THIg DEMOCRAT. 'MireNal, Jodi Mi. tSill. JOHN A. GAMBLE, o► 1.100111110 COOOTT 4 1 11 e 6" Deirearatie Coati Committee 111 loathes. madllig et dm Ilemsemtle Onentr PitduMbia ed."' tat Mil be Mid at Ids Won et Om. 0 arm.. in OM ilbeletbstJel Md.. at 1 eVeteteb P. M. IttWIPWI'ATILitAttd. ter On meet.. M bultmemublet esetst.Mee will Mee Is Meet Teemeittp Mlamee Cmtudtbee, eml Mao. stber burtmuu importsam.— m mambas I. be premed ebbie bow. iltdoolog metbatee gammas Alla rmodatee , .. l . liimemd4 perm Tyler. Walk. 01motlesd. Pent. Wells. Jere deem femme Jabber. Medd Mame. wing.. Tuned... 0. 1111111ente. PLC . Tyler. Jobs alleudlna. flyth... ihmtto 1.117 . kolimos Camels. , J.. ma twit. J . DIMOCIt. Chrtimees. _p• o.r Amigo add.m this week. while they will he rend with d.plaimmowil .lm he penned wk wham mod meow. Thr. capitnlagon of Remo to the hired eordiery of Lamle Napileen, al- Monk aa meat that there hes Urea MIKA name to apmehevel, la yet melancholy tiding Weeny true repehheas. Taw sews front Magary. like. k., a anythieg bet the mod happifying to dune who monomials* with her otreggling nigher for freedom and a free republieen government. Oat Ure °delimit hoar la Met helloes day." It a .M. INA we will net yet impair <cm of Italy and the MOW city, ouch Wm of apheaving &time Hungary. Q 4. emonming lh emnewal of Poe Molder led week, we ismbeetently emitted ...mention the nmeenel of IM Net °lke. Mr. C..e• smarten me in the building occupied by IV Dimock e m Mies, between L I. Pet & Clem end Lethnip & Sanitary'. Steen, tin doors moth of the old loft- Ma of the alike. Wks Ie lo Is our next leprwelstive New that the time fee making the nonniodkew to doe open as, this needles is put le to, and we deed net to ether Dementia, eloped deity. In answer, all that we ran my, M. we morn tell, neither predict. We have hood mond gentlemen named by their respective triode, bet es yet, are, without any polities information an to whether any one ef them oneente le he • condition. in the nominating counties. The oar mu part, we do net care two dame eke the mediatte is, w may he. as longss he dealt be hottest eel cadent, end a geed Demure , . Rid these belt., er omildeatiese, le behell el the people, toce_dit heist epee. The Democracy of deepteltsena. If we do eel goody misapprehend their seethoents, am me devotedly attacked to the radical, proireenve Democratic creed as ever I and as ammo to ending men to represent them is the law-making branch of ear geweroment, who de not *team themselves with their convictions of prin ciple and right, es Democrats tee well be. The party platform, eroded at Plinio% ea the ith Maw ee far am we eras aseedais, outs their mud moo approval, and their wartime( admiratiao. Its agauinga le Mance, to Beaks, lipoid !Metiers, Ceeponebto, the., are Ude Letdown That se sew Beek Amid he ehutered, nor aid one re. charterol, without the west stringent liability, mad every ether calatuy tedmint being imposed epee it, er them, is no km their palmy than the Romeo peaky, which they have many limes endened.— Shlapleder. se weall *de, echelon, aka, they loathe, mod will never mode. They have already NM quite enough of their sag effects epee aeon may and the pablic weed te leek opal them with toy devote of allowance. The doctrine that be es" ether States Imo them, more ought 10. We ate lookout. with them. Doom Rhode bleed le governed by Alierbos, It le co name why Poe. eyloola Aoki he. Demo New Yerk chores I. Seed the aeantry with small Wee. It is toe ma ma that Pearylvask amid de amble. The principle le wow, and thoilt the when world , adept it, It weal non make It right. The dodo .liedielery pekoiple.likewloe. being so adorer. toned the tad-manta of Mummy —the restentien of power la kookiest area, the Poole—meet. the* wade' approbation. They Oda that they an eempeleal madmen their owe public end slake the Owner. N. man weeld be cafe In Wing their ealliagee who dote' mot homily owns with them In tide euttlaneat. Fe— the flooring rettorke, therehee, k leeeey M bregbot !Doha of • eystdidelo le muted by tho Indy to Imell Mae en to victory fa Me *min •••••••• He mot be thmeglityjoluel tip ma bred It the eseeimoste Jere hid ther—in • ..d sett M. hoed eel mei, peeled se the Into Doett roadie *Mow Seat • nwo—whe alma be etberodoe quailed ke the obotioe—whe U.. l bo yeevieelyeat is me metes et Meath d tbe puty—weeld waterer the must wiMeet uy Am. Meek nee the meaty pomeore. we may wry is carer, awe seek • •••• we have tot MM the theweitmle Canvolimo I. ramble en the Mork, main of Aura amt. wM pet le net. Imam. Let lb. powlo wle It Met they teed deleptee lobe wq tomehotte wee ether. .TL Nona 11••••• Cum.—TM IlIpal• Drawn. awl Um Lamm& Damao ea both air aural lam ak• art paraliral afloat* Oa QL Glawlaa Or Dolan& arida. N. Canal Caaalahaff, ale• NNW dila Mall lama C•••L Ira us glal N lama Pim IM. , Ihmenie d .kr Naga, la •• smite era the Mama.. be. pa la IN. party or mamma amain dm rat latelkarwt, sal rim • alai abl,llll Ifs libsamlaha Om pea ..k. 1..• N.N.( dm bal roof am= IN Mg aim ••••••• rkf•am•fa ala Indiallbila Dellmm* maim teem ahr smairal O. .......11priblesiflua and des - .a, old* my be lard aroma la IN. •ar of 011aquallma T. Mamba Ida O. Wrl r ..y mama Oa elle WWII PAO. hamlbabs b... Or mks d afflflog .summa amid la sir 40• amt Mall.. sea 4161 @fa ImailmaYa and ar 11/1.16 weans •• Mr • amble Dimarl sal sa. a ham W. ...Mk of Why , 1111=11110 fa Oa Mall IN. km .aim ad* est man Oka IN. nab al led al It An k veil la en aialf‘ Sala Ilmo ebballia der WWII paaams. rbally amide the maree• *ea am knk maal, W IN. Pat ma Mao ben •allur asalia, If ask la maw anglallm . *ph aqh Id es awl IMF bid thllllllololllll N 11•• Iftalgaraarl•Wwbonfraellearfilase sad Allawol4 iralma all t mar STA Naar Imo libider, Nam efts PL T. Sulamaalld of *am 1.1 wail—qpi • pp. llnstaff Obit w Camp. As a. expected and pailiaMell Mel he, meal ad realise awn already lade dseir . atessres' agog the beterigeelsalleetigid •mpbolfte Agnew. of the la eiumgamil Tata Mai. Via divan slaw '• epees" Y dawn as allot " ape yip of demi." and dm gat hater of the New Waal Adnakeretia labs 'M. Maw) is the pear egad which dm beam med Raabe is excited He Is, with undoubted mew, downed the (oettehdy as Nada) ditet fray. ea citrate enlindted say in the matter et painumentei Thee einneneemea, with web ammo anew ad Novas et to dispea, h. ha, alumni maga mmesial Its peat of boas( up. new any of which be 1010 la the head, ad by swab he eases to be ads Tay. lao aura is lea To Um an saeasally leßeet the object, ha has, as • tater of rata ogled atom ha, al into all the edam of govern meet wham him Influence meld reach, seek men, sech ARMS as add eases{ to beano his plate sod male tottle—in s ma, has scontiagh• a all the teem heneeii tied 31111.11/doe• amass of hie party, and attaehed to his lunar* • bad of corrupt ad eamplieg arena, ate, like hinalf, are for sothing bet the spode of oda This din getting galtution of his attn. to wham of angina, ha eased the jealousies and align. thou ef eg the awe upright and vitiate el hi. genial kith, ad aboady cased .pa ea ulna sealed rebeilMn. The Deily Ners,ot Philadel phia, • leading al infleatlel Whig paper, has awed boar glace ad its MAMMY Mumma daily teem with fresh Make ma the wale (lave. Ayala. 8. amp indeed ha It ham., that the Day Item • aid Taylor OM, ales a that city. dal.a. that It has sladomed the Whig Pal, end le now engaged in the teem •Indent tiumendive Make meat the latkinal end Rale Magmata aml thar gametes. This change of rata" it ado," may sea the gratitude of the opponents at Pradent Tatar end Gov. abeeten, bet it sal feral awry kindly feeling se the art a thaw am hem hitherto enstatel that Jana At this mamma the D•ily News is the blared cad moot indented jantal in oppaitita to the I Adminamises ot the Natal ad State Ger: sancta" The late Natlewd anarreteary, ales, forniahed occasion fed the uttetance of sentiments of disgust mut abhorrence of the way thhg• were managed at Washington, which was prepedy impnwed by many of the met eminent Whigs to he country, through the enediom of harts and letten. Throe tho Netss ate collected and pabliehed, while the Nora .4 nerriere. Clay ten's special errut in delphia, mimed them admimien We noticed in the Doily Nees of the I lib bat., ales, he pncoedinge of a whited Whig iodide. tion meeting In bilayameneing at which the follow ing tart reselatleas alums others of a intdar ha pwt, were adopted by ecelamation Ilemhod, That in the anthem and appaintemals of Wm. D. Lewis, sine. hie appointment ae CAA. leder. we can discover we tree general Whig prise high-totted emboarneut of the will and motives of OW great Will party: bat having! adweed • policy wricidal to the came ; acting him idly. indecurivoly, sad rmviog hirrweD the ago ef! the ambitions wed 11 , 1111 ; imbecile. In•f"ht ! and halt he holding an effith Go Impatient mellow the adaniabenMioa, Readved, That we ettleamly pretest eimieM Wm. D. Limb bring 'Mahood ea Cniketar ef the Port. Reitaked, That we forthwith withdraw ear in divides, sapped sad infiteenee Man the State and National Admietionatieen till melt time aa the Whig peaty bemuses emapterly remeratod, and the Rahn min present diktat emerge ~by el war madmen and enemas _ . 4. M.s bat little eearneett to add. If the .d. age that netraws thew wideb way the triad blows,. is tree, Olga what are we is beer hem each dem eastratiose se these! and what met be the pre. peat of Taylor Whiggery in the canna' canvass To es it is clear that Tayteriem has bat e dap far ther I. dewed te get to the bottom of its mother deetheatietn. inneeerate of Peaneyisaais let me give it ses salted sad shrifts kick In the rear',. In Oetelber, to mid It la its downward proven.. Te new Creed. Called Ihr. The !Wawa (1111 r.) Agree thee elweesn article open the New Yeellt Mimeo ea ler • arm Creed. reeled We OM peer twe melts yew Its ewe. tier Men the Alinvr we endtow eer read^ is will Noddy Ma Mem I. mind • • • " Whet en maid weedily.! neg. de. he pllee gip r /Ye medal peliey•—• No Md. new wane rewitelent"—• No poioolooloo et Mime — 0 No plethnw . TM. leek al the allinewllveri The old hews we *Wets Wee! A Wilma Mak le deed limner ! The Taft theWlX l. 4l:reet 'Mk ! =I. 0. . the mat party I. WM theleaehely 1 Wh.t bee it has 'beithreptey. NW lee whale ethedale eeaspreheeded is the iv Wham, moth, "se *Maier The warm hales every Nerving masa. the rem They WWI their pthlehthe urea the altar of lospaitney. They solely ideal dee thee who err ran hal loneste r d the appellant, awl nerefellyoloweesely. powe "any thleadri them prtheipkat....Th!.y milled the " wag It• Wad" he do me& without *4 I,l " usdatio• el • eahary praelple—lihient the sheikh et • *them eves bleedehmegh he • Ily le Mud em-1111by emhukleel itazilwry Tay lor. IN•11, obey have neeeoled ; tool menet Yr pawed when thee &feet. Thy M 6. lowar, bet den eee Wash a d. ..a mem% spirt which they have tse len awl ft had TI N& bash Wig dm*, and Weir haute rLL - lek W etantine k 1p well end dal • dila rest any et the egeneitler Is net We The Mama ran el the Unto ate amen eneehee. Wenn. ; 41 41 1 . I "7=y d =q ll % .l ::= rim. We an re hand te eel In . ant ant We ban en whin ale deatehte en. awn ..d le• OWN* noun ef tM thattetlea wenn new bees en iiillathen them 11.7.1 el /ham% sad andiest at re Inn MI patty min At tide tem In ant • neStzd end lenn. =WY et Inn dead &de mat ao Whinny. • Inn inn ell be eon* d dna we =she • innenialle canon M tdrillnh bat M. imeant re. iibat M ask Inn ewe tha nem 17 Our Mom am per laYrNWf Ode pie beavea, W Mr ~he MM wriPP, Mho* MI imey MM the psimblai drape et 11111. TM amp Y Tali Se be wry psi so. rob , will ,TM lalgrwrrr. diaarr.wwaM low bus eqembill The paha Irma mil ma 1111 LT his. 1 / 1 16•11, rim • mils, int Naps •••••,. Ms bow gni. e healla IN sem Mar pet. Iromaplessalso kuneemilksbei am& llwad.loommer, wises/noir •••4. 17 The iseassi, , ismi krommispefampeakellisppiii sap Ilwir limp* Mr I banniad. es irevy IMO Mirk. Cr • elides Oa di 1140111* aeon, Shave The make tt Neat latkpit laalt aseClisiami‘ Y ati *mei 0 tilhat A Illomma—Peemaid.--We embreteed that Maly et • mos le • bogy dimpismAiinie brae &Mid 'mpu• si• at iiilvat kairwa o Combed% tatd."lib Them" MiIiMMW. Mipit "OM hem Lamebbidem Teresdkr, I am Amy Mal week. 4 maid • ddq pay whieb UM waist lied hawed by ambled .der .• kicuid .rem .thee drill weed moll Moth which lay ihe biteam. where. It every appearame It bad km It. me* Ow Wed, let bid measly baba imbed oba by bligh 'MAW .11 Skit a feet ..d leg wore dieendble km the lower A& When had die Moly bad bat very UUU NW. we It. end &W as treat whke k etiOld M idmdd•d. pas•ey we balm, were ha& Nam It. bat la • very utMred eimethm. The instal imd el m* hiewkable esaahwim le dim the demesed iamb MI& death Oomph Aid play. Nedileg far ther le km", sad probably sever will M. IT There le hot can sentiment with the Demo crat. mem of Peomylvenie, (if we may except the Peoneylmitien, which dam not relleh in re lotion to the Mowery reirohnim adopted by the Fitiaburg Coureotims, mid that is umpialilled ap proval. We are marry to me even the Peoneyfre- Mint which might to feed pleb% metimeot en the imemion, Mill rehelliorm The potty la this SIAM Id ow ea the right track, and it meet end will par me it. Ile platterm le meekest, brook NOW, fell of t h e spirit of pergreen, and hod the piny ea mpied k me year ago. we Medd net row be living ender the reign of Taylor and Jelimilino Need poem, pis mud book ant of ymrdavery bias, or pm will be kit away mor. r r We ere mach gratilleel I. Ilad We New I'm* 1 Ober, whb► toe h... spite erivele la Its Odle of law, agate ea oar table. 'li appeam la a aim drew, ' with the rause eV' Demeetatie nese werwrilad re it. renew lid. II le • Ant rate Illawaratk • paPw• It goo dive• ad pkware to Morn that ttltease (Swam) tho anneinted city reporter tithe Wan, hu abjered the Mortneoltoreay, (I. which it Weald h. ins nateady ceavetteo Wm.. .1. hit to the Tinge !donde a. • Marmon peopogaudlot, and concluded to tarry . while lager in Gotham, In the Pewit of hie =sal ladling. 11. I. deeided ty to good • foliate to be mowed, sod evadally to foot h 6 time .od talents away in the imentination elm ortint • humbug.. that of Monnottion. 2.7 The mutter of deaths by cholera In New I York City MMus the week ..din Saturday Wt was 114—or m avenge et 102 per day. The whole number of deaths b.. all Mame. was 1,- 109. The whole number of deaths by cholera in that city 1411 M NM lint appearance to that time is 2,262—fr0m all muse., 3,114.1! Thin ie a fearful ball of mortality. I Carlon lellgt free ?nun. Imilh Truman Smith memo te have taken General Taykor and the Whig party molar hie meelal par dianalp. He le the agent at lame for their papas, the director-pneral of ekothoe, the privy oronael- Mein relation to appointment.. amoral Taylor is ..der great Wireless to him fee the «Wheat. W good character M receives fool him. The meet remarkable Inhale am bays yet noticed front his pen ie • better Grat ernes= in Me &Wind. pole lilted at emetreville, Wayne many, Indiena.— The eater my., copies have been meretly cereal. tol througheat the ith Mettle% (.IwwW.l ire the lag Congo. by Cedeb Smith. , It la needle. to .qty mere than the dining portion et the letter aa that will Mew by what means he mime to bay sap ped to. the Adminietration r• I I understood Mai moo dissatisfaction tame ban fell in year Mate by creme of the ire. prone. =era ar• leers prearims, tkot the new Ael mietametion hoe met dame jaalica k /diem. / keg re aaaare tea If Mere ie any fonaderms fee sank an Ulm, 11 sat not my faun. I eras amebas that Indiana Mould, ander t h e auspices of Omani Taylor, take • lead in adminieted oar Genet me at ; ere, In ether wade, that • ' of row Mate Amid have meat in ila Cabinet ; and at me time eappmed I had massed the algeol, ben ether colnescl• pnevalledL lam ontgrired Mai hike/ Val yet reeeks• mopes readjust reneiet *retire et eke boob atosi Taylor. Flo ie Moly • iset woe. and I miry believe means le be impartial as between the Mout States et the • 1%. °matey to to tarp, sad th• Plates ma so atocarr k pito Oink ait the wry wont of aa kihniolotrodisa to make riat~cry _arrompatorits foe all boobs, it Iworild bit notiolloatod that tho aenthar of aeon aad MUMMA pitreaajp hat iaoroasil la popotiort tha aaolloor antra. rod rif Um pop, Bat Itto Whip of ledlosa mod ea- Mayor t. otriraphos 1M \am& of their Meads Moro by Pin ratilhatorp regatta at iho Napo. drool oloationo. My . poiltiew world I. omeerillot roahoorroakig I. wring • feworail• posekkrellx. glrer ask., 41 par Moro shall ',tura a dear- prim rairfaip boodle o Oa aim Artlaiatotratioa• If do Whip of ladiaaa &all met la their anal lolly and patriotic orbit. I am andidora the rooodt of the oloctirms rill be ono croditald• o the Pato ..d oloapialotoo to lb. whole ortaribp. With arationeata at hip oropiort, Worn no to bo tinily sad hdthaolly par hind, " Taurus Sam. • Woohigspoo cty. Jum 21. 1649. imiow, bow mopothoe. howg Softy ht otothnoot, bow neepotha t. I. p.m Or to& awl ••II le .at ..l t►.h, pod pope, dew 7•a ail ina pt ISM of the grono—/ did /.add do— r romodhot o baud., whoa I otwo hAtoo ! the e•uwy an ougliiate I. hip ono. Dot, de not gloopole—l k.. U. Ow pet... that ' mobs he ray, le nee Yag tottoto lo expel. to pal war. wologo S. ml. Tn. 14h mot M. die to i meal. yen pt. hat way Wove pellay. ud rd kw Ter. A. se Orinr, wol yoa doll en Op. If yee hil hgot haungsnowtw, bow oft I with uy far -be year deka Yield peeemege I MU% yw see that ay emblem opeld be meembet mbar ....balm ellenm hereielie eemblereiben d pat eleimer Thorn Soda Y.nisootl. the Maim of ph w. • Mg me ea puesips•allerike w eini w molar shim pent hilknismlik w Ali.• emmenr 164 he Is Is lb wilh walially mi WNW MI be yney. wty 11Wwianf aka alba dwill• Id* If lay we mad mea O ..t. sown ohs .Oke Wilk mg we will Oa ywasepw." ~kw I Item /46.Mnw WOW as s aa pint dam sir aldiumly ammo tawW swdokethill wog. it la eaawnqa as 1.....Mw.wW. anal aria puma II ilaawalok rapid Ow Naomi Maw &MI amaila It Nagar Wow aalwpwitilbllaamapyw, I Who Yawn as baWar way ai wapywilay .0 41A wimaineue Um by 5. beillary a/ alsolww—Na. Wind Ma /I.lls IL VIOL de. Swipe lashiley, liso swim& W as L 13. Friar* 11,0411111161 Lie lbw. 04 War 11 0. 1 wl Ol .sIT.Ik4 si• pipsial wr uonnue swIlL Orr gial• mkt in monk Xrdpia 4141•101. who, • erranionu.a.o..teiwohow .1 ihrmoopsibasartaelumaromalorms setramed/Iftliarb—imal Mem wralmarsl4l. - 7 4lismorol Pus. Scam done Wthe, the editor of the New Vol Gorier otgl 'Eneeirier, giving ea ..want atja nth h Ta e pildgin ell bird, general CM!" at home, reprenteled Masai= "I." I P••ththrthltrat lc th. ?tenth.. •• bang obliged to o keep dark," en acmes, gbh party. Snob, at lent, arm the •••••••••• pet aims the letter by O. pens generally. The Wrnbinglen Mien el the 17N contents • long oentatteication fnas the panel, denYhtf. P••• I•••• theth gentle lorionatienn Ile avows him •• 11 • ••••d m the war./ 1846, mu. the same tbsettine he ever held in Mains, le Intental Im provement., and realm. the abeamd doctrine. of, the Iththoleet. Icetter—to wit, that Colognem has no right le legbien:npo• the .abject of .lavery in the T•rvitane. that the Wilmot Movies I. ancon ! Witutionat, unsenemary,ine spedient —a mere ham. !bog ; and the wont conanmence. must result ham ill agitation. Now, Ude le oil very frank, hot, ow are amazed that, heading melt eentimente, ha could accept the Spilt .. .kneel of Mailed States Senator from the LelWiltote of Michigan. immediately after that body had peered reerlulioue all gin the wrong eat lamer the mamitutimality and expediency of the Phevio, mad imetrocting her Senators la Cou rtw to vote fer ix—No:Mori Er. National Fast. The President basing recommeded •Friglai the 3d day of Ammo, as a day of Fasting and Proyes, I on account of the prevail:rig epidemic in mar land, I it is eapmted Religions nenkree will be attended In the different Chorchm in Memnon. Therefore we would say to our friends that our Stows and Shops will be ahead on that day : J. Lyout Boolley Sr. Read, Rem & Simpson, Abel' amil, Benj. Sayre, • C. Boldwia, Mille & Knapp, Edwin hoorre. 0. 0. Hempotead, Eldred & Nt womb, C. Caiman, H. F. Terrell, We.. W. Two, M. S. Wilms, T.L F .,II k kC., Omwee, M. C. Tyler, Wm. Mier, Lathrop & Salisbory, E. 11. Rogers, H. J. Welk, Ilarrey Patrick, Geo. Little, C. M. Ammons, Henry MM... Alfred Baldwin, K. C. Funiham, James W. Chapin.. George Realer, E. W. Hawley, Smitho Stevens & Avery, S. S. Mulford W. SOU. John Lewis, I. POW & CO.. P. S. Branirell. N. S. Several other imps were visited by the mmmittee whom proprietor. were not i. It is tel doubled, however, that all will awl:dome in this drangement. cr.. Old Boman" to go u like erildAre u In Ilia Wm*, &wetly n voinity Cotiecotion, or bay ether Democratic meeting, has been held in the Western or Nortlerrestern States since hisJef tenon City speech, but has nominated him for the Prepidency in 'si. De it - ILT Bradford manly wee the first to pay her full °cola of Stele Taxes again ibis year as usual, by wiSh means alum $5OO abatement wee made at the Slate Tremary, which inverts to the taippay. I ens This resat reflect. gala credit en bah the Trauma of the county, Callemare and tampeyeni, who have anatially °attributed to effect it. ==C! Goose's 11. tor's BOOK fur Berm (,S in its lir deal as need, km it is Rd in almost everything else) ha. been placed en oar ate. to embellieh moms an '• The Bath of Seamy,. • liaa and stip , pie mincing. Takes( the Queue: . a homeroom mezzotint. twe Fashion Plates (ere colored and sae weed engraving.) bed. WINO damn wood en:saviors—all very excellent. Rummel. mete an add. from dm well known pees of Grace °meowed, Perk Benjamin, R. T. Conrad, Mrs. Halo, T. S. Mbar, W. G. Simnel. Rao, Morrie, Mies Leslie, Mni. Old, J. G. Whittier, locc. It is a saliehmt emmoendation to my that the Revd modes, which detains 24 extra pages again, a• le emennary, folly equals all the expectations it. peeepectne haspesmeraged. °edgy weals to knew. (as he hoe given do khan! redid Plate.) which we like beet. The colored one. to he ears" Se toy we, and assay an oar lady Mends who have tampered the two. No rettegading, triad Odey even'. Mew eleamm..—The July and Amgen ownem of this meepaneivoly sew Maya n.. (the Twenties of which we have recently pehligted,) have been received. We have had bat little time to meanie. them ; bet has wine we have wee and read in Own: we an imaged that the tweeedeam. &wend epee It by the won ere not Is the leant sedeorred. .13ede7 and graham, will Indeed ham le mails thek weeeneo or they will hare a tin. that will moot eatellip them le catering le the popular twin. It. embelighwen. (heWog It. Ail= platen which an weed nei..) I an of the Mot erder—wee of them of serpesdag besety— while ite table of eantests exhibit . moo t, et egies of the tamed lelmest, to mtg. gt metribetere in mule op of the fine intent of the eeeetty. AMMO' dhen we nedee the tows et Flederibe 8e...... Hwy William Rabat. 11. W. Imighneer, Me IChithted., Mo Au H. Ate phew. Mo. Ilipereey, Mo. Ileder,_Bl4., Chums eu Auomr.—. Irl Mt AA Mut" tore Onham . • Moodily, AMA la the Ary pietas A ...sty .. • •••••1 A Maury i I. mA•Ni. Amber faidy NMI ••• • AIM YAW Um. Is band es rad mho.— Amara W ambilorlem Ys DAM. Om*" 1118.. Ogrd. H. W. DA bout U. W. Teak.. ... .11. R. Choi*, Barked Tarim, FAL Vert. S. AMA A mkaml•dpol nimMA.. A. D. l'Aterra P. d. 98 DMA ...I Mn., PIA. ID be wlik • prows Shod D. be. gnaws. of Plhdhhh moraheuDin qp•• hmonivh 1•11 SM. MOW No. rf It DiaTeh" « Phowahn W Thhh* M T. P. Komi" Maim SNP Yale TOMO ID Or masa _pumas, ow Winia.—.l. L 10.11.1', CO M..•r0w eta me* beer- Ift *. Awe We. W lie 7. Cehen"l 4 11. Itrah i . oars le loWsm aft it Illfte et 1.161~... ;Mew Misr, estiAtior imam 114 CUM. **N. imijl sal monks tplobrel, Wiw. IN rt. tw breregio 1 11. 11 .• Dr )lll.ilre soarar tee Inorlk , We liar sr br Air *len Mt II Y 1.10.11..101 mg r rilrerre oullorrld. wl love .el 0414 lour Ile I. IMP." own—, P.M. IS arm cr. MemA.l. HA lit Naas ass* irr toot 'Ws mot iY crti Ina inio: Om' 4himper 010,10110,0,110011111.4. ♦ BIM lbe IN Prooldeneylie 'el. Th. "Here of Laadeit Lase" warm to have last Ma eiltla ambition aapivalbraa, ft the Iltroideacy witildwbuediag hlewpastall or attempt that wai. 4 0.. it we d. 4 himi eat with bdw bed b. ebb , dedibt~ 041., tbegtna ofa hater re woe paper is the Interior oldie Embire litata, la whkh be asatiwoon Igmeolf la favor A' the ••••t•lilIa of Canada, we. The foryowin 1. the wild Wei; whir& we give without farther wow most, except the ream* that it le eleprialog ware a Whig of hie brawl averring himself in favor of lb. Deareoratic wistimont of territorial aequiritka. awl the ormerquest ealargeoreat of the area of freedom WEnT POINT June 29, 1849 Mr meta Sea : The newb from the Par liament of Groat Britain this morning must, I think, increase the discontent of our neighbors on the other side of the St. Law- nmee and the Lakes not a little; and that, those discontents will, in a few years, lead to • separation of the Canada., New Bruns wick, doe., from the mother country, seems equally probable. Will those Provinces form themselves into an indegndent nation, or seek a con nection with our Unionl I think the prob ability is greatly in favor of the latter. In my judgment, the Interests of both sides would be much promoted by annexation— the several provinces coming into the Un ion on equal terms with our present thirty States. The Bee navigation of the St. Lawrence is already of immense importance to perhaps a third of our present imputation and would In of great value to the remain der. After annexation, two revenue cut ter., below flushes, would give us a better seemity against smuggling than 30,000 mietotn-house empToyees strung aloft the line that separates us from the British pos session on our continent. I am well ac quainted with that like, and know a great: deal of the interests and character of the Provincials. Though opposed to incarpora tiag with its any district densely peopled I with the blesican race, I should be moat) hippy to fraternise with our northern and northeasteen neighbor.. What may be the views of our Executive I Government on the subject, I know abso lately nothing; but I think I cannot err in ping that two-thirds of our people would rejoice at the incorporation, and the other third soon perceive its benefit. Of course, I am opposed to any under handed measure, or any other act of bad faith towards Great Britain. Her good will, in my view of thematter, is only sec ond to that of the Provincials themselves and that the former would won follow the latter—considering the present temper and condition of Christendom-cannot be doubt- ed. The foregoing views I have long been in tha habit of expreming in °commotion ; I give them to you for what they may be worth. Faithfully yours, WINFIELD SCOTT. her husband's memory lasted till her death, and through hor efforts, at the last session Vreneekena tm Free VerHtery. lof Congrlss en appropriation was made for. We publish on our first page the resole-the publication of his rarer.. .ions of the democratic State Convention. I Mrs. Madison was very nged—considei- Among them is one, upon the exciting sub-' ably over eighty, we believe. To the last, ject of slavery Shish after much discussion, I however, she retained • degree of health w” unanimously, adopted. It is an im- 1 and activity unusual in one of her 3 cal e, portant resolution and places the democrat- I and her mental faculties worn also singular le party of the Commonwealth for once, in ly unimpaired. Her queenly carriage, her its true position. The Democracy of Penn-1 affable demeanor end her many amiable 1 Sylvania, in common with all their broth- qualities have endeared her to Washington ron of the Northern States, have always- - and all its visitors, and her loss will bo been, and are now, opposed to the extort- !deeply felt by all in that metropolis. lion of slavery into new territory. There Prceblent Madison, as is well known, is no doubt about this. Freedom in free had no children. Mr. Todd, Mrs. Madison's territory le essentially a demoeratio Incas- son by her first marriage, is, we believe, urn, and the democrats in the State of New still living, and resides in Virginia.—Phil- York, Now Hampshire, Connecticut, Mn.- I adelphia Ilmllelin. sachusetts, Maine, Vermont and Rhode In land, and all the Western States from Ohio' HARRIIIIITIIOII COTTON 'All LL.—The di -1 to Wiscouehe, have adopted it as a funds- I rector.of the company , organized for the l mental part of their party creed. Needy all erection of • Steam Cotton Mill in this I the deenooratio news paper. of them Statoslplate have purchased Gee. Forster'. Peach I bare followed in the amp strain—indeed it orchard and Ferry' house lot, with all the I has Weenie as firmly imbeded, them. in the, ri‘er front, running from the water house! Wantons of the democracy, as opposhion to' to Gee. Hammon's Hotel, containing about ,. a National Bank or a high, swindling tar- I six and three quarter norm, an a site for r IF. The democrats of Pennsylvania have the Cotton Mill. In making this purehase been g ee mee t, role-represented upon thi s j they had an eye to the fulcra as well as I question. Or rather the press and people , l prespot, as they hare secured sites of rare I of the interior have too long neglected bmuty for from three to fire mills, in ease to axprm their real opinions, and been I the business proves to be as profitable and too turning to follow in the wake of a few , advantageous as we have every reason to I leading primes and public men. We feel I believe t will be. An agreement has been firmly eonvinend that if the denwerstic par-1 made with Gen. James to erect a mill with ty of the State, had taken the position last' 8000 spindles—the work will he eommen lall that the Pittsburg Convention has now aed lar . soon is materials eon be brought taken and that If the then demo:rade ean- upon the ground. sod ne "PT" the built mad; foe governor had some ea t ... n ew e l leg to be pot under roof this fall, if DO 11111. In support o f t h at position. William if, foremen ekumstenees oeeec to prevent it. Johnston would never have been Governor I The enterprise of our dawns in this dna of Pennsylvania adl Gen Taylor would not , Wort ic make liramithargh • Predating now be Pruident of the United States.— , instead of • consearing town, is highly Easton Argue. i commendable, and we trust they will eon- I time to press onward in other branches of I pair When will the engineers be along I productive iodustry.—Derr. Union. to put the North Branch under entreat t A y ou r Wm. " hog .," Do you rent ddillrahr 11101111. d'illee4 Meet your han the platform in trout Aaron anaj,t,alcung Man residing here of the Hotel? How yes Sold the Was al" In inn TOnnalllP. about 2 mil. 1 above our Village on Saturday lost. He people that. the North Branch was • meas .. you wou ld lend a ll you its to : wane has home in the forenoon of that se t you Did you think of this when you I day. and with others of Intemperate and stn year men to work to kill the North I Allow habil , , from evidence before she Dumb Ng and start year sinking fund ti Ingftssi. oft= t• have arrived about noon The .."I.of the mob win remember you at • shantes oeaupted b John °baboon, in fat, Pi—Luserwe Deneerst. , sheeted' on the " Old Turnpike" lading , from Camas to Duda, about half a mile east of the Lubmwaans. Aa abandoned menu and WOW of mu were mashing to emu dilloalty and sows muted thre••• odes wed -reekededewdee meows tobetes Pe koe Ono bolwesei Mr. Modem led yews Guard. About 6 *Week In the Ammo Mr. Mabee% holed lb pa and loft the obardow While belt as beer Atter, • report of the Goa wee bond, wed Guard iwoollotelpereAdmil to • yam woo and the wooer lobe were onl y et tied li., I. ideetee, •• lam shah ' He embed la • few olautee. %oboes simile Win Arad the sae ludo the obseuee. Au below . was held. Obatioee oomowitted, apd is now IN Jail swathe Ms Idol at the Neu Me. sla Wem used not say Get lble deo* end the usleseltetr tintere~se eemeteted with It ethyl s werete, te A, Got c a re tempted to lore wide from the pea* et virtue sued nerellty. It wield MOM is spook la • rodeo wield" wield bet be bowl she Hetet —oenteretete Dm. Ts» Mimeos. porn report tbe • rapid of pordadoi la the ',MVP- Ty. =1714. Pael, the eacitel, whieb mete kot dip eweetkeek quite treeete, . t .... ditim mid kr, elearz Ikea& ikree weeks pas imo to the let le- I dealt end doe lowa le ea Amyl la he sad bee is mallakal la its it. =that a peers *boat kw time weds, e. rekwata& eleoet %wile that be bee beta talthig a /Up Vaa Malik Amp. A Oaasprata—Thlt Man Iraqi' *des isml illeiloompd, .at shy petes,"l.. Nur Tort To FIRMA= fee Wails sf en s b Ibis a1ty, 11. 41 ueth*F„pt the atm et Ude wily jeael:, swop thst bit .vlO, te • Now 14117. 4 . te: as. • Mt n ' i r id ium soviet. Yrs. Bathe. wto• she 1•111 Mae sky he " attusepetetell both her tletehtees."— pme. IMI.. rwbw boa eimiskriliwei , o9 Mil Alamos's to alay:thimurei rensolOsiimeAlr 0• 10 lita*wir,WlNalt • MOM MADISON. The death of M. Doily Payne Madison, which took place on Thursday night in Wuhingtde, is an event that sums to re- I quire something mare titan s mere pauing notice by abs Fes& Ao intimate anode- I tins with public characters anti public af fiiirs for half a century, has made her al most ma well known a character to the merican people as any of our statesmen of the same period. At the same time, her noble qualities of mind and heart have made her not less sonspictiona in the Mations of domestic and social life. Mrs. Madison's maiden elms was Dolly Payne. Bhe was of Virginia parentage, though her birth took place In North Caro lina, during a vielt of her parents to that State. A short time after her birth, hoe parents joined tho society of Friends and manumitting their slaves, removed to Penn sylvania, and their daughter received her education in this city. At an early age she was married to Mr. Todd, a young lawyer of Philadelphia, who died a short time af terwards, leaving her with an infant. The young and beautiful widow ems not long without suitors, and among the number, I James Madison, then a member of Congress form Virginia, was the favored one, to whom ' she was waded in 1794. Throughout his long and eventful career she sustained the character of a devoted wife, and was of no small service to her distinguished husband in many of the of his life. During his administration as President of the United States, she predated over the White House with &dignity and grace sel dom equalled, and commanded the admira tion of Americans as well as foreigner. Upon the approach of the British army to Washington in 1814, rare beroie gnsl ties were developed in her character. To the Wt moment that her friends would permit, she remained in the White House, securing .cabinet papers, plate and other valuables, and absolutely refusing to leave until the portrait of the Father of his country, by Stuart, was taken down and secured from the impending vandalism of the invaders. I Her night from the White House, and her escape to disguise form an interesting and I romantic incident of tho history of that pe riod. It was • trying time for the wife of an American Provident, and there are few wo men who would, under the circumstances, have displayed an equal stredgth of mind,' lan equal degree of patriotism and on equal amount of conjugal devotion. After Mr. Madison's retirement she re-1 ; mined with him at his scat at Montpelier, Va.. smoothing the ilawnward path Of. an aged mother-in-law, and lirfotming, in an !equally exemplary manner, her duties to her husband, until his death, in 1836. Du ring*the greater part of tho subsequent po i rita sho bas resided in Washington, the centre of a refined and cultivated circle ; courted and caressed by Americans, and ; honored by the attentions of people of all ranks and all nations. Her devotion to BO%el wood ask " 1 119 1 1 Mm 13 paw slay 's s asy " Was Is NW *l7 4 •o = " ja i la • •owt• wb• A Cbarter of Vlllidoor. An article appeared in the N. Y. NetiOX . al Police Gosene of flotorday, Web aught to And its way into oilier channels of WM , ' motion. The following in a very brief sy nopsis: It seems that on the 23d nit., a Euro pan packet chip hertved at New York.— Among the pawners were two Ida or phan young ladies, who rare slain. They were well educated ; and they WWl wi out a protector or guardian, SIM all lain. After liming themselves at • ins bane in New York, they were visited by this captain, in a carriage, ansompanied by his ship's physician, and asked the eld cat sister to Mike a ride with him. She bravely told him that it would be an im proper act—alluding to the short acquain tanceship, and of being in • strange land. Upon this tho captain threw himself upon bis standing and dignity, and the doctor acted as spokesman. This had the effect of Moving the nympathice of the younger, and it is probable,inexpetienced mister; sad consequently, after dropping • 'hatable remark in favor of the captain, the Invita tion to take a ride was extended to herself, which she accepted. Tho captain soon found it expedient to 1" give up the ship" into the charge of the !doctor—but retained the 'mammy of the female. He entered her into t house where be was acquainted, and with • Imp handed to him by the female who let that into the house, he was directed to ma attis chamber. Thither he enameled die Sink who at once believed that she waa ed. This room bad a dormer window, which looked out upon Broadway. Oa the opposite side of the street, In up-stain a partments, lived a man who wma acquaint ed with the captain. At this moment be woe lying down ; and the reenlist ant of his position enabled him to see who it wa• that brought the light into the room. When ho saw the captain and the female he watched the transactions until another eon came into his room, to whom he related I what had transpired. Leaving the person to watch in his place, be Hastened to alarm the pcliee. During the time of his welch ing, there was a deeperate struggle, in which the female sueeroded in breaking I loose from the grasp of the captain, and then mounted out on the window and ran along the spent to the edge of the roof.— IThe captain appeared at the window, and when he made a move to climb out after hoe, elle bounded up the.edge of the roof to the peak with the agility of a kangaroo, with the layers of elate crackling beneath her feet, and seated herself on the peak.— The captain now climbed out on the roof; and, seeing her position, he went back, and . made his appearance at the trap door, of Iwhich the female was within a few feet without knowing it. When the captain presented himself through the trip, the did not eve him in time to avoid his grasp.— She broke loose aRh the loss of a portion i of her Fleece, and slid down the roof, trus ting only to the Flight protection afforded by the spout. She caught the peak of the dormer window in the descent, and seated I herself upon it, declaring that she would l never pass through that house again. A 'ladder was soon procured by the police, and when ono by this means brought her from her resting place to this front of the dor mer window, another policeman inside forc ed her through the hones into the street. Thie is only the half of "this strange, eventful history." Next follows •longae count of the legal pewee, which ended in . but little lota than smoke. The captain's wife offered the sisters $3OO, on condition that they would move to Philadelphia, and remain there until the captains veiled should leave port again. They puked their trunks, and took the Hoe for Philadel phia, with the before-mentioned physieian las their protector. On arriving at Blood ,geed's,,liotel, they stated to the persons belonging to the establishment, that they would leavetheir trunks there, and go and coo their boarding-house drat; when, If they 'liked it, they would seed for their bag !gage. The doctor objected to Olds sr , rangement, but they wine be on Nailing, , notwithstanding. When they arrived at their dastintion, they were randueted into a mom, airar an entry, from which they could see I the open doors into ether rooms. Thaap [pcaranes of the inmates, which were shiny females ea disluthille, satisfied them nin tine to the eharecter, of the house; and they therefore left the premises for the hotel a gain, and left by . the neat Hne fee New York, without the doctor's proteetion. The third act of this drains I will soon seen. The doctor takes the first tri nity of seeing the 'reporter of the Police Gazette, and tells him that " the evil& is aline fellow, and would sooner pay fro I hundred dollars rather than be exposed." Let this affair servo to price. *tam females en their guard. Villainy is some times found in high places. TraciMy Is Ys le. Lit erasing abost 6 o'elosit the seigh bon in' Gardiner street were embed be yond mamas at ea wed tresedy seeded is the silky. It appears that a man named John Dense, resided in that etatet, and that a elersyman bad neer in the ran bosom ovreheadTor seem mans or Ow known to binSsit, Mr. Now nth plated, et aye he supeated, the= of hie ,If.. and did mot like moo ties lie whammed es the pert=t; ms.' Lest ming be sae midi Ibis. sad, ea he _Mod OW= in • ahead= 'bleb Mt ws 4sebt Nod Oa to the oriathiMity d die parths— The ehrgyi es premsp s m e thrailh • • • wimilaw. Valais live ow et bis and As enraged bighead, oshim 6shaliss iron. as Me OM ren be.ll by Ids beads on ripped the wa WNW 41 61 1 6 01. 40 - TM weak was, or sawaw hat dada Hs etis tie saa. sad I isyr be 481_ .7E2 weridaal wwwwww of a me wit dais b law I.:WAr Di. o••4esdni' w...•.—Nt Minim laft Wei mania i• Natibet Nu r,•ollWN'ibe - anirboar, Yd -mar bli mow from alke Maw 84.11 Me% Mae =r id alatil a ir the riszell= Ns the oSeim• of Ma priaawilmasimiaa i=abak, abi•li ha, Wm. rim sod Is tie prolas** se !tufting. fa rArores ea IN t 1 aittio Asa* eassaite•••• • ii•46..44/Ar. • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers