The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 28, 1849, Image 1

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    S. O. 11E1E17E1 9 , Elliot an.l Pri7orirtor.
Col. Boston's Speech. 131 TN: art 1.1.1 emsetel 011 111 e 1.11,
TO TIME PEOPLE OF MistiOtall, Il e "y. k,, 1 1
t ateb•,l the 'cob ..1.-.lrBlB.hyin
Ddit zrrd in Vie I ap.141.
,11,1. I.V 1.• 4'l
arrl tl•ren r.. te, t•areted erti-
J"'' .26 . " 19 te g 0 . thy title all Ow at..ttlent writ, giv-
Ctrexteter ! 1,1,0 rtai ,„ 1, ,,, ,„ ~,,
,re ,
Mettle.. 'tom ellen] A•.... 1 ,1, e e 8 .8.41 el,r. no limn. elteetete, ateler•ev...l
l . I
rni. den,i the 1! t.. .l I ,„„,„
1 "0. 4 40 .."."""' "r Ti,.• '.etr hear. elJte .P/1 111:1 , M311: 1 1
rit rrr t ..• ..1 itirr., c 2., M r l.i+w j,,,.
Of ev^r: 01.10 to m 00,,, t "'i , On ~-t. 1.“ .1 a 6. e .Bnitn
eetflin,l by tlie 1.1,...1 tr..e-nete ,; re•eli•v g e r ne.el •we trgrr wet,
. 16 0 . I ever I•e.erel r.etn. I eat t • the ve,..ereers, oer i •
ir l i" " be '" null", .1 r' r. • i ~1 1 . „ fo , ,bilot
any ..f eiria ree re no ee tee...Ay., r „,, ;„ ~„rdt
wo. F.l" r'Y -" item ..! Ili- li•• -I•rete .1 re
insult tee he the,. glee eet te11... ett eng „ 1,1.
the MYR, mnl nleintately ..r.liell awl 1 .. 1 r „ , 1 „,;.
inxtn ..o4 the Pit •.4 the , tote, a.l ~ r ,„ c „„. „f
'Ve, 05 • an.l were I,
~ , nit .fa Ow I .1,..
8.r..1.18.18ab• at the
T "'":' ''''''''''' "" "t ' w " ni v .111..11 prerne.b..l 818 ,
i,' """"'"'"' "':" ti '" %el ele•••tiem--a...! Bnek,
,entrll teet..r alt ..t.. ..., ..1 „, ,t,„, „1 1,,
enneres - , oil tome that it Iten, „ .„„i,i '.l
have bO. - 11 bulbtv.,Bl tit tt 8 ,„ .„„ rt. nc ",
i''"Y 1,, I ' ll- 1 , • - •" 1 ti. 618..1811 ripe," blur ir, be rel.'.
Coner,., blnlu OLII, 1.8-s , „„i„i ''' „r ~ 8 L
b.-t, Ind ' wen. pr , ..hyyrl the S,bate b. the
the previeenet Gg.rereel Aleeenet•ly, 1.a.1 r „„,1
Accn """1" "'".." ".'" .n'l .er re. Anti T•.ev - w..r.• fir-t
11 ; *"." ree.e.1.......1 he Mr 11.rble.
'-"""""" '"""' ' li' ,,'toward. 1, Me lb, N,,e• Y.,1 k Th..
in FB•lnsers. 1047, , 1 u , ..- .1 b,. 1 wrr „
" t„...1eff.......t „Ito. ,
0..• .04 a .." .• e'''''•• " "'" all me i • tl••• •e lel •••
11l ert r er 1t0... I.e. tt .e., evere.,et ,„ , e,
over e• ,z rt,,, .•.r re•e—i• m m ,
whirl. will I, r n I 1.. e.l” • „, , e ,
101ot/till ,r t 1 i'lt . I II 1 t I
of then, r t
nal of v,111,.11 I r,
General AY , mills •.: ,i••• t. I
IT tid s+tatea /, tl.a •a -ta••••
tromp re atia t'as 17ai aal ore l e a s 1,11/ wan,
as tip., a a••011..1111.1.••• .
•• el, OM. 1' a, a• r • j
Vii*r., t al .1: • ,
I.lw. , r ao •r t' at .11, •11-
Imow •,,.1 .111. •:1.. r I. ,'it.. it,
•mi • t :tit tt,. p
tool Stlt•will 1,11, di • ; r
fr•ln whit.ll
r' • '
6,1 t!t,st I. t 1
1...11111•11, 1;11111111 11. 11 1.• 41111. , •11t,1 4 0 11.1,1,
1 111,11 4 . .11F ,1 14'.1 . .
1, , , , r -4.4,11 , 14 et 41. 41, .4., lie 1,.441.1 4.4. Vie]
4, , 11„ t
4 , 4, to lo Wllllll2 n• .1 414,, 4.1 i oellui Iry 0..0r0i,
, 4 •44 44 i 4 V 1144. rell alt. or the 10,1,1.1 4 , :1 , 1 I 11.
-11 L, 11 e 014 r 044 T.,i. els', r -tatelol4.l.l lit 0144414 en..
144 .11,1/11. , • 1. It 1114 t l . I/I.
11 , 14. : 4- 4 41.. ii e Into w 0.4 4.44e 5i.71:1 iti4.41 le • 4 4111
1, i ~ 4 rel Co. ,444 , 414 14, .1.,11 1., 'lll 011,, ,re a :414.,•t. I,ilo
11.1 ,11 11 .• I. I 1 , 1 O. • 4.4 like ie Itor ke. t Ile :
44 ari 444 4•44 i4s, 0 ,It' l e.r 4141i.14 I l k oit • I oil .414,,nt the ,40144
•r r I 4441 o 114 144 i , 44 , • 4. t 4. 4441.4. el 44 , 4 I. 4110 it. 04 , 1 the
14 4 0. ril. o 14 .14,•• r oit ;I .th 41 ~• toe ve,
ion i...P.
eiple in
form., 1., .t.r 111.
1p...1 1. t' r:.l .•ti..
state. in 1.1-r .1' .t .
ts.c.• pt 11..1 .. 1. •
orb, 1,. C ..8 Br,, 8v .8' I .1
.88 . 8. f Ow . •
8888.8.211iet BtloB CI. 8. 1_1.8 8 .1 .
The:. •i•Wr • hr t i th•
&mato I4•l,rosor. It'. 1.1:wl e 1,. pr
totype Om.- ...0r m 1,, o:o .t
10 , 1a•
temtoly of 1i....11 i I eno •litlhi f e
them Lot in th• rim ' r 4 r.l t .r
volution of the In .11- 1,411%
d i ree(V . awl those hli... or. j
tionate , g" to that I , h , h,r ,
thee are i 0 awl I' i0,1,1f •h.
C: n. etti re. inti 'll4 ii!l'.lg.•
the stah• to to with other
alsorehol.liog • owl t.rfor ,, to rolloa
their lave, whi.. l l may ho .I.reetly. tor th••
AOOOllll.ll to he the
voles of the a moll. a ...I1 f r a .trt , .
ert , olion, as ~.. 314 .r hill I. • p rot.
the pqr • no, t 111
0rva.,11.• t on ..1r or art i .n.
I et 1.1 , 1,•• .1.1 1 1 1
parent.l . lig •,1 , al.. r.. 1 h. tor zi.l
end entitl...l t , the fi,.r : a .1 L.
that point or view, cell 56'01 fir , :
vml hegin with an ar,noom.t ,1...
civil from the coovio..t of that ,;end m to
In the year I eftd, Mr. rail,. tow te
=widow of 11,. M r hi .or. wol t o t •
gush etc retwir...l, by the Pro.i hot, i
mienten with the out .4 it, rnhinet, In give
He opinion he writhe_, to he filet' in the do.
partment et St de, Mn the wteati .... et the
power of Centnews he loothileit slavery in
territerine. awl tot the e tettiostionality of
ef the Bth seetien ter the am for the what.
Non of Misenteli into the 17tiolv, .n 4 which
action applkol the anti-slavery clause al',
the °Mingo. of 17h7, to wore than half,
of the whole temiterity of Loa... Toe
qwettlewe were The erhole
Ifni. Will than mnyniect4 nn the enhjmt
dawary, growing not a the Iliett.ri won
icemmy. C were. Itael jest meted en
at Ihr the Menhaden of Ml.ennri without
ittatietlet, bat with • prolaihitioe nt Amory
I. .11 the territory north mad went of her. •
The Mt we. jest 11.1111, 4( to Mr. Mow,
I. Me stemma or Ms topmast.
by hien, it banana law-at twee; it Akar.
roved, the art win 114Oateld r,,, It
we. has that the entewitutionat ataj•wis
ties M two-third, of Cenana wield not he ,
lbr the .at if disigtornewl by the
h TM whole rapnesibility app..
idwg esdattang the wet, then witted ow Mr.
Nowt& H. felt the emptitwie of that
sininwriblety, awl saw tat 111 was ea wow
who le mire the swat NNW of lin
•w.e 1,.. gi a nt oti
1,1e.1 ir a." .1, av,,lvi•ig {III' unit
the tr. 16.4 a al tura, awl I Intrely ,dretuy ni.iitvon
ati mt , t .ut
. I“. I Il I- , i• I - . • I TIv•• l'r the )1i...
tl.i ..I am. 11.'1 o‘;1 i 14 to• m itt 11,.
r of a r .t Tin. le.ler , tv d or ir
t .• in- r , vrro. of oiol ~ 1 11.1 mod t' e
11,1.'1 I. 1 , 2." •' oat le Lim -irate mad ol , os
t; r " T/II• I:I11 I • O rat- t m t, .1-: r
tr, t'..• I i I
i 01. , .” c , .11- 11% e ;..,
)1: `1 . ., •
. r !I
ri. - t
..1 , , •SY :I . . 1 I V I , 11. 1.:1•1. van.,l moll 1.1 1.. t.,
. ohm
of the set wsinplienble b. t , ..1i- !.., M. I. nude. /4 I! ,Cli 1,1.11.4
ri.•- 0.1 1 , 1 •131, .11,1 was a meal., lll ~ the
I. • ,t.I in, I . r
n, awl I tr...t Se. 1 ets.3 01
'ht , I:•" ; I had ~,, d ; 1V,,. IVs. 1,4 h th, ag..itts.l.• t
le t t the ...thj. et. 3lies,i. at the
Noll 111!!. ote,,,,stipinqi...l t.res .1111'.i h..r, It
be the aeete wide'. it ten/ varroel by al. 10. h, ..t the • She h ha,te.l
w.... nn the i a . • e at th..ert.nte. 1. in ne
will plop lo:, the j rotea .rtt•. 00 .h ..f .040 11., alai—
•' wat reftteeol Oa I ‘..ntal that her
'P T n al. in 1.-nekel4 were eroa.e.l .0 admitted .1 I.l..very s'
h. r , he pen th. mere. t!,o,n, awl the.;,:.. repeal ,1 bark have the ..hjeeti..on
.r.l 1.1.1,..tit0ti hie er •t! .e re
ne a h
l ..latienr flu !e,,nl i ,ly the •..1 of the
het nd to tell the lations ..f tannin,. ses.i aloin of the 41..,,r ,o!
whir, tl,e ,„ , r , l , • , H o e t m00...n0 h.r ~lib her e.
lOa sitfry-ient. Token ti ,et a. it a byd:aye ri.e
eonne nt with the r.,t -,C the loaner—, t,,.ott 411. I •
the enotlt—onol with 111,. ) o.irt • 'et et Pk er orictl The
11r. ortottn eon' hot aror,l jo., t 1 / 1 1 , 4 ovi.ent..l eetteer.ali..n be
, ..trivalent 1.1 the atm F aeon sir oole. nal at .elh TI.I. 9,1.11-
,in not to het toren,. n... 1 flint Mr fall, ,ttot Won n ono. trl et W. 1.1 1.1 ill. di up 0..t1 wl of
~..Itte t l the ~,I-I, Imo the be the rot , ~, .ner Veil. ns tat n.l.
tha he to answer, noel to ..xer an milted Alter r.deetion we 1, 11, a t reed
Om l'iai.lent re wired, in Irritlon,—.•r, that ,hat Mitooot,i won a ottit..-.-01.01. TO by o
'oiling 1., mower, it would not Im noted— , regular• of law, ai,d never could be
or, answering negatiVely, it trenthi not Ilene remsedied bark le the territorial elnlili“o
keen equally tooted—or, simve all, that dif.' Stich being the twee, we atm agreed that
fering front Crawford mei other southern the only rotation woe, whether the should
metin 11,1. &Heat., poiut, he would not , be a state ie or out of the Cann! and It
Itesire let the mere& nut et the time, or pro— was for Congress to &tide which position
oloweil siege as ail e.idettee of hie guardian- she should snoopy. My friend made one
.I t ip over tougher,. Intermits, end es proof of •ble sod lucid apemlies tot the area. ,
of his p-eei,ote sonde The presnmp. +i on • but whether It boo been preserved or
tint against hint, and the almenee of all it t, lam not side to my. It tattled eon.,
these soneomaitant•of diluent, are proof pos. !aiming M the minds of all, mid In pet set.,
dm that he etmemmiti with the rest of the tied the question. The question roc nar.l
at the time, mod never thought of rowed ti mn to a Aegis point. All saw ,
!denying it 'toll! Totglit fact molhard in they that If Mlottouri WOlolllli admitted he would
deal feet of a killing entorsdietion.l.llolln omprentiess so- _
'remain se i„g rse .„„s ee s, m et , r , sh e mer e; sot, iheiteugum and wittut any further; figt being 4. establishe a d. ha In see mist that
Rut the other piece of *wiling is still book of the and would hecomp, proceeding o' the part,( Confrere. the not war; and that will be .hewn by the ti.!
Into. elose and stern than the latter of Mr. ;the aerie.* of • now wobol•otion nr slates stlesisaion of the mid eta into thin Union' de to the set—by the oat Itself—and by 1
ft Is the diary of Mr. Adamo,' extending neer the whole of leodshum.— , shall be comidered ample: And Where- ' the actual condition of the territory in widish,
mitten down at Vu time, arid elm? end Moo wale willing to tootribut• to mash a as, by a solemn public &ref the raid state It war to operate. This is the this:
pointed in seem partleoler—the monk; mrl the only qumtioit that remain- of 3lismori, passed 0 . thegth of Jmu , nAn set to authorlm the people of the
the avower* the unanintitt. the writing of ;
al With the northern members who bad op. it; the present year, enthd n. A solemn Missouri tomboy to form • ennetitutinnand j
sheaenwem. t h e i r g e 'poeia I. th e D e . pawed h er e g es i gs s ee was to d e o m g eee pulite set declaring the mot or this State state government, and for the mink -ion of
tortment of Stets. The salmi fronalliis meant, ol escaping from the awkward di. to the fundamental moan 0011i•klell inject& Mate into the Union on an egul font-
Mary, famished end podded by the ma. lesarearin which they limed theeneeleer , • resolution pasted by the/engem of the log with the original Mates. sod to prohibit
Mr. Cheeks Tamely Ada.n m Is hi lbw To bock not esr eempranka, were the only United Stout Prethert t the •dobolon F aanmy lettortsin terthOwieb"
word: I ellmoatiegs left t and the baler WM Mier -lof the atm. of Wtoood M ata Unit , . to I A rwrY kdtoilliaiblo Mae this mAttwisilf In
61•00, 111* OM. a. &tor. illy seised to avoid the Mof egrim the for- ' a raisin onoditiam" amethentle espy, theeonatedisgt agars. ...I seas mMae
"Mira 3. 1620--Wbge Immo Me day ow; so eerily, lint Mahe append it as whereof kw bees onmautatod to ask It,' MAIM Mr. &Masa, If his had hold the
to my elk% t feud then • sae mess- Ye sulk win essildlra ashen se that In odds* Poblikl, •0 44 led 8 • 8 1 88 " !ems 48488,08 on the P.m" of Genstar ,
~'...:L'::::,.:11 11 . . if . `, 7,0. `L:r:.';?-:'7,::,,",,:?,
titlZtr b , rail at oae o' k, at tho
lis 1, h xas ,e :mil I
111. 461,11 W. lit k flu th.d
the tiro 1,01., t,r the arlitilt+i,i Maio,
ittiol to onside , uri t , i alit!. a eitn•
ri would have 1141-11 broiight hitt: lor; 8,81 he had 511T111.1.1 aII
the rn,oilborm ,dllw sihntioNtrstiiii.
their ouini.,ns iii writ hiL,, to be 1111 , siti din
q. Doi artownt ripral two ocu
1 IVlwrhor tho s of
tho Nit.s mri , hiolt harr,lirt•
in the tot ri• ti,irili i{14,1 Inb
ii. 8.1.•) a- is applioalde only ro the
al id it, ITvolt 8-mood to it tidier it
a ! the
i•in, it
. ”a nvrocil tl Jr
Coi.ur ,,, i It 800 t'.B- p -nor to tlase-
ry i •• 1e'117..11
March 3tll Th.t tent
,11.1.1ty thenriting, n!,-
.4. wide% he .I.wilt4 to la,e a.. .m.B in
t.. de thu I).l.urtnnmt
I.f St.on. Ile Irr..te me that it w.h.l Le
in time., if 1 , e. , 1n , 111.1 have the an..l,a
in..rr..w. Ti. 11,4 .oe..rion is in genera, ait wal mat...l at ilk., meeting nn
Friday. TI,o trq. , llll toot a Med
...viiry .ther din eighth e.f.cti..ns of tin
li•wri w,. I.ill itronsistent with the eon+,
tali., 'l'.. tint I Con. Wit'l•Mt
an..wer I.n a hni.l.• albrinatite and an af
ter swim let' eti.on, 1 e.meluilea t., MISWN
t .0k
the Iheeitheitti/C.C,A 1.0 IWO Coll
•lilPltio 4 1 , 10. ti etel li. , ;testi tel ete tt
h:ett !heel •lette:t eh i the
mtlo 111,1.14,4 r,
t-t• 0, .htt h.. 1 eel,
Co.ii 1.•.• 12 011
tt 11 . 0'1 the
T .I,lllll'lllV 1,11V1.4 nn om fnr
• I ffi ilt I
1 1 It 11 I
Ilhe f
NUMBER 26. 1.V.,'::.°.:t" hoe g ''' """ h "" "" P " b.
, ~r
„n 7.,, ,, ,,
~,,,,,,,,; io . on:y , t . n . t;itted in the Atlanta
U -7
carom of ter ..son, and raer.fined to. .rt i i , and the territory
1 •.: n , ~, ~,,,, ~,,,, 1 ,,,, ~,,„,, a, v, .l , b ,,.. t i,,,, „),,,i, I e pr.,,,,... ~... The eel it- ..f Atkin/sus Eo en this fragmeot appeared
,br oat Cott th e 401, chit•e ..r the 26111 sec- ' Won IT, {110`.., words: . to bole, much left to the elme states, and
Lorry 'art of this stetemeet is err nth 'too„ oor the 3.1 otti. le e' the con•titul ion ed " St, S. 'that to all that territoe3 end.] , n shoo, forty IlkiL.Nwide, and 300 in leo h
end to such a alt,ce es to tie.t. oy all said state. "shall nr be t °omit ued to by France to the United States louder the wo ^o , off Athmt... and given to the ra
1. Hato.° Iti , Mr G1i. , °0..n neentorv. lie null,. inc the pa- ee ge ~,f an, law, Mid that name 01 L.llilißligt. % a
lb ii, , . north 0 (86 dialni and the slave holders, with the slave.
0,...11.1i ditline the rtompromi.,......s.ion he no law s' 311 he pas-t.d it, corr.-n-1,0
y ther e . degree. rod 30 minutes north latitude, tut : 0 1 00 . the .li"e. were required to , araaa•
a d Mr. Loa odes resided together, Wool to, by uhich any citizen of either of the no holed aithin the limits, f the eta, eon., from the cot off part. and fall back within
that at the preced in g t0...i0n Mo. , ottri had I'oitnal States shall he excheled front the to mplott dll this act, slut ery inv o luot ar y the ettott acted limits. This was done by
pl• sent, d her c.. 1.0 ution, made under the eilj, mew a nay of the ptirilegta and im. PVtvitutle, otherwi,e than in th e puni o hm e nt India. Mlle, the treaty ?Visited by an
...1 ~r e ~.,,,,,,, awl appli,..l .r allsuissi .n intonitiett to alti.-11 moth Cif 11,. .re entitled of the crimes whereof the parties slmll Lave , linage ~ Mr. Eamon .. . woo then
into the U doe Now this is cr... Toe under the erneditothm of the United States: been couvieled, shall be, tool hereby is, fur- si'. PrvrtJetrl of 11. Unit Stole., nod
eon-tic:li at or 31i...t. tit i fnllowed, eml tiOl onto. t'ie ',lore. T, James Monroe, Prei- coo, prohibited. Clesitlent of the Senate-I won • member ,
to.t preede the e mnprt, vise act That dent a tiro Coined Sister, in 1/111,0.1.1. s
al Such are LI e wends,( the set-too. ver3 °I. duo .r."° - •"t 1 opposed lb. rolifinntion
w Is-e. ol March 6111, 1 , 20, the c o nntit it. th e res„lntion of Congress n'orcsaid. have words of the it i' ~,,, t I.roviso, mod if any , 4 lid. lea„-mod mom . within en. or Iwo
tin framed under it war +ivied .I t tly 10th issued this try pr, ettmation, announcing modern ceinist is to sopereede Mr. Jeff. or- v"..." ., d. I. .i"g it. Th. slighteld help
of the „me near; and arm presented to the fact flint the nn id rode 0f31i.....ari has son in Iliettuteroity all at provi s o it O m ni,' r...n. Sir C 411.1 in would have defeated it
C ugly. in the ~,,, tali ..1 Nor , ntlo•r follow- usaented to Ono It t mlan t m o tsl condition ~ be J..lic C Calhoun, coal hot Deny W Mind ! :tool AI, e.l the sloe state of A 118115.0 that
111,-o.e.urt -, in that 'ear Inn log met on qu i re ,' by th. resolution eh:resold ; wort. -tit shottld to.• enlied the C 0110... Pr, iso ! t erlit or, , and those .alt springs, the loss nf .
tr L . ' , WA/ M....1.ty 111 N.•vo loiter Ilere t cum the •.I.ltiosi , nof the state r,f3listein- :tool that for watt 3 and „.punt re... 4., In whit It she now has to lamina. Taken al
then is oil In - , of a .ear in point of ante ri into the U. ion is declared to be com. too hint plate, he a. mad, thirty )(on) ,61. th, be eomprowise, the Texas Mi.
and n tran.pndtion of events in poiot of plate. ;dm ,
of loony ;,, tO., ~,,p,,,, of this pro t i_ nil, tin. Inthen thanoin, and the 'lino from
foot. The eonstitotien of 3lia.tati was In tertininnt whereof I have armed the so. In the ~0011, 1 'due, his ',oda... won Athott-tts ...I 3lr CJllsotin did more. in
made after the • • ••1111,,01i, .4 , i ill purse- sen! of the Unit...l States of America to be higher, being a cabinet. Motisn.r, a, d Li. 1 0 - 0 ti.w to oh -fish slavery, diminish its
all.) of it; c o d too t t , know Cott notels was affixed to these pi num.., end signet! the voice mere potential, being a sent h orn , ,„„ th arca and inercuse that of tree soil-titan
to) know nothiton at all tohout it. 31r. Cul- same with m,lttand Dme at env of Wtoth- In the tlend place, he so p.n. of the veto ":'Y .goer "',." hoot h.. ..ent •IT..r.d on
10..1111 SOS , the 1111111)) 1 .1 .11 Win 1. fo•ed, nod 0.n.0. On 1 01 0 h loon oil . ",tont. IS2I. awl power who re Onto koit ev were a m a j,, n ity , ,Lo fare of sue earth 1 am. or thio the mad
e,: r e ...tit oboe remetoled 1.... k. In cause it of Co ladepeadcoo eof the Coin e d St a t es Davy only. meaber of the leginlatire pow. •lavery I , oly of the north were fully sonsi
admitted slaver, in Mis...otri Thi3 is great of America, the 46,1,. er, a here it 1,1 ! dies a enujortly or both 'l.le, otos! ditty grateful. They gate proof
too rr. TOO act on Cott 'nos nod, r w JAMES MONII ti.E." loosses to d.l 111,1.,i.g. In the foorth plaeo. ut their gratitude. Mr Calhoun was than
Om Mis....uri c.....tituti ot w.t• tomb. admit- By the Presideot, C.tlletua was soneee-s'ul. Davy is tad. pi- e candidate for t wise president of the United
toti slat ery in Mu.sottoi. cool lour cottstitts- JOllO QllOl, A ot'l., . „ Ay. E t „. 3 ,•,, r ,,,..„ i t „ nob r , tr i t ,„ ‘ „, r , State., he ilf.Clll,lo the laterite of the north
!hot votild toad he, and war toot. tern's,' oto Se..retary of State," S. ptcvent sinew from het, m on „, i t i n -beating even Mr Adams himself on the
to at ground The atlini-ti•ot w.„ oot re- N., thi s torn ,d,,,, a ni„„ sons i t ..„,„! r r ,,,,, not, and where it never ell! be; t . ullonitt's fro. o°4l trek. tic beat Lin , tin t'ot.. in
fused htr that cause, nor f.r ..y thing the th e ~,,It i m . o o` w id e ', M r cm,,,,,, , r ,„ ~ protis t was a mut Iv blow too kill 'downy, New .York-too head and neck with bins
it, nor for any thing in relati ato shivery, n oeco l ter , an d appears t o 1.,,,, 1,,,, u, 0,.., WI.. I.
in ..' co
by law, mai where . R h i r e " 4 " e ‘t h lt: N ee e d w ;;; l 2 ;w l . o 7: l ; e it e .t th l , ' o 7 e . g . 4 .. it t i t ee n ee lla .
itnt the dir,d ..1,1,,- 1., eel on lot le- Id e ,', r, ~,,,,,,,,,, by hi t , , ~,,. the ea t,i„,' it woohl . now exist irs pat.{ ~I. r,,,,,, ir that
l a , i , t , to 'Co t 100.110 „nt „111., end Lc whiolt d oe i r i,,,, „r" l i on sano ,„ ~,, i , t en ,,,, a 0 ,,, Itlow hen toot been stria* 'll,O proviso ot eloo`tth.-and ea.. ant o none ahead on
it wes tol d the clew em o: other yottes pow, „f ( -1 ~,,, „ t o ; ), .hh, „„,„ no , „ Mr. C0bb,,,,,1i Awl Willy gh 0 sl a ver ) the ttortheru ttack. Ile actuolly beat Me.
n ih t h,. t „,.„ wad r 0 .,, n „ „..,, . t i,,, 0., th e „ h i rt „t ~
on .„ i„ t o ,ri,„. i„,. „A,. a l, ,I . W . ,CIV it ilit, esisnetl b.' law-;o all the AdtooN i'' toh -1 / 0 ...t01e0-mol with km.
ntrte of Ilins otri The ,ela trt. a. Cos: int. it ill torn ita i., ; for Corot w.o• toe dr ~,
•• T., .I I' 1. e .11 fi . e nr, 'fn..< .. It d 1.111 . 41/104, ~r the comm.:mi.. , act trf I '..,, upper bat ot 1, no i n i,,,, e _r t , m , 30-30 to to e. 11 , Lod dn..: more than hint for froo
11,, „ et „ ; ,1_ 40, and ft ~,,, ,he )li-si-soppi to the lbooky, al ol aith more erit, being hinitedf au
, ,
OL,, i
00•00. . „,
0„ 0 ~ 0,0
ei„, ; 3 1„„,,,,,i .__,,,,,, ~ ~,,,,,,,,.y „ t „ „i t a t h„„. i ,Itabitaot of slave awl. I told him all this
, r ler any pre le •t zehea,, rr ” The pro- a p r „,.h,„ , t i„„, ~,,,,d r r ,,,„ t , ~.1,„„, 6.111.1 ~'.,den 1.11.1 . 0111..1 . Li liiiniLlO Bquktre i" or 3 fi." Co , th."miat't it , thonnetotto or oho
‘i-i.ot w..• fan I Ili d... 1, 4, ace.;., 2ii, of conned „t• a .hi„.h , „.„ „ , „,,„,,,,,,." ~,,d 111ib.,-tOilUgh to in3LU ~,VillY 14416, Of I. "ted St"... h!or do). oftsr ho out in his
.t, ti I. 3, of the c ,nntituti ,to and was oh- gee , 0 ,, 1.„ „d o wn., toy 'wand, r i„,„ „f hi, 50.10 toptare miles mod, -mow in feet ft!eht.t.ff"... it. "'Y "`l'....e't I° show
lam to be tho true author ol the 31exicau
i.. t „1,„ tn , h e i. o . in., ~t NO. with the in. g loat ion r r ,),,, lezi a,, iv ,. fist,,_ „,. ~,,. than ol g i , t: l ti r narto , il; ;o 3 r Oe . tv ii 3l , t i o , s i,, ic v .t . e;.l , o , r i o , .g ,, , , . ) .
~. 'TitsThis is whet I said to I'
to.,tituti t.l on tn., 1 - . t o d , oet.• notl the snail, in visitor a supposed eiteuttostan- l'” t•
rudest of the senator, in giving
eights ..1 C a stet, as ion 1 1 WI, 4)f th , so tieb ornate od .let took ',hive between lit. 1.r..".°. •'"l.l"'rled hY Cannom.. l " 4 '. l . -
-tat. s fre,, 1, lo h, 4,44.'11'14h' La citizens Li' 'elf ~,,d 31,.. 1,,,,,,,,,,„ alder t .,. 0 ,.,,,,, 0 1 slavcry-ebolidte.l it, then exi-tiniz by
b lo . a , ol k. l.r i . o r,.7d oni t grn bet:
ri., ~ ~,.. ~.,,,,,, , 4,i,• , - , ,,,i , . ~,,,i ~, ,t tetecti.rt on the ,Mi s son,, ..,,,,,in to ti„„. „„,' low-ar.ol shut it up from the dare emigre
the onto n met i dtitos slaver , . Mr t %Moue ovhi e h led t o the cono d us i on , , 'do h ~,,„ „d. , toot or the south And not mint itecoottes which he has ne‘er 3ot cond. scolded to ex.
~f tic
d 0,,,,, .,
i„ Lis ~,„„t h ;
..,,,,," i t, „r 1,,, ll.l,irt, mod a Lich, until explaitied. leaves kiln
3,t . the w s a-, it tit htt. wag omitted 11 bark to hog to him. prooltreed the eoutroontise -
0 , ;„
,hO , O
h.; "„
..1;;;;;,,, sleets ~
.400 h dt„,,,,,, ho r ,„„,, t 1, ,„„„ t „," . o tt „,„ p ,,,„„ in a ~,,..,,. or ..4 . -.,,....,,,,,dkri,,,,, which,
',m t g.,' It nan , n , ro . nonem bd for the pur- diterruair , hit ; ..a mr h ,,,,, ~,,, ea ~,,.. in I.!..ogrese t . i1,i4i410 moot de sulj, et of w helhoo il imldo. 1 . 1 . men modhlottee in
most Late the effect of de
,.f, ~,,,i, any thieg . snoozed. Ind th e r,,,i t ,4 ~,„,,, r„ „ ‘ „r l t o„ e di,,,,.,„. o f a„. J 1 cry in territorit s': What henonies,, out,
t .tty- to have srentorii , - 4,1.1..1-to former " St se). 31r. Calltoion : nod .. ll'eir '''''.°.... d °"' °en' 10 .10. 1 1"'i" . 1 ' l ',‘ b :g 6 ' ; ° "" tid "'" l "6 " * in him,
• '•...n.lie •p.,4 1 tile 0/iiiiiruini-i: /I Whop, honol, Jost telt 'or the lirst time ill flirt) moo wo!""Y 0001..10.3 Lie f" "ho offt." ..
• ~„„p k , i, „1,1..„ ~,,,, ~, w hi,l, 11111 . 1., or i,,,,,,,. ~, slave nudes it. their ex- ' ehlomPom °, t.h. Onve-hddioll otatcoo. Ft
• Ito k • it doe fr• -t f
.e. „„
~ h , , , , „ „ elusion !rota settlement to the ienituries ... that l'."`le" blow
. 0 .1
. I md fret' r.
t • - ,o, ivtol and put an end in conjunction with
•It odd never ben . 1 . 1 , 3,111.1, 111 t ., 1,1,, n. ser•te.l. It i•oostittmed I '""' I ' I ' . ' L. wi " " U. '" ! """'''''' 1 M' ' d
~'11.1.• Ir la s Idod„ ;Ira Ow ri.ddr , of Do w n the Ar•-i a '11).,111 toll:14*i dk '2O- ..... iff.t”tv...' l C''"gf''''' .l .lHP' d "P . • o ho
- '"'u"
°""'1"."""" ' '" tit
. it ore , ship tt e' phis. us of orb, r •ratts ern- '2l; and it is t motet it ti ait It 11W 111411114- , IWIIII. il , l . lLihlll Of the Itoli.t. west of the
tt.t .lately in it. rood h•go3lated slavery out.
of a ou'illi mof square ~,i,,.. or .1., ~,,d 31r I
; 3 ississippi, to their future growtli ay ex
tg a 'log to . 31 , ...0 31e C.dhottot 1111 ' ` 1 1111:4,1W1 lot Mi-s otti. alter slat had bewail)) ion as slave states ood the Muhl
the -tate rtdased to c :mph. also the rc,poi. a s l a i n i 0 ...1,...1 a ~,i,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,, ,i,lp .1,... , ..."1...0.Utpprtei that legislation. Lou- i t..... ... . Lay. , .
.• " tt ~,, , , es• Tit,. i• more err r- I tr .t.nrr. •.. t 1 ..1 . ,t• It . I r .1,141111.41 S lk ten holy acquired by tile treas.; otollo. 't om ...Prom , . Witteh that toe. m
•I. ure. if . od In the b10,.11 of the whole Union ;' toll, anti estelth-Intl ot. the npis
.d'i '''.'''..ldro ' t' ,1 % .. .' 4 ;''. h! Yit' , lt.t... A. 411.: vr:', 1 .;',','. i .1. - ..., N .,..„ L aw''''n,wen-. , ,ter Dina. ...., ~• „ ...,,t Is ,*, ..„, ...,1,1 bv 31r ''''''''" ''' " '''.- ' -""".." 4 " . " M " l "'‘
t. 2on h .i.nn, ot .111,..., i 1 s al .. ot ~~, .tear.- that hued
I . —4
' ".
. ~,,,,,,,,,u„ ;
.. g , ; 1 „!. ~..„,,, ). „ ,„d h ) , $ l . Ollll, OW 11»illh of tlurt3..six Mill a hall
„. ~. , „ at, 1„, a„,,..taetent
„.„,„ I I,lhowere lovte svaal beteg ionulted ~,,, devrere 'l l north lid the treaty of di at. the .1 t'...uress nt e voir l o ho o 11.• s o u i„,. tweet hably Ihr cheat (hint, ) ears ; ISIO stied near'', all south of that degr ee ,
.! xi. this Ilse h, the presnice kto the 31r ed. 111 , 111d..01:3111t their m prehending to t only all Texan, L e t •
ago ottrz 41.11-sevo. hot et er to •k h. , o 11V1 . .1 111 ili• r.1.1111V tat time, alai I.,enothitig in public nmicio n , ' large part of the valley of the AliesissiPPi
eltee ilt grech Ti is i... err.- , 20-'2l ) D ,to co t. nod Mr , „ he ,.
ata „,i,„,„ jot,like' on the lied river and the .Irkmosen, to a
• I 1111....11 N. 1.111.1 how,l cs i o 1., ar di o , i t i s „1,„ Cortit mit, for the rcnotion. ,heir liven. foreign power. and brought • nen•thav o
11 egress a caitt, loot was mlonifttol in the questionable 'hoe Mr 1 ~,,,,,,,,,,, nth! of 31, ('el. looldinv empire to the conflees of Louisiana
rt. c.s. a 4 13, fore ern e meetingol _ do tow.orlis tit'' 1 4 ° , rn•clootion, loom, gi, tog t answer, which he did too at el .\, hoots.; the PeneuerA olTeeldio•
cool 1, a Lomat' ficuo 11.' . .eseletat 31-h- under milk!. , hoes har ""` 11.. Mr. 31!...r; Intel r“uat. , rit, 14 the m o w. t... 01 of the rest of the territoo y for die anode
toe 'llo. pc.' 1 'oleos ton nos o , cm'l the loth was 01, g fj.„, the night of ecegre,c to " 1. r 4 . 11,1 ledinne....p , the little slave
••• Aeg ••r. 15.211 th,„ jam ~ h. h ologit spoke once to, 14,,,n. o f he ad. l"" hthil nh"1" in lie ten it, loololittg tovoitoiv nest of the Arkansas, and
• loori , C'ottgor-• of tim ..eotel nou-siono scter th e eononni teno ,,, o at . io 0. Whre I Gel it necensary to ~..dims. Itetwm•to the compromise line and the
c! th.t. orar, o set'. =dy framed to ed, srl, c obi. th e an d that ritht, I shall have reecurse to very left the Piave states with
, iso• the state trout t vv., re., patriotic kelom luch l 'el"ng. t° him, dollerent atoth,,roy foom that which can be 'ad c
one inth of ~,,,, .1 for their further
I sic, la ne•er,i, it to t P.csiolem to yet he EOll4l C.1..1.1ed .„,1 quoted en ever . % side of .eery tptentinoo t"rowilt• N.'t 1 411 g ...left. Even the then
vvirn to s ...s o n 4 01.. ahroad ter him health, awl o ti,„l ~s , „ er er toad. 01. I qacte it .r a eery 44.- 'en iterY 1 . wea eueroaehed urn.
e ;lee-true.... of the 3lr to 1,.. rono-oltod me shoe( he 3,44 rot f"dY ohio •tel thee.
.1... is. that Core tem. n
:mi., awl null whom 1 arsed that. it "P the tneutict of 1.6 hdlowers. as I shut up 4.undrthl long, wen cut from her and given
nli4 not refuse tomtit., the state ta all, wield aswer tin! purpose. oral gave no) ht e the ley h e w to the Cherokees, and there wen not en
t the rolarsorv, passedo bict ren,lontion o pi n io n t h at th e stare ~oldee to it ion. ,-wheal with it. F 1 .1.111 that d a y t o d na motel, three territory left west 01 the 31ix
her r. or tie m tion of the mo sli al ,4,, w hich .11.1. agr
,1,1 . j.,i„, fer...t one, he has nerer ~,, yol his as a dote emild bare rested the sol o
I,ot oebta ,
a „,„h a i„'„ the mlmi , „ „,, t rescluti.ns! never culled tor thou. ote moon of her foot Noon. It was not mealy • et...
/a O . it I, 1 .140 .1.4 n ot them which he declared hintsclf detentsined toilmenl, het to total extinction of stare
c',ll in i r .111111i..i .11 Mr, .11.• 1 . .110141. lend WU, 11111 p ly no ay. owl ' thee l ' Ar "' l ' A rd th e"' holding territory, stool drone at a time when
I' ate,-, I t c 1 , 0,t ropccaracee of the stat e a t th e or t',,,. lon 0,1, 4 14. e so pp ort , ra hie the confroverst tram raging, and
l'ongrces. snoel or vo lc. so ~,. n o. ; so that this soon, of Mr I'd' am . - oche nos l c. ,',11.1, a t,„1,,i,,,, : every t tootle by north. to aloditienista
a• ...“14•13 .%11 in npmar, the Iry about the en cater in chi-!' ,ho poor •lvto re vo st on of -,.ud,,, ore mil., ` 1 "1. •r ,wt, of 'Jove • . The
-lot,o. 14-to r , .4 th e co u nt, tool onset.- was ceine4. to avoiol 01kgra,..., ter ', h., tr. nom S. rota in his support
theovi• elk r, cited in the pr chenati•to i-- teeth.. of toe constitethon, is on. re cther mm, ha, 40.0 ...rd.. r
s v ed ta w„ the occashuo. Thidn the pro oo the torah, coined for tie purpose of ger• o d o i r 1 ) .
ti t
t t , b , e ., ;,,m,b,our,tehg ti a cull •I
ling our of the eAtinet rent,, tlereh tioh,
sippi, won then
„„dcoo Jing a , ~;.„ i „, n i t i„,, wa , at that time. and deprive* Lim of the right
h... eca the C.;neress I the l'olited 11,A1 Far Letter
of netting up for the champion
11,.0f the slave
State... Ale a Ichot rent Intriowor the 2,1 day was ~per -m are minuted the truth of on • s'oethent mv". 1, robin" , minister
n! M are !, Ins, maid, 4•• Revolution prori- Mr. 31ortroc's and Mr. Adam's (164111.8,4,A -• raid.. to, ~ ittet-lhe l ar g ,.mt "then. b elieving tale. iling. firrttir flaw iROUII t. Mite of .Lie' testimony-and to have tok e n th e gronolo l ottnesti,vo vier :tart' d o of fre , • or •oravy t il, Texas
int;i tin e
,dnl 1,t..; e n n„i.o and r. i
i. e ..
. 1 . .. a
: n o c hange ,d ,
hero been hrn .
fo 4l slave r
I , .; l n ?.r . d i ; .i t....:_e " i t " t n ib ii ° . :C .i.i i s : l n gi 7 ... l o l::::
.4 utmost peril-1 hold him di...mended for
ion on an . 03 the oriaical malady of his ft. el ! au& the 1.....1 fo e oc a and ardent; loot it wos not the
.1111 f.... in oil whatrer, Imo. the leader, almsst affeetieg o prsphet, end alibi. he 01.14. rendered them. Teres was
fonninmental 1 . ~,,,,,,,,,, tit the fourth lootutd ell eirennivranees, t o ma i a t a i o , then 0111 . 41-a part ol• lentkiana-to the " 1...1 ...1 4 . 111 . . 1 ..
elveve or the Nth section tithe 34 uncle his infallibility in the erne of his 'were, lower Mi. 11 ." 1 . 11, LoTnen."‘11 111 " t'i."" ..vo t ; (f", cann o t 114-""""I')
00l the ...Ikea., nnolomittr on th e part not under the aerial penalty me I sing doninivto great Of feu eve ~,,,, statre. It was all 00447.11 certainly hletee hint to keep out
.44 mate Cohoo-css, almlnever be eon- over thee, .sls4l. ten tit, rt. anal looked to re the nature! of ' ll °""net• and to 1.1.
awned to authorise the pie of any law, N. ma e,areh has been made in th e d e . the soother. •states, with their ',"A b."'"Airh. *. Len AAA to dint*.
nod that no lot, ...oil pvi partment stele for the written opinions gnat 19pvila.i..n. It MI, given "n e tt 4 hwehdt"nu"
lathy thereto, by Which ano,t isen of either :it the owloinet, without hooding them o but to the hind or siotio - gimp away ha treaty ; In them. tonna I reprosehed lam to hie
of the ',totem of thin Unioneall be exelu- that weighs nothing !weans: the positlye' -and that meaty the work of Mr. klunreer• race. 1 "e ht. AA...AY In (Inc dare scat.,
when he was entering for free moil vote..-
.Int from the enjoyment 5. any of the prir-, testimony that they were plot there. The caltitmtnrMr. Odium. Ming a AAA.. ' w” forced to sower, and to admit (ha
ilegpe mot immunitiost toltiolo each uitiren wonder would be to And them after 27' And here there no mon, for denial. no; H.
in eutillval °odd, shoo emeitution of the been, and a., ..tri el o an g c e of clerks; and Imm-recollet lion. For a long time Mr Ad• 'A" in Mr. M.A." ahiuet it , fact ,, of
Moiled States: Prunidirdlltml the ,it in to be remembered that no one of Mr.' mow bore the Mama of that eessian. Team.. end In conformity to
tore or the mid state, Ito wdemn pnblir 31enr, a's eobinet has been Sos•retery of friend of Mr. Calhoun reproached him with which dot• !Ito 10 " 01 y was model but with
art, deoll declare the matt of said state to State sine. that tione lout 3lr Calhoun. ,It in the hoe. of reprecentetives. Mr I rempert ,,, the sad rho
'the .61 lundamentml c 001..., sod Th e c01e43,1)ade.ta1.1141.1 by Adams Nene than alive, mat present, 110.1 •"...hen que•Meno no W. ....AAA , which
transmit to the Preside, of the Uoited the rules of evilleoce which convince the' tone vindie•ted the truth of hist.w.g. He apprannl Ahe Ph.PAMIa then, bat Ahkit
/bates, on or before tbedrat Monday ho human mind. even themes!. unwilling-that I showed that there wee a division in the has turned out to be one M the met on-
November next, an euthuic espy of amid; Mr. Calhoun, a. • ealobwlt miniatei 111111, 1 eahl.t upon the mint;J hu . we .. • ~shut II of hi. life. API/
th tow:
net; upon the receipt wheel the Preal- ; 31r. 3loorne, a Ipported the constitutinnall- Centeno tee It•-en d I
dent Ly proclamation chi announce the tof the Missouri awn on hoe net. Thi bah% • OttiMA A./At. " I An. AA'. en d " Ina, aaeteq.
rivers, and between Tex. and the Ilifd•g,
... 's
130 niin north latitude. This strip inmost
f t rit 1 trat. 1 creoptol the eomproini. line . the o.
1,4,1 e, and the Toras cession on the other,
Iwas open to the tortuatiowa two respect- ,
lel. slave states,—Hr. Calhoun was than
• cabinet minister—secretary at war—
, bad the India. under his care—and we.
:riding the hobby of their civilisation. He
i required thisa to ho given tip to the
Indians r a. a perlc gdp
tual abode, and thee, it
MIN /1140 LIM. to tllO lave state.. All Lou
1, ,_
the ealdnet southern, he eerrled the diy—
tool T 0... was loot. I was Rot then In'
!pot.% Me. but I wrote &phut that set,
blaming Mr. Adams, when I etiould have
blamed Mc Whom. By that asedes, the
expansion of theory wu crapped; the
growth of elan state* in the tooth -west,
was stbpptid ; the hundred sod arty thou
awl square map sobjeeted to Anserieres
slavery, was est of from Antedate 'femin
ine, and presented to a fonds. Met Thin
was another grist goaMlaWweM tla ab°'
Waste; boo It was 005 51. Timm ••• •
MOP .1 WA about ktn..
Mane" lyleg won IMO WI Uri
folly repelled, 01l dm ohs's., mode by Ow
master from Illimatort IMMO tin so misting
to lb. Wissomi omnpromise and Ow aboli
tion tpseldbm at that ported. for which Ism
no way. responsible lam sot that In
Congwee I Oiled eh. oillest of weretory of
war at tbo time and bad so omens, or eon
trol over
This wsa hk sower—lb. lAA& that Im
shoot to sloe. I did sot them know of tho
proof. of abs Oabhwt oonsaltatine mad of
his opialon at Ow amosiliabis is swam
to Ur. Ilionrso'n two mmallons. TbsCproolls
had mos Om map 1. link mad be was
ask far 114 Iles, w napes.