The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 06, 1849, Image 1

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    " rat liwatitrutt"
•. G. HE lIPAT6IIII,-Editer and Proprirtor.
1.0101,—.• 11 , 11.4 •• •• VIM c wri r •
...0 •••
• "•'""PrlVefi•lotis, 8 ,
: . 7:f . ..1 , 41Z . 7:12=1.117 .
8 . 18".81: , 0847:q; line. or Orr,
'. ll7 ' ;•l4rjrll WOW( laratl, and tolpetlitt, ; •
- . -
near • sweet geranium whose /mien she : t
wile you will receive an a.nple fortune; the' delphiaapith letters to Mr. Bingham. and I co., and we all set off for the cottage of
_ ._ _ i n d om th, m l y engaged i n d rs t ro y h og . 1 dutiful non and affeettonate brother, contra forming or." attachment for hie daughter,. Mrs. Willinge. Hew 2, mat hat, we know
2. I The Wa he 1‘ - on Her Po nee
rn bending close to her ear said- , but make A good husband. ]tut stay, Istill• married and earthed her home. oMP. Her bus- I not, but air for our o o heart, it throbbed
y ,
' •' Anna, will 3ou pluck me that rose as, be with ye& in a moment," and ho left the baud, afterwards the head of the great' slower and Insiders& each step, Until by the
a token of affection ?-you must know how , lovers together. banking-bow of Baring and Brothers, was time the cottage war reached , the pulses in
Life Innen 'he bunion I rittetraty.
isfor you-Or at op, cams ,
ard e nt min e • d t i "The story of your marriage with Reed created a Baroo, under the tide of Lord our ears wore boding audibly. We could:
,• Theesne ha Is ant> ' behind it bl o m the candy tuft. You know I was only to try your beard, then, mod thick- Ashburton, and was the negotiator here of not understand this. It had never been no
- m ..,,, a 5i ,,,,,, , r .,,,,,,,,... • the mystic language of both, will you choose en the plot," said Fork, to the blushing tine celebrated Ashburton treaty. The before.
To the Sell neer' • head, where our gaol bark he", 'l . '" l '''' . ..“ -
girl. dowager, Lady Ashburton, recently dere.- The sun still lingered above the Menu
_ and give me one?" .
moored; I t am sc col d winter eight, and the wino! " Ilush, lan, Ferris," said she, blush-, At this moment. the room door opened. ed. was the girl who load excited 1111 much when wo came in sight of the wattage
lar,liarfig..l7,:ff' 14 ,4L77', ' .."'::: i 7.',."b" . n t fr whi s tled through the bare boob. or a,. g - Jog add handing him the rose. 'AIM the beggar n's om Ferris lied twice re- atteittion and ma° goesip, when run y
e a s , lashionalik hours were esWr then than
with her m oue“l, an d her room at th.o ant trees that lined the well. Th e gmmo d Thin pas-ed when the attention of the tiered, entered, awl coming up to Porde, with by the Count de Tillyllolllo fifty yar now. On arriving at the door, L- an
te.; mo , sowe d w i t h now, upon who m su m o ., c.ompany was drawn to snow engaging oh. Rolland charity. Anna recoiled at first ego ." tered first a, a matter of curve, sod we all
A •"..""'"•"'" •• "'" "'OP" . thr, "" 11. e light . of the tmi ,on fell till iow vie. jew Seder before had Ferris received sight at the dejected appearance, and may- followed oleo in his rear, in order to ware
Ae 11 cow. on the apart of the re,.., Mu,. , ,
Which epee. to the been, and .....kone a dew, MT, atnaatog the m•ncrusted ground with any tclOin of Anna's love, save front the rosy stricken looks of the intruder, while TIIE QUILTING PARTf. the benefit of his countenance. The mom
'rhet se se, with no memo, an cows of ,ea, Indliant diamond. As the old south cloak tell-tale oyes. The flower was placed next Ferris asked in astonishment how he gain- - was full of girls, who were buy In bind- I
, struck nine, a 3 nung man wrapped in Id s to his heart, and he left the apartment -ed entrauce to the house. lo a moment the al. T ....fon IL ing Anty's quilt, which was already out oil
"" m ".._ " ... 1 "..'","1..' i• ....;:" 1 °°°l--•l ' d '''" mi r rink, nought the WO° of the large tr...., He had toromeded Ina a few steps from the die to a ...Only 11 . t .. and
cellos 0 , .
. t, .. 1. ,, , ,. 01 . a,. t
.. the frame, and getting MI remly far the
Cone estemi - eirete.e. t o wee . w o n.. ~.,...d ~ „,,,, j o t h, park, ft r;.; o 110,e,- Inc no bl e il f,,, 11,11,0 11111.11 - 111, woo orcusted by o puor of Owguise Ile had wpm we, e o 0.,.., ha l ho f ir , oh „ m ,„, , ,7 0 71,,,7,7,- evening'. pport. Thou was no .mal to I
to we ...U m :M om e t,...,,,, ~f a t on o es hero, ir. ming oa the
carriage bonds of meridiem:l, clothed in rags, who was °IVO, pees .n of Anna's tether, Mr. Howell, „ hair , 0,. • s • r •. ~ him , w th. .. Is- for taking tine wire edge from off the i
‘ 4 w 6. hunt. from .... lips "" """ Pa's'''. "r, veily dressed people a Lott sexes, who en- ed Id this I tte hour M the night to the in- , Th e entenialottent LI the lovers can WO- ..
Job's trot:bl ' rt, 'ff :I ' l. 'would he as nitetc t ° l ' ; M g ii '''' • i mo " m "" ° " ... r an Y• ggdgh-,
..y. a tree and easy tone to the smalintereetiffe,
~ , . , toed one of the ',timely houses el Beacon d. , ....0..y of lite "ann.
O ur 1 1 11:110110, comm. n o . Ur, re „ , 0.0,,i1i, ly be enneeived t mistake. a sot a quilting frames for clo t hes , 'that would other.. have been coutrained '
11. tamed . err .11,0 a d t om e tav e rn , ~,,d, stoned . Through th e ai. hlr maned glass " Pray, sir," said the beggar to Ferris, looks as foicanythtng else. It was different
for we Loamy cloy are re...cog. a1e,...,1“.. toll, . wi n dows. the gorgeous ligid t-sued in a"cm 3 oueh to me a trifle? lam nearly ine 74l,72:7•;!:, " l7Vd th r l ' : n ti r e o . a d r d o r i li
lot our younger day a Half a dozen Moll- and awkward. Ite • little while the differ-
se , stately no •,.. ...pitied loy thrilling tone.. derv.' and chilled through by " obi" your ammeter, n test the virtue, which a 30.0 patchwork quilte were. indispenanle ant
parties who had
ered 'wider Mapro- .
Are oy Loyd l a prosertstioa-and °toyer, net. ~...., 4,, Ind. u fu ll h ., i iiu , huii,u ills- ,iif../
MI 00/01•11 is Cle greatost-charity f-had then as a marriage portion; quite . much I " . . b rg mii° f " I • t 1 Idl t' s • " Im. VII
& M M.', in we,.. our trim ~,,sel me, ik, noted at every point, seemed crowded Perri after a few moment'. commutation y on Nina i n this, y o u world h ove r a il e d ea en a „j am , or gaiter is of ,emoot, And merry Vito I t was not roes wore •noteer
nth. ..... dby ea. eoidld te, prepared for ii.w „.jd, 1, ..., 3 „,,,i hnppy 50..., The stranger raid: the 'beggar. fur he had not the heart. to with mo i„ t hi s ono ,. o r mort i oer . . the a ,r indicative
quilting ••"'''' imi " " 1 " .• Y
dem de con t ent the scene-Lis l ock, • L i, turn ions Irom the sufferings of a rellftw
1111 . valor and l ame in the eau. • of ,he n e t, . Y. were weighed m the balance and the coining-out Mod Wog "in the market,"
wh en - ea .,. ~, , 0 nu truth, or c'erpower,d le t on"' now. had ""ri•Ped the 1 ... port of .....• 1°""1"1 Lim ° num° C o ntaining not Nand wanting Here, •ir, is your as the fa W 11121.111e•gatheriegs together of l i t i r e o d th i ;T r eh t e l e ° ,, b i t th l l e •i ii ft. i T id , i r e tz,•!
longht ; his features, had fallen, discovering a race sow five or nix dollars, and urged him to rm .,. i t „ oth i ne d s i t a„n ors when the oim „ rim; he
we . itsg oetonstresseo, and put 'but or eight and
Horny, lonh aloft, tome cob liar her 1 / 1 1, or manly beauty, n full dark eye, with arch- seek immediate shelter and food. T I " , gave it to file Mager it the street-it now AS for the Rffereneo in the custom, , o
, o o
81'"ia ma a . "'" ( " I ."'" ." me "'"'"'"'"" ' ing brows end shot t curling hair as the ra- beggar blessed 14111 and passed on. contains • check for six thousand; and are art dispost..a to site* over it . indicative , '" ' mind." .
And dm loaner, the ensure or R ho, , will n• •r , ,
. ven e plumage, 914 o ff tu1111,110t11,90 bldg..' A 11,, ,, lligilthsubseplem n tit° ocem. here is your aerated, tint pont:tined five of social do. teriorati.on We do not belong I
Ile wood by falsehood, or lowered In bar I TIIO brigld, tontwular dells of
halo even- I
' iato a° l 3 h• 01 fermate-n bra...a m""'• an". ha was '''' h ar Mi ld..." h. "' M . ° donors. which ii also 111111liplieil by thou- to the class who belies° that "misty is re- ilk mm • Im Y I n - r n,oi 'g;
on, n. ova" l . 'T.. "'''' 'h.' "-, ' fiche curled about liii :twit each , git en a de. Mora, Wa's mother, 'Tech eel him as earmia ., . ' Amy Willing. There was a wow glow 1
Wont . lade delay ace, the Salt nt, re s in , 1 trograait, bet atrec c‘eryttti. in not . i t, ,
coleolly eltosie app. aranec to the :dodo. n, e. doe did ti of her t iaturY, with a sone- „ ~, ~ .., i old i s . . a' . • . . upon her :Reeks and •a demwr tenderness in
For nearer end nearer, ilwo,ooo. y, sat tle, as 'erns w as way In the verhyr day sof our Itle Instory. i i ~ i ' . had .
Whoa, booted to nest re q .., the Mar • .. ~f OH 0 The rsaval loottott ,o h a his rip Mowed ti., what c.oodraineol and Rama welcome. lie
about to tamjeet. to it ; "there is no heed of And yet-it may he a weakness • hat early '.. ••°"•° ")., ' "'" they mm worn '.
a„,,„, , In Irtl ~ •1 to that hr OW'. of our twined Mg a n man o I too great coon ers 16 nal 5m0ia0w.,,...-to aria 1 ,..„ ta„...orm thane, ~,,,,,..,o ; ~.e amrho a one
. .., r 4 „ dorm .' bolero. In gazing upon her, Ism the hcmt
Int a brief hien has poen d, 5.,,e, , , a .1. to, e ,Aotl ,l, low,• powrs, she nic a), retired early, 1,1111.- nu . dinn ~ i moved front lis very depths! No long tam
mon. " I '""‘" W '''''''''"'“"i"Y ed """'" a s lb.l oho • b the side of Amp,'
, ~., I. a. ,„. ,
.„„ „ ~..„,,
~,,,, „
~ -• Shall I cram...," be said th IlAcllly ho tong her intercourse with awl: ty in the
This was of course MI tnsatery to Ann,. nit: Sie keen zest. nod hcartille3S, ill 1111 y I' ' ' ' " r S.. ' "' re . , •
T o 0 .„ h ~,•n o r p r 0..., , u --G o il i 1„ 0 1,.. i . , ,11111.1-ir, ‘• :1011 1. a, no 3 e. 3 es me ...I ailllS I wont formal manner Ferris nos mo t el. , and oar eyes resting In hers with an ear.'
but when el [ hilted. poked to her love for ...pans, r h os[ ue ham ex perieneed in thee • 1
can tee
be p , •=iecs 1 11... Is, that I sew i5,..1 that 3lr Howdl had taken no hr ., forme hashmay 1 dopes of emnesmon that caused them to
And strn,l,in , endsnk ter rn, ra, c ,h„ n l,l be s., 1.01111,1 t . the boot •batts- of partiettlar notice ~f his ittthons,y in hi s "11 1 ' 1-IM ' ed T ia ' i "g l''' m Y• n ' d ((e • arr 3.!,,, . lino it,0,.. whe,, pia time fur .-
__ -
, _ y..,,,,g, 011:11, 41111 every muse perfect in its , me . e .,,,, „woo,a same, a a h _.. our turn
poverty -yet lam a man. We as in see," h,00t•,., for he seldom saw hint, and alien he in Eloprmeni in Olden Time.
o ' lt f „ r i . ,',,"„ l ,',`;',:r, ;;; r l ,',Z.: . ',': ',";','.r „!7,! - J,',F, „rot 'Tossing on, to the gay see se, inc en- could, the old nom'. ryes bent sternly upon . The En I Inds Ashburn died at l e ' d w do ' s i vnTh e e lv'' ' n ' i r• men'' N r '' = " :: i l l l '. m " I'l.' " "-f;;;;; h;;;1 of 6- "Y ii Mir
Aloe a solpheenc..lor .. i, ~,,, .• ce, eh, ram, n 1 , red the hall Ile cast .41 his ...I. shoes, hint, he anything but • friendly i ' d I "' ln g ammo°. En dand. ' n
aim t 'time since and ho.rt.; no mis takes spirit;
grief ens
to sob:: i m """' th° " um a Amy fell from our II"'
At dory oo'ar ow. ao dro p. 0 ." n • ( o. oos '•• lostod, a his rap and elnak to • s ervant, n eed swell In this dil e nenea, he was at a I,es ,f • ''' • . I , i l .i lb I ii • • , . T Life ' hieh were noon pressed,giusin upon thosel
on . , ~. r totoory common olefins 4Ora op en: itle ee 111g4 Wlll one.. ing regrets., the moth ,. ... aim; la wee the a .,
Al too, eat... im . 'T.• csea•cl b) the •' ,, cs ',"'!"""'" - " I ' ' iu g it " l "" the I "'") m'd what ' l ' m " I° i' .•°° ' •1 "". A '''''' ' '' ..• rnmanee. Thin letly was an American, and was itt tit° beauty and. frostiness of it. we rm him ,ar. Now i . amithet mood _
N 0.,. that thronged the rows Itradu
twais ' ilo, lo ar. he". lo w ir". nt "f her sirt" ,ll far hits ; omong ether incidents or n om recorded in miring lime; in the odor .1° hovel Lion- 1 • i •
And to wen h. bk., de n•• /dye tow,' de ~r .1. .ai) :aa g ha, ~ray
emi t ~ gli the .0.1, ho. .a nowt e Lao
sweeptiosi io this, he was connw ion with her new, tho following will sow. We had but to open our coy t cot° •t . " t 7 h "" 1 u" 11 " I"
1, adhere--. multi. 0 groom, in the emit ..1 0 loich stood equally dstant 11m. time goal of h. llama- b e ~.„,i with interest:-- "- ° t orten met before -mining wan then a lash-
Ao o,ld:f.o.gbd td hal omi , ,, n• n.,+ le toot ~ h. o ..h t no d 1,,, t0u ri,,d b.°, sI. c iu .,ll 01 . 111,, 1,,, his better joidginctit told 1• tonal., to taste-tot lan exwisite delight. •
To tn. Proosionio e n ow -tot •n. comm. irl - f • ..,... ~ i id ... i . b • . tonable amusement-but never as at this,
bat o Slte was the clanoicer of inn. .111111•1 Li le wor we mew not tatig mono t. •
° • ' ' I o dines oof that Lt viii old onembly The the consent tor her parew wild not be Ob.
1.411 tr Bingham, a Seoul. o - of r•oneresa. and fifty quiet villego ; and them we found onough to
1117010 our. She °"" 04 h i ' e
as t' u c r• e ls i A ssl . e . o l 'nek"seebet°l lake'l
a .,
Pion ty and tionslay upward the, gm, ll '' '' l. '' lii "''''''' '''' d ll ''''' l "'id° Her, ' min "' ll° thi s ''''''' ian h • had "I" . ' ber father was b wealthy and fill the measure of our ea 't In a wider , he , o wi , e , s , m , or me
no hi e , for o tt a pprooriss2 glance from those Wm as ovoid,
m olio Tr0,:0.... Sonde ...hove el. ec ~.• .4 woe , ' 6 " h " w "" u " 4 1 ') . 6. 17r!on r %.7t ' n . .ciefient. in Philadelphia. He j aphere we lame not found greater social
IoC.IIII, Mlle 11.1, h olt abdroto tot :be nu- began' od . doe former Mold, who again so- .• o mon hr• r n ,,m„„ . ~1„1 t he r om ity wor e ,plessures ; though in a more extell co c St:Mthily he * r e . ye - s ' w - a ' n ' o - lerned - are -1 74 - ;hal
Ao has t mow. s: mt., hob to ds ion, ale, et lets
5.,„,.. ,
~_ 1 , ,
.. . , ~ ,
doed 1 ''laidl I I lint
'r a """ up, a' "'e ...I" 'or a.'" r" a "'' a aims, " ""g L. """ ' " enlneg Ow lesol:•rn or lA. 7,,,, in the quaker fel.. there has Cl.lllO • different source off oam ;and . then her long dark laehu lay
Tahiti Inch Ohl I . ..llrrlgrol 1,11. o. Jr„ will ` , 1 , 1' , 1 .4 , 1 .11 , .1.1.11 ,,, i,ll. r. `I 5 101,1 1' , .. 0 . 1 .. 11 ' eb.. I° ll" , 01, him. nod a , . time ,-4,-, ~, (1;,,, ~,.,ana. Th on he w t o Went'. enjoyno•nt-pur. rottal tame° elevating to the i ' l" ." A m il o g o t i n . e t o t T a t if j o i h o l h h e 'm o k t . .to mu on .
lin rows r ha...mon .1. Or ow. moot are denp., 1 .; 5 0,,. slated .r„1 1,1,,,,,,,0 ,b,.. 1 1 1
,It •"o -id" , ". "") 1 ' ' "'I L. sin,u " 1 ol."" Itim, hnd Le fool with the inter• 0 I ' tituti nof die I Mart.
in " . """ • "'" I I '""r''' "'" I "" - " I " "' ' '"' o ' haft coortear: in token A recog oition emend. ol lor hood and root ilt a miser: o w , • '` '''' '° . ' I . • • , . o potted try the holder of the puma.
m sOOO non nt di too- n• twee, a eon, h a at. teem
. Ito some one mitten:l the group , Her eyes, cellar Is ha re he rando lodged. 1, w e d st o l es . Inc aces rer , ntse a eo on° But Ws hi all too grate for rile subject.. Th . (thew, lido wore emu; mimed. and ,
o r the ar lyto e ,.. e y. and „„„ , th ,,,,, r em e rk. It is not !lie frame of mittal in which to en- e
"vas •
Nor soon h. .• crank's t r , ,lt deli... , e 0.4 no longer latigtoi, n o n sparkled n ith at. Again per is post a moss into,
, it o ,meet , . . .• ~.., ... ;,;,; , ; , ,•, i„,. e ‘ ,„, h ,„„ ~,„ A „,, ,„, ,),,,,,' gols ayes ' her 03 went besotting •14/1111d th.!
. 00ar
and ca 0000 ono si I. oet • o ~,,, i fle mco. a ousi. co a•e' 'on" "n" t° oh' it 'not eo uctry. Ab ott t the peens! Ile was elected loca cans upon no eat° ton.. a wustons me ring and falling moro ra wly t h an ha m ., I
And Imr " ""'" the 11 " m" '''''' r ""'" "P " h t I I I' I I i • that he and himself poor, end mum ained to
gr np • 0 . 0 ler, olc at. or my gloved by the State or Ponnovlveten to the lawn.' browner hue upon his feelings ?
elercon,l Our ewe . length mom in as undertone,
its sou to. Gm.. 10 minter noose, hand in ht., F01,i11,-- the oreetieu ~t ne w mon „ m y i n t h e support then 'sitting in Philadelphia. be built what There was one quilling party
miii me I from her smiling lips. What a happy mo
aI, c c. of roan,. all ,mtres met Yort, c le, leonme, Kr r iy -we had fear. al that of those depentleot upon loint. He lon the wog th e ir ee ll e d • aplendiel an d easily man. ever forgot it ? Twenty yearn have
I' m. eat! The envied kiss Waa tors, and we
An, ler...gin none-. ice , . toceelnee. U... re.. y,ler s eiiiteg ...lei • hod taken you to s ea, i e eg,:er and w e nt on his way hippy in low- Mon, ...TOM an "di" "low of Mend, since the time. We were
IT,e the eery place for not. mim-lor 1..114 01 au fiii. , ide.d , ~ uiii , .• ilil‘ 1111.1ribute.1 to the itikviotion 01 hewn with garden. and MI MIAs of embellish- had not tarried long m .,...Y i r h O r ! ll T ".. A . • 4 y d Iled tho maiden in triumph frost the door.
And, to up, the whole evening was a or
groan: o -We shoo of it a hate lifted amebic with- stilfoning won, melwed by • brick wall, fronting mare 1 It seems lout yesterday . With the; thee , thiowom somehow ar. other„ toy
r:,'„ , ,',,',7, N "„t!"„°;':',.";;;;;,',:;`,1`.,%7;!_"" ' Inn firA pa 3 n., 1.1 dente too sur Town." teas
The a les . gOild-iud.... - . so m.r fah. the lan tot reply ect ening at the house of Mr Howell, and k nown no li m a. m ons h on m om , m r , now. was by our s'ide', and Amy's hand in ours
I oltenest a any. We did not talk web-
A Moo r ran [Mon e h the cio els ~r ,s, le- rot, tosately bind Ail. and her father alone
Ths ...sot o sow. g o. son. too the ~ or Bingham °Morten.' strangers, Senators, In our village throe ohm It •a sweet
, „ h Y" o n fi ' deli:now holing waled our lip. It wasl ,
not she so so h mine 1. , arc now mlr''`' cc , "'cr. .i''''' at Lac nimpearsto m. among th, to , hat -11 e former coteaged up. a piece a cm- ' on a th e Colonel. with prineelY hospfiality. g
.. TI., l oe , 4'...., e ' r 1 e. > , sod, der., ~ 11 and Moen the lady 111., vd, there ma I. room non bey or a pattern, mid the latter poring Hi s family .1 th e whio ns o r ihns o two s , vi ' t i atTa l s ' s w to a l ol oruf;:i v n ' g ''' ,Zytt 31 j r's:. ' 1 " V • r1 - - •"'" lA "' I ' m "' df""i of I° "' B" m° l
°W. foor :soma., ""°' 0 ( " 1 " . " 1. ° ,"," 1 "" ,I ddi ""r i ; MY' pi)" and a airy Ifs
iniana'S "dat e d he' II " ' " ""''' y ou " i " b° sinu thm° was a • ot womatt's human nature. And as little
kn e w little then or human nMureo and low
Came e mig mo Ow r•nk" se lc re th• .0 go-at b n it , T 1,,, go , „,„ „,-, ..r t i.,. .6,1, wore on , his entrance IIIC 1.111 Footnote. tow on ow- Laren loim .4 fl en Washlngton. Mato rof delight all aroond. The quilting , ail t h is hoer , e tamale young man. w h o
scvecal. times e I I I' . rris Harvard 1' .toylete- tiler n neaten[ notice of hint than ta digid 1 Th. jr,,,,b wohnion drove several no- was Amy's, or worse, and Amy Willing was'
Mot oo to the to ~,,, am Ow t ouch. roc. g o
run on ere et r..teleeethe last credo., hives : ly put at taoll Ow -11•11•••• bra mod f , ops a. Windt:on Of the hvad, and a " good °ann. blernen to the United States •as exiles, a- to Ise tho 'Might partiotdar star in Sie social' , then ma ;oho , in the mi . , the eem i ow
o was pretend, and who, more mho and silent
so o hadiel,'• old loommere" om b13,,11 s. e teed, ) r cond him, pla, in; then. he any thing boot iog •ir " Ile took a emir by Anita'. site. ...rig whom ..0,0 tw o professed duelists, fi rmament It was to he Amy's first milt- . het with enameme re - e ., A ., ee ,;'.
II hee the, Mundial me moelied as wed rem M. a ~,,, env i able Hob; mod told her his loom in s low but ardent Count do Tilly and Visenunt do Nonni.: rang , moreover ; and the sign that ehe ms .eaneri him oe; V lore the ma . m t h e g o . ;
tdmt . Fla, to I iarvarml was lieutenant in the tin- . tern., begzing permission to speak to her, Th e Vi ma u to t e ith. brought lettere to Mr. looking formed to the matrimonial
Allllllr, from the for-famited end lot 'l'm isieseee , no, and depmeled eland) on hie pay no an r o doer on the Wok° t r o l l ., :;o4 .. di o d f h t e un. m . e l n oi t n i x on her name when the priv
. Bingham from fleneral Iwfayette, or he ob. Was boiled with • peculiar plenum by mane enaideldo lips with
run sou.. of Ow ord.., moot gadon and fn c• °Meer too support aas id„ wo , et alter and a •• Oh, he will not hear a wail of tine mat-, tabled an introduction to him. which 1.1 to than ono of the village swains, who had; hi r owe wm merge ., him.
A It. an enchorls, • el ior the non rn er shore, ~,
t nn . si s t er to lictit eel wh.,tat he was dc- ter, I know," paid the sorros ins girl.
.1h was Ana to Wire ; and then we no-
To 'Omit to tho tr onto noto:o• ".ammo,, en, 10.. r, • ~. • . "Su admittance as an inmate in his family, yor abiped the doming beauty at a respect
ittetostom. m os n , n i.„ ..... w ,..„1,„,...h id s , vededly st!tnclied• Ills father was a self. longer ago titan yesterday , Lo moo" to owl H o pi ng aegoo k n o th o confidence o f . M r , ful distanm.
At . inatersoasoni.e. owl tat ‘ e re.
And Meths dm, o people most en,, Posh err. nun chant, who ailed and freighted acme .ml en never love but ono man,' Bingham by his address and accomplish- di e had been to many rotating peon. up diced • "'MP I" Amy . /1 " " 1 " ••••
said the bee.- meets, he managed to introduce the Count to this time ; but more se a boy than amen I was • thoughtful, absent expression in her
Who • rou g h, bard, an kh, jt ,,,,,,,, ~.I,lpref, r the Prosiest homed vennls that let the ty, giving Lim her hand. I de Tilly into4athospitable menden. The' Our enjoyment had always been unembar- rem.
The paw. were nen-one an honce to the., portant llostoo, net misfortune anti sickness Fordo could h oar oh ... Ton .. no I n n- . C .„, was ii ~,,I f or p ro fli gac y ag l ie wo o ' reseed by any peculiar feelings. We could, A few weeks later. and Mon was all ei-
Ths nose of onlind hearts and wrong 'weeds. 'l , in en .cloak him and he sunk itao the graac L eer In het, the hint relative to bee alfi- I r e , Lie s kin .0 the m o ll me l d; and un- play at 'Ala 11. , /111. buff hunt tbe slipper, oiehard. &Imre !theirn woo mosomme a t o
moo" t baring lois only eon to protect his m alter soca with another spurred 11i111 to action.
prow thee came a J teliSON, who. p.n.
sister ii ,.... 0.0 „ .•„ , isle ~,,, 'ding all the arts of a mediae.% ho and pawns, and nut only clap tho little . • the village m Amy . a emote., Inver. we
wantW.! ills . 01 al% I. Proceeded to that part . of time room,. oo n o bt a i ne d the goo d opinion
Serb a ith and each wain of hie moot, eneld Urns hail et t isy oat a good erleteatt oh and ' where M r. Howell sat, and atter a few in- Itj o n ref m rs , Bi n gham and 3lists Marla Ma- their warm lips with our own, and trot ex- , credit the fact. It was imposeible! Had
did sot, we could not, we would not, sa
fest liming entered the tem y as mitishiputan,' troduetory remarks, said: !tilde Bingham, an only daughter. 1 perience a heart-emotion deeper than the .. m ... mu m m out at t h e gu ita r , pert ,
Whop eyes Maar 21.thered when dam. , 0 0 0 was raised to lieutenancy, by reaSon or his' • YOU ha doubtless observed, sir, nV In m om m o m, and even einm, • noble - ' mpide "Me on the mom" water by
new. . soperi r aeminiretnente and good conduct intimac y in your family for more than • mon, _p ren ..h . En gl ish , . O et w o n-was fid breeze. But there had come a:toi l :ga y :
her band hoes almost in ours, and oar lips
Anti whew" mom. ne'er fettered m dut, • ea-I as the ono she • loved beet r LIM oot
Ilia profession led hint to all parts of tine year past. Prom the fact t h at Yo. did n" nmeivea with marked attention in all we d -, The. ma somethin g ran rho o3n^ "f, (1( e fh e ne•• upon beret It weld .7,7, M!-
He live d lived for the emmen-end clicrishe4 win in.. world. and ho had carefully iinproved his o bj e ct to my attentions to your daughter, thy families. Them was much patrician young contiotnions, as wo looked into totem,
H u m mory amt foot. white that nation is free. advantages-though constrained, by reason I hare been led to hope that it might not bl o od e m oting thro' the veins or Oh o young that had a di ff erent meaning from the old, o i re ." a • o l o ine th e V i i r i hre i reo he o l 7h t w h eo a tt A nl nt 7t r ru.
rm . ; p r , i , , me, one mer • who . ° mom mom , of limited means to the practice of rigid In, altogether sonnet your wiehm. May I "Meru not, expressioa, and particularly wan fide time hoe woo a bride. We were ao t i. „ r ad', ~
•••• • Ow economy.Repubh s Royalty and nobility
ask. sir, wailful! marmot, your opinion in then, as ndw, at discount. hfintinisen, , with Amy Into her eye. m e could no long., o
but as silent and sober as was /Atria Mar
tin history . ..rapine nine neer can efface; I Ile Ind met with the only daughter of this matter ?1,. e Viscounts, and Barons, were lionized when- peas steadily. As to the reason we were . lin m the .i,hiet. The tables wen turned
Who soled . W.... sad ''.led the ".. Harris !Jewell, one of Mos wealthy citizens " I have oftdrf seen you hero ; ' replied opor th e y ma d e & b e h oo ve... t o, so d vo t ing itinerant ; yet wit was,
.apj•st. us, and opowly ...a.
Of our sunny belayed with the halo of Om, of Boston, on a fete given 011 hoard the, 31r. llowell," snot have no neon to obJeet lathe. were ensmortal with the lined.- I The invitation to Wend her quilting was Ah, well ! More than twenty years twe.
1 1,1= •" , ee m° ,:rli m e h . b oo • h o =jl,;n;, ...p to which he belonged, •and had hew- to your Mein, sir." nod since then. The quilting., the tern- I
This-Count de Tilly um persuaded Min: an era; for itproduced emotions of era mark-
Ins ,feed. bio hew moment proe-ead they' diately become enamored of her, but he " Indeed, pir, you are very kind. Phase Bi n h.. to m o pe with him, and also bribed; al a character, that they were never for- , rokiegs, the mew .maklngs in the village
li.s. well know in bin own heart the difference of neither power or rank to offer your dough- I some elergyman to unite them. Tho oily ten. There was an uneasy fluttering o the al li___. an ese. forgotten . N o , i s A m y
&wined in 0 haw no made era mm. 'their fortune, tu rne d a mon, t o I t ja wish- tor, lout still, emboldened by love, I W You 1 WWI not then very populous, and the whole, Marta the time drew near, and a u se '
• m ' im . Willing and Me party rorgolten, se this brief
•Twaameel that • Plate which such ea. had be- 'es. In had been • essual visitor for sere- , for her hand." world of fashion was thrown into the p e at-. upon the feelings that &deep, sighing breath th ew. memmaily Wailes. Tweoty jean.
stewed. ral months eubsoment to the time our story The old man laid by his book, and remo• e pt. e a e it g .ent, at hearing that Mies Bing- I failed to remove. The more wo thought , pow tams theere h are ;anom i e th m, w h a t
°O. the ••••".• "wra° cal "R-7.,r , commences, and the house of the N owell ring his spectacle., asked: ham had run away with the French Count 4sent. the quilting, the mom restless did we
[And Amy, where is she? Wheo lest at
Shoubl=a I. wren sunhat. engn g would
.r.mik. - Doe. the young lady aanction this re- de Tilly; and Mr.Bingbans Limed [- army iirow, nod the More elOnstaintte that tlie put! m ____ .... rem a ewe , ping mo w n , l on g
Is answer Add. la *Witter the need t• "{must think of her no mom," said F., quest r . ' hommt, well-meaning, but not very died. we were Moat to play would lw ;mead rel.,
In the dawn of womanhood, and, for the mo-
Awl eddy Mead web is &fencers( the fillee to hindelf. •If sneered at by her friends " She does."i •
• I plinked man, ernceptieg for wealth-wall sells embaromerona
°risottos mod Weak, egne l nen., eges al hews- 'foe offering hercontmon d vilifies, with what , • And you stek-" ;dreadfully mortified at this rub step of bbl At tat the evening twine. n the old time-the fittemeniog span but
Asa 's ash W . ' ' hal Was ' S ' d '''''''''"'"" a ' contempt would her solder° parents receive °Your dmghter's hand."
lo• j daughter, not then eixteen years of age.- . "moth from Jial.ff "." I.l° ii " , ' mi. 's drew. Her name me Amy. h was,
w ...,
.(....'sneelt, it seemed es if we were beak man
Th. seare d. I n t n .'. I lli t h sh e pen we d t h e .... • proposition for her band, from ono SO pemor ' ...11, . p.n.!" Irbil whole city called it • Mle abduction, piny before, But now we felt that it
h .. not our A. :2 ,. She Mel mimed may, leave '
and miknown?" I hi" *P. II II in " 1 . 1 "..".hia 1 1.1 1 , I The grWest Indignation was everywhere, wan necusary to he sustained From wit out, in . thal memo to h im. ; i s her n u m. I
And oboe an with do. The good hea gum Harris
wee indeed a 'tern old, saying s ' !upturned ; and Captain Barry, commands .aissl such negotiation we sought in the mu- j • ib irr , m .. th , eerm.mehthe h es . r i ;;; ; - Mi .
.. 1. th. Fes ta l th e wthe...4 eve aeth i.
thee nth MUM and yet. he was said to be kind to the " I hardly imow how to receive your h og a p ac ket Mir, and s man of
7 ,- now of the gooddiatured, ealf-comprusel wito I ntendei But It lel
Huh, poor, giving freely of hie bounty for the n- kiadmes, my dear sir, I load lor different took n enasalon to thrash the Count for toms •a .. • • • .' r , .Idfigult for the mind to to
Eli•i I f the nu r w ho went an be °I " Ir m°ll4lC " m e l. moe m.'
' AM ow Nate Is etremeng ea high,
.lief of the needy. Mill Ise was • Munn. ; treatment." ;Widens. The ample wee forthwith up. I and . :!;:rnywhen (m ly and without apparent e .... , nod emu ,. a m g.. h ... hp e w ill
alma awl Wad hem the eity. tam; he .Idom spoke t o the. around bins,. "Listuoyonng mw; • said the ham, ended, and the ,fair was the mtge. diem I ,
It wow Met° beemt en headed_ . . for Ise slat , . Y e t he imbued dm 'armee lon for his on- too you think I should have allowed you ' ha-table eonvenation for some time n-suckt i "You're tieing to Amy Wining'. quilt- j that _ am jar he m0r.... Ruh r '.
It ".." """ Ma. ' a l .."'"".'" "" e " Ily Mild. and A sk r-.. booed bee father to buena, intimate in my family virtual& I ~,,,e ee ~Idea mewing in awe gent' log ?" ofd we to 1.---... As d..) , bee. 7.747,14.,b or &Amber.
atm 'not attempt to while it over amain, fin. In
Ma ii... .1* Miro. me t ow R o am. 1 with an ardent tine. His de , wee lone u mmie „ mre h memm y Are shish tensest mews.raw Pan) , •
a Thenalt We wlthh.a at weeds mod Me nee mi to pars ova bin library, Ilvlog as It was ,
.1 themid have gives you Ohio pin toes O w - Twli; . b .r ;; ' ah ., ... h owe, th e , oo (kn o w. moo ht. reply. Ilarbor Mad Ned&
Wm. lie the Mews* of He phineophelst. On: food hem placrim her hand in Perris') be- bl e w, bar I t beam, semen to open some' a Will poiwals until we call for yoa r I At th. Walter shop *write Smith's
" Wile , immoral oresaleas, when Previa was at hle des I had proved you? No iiir, out of ugetlatioo with the Count, to buy Owl aSh ye% 'Me so Ilimn-ma.Wair an- : dank stop on TIM ataWal *Willi latillhw
"L eek kw. . Pee l a=t wee ' ' home and engaged in 'oonverwation with 'v
Ann.'. way Warn tom the wealthiest; es' ee he ooly Ton away with the girl for WNW IWe Web was played of ea the bays la the
ke.Y. "ntet sled doe ali de I" i a e . ee , be bed obeorred the obi mea eq.' to the Malawi be moiety, I have long dam ,her fraisos. The Count, In the soaves of "So meoh mdeed," thought we, whin Ace
Why, Jar but wily mum him, sod hie beam mob ' selected you se see in whom I smdd Sam thole aegotiatkes roprmented himself to be alone. i - Ter rues Ins well monad with SW.
d el m.l, is an de demo' eel nu rite to." :ty of hie libation, be able to add Owe debut with Mlle NI. a h em wee out a lib. posase,
" irs"
Pl"' hid" him.
whhla awake to n Nell ' kg . 6 6 .0 4.• The wad edit we • esti eel- ,deeply in debt, sod that It was imporsible In tho shadow of his prestnee we would , t ee .. sie b l b. elyjm agoodmobato s.
- 1. 111 . 0 .11 Iwo I Mahar low ail l hat IWe, to leave the emery without sattdring big
Pause.-We dad do folkaids Is oar; Ferris wail rate evade' an Beacon street, m they to perform to Him vim retroMedi auditors ito the amount of re6oool. ready ban f or _a What .. wonti .... we ore have thee A smell moo with a welled.
of iir eughaa ir s ' I t I. 1 " P° 4 "IN'S' ifie Lena of He Howell. ..thee, le spite I ma with the haPPiessed Ms board land., mosey, sad au &merits "'MO, 'blob wes!Slwili ii. r ---- lon 1.0.. a" sod mg, to the door, sad after movies ao oardiL
liaille adored to lad, sod So bra for , ma 1 wadi la sad took • seas oa tial so&
. Goma Ts eli , e lad WWI Piaia l iridt e rt n i lail l e;th '"et st r ' lla Ina ba a tt ria lm- Lidad la" " y- d.e ilr i dietidt 144 / 1 ride " tot 'nut
'CooT t dio maniacs batioa boos d•ae.eal, whew the tine water we 102 0 C " hail a amp se Is it to the &ewe Ake r'
=towith sw 'while Woad Malmo ea... 4 11 . by . v 4. n• sod bemires- bon soenterbeleeeed Ili • inks for my idnadniset. , Mr. ad des. lilies •• bola amodidi open i • - • Te ww Hi ' trikeilthe mom sw .bwon •
. nod avoid orlakelatotiod tbei sd a to Lon id her rommd, ids eapedolat • lappiasod i dorm rris lira-irmodmat bad dip Wok, sad dad • y = l .• aoma .. ha. lbw tour "h.o. as , " Jest meow the wax" wiPlieil use W.°.
ee, the prosideat, as his assillead Ida dillanot aatioaal obaradook di* =dm voladdrily dam ao. I kaow.oftodrardo at In, mating bb soadry. ,5,,,,
Moo all that lo bag Wm don Sol whom he bad met, 'pour., et thdir various, yam lib and baba aeons sad rospedii od A young doesh storoldid, by lab muma win r ma-nuniewily-nn "ow al iin . I vie, ayes of He orimPuT "en Minis
am isimelmbei tar IM Proaltaey." ids. rd ags.„,t ~..01.... A. mit t -IN and Mt, ma ast/dei. Walli year 1 Doing , saboospoody arrived ' ila PM. Wood dal, Id ad lair - odillao ,l ad od - lin door%
Z 1 111•.).2 , 115 -,
Tile...' .- 1111onttases 'imienti:r*t,
2firt2o, .g.1"7 strai
"I feel bed," mid he; and at the ewe
time a .peen took Um, and Lk hand.
ld-nohed and hi. bp drew bins np in a par
-1 foot boll, and he rolled off on the floor.
" That's • cholera thee," mid oft, ao ha
:oak his hat and left. this mu tbe . *.
and all followed snit snoop' Soso
In` the shaving operation.
The opium mimed to oalteide•—tho snow
1 Tie 4 pa l tnit ky ed Int ' : t ennis book:
Wipe off the lather rid the rot nth
next to the door, eons@ spin-4 emit
stuy now."
Just then another spasm took the stmt.
ger, and by some strange movement he
boonevd open the sfs without any sops :
root effort, fiat on his bath we he was 1,04
on the door. Ito rolled up tote • bull ligas
and rolled backward and forwvd w the so
: fs in • styl• Shot would have dam credit to
• eifeta
This was a finisher; those that her
.herd loft. owl throe not shaved hadn't
tiles to stay the boys looked it sob oth
er in astoniehntent. The e►olna saltiest
unsoiled binned( and asked thee if his in..
had emote, when he took Ids seat sad kid a
good Oslo.
iv.e. the charge t° asked the stow
Nothing," said .the berlor. nit
lonve'your name."—ClM: Om.
Fearld larseakr Wilk ■ aske.
We bad been playing all the evening at
whim. Our stake had - been gold moiler
points, and twenty on the rubber. Maxey,
who is always lanky, had won Ave mem.
sire bumper., which hat • well raided
smile oo his emantenanee, end made us the
looser, looking any thing bat pleased, when
be suddenly changed eounterance. and Arai-
I tined to ploy ; this the mom 'muprieed us,
!Mee he was one that Belden. pondered b •
tug So perreetly a Venter of the pas that
he deemed a long mosideration separilostm
1 . -Play away Maxey, what are you 0.111{1"
impatiently demanded Churchill, one of the
most impetuous youths that ever wore the
I rail..m of the body guard.
Hera." replied Maley, in a tone whist.
went through as at the same time turning
deadly pale.
Are you unwell 1" said another, about
Ito p, for he behoved our friend bad
suddenly been taken ill.
u For the love Of prase be quiet," rejoin
ed the other, in a tone denoting extreme
feu or pain, and he laid down bia
o If you value my life I.IOPO not.
" What tan he ore. I—lim he taken
iams of his omen r demanded Marshal,
appealing to himself.
Don't mart !—don't move, I tell
'in a sort of • whisper I never ax -
uttered Maxey.—.• Uyou make snot
sudden audios I rem dead man."
We exchanged look.. Ile trootimeed„ re
ale quiet, and all may yet be right. I
ha.. a Cobra Capella around my lag."
Our first impulse wm to draw bask ear
0be1i..., but an appealing look hem the vle
the inducted an ransiii, although we were
;mem that ahoahi the rept it. imager bat
party,. that individual might already he
emoted' as • dead man, so fatal is do bite
of the dataly motorter.
Poor Marty was drn.od as many old
residents mill dram in Indla—aamily in
breathes and silk mocking.; he therefore
the more plainly felt every snovemeot of the
snare. 111. aonotenanoe named a livid
hoe, the words mimed to wane out of bia
month without a feature of altering its po
slam, to rigid was his look, so fistful wee
ha lest the slightest movement should a
larm the serpent, and /meson the fatal bite.
We were in agony little lees than his one
during the scene.
o nab coiling round !" inurniunal
ey, oi feel him eold—oold to my limb ;
sod now he tightem I—for the lava el hea
ve. oeU for mans milk I—l dare not speak
load ; let it ho placed on the ground odor
me, let some Ire spilt on the boor.
Chureltill ettetionsly gave the order, and
• sermon slipped out or the room.
° Don't Mir—Northoote you moved your
band. By everything moral do not to •-
via. It cannot be long ere tey fate is do
aided. I have a with and two children in
Europe, tell them host I died blessing them,
and that my lam prayers were for them ;
the snake is wiadingitself around lay calf ;
1110.0 *bewail I posses—l ran Monet fan
y I can feel Nis breatis-0 rest Ileavene! to
dle in snob a manner I"
. _ _
The milk wee bronght and earelbily put
down; • few drops were eprinkkel on the
dose, sod the .rig hted servants drew brat.
Apia Maxey • :
N.—no! ha so effeet l cm the eon-
Imar, be los &taped Memel? tiglimr—im
hem unenvied hie upper fold den not
look down, bat I am ours hat about to
be. bosh end give the bite of death with
son fetal preebßon. Again he rums. I
die Inn ; bet this is pen ontinrenee ; eh
ho—be has undone soother fold, end it,...
himself. Coe he be soles to pose ovite
else r
Ifs lanlealmily started.
Fee the love of Hamm Mir, not I 1
am a deed bet beer, wish me. 11.
pill imams—lee be about 1. dem I Move
not bat beware I Obarehilt he fells of
tbet way—oh, this evey is teet bard to
beer I Meths, roman sad lem deed I
!No ! be names l"
At thet arrant pot. limey vatered to
look down; sal Ms maks lead mweeed
himeelft the Met mil bad Mee, sed
I reptile wee meths for Qs milk.
"I am need I saved I" .na Memo bowed
from his elate .ad all gamier tate the
area atom pf his mimes..
I. amtbee lamest, seed It ha stlasd. Its
wen all dieparsely the mak• WWI larids
ales pew bird Ilanied IWO dead Mee
alive ta file mom
That mem I sae teem tarp& i It dm&
es No emseary elemygMeeed by the
roe epee whe fres Met Mar pie
ell in hapateet Wesaney mod meek Ma se
rely gmeh—Eiers V iffedomfea.
Well,haur is yaw bmtb s r
t,.. he a rd Malt
martied ert•te.
tr . Col. Simon, it I..aid. h..
al Monk allot ha Ins um
rrossor m eesdasss W mem is NY
YI lbehre doe pople.