The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 02, 1849, Image 3

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    SEVEN DAIS expeditionary army sat out in pursuit of 'of Georgey, who hem the 4th of July has! Gen. Sans. Houston is out I. Texas In gmotti f uggo Im irec t et . 2.
LATER FROM EUROPE , hint on the 4th. ' been able to remote the offensive spinet fever of Mr Benton. views :pm the ale-
Tan (looms..NT AT Rens -TM the Austrian armies. very queetion. This rsduceo the &mato-
Cmricre Mercantile,
Arvilval of time Neernipts.
states that the government is compdmd of pursuit of the remains of the army of Pas- Delaware daluYtycl, and the vote sands T 7 1 en ',/ • ,''' s , ,C„t h 7......h ee .ar i l e t,:h e tor"oatOrme
. _ tome , g, .., tete ., m ~. three individuals-one Hemet and two kmateh...g is 5 s probable that inmediete- to 18- a1i0.... the mire N ,rth to ham a"- trot, 041ftftftt ftftft. tattlers Oa., to c t
The steamship Europe, with 123 pas., Frenchmen, and has been established a t. liy a f ter t h e net ,. o f De.,heie•hpe victory e upon
the Fern mil side. What, :t7" Y tyr:/er..2: ' 4:rltt a nn'il"=.ltetr,r.7.;= '
gem arrived. Ha li fax, at 8 o'clock last Rome. ' hamar known , the warlike preparations in ttan, is to bosom o r Ale Gallium'. ultra- ~... .s. l ". o ."mtam.mooroomese•-•
e l met Moot ea Wad at *as aft ota.
evening The Cambria at Liverpool on By the latent accounts the Roman mu- the &Saila of whisk the Reagan Prime ha. ism ?
the 10th inst. nicipality had proclaimed that no tronven- , imprudently engaged himself, will ele. en _
En /Di/ eh las s et we ll m id "we now behold the'
lastase-larease SU FFFFF No two lion had been made with the French. ' masa, to cut off his retreat through the 7913=0:18137.1311 T.A.SLOR.
Dltsser.-The Irish p•pers contain most The Pontilicant anus he* been put up, 'parse.. nist press speaking out
warmly in sympathy with the Hungarian
distressing amount. of the intense suffer- but the tee-color remained. lt 18. MONTROSE, PA.
: d . . K p : t u h e . b a used,
p .... 7 ai t ,.. lhe . - 2 :.2”: ;F.% the o eau . .. while the mese in the Fre h R ....... ...... .. . ... s w
in and mater that prevails in many arts The render Rims. tronps will be eta- ne e-
public le under • rigid censonthip. and le ' - '4. 1 .7. 1.1 " ..h '`'`.'
of that ill-tared country -partintlarly i n tinned at from and Tunttinn. At present people, in the most emphatic language, to
rise lo arms spinet the invader. The .0"... 1; '1th. it se". too heel) , to euit 11311111. TIMULIELL,
the South-wmtern Ilb/biota Tlie work- the, are in tho berm". at Rome .
.th_e e n t s e w e e t__ of
h tliose ie w ee ho e m ee F t ra ce nc ee e s M e s plase t d , ..tent .t m ot hamem hte uens ....a n et. l......mmthen, te...... emmo t. m it e z
houses se e wil e d ~,, ~,,ioiii.s. and timmands In %polities of the arrangements for the campaign against the austre-Rtmian ar
of - perms"( appear actually without the mttlemmt for thy future of the Roman my in called a crusade, as , it . is manyeatly Y" "'" 11 "1. , z 1 .7 0 ,27: . , ,.. r...../ ... ...,..ft....rx . .....,,....a :
...,,, to k ee p life and s o u l t ngs th er , un til Stales. tho Italia eorremondent of the intended to work on the relfreas feeling" of Cuotam• trona Hsu.-The Ci t ..... smo, Porto,. moo, o wi t oov , in o w„.":";i nav ,
010 amps me available , which fortunately Tim. say, " I have reason to believe. the people; and its aryls is said to be mint ti patron Mato that holm and even bents ' r. sita7. r ''''...
will, fr o m promo& appearances, b e Tor y though I have it from no tdflieial source, elognent mei impusioned. in the street& have been neaten with the' a_•,..__
surly The distress , it th e meant i me , will that the government are natisfied pith the Koesuth left Polak on the 2d, for Beige- cholera and died. The Louieville Courier, J. 11. D 111 OC K.
be severe. almost beyond example. last accounts that have been rmeived from hire. of the 18th inst., learns that Mr. Critteh- ' ATTORNEY AT LAW i
On 110ndav 3lessra O'Brien 3leaulter,.Gaets. If I may trust my anthority. thee° Baden Jadstaldt me fest - fully bomber- field, living about 50 mile. below Cincin- MONTROIII Pt. '
111e)lanus, anti O'D on el t ue. were e fohmk- mammas would show that the French NIM- tied no the 7th. but meording Lo the le•t nati, Inet, about 58 of his hogs i.. single „,,,.,„.,,,
Oa .., • ,_.,.._
rat on Board M m e ar s c ho o ne r Swift, atilt+ Lter there has coneluded an arrangement. meeeete it hehl net and eht garrison had night, the hog. apparently suff e ri ng greet Inn door Eft ft ft loft, loft*. en t a ft e r ner r;
i fttroo llft e ly ft H o d f ne Nandi f en d um o'dy wit? the Pope. btit with the Aus- hoisted the black an in to en that they 's i n , ..d i n continued ceam p a an d ~,,,,,,,,a . n n wuntit't mem. rentstneet. ins.,
Previous to the departure of Bic prisoners, trice presentative, to the effect that His would rather die than surrender.' :111111113 ik. 33161:13Zar,
the prepared, and placed . th re
e hands of • olioess is to return to Room-that the , A llit•trnv , Crrlf.-The entire numberl
mutual friend, an address tll rn
o their country. French are to evacuate the city-leaving Another raerlda Weur-Outtsreak or deaths in New London, Conn o sfpr the
among the liallatat. 1.1,1 Ow Woe aft Anade.l
teen, of which the L indult Times says: It 001 y & garrison of live hundred men, and' , year ending July, 1848, was, seat to
must be...admitted that its tonne is unobjee. that the Austrian representative has agreed Els•sx•n, July 21. the Democrat, 93. Tide is believed to 110 DOLT. R. THAVEE,
tionable-nay even nt .re moderato than on the part of his government-that the. Information has been received in this the "mallet bill of mortality for s popula- BOTANIC AID lIIMIIIYATIIIO riitsitur,
city, from Florida. Mating that the remain- ' Lion of batmen 10.000 and 11,000 whiell ome m nmennom. t *non nrendemesammll
-could be exported trt on men, the tel Austrian troops shall evamatte littler's Bend
tenor of whme previous conduct fevered Ancona, leaving a s it idodyelY nmall leg Seminoles ham become hostile, and I can be found in the United State., or is any Y." 1 :,.= , t oms.m • amen. mt mm
Thaltftl ft rot W
ahl, suppmitio n that they were meting, not lumber i n the forts. io hinher said committed numerous depredations on Indi- part of the world. m e t he trusal out ft...left ft e lto aft • mt.
as free agent.. but as the victim., of some that it was in consequence of this armnge. an Riverdn•Routh Florida. From the beet -..; - -----
, - .
unknown species of downright 'nosey. remit, that the army of the Alps Wan di e . infornmtion we learn that in the early part' ittiir A Wash ington correepondent tithe!
;of Isst week the Indian. made an &mak on Now York Hoetting Pa.'. "leahat. that ' bb ' `7,: n D 'Ar.t.l". " = •"* " o ."4,t . " ". "'
Fa•NCE -The elections to fill 25 vac._ ,Aved. Such is the substance of the ac
. $6,000.000 have taken out of rho nunnery, Mit:Di 81111MHIss e lgiammilst
the oettlement. on Indian River in St. Lu
cies are going forward quietly, and the re. vomit stated to have been received from ,
su it. aa f ar aa amee t a i ae d am , i n f avor o f Gaeta, and which. if correet,,will no doubt eh' ...WY; sod . 5 . 15 . 5 . 55 nul plundering the by emigrants to California, Within the last -- 0 " w " ' "'" , - '''''' Co ._- -- -- _ -
the moderato cmdidatm. In Paris the lei noon confirmed " , hnume and firing on the tattlers. six month.. I O. B. 00Trillif 1
Minieterial candidates were ell re t u r ne d. l e VENICE -Venice eta! blade not agaimt The Indians wore in eonsiderable num- 1
the Porvinces, Latunnine and • few Social- t h e A. etr i ee , e d e „„ t i nem , le mess • , byre so much SO that • • defence by the
ista bare secured theft elections. vigorous rosisteme. The city carries on whites was entirely Impossible:
On Timmday there was a rumor in P a . is principal defence from two small forts One persona Mr. Baker, was killed, and
cis ors difference in the Cabinet nn the af- at ab int one thousand yards r the find his body horrible mutilated.
fairs of Rome, and it i n now s a id th a t mail. homes of Vendee-ono titital col 011 the Major Wm. F Russell, Deputy Collett.
l on B ene t, Minist er o f J ov ij ar , no d m small island of San I - tremolo-and the oil, for no Indian hirer, won Ame in the arm,
Dufaure, Minister of the interior, will re- er 'in the R ailroad Brides'. Th e A.,„ ; r i m . and it is feared that his family hare fallen
tire. d oll, do , ~,,„,a, ... t i n , thin f our 1,„„,„ into the hands of the Indians, as they have
A doubt woe expressed whether Esiglan.l deed yards. not been heard of Ciller,
had previously remonstrated with; Fran. Within 'Venice Provisions are ore; A number of other portets, mostly fe
on the subject of 11.0111e.scarce Nothing but black bread half bet-...1en; are Ono ' , Waning
Mr. Delhays has been despatched as ed is to be got Meat and wine have be- I -
Ambassador to the Court of St James with cane luxuries. Still the calmdetermine- ' Il Cr EU -A letter from St. A uguetine,
l eech a pp aren t haste, with the eideei, Bee tion to resist reigns among the Venetians , dated July 23 , nays Capt. Adams left that,
has been conjectured. to neutralise Led, 8s nu mit.-Ports.spontlonce from Turin morning for Indian Itiver with a small body
Palmenten's decided or apprehended in- of the 081, states that B. Trarde, Secrete- ~ .. f ..'^- Th . C h ll
". Pal.. ..Pro. the
tervention in favor of the Romans. ry of the Sardinim Legation in London, ptpoittion that no general war need be up.
In retard to Ode sultjeet. the London I arrived at Turin with despatches or g r ea t proltentled. The premnt notbreak is said'
Sun of Tuesday say s : The 31arplis011 soil urgent importapee. It is said that to have mime from personal cause.
N orman dy La " p resen t e d a no t e t o th e they contain the trilß of Lord P a l mers t on Another letter from Jacksonville. F. '
French Government Irmo hard Palmerstod that, Sardinia should no t a t rem ..., ee „ un ,,, glees a more serious view of the Indian
as l
demanding an explicit explanation negotiation or peace 0 ith Anstria. as Eng
' tliffteulties. It says that beacon lights weal
else intentions of Franco with regard to . land .tithed to save Italy from the abyss kindled along the coast for slay mike
Rome, how it is intend"' that 110 l'ren e li . int: wididi she appears really to fall. i feet. Indian River, giving the appetteapec I
army shall occupy the Rumen Territory,l TOE DA Nan -A signal tientry hue been "f preemmertml action on the part of the'
an d d h ot h ee i t i s rea d ee d 1 ., aa pp or t th e gaioled b, the Danes over the llolsteins, in ' Indian". '
1 0 N rth Tutlands, which is announced to the' Hewn Arena Sall Lake. ,
:R . is Legitintaliat soil .Lettlit journals ate Minister of Copenhagen n the following '
unit i ng ., a cry for t h e a b so l ute an d cum telegsaidde despatch, teen ' the commander , Br. Loris, Tuesday, July 27.
lett on the I nth June to come back to the
ditional restoration of the Popo, hut the ,of the Inant'ds wistailinm: '' The manmand- '' ' 'l W ' itu g h° ‘ who ... at Salt Lnht,
correspondent of the l'ilnel sm3+, up i n re . ' ant at Meilotiiit has demanded traneport
liable info rmati '' :'' that no ouch lolly is i n - I ve+-oh for upwstnards et stn prisoners, 31.1 et.
tended he the French I lovernment. whom were Olive, I expret they will sr- l‘miterl State!. Oa Lie way from Fort
r " e Y• •Itidi be left on din 7th, when
Several committees or the Legislative. rive at Copentewen to- tu o rr ., m ,; en i.,.._ : thirty utiles this able of the Fort This i t e m s
r A te ase oe
t m e. b te l3 t i Igts , :e n s t i i i ,. !s i e , :t i v i : l a t r lia ‘ t ag it a. n t ii , glit. o b e ' :11 . ; . h t e ar e in n a e a rn a y ra i: , t i t . d ;:1 1 . 1 4 - ai t n i ‘a .f. t . ah t ee:. l,. and ~ , , , , , ,o .
.7 7 1 :T o n:tad: m il by LW
af el t ie a y ai e r ia l n r e a s ta szd r fl , l. i
1.5 of October, without detriment ta the ...l.'s battering gong a ro t e g en , and ~,,,,, visions and everything they bad. The , In- ]
public business. and n c minissioner will ”r•il Pie..., el held an Oilers It ~
,i,l , h,, , , diens were in pursuit of the l'aerne.s.t. for.
forthwith take the proposition into consid-
i t.l , , ..s l d o tat ,,
erortnokle,„et,,K;;lle-rng -limo
hi... I days afterward they met tho Pawnees.
, tlio purposepurpose of giving them batch, 'feat'
oration. 1 • 1
, e 1
Th. diffi c „hi„ ~,hi,i, m y e li n ., to Lose[' gm 'mt. c''' ricel" ^ww° "" Um ... Orn ' lni .e ' rt i l7e ' ir in e g ne ' m L 7a w n a d r e ri o o t r ill s. ti n' ent j o i f tdoes't'r'o7inng
the French government, particularly in re. •ting,le with bid minable energy and dour- ~,,,,,,
ward to the Italian ,twain, oresei..n Ow ~ge 1 A
funds greatly e, 'Maim.. A. 1.;., s born Vienha of the 7,11 IT., eenopeny of emigrants front Dayton,
. I thin, was attacked a few days previous. by
At each turn or feria. the 31. it for r ,:.::;,,.. :: ,, , , , , , , , .. s c . , l line r
3 117 .1 . 6 t
, 11,
i t
, c i . , l7c r t
the Pawnees, on the Platte llottom. A ,
confides it despatelt from lien. I Indinet, flight toeb plar:e between the parties in
which gives au elaborate and y Mill ties, rip.' ...gel. r unfounded The lion is still in
min ., of . th „ gna l asma i, made ~ m „. .2pd. the Lack cello, les, natl though he lift.. had which live noltnns e killed and o
at Tarim The Roma, rotmlit most des- , ita engsgsnito.t with rho Mas, a rt, a.. 0 1. ilnek" , s wounded,wounded, when wer lb. Indians, hay- ne
io lad eityngh,withdrew,leaving the whit,.tweedy, leaving 400 dead with 12.• l ois- fair ..eeiii• to have liven t f little importance.
nears in the hands of the Preach. I...holing The lin, t I ial tro ii,, en the right hank of oust,s.7,°r,'"h".fiehl
.• .r Nelhates with a party left Salt
19 officer e of all ranks. none LI 0 h on are ten' Ilan
, 1 ., , , , t . i: r i . 1 ,i ..a.;i i fi 1 t . ..... „ 14 , 1. a .,2 „ l a t . s: i I
~ ,,,,f i .. , i ‘ 1 : .. r , w , i . , , , i
orf tho
I , nitod
described as foreigners
'f he French albeit only Ii killed and lin hat: obtained et .she advantage at .'seer, les t
. When then Lad °nal' to about SO"
mile, the other aide of Fort Lamm. the • - --
wounded. Y ." it ' vie : ' 1 " 11111 " 1 " hahha "' tn. ''' . wmo attneknl by lle I, .ai.....d ,ulibu,l a faunae "'`'''''' '"'"'" ''""". """" "'""' - - -
elt-a aft ft lott oft. ma rer wale I ty • ln consequence of the sitteentler et home rt.'" s Aft I J ACCIft. , A Ili IAIIV V 0 V ' 47..t0 -n, 'onto or ress• mow sm. 15,.. m
the orders received at Toulon for embark- l'he Anstrian bend, were then re-I ht "' w " innl 'with., Lake .. . __ I Dr- FITCH'S Celebrated 'edition, i3=rm=ito h rtgstil:= . _,•=s7;ofer'... '
ing reinforcements of all kind. have li,en ntn`ed in lishYlonet n hete 1 1 M BmPet. wee.l o The 01.15 at the Solt in rue alor- m•-.......,....„&guggpin & PATER. ~,,,,....,,,,.„,,,,,,„,,,..„,,,,„..,...., tftfte4l-11nanftenfteneifted ft onnft.ft•lc 00...
I settlement were good and promised to ,Or
countermaded, end a steanier already ar The Ilmiztibitss appear . have retired .w
..,-....;1417,A1r.tuamr. -N.. , - 1 r. :::=,-,:"=". 1 mtr.r=. tr.v . .z.. 1
Lea with trmsps, recalled. - , „,„ „..,,...„... nno , ,
~.,...p . nn ., ~ „ 4 ., n , yie l d In abmilats return too the labor of the „ a „ , a ,,,,. Jets Ir. o n t enet oft , et 0 . 0 . ..;?* 4.1 , A.M... ll , no Intoftt. Oftlorft. neftnes. I'llft. nontafteft ft thy ''''' Iftft-Coft•lt. to.
smtkuiem. limn atall.ft, Ift r et. Iftte Nor Tft. r / ....mem. lon mc no m Inn. n• Icto.lnAftt:l;;: 11:.
The moventents ttl Learn IL.lllin have at the hend of a brid 4c , thr my from the right , ....., , At 'ft IlAterlafts AT. At 9l t nftnek A. T. I eo o r 0.... ~ • I Ittroft nftntft.tnn ftnlfta Aft. ...attn. Iftnn. onus.
'length been trn t e e d mt. ll e has. until re- b.o.k ol the 11l mulls to I' onoro. bon, whivh T . ItY o..llhingb'" Cie C . 1 . " . '.." ' 4 . "r- 8 - t yo
8 'n o r t o n : t ' r ....'"*“."' "m"'":"'"""'''' . '"''''''' ''''' """""...•"'"^""....
- I ...... F...........G.e........N.0. 1...
c nell I I ly . br7:el'see'd"l'.4.t in h
. 1 :1:: 1 and e
''' i s t ' 5 ‘ t..,...:?..1 1: ' i i ' ,.. e . r • he s o u t ' lt n t:;:t .r t:l7:V a li - n i . I t: i . 211: ''.-: t 171 1 0 ' 1:: ' f. " .t! ri ' ' ' r. r"t'i . " 1:::r"::' '' ''' ''l":l7 h il i i ".t l 4 : 11 I miles
. of
...t ' '' ' ‘ '.7 .." .. ... 7.4. ; . . "' ... 471' '":"•
'l'; '' ''.6. "" ''':
.. '"A""!..".4":":":".
' ''.7.4"'"7-":".";"*"""*""'
!"."*"."%1"."'"":7 "1"-":"." " "."-" ' " 1
' ..-rm &RR tn Myst... ov oitints w oo r ft . ft o nftee.ftn.tftnntrattant.ftorftsft-ftftenl
steamer Prow Itslaiiini, in Collltolny anti ci-l' t lours: but their in mitt, rental...l in ~ieer moss, ci.sso,ssetvaillft e ftenectoftiftly ft nn.14.00.01•• Otaft. ft ft : . tan weft At no. ft!
From Witllleisilime.. •
Lean Rem. • Ile,al. I Sews No, Tot. , lona ft Own olme ....., ~,,,,, .....,, ~., .....................,
Martin Bernard, Ent-lute .Irago, and Sm.. th. ir entre, Innen. 111.. field mem tea- At On terlnft A O At 9 n'eleft AM. -,.onnth ft 1n...a Ann*. flaw net ft Or too At 1
genet lloichat f or , d Les., ,1 the prom, iof t.. the gnus i ~ , Wasotscrott, July 22. , • - S.. • - t'. ii flails pad ib r w ool . ensta•yeseehneemoyo.l,lmni enat-esstasmis
''''' now Tel Asss, aPI iii., . nlnot 14 not, fth tan Iftronal.n. n*l Immo.
The pftnollt aceounts or the Ili • dera ate I io' 11111 . 1.10 h... • •It A' II It ...gime.. of Am- Y . "' "''''''Y J '''''' " bh " Y. 00 . h . ' . • vto 1 iOOO L...i. ' lTl.L:rlV'''''' - ",17 0.17,r,!*i .-"--- -----“----""'",
tamable. The deaths have fallse to rower tt imt linitt hot.' attacked nod msplteitsl the Sw.° F ht 'S " t th e Board of mo.h. , teottt- At th."7,..1.=7:.« At ' lTZt;"trft . A. M. . • , 'Ono et I. stll of J,11.111.... n. hat liOr..
_ ,
than 30 per day. and ar e d a ily deercasitm hn ". ° 3 , 't n .° °" 'i ' lira . "'" ih°lo."."er pan ' m. 1 . 11 .." %t" ' % nen t i"" l- °" ,l ."" r. "'n ni d t • i ' 1 : '"".4""".. tl et , :::: t' . ....1a•
. lAlLeht. te ros e Ltes i i ... 9e , mo V ttuut E etto S . .....rom ,.. ...... a .e. t .L., ; A t,. ....t0t t , ,Z . ,,,t i.17-; , =" . 1 ,• ::;:i t a t.t r t„. ..1•• • 77.','1 , ! :3 ".. ,. ... ; ":;..."' 1 ,
The total number of death in l'at is aid of the men at their gems. The battery con-I . ' '''''. ° ."'" .3 .** .*.' 1 1* -'........*”. I tltA'n''' Ma "
slows ot, bn...hing
0 .
~,,,,.., ni . . i .,,, , ,,,,,..
~, ~..., tw ,,,,..„ . , !lonia with 111:41 Oil rant neopaleowl t 0,,,,, „ p „,=,;,,
The Revd.'. ores tiering n ...,,,,, i , Genertil f en d er F. Smith. in relation to ... t i e s, am toe. • „ .. mem& Ism. P.m, itiinftta, 'Aft Own oc.fte. nt I 1110 ft oral most an ' of." ftlnel%ft:te ft lan'tft;
O ft lortt o fte.
Bees in Janusry lam, is said to be more then I e. MTN.. A Co. ftl n ftllollftlln ...ft. two.. omen.. tyyme dm '
20,000. , Trattal.lvmin Ims sneemoled, after . ob. time future Government of that country, as tem' rennet. i mom am tort. . - - 4.llnet tn ft ft.. welt ft *6111.*, * ftle. et tft
' • T,.. ne ,„ p, Precident Taylor h. determined to take all r a tt t a e , a i;t - n nt,tre, e , l A. j''''..'":' r t : . I not ft Onoln OM. Oft,. ft eft ftrft ler laftt ft len.
The Council of Revi.ions has confirmed ' °in." re°t•tanee. in inking NEIV GOODB ,--------.---''
the sontanee of death pronounced by sin. which TA. stron.dy fortified Th. 1t 0 .., ueearoi rceponsibility in our unorganised o . en .m set „...„„n.., nnin teee,....., ' Z:::::::.7.:'-'3:7.7.::'::1!";":""'" * " . '''''
0 ., :I . rtim o . ( 1., , t K o lb, w i n , i • .. I sin. forced their way th.ough with the TarYitt'lit'at ha rho 1 0 .... 0 . 1 of." , ;,r1.7....:-.-.".....-.."------- ABEL VIITREINAL, Tto. or 'Os sidi ACM a. PAW so 11. Mal.
bayonet, and entered Cronstadt on the ' ill Mr. retatentrommemrevreet'ssa. &eh •me A i ht.-. too ointe
to . . Ow. sow • i
I !cern that • eerinos AMISS has been TOD tam, or now N. y.. 17,1, A. II tad • P It qt. *wa w a owom o n onaan ar ri.,,, a ,„,„,, now to stools/10. anottobe iio win., arllt mom
di. l7 l i i tv " :- I t d h. !,;'„,`. l ",°„ b e i ': . "7 . „ i ',:;:',, i i;! „m e tlaV, the 2llth a Juno. Elate. em- brought • apinst Dr. Coln., the Firm A.. :r . s: 4 iim lAT ar tt eg .t t . rom,oonn e mintn. • setae foamy non 107atittlly In, w o o n o ., ~.,, r tt. nono: th m em i rs.. memo ma mimosa. •
mot and ettoolerds wore the et
yl this ditor, for fremsently being absent front hie' seem f•tme- mn- ' r5' t , ' 4:44':" . .?4,7, .....r:e7;;I t . h t":!"="r: r. 1 .... "1 " 7 . 1 ". 1 ".. s 1 " h 0 ."1"4.."Z : 8'41:"=1". ' '..
tang enanimously voted the Constittstio, of
the Remblie. and ordered it bi be dep sit- .tar. ; post end leaving signed eertmes in blank ; KY.A E. Railroad I ~-,.. , . Twaftlin Aftel. no tan Iftiltonft ft bolo., N. T Mft
: no me menzm It. Is lo wool ht ' at00=""°,...... = l.. w i e w h ah " -
ed in tfic Capital, as the expresei e s o f the ' 1110 Coeseeks succeeded in eapturingl"' Iht. °l.h.. any "" al" to, 11l np .nth .......,.,..„, „,...,.,, ,„ .... , _.„ ~...i.... ins.. :v
e.. 4 1.3 .7 .........e.0. Iltdames, '... ,Z, 7,..„ "'"'" ,t --- n.r 0- --;
wwwwiwoos wish or tio. Itotean people. 'lietteral Ws. 11110 MIS Nolleilmt 0.01 hod , . 1 ...,t......t. 'kJ Mused. • naafi: l "a BY LK' BUIlf 6 31Altlia LINE. ,=.,.......t.,-.1. - ,1:171..=;,Tx. motirmetwal stem=rnhymmymx=•
The Con•titution ie by • v. , . td the Am ' been handed ever to the Austria.. I hata."...."."`" enetknwne. an d o ton- pint solownow to sot wow. lo ernolOo 1/11111101IT I ''',7""'"'"" . "="n, = * ". La y .a .,,,, , ni ,,,,, vv .. i "%ro; at the soii wit. tart.. so NWAtis II '
denten.' ie to undergo a rigid Investigation. • retie. ottm rat 7. if
e p eatlt h t t e e : o o . .r , .. on -.bk., ..„
the t:t e lz , t it ,t ec,: e t e ur ee f e et t : T ee ranaylani e t ," ste d f ~,,,„,„„,.., mmi ,...,..., 44 ,..., ai rid " t„, * ,:i.,...i=1,......' , ...,1..,4...t.r.:17" . ... ...japr..v....... / ' '''' '
They alto ore ' funeral service lo Ist iede, after • sheep action with the Hun- ';
funeral as& Lamembers'• . Merste, 1 =..":1::."7171!. " . "'":" - t! = ';1:: , ' "..
i,,, v an *, mow* eft nonoin tr t o n now, Won Moo Tail. halm nomw,sw. sis., ....
eedebrsted in St. St hoe's, for those who garians. ; ad *low WM emennliriletwitow titostw o tow' eon. tnnehnnr,=,.ll. r ”...
had talks in defence of the Republie. , The Austrian ,risen, at Ruh, had ime *es m latioraw Ile meow lit as Toll Mos 1.4 0 .00. II 111 o .o4oo44lllnftft•Coloftft
lot, Woo lbw now twit ortamonatidie otateltatol Mori. Ili*. Wt. T 0... TKit nolsw. ". T .'l ,
'TM ee10 ...., or t h e g eeee h troops e . I been ...spelled to ounrender that Minna mem, mm Mt on ad to W. all* eit Mu mot, sod OW. 11.1.1. M 0... Milo. irten:Plad Marna liwalt,
ammo Into Roue, did not tab e plow till 7 1 A letter from Vienna, in the Independ- !.. tan eftlftl• la er a nob et ohne .. me • nwood ttotrWason or Tattoo laWits. ' .
w. = io Ow hiltelost pintioi-At init Pond Oloilo lettino,lo,l. WM tol Few NW.. KW.. 1
etdoek of the smiles ef the ad. epee, of Bread& states that the Hungeri- ' r. 0 ,...„ „ i s. em e n omm s a mes e ., Odd ned Moo Piwilt,inial Pao, TA, Lao awl
A_ presimeation from I,M Natimal As- Lens have retaken flyigetio, and that the! ~, 1 11=41. 1 ==lialla. ,Ornot Mali tad rtire , rnsivr&olltootai rows o .,, , , =aftain 0W...
suably aesteeneed the arrivals( the Ne IMe woe to he opened on the tat. me. atele_aomotoome, .fterteets to" .. "=, mon rm. mmoa=6 ta-1
JAE: nelsons. wow ors 'fr. wen... ew. Min. ...IP Me. m
sod reemomea...i &Whom, how all es.. MERS.•••i•I• Viesrontoes-Gantt : v. RATIMMIIII, Ot e pe. SWIM, lion owl rots. now. Mo. =l. At. '
venal as maken and unworthy the dignii. ' B .-lotellipee had been mu:iced: I 0 •••• J., 14 1.10.
-.... tordione .. ......S . mOnielsa IOW& Twill Emil& ••••`'..l
Ay of Raw. eltisnr. ,by the Nation, a Belgian Juane', to the 1 ;
• COMMIE Jamas Ilitlk r liontotra Cale. Pow Teo., Aintarnaso.o.. On.
Ash. ° a lb a* ...1 M. one Tenn en di. .: following effect. On the Ist and ild of, err ........,, e , e , Al
et ,,, 1* ,,
ett „, r ,,,,.. et , et*
... .0 . 1=1 .. ...
~ ,.. ...:cow illmilMt. Trniondort.
nbot, so" ,
q yas bo a la b ap.7. l aa a b y al. N a . ' July,...Desslirinskl, with his own mope ii. NW T .
, floaKtero. Imintto wish. essowes, Au. Ma. A amortised tioninto tawignaat of
Guard u he Crop. eller- Idleness, and all the reverse of the vetenn mom. ventatte
its, did sot vise an d
. gl ble in n en . ',troop. drawn tram the army of operation OTT. woe 1••••••••••
Ire.:l=:slWar Mao Wow a0e ,,,,"." ... . a ,,,...., ~,.. ‘,.............,....... ....
Iwo Is. his rook. now st i ng In different parts of Hungary, al t 1 stx....sote.mnerz t rst.
we !
The hirsiesdes bad to be pidied dews by , emeantlng altogether to 80.000 men, at- Mdkm i , - 1 • 7?
the Pena &Aeon tbeessit. In the elm "a" *h. Rasae gemk anneals& M. Inawlld INK Memo ad vow Mei An tlw patio
-- Pia . -
salthe Mark ad Zara Manua At dark'
the troths wont eitheyed to dodo kirk..
Gothaetheeeded ample'
Ohms .141. 10.000 Ho was Wolk
thekookol Se be wood through tbo tho.
. Id
bh m. eho at of Jerkin.
Is Ito wo WI h.
Y mewl
rhos thapollitha or Braoiardu
do whoa be NW $4,. po.W. lli
torithu k loth Yb kthdo the Higdon
of N*oo. The that &them el On !mob
110,000 enematoodal by 1 001;tee Mr. oiivitre sJ.J. try
Iteh, In teddy Imams; Mika,' oat sere mad. anabee far Ids inaa—bisgrove
sod Oilan. The 'Maar took pleat In dm was Ant and 111 IMMO vao a papaw of
look .o as to drive the leaps taanandsd win mode by Ye ondatater. DNA ben
'by tbe Prime In prom, ban tbe nonato eas, ape et it was Ihneawal! Dr.
of the Theta. Beam detertatal to deal bt kb pew,
We hove not resolved •oy &Wee ado ..d tat to amass Id= eau to lb. Awn,
beportsot betas; bot !Ito napes Nom a galled at massedaaliatka et maid
bare been a; ;mallow, that ID mule lb w . .id Wanly to latninann tad We sloe a.
genia maw of Totems. to lb. amine 6111111011-41 of WV oppared At
40000 we. =mita We Dela 447•b1 Ira Vlsaints 0111141/1119 611111.1111 M.
[Wooten he Ditern, to Mohan the army at'
Bustin, Ativa.—Two more ram ofl
premature burial are reeetdet One was'
that of a mon who was neatly dewed with'
the prevailing epiderei• la Leehlaad,
and bbeing proneroneed dud, was platted '
hi. aoMn. A few boars before the time
appointed for kin funeral, he ram op, on
the terror of oil atoned spoke, grades/1 y !
improved, sad Is wow quite Ina The MA
'Statesman of the fits, slot glees tim
Mr. Alesoultn Gravevrtrupt drier. on
the line from Colombia to ittehport, had a,
seem, alto& in the latter plan, garb.'
.last weak. Seeming te bar all modkai
AK the dhow Irma gives up for a duel
to do its work—ladeet the ettavietion wool
pamalawnKr pbrielarornatandibirdla!
- EifTrir, omoo eto eon orator.. ri .ei' Cheap Geode.
....., ~,....„ ..n., ..,...1. won or pan. ea tom I
; tal—lttat ' 7:ln ' errtran VI:W Y r ' 14 . t . : ' ...4.= , AV ::•; 77.. t:4•11 . = . •fght ". Pra =2 '.
; ao.h try lands . ik. Any -I, - .".., ".........x.:i . ,... ~,. 111111•ORII A..
tro ' n ' le ' roo:; " .:ll7l.l=P=Atitils:VOl: '"
tr . d•rroVat 0 ' fr00172•71 .. .'"'"'
' ...".
'."''''''''. j Jewelry---At TateelPs.
°elation in that nei g hborhood. 1 o. az. 11.121:1E03111. 1 ItrttTrlf.r.t.r rt.:^1.." . :77,.!''' ' I .." , ... , 0-0— , .......--^-1...0... ,
• ..... ...- ...... ... • ...,i,........,4711 ~-.-.......--.....-"--......--,......
r n s. t ln nho .1•70.47. Lowell. ti! . reld ' "'" "'"'”' '.."""".. '"'" """"""'"'
Killer in ono of the. Illea lull. aniclen which la (Shop own a....... nod.. nn, , !e of lorserw.(r. he. I. llor ....wend. or 1 Weirdoes,
calculated to relieve on • ve oonotnet of sol Tor• _ . _______ -- o tr,......t . ....,:r .. ..... , ,:2,12 ... j . .......! ..... :...,, .V .. ..... : CA.. anal Itnrr
Ind incident to Inman life. Ito .1. on the op.- NEw ARRANtirliginum ....i.lirthly John Ilon.ld bonaLli na. Ow moh / 11 . 1 . 16 .. 1 Imetmalsents,
.... to many tunes like marpc—antatantartenua— Enirin 1. !..7r.r.;-:=cra. , :1.....v.z...;;:ev=;.!::. ::::. =.: i ---...--- ;..g,-,..T.7 ~, •••••••• ..! .. - -
tho pain iv gone at once. in out ow. or ea no roil woo noa,..i to chr
Cnr , .4l , 7ooilLeo.en. Own... to; raid Ileozrocre Mr Marc to John craft ;on thr• sc.. And dr ~,,, ror
.01 zrzt (al : ' nrid Mn L. , ....Z',....:::•=7:11,1r.:"..Z. :11;7: :11.1!..1747,...7.1=1 , 11:::' L . !:
• ..... ..... Ore bear MIS tor orrotinowl. otard etylo : . nonlo ha • lot enn.ed . on rho ordl mop rord
In Reeh hey 18th, by Elder 11. 11. Gray, Mo. ' one.. Vier.. nryanlyo4o. , wolly. la neni '°r an
rord hr., condo I.
A 4.4 errs 111.0, 40 Mos Maur KPe arr. , Iln 0110,44 , •Ino tn croon.. 1.. hot tot. Oro or ,- ' ...11 ...TA. ”ro rdrod too. Pod. •hd roon•
' . Nei too. on the cr.., swot to Withro•rotrao. chore , =rot lon on .1 orocr—ltc.minc of tenon.. rm.'
In Spnnarille on the Inth intr. by Justice Knopp he Ms opet. a (met `toes ,
oft .ating fin,ll,ody WA, , I' Int nninil..ll4; t ool
name nol, abont tat ',I
Flou. Ma. Anoot.. nureron to Mao Nv, .to. or.. will.ll...terol toes ly attapimonelov,wh... perrlnY, to tn• Noon oot 000, or .ole or ...wood '
FLIN 6 daneller of Gideon Fletcher all of the vol e 1a , ..' ,.. ' , 1.1.... by . nnylnornd 101 on Che 4a61 innp., NOVA. nY ,
, ! 2111ontrnon JOY, In, 114.1. i nen.. 4.. n kale, hene, elm. ha law ha olnaton. tow
Connor place.
d.r1VT12'.!!";,:er."4.,".::a1n,"::::.1= :
17.:T.Z.:"E',;.';',.';'.n . :1 — :;.:.174':,74,1.'7.7: '
I 21... .. t . z ... .. • male . troo=l . lo, snooller , or I:4
e 1... the wild 11=71 . 7.1t0r:. owl ....."1„ . X 4,. :
n::..V.7:: .. ,7:74.71='""'E' m t*.7.1'::
; ,....,. ;•"...;"..: ...z
j.4 ,.... 17. ..„ i tiv .......... 4 „„ ..,...., .............. , ,, ,.. :..
I LN1.,—,44 1... tri. and Owe • All dud red.
Irv. a. pp.., land sitruto In rho t0......1,
tr.. nod Mute nbomo,l4l-11.013. •Onl
f 01... nit 1114fioning or or.o. he a Mo. 1.1 or..
...I 'l' 4"" '''"". ... "" ; •l'''' : ".. ' 411 . 1r .. 11:0ry
Matt: 10. - Z. Orron ' trf, .. ht
the NZ lot runt• 44% rir. esot in n e noteoie eest
eoe woo. Ore me. res.. o n e (oniony ont•emi ia
Jon*, .... *es yr ..............**11.611.
t47.1%.1: ''. =A ". 7 .." ::::: . .=
z . ...-zig:=2 . :::..7,="..:;.....---.
, Ilbnnry: .M , , by Ow WA 000•4.4.1 load no. NA don ,
~..........,•rho onidera...v.... MA
rhorr .......en•• ... don. 0re.1.61“.
o r ! 4••••• pa...... rTeinainre.
WYOMING, • • zi;:r.1:= . :;1^.'••••'-^" , ''''''
l' . '..."—,;."—.. ' :!.:. , T.'.. - '.1 . 7..."'=”!:,=' , ' •Z, - ,' -...1
......." ...r..., r , ...... ' 17;
..=.. .".....,i . .747. , ::1.17,:z.:. 4.zz , .1-.
. :1 :7.......,..........= ..:,:,.1"
.. , „ ~,,, , .... „...„...,„ ~,..„ . ,„t„;;,,:;19, -;;;..!..... roe'rn or ono' ,10•0111 noel Iry
T'4, 7,7,7.7..:::.7i....`..:::", ~,,., 21.1, and pai -. . - - - . demo 4..1 r• It Mown. orlon, mr.larecnlor.....d .
nerenieen caret 13 . 0.0r:.. ' ; . V:1.;=,::,!4:X.: r;', V. ..:, tz ...!f:7,.7.::.....7 -- ,**".-
. ......r.. eh eloon.t, of %ow VIC
A circular Mali. r• len. A.' eon ha seen of . ...or. rt. 0. 0, Wohron•rror. th• dr. tn. 'rm.. ... ' ~,, t t h t`•• . . — ........ .........1
~ .7,.. •or t rt.. hr.. 1.4.1. or ...the si.h mew. of ,
. Witco of Ono paper.
, lon. ra,. toil.. las/m..4 Ann 011y1on:, Mon, try I
App... for ndonionion to the Inorituto TIM Crockery and Glass, . !.....iZi.". fi7r .. . i i .' , ..,;:i...F. /or, Z . :Fe:tot!
be made to Roe. J. DKIVILLE MITCHELL, .
n '''''' ,. '' , IV''..; - ?;Ivt::',:::7:::•.% .1: z",;".: - !..1:::‘; 1,- ....z`. ',1 7 ";.:!.'.... .:..:%!,'4";: , .:"::•I'x ,
Lambs W oo l Wa nted. ~, ,z7:„- : :.=- , ..L.1. , =7,- ; ;;;;.7..,;;;;,:x..,.;;;x;:, r .V.N.:"..:',",7;":.7. : ::.::Zr;',:::".=,.•.f.,:4. 4 ".7zi
A 'LT,T,..;;;..i1.1 . .7.111:t;:r:Var .:."..7:.r.„1", , ,7V-rx:':47:::::,;;;;;:: ...o. Whirr el moire re. ..... 0 , .... cr. h.... T .. trrn Coor root don., ~, 1
, 0r...c0,r0d odd to rod., .... Oro. by rho ran ,
noorthror,l .. orl Icon. rodd to it 111. rt. .1.11 . 0, '
Cash raid for xeme.p . r . ..m. . ALSO. 17"'" . W' . ..trA,',.=.:7: "V"*.:7 - ;',"":
A' ',":::::n..1 '''""° - ''"' 1 ..7. ,- -L''.7.::::Ig.••• • ;, - =r"'"' .-- "'" - 1 . ::'.1.:'...,-.7 .! . 11" . ^^..',.., , ,...._' .‘....,.....
. !!! -........... ~. IN. I 111,111.1.1 a co. ,1,10.1. , •.111 . 11n, nroorio ' roodamoro of cnrAer•• sonic ay
RHC.II, COIT mrsnr errs !--The Lebanon
Courier mates them are counterfeit. en the N0.1.1......14140.C0Z0r1...11i5.hantnn
____ _
. . ..... _._ _. - , ' DIM, Anard. 1nA114.10.e.. awl roan to ay norrei ....
. pounA. Pair At
Died or R0ch...., w... the 29d June, after a , pA."". , ‘ ro , --.> ...—........a.6y „ .vo „
short illness, Parry. Mout, aged PI years, 19,1
ving a wife awl children to mount hie lam I NOW FUR-ANOTHER ROSH !
217."...' b i4 3 ,( .2::r0:i .6 . t7:::P".. 17 ; " . 1 MORE NEW GOODS
Ilm wife's e before marriage, yea. MinetlMP cm
Daniels. S he et was formerly from thm gione. and ' Q. J. Wlllll
nanny friends and relations who feel deeply for,' piano uedrine a .we and fie* miroly A10a.,..01.4,
and , mumble. with her in the allbenro rum'. I f :re clll s'Cl foe's...* q , ..P ........rr. 1i....
July AA
done who+ ham taken Pan her the companion of . '''.''‘''...". ''''” .. ''''''
het , oe, the father and pnoectoe of her children., WOOL. WOOL 1
and left her mnparatively a stranger in a Waage!
land Ma, t h ew idow's. God throw ar.nd nor and 111.000 !;!::',.:1 . 1 , 11,:5t5.t. for A1ere....= ,. %1 . A.
her children him urea carnal and protetting arm.
and Akiiiinter le them all neeeful aptritnal connate. AIMS°.
ion. c,,,,,,,, A II•Ae AAA 'AAA. buy so o.o•ll.fmanAselP•Ave.
Moutrrac Jitl 30, 1.119. m eters. 10, Ma *Amer of A...A.4 TA,Algestem.
Z 1:~ S~G'~~tß'Qiiß~l~l?i~QC.~'
tteetuill 'Notios.
men.- 44 ' d
m t=l , 4
fIYII% --- 01110,0•44
MI WM•OI4. OD Mai, 11. 0. 1 01i0Wi• OD
41"....121=='„;.7:27,477 4 47,Tr0=:.";
1 1 ... ,
.... 1%••• 1na1t.0.7 . 1
I fira.. los
Mme. " %. rjft.. a
.. 36....v.
1 Mremt - ,..... ift,ii•P••••4 6 .t.d.. 6 ...'
V• 6 1 ,11 orl •••••• V.Of ..i
cwe. m . o .h.rmz, Pr •••• ''''''''lierinOr
Shea% Balsa -- New Arrival
1t":7,1=--1727-AZZr..:Zt"- AT
L imp & gmunt,
lialdroma, on Sam., Ito Jay at AV.., at me
:4;10 , 3;1 1... 1zrez
TIN MOM 0111111M11.111111.
• h logas or WY.. luau, guoujr, t /,igiw M. •
NwN logoorta • m011 ".. 0Z0ra7. 7 . 7 0= "." 14 1 124 .ougg '=48"
.1 Wog .. duo. I®l. d: Iltgno. to
Aera SU. vo ague C. 1.... U.., .01.141.0
0.—.0 Om rm. 0..
h. porul of MN Is tgo tang. 0..4 x4Yr •
Bug* rag., otl •
Itua logalur AM at.. Pus.. . 41 *
go loglash .al 11. Itro °gm. mil Mr
Au .I.i /XT., Waml.grag . •
M.. War m
ea gm. 9rblN ro. •
ALIIO umo ableo ma Ur •AY goo Mu 0t,„,Mr2.m..,
...a Von ....AM In to all.. *atm. or • • -
go. or gouty l• ...Ur
2;ooty ana Sulo orugota—g* ssa WIN es tOIX) "*.
• 1
,Oars .nM gnu ugh avg. •
um{ OP porel.• go.. nue. lry ludo ot otla Tor. •
DR. t. Itymle okoms.,..wireelftenr
„„ ,„, maw, ••••••••• •.••••11•ffea... ?Mali
lobes salt et l.a.Y .1.10 .I.l* T.. Votlfien.
W1.112 . 1g . 7 , 4 1 1 a1;1•••1•11.1•1••••••. 00.1 ,1
LV.7=1 11 •4 1 :1=1:::== *".
.on 116•11 /11. 11•11a11.41..: AIM. of le Dorl
Y.. 11. r, MUM saw.. jri ntessedfren Tat mile
" ittrale. WO?: o w,
woo I wte ow, a,..."tr.
•• • •14.. se.••• IY• SW the pi*
1,1•81.-4,.../.•Ir. 11 arm Sl,* he Ow //...
11101 stolllllrer W.., I.* ewer MiNsWl.ollp
. 1.V.:"4.1=4 " .. " :. " .71 ' .!V tr.:IMM :177:14"""' """ -- 11#,
- - -
Valuable Propert . ampossumammers
lOs NN• N0N.... pnweee pow, It. a* Mfr. Nob
JFOR SALE. - ... 1-7-.:=t.
I is di eso m i ta. ON O: tr . :
I 1rA ...... At ...? 1... .... . '..."'" &.•....",r=
............ r... arr.4ll.
=.=4 .1411=.1141.= UZ I
...aawNstro t rAtlNl nun
Ze= "". 4Nte ON s=lll7 0* Os soNIN:= L.•••••••• 10 4: IPIL 1r471.. no*
me , A.1.1 . 0.1.AV.R!...._., _
A.A . ." of *
of ..W meet OM. ...... el aisiONl WO mill
00 0 rosoN01 par NO of. pap4o•Novosail d m .
=..,.......-.4„==...„„ N. r. or mai NM N. OF
/No sod Now NedeweNemil.o.••4o.o.B ,
NM NM to patoNy NOM= ANIIISI led ilfiellllllol
....11,.....,....a. ..Intii..
,Atavrc:e...... m .... ag . "'""sz 1" ranrrir ."" 1101811101.18PLAINT I.
INIMOSINI amarmereat
redia7" ; !--Tra,_,,,r --- ,.. t ......., _:..
' • • • . - - '---• ~. ~..--1 -, ; .....,==.,-..rerr.t•
5ve1 . r. . v ......p.... r 5. I . ......—.....
.40.• M. ir '
rionookifto time, ' CE - 1 = . ..„ NJ ,As I I ona
AdMillial tr igill M I6 12 % 1:r1", .. ao•A.% ..: A ll tV:iii:
ks ti grata l grrl alla-elro t ; rots.. , INN, t .r.
• - ,.... -- i, v.1%,•,..'11".".,tri.'' n'' . ,''r'"
• ••••7, WON. .t.:' N " oi . :Ni:
Ammo at GM" to, WO, left*.
str, FrNoOtio.
2,O•Tr.E.:r• • b.. ••••,..,,tur"
,ixtme emu. Fe* sew owl
1.••••11q. 11.0.171111.
50 X %CM NI. 1r..... aipme, en•1011.1m6.•
wank«, 11.11.5 e,
Ana my.He eve, iltly Ml7llepe In • not. 2111•.•
it......lvertioenv. la mother eelmin
Mentreor. le.. ISO
rhean. alyd fa, It
esrbaber for ri.4 bmmypi ratan
• litilma 10, y r
VININIAR—• rod Wiel•—ter
1.1•0.11.1 J. 1.1.1111.
Printed Lawn..
Ai i.,rum. Irma •••• styl. •001/..
A I. \ ROR rid 1.11,6•31
aufor I =S
.... 11•11esnµa =,...: W .
. 71 . 11u•— •1 1,0u•s t. • ••11 . :Ma "' l'
:241:266 2,00036,
I:WWII. .11 Mom elme...
• ,41 MIL. ounk.L...r
St AO% 1, RAVN it
("7.lrrr '"" I,lntri.
Vrf, 1.4. as. per ye.. C• 11.01
?XV .,
~:=4. : pv. 11•10e.$ feu. • to If ago. tow
rr/ "1.3141.=1=4,114
air .
.. .
= _... tt 1 . - - • ••••
......... a Mt* • *I. Mrs et I M
1".11. aol My Ibilftat teo../. 1..
R. vimla a sm. wres-0111.... In
pn.maxm. Ommia. Th• leadualarel...
It• al. 111Ninfa....... riernollgo. TM Mae...
. ". T . leVrtnrriZ 7.17 "."" = . •""•,.....",......
I::::;:ra, ' Z'Z., —. VlreZr ". 7ledltati
• .u.r . : 7 17 2. T... It
Nra mai Eridnou Ur bra absil. , *ll•44 mu lam.
nEsEa hays—walk eeme. Inn• Ewa •••Ed
It powers EU do elysed, aYll
..boure EY EeOwe as .3.,••••••
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TM Brelt, Mud, lnn, owl Bunt
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