The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 12, 1849, Image 1
Vat W9nrnavytmt" 0, A. 1161IPSTE ID, Editor nod Proprietor. 7n: • rm., at Ik...option ' termined with en h tthe. le would nom marry with a woo that bad mousy. "It should never b. emit In Ids teeth hy his wife's grumbling relation. that he wee supported by hut'," and then. see fewtwho will acmes him of sworvio hotel his principles, although le 'did love Helen 11 atkins, and abs had a thousand dollars, Ile married her; and on the weddings day, pursuant to her father's will, the Hoc sand dollar, won placed in Flagg's bands. ' - Doing as he thought Olt for their mutual _ . • e cere o • a 1 For allow all went well. ♦A loving brid• Num BER is , advantage, he invested it In bullhorn and instead of doldng out with an establish • drew of 1 ...1Y hi. kid filoree. i began to make an examination off th e Ow !repeated tat it has been. Tak e '- f th - i l"." ‘ raa".l"ed Id the bonding h."4....-I _ •a • , ~.iii ory' s alter, and sheer or ertaden the heart as his rMtan, eleabolishment the shop had received. peonies, the first or d .... I" '''''''''''. I" b'"l'''' Moir reinembratic e may h e phasiara or mit. and them seating himself mso enemy cleair, 'fife mind i 4 som • ult hi s nr t„tt„tt e tee- fl. Ere Ole en crow ' s nun shall h a v e etmrsek g su h ra t tte d bf a rope t o one &Otte junior oeper. Jake made no answr In • moment the endeavor , and 1 ea r n ed p Y i ,""er•l thinks little Pot wo, of anything Om sion t but it it to t n ot etrefutiy erao•nteol- i ts t oi r di ng roun d t you. companion. in tho 1 Mors of tho establishment • young darkey most perfeet stillness reigned" n the room , take care . or the i nlSZ: * * ch i ,- : " " di inwe "d ha eau "" d itele" never "wk. if v' "I """'"'.l".'"'''''' it be left t" 1..i1l of •ded.. will bid adieu to this el who was not eery familiar will the world's " That's n Periled monkey, said • • wag; C. &porter •.4 the thossand dollen. Flagg fundehed - -------- its own arraomentotts, its fitrotati mi sill Lo retreat and hie to your linums-to the cot- great mem present, speaking with the Tautness and! Marrying Or Money. b., with moy. sufficient for her troth nod credo end ill-dment e d, a nt i wh en to o lute brace of friend s more dear than all baciftt. -Do y ou want this or,' said MI, the self-command tome of hie i generally! indeed for her desires-the engromnent of __ ''r ren.. 11 ".. "'ll be "'"'''l e•Pelde "I l'v - Receive now, the valediction of one alto will 'ptentice, as with his bush be ono hand possess. " Don't you ft it an admin.- sr ar. nulteluoroe. her the taw liudieri.her wishs. inn due , ...ed t., tt fik.linife object. lore sou most .tf all, that you till full the ready to begiw lie laid bit Ingest upon the ble picture 9WO re over •• moo pm , . _ Hut whin • year load gone by, the ofted lb ‘'"l' lin '' "'""• .." I " l ''' I. " .. .I in - measure of honorable and useful life hairy ornament of Ned's tikoer lip. feet take of ?" There Inegray haired gentlinnan in New ~..kwl b.' , . 114 . or deer b••••Yi". sitburdination -vrlaid and 1 aried -dud) i York, a retired niereliant, whore bland and ' ate 1 ... them, width bee betbeed amid he' -- - i Now this was • proposithe so unespect• ' Ned, who did not see jostentle the sp. i„, i, ra t e an d e ttr i e h its dilf..r en t faculties [to' To mails 0.... am el. evil... r.'lsisl Aland withal . estotosliog.that ouryoung plieation turned to answer, whO his e it. hearty rountetienee ma y be seen every fair 'eMse to give, and gently, but very hew -an 1 aplttlos Tido amedis vintitating toed- oeo..te. eveest.,y tort , ' rhe engraver:: 11... '`,- tr.el er , w as thrown off hic gard o tt d Wert- d o mm o d ... o wn. i tt t i,„ f OOOO o r ' l,l akY i" E t " , "J.".• 14 net triodow of; Intel de.drd her '' It's very strange . itatio.., acrustoto it to r , eet coml.- ...1...1' , • h.' i. " e ore rn'Y oe , V 1 0 I.) , ,' ‘" itig up. he exclaimed, with at eieephnsis tint present that he did not exactly by hi ' 'in . iigs. is ho "ken ' do eieju g Then Lllltilht in to Intuit "that wi " h• .i.,... would 3 0 0 ~tiltitate mind ? stied ) .11 .d. 011, 1.. a.• In 11o•eon• The .9 , 1 , Beni "till loaf heft.. 1110 non. -" Dye; At this juncture, ono of the barber boy., is nothing osteektatiou. about Ids equip. , Ima 1111 that thouond dollars of ■ mho, 1141 • Illigh,and eno.ltlirtv indeed arts , t he ea, ire- hee , t.t..• n g..... 1.... nod ....Inv the "e'ot" tones that. you scoundrel, 111 •shoot you!" who had been terming his 1100 into all I'IH -none of that labored display unfor. soil let eie Lave ',hat r ~..L" awe 'tier s . vein dull:silt. 1.,11.. in time. which .td, adonfonto sm.. sod maritime.. 0.•• pr. p.a. innately oharaeteriatie of too mac ) in New ...oilier ' , Woad Ono eamPleininc lanit i ti This sudden exploMme prduced some lit- sores of forma in order to keep the gone • 'tail, of 5e11,.. astft ikm plc keen, while the ~,er• Is ellti, i,•r a - • 'toe - -/:. , ffma, de stir in ths ahoy, all nil ,It be euppeeed ; inod of his risibles, " snickered" right out, l t ",, ih ' an • ille ,d.r,"" ....... the t ,,.." l " • '" 'r tan- •wd‘”,„"":"„„a",,:titt"w el Set hel l tie ol immortal a• hoot rutlite if-eV, 11 .• s _ but N... 1 t he m, GA of the excite- to use a rather inelegant but very oars -- r ea l" ".,..,T - We a - 01. -Y .... ''''''''''''' `.," Lena -. „- ,.. - - -- .... -11 , - 7 ...7..=, ... he had occasioned, for le hatted Match ire word. . of ;patty moufseture. is'sa men oiiinsel Pmanent in re . p - rO o la t o ,--„,,,,..... her . ' Cr g by "°. ‘' ' °I I ' • " ''''' i ' l " "' 1 ' The Traveled Monkey, ~,opoKedly back, and with the ment ap- This was answered instantaneously b - Y and of re unpretending a construo Pm, time 'in , lbansend dollar s m i,L,e7„ n , a ,,,, ,,a ... h ill - `-... -.., • , , the vr. eve • .1 . .0 • . e'lne proved Parisian .• list:" called the atten- another and louder eign tf inward agitation i t . „ on ., h „ on hi. eye in . „ pot , it i . " Lew ght to b e otik tw it"; e" . , eu Ore ___ o olv chi li will di i . 5' it its ~,./ 4 1, • .; t; is;,;,. it J. swum• taut Bill, who smite some doubt whether from a'prentice companion, and this by ' the mitht of the 1 . torments" so b." her ea, 1.1.." . ' a • r w hl Waft is 1,11 , 1.., 1.... it, ut •1 1.1. • r , ,I. : tv. I - - to Ira from !ho Wm or not light gush. nf smothered laughter from ottonto , mo i„ ti roo d woo anon „ o „, n „, and inelignatith ot , rglstatarr.,...• ace d '' ""I'' 11 ' • ''' ''"'' i" '•• l '•'.'" '" '"sr .) ad x.. t ;,- .1..1.ig.1.5 of Sliarldi.n it il a Bill retinal slow, . I the young yen - one and w as of the cstoer. As for II) Peet its occupant of tiefloonolud wealth- 1Y.....d I.!. her rr -i dW ano ,__wweeeeks kinds .i It I. it.' tiro, oid ii m inn , imat.,d iiill g , o il ma , •• tro bur u horn I will ...;11 Iles- Id ) sobmittell Noma with eit good a grace myself, I was We to keep ute a perfectly - • Ld. j i • paltry a moo, 0 , a l'a t ww ...-- s how o °eying up, Lo J)• and 11;41, lone . ,; 1 ' 1 " 1, ~••• 'd I'd'n , ••• .., 0 .. ,1 " 0 - t . n . WI. ter 5t t\' I.sto r nor u Mdrslt. - dt ;1.1 poßßible to Lis tin 'radioed halide, every grave face. ,eatable hundred and .rely - nine of the loch:eo ere. rnid hollon g o o ,''a i , '"*".",,, d ham • .sh"h". , "I ....."" , nt , ," i .‘",”", ; b. , h r a gr,..0 .1, al; still he has pre, dan ad. ...and then enrunragingllte operator with Neil looked around with an air of sur- a „ J b.,da.b.„ d dd ;,..„„, , dd , d .,, 1 , 3 ,, rahausted haa t b a g; 'i . . t _efe have h dn . no I. 11.. , ...; 1 a el tie , . r‘ , ..1‘.• pore et er t ., i i,, t h . l,' e ., •t g etti • th e pe.,pl o o f a s sent.. like TM-. Art tau shaving ma prMe and slight inyntilleektion, •end then ids , bi d „„ h e m. 0.,. a nal., a 1.,. i t , t e tt , by the procure i a ...-:',. "...• Pftrreid na . ~,. ., ,,i “...,' '•,• : , is• '..- - .• , " , i..• 5h,,, 1 ,,..,,,, ~., . dillieultter with emdt other ntlt a handsaw '" or •' Yeu'd be a treasure resting ludilferenee. turned tool rerommene- ' • • `' heti soliite. h 0 ,, -- ", • ••• ild a m Ilaslm, gmgerbresdi veinal. , imarei,.. at .1. 1i1.....k. m 00... nod .. . tette. _er r tther er Leepoi g them to en ettoss," in Pub.:" .1 his examination of the print I thitik sp a i t at b at o ,„.„.„, a „f at i it, Lis a fb. att d listening with es atta - P b " ° t wmt hlesi Mr 1.1.6, , 0,...,1.. 1 d , 1..• ammo. e..or Pool- a u t ., t i ts , h a , I n , toolini t enough . dis• Before the work was lb. however, the light must have suddenly dawned Upon Lim tgatti„.. elm f,„,.„.. t„,„:„„„ .. , i„ the ered ono ehos... i . ."1 • 00/y i ot a. ioli la - Omit rac 0 , 1 t..ttr ....irlott N. „ o ,„. „.. ~,,,,t i o n. of . in„t t o e Low e° . me n young traveler's itching desire to display at this jonoure, for he looked only for • to o f li;', trans" o f lyelitte„," Butt i tl o . her werpod indP•l e 'wil e : t ot !" "nil id I „mild ....t l'.. e .kt •It .111.1 ...train the .7. 1 ,„.„ tat•e. lettv Ilesten has had himself overror his discretion, and the can moment or two, when he faced around end Tier inthe' dawning id lustrous - •••• "I'IY e'en trtent s 4 s bgr -W p SO . it '<inth ti,,, r .1 t o nn ,' 1„ „ r..olino or Itts hands u„ hr rodeos of a T . . 4 ninny aof B il l ill pentode,. and the whole nh se in a alkeell away from the picture. I The dress of thesit holies eon'. oon . ditig "'•••••`• • fan hi e .1.,....... ~..1 0. , 1.1. us, .ran „ „ l °"-•''' '''" l oar tiontli. t t illteot, nod as that hal] genteral, nacre elided with a story of tine of a glimpse of his cennecoance and saw t tat J. s. W. 11. it tap., ahe I. r,•t•en 1,,,, with the elegatit simplicity-that i tem a , In • short Mob. t b a /11,1`r 1, ithill l'W 1,1 tr 111/ leo! the ti0 . „... t ., hinadmottork s no th e (1..11i toil, Upoll Aldo. it eras ehattged mid fallen front its craves. tt „,, 0„,.,i4, om i t .,,,,i ~,,t i t i t t o ti olt wo eat. em agoiti- .. o i ' clet• •__l deliam r " i ii ii , iiii'i ''' i„ '" , in.i "" , ' iti :, war, a l oil ti arly eret setnothe,g itt the 11111 kept up a -tinning euettoentery, mane- mien of agf-io;loltune.. elm of the boys I , ~,, rt ,„,„,,,„1 „ I , t „, at",o„,,tti;tite,i„g ili, the last timo in... 1; .7., -- ..7 Ntak, im ea' ti int ' tar' iiit ili • a mir,tr , Ir- I . s h tt , it r al,,e. I, sr a tettorehre,alt, th a t thing us follows-- Masa) toe ! Trate :- lelW soort.l out with . espimion th i' p at h, TI, i t .„.,b, a tt .,. 0 ,, an , 1 ., „ mud Flagg could hear a r , 1 ; . .. I .. .bast . I 'I I'• ' 3 1"'''. "."' "'"I I r"l''''' .'''' r' Il .".. i o tad rn wok 1.11) Etwjer 11...t0n pros- 11..51k : Ki : Mars) :' startled all in the shop. and .11.1 I ''. a de he suddenly 14 ta,„„ . 4• 1 1 111.6 • 31, 11, ' ""'" l ' '"•"`" •"'"'' "r I • l '''.'t'ire. 0ar...1 teetered: and'in their Plain e.t.a becoming The effect prodk tee .l op o hi, dusky am sharp reproot Moen duke: blp t ta, ) . ff i r ... 1 .,, , L , „,,, „. ‘ k„ 0 ,,, i ,. i„,,1i,,., 1 ,,_ •sto that he wear Os. ',... ..., eel trete am , r 1:.• rho tn:let te le. ,all •r -.% , t ., ~•.,..r , ..ev the eee with. um , ti t , dove Is s . gr a te% i t , t o N ot !. t h at i ts eat , ean bi tt ., b at , i tt ,ep e d i t oh e had ...ett at ...Mee milltact's •igte, leg; g a tale h i mortal-that Itia go on wart: LT..4 ." ni Li , ' "r "r iii ii ii icl i - iill'" na ii mole t0......y ..I law, rev elitainea, the mere ntenve,l entailer seta, in u rsler louder the whippittg-med extras...c.c.. r outness of divide, Oaf. Pre..i." end. re ,averred' f oe him ''-' A Phil - iii i " 'ar "ni." - i"v .- Light) did he el.ittlf ot 1.11... K aml them. e e.kie ~ nod fioislool it to a group of three or That Nol now understood all perfect!), t „,„„, , d at b.b.„, i„ ta „,, ta t aaa ,b, r i ts. she celled earneshd rnt , •,y it moo a t mitre t. law.. awl id filmy?. 4ofh •r solo v• Hop vfm..... .11.1 1.0 a,,titke It is n MO. foot. who gathered around hint . 80011 as was rm. the fact that he hastily re- l ' hes ineko • par. - of the , thin inass 01 tile '" ''',..." BO • b"' 61e. ,„ .ben ""'"i" I clt e""',.."'" ' l'i ','" clii ,"i"" cl'"'I'""'l eorious that to st ite..plst.Ailitate their ewe he was released leased from the hoofs of Ilill. tired. 110 could not have be. tit steps „,...b.„ ,„„.,, 1 .„, the lilt city a b oo Flagg left his hobst moor[; _ a; i I tr.. 0 . wi..j.,,,, „ ma i l ,. T. it- iiily append,. ))c ar artor )ear , wa• the the theatre of display for mr pools danay. that might hare beets heard a quarter of a o Tits " I ' i . . i• k. titi, at the elirnewm of Moo co= prong man, • poor aesettitir.r. 110. a "•''.1. 1 ".' I""• I"l'' , • . '" pre "'''' 'I "I'm. , eltatisu /n tar Layer. tw‘er. Ilis ..boultlers werc His beard grew .o rapidly that. after • mile his father's humble fi eid it the in trr , map el•iK when 111 . 11 reel l taur. a u Me bar a il wild.; an. is fixed nod do- ' , , Immo hark earth:l' and farther ,• his bead week's cultivation had it teen permitted so I saw nothing of our young traveler for • ~ h•bl ' d • r lctl ' I k * PI :I . I it. , " °eget.", =Mfg. - --- b d r him , ...dna', li v rho -ann. 'Trea I .aw•f“rer. became too re notl :Were creel, and his att.], lung it meitutity, You could Lava begun tu '• wok, and he had so ellitogici that I doe : I' d ri P ithn l vl d ' ll:r ' iot:t ChinPoe " ltet " - P Me". btniwke t bo.. 4 "„l,la sia t i . safe, .11 o terve wit. thee noe hatdetl. matlasat• to,ro .tamely. Ile was not haughty mar perceive its existetsee: ner.rtheless, it sae not . lot eight reeogoint I& AIL, l all h o ... wort h i n ' h. toor ki_i t a tot .. , self that in • fettle ha •--u.., tat t or pltdeselaired. tr redeved re a er. supereiliett s to otty, for that would hem necessary to have it mowed daily, and the' poor young man !he was I, orn of the hairy hi o o u t . l o om e d. N ow y or t ; ipor. h e .{....1 his 1 . 1, w0 glf e• ww , T• T o a l i to tm e tt e up • i Linty-111.11, i 111. 111111.1 that • a10ha.... and be. agninit Ilia irdereSt ; lint his air of .mussion of this Itecoseity f whisked the op- horn• of which he had seemed en mod.- , molded-of the world's guilt atid ohne- 1 tri. , 7 ,,, hi. mAriii ,l'i"..hi,,, throng' , , 0. ,,, 0‘ , tin , in I "didevf I ' . 1"t" .11 . , 1 ll° self.itieportancs was I.olllllde. portooity for Na lo.stunith U m green ellen The mustache, them perial and • part oi I ore d„. it... t w o „ o hi hi m hi„„,,,,w, itromeray that •,, M' motem _h. Maio " Pr"Xt r".".. iii 1 "".r." 011 3 I .'" 4 "'lle' l ./ I.' ..%s might be supponeil, the character of of Sharlitiont with episode. of travel that the ample whiskers were goo; and he bad ii m dil oot d w h o m , att wi e io this moral the rain: Ile 1i."." - - in . a; , do s t al I ` , ''' D . e) 1.h ... 1 r - the hlghrt• e 4 lett, Ihe head was imprmsed upote the ntembera wer • wonderful to hear. b at . T ar ye veld primary r n t ~r nee, rather • sheepim hank, I thottah , oo it the whirlp.lLLut fell of oieergy. It was dis- that she 10va . ... s a-strayed he this one .1 )Ir. 11.14,11•2 fondly. lie had a son r' . :\ . t las 111 daily flourishing of Neal at oonseinuenets of having medo him.elf ridirn tot several days travel, but he did not b•ppi../. ht ears what inold, he deter. r.. tett e, " h et , thol ~ di' ` a. ..Tire , - loomed 1.1.1w0r. dm as he grew tot and the barbe.l.p Weal lons erious anoy- , ohkus to .11 in the village was ever prevent; Id' h hi rar b , roiMrto gio ber • lona that should last greet y lows is malty un s, or t it; Tb"" -1, " `` lib 0..' ,I ' 4 'l'. '''''''3 I'm ' 4 O 1... g e0t t.. comprehend Lon grentle sop... soapy to many of the mare ...late and sen- Ito his mind. farmer s door, . width he applied at night, tees the ...t a he , us". ''.."'"" I " "" I ''' 3 "'' '"' • ''' r ' l I.'' ' his 1111ther ha, to all mouttel hied, tensioned mnsible freotieettors et the establishment. I I never afar saw hen. at Joke am bar- 'pa ~.. at . ' ta , to ~ hi . toto i ' He did no Teton Weiner. Mind cnillion filet I.e hod.. hod , . 1.1, "b" the life the air and infenteer of his iro .. His cmessivo vanity, attd his eostant , hoe s. The monkey Winn, belting Ilona ' - ar ' " "a.. 1. • aa i -`-' - ' ' mkt, w home labor the etteseedirwar t , otwop n , waded fan him, and robbed by her ' ' ','' i''';''`', -cli ''' "' l 'd. I "' '''.. '"'" l . l "''';'' geniter 1 his was so nparent to ati, that mamas big ..f evervlldow Costive -.Pew'. wi11,T.....- • -..".......,--. t S t ,,l. ''' ' i• e , .' I 5 -..--, •-•‘""'"-,' .' '" e _ e • Ms. 0 , 1 „, 'end remone of her teppetite. would not Fe h... ~' mover otor:lnns rentaure to too a• t t ,• •.• •• . ,••• 1 • I . 0 .... so d di woa r ing air.ta • and so bougo• a -woo to ease. •••• H e iought a moan comp ioopig- , .-- , • • ' ' '• • • ...a ~:i .'.V" ~, , '.7 h ..,,,, . tin: - i 1,,,, -- to os sh > app.. d pen herself, but Mat all the afternoon, look : i. .' ', ei '''' eerue ""'"." . '" 1 , """ .'"ii • d her w •rds, a "chip of the old Work." thin, 1111.110 ?lint In • i tolerable to not • few - I now send it to you, Mr. Oodey. Permit ', t hen et last he Iran with eager root, th,.' I. from the window in tho deserted ...1 " •I . 'I the an old fri•nd and eorieteeedeet to eine. , 'at is of the city • and although winder '"' "" """"'" fan '`" 4 " 1 ".1 0 . 1 . 1 I''' . Nk .1, as te twitter of eaters", war stmt to 8 ''''' ...with less dolmas:l 0 es g I. ei Ito 'ss thesub•ert as • capital ono for the Lady's ing , a ,„„i ty won ; wa i t , b e „ mt .. ° t i t .: her mellmet, ...adorned...these ta though 1 ~.. „Ai a 1 ..., ~II im.i.volt io nttnit.ine ""liege. At aleph,. he came home, did not hesitate 0 1 1 1 e petty, j ed. , break. Who day-light broadly hut either Ned could not or would' Honk . Its appearance there may 40 flinch in idiotism, but odulouely employed him- .... .. ,,, r. __ on . a. 10. et. pet ether t heels aroma the y kk i e. s h. ma ml rentaikably for the W01•Be in . 'n .1 • not tolerstanil whet WAS meant. good in the general, aa it. appear.. in „wi n ono i t i od ... who . A pr . r ..... 1 her eyes le di . ti?.... aaaa :l b ~.l itiFfee to Irm a. , n - tt.l. "f 3 - " , r ". fell ' nod I "'. 4 .11.• ee. sof the impel Mal dellisetel of. harp- Tito thine had gone on fie some weeks, itor quiet Villeg. h.. done ParlivtdodY - are deeeitful, and it as dangerous to put d. ... 11 .. s i p 'll° 114 .. .3. tat , 'Y . ' ''' '.- 1 '••" . ",'I'""3, - ' 1 ' ''' 'I, I . " b'er` ' f me; Lot wo.sol.•thill) imiiroVed ill the ea- , Len, dap s ate itinerant book peddler Traveled monkeys , nowirndays, are "as ' mid, i n t h om , h ot m ot ...h oot w h o ii, not-she darn • pot OP n ee , hi . ; Imo tto.i mi ' I',, 1, 5• ~ WM. di one Ir, In it. ,i ; „..,;„„ „; I I„. „id„ m e , ii s sto n . • when he openeilthe door, sili. aid `,. rm ti " il u :' print euchre come into my off. Index- think as loot in Valambrove." toed to Jacob Flegg's story, and akin when 1 "" 4 Nl ' . " ""' '" "' air l '' llavi"ti c"'"l'le../ l ' is •11 ""' i '''' 0 "' " w " 'f ' t .' .f . I 1 wrote over [Our correspondent will perceive that we ' t h e b ottaat , d att t ete al„ bi t , g ate att the at , , peer& shriek at the haggarlins.. a 50 .... ... no h o t, n re.. .413 WArell or sa at. i'm mool,l now do for the 3 . .. 11. alto to her tures ceretull ' and came upon aOO y have acted spot, hie suggestiew-Pi a. Or 'don o f i t . toot h , mo d e hi m hi, par-' Ceeetereallee. sto w .4 lw m " '"' i" "" .. '""1"1 hi " 1 " 11. . " 1. ''"' . l . "" I' "''. °"' " I" '"h" 'gr"'' 7 1 1 "I ndsor's titln 3 iftable picture of tte leer's Box.akin her hand, said in • voles booked h ter, and ho never had reason to regret it I if , . .. • v tin. iiin it ; lir ....1..1, su e s I a t a mi ',Mere p,.rlectl3 ill this nod., with the son, eff to 0 . .. , a .. ~,• , .....4 froo. I L ...vac. I. - Fur four years lie was a faithful servant •• 1 ..t. •• • d emotion, *bile be .ntewiled ''' •"' 1 t. l "' rh" '' 'l' "'it , " 1 5 e1" 1 "...0 . Entope lie atonal, at the ago of twent, ikt ". 31 k w i I nil struek with the resemblance Tette, ran of the Pas c o. ... Ailigeat. itabtatabt„.. Carron, and frugal with ths other a roll of hank note.- set l'er,, ). tr- ' ...t „111, ~f 111111 they e.. t.„,,,,tty with a small party from - ew between • ' Icharacterl the ic.' 0 of th hardoet lemon. for many o: prmeepa n p ; no a , Cloeiteg hie duties own after eightfall,lis ' " I He en. there is your thommed dame. 5p,..1 Weir il• oil so. I/I i 1..• temeteltrance et y„ o h • mh wed pain • time lure and our Ned. nor young men to Item I. that trite Ana e „,,i,, 50 ~,,,,.„,, his ..., and h th e li g h t ot , I Imo led toil, and owe Ila pa -I I' 'lr "'"''' "'I -"II'. 1"4"1." Tw " "'" ntis ' " g "' ° year from 6-- -1 must have that," said I, let Mg the sterling iinetrioe of Poor Riehard-" Take his lamp, be devoted them to fi ne d mrove- '....•9 1 . to pt. U.. fan Joe ...shoo doed hour, I. ~, lull .1 It ,t&r.. le potithrel es- .or panto villager departed on his travels, . ....... .... ow ..,, .. .., care of the penes, and the poonds will take intent of the mind. At the of four • w iMI limes • at I base resolved sad woad I""iiiniir"i A"cl it-. Ih" l'•'. l moor 3. Iw . Fitting in the porch of the .. liolden 1... 1 .1! .. I:rico wall sated , ...... 1 • ..n.tit oho ... ea, earn of themselvm." But hard and dis- n with-wlsat he had saved hoes his. not be dinappoisted. Take them, do with .. t I, rev" 4mf Co. Tomos ' or kl tit ....veto ' , unit," When tl.O Inuit slog° crone dashiug The ,v in id I odist 1 the i Picture was tacked tealeful at it is. we must learn and ante' ' etre ' , and moo assiattinee from his ea ' them as you like • and we will ho wholly .1".""" "f r 5"."... '55'5 Ili:. "5511'... i n itst " ' ta l l hlua r rlng ' o riaar4"-Ira" P" t he wall of ' m Y alive. The that men tin the maxim, or take the still harder al t h mo d ii h in b_ :happy. for thee ■you ean Meer rewernelli dee 'Myer, e ope •ma eop • an o ""“ "”Ii I''' I ' '''' I"' di "", 'P"I 'ill 1.5"15"' ,rye,,. ' "wn- '55 ' 55'5-5" 51 "5- nt entered hooked at it eurinuel • fora few t mails, 11.1' pt.varty sod want. sore @treat wherein he voded a small tee..." 11 Tv the 11.1 e tem...tido hr thy food- „0, ait,tet, see on , a l to itistoctly am t .. who I turnl li I hi. ' hands to- 'We have no inAination to teach any of of of dry pods. Prom the beginning! " NO , nn tot for the world r I, ~..,.tt hi,. ~.,. ii, ...,, ~,,b,r,),,,, led anr „ do „ na a rare „H a i„ nar park , montente, i ere .. ; ; l i r i e r. e k t , .. 1 line.., mei reader " • kmor, of miserly nteannets mi. Io succeeded. And the majority may sum , lido, •inklng me her knees in shamee;"idt in airy •astiss ate dek.'l, rs ..t airy ettifills. It s „ a , a t a ll, fair-skinned' young matt, gather, 'l " nil visit . cr'hore the vti e . . soon- littleness. The miterable umele•Teke who ekeed in the sante way. Whateier ones • husband forgive em I I Mall menu be pits ~.., .". 1 Is , 11 r 1 " '''' "r ..." '''''. wil dressed in the esteem. of lashion, mid or- lee tem' . and she tried to make him o id so did theTbird and consecrato Ida eaergiee to the geoid ef • be ho Ter trifling, let him I ty again r ~.........y , .. ~, it irafed xdom. b e tef li m .a. T mt yen. it:demoted-no, dialigoted-with a delicate- , tat... testimony, at fete. He wail however., a t the shred. and fragments ma *weeping. live within it, and he it even then prosper. ! opt the n • . --1 "'"' eli """ cl , i " r icl "'" "I." tine. o r an" , ly. moiled monodic, . imperial, and on a• the knowitig from his chancier that whet ti t r 1 " 7:311 ou'd ivo that to my; ' "std It . the,. lie in hM path as an tiltimate objot, is I i g and to pnesper In a great city, frugal- . Iclad 'he, Pcleitnin "". "e ^ "1 , ... 1'Y'•......, bondance of whiskers. lisle ono him him ..,. . 8 . , i ' t;,'never po e t itself iu hult. Subeister co Ibe hap detenelned 0 . •• • fweldr tenon Irn, t iti bl being es the most prodii int 0 RS pi • en Sl;i•ti; .. ..;... 5' . r''" , re ..A..... 1 1 ""'" 1 " ---.1 •••• 1 . ....‘ 1 . could gra suah a Itexterisent rrop, though , Wept l . ; l l : friend. il ant with it ?" gal sion.lthrift. What we dam is to tare. o id a hone may I. pro tired, meeti ng t o w , oidd ma swerve from, she demisted Mt messy to remote mdy in the ithentosies a the soil that bore it was ahodantly aunt- , ' • "" .. "Y".5 or Jake, the bar- e tho htlese and wasteful from fain. on ...lit •of ... B o o; sad h e who cut e ..nbJet• end t I'll bate it framed r , the g 9ft 31 j hey were afterwoda indeed EXTII d C T tootedry-Mn.' ~..6 •I.. 'Per ' .1.... g L..' let.' with henr's grease, Docoser oil oil • . ~ „ le never asked to what • tembamissment end trouble by potting hi. f o l. pride out of doom, and indulges ratio , • , ankr. . r d m . terve the ~,x , ~ ~ , n i-littiteillj they strogaled in pre • ''''' ler of eve- her, to hang up in his Clop. six niarrow. was Ilse instant .„ ...... . , on • enema of monemy and care taking in ,i n t h at am ,bs t , g em i e r eehoe. , „.. . • i e ee • she bsd applauded her Mounted Pram the Nor Oro.. • “ , e , ••• .re •• . .. ~ , ..,,,,„.,,... c, ,ern nt 444. Ee ,,, .. •,,,,,, ~, reed he •I•orbers 1. 11 " , "" ' I'•• r "..1 I. '' 'I . . 1 Iry one. Ile stepped upon the perique ~ W.II but et was plain enough that she Itsd a:- Certainly I will." his ordinary expenditure.. This is at time acioemess that ho is wronging no fellow- 1 al as Mod n.. ,,, .... Jury 5, lola. ti s .l with the present, ;amines but small 1 with a dainty air. and after giving • few af- "It's . . „ eeid 1. del them oither for d at. is necessary, and all that we wish. hoing by unjust self-itidulgetto is kyles left , - O. ___ . 1 `" 1 ' 1 .. 1 .'3 1 .1.r.Y.H. , - Y'lt k reeled directions to • servant of .ho hotel,3 . fruplf time "IVlnit "l" moneebod)• lake?" asked my Hundred. cif young men, seine It whom , t h o f oot w ot t,„ f on i ,,,,,.,4 t h ,,,, il li ng t If anything ahe we: man By E. . lii kr., , '• 1 .". 1 •b1''.." 4 I "!Pir`L'l "'Oh' hr." .. . e• - walked sag with • peculiar dignity of ear- . ...... d with ....dee , ' leer. may read this parograph, might this day ', ma shake; though the good. of 1 b.... d b ' ever, he MIA compelled to gentle., het _ 'air . " e ' cl i eire'lia". end urged i im t nmen before in primitive Slmrptown. I . h oo onto and miaow, when he wan Don 'Newt'''. of eke ' lrraa Erwik" dapper.:-' I t 'd :C i t.: l lrd in a new to whieh they wert t! °' Ilk, ' _se," I refaced. "He don't take." hare been in poursion of • mug liLt i l i ega s p- tog pat h. o k a i, th e ...ill t o , ~,_ . • is ipscy i• ssii ss I. sr.. ••• • c • ' who • havo we hero '1" I ex- ' " '`, , 111.°1 ' 1 „. ° i ' 1 1, 4 "" °ll it s ri" e ' ", I ,""% id i d,, " . ' d .11 • ' attselo , d. Cherish for . their l o : - a " 57.......... 1 could get my breath. "Other. wi 1, if he don't; and, my word ital , if they had simply dispensed ' th.. - "ing up Meouree. liattwagance is • eon ,e'il h is d' • __•••••• 2._•_r_ " • d • t .." in taw and he who with an ine"e• •• Pe.Petrik7 I not emote.* toe Nemo opportunoy .o , e e. ,. ) .... a lively gratitude-invoke tie! .; • 555 s of the Gold°. awl. I. " l • I ' .. fur It , they II ww " e•iiieden hint." perinea a indulgence doting the time t si ee l y d , moot , _ •, ... „„ irrntw e tw e...7,..... • " ksewled g • • dee p sod is ` ti "g gestiemb% n i "."" t ~,i..,;,„ t„,..,,...4 their efforts. I . l'n° h ; at 'll from the hands of the d r i ed , The picture wee framed and presented hoe been enoged in busintes. It wi • r-- , of • few hundreds. exceeds Billion& in h e ir ne ße_..!_e n _ln._ ~.....!_x_!. r_._ , .. _ _ Itti.2.?! 10, the honor your profereneo mainti pertiality • - "T.' . . ' ...ek too will lint. One " .. 1" - o out the names a the - ~. on the very neit morning to Jake, who have cot no sorallea at r..... re.i..lC , expenditures, se atom gannet/putt than the , t Z.7.trem..w......7,17.7:”.°!".°1 . w have tronferred. And I alt cemt were "- 3 .-0 s'' 3 g' end . s ' . 5 " 11' ' ' Iwo it II pleased with ouch - an ad- or of respectability of oharaeter, and beside' Ida of, m illi on , woos . 'mint hand • iage i moo y i i n s ioat w i re i; ' from lienee and otercil upon these per -: ~ no ng up, we sone Helen. That • • ter it not for the fact of finding in it an ex- . ~ .! ,__,.... e . , .. _,, _ . eett-e at- live '" fell from his dition to his entabitshmest. Curious to the saving of money it would have been , oration thnummis Inns the...eels from his c h a ln n tell • story of fin ! glee to M tiers pression of &sterol regard, more publielt ' et " . , • ;...f",'"" t '3 . , i , ama h a y Y„.7..." l ' . .:f a " Ned Heaton.... • .._,ib• I'ff„oet , I ...le. , Onset the time tended with the melded. of • • halm of ~,,,„,.... Jo b. b ided bad . ind ..... sled next weM to tau we wroth Peke and unenbromely expressed than /II any" '`,,,",,, t :',...itt7i1„.'„ d „ d ,,..., .., tiro • • howed himself. n. had not minute eennetev. o r precise standee to the thing left of his first jeer's in, and a et enouth 1 - I ref untied, for at that Na on usu.& s -who lone her and cares not a pi:IW Mr other manner , few there are who would ell ." 'ire future __,,„ • • ,•,_ •• 55 _ , • " $"" P ehed the house nf yet arrived, but that he on antitipated small details of bushiest. b ttbio,-; 1,0 !oral: I, termer aunt at the dolma the stood-teem . father's money, leolding as he :Wt. I. bin ita g i T forego the Itatelat of "'at con - . 5 1: 55" .. T :7111ere5;t r „ 5 :10 5. 47 . ..e g ti n ent ' et ' s ww""s the """" ,5„7 net h dd . with more 1111111 ordinary Interest, could lee worth nee than money ; when is in trut h b d a d r. r s h e a him . "elan till I ' '1 'Jr Heston, whirl. au I ergine-wbseh the Old me leek eate to t atisii , rzt io f t u; t i. l: r et ato a r n!eety incideot to tmt momentous to admit of hasty or ineimi ' dp .,,... e d ~.„,.„, s. ht. Seen front the atiostil rates "roll loath , the more productiv• kind of implied. ;As his 4:audition improved he atetiously rn make sure before ho gave hie temont. Hat ' Aerate eonclusion The world is full of i • aN • I Ile ton '" was the en cal • shic- I his mode of living. "What's this?" said I toJake, effecting , In this trentry, and se helmet is hem land &animals immune ..e. _ ~ ..,._ ......, do n... la baa b aa ,.... „ 1."55.55h. 51'5 ' 55 ' T555 5h:45555 boa'. " h '• ' ' lathing ii ir ''''' ..'"a ii . " . end meatier, who remember. tuff to bee. corn the pke". hebm ••• managed, • litth capital Perna mom man 1 Ito removal to • more N I I boarli_g , r.o,„T b.), 0 .. d . r. t.., ewer. . seed tea_ 4 " 1 "" • eanfarrwl aludi me. ' we l d l " re ' lir." Ir I ' ' '!' .1 "!' 11 . 1 it t ' t I wrack l • iiial ' aui it. u "" i ii Ti wo oo nh o walking up to where th e barber had eon- rot ndetteteffe. eerei•llY if Won with d !house, and en. n better etil -ever tearefut, owing in-we Om It hom pad anti c tern, the tribute or. heart sue rot grate- re ,.., e ,", clie d ii o e ,"." e. ••• "7:„." 5 " ;•••i• h ini the Pintil, .." e er Y we ' -a to m's leamel displayed it. he mos engerier batiste rdeet and however, art to deceive himmlf ana rut ;ot , , _____ ~_____,_,.. ,__ _ _ tel and be assured that*. the proud, o ta r ,. . 1 •• W. " " •• I. '' papaw • ' of 11. st blob iit arnimodintent wore elf P ilot. lowed h, . Iraq.- Mt btt did not no• bebits. And the het that lea has saved Mesa of duty The tented temp ma ,i,rett_ttlr,2 _ . _Tit r _. . ...! "'" " h "' '''''' " '"" I ' l ' 4 " i ' l '" •• ann. remarks like these miniansnee of my youthful 4111)B, lls n o--s I- I. lnd , „,,,,,. L. a 0 a „ . ,„ ~ „„„ t ,„ a 1 ,. ' . .. a , at r t 111. 1111. • .0.9. too by 'bi• Ome• at- from • .01.11 inemie • tam litthe so. In elk and bed • micemteut intimate on his, i....,....73....`....,7.. her=. .° L-zita,....4. teed. eball opt wimp. the •"literY b... '"1 ::„','„. a ka a , ... I g o „, d t i, ~ 11 0 1 „b l o t, - ‘ 11 " 1 '''," n r ee :", o , snob i„. 1,, oat,. nn{ th n ogh tnnowent at Ire. he perfectly tee- I d i . enure. of • few 3i..... I. it.etr petty ileetimy„ for them homikel I. th... ...... ad d. g 00 ...1 &Am, and ho, *mad met defter 111., and your kindly deferent.. eon- hw ri i- id' i n , the e Cm- mire lali " . ''" - ' ai '- wi''''` derstorl the meaning of the joke beiog i rte d e wd eos the he bas the right habit+ been. • Vlik. ...I 6 0 , 1" 0 ,7 .....k!'....-..... the b.....g. mal t d i d dl e ", lonsg atillute my mot pinning remembronee. 'L. i.. ... •' ` ' it ', ' ...." "•• i; ',.. het in thet lig 'I" Browns t What inducement bires you ""4" .. .."'"in •";i' ev r h e i e d u l" . " . ." l' e t . ":Pla .. Oh . O haient had time to get dot . ' played oil i • ,,, I•b 11, i 1 . 0 " thetema wen. led of hie. the het m harm meth a i dot-, ___7•l_77 _ mom f.,....y. dand bef 1 • Thats • trolled moelt - , e remadtea •' a dd i.... mi d . e a g o eo i n . tT . widow , Wolin; net , i .......• . "...."1. 'ma di"'" Y"' "P1'.6""1- ""1" h" limo i'" " 3.00 .ar. )"- " 1 "ever saw a I""'W' y "e. ...i.twer of J"..... "Did p. .., .... !r a ....1„ hi a., „h..... i- ...1 ..- ....... ... _ ed. Seek than lat fame winch le t e l o w, i t . attr i,, a 4l Why has yon taken upon yourolven that •• _ 0 ,. o . rm. 9" 'nos the betymeyof Wed sod 'pith while t tritons intend,. rather I , wt.. r the willow. that oaten cheek nogrinesinal • o ontr•dintidetive,- T e rt i .e. l:l"". I a the multitude that - - own over and the on 1 " I rather think lio,'! I replied, laughim, i bi d a d omotamo I rm o,. h i ah.,...., unpin. Tell me ye who are emulotte of all that is eh •n "" ow . .. T h . :r ho do . m . 0.. of .... i DOM, had coma hone, re • I '9 4, • of my t dr° 4 •• ••••••• • Iran te. I tome liimik, is them • meek' help to ed aoseriptione of Its 1 i ll wins ' s ' Ir ost sod wiw ' ' ma y 1 "" r 11 '" I In i-ornf n.f In nh ort, - set well tom To- ' ad. af °,c7 i ,-- B n e I ealt o g.a tee- It this laugh, all the intlividosla bb. l a hi a pa.. sleet m yordier proud motto, • ousel° remlation tt e „." " ,",'„ •° ,.;. I . hat ..,1 a 000m l oom ,“ re.,."7•••• .L' es ; t 6 - dd bVi d dd ...., preset, incloaltg .IJte tad his dingy se. , didd i d . 1 "... Mls emotne to can expressive of that which you seek to ' s r. - 'el perm In jolt beflh the doom- t " e - " e r ' fli.', with , tiedeadhjattd by • ttxt__,,tti torhilloo, .. _ ,I, them ether yeas' mom wile themb lamed d ud.? Ol Mere ree 4 from my oh n, when In tame L i., ei....01 ...y. II Ma foreign Noon thick upon him. i " /I ' Bl° aw.• vas •."'.." • " w•••• ,10 etremielonmo egmlly hvereMe has Internet et _,'Lat•dter„„mete.,,. C o a n i t tiaw :', ” t, Weied , '' the To many of you thi: day is an emotful . • I quint MO propsey, menotici hod hobits l with t - L Y-- ' -... 'l - ' 4 ' - 1 . one T. Aho sone° here being transuded w as **ad" a .aaani7 n t l ei -' . All Mamie silent. I glented hoard the ma ha ,OW - 011,11 illisimardl by thee n.. munt" of 1" for emse " °"° P ei ''' . MI 4 eonscquesee-wlth ha termilnation goer, who was submitting to lb. itleie d...., and then toti. iierii.iiiss _ sham._ • ,iiiim siiii, net object of your itumeletion. How that , tion with these hells of learn- I thiMies a a wask's rwik.s.--. .. intend Mowing to ode •• Te l happen- , It lem • gnu ..;a tarry _ Aka' IC' '" i" din""li "° " " be Pr o d. , r °"' will ' ""'" P Isalty t: b. the barber's aimed and. • Imam for- I • • . , that • alidad Y I held 1 d Ilee I ° I " """"' - •** •"4 - 1 earn-, a t d l o hi, o w, . ttot h e mt . the hi e ed to know with times! Emmy!, leolimadow ne t ee sand od !pew he Mel is • him Ike •Tth• nest • ' et ." " 1 " ' dro mire order ot nstore, in while n sod 'legit" • word, • , hem me gleam. Is mail•-lbiti heodstim r at . may b.' raWi'lai". P"land '''... P I"itte the ""Pie""indkethwh that, • n did °at deaaiaa hi, ' " G'aakaafi rto writhe with ...4.=:f mad. the, to Qi apt -• d It for so other ramele. oom you all Donate in the main i that it Is You ... o f: moon ... raw I . yeddrd ~, l and he tank back spin and remained mo- I . ... . heir • toeidtti Nedww. act _ pue....i .6.lki 1. , .. a hy tb• inattention a the MU la 0010001121.4.1„ ion uwe fo.,er , . ib. b.. s b d i d .....b" r lb. knight o d g m h oot . g m , ttsim ,: i r i v ssisissiiig tie lin, niki isi th ,..... w . nint .1. li. in. - "'" 4 us sftsw i wsi the mind -ills ``'' o,:ste't ..blips tide: liCth• ~..' hand th• work he hod hops. made to the pictorial part of do Mrs h hi otimienetivoly wry to rid 4=, air Awe eta amp, no esnatiouous plum Is "., .... p „a o d oitat „ a i m ei n If Ned. in hie whom migeomplatemey, ---- ... busi... .. berme , own t homy to Ala of Milo. . 801 .11 , 4 4 " 1 alw r ldgift i I•e a .niii ' oft Hope in food recollection around VIM. . u ~d tb . h a v 4 0... .. sth, Jok, whit lime we borer ma mimg me. 'rah Me may by the most luaus midis .____ wee 1 sane -Mon "--'. -' anima at all tie empties his appointee. Iter • nef • momeiteser, mil Ht repel ter a int., tllll% old Mil eft He switchetatemd tett two or time limes. he took be 'aide catkin, and • detereledho that &lien not .3 5.„,, 11.14 , 11 n... or ml 11.1 TII VI. iir .rly .1 k 11 Stanch on the Death of Jame% K. Polk Tifewa e. a wall egmen the len , . to. That westward r 011 1 ,5 011uhmn A rnat b r a. th.s 1111 l th throng'. tho tr., Se none! har The o belay mon awhile p es..l ~,, g. Anil, The lams nr labor et. stroke. And henerhe with swtlinth anannr....llll That mourn the galehat'enewer Gone to hn resno pl., the I,Vr Gala. on the fr. ohneet.., hr. W. 1.1 burr was:. Aud hatterd tmultn e hotel I * Proudly he yule the field XX? "' And Alle Irie bade pen. I Amory on the Whn. tt tried nod lnn 11... ‘..1 1 ..1.11r , ...,11.0.0.,• P.,. !T..... " ' r.d., h. r "" O'er e‘Lr, nook dr Frendon. m too We Ihonl4 the ' , pint of tho rler Thoi r, rom For eery thoottfhi mh, rl rov h And elor, from tmi 13!== te trto•l tti I' 1, 111 N II ell NMI til I , A pt, xtiltlitit.. tit Itt•tor• 11'1. It 01;tte ttpt,tt 11,t't t• A gtlt inttle do. 1.ol.• . t.11/tIt writ Ink. m0 0 n,,0 IL. .Xr , Inrnir in on, nronni,.. f,... 1.1111, 1 111.01.`d It V l. ,a 'n fin, ' fell— Lat. tin in lin minim X IN'S .11 111011:1T Cnnid 0,41 look id ...wor! The 1.,-ridd'o ly , 1, lhotit di lo• no% .. n., ~, I J.a~. ~i.:ae 1~ 1~.~~r..l ~ , ...—u.;.l J..~r~. II•L milt • uioo, npr• tle.l ill. pour loru 1..110.1 r , l IN ones :••• -%1 it'. 1.11 t.i,0..11 ti tl It k ....ow tit m.., I. 11., .1., • And r at tt mat blt 1,1111, ret..llll. t- tit :A •111 II I i I. It •I' SO 4 , 1%, Olt I ~ A.., , ,, : $1.1,46,, rAr r/ I 01, 411. e ~ ~ .`,LY TT.,,a,nl`l" tmlf APE cir 3105a1108E, PA.. Tiintsmir, JULY It. ISIP. .7 ..• ....... 1 .5 • .... .... ••41 17. It ~w be able se plane a marriep sh i t 1 1 .0 a..., 1 ... he ...___,, Th " &5 .6 a* edited mew he Ile 'Arra i Lweesteeked efilt name P.M. ........ u bet a bees dew bran up the weld. eell ea beeeleader *Nen awl the thew __, ~ ,__._ . 4 am.. am raw , ~. mad deka B.M. me le parer ee tar ""...."•••••• se ebeesb lee humbelle lei _ ==l boom - 1171w0Q6. webs* 60 60 116 . 1.1 Owe., Coaliosoto Whew Si load • 1100. onablik W erg .11. FrielliiMPl, Mateo 4611.60, IMI iho on alble. IllaoMll I. • red ogs% Owl wit& amount of OW issii sapwood eon miaow irtwomm of low owilwes wookoow Idm pm* how lbe 111 Nab., 16411. —boo swot wows., woo beim awnorgool dim Slot of Ifiamb. 1610. to Two wades 6wWww. do oot ow Wow oho woo oight howkwl sod hosy-twe %.,..d and ,sh. l ag 6 Is Iwo owoolog Wow hoty .60ww—wors IM. bolf .f,lda wow Soho wham It woo smouwaly M. obowo r.„0„, ozohalios owl pride .1111 bar woolwr, .Mull iwogiso et how Mr obwrood l eir The wane* of Col. 102 g, ; lons—o *ltem nogg, oftow link Masi bw—iwood Ow " 11....T. e dZ00 ".11" 66100t i5 . bor ‘0016116doboo&owd woo ow Ow blow N... 1001 lb hairy oosl4.sot to. flog loroi WinOwro. No WI always do.. lid do mil ~e 1,.."