itSgigultstrat The ran • In no ether gitaation perhaps, ore to be fond rose of lb. subssential goods and conform of life than eentre around the In aids th rantr. At the onasoo of the yeti. wh enlto has e got his harvest home, his fragrent erib of apples, his bean of pen tode, and the enrothossee showing the yel low oars through the anion to the we; hie hay well neared, and his law, if, be tired any, paid; snob a non has no nun 'or envy ; be I. happier than the President a , the Union. Honorees we hope an snob forwent. No blessing is teethed withoot toil end attention, and the horn of plenty to Ist turned noun dolmens& EM==2=l • . h Lon aeourred tow that ov far .s tn.+ often strive to obtain money MUM don yinose. What can money pr0.,.0 .,.o that wo kayo not about us ? wholds- f... 1 and pleat, of . it; plait . . warm anil a 1/1110n10 ha ms, 114011111 40{.1100, more valuable than ought that 1.0 runshuod for mane,. If we ham but %away, lot us rather rejoice that we T. 1.1 or no curplus oat ; LIT l u spr . wealth is acoompauled with core, ap and anxiety. .dost of us are desirimu, 10 additkis to s applying our want. to give our ehildrou • sta. s on their journey. This Is all right and proper; but if we look around osier tho,,,i in time enjoyment of kolepoodeocie 41.0•0 who are to comfortable elrouestaseos —shall so cot generally Sod the makers of then own fortunes—self-raised —Andres who are loft or not iota the world without it pt toy, end who Sr. indebted for their swoon aloes to good mediae& and good management? If this ho en, why should we he so solicitous—why should we desire to leave oifflaye an ioheritanee that turn. upon them the dosigno of bad mon, induce. a dislike for labor, and leaves them too of ten, without anything but bail habits; something may ba ,000 to OUT daughters to set them up hi housekeeping when they got worried, sod repeeiolly if they Sr. re. hippy se to get an indn SSS ious MOO for a laustun,l; but is not the best fortune we can gem bop, good, useful eduestioti, industrious habits, and the example of good mauls? 00. make • free we of water, and they .ally have watering-phore, tame all tp.o , the eatery retort. We bate C.ty at the uoderion-plow at ate dna twooriboy w oar observed.., they do not go to thi water, as 1$ le in a body, bat they go within a foot ma few Ineles of it, and seek the soiree. fees the lend, or Mute bilk that rine firm the mat*. Me. Mi t in his wet exoelient work on beak Itch Ivo would uarnettly reanimated to v bon-keeeper, makes the following wnocr and ite wee, with &PO. .• ionising ortill .lal witeriorpleces. 'se placing • little 1 / 4 11Ik of mud o• .co of tho water, rising is or eight intim, ahoy • it, into whieh the water rises by capillary attraction, sod let Ws bees take their choice and slight upon the mud or stones: " Writers on mansgement of hem have hitherto given no elucidation of the seem elty of bites having water within their mu m:lnfant reach. beyond the simple assertion, that they either should hare water placed chile , palm mar the apiary, or that they .