" TA , e ata rw{5 . ssq." 0. G. IMEIPSTEtiI. Editor red Proprietor. , Two —Ow• w.f.% .rinrcf mfs • year.exalk. le Caflwasea, or two doll/fe• If opt ...lentil Leese of Inv r thee a ..erlftlue Zilntll,:inet "' lrl l 74l..h " ..%. " "r'ar" "c 4. ameneuellmtloneCulift r ' 00•4p1•11..0141 4 •:%:::jr ' rs: eau" $l.l " 0 . 41015.,n, 3 mann, 0:11 . MI or .1 w. • • "4. "" WILD: Ts those whose nil! It malienthe henn with swum lennel It fills the ninl with in) ! And holy inenisms 11,1110 Then, is* Ramo w , Ail long hfe's ;Noll ~• Wtets tried RIAU treL.., 11, .1..1r . 1111, 0101..4 IrLuell,U. Thal can um 110.111, 2.1.1 tI.. r, Than nogla ‘••• oau r naps. There I tbrulnell life , nonld fain refl., dl And 'rend nn} de, a.r 111 , I, i I'd , ' • Where Mar mud 1 1111 , 1 ,, t.". I‘en so the Broad Ail Loth . , eel 1 , 11, re. ' The III:11'11,i. e. , 11111 ., butss'e , t, we , t , 1 . id , ' 3" ""' '"' t ' , " ' •1, Tl,, ~.',t it invitations 1 , , th, Itott,c, of these merchant., ~/sa,e, wav not to be seen. TO In LITTLE DOli and was intr,.,11,,,A1 into a newer nod high- There trete on , : hundred pa,,,,n,5,1 , 4 tot and breathed more. freely the moment neues,itv that User 51/01i 1.1., ins Mr 1..- of II flit .. 7 1.1„., „y „ I'. NOP II 1 , . r (I.b; nes, to, Lig hoard, and then several lAA set hi 3 tout re I . l vettnnd ringq . w:ts that nhidt end. , 1 itt IL , '''"d- In the 1 " - ", n• e mt,,t e r d,r„, ti t ol Ifl it th I 5 101,115,15i0/1 theVlited State. A 1 , 4111 . 1. 'IlLlllll' 111,1 held. him !r..tn rem, in; his au- termination to e.dl t lin " ta he de, ott d to tho don,. hint as an I lovernorof 31aehosette, whose 'mine and qoaintanee ith NO. , nettintrbd What reception would he he hnen nor. ''"" ." the ` " 'Y 'd •wai , s Non, W.., yee by mean., of tine ntmosplw•re f,llllO were familiar to every Was among to he an nn ni. lid to altoo , t cr) our voidd It • !is 01.15 tw , Y w.d , Witiaws, 'h . ' •:s Thu tonomr whirls the misses by which ,e are surrowl.le.l, whether oat- the number; al:, two Islets from the South, one sluthig the ac,3ago. I/11 1111 . 1 . 5111, U., hat! •1 . . L ~,,, ,11 tlibio II of—niter nurst . )e.l , troth r , r Fpiritutallv The atmosphere its who 1.1 diw.inguished taassseises in the grent w,,r1,1 or ~,1,,,,, Tie. At length after w s,l lwah Vitt,t lima! weld In The ~ nn ,„ :„ ~,,,,, in ,, nnin „ ...), 1.5 L the I, tao.atlsrd and saw massy 5111. national legiblature lo f ting gere ' cl, ,v. led hit I , sT mho) matter, th e te, .st ion Ind , '.` she ,',.• o ' - 1 r., not, to 1,, nal diff..rout bOlll 511415 li:e nt them had held the er Secretary ol Ile toul. I,tt,;• ol introdu,ti. ,, t to etniom.t matter, the 1111211 11215 Ili , I lons ' " ' - . 1 "; I g . d mans a A i, may and to the mind ot !tuned', t, that Stat,. •o, there ‘‘mt. many meteltant,lll,l hunker+ the,. Its whom he dto that „hl Itieml In , had na. ,o tad'. " l o"."te ' d It) tit. nc 11,,, the In trial, detived wan unable t.,,..ee10, it the ttue ,inalit3 and melt vi' ~ n.rn.11,,, ael elsar.orter soul tioated oitls 5.e. ;:re.st ,, t ta yr.llr ' l ' 111, who IL ‘" l ' XI, ehara , ter 1 llijntl lie e ,, 01.1 e tin the mos....tilt; ell+ , awl the learned pro:,.. atte , ,tion Ile Iv, 3g31:11 . ./11 , 1 . 1.,11.4 of the rank and ~,t1 nellls ,e. ene.ngl, •In ots thew n, moot, olotsl,l sh I I I Isis ;mu Ala.. Ho to, but that 1,1601 ,otr.. ..ioto. Ins looking .wer the Iwt tw , o , - th It wealth awl th.tt the open's f hint Last heest ti..sog 111111 IP. Inc P r i.. "') l" e "' 1., , .rt ot .1 Stato c..tettlient r , 41,1 , 1m1 the latiolole Ilk- sir Loring Well .otl.lioJ 50 II nellth raithell Ittglo . .t nlan). nation in..hnJ up than Jens, ttnn him, as we. eon g" .. .>"" in, ti ""` N . s . r In ,„ the r do. It ill vond company The ugly &an. In l'ari+ In did It t Ice] , litite sit moult at the ~ , tottld: Pr htt " I ."" she ...I '' Oil], IP 111 t, , ,•t b 4.1 111.1 ti, t ,Vll5 Ls . r. nr•ru• 'mai; was the resew, of :us in. rase 11,. In 0n , 4,11t lettnr, to the Atneticantic side execll, nt than anlLl,ing nniel, .m" d.. ", n., a„1 IletnAkt tre,tlll, t ,Itvi,lual as 31r. Ilenethet, with whom 11,1,1 , 1 Nliniiter, the I lon Ilr. nho had rep. could L,re Knuwnt r atglinnt all Etnni . . • ! i” the wan, II l ' ho a I.ln Its tits next t m 4.1111k/1111,5.e AIM 0111, lw.eo ue.i.taiot,sl. but toward ultuso [e-eot.ol our ...mists) en the psi no of St. The honored gursit of tits,. At. rn , .nn 1 ." jug j rtmoonting eorropt,...r thi , v , thr , and nteal onw. tu.ti , e to hi, - nn .It ter Clow! for 0 honor to t,r Comt,,l Iny men ot I, at, to, ~,,,1 al , mtd ,, , l . ttpott and 0,...11 tt ,„„,,,"„,1 treladation—a nt •.. •• What nay. al, lath. dm!! Llkru ar Thai hoarse law u'er ,h• ace Ike dark eland. ar Aud mark thu 's 11,11 1.. 11.1 hear loon, From Mat ...a 11,, aril ••,.1 Mid clontalA a do, arc and Yro ' Tll.l art ri 'rite Ilolilht,l Ti. ,r•• .•I, i 11••••• •1h glonmot N•leml••r, • •II it 'T.. ma rid, f. r The rug., 1[...1 .0. them to the rd.., liter 111/ and w•ientiti , were the ex-,..,erinfr of '3llfr. , trio., •tts and 1,•, f,. If." i- II; i 1., .I.:; ~ id. .. .1. , i • ',l' ' i - ... ~• it • thttt )tto tn , t et) t :nu 1 .tt , Ina ;..ittittt• It.. .tt a ttf 11. e, 0111) 1.'7 tiro , i genelal hurt ..mm.l- I, p .I.d afi , Ii It tin, 1, , t 1.11.: Nlr Ileoelle. tow/T..4e.! in e .1,...-...i .., . - an,l t,........,..w, i. ',. ~.. an y w ith ' a ' l..,.. ‘ it .4. ' , n e . t . ,.; ' a ' , "" ,-,,,..;;. b ...i.7.. 1 , 3 ,.1 ' 1 1 n ;, ' : ' , ' ,, n ; . !. ' -li . n .. , ' ,t - sue!. wal di., , till 10., ' with .Y: lon twit t.. Tiff i , ..., 11l let- , r.. 1 . (1• • 1 , , ,,, f , re f hi, h• , ,,fht. hi... is .WI 11.111 ....11,1,, Thl./ 1.11111 1i. , ..1 kill at fir,i. lent ,di 1, 11,- •- ti t. ~. th o ~..,-, ~ I ~,,,,,i ~.,....iii ~,,,d ,i, f,,,,,,,. A, .1.,1!,,, 11, .., 1., ~,,,t,1"31. ile,-, .• 1f. , ...1 •dfind upon the belt," Y... r. in t1...1 111 tho , o 1... .. ' ''''''''' ''' •'''' ° , .. 1 " Id' wafft 'ft..' w to fa , ' 111..11, he explained Ili.. eir , ....',...• " 1.. 111..111t , 11l II in tile 1.11, V ..11. ...nil i, 1,...i..,, r ud e a,,,,,l to . r . n il t., Li, ...Ind ....., ...nod as ni ,, an Ile •• ,, h. iii ihr ri ill" r.oinientitS, end hint :11 ' : ::: I' , " e n :i d n ' ir '' ln ' e ' r. “ : • I intd lii,iien tin 01ig1.....t 1.1. • e,.....), with. supl... , lntf th.it Ih...edict had int, ~101 lei,, ,pail, oil, .0,0.. Ih. 1,, i, ~.. I .hall, ~i „,,,..,',,, ~,,,i ~.„ ~ t . ,i, 11an.,!~ ttttuttt . 1 tt ' ,, ltt 1. , 111 ,hull) rams into eon- --eft lip 'it the iii.livitla il with whom he w.., e nr-e, have th ph,.-.., o f' s . n . , t „rn, " dil - ,!;;,,, t ' i,„ ;,,, : ". 4 ;:, ' ,%_, ,i , ..1.,,;,,, ___ ' .., ~.,i oniti., to , i. 1.2;2 , 1:: ‘, ,..k, 1d. , 11 .' ; 1 .- 1 ,41::1:'," - : `;'.7.1 . ...'.:',1` . .,1,i`i':'.1'.'';',',.'•'.,i';"'1L.':.",...7. ..„,.111 .11.. VII .1.1.11ee. and This he ...whl 111.1. do set) .11-lillo tly, fl, to f ' .1,1:00 • I t ott . f I. l w. Pfat , df i.. 0, .. hang ~ ....'i 0 .. , 1 . 16 .. , ''''' I ., 1". i• 4 . 1 111 1..1 i 1,2. on.• .11N ... I Ile 111. I 111111 1.1,.,, -at d., ~ al ~,,,,, ,1,,,,,,,,.. .....,. .t., g., ~- ~,,, ~,S . '''' ..'"".. Li• I , )P, , ,, , , , , , c/I„kjo, \‘,4l iuf nwif,lk, P., 1.,,..t. pate. .' l .h.I ) ' l.. ' I .. .k ' t ~ 1 , 1 1, 1 in thrir nua, „.. law. her ...., 11,, .., ~,,... 1,, ~,, hook-ke. i.et. Le 1-f. 1 00 f..r ....., , ears 1. , eto , :" .... th... inte,iew finickly t,..... - tf r ..h.„... 11,,...11, I," replied the initfi`- ..e. ff.l l -1. •." - fi''lt- ffiti.t) wr faanner ituil Pril..ips . the NIT, hi , t ,tati ~. )0...e- iiiL , lnt.... , , A.:, ~....f f, L.. •, • ~, Tun "l have n0......1 Inw from )....r ,ttfie fwr minuted. Itnt he w.i.. di-•fatqfwinted in ter " Ile is an Lo ~, .r• L.. ~‘w try. and the 0.-......,......ewn of t...wer. 'f 1,1. were fresh. t .., ~,.. railed ii.,l 11 ,,, ' , 11100 'dr!. . 11 . 1 I I ' l 'l '1'.: 1 I II" 111 •1". 11 . 'I ' , ll'''. --.... 5..11111 I ill., ' Oa, 11 , the tfarties ar ,, w in , te and more 1 fe.l pr..... 1 or the opp...fuwit) 1 ,hall hat.. thr ‘i-ilde .. :oho of a ~,.. wan a 1... with ..f.f.e -.... g . 10.. i... i 1.t: ,, .1. It 1,11..11 -1 , -,...111.L.--1.11.. •.. 1,. ,to i 1.... in.- . " Ile I. It in , •.•,. r.l tufnil.. 11,":' W. 1.. 1.11 , 1.. , .../ W1.1 , 0 , 1' 11..112.11. I. .1... L 11.. 1.. 1.1..-..1/1111.1 1.1111 ti. $1.1.11 14 /1 11110 POI, 1.1111-11, ~.. 1 11 .. ch I ...re e kt .1 ;.t. th, inn,. t-tt, yea are , titttatttg t' on the truck,.' while ter, The) lite 1,. , 1: , 13 lilllll ..11 - other 1./11..1.- . the rop!,. ..1.,,,,,,1 that the . thei 1i,t......1 w... 1. defp wolf hitto...h, to whom his flame has 1,Th r ., , , a,. ereagnired, now that if.,) w e ,o ~.......,- the g..-at e-tr wf retiihntion tomes thuinlci- .1.1 , agai.t. jo , ti , e, for illy iojnre n o t •• How o on , . t.,d '' !Mt I ...pp .4 , Li. :111 , 1111 , 11, 1111.1 t' it I.i , 'winner t , v... , 1 hint Leen 1....1111.,” bor,d ing on-iii , vitig in a light line-appro..,ll- tinny-.1,.s al.Plit., or owl) wt I ,i...tint • . dues TIIE. 11IN or 111 t 1111 fin: 11 IN IT It il \ LI. tifiw.ll.l ,, I't rh I , i - ,t' ~,: .. 'l, tt '' th . La ~• a 1 , . ,) 4 ~ ,1 , ,,,i , 1 , ... , 1 • 4 , 0 i. , ..• air . I‘ll 1.. , ri fa was void . wnded. • l'his 11.11.1 the ,tate 01. mind, and sue!, in;, With stead) and rapid wheels. Will it the eand.ler, the rxt ~,, 1 0 .,..r, ..i. th e 1.1 cr _____ , s ws• I, , 1 i11....1. ,I 11 1., .., thin , a- a .1 , fee , ifti..l TI , ~ w , ei•• .ti w ..- pro- •• Ile has I. •,•.i f,r • lee ~,,f. a incinler were th.• th,...:11f, tl :it oppr,•-,,1 .Ir. 1 0 0 11 , 1 let.lll. 11,W11 111111 1111141 )I.ll' ti. , .. I 11111 Ille 1111. , 1e Zwiltt,, i, v btlll,ll flout „,.. , , , fll; '' I 0n,..• I u•itil te,i•tiwe, and then the tw / Illt 'I .I . 111, / 1 ..11. , ./1ii.i1111. 1 .11 i.I) 111:11., eAttitnivel ring he i itintid on hi, I, anitliating ...rand 1011 , 1 r )ou spend •ni oef.a.foit .1.- , eifiog •tl-I,e mien, and the) 6..1, t.. t tfie XVI, f•Illil• - , • Ile ff.l•l"..lthrula•. I. 4 roet t.. the 1.-f. - ~•!...rat..l the 111111i,i er, ',lid hi, , .1111111111 i at i.llll, VIII, 11., .4 emir, extwf fed to he let:wised with with a part) ot II ionds, amusing your•felve,, rains of tastier Thell. : I ',AI 0 more se- AT ni!!''' ! ". S.l! ! ' I!!!!! l'I!! ! ' . "H"4!! !!!!" 0 , 0. 0 •,t! , 00, r. ,I t' e i,1 , , id, LI t.. wl,in The, was fwfinetloing, ia this that tlgi..nian h--lied I, their annufd rep rt ot proceeding, ....1,111,s and dilnit, it rectise.l. till It with eard , or di" .. . stakitig ...an `lnn , to .1...ti , e aL.I d'ner , r. ti , th ~ du ern b, iliely went iid.o a +tore 1 , .' he .d......,a1f ,, . woe- ' • ' '' ' ' . ", t 1,.. 1 , ft. t , I, wn- ,11...-- , I - 1 lower kid or 1,1,1111 ..P1,1.1 not 1111.1ert.1111111. , r , . 0, 02 t i‘, bi, ,, .t paper, that enwintite mill t lie that 3lr It e nedi, t w,...1.1 d e , lif..• iii-d , the game interesting. '311) . In. Intl, )tttt n,tul.l loe, for 11, ) opt tate 111...11 ai,d intlo .itt,tttt A'. 11 "-• t t .n.' ..". :' '' ' "'."..' nets IP ,I , I SI. ttl I: ~,• n itv,re laith...l tin L 1... nest .1 t.. :Li I. boo! n0..2,1.t an ... , in ',at 1 ,,, d The-, . tti, h"....rfildo ilr;• renewitig the A ped . that Inc 113 , 1 al- are ' , finding - f.ft Ili.' trae , " Thon.`nttatt , , nee. tt' +ttt , p , l•ollg., 1.1 , 11 of ~,,, ;ail) ~ ,,i k0 , .- P . " l "' " t '' .d U. ' ' I ll ' ''' ''''' ' '' “ I ' ` ti of 1.1.. t. It.tt.t..li, t Ilt.t he 1.... old Lint•d ~ ppoittiwit‘ t o make th , I ,, rnfal f:. Louie- tire. or ~w... c , ....,..)...en to he inadr in all in,,,t rtnt e l . , do ..pped, whid., water th, , ir- Ini , .. ` , ....1 the , e and p , 0 , 1 , d 11 of whit of . and 11., it.fp. mended 1:.-1.1{......r leg it° had been intimate, ~a !,1,, , •0,l la In. , a oott, r pla,• , • 3,1 ...•• lit re -aited t , f hi- twice or Mr --, fr.... the INV SlAte, 11, ~ i111:1L, jouroals or Eolov, int t a vult.tal,,,, w.,.14 I. : n.fi11,i,04 ir, the: ex- In ii. , ii' the paidin. of the won tdecd and id.ition k‘) Ida , If-mail upon the ‘et) cause . ' . i t parents in a large c ........4•1 , m.., a large ~..,..„. ~,., ~,,,, •• thron4l. the ilitrod....twds of a friend MI 11, 1141 ),..11 ill 1, hal e,1111:11i011 he is hehl twine, and c ....i. e l him t, lb, Um, 111, tilt, t..te ratttotg ttr t tt , lttng wheels. Ind 11‘• fr , di. o f rustic° ite•clt -Sit, roi lA. Non.th shipper. The t'wo ) oang turn Lad er.j , .)e.l „.., ‘,..,,,, ~, ~,, _ „,,, ~ board, who pre-eta..i 1.i.., . - .... of me .I, , lite, a , I Q,•.• bv Sillinian'sJourwal, the I.llioll 1...1i11.. W ith the A....1i,, . Mini..., the tiaeh At ft s.de mere, -land and I .... , 0 '1.. 1 .d...t.1 1.., ".' hr .' ''''....ti"" ".' .. T, ji,,1,1 0 i ' !!!. , .11,,, Prole', ,r- firat merchant -," goilf-g ...to sisit I nr , pe N. , rtli . \ inelican Ile, iew, and the tratibac- Ili, card sent up, the inerell.mt awaited , tew ihe wirel , w hie , 3na Poitdetwws ft-fin ~,, ', i .'..:. p ; i ::,: d - , i h .,!;:,,, t ." . 1.",:',''.. r a " t ,' i ;1 .. '',;, 1 i ' 1 t 1."., - , concerned, lout they Lad impc.,,l do -c ail. ..., ...on of - ..,, ~11,r.,1 loin, nod ho acecp- . .‘lr. -.as mail., mid made tome tt•tta- 11..1.b ..f the ~0 ices 1.,,, ~,I sock:tic , there, the return of the porter with fteliona iiii,fiv- will `Pread In•roiff 3.. ft vantages ditleicialy. Ti, tatlier ..r I,.riteg t, ,,, ~••• motiplace remark , . to the mends-nit, wlrf r:- Ora his wool. i, rally hnow .. and appre- in, id heart. 1% hen that i,111,1i , •11.11 S . ie- lie fid ,,,,, 1. ye ll fri ,,, l it . ...t. id- '''''' '' t " ''''''.'" 1 ' 3.11 ' 14.3 " .4 Ex " i ' ..r. ....title •• The 1 , 111.1,111111, ..1 1111111101 Lill, ...dy i..pt. , tted ttpon. I , lt .i ,,, i ow i , i , "t ,1, . , .• 1 di,1.,•, , k,,,,,, ,1, : ,, i„. L a d an, f k ie...als plied uitl, deli-import ince in hi, mint., t i ttetl. IL., tt you eye,' bitil the itie,iiiii of turned. and kignilied that 31r. Llenedi, t wa) , •. am) to Ifwow whoen )0u are atinnitou wealth gaLe a mat, all pave, ems intloon, ~,,,, ~ii.,,,, n, I•n't it rah, ainghlakTmt that did ~.4 make the impression Lc deaigo- ino, ring Lim' ' wo l dd h e 1,....p ) to ieerive lain, he i n • Linein ii '• iiii the tfa , .1.," nod )et true it is, that of '''" l “"" ttt ' I. -Nl " rd ''' '' .11. `' "f .' . T .. 1 in the world; that it tea the gr,ito-t •g• al a i, the ott r. prated pa,5a. , ...-•• IN hos° glied - ' he -11 , ...h1 b. app , I,,te I t., ~.. h a ehair ? ed. The ex-governor knew ju,t 110, 1011. !I .. 1111 31, ..1:1 the rept) "IL i., an 0 , 1 141 Lau d lii, aparttin...t , i. a ,t:rte nand y , ... ~,,,1 , 1 ,,, ... 3 0, .ra I .‘ . 1 ...,....r• •''' , •, , 1 , ~ , • that caul,' La sought : while 0., rath. rol 1) ~ t . • i . i • eat, ...wit as he had never befoie exp.:tie...ed. , tgilaid. ❑theter..re /fook well to sae • ''' ' '!'.”' l', ' L" :: ' ..') "..". '''''".l '''' hh " ' 1 6. the i "ll''' i l "t t '''" I " g .iu "" S ‘ 6l, ' •:I pre•tnii , th ow. wh / al•pointal him to estimate the roan_ Tito w.,..15, - 0,1. iki! •" 11111{0,11!" ' and certainly never wishf..l to f• - .1...ii .nee a- grouna on tv1,i , ,12 )on plant 3 OM' 111,, 1111.1 . '''." . l' . I I .''' I '''''''" ..lr , d'' 1 ' 'I II4 " '' 'l ns the hiewst 111111 Lent t pn-5..--i•.... Tin. ~,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ~. OM' li.St merchant.," 'made no imprea-ion •• Yea, y, e w,re yaw intim.° a% Vllllll, pill, A door w. thr...w.. 0p.... IA the pm- 1. , .;,:t , 0 1 ,,, )0 , 1 , .. , . 111.11) da)-, our ~1 ''.0'.... t' ad - `.. 11 ' 'fQs - Imo you. , men hut been infl leaved, a, well _. 1 ,,,, 1., ~,,i, , , ~,,. , ~. Uil.lo !link . hate, er I:, fact, he L• - • ~. • .. ,• 1,. -L.-, muting w,,rd-. - l)an't ,tand umn ti t , I , "3 th....• ac , ` ' t'Pt ''.. ... I. ' ' ...tura'. IMStei and ft•eli,lg4 ,by „„ N. Ile" hdow ladhing al' Om ‘aea:.w... todiced it. After 1n1kin,.... 11, I. . . . . , .. The hght That i. 1., .ti. !six. Iles ! 1... t, Fur ettnl.l, two young men 0... _ :?' their natural tasteA and leek., , e opinions acleic.. al their parenti - •• '''••• " I'." " ' '''' '=" • ` •• • • .• ka trailia a el. rg)l/14111 and a Doan to beet - • until le• wa, nettle ,I et 111, 111'11'.1:1.111.'"i math Mr len lugs with a p.lito her , io intimate ne mint :Ince emit' 11.4 c.ottintte tho.ughtfia rn,e, mid raki, ntiomi, • •,.., so - . .. On leavitig college, loth. left 13,4.1,14 Min .., Duke c Without elektn. ',II .01111.1411 i ! 1.0,1 i 01;11 b.{ 111/i ille ill hi 1 J., huh, , iliklar," retilorke.l lam ntevkl away and bankl Mr. Booed., tole. But I had the plen,tre of atteeti, Lim again well retnendored, and t',/ litllr i.l..ined ht all affection for literature or scientific pur- ritie 'wee •r 'r ill, moment how a mao mai tait.ling on the ..p r kito Aide 14' the in ca oesing th.• .111.tati•• We come et tr in time, was lit up inntamtly hl' , a maim, thank Dr. !laird, ill las lecture. at the kot!. k tit•••• that . ...P 1 .• . ...... 1 .11-eilaiies hat e mak sod took with 1 ' i ''' .4 m, skins[ % de - of ..7. lit ri • iiiii - • .th. 1.11,, 11111 11.. ver oli•tit.- ~....el Ile Mr. 06,11 ageiti io mike c.v., the same • st. am. r - , m t a „ 111 i •y• t i ~ enec loom, give set. boon: ling taus._ heen .... tal tglit in flair t1....1egy ; ner mill , nature mu kni tar, .1a it soon, afro it , beet... viviiiii.Y. .tc.'"F"." ".. guinhed üblit), •hattl.l be klotakily ten- ski.. mit h this ..Itscuro hcli, ideal -•- I tid von •! That mast lone been ate. v e.I the smile of %cars tic! „h., I I„.„ There is It.,thinc, that stk.. a strong, it be the 1.0. t. I tatitht tin r.. 1.41, Le pa oeuldent assurance that ho sari the 4„,.,4 o prop: „ tr,1,11, i,, II p„, , I„ f ',lie,' 1„,, i„,, ~,„ 0,,, ~,, ~ •, I I• I • I. 1 ,l. • ' f , ' 1 Il e It • 11,,,, 1,.,,i1,1, 1,1,, V.,11, 1.,, ~,,,,„ „I tee 11,1, .1 kr env prcsonlptio.n. l'he w.a.la .4' . pkn.• rat t cle. 1.. ..-ant - ~., ale •-ur ut...to•r the wake no t antintate It lc : str ip . . .4 - ability required to attain the 81111111/a of hie ~,4 h , wL , 4 ,, n . 4 , 4 n 4 n,,,,,,,,- . • l:..11 nr. th, ...•:-.W1tt•......0r 4,4.1, tit ea , on ..I the 'tar iii, o tit , 413 , 431 i •• ~ , . . Lived . • • his mind hot thafe.l. It tousled as o ell no 1111111, 011 !lot, awl • the e et. 1.0111 of no many ken cm- ward quickly, and 5,1011.0.1 , 1 r Luriti.,'h ea- * wham. Benedict, on the contrary, enter- ;„„, 1,, It pam s al awa) with the tleit him. Ile coold not Ind reimirk that M.. int.( for their blob Mr. llotteJia •,...., leaded hand. hmeent, than the Ith-once IT night 1 1 1 t••••• •' I 1a..., " . 1 .11 he 0... 1 I' mel ed rho world with his love of knowledge 110 of h i t „ 1 ,1,,,a,„„t_ f ik,„1 . Mow lint met perfectly tth hk ease will, that the two weel,. ho sp.•et upen Ocoee.' •'The mete bald was subtitled and lainthhel Band 1.4 to eencepte. et it 1.0. e his at- , Sr. 1, sue •••. 1 .. , on. he 1 pte.ve this. &WWI all ever, at Ms desire for attainment i 1 kat artivity . I energy in a baskets the di m, a n ill/liii.llllll '1% . .111 had jw.t. he shall nuntber os the um.. agrecabk el 110 cotcicl hardly It t el work, 6111 r.. 3 i val. Ile arras,' ut Aeelilkliti, Irom i i .• l• • innl 1.. o '.' nc , g.nni I it'h t't o'. to 14 , moire t he than when he payied at first nin„dy firmly cstablilhed - , ill rrilirli was left him, and that there was bothitT in the Ids mh. life" to his tongue. Ile thotel in the ~,,,.„,,, tetthurg, Btu m il e: , cl i o t atee , i n t h e ~,,,,,,„,.. Stxt out yt pat. to the reoloolo old to Mr tw ofer the thee. l . l4 of WW1.... feral'' , ' „ m y, ks pii,d, me d e L kin g th o ik stescer, manner of mr. - oi ,,,r ooe • o i o , t o coo d,. m r . r„„i„, „ ow felt Li o „,.er to h e i n a ' o r „ ec who an o so ,p e ri, t o Lit -elf, 01 01 0 b., nntl in rive ltntrn . "''' u•-'t t'• nnt , r •lt''' '',‘;T ° """,'''' " `"" 1 ,1! , I ,' •• •idi l• c nr "", r • Equal se to externa .ov.tages, the two in a ~,,,,, yonr . , . , n4 , 4n0 . n0 1441 , 0 , ty _ +kaki.. Not tatty initytthes elapse.' b e - oar: amkwar.l p..eitien Weed. !tow to iset 'yet assumed no Cl/1111C1 LICIII,II. 1 lie beauty is . ' e n d. - I' ...I ...1 W .. . " ''' ."r ao" - m"I -o ' o. """ ' O, " u '" '''"'• W""" • . 1 Yo_. ~ .,11. ..... " . " 1 " in . ti r .7' 61 ; , S U ith " A.0h0i , ,0., aano me rapid increase i 4 for- fore the) were joinkl by a third p I 11A F - II I d d - 11 d h'r • f t. l I I b ursee, to no 1 1/14 sti , /R. Cta aceepte te an true no i ,t) o flu. - le e car y nem, ~, totinTEAOPPIA IlliAlli2 l A ; A WV...141/in , '.....' “r" ...' "rri" 1 1. 6 .1ll• I.'l ern, placed WIDOW parents were rlOO, though 414/11 ware 1 , ',-11'/I. lii the ' th.l.e.n. 1.. lest: , tune, mid he vine. that he utteld. to have whom )Ir. - presented Loring 1,1,1 American Mini•ter's invitation to aloe with tease it ath.cted himself 11., f• h that !• t. nu!' huh " n I ' ! " I '''''' "'" l " un -i " i 'l t I •-• • • 3I 1 . . Alle m li i.. their .bibirae u nu t n•lnrui ` nu the entire benefit a his activit), hump, end n tent in a forkal introduction. Thin bulb him, and 1.1. table LIM ii,Puld meet the Betmliet pos-c , ned a gencrau., lately , qtr - ru . !! '' ' ld ' 7 diutiundo • i ' !! ' !di un • 'l ni • ""' ."''''''. '"" " . "" r " . '''' "'"'"'" that sure s t guardny of success But dif- c.,,,,,y I. t. a... 1 .1,411. en dit to that ',lmm of trade, Ito radian., f rom the vidual was from the ',nth. IL Lad far- 11111,1 Wiiolll Ito had for years considered Le h and a true heath, of the real ~,Prill o f et so the stream :it scent..4l an it'd.. inhale , ..1 . . .. ... foresee of purpose in a Innosinere made a • . • nonce an win.. was a partner, and nom- merit - hold the. Alec ~f. Secretary a State neath him, and mho. very acquaintance he white Lc h ad not or before had any COllllllll' rem dilforenee in their relative positions. it WWI Mery pm: an ay, ..t. ner., J. a.l N., .4 . TO , ` ,, 1'd ,, 0. , • , ..igi0., , . Ow M.o.{ high and signs lilo-nthres eleted flat non iii tttt l 4) ick Janne, m 11.• horned thou mowed business a l one . Ile did nu t err in at Washington. At tho mention a 3lr bad dropped as discreditable to one it. kis 611 WWI Lorin was twenty-Ilea years of age his calculations. Th o . result was as favor- Benedict's name he shook Mtn warmly IA p.ition". - Anil this man was to be the hen -! ' ln the ititervierf that feline cd IMO , meet= J." g u n . atw'' rat ' ! " ritir ' hu • I "''' I '''' '''''' ''' " 14 """'" f. "' " "ar " .l "I"'" t :,, .. b... it., ." 1• 0 was • poet in M. bra "' ' be. "" d gbh as he expected. Money ram in more itc band, and treated Man with marked at- ,•red guest. Mr. lo.ring redra to Los ho- Jog, no allusion was made to the ,olage a- f"ra i' -. o ' 4 ". Th. , i . “ gr . ' !thuni • ih • • s ' W.ll eke" I" ...IPr e•l ' ra•bi p . ra " l thu mu " u° ' rapidly, and with its accumulation rota his teal.. The agree men then wont below, t o wi th his.. bewildered and his feelings cross the Atlantic by either party.. n ot . 7 , • "" . •P night, '‘' ''''' ''''''' l'''''''' 'i''! ; ; ;;,.:::,7.:„,,7,:::,i n ':;_"",:,,',', " ,,7,; . ';7!„ 1n us. and really Intelligent busmen man in hie. ni his o wn importance, until ho looked where Lori. raw them, about an hour al- at a looter range of the thermometer of his conversation mostly rote and to y,,,,,, er dot cosh togs, 1 . the nc. th I . , at.. U m the Ira; while Benedict was merely a book.. down upon every man whose mann. were tereretra, in tte centre of a group of five t, I/elf-esteem 6. them luml he. for a very yews and. events. reflection of lox ru,s s 3, such flint 3 '33 4. 111 i , ~..- N,. ~,,,,. 1 1.., s ~ 6. ,„ i . k a =, reeeiving a salary of twelve hundretll,..„ quite as full as his own, at the same sis, all men of standing and character in tbo long time. If it had not happened that When they separated, Mr. I orin was 777 '''',r 7./ " ." 1 " i7 ' .1 p n r. " e '''' '',''''' " i ,ld ,-, Ill'. fro 3 II 'll's . ' e .. s t ' r 'r : a year. All the energies of the active time felt himself to boo es gond as any mil- B o l ted S tates. Benedkt w as speaking Benedict came over in tin Mille steamer ,in some doubt oit to ti e grotti:erot 1 !1' his litter nt,"'-',"-??;•,•'",'""'''"1"•'..•41"';'' it l'lrt . } tool ..the ' r: sk ' e 'L c. II " I "' on 't , a' C. rot of Letiefb imPlraa by ht. - Inn° 7r Bonen In thalami. and all were banning to him with deep at- with him, and that he Inal cut his acquaint- 'old friend. Ile saw mot hitn; • in him that he •" 7.7 ' . %"' ''''''''• " • ''''''''''''' °I I "'' o, tot um . the i home 'a ..1...i,,,G dia ' at money, were given to business ; whilethe 1 1 It is a little.singular bow the mere poe - tootles. once before he knew that he had become an had not seen before. Not u brilliant sot- head ameba, where, on the:a...l Jen, ~,,, ~, ,, , ot, nI . I , ~., ,. , r ~ „ , ~, ro t v„i t • mull), .1. " her "ti.. ...1.,1 of nom ,l " ." ''',...ion of money raines a man's ideas of his' " Can it be possible that his fortunes imliviclua dean° note, the way would have knee was uttema ; nothitig ma t.t the cont. Ito 77 " d " 7 ` '"' t r" d ., ‘"' ." "" Tr "" 1. I - huh e oil tOt. I 7111 deoplyabsorimi In literary pursuits and own importance, and caused Lim to think Loco changed-that ho has become weal- boon plain . enough before blot. Ile could mon order was apperent in his conversa t ion. lore go them to see it. A eteakl• .at gek ' ' Odestila Investigation.. As a book-keop- , meanly of all who are not favored with any , thy 7" the merchant mid to himself ; and have gOllO to the dinner and renewed his old Ho eve n permitted the query to arise in his 7 P r' w77 5 t77k1.7 l '" I r l r m. !'" " 1 '",..- .. T"00..-Tho e•••• 1 trade or e, the the ktter real faithful, ntentim and I oonsid crable portion a dd s world's goods. • feeling of respect for his old acquaintance friendship, and felt honored in Long his mind whtrther or no he lied not been ovs.;- U l7 B those who urn nun "' 0 " w!!!! '' h ' n uu"kin. ll'it w eer , hea emmocled l“ 11 '. 0,10 neenrate, and valued by his amployen ; but ! Upon what a - slender basis of real worth do . arose in his mind. country-man. But this Ito felt to be out of rated! Whether distance had riot lent en- photo/nu:non. It n ut: ~n 1) oho flight.- lbs., :d1,11(11 el which haste. nipped East, beyond Lis journal andledger his thought.' r , men sometimes build a towering structure Day after day went by, and still Mr.' the question new. Benedict might refuse' obantment to the view? Ti t le was his state 117 01f 7 tr 77 d''w.. i''. the 1 .".i 7 "". 3"'l 7 ull eml the bal.. retained for I tone WOWOWI.. E . .."" Pt.'" . " 4 ,, . 1 . 14 , Ststt, of "ie., .1 of solf.coneeit ! Wealth is very rarely the Benedict oontinued to be en terms of Intl- to know him, or might treat him in such aof ruled when ho met him twain at rho .1. see the re lulu face of it, and in five minutes ties. ••• •• ''''•••••• ''''' 4 . 7.‘• mini ' 7. d oorreepondent of solid vines and Marling man with these mon, while they treated manner as to wound and mortify him severe- merlon Milliner* surrounded hymn° of it Mg t.. i n cise. c. 1 WWI,. NI • OLIITAIN TO. 1, re 7lt IA es• Mbar to store tke arena of knowledge , merit in those who pones . It ; not that men Mr. Loring, who was introduced to them ly , and expose him to the just contempt of tbe . most . eelebrated men of learning in Pa. . ° gr . . lat itude in degree! • tnett h ooo N sTo b t tie do ' wt t for several weeks: Berated that three thousand to have horn lidd s that won oar 'of wealth aro lees nekton or meritorious as by a fend, with reserved and dietwet po. men whom good opinion he was the vary re , but at changed after Benedict bed been si .eve hem p• the 1% Ike .110 tp 4- be fore Moe, rich harvests of Intel- I a elan, bat wealth, open which most per• limes.. man to value. • tented, and ho replied in an address of in June it would be about g 5 degree. above , •L shire the present year. . , WNW value themeelne, is not the true stn. " Who is that man ?" ...hod the mar- Tho °needing smallness of the founds.' ono beauty , gran . , and naiginany, that the horison at midnight. The we) rh o the manner, and * Pr e m.°. m M . i dard Inc estimating the man. It aver ; chant, meeting not to know Benedict.- tins upon which he had built a towering enchained titattention of every o . e. L n „ pqoplo there know It Is midnight, they we M.o. BL voted the female Physician We yo mm there ins also a noldoeable ' gives quality to the heart, principle. to the, The question mu put to &fallow panenger. streaker, of NW-importance, was brought, ring was lost in astonishment and admit, a me roes' The .beerk I. them high who en edmehel I. Ode ....,,raerY...e left cheap. had m 4.. .II elf - bere - I end s nor to the undemanding rational in. i " That's 'Profaner Benedict." replied by shoelace...tannin whin be was placed, tion; nee was be less surprised at the sp. In ewe fram summer be wine,, are m for t'emee 7 ° 77 °, 01,... 7117 7 d.• i 7 ...hell lenn'and an d, dashiny sort of emu. gr.. rnan , unnonnoinnnnnnn of wing mow e rn great that we have no oneeption of them wane excitement in rads. She wales SO to wee& ',the name addressed, manifesting surprise With painful delirium to his mind. He saw , n _ . ,„mer Oft bmietim___, a ml a rai, .....„ If m r 114 . 1 el°. Aa Mr. Loring continet4 to grew Mum, lat the question. n Are you not engrained , and felt, almost for the drat them in Ms an ordinary man manifested by his every . P at all. In the winter time • the atm dimp- her friends that she meek. ever practice = .' °° aw a r s , .... ft l,g"a„... ° ' ta r 1,: 5 0uu ,...., ' nu "' his ideas able own Import.. coMlneed , with him ':" . . life, that money was not everything, and act and word during the In hours that he , pmws • and is not seen for sin weeks. Then ble attention from the Faculty, and ix ari a-='..,-- =- "- , ~7,.• , „,r arae to rise , until hr felt hinvelf tete an .. el- I Lorin shook his head. that It would not make a man worehipod rammed him In the midst of them oaken It colon and shows It. two. Afterward., eot oph,,hi t ,g h caa df in surgery: ''''''' '''''' •••"."-""*'"' He '''''''''' '• a l airs , " I• • ist At - th e of f I "You heard of him l" Ir. . it remelt. for ten. aro.. or mom/mina.. ------- --- se octy,, of muse every where, and by ell claws of wee. men. nth the best of eon , be ne.- sot nee who all not entertain • very high o. in, determined 'ra -Y. /IT Err Louis.-The whole and then amends, and finally It does not Zama . to takes tel boron the AlAt. I" I ....t say that I ham." , Fora long time the mind of M, Lorin , but annowledge from w h at he then ace , en at all, but swan Anon a circle around eumber of death at fit. Louis during the,: t ik4 a hl..°ll°. Ming of mem le me e lank, and me the world abroad. He must, "Not bond of ,rrofesser Beardietl"- was in debate as to the best course to be to be equal. ' the emeenmity. a meted how, smoke od so Allstate li, wart (089, of spend mane time in Laudon, Perk and Italy.iThe passe Into the fees' of Le. 'pursued. At one time he resolved to mod; The man of money did net again come to h • Mt. Haled .'.• i which ...i n , - 1 - m w th. 3. ammo' le mired to heed Pewee, e r , were of.t.tittticchukra. "....Pr•W I. .ralefl.-M are they In order to be premored for tai, journey;ke An with a Wool her . "Why be Is known a sole to the Americas Moister oe the day in contact with the tune of mind during Ms ... -I , . . 11 'll, ottroot tiellnocrat until the L• 1111 IS SI ell up itt the mottling. ..1 the people got into this habit to. , first mort.ittg, Ur Maid awoke in St.., khaki, he mos sorprked to eo tho - shimog iota: I room 1.a,1,...d at ‘ ,„,„H t , „ g i ma g e d 1. 3 th e LIPI fug brushed p his FrJoell. and spent his lei- fume tote end ol our erutot'y t.tho o th , a. the dinner was to take Out , . regrettmg tour hv blut j„ . ‘ ,„l 5,,,,,1 is s , „ „„I,.rcu „, 1,„„„, 0 0, 000 she co t. a dose., moos in' vut k • tilne in readie.7.:Lbout the places 1 , Ivo- a tbstitrrai-Iml veholar aad uvot or setonoe his inutility un , ke his guest., t ot his tottgro Low:. /al now and he al.- b., ; g „. a ,„ no I„ „„,,k o „, f i t ‘ery square ; vas t eutivatty by a peed to visit. So tar a. 1,1 . knowledge o l i artivles in the tbuteterlv ,iew, and 31,01.111 iodr.pohition. But this tottottton but wonder %III) it was vot so la- ; hot date co re. per•ons ilt 1,,,,,t, s b,,ko or the h,0,1 mil treated matt. rs ..nd things in 440. URII country, out. I.ls e.s.tys on l'oluieal Sev F.o , motn, was after a while ahandoited, and ie. deter- tete, he hears the lUlluu Pruf,s, Titt es ttt tit „ t ttitts „ te tt„ , whmerer he at nt a, at, hells tdnal „I n „. rea „fik tc,was concreted,•• NVealth and The Time," etc . mined to leme I's, is f.r ll.dy on the next die[ mentioned, and u'ocit meets v ill, it in „„,„„ „ h at , „ t tLu iwportaure And slle , t reall t , t..lt biro- was•very ligoite.l Even in polities he was 1 ,, 50 ~,n for him Like the lira[ resolution. thiv lg., a 1. ., the piddle journals, IVl nogo , or ,b„ , „.. donate 'elf to be Iletnoli,t o tt th e e nurse, no t s e ry well post....l.Aup. As to what was Tim. , are few abler oleo ° to ow country gigen up, and his mind was all innorosien reeling or ton ...-prnod anretior.it t , that down „iti, p u t ree ,i, dont, it literature and Leneas al- that: agaio. .kt length Inc decided. though with I.as grew° with ht. gr., On, and ot-th ing a old. or moo-du I.do b.• together Ile may a sueer.,-,tol Mr hoc n., r •questions much reluctan.e, that Inn would call upon en... 1 with his sttr,th, ha. ,Im o st untodieed and alone. But Inc Jul merehant, and that was about all nut couli Ile f.le reholo .1 and tonvilie.l limb as Lc Mr Ilettediet, voLniE VI Out feel this. In f.iet ho was lewdly min- he sob' of ...i.,,, 4 it ; for he rarely, if evi r. thought AO things ready, Mr. Loring took SI, i, , tube inehibited, and ai,, thing ab au the estmisli.at in whirl, in a st , 'anter .t . I,i,erhoi , l The 5...,. -. •••••••• -...-.. •.. ... •...• • • ... •...... ,. „, 5 .„.„ „,.„ ~ ~,,, ~,,,, ~, ~,,,, ~, ~,,.. ..‘44.4444,it ill ‘er, nislii int gi•in in timi I, •ii .... dianulittite .i venstitution tur o th er , h e ld hini His mind was in a high, coot off her muorinus, and was gliding slue- e tura, id that sttam- , e. , e1 , 0re eltliiter- thought Ilt tatitig Ho did ~2 wish tu . Si, i, at time, e!.e,1,. d, p•t ue ei ,,,,,,,, 1, , 1 ., 1,, ,h,.. 5,,,,,, ofnod inner Leoi..n. I along the snsmtli waters of the buy, 0,11. ii ed t,,,,th t er no, , ' u ...a0, ,„ 0.55'0, owl direct tu the Antes ie Lit 31inktsr, liy •., ilia see the plant de s tr,,,,l It so t ~ ,,,ell 111, ,L, poi. , 114 A i.P11..W 14 .! Mi , tonsil as ' The intimate fri,•uil-liii, that had existed thoinershant, in turning his e„,es from the i,Mats :il dist „seed , 51 Th. re , re funk ots that Is wao indispuoel : nos did lie uis r li tI. tared, a•id Ito :111111,141. lot, 441414444144444., - .IlL4' I'oo4 ••, t.. he ihsi-ted on Is-bacon Luting and Ilehedict, dot riot 1 . 1/11. olimmishin4 city tu the seater nod inure b e ard wtimn i V,II Mr I, 11, v, 111.1 think lout, I'm is fur at least ii ,nth •• 1 '::.• m int, li, till. i ' lliio,l: , tatcs of 50, , ir ver• lung tOter the, hail left college. palpable ol . iects on board the vessel that beneath bin : aisil )..... I, ,i I sot by By little and by little, sine,: the day the Don't 010.0 d upon afar Trot In. I h" ,, 3 5 " , evs , 80 .. 1 . taY 1. is al "" .. 1.,. e. 1.. Leni tile ug. .al lied for the 0 . .1 iii , • . !I• • tel in Calituttii i since the noticed a them with is, parii -il sr .1.:..... . .... 'Alien he steamer left Neu York, the inan iif 31min%, ultli,uglitht, r• mauled iliesids awl at.inaiii- sons bearing bite se the ocean, tames, and ,vere intcrested in eaeli other i familiar lure At first Le was ea I ••••• sooke, he wan hate 1,•1 t.i with t.. , ••.•'hti•Licss had telt an iiivicuoing lost, ,t, for t!,. ii.n.i milr. , id trai•l , mid liatclasl the i ars as „,,,, „ t ,, s t. „„ ~„,,,n , ,,,,,,, furs une )ears. 11311 t, alter Luring lind 'where to place its owner But soon hit that alwan neeompasies u , .• .. , I-t , reciling: of mind 110 sow that l'e woo 114411 4 41,i Is> '''''') I/1T1 . 0.1 ., !. : MOW NI 1,1614 ..1..! 1 .s'. .. 2. ' ll, , Inititati •ti ut tlie anemia o r ex ,hanged ir o n, a clerk to a in, reliant, he be- i memory wit I !Cal . upon that unbjett• Ills lint that wit all. Nun , eat' , • d , r , mtid thus , soh , .or , , 1.... , 1 ,,, I , ....able ; 11.1 "e d' .1. al . .' )... until . to• me , ~,, , d,,,,,,• 1,. I s , o ut d o in n o, ~,,,, year fi, gnu to r,,,i ti,,,t lie was no luitger on a level old friend, Iletwiliet, nuns a fullow-passe, hint : 1101IC ~lIAIII. Li, , , IIII. , III) .. II ~, t , . M.' he was known and highly ,ste. tn. il di:- th , 3 at , gP ,,,, T. , one .U , PIIII, 4. 0,550 „,,, „„, „„,1 „,,,, , i,,,,,,,,,„,,„„ still, a nierc book-Itucher, wh., was lik e ly ger ! The ~,, of th e latter ~,,.11441111i111, ted hint as a man distinguished from the tinguisliel men in Patin nod th5,....0...i5t di'..." , t'!''S 1 ,0000 " 0 a di , ' r. 5 • 5 .Pr.ti - •.: Tut. L.,-i, I', the e•tablislnoctst of t o r e m a in a bunk-keeper lur the lereliants and his es anitmintice about ,spoon-mg it rest Wealtls ! that um a eummun II •sses. Eitislie, Mille his mime hail -e.ireel b. en .ta''' Ile maa ate ~ r Os :r r.h , I , .:i ~, h. n d,„„, i n , ~,,,...„. , ~,,,,,, ~,w ~,, w ,,,,,,,„„.„, „„.„ who stool to i d onenren u e „,,,. en ifi... w h en Lorin. , hon. ..i w ; but ~te...g , i n t...lh. I, wa....the ~...1-like limiril or 6 , 3 ".,,i hi. nun l'il N There wan and t' .."."ed ~t .. I ". l """anihta' . " hid. • I I'l, 1 , 1 . 4./11b1,4. 44: impri,ionselit for Ism t., him with distant h.rnialitv, nunt ed away and glanrs•tl back again epee the gift of the fen: and nom bowed 1,1.1, it 1111 d 11 , .1 Illi,tAe almllt. tiii 4 It U.. 1111 10.1 ill , ling' '. in "'ir 1 . ... 1 . 1 PP. P 151.. 5 .. 1' , ...,,, ,I, 1., teak him cordial], by the hand and were dim and distant city. Ho did nut wish t,, yielded freel . , their homage. daylight. The 11‘..w h••••k-Ice ''sew,. 1•1 im L id, s thy., 1... :oil) . %pi ,lii, ,I 1., 0,, •. ~ Th.• is , t os neirlied women t., 1/4 latmliar nith him ii.. , he had heeti will , renew the acquaintance. When 1,,, ise,t The ml nein was ileelilY lmitilih'd du- a greater man 1150, the poise-hi und 0100- ti'ttai r liiii!tiia 'he ~.. mi . '.` ta tLe iin`'. their hall, tiliml ...peony,l. avihiii tut berme mete clerks be...ie. Ile hkewi..• r,evive I lu•iked arunin"tition his companions for the ring the brh f periud occupied ii sweeping chant, lint. ot •,Isiun, th d the t 'JI,I Ls lA , i• ulo!. ~ , , r u„,, 44; . . . . .. .. -. ..... til. ,: .. ~ i'a 111,. aii il In. livikiii I , awl inisitinii. nio.illiot liiiii•elf a, a -trim;; liinnioll min . ,i nal received tinctiiin in l'inii.! 116 N 1.1.., 11.IIIW II IF:IaN. .• -. ...”—. .l.ge. ..... ,-,,. 1. -3 , fii. ‘', i eleite , - fp pI e ,1 , .-ee t p tetr, et. e ee, tt,i, • ,e t,h e t sp,o, ~.,, ,i,,, ~m,,,,i,,„, „f I. .6,,,, , ~iti. il l .; ninirtei, UII.I i11t.1.0..11 which nli. per into the lir,t , it...lee, and iiii intriidue. Ili, linit— Ind ue bili.l.llll hlltilldi rtn thin!, - Le p.:- -se It • , ;in 14. 'I ..,- ilo , ilo iiniiiiii- In• Virtit.il Irian ear s oi..iiel's Nide .1 we::: was . 11.111, .1 tll 11. 7,11 , flint] lir I.iiring lion to the inn,/ vininint nn n rid il i n dap ! nr p- , .....“-h.l ao bmis 31,hdelilk 1.1..1h1ghl lot.. teil his to n its: wit hi , ii 11i , 11 , 011. ...sp.,- 1 , 1 -.V, i Lt, 111 010 .CAIIIIOOII kt t!iv chi% iin hal i•ill, 100 nin Pali, I o 'tile or .1.5 3 . % Vliat hail lie Liven Iliiidall, :Ili not f Wlieri. i'Llii•ll'll 11... I") toss iililif Ili.' 'I. I' Ti" - 11...Phi1 , 'illy. ll'illl liiilllg Ikv iloti.nr iiiiivil di , how s kw, ti at nVW OM- wlni.h tiles hail hallod iln i..itinin4 the when Vie Ann-sit-an Mi ii i,i, , , L ,I to Lint. w e ', In, n 3,,,,, dna in, h,,,, n o t I, •,,,, ~,,,,,, so. h. , , , . ,,,, ~, )- .. , -.h. , . p.m.,. , uhl,• II -- 1...1 Ivgidatilre are ple',11•111.0 unii iwsku -14eolv ip ,, •• , ippg i'l UP. ilk 1111114.11:111 •rerl citliiii, the 14,1 iilijovt4 tlint in, t lii v iii. .: A iliii•iii,ii.i,iil ii .iii i ii i ii,an iif iitirs i, the ti. i, ,ii i r, i,.., ,iiddi i,l, rvs,,,leil to i!ned ni , vi )no an. v , ii,ialnlating 3 ,, u,d' eI. .1,1'7 , P; 1111,...1 I, ...he , 4:1-1 lee e MONTROSE, PA., THURSDAY. ArGrsT 119. (11 111,11iy 1,0 valitt• t, kit that .t m 1 , 1 1.1,a . ... will that di.. ti. , es the titte:tv.ll4 hr. plaitaance Then. was .ottlethimg, he felt. tlw stem 13111 r...ta that let.!hig 4... pp the at ' , Ai... t (((110.1 high- I,o.6li:ding in thi.,; hot it u.ti great• 120 11 g 00.,00, aIL,I lids ..1 the I t Ira may ex., t ht. ter, and a Mall in the rime clno, stew near ticl centre i.l tice loon to quiet, track 'what they consider a day C Ho could m.t• say, but sopp..ed they worked by ~,,, and 12. hoard uould be Considered a work. Pirds and animals take their aectratem..l rest at the usual hours. The duet, did not know bow they learn tic time, but they had, tnal go to rust whether the nun goes d„ „1 ..ruot. The hens take to the arms. about emmt lock P. M, and :tag therm. NI)111EIZ 15. toilliornta runs ention. tlit. lila rclifol,tga,,i Jlll . \ ti.e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers