• , 1 NEWS BV rip , riin i n - . _ _ _ __ _ . I Rigkt at. Last. il 'Democratic State Convention 5 ',., ,.. . IC ,. r. ' , ll ,"Y ett K.°. and IV halloo ' hle having received apl l'r -f h I I ' t' le t t f him I os ----' .s , THE DEIVIOC i IIikT. , nu' ,e. ' h t tt°o c ot 11. "horc , Y g 0"... . 1 " . is! ittritinnrii. ' The fall tem. of the proceeding" of the late .... " .. ....i.ii . eit . tat.heb ol holes litillea ' Z ' it ' llier ' ef e or ' e r ' i r l ' ai e ... ' ts n ii:ti n a 12e07 ' Zne '": The . irit Train trit7terLi elated I io• i)euttieratto eattaiduti t 1 ir (halal id' the facie, roil if lb.- IhitiN flail 01 desires ~...„ _ rotosl 111 Ille 1 . 14 1 110,11111,, oi the Piliehisra Coll. meeting of this Leay, which amenthled in the A FTFR euraitirsiutter. MD thing noire I ...la remark, that • ross, a m. 0. ., . 0.11 her .d. . ..... mll nt one. .`ttr.' Riporled for Ila Inane. Demurral. , Athemeurn, in Pittsburg. on the 4th mst., I. ilt , . . . ... . . Re.amembkrd at .Zo °n iclarikrork r ./ "F'' G N . Glover was 3lr Itaslhes.l an•ved that the emaei,ti , ,n derogate piesellb hoe la his possession s --..-.:,- s'= - 7 ~n, alma. It is amssnant tot eve, aspect, and length been receivi 4. It is quite proli. ibeing - ...--7 - , -- ea - ah -'. _.. • •eiipeetallym as a p 1.,. the Demserecy Of Penn. W ass o c k s „,„ ~,,,, ~,_•,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,p A1a . , ..,,, ,.,,, , ,, ,, , , ,,,e, , ,,0 1 , 11.1 b . pa ,. or ~,,..„,. admmed as d. home from Jetlibson and (lane,. moo ii il to Mr. I ramble the solantorou, Issas- letter from nts, neighh,v, MY eral,e who atmateas, and 1 K Slorolsooll from Wooltenuutt,inatitut, acrsed tr. teams .it its true posinoi, kraus the country.- berm has Jura urns ea here Inim Chaves, 1/•1 1 1111, ' p „ .. ~,,. ~......., morh th .. ~,, ..., :.... Is a rolat it e ol 3lr Furter, which will coin ' Thei .j u perfeet aceordance mth the feel g• 1 kft ,,,. 1h d . u . i tt , r:,.. ,,,,,, he 9 7 . ., h , ,," , 1 , t ,, ,:!,, r ,!,.., w '..,7: c b ,`,,1,', - , ~,,,,,,os sr . 0,.. m „,. r . i t r „ or b. r . Il eau ,',, reore , ' lii the plea °1"... ohms` nola to rrrals. as 1,011- Ott t. ,, 1i ,, tt or MY .todsrsm a e.lll 11111 Icc plata!). my the charge or my 55 ,,,, o r a. and seen.. 11.1,1. of aor people. seal the people of 7.......:. ~..„ . 1 h.. ih .. 0.0.,1.1 ~ 0h... ~,,....,, ~., trot „... w..p.,, , ,.,, pr routu. J. l ike .rodhead nasal., adnouell us dela- of three were appoint.std to inform My shrilly to my party. n o , „b a h, North, need ma at this lots day ho as- i proepertsof the ..ers., eem ChM ....dere...id ' when 11 wits recs.., e d. i together with the ream... roe front P sod Wey ae , Joseph lardlia. from siamble of his tionatial hilt• fin that committee the eh Sir appointed ~,,,T,l.,e,,i,:,'"o'f."3lic","G'senr,7,l7lllledg:eitth„, the Is arch for them are none to mi ea mn i i, it. odop. , wit& ate programa...teem robe on the ascendt:oe? ......,. h. .d.,, , .. ...... ~ .... Wertrnbelaud. and John Spear from Philadelphia tio 0 loch is boa another ea ulence of the popular I . n " ." 1 . "'' ,"". "" , ' '' n P "" ° "'"" a ' '''' Arid. , A forte,-„, ether sands, rte publish only , c. "" t Y The following resolution. effered by Mr. 'Messrs. Anderson, r 4 climmose. and Illack re .,, r k s u la j 3 e l jeeji3i , June, for Nun I ronellel. tell of frergla owl park it. oho .. 1.,..„.., ~,,,,,...,,,,,,, t or ~. toot,. Th e Can to report Wear. for th e p erms . .00 ,, i m r‘ str r is t a l s , , a I r r eces , s . r:f .. s , ss, , 1; 1 1 , 0 , 0 , ra! 0-01, to which I ,olou:tans have Wen compelled at ~..... lost to soceunob, is meet oppertime i raid what aaltle. Steerner Tit.. left Chapres for Enelaud on th•- bubo,. of m ot h e t,. 111111 on, Ulailt 101 1 0 1110.1:1/111 e 1...". Ihroo,h then gr."' ' pll .e t ,Is in to I",•ting it as adopted to a great moral hue, oi the fact that .1 parrs dhy , fllth ult. soh Cold Dust a oimal at etlil. , fill. _ thhina nun , M r sum,. Jo : Juane ,' 11,.,, .0,., ~ t m i. • niitteu 00 re•oltwion , o tinie to ramte do it /trsto/a,!, That this Conrentian dc on , ins i`,TAns, tcraTss -Thos paper her um, at- the uououseire Weiiie of the convention. l'ate i Wartime., Joy I I -Tiis Consulship for Pie. The pile.., r con, sal u. to 'clock, mid Dm- lots they had be rm ... o h, Jo sailor o tale, „ for ri port. it 1 heir .1 TO aat alio thou to express their . 1 , 10 4 s ~,,,ra n s , o r 10,0 en'st. aver la a , .liiell l i„. e , .. ream, or taro moth,. ups" ers ,,,,,„. oi , 01 , Mi. Na l•hi oh.. ha. he". 4 1, 00 1 . M , l 100.. , t , $...., , ',.., LI 1. , . ~.....,- ~ .1 . W. ih ~ , l'h ~.... L. salcmo, .1 the II mu sof the taro.. • 111. lislr for kr. i 1.. jog t. as ;' ,,,, 1. tli,ippr“loti vi sinl d, re-mti.o. or the hm. ~, j,,,,„, he „ n iej o r ~,,, „th er p ., j „, n Norther" ~ „, th .‘, ~ . 3 ,,,,:,, i , 0 ~.,.., ~.„ ,„ . .....h ~.„. Norio. all.. d.. a The , it, i mom... 111.1 hi alai,. sh oo .", „ or i ft 1 1, „.1,„ 0. 0; Iv 5 t, , ,..,,,, ,J „, , „i, ,„,.„ ~, ~,,,. p n ,,,,i,.i.„,„,„, ~,,,,,,,n , , them thinvemion was calla , ' I.s ordcr la r , .., low upor ~t tr Natio:al Statute Pew and.", vomi, Isra, r th.o. 0, o or ~os '.."' • ' . '. ~,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,s rc „„,,,.. Th,,„,..,„ „. r. ,„„., „ , ea... 111 /1 '011.• 01 Who, Schoosoar, a,. ,i,X. .;,.""""' 4 "' l ' I -Tl "' ch " l ' n ' s ' '''' "" th° K , no,• H H lb , ~,,,,• • • ,, .•I 11J 1V. , 11 , 1, ‘.l ' • Th' .... ”"i'''' "I.l"'"tle4 f. rat "'s MY Mal., :Intl. ii/i,t s t'..s. 11. czr. g ..1 Anterit an a a es, me ....meals tor I.tst s I hot. bang, cr. ~,,„ , , ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-„,,,,„... s ~,1 0, .. a ~......,I _ ,, Galiihte, i ffeleil al. lolhowing report : s, , ' nett ~, Ship.l., sal, si, „i s , it ss 0 ,.. youth to avotl themsolv, t. pp(( 0,, to 11..lirs 1,1 .i,rl.• ,J hx th in. • rai alo L.. our of the •• immortal I 10, of saliii II -it oi . from • led. ra The ir• c. 0.., ih ei , tithe h er „f 5„„,„..., & 110 „ , 1 1,11, ~ ~,..,,,,.. iii. .. ,r . ~ .iit , ,',...,',..,hr,:" Thee mionittoe nmsantal to tuf 10111 Mr ~,,,o.t. I not only 1p loin/mot s hut to every warts., thee, roer.ansf c , r.../ do . ' 1, ...e. ~-w ho ~,., ,1 11.111 11,1 tS h., as nook Ict s,- II 11 V 11 1 1 ..../1111 . 1:. . rt... th e preferede io il h ,r m od om ei eolor•iiiii.- , ~, ~ ,n,, 0.. ~,,,L c- . ~ t . , , , ... ~ ..., . ~_,,,,.......,, -,,, , ihi , . Korn oluative Dior, tr. hod the fell., Itllo- 0.h.,,,,,, er , Xi,rj,er,lV,,ral, th ou , i, h ie ,,,,.n.„k. ... " I Ism II Is.. s her .is "Oh , .. 1 pro,m, do , t repithli..anism and justiee. . I . 1. , c.., oar, , Iv Allllly.. ~.. .1 ) cation wadi the pull,. N. B. All whorl, moo,. ~, t tour, iq. l o. ono, ko , 00. ~....., om m ~...i 0,10, ...hal. I r ""' k "' u.'"niiir• Node." ...."' l '" the "h." i'll• -M• 4 ih• ir ir d m ‘1 , ......1 oak th•naua sv.d., , t5,,,,,a,, m ,, .5..,,, ,s,, s , t „, ~,,,.. 5.,,,,., ss., t t i ' , atal C . Tutti - si'..er, report, that they have Th e ,„11,,,,,,,, r „ so t„,,„„ , fl,„d b y 3 b.. ) I Ile, I. 0....,50 C. 0.! ton., ~... i.o,hho .......,o- me . obreeted 3lr 1 I amble screws the 0,,,, , s , 0 d„,,,,.d . the sumo we, k. saw Is , laud,' to ~,, curls us ..so at ..,,, al of Os palant Col Illitek, on the, ‘3,,,,.d sr.,. k ijo ,„„ y , ' , row 1 m e l 3 ,. re j or ._, I Senatorial Heimann, It rrok. lisrchund. 1-',1:1,v, ‘1...1,1c. heir, to.s. ~,....,..„,,, .. ~ , non .tt with sm.'s.' gra , attic-null Irca , /,141, Tlcil thr distinct and emphat - Toads% atom,. _ adc ,r, soot.- Qs, 4 mi .. th, a Imathiy, and alio,. Term Jae:. to oil ri rime il lA/id llexista•r.Jamoo Philadrlphiu C'ety oriel etHrody-Danid ~...,• 1' , ... , 1..• , I..ili•iil riai U'l• Loos.- - , tic.irea the e , nunsittee In ~, that he n ill l e I da!, and pridniso made before the lee[ IM. 11,1 . 00 t, ~. P0 1i 0.... I , , s. ''' Mu"... Ak s • Ifni's . , A. Fortin r , rtun, AV. It Fop., 6, , ..a, ~, ~ ,,,- •-m...... tosad.ech. 1/s.) et, 1.,.... „ tic , ~,, ~n , ,.... b. , „,.,. p .,. ,. : . hit he olr s - 4:..‘„,...1% d,,,i..1. I, the cal a, s t s 1 W In , 4111it i... 't • and. r remit., i al. Esher, Charles Murphy. 11. W. ',an. Derr. lb my mid li dliritit h. tut • i " hi.. ." 9 ”.^ • A."'""` "' Ilok 1 r . Ind, Ith-r..,,,,,0f ehnkr, .id shortly t , 4 ants t 1.,• a nth of a I , ute D. in , , • ~ . .n el v , p:rfect. nt ti i , I , tt,te. 'the Ten • tha •• the Delimerae, of Ihllll,lvania ~,,,Td°,... ~„,„„,,,„,: 3 „.,.,,,,,',... • 21i114/0//teni, 111V1,11 .1 1 1 , 11( 1 11. I 1 ...i1,11 1 . Ititil 11 •ar n,:l ..d„ to on ad,. Mr. John It lho 1 t ... r, 0ut...,,1J, 1 1 1117.11 'll Wail,. ir ''' 4 ' - C II II""'e' C=3:Ell Thursday, 1.17 I. 1949. Tor Oamal Cemskinsiour, JOHN A; (AMBLE Demeeratic Comely Committee ''' • • - T . . 1 II DIM. - 3 r • e4llirrfts Irrwr pnrio , r and Ole nons dn. ,drertna for On llorkwheat, and olt I 'orri n•l!ro••rdl•r fn.nA. of the ,0„,, ruldl f olor , r• Vr"I•h• 1 "• ,, • s• r' l•rr“. awl ••••• 1.0,11911 of go. U:oorr. 11, tr rho a h , Iry Ihrtmler sham err. r•Io• h q. •r •• ..1•••,•• •• r .••!.1 r•Ll••• th. ir , look' 1. , . Let 104 ) - r ed . ib. ..r Mr. 51.1dir,, by Tr 'I i She 110 W J, Al. home, r. an.l Memos el of Mr. MOW, TENT --- I h ll O no parts pr,.! t.. nu no eneimen 1.110411 I 111, nun 111111 lhr• alm ori ilr 4.11 deemed rn( leiti elle, Icor r. 1., • I /Hi...grout. •% , 11, ,=, II ler at Muutme, .1 I place ..f II .1. NI 41. ward. re,,,eirv. of Iltior 31,Ara, ot tio trot M t em bk.% for tlo Low. ~, 1 1111•11 of i•rt made rn lilt' Ire. 1. .111.0110 d to he me of the gray stand er 141.. r lit 101 . 9•11 , Where ta thr todo No d I o:11 And wen 01l add mar. Ik, r s At. unhooked mtwfarthen roan, .d 1 qt., leak! or was mare dew,' hml, papal, tit Ica 1...111. , 11 than• Mr. Waco. hoeing the earn. period he ha held the Prot Ofli. r he, 0. bast. r heard . hen of r amphora ; th n. e .11111 - . 'steal, a a spealongm las prase, nod est , pt los a Ilttl• !err of Federal corm... locsted 111 Ileraash dandy hopmg that from among 11. leuts et .1 r.me tations conuantly ganey oil at 1% aahacsca, lo nue" ewe, Wr .11 v. mi. to .1..1 01. question of hi.mom II Is ea , 01,1etted to the pea. Ida %holm,. odd lt a dire. mt. r. et .1., .1. ‘.e• the removal a enla‘ cla ell at. In ono %t! yet tt Is melt a man that oath ta 11.11.1 i.lli, a au ae.. the ',Sworn] Wosh.limen, - oe ilt. mark I; -walla man oho._lo op. art rWM ather rapable. m .. t. er SI tttttt I cor natal. r not that thaw I.n who hays agettad wadi n watal J 111,10. patiLe cod private reputohon hu Lase le . ttttt ous.. a. pnwaseing the rIIII.IIV-1111 11 11:d I , IA, ir from yon when ton nort them, er Owen-101in dogs The, ha, der .• .11 1,,•1 pal the most indurated nod ao hauh. It is no no. to MO tam laatan, ap1...11 the matter by m, log that the fate tu 11 r mat. .t 1.1,1 Noverbl/er /keeled ill/a tame, end 11/./t I. a T., for hull a 000, and el eape rIA l/.11 ~ 11/./I I . will aell a round lam Ice pcbt,a/ . /. ././. /1/ Ile place or mid Rich like Hil . 11 , 1 is placing Ilse , /cans. fcr roma/ /I/ amends taluch lien. Ta,lor rep/reel, rept/I/an Ile e bale.; I.. Men proacreptiop“ foe ate, r eeet opium. and will Janke •• Four 1, e//,/„e • end the cal., leant r aea of appcatt neesta end remersla teach au .