taped Commlmslone We nolst ,1••• ne •et our DEIVIOCR AT ~~ -:+, =II I. I ~.y sy, September 6.14111 ocralle Nominations or Canal Cenunits:oner. IN A. I; A 11 I; 1;1 10,1 ,11:/ti' I V, r Le/4 t63II'FTEAI ) „gr s point, ” . 1 !ft tl111". IN 1 , CI rl 1 "I Mi..' riN I. Jll,llll 121E=121=1 It •r meth r.i. end 0.• r 1•11 k• I • TI I di, , .clo, 11... r. gird re.r •ii ref ray;„ and hm , gm of Moll,. %mut ;Agri Pyle. %h. bright cruel.. pu4 . r eer Ireernri ; hut rib ....eh,— t eh, r ghltr rend hort, ore i..• irre II 114 MN 1.1 . • .1 V‘ It 5111,01 6 a NW. t r, • T • .1 ,„; brilg:: was tatt built the 114 tho l e hit WOO o . 1111.1. then; ! ' the obi, The lee to the Lemon Skim. partake 3 •33.10.1 t 11E4 I INA... y l'. i'l, s. kW', 01' We see that the Whig popery throughout et 0... consom.olo, Is prom... to o e, rola the t thtt to rho Stab: are beading their tickets with rho Joit,. ' psis rs . a 1,1111414:113 for ..r....10.3 of I I'. tt sp h ere .• Degiogratie Whig Ticket." This •` Pre. .. ..., ~.. • - rs "." "". s'sur'..3' h.' l , '" ss ...... 3 whielt tilled hilll 31.1 ilto groand, noel fro, ~, I. ~, ~, ~,,,,.,,,. wo a , ~„, i . ... ii. 1111 4, or Rope wutsto. s. Ito ... a two , ,cl It is '' atealingthe ilvdrY or 1100000 to serve be 'tame to meet Me , hi... a Alleg• 011, 1.,..„ i... ocla.l all 31101 l lia. loon, ....ei idr .5 4 . 1 .." • 1, 4 ,10,01 ...." 11 hr. lie ... it ilora &mut wII trite plineiplo ul Repub. oath*, wool welts ratt.cl for th e thton,lonotltitite the devil in, • with a perfect vengeance. A county,' &v. T 1... 13.ston Miff., says, there i 0 no doubt uu , b oppoo e .l t 0 b e dead, tool WOO taken • to ~, , ..i . 0.th , , , ~,,„,,,,,,,,,, „„l y „A., a true it... ea t. At ~ ti t i tt k t„,,,,,,,,,, c1,..e. glance at the files of these very papers will Impuclont aood ~,,,,i4 i ,.„1 „, i t s ', cl o , pat , I, th ., „,.. Tot I or will al. hie signature to :....Ay gl.l for l& testion,o. he .olmosetton to too shone that some twenty or twenty live )ear. wa4, the 0 1 ., •It of • •• hi. ese.ll.otcy,” at the a hill motoiotiog the t0rc1i.,... Dottie. received t it' blow, a I deed of his ~7 , , ,„ .i „.,,„ . ~.1, „„ , th , of vet ..d .y ... woman .clibe 1t.....000). 110.1 100114 .r • • roe . ago they were manly e n o u g h t o designate Monongabote house, 3* Saturdst), tar sur•° frilled'. i ' llvol etc vccd ls °l ' iticcd. Alter la the will a the [ maple, ill *Mt. reside all It tal:er the Wi1i34.1 to believe both ref , i a , the ra n o o f 'Shay appeared upon the ~,,;, 7 ,,, f ro ,. 1 „„,. „.„„1,1 g i ve „ g...i. h g . cod: - .11 • 1 i f rho ot• • s oa p. their ticket by . R. right ••••., • LL. pcl). passed It, W e ropy below • portion of the these statements ground .d nes immetfitclely amuck It •SI stroiro lin 3., 0 OMt • , , 131411/1 to Om I Y"1"' cone. &en revive the member& !ERMA tick. ' After • time lay called spee..h, . rerrted and published Iti the ' . _ _ . ___ iTs 11 . 1 tic . 3lS' " it l " °ch. jal receive " I ' ll ' sulking hearts of many whose hopes bairo 'it the ..Autimanitio ticket,"-then the Ca t-eftr ;Ana Journal yettotday: " g l° •• • •• - iv ic tilde." '" 'All - '' ' vc° l ' blow upon his bola and reeled off against ~ P ii , ,„ ce .„,,,,„.3 h,. thi i, the rm . ' . P 00......... e. , , cooso.,—Thu D*... ... Autimasoitie whig bake',"-then the •h Citizens ral renralvenla : I return you. of Ma Now-Vork end Erie Rafiroottl, ita . s erata of Mind:loBth coy art Cooney Wm. tat „ ..the ten •o. Mr. lie Tidcl sprung be- well nig ' t . ".• ets of colitieder.ted t rano , Whig tickn."-laat fait they cam] Stile most sincere (ratite for the land manner ' hem tendered by the hessian Iluvernmell., __,,,__ 1.. ~,,,, i ,,, ~u 1 _ r _ , ~., 1 . ~,,, ., 1 „,,,I I „ pr. i .. : „ . ..,.. jut ,uruduo dui ....),... to "I t° " veer. " Itt marl titclt ticschtlythtt ' - ' •• Taylor and Fillmore ticket,"-end now in which you have ttttteiveti MYSTILF and the lostI ost tT Chia Fn Liner •on the em r; 0 7 . r .:. . ,4 ! Ith., I. w., r 1 :4 ,„th.. th .. ,,: o. T,.... : .. . 1 b Y d li d DA tOw ItherilT they has natnioated William Deal Itsillood b. 1. 131.11 No- awl St lh tors- ". sr, °• • • (Mr i 01l 0111 nape. ON i • EMI e• • 210! it ill nyled .. Demolish" whlg ticket." the dist innuiehell Pro. , •1 tit ..f the l'ilio." Ito to nod Boob immediately 11.1, but weft ~, ~,,,,,,,,,,,„ „ r r „. c ,,,,,,,,....,.. ' ' T e. teltvt " . ... t• Don ' t " "tn.. "' "en'te'...7"."': S. Bye and bye they will style it .. L0c..f.0" Gov. Johnston 1 00 . made 1,1,,,„,h• .„. bum., noel • moan by Mc 1 ....sot death . al h 11111 . 00 d and nvertokon in the wools south I/ wt not bely are we ill d uty ho oed to 'I., - --...., ~ - ,--, :•, , ...7 .: Th''',. R . r'":""' L%'' ticket, for they noon openly denotineed sea pmmely ritlieul ets, lay lois 3100 and foolish Maj...r ti incll.e. and that etc oiler Los ten or thi, sih, b, J.0 , ,b 11.0. th,,,. F.. 0 .,. . • • a, lit wi..lgo mid rec•eive hap friendly .111. r ---' - "-'''-' - --- T' ":"'"'""'".. -"'''' exerated the yory came of DOISIOCIIIey t on despatch and speech. 110 to the butt ra t •°.° 101 ' , .... 1 3' o,hld,'l• man Shet man 51, her tool otters , olio ar-: , ....e. 1. littogatiatt.Reptiblic, but she to • ' and ranee, w oo. ti. Sander. IL•Ney Iltthlet ond --...- . . se& as they now proton to abhor what every body . . jest. 13ut what Lett. r eottbl , ' tklyltreMer Vthollanth r - ,-- i l . Fa/rte, which-ailed r...,. :c•w r 04.1 m‘d holliml then in i Ali. Athrl s' .t our 1.0131 of condemnation up. the In- - ,they denominate, in the plenitude of their h e espectod or • matt placed in power by ' ark .' ~,, , 0 . a „y . ~.., ~,,.g , ,,, .. n ,,,, d mth pr o ymted 0•1111111.•tion before Testi. Ca. Lulu. and atrocious acts a Austria and 17 eve. Tyke loess neehrid Oen he toe marten. Leeekteniam.-Monroe Dent. , the Whig party.-Pittsburg l'oet, Aug. 2 I• th e kr.. mail for California which has eron, they wore duly itammitte.l to &welt • • hy th ,,, g , ilpi ... ti . j . te . 1 dia. 111 en 's kft wee. '"' 141 " . ' "I " ... I The got It l eglratatee of Mineral& (Sir TIM whip of Mississippi nem* ever left that port. Them were newly, end trial In October. At this preamt !VI - , with powers so remardien of all law human ,Sehuday. lb will loomed) , pt newel se the, _, _. ..... N. did f C Th h t 'dowered Itt d • Boson large at number of aerate, obtain no ales or enures. Oy aro rues r• era •n ling, (Wednesday, 12 MO I ° v•t° is vccvtl .. and divine. Never has the gna t seamen ,r ay.... Tel. •• lb. 19th last, ..loin aron e ra nnnr•••• •• but there is no prospect of hie recovery.- mart of th ..,, th ... ..., th .... soap tint la Ka no` be. ' oomlnated three men in the Fourth District, , bags of newspapers . The total !range on lb, • antra . ad 1. 1:1= : o th e throughout the I. 'the teat • Mr. hlayers. who also dealineu . the loran amounted to shout fie , thwarted' Goo. Sidney Camp 'tow l appeat•ttp . r ttillye r y ita o nt ur te d. ce o r .u aled ie :a .li ll Ib i Le d latelt . bees .d 1 cowsioaCoaria.-.1.1. Merhyhehehbhel :hwy. Yr, Sibley tr. awned Delegele to IN. D. &ewe. the DwerweelW candidate, has • dallere, len than Olio Mat of shich wall ri r •n 0 r p; : p n i . , ! .... F .. . ,. .1 ., ,, ,,, - ~,, ,, .2 , f. : . A eueseell he nerneneethe le Cesedie hemp Ong,. ' m ou s „mgiu.„. no competitor, and ben the geld to ramell .pre-peid . ttiallltt of them two allied dear Oral. - and tti.menl, (nail tel. 'Wn the ~ 111:1111.- .1 I 1. mteresoful • i Vt cier, .11 111x1 0ei..1 ollettmiritig Eon his or I,l,ettt), mid ...Atli., the throng naid de.pott. tL. at :ha ea. of lien! yl hal at. ! W., Le0n.i.:....41. %%mut Ace II scam iVhc,ef at their recent Convention, advt.,' a recc.t a.ctliicing with the patriots of Itencary mocks far freedom. They probably hail', wee the oracular pranmerimecuto a the, tram , ., argon. mentimed Ili in article tea; k eery ham the lial.rddy Pan. (a am.. r,) KAMM necessities MO fluesanan' I By the way le eat the .` spirit of Free .. &hew Illongety ..w .W. her agent at Wulthigten, labs recognised wipe; but her palpetkisinefkode we. at Wit her to seaa—welt until they tee can M he wedged by her .prepsr mule, le wit Intl** Needle. um tummy...rot. If this le the 'minted at lad **Whip en te eseeental whittery need thatee,* the. fun 11. we ex/Alba lul rty, liked bull Arlivt, en. Aed , the •• inneygqiig the old will pony. AEU Nt sIN t It "` • -1 ,, I -A.._ I.; lit r " I lite I it I;. ttzlmir., ' P t. .11 12.% Nutmal Itia! T! , NVItJo- ''' 3l‘.ti It ( 1 tl it =EnME= gumption of Work on the I thr, North Brum Canal. u el I I =13911119 1 4. 1 .1 t, Iltia " I " i l r ,o :1 . ' r L tl • t lt : IL i ..),,, ii It Ilia 1 I r ,t p L i ti 1 I • II II /I I i II • I II it • h I. r, t, k.; u. Pitta, rg. of the 11.1,6 or itli in said The 'gay tor Rebound. The Independent Teeneury. od, v. the Atorr;ean tie ple tie., tl fool The Washington Repo/Vic has an article ;I ua6 f :I;ittoitt tat I; .t. tC, ; er ;; ;Inv, shout the apprehended s $1:,:olito g. ofrftment motley, by 'hub:, 0.. Agent at 'Marseille., in -nee of t Ito failure of Mr Osborne, omit, 'no Weare quite Ming r 3 drfuleation or loos should be in all its deformity, and the blame rout where it belongs. Blame Lust bo—porhaps in mere places • Let the lath be applied, and lb. nforemi against the tumefies of the m.AI .1 if fraud or villainy eau ;I againtt any of the parties, lot ler at they deserve. r recto lob to the aontiments of t./i,. But when it seeks, on so basic, to build an algument Irral Tiou.r . Tour. l'e , lvtal l,rty 1I I, I ti r the eta, v..eht eett•elia, tr . 1 . 1 , alt. , ' Itithae teat.] to atheint ',aloe, he the del. h that e‘tr) au el a 1,1 le h.,tieaal hate .ape,tl 1 rt atel oh. 1, Intel. tit 111.111 made to hi t tl IT there tau a r.tetioa, than ono het be ell them ran' I outl tl I It ti itt I al r tl i.. t tlr I tl e i 1 1 t tt I), t I 1114,, at t I. 4. i I urn 5...• a... 1 ,11. - I ,• 5.N I I all II hen M=M EEO I I. I I :11.. 1,1 nil: rr..l t :Ito,l—ll I 11. , , I i . I li I, ,2 /1110 i I til t II ludl Its it 1, o; The Salem Ala. 0,, .tt he.lent . Tit- do, 11•1••• • I, c•L - t IL, al - thi• ill. 1, oi • Duro tlrE ea in ~tTlim Ira ra ~e 1 I III! •,.e it .t II % I ' It I l Vie I it • 1'..1 I li / I 1 Tot.., there toot nn .eDottivatt,wlo, us tu I took, 0. tool um, drist et 111)10 10 the •.1 . nt t aphin, when 1;113 le 1,0 II I ...ett‘tut upon I it I ntrutl, runt tl I t t tire I tt lit let! he Sub:Treasury. it fails of its oh ely. We know of n way by which in be drawn from the Treasury, bgl to public objects, without be • ..1 tbrolich •grginehod,'s hands.' to nt the Sub-TI enemy system does Iroin that irhich , proceeded it. It r o it may not. One •ed rinee it went unfaithfulness liel eeatitlenote of agents, and tried before from the mine eaten, trUrere utast be entpltord, us' tt3 stem the sureties may be ,111. reamn trhy the pub s It.: Funded from loin =entrees of loss, to, nen: the gem:mimic. the fillore ot banks, ln fated under the Sub. - Thr xt. In of the puli yes, will be !teen by mod, der'. ed from are etibury. then Secretary the U S. Senate, in rt solutien of that body, di, 1,41: • dp,• IN xr, t xi inr I tit int MEE e L 4,111111 11 I. PII It • • I tit , I il J. I+ll it I 1 l,lri rau I , I Iltl lid r. 1 , 10,in de- I ugain,t 11 111 Altp• I 1,1111 ad d. n slthrs lath bai- mt.] Ini a stritia.n 4....t0rs •, • a: 11 , t o onivei pal .1 a r, t!..• pia line d in tl.i% is x Inn k, in tonlilietl3 s Lack w - thin. ! .ol :.t Ii i will 1114 l ti, il.ien down it ..n, I.l' Fuel/ An-trio and (Lis infamous tho I tied:W.3., do the odor hko tilt innstait. did I.or fathers oil oppri...44t of the t ryßritt.: that tilted r es of ';ti, clutter in id the h tiders of the tor Intl r died their 114 their retainer° to 4 the ems So do the ono übited body, eller nii4 riot toloty, b; de ,d,,to They have h) bore of tones—do h —e.ol are nun l'll , reining all the pre qitt . Whet, then, in =ME Im,llid iII II I I I lu t.. Inks Ilit..tittptretelt ttipttr —stet:nostrils° her I ettittr into frie n dly allistneo tts U.. mitt. I er ',toner- Itttlicto, mid &It tr. :m.l Texas. t tl.e Hut purism Httolp. CI .1 I I I 11(11.10 h I r 11 I L 1111 d t It
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers