The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 23, 1849, Image 2

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4.lalipp r
Tlonnesy, Assort $l, 11141.
Clasal Chnsairkeer,
Conoly Tirket.
SIDNEY B. WELLS, of Cliford.
JOHN D. MURPHY, of Silver Lake.
0. G. HEMPSTEAD, of Montrose.
ALMON SPOOR, of Herrick.
you AUDITOR roa 2 vit..,
CALVIN D. CUBE, of Middletown.
The itroeeedinv of the lhozweratie Utioet,
reurettiiew to which attentkot to directed, may be
fetottl to wool., column. 'lt otit nee. wary that
tiooold maser upon theni. fot they .jack for
I. the head or our paper we have elevated the
• tines or the nominees the the several offices la ho
tilled. Willi rho eseeption of one, fuer humble
all; of whom et woold he!egetwar to epeak,) they
ouch as well, thd w ere ethfirlealwill.
glee et here! saimraelion to the e
parr), and be tri
mnphanlly eustamed. Mr. II thr eauthdale
far Ib p.. 1.0.1114111, Wills' but hale kouren as •
'heelan through the Camay, le ear of onr sem
Iva of n,, lb u therortgli, true I thtneeret,thurressmg
good alr.ltheo, eaceMe qualdleations and a true,
Itathet heart. lie ar a merchant 1., pr.,.thes --
Ilecame ith, teem a meth., el the vaunt,' that
has her. i. ,
e., I. oil Auto. he::, .n ....shed 111
the ahmnbuoth ol ellk. and heat ewe sae to
ourselves aud le the Democracy of l'hilord, an well
se of the State, that we Ares him Ile • Millen.
dorm alarm). This, we are folly emilideut, thu
party well lake pleasure in dam,.
31, stuarov, who .4nononsted fof County
Conomswoner, known oar snw, hs gra
havin, hero ownea lo
for the woos office
ot a pronoun Convention It os ohl rex
of nor eouniy. M0RN,.,,,,
well-informed ~, 111 l and ami.. qoahlwohoos for
the olikat for what. he is named.
A. he the nnoni ll ea for Trouthrer, we have non,
inn to me. The people have nemomicol thro'
their representatives, and they must take cam of
him, or lei him go hy the bawd For the nonihm
thin he feel.. emu lively graliouric. Ilea not eti'
vipthwieell or vent m to etopf;ow toot the pothole)
of the Convention wm • partiality for hue aline:—
and eepecially ea his rivals wore no worthy and
meriterime—hot is dospocol rethor to attribute it '
in • mamma to • proper appreciation of the too of. :
tee notapprociakol and noncipaited condition and loi
ters of estuary printer, owl,o reheat loasicalmel
row to hoe,) moil o allecle to
ho halide and licurt, tool oni mirage leen iss ha
Iva*. Our (rondo may rest mowed that the fow
vow they with Nosh a lily aware to confer wal
be most °matelot, end elicit our wannest thank.,
while it shell arm us with meowed sod and euer
gy tho cause we mutually seek to intone..
Fee A orMoro (low to take the place or Mr.
Ilstworts,) M. l oil, °Morro k, sod Mr Cow,
of brae Men eery jorbriously chow..
They are both good mos, having had notch cope.
mese to the world, owl are abotolsatly carahlied
to discharge the duties of that Whew.
Th. neetutioaa adopted by the COM, noon on
aloe of the right otanip, mid tell, ,:t the
of the Democracy of Doegoelmitim exactly.
'Ti,.. Tun, IF:s.a.e.—A friend inform* us that
this thee, line recently taken no to task for acct.
sing it, area time ego, of mouthing Nlr. Elliot, I
the Lite another of the ',gigaton , from that roan.
ty, iu hit vire arra the individual liability prin
ciple, and in favor of rank., mud al= alleges that
oar had withhold Irma It t.copy of our paper eye- '
truing said accretion. In relation tads fiat W
hirr. we will Nay that an we recollict ever
having said ape the ettliact wae in reference to
the roadationa adopted by the rattly Conventiou
of rags, raw time mouths eine*, whore we ie.
tintithd, if we reeolleel aright, that ilia ~..lotion
apprriag the babel'ty principle appeared to ho •
retake lo the Engle fur its rum it. relation to
Mr. Elliot. The carat why aro throb. tha.,
yeas, tram, when there was rarely a Demo
arena paper in the State of any character that did
not her &wain latliguaat bum upon Ira. reeve
aa rural rt reale saran., pn awry sort
• .n.• p... 1 111 ....1.,•••••••• area
parrar efiely Nll . lll tae
Seek put La tire wiredentualaa. Ft e Mk we
adjadged ha footage, and we appeal to lta eaten
wary. the Tinge Manna, m tap whether we did
not " hit the math."
Po form the issionalftw that we withheld from
fts edit. a eery of our poser motelning odd re
marks I. mweersed, we have ally to sty that it
is net lane. We had dimmtiotted wading a sorer
is the Beer for weeks preview.; besides we Ms I
melte positive Mot tre did mod it a copy on the oc
emiwo referred to. We should ham male them
mnineke molter had the Lostes &Kieft. bom by
tee obtereed t hot It being vtdy seldom we ere, or
witer.pme, Mut perm ws had failed to maim its
diombe mmll gpokeo is about ft as above.menties
The Mg.., led.. grlhe ..lMly.fthe
firs.l(44l Mose that line half*. Poo Man M.
tweet this plow mid Telma& were held by Whip
id the lime of Tq We wheat to pwrer. awl awn
Met 1}1... (VW WM by • WI. week if
Mew we Impfew to knew Ms Mb
net wt The 0.41 1%..t OM.. war Mh do.
Mr.owe, wm held by • While al libe time wow I
timed by ea MIN the the
Ibitieble Pest Utiehtf b • lifteg to all Wrote ..
wpm. fib way womtlehet robe the Mabee
Wee. lb Ow. Me . 61109 Y me mob, I hot
*Wm ben la tem, we Imo M. tweet webby* wow
he saying tbst be braulaMy ••11n whh M.
Whys W. am alma W yerefeesiser amay
be I hie eympatbew minklilly with the Mtn
IT Jaw Cum/A 1.40 wo. t.d J.r wok
I. W Orw•01 Tonio. at Immo song so
000, 0 00004 Gond, Nor Oadraor7
Ina .010.1.4 of swig iihmerridoino.o•l
I.alwlydY lit Y 0.1010.00 .0 *.
IT A real many rev Demematie Moeda
hare bad tba gaowa. whole alteadlag Caart. lha
Comsat). &a of meetlag and taking by Ma bead
and &Wad eel. Au Mama. who Y Ree l
almodittg a Ebert rams in this vaikr , lb Cl
leaks healthy ad hearty. and hen
DOUVVIStie fin and eathumiaaa whist bile peal-
July his charsetetietie.
Tse Amur. leterost—Affals.
Norm., 2.1. County,
*agog 21, 1 849. s
gait.. WA. Mostrowe
I Mnf++t nod for tho Asa lion, as artists •-
‘b uy psblitheil in the. Nord, Assistiess.” sad
~s oi sd bets tbs .15estpsehuss eitass
obi by the edit, is obis* it is este...pled to show
dial toy statement ill retool to the psymost
slats litter.'• without • tosapossry loss" is Woe.
I New I on.* &missed Ss bawdy studs with the
North Ante/lean' . se the editer of the S. Rare
ter. but I again amen. and pledge myself Improve;
linen the hake amid atmeent• of the Treeemy
department. that my etalemest was Wee tat the let- i
ter. with the exception et • Welsh* aa la 11..-
1 , never has been neetweery le raw. te a tong►
ray lawn but twine. aimm lb. rewmtptieet of pay
tenet ef ietenat la Faltreeny Int& TM &et. by
Judge thankit. (a high...boded, benendilo an, the .
• whig) la F. pa. $140,000, which wth
to be. and was paid by Mr. Miner. Ape..
lin Fed. 1049 8200,000. by Mr. Flamer. mel left I
to be paid by Me. Ball. In my statement, 1 my.
(mg, in Feb. ln 17. and again in Feb. 10 ; 19. In
both motancee alter the payment et the interest in
August following there he. twee • large so mine al
the obspembef the State frersearer, and a balance
ite the credit at the Commenweslth In the Bank at
Penneylvsnia. which i• the agent foe the payment
of the inter... Alit,.' there is an error u. lathe
dates, the hut sentence tinted, is literally true.—
In both instance. eller the payment of the inter.
Augnst 1817 & 1048• there wee • ' , large se
plusat the .liepeeal of the State Treasurer and a l
balance to the ...edit of the Ceon'th in the Beak :
Peteaeatrawla• which to the agent foe the paymenti
of the uttered." and this feet the &Man of the
North Americe.. might hare loomed in lam
...limier tam, by applying al dm Flank.
In very . few wo r ts, I will attenfilt r ass , rut
how • large aorplos may he at the aIIOSISMI 1 'kr
j Moir T tad the Net not appear at the
t i 11l at the Hooks of the Auditor General. For •
Mastics—on the 314 July, the Treasurer el
ili.lphia Canny. deposits, in the Bank o 4 Palm
a Ennio 8250,0110, to the credit of the flair
Tre tlita lakes Ira certificatee M &pos.—,
'les Immoor of memo is al the „ eftnpomal of lAr
Shtir T , regsnt for ille pat mail of 11 , toles et
ea the form of gainsaid. Tn. county Treasurer m
a. hie radii,. ate of &ramie for am, or pothspa
lour wake—When or produces it , nt the Treanor, ,
Januslml at Harrisburg, and tai , '. hi. credit. •
amount then, of 111511,111111, dam not mum.'
upon the Booka of the Auditor Geneva, 111111 i the;
report of the Suite Treasurer is made to lox at port
eat, on the Mid of September following. Thew
facts would have been esplained to the Editors oil
the N. A. hard their i f.rlrp Lam after the truth,
and fully m. 0.. my Matement. that there was a
surplus, at the of Ike Mule Treasmrer,l
j ou Ilia fin/ of August lithe, of more than Stloo i , I
I tr....putout] longer then I intended. but I trust 1
you will do tun the f boort thio note tat your
valouble palwr r that it may be seen that I hove
made um of no falsehood or warterfem, in my
cot " ' a tompormy loom" I might aro re
fer to an ...hula in the Koymono" of the
Which illurtrateo my position.
The Rare Ceeveralea.
The essentials of the Iwo brenelte• of the Dem
ocratic party of New York, which amembled ell
Mono on Wednesday week, fee a onion aud har
mony,. clotted their tumor and negotiation. on
Friday without occomplishing their eldeat. They 1
nu t in generate beeheT, the Free Mal branch pe
rmute the Hotpot Church end the other die
Presto teris Chinch. Their negotation. were thrall. calsrnicv• and *rates prop*.
miss. The slavery question, or rather the cops- 1
idiegory of the Wilmot hovire. wows the only ba
r-1 rien that spends mils. 'lireliandiumen Isis
tad use its Wing made a fundamental part of the
new erred, while the 'limiter., conceded lts condi
. unienality, but termed to here It mile a lee of
Democracy. They avowed their ',sillily to the I
extends of @lovely, end pledged themselves to
moor It, wherever openly posited by the south ; !
and erinmod, slow unite again with the Tree Soil
Wash, and allow Ilona le hold say opinion open
the wallet. they might pleaeo, provided they could
he allowed to enjoy the luny privilege. Thie how
ever, ors portinacisely rebated by the %robe.-
ere, sod finding that nothing further sold ha so
amend, the two Criseverdles diesived,wech finish
agreedye war with Me ether *mil it caphslataL
Thi...... I ..1..4. 1 .r. 1. , it mud be endsed
We did entertain wren Myth el rung . eemelm
ape. Joel cod hemmith anomie peofeeied, bet
aim Yore are like dthemm they roe thuthli mem
baym men talky.
Tho Whig Skis Canmotian not at Harris
burg on Thunday lut and uoudeatell Hears M.
nailer, of lonatna, for Canal Coneemiaaar. Of
coarse he b tha salvaged eamadate doff boo k
undo ranks, and ham IM Dentoorato aria (J.raW
out of his bottom do, nunstlTmoday of Ontoaar.
Its is vary rod looking, (h. sailed mom as le
lo • yoff lug amia of al.:
talents, end • good deal et ewe ; km he Is m
dm mass k ads of die hart'.id mmil ewe&
kissed With Ms mikados, ears is be malaise.
Thal Isolorilimimallag all Ids pod goalliks. be
mom 10 . The people base eft swoop sf
Whig ofko4mbilms shady is soilsfy Ilimo hs
I rem lamas.
Cr W. aft Wily Nord dr. Y. •Thr.
Beik lawly WWI wee with me* Mr.
in Imo wand i• inapt IL Ognmpliy b.
Am. bowleg •Maiiy•lorrmtetinsimps
••••...p et pnikolils, eamhoirl =rem
Now le pnr• k mwrih.t, mai eml
raft Unbar lAA& arm Ille ark wenblow
I. %a, raft .Ilan roe 14,46
Irr.thar. BnoWvl Aryryw sad ma half
bum eilme Ofinikor gamier alma
w• mar law anmil Marc
dumps ben Ow *ma IrlAiih
011.4 w Mal mw sorills• oa
Cl . rArsr—We Mir Ms yrs slum r
yr Mr Ir roost error le OS Sur. The
lharrds. re sr elsrr. her Noir shoLss-
Warr lira gowns r sr pry Ir. U.•
&rine W brborstar erre sirs, orl Mr
err Imply lis dr pwilse rr. Tbsy Yr
..droll Mr S. W. bp so Cairo Is Ille
Onset IFinonesedlinek DE111110011t• TIC sr: . ,
1 Messrs. Well; Catlin, Smiley, Lusk, !measures; for the redemption of
"relief! Wittemmllve Ormill Xtmee Sm Um
Or. fro &and ne Win rem es Been I
Tune, Follek Benner aid Ty/er--8 voted Moues." end prohibit en efroolation of all. Prittamisse.
chins& ke hoer*, tippling here h. Tbeetree ; ' 41 1.1 14S ' foe A. N. Bullard. :Beek notes of lee denomination than five I The Philaddphis Ledger bee tbe &lbw
cool yn o labiC re Riertrfle Malt and EMMY.
and Lathrop-5 vend fusiMmiel Brewster. 1. 1 . IFksolved, That the completion of
Mors. Dinink, Spoor4Challme Terrell dollen.
Ater Chained. P.M.& ; re. ea FLOP. CONYEN'TIOII, t ing which we desire our readers to matt
the meeeh caw ie
ei .
tit. , hepo„ c.lo"ely, and then oak themselves how meek
fler Merl and nutty, think Crite. In pa 11... of a call from the Done, Messrs. Hewn Shaun and Bmr•ter—
Munn. i .. re. Albert F. emir s n.buteri emtio County Committee Delegate. from 3 voted for Jerem ia h ihmdhem• tone to the people of the Commonwealth
lower foreign coal end iron urn be import
poi man fair prewaar, F. Dar prooecoter ; th e . '
I majority of all the vote. was declared duly ' m
....... a......, se von) townsh i ps, met In 0 ..... u... O. G. HEMPSTEAD having rewired a large, and the Northern notion of the Stets ' ed and cold than can that magiufacanted by
particular. That we look to the enter- , this company. IA not as low, which coo
.. far via; eet ett j . m . .....,.. ..,.... at the Court Hone, in the :Borough of Mou- I
tie. te rade7 nut the prenktioee of the lem . ever ie the fact, then what is the use of in
v. Lauren lohnen far heaping tippling hears; In Crewe, on Monday evening the 20th of Au- ' amaieetiell '
On motion, the Convention next
Harmer. or one vs. Wm. H. greon. de. la pet, for th&gturpose of nominating Dem- 'of the last session of the legislature, and eel] I •
Pealaud - I upon him and the amounting officers to ' eeee ' e -• ' en ." thew P "' "°-
a the T if &Wee
ed to the nomination of a candidate for 'apply the rerpne now in the treuory
eratie candidate. to be supported at theto lions Y Will not every farthing added ho
Cliff.] r ma no Oriel Hawley, Arose or
Auditor for then years. C. D. Coble of
I..trY Hooter , Jo.eph end E t k i' d. 8.41. k, nod next General Election. I the completion of thin great work, without ma much taken from the pockets of the
. , I
bleren,Jame• and Abner Botten,for riot. Middletown , Almon Spoor, of Herrick ' W. l etteimmmme or °emit.' ooneuming elan and given as a bounty to
(eed iety „ them , ..,....., neon. I The C inn being called to order, •
M. Tingley, of Lenox, and John Hancock,. On motion it tem— Ito the manufacturers—to capital 1 Mr
Corer Recroutea— elite C Grown and FRANKLIN LUSK, Esq of Great Heed,
LOC. ifir arkettien torpr....ern le the move- was chosen Pr es ident ; J ou , 'n o ... o f a.hrrtt.p. end —Barney. of Apolacon ' Renleed7Thel T• 141, Hardy, John Fos- entreaty r
. eet Coferee., from Wyoming County,
rat mutt of Bastirbanaa Co. !of Franklin , and Penne W. 41,11, of Bridge- mere meerell, °marl '
[Mae the ballot woe no ht. nedlyter and Perrin Wells, be the Conferees, to A strong toompan, we notice. hue been
. I ,
Ulm.' Springville, at ono oedoek, on Saturday the I f or d e 4loping the nemeses of an Mimeos;
Oa perm of .1.& 1.. W. Kellum , ..,..., Via lo" eident and Wm. L. Riot-v, formed win Samuel Jaudon at it. heed
err Repeated Claimable of Merlyn.
!urines of Brooklyn, end M. L. Caffie, of 1 that the Secretaries were unable to more 11th day or September nen.
Congth ea Me m l• warty .ore peace (Jacob; t
F. ... g .,, p „..,......, ) _ d0 r, o ss m onm i_ 1 Bridgewater, Secretaries.' nasal region, comprising 22,000 sank es
'the omen of ahem, ern voted, with their On Motion of Mr. Tuttle it wee— the 'Virginia aide of the Potornas river, tn.
_.,, ~ • I votes, no d cm only give the result.] I der the name of the Pheenite Minim; and
i Cion'th vs. Rabe. fen Arndt mad Battery, trnil The following gentlemen present. teem, Resolved—That the Central Co. Coat - . .
law tam—cats divelrd note true unease medentials a. Delegates and took scan in On the 1.1 ballot O. D. Cobb bad 11 ' mines appoint the nownship ViginneeClom- Meloefeetertello Pert% Th e coa l muttee
(vote., Almon Spoor, lft W. N. Tingley deed deft 895 awl eat. Charbeeda . ad Beat- , t h.. 0,,,,,..u 0 .,
Tuba Hancock 8, and Mr. Berney D. g , (ruit . toe ... fo t r io th e i l s .e j t ear or. ,: i n o t o ttl o t
w be n rez p lee t rr . tte ; i t n .. bet t l ..s,,v.aryt].n!
tuft to . iz
i n.. Iro so e
ler fen Orw'r. and °.". •• 4 bish•eat ft . ` " 1 I Aram:on—W.llone. Timothifiriffin , I I quomod toeleet each ear a township Con- ie ether deal neon& with gat& Inenteme.
Caner ea rm. Meeserter in warty ''' tb° i Auburn — Elijah Adams, John Town, I On the 2.1 ballot &h am Spoor bad 32 !..t.... she time o m n ) Y o h m ' n & s ow ., „„a.. o w H o t .oaot oo . H„ H t.H., ot, te. ~t „
peace, (Henry Chandler proorcoler)—afterbeart b . m.
'votes, and C. D. Cobb 14. Mr. Spoor. wee all vacuole. in mid Vigil... 0.....• of • ravine, the workmen have 11.0.1411
Ir a daft. ischomm, each ~.., ...,g, hi. ens ! Bridgewater—Perrin Wein, M. L Cat- therefore declared duly nom i na t e d 'may be supplied by the Control County the out crop. about two thirds of the de
ems. Chamberlin and Watley fee Caner, Let- t i e.
'floe Convention then pr.ceda to oov- 'Committee. wending slope, until within 800 feet of the
Ile & Smarr for deft. klyn—Wm. L. Richardson, On motion, the following gentlemen wore
R. a nate a candidete for Auditor fur two years, ottom ; 34i fnt of rod were bronbt Co.
, Cotter vs. Henry Chown. for kenning nipping I „:-... light in this distance; and by adding to.
' hoer —verdict grey, and deft. lined 40 dollar)
Cliffea—J. T. Langdon, Solon 80l- the result of whieb sou the nomination ofealmia" County C o mmittee et . Thllheme I these two beds meesured at no gnat dn
aod held h. reeemernee of MI dollar for g oal
ton 'C. D Cobb on tee lid ballot, the veto stand- for the ensuing year, viz : Benj Glidden. Lance freethis ravine, both of whia WOW
'barrow re ,eor. elsambern fw Can.& end chn ....,_ } , w . r , ~.,.., . ..
nr. thntu Sheer- ing Cobb,
arney, r, le rig one, ff , Perrin Wells, Nolen Ciro., 0. A.
evidently below the most inferior Menfuss
I Ikon. for deft
er. J. B. Kimber , Samuel King, end N. l above alluded to, an aggregate of 40 feet
l'enelb r. Hawley and other fee elet —verdict , The following reulutions wore offered bj •
Mmuk—John Foster, A G. Hollister. ' l of coal above the bed of the Potent. le
guilty. Chandterhe & Richer. for Caner, end' MI J. H. Dimock and adopted.
Forest Lake— Muses Sto d Be '
pear , ituat., roan without making allowance fort e
Bentley, Deneek, Leila & simmer in dell. t m h. imatt. ,
I Whereas, It is no less the duty of Dem- On motion, it was rewired that the pro-A or of
Imo. thinness common to the outcrops
Franklin—John Blowers. TIM. Smith: Citron& whet. ...tried in COtrfen- ending of this Convention he published in ; coal. At so many places hare the male
' ,( r ' lion, or mows, thee when exercising their I the Dammed& papers in Susquehanna n o d' beds been recognised en the company',
I Friendaville—J. Taggart, Wei. Rob& (individual rights, freely to exprees the prin. W yom i ng. I keda, that there is no room for doubtfty
Gibson.—lhouben Tuttle, John Smiley. I olples upon which their political huh is On motion the Convention adjoureml
their uninterrupted continuity over the sa-
Great Hand — Franklin a Lurk Samuel founded and their rale of actin is based— tire area. The greatest mbrunge nose.
/ Finch. ! and to approve or dengue the measures of , e h . . die. ' ted with the position of the cools in (hie re-
F. LUSK, • en .
. l're id t •
.fterfoni—L, T. F er ree, Ovid &g e t I their Government end the moo by whom it' won undoubted) ernes from their being
Harmony—Levi Westfall, Silas F. Me- lis administered. Therefore— ,T urin Moe gob, jV. r.... , level free, i. e., from their reeeiring no me,
,Rune. I 1. Resolved, That this Convention rep- i Vaii ",,T %T r .. .., t, , I chanical power to effect their drainage •-•-•
I lierriCk —VI Mita W. Dinerek, Almon / resenting the Meturacy of Susquehanna ''''' L. . airlierimmi • Seeley, The beds oleoline on eneh side of the °ennui
AI L.Catlin
Spoor. County, still continues to ehmish doe broadaxis of the field, at an angle just sufficient
, Jackson—Alvin Seymour, Geo. IV Ty- principles of freedom mid el:F. l4 ode elm . I teeny Inehlfflon iv Ballinger too allow of the early descent of the water
ler. ' which the Dem on alio pain of the VOIOD . . 4ewords the heti of the le.. "nth
The ll'oltionnre Argus or very motel. as
.l t step — Asa Olmstead, James Wooldee was first established and ha, been cualoined
... ea me the grand dry-level of the entire re-
Lathrop—G. L Tewkentry, Esra 5 2. Resolrol, Thet the,effortro to per pet- tontelocol at the receptiou of fletteral Tay- ~,,
Brown. unto Slavery, andto extent] the area of too- in Baltimore. That print nye: Connected eith thin remarkable stenciler°
Len. K. I'. rune., Edwin &Id.. ~,,,,. t mo d.,, i, .„ 0 .1,,,,, 0 upon 0,0,3 I We were on the tip-toe of expectation to In the field is another advantege, arising
Liberty—Jacob Chalker, / 1 0. 1 wren ramie]." upon which err inoittgions are 'bear the see of of Old Zack, in reopens°, to l i !rum the facility of ventikkon in work-
Middletown—Nebr. Camp. Miles Held - hand .ra if persevered is, is ill lend to., ;what ere Imagined would be the swelling mg. will possess The expenses involved
will. sequence. which will b. deplored for all I Reclaitn of an admiring and teentenduennieloo ventilation and drainage of single mine
Mennen— Beebe Brewster It C Sim time multitude, arid to compare the sontionent In En g land often amounts to 8302,500, the
p- I
:1. Resolved, That. the Union of these en d li ege ., o f his m 5.,,, withthosel whole of which vest expenditure will be
New Milford—Donnie Mc Kean, J B 'Siete., should be e herished by every patriot classically beautiful and elegantly finished rendered completely superfluous in this
Kind.. Thu any attempt to, eeparate or divide this military denpatches, which won for him so highly fevered district Large bed. of iron
Rush—John Dirge, Elisha Lathrop. 0 glorious confederacy should he fronted much intellectual renown. It Wee, there- ore are scattered over the company's lands
-Silver Lake—llortimer D. Gage 'rho. down by an indogneee and free people ; and fore, with inecemmiale anxiety that's. In one place, the series of hers in ranee
Sweeny, relying upon their v..^e mud intelligenee. wended our wery to the Pratt erect depot show an aggregate of thirty feet thickness,
Spriontille—Sameel Quick Jr , Seth we trust it will be tronamintol, unimpaired I about 7 o'clock last evening: About 1511 ot tbe beet grill ) , and almost inexhausti-
Stark. and united, to the last posterity. ' ' penises were aseembled within and around, W.• ie quantity. There are also numeroue
Thomson —John Wrighter, Geo. P. Than- , 4. Resolved, That the Tariff of 1846, the depot. They appeared to Oil as t h e of nre - elaf• eeerriev of eon lien nod
din. wen a min and judicious meanie° Fauna- .gheats of the once powerful Taylor party-- I stow, and an 01.01 unlimited supply of
On motion of Mr. Weetra the renewing tine from a Democratic admionatration. it a n d the signs were nnything hot ..,,e.,,,,,ltimber. It is believed that iron ore can be
ham more than 1,216.1 the expertati , one of of . demonstration gratifying to the dietio, , mined lon reVelity-fire cents per ton, wod.
resolution was adopted : ' its ft ieroda and contounden three who roe- guished visitor. How anoints' in coontrase Val at lily 'OOOO tear ton big iron, it is
Resuiectl, That the Secretaries keep the, rem] its peasage. By a wise dieerimins- with loin late reception at the Relay Boone, mated, coil he made et twelve to fifteen
proceedings of this Convention in such way ... it , oso „d t ~,..1 i „ ocoes e n to nil l e e eloee „. kit woo to w oo ei ng . n s goners- dollars lowa ton, end delis ered at George
as to show how each delegate votes at each greet interests of the conch y, end should ately for his twenty, however, ho did not 1 10 5 0 . te tooth.. ol the.
Cho sateen and
time voting ha coy"' b. s mninn - ' experience detect any defect in ha ode. to. 'Hymen the elected crowd in Pratt sti ect !I 1 dohs Cu al, at a east 01 atom. twenty del
ted by this Convention. 'tail. it wise legislation noel, amend. althea 'Mr he had alighted nt the outer depot. and o lers per tee The cot iteate of the f l oonti-
On motion, the Convention proceeded to invading the great prineiplo s of truth midi token a private cone:you. to Bra num's 'ty a cool or, thin property is twenty-fin
nominate a candidate for Representative, justice open which it is lamed. ; lintel I millions of t. to the rime° mile. This
when Wm J. Turret'. of Munn, Side°, I 5 Reetdetni. Th a t t i ro u,•l experience ' On reaching the lintel, I. pen.' top, rood COO be delisted at Alexandria at 42
IL Wells of Clifford, and Wm, C. Wud, of hero fen, tested the wisdom of an lode- , quietly and rapidly Whim aparonenty winch , 11 Pee tee, oral "t New T'ek et 34 MUT
, pendent Treasery and proven beyond a were an
guarded ht officer Mao, The velec or tlro co. o ” . thu d hinnies.*
New Milked, wore severally named as urn- doubt, it. efficacy to conduct all the mewl- Ily, ingress being refuel& r,, tone but the I coal lea boon well solablialod by thorough,
&dates. I ores of finance for the Government. By quite, and o few of the dierieff„, s„ the proofs, bells for commit frd peepers, and
Mr. Terrell desired his name to be with- its exercise during the Ale:kali War in die- ceurse of Muter or twenty minutes, elmut for making iron Tim Cunard eta:ewers ere
drawn from the list of candidates, after [ 'Meta* milli.", of public money without 250 persons aesembled in front of the H o . , euplied exeluvivele with it on their naternd
lose to the Government, it hos effectually ' tel anol his Excellency, having in the me.. , voyages. The Howland & Aninwall lino
which a ballot was taken which resulted ee I denroyeol the hist vestige of en excuse or time refreshed himself, rainc down, under eon new "Goer, toed en eget. 01 the British
fellows, I argument, in Inver of e united State* Bank the tenon of I. Collins Lee, Esq., and ea- Weet Indio mail enamel' is no* north , -
Menne John TeehmberY, Mem., Grit . - I 6. Re:mlred, That Gen. 7., Taylor while' dressed the monger gathering from the pee- ling with the nab comp:mica in opera
fin, Wells, Catlin. Rio-thetas., ttliles, Bolton, ennelueting the necrotic... under Ina eem. lien, After taking off hie one his left hood lion in thin region for n aeon of 50000
Langdon.Shaerer, Burke, Ironer, llellieter, . meld in Mexico, merited, end received the clenching the iron railing, thee adjenti ng a toes per year, to be shipped from Nelson-
Blower& Smith, Tuttle, Smiley. Finale, thanks of the people of this rei 111 l Dr pair of gold erected. over his forel mo d, dria This coal is equally valuable for
Weatfall, McKeon, Farrar, Fillet , Dimuok„ . aa President of the Unit. States, he hoe and Irewhog to the alidiftws, who en t itl e d • driving lecomdtivee nn for Pen nteaming.—
I Spoor, Seymour, Tyler, Wotan, Femme I violated every pledge made by him f irer... few sickly cheers akin to the chiepi, ~r. The 11•15 more and Ohio Railroad rue their
Stephens, Brown, G. L. Tewkoehury, Simp- ,to his election. Ity beemeing the "epee. broad of chickens with the ip, CI en Tell. curiae , •itit it. ""d hod Get 1 1 l cwt. make s
nen, Bretreter, Camp, Baldwin, Lathrop, I hoot of designing politicians of the federal opoke, word for word as fel lows: as south steam an tall h.. of anthracite,
lingo, Gage, Sweeny-80 voted for Sidney; party—and promoting te effme men who •• I thank eou, eltise. of Baltimore. It and the Damning reed it making a trial of
B. {Venn denounced him as a 'ironed murderer, and of me 'plenum—gratification to meet it. In the courier of the corning autumn,
Merge. House, Stopper& Plat. Taggart, the war in which he was ...Peed an wicked an goodly a number of my friende on this' the Chespeake and Ohio Canal will be com-
Itobbe, Lusk, Olmstead, Chalker. Terrell, end union ; thereby affording mid end con. no:emotion. The cholera in now 'begotten flood to Cumberland, and within a few
Kimber, bleKeelry, quick, Stark, Wrighlor,' fort to the none, of their country ; be :wend us; and although I have no appro• months ttto Bohner° and Ohio Rattrout
Blandin-15 voted for William C. Ward. has forfeited all claim. to our gratitude, and bermesna from the disease, I feared that the will be completed to tVistenoporeand these,
SIDNEY /1. WELLS haring received a most go down to posterity ea a feeble and gathering together of crowds of person with too back-water navigation of lb. Po
enjorin of the votes wee declared duly heeeemeM manmight bring on thredlseese, and being WOW- ' . ..... al e V. the 1 .. d, of the Phemia•
7. Resolved, Th. ...0 adhere to the, nun to keep off the thecae°, although I don't ' Company immediate communicatios with
nominated. I
principle that all power in sen mgm the p en . fear it ulnae yet I thought it prudent to I Baltimore and Alexandria.
pie, that *eery public tenant should be avoid any public demonstruine that might
obese, by themnlyek at the ballet-box— tend to increases the dielmse. [Hera be,
we therefore medially approve anti rOOOM- eieureleieelY Pruned the earner] Oa WI
mend the adoption of the proposed amend- o"1 North, in Y ••• _, 'NY,' ‘ b°• Y?„! n Ma P
, sent to no Constitution of nor State I. here ton i g h t, ime go d ung i n ~ ......b.lp
'order that we may elect by knot then who 11110 re berubbal his forehead.] Bet 1 tho t
hr. to rod& o ver nor totboooto or toott.., it hotter
, M avoid Imi ghei r ri ff eth ,er, ,
00 1;
8. toesl, That it le the duty of every I crowds lie ml wILY... Dm am« , mg. , ut ,
Dement to support the reg01. r ...... Gianty morns., and I should afterward.'
Sims oil& party—end that the Denneney lettlemmit .....v.dr with being the mew.'
of Suquebanna Comity, will min round Here the " Sneed Washiegeoe" sign]. !
!th e e Mandard of TOWN A. Dinitdc, as the ( I ,bd, „ob. elm., f his Tiara by Potting et•
regular nominee of the Democratic pert, of. ... no • end tuning •nreidlY *w.f. • left'
ge. State fen C...10...n 0 t.. , Ng, ! .cheer caught up the dying who of the but I
leg honest and Gettable, and when deal- I 'm o b " •••••,' The General then retired ,
elf (aa we oonlidently believe he will bo) ito his eemtaimite• to enjoy .°'•• repine afl
he will,diseharge him duty with fidelity. ter this amends& intellectusi effort—
& l e nfred, That ......... c h. R oo , I end in • few minute. tbe area in front of the,
elution. of the Pitt•borg Convention, be-! il•bl ••• r ' •" "
Hewing them truly Demean& and prompt- , The National Intolligeneer, of Saturday, I
log a broad platform of prinelples upon melons the following paragraph 0
• 16 . b •11l ' O l &I& fee the WM. , f heel eWe an ewe that no ehlef &whim& '
penned institutions and the preasnation 0f.... the de Whi '
the Undoe. ye of u nine, was ever re-,
Inked en a Miler leer throughout the '
Mk Rmatmed, That we sympathise with I tummy, with men cordial or sinew. &el.
beam Ihmsarbism, and an who an se- %warmest sad Mono. than will most
owl with them th".o. o i is o wad. im Ptookioot Too., fries a or.m or his
wifte.dlftit the libtetYsa am . 0 . 61 . 4 8 150 ibliew-ritheina thromfbeet Ms press& jeers
of mu. 'We NMI". at Ask &Soden ma my? ,
emill °4 . 4 " ib•lr O s '''n•,_ lbr . 1,- 111": To wbleh the Ares odds t All we have
mum& will & lirelen. MU 1111101 m, and g o ifty W 61. i e , met the people of Batt-
Ilynteny be dabs hem its lam hold ma the ....,....H y. H., 0.......,....H .t
-hee of Ole fair earth. &Moe at home list evening, ad the ifl
ii• . 1 = ThaS D'•l••ftwii o f tb• the .. weed Washimato." Is 000 reef ear-
MtPlft it , • Fame amt.. Po! 41.5 y M I elsewhere, km will nal& the
nosed fled available onemeay. That mos- semi, of MIA • hem base Myles for
Yalu, tonnes In any inemiere Le tsars the .... r te .edam bilk that the people!
nefernsiMlitiss of the Booking inotetalle& o f ... 00 toy will otoot, -4-
is Mud to the That ... 1 ../ 1 7 spool or ateetime Ihr s. violator of bis
nit Lb•a•PoLMllite late imitlidaterk edam and oft-oo”otoo soar.
ad the prment Ireentille of the Son from
that wbolemmeo provimlon of "Isdivnissi
Minty," In lank Charism se ably and
ineementill maintained by dm late lamerts.
ed Om. 1111mdt fleet any antmollom el
Bak petvillyies is eletnetleg from the
riglft eV iadkekleale. and we mom& WI
apes the mill laghlatme to ratan lIIM
Infilldloal &Mity—to tab ime4ll.o
"If Awn lateral Society met PM Aurae' IMO.
S. A. NEWTON Chairman P. T.
M. I. Caste, Bscrelsey.
' On mono. adjourned la nest neat Tuesday
!eve., wben maw imperial.' weaken win be As.
awned. A general attends.. ia 'squealed.
I:teartes Lear. Boos far September la lb* en
oar tuWe. u it 111 fimt in nearly ererythmg aloe.—
It is a capital number.
S.'s UNION Nlintatve fur September—a
magnificent number—has here received. The
rivalship between Sartsits, God, and I:rahatu is
spirited, and as ro close that it would puzzle the
!nest finished ainatenr to say Whirl, will gain the
palm. We think, however, Ishii a mrtemparary,
that it nenld impmee even of them in give papers
of mare genetat sulubtk in kraut' totieb that ,slight
Will Malty.
T. our eitelarligeo we owe Kane apology. Be..
aid Mort of paper we hove beau cempelleil to al
m who'll overlook them for nine three or , four
weeksks VW. %% di do latter rai home.
Dam/ or Acorn, i:naLtals.—lfon. Albert
I:allium died m the rtnitlenee ar hiasonrin-low, ur
Annria L. I Nowlay ov. k. at the ails mired
age of el year.. Ilu woo the lust survivor of the
l'reaulent Tap.), was taken stub!. Illy /II
wult vttttt ug sad d.arrhea . Celealo m hm way
so Pittsburg. ou Monday toot. uw aluesatosed
relapses Chumbercburgh but recovered, owl
finally armed wt the on Saturday,
iu pamoblotesildi.
Qt• The Cholera te Phatodelphis Lae almost
wholly obattol. In New York the oototer of death,
lir The beetoeral• er Wyettning well meet in
Convenient nett Arend., for the 110.11i110003,
their ehttnity ticket.
Either Richard Cobden was right, and
Russia is weaker than her admiran in this
country would make her, says the Pennsyl
vanian, or else armies, like the men of Cad
man, spring, fully accoutred and led, from
the soil of Hungary. The amounts of
blagyar sueness, which we print to-day,
are evidences not only of ample military
skill, but proofs of on undying patriotism
among the people, singularly impressive.—
It is not only the appeals ot Kossuth that
strike us with surprise, original and eower
ful so they are; but it is the uprising of!
' the metros—including even the children t
and women of the land—Oat forms a pio-
I tom of moral sublimity of which we find!
'few parallels in history. At a recent hat-1
. do, among the dead, were found a number
of 111-3yar females who fell fighting in Oil '
fore-front of their country's straggle. Ev
ery clergyman is to the mime in Ids vieini
ty what Peter the Hermit was to the
' movement meturies ago; and the en.;
't mime ammo to he as meal and re-
Witless as that whisk reamed the Holy
I ..Land. May it prove to be more effective I
in its progress and wrcusl. We Imre spec-
Wallow as to the position of the reepoetive
wades to ow eoleceporaries, who desire to
ahem thole skill in seek inwilitigatices; and
!refer the radar b the arerieete as publieb
eel tide wonting, for the best explanation
!of the whole questioo.
I it is after the receipt of emit intobigewe
se this that • public mewing bee been call
ed at Independence Square, h. this city, be
lfame of Hungary—to be hild on Monday
i nguini UMW. It witnated among sh
nes i-
Wall partite, an will be partkipetod
'in without reform.. to political divisions.
Let it be large and impoming. Let every
citizen make it his besieges to be on the
spot, to unite lo a fervent szprenion ofl
empathy_ foe brave Hungary. Do sot Mtl
us give Korea the opportuoity of brood
leg us with the ishwies be blisters on the
brow of prtgwaUsal England. Lot whew
W en to Ide great esterpitee, by •Weeem,
lOW= limi will awry sew tenor to the
betels el his ostosaded advensaWii.
Ifs Ilesead WastalnglisaM
♦ eeeempeolme it the Dem= Poet
milk* Item Weeleeitent eye he bed Om
mullemity Ie .ell se eh! Clesimmtee, 5.-
tredletek see atter entalehtleg, to Ms ame•
pile, ties Nees amele Ine Mega duo
emit Asa IMeisee se tot say
" n
gooeVrialseil. to shoot ,
IM Wilk lan ° So ale yes bars o
loollodl a oat OM. Qdrr shit
ommassoo, h royojoic" irms-thser
nig Prooldsh—o No, I beam soi—
-1 M ohol do yes r I impldosil.
AIM Mii Its Prodlooll le a , ° dot
ow of Tom IMYa I vat. I'll bet •
I wow Isert of fo Mhos, Ist tho
homy Oesvoloiso Meg w warp*.
per ho fl po iloo I imel Ish vbs. I
•• pm my min ft."
On potion, the Convention next proeeed- I
ed to nominal° eandidates for County Coop
miaionor, when John IL Murphy, of Silver ,
Ulm John Ilswitook. of Jessup, Blab.,
PARA of Forest Lake, Perri. W.Ue , of P
Bridgewater, and Joseph Gyp, of Mired
Lake wino senora, wood a. oandidahus.
The follordog is the ....It of the knot
Meant Job. Towkilobary, Adair; Houma
GriMa, Walk, litalardson. Moo., Law
don, Share; Berko, Salley, Look, Meek
Woodall, McKim., Farrar, Moak Spoor,
Seymour, Tykr, Farnain.
Stophons, Brown, G. L. Tawkoribury, Shar
ma, Brewster, Kiabor, Wok, Stark, fisree
iy, Weights" and Blaudin-01 voted fur
John D. Murphy.
blears Milo, Mks, Fold, Lathrop andl
Way-5 yokel for Persia Wells.
Maim Rolliskr, noun, 810w.r.,
Waldo., Masked and Millieby-7 voted
fur Job. Haim&
Meru. Stoma, Platt, Toot* Cop,
sad Beidwirt=6 voted for Blobs Grills.
Maim Gip and MaK•ne—il voted ibr
Joseph Gee.
JOHN D. MURPHY kyles rushed •
no** of all the votes was dimetradAuly
On amsliestlks Oarsladea Boa jaossedod
is sandanle a aandidida for Gately Train
maw. A. N. Bollard, 0. G. Reapstisd,
Jaronlab Powilbsa, and 11aniel Brewster—
all of Montrose— weream4s. eamilidistes.
A lal lst low Gam bad Bo knowing
Maws. Jan TordossAnn dams, Chß
to, Illoberdson, Mks, Bo b ll" Lam*"
Maim Blabs, hear. Halikkr, Mowers,
Balk Ithspiard, Platt, Town, Babb..
• Top% Wank. Ilallnar‘ Wulleir OW'
mad, Vissaft Meo,4 Dame, e, L.
TevlaWbery. Ilhals
W sL ow, Nark Ihromy
w ad Toad 14 0. G..
♦ Dow•-lhise Sows.—A maim,
liarroblueli• boislabon, et lb. kilo
swim Oared • bill wleisa previdol ••••
Irdy sbsld M uparvhd iumpt Is do Sews
wbre sh• teribm" mamba'
bodied Li in slop 1•041, by dhefisi a•
weft.* •••Oftill Pe** 0 4 I. 60 1
Sews *lwo day wore bon. •
A Mut Fent Tor CALIVOILNIA Ext..
on AMTS.—Many of rho friend. of the ever
lend emigrant. to California, by the Mk
sonri and Arkansas rodtee, bare been si
nning for a long time letters from the.
The esteem of their disappointments, proba
bly, I. that at a remelt Min gt. Lode, a
meil.bag, containing nears! 'housed la
tent, was so damaged by gre and meter, .
to be illegible. The mail *gent la St-Leas
has done all be weld to dry the letters and
send them to their prom destination, bat
the enameled. of many of them he. ta
none obliterated.
Ft as 111 W luta- Dean as—lire lawn that
an Saturday night about 12 o'clock. It was
disoovered that the Barn of Mr. Jesoplo
Slocum ins on 8n and In • fmr initiates
thou whole building with all Its eadmits wee
e”ehlied in • sheet of dames, eontainiss
all his hay and grain. 8 hones and was
add% it la not known bow ray; also the
blacksmith shop, sera home sod effies of
Mr. /Roam sailamandettim whacking&
of dm Sontli aids of ad pat& span Amin
to and inskiling thee of rms. Dyer,
limesdeg all tbs Usk balkilings, bet Demme
slaty Wm dm did net ph WO Um fra•
saW to he the emit af that
meat writhed sad hisek-hmmistet all slaw.
dm* as imondiary.— Wyoming. Thimit.
Boss TaTior paper asp dot the
"oppotitios mot ' row at Abbott Low
moot booms In is • " thogrkitopor.. Ws
bon moo so mob swam If don boo
is say NNW, Ibu7 lum bum
Yr. Lens's ottompl to quit tiro
um of • skap•ksspw. and NO biro" up
fors instaremr—ifirrostiso Boorilku
decorous Coos, Iloom—TM be .
444 of ibo mart hoses •• PoNdoll* Wait
Male= &loyall..'—'tom,
_by s 41114
ashy •••••rolog Imp) Wei le the
pound mploobod, *MI oommes twoodiails
tr. *NW bobs WAIL