‘llllll.lllll, for is theca eemsenne. earl iffieeatempleamal) liWn by Ilse "Fleeeml Waalenvon" leon••li"I'l• co!. AIM " for this wttlfnlii that tut, matter mud to mak!, nt. that Mr. M trill • ut dollen. or onfutthful • elt•rge •I. el, eve, who he. done buohnew. at hts Oliii•e, I.n 0 b so fano as Gen. Ta}lor haulm le—tt.e! ibut n (111.0 MO canteen be onneened We premme he will make every g, d off.er—he tn.), make as good MI one as hie id, dereeser Wa hope In may. W murk msr. r I to Ik metals other embed., and dank the publir do al. se. A. • politwato he is ohm and rabid. and hue never bee. ever .emtindons allow doing, m least Ms Yam, of the • Arty wadte• of his party. Pa ds these eiretnnstaneeo, If • Whig mum serene my have it. wo know or no one more desening the reward for service. render. d. Kr The number of caws of cholera in S. *a Thursday was 85,doaths 904 on rriday, t`o,. ad 30; au Saturday, 103, and 51; aud on Sou.' day, 70 and 87. The orsailwr du b Philadelphia as Thursday, was 80 saw. sad 28 daubs; au niday, 01 sod 301. Saturday, 84 undid; arid sot Sueday, 54 ad 10. to Cimlesao. se hillay 110. amber of 66010 66 *Ara yeas 161. et *auks 101. la Ot. Lay* the manlier el came ache/11m ea Thaieley wee 1111—bathe 1011; ea Fililey 110, amel 87, which dem • /lON illinalattlea la he 1,117 Fwnesa Mae.law, bk • Wee le Ms. SMikammet. Onitio• Waco hi. *Oval I. N... Yak) Mimeses Ws 'Madan .f .Yd.( ommodke /hubs M. Mor Wu* 11m Mato. H. J. OM ea • eW u &KM •. tit a X 4,111111. 111111 111. 1.111•1/e, 111 141111111,11) I' NI. za r% - .1 "I eol. men • Leo ot 1,1114.11211. all I OIF 111.110,qt...111i 1,1411 i ., rat., .111.1 ei o• d rte., • Home. I .e• WIII. Ila,virt ti t t P 11 I ,1 • s 11% Ow 1.:Ii kohl. r therrx.l Fair 11,11 r, Inu•n• Oornionno n • onenile for One 1/en nornerain I/ ;alt.. watt .1 t,at r• use , owe.. 10, .111., ni. it.- neat Wat.ltinginta &tat, ttlt t ..rot". t tat , t mai Wattli. they st ill root •ttattt tt. tit, or MI. frse.stsil .I .6,4 • Not • 'Flat. tta.t xt ts 11.111 they tt Ittal the; 1111,. t ill ot M tat• tat tat al hot. r...n attempt ofy 1:14.,n1 114=1111 •••••••., . 1.... r...• 1....1,,,, sn.n.npuss s Isms. at present. ~ T.., ...r • .01010111 thnse p. •• .0111. kii to r 10. 0 0 ssel ..ppnlmetrneurs, sp• 110 100i1 1 s I.e.n ..1.1.11..t1 lin, utifia.k. ni 11.. w ..112 0 of Os, virt..• • He st.ts.l.. n u. d„t .• ',neat old pip tineept,on. at.. L. a., t at , . int oh,alvrate .Ilona Inat4t I In M. no WI: • I VI, —Awe Uoirwr 10i...111 of his pItol_to• It to illll Lark ` , ll .11.11% I, d llO I. .1 ht os. 1.. him,_ rm . ,. 0p..., awl la fuet, o hilt by ,e moat 0.n.0. of I. )11 log woo., ilwro. Obit VIC 11111), Whog .titorate or de, the la a aidg of theie profoundeig felie -111,1011 that it 7.. go. 'nu, call it the.. game of pa ',r ow, - •.• •I,Le.'' d.e. .1•••1 '..h! to Whiner), for the /ewe beine, it may be • good joke,—bitt to the roaalry it is likely to porn othenio, and to thew, it any yet torn out gall tordwintowoodi Timm apda•day of retnbutton Wore for then, which they ratiby no joggle, clap oup. falsehood, or oil. r means, evade. glijr• What has Leconte of the, North' Braneb owlet The sinking fond Ts grad ually growing, while it is necessary to bor row money to pay interN t 'his iewisdoes with n veogsanre. The h Braneh wUI sleep this !meson, at n eoet the state of, some $ 2 00.000. Int who Is to blame for all this? We my, Wet. F. Johntaon, the non who stunt* the stabs on pledgee nod wk. lates them now, we protons, without twee a ohm °fah. ohoulder.—Larerne Den. jtir . Tbe wretch who stole Mu* Gnu. bey nylon shirt fret tie DI , den of the White Howe, bee not yet peso apprehended. It Is undereaed that the , edeleleastloe bee elm 010•0•101 10 pre vent a Nailer oeurnefee le Mere. Inure mei • 'el. Cniorrer Smelt!, Werke, sr axe,. But II Hibbs. theme', el,. 1,. :or] 1... ie.lll ululeem.,l Lulled:aro. and L., 'wit W on. re,. Ile , .1 elm. r nut 11. m to. Ike C.l.Lnotan I,llolllilrL Ii .. 1,,,,,0, tt no,... Dent o rot, I.' ..• . • II i • , ottermeon , tatairdat .IL I Tito, tot Stool., . to, K orsyttt•han n et, lr 'pie a fid fryono en, in. n .ta r oittnuotee to r.porin •. 4 .111 , 0 , 1..111.1, -01,1 1 , ..11 log ~..1 IL Me Ke.. I or!. II nt tt e I ion . d'Ll t. , Win. i it. tit. ttf the r ~., ord., (.........,...... ,i.... 11, ~d , I /6 , 0 , 1,..! Ti., ,WI I, nlo t 111 to ttrt t.. 1., ~ ': .e.e. IL. `r.' •nt Brad Ir, rd and 17.),. KS I; 11 .1tich. 111, I,lLtLetonot, lltantoN. ItorLe.ll,llm. NI. t, Ir. ' t't et • I V. o ~.„lll,ataLl. .ttol to t toott,to tl olfe .r. L. tt, float .., ~,, , ~,,„ „,, A.. ~.,,., ~ 4 ,.. Ly,uormo.tr, ( I cif,. and ('ttitre. Jlb it...td. noel. I% 1.411.t0, Moeln•II. MCCILAIII, llore- ort j e ,a t 't , :„. i t A ,•, ', Fon A.:nt. t. , t., et 11, VI Co t I.olor t la.ot t onrett 13 .*k ii,,,i, !Lam . 11.1rIde and Cent, , soever (Ito . ite itil, at It tin...lute/I [ht. P.m nee Nall, •-- halo,. o itolol 1,. Li, e. rne 00 , 1 ('1,111,0,i,. W. K,.,, 5. , , : •olu- in a lowly ..'...;nt no- In .V. ;lora.; :land end tfattplan. 17 M ,01, dm tl , l.imti.ll 11.5 ti tl mhich 1r....1°0A : ........... j a , 27 . 4 . .....z . raz u . , ....; . rrn , r . , , , ,, . ,, i r n . in 1 12: 1 ;;, J .,, i,, , , , an,, !'n ion. It J. w.i . ' llowlrcd, Thot in token of respect fur ' il ,'”: l ''' .4 t" . ''';''"' t ' JAMES K I'IM.K, late preshirot oho has 'l' . „'''''!, t '' ''' ut ': 'V''' t ~,,,, col. crrot ..........o, ..o.- tel. (..,, ~,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,.,., 5,.„,„ 0 w.„4. b. on t.tke. hoot , tir mid, I. the niautbie ''"' l 'i tn ..''` "I' " '''' t ~' ni :at in-urnt.ll.l.• in .Inl I,e, and %Am,- ' n ','''''' . t ' ''''''. '"'' h or „ illres.t rls.c In tllleghesl3 CII3 . Y•,,-/- 11. •rs I, tthoor. ' otemh h.s t:.r no r, ', a dr,. cl. , 111 1 , ,1 ''' '' . 0.. iO,, 20., .0 •.• • ...., ... r ~:. ... 0u.,. ~ 0, .. i,,, , ,,, , , ,, , , ~,,,,,,,d „„,/ Tha r j,,, 1 . . u. rpoloir., hot 111 .I. ~.,,,•...., - eh.1.!,..1 ,'" ' '' '' ' fr.• n .. I'mOnlry Ole Inn .....,..111111ow ilat 41 . 11 0 , . .a, 11 I.• • ..atal I tlt ==l=l ~1 tl., lair .1S: .111amrdol a , tit l r, run Ili ram a 'i s. tala .• Reprementallse ot lir, .1 , 101,,. 11. t. .1 tt y. II '31111., AtAirt . " ..I "''''''' .1., It .1 I 1 It•tit MIME l'art.r,.fames Da. i• Ilellageman. John It I) I! II .tt•.voilie, 11's. It,i- Beath of Della B. Ogden. N 1:.1”...bi1k I =EI r loom a., • un tar hull • ..• shrrilsn .1 . trtl..• , r. or. dl d, .., nor., ' Colitonl in. Ika,c 3vrt o.e. ti ~,, litervlt -- X. dal, 11. . . I'll, Mle•oryell " " " / Santirt•l 1. rot, li•r. ••• Dela 'rare Wila. 11. "Amnon. Terrible Fire In Manch Chunk—, L.'"Oh.• Ir ie"• '' '" '.4 i2l'll°). Illusilnew portion or the Town °•• pie Wm A rlalbrait I, James Killed. Por., tt r. duly In, r 1t Frit it 4 lin . represcoted ht re doefrom the odlee Fayette. It. Slx der,mill at In. Fuller Oa ' T.. ..1T. L'lrr e " • Is.. Gri•eno . oseph errad f! date to cif ast.en oo oo tal rood lardt/.... dorl J nlm rye m . zr. /111-11 meaner! to our ...ter ma,. Mooch etortik. as 5t001... %II the le., imijamr. W.I. B citicis 'milli," of tleo 1..,11 Id d lkei Willi 31 . Ciliani,S. as. 'Eh. 10. Is It 1.3 i Gl,W er. ant Ilicric hoar. hare tweet redo, ed to a.- j„, j Tt„ old is a hot or the •• J. & son.. owl 1 , ..s ' '''""4 J. " 3 - S dr% to...reh nog. Polk'...lrug Lancaster. 3loretl3 U. iitabronk, Jost. SP'S D. Be tsmn Chttrler E Wentz, Dr. JOU/. 4sor mid oh, Ehert's net% blotch,: ,y, ;i ve „ . Nliers two John I....s.nring, Sr . B e ., ho .se. 3lr "'"-• ""'• I'3l ker & Mame'. Moe moo.. 3 . 3 tdishi low Park,:'' Jods.. /.3,3 A••• Wm. II Bolier. home: the l'oort 3.0101: the S., , t o I E. 1 ttroor, .., ~,,,,, ~.,. ~.,. di;„j,"l:;", — ..:.;Zni;;: . I' rolling , " , d.„', ii; • P:..f. IP.. I. Tim I kki.p. n ee ., ia, 1/c.cr. llt nips at I; raltam, Ihmson • si.is mi. it hv dint ..1.1.1., I. k1.....,...ed. I Vailsaiirth w a noiti•• .m 1 ma do. tha onpotatvd to Dal- Milli. " ..ur g e V )lifrld". '". 4. ". ''""' '"l"."'' ' ""d "." r".. ..... ....- 3laatgoruely. Jiilii S. Weiler, S. N. d. . ham og. Wto ii .1..4.1 ..r,..1. 't Ik.. Kr.. 1..1 u Med R... oe.l.l.reds n) 1... l . a ,, ...n . 5n ..ar. t li,a, Moiirne, 4.1.. 11. 1 klatelilsr, E. F. omit iin ‘a lm, al Ow imp.. tin. &each, , was sm. Block, II S Sell lotaillr. n,l nt II tr. s la rom. ...i... .., Nartlotiaohrrland ; , •Irge A. Flick. Um sr., t LA Mark. t ..,.....1.1 a ..teh.ll Philadelphia City. Thomas 31. Pet- Iholotesio o ba. k lonklont• 11..., purse Is dee to ila el...alarm Ilan . oh,. to sold...the dente. ltd. A. II IAII"ItIiIkt.. sl'i. L 11.... 1tk1... 1 .tiatilie whommog In g am il on., 'l m o tho eons, Young, John M. Wed. 1 1" ... ...1....1.h ....h. w. r.• droned..., fhl.lll Philadelphia Count) Barnaril M Iler tired. In MI. LOlfis. ~..Itrou. laden w.th tort, room, to oh. fin. . I imm were taken up I , I I. k. . , p., . , ~„, ..., , Noy, &meet Engard, Aitken. Lowry, Wm. S 1 lan m Joh lit, A. M. "",'„ ,;,,,'", „":„;,, ,„",,',. „;,, r ,7,,,',;. - .,,,,,,,,, ..." ,r,,.7 . s , ii ,, H .,, ; , 11 , ii,,,,..1.. ri, I It . , TL, nest" E .1 to aiiimol tlit. rs- II I . bite liming ...11,...1 t pry irregular 11...1,1 shot, oft, rt .iish. • Dougherty, I iiinr g o selatalme. il is, ri hi hag, i..g for tl .• Tsst wick or In o • lois in vetoed me Union II 11. It ,o,brntel I. e1...G.1M 0 ~,. ..r ia , e 1 rh, , in. dad, di-F T :di lii a Ti. \, . V...., Kok I-. 9X. XI. p, . N . t r..p1..- , 41,.1. - t .1,.k , .e Itet. PIO, '' Y the ob, kin is t loamht to be on thrsin- I a,., % ,,‘,,. Y „: 1 ',!,"„ Y „"::::„ . ,';',' 3 !,',,,•, M ‘ ..r.„.'..... i . ~.,‘,.. Schwylkell ....tog. . Poltitt r, 1). W. .he indefinite m ist. en mo, though the i tom Irk , bate not let . tn. to N1.1,—.11...., & C0...a ...domed nolo sor Miller. ' r- .:mhili..n. reported. The seethe,- is extremely hot, env P.O. ott Sand ,y last. Ate iii, Mt12414..ii n o t iio.. Sonocrwl AII I 'ofrot h. 1_ _.., a 0 Clark, enutitinpv. 111.111., , ' In, ~..,,i,...,,, ‘, ~„,1) . ji,,,,i,„1 L. ~,„I La . 1,, et , ,foot tho pakt day or IMO .N../Iren.. ikr. ll U . Warner. Deih l , Eh a l oo d, E. 1., Fai r y, Mi r k, Fob mos,. SA...miner, hlortair mil Black. This moils grenily to agmaiste the disease. .woo m mil me moors kept rt. nowt. poalarlo. Melina, Kily 17.—Thn us W. Manor shot • Tinge. Gouge W. {abb. ler, Galbraith, Gillis, iirahat Illallowell,l 1011 is, .1 hot wind. to fl till .I ..., lock. It iv imp •ii-ithi. to I.IIIIIIM die " alarela lam named C...1t at Illehmond. on Nudity law. Washington. Thos. Watenn, Thousa• Herv e y, M r .., 1r,... phin ,,,„„..„„, i ,„..1 'Mali th. epi,kinip has ..e.....j .ned. lo • three balls tat t ing . fleet. It a thotaht that Cook L„..„ Hunter, Owen, Koos, Latimer, G. 31 lam- XVTIIII \ ININ SESSION ittimber of b sttan..• anti. families have 74..e m for " th ' et . ttaet ". AZil': n ' a " rned "b"" lntM l I • . 'S 11 '.;t". 4 . 1 J .'''. o li"th'3 , IL . K .....1 W. M. 1i....1M L'll...'i 1 ..... Y. l'lll. The Commotion assendth cl et 2 o'vlork. he. li ne , ld ow or rsimr , ^r• II.I'?"*" 4 been emoted on unpick. of munKringlttr. Peek,' Marchand, Henry :XI Bine. McConnell, Miller, Moomomi, kllthsalith and was r elk! to enter b y the Chairman m.r 50... hove flail front the city, leaving • clove in the Ikkinsu 4, ep1,,,,,,,, aaalting, Way. and Pike. J ' H. Dr.•lhead. re.ndleals, )r Kinky. Ihrehall, Hander - The enoshleration of thq remhabins tot,theif bout nueltle.l. ;Co., by analing him in the head, on Sultday et, York. J•• kr A c m o t s ,, o , Stephen geld, Markle, Mitchell. klnoirow lorrimon, fl' 00 hy the committee wee resumed. About 81111 paosengers from below aro Max asi. W Kinley David IF Wiliame. ' rinlad.dldta. Jolt 1;.-71 us. rho...tend 31 Th, ~,,,,:,,,,,., ~,,,,,.. 0 „ . ..,,...., ( . 0 ,..i L. N .i . l itT r i::::, , ,, l Z l . n r s ' b l:Ll' in iL . , ... l. h l ' l l'. ' The - dismission wan e:irttinued ley We., : now at miarentine, in am 0rd.... with the deaths. Sluotr. %Illation, Snodgrass, Reed at il Coffroth. I neat segolations ' St. rani... July 17.-I,,te atu .. f,„,i,,,,,,,i . ha wa lakea It.' Th , . Makanall clam, we., mitten, Sinar, Slaiggillt. Wnlteril, Wytlle,. TT, o . m b o i,„. p ,a,, t 0, 3 , to . I . yory w ., : BoihHog iii Ow Lend (114triet. progresses At Coterie,. Auer. the e ump. h. ~ „, „ no 31, Ke u e, of Lamm, end Alr.o aldwelk I Whenon, WAII•nu, Woodburn, Barber—l ~,,0 ia .,,,,,,i, ~1,,,,,,y but slowly, nil nerliona of the ramify of el vistsa.re• - or Colman.. After eraudekthle disease, Mr. 71. I "Tito reo .littione olllered by the Commit- mechanics, 'Odell is maitas owing to the Albany. July 17, 7P. 31.--17 cows et chokes Koons nu reunited to ink. In. rot ni the. coal Thom who voted for Ft oneis I. Bowman toe were edopted. indolence of Om hot re. Most ell kinds . rd 3 dead. ea. been minuted awe yesterday.: i rani On. MOM— At the mimeit id' Col. Illack, Mr. Gem- or. New You, July IC, gi r. M. ; Th. h. 1 .-ins .." 640 ' 0 44 00.14• C . I Naar.. Beatty, Black, Brodhead: Burke, hk, 0 . i v perm fled to map • alatement. 04 , I netolontie . s e ....... iond the hightet trim It w ill Inv sometime Isefide we will tea mem sf cholera and 40 death. I Smoked, That the Chsinnan awns • Pala mommin...r. —m wr ww.............. yea. 14.4,... 0..,..ye ey e ... w en ....I E.., g....b,..„„, Ninon, fj,mthrieh, Hart- that • Charge hes Leen brought against me with 'dhoti we havenn visited. C."6411(MM1M1..").. Collin Deg 13 ""Iflo.Gh, Mo. Passim:NY-1 understand to-day entirely recover from the double ealandty *hut mew. .......r..a.... I. U. P"." . ..g . ..'11ey. Hibbs, Kee. Kw., klorehand, Mentor, that In 1 0 40, I opposed the °bode,. of Yesterday. • young Irish drayman row si,p,s,nra aweett,sl.Bl en cam. dam 5ne'.....,,,,1 i0 , onm 000 d Weed. Ilehlow—Custu ...arm au sm. . 0 ...... 0.......mi emm , 311111 . , . Mar shy, / 41 . 11, 1de, Yearn, Heber, Wm. B. Folder for - Canal Commiminner.— mined (*.skid., bees.... fdreenth. hie wide .0 ,0 0. a "." 3 " ......... ' I Th. Ch ._,. ,r. ..R. y .l . 8 . 0 ,.. r .4...d e. theeip e y. Terner The charge invertiy faee. 31r. Fotr, of whom he mir...mil hinteelf ired, would Mann 1. mewl nue is amen...a esneut dente ......„...... ... m . ia............. . laall Mall.a. allaM. *mall. ..... a ....H1 —...,--.... --* -...".—. . -r ' ...'"- Vadawoith, limeer. „ Werd, Went., Young received my &Mehl I support. I at- nbt die la tithe brevetting epidemic ! —ow e •e• eon Usallk —ram Waal... Manor he ............ eltganiane of IM llowenelau: .. 83. ded the Convention In my enmity, end. raratstrilaVettt7tVlZ:l4l==. Mew.. Cd. 0.10154. F•rring , .... B . 11 . 11 ° - I Those who voted for Jolm IL Brodhead ' t b' h o wititth my ear...dons, • &legate was OM. ' Wee etstut MN moll' . The Beale Mote;, Norwich, Chenange ..... onorto o. ea ran Is be w k neet le well , M. 1 . 6/. D"lt,llhatil. . I .l._dCW nbIVIIC.I.' woo aroma elan ow ores ammo micro 101. Hibbs. Beckley, Holbrook, Palmer, klu eh- Medan. Beelanen, Bleak. 0104. Derr.! red f‘ArTebrieldirsonth:wnina°ll4:n"lredeof Hr . Fn.- a " : 104 . 13 3 .11 . 1 ;7 110," . P10,b . Y T 1)03.1.3 3 " ' nill n". / 4 . 74'31 Lr,....0....1;z1vArr....73,„Lt. r , 7:11.r. li n k . 31•400 r, Beek Term. , U.- PI., Fount, Hoary, Holbrook, 1nd00, , ,,... e 55 c0 s e ...are Ida aleolion. About a I (net. The alder of Mn barrow., sod two .„,„=„ . ..,,,,,,r.ccu r ma c osikrLus ter mats, Mitchell, Rehm, Wm* MAK Hies, Ilimblok Bohoosover-111. astabeelswewatower oleo itta=imo,,e ma I Loy, Hemphill, Carob, IrCoalla, Wahlaw. I c e ch,d,...... g g am id es Gg..l. o "tr i y„,g l N,g l"'h r ee k : b g u lrd s e e4l ,, li to e r e :lbu dd raml id"n le b. dea l° 7l 6l . W the. 6"kni. "" SIN Fayette and Gr.. it 3lnx .1..1111 $ .1111 Itray 1111 , 1 lirrtir r. .s.r \V. 111. k, Kr m Ilr rr 11v1 lhr 1.. e, Ind f'ra .1. W ,111 - Erie 31.1,..1 W11:111... 'reel, Jelf. J. S B.'air. n. V. Camel] //r.r.lbprd. P (" ,., ::I. d. Wm .1 I . ES , 141 W =MUMMEIII 31r 3 nor Mr 111.1 k.) )1r 11.11 yr Nlr l',;, k. Mrll..rr Mr 11,.ry .N 1 r 1•114.11 , v, Mr. 11 , 111,r, Mr !nil, Mr 11,0 not ate.' ,mi II 1.• ,„ It.tik: tow any re-o'lakl iy„„„„,.k ent d I. I t ,„.„,„,E .1 111.'.11t. ' t''' 0 ..' '• b..' W. 'Mk and ' ." '' • „,.1 11, 1. „„ ;id .1".. to 31111 r, 1Vit.,11..1 oi labor it i.. ha. , Nk j l...r i p, 12 .11Itl • .1 I —lc I 11,11.1 Batr, I{,krit, o r, Iferm. 11 , ek, 11 i 11 3..r,11.it1er. l'lrrer, I' o,1!..01 I' 1::q2•11.1 her, EMIL, , ;all,lant . ., I; r ham, 11.•••,. , 14, II ! ' Mall. J. PIM . fltotttas 1.••• • , pat tia 1 , •• 1.• •••I •• NIT etp•liti, AUK ialov, 31tit ....11. Ma trl•:r. italtt't• • • t, , • 1.•-••• I qt N ", ; ; ;:ittl.7 •••• '' '' ' ' "'• l'alaa•r, I', ttit • F. Mtau:tit, al. 'h. •• 1.1 •• li•a•.T•llllt , im . nr, t't••lt•r, Walt. 1, NN illt•tist-, • S:t •'• • 'I !•••• .14i Wt•• •1131111 e—••• !It it I. tt..! I •• c.i 1 , 1,1 1.. 1)1!11111./, lt••••-t.••• Chatat•••,, ' r •••• tat II I , aaa, 1; i% en, tley, 1111)1,.. PN i•lIl • t Illln,onk. !It ;Ter, 1, , rl', hut 4 , 11 Warner, .1 S. W :".• tuli For I' 1. 11 awian-31easra tad. , uhni .1141 v ad, 11.11.1,,..1.),•11itt, 31iller, Tnwri F. s a, :t 1.. F. Mr. , 11—)1,....• Bahl, ,pirit ~.II 1 /1 1 .a113 . .C.....pbcd1, 11 . .11 'lark. i'arrito2.., I. It malt, Ilrmoter, Kent, ti • 1..a1 Ketr 31 , .(!..P“, 11, Melt. id, 31..r.1tr. Slat, 1.1 .Jee, Salt W Si•var, It.. ; AVadswort L. %Var.]. I. ur 11/ • -rs I:, !the I. rt , Ileller, 3lathiot, 31utelilen, Sehoon- ' Estren, I . inhlti , ll4 over—ti it, ry it brio orirl For Jacob Weidle-31essrs. Ikckloy , the p men o:'11‘ citizen Derr-2. of bondage,it 4 pi For EY. Wight—Gen. A Frick-1. nor we eoe:i.lei it a For J. P. 11uover—Clo‘er, prosniv , of ('endless—:l. tor., trawl w, ' For Snail !foliose—C. B. Ileum-1. volume ol our For Stewart ' , teal .e.,/r,./, That ./..1.1 .%hmse J. Wilcox—Me..... Imi.. , 1111111 1111 . rt . f 1 r 11 ` 11 t 11 11VI• Whalb..-2 • Ailj.awool till to-lm: row. I y in all le. le, m and i all hi- dolies—p,..io2 .111 1 1a1,1•1 1 , s 111111 (.011 VCa11 1 1111111 . 1101,1.40 l„ tidy. atria ml ac...„11 The 1/81:11118 ,%let,rs. Vika., 1 . 4 . 11 n• I tiJ eapahileu llohean, W. 3las.m mat Inn. ~, di preset him mink were withdraw. tr.., Ile. 1... t ,•1 1 . .. “aw n ilillati s. t..r the il lb, moti , m, the i.,„ pr,....e,1 t,, la ~.„I„ti see.mil bullet (*meal I t. I -oval m,.1% wI,, I. ;exultedus fo.II Ilr Those who voted Inn Jelm Ai: enhlv I. o su I. r. I.lli a, t.. were— .l 3let.ut s. Aleler,on, 'lair. II ilph. ,met, Bark, Bet k:cv, lion er, Ipuleq Doh., m, ,„ b.ll, Carter, roffr”lli, Clover, Illeasna. I high p.mileolii „I the Clark, =MEM M • 1,r1,, the that I: L. .111. I =EMI .11.1 MIME t IT Is. tt r I On .1 I la tl c ,, reintle t. ol S,le ric,ll io extv.t.l $1,1 . 11t 14.1. of the I Ilti .11, it Si 1,4, dill Ow I I."'gr.s.• I: ;• D:Bloer,, 1.111,n •t , : toool2, l Twinr in the 41i•eln., be 11 m.! correct inim/one nitli 111 ni people n •nntnllle pcnu lov. ql,:mei tally lio n .' le tutlit, present.- • of the Ixpias to repeal the *I ))))) xious t , wing resolu ,t workinee of •.. 11.. 11. ly de1;1011- . Thus pr..ving 1. sign] 11. nrglitnent, is tid tt. ill its cf . ul it It •help. unties to t. nt tl • a the C..tidtry lc,- at till, • .113 t 1 . 111 . r ; , II v iug \I P?: ihe, • , 11'.'"! I:. 11 13 Harlem, j I" 11. efillrell. I IT I; llntemiond. I .111 \II- t '..! , , 11 T G..ll4ninv is „r r ti • • !nil (.. m - I .r 1.11 hirg fj,r •-, I! Cloil en- /11 IC . ',J.. dr, In .I,tails a 1 . .., CP:. d . .lil Jr.11.111,1!111,..4 .111. 1%11 I I.:It •—r4l • op tsloolo lAtililar nll.l j , t, N:.rrn•,t nladrr •ocutiv I.:lrtv MEE 1,. tl r•mgh.tit ot..tt. r tr.it..l. nvol re cr.• In ho, nv n mailer of It i..” 11. 10,t11 a114.0hl ..t awl I illu enunrp, ,lot 1/ICII mvidlude ,1 ri d; all should u 4.4.1 will, in stiell a e“arso o 111. 1..14 nt the 1 , m4 r c.I the 1-11 a brut rtorking 11, «1 the 1...gi-,ature. ti., /mid I I la,II V r , z tl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers