The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 23, 1849, Image 1

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    " eilat SeSneirratt."
S. Y. ninnis, Mar areil Proprietor.
1;. ,,
... n=aor
=to Ike PaNklar.
aan b uls*••••• N PVIII.I. to
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ooell ••••••••••(••• pee••• •••• • ••••••••,
''', Yr c li7l=el7•• WOlteeraly •••I••,11.••1
Goo ••••••••10 toms
..1114se Ina =711 .. /Z . ltteeriltbetlite...
They talker oat yet!--though the duvet i!poer
Aerate the breed Danube the tribe of the Dee ;
When the wears a the bersemss their booms
The Magysa.,losth cry is, pa Welton, on !..
O'er Rub, retaken, their tricolor haven.
'Tb. wild mountain pure are black with thew
Wwee pl and makkt locking arms with their how
bands sad love,
The battle tame chant mid the ealpharatte fame.
Nor Cdeseeek, oar Croat, fees the Magyar heroes,
Led . by Den.nelo, and Komooth and Hem
erseeders of treedoen Black death to the Nen.
Who 0.4 to enslave lush • people to them!
Ara Mesbna or freedom in Comma can wade ;
And there, if dadeoted,though houerlin••nd fluting.
They'll ands with contempt an their foes in the
Beware of their swoop, too, y. manihnotiag
11,•• beagle
they &arena from their cattalo of
Their mord mountain males—the Carpathian l i
lahairldon their beaks with the blood or your
Entrenched in the mew.; ~,, thy legion. defy ;
Awls nation .. brave um the &teethes Cauesseene,
14'111 keep the Carpathetess, or, falling, will de,
a rrr rr ye GsHerne...! Ye PA", greep the
Prnky u
1 . 010,111".• ! In Gou's name
uolvante !
Shell erode 'rhea eitthhte—for the God of the
Who has wen the scourge plied and the fetter-huh.
Hu breathed teguipst tyrants lee hied J
Numbly Tante*.
The Tempest
wee Cocci • man of feeble courage.—
There are few scenes, of either human or
elemental strife epee which I have not leek
nod with a brow of daring I have stood in I
the front of betel,, whom the soar is were 1 .
gleaming and circling annelid me like fiery
serpents in the air. I hare .at on the MOWS- I
tain pinnacle when therwhirlwinnd was rein-
ding its oaks from the rocky dills, and scat
tering them pieta meal to the clouds
have seal these things with • swelling anal,
that knew not ; that racked no danger; but
them is something in the thunder's voice
that makes me tremble like a child. I have
tried to °venom° this unmanly weakness
I have called pride to my aid—l have sought
for moral courage in the lessen,. of piffles.
ophy-but it avails me nothing. At tine Area
low moaning of the distant cloud my heart
shrinks, quivers end dies within me.
My involuntary dread of thunder had its
origin in en accident that occurred when I
was • boy of ten yea.. I had • little
contain—a girl of the ionic ago of myself,
who had been the constant companion-ofd
my youth. Strange, that later the lapse Hof
many years that countenance should be so
familiar to me I can sou the bright young
ereature—her one flashing like • beautiful
gem, her free leeks streaming es in joy up
on the rising pie, and her cheeks glowing
like a ruby through • wreath of transparent
sow. Re voice had the melody and joy.
oneness of bird's and when she bounded
omens worded bill, fresh green valley,
*bailie' • glad answer to every voice of
=tem and clapping her little hands ill the
ecstasy of younresistenoe, she looked as
if breaking away like a free nightieguin
from the genii, and going of when all
Oder ace beautiful like her.
IS was a morningln the middle of Angst.
The MUM girl bed been passing man day.
at my father's lemma and she was now to
ratan home. Mr path lay Greer the fields,
and gladly I beeves the companion of her
walk. I wares *mew a summer morning
mare beautiful awl still. Only one little
Anal was visible, and that menial es pure
and and peseefal, as if it bad been the
isms. seackeel some burning rawer of*.
skies. The leaves bung Ant in the woods,
the waists la the bay had fesinuee their
110111111111W1111 the lowers were heeding their
heads as if Jemmied oft rainbow and
dew, sad the whole was of seeh
• NA ad header eseireeeeithat It seem
ed • eked of rams seattenei dew. by
the bomb et • Peet hem Abe afar of pr
des of Peyedies. The gnea earth and the
Yee see lay obeyed he their bomeilmowaa
asi the yeasedd shy bent war s.d Ward
thew The littis eriatere all my elide iris
in • deliciam of ad her elm
smut WON OWN epee eke aft et
ells on the based she of a lambi
Wd er band eine loser and lovely low
rote bat ersaierl The sondem
end alms ksseonety at the
any elenieneed mad nem. Tem fee Us
GM time the Iskeeites of • easpere ees
eysiilisl Os the ansile of • manna*
it • darn of sheet • alio the hide of a
411110.10 serldeely vitals awl et
yb a airs wee* • belles rear ear dove
ups the Mini es If It bed been eke awed
of war la • reeky seven. The elende
welled ese Ru • humor Welded wee the
dr, bet Me the semearbere i and Owe we
set ism • seem amass the dupls. w.
MN Mil oldie way heniese•
T• amps eh. %upset sea impleAd•
M ell fell emit , us Sid le le sal the
t •
_" ' 4 l*lntr
the plane. of
that stood at the foot of • entail 1..1 ono, hot from the soul ' s oven. This men- reining like hint blues, I had to do it and loneliness and sorrow ...tarp
precipice. Here we stud and gaged almo st urea/wing eold prayers with the lips, while did without eeposing the blacks hi my how affection and of joy, give them a title to high degree of eivilization. The discovery I
breathlessly upon the clouds marshalling! the heart cootie..lly eries Gammon, is of I resolved to he up •Cors mA,ybody else in address you. They week to you on bogh
-IThe monuments of Nineveh indicate a ,
lof Imatiful specimen. of glass, of the mg. I
themselves like bloody giants in the .ky.- no more not than talking Choctaw to a t t. month.' on the same a ..e•ot and woe i nr ., if, lit o eke., yo. lent Ireland. , and the arch, and of • complete 'yob. di
The thunder was not frequent, but every Chinese. Heaven undo...ands no such others. bluish division, bop. on fur your eon. Isewerage, (better than that now existing in
burst wog ee (awful, that the young ova- ! gibberieh ;it know• only the pore, Sipple That Ivu the la. I know'd till waken'd try, labot for her, be misting for her, I New York,)rentinds no that there is •• ooth.
tore who stood by me, shut her ey e s eon- tinp l a t e of the spirit-the tool's yeomen- !bynhe hounds (half • dosw of which slept lis the tut lemon of men abase saneerity in ling new under the ann." In some of the
vulsively, ...lung with desperate strength , lar. So when you pray,•do it In .n Ample under the bed) a pellio the laver, ore me. the exhortation is proved beyond lip ear- I baumfiefs an represented ° rayal robes
to my arm, and shrieked as if her heart a manner as possible, but with red hot ear-; Molly heaven.! the sun two been high dune.-Dahlia Free/ROM, lammed with the mot elation.te embroidi
would break. I nestnesa, end your souls will lad rest ' bnakAmt, on the tabk, and me in bed !-
__ e _ e - Ivry, " having• herder ernmented with re-
A few minute., and the storm was tn. I wherever you are-whether nibbling ate Jost ss low •godne to wing out, In pops • A Buried City Revenge.....bk... and terminitting in rieth I
us. Daring the height of its fury, the little ! crust In poverty hollow, or half puttying in the old woman, with a plate of vesolon.- Mr. Layser• new wank , NE..I, and is = 1
girl lifted her finger towards the precipiee j Calitooda, while endeavoring to tranaloog. It was dog days, you know, and she eookt remains, jest prodneed by Pewee le New The atentraw with which the Muddies of i
that to over us. I looked, mull ma IWY 1 bag of gold dose into an Indian-pad,ln a chatty. 1 prominid sleep till oho want. York, is jostly reokeued among the most Nineveh are gore. by Jonah, indicates an 1
amethostine peek I And the next moment: , ding. So mote it be. Dow Ja. I nut again, then looked for my trousers, Aar l valuable nod Interning publieatioes of our led , ""delete of ...W. Tel w. wens .
the clouds opened. the rooks tottered to !they war, in the jaw. of the pap. nuke foot' day. To the author, and Mr Batts, belongs Ito have been the chief otompation of its in-
their founds..., a mar like the groan et; Love ill the Baokwood. !of the trod: I I made a mighty Jung. over, the honor o f h at i ng di thevere g t h e Am or, habitant., and the implements of want..., 1
the universe filled the air, and 1 felt myself! Jimmy gliblit's pint Courisbip. , the root board M retake the. but oh her• [Nineveh, they bas Tog exhumed from the. the modes of tutaek, the ."ruses of kings!
blinded and thrown I knew not whitlow.- , ..,1- tors ! my head down and my heels op !-' tonib of ages, the greet and magnificent • the u.nner of eetrdoetinll • doge. et . °l .."-
How long I remained insensible. I °went i " Talking' o' spree., boy., put. me in What's the matter, think. I but It Sankt' ...a n y o n e a.... m ai d en Lw o w . 1 ebrathig a victory, tee, era the chief sob-.
I tell-but when eon...tones* returned, th e mood 0' my y oung . days, -.11. should rather across me in a mirk that the hole in my l •• 1%. bunion of Nineveh" was .me by j.ts of the ismumerably bas•reliots.
violence of the tempest wee abating. ' rho guess I was tu forma some mymil( them linen was over the peat to ! I kiok'd and, , the Prophet Nahum more than 2,6110 year.. , Our knowledge or Nineveh - is derived)
roar of the wind. was dying in the tree times!" flonnder'd and flounced, bet to no P.P.. onto , On the vast plain of As. rue, u..
....41 to m incidental alluelons in the
top., and tho deep tones of the thunder This out said by an old man, whom wo ,-I conliVnt get down-I mined to bank Itg„ .. t bath of the me, n ay e pp w iti Scriptures. The history of Berodotue, if(
I eloed name in fainting murmur. from the I will ietrodow as Mr. James Waddle, Or , the hem but it wee all no go. Jig new 1 the pru d ent ally of M ote l, stood than .- ever written, ha. perished; and that of
eastern bills. -
1 owe, and looked tremblingly and almost ! (except the reader) knows him and Ms .00sly that the old 'umen snit both gals run! having& gnet..perli e jw use then th e t o f served in Died.. Steal., is cot eonaider
deliriously around. She was there-the I peadoset for yarn spinnieg. It i. the even- 'i n t o see what wa• up; and when they seed , Babyron, the centre of immune., of wealth, ml reliable. ' But what volumes of history
door idol of my infant love stretched oat, mg of a go iii i . ...l eg guy. There are •1 it was me they ran outapin-one begin told p ow ., ~,,,,,g o f 0 j e j1i e ,,,i,,,, Not it par- tire written in theme sculptor. and their in-
upon the earth. The handkerchief upon ( goodly number, after the company I. Ale- I holler for the Straw. while tint.. tbrongh I !shad, and no sm. of n o., the pl a ce A wn ',winding.. As Herculaneum and l'onneii"
her no* was slightly rent, and a e i ng h t! wwww f ro ,,, d ot , w h o ava ' twe e. ' around.: the emelt., battled with
Ink pole. the ,it stood has been found, until the recent' , have been exhumed es a fearful enerree
dub .pct upon her broom told when the, he
and . 11 now gather around the aformahl maned Lunde that Wee. wullin Oh, reve l a ti e l a of Ar www , 1,,, ,d aw l But.. 't a r
-t I
upon the first chapter of the hplatle
pathway of her death had been. At first,; old Jim, to hear his yam to which he has" I thought of Abelent and cony body else! T h e Independent spooking of the work to the Romane • se the mini of Nineveh
I Seeped her to my breast with a ery of tog- already begun the prelude, and only ...el that ever did hang, bet he thdn't Lang with b e f ore na say . ; have doubtles• been dug up in .ntirmation ,
luny, and then laid her down and gazed hop- somebody to erre h. to go on. This there , the wrong end up that we. • .n.nlation 1 a Wi th th at w an , emot i on . g o we 1,,,1 of the histories and prophetic parts of the 1
0 . ho face abet. with feelings or calm- , are enough to do. Ho th.n inquired what' hadn't. I'd •we my fan like Boston. °endives transp o rt e d by th e dra phi e p en ' 0141 Testament &ripen,. How came it)
new Her bright, iliolhevellol hair clot- , they .011,1 have-'ono ' e hit ',wain' or , but I rementher'd I beloned to meet.% ' nod pencil of Mr. Layout into the presence 'to pen th.t while the literary monuments'
I tared meetly around her brow; the bo o k o f wan tho' apnoea t" Th.• boys uointintously and it woe .gin the mice. I did how.m.l h
10. these Meneelente of • hoary andon• of the mightiest empires hove perished and i
Iterror had faded from 11, kr. noel i :Pant ilenenele.l the letter. Then alter request- ever think some mighty hard wnrde if I, known antiquity, Henowestand in the mid. Wt. ......... of the. empire. have
smiles were pictured them; the red rose hog that 110110 ot Shoo should lough twill he didn't w r eak em! But all that didn't do 00 of •ahanaber walled with marble slabaaenlp- , hid.l. lie Hebrew sacred.
' tinge upon her cheeks was lovely 111.1 in We, got thranwh with a few toteperatirry hems, good. 1 couldn't make nothin' by pullin' I tuned with bas-reliefa, portraying battles ...V. of Im'Ple we°,.. and ePP.m d by l
end as I pressed it to my ono , the fonottent ond n, aiutintiant of a nix ally grove downwords. no, I nllollelle I'd clime up the ' and sieges and triumphs. Thera is a * n u mb, Assyria and Ifuhylon-have berm present
'of tear, were opened and I wept as if lox , (ape, lie e ...Pm...1.-( I wash I could re- post and unloose myself that way. I had w i t h beardless and .11.„,„„,..0.„,„,,., ^d: nod now• eftt eo many ay.. in.gdow.ll
' heart were waters. I hive but a dim rue- port in Us iieitintelde language, rerbatem el nearly succeeded when one of the unman- " wo w., open his veas h. s i srwe d aevese w a . allusioua are thus marvelloualy motioned
°llea.. of what followed-I only know
, hterstint ) nerly pup. attacked in the rair, and 'eosin' ' and here a ca p t i ve • per h aps - 1 - re .", a l p : by the disentembing of tho P•st
that I remained weeping and matiou'ese r " When 1 our it h 1.1% y. , .. know, I . l dY my holt fell a bast--deeidolly peeling of • I pliant at his fleet. these warriors were no - e. ths wrvamalavvv.vvie.
, till the coming twilight, and I was taken , neded from Virginity to. Keintuek. rd, my linen • -the button bunted off, and 4 I mean race. Of powerful wreck, and .tern, ••A Few Were Len.'
I tenderly by tho hand and led away where bee,, Lan and fouel, up on the fruhors, eon. out full length on the finer in precisely, ,fi er . eena th oanw , a they are terrible and , .. Solon warms: the run keno below
: 1 .on the countanarne or parents any w e . an d K a t a r aa k war a p ar f ee t paradise for! the oafme state of fix Joh said he 00.00 into .dreadful"-" they Wall scoff at the king-I Why lostle....we mime.. a.m."
I ter. Ime to hunt boo and ioji. in. Ifut I forgot, this world. • they shall deride every throng hold - ' (Awe.
1 Ilany years hone gain by on the wing of I ye" want a ...tin' ow.. Well although , The next nlill it I was under the bed where a their arrows are •Itarp and all their bones "Yon will font the somewhere moo
light owl shadow; hut tho moles I 1.21,11 was always a nation' up some devehry the evorlastin pups had dredged my trim- bolt." (Ilabaktak) But see. lien an col- 1 °4".' 100 ''"'" ; ll, wa nn O'„ l ,ll n t:,: t n r,.." ° ' " "
portr.e.l. oill e one. over me at limn with among the to.ys, but, ....Slow, I was e ants g w or t t h ew e g hot every time 1 ors too, as fresh .ir just lahl on by the .. . . • "..' '''' . k ' n ,
1 terrible dist hotoess. The oak yet ann., leetlo ally and theery anong the gals. I put one leg partly on, the ioterod whelp , , panel, th o u g h fi a lb w e p ee ..p eeure t o the . .2 . lT r !!'" ° r d '' e r"'"..7 b !' go_ T 0,1.,:: 1
'Ol the base ol the precipice; but its limbs !liked the critters padigiously, h. about I would pull tether off. I worried this wee ia, ; ......, Aral . 1 .., 06 ..n . 6 . h .. ; lowly latitudeof the nosh, m meMmett ,
are black and dead, and the hollow
t o late otily way I weld manage to show sm. thee, when • puebenn give way and I ' ages or th e
l e
wit portreyed witli ver- I leviathan, to turn Ins brains iota moan,
looking upwards to the sky, as if calling to I was, by gifting S l eep's vies in abundance I fell through into a n oes !, of wool . un g. the 1 milli.; girded with girdle. upon their bin "lion Into nil' nod hi. innth int° °°""
the ale.. far drink. as an embloin of rap- at %dn. We hey wroth. •as well.. frolics house! Cosh ! I thought I was ill the pit t o i a .„, rawediad to dyed swim opoo their ribs and unbridle rafter., always threw a
id and noiseles decay. A year ago I dolt- sometime.. Wililll the preacher was retook- that's lationd,..! I gyre. for my li f e, I heads,' all of them primes to look to after- tab ten ...ions noon.. before they pen
' .ittrate his royal blubber. The hunters'.
ed the spot and the th ,ught of by - gone in tender heartodnoss, brotherly kindness, hut in dd. this I threw myself int. th e I th e mentor ,d she 11.1 11 ,,,,,.. of Cl . 1,/k, , . . _ _
years name m ortsfully back ,1, me. I the% nod love, I wasn't thinkin' o' tiothin' el. face and stomoch of Squire Crompton, who , s h e teed ~/ their ~..,d ry., , (Rookie! otio wild elephant s in the majoito fore.. of
of the little innaee. being who fell by my I used to set where I could look the gals in , wee coinin' on the run, aps e the kik. l 4. Ig o I 1.. •
.._ Ceylon .d Father India, coax the almost
00 ne.• 'l uarter .. fi n mos um- ' rateabl e ; 1 . te h . h a „ sp a_
side some beeutilal tree . Spring, rent rap i ne face-and then gene at Nome putty one I was inaosaereeting the whole tamilt. T. toured.' and the Moue etworbles the inst.. ' . ; ° '. . l. -• h, honed , ••
by the whirlwind in the midst of blossom- till *he'd 'duelled am red as a pepper pot. .fliewion threw him down bill, and fellow . - ~,,, w ss h i t. A d d h we • at t h e part y r rik. lam : : 1 ....• ;; 1tt ::: 41 '
.;," . 4 .
, ing. But I remember-and 0: there was Then I felt so queer about tho (ward , mod ' ml toil heels over head , to that both. -, thi n t em ple ow l., en , 50... w ad-kW ail t o . b. .7l,:r.. l wo r t n ew t eine = wee. Intl
I joy int...tory ! that she had gone where wk. an sirthwptake sm all' a r row ne right !Here I recovered my understandin. and , he..bead. lion allesknos to which in ,
• •• tigers aro also ...with wee upon throw
'no light ll ill gs siumlhr in the folds id the in her lap. I was in love, but I couldn't without any spolegie., or even a word, I , th e 1. 1
, prop... wilier, have ao often pm- •
, raiittouw cloud, MO where the sunlight we. tell who I hived most Thar was Peggy ' hod struck aloe-line for hot. jist as 1 was; , p h we d we. ,mg per too - Imp to t their J ung
even ill 'III all nit native purity at • T ol that split I Ae we renew th e • ".., spotted rase.. riding upon Went, sad
I tors are look. ahly by th e storm-breath of 1 11.001.1m0, a mighty 8110 gal, . . ._ . . _ , . . . • thgers with Wes ono ,. o ; ho
..... s.
0 ...
ono ,
nniho ....
0 'pacer°. her r ow .b een f r .k, her chocks watt as lull the undo, .Y tn.-tone eto ing ore not MIMS{ in their eao•vett„,,,,, and ...ideal, i . ht P P
11. readers will lentatel why I shrink ,as a chine pig's, and as red as • turkey the flints every jump. find ourselves before. otaseive imam, wry- 4 , ; ',
i n t er .. fn. S t enger. Even conscien- I gobbler'. ; and then that . .. Sally Pet kin., Bet. b'holu 1 neoee Wee' Winhie 8 'One-led math 11 .i eu n. 00000003 .. cuts
, thong it. e mg t • way in which man but
tious of sc... is no relief for me-toy ; wait h er gloriously striped hotue-mode Ind- ter of. toile of Stein Crumpton'safterwordt I gigantic head front the dust of 8,000 ....,,, , bugs the moot.. of the on and of the
fears have assumed the oaten of en in- 1 ton frock, beside n her her and qua as
, bland -nor did II end sheep's eve. at Betsey , we sr . reedy to cry MIL with the astoU ' ished ! l u r k o iL d n ne1 a n 0 i ' 0r :r 0 t, 1i "...t h 1t, • ,.... i....k .,
Ininct, and imen, imheti a part or my eels- .as ink ; and then her war dimple-060 , 1'd again, let alone gallantin her borne." I Arabs, •• Wallah, it is wonderful bat
it is .."_,-•,.•°,.°' .. w un „.' .... h i";,.... 5h .... ; "•
tuna. ' blue-oyed lotto Smith, who alway. toted - - ' true! 'I hey hove sound Nimrod himselt! I '''' "" - ..".•"'' --un•- ---26 en
j her olio. and stothin's in her hands till Th . (rook Refl .., .. d .,.... 1. 0 hona
iweii him with
ititir oyes. Th .,. dearer to cows WS illetolllllollWeVer Weir
Wow Jr. on Callfforods. nntb,ohleg and less eunni fellows
I el,, got in eight e . nheetitt. Welt . 11 ." ' The address of the exiled patriots to the is no Cod but Owl. This is on.. the idols I NI '
We make the followiog extract. from One' three I couldn't tall for my fife which I
‘,.. Inn ml ~.. r0 ,... ; __1 litheidow, Sheraton mantle ho with the
I whith Noah, pro. he with libelous.. he• 1 - • •
ordinary Limine s s °thaw. lA, and In mime
of Dow Jr'e Patent Sermons, reeently pub- liked best-sometimes Duo, and sometimes , _ •.•
___ I for., the rho,.
' other-but alas the last one 1 lock's at. , P. ,, .."; • ~ if year Meta I I ages of the world =panto the whole people ,
Says Mr. Lavaol •• 1 used to meter-
Salted. It hodasito troths worthy of thou ,en . , en _..... c w id rier t en o f t h e pe ,..kk, to • , „.. two „.... to wit. it...m...,
I But when Apure Crompton twine to our i. plate for h ours these mysterimia emblems, '
dderati Ai at ihie time : di gg i.. s hi. two gals trek aloe shine off the which we are .Ibout to Imankjeated had b e .
~. i . , , .
! Itumbugg.n. Thi• help!. nbe the ease I
\lv He .1.1.-1 know v. ry well what rest tin 'on 'especially hie oldnt one, Ikt- . sueensfel eh you desired, we annld not I What . o ._ cob ._ r _=_ • ,, no ,..ZZ, now in the estilized world. and more especial- I
you 'm.p.h. will pronto to yen bliss by ae - t
y . nos attempt to, denrihe ber,-but hate effered to you more Sneer° and grate- 1 oi . oss ,.C oooss ";,,,."'.'....:',•*"., ...
__Z3 1 ly that part at it who. Motes is Washing- ,
the hogshead. It ,a th at no etched, filthy when I tell y.. eh , Itud • •nliee Week , with fu' aeknnwledgeneents than those whith . we! w a T z-„„,
~,,,„..7b 4Z. ...•• id b.,,. 7 .... . t un , Luse'e meri t s placebo., Newport and I
stuff wiled money. This it is that keeps yeller flowera a. leg .01 your band -boos In. Wt.. • fqr shy and std.-
°. sympathy I borrowed from nature. by Men taught en - 8 " Ynnnninne. .17.° first Imonliag_th. we;
your souk in alb Ster. rand eel, you j"1" `... b " bt , ' . a belt l l X... circus ai toile which you have displayed in our be- ' aided by the light of revealed religion, to have now upon ea is the Elwood Washing-
ing like a lot el chained monkeys at the honk as !ergo aa that col o' 3ur little Roger, bell I ...Indy their eoweptien of the wisdom, ".. he ban n°
nod 4° "*" cad n°
!sight of a string of fresh fidt You think 3 „„ may ~1 4„ h she .at a ° b enne ,- I jig At this moment. whilot we are bidding
_ dot _,,_
~..._ „,.. o. y enemies to punish. and who administers the
if you only passassed a certain heap of the .. 3 all the magnum , bonnie nur lost sad farewell to our native land, the lZ__
_77, - 7 . 0',._,....... y ..
of I ft:f . .. k.o.
X re ' n X govertion.t f. the benefit of the whale pee
' lucre, you would lie off in lavender-1.1:e ' e h., „, ere cg ever cow l, th e sou th e wag . reflection that our fellow-ettuntrymen have
.:;';',Noo,'".Lis.s than she lasts
or o
... ;
or it in • eonstitutiolial manner, and who de
mo.. at 01111e0eny. II m are ye ?to sot- sew b 0 0.... i And se all the
.).,„,„„‘„, ha. I not witnessed with indifference or rem. .. o . oh than. any, of th, „ , It . ; .... no _ el „
re. that ••he ha s eu much inflame. its any
'row-lane . time, and feel a. happy el I has Raid to. When I Nat seed her swap.. I wtl from „ th e. 1.. „.,..... sr. of nidity of noutkn, di oc the wings of th e bird. " we in. the a a sh t' nnni nnn t . t . iin Ihnn. h .. " nn t ..
an oyster in June. 0, yen! if you only hail ' d raws .
„u se „ic e ~,,,„. .. „„„t i n . , 1 w atene d m y e mutation; Me • no " served , that Mo s re- I ( Th ose winged an d human-beaded lion/ were sioneby .r 110081100 n get um, cam ber in ." I
enough of the trash. I ..Imh r ... might feel aye . o „ h er a in b e e s acct w i„,_th r . l e wd ! meohlumee will hereafter he a soothing al
.,_ tut idle oreatio., oho
.. mid ll e tet.nd 11%0Na I s the dementia,
eetiolol and of worse """tent 'b. b.' stuadlisil -then smiled' a charmbe anal. . ' leyieti. n b . w! ...r.ufrorin r it me •Y - ' fauey • mean, era written o them.- lww wY " whit W.
'lob .- -.ding to Da ' bol and es , .• „)...
__, ~• • - •g y char' our let In cloture. 1 ..... t.. o • . • r", tonto and Aat last noise bat coil re-
such ease., more, (according to
the devil.) the last more requires most.
most wants more cot, and so on to the end
of everlasting. than is W. such thing tel
enough in woolly riches. As well might
the sow be suppoeed to get. enough - of wal
lowing 1p 010 1111111.•11 tor • 01014.1110 be Mg
isiod with rolling in the carrion of wealth.
So false are yonc idea* on the means to ob.,
lain hanging s% that you would, if you amid I
soon angels from the skies to rob them of I
the jewels in thoir diadems. I haven't the I
least doubt of it.
Hy dose tell you brie to!
enjoy a. mask bibs as heaven es. offend to
homer. Be tiontented with What yea have,
no matter hew per It is, till yes have an
opportnaity to get something better. Be
thankful farawry erumb that falls hen. I
the table of Provident's and is in the 50...1
stoat espeetatie• of haring the leek to
pitch apes a whole leaf. Ham patios.. to.
put up with puma troubles, and wow &
yawedw with the ides that your dMa
ate paradbees ampared with ahem
1 WWI yaw have ammgh Nestle caddy
lompr—ommogb M. AKA to ambush
=0 I I I I II I' le y
essgk , 17
, faX
poly gala • tic' • you • lbw Ism
•MM, VIM pus ewe we ewe, sad pp sus
two you, Mims, • moody•—aom if yes
are nil happy, all thel - gsid is the *therm
MINNA man pm so. A mom mob Moor
ass R •••• had. Om me miaow poverty;
ear dart ma I leek Rpm him •• Mo
=so At orpbsir world mew pl.
mind, Netadent heard a waatd Xel i tt i mas, and •I
gra allot Tao lb. peltsn Aar his.
0, ye asesamMa mmotal• wha duly Am
ogles Ma blk• am. b• bra In Ple
parse a ma& sal oyemoo.
My beman—lf yes anchor al maim I
worm is alba yes • postymab sr pettp
ammulome, yes sea *my 61 Immo ram
sails& by is pommy. Grams per ports
sow Irk 61 or duo Ws sows
NettntrV 119 MaCtttlce, Nreinse, ElAlienator', Wrriatatittarce, Skittat, slaw allwralligtv
wasbluall't en' look'd down. Lundy ther
was • s in then equal to • saw-mill.
'mean my two jacket pockets I I felt I
was a goner. From that hour I wee to big
;for say breeches, lotel of Sundays I hurried
breeehes he'd beat le before
the Resoktionary War. and mime of at
ae We i
knee., bet ho wmi tall end I warn'[they
;mime below mine three or four 'nohow.—
: Agin the neat mettle' I was prepared to
I eat • big Milt; Mater Sal, fur the mem
I starched amid Mowed way new Nee shirt ea
.if end'allek as a sheet of new Mt. TM.
shirt had Me data kind of bat lima in the
hewn and Dollar, bat In the instable pert
of it was mane tow with a hem that would
eaWa it steamboat. Now while 8.1 was
moothlog the ankle. Mee dm mid hem
with . am tea km hot from the Imo dome
stairs mattes ale o' lb. tarsal brats,:
'Meal& the breath oat's It. It ma Sum
by MOM, mad Wm was Me only on. up,
mad rum It la .our... but don it .oar
tq tbia Iris MI MAW!, mob im mark
—NM l. knit two Mass la a lima.—
Mut mach' I pat It a... 11 me--tina
dad's tme ea hest rash, par ,
o • shoe" I'd ems MIL I was. meatum past '
NM &May morntf, and te my Mob)
rbiej i O bli lariats mak and am maim&
If namptcm was at oathe to ohm
W ate was than. and I sat her elm
pay and set It I WalMe by kat side, I
Rasa Usti as mothhe—l akeastly teat Ma!
I walked on. BM I .hut tell you rem Way. I Monett sad ale to Mt ma
We way and more after we sot home. COIN
mile; mile=
We ram of dm story pats
BM kips me op awl
gibe of lb. newalty (II s Ma Arm dm)
loM &my. New, ibe eke bed Joie
Ie the gm% eel pat im
ranned gain. sod she *lode amt '
et die rm. ens deph balem
visa imils Mita %MI mates to bed St M,
but/ Wat WWI wileolireolmem, mai II was
Knowing that we addroes many who do not!
voyeur Wi th politiod opinions, we do'
tot feel ourselves It liberty to oiler any ob.'
servationa upon the policy by which Oda
°Gentry isseverned-erpou the polio; wbieb
pew oceselen to on : neshdanee to Brithsh
power—upee the policy which now earisigaol
us to * a l b. We R. unopened to =I
even the 11001i011. whieh feel in
in open the mewl wowdition in widish wel l
leave the lend we have deeply lased: nor
this flatting episodes to point outdo mau l
by rakish its dieushers sty be rosebud: but
ay whs.- _ --was sew P.
se outset raflaln boa the esmsoolos of • i
I hops theirs. will aot despair of meows
try; and we may be pewits." to dm tor
our lellow-mentrymenwhale-
Moo, that they will lay = g m ..happy
diroentkmo oblell have a big parelysed
the Wailed@ stossith of Ma Irish mottos
and heoroforth leerthto lore tad noble le
sash other.
We feel that it to sot eommoarr to ay
asytalsa to yea Is Mmikalliss et Olar
thy. Ewa these who mom modeme ow
swum Wes the we haw was boos W
arted by sormiderstkros of • meow! ea
an la Wardle( all that sat clew lo as
it Me @Woof ar Wire WWI; se ow
it a sat hale. to dm Jet, shakos,
may he the werillwe War by demote.
to Its istetwha ow West amiratteo eßi he
teayer he dm preaperhy, lumen sod
tedepe - et Welt
Itimme 111
TElteß 1111.3111.111111 WMAIIIIS.
Paw to. fnlassmos
Illehmood Prima.
Ma of leollsad, sash le We wimillelMos
of Moines/le smil QOM& pada, Is
show Mto gime Male bale paswil Aim
Melte Me Smithy et Me waft. Phi
sal. imagism tar him wade, The Nals
they bow leet, the himithhio tram sYi
they hoe hem tom Ma Immo ash Ilie•
*do by Mak Moms% Me hods le *MA
The; 64 awed and iostruoteil new who
&wished 3.000 jean ago. Through the
purols whieh they gusnbei, hinge, prieM
nod warriors hod berm anarillee to their al
ire, long before the wialkorn of tbo Nut
hod penetrated to Omen, sod hod Noah&
itaeutiegogy with symbols log mai
aimed by the Anyrila votaria. Timms,
have bee. bried and their mistime —y
have been mknom, before the foundation
of the Zonal Oily. Nor twenty-live es.
melee they ham be.. bidders km l b . ere
lof man, an they sow Maud f orth mee sore
la liner theithinitithty. Hat bow gar
ad was the seem mooed then. The lee.
ary and civilisation of . eighty eatioe
even phew to the Inateltedesta
• e(• few half berbaroes When
he wealth of the templat and the rialto
of. nighty rites bed both seenseded by
I nane eel shapeless in... of settit.• Above
the spotless hall in whieb they Petal, the
*ash lad pesnal and the earn ow waved
/pp Me ithemetths no ha wethierthi;
bat they have steed forth for .pa Si testi
fy be. early pother 6.6 remove; whilst
b tl:= . l lC
that elm the Asspitte one sksoler r i
••••, whit itir innimthes awl Mei • shod
swiss Arse& ososse; and Ids isp
vas sossof *Mess hoosim •••
NY MAIO woe ..eked Arse oil the
Imo of iho hid soh Ms beg* we soh
*id, sal his Imam bows hod,
ems of ilmsinillsoa se MOM glow Is
aim lisli• lessWs of hawse oohs
*sir goo IN hi end war his
homy* Mal shy Woos hods thelf
=1", maw slob. or
Ossw• de • Wiwi* • goner
ii•• Mk • willisnissondi fleas
is ihosse is Om NAM other iwho limp
st tieN aw44. l•lloll.6 sorossm• so 4 f Wm
' Is oho ••por LA* 11;
etas olio sh• soh We.
lOss Sio• .^
but; and Withering mom. 'Thum pretty.
bob.. who aro going to mend the government
amatory .o nicely with constitutional potty. I
have only been permitted to thew muddy 'I
musts fur the monkeys of the notional me
sena, sad .it upon the doerstone of tbe
white home on levee night Well.
they bare their Inward. am] .11 the Wept.
ri elder...y Awe..
The third bombes is the upper thou
mod," or the eodlith aristocracy," who,
having anmssed wealth by elms legislation
‘. * ! ° "'""r 1. 1 1 T. 1 : 11 1'' b r i t ( 61..!14.1
it frau shorly" . ohl Milts Pin hiss &oil
ed their d*Arey: 1.111 PP soap, un
ul they did of Pipod Iwo buried
is esehopsy • diver, set .p for whir
rinse of ath-repthenterips of roponini
oresiessewies pieeden of eaddithap
hp. end bay their way Arse& Ma ph Is
• Psi of eppring .had, earryleis aff lb.
sw of eauthey lusein elise oies•
nay • pot PPP dock in pep of
them Time am •d 1/0.01.0. toe. 1.4
awn ups tisk Whip with dothie-hp
PIP "p&p= ; weer heir pump whore
het where Wan sod Onlife•
mow M la grow s Pe ups hatileies
and deviled kliegs • .q when they ehonid
PO mei WO Pion they elsonle
Nes • that err to sass* terraity, sued
psy • hat on ego pie4mmilee
Pie the meth st unneneember. Pik HP
hasiPpPs, hap Indeinethr hill@ rept{
and &PI • thiesse te Ithisthus e
and Orp ll
Push thele i. lts pst the dee le
sheath at the pest Pt
overwhils thet ihier•
61029 eon As Wither omit make lite •
awe met soulity • lane.
he • Pod Ohs he • PAP EP to
IP sew. W• hap seisd =AO Ise
aaritt 40.1,1101. anti be the
4 6 ,rnmi baillia rhea Ms
.1114oore is Tunny moil
ovis th e euPW.d." Vs me.
voilowignog ie Poi eareeleire 441 we.
level of the hernia mph ad hest'! teepillant
on the green thing. that earned us with
the best of them, wallowing head, nod ask
ing w qamtims until dieser is intr.
The sable* as we sedsneeed, N 4 • late
whoa the Pun*, gue
end the
, • = l Washisgteu was wet with eseseirs•
diplomatio parfamegl • ift..l .
them. wampum." gm sem *dem
teen Mete heti% lime es the ems aide
with his knuekles, sod hamming sanaleally
ithrough his are • tune id bit ow ran.
%more. The foreign affairs gentleme• took
the base— noire sang • midi mounter
-Ewing went eff in • greed Gebel* inter
mingled with barrystoass, ptotietoefah oher
!cyclone. and grindstones. Th. oeueetayr
f war took the wand molder, end streak
I the home department's melody IF his eye_ ;
the secretary of the nary pits eel Nita Om
staccato stud &apostate's men; %tat •
master general tried treble with end
!I through before thelume demestetact bad
Galahad the drat Ate*. It epee a mead hum
we eon mere you guide rehire. mud se.
undebed As servants in fielded.. ee huh
se eltent, that the old eeek tem& ep—
Th* x...r 4 l• *Nue M Clay ballallpa.!
!while the maids in waiting plinked b *I the
appropriate places end melted we the eat-
I mtanation of west bounds.
Tho Sewed Waohlagtoe tad Imenewed
I the salt of eentinentalo went fry the Moo
triong yr...nor from the petest Age, far
the oemodon, and doteonod of the words in
oharactor with a becoming obit gibes Or
parts lagged or get oat, and leeks wood
li. the performance with a angoileset solo
in the following words to wit :
o Whet. Orphan@ Yoh his lon loot
To foteh him nb away,
(ha that atone thing he played oo meet
Tho &vas fronted to play."
When the tune was hilly over, and anal
ly eonspleted and finished, there was • guest
l calm around the green old Wile, whlelt wy
cooroke by the How MIAOW{ aluseklinei
the d 000kal- hat et the Preolim. and
I ...oaring roundly that with =eh a hemp-
I ',hum eat of fellers around hies, the organ
might go to-where Orphans went. which,
' b out of personal ronsideretione to the foa
pang, present and respect to the *bomb, he
I would not inentiota
The Nstroe•s Wane immediately Wine
ed, end died with the green &bask •• we
see told. while the sseuesul arms ha his
vines like a Phoenix from his ashes. TM
I memo.. "orawdelied," sal bops a
tune to his own hook, the lest line of whisk
oh, paw Homy Clay.ol., poet Hart, aay !
Whaa yam became the Preeileat. act he* if.
wall Pa),"
The aorosur, ss we foretold, fa soul
r MEI. in this melee, bet its salutatory is
so non-committal that we canon tell how
to meet it. We think. thorefon, that wo
shall follow the advice of the old Vermont
osembir, who, when tolled vont to t rol: r e
a moult of nen wools, mid, "Mr.
I hate to KIM 104111111, eorsuire--t1
wainscots us so."
The Second Wuhington is blessed
baring an organ that is an areommtdisting
as to reprenut his wish..., and at the sear
time, 'Ulan emomitting life prineipal, to
comma neural@ from °Gee as Oa hen
trolley to be pursued Umber.
Wit understand that the naval °Seer who
can his ship into Hampton Road, a few don
done, is not to be dismissed from the m
ein, tim coition having ntblied the Ruud
Washington that Hoopoe Roads Is not 4
ease. or irossirnm below Norfolk, cod
that tto Injury had hero done to the vemol'a
bottom from the aforesaid proetinuou tun
a t is also rumored, that the Ronde. nihn
Wier has bad no idea of denuding his
, en. if his relative. nee• remand
= re
lie damn Washita.; &M UM.
or, his master loving his western any so .
well, that be would not quarrel with hba
if. an omnibus fell of oft-holdsn
'rhos we au that the political mWealoaa
i• going to be a line day for trout beget,
latter all. Ton, private ropulatlon may
surer nue, and the public reputation may
saner non in the curse of It; Mt, tab
it os the whole, in mite of gunpowder pills
and camphor ernel/ins bottles, the tone old
days will set as verdant and u sopromely
ridiculous.. any days that have gone Were
Ann ; and in spite of ATTICUs, or any ether.
ens this aide of Lubin., the eshiiiiie win
Igo to kingdom come without a num.,:
and a:premise Amos will tun the problr
of the hero of the "HEROIN AWL"
• Br Moonerto Tatoonaen•—Jere,
day JIM.," wrolsiontd Mot Fanny, pond.
with enitwoon, as she WOW into the
parlor, holdingir in hat hand—. shet
youp phikoth wa n!
"I', be son am Fooay," replied Unit.
Didion be raised Ids eyes and peered ewer
his opostoolos at his melted wiser-.what
maw the son is up sew?
What', op sew r along shrieked Lk
open*. " why look ben." 41nd oho obaem
tie paper Into his Roe, at the owe time
Ipuhating with her right hood fordo's, to
• ma dot dud weep r
"" Will, what of It" aged Um& Disk
he nn his eyes ones it.
.Oh you known wrotob—you Yard
Anon! I thought_you wen • was with a
little snow of hum. kindness in you."
Why natty, I certainly bonen you are
going nosy !"
. Going eruy !". she soloed; sad isn't it
neogit I. dein MO wed inn snit nu.
telly Wogs on tang pion every day,
and the weirdly nee daft sot stop &No.
Oh, I de wish I won't • woman I"
o Bet what lit Is de ppm to maw yew
aol ea ewer r
Cat yea notl ? Deo% it sey *ere a
—Wow. sod oldleres Poulos to death
likeee's Tologootob—/bloi too
Oho Malin by Ma*. TolollroPh—Two
M a d ri d ita d op, dying • dey Is Now Or
loom by_ Yoloodo TokilloPh—gooliblo
zi„, N.. ea& ern twooty-onsa
b Townie Me ht &Pao
Mee *ova blows limo
soa me bat b lirsiire Illegsetle
pespb---wall yet yott mem oh with MIA
an" oa/1 mem mho Ilyprr lop gig tb
=of sib W...., el dotroPpipi
waft ...Pr. I whit I woo t
sea r Awl ANN hog low ma of IM
== Ueda Dld weeppoil op la
*am hem ilmo silpiabiler . •
ed ihe pilis• Ie sbl $O.OOO prom fa
DIPWO sad ionedinie vkinity.