. md e , eee {elan for years. and we are glad he has fired his rot azonssro,..vaa , NIDNEY B. WELI.B, of Clifford. 1 pro... Belida, Ma , sr dory Mem Federal falai. natural cisme.. DZENINL MOWRY, J R.. C ord. pro.orrodo in Pam lodlvenia that em cordially in fere of the mu erte 1.01.18511011 R ' platen of that Improvement. Bet when do yon JOHN D. MURPHY, of Silver Lake. find the Feder," par and party a theta Moog and anytel44 Whig citedela—the Whig cosetise of Lance... Cheater, Lotman, Dupbisi, Ao. awl I , the city of Ildlodelyboa Are they ter the Beak! Drench! Aye—thel'e the award Will the Wkig Noah Breech men plena mower we , They am very strongly oppeoed 1. it, esthoirl Reprawelatives were in rotor Legidatere. Arid or Ammon rot 2 CALVIN D. COBB. of Mai:lowa. m.° °°.°• ll o their el4saitha Met hwon said Mr. Fuller hie had le give them secret eh, Deinitverii - tle - NOinimalior. r... Canal Omani loom JOHN A. GAMBLE,_ Cosily ?Itlid, O. G. 116MPST6AD, of Monerooe. rD{ •IDI,. Iron 3 • ALMON SPOOR, of Herrick. sr We want ell of coor e•beenbent mar to, that ha w wet es furies. • Noah Branch roam al. eta ter all, to order ...lay thew emeriti. to Ihnsolt Meir F.O. As it is the last payere me hate behre N.. .w Oor Theneeratio friend. i 04441. monkn it ogle political. i ethe Mate must not. well not. be dewed into the amper4 ef hypocritical, Jena-faced Federalists by The adderess. 'ouch contempbble trkkery end fakshood. They Iry The ..'". d ;may be sAI assured that the North Branch in• the Democrat. Mate Central Connent., on an- I , 4... ,444 d read by ..TrY from awl, a (ladled densogegoe es Wm. F. lohn;1 ." kon, end hie emfiderates, of than Mr. Folk,' 'Them a e.xam l y• D e. ' • mleubis 414. me. memo.. Thew foleohearteducw te the lama T.""Thom" to pouf` North Branch few been already proem I n owl .• the e 1... of • Democratic Canal Cann... timely ad 1111 l ted and Wide awl... be 1 ...11 0.. , mod fred....... eh Wheys. the Whig u. 4. Sena. Cooper the Sale; and the ether, n4O ripe out the , themthe 1..4 legdetun. „4,„_ sly jo4.d stem of Federati., which the incurred by her in- .1 . 4.4 4.14... wd hava said, that .0 Meer The' sans serd.ct I. fall. Ise Democrats be up a od . 1 Level for the earns... of the Canal, ea. ...Y.. Me 6 st P . . 4 defeated by Garer.r Joh.. and Ino friends, of mg ...Y . 1.1.. Whigsere o mudly Nay ,whom Fuller was chief. We nips., throe feels eating &theme. of falsehood and fraud. and per fmting then organtaation& They arewxrhmg" ens, then, 4.4 "lughingt•the. rsrei• ever apparent by them frest thew party fidelity r 04.1 '"' thet * arn- ' , they be humbugged mt of thelr mtea by the ar -17 ant &lemon that it is to &Menne the talent. of ...lase many. They North Orasch Canal? No: weer. ens must all go te work, mod work faithfully from' tins tine, to the day of the election. They me. •We WWI g.n the vote on the d. bill sad a. electrify every indef .... member of their mt., the p.prnom to aunrhit to the Cep.. Apprs. and be .11,8 that EVERY DEMOCRATIC two votes which mull be ma,rd.s. • .111--1101. week. Would de It the VOTE IS MLLE', week, hot the lamer of the hear at which the foregoing was armee rendered it impemble. 'The Candidates and the horth Braseh: tor T. P.a.. It is row restively known that the Federal' Joan D. alervany ran. !leaders in this musty are agent resorting to their eild of duplicity and falerboal ceder is de. I Th.. icon beled by the Whir. to feat, if psalm the Democretic for , 44 .1.• the ea. einsem. or and andt.tiously retailing Omit old Canal Cmhnioieuer and Repreautalue. The Ih) trek liewMl seams le be toride the hobby of the dettg ohm. " W,waw Cerreskre, igworma North Branch Coati, loloch really hoe mobil. to, p , a. , " • Da , het' tr. 111 l ." inmaretten wilt ads with 4 . y4 , pc , h444 .. 44 the (no ,. the Desnourator c.d..le for ewe. Comeniaatc. ell head in fever el it,) and to remnant to all , eri Mr. et Me... Ts. een and d.pleable twin an ister.l i• tie cempletioo. that do: porpes ef thiektd ne candela. for Canal Commissimer ,the p.squcto of Mr. Mean. • ektetwa, and so. d 44 Ilarimentalive,.. l indeed Melba... doh. d b. Whig eraw.s. Ms HO , pony Reif. rue radly and deeply booths to that 'pa ....Ire.. emettel w 4hemesa mon igvizAarrs, astr eel 41.4b0n, won they . Out the enfant.. policy of 4 k., h party cannot Inn coupled white ...engem (have. E.. affixed te •bwr etself • Th. Irish sae. are rnerslly der.: .44.4„4,rtw,l who 4 .4 4. h .. h... era.. serer, and can umber be mooed nor bought, we „, ....! bulb... the eappert. Ilene. the 4.04. 0. 4 . 4 ... 4 4 4 I deep hatred of that peaty toward every thing con marvel were we to learn .11., n e longer in their weld w44h our Dish tonne! Ilene.. ,mnlead . ang l e o. mwra , I Men detemn... ...elude *nehmen not only 141,0 w nfrom all Aare us the pedlar deco, but owe from coining, Ater febricattens,• mornenee reflection the fel(af-for Pia Mr, not rookietwe—noe th. metier will , non long enta.nobsp, nor public andoe, avail to domentob. WI.. fir Mstance. will behove that Mr. Mow are Ihr relomlom sprit d pa anti. "Wad by 14 Ran , Whig party towards these who has fled from the Wyoming, is 1.1411, la the Nonh Branch' IL. ellimear, Pod..) lain in thie boutsd ...Idly, p e mmiary « o mm e of freedom and monthly !—The ...emery the I m0 .„ 44 .1 rob ; eminent Ina patriot. whe sided in anabbilong our the completou of dna work. Ile evades a. the \. 4 k.". 4 DerProdeo..thetthea dm. ahem al. hie porpeny is Leered.—and le to nil'..4 ght.han the a.... e e,ed ad rob 0.. worse Mot he Can be feeble a d,l. to be-144 0 ". lMery watethered by the blood ad. , 4.01.04 my a 4 h. here. of Federal Whimery • who brawl in the t ......repeat. faces of our fora einem., oleo Miler 111.8, Owed. a Moo fabrics.. of the Entrain.. de lI 1 . 11..4 thou wait sot—there,..l .1141•0111 bon sompecting taws hall dm mopwa of gar bier de. 1" Nair own elekei. No Demo... we are ronfldent, With this wick. spirit they we pureeing 1..', will be done Moped re hemp/a—none M AlllO, O. Wh^".." wait sermally. Mr. MOW., lite Mr. W.., of t ade the AManl,e. although he km 110.• • el.oa an woo emu., may. end we tosa 45,04414rrd is. thelY b an re. ell ettarar. to elw er load darn that were I'ddell and cored in the Townohip d Elm. lake or shinplaster when., and oe ifors/hoor • seee.e 1 e ,! New the at- I em, elk Dermenna, and • great malty Whir, tot tear to prelude. Mr. bluest., ou acemat of ear keewledr. Da that he ban the Wight. 1,1•04-plare,inot only 10w,..111., meab sad mei boility. et Ise.. Indifferent is tha vintpleion of temptible. Intik is canonry lo the until attar geo mid esoal, is, we repo., too bald.fseed • mammy seamen. and the law.. our tad. of the Ironed atat.4 earealy prolomplatre -- Mundy Islor, aloe, Is deo a.m.. that Mr. nod preside* for • diviam alto one. and pan.. Gansu is rimmed te the Neal. Branch. Ile is age der gesenonsent mango. adopted eithene I the desnorree 141 111. to, i. trail' Nee Mel wad...the km respowdble...* d. 4/ horeolowel sod NMI t 4 141 they Be the hitt. ellinee 4 Me diamtry ! themerhanna he • Med whk his erectable lean! While the Whir sod Nathrm weeld rewire a rm .l.mass the Cm. le ad two 04.pMad4 h s l 4 Jammer trararyane yews ham a bear. Mee. dh amentelem ha feet fried, Me. rerrefedly Ihe ethered to era, W atom. eye, •spreemi flair... 14 . 1 th.P.s.• I pram Mall be eligible to the Alm el Pbseldest who Mall net ban ellawd the ap a fintly-11. hem Mis asonty w 4 tam meow b 4 sdwuer.d l yeah , ad hoyn f.,. p00r. y...4.44 ledhwaiira 1/4 United Modes! Awl any Magner by birth boo, Ole era/ M. he ht a Wes 440.1 tone wk. haler. • etas.. emalry she years .ad thonelbee mad be iskaind s the Nail may lie @heard a Peasar ef the United Maim— Ersoseh. • Whid tII ..44.y shoo. be !..4 444. wo.sem Wm. Ir. dembor, • o Wag Orsetinnien allow Wolper 'was ems net h. adie•WO (...1 end as hat. Herd Ideette the 114. 14 membote film Chat. awl the led Nam! Idea kaddeldy was ad reeeliag almelats Mow Ws West Mai. Weell them I. Itans/1 ms. had yd e W ay let ..e. de start ... Rally yaws oridenas as as of wells 4 PO Walk 5... a at the lag mint of esmaystomr. the elite .Cory Cleasniehmer. _ _ . Lesidown awe obey I Aweney re. Audi we mien so my, we nee Y. men wawa or WWI. Mewl et the Nadi Imp% we Uwe flew trims esol be bib. WA, wwlew eed we vie. Need et M. O.M.a wiet wends ••••••••--roa, It Is *ow M.irr lIU Imes lielfebeek—ee memo* 1111.0ussa an low ?WA *mak beam be hyper le Mr ihe Wed newel NO. J.N deo* Are Iwo Oat Imporwiweweo mg wwwweolly wiell Wheel Ulm Pe ma la Idea • IaSM3I2EeE «is Omanils limb is Illospisbams sit lryn nisi rem sons dais via Me anal Ss sun onsissidinin &Mr And nisi dal sis das did Map • Inninidni pry birdie Whelk* Simi I W. non was am a/ft lii*dy si woulionhaellibinal drier. wail Its Nommen Inds *..steer. berm M ma ass Wm I rigbl rasa say. I. re air re .W. be I. bra err sad N.. Ilhorby is ass of sr vary bar obirr—is riaspri. W aproarl burr *SD ibIi•MIMMI4 is ran 1. say Ira be MN nabs se pal a 1.2 i ao saw NW Yr .M.I Lot NNN. I►Nls(rp es its mars N.. IL M bo laraliarly orri s r ma boo arroor my rabid bin ors bon sac, orb Limon Ilsommose•%This Ammo. of tmosso =WWI Ona. I. N. o~uss awl UssoostlifibpsoratimOssillms firafko,sl Oodsmisla Ihr Iffebfamm, gab onnity Thinalgr DAM oboes=M.N .l. Ism inse• mil Of ow" obey MO la *MIA fah ossdil be lean A posy limb la dos soggy mot soss.nrily O add Is be mossoL Owls mins as hid. fOolOWOONes• ly mai* lllVaireml ssip bee tormsfismosis 4.11. Lnkbler• Mew..--The Democreis hare Mama their Gm meet, positively, by the popular IMO. sad both bramlie• et the Leglal . The imprity ea Mist beam it Weald mill be as high .. fifty. Tim ',mamma Democratic U. IC &..w i. the pl.. M Mr. Hamlim tor mom Pabable hi imtlecrimi./ The Dem pia limo lam elects:et le arm& a 4000. I. reel the •• Democratic party amenred,.. thesis _ Comoro, o. oo —Out blend Illoaotoes hao rt. Olr glnood es wader obligatioos y pnonning no wide . Ana lot of easily Ohio own maintfactino. in. eledieg every vanety ewer wee tie three. et Our davit, n•derlle and .14eiev, aed dMlly all tate pa. welt at it. preitteineed it delirious. We silviet. all wits west le perehem cetifeetieeries, whether le maul et bpetily lM Wit, le call en Mr. 'rim by ell mean. Gooses Levisßsh October hotly not. dam itself. being saloon* to any melons number, and superior... nalwi teduni. both in embellish• meal and pew., is any oolomporag that we have i wen. There is no question dial Gedey'• Book w et the head of manalow liter aa nee lu Ameiwa. Ts What la the rushy Tendlag! Can any en. sneerer Mi. question? What is the Adminietration Musa for ne welfare, lie pis. teen., it• honer and integrity ? Well any one tell um , Doi u months and a few days ham elapsed Mem n was Metalled into power, sod new when an ?—what de we beheld ? What w the condition of oar (Holier' what one relations' with contemporary gmernasents ! what me prea peenlarlhaJolaHr We innte weaseled attention to the eoldomed remarks of the Washington V 01... open the wittiest. They are worthy ef the gravest I emaideratum, and mere eopeetally et this period, when the people are about to he called open I. oppress or condemn the ante of the (or men) at the helm ." W 911( is NOT T. FRONTIS• PlLOZier sa 7—We have more than once ask.' the question, Why is not the frontier protected? I During the whole summer, the Indians have been committing depredations on the lives and property of one amen rer l ding on the Rio 13rande, and the frontier. of Mexico , and Texas. Large bodies aro also oollect -1 ing in the neighborhood of the western !routes to California. And yet our govern , meat does nothing, eseept to lend its aid to Spain in putties down an anticipated To.- 1 lotion in Cuba. Whither are things tend ling t While we bare a general war with Ithe peewee apparently impending; we are also u non the eve of a rupture with franc., bee brought about this state of things ? I In view of these threatening difficulties, shall we have any more of the stupid non sense and humbuggery about having • .me of peace" at the head of our gov ernment ? Does it not invite aggression from civilized nation.? And have not the savages at last learned the meaning of this !contemptible cant 1' It is time for the rah -1 inns to relieve the country from the error of !position in which they have placed it, if they cannot retrieve their own reputations With the extuttsela of the Cur prevailing over the weak bet embitious Presidentoft Prelate, who knows but we are upon the I ve of a war with We miscalled republic ? '1 It would be Just much • pow as the hutch ' 1 titer. of Hungary would be likely so play in larder to prevent the spread of republican-, !ism. Unfortunately, in this wilds of our 1 !affair., we have not • elan at the head of , , the government who has the capacity or 1 genies to meet it. 1 The New York Nee, a Taylor paper, thee speaks of the minmanagement of the calk. i et, and of its fatal results to the public in-1 Wrests and pity: Our border, from the Gulf of Mi. Pup to the northern line, is in a frightful condi. I Mon ; and the administretion I. ro much oe- , jeupled lit watehing and soothing the fears' of the Spaniel% Minister, that it beano time, to look after the proteetioa of the forntier.. Of the merehandiat and *migrant trains to- wards California, there ha. been modes sent of 1117 lives being taken, and of nearly half, • million of cattle end mendiandbie destroy d; but as she oaten in military ebnimand have sot, repelled in dneform hat 23ineem, no wipe Sffiatever have been taken in rela tion to the reamdeing Indian mastemwas, id though perfectly well authentkated. The tudy-three oases oldially reported are dilly plated mile in the War Department; and of eolarge. the neighbors and relation, of the murdered will feel entirely protested. Moly tunes _perdu have bees set on = emigrant i l=lor e. hrtiLe i la without man eommeeleatiou foe weeks to. =sad au umber et lathe Wm . pi le warm di thew °strap, es our odium, ties bee bus set a fifth pct at the stir sad attendee, sot • third et the winery luny &whims, wink he. berm lavished en the widener _end esp. Ike . esepeeted" upends,. to be, to alleviate the seslatire of a Spa. W Add It way be an Impure= pry ing*, bet we mew emirs we have • deep. Lerse a llw Ow lost Soo Owe bemired pewee of oar either, dale is odd se ow sell, thee toe de ses. boss supsews stay re•pl despot. If the lifts Ono modem who . tweed est win win abesond alawilf is MIA ma who erne Insulin of wilinnue is dot • were esipleyed is anis' the woes and sink= ennw bald hem the balk it weal be MIN ‘1044/14 il a tr i lleikS et , Isrp m =wil i t a ebeeply bank Is we se isapie is etwesness with see c....k.g legs lie! dr 01," air am RAW Latiwil, et Mrs., les Mimi as larroft, fie Wasp MI rap. Mow Is Mat fonibery, MN Has 0.14 Nab' . _ Great Fire in Owego ! Thisikeeil Replete With Fraser. procetred front Commander Carpenter • de- I 'Me Niair-iNshowriew, see A ... m................ , ro g .. o f belled statement of all the fact. of the case Almost evuy paper we take up, soloist- Ton AAAAA Morning, 9 o'clock, This statement. with the aceomponying C , ter whether Whig or Dement* contain The Telegraph this meaning repute tint apotalation has pest bun thrown upon the ,ideneet was traosmitted by 'Mr . Clayton to ...plaints a m • fir c ii...,,, 0 0.p., ~,e. • very distruetin fire broke out is Owego, eountry by the "Pewees," at Wathingtend the F.neh Minister, accompanied by a note 'hence of the mails the like has oeur bem about 3 o'clock, and at 6 eats'. was still Loaning of the exposers a a quarrel that lexpressang the hope that it would he seen boom sines the feumintion of the goverm raging Nearly all the business part of the has been for sometime going on between fewe the doentateat• than no 0.. was I in- ment The Washington offin was robbed Town was then already ....... No , Mr 50 ..., ans.., the p,......_ tondo*, md that it would prove entirely-right under the nom of the Postmaster , aatisfaelory to the French government I theocrat, the Charlatan office weee robbed. ~ further particulars learned eater, Mr. Penni., wiekh may end .• I Instead of submitting these dmuments I sod clone in some twenty ellen ban been g.g... or m eg.....back.• A . m ... ' qmmel, .1., with the F.,..h 401111bli, to the French Government, the 31iniater I arrested for purloining moony outer letters The Federal press ttet now, (and the The only amount of it that has as yet Men wrote to the Secretary of State • letter, in dining the summer. Every day We bear , allude he ch•ractensed the notion dila Do- of new depredaweons being commetted, ea me . this ecoo t y cooed t h e .. o c 0.. .) made puffier, comes, of course , from the ad pertinent on the subject i n highly °Somme i that we may truly say that confuion reign. .. too, their, genius, Y d ,A, i n il ministration...and if true, without ratter - terms, and said gloat he was very sorry to , supreme Su the Post Office Department at the sinks of falsehood and duphei y, an assn- anon or Pole.• ette.• to wholly exculpate find the American Government so Windy 1 the preens time al, for their characta rirr ta and endispemable 6 froet Lime . the . 6 ter . We copy the tneenalbleyo Me dagnity, and au Ignorant elecuoncering •55.orbens e The mom.- 'followin g oompechenove statement of the oL o t i ttlfe o re a t i l eo ttter t i e sLe ir ee e e t e e e e.Z . V . f . made. deception. no reply w insulting note as burg Keystone the* exposes some of their matter from the New York Evening Post To this in deception. and faloeb.A 66 ° 6 of which I which paper has quoted for it" authority By the President's direction the whole cer ement into the Federal sewer "over the way'' l the Ct." , 4 1 E.g.''', the administrasrespondence was Immediately transmitted last wok : lion organ of that city. We also notice to kit Rena. one Mht 9 ter at the Ftweeh , Telegraph says that the • • Court, and he was instructed to lay it be- i p,... that it ceineldes in every partieuler with s toe. the 1 ,...., ) itehw „, tee 6 ,... 41 ..,,,,,.. 1 inistration e hoe m id o ff o Hollind account" in the Repuidtc, the ad• and the President, and to ask their amen-, et of old debts contracted by I aninistnetien organ par srmffsmc at Wash- don to the language which their Amnon-I 'lke years agn " l *neon. What the other side of the story will der had moo at to use He was not di- ineemerente Illraverir. Them trappers, V• 111, Can and has& This Mt true The old debt id e pa id be is vet to be seen. It only put a differ- reeled to ..k ~), .9 6 . 66 L 6 any 66 ' inn the Janson (Iowa) Dement, Milk inene but thous 91100,000, and they wore e sure of thew Minister, but amply to call hc ,i do . r.....,.. tio , „ wow ., y d .. contracted by Mmes. Power and Bono, len nhowtg ere Ste tettele ...Gees*. whieh the of oho p reso . m a L e the lan. !. -........g. large it0ti. .., 0 ,,,, no ,. whose void conduct and harmony of action „ea,. tut public will be prompt to Tien the Yoe.g in which opotc h was ...b e d mpg that they were so the Mink of re were commended by the Telegraph ensure upon Mom it belongs At all 'aught. of norm. ••• . 6 ° 6666 6 . l ,strong band of Indians They sealed a • Another faders] leper say* that the peen reparation . 666 suitable spot, and built of lop end past sr sem public. debt was unneeessaril v &arryed, events, should it lead to anything serious, immediate and voluntary • no d th e forced Im o ....h. o . of I. as is by .011.0 apprehmeled, between the 9 ° en .. ordinal, had the wholes fort. hut, to which t . hyz . pu the ram .1 Mom., by d eo .enti e o d m i n i s t e ui sina ; two nations, st will be the duty of Congress. ~,,,,,.ep0...,0.1X h li r e :p lr pe . " n ee t tl y t eet l e= and that the present aupiceous state of the no km than its privilege, to gin tho met- Feench Aliniater for Foreign Aliens He ..„ ~.., a ctoco , tte r od ~, h oe . ilb h i, a .f ig e `greenery has been produced by Gov. John- ter • thorough sifting, and tu expose the ermined the matter, and in a despeteh des and id . . 1 . re , .. r . . aspen ns pre , stose's adme ri rr mien " actual perpetrators or the offence desperate ramtmre At t a first firs All this is also untrue The prollegory „ rented to Mr. Hun, and trensenitted by hem to our government, stand that the., th , 1 , y . ,of the Ramer and &arena administranon, Ti,. origin of the eeeteeeeee / le e " ta ' ed I French Execute, a sass no occasion that its, e d e. Ta o .7 6 nee Ae : i t by their Getty " burg railroad, ( heir feeders, to two causes, which are named in the Els , sthe hem .id Con rotund ortude, and that there had evidently ne.en. Sr. and or .. 1nd .... hil. , oh,„. they and their bread. ast appropriations, added lowing: . WlSlllte.lo ry recrimination and Mimeo 1,....„, . h e cc ., 0h.. • T. ~....1 oeer ton ettlh tee Oho eeethee.r.Y Port) l ' t The first was as follows: while our army fanlte on form ears, -thus melon to di. 1 ,0,000 leered .„„, g oo . c o . - r ood _ I tbe 66 ° 6.6 5 64 brought ete•- t' t meet wa• en Meain• • Frenchman named Porto vide the reapenseledity, and directly meld- 1 . i n t , the guns, "lode Yale, with unerring 1 upon dm state and the books. Gov. John- purchued • quantity of tobacco which had Poe.s our Wlkkr... B , *in thinned their rank. Can in"... I "' " h.. trig led n° "."'"°' either. hee 'lken seised need odd by Agents of the This despatch, as soon es received, was , dc„'do exposed 1 , 0 , f o . . 00 d ~...„,,,,, o 1 6.1 ..:41...i. t 6" 9 . 1.6661 the eon-.I Amencan army, knowing ata be private sulmetted to General Tat Iran. who direct- b o n .",, 0 : o „ 1 . 0 „, o '. .. left .bm. damn of the treasury The direct'. to to contend with the Indians. He made the . property, and as such aubjeet to the rules ,ed that no farther correspondence should M. Ilethlitt 6 /..• which 6 .66.6 the P te. ''' . of war The fen. of Om purchase ooming I held with the Frannie hlenest,r' and order- I heat I it, lessipl and fired in such rapid llouri.hiog condition, was given by the late I. the knowledge o f C o l. oat, aloe wen - , eat Am paanporta to be at once 'node out and; !einem rrrrr ion of Governor Shook puce: l esion that the Indians were oe the mending officer, ha immethetelY nomad the I /dared at Pas daapmal. At the woe 9me,l.. ee t ot retiring, when be fell ametally tobacco to be restored to its proper owner, I the &oratory of State, under General Tar - o ' ounded The Indians lament bia death ; sir The noise made by the whirl in land the purchase money to be refunded to I ton's direction • wrote to Mr. Veen to '''' they buried him without sniping him.and. resold to the payment of the public debt, the I r eneb M.' ; keno" hint with the mane of Eagle m.. is entirely accepter% and intended to makel. I P oets . A commission was immethately form id de Toeoom it•n, I apointed, composed of officers of the army„' titer for Foreign Affair', that hen opinion 24 Indiana were killed in the schen ifthe's • false empremion They boast of the pun , t • • t . t the settee, d havingdens ;of the American government had not been i a ' M I k abase or. halo over one hundred thousand , ° ".."' 'g'' ° ° . *". 1 .. ~, . 1 . , . , ..., .. • , ~. “ so g sustained Col. Childs in the action on I nolocotod-i tot action, and not criticism, - dollare of state stoat as a :um mentor& I ho l d taken. The decision wu sent to Gen ' was what had been expected from him, tad C .-There has barn a bloody m osey thing . They forget, however, to toll' dent, by whom it was confirm! I that before thin despatch should reach be 11l , centre between the beery and reform parties that .I°°.°°O. "t 6 per . 6 5 i• to 1 . her - I This ended the matter at that Gene - Muir Poi sea Y's passports would leave boon st 19 town, in Cam& rowed and added to the state debt, to make Dot , F ....„ ..., m.)nr p„,...ce pre. ' 1 at ins deposal. Wo hate pest recessed entelligemee of a the end round the inclined plane, and that .. tod to Mr. d o 0h .„.. „ h . n d„..,.), of I Aceordnegly on Friday night l o st, Mojer, bloody memos betheen the tory Ind return. the eaneellation of the relief issues, which dt .... d.., on bohop of p,,,,, for d o ., . Pommel's passports werp prepartel, wed on puns 10 Almon. The reformers coiled • has been going on at the rate of from SIN.- a !gee. to the amount of the difference between Saturday they were transnuttml to the public Inciting on Moinlikc lest for the par 00° to 6.6.5000 per 06 . 0 5 66 whie• 1 th e dm at which he had purch•oel, and Legislation in Wanhington *Major fa"c"ie' pose of adepeing a einigroblatory address was an annual payment of the state debt to 1 chat at which he had ..0.1. th e tobacco . Al waa at th at tune en this city, and was pre• Ito his Exec Ikon, the Governor Generel. that mount, has been suspended Court of Inquiry was immediately eonnned, , noted on Monday ".anent at the Art Gn•lThe tones went to the meeeing in full roma, before which Colonel Childs was menmered , ion (metered, where he reaponeled to • c OM. peed Molly auceeeded I. completely broth ,as a benne. Hit reerno o oy eine el. nesee jelementary least offered en keno of the 'mg it op, and foreleg the President to Ca evidence before before the Court, and • Prison] Minister die. •• Fronde Itepelelia" vote the chair. Both parties were armed, was rendered unanimously. that the claim Wo understand, bowers r, that op to yen and 111 the course of the fight seven or eight I was unfounded. Th ee decision was trans- terilay afternoon he had no t knowledge of person" were severely wounded, two of them . I netted to the State Department, but before , the matter, except what he hail derevol t wen bode) that they ore not ex mceed to ow -1 any final action was token upon tut cone , public etemor. He left the city in the 0. •or The tons Ilan. taken !menden • Mr. Ithensuan ..went out of .Shoe, lair , teen.. been for W 61.90'. of the nom, nu. d a resolution modem- Clayton, his succesnor, affirmed dee deci- I Such are the porn okra of this threaten- mg Lord Elgin and the ministry, width gave thee, and in &newer to a note of inepiry 'of •ffate J' it we. merely • menender• rein • wed emperor In the eltstverheteee. The frAnt i spruEsrrsitlMO,%carral Wan Ver': l l7: 4l. `‘'.7,,'"!, ' t IN I. L, L r :TPZur,:,,L7.;1 1 . 1 ,V.. 1 :447r d ..t,',7:0 Lo anon the claim pricing (tune taken by the French Gov-To them letter )lsjor Ponnoin replood, in ernomni, jost.fico action. apprelioncion • • very haughty tone, charging Coln c o on .llll. . . . - too had irequently done I fon e Ale i r r . P. ,„:„ . ,,,,T . :71.".91 .1 11 . neconvenation, with the Most motive , .• f av ored by Jolla A Mootee ' d er that he had per/nerd himself un New . 1. ork, on alined.) latt, teem ;Mint ' dee their influence, and using other moat Irene' Ft . Theemlgo ' with "et" "P to 2°6 mut last. The following parte uteri. ' offensive and insulting language. At the I ' relative to the coronation of S. , ••111110, 09 time this letter woo received at the State Emrror, and the de t lara of an empire, Donne tinent, Musa Pounin was not i i I Wuhington, but in New Fork Ile was ' oe lan compiled ho our readers I It mere. that on the lid of Angelo a I immediately apprised by the Sorrow of State, that his preunce at Wul , / I report was circulated that such was 141 he " n g' n ."" the cue, but it was not credited. On tire Ipecessary On repairing hit , et% and call- 1, 1 ,„. i „. p.... y a petit., was put in so ,mg at the Slaw Depart mane, hoe letter was „d,,,,,,,,e to oh .. c „,...1 produced, and ho was told that, although . i ' ... sett" " C m". at d• prat erg the ',nate and 11.111 Leta I such • privelege was entirely out of tin on e ' e ' ' , to confer the title of Emperor upon 801.11111 C I Binary ileum, and was to he deemed • en.- I o ffal favor, prompted le, the moon to i ll , h ,°.„, *te „, e :',e,,, A ,7 1 ,. e g e o t o r: their : .'4 ' Lf the Goverbanant of the Coned States to e- - ' ~del IL. ' morni ng price- ' dem • although the crown and impanel jew prevent any misunderstanding with the ' p ro .. mi o . toc-ho ... at hhemy to els were °Monti ~,me time before Ae- I withdrew or to modify the document, or te: e eldleBl/' a few hours after, the treeops wore , replace it in the Inhs or See Liman- 00 wool, ' etre " he review, in the °ere ment-s• ha might mso tenon of the newly canted Emperor ma ing and I WO appearance. This wee net the tare He offered to Or the matter ln , , f or lO .1 i, ml ' , defend oho propriety of the charges he had I 6666, ab0 u t 0 e 6 .A . • .01 proceeded to the thumb, where the crown I I malle and the longue he bed used; but 'he was informed by i v: 8,...„..y that the was handed hint by so eominister, which, , Pees' lent did not deem the punt one for ee e'em as ho eeee ' ee ' P d • he laced upon he. heed. After the coronation, • deputation largranens at an It was a matter of eto 1 , guano, and he had only to decide whether .*. r . 8 ::',!,, t 0 "" 0 oh t o g oo g e r d , 0n E 1 b .,.... P , i 7 '.. fr d Ihe would withdraw the letter no permit it to I •-- --- - - the • "d °". Ib e c 0...., 0 e die. m .„ 0 ., Now . then wreak which were bnt feebly reuded to, withdrew 1 ,,,.. , end erased two . , it . the people dreading the name c ase cruel . due of Doman. he indellibly tome •d most airman expression. He then aga in ' po thole ..sodas.-Scarps & t' Weekly tnnensitted it to the State Department and 1„,„.„ e ...tee " - "t " It wu placed en 1110 And bete it was sup- - ' 6-- posed that on difficulty would end . Thu ended thie matter, but not the ir ritation to MIA itpm visa The idol gem n shown to M. Pomain was undeserved, for both his tummy and behavior hetray ed hie wanem to oesopy • diplomatio po silk. of meth hoporteme. The mat aollision ended I. M Poussin's 1 &mina mid if it resat. Is • who with I Front., me shawl bold oar governmeet min featly Inmate as vs ore et proms( milvWd. The Rem ewe Miley Ine follows o While Vera Orin arm seder timbale. Ommosoder Ourtar, at the sloop.ef-ver 'hostas, labia Mend ass 011ie bloaading nqsadree, ems mile" oe by am aortas of the heath barque iregorsits to mew her from airmen& upon • rook whisk BIN had Mesa. Copt. Carpenter, ale, giving sommeal aid,. presentedto th• emends et the Semais his slam fee the lepl mamma of savage. The The somMis refuted to pay It, us] Co.. redo. Oarmister theraepos mama the mesa, mbinb he had Weasel hem am doe of offsating km mem. but thirty Amebaeboors abselisiss Ms dam. Mis modest le the MUM diner Me desidel =- this a Mr. Mad, We , ea r it yes albevard eslimitled. saptela, bowever, sompliale ed et We tiestmest le wide b be and Ms Went bed Wen eislill by die &Maim end lb . Fres& Mister midreesed a see to the flesecemy alba* ray keg that the himsb lag had e bees grael iremi tssibs: el oldeesaa. enim al. a=beg th d atOsar . Mr. Clayhm, daring she rubor sae llor As salaam di She Navy Thapariamsh raw rod la to lir. Please. he Bwershwy, who Oar What • far seeing and sagacious financier the present state treavurer is T-1 Until very near the first of August, he re- fused the payment of the canal commis sioner's drafts upon the appropriatinns of last session, to pay theolual debts, for far he would not be able to meet the interest on the public debt; but when the day of ' payment came, he dieourered to his utter latent... Fern., he had °toper to pay the in- every man of intelligence, acquaint ed with the Serena. at the etatte, amw this would be so. Mr. Hall must therefore have boon inozousably ignorant of the resources of the treasury, or else he wantonly withheld the money due to the public creditors, and dis regarded the plain provisions of the law. Tlas led 7'iogo Danner elmtains the' !hawing letter from Mr. GAMBLE, addreste.; ed to a committee of correspondence from I the Free Soil Branch of the Democratic ! party of that eounty. It will explain Bevil; and while it •• defines him position" 'on the slavery, or frog moil, questions with berms-1 log deference and franknese, we trust that; it will allay the reverie]) qualms of the I 1„ Corbettaville Donkey" who poked 661 long earn ned slander "narrative" Into the editorial column of the last noon organ or, ' this county J • SUOMI, Sept. 13, 14449. F. E. Smile, IV. C. Webb, and Lind Big loin Esqvirew 011X1,61111.: I have the honor to, sehnowledip, the receipt of your letter ofi the 4th instant, propounding to toe the! !following questione, in ponntartee of your' Appointment as • Committee for that pur pose, by a meeting of Free Soil Dew wale held at Tioga on the 3d of !lepton- I ber instant. However relatetant I feel to give publici ty to my view., upon a subject so foreign end distinct to the duties aid fo tions of the °Major whioh I have the ho nor to be eandiaate of the dementia ;arty, I cannot, nevertheless, decline to anemic questions...toasting from, and domed he penult respestable a pub& meeting of my renew citizens. To the lino question, namely, " Nhot Sr. your views in Motion to the Needs. tieeel poems of Cuevas to hibit Bb voy in the imitates belwng to the U. Steles." I sums that la ety hued& Judy d&PK atAir posenses sash Uortlta. emi To the mood quads.. &may, If yea believe Omura parse pompom the requisite authority for &at rare., ant yee la fs ver of the s of en ast ealsedieg to all rah Teivitaile the prineipts ef the Dl diaanes of 1717." I ammo that les frac of the rangy of en set, of tbe "dep. tioe of say etherOseedtedosel mart, deemed mosoory. Is seder te rain& the Ruth& saleasios of Immo glavery. With soolloooto of the hlshoot roopost, I tomb for sift so" ==EI Mn bow marina or at War IN. Milks. I• rIdSS IM or She 1110 Weiser or. rope• "kb abs hue rettars sod Woo M Sam tbe pprps over lo the A rdour kr Wel Cler. Tulip had wad • smell all Olwietts Haber. Sap A popooltor, lobo oihlool &mow Yarn to QM II plash of nue Mmobs, to kap lin maw ' wo m = Y rearm, to pot illto owl/ In Ns wool. There was • quite a tedious riot ht Port- land on Friday and Faturdsy night. the! 7th and Mb ins., which resulted lo the I burning of the loose of a sodded utaM mood King, witieb was the resort of shoo boned women and their motomer. The bonne was mobbed tome weeks sines, and oom' dots front • amnion fired into IL— O. Friday • party who bad got into a on roma near tito house of King. wore god upon from the Moose Made hid to • yam.' attack upon it by dm mob, and none alter mamma was womood and ',Rooted!, god into the beese, stunted to the erred with Mama. TM dot los monred ee Bawdy *et. and the bore was bum{ sod dm military went ea/led not is suppose the armadas'. Daring Om dot several per. wee woo shot by the panty in do Lou., and Clips. Snow. the master • of • Ming mod wao kaki. Mutet—The Imposter, who has bees plebes Memel of ow See Oesiresten ed Peet-llattere u Posuyehaels, as s Weel spat, by abs name a Jobe Weedrs", sae trbe has Malta the Pest-Maar of Obeiessel me at 1/1.000. seder as sane at Jobs lialweett Mai feel Wendappoisteatt ed bate be the repose, Ye bees seteted at Iv umiak leases, ater beam preseed trke spy the Peet-Nefeet of that , Plift sir TM I . asaMm , : a il i Mmlimle i 1 MAN M Mit ' s sirmil mlamil — VlM Mi mr. ZomMir ibe maws Mo lam! 04- ' lordM Virgiria. Too NORTII BRANCII Ca. SL.—We derstand that Mr. Folder is about to pro ceed to the North Branch forthwith, and prepare • portion of the work for • Wain, no that the work will probably be eau , unnamed in the coons of the neat two month.. This will be glorious news to tho !people of the northern eountiee.—Donie i erotic Union. Grua Garner.—At the Reientille Con vention recently hell at Boston, • paper, writs,. by Fret Ilearortl, was reed, in whieh do account is given of • ease, Attu , led about twelve miles from the :Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky, anti eupposed to be I terve, than it. Mr. J S. Stevenson of Bowling Green. hen iwnetrated it at • die tenet, or live miles, and it then seemed still expanding. Dram. ltr nonce.: —A most bold and daring Burglary and Robber), was monde- Ind no lent Wednesday erelong in our vil lage. The actor of their operationa was on Franklin street, io the Jewelry Stare of Alva J. Evans. The person or persona entered the more by means of lowing around Oho look with an augur, by which they were ' conlilnd to Fin an entrance. But forte.- ately Mr. In had all his jewelry and watch es, together with his money (with the ex cook,n of four or live dollars in change which was in the money drawer) kicked is his iron safe—sod they being weprepared with the requisite tools, wore unable to make any further progress. The tomb wed; for the pompom, of entering . the store were found near by, and reeogrosed as belessing to S. Aldrich, Carpenter sad Joiner, and ' Mr. Campbell Wagon maker, from whom they ware stolen the same eireaieg. Our village is undoubtedly forested with a gang of reckless villains who are ready at any lime, when an opportenity remits it self. to commit depodelloos of any Aar , actor. it therefore would be proper for our eitieena to "guard well their outer ' doors."—Birigkiontow Democrat. pr Garibaldi. the I.t. levier of doe noon.. Repoblinno, woo at Yon's, M fAmo lost Iwamoto. sod his fondly with Mu sofo sod mond, so that tbo report of Nadi.. GoribaldVo &mob was looorroot. r— Th. Gelifena brearla the Hatpin City,anated manna et elev. theassad ;aim sad papas parthz" w helly waled, m.t anillnetal as beam hp has fear to same terees. ealased saaplea of am "OM" heal (Ulan's. Descawkwes ef the are. Mese Meek er.—lt is sioraleoed la to Nib of Me en. Rogwarl disks, that moos his posterity dare ' Jorerem adelefews al the Gospel, sad fortp,maro who monied bls hssaW dessesdaate ; also seam ad posts;*ty who Immr *mesas piddle Sari; Mateo mew or dm; bar, mot Wailed N ths Woesillaph sad smote= deism of wwildoe. Br Al Bededdra, Wm, bet week. • maim et .7.000 wee mudieed mules' die Berkahlre IlsOreed paq.•q, mei Y lher me at D. B. Ommbell sad uI Be Ibis rise seeeeleed by dem while waft OM named usdk. OW was owe &me al re WNW Qat ?NM% As um ea wastber sw. Are ee l r- sseleiks I. lone r am, sawk =kis $ l 4 millmten b.( gar