fr peesocratic state CuTemtbii , h...P1 ,7 mg lb. •PP.a.....1, th. ...thing air Sown the throb of ex-Provident Polk, the( Reception of Felber Mathew. News from /he South. New Tees of Granite. m00n„,....0nn0,„, ,oJo. no., me true ..., iie,,..:::..t,,,,n.'h.5tra,p.,.,,,,..,2,:ztt.k.:::dhp..e,hr,,tz,,,,,,. of T l i t:tt 1 The reception of Father 3latliew et New //aperient from Jamaica—A.oth, Ar- Those who Wive taunter New-}:n i.FI IinfOCRA 1 • ;r Th. f 00...„. ohm rho ., o r po „ on vr. ,: o else of which it Maude so m ush. need' rk on Monday , was hi.d.le c o mollomn. • rind from Ourer.e.apeihiadn an mill. producing nothing hut granite mai ,______ __.•___, or , tn., tmit. ttltttb ett t.N . b ''.'. " . ' ten; of the %log party t for this ettopie reason, that , 0. „ i. 00. .. . ,. ,i. i , „0., ~,, , hO. .h „ . -.. • • a• o r seal '-. . . . ' ~,,,,..... lie. D.,.... tory to the great apostle of temperance.— , _ d ii at. ii, • ...• a , ....I tl tte tor teaol ti ottatita- the party has done all the good ti condo at ,innelli, •i n ai/a sit Gold-- l'altforAta Lmtgrttet.: change their tune. A Mr. McDonald, in .... ------ _ ----'.."- -- ---7 -oner, that o e ,are re. en.d. b, Minima • et the heed of affair. en odinthentrateth lo lop, ola basely, e, a :,..e, Soollotitl has disovered a method of ealeM , Ile was received by t h e committee nn the .3"a " -a 'Y In ` ii. ”"' ''' ,__.--- -... -- I.To i --.7 -- . •r,• coto.eotion nett orthatatail by chew.. oloch d o , e an d &sonata a. no thteehler, mod ts c r„th .dnoyt , atm, .I•.d. no n, got - ' o ato'- ; - __ i' coot., ea we hope the Alwror will be,. to let writ , Baur Iwo. , July 6-10 PM. ing granite, to r e fine clay of extraordinary wharf, and addressed by Aldermen Ilaws, NI K Pena Pre. I tot. Oa: ballot then ensued ~0,„...., The New Orlealta " Pica)utte, received to. strength for pottery especially for making . -- --f 3 f, .. -I- 4 ."'" -n-r. tt W 02 1 ., TAKE vill,ld.—The Colleaor 0t,...1. r.,..tted as ',loon: tones of kindly welcome " , . ~, . , .., . MONTROSE, PA I John A 4:amble had 52 cotes, Ppm nlinth the Harrisburg keys... reined.: of tolls un the Penn•illlutia Canal hae giy. "" a4 1 " Nn " . lo ok P a l ... aaSa. "in night, has dates from Jamaica to the 15th water-01as. sem ,. of whieb .... large da It ttrotthl be ettipoasthle for the mom zealous and on notice that he will not receive notes of alt. &II appeared pretty quiet, (Keo gh IS inches bore And a discovery has been ttt.tdott r slaw. •• ea nytime achorate of them eneurea of the demo- the following Sattlts in pllatent of tolls, he Though the reverend gentleman appear- there was apparently a good deal of dm- 'nand ''' bo re n In" th e Crannn an an en- Tlatiredlni. I. I Y lINt 'Cltfit .wa Women . al io ii,,,,,,, c„,,,,,,,,,„t. Tr,, ~,,,,.,,,i A.. te n t so large a proportion of potash that 17 " • „ t ithe part, to ....flounce a tog., •. ologatm ota... law fa g re oils ~1 wall r..n. the State ed..... good health, yet he seemed to be l a _ othlettl in rid.dion . th e s o hmial policy of tent 4 71l mane to Wath . ford, Ireland, eon. Ter Canal Commission..., Fre I. Penman - y1,,0i„,,,, h 0 , ,,, tiro so can be , extracted by ra , cht;inical , " “ 'he policy al., ~ham beer towelled by lite den... Tress ,err . Tie . f. 11...0 mg r y e the bank, bdang unddr the ettects ef thy. path lygik I .1... '''''''''' b . r . `''''''''''" b "'" '.“'M'''''Y °I ' ..t., , t h e e,,,,t o I taut ,•d n the retool . . toil. Rol et tutoati haul aCo that 111.1 ollileted hint übiut a veer shad. senablv met 1.11 the lOih. jOIIN A. GA AI B-- - - all the Non , oelled• dn. Conlin.. naplinina to ...... i, n ._ a , ..r 0 r i ; . %tt , it ,.. . ,,.,..,, : , : n . ::: th ft : an ~, it oot i • d...l, 1i,..d, „„d tic V es t il r „,,,d; l l e end... , red to expre-s himself, as warm. been held the , ~,,, giant tl.e 1,1a...1 fur the nr....e".. "a" t.' "ee."'" "" a' Dm"' . nem or ..,,i'l'''''' her..., T,...,..„.,-..1.1, m0r..,..5.„,,,,,,d, ~,,,, b ~,,,,t . ," „, t,,,,,,, T,,,,,, ~,,,, th, ~,,, y„, fi.e li.,it The eminent ..f all nth! r pants i n I . ) ti a tho f ee ll og „ t h o t, ill liia bosom purpose o r itotitiottina tilt. I lottio Dvica , t. nteree It i. estimated that there 0rg2,000 '""‘ " federal . arty Sccordtive to these emote. ttll the the Stale are renito able —Mar. Lm tt has will, a great t trot t, and itt a,.. ment ...pane Spain anti that,' to tultil a ton` nl . I.'"sh. tlin Pr"d"n "f Attiliaik tan 0 ii. T° A°":"°"°—D'i."'T" .1 hot - . i a oth, ode It ol ~ oti Ow 1,,,,,rig, rt at t . P - t ~, , , ....„...., , „ , . lot a inn, Illai %Or , tint those in Ilia Ito- treaty for Omen. e s.ippression of tin , • slave e".."'"""l am". ol ` in England and Scot t.. ~,,,, Id tosae•a the par. .noon ..... ame o ~, . 1%, o „ ti l t ' 1 1 ,,, i t , „a, elms I. the rea- ~,,,,litte ,eye he ,,, h i m II ,„ t,,,, trade ''''' • ''''''''" " "." "'"' '.i .‘ ,. ' il ,r„ .1.1 %.. md... 11.1Litid, the iiinri. 01 which is .t4O per ittger item that ot any a 1... o In ~ : ." ~ , ... hate kept the cottony enneolool for ,tt on. ere 01,. 0. . 0. , redo nth! at.r. n I trlter nm , tn. to en. I . I. ~,,,,,,,„0 .. ll t Sumlutt ai aft nod Ilittureatile tint, oth „kilt moth:, a nd gthenitth mot:than/tog Account , fr.' t laivetten to the-ell. Ditl, I, ot ; and that by uttPhillig the granite of :her topers nn.. enontry lh , h . th , nt i. tre.t . ‘ , ii . .h.htt II Iln ~h, ad - iu „ an kle. All the hold and reekhon aeettritone of the arc ...0 reezioid for Wilk The Datil , g.stur , .. i..ine.,,,,, . t .„he th e ,4,,,,,,A l an . alt , state that the ninth... was I, the do. Italhe, who h estend, i5a.,,,.1 . Saiftlyfterd, imam need lbenieal,,te ot th. low nth o ett , a • .• , tit t I ^ hit MO rent 11,a 5 e, and their conflant dun. , atm . ~,..„,. doe pthith ~ ~, ~...„... 0 ,... . i i „ mn . Jolt. • 1. •.....,t. a 001161,. i i., l llin iota ail, be eltirlinted by oere fith..• 01.c1 1.,, ,, entn al. ond ere, ItoOn nn nog runt as in d a , ~,, e„. rs h. t h e st a t e , gunge ..I nature i" "'rang." a'"na'` ' l ” . ' ' r ' n. ' in T ' x"' 1" ..."." "nd '""“n '‘ l ' l ' lll , ..I the c .it tl of :In ,0110 .1.11 sold at he • 4fereure es It,. twit otti of nott....- a ...I.rai ta all 11. , it, ...its at . tan a titil) lima , . le. etta mit 11.inesdale mi..: In :dont s been li.•tter ' ''''" " .. "' hi ," .l ' .. ` - ' M' " " dg '' P"L'i- 'r"P' i" ihi' ''"" "" "r's I"..."'"i' . 'g " t..nt .i t "' . I I l'i ..• ~ i • ' t . .E4O 000 ,: wail doi mill, ~ , .„, d et ,„ it at„...,..,„1,,,,,,,d the other Parr., maw to ii•ii”' iia . Piiiii ~ ~.„, ~ • . . di n at of tlio ',oats ol T,1111.1.1.10, 11131 t ad- A %aniel ha-. maned wl IA lett I hairy, - Po' on ).. L i 'l . , '': '..' .., i • dr, .. , • , 1 the dietior.iiii,lted visitor. At the .1 the 16th T,,,, ~,,,, „i ty c p „. p ,„„, t ,_ I . titnitittottl the , t uptlaltato and el . diuse the • H` Al l •'''''''''''''' ' n '"'".. l'''''''. "'"': 11 It, 11,101 k IF , CO., I , lllio a tinanimoos .me of th elint.l.att. ° , itC't • .....ttitita'ana .., it.. In New I Ora Lion Or, 00 iottlitir or lithe. • eon, we. k, ma,, lo handed ta a • t rlt a ~, . , . 0,.. , , ,,, ~., , ~,,,,,,.,,,,, „,,,,,,„‘„,..„. Itolloong confession. throttle Irma a pot. 111 , Illin • , hatike that lonia be nanica ; .4 :, ~pie- ~,,,..1,..i,... ~floc address, thi,p, a l„ r anew gm, at the I, hums ....d ..„ , te 1 t .„....„, Fi e ,- to , •-11.2 of ,11 , pl. at. IA among leo reeple. olio cot loop. . of the feth oil atonal. liana. mo at. go datt' ia lime as either o f old li. medal which lie received from Path- oral vessel.. more at Panama, waiting pas. ...I md "AY 'm d''' it 'lnn" i".l o "ibla fax ~ „, _.i.,,,h,,..,,n0r . Tl i, o ld two , ere obthfrl,.. llow idea , . ', „ ~, .•, , h ~ „., m t ,,k , t IT Nlathew four years ago, and after refer- senger. me ,".".. rwallliam, the Anietiimis to moor te with the brisk e ....Id m .t. trauma area.- redend no a,at , • hate hot a dale:oath nod demo- 'tit• it, itela l , , a art h - 1.., will, 0.0,60.. ~, ~,,,. ~... ,ii,.,.,in0..., if The H 0•,.... She a.) , . I , .ty I.- lint re dly pn.l. an Itinit wade in potash into ... .1 this n. has e dreads . or,tai .......0.......1.... , • priviel..l. nod to deem. , . 'd I '''' '''' t ' l ' i 'l''' ' ''' ' ,' 3 b‘ ,i dn' S" . " ''' ll ' nl ''' ll . n"a"./adlll L. e"ngwitulatio.. started now. vv. titian . the ationtdain, the 1111..11,111 eoillinellt 1. , • i g...,,5t Col Ilan.blv, an m. 0...., 1,.... proied by eonen , mit. tlat Imo Tlea,...r 0e•.r... at a l on to .--tue 1,1 11 , no h i- , i-i f , ' Taloa Santa Fl`, in tent. , h ef 1 t dol, whi , ill is Tit' Os ie ei , Ira sm tin` ntildin Peening_ do a. ter t• eo el thothoteottut ao . Ili. true ........r. • for the nom.) ,and federal - ,ittly to., institaii. ,, a else I,iii.l in No..- .00 eadle . ;owlet. c......i.i. r i .l,lii n inol.,„„ said t.. exiiit thew • in aluttolatnie I. .... It tali pliter Irtiland lies grear 5 .1.. I. toe ri 5 L pAL o h the: ~,, dam not 00050 fro, os II , ern Pootts‘hot , a o ith an, r,i nt , 111, a ,„ t al %tithe as-end.led to t v o l e i nn , 1 -„,,,, r NIA , m , A teirty of Cali 'ornia emigrant, Ware a t. 110110.11 eapiali.lit ies hut t hoe is very little. Ili, ........•,.. e 0p. , . the pi Morin on. a t i t .. tailed at the Braso. ho the India.. 'I. e '''''''l' ..- ' d n .a"oibw , "rno " 0 ...non . .. ie. Noo in the tint 'meet , stn, t room on. toltniwata. nod olo • n - -te nal i.e loud and prolonged ,deer ing .11- latter were defealcit wills the lot.. of toffrol am ta lit , ni al'.Y 'tan We therein.' .... i. the le volinore ... • •otairast nam • ter, ....M. t too hood o ith alma A s ~..„.,,, „. % ,...s. .•.,.. W,s ~... dermal. Kelly, of the Second Ward, Hen their tribe Imo e Ito Iv., i a .if ler granite potash being , . •.I i. „tee ii, a .er -oted for me f• doral prefliteeellani in ISO . i•ni 11,11011 . r ., —A ~:1-ki , ,,,, p. s .alocern, r at a t, n intro.. ell him to the Mayor, as the great able to 4 , 1111 etc wag the Arneri. an bier ... ,ei , .., ... Th.., rot Tt• 11 Oie ,0111, het tloo e ot , Totootl tt tossottot ro 4i r .r„ . r . Ir • ~, , ,slit, p 1 e ,,,,, 0,,,, hieli pliiltinthiniti e,t. 111.0.111 Eire In Pllbtborel.. . obit in. It , l't nor BIM, .0111) 11 ie . e 0 it ll,theral Ta• I r.C• faili. , . war liana>, Ins \oral Sl , - 1..... ,, ... l• .1, a , .., lb.. kr. ~- r.,,r, tri,ch ,b,/, lo as too :a oarly.l. •stool is rots- OrTre, a t t h t , ~, nod this Mate, r c j o t. e a ,;,„,, a t F a ther and the Later re pli e d o i t h fervid A large fire broke ..nt at. a.. early len ..,,,, it y,„„„ -i, ,„, I „, ~,,, U. w,,,,..,,,,0n Iw m It I - ...„ • ,„ ..„ ~,,,,,,,,, I ~,,,,._ ~,,, ,0 . ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,.,,, Tii..m.iiii n,,ii,iiiii Ti,II , i_Liii I . in 3k, ~,, I r, ~,,,, hk ~,, 4111U0,. Ile spat, „f .h e dh„.„, , t i, this morning. in Will. Booth' , I. ,i , tltt . , it , l t., j .i 0 1... m. . 0 ,, 0, it' in , w,.. ~, 0 , 0 - ihi . —,....,....,..,,,, lain' On , and advorai° hi- app. "'"dt The Naval which the Matadi., yin Li. P r ovide.... h a d nuns, qes. street. 700.00 teet t min- Vii N ilk lan n n,, flit` 41.0 sto.k. a would be . . . Lrt 1.,r11%%,.., • thni a,„ he candidate for I nuil r0,,, , ,i,0,nrr. coof ens •a, a••• 111 ••• I, .1 • ~ how doss. atom oft, ~ ... walked kn Me ,noo k • ' ii nanny „111,. i ."' - "" " . ''" '''''' " • keno, .at do: nomok vo. .J. ' d s. ' .' ' Me °Moe of a'atk0k.....0:•,(11-.k..... na ki•• l,dr k. knannokiConventkun -, • 11,... o , k •••• ...2:1I . ..., • •• ,I 1., I, II - ' ..omme ore bloc ilkokmlP, nod .11k• , t. banns.. tan. ono r., , rnotera p0rt..1,1 p- • . t Mut Mc Pokaloon Can, okook. v.l. 11. kok m.,. are Inporr,..coostopt• cl,ol, k• ko 0 ~., ~,s ~,,,. qoalino,l to poi, ok M. k 00..• I. •d o 1••• I ~k ri,•,i, ...once to kkol. an,. ‘l.• • • klo i•l' , all porno., proi. , pp.. p,•• In. . •., po ook. k.'k ...• • k to Mat amp, to nlkohh amo i' k, 1, ~. • . ve lak.l, f.rl, siMmoi The komktry moo 100 nom., p k,„ , „el Intimate .I.o.nappoo i''',,,,^k, ..1 11. , p, ma &mom ~,,,,,,,,, of ~, f k, ~, dos pa. koomak,t, 1F..., • ;,, I, • . .1, .4 Roo tit...look, , Aoki. Ile hoot ken eettot. ly the eapketty of tot, ilia setotatnee to the ..too. tete tt and of hot fro tolek. le lit h.' the Coot,. ott la"' ''''...,•, , „.„ • . 1 .- '''''" lr " • "'" ' ''''''' ' ""' '''" "m''''' ' aoh„d the in „le of ,h• n0t0m....... of sl. . lind goad I id, att.. t.„,.. „ o ••• ,-. ~ 3 •••••••.•• i •• '" rr, • '...• nto 1, • I. . el I. - , me. I. 1.11.11101,01. „thew 1.. Bteedli he loo• llr. dolod '''''' d'""'" ' ' - ' "'''''''' " ""' '' ' ' .'"""-.." c"l'''''' a., 111. cense , emote, .d dmoted. done all 01 . gtM/tato ll Or Labe 1 . 11 for hoaxer. •• ;pm,. „ , p,„,.. . 1,._ .r 'hr. ^'• • • 1 ih,„,.. to Deono.a., pp „,,,,,,, 11„1.„ 0 1/1 r.. The Meelhun 8 .inn I. dot... .. '""". ' l'n". 4'. ''.% .... r'es .., .' t red •Trtotionson, 01 Vette/million 10 Mtn g trd It k honor mid I, 1,111111.01 m. 0d.0.0 del, 81111, Iho e coot led uot , aio . orda:oitol „ B , : , o , i, , , , - , ":,,: :,,- Ile wit/ mete- to .ii• ale ...• , i leo Truth of lientionralltrY• I oleMiiii , l with o i otiifid and isoiii . ea t to. hot, tO !.., th' . I". ' t'li, '" " I " l `' r Y a • ',s ~,,, ~,, '''' ''' '' '' ' 'd- ''. '''''' d° I . •'"d "" . 1 ::::: '.. r ... h 'I tenon go „.... , ar. lake._ - i " I * •• II I - 1 tvdr. m t .' . ' . "111 , molor or l toted American r• halt- . ~ es lan on tto 14 01, ). 11, . ..• ' II oltere rso dr number Id 111111 litog tootle', ame ,1.-tre..• Idol oi, 011 '"' e "" ..hT of daty Ile kboold never, ek... ior nma 01, b.1.b3/„. • a . 1 • tl patk r n bah took the I a;„„, „ ~,,,,,,, nom . fed.; to ...111.1 Ins to. i . . • •• i . , i wi,, , , , . i.i . ii :i; lea .. atm P.o::: tety 11 tit s i , t.:1.4 it a. ...Lan- s 1.• den. era, .14 Cho lire arid .111 rd _1 ~ 1 1 ;8 , .'" ' '" "." ""' ' '""" "L"" ..L"' '"'"'"t' b''' l''' ''''''"l'l ''''''''''' 'fl a c'''''' "'"' 'fl. ."" • , * t„Il ihte a 8-ekty ii „„t e .11r0i) '''''' ' ''' i" :7 4"'"'l'"('' t ' 1l• A -ail lo at w.. 8 ton &mu it, 1 . 1.8iolo•ot ,, • , i,,,, .. •It •••I• 0 '1 ,lor 1110 1,111,11/1111110 Nl.l hork Cone - 1 ,„„,,,ip ~, ihe p,,bhe t oto.sis nod the rode. .8.11 '..• .‘ . .., I . , I ~,,, ~,,,,,, 11. / .1,1i/c/ /11 front le. Lint dine it tr - , , , ~ two, it is 1.01.110 y won .8 . 1 , 0 i„, Wetlne.l.sB 1,8 the otaboat In the Gov,•rnor's i „ton he 81loodt hood. ad( t. „, "d . - o.P.d. ammermtollo. , •.. drul Promote , . ot . m .." ,t', 1 ... •' ."•• ' • et. , $$ de ...di prom.. mogul 'lb •shoo. neyerlo sante to .8 Na to the rept , _ .., , , .. ~,,, i'"1"'""1 d '" a "`" T' • • • • ' I I • 81 sslBllBllB . bid- Pern, hy Ow It attalert too lives were le a ,s, wo m 0...., ii, ~ .....,,,,,,.. t hood r .d.i.l.s - - - wind hd„.. , n..: „ r• 81 11, oneou • of hoe trwod. who, aresomoog aro mimeo .. _,`::',.." !' ' ~,,,, ,i,,a 1,, lan, ,a,,, 1,,,, ~,, . e ,„,,,, ~,,,, . , ~, e , . 1 . . .$8 „rt. , 1 .... .... et no o „mho,. sen- I tto do *hat del not 0.. dent. ' ' T.',o‘ .. , ~ . , .: . 4,..,„•1.,, lt-l• V. o , .or . • to hi, re•aleoee o•t •.t °** h**‘*";* " . Me " '"*‘"''''' " ''''• ° I '" " .°°l nOi ore.", ii, tete,i , • ii i i, ea, . the; m11,: - 4,'"::',` , 'R-„,-..:., , „, :‘,.. „,„,-1 ~,,,,,.. --,- • ,- • -• . .., - - ••s• -••- - Cale from illartlnltintle. prefercarreof are have had hen, now le ono.- .•••• seem arranl i.. notch lb and ill.. 4 . 1 1110 ' 11:11. /01 lid ire. v. uted to .. ore the dePotnneet m ";;*''''''',''" 4 ",''' ", .:. r . ' ' '' ' ,V",''''';''''•""' •$ Itnr , ln, r,•,• •, ,r,, , lt d ridnfir,"_. ho .i ' I • . • •••• 11' el, 14 . e.. II ei e• I 1.1 tal,tt Th. Ili • i ( A1 , .1518 1, , dt tot, .1. tto 1 lam. .' ten. end no thoncht meonnect.onnoth Cie... aer , a sal •Ow mood, , Th.. ••• n organ...llm ;;; ,„;;;,,,,„, „, i;;;; ,,,,,.. „„ d ;„ „,,,,,, „,,, ;;„; I I re ..; • • "r'• es." .• t.e . • •••'• - TllO II „,.., ; „ ~ „ , „„„:„.„„„„„„,„„ it , d,a,.., i, , . m.,, ,.. ,, h, . ~, , ~ 1 i ~,,-, t•ot 1;1 o , t , t , ' • sa, 0.•,..r :Jou: a n-0,4.: am, „. ~,,,,,,- g -... -.-;,;: , ,,.. ,, ..„ , ,y"''.',;..„':,'„' . ?:','1,',L. , '"'" ,l ~ tiros the metro AII /011 fledit when it de- • I (.1 I II It th.. 1.0. ~i• 11. mon, ha. b $ m • I 1. , s''t t dot rear,- e...... Pi n t '''t 'fide I. " . b, h.1.41° ' t "'""" sires to rake the cry tor •• lord times" - ' et. °l' ale , ti ou 1 , r tooitotol.,B. 1., to pr, 8, tot the f '• The lime nak n hen I 1.11. k %tont % it- And el P.. "Pc" , sr , ' . ***“' “ • • " • `''••'' . i '• r 1...... n • tt. ItorZrll ;jot ...Ile rn see... , ot llf he rholdd be a modest, prudent, nod eons... , . - patine rd Nos $: A, lot at ilint plop , The •,1 , , . Ile r,d ]:ti ....I k„, n. ,1• i I a A n d i n ., b e 11,,, ~,,, p 1, ; ;,„,, a d„ l arr ., t . ,, , ,,,, ow, i. i,i ,;,.., ~,, , i . . . 1111.1111111 NI 1 I. li I. • . ,lon. _ I I/ • 1 //, 1 1 , 1 10 11/ 111:11 Ile in This '' ..4 ''' ° :' ° ' , ,T, ." ',."'"'''' ''.''.••••• n ' ff " d.. t.. ••. a , , .`t dt es. et t. , t0 . a.midea........ tams min-list ,e, all hoe dratates s -twove In hos that if mi .. iii , ii,iii i i I . ti , ors fBlboas • bly, load r -de., lln tlt • , Imi e ~ 1 It o- i, ,hol., $1 a roc,B o• .o. lo ....oil, tot ‘l7' 'A I M . r " :G% '''' ' r''''''''''' "I'l '''''''""l'''' ..."1 ' ''' '''' ''''''' '''' ''''' '' 4. r"'' '''' "' I t„.,,.....,-,...._.,...11.,,,b,,,,d,f.d.,., „ ,.. . , :,..t.!.. trot, (opine 8 i• p. •t h . I , . " .. (n . .,0d a, r,....0d the St tle " 'i r .P •n• !" ' ". 'I II b . • I-11 •1, 811 too of um 111.1 .lon. •. e ,"...- ' t'''-' I •e, d ....deter l'l . sotte nod Pie 1,10-.. m• 11..1.11, .1 te d tlon , ot - 11 0. • i sssll, o dal I.t d "" ° ° '"'n" '" ° 1. mc 'loll " rhea IT' h' s, lng r.' in' "t%ll It ninl %, t.. 1,. i... Ihi on.. Ilel.l. : 1 I 1..1 1 .I.b. t h le.' ti im • 1,, r lot booms to enforin h.s noud-and ever ready • iv uold -in t tI • e • II I • ' ertjeddr_ t een,.„ • . ~ .., • ~ , • I h. \at .m.. 1 1..11, neer has to. .1 g.. a os ' - arr. . Items aro t , 11110 It 8 otto al a It ., era ,. „ 1 , 1 ,, , ,,,,,,,, h ., , 0 ~ e ~„ 1,1 „,„ . ,I, I i t ',,', u. a ~,,, a ~ , _ -,.,,,,,,,, ~,.a I ~. ~ ~ .' , ", . : na. Th e ', sp . •" a I..r• Y ." •'' •'•• • " "•••••••• ' no old. r .1 .. o •-• , tto pc . ,gainine of pod. , . toke • Im. •t• all enterpores odended for the laid in the crs , ti on ot a 111/. ito todee-grain the nu- .WPM. , "011., oral dd. I ..t•'. •re ine ,Ito y ) ... r..m.. m 10.. , esevethial, I i;;;;;;.,, gad,--yam to mlgeb it k . lot. c•••• •n'leel h....db....f1y "r shall not row-oater no I qv, lon tboal "' "ay ' '''' '" •' "” ga11.., -''. three dl''' , a' a i a.' 'l"i''' ' ." ' I ) 'l... '''' ". ' I '''' 1 d '' ' ...I . ''''''''• l'" ,l ' °I tare? -a, willful led on of •••prY 1. '' t C."' ••••••• ••• `l' LL ''' . ••• r• " • "" "• i '"' l •ri "'` , " • • " •••dr• " r of the eons...res. 110 WIN do honor to too t hill-there shall he 110 111 re .ritly da s ' ' • ' .. ' rot h. e r ne lin 8 $ militia hint INt Ilia 1.1 WRY 111111, 1/111 the id ..•,,, et ol the I-1 i .1 %$1 t . t •och e w to ... c.o.hilc• a pri,.• for a 111i/IC-11/ 0 I 11 /1 0 1,10/111 1.1 Ille old st teed.. ..• trona:Lona, Idol , . in of& e were of •aurdi - 7 . 7 h...' lia . ' ff. " ''''' I"" v "'"'" '''''' '' ' i r.0t1,1,. s•'t m. k owl old.l.eathd end AOll vall receive bin] wt. open an.. Ina for the pueblo !loons et littlest., &nono re • ° ore better thrn es er he,to • , rime yawn , •r , 17111. , I, ISI ••...I 14 tl I 111/111111••• 110./0.1.1 , , 1 ,1 t 0 • 1 1 1 111,1 ' 1 1 . I . . . • pectdmr nodl cairns it eloarnet, InB lee 1 i.,„ are confident. ndl in ate coostoe 1.111`13 .1111111 „„„ . ...,.„ ....1, , .I.„_ Is ii i, /01111 t 11/0 0 01... - totont fn. the Idgmlature. moil-11x111 tg $t erelong.. for I',c ratable...llo, hi- ~ 1 , it, ~Ili 0, poor 11,1 , 1 , 1..1 ;_itls '• oho .a. I le Polk to wit holmy I•i8 nune front . • • I - " moat coot „ bate her roll .burr th do' ' "tr. d " ''t d o path. dad •"" ` - 01. ' e'ood "( d'aloat ... tt it. ne reflect how roach rod a bad reeve- ers. There shall be no „tort , work tm the , h , .., , . . , % trading boat which hilt Ot . ...ho Id. a oil, lot aht Ing rho note. it, 'lee hie tii e , h nommotwe cannot It• I..borcr-n, .mTv . 11. 1 111 ls.r the d . ts.r- 0$ ,tte, o here he 8.1. t . (I° ." I ' . '''' '''' tloc :otit ill lons lo on I -I, nod it ~.....,1 , : . Tie i' ,, ,,n. i and rappor, rb.- an ova.; to the •••*"''''' '" ''''''''. n ''' • ' • g '''" l li''' ll' '"es^r. I'e °''''''''''' '‘''' •d 0t• II $ I '.s I .ri li d with tl t. i !It !, !!!!. 1 !! 1 I. Cm I) . , Yi , tbmm Editorial State ph.. elle, 1.. aI, tom, m hr.. 6t. nom.. for themom lathe dolt of Plll.ll, IllieWep,othle 1.11- uo mole Iran I an+ mold, ...r 11..• law( er ~,,, , , v , ~h , ~, ~„ ~,,,,,,, ~, ,_ , . r ... d 't . ma . ' I" a ' I.,tfour .... It, o. a „an rof •rtrolti% in 110 dtdates di nommanorb-Peorendrsotn „ -awl no inure Immix hd th •$ Iddi,oto "'' '''''''''" 8... k. be le•e not, 11$ tt ti 8 vitt rd ir. It me capable We have already .......1 Oat the ,intert of ...ders * The cool. ei the Est. or is bk., te iatrati di whirsl, roofers official homes upron , I. oh. adviero, have Wen re, 18,81 f I°lll a ... an, .-0 por toutt of mot., hoe 100. Tlaid prOes Capital jo-t hefiore the eloe- 1 • • • , le the ndt l' a• ~, I nn .1. I'd .1.... r././..0111 .1.,00 10011. upon the 0n..1. and •...... Man 3 - , - The reuowned dwarf Geo. Too Ten . ~, ~ , ~, , , • . .. t Fr, it„ ' flt. b ` ti. It n ' t ' d t if . ..) Wat , '"..tmt Newf.ont Hand, mlll4 1/ •11110 1' :It 111 c 11 - diPl• 0114111/11 1110 1:11111 01 A hndonin Chap bold • cony ...a nt le noun., f t or no tomato 01 t1p, , 110.1111111. 0./ el ‘OOll,ll, churl or noidcr. ..„. „.„,.„„,.. ..„;„; ,„ th ,.....„.„ , th . tt t St. 1 7 :, ~., v .: T . . : : el ~,,,, ii ~,,,,,,, fr. •Idnd ;b . .", 1. , 1r, 8.11 the et , to. lulu 11/ :11/ 11011 II .1.•58,h It i• ol the red '' ' ' "'"""'''''' ''''"' ." '''''''''''' ".."'"'l " itm c„d hold. g Ins lovet.ocactghbonoesd i' ' I '''. " I ' t '' th d "tld'"l'd - dtd t rdl. ' (. A Writtl t 1111.11011/ ..f lbe Cl...dile et i- • d...ormr." , d Prwl . t.."'''" l ''' th . ' '',.‘" '', ~, ~ „,... he . oar to 1.. and I.le. n terneolde 41. m ram . . n mw , * gtigglo ellanipainte- ft ellt thdt marble ban'..- d„„.„. ; ,„ „„,,,,,, h . ~,,,,,,, ;„ 1, , , ,,,,. iot. f la. '- ll d 11,11, re Ital heeti 8 8 "." 'le m tilde 1111.1,, It i'l 1 1 , 1 011.11 dila it of Ne n Frew ing h./like-that nhitened orpuhltre of vor- t ~, at wr a t the at.huon of the e•edt ........• 0.. •,sdp t on or p.p. t• The Inadadt !plea Norll wdb es tarre, n l pl sre nou. he .s advertised to bo roith .„._„ ;,..., e i„,,,,. „,„,,,,„ ~.„,,,,., Nn%•te ''ots'er . t.mler Demoortilie adminie- The, i„ nn c lad,. hero .A 1 prcl o oa 11111 A 1/11 Sery eastiv ° , l',“ d, harm : go di of of the law retpunng pos , ,. ot. p dnos •se d tied %no man al htla nt ...orate, n In. h are. - tratams were no,[ honest nto 1 en C0...d01e Nod•lr and to He ` till arm:. come Tit set, Mentlaus, MaChaon ' ' _ at.,..., r.,t, five degree, and ...tug to 'v o o p,rotetote to, the lor m1 """'" nothin 30 mili• of the illl'e of nottheat .8...11 ib.. E .,, ,,, ,• lec • , f ,. .. ‘. ..., , , r.,,,,. ~,,,,,. , „,, ~,,,,.,,,, pay ~,,,. Town ~,,.., ~,,e,, N• n lon [' . tae Joky fl. east root u tod. and Dpeos to scatter thous-ch.° atitoog na, A w t .„ r xt .,, ~,,,,,,$ ~,, .p,,,,a,,t,, " . beet ud mow Gamble ono of cram., an. the ,; , ,,1,..7.,....:,., , ,;„ ,, ,,:„,..„!,,:,,,.,.. 0 "..,. , ..„.,..„,_.,!!„ , Gen. Twiggs arlill.ll 11,11 ....lerdne :0- m , ~. " "*• The Law of Neworaporo. !and U. loot t:". CH. .... 1 ) . 11 """g a their Proot.aThe Mahile .I,lrrnii.en, one of • 1 t tt' . • t • ' "'''''" ".. I. "' "- I' ''' lt"dm rut compute , . of edy pub,. re. Ti.,, , „or ,„,o, ..nd i!„.!..,, col. 10n... • „it lead It. teener:, subsemient ranlere Ahd then the e two- I tempo, noal assumed the potion tool tsl tie ~,,,„, t h„, Ih e ,,i.„, .1. , „ 1 . ~ii , I „., • Tie! 0 .....: to.,e .....t Pon ',note ..11...tal attll I -S.theedln w wit. an a drier ' , Owl. rod•rT . „ . • • toe nom acaloos To M the came.. nu the rerunnoteado,..t .-, tt th f .I . dr . id t i.t.tddt " . Western Ditision ati n • h. the N. n lin ...I kiMadhs, and son ie to the contrary. arc considered 111,4111/1110e01111111W tee... tneetto ht, nre got up, the " prott•e , try. plainly ay..88.8 that l, To, toes a . , Wtphiotetton on hi. tour to tloo• Ndrth shout Editorial Couratese, tub. h01d... ot I .ta d . . • The crave... ha.. lo en II li'dt-- , 5' .. 1 . 1 . " the 11011111 P tor Artg , od Ile it ill proceed r oral nt • ...ire :b010..., ••••.• %Len ot 0111/0/10111, ~.... n„,„,,,,,n. IWO' I/Vlili 1.1 and the ea.. rot . Copilot -,;,., t• I'l I • 1 a P y pot gcs wtro fahrhellif hin eto T ale &hot lenrendwe um) he t,ll , lma 11. nedrlv d, red, null '''''''' '''' "''''''. ''''''''' '''''''''' '''•"' " I. l'''' . "...-ir ~,,t,..,:h:,. on], fl,„ d ..,,,,,,,,,,,„„ of irn "? t" Was ! hie , . to Muni. "Pr." - . cheat the ;mold°. Here ate the Alrerfi. • • , I , I fl , nt Bakke.: to Y. 11;, awl Ir. In thence Coinciding mow 'team!, en 'condo d 1 ..I, nor ~ . hott' . 1./ 111 , ! //1 .11 0111 ea.) 18 t. dal tram , y h,.. thy. Maher non% toMmtan to %and tam' from go,' tothdat Nem... and weak ~,d8 a .,„ s i„ ; 'pit Idiroca•to r, Haiti...lowa, Chanotterehurg bullion of the press of the litit than,. t. pot •r as 'I le • dr , at eh...peon. the „In, gtri% . ...111111 Mi. MN., the I . °I . ladies ~ 0,„ me , . ~. ~,,,,,n,,. _ .,r w _ _ _ th. . . thy . i . ath .,. thth , ththg to ,. ~, ~„,..:„,, ....,, ... a nah.. • 1111.1 , 01 A 111111111 , 111 /11,100 IheMlll all ancoromm ore paid. . 1 , dats l re. the 8.. 'do - . rho. tet,....t .... ‘p.....d , 1 --If ...en neglect or refit. to t she de d I hc onlegy et rim SI-11... Ong 1101,11111 allll pni , n/n i „1 n i n ...1 i n n g , g , ~,,, ~ 1ii, ,,„„,,,,,, Ny a mks., 4,,1, 7 811 , 1 1'11,1.11g.. Ile a ill 1111 , 1 , ass.iltrough tdm or tho ma.. et rouwil e! !!‘ •u!!!' !!!!!'".- • ..',nr of ta • %no . • :la nk.....' Well. r . weoh IN./erotic editor( 1.111 it to the trap „N, • 1 1 1/ 1 11 I Wo 1,10, 11, /1. 110.1•01 Ch 11/1/111 Mob... l lid. t.• Cleveland. where he Wig enllntrk ed ; yet, with fora ott Water, ot on. c.„!!., t„,,.., e, b .••• lin klbd I. a nark. The goner:Ml have pope.. I.olllle nor- wit . ere they nrc &Tend, itt. Int e 1. ., ence to party ; l let senora ''' 1 they have ordered ' ' f. th° P' t ''''''''''''''' ''''' t .'''' '''' nee (1 '" Taylor laid make . distinction het. ven that Colirint4 Onnento, tho , Imgeetor I :PP. rut tor 110.11.10. nod win I,„ 10 Ille Vow y,,,k we neu frankly esteem ut de... , hoot the ii ,I, i k', d tlu . tr s t or. ilto pruf:.• 1 , t... e ,-.: .. 'zed , On, a, h. Id r , Foronal, ''''''' ..,,,.., ..,. t.ll. .. ~ „ •,•,, . t•onn. aunt to t mgy It is et last m- Whim. and Demo .rule in. nmed orients to of the l'hitrd Stab, Army, died in that State Aqr{t„itr , wri.„„lttii el Pair tat SBraeo•c . the .., , ,ma 1 ,... , , , b.d 1,, d,. , . in.,' sh. , '•- , h ,. ',1;,;',',;',',',..4 1 ,',';','„:',7,,',".'.',',',.„"'„ Xr.'" '''' "` '''','"^".'""'"' d " ' °AA ' , ctn. .-.. 11,01, -fi....." att „ ff ir, Nak ; Ina IN, nnd tl ot , Whl, Party city yest. relay, (Friday.) Col. D. w„. • l"th- Fr" , " AnowlY bt , w il l Pr.'. d eatS I -If ntluenhers remove to other places nod, , beet Mal mold be &tow& Wen ad I. • '„. a ~.*1i „ ..,..„; ..,, d ,„ ~... .; a; „, , d th ,,,,,,,,,., . • bird " genernll, knew it wo• till mete tdedioneer- mon tottelt esteemed, and highly re.pectca ll.tott, awl alter vidting the eagitals of email melt • Stu , Coot enti.... eeo't h.,' 'd .' 'd'" d "ll . 1, .. h dl , . R 1 1... M.t. ' l ' ll o. ."" "'I'M." one P"'.h.... '" '''' " P" ''....": TI.iN in the erganirati.on cr,„pard .t...- i,,,, ',direly dratitnte of Innen, and d e a large 84.1, , a 0111,110111111111 C t... 1 bis New iiiimivthire sod :Irvin e will return be litught together-ue, edttor. or marl% ek. r% .lie lil elt - To .. ores ru sad for • 11,111..1,m: to the fernier M. 0.., they on , ht Id rr sp.. Id . bar has heretofore mitsder.d to the patties din,,,,,tnni, to In°, , t •ryn tu,1”1,,,,d in it" depatinte from this world. s will Int (1.. e,..• S 1•111.11 A iii. Providence, New York and Phil ., la dm Conwomisreuh, t oo , ~,,,..„,_,,,,,,,, . „ 1 - „ r . : , , :i , i , 1... , , , , • ,, '1i , i , ,, ,,, 1 , / , ar , • 'lo h, t , i , l , • .. tragerl ,; 5-Th.. Comm have threeird that refit., to of capital. do, end loas added clitital to pro- .f he great irotible aloott ibis matter is ly felt by all who knew him. adclidli, him gurio., helm! tinsel IVuh we soled 10, 1* kw thsPnwonhtstms o, s'm '""'• I. oh.. ',1N...1,k ,ca le tr% I 'am out noth i n- " ' is " '‘ , r , ll."'"'''''' , ' , l C , r 7. mth 7 ; ak":. `"• _ ' ,7,77, - tees in , by the strong 111•11111rg INernllll3 ilt limi GC. Tcvi, Mint elf indulged in this Atmounts lave been reeeited here front ington al) .ut. the a,. 0 a 5,,p1,,,,,b0r. ...ow 11. matron., juia, feat ll .. oil iiii, , il ~:., iiiii ti_yr The et,. ,d the l aid Ilene "n , v•• .msi'l .e° II " .. "` e *l* * '. "It ha. ered its Cllvorates to Ito maraca 0„....•, ~.„,.. rat .. deeply ea any Yocatim, from which h e burn Cum . I talk T., hone. Bet hetein lee the d. 111.01, I/ Ir-I r, Itl ru .- dml ... a born tg. mol the din...L..1- the peal:atelier, es e•oleoro oT Coml. • and struek Joon by the 1.... , a end.' a the " no party pp,. ..- A 3'. Globe had Ireon Imtght oott thc I` . ol tat helot:en Tie 11 Wit 11.14 - 11 ter LIMP. ..el. Ad . nem ,an 1,, me, to re. ne i :reed 1111 Fli/lav for ni om the lam 1111. * I. • • %NT , . Imlle•md Non limmwv nh". ~ l.', "". xt . ......,,, .. o rarld olonen at Na pre. to Tl. At./1111 00/ • 1111111.1.11 OA .--`rhoDentoer. in tom leg. 11 tr. a man dares liardly stand the 4 - ttert am es mat the I, dia..s, itt who h .:' • . • ' ~ . hue navel untold be au, gmin,,,lll/11, A 11.1 , 1 stale 01 ,1.11/ al pint p, ad the potllholll/11.1111, CA of the Mts. of New York me rapidly num, up against the clamor for speed.] privilege', ,• • • after o eco•ton ol .et o. tett novae Five A NATION AI. Ifs. Fl.lll/tal can- the latter °ere victorious and chat , t. 8... k. hop 6.,.., 0,,,,,, r, , ~ ~..., n ,,, Mime( time amlnaeowy awl • neck et ei hue... , of the %%tor ph , I % b tot; to J. • fathers a gh. „„,, . co w body. Tie two t u n ed, Fuse onn t o. and it he drop, we at too e hem it wlei-oer r didnte for Ge 0.... in Tennessee, in •• laid seiged their colony. I '' ' ' "l'" "4 ben -'Ft iis :-T. Stoke hunk, m lin mf.a.l, with nab. too. umPamtimil •Pl•hrm ,.. C . '`'''''' .. ',''.° : I . L. ',°-.;''' ' ' cr '' ' °' all '.";**';'"‘*. ° moue will he thlown ttp.oul tow adolned. on the ed that he i s • '• too radical . ," •• he is °Tn.. speech on No otrong.tletdared that a Cni. ken m4OlllOllO the Comanche Illaillllll. 11101 • capital a Sd00,0011; the Farmers' Bank me malty able lomat . The coneeeuoii, e ei,,,hl ';.;,,", ;;;,,, r;,g , g . gogggggogg nn oar lon ,. ~,,, 0„,,, g h. • o r n ee d..., tr,,,,,,,,„1,,,, ing himself," and cam essions which .Low led States Bank mid Protective Torii were had roused the tribe to scatter in every tli at Bridgeport, with a ermit.d of $200.0110 ; b.. . b.. ....„.... b „, ~...„........ th ., ......, ~, ~,,..„ ...„ , .. b. , ....„ ~.„, .., , the, Thrthr.... will ~.. T .... b ...., ...,,,,,,, th t i thh .p.. that the some .a lAkir oolong . tut in not . • keeling measures of the Whig party." and . rection. ; ilia edit... llClik at Non, itth, aid. • cap- Gum wirn might . need wouW he , nor eolil mei ..... ° i ii• 0011., truthful delntratom a p,,blic _wa,,,P1„,,,,,, Iv, y m o t e , t,a.„,/,.,.,,, • true to itself A COPC ill riot. Mr. added- . they are not iload-they only - ital of 1D2110,010P the Pawtucket Bank, parnlystd,and Indoor nothing of oilrfrlllef Poo . 1 ,1 snore asat preseol t Allllllll, 0111111111 W ISM 10‘1111 , Swertmrelder in the lam legislatora thonch .1.0....„_.„d (b. d., .in ..,„..,;,..b.. Largo Filo ia aiintrtiOt•Wri. LC. w i d , ' . i n .•e did n I 8 t .1,1 IIII; and the Deep ha eawoompliaked. *'*** '....• T''" ' "hi i* * °'' s. •re ..." i *l'd Cusenno TIICIII saw um -Oter sellout a Whip, broke through the trammels a itat, they will lio resurrected. If I had the not ally so, Inn the onontry is in the full tide of , ' Cnsatsl..toa, .luly 7 ... ,„ 1. .. .gala .., .. 71,.000.- Ws Wu the seggestom, therefore , of our 1.1.11. 1 11.110,11), \\ her •.0111, W inenaventener. or swam are eedirovonng Willmar ..ff mod discard party, and 3/11/Wll to mike corporatioos rea. rimer, 1 coukl Mower a United State. On the sth a destructive fire bin a o k „, Giver Donk, with a lis The Clinton Bank bill w .1 continued to dm peemey .b,, th r,...d, s , en, Na ,b, ,5,,,, or motree of dame, or les° or drocrodo, IP New tor' thew prevent mounted twins a Whig, end toke Pun' iblo lib. individ..l. Ile voted . 1 .. Bank. It is the first desire of the Whig at Georgetown Ell.'C.. destroying a largo.' *diint"..i'mt 0 riwtvi•l tni Powers upon We um thoneorlwr • sew us. The Government to give labor the protection of t h e ten hour , party that • bank should be established to number of building." , ellthrllthilt many °I . l• '. f next General Assembly._ .aria diseniet, nu each Congressional or tont.- , ;g ;gg won g„ , ~ , ...„ , ~ itioriol Uiet--get leselker sal cline. , delegte.. i:'j,,,; „,==7 7 * =.,,,,,,r".„, * ,7,, paper OW edablithod ot Wahl coiled TA, law without any restriction of proviso, min "„hth, 0,,, ~,,,,,,, ..g th ... ~,,,,y .1,. principal gores. In blowing up ontrttf the i w.m., .„, a r Ifenry my. John J. ( front each diwrict, to • State Convention. and door meet mum!: nobody moves. nobnlynntrare Reut• lo- •••• dm male wan mal anankrieer to have • judiciary seketed by the people. lag. marg... and harry, I am any, bNilding. to Stay the roar. of the them, crimmolen and John Devi., here all been be, thou ,k4,,,,,,,,“i aca ...1,,,,,,,, e 1,,,,,,,..„,th e r from any cause which government or polities, me of dor regent admiaiwiratien. duo UR name of Thi.... in him the uopardepable sin. that it was ever broken op." • man was accidently killed. appointed to lucrative °Mutt by General teeth ., th ..,.....* the the eth . the... 0.. th e ism ..defeat Grommets. iwe at,, ma mutrod • iriip. owl iwnwiahly, mod puseutonolly, c o e elThe corporations of Pittsburg marked Lim, ' : - Taylor. This is en exeellent method to in foreign war er is Moore of being ; we have ma , :pen. Th•••mel •tble• ...Id mare • 'Wm w mulatto. to Alike us loud fun au and to ther .hi****s*.°l*"* " P.*l p '.° 71" I' ' 6 ••i g ic and the non/diets houoded him down a• sir J. Bayard Taylor, the yonnig ana ' wo k e irk* he cischamier. i ...mire the good will of the fathers. monster. If the laborers • too ha. started for California. CINCINNATI, July 7. - - lb. '.."0. " **.ad hot 6.11" 1 . **"..' "l 4" '''il"." in ""' ate "ii.' 4 ob. Ml"' .."' . 6"4. .b.i' "." ... a.. ". a1.."461."" o i*" . organised bn 4.° 1"*1. A &anted. fire broke out here to-day.! M.. indmi , fiinii. ,l 7 lima.. Fan, nimbi" Joao Inn et soy otenset, lime my osogiesor la the alms. No wiser hut eint&lood ties name Is Pittsburg were truly they What will that charming coterie or likentry , !whets remdia, the Nett Aeon , m manna all ogooa g ay non, do ono,/ Oho ono no. weld maids hlsh and Aflame their eased pealeats, who doted on Taylor, and swore in Leach & Co's Provisionstore -which be- !Forreater, who loft this annoy a fine yam Wiwi my we aan each. •••1••• - iT . i this sowed. en likely se be, We am ' ' 1 tor . h Bu i lab •ai kb h B. !fore It was oubdued, destroyed &considers- a neee r s linte °nor herhoo d shis Cmagramimell or Mama DM.? Lis ~...,......,.....,..........! by Mow maims ahem ta die yes el the par it le time that law did tiomething fur petty oath. [bat he mohair chevalier y - " big amount of other ro rt , and burnt hand, w dangerously ill on the 211.1 of woa+ thin rksioo• sot nal& wenowity se dm Um we*, oho dory ilswri it steed and ameba see. kale We do hot uk to Wee it mint and ard, do in hie atm T nee Dear ine ! won't P Pe Y - I ohs nolo hy, yin, &odd the ma pony oe i They nil yet riwar that they on the net dare son and riot as capital now does; for that there be woods written to his °y°-brotra , , '2 000 kayoed 60 barrels of lard. Mara last. die. e militedimisma...... o _,2._,.. ~,,,____ Pine" Leone* potty.. That won Iran gm &greens. But it au do something to stop, Rod nose sod month, (that lore of • !mouth, • - . Fun Dern.- A letter ba• been reeelv -1:,.... l'"ib" .. i ty b"..''' 7 .. " . " .. 'e n am nem the Dowentle pony te , the War tie asks of which it is the Mean. It too as iliss - used to say,) while he le, Ir i ß li Inn " . dr " din " "16 • ed at Beaton from Meadville Pa., dated Com '''' t, July 7. . .. it , id th i th ! "Th. M.* Wart. Milho guil et do eallisair a • loot W Mena. Ito not merle blast that capita/ shall not be protected a. ', gag ? Ever dna we bard that Bayard w . .. t hm ab o B oth , the 22d. Muth nye- len • • armada, owl ile • ne eon. annoy ,on to, ii... w. p .m. pp h. ...... ; .." sh. ...., .. aigg km labor, but only many with it. It Me the °entre Of the -*hole, we midi , a. who ...........d. by lobs, . ..• tiPPY 11•11 in Conneaut Lake aro dlaathded in lodes plus, the ems Minor Judo Jo le as k.... , ig. whir will wait, am imaa.eictg it too demand that all breathe. of industry :that hi. Mend. ought to mend dm paw lid- ""1 !Y • b ee ethe k.g by .11°'11 . !some way, thin/ they an ti)ing by Alta rag i. had. am awt Ida 14.111. ih , moot ..„ d .., sou, ..,.......,.....N. V. Ent. . 0,.., shall be prorated anntallf alike. For we industry ' , away.- Weekiy . Miaow. risk as having n • .1,„ s ; ' ands, and tooting ashore, that they eau. .s. ...mesa ;itleWe se ben up am soma - .. T.." 07. i* **** ,,,n ri t,l,.. g. .". . 1 b r i , " 1. r ... -• '. -.' aha stench at the lower end of the polar elieen appioninde; go d' nementai eod howl we pitman( no ernes& against ;gat - • pineotipoieo: he WOO the men et the py h yy, --. -._-- . - - - It Is one brooch of productive w th, but! U. B. Blamer Cor ar.-Levi Buda, iii.. ban Prii.... - - '''' ' --.-- , Lob d ma t the people an ailed:log as ____ _ o, . In` them Th does mann illr• WWII. Why? Wooten it Me Tr 0... T.71.110...“....bria• day elan it is not the oaly ea. We say etpllal ha; the pilot dee *Manama( Empire wet pat sar TM bill for the commutation of many as pound°, ad o ber; g . • __,..........t . ..._ ......•. . "6. ..„, .„... b... W ,..r d _,,_ k ad o ihr.booten ado nano We whin hies ita orpailatio• mom Insidious and dhotis*: to the bar on Thursday to plead to a Is- the mmiehment of Letita B. Blaisdel, from disosse appears to exist In the head, and ....,, - c .,";• • =, a a,,,c, c at„ .°°•'' -- "..g ..° ''''... = touteatolde poulamatirm kr II he eh. hhe kw, rhos the old Jumble eistm of Frage ad rikeistmt °bombs' Me with manslaabtar. ! &Mk to the,. of imprisonment for life, has; when attmked , the fish wM rise to the by =l. -- - - - 4 -- - - --"' as ha boterthse he hes hie pnapeo, he ois ha Ow Own of Moe ma probed Itself . - He pleaded not gall., and My teal was i pasted both branches alba New Hampshire lof the water: rake a few weak .trunks udl as jeereelo le hen themistna , sod pot thenotrini us • wall et neelde, minty Mena nth tang 40 that day. &sr, Blooistreart, Pa. pootponed until next tem.-1k loglalalare and die ' . • , ITT; AreslaMe Meow ammo ko modem mho mot " mothoimoble &enmity," dm Wm Come MB mige Mora ht the doom, mbar dm dem tbe i.,in 11 Mooed mon him by the Imildadme et Wiehigm—Eschorwo. We de me beam me mei Ai the Mom TM Mhstalmo *km of moo &WIN by the Lee. Mete trldeb them bies Seaelat mom than me melte Imam to w. eleetoi le m WM lAN, mal *min mod bade Mn Mem to bin M. be ammeeiU To potbod u.r dirt be Me ...Med a— reamlb end) Mdmodem thee velom may emmed.imMormbeboweage Weemtee. M. wand (Women.. .. . . . . mail xlllllll deerepre.• 111..01101 Me has, •11f1h..1 - , it i., at .1 -hie .w.., i a sort of and'. 4.011 tad hit, ae• tin. reasno I , r to.t rola", - . . , . .....I le n .41. ot aod patron., 0, tho ..,, .4one. tr• "I' a0.....t.t... ,•. 1 1. •.. nd1.,..g 1 a .1 44 1,1. earlier t., the these sh.vr•; Intl, said that 4 .iealed t'• th , ‘ ,. .. ,4 , n 4 41, 5 . , `,, • " '''' . 4 i .,„„i„, 4 4 ,, ,1 4 ,4,. ~,,,I ,„ „1„ ~ ,,,,,,,,,,,„g e , •a. en. .e. oa. oin tem.'. es, hi a rimre. "01 'idly all 1,0,41 shin Aller the ‘,..rthy En- , h.. 4 igh he.wa" , afill weal , . hi. energy was 7s e ''''''•"" d e , ? 1 ::', 1- ',''''' h i- i :',..,"" . . " '..'• the hile.ll , ta '• NVl.itos” add •leigh." - If .....el en....n.r1 ~.•.t., ,t )" to . hold t...t oter ~,,•,, It , 14 - ov.•ren , 1.1.1 of 1e...a it I i., ea, t.. the -till as 1 ,1 ' 0 . 4 4 a , ever Ile ea.. , her. to t " tt ,"''' flt ', 4 '' •I'''' '"' la- ',''' ''''' ' '''. In. dot ~ ... , t •• 14,1 hi, ..itt," nfivr lie arrives ...,....... a ei, tin r‘ toe.. .01 ‘lO to d.biteeh tho 11111,11 N 0•• Set end h A-hi I,ttith' the Laity exi,te..a.. ......, the 1'....r• ef ..ther;ite the en" eau.° vr'rr'd, 'mill '''' l''" ). '''' ''' .' ''' ''' il.W,ltten , ton. a e.hall be its f•tv , er of voting ..go Th.. adopted by the , denuaerseto 1e..4 - 1, he ha, t.ll gnat , oli , .ittide to rd , eita, and runt. e.l' tent, ,ranoe, and ar-irt. theta with all the ranee of $.1,,,,,,,,,. The t ~I,a .. mitt id bin, n n , ~:-,,,. ,n ~, ,,,.ari, , k, wo oboe „id pro,cd popular wgh the te , ..i41.e. tae ea. , he , then , Intl to 1111 UllOlllll c Add, I tough adsisine pe.wer, he v.. 11111 afford 11, .eluded le) the I ' l, a i" 't"t. a`e'' ,,,, i ~, "I. In ,-- V 1' ll' re lag UnircrBr. icq NI, lianil.h• ~,,,.. Was tiler. v•or o laghtr 0.n.0....0am.. the ealednlate t, mike Ica , en hie rage t" stareg that the int, 11 , i1,. 01 hi , fooling. 4• 1 • 1, 1. , . for nie...• 11.1,, 4. li., b. ~wed oen, the di encora,,, or „ hit Nloroditle, 01,4. had th;se newer ie. l'r. vent , '" hi." frl' m vsl're . ' in g hia , '•rl' in .. r.,.... e.., d in• eo tee w4.1......2 r. 1.014.• to an f..l..laeod+ of i , dee.o. char, '11,, , .ve,n, p 1,, ,a- I.lnznag..,l t.. tin' bnantiful. whit ....a 1... -at In. , to 1..., and . a , e ss i e ,,,, „ a „. ~r , i i„. gems aee d „t„...... 44 ~,.„. ting, that nr.l.-e the ti. ...e. 43 replied,o , lc tie mat- that 1...1 jii, hien d..1i,, rt .1 .1 ,1 to ag ',meow., 10 ~,41.4.01 the 444, o.elled 01, pLett, ' l'aii iiiii him. I'''' !'. 1 .."'l 1 . 0 . 1 ' , . '''" i''.... 9 ' .. "'I , '''''' ''''''''''' —l' " l '" i"g h i" , - ..- 'h . ) oe.' 4. 1, . ••=1 so .1 beton., to ~..elt •e I ran)—.. party 0t hum. "ear. tiara' a" '' l'' pa far lan' 11 "' ''''''''' 4 t., •. o. tr..e..e., -i„,, „„ 4 , ~,,,e 4, 4 . ,__,,,4 , 1„,,, blush .„,,,„ „„„ , „.. I:tenet:el 1 , 1 , 64 landl, : and at List, ... 11 I. the .• e , to nt eke a do-nerat.. ell, t...11......urage the en , er" tin' 4,14 , ag.' l'r"si• l4-.1 'dr . I." , ." 1 ''''''''' ''. &lid) ' ,{.0 , 011.71, , j ,l , 1 , 1, 0 1. (;,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, y4llllllll 0 0 t0r.a...44 , 11 f. noel'.., 1., th.• lett, a , P't. ..nth ~.• t'' '' ,4, " la, that " . .11' h L ''''" ''''' n• " 4" What Comminute. a DemoCratic a ' ete an ..ld man n..w 114rw 41, ~..1 11:ieek 1.4 ranee "'.viefies a" 1.... 1 k" , 1 .. 40 1 ..` - th4 '''''';'• , „ Reprereatalive. „,,, ~i ~,„,• ~,,,, , „,,1,1,1,..,.),,,,,. d„, .I n- ,wi h - t.i . thi, ~• 5'' ,,. .• . .'"'d a'' ''' "'inn . ' ''ar . " - I' "' ''' ,ll4 4,4. n. ' 1 I , " "gl4 net W.A. , oar (mud. id die different i emi- tie. of :en ..1h.•.: •a hi. - I. wdl r..l.the , nit ' k vi .lnal l"' ,44 ' t• '' ' ent ''''' i 4 ' .... " ).. " . a '' Pi "' I.'4' '''.‘"i"i"' '''''' ''''':'''' ,to •e nie selectio their candidate% int the 11,1 )10 daily ze110., ,,, haired tin e res,e.t.: .1 the At. , ....t1.• of T.. 1.0,,,,.. Ily the th..n. ' ll the "h al , . a" an' a -,"" nt ilia- i mam` tic I,eilatia, , the Itemorra, e pr. nit ..lindlil ie- fly. POI: of l'he vi, tphia :'' that thr0..g...1 the 11.1, ors The Plat'' , 4. , 1'4 , . 1 .. n. at. at 1 ,, A :k1 -......, it a pi. dell, 0,11, 0 nrdi 1011 111,, In IV-. 1 . 110 11 , N I.IIIIC 1111/.01111 111, -, aid the tore ..til.t. I. ,11.., in the ti- ~.." -•.-- .. .nt,e_ i,,,, 4 . Iv. re alive 0101 0111 , Int , .r. all ar.s. Da'sina.llia. l'i'en. iu , ir •r. ..,. , t, 110- cos. l. 1 . 4 .. ; Ili', .1, 11;Itt ‘; Meeting of Cool Operntis er. X 1; tonal' paper .; ,•I man heal Ilia At rt Sias, r VALI. 0 . 1110 I I ' 1111.1: '. O l, e:e. rerrern c„,1,. • ,•,laa, prvatublo 1,..1 1 1 - 11, It• Tl. , ~,rtftti.ol id the 1111 but, 1,o•vt•rolol ••man, • miati••il tl.t I 31.1 11 d him t l„ „fi, ~„t B ) the Ea.llll m.•le leanl tit. v....`11 . 11-tivt. Itre r..01t . L . ~ , ,A t!..or n .„„ ,„„ ,„. „„d lie IM' ~:11nre , -.w di. w 11 :r " db ma " I. .... .•I 1.,...• , ,1tuinet1 .. , t, ;.•pot At lust 11e .41 We mt. I. V:il mouth alivr 1;1611i-in4 it xl iiith 3 b I, 111.1 t ‘ • xx 1.11,111(S deSeiiil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers