The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 27, 1849, Image 1

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    " MY11?
0. C. HEMPSTEAD, Editor asd Proprietor.
~,,,wThas,..e hig , traz a. lll7 ... eom a u . nio . . : e;
Taylor have been amusing themselves in
'writing sperhee for him, whieh, dllnittg
ooefiicting in their ammeter. " At it
. 1 '
. 1 7 i b . i r ik . i . ... 1 l o i l b
7 h ; ( 0 41 "
d " e i
nor : "" e ' n,
d ware ra:l
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c T . I 1 : 4 7 . b .h y7 "1: 1 o r ::
i ,
. 1 it proved entirelyl
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I - UMBER a i:,-1...:::,:boyol.":::::0:01:77:.:%!:::;::,;.?th:7pc.:.:617:11:11:4,::
. as mouton, especially in regard to the in
date booked up i ao air ...fixed deter.. r the beautiful girl, as al, reo eke.] the purse soon hors du combat, and lotjeg secured. I Tam Shiers .
elation resting upon her lase Napoleon from the hood of the enopress conducted to the load .I.4ters of The fiellonine account or a seene in the 111 E 1)E111()CliAT Lhouldlik 1.1 •
. e le eulogist, of Taylor to tell
looked at her ite sorprise, ax ir io, lona not I.ung live Napoleon," exclaimed Louis , the Bandttti. slave market of Constantinople is taken; - !us how the •• father of his country" would
Tel Email'. bid'', SOW!.
anticipated so is rah 'an answer to Lis pro- as With a heart or. full of grateful eMotimo t '' WloM is poor errand in these moon, from a week entitled 0 Wayfaring Skettel, romp- Below ore several maid.] oortieles have taken an attempt to prepare speeches
legal " I airl ~.. poi again," sail Lc; for further utterance, Ise rock the hand of It 'i" aid Ilmeriques, bo a /10,111 and es." , which wore un,edoluhly deferred laa, .0011 Ir. , Lin o which he never made, or sire mod
Bend softly down, 3e gentle bkies,
Ilona softly down to use, •• in tho meantime teeeeld mood, apart..., Dem j e t,. oo „1„, o ,k,„, o „,,,,,,c o i ohei•ane„ imperious moonier, [1.3 0111 11l ru Wag ushered •• A most interesting group presented it , We keit., their perusal by every voter. . •.f ""I"Ing
AI ltri'• int "".
for 3 our accommodtdion ns I shall elirect." quitted the apamoneet tote Ns presence. self bd... no, ; two 3mong female slaves, ' learn from the Obserres, letters were writ.
That I may sec the. spirit e 3 es,
As soon no the door ,toned upon the fair . - _
•• I came " replie.l V ineente. in a hone both wh moot ideasing countenonees, gtoo,ol nesse, 911. Fuller , tem gising a speech of the (leanest] entire,
If spirit eyes they be:-
petitioner. Napoleon walked toe the wiodow THE SISTERS:
Bend gently down her I have dreamed oqually Jake., to seek D. I mi.
qoi . s , mid toduon•yBl c v 0 i re o f t ro o o fo e t her,tor: e 1; 1 : ' r ' :l l l ' n . 11 "" II: a " ace d t k e I o ' f .;;:¢ ' a r t he i i r; .
~I . V y i T l . L .l 'l e :b s - I . l . ' a q r . :r . t d , ... i t i :l ,.. , " 7::e l sile r :::o:l c t of 1. 11:1:i i . i i l`:;1 1 1 to . i ,: ; l ' o e i pg i o i rii ... lio ) vr " !l
j e t i . t:
d i l l h 6 . 0 1 :1;': President ol:e r v n:t i , :n . e: . i t r w h l"' m d, made dd .. b l
ag,ainst which 3.r ploone than I . Moirog.. and Or Moneta's Res ems,
That. (boy were forum above,
one a lib, fair theghters." -' „. e their attioude as well . the strong like-
In every star thot brightly la awed, ''" i " '-" I ..' h. ! it i '' l '''''''' D ' .l ?"'''' re -
'Mode up of light .41 love ;- io the lover of thin 3.. tong sit I. 'I rue to m„. ..or. m s mot ... Al 0
- The brow of the bandit ref "Mick no news between them, pointed them outer lawyer, eithout experience or knowledge of i vetoed with aoy conoideroble portion of the
nplit and the tier. impress of unbridled once as bisters 11) dm ir eide wan u, Ar. olor improvement o " This is precisely whot, Im ° l' l ,e at any subseguoist period during his
Bend softy down , ye gentle stars, Ul.lllolll'a nature, she loos termed elide•ult3 h 0.,... di ..,
1. :tweet elcut to the 4 midi.. passions swept Itke dark att.l buried th.- dean dace dealer, in wli.e ferocious enure -, we am told by every booty amtuahmod .id„oroy• ' Ho was brought there feeble, got ill
And lifelho artme tea, nod dango r to beg fer his release
•• llow strong move lo• this 1 .ve she bears t . 'l , t , " ' I I it-4
1” . " ? t ri . s" ! 11'4 der-eloud over lois features teeenee it seemed impeseihm to gis een , o the Whig for Canal Commissiemer., whole there, and loft. very unwell. The OIL
Th. I may see your pearly brows, . . ort o . 1/101 lea, tow Aomori] pert,. . I
I.r bine." Said the ette of of human feeling He wee armed . Are the penide ierepared to piece - a oiler • '."'"' ff . ' . "°' I° toy That ne er with sorrow paleMexio to comprising the Stoles 84 New M. x- lT '''''' n '''''.' " .. • ~ • . ' I • '. I
44 Ah !" roomed Les t " J ha,. o mind to . •. . , . . . •• 1 1 .41 Antonia 3 inc onto tie Aliajos. en
• lorgo luau souk, with which he yang Iloolgehog oda laor)er, withoom expo i .: Thin, !bon, in lle me... the °mhos,•
co and I pper I remoras--W1114.h were ce• T
There must be hearts in thot, blue Ten. subjeert the 1011110 love to a severer tent o ' , , o, . ;he Healy oo „ t „, ; too ;•..;;.,. _ he brow a Hornig. , &area op d drove them to and fro, literally like a her, r.OOOO or brniiidedge . our ismer...merge: ,astic reception. ord e preside. h e . n eae t,..
Th. throb with fearful bliss, Much 1.1 onto. whether she sill give lier '' y " ''' ' " ' ' ''' Chia aonotineeonent. ' liteloood lim fellows, of attimals' Three or four Turks were,tio.
i t". i ttet C n " ::l " i t
:I e l l.:
t i n . , t ,
. 1 , " : ,,".,.. 7 't t1i " e 'f 10 r . t a " ..1 ' of an ' ' nl i ht i' • i y 'r h " ro ' l or ' 1 :11 " te m n " :but, no t t the on. et ..d . d.c L nit. d States-us. ionte..,,s.
They eannoM be se Jodi and roold, life L.r him Ne,erthe hos, 1 still see " and, retire," soo.l he oisiout, and • Bally icto.ioig, with tolerable animation, Ike price • '‘
. ' '"
' g ''
It iormit...l by neuter.. otod daring bonds 01 n o a metrors
-So noiseless . ill 111i9! . ° S IAI I C eried Josephine, .• ,010 ore hot
. o • , ~; ,; ...
On ! I lease s. tmy weary heart .4, Logs Louis cerminl, eon Le von. col ' ''l'''''' ' """ ' ''''' ''' ' ' ''' ''' '', Y """" term- "Perdu. one. sanor,' ter my rodeo/. had ',struck just usee ea ' , and one or the end thartingh bthiness man Y There is no la Bagatelle, my sru! Now not
h e .
- ' ' ' ed, n hie heel teed... d Ike. .lien obnoxious • k 0,..... ~
' poorly, a stout, good lookio„ ~,,,,,.....y . man let the Stote who has a more thorough the speeches be is mprevonled to have de
Ito love this moth Ira. net : Uitl,,,ut Ilic doatla of Henri. Wt.."
i i o too 0r... 1., the Ire. um .-
And noble throeigh life most .•ver he N. 1 11610011 do ew narer We . in.row. s „ o t ,We . a -t_ t„ I .• l'soologl " lel li d Vlore.° with log down the t 0,,,,,,, Wh n n this was n o n, knowledge Of the improvement system than lid • red am stet lamotwfaetueed I Tho urea
ey told as 0 iIV of tlo it I ledat , ' sio ' '' ''' , . , , . '
A sad and lonely lot dory 01/11C01,11111 a g low solve .., .o' "".• I " . ' w '''' knightly co urtesuy ; " your ignorance is meteu, alto . in , ions movement ott Ida John . 3 . o atubte, none more experienced, number whieh ...aim; this Md., eoutoine
or.. the 11111 C el, illA4 11 COllllllllllOiOS-a „.
~.•, I , -.
Bend ...hi) demon, 3e gentle skico,
rod .1 ',it', I nerd wart.. shoal. ito its t ' n .! t •,'" "I ' " eY . band he mentioned to his newly pureliased t oed competeut iit every respect, yet dn. di , . dm apnea alluded to, hoot not furnish
nte, tl, Tito:loco my tlaugli; elute to hollow lino It wns the youngest Whigs ask the people to abet[ "a ntereyoung et/ by its reporter. The I lereld Korey,.
Bend mealy (bowie to nor, Ileoriette stood alone
in tt‘ """ttifi" "1 1" 11ill li ntlt. • toe Ant waged in the olden , 1 , •""" .
That I may see those spirit eyes, ape, nue. 11,,,, passe,' onoloser,ed, .... . ~ .. ~. . terS, anntinuLts the 0.011. a.. ...rue atio most timed of the two sisters whom lie fledilelics or o lawyer" over hion ! We. do to have copied the speoele l'r ..... the .. had-
If spirit eye, the. 3 be! • tome le, the io Anal oho 14141. 1141.11111 against hi. ,
~,,, r .., 00
... .
i111C110.13 .n. , he r nb...1 ho ol 1 1 'teeth.: a i . . i I tabreast Iselected. Noel' Id be ' t belie ll • I 'II f 1 1' dn • •• • • d
, ever .... .„ u ,,,,, euu m„,,, p e ,,,.. novu te poop eso f eel o prow to lg . . mat ,soes we know of no other "lii
• the a, /t ehula onhabitonta ett the Low- folded paper was tightly grasped on ; .... sumptuously decorated. r o t th,„, t o , o o t o d o the intense, th e t err ifi e d trine in that. way with a matter No boo., telligencer," but the National berth
Ige MCP'',
110, ato.n hmk , l to n it stele traced the , •"'"'' ' • • Never had Vi n e t belitold two Stich vis- anxiety with wioielo both had folhewed the tarot. Their ionercuts- dock TA/UN-are that it would be likely to copy sueh t a thing
•. ..., Foot. tot in Woe terror which he inspired • . .
words :-•• A ole,rter is eonoloonoled ley the ~. „„ , eons of L.A...., 1,,,k, the 3uutigest, was progress or the sale : and now it was eon- , deelilY euneereed in this issue. If mere Irom ne would lode that, the tbaoerof s
among the more peaeetm eittsens of the , i .
.„ .
' boi uod of rare eluded, and the • knew that the manner o ' fled „din," are to hive the control
N trohy . o% 1,, T i ff. 1 , 1 , p , i . A; „ 1.1 „, 1. sor the arm) ro ~ .a, r .1, alit II ) , ,u ~, ~
~ i,. ,, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,i,, , ,,,c,
r0 . , , 0r. ma ... in a rp. so ...aging a ' ~ 3 ,t f . J,, , or oat nevem, ~,,,,p.„„„! (•„, ih,„, ,y b ,
wi-h Delano:me re.tei ell h. ...roe the '"" "" o o' • flown:„ ,arhfinoo .ith the taw . noon.- SO 'oration bed arriv ed , she whom Cute n0vuv........ , 1 St stain, men who hero no Medd. must have rorwaided that rapes a
-- ' ol 1.1....1-heti old. attended Lis hostile I -. . i . . • . , ,
A Ronstsntle 'Story. ~,, ~,,, ay in 3 ,,,,,. power Er .• d..y Jot W . , )tenets nao leelining upon ati °Etonian, had been sealed disengaged herself, 11041, P.0'1.11 1.0.1...ak 0 whatever, we mu. re- ! copy . this opeesh before the Gene.] w o ,
inroad. nal .lose ileorique/, or, .110 wa, ,
Ise 1.3 be too his nay to j i.o 100. noot • ..r i oecpty ewe:ogee' ill the persum or one a to,ob,g round. placed her two hands on her teed oer lan.. Were:toed for want of proper . tokon Pia:. This then, is tho woy lois
Naiad°. was comer-bog it io le Josephine .1 he so much loves " mom w 'I'll) 1." o ,• " I "' !" widit ' 4 aw 't ...- ' those tin intim 1.1.1111111008, a *Welt the ex- sister's shoodders, so , W. a fins groom and management. Our improvetnents 0311.1 la, sperehes are manufactured
dd.. Flare:rating bitox•H among . the . 11130.
UllOll one el his idlia , •rs enter, II and an- "Ah !" :memo.. d 11.totiette. - oho not I nolnioo 01 the Moors from I; monde forma gazed into lene..)ea. Not, worth, not tears prooluetive unleas they are managed by moo I•ivery day serve., noire on mule to ~,Itt I,
ees„l.l.• monnotain fasio.o of toroilleias, p.
nomnecd a 3..ung noon. trona 1.3 , .. lot,. him t., c • 1 .. .. ••i„, le . lot.. op., ~
~,. ~
~....._, so pro Mc a theme. Lulu
of rions., coodd have expressed one hall . of the mute oho had , o thorough, practical knowledge fish the Cod that, the me. who ~.,,,
.• What os lor 11041 Milli 1110 ' ' 114.1. 10,111, I“ ir I , ..,,u it. t,,,,, , ,0,,..,,, boa- '"''."‘;`";;.°.,' N' . .: . ''„ ',„"„' - ', 1 ".2.';','" . . she replied to a salutation of our hero unutterable despair that dwelt in that lung of the n hole ,y•tmn and every doh% tloat Demerol Tejlor,treat Noe os a surluuslion 0
'. Some petition," aro .o, es .1 De 31to siffe bog. she 1..1 ed to, epee Notoot TllO 41001 a '' . ,'',.,' ' '' ', ' '' e ' ' 1 ' r
.., ' U. alai th e ) tyre flashed with o
el heart muting fins appertains to t If gad by atoll men .d an inferior id all respeets.-Pron.
the elli,t t . . pem d, nod the 111,11141 Il• 11, nig, en- "' '" '.. ''';:et! ' .' t ' ' ''''''''''''' '' ' pmt' file us the) encountered the dad: orbs el ' It was hood to gay which was the on,ed oloeY oannot fail to he podeoeth and tar
.• Show . .r in, ..e, p1c...," said 10. o, le 4 11.• 1 ,,,„„„I , o
„, h., a , o , ~,,,,o , : r . fol hateuitt, 1 11 Ern a. 0110 , 11, 1,
. , the •tr,oreger eloquent of misery ; but the Turk was int- taxes will couseptently be lessened It is
I 'W41141,1 0110 the platiN so:tattooing do .1a- t •
Toot ollicer ~ , ori ro appear...l sill :1 I.olt .• , 110101114,i0 110 " NO4ll I ICII the e,,,,ei . / , rbo sisters pot,. ; Loo elappool Ids Lands together.- now for the voters to choose whether their
41 ether
tool 010.n0,03 along Li, to nod:, all , _
leaning tin .11 Ins .erno, who,. Lot. as nom it •• I 11111 r. nol." replied 11.14 is - in) , loved Vinetoote. arid he losed-11,10. Tl,,,re this was t 1 UOll koowu eigool. A slight [oolitic reels abaft be inaleageol ley a pram
logo ober ••.ot h boot . , as tile
no could be soo.n. ol thootogle tie. , t I ot I; LA I. .lo o ision is 11010 " 1'..1"'" .. I ."' U . but little congeniality in the natures tremor slomok the frame of the young alave, neat, experienced business man, or • . a mere
ad ILI lodainol them TI o. , •
of a veil, was vet) lienut Old ,In t1e,,,1,1, d Po Met - sill, a pro oro ol toe. ottprehetool oh, I " . " 11 "" 7, 14 " thl " 1. ' ot the two skims Loll was the very im- ber ornos fell powerless at llfir ;ie, and olm young fledgeling am kwyo.r, without impd.
as shooppronod.o.l the door L . Ilaveuti,e .1 the Mexican ii , A coon,. had . , . . .
n 01,,,, tor hol nlk 110 1 014 1I 11 1 4011 ii. r . . detached o peronation too euunine grace mild gentle- turned to follow ter master. The vnieele. news: or,knowlodge of our improvmnento."
" Mash nmielle," kr gni I. ho r. 1 .11.1,4' a.l Cll 414 11,101, ruin, a- •!• I' t 'hr.'. H ines tee sidled h '" .• oy ";:shit-[ :Moneta, although . beautiful hut agootiz •t 1 farewell wad over. Leonetti
. • ..1 tr mps to olislotl o• them trout their to t• , . .
kholly, pressing her lead, .. take ...swag, .44.1 .iolo We hizle to.- 1,. neopre•-• .1 .rs , - , „,., .
~,,. ~,,. ,t, too earl or a iersiait's parodise-inber- or tenni.' no .111 , 1 just distinguish her
but answer prompt)). µ , 1,5tn,,,,. ~,,,..,,j ~, ,i„ h., L. m0t.m.0.1 Len'. o 1... 11 os mo. W e d, -- ,....." 1,1 " 1 b I " il I f m...i , .l°' • Itr . " ' ' "., ".., I. and the tierce masenline temper and dispo- slender figure threading its way through the
emperor loropo•el , I.° det,,,, 11 , •i , ,lt ion - -orbs •, •,i I le. T 1,,) t,,tv, I ~.1 1 , ,, '''net, had ~, lii ye id th:in In , . t%c , ir ,
~,,,,. a ~, Path° ,
crowd, in company with other deers be
l.. timbering lo•r bolo the spaei on- too art t. , 1 , 1.1..1 s and 1101114 1,1.. •111'. 111 SIII 0111 Pi i . I 'k' d'''''.. in. II. "' i " ''' ... I ' d. ' Whet. Vine.. urged his mid Lola, longing to. the Turk. Iler sister had Lid
meal, lie bowed and rt tiro .1. 0, l r tlo• s id, spr....ll.rairie. It oas strait,
AplCllllollmg, 411141 des.......bnix a stair., ' . . ttatnported with delight, coodessed loer love; herself behind her companions, and now sat
The tmbling gill. pervoiving N.op '1.,. 1 ,,,1, hi, ~ e ,,h, ,r,„ „„,, ~„„„ ~,,,,,a , ,,,,i , ., t. ~e, what an sollneo eo• that to. rote PaCllgo
111141 I les i, tut . 3itled a nilling scut .on the ground her head mink, upon her rebi
nd,. r 3 .der loco ,oil. fierce nood
nu who tee!to r fotele•t hopes oh oetel..l, ..,eg 1 'bog soil!, i' .• tonoo .1 ;Polo, Lt. ihg this, ' ' . i . . . the nuptial, eta rt.."
•.o, age It woos floe. too, steel., I ost mot..
hersell and her timidity . she thong. ood3 Ileurio toe ... t0.h.0..4 1, Io r guide into a But the cenl, us d, I'Llge did not last T...... „ I.
~,. ,
, i,
WI r stlli It 11111 in n mill wol . >4 WI 1. 11 11
of goof/tor. Throning ;her nt the Net •nrell ap true. .. o,loere 51.,. .I. ~,,., le, I", '.
'' , '. , ' ..
i",,,,1. 1 d, , C . . . "". ." - W w Y• '. '
of Nap , .1....., she rod um. ol ill a c......... 1.. ,1 to he. sell. pin-oat renal mental at o ouegt ncmll, o , o r ousts., .. the hon. ,.
of hole, .nn, wilt mono as brightly and rho lord. sing
:oh n .t . Lite- The finh.wcrs or Ilem i. UCAIII9 Meetly .-rnotrow . l o c h will .t
t " 31"1" ' • 'ire 1 1 "'" t " " ""
' 'it"' '''
'lint^ ' ""il " "" ' I ll' lo „,1 ~ 0 - him „it h as Inuth .11biti •"'"•"' """
""•"'"' "1""Ila
11 ,
b°sus molt d I.m a tett cod a d
mercy 111../ paid.. ":: e 0011.1 art..... revitnent tow hi. !, 1.1.111 A I_l °god Una 'l -. l' " ''' ' . 11.11 a , re hue and funeral poll the gay total P., ' er.. ,^- the great
so ...I. 1....... the iollou er 4 of Bole Roy mass wool not bestow a thought boor mei
n° 111011.0
table hy ' baoy . " I ' M ' '''' 11 "" i ' ''.. I' , 11 11. ...1 . be • . ..1 to I. ••
and leilliaot ce.lora of lifc's glad ' , e3oun
____ , i _ . . ; j , .„ s _ „
Josephioe stepped Iron the partial en. romprehetoled all be to 111 104111 illlill•/, ''' ' " ' , . ''''' . ' 'TIT'. .“ - •
1114/111! !....: ' ....'nu ' W " , .'' l'.. ........
' re.r,1.,1 t mar Mite c . loettains.
It was 110 I i .11. f the onarriT T. . "9"", " • sew •• the f ••• ." th•I 'l d•• " •
eablo.lli, and thee. no , proneleiteg tbe ground, I.:doting her- li 111 the unit a 111, nor .....1 • ir r
..., .
.., ua, . , ..,
r. hia! I 1, I 0
or ~., their mks „ re
e.,,,tr, hided :nor. h., ..... i. •0.0.a110 dog n , .rd. 1. , h.r.. t 101 miry tool e,ottli,rion "tin 1 . ,. r ''`' ' .?" , „
.. r ::In . ‘‘..".• .„ ,Eo..Str,...iprith thtth ',imp,...) dolt yen, w.t.
of enenuragonon . it to restore the ewer:egos of 10,01.111 W.W . 11 ore- , ., ... . ....., 11.14 4 0 datill,', 110 ‘,04 :It/ 1e , ,a,,, '' oshel tor the ..
, %ouch s." whispered Moneta, touching r''' ' ;' , " 'l . " '''' ` -t .71 " . "1 ... " . '' ;;;;-&-,-",' ''.','
tic) routog r tali v... , o. n tin,
vat 111.• ealo 11;. , to h. vlo ol ,''..• dotoost odo or do„ o „, ;, o „,i 0 „...,,,, 0 pi05i 0 , ''''' ,ts ~r his two e ~,,....., e . e .. , a i r , a ... a „ , y, ....h oer ee . mew as morn., •t • no
tor, by the graciousness of Lis manner, to, \ hr) ..t • joy ot th.• .. e. so ot 11, r iron-I..r=
lo .t Lola awl )lambi. These solong ~A,I . , ~,,,,, ~,..,..
Thus shall we all, new in aetive life,
use, Le bade her ri.o. tnn"'''
tltnY stns
r. s,
I" it
t olds, breadth., on ..0.1.1.. re totally i„- 1 A , tn „,,, 0 H .., ~,,, „ o „ r , ~. i . bro. ; .
' lown -
'• Your petition, nondemeiseil," said Inc , Ike fatol gown. at the no roiog s . . '
away lb. eldhlren crowd dose behind us
moiml to the . b 2•111 L 14111 , 111 A of polite Id, cheek ~111 ro.bber, and des heart beat al- . '
Ileoirietto broil i ii,r Ora moo lo r but sloe obruolls 0.. Lock I. ~• 010t0mp1...1
~r. no "eolith -0 noun 1.13 intelli, reared ~....„ ...;,,, y.
as silently ; „. 4 ... H .,,,.. e a and they m ill toton be gone. In . • Ilew . ys i az:
nand) looked itm.l.ii.3l) at the only.. to. r the timid .0111 refs nat., - 1....11, .;
, 1 ‘ ,11,,, , 1, nod Lad do. s n ganied unit n ;;;„ 1 , , ,,,.., ;or ,.
.. ~;,.. grort,..;; , ,g . lrw
not a lio d ig g l , a . e , i d no i t d er
. so j az ;
d l d :e . mju did
and extdaioned :-.• AI, sloe I ask pod.. onto., wi'd hi .s oot . ill 1,.•e h. teet h " . • tool
......,..4 „.... ;.;;....;;;;; b.t
.„..; L..._
1.. o
~tubps , ,l . o i .
4:.... ~ . ; . .
fur Lous 11.1.0 n tee n .11., i. . ...loom, , I to t,Fispcot. I • I..nis loom.. I. .ill to so r I or- ....,,...... i
sloe, and by a strueg effort elle overcame i ss with thou who have long nonce
oat be ....• :lumbered in the tomb. This is life. How
l. "., Inn 0 " . " .. .."' • / II / grit", Lim 3 d• ',.. I i "". Ah• Darn t...- I " ''''' ''' ' I .. Ito earl, lite, ill Order to level, - Ns bell. h.. di, g„„. „ .‘„,‘ L,,,,d ~,,,, 0 ,, ; „, ; 1 , 0 ,. 0. ; . 1 d b 1
ropd pardon :" I onl me 1.. tn. i tl ...II thing , Londe - ~o
.. ~o
~._., _
. 4 11icu, , ,10ar.,,0,.
.d.s, J ..ii 2 .1.)...
rapidly M. plasma ! 0, h co. are t . w le o
h oio doom her 1..- ' ' ''''' '• "'" ..`"" aro held in everlasting remembrance I !
A cloud Fillo•red 011 the bro. of Nap o- ' , rani. to Lo.k . t oa, en ;
.; linughtio..t of the Hidalgos ~t Old Cattle, .. A,, nn „A„ no t . d .t , „ o r..
Icon, as Ira it.tetropt,,i h„ sith - • 3 dm - to. 'b . ' li. --....1 ' t I ' I " • " I" '' A ''''''
" 1.1 emiglated t. 31, sit , . and man led a "'wig your hove Lm a severe test ?" T 0,,,,,,,„ p . ,
,krii”stron.-.1 certain la-
made...bile, he 1.1- I n and , it , ' loremlocd a 1...03 , , . Ito a, o,
6e. a llot I.°l ' w " e irl o tl. " 'aught"' "" " I will d'' woi 3 oldo ff --1 wi ll """'ff . '” dy had two Andrew Erb, both young and
No, he must be tit oh: all 1,4111114 c 1 , 4 the 01 ••r0in,1.,.., I 're • •onolo(footiesen ioo.;. , rt....r. ,..... w ., ,,i..,
5d„,,,,, t . , ,, ,, , , , ,, ,.. „,
nearly trio some ago. But the filder one'
remainder of the regimotd " ""•""
I ll ' ''''' ' '''''''''' .l "P - g""I' . t.. k .... a. tin. • part io the tool.:dor tom- . I .' "
hush: no oto b rlmpsodies. Ito illy Lynn yy • • ~ ,
all too'
•whim or aect cot, pollees. •
. But the car,-e or Li- .1, stuti .„ !" si. I o 1 oh'• I. ood i hat . ,nu o. 1„, o . u
.. ;,...;j.4; ; ~ to r
....„ Li,. .., ,
~ .i.,..,g1.,
.., . _ I
y 0.,,,,
Iknehlto, in a,oviy, n ha n . , ~o ino, • 11, .1 t.. The .1 ...r . • . o .1 and on .....I.tiee s eolto.col. ' il
... 4;... ....„4 . 1
o; ' ,
... ; g „. ; Hr.; 11 .. 1 4 1 . 1 .dd
f l , i govor.„ a
the young, nothing but habeas nothing r,
join the army :ignites, Ns v. ill '
• ' t oo•po Mine tit" 111.00 4.1 Ica,, .• Iteltninr.:
ri l IIVA had 'otohip iled mom Ind the proud- ~ I swear it " . lately the mother fell sick, and was condo
.• What wero Ow emos -, ..r Ido doo• - Hoe . sood.b ols lo I 1.01 r ,ci, I , ~,,.. 1 ,, ,..
~.. ..f .
.. ii ~.., „...., ~.,,,, ..... i ., , rth
Motel. do-w Ode • ,, d "I f f" • •g rd " 0.1 to her Idol. While lying there, die heard'
don r int.,,,, 1 t , 4 N Node .11 - Y I° °". ' I ''' " 1/ I- w '''' t t ' I i ' ' ' ' 'IL
1 .1.1 1 ,1.11 1, as brides ,na the 3,,ung lob. , ol - t, is ear A doork cloud soteed urn the ~,,,A, 0 ,,,, ~ o ~0 , ,h,„ i t. .1„ th o t, y„,,
•••rn., ~,,k,,ine.... a0,, , , , •111 , • ~ itt ~ le et ot I. ~ t i s. I, , 1 tak.•to weir -Land, : '''' 1 , ~,‘•
.„,,...,___,1,,,,,,1, ~,,,y ~,,,,,, d n _
siii.,i,. .
.. i„,,,100,..)
..,,d ~ _
.a ., .
s y
. p 1
. ' y child . soul tle woman.
•• ho receive.l oleo s i'lat. ato only te. L., o •1., 0w... , it. ' ' ' 4 ' ' ' "''''' ' '' l t'''''' the
-heti Lo do le 11. '2 '' . 1 . 11. "'h. '' Ong crept ooer his Ironic ' • N.., memo., ward, anel softly said the
a mother. sio., . o• on her Ids ah. mop. r r. oh ....- ..., oi ... .1 ..• th • ut a,.
them moo. tot di, il it i.-ix et ••• doeado .1 .. it, ton had 1" IlSked she. sternlV. resigneel one ai. • me. Most parents and
tel and 10ng...1 do, and Light, to hII o oonota.dtto, i'l' w .. t '' "" I ' ' ' t
'' ' t to collision .otio the IL red kW., tout the., .. N„, I'll do it if l'on teamed for it '-
• all ontAllem will uoiderstand [Lim simple .-
her son apin foods kn.•ty that rodi.4 er 00. oto d d' , ..14..., .1... -Lod I,
„et. r
....4.. 6..
111 this shall lee noy gin r , 10n," said he, as „ o . t , r;
release fr. hi, post.. 4. boll. -01 d... 11, loin ',at .toh d .1 1.., the v. red •• I to ~, Anteii. 3•1,,, m0t .: , I I " . ' I " '''' si• leo bent 1 wil t.. kiss her hand. Iloowta I
. " 1 " 4 n' ''' elk./ "" '"" Ili ' '' l ' l --Ili " ' " I ' ' " ''' "'" ''''" '' t
''' '''' t
1" I ' - t t '
tti'' ' , 1 slug s t,o of the nob!. 1114.0 I - I the Abnj '''', drew it ten. with all expreasion of loath- II r1.111,10N1 0....-.• My dear,' said an at
might dose her eye.. for 1 ,1 •r, er• Ile 3 ewe . nein .• it No L..,.... o ot se. oil, to.. on.,
hod jos . rote. mol fool. a I. imtley s. jouro ,„„ „hid. a h e e „..1, ~,, a,„.a.,,, reetionato 1.1141UX0 . her hUaband, 'arts 1
rested an a soon she lorml soo tooth." Ilk.• a olio adool reahry. II Irk the .I. 1.4,1 , , . . , , ~
no ii toe enittini. la in iat ~ ,
' 1 "" he '1
Esio.l, rt int odar :'' and she glided not your only Bras.'.?' I
•• Did she tic:" asked the contort ss oith gill N.. -"alai:iv leo k .
' l t . ' ' t tn.'
tool b.. , . r Vag' d iit Om x 1 .1c ,,' 1d. ' d• his back ititothe Loess. •i t pis' was we 0001 reply.. met It Week!)
s ' "Imif
ed."at i. ' n r ' .. ~ Id.c . 1 ` 3 "" • ''''' •• did It was past midnight. Ai.gles night he willingly boy it up in heaven.' What an ht.,
. No, mttll ime," replied I homiette, '• she •• Sion. - ..ried oho., too. 4. 14 111 tbe trio-
.0.,r _ .;;;.; „. ; ..... 0.0 ....0. ; 0 . ;. ,
. „.....j....
h... jo 0
00..0 nn
j ojooo
at last recovered But hardly load 110 re- .1 ov, •° I. soli. 11,1anoone• i. part. .1, I lc. ' oo , ,
I'''''" Law e x " i ' d g r '''' , i ' d '''''' " w° ""g d ''' ot the Ail boor olteruards,mid the - .
ceivmlher blessing, lomn iolde.l in her arm., vole his .oaten e "
Hite of thoo rite of Mesh, Non. roue (r tes iti t o , „„4 1 111„,,,,, d.,1 i„ . 1,„, g, 4,0 k 1 ,
lialdman Cootary Tamosour Itouesu o
ere be was town froom her gr.'. ley the „Ili - .I I and hoer 4. , •1' li:plan- , . h• in th , li;. 11 and tiarin. rob
"l.. did ki n is i j.. "'" f.l."r in inane ~r rAti, tool lollowed l, the gaunt monocular ' "'" .-- ' '''''''' l ''''' a i
ems of justice and dragg '''' hither. 0! .4 tliC soldiers r.11..,1 tl ii. al. u occults. 0.j.. .., ‘ „ ;;;.,;.;; no , ;,.., ~,;;;
. e ____
"'.. figure of Angel.. glided into lho nuptial beep, .y.., the . Bedfonl Casette, ever per- i
petrated on this .mesunit7 entered oils.
must be die? 3lerey sire, I beseech yon." Not one of theno bed 1.01 ...I resiouted
r.;. .. 4
... , ...i I . ;;;;; i t ,, i. ; „.„,', .
0 .... b,
. 3lndenujoelle," aid Napoleon, appoo- the ir coulomb.. 110. o.o.woere they
..r . 0.„
,'; .
I" ' 1"" f "" ixd .41 ' •I '" i " e•de couch whereon the lover. 1914 pt. The lire I'l•I°•gI T night, when tie fr 0....... . 111 °.
molly softened, •• this was the seeuld 441 , cu.! press uremod to emogratulate ohe soo,o
-; avort Ito ith emotion. Surrouied- of a demon gleamed tram hor eye, and the was mitered hy the stoma or ...ming
fence, name the first, you omitted that." posed
" I nc. • " •I ' 6. '" ...b..•• ~11•••" • •d• ••••••• fell Amnions shieh rankled in her breast °II° of lbe panda of the door and unarm
. It Was," Said Henri. tte, hesitating and the heuihlmed Ifinitiet to thr.tigh the ...lAA .
t'l• ." 1 ".. ' l . '' '• "'. "' ky "." Vi '''' lde 41oraingl datkly user leer countenance ling the look. The robbers (for . least
e during- - it was- that lie heard I ua• to Welt to the cell Mimi u 111110r,i
egoo .1 .1 Ihi10,11" I,lllratte in t :Longing ' The lovers slept profoundly. Lobt's ‘....." hit'. loon ...Pr.' hl kJ then
marry Conrad Veraet, whom I detest as ed Lot a low ointments before removed the lug. iron oaf. front the room.
Om . dir d d "f ' h e r hle d .di " .1 r,,,, d , i.. arum encircled her husband's neck, and
much as he does," ...stored !Untied.% -lb .me your dd. again, Madoenoi•
.4 13 .'i•L'ewrg It.'" the d''''''' ll dr4 ' " I "P - her head nestkd trustingly %ern Ids bosom. to the Moor ,loot of tne VOUrS Il ion and
with mai rek. gale," hurriedly w i li w i wm4 I '" . - I ''''' "" Nous "`"'"stn. . f his natisc land All The Imewoy arm of Au
was rais. placed it upon a wheelbarrow. AT, pro
. Are you his sister, that be feels its. time. T. ran tear wishes to tee 3ou. I
:Ironed bine the deeds of Henriques, and the Ligh abovo the elm:pent aod the bright euding a short diet.. their
- groat an interest in y.r Ado r asked thti x ill n.turn tr.l. -
r... 4 b " . "") "' d ••• "'"l' lklidd '" " 1 bi. blade of a dagger glittded in the moon- I down, and they proeurod an old &when
etwparor. lletarbde was like one it. • dream, but a d tit to f •ithe• ton or shafts
ddI'Ide•"`"•• "pals" a A•k•••d...... beams • built tell wedsu by hie bide. w• B °l4 •• ° ° • • V° '1
0, no, sire," said Henrietta, her love- gleam of debt:ions tome thrilled her oho]: e h he l.'„ , O„, „A ra ,. h a &d ere , I. t o _
.4 3 0 , 01!
.......1 r ia...d mon.t. b. , !... ,.,,, . 0 . 40 ,4 th. ur y. . „.... o r ...g o
. tram the borough, on the piddle road lead- I
ly oh•sk assuming sill deeper the hue of she Lit the dawni..g ur Imppiness . In r,.,,,,........ shit .... tho ,,, h .'. ..... oroto
0i0..,. ... d
the rose, .1 am only his cousin." upon her head. Bmo in rebut.. her
home. mid lay siege to the heart ..f one of • rd 8
The next instant .th Yee tiro rais. I N , °lb. Mineral f a• D I • " e.
g. / RII- 1
"Al. ! ottly his .uein," repeated Napo- pretty rustic habilimeitts, De Norville re- ,:, ; L i t • loaded it and mast of e ns,
.... one ego.ore. Ins fr iends endeavor- ...k g ,,,,,,,,1, , both ,1.,... 611, but oh. by [l e dger ,
Icon, &acing at Josephine with a half sup- appeared, silt once again she trod the nn- .di
dole 1,. from Lis niaol prooicet, th e ,. o „, hoeumaaly, and hemmers, and (nowhere, broke open]
pressed smile. ''"°"°-•°°"' of rho e T "•°•• Liftin g "or but Ids • ..tin,. ..e fixed and not- .. •• . ... ..., the door and robbed it of all the meetly ,
0 ineente meet witnout a gro., dm Cif ... , ...,....,
__ tin
..iyi l
0, sire " cried Ilenriette, ...collect eyes from the gr..un as the h.tty door.
I . h e s lirrk• rt i •%"•'"l'l'lr•l'd by Iwo f•lth- al let of fire had boon severed by the stren .'•••'• c 0..... .• ......
the angololl ' of hie widowed mother, when swung orell, she beheld Louis Au excl... I , aara0 ...... er ... a ,
... a.a u h.,...., ' ee l,. hi...
rum... but
wort' The robber* no doubt. expeeted a 17,',
dM recollects that the affection ' of her st, t Mali. of j,y burst from the lip w of both,
the fan' imper5,,,,,,h,4 o f .....l y „.„„ end „f Lola rose upon t ' be mideight Mr, and ere. h”I, but wen yule:sly dissuminted, th ..
M her is Who emote of his death. WhaL": am, regenneos of °them, they rushed into
beauty.l 1 g richly ' Iw P db•l ' dg it died away, the reason a the murderess
le se o on • to Treasurer having ta k e n the preeasties
sha easinued, "ea I do to and Lim!" earh others arms. ' horse fm him destination. Aster had led in throne farmer. the evening of t hat night to remove.from 1
end the poor gid, forgetting the presence Napoleon stepped furward. "Louis De-
It was several weeks enter their tepee - 1 , the We about $4,600. The antoset they I
of royalty, harm into war. The kind , lawarre." said Ito, - you b.°. jeer 1... 4 ~,,.„ ',he n .invent ad I'M companions' tor- The Mobile Tribune tells the fa- I ,_ ^... _,.. 1, " "., j' e1 L,P 5ia1i. ", f0e .,.., duk .,22. 16 :1
hearted Josephine glared at the emperor from my bps the tale of this Invert girl's ro d e ~„,14,,,i p un she boobs of • rapid Ira f i n story of Jemmy Maher, who W..... alls• " • Y. •••• wean "' " 1 "7" - i -, .
olth eyes expressive of pity and sympathy. devotion and courage. Do you lore her as ora , ...I ~, „„, 10 he the je „,....,,„.. /..„ a. 0ni,,,,, , th. 1.....4.1 . would have freely given all they • ned i
15b. ".°..d . I ....kings of his bee, and them deserves r
ilk and turniug their hones heads to the outesions Wnklelb. ~ ,to have had rho ash knelt again just where ,
hit al ems It was very uneertain whether . I could die for Ater," answered Lot& .
orth- suit Ir...ed. on their Journey to- Gen Jukshu had Lend rumors that , lb., fonnd It. ••• ••••• 14 . 1• 111 h . ••°!••••••
Leib Dello*. veto Le he shot the next rtm 4l ,Y.
....... ,' , Wards " the ' ea ' ndt . avous of the robbers, which Jgrmy g. um.... 4 t o „t drunk end be Veer Bee Is IS An eitalmar p.m,
lea,. "11°H . w ' r k '' ""`" ''"' ° "r r '''' “ ' ' • was situated war the haedwatars of obis utiolbil to the 'loiters at the White-80n5ti.„ . .......1.1.,...„. o f p.....„.., I
bed 6 weenies girl. lever* test of nee will nunlike. o dutiful a dv .,.
io one bright aorta`` be slesnioned He ~ ,i...... E.,„3 „.p. b. s t,••do, that the
fillte .j3 =l hi=p and dried bar tows. son, SO faithful • lover, will doubtless sae,.
On doe third day after they reached the to his presence te receive hie dismissal. ........ s o u. 4 with pr i o u..., l o .„,
Nile aid
he '
"'ki r 11 1 •• the Mat if b°•"'""h ' To" ' LI"I"."°""' river, Vincent. woo riding
. .only alon • Jemmy,' said the gamed, • I hear bad , ..
your life feeble 7 would you die eou Loeb ' Louie Deb...arra, are discharged from yaw , amid . fh . .... vhkh ..,,,,, f4 i. h.. .....t.,,, ~. to h e put that y. ... I i
above Mani
Del/usu. Is reeloned to life, Moly and regiment. &tarn to your native va11ey,,,,,.. t i a ~...t " „...i........ „uteri, df .. h ~,g ~,,,,wg ~, i h. ,hg t .l [The palm who paved the
ad wed
Ida settler f with Homietb an your bride." I folded to his rapt pw, when the melody, ore ,Is a regular *whoa.)
}betides started back, deadly pan look- " Hem" mid the benevolent isPelthlee, I ~y g b.& his ham his melte,. Jenny woo punted fora reply, at but I
sell Sealy at the oreparer for a onsmeeklosergieg has the mowed window, "henef f .i.i.76 e - hod iii ......... p . m . eh. e at r
ties turning sway mho burled les Ries Jul am Dee Illeedredksis iron, se the mutter' &d m " a b a r a d 0... k eg ... gimhst , . ommeni, Wag, I hear mash modes ad
her bands. ideirry Illeorlatte."
off Ida. Rh ea nab imek le Hs downward;boat yea, 11“. do yew Mak I bane the.?
After a Ake. Of PM* minutes, lien- . A elormhtg blush maned lb eke* VS/ F T." . 0, ~ sad fie ydi. w ... we . N, by d ig r im, I know t h ey are gm.'
voLi'.lll: VI
- llmattort_o
311 IvntosE. PA., Tlirllsmv, SEI"fEMRER P 7, Igl9.
..:S':;nfr•, .`,/_:l;" . ..:^:t r , ,T.:Tiar•.;l ,idles°r.
Bar Tho lades WI Otrogo 801 l Rood
Y Dow Wog Mehl with tit tasty Mt sod
.4 trout. sod I. No wogs lessemdres
will be mob% con/ the lea
Catual Couhulsslomer
the of the Moot distinguished and vor
tical men io this State, one long identified,
with our public worke, and always above
muspicion iu the diseharge of his eificial du-',
ties—we mean the venerable James Clarke,
of Indiana county—regards-John A. liam
hie as m ;; i .. mitly qualified to be Usual,
Commissioner of Pennsylvania. We alludes
to this fact, ( which is made atilLatronger
by the circumstenee that the sante shrewd
and obeerving own, preferred Mr. thamble
to all his c [rotators for the nomipationo
to show the high imortanee of misfiring a I
womb. of the Canal p Board, who can being I
mtlarged imperial. and • vsetical mind
rruptiona of the Whigs in lino Lcginla- ~
taro, in • great degree to the eaolv appoint-
went of such despe6don u Thaddeus Ste
ven. as Canal Commissioner. Thom men I
were not only intent upon making their of-,
ficey merely political, but even If they had
desired to ant honestly and fairly, they'
I had neither the requisite taste nor rayed- I
;thee to ensure good result. from good in-,
tentiov. It is yust as clear that our re
demptlion from debt in this State, and the
intrudurtion of an economical system into I
the public works, are mainly traceably Oil
to the election of such men a Clarke sod ,
Foster, who were eminently practical and '
experienced. To this class of men Mr.'
(land& belongs. Indeed, citron ten ho no
doubt that ha has few warmer (Amide in
the Commonwealth then W. B. Foster, who
I well knows his ability to make-an hottest
bohemians officer. To a personal altar-,
ester wholly above reproach, Mr. Gamble;
;olds a thorough acquaiidanee with nur;
public woks, to all their detail.. Ili,
whole character is irtgetio.ll and ho wall
I confirm the observations of • moot
reot mind by Abe Inuit. of • lung and use
ful etperience.
I Ills competitor. Mr. Fuller, has none of
;thew qualities. 100 is about as noinpetent
; to take command of foie of our Liverpool;
, packets as he is to disellargel the duties of
, Canal t!onindasioner. Them is nothing in
that position consistent with hitieducat ion,
kids pursuits, or his tastes Ilia ihtollect
is a fancy intellect that paters the flowerei
of el ;gory or the vapid pages of some rash- ;
aenable book, to the cold realities and ex
cting duties of an fdrum icily to he ailed
with credit by • business man. ylr. Ful
ler is a pun% mon of largo means lire.' in
the lap of ease, • lawyer, and a bale fellow
well met. Ire would lie• Canal Commission
er if eleetml, pretty as ha would be a Civil
Engineer—having no qualffeationa for the'
eat., he would Icons its Jades to wi
mple., ad would only be useful to bin
party by voting to turn Democrats oat of
of whonever ho had a chance. We have
no doubt he desires to summed Mr. Power
just fur the fun of she tiling—as • more
which, however novel to a spoiled
young pan nefortuno, would prove to be •
soot expeneira affair to the SWIM. Ryon
with Mr. l'owor, Mr. Fidler contrasts most,
unfavorably ; for tho 'former powsteted •
good deal of knewkdgo of our eyeless of
imsprovotsessta before he use Into tins Ca.
sal Hoard. It is sheer absurdity, than,-
' fore, for the Whip to talk of Mr. Pulley's
sapacity for Weal Oonsesissioner. It I.
worse Such mentions ens felsehoode
ily;and nobody knows that they Cr. so,l
better than the upirsust himself. The no-1
tor. whoa he emu* to &side Woes, him ,
land Jobs A. Gamble, wUI rsieet that MY
I not called upon to Wool • Fourth of July
I orator, or ••• nice young wan," but en or
whose soled wad wleas character are
petudiarly s i digded ia to the duty of wpsrsi
t7=l.l. a r m'.
Of soo* he will prow "ha A. Gamble.
IT A Tokrepih Nee il• vow Wig animal b.
Nom ani111111.416 pas.
Toe 91r0,111 W•sintio rum" Awl. u lo
ra 4Tlo,—The New York Ilcrald, an ari
. ginul Taylor paper: thus whistles down the
whol of I he inimitable administration of tho
Second Washington:
After nil, the titelaneholy troth le nut
disguised—cannot ho contivmertad
iv not to be nicely, end 'mealy, and happily
cowered liver with the wet blanket of oldie
that this adminittrotion, this very ail.
ministration which we. ushered into exis
, tenee under mush favorable auspiato, suil
amid the cordial animations of a patriotic
people—has met the public expectation..
Already there are, far and wide, writ:tutu.
promoting themselves which point
; to cies?
7 1 , te e n a e r ral ara d r ieezte m o u t rm an . d . d w it,x. , ;, , ,:z e,;
to swell Lereafter into loud and distinct Kt-
I toranee of dissatlslamion and opposition.
llt would seem as if the popular mamma
f were almost ready to exclaim, addressing
The English iron, we have under stanl,
that is afforded hero to our Itailroadocom
panes at $4O per ton, has bon found ito
inferior in quality, se to be dower than
the domestic manufacture in at $5O per ton
—and the probability Is that a trial or two
of the foreign low priced article will prone
what is now snorted, and its use be than -
doned for our own cheaper though higher
Pried article. Those who Inter been ask
ing en increase of the Tariff, in order to
abut oat foreign competition, will ace from
thin net the difficulty complained of I. not
iu the Tariff; and that the British cnot
now, under the prenent rate of dut ies ot
thirty per cent., put into thin minket Iron
of 0.1 eel quality, et a price lower than it
can be made liars with profit. It is nut
desirable that the dudes en iron should be
Igo high as to raise the pike on commune,
merely to add fortune to those in the do
niestio production. All unneoesnry fccjoig
should be avoided, en her me possible.--
Tilt l's..• ssu 7115 Hoorn
Ha to ril.—lt seems that new light bee been
suddenly sited upon • portion of the friend
press, in regard to the eempletbm of the
North Branch canal. Tbey nib et note, b.
ho in eeetseles et the pros neat of Its Dom-
I meimement. IVo no. glad of the ruideo
clump. Heretofore, they have not tree
' lured to say o word In its favor. We only
holm they will now •oppert it in good %kb,
and earnestly advocate the oppliestion of
•11 the surplus means of the treasury to this
objeet, until it shall be finished. They
must do thin; before they eon be regarded
as in god earnest. We bope to see the
Telegraph and Intelligsnew, of this place,
out boldly in favor of a suspension of
the sinking fund, until the week shell be
oompleted. Thle will he evidence the., they
are Oily in favor of h.—Keystone.
Wane H
.—We acp it stated In
add of the Kestudy pipers, that go,—
reery State Treasurer in ad Mate, ex
cept the present Incumbent, tau k..n Len
afee bat a short thee. has been a de
faditer f One rothinrs ell recalled that
Kentucky Is ed of the reliable Whig
States, did that twenty years ago that
party bodied ad only of hating all the
Weds sail daddyor do coordry Se
keeping, Ind all the headily ti.l ~m..,m. Ver
ily, if tbsa boast was Ole In 1.0-1 , Feder I)
" dad ...a b
.hAis A Orahlo.—Tbi ihna.aroto p t .
rmy wbm., *mt..' 'Le b...
mawaUh la owl nt owes of the
trbospboot itloo of this gotaleuton to
W Owl beard. Rio orighbors and ao•
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