The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 09, 1849, Image 4
ill x 1r t! : ro, `. It .1. f:' :.1 - ; Cost of Fence. In Me I. The rp , ..t. ,pf eel. ill till` (.111, calculati ~,,, nod I. ree,ll. , iti.poir. v.l: IL. t I,c,i,lntures night not to h.• d tti, 1, to I mt.', n an t., I I , + .t. ~zl.l be 1 , r0.00t t. e, I , I,r. hold ras ages lair a kw }ear% al. eI drew before the Agrietilt al it ty ,atutl that the e9st rem,- I • ill • tii :arid ilini • . atitittal expense he ~tituato, l aI ilttttotit twit. A ditttili99-Ite , l n t N46.41:11 AVI,I It, satts: SPalt.t.• ding m muote.d , lone 1.1 at t, ....r VIA mum, all th. ir tse kit Car 11.1 t.t ,, y I ar., hay,: e n.t tlin 1 , ..• r. • a.l arr 7 , 11111. It I. t At korp3 ,wit the • !It ural r. :t this , a,t4ing an nut old expeu.liture, he_ sid A the 11 , ta Lofilm lau.l lo li.timatilig oelu , t too tad I,twe to last 14 year., and inAnolin, ih•i.lo to re arid repairs, the minim/ 13x t., Ili; I .nor holding ).,O aere4, ?lan t I 1... and inil4irig from the pre-int am.,ar.t•mo thn tax m and will b, ii , rp.h 101 Did the intelligent farmer ri.lleet a mo- Lent. and eatimate the animal tas iihieh e fenee• impose itim him,• w odd ird .at till. dm Atom Iv, a'. 1,1, I. .i• • the live hedge no k p'3 , 11 ..f t',e sp , tom of r.m,..11in, holder t p ••ity M2==EMI I; 4,1.1, when• the rh..114, :I lu , trs r tho • lins,ll) 111.1 1 1 1 I. wtl tt i, La. nod td i o Inn am mot ittter SI 01, t I - .1111 t INFIJ or f oartinot feet wi 11 11 , 1 i it it it, thie Ilic ilivi =lli. iiiii.llll. of Intri in Eogl to.l nicr,,t, Iho amour ni.:thh• h. 1.1 o , t: t, ea from OW p 1171,0 t,, vur, G reat. It been e.-tuti nt - 'minim 1,4,1,04 of g rain .1 ON TIM. As, Tit,: , 403 of the advocates Y id I as siverul cireuin, usici li urri oa mly utifitvqrable to Out urnetio,i hut ih iisme eases rimier it• question. Thin sown %clic successful on those rich Ni•pi or tho tilleriog or rpm wheat—and it may In whined whene th , farming approaches to a garden-lihe state of husbandry. In such cant, on the, there is very little doubt that Ohl snnin , ,, n ill he a great saving to the farmer • thoto,:i to ma ny other CllBO9 Lam afraid it will ho,o.pds• a contrary effect upon the farmer's p •. Let. Imo of the greatest. 01.k...6ms to Eliot sow-' Mg in very many plasm in the number rennin which abound in this g tine-pmoec. ying . eountry. In the first intoner the far mar is obliged to use a greet, misolity ~ 1 111 A, as a provision for the net olc s oh , other destructive bird,; and illicit the Burn has vegetated, it is frefitterdly eaten tdl close to the ground by hares and Tahiti,. and thus am tilloring that alight take place in stopped should the farmer have i s his wheat, with tit, r site •1011 t spseaoliog out In a coed bknr. I• will cr Ila mi.taken rt I, n_ m. alTst oo •nt, than in A lid 0..,.• IV toe, , eve • of -00,1 s alo eel. s tl•i• I; oistot .111 stand a s 000 l osha 1 ,, or: ; t;oon et their ',oath, old at kw est time. ; to. shall find a clew; quid& ; L It, on the atter haul, n Olin 'dud at reheat iwt; be h oeo• many times, and yet at hoe,,, time ; bot cd wee In nano, seen ;t! i. will more especially be the ease in a wet n. m, for then the weeds (no st me Intel; oil deft ; owr utmost efforts to put a stop too their drotath. In 4 dry meson and on ;Ir. I mil, advantage will be .on tlto • 'or Coe think plant, I: or by its shadin.,a the cr octol if n ill he kept moist. enough foe Oio r , feet grawth of the corn It must he all that the mom prowl...led In a thin platd nor. large, yet the finality of c orn will 10 , e.arod and in no way equal in pooint of collo to tloo think planted; and en land not partiettlars ly favorable to the AL....100t grow of wheat, the quality and quantity will he ties eide.lly inferior. A. thin plant of wheat is meat liable to disease. and it is also h01d..• to have some of it ripe long before soome' other portion of the crop is ennui to mato- , rity—thin le one moue of the sample lo.oing; warn and uneven II we are aerial,. of; producing a fair medium plant of wheat, (what I have termed a think plant,) it mat ban not how little mod we use; hat chnuhl we ho enable to produee a sufficient plant.' we most hay* reeoutso tea greater quantis ay of sod. Msteride for ifintors.—When the la. %OM of baying mid barrelling on into* rnpled by olmady woothor, mon and teams may Its barmatopodsosoust In digging an&l Olooki Watch & Jewelry Shop. sorting musk, marl, or Om warm grasma!rtsura c alll,lKeii tr... ann 0. TROT. thirr. Or bop e. Or thew trti elan may,,bo plied up to ha nub a. wantod.C.:•=6: 4 *=, Nat Is mush bettor foe Wog exposed to ..... lb. nation off ryuk_wklab tends to dissipate said and raider It too. Rally Lambs 'nay he taken from the retTizt. - 17=tzt_. 4 7: • . this month, dr !synod Into good, at, I YaL , Tr. tou...ver. at41;44;;;Idawrall:::: ter y loop food. They should he j Iti:IVVIra=4.1"""1"1". k* , t. out of the Mght awl hewing of thoirl tri"w"Wit dewtUl they am Intoned. Both the honks 87:M=.4..0'r. rn mom. sonowl4 no. sod ono will lbw to mot Non quiet, and - - will boom* toootoillod to their toporatioo 7r4r,2117,==.11.7.....t00 —. Mao If tbov won within tbo mound w* 41" of eta Wm's v 01.... 'Zs it,oar" t " a ' "'. TIAT • IMAIL ~ SALTING r —The practice of salting T . I'TLLS, reat ' cote, edieine ! ID3 • • .ilptrip _ The Ed...tined P4Vilier. bay for the piano. eurinz it, or salting, IVDI %lb • „ „„„„„ N. 1141,1.111,4 t for the purpose ~r ',raki,, it irriith bt I vr. as it i• s ~,,, mon,. done nhon dntnage4l. NEW PRICES. mge... - egrtuble Medicine. : 17"1 i‘ 1) ; 9 3 " X0947 1(3. py inn - 6640,", • " one " th'ml t'' at; 121121=122 :sheriff's ales netts ern Mantrap.. &Great Bend. MEE 116.•111N,11"3:4.. 41 1:61^.•,.5.N0:41.7.1,1m,t7.1. New Daily Line of Litages Ine_ft \LI! 111111.1\liEllENT! Batting, Business, SllirdqUiTlll\, I 31=1 Spring and Summer Goods for I st.e, C. 11. (101"111.:1 ItEMOV.IL 1 IL% IV, , Cheap Sugar. ~..... • (4 ()() I) . , N 11 0 , NV GOODS. • I'o file Nolalcrx4lli the 11.Iate of R. 11. Rome. Recomed. "". NEW ARRANGEMENT, 111 +vll the alleatinu nf parrhasersfs Olds fliterru, Tilairritre. Dry Garin, o Gra. eerini z ipried /tO :r s tr .. o, a rreli In, win as . lB any part nr Ilmir stn. at Isom& as low as orthe snow 'pall.. nls, Ash... west at Ness Vsels " " "61;nrOlg" Farms For 811 s. • ' Tltt: euberibers of rue ludo alone n I nue. nude-44:1 4 ones sum& w oe. nuono.e. nod Intlio • Immo 4.• of Me' tun, *ad tnie Manor& eanneher on One ...mune or UM snoo—oln, erm4 proven, oto tionenn. 11u. loud lo Mown our . ley a* ate snood note of eunleennu. Too rorommould In d lowethee or ount* so akin*. oundsnoe. e•Te sol t, en:4. I . . ' = " oeuVre !I:2:rd , e. ere., youlO .ngb 1M Wool Ir Pa...l:Tr rlOreiro"ellattllnerlZTT!"."*. SI, 1444 INDOOKTOIIIII MUM. ,WIEMIREIEMM GE'IIriTSAL on I.llraa th In= Sp t I'l,l I toil l hale. i'VM A 14TSIIN. I 4 .1 ' 1 " 1 e • . 0, 1,.). - 11-h . • ..'," 2,7." ' '" • xx r•'11111111"1'• '''""‘"••`"•• ••. sneuce mai Prendltai rough al l ie I/ • I ' l ' niiol d lir, I t0inh.,..../IV. throt opp , " 1 I i rM "" t•:;:7".;!'"'"'n. I. 1111.11.1-4.1 74, "' 11 it. . n • u ll ...I, 1,4 f:1,1 ;t iII I I immir N. Y. & Erie Railroad J Illetnt, A 1,1 sr, 11.1•1. I. 11 trmul. null cm ortit.l p.m 'lo• REIGIIT .LINF OR. 7KEEL'a AIITAILLORS FEVE PILLS. NTI6II9IIENIIII, Tllo,ll4olli'l r«e wow. ..olio. to, FORWARDING LIRE FROM GREAT RENO, '"'4•411.= em.r. J. W. T 110.181.11.. .71.1= f i rL .4:47 •417.: • Itrtlrtzr,7l:;;;;=-,t-A.:4, rLkHn --• " 7 . s.; "'" • , ;;;;714: • e. rvr.17^,,,,,„„, to lb: : !Z ..t ov 1:' . „,„. 17 .' ="" 11.1 rannensvill...ll 11.71.1yn, iryall , 11.111;11.4•In g lonnirn-n n 10n..., 4 treVre:ll*.rr. MM Mr:/ntr:l =ll :I; lw k vror.trrnen 0rtne . .1,141.1,11, • no 0..•. ,n 4 WI, ....While emilnit !".171.1Va'r .1. , 111.,N1 11.4.1:141.114. ' 7...r11 .."." ;11t . ......1=;•, Alporm: T•waseimrs "7,r, ". ""ar.V47%, rf. 1 147:47:1.4 ". "" • "`• of ileitlifilriLD.. :Am, - h ...,........... Paboy,oll. yr...17U.. llmulfosirr, 1Y On* 1..., E.A.c. Oen. end Tle Wan, A 77.,... - rvnr.r ,- -----% 8.7,22==.1.7.7.% -- " - nztr", tr.:::=774:71=041.14•11.717,.' ~.,........1....t..,==4=1:1, Yee . • geneell 144 of 0. asel Pers.e I Dairy Si& e.ll be e. el ywy iy• pyleyy, by II 1113111117. , 1A... ....... r.L ........ sopeylet yet kir. Iy. 1 Illjr """" -0,- vit'arilnl;,•. ' rn"mr , %;', tr^ itiVer'" COLLEGE OF IIEALTII,' Aire.. 1411 10, N. Y. "4. Vegetable. Lithoutriptie Mixture. l ALI. U\ER TIILI WORLD. , ""."" 1/RIIDDIit rd il~Ntl.4ll,olEll{ Mr.111141:.E.A IgiiEMil To mot her r!anil lo o.orrr of ~ ~:~ MI WPM. twit rreelM;v6/tallakirr4 • HITHERTO MCI' RA lILE. PPLIC trtoli or Tim KNiF I=ZEIIMI ', , 4, coonne, =Tr ■m.........i.x "' LiI;LIZMI SARNAPARILLA 'r" igNi wren». "kZ L. --.; :~y' . rerooln 11.nrea. . . :47.,',14!"--, Wm.... 411.1.4 r. et Phr•tel•••• N. ..... a... Ina Ike Cloy nr• ...1...m.9 rano .rometril... Dr tolm "7,g7.17:4".;;r7r . ;;.:41:47r,r, N. KIAIESIPOIIf, N. Apnl. II 'ass...ray ast ko Ow ei saws show paths. sal sa " 1; :,.••••;samss sobs. Yard Yr la PT M Mw w.rMiM. w17111.1r:T IT tro. fa • w: am: aassiap tapossasos Swap WM IN* lIIRNTLAT i ARAD A aaaaa fnr P.ryurN.ww.l nmay. ng; 11?At i rtAl lgtrrA d . tr: mAlleate..llrease, vs.., Ow hient,amil InvlAAnt. minimabr T„. ad . Plant, 4 ... attaNre sssss II rr•lg .014151 , owl r•/ - ‘ Vat I ALDWITI, I t •'I 1