• onto il near one einem, lake. .h water. What the elfeet ..• water within the oral • t their tight, has nem been -'•••• •, ,• • ay, for the reason, that an &pi to" t....t to.• }glared where the bass can not :In Ira* in some plane, unless it l k a heart. Bann the walls of the nelghhorhood frequently afford all the wa ter that Is moire& from the drippinp of the bucket, or hum the troughs that often Nand beside theta. I hare often men bees around Noy own. well, in greet numbers, entreating the nude , tore front the outside of the bothet, or no d* trou=tl plodllrteoprethly for them Bees do not like to &need the v.r.ieed aides or a bucket''' en, ode. on. ' •.1 Ando water, become than le den. •-• (Win is; b.t slopharg, slisllow the Ain dt whin eons so ants of n thirty to forty-illso deron with in risnn, nits then non Win. itrery'brio-keryor non" Aber ant' hi '. , v.. Kupply of water at Ns pomp, or rand Mar lb. i ~, suit - snot nodp Of 11 . A... OH ' S .t 1 yin•meths pint r tbe 4,6 t. 4 In vowel An to b. tlllO.l *nit bon water wry wrens Inter . • losses of hen wain oar, in wing end, 'mode. nilbe be dinpnannd . 4 th. t tin bating yes about ea nett or .dero d Is very entabl.. Shedd so now `• not tonne no, many bon woold 1.•• I ban nee known any to tirr,ll,l is nod spring wain, eibide in tho per well on Iwo ad I* o•lmit Aces at whom of water ooly 2 in , .sle4 1.111111111 Goo coal owed* not es entil a non en On would be everente by tin bode at nee; enl ob. bible. • /11.6 b hold, sod bang era no toter, Amy well enn no name sod nes he a tat wing syn. bat WY I. on the an to nil on. time. web se drepoenily ban bon hung! to JIM. Is *en Tani weettor t emor bee* roan Ms woo dirwenow per m. ;yet water is se ba nenblog As% ell Awl aoy grunter tebn ire Ilime W . n- IA they Wine reeene, air doidel we Is plonti Men in son* owl wart Oleo be ." ' iffsangffr Iniffmor. Ttio of Or Moo- Mod =l7 l o= " oft ftby. A.T. 001 l midi kWh hrikokko iw kook ha mks* IA *NW AO sift. a oolgostko of booftbook iftik la Sobs kaki k kat Saga Loki% orlopfoll Ike fto looftial. - ki r koo . Plot d Mob,. of 1.0 4 of mark Wr. Am elofto Aftftof owroo ooktogof m" oollokk in *led 1 oprooloy ol Moo 14 WI from .ok to km 1401 So 4 Yi OM this sesilsal %wily is said by ono who ought to boo.. ao being an eigeosset eight quarts. Boil of sours, will este Alifenose. • sows soil reqairiog tho tiqp•tetasotil at Iwo boobs* whit. • rosy tielb wit w ill Need bet twenty fan quarts." Those qusatities on probably tramps ad. At any nee the 'tidier tie soil, the eon bookwheat seed it require, not wee• ly homes it will rodeo* mom bat bemuse, it seeds to be thickly sown in ninth sae. io I odor to prevent its wok growth. and iodgir - maissot .iag. Some sow bookwheat ss food for Imes, hat the bossy thus forded, is said to ha 'dark aoloesd, sod harsh." This Is a gnat misiiike, es every raiser of homy know. The buckwheat blossom afford•, not only the richest, but the whi test sad dearest honey. As rough fodder, the *tray is estima ted at half the value of common hay." • This Ls the greatest enur of an. Than I L Ise animal that will oat buckwheat straw I vale...tarring ; and farmer wbo ho a:puke. ea the subjs., that would ma woad. an Mandrel weight of bay worth awe to his u fodder, than a ao., or eves two tons of buckwheat straw, MI that the baba is It to is Immure, and it oake• leas samara to Its bulk than any other extant. It is owing to mush indiocreet publination aa this,that so iamb prejnaine °Kitts against book-farming, as our agriculturists tom it. —Cises Adrertiser. liztagt Nett , rIP.1•3111111•1611. anwarn. Ma. dr , I r ap • Ineeml . L . P=Pa Pa., ranra. 46,414.1....., ' 14 " • IldolmOrt, nameit ,Par. • Pm la Maya" yar. lank Paranaget, par, n., pant. bit pamoott «, mr...144444t, 1y Olanlokang MaY, I Da. eti.y. c.a.,. wpm*, Dowar..***47. .."'"*".. "1. ...„„41=.4 wr. • , , 1 , Owl N ,000,, "". 'ow /Loan ......... Week. ti „Fra. nronl. Jo, 0.01/ emaVtata OA La/ /I.l:alea Lestber , orvb,:=, 1 . , ...1....6. Raw, : 1=11;4! ' .. , I , L s. Ner:= , : 11 lam sifter. 1b.., . b•ll.llity, =.4 MM. Ilaftoml, rrai ' 34 ittrae.m. 111.1*, Ler. entas.ty. tM.Do OWalla+, Do , 1. .. gap ir., .51.7.17/7... --.' ZS. IsYs, 1..... MS &T.. , .1q 1. 4 (........ . 1.. 111.1. .r. It 1 4 2 2 4 n...a ',, Ds •11.14.. e. ~,, .1.. Avis.... Ad... I ' S ' tt...! `• :'...'..11... ' 1r. r ....!" . 1.7 2'.11=.... :13..,2:2';;;,1:,m 4.. ......., d 0 , 1.........., ..1 IN NY..., Ss.. . v 5...., .3. rs re11r.....,11.4 . 41.1.11..... .N 4,..., ' A.m. ........ . Se. Nes ...1.1. ....44.... A all, 1.1,...... .1............ . 0. of 0r15.., slb., .14... A ....Al., 4 . ae..... . 4., rst ....,11.. •. .sr ......., ..14.1.... M.,161. S. Ds 4 Reche., as}... V , Vim, 4. it::::0. to :111V; v ai r en, So of .... MINI., .1.4 1 ...1 , .. ..Alves es., .11,,,..........). r l r. I .I I • I ..131... S.. .114.... 11 .4.... ... . 5t111.111.4 . n... 11. Ds et 1...11, .14...... Os . .1 . ... Coo., • 41111/...., ..41....... .1. , 1 1 •11...... Se., .......1... ' ...! 11.6 Wm, ......... do 14.11., •••••••••... .. G•==essaly, r.:.=•••.). •In 2 , esaal,/1.07. . ...e.• .1., • .....• .... .4.10, St Sts. ......1., Car. es•• 11). ~ ..1 , C 0... .! r. .....,......11., ,s, rr5....1....5tr. . :422.1;22:„, tzria,4....„ ~t; ....1 ....z.• .1 . 11. nis. 1 11.1. m., .1 1 14........ an , 01.1.1. 5 1 12=,. .., za Nt . : = fly ,: , 11=11,...., .44....... 1......... .../. . 1 W".. 11......., OW ' ri. " = e 1.., SS 1......., 11111.• 1.1.... . 111... Oa.. es, 1111....5, . SW. is , L... . Va. sm., is; BMW ADMIT. 1 . 1 C== . .... II .:1..1 . 1=r ".' ii . (111. .41.11. =1.10.4/.7 , ..1=11...., 1111 1. t..* ......... t W., •111.114,... ‘ . .. 1 vq, , ~ ...=l., pas, 1... ... Me. 14, ....• WS. i.. =SS 31... r. rm.. F ., "...... w...a=6 ... c., allZZ:rr! , ;l,'"'" I; .. OW ..144. ~.4. L. 11.17,D4r 11.4.. lin., :II: 1 0•444e0..... .077.41 4:1 ,, .. pea 0:. ... 1111.0...1.4* 4 1 4 .4.104. a. rms.. 1 4 1.400111.4.1 *. .440,144.40.1. a• 1 ... 1111 , 04 4... 10.16441 4 .k. ..• ...a dig. M. OWE %Awl 0.:. ii. K 114.111.40 P.a. 74.1.41144 44 IWO* 4 1 140.4. 0440 . 0 40 0. A 004104 14 .... ... 40.14•••Aro AO •File MAMA. OM •••••011, . v aloft AI 11 I ••••••• Mobs ... 4=6. .•. ut i. .... • • • • •V C ~,,... a11:1=.....04.... 0 4 11141.4.0.010 10.8...011, - 41041, 0 0 1 4... -- -- NEW GOODS, NEW E S H . BUalurr to. JO. *oil lis Dorsi sOolies. il=agol Swoon Shwas rossOft • isso me MS el Oislo Masi W.. 0141 mo. Oft Yon tans, sod stlass Sr. Mos 0.27 g. Mo. Mims, god Okossmares Os., Mu , on. =moos . ss. Os**. IsooOolooso ImlsOkyamSoss ok. Os. 0., Os. O v.. bu ft NY t• ..rwr esdisis shoos. 4os woo** sr OW. Ss O. *7. o OAS lo vole 10010 Os ON.. 0 Csair ~..esmonia rertiset... md .11 lo oidosloar, or los Ws So a... lOr SOL Sodas, sone. *O. Iss MOO 0., O. ISO. New Daily Line of Stages Metweem Illentrame tarot Bend. .1 Nev. liketrame • A :tI7IL Ow to Wm C•es.•••l=blh. manger• te in•••101or To* lbe mane am. SO %nine. In••• Great .4 go arvival of Me Can .01 Now/ VW.. Oreire otwl mos.*. Jahns. ••411.4 v. Now sol aft. toyoAlColo. II&Or• TO, 1.40.) A. &OMAN & CO. NEW ARRANGEMENT! Ratting Ruin..., tn... oho of Itl.MtNtt ttltßoollll. os may I.t Inand I oltor south ..ttlto old * Wm. It Iro. it Co. *Otero OA, hat. otomaterteto hot" ea brit tlatt it es, of all too meld tor no* 0. M. 1.41,1111 D. SECOND EDITION. UENTLIST & ■!gyp A. em nwrlioin,Olkir meg. stoet.4 Spring and Summer Goods tbr 1%40, Ware .4....0-.w fillao n ly.Vo= and pooh. ,ftevally. dodos. of poreb... vit Anil de... Mai. ISO (1. B. COTTEN, 1'1 , 34:110 . 0.1111111 i..1411CA 11 . fis Anyt„l.l:; ' ,.llll:Frtii , V.Z• 771r1:erIT:17:11.. I:l4ll . neke,e• (new erep,) do Tee, rtabrae)ng PI the difti.rrei rendre nnd vartetir, of (keen & Murk Teo. 100 do Mackerel, Bine, While, %weld Fie Trend. Has. Shad, Somide mxl Tonono.lllaleool. rin, &e. 100 do N. 1 add 9 Herring. 511 do 11,11300 11111 do Oronnd Spices, 30 do Prime Ginger. 45 do Brunt. 51alsirs, & miler Nina, 30 do Starch. 50 do Hagar & Molomen, 25 do N. 1 & Pale Snap 200 do 11nms Matches, 00 & Lemou• and Oranges. 20 do P.m.. Cllnms, dl., 25 do Pip. All seders promply executed. REMOVAL. Anyaiirti;=(;=;,—Alerry , fiAVAlA Ntg=l;l ; X_ t4:2 " llna fl". ARAV.AIAICIAA.A;). 117griltr....r> " 1711Zt r : ; ; """rne' 44: ; 72:17 . 47e. V.:11. :Mg "";".""' .... ...... It:r.tyf4 " ll:ZVlP; :1= •Nt.••• ;''; .l .' VrTr7r ; ÷ "" A A... 1 Km. loy ',AAA ne ARAI It•Vropr. . '";";4' A WO , AVIA of Mani of OM. Avrt,IIIYANIAA .1 We. AMA At FAA , " AMA.. ••••••,....., FLAW, A lA% 0 awl r....,11N7g— ' 1 ni " r.:4 " ..C.P """ ff INN . num.. iNnN. Nem.... Not. of .o.....eratig , nV Ve11.11.1.g1.:4734P24:471. Cheap Sugar. Au 4^=l"4:;,"^'"e7eCtratr' A ::,'T..ttIVAL,Ir, • . 4 11 C. NEW GOODS._ in= z==::: "'. rte. s M 4 * -. mo. MS. m MS be .54 .1 • nmargy ke awl Ms la er ay pay. Mei IL MIL MILLS It ILIUM NEW GOODS. ord.bel• AA. MU lie W .• rt.•011.11e yo• MA moan sod esa. • mew* eel askeinlMenis prig., woe. 0=4 . 47N11 be Io,AI ••• ' • =8.%,•111 ' 44,140.. I. !On t PO. ' To Me MeiMors of Me IMal* of IL U. Moo, Memos& Etlir W. MAIL elle er. /116. ea. M. WM.& . a... 111ar..61z Mee* OA Ilk• M. p l. 1 .. ebnedllor • 1. 'II ..ed Wellsoil., ad. owl. NM err. Mley,= . ellen ae Mr Get up Om el am LW, Fe lio ~al of irlis mak. S. 0 . Miro wake WY O. BINT rywr W" II a• • • raeff, "U. i=rlari Farms Far Ws gftbudlr• Wee tor ei adr tee I."'' *3W i r=i i ‘l.r.e ., Ir . , A'8412:1C7 •%_ HYER'S tPILLS, .011.110.10 111171101 , ZD 11.1geatt Vegetable gleatelse. The eve, Amu, Mediehme err, !roma; efeclead in tall.conpLnint• incident a the Human Ilye if timely appfia, and •prewel voraxtiel ens , me directed. forl eg{morborts M .. p.m Ow .y.tamk; * M.*.18400, Wm,' sad tb. iloneutrylbe teWl-1 11;e• I. 0f...1..6 Ammo. garl7 r1 T.""4"". , klubOy a: 11 ;•4•411,7,...r.‘. bY Z1=1.7" 't h ' Is AR Ma, nus.; ••• affortomo, aloe. cougby, poo.mbary alietinno In Moir Whin .o,gree, owe., gir pap*, Y.* W. lipmgalw ut. IL; ilay roma. babitsol ...we. oil t0m.... for *era. IL ; Nov rerammosob. Aermered = ' s.7• "'"" aim ray b..... Aos 11 yams. awl an we ma Inoldeft• of lb. ;0•11st nee w;A• say edmr o'd by maliberlesollsdb.lnalo lA.. ems rodo• 7rlcrLiVain;;;••••• am, >A boos ph••••hrl tMI •1111•••• he.. Is • 11.1 t••••• •••••••sond. • erwhihies •• tildh vs.. ha I,ml. sm. h• • • Wishhed lus, nedhbie I. rash the ••••••• •hhhh. , ht. 11.1.• the •1 01, 1••••• . 11.1•• IM .. s. .• .1. • ram= ...zit want:. • MM ig.ot .I.l7.324;:amtnillunti MIA+ 6.••••••• uhadeksl slat It, awl h• pr at, nesighwhos. T. Palo an. pal up la aUlty Cant aml Par.,. I essiallaut olue,baavo—ane .1.1,1. or own ru arz. — ==.-.1.71—rxrz.... 7,7"" 1.. fr=ll:tt preparallus auto., 0111111111/“. 130 Pal/00 8 8.. 818841.88, NAV Y•O4. 0, A &Om 4.44.44 et IMIA OM N Alle n . Mee Mo..* ....• raze, fre., tlvo netwal 0,4.10 4.01' •0101•0 AIM U. 41.4.4. mvir ~.! .. 974. e.!lrt: " " 4441znuun T, .41in• The tiraita Purgative, F7a.1.11:1;1t - '11 - 4==•;V:"'.4." ... c 0..% f*. sowsol 111 Ur 1..., :Fir: 1:.l V1:14 4ZIt tIV:IZtZI=::I2.7Ztr nr tiattr:l4:74 "" .pruoce mired I hal vury 11.1maufe,1.1 tlowe D yWNrtINIncI".. .r .. or . t. ...... .is t .. •Za.... .......... littl . ;:t:l ' Ztt:o===t ll.4 V:4l , ^ ',. :: . ". ; ',a 0011 Thom, It Ow 1..... lett tt , , , cte tttlr.t.t..... t. , ottitittot. MN tit ~.trt mod by deli etal rtt It .1 ,:11:t7t.=:=1V111 . 4r.= . 1 '" =:rtt:: t ' !t ' r Ilt: " :! " Vt ‘ jt. 1=1 " 17 rrTr=""Tr".?"'.l',"" r,71V,!7',,5Z:7417177,4717;:270,47::: sllttlitter mtartm,lllll,lll "• R .4 . 44 . 1341:= Ns. ve MllnelAlaller 111• E L lroNro..! V. 1• '"1""' •the I 4" 7 MTH ' =l r:=::1 " 1 71;V. aIIVEY• *A for Car •ar •111., W tale or the, lrl hommle.vit'lltom of• AB MIT. ror .vd9etemak Comml, A:T . 41,M0 J MOW, Maw. . W rwmo.rovllle. A Ll ildw.lllnw.l, 11. J.J.Whin 11.1,010. A rick., Uswill. •• Leg Ito Worts III." '"" tn. r.mpinlteM. it la th , reforr dyity mr.m. •to pm% ostil Mmill $ F 111 " 7n7. 7 .X1:4i1WV * " rt "".• lam e upoll ;', l •AlUide II el . .37;:t " V;.1711:Y • it ' Anri:1 , 1:: ‘ M• 7' 7l 4 l7:l: " ll ."* rt ' ll : ” Var" . 41 . ,4 tilt:L P V,r. " ,.. ntry.t.mvm.+l,nrimf, nr:4•Zle . :1::::ne:111:4717:11:6/1:1:1 . 1etttir:::0.71:;r11! 17, 2 1.37.1g,M.41• 11. Tbn ollenin .m 1 md:llll .. .lne pa.111,..1% Innolo v1.111..111.. nintmen.t. • of the Nem.. 110••••1 Y. ham Oir vloalme• nf Tmay• Mittnot IM not. AI. & laarintpk. 71•••• maw& • lam thi• *wooer raft rekt VOrnitt moo, any of &no* al 01. Pteatnonl &&& & 'norm Itnpal•tt. ur. , awl o&I &y Ibromftmnt the l'i•t&I Pitar, Ma Plrt• try& at IPS lam. &rm.. , . , I..AeLenna Mently—A TONNNI.I. end . J. RIIIIIII/01t. A 1.., R. O. A. RAMA. Ilerealy, 11e..... 11. ; IL L trenableLPeemmee.//e ;J. IN., Or. Re. halaniteder, Fire It Thief Mel Chests. SWAINS St WATSON, or M., • btr.. •014. Ihele IN.. forma art el cm 0.11, . rof.ohi ao Y= . •fosey 11401111..... f *OW. ••• •111.40m5. owl 11. 1.•• Imprms OM, I 1,164.....1. MEI Is eIIiAMIMMINIkm..I.. , to =amok *DM,. ow et , %Moe Ws 111.4. we ow rcw l .ll..slteentlme.dlloa.....••••• Om. el M. M.O. MS wed or Ibide andigat W•• 11..... NNW“.•10..... We W * W•••• WM. numb. I Mon • Imp et .• •11.1.01 N. w lw ee m r o s 'd 4 m Wbe.2n . I th e. 4oft• en eee o h • m 1 ' ..=710 .. • • w rlaft:=l4.l.lll.,l4l.4llllglurz .wtiMY. obwri Alealet ea.* e44l M. 11.6.1141 mud ea Me; .1••• R. 1.11, N 0.% NCI 11. a. 014 .o*. bold a.. • we* .1111 s• T. 111..16•14. t awl ...1111mmemaskwarbreaseta. or son., 111...fte5be...• or Oa noll..•• ponekring ••11, ron.l• balm doom ixlp M•• r WM, 111...111.0•11..... NOW. 1/11,...t vievy Im• Om. amer..... moraphr• g M lOW A ir r dge • . NISOW. IA N. T. & Eris Ilid!mad REIGHT -LINE.' FINIWANINNI LINE FINN MEAT NENII; raih r ilio = ...I Y. ==tairiZlF•=4“=_, , cry.. 1.1 =1 “ . 4.00 ge* Jr Mw 3. . z . Ex el • otr . . I .1 i 5 5 .12 . 0 4 " : " .5r 1 ":" se two, .a. wow Mt rd or xIY •17••=4 . ...V ire! "" " Prapoll ./..1111Nr.ome N Y. Ca. / NAN TOWYMEND. Old Dr. Jacob Townsend; ml ORIGINAL DRACOVRIMII OR I TA na. 11••10113111 Townsend Sam rigirliekTrafiti tameltratf RANA and INAnyn ode. lotzleti. RA -N.G.,' = I bow \RANI tr . * AGANA ' HEALING POWER. Tim GOMM, /AD 11.1101161/11.1.1■D MI. no 0n5en...... the la m . wale,. le Wrath of VrlW, sM1•11, •• le twirl yo (n. 11116 ung g 7:7 1 „ . r51r=” 1 4174".1 ' k llu no z n metbea. In. emi t * =l= 1-1,7=z,V7, :M . = 1.1 ' 741=: . .V.:4Trt p bra anret.fie L..... Lotan;r7:, lbe n. t en. re. p. 1. 1..1 ..A :tr.= re?:7•lrn. tiN Ite'iln77l7* . nr"Prr lInNl In Inn .I.l.ertnt ZnaVnee:i. I I t;IN/174X40VT1 in1:1 OWN ;TT 7 /rtili. ; l l Z, 1 1 1 27.11 1 3 i lILOOD. .111 • • • II