The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 21, 1849, Image 3

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    Arrival of the Cambria.
Owe Week Later.
Tb. Cambria arrived .t lbllfaxviTh Wed.
esedlay, and at New York on Friday, bring
ing *drifts from Europe seven days later.
There has been no further
debate in Parliament on Canadian again.
and the btuinnes trammeled linen the Whit
son moan is devoid of intevott. Notice bud
been given that the Chancellor of the Ex
chequer would make his financial statement
on the 15th inst.,which was anxiously look-
Lord Clarendon him returned to Dublin.
Up to the departure of the steamer the
Government has given no intimation of its
i. .
ntention of the final disposal of the State
prisoners under sentence of death for high
aa in . As an evidence of the extreme
destitution and misery, which exists in Ire
land, it is stated that a shipwrecked human
body having been cast ashore, the corpse
was actually consumed by the atarving in
habitants of the vicinity.
A statement to this efinel in Parliament.
and though contradicted in part by the gov
ernment, yet the feet is beyond dispute,
that at no previous time has sickness. in
tense misery and starvation been more gen'.
eral than it is now.
Irelawd.—The nholers has broken nut in
Dublin, and Aral continues its ravages in
many parts of the country.
France.—The dimolktion of tub French
Natilinal Assembly took pleee on the 200,
and paged over without tumult. The new
Legislative Assembly met for the transac
tion of business on the 26th, and 011 the
30th was the memo of one of the most sin
tent debates that over occurred in any del
liberate 1304.
The French Expeditionary Forces are
still encamped outside Rome, M. ',steps,
the Envoy, having totally failed than far t
persuade the Romans to mink the French,
either as friends or as enemies. The ut
most dissatisfaction is said to prerailwmong
the troops, who openly avow their ampa
tby. for the Roman Republic Whilst ne
gotiations are going forward at Rome Gra
Oudiont's pooiiion nith Malaria, threaten - -
Mg hir army, in far from plamaot E, er ,
day lattlialles blot with fresh prooft ot thn
precarious oatore of his command, if f
not o
the moral certainty, that the troop. viii rc-
fuse if called up444b 144 E444t4.4. the 4.11) b .
Storm. The Neapolitan, 14•6141.4 144.4.14
ken, have withdrawn wit'lin their ,dvn
riterio, and with Anstlia, er , l i lien,
to let the French hate the 111 art. I all t
Upon a LI , Ne en.ll,le of the resat of tit
late eleetien, it appear. th It there ere el„,
ell. at 249. ultra mem
her., is s,iotollin.r
the nuttilwr that the . ; sere exie.t..l •
.11,4. and will give them a ta•tly gt. stet
i illuencea rI.I. present Sh t•, the, !s
-in the oil Asletubls are ti- ot
500 nimult,rs elects.' by th.• at :1•1,
ptlftiefl 111.11 they ate soviet np old,
sentunet.t• that it is considered d , .. tful
about. their vine OA , . to unite open .011..
lux q ithhuestions of pe !whey woml
diptates atwmg the lending ni,shers f the
several parties wothi seem to giv ,mall
promise that the Pt esitleut will he In s•
select a ministry enough In carry s the
Goverment with that degree 1.1111111 ens .4
11 . 11Wil to he desired
slarshal llognead ix still spoken ass most
certain to be placed at the heal of the Min
A motion on the last day of the late As
sembly for a general amnesty nag heath) ZO
in • house of 567.
The last act of the Assembly was to pm
• vote of thanks to the Army noel to th
National Government, which eancholea by
proclaiming that citizen mollies.. an Boddie
eitisens, boon d“erverl well of the Repot,
On Wedne•day a bitter conflict took
phme in the Asssmbly, ip on log out 01 the
mineral of the Colonel w h o had been, da
ring the Session, entrusted WWI inimmli.d it
command of the troops fir the protection 01
the Chamber.
The london Time; says: Ott corres
pondent hes often bad to recent debates of
stormy character, dodos the long sessional
period that has just expired, but it is not
too much to say that the Assembly, which
concluded its Inhere on Saturdas last, was
a model of gentleness, of yinlenee, and
tolerance, even In the heights of its exac
tions, in comparison with the body which
ha namely yet entered on its important
mission. Perhaps the only similarity will
kw found in the annals of the first Revolu
When Lode. Rollin appeared at the tr
bane to debate the question beton tl
Amber, loud erie. arose for the order of th,
day, but having attempted to perserre, and
the cries growing harder, the President put
en his hat—t ns !suspending the sitting.
When business we. resumed, the members
of the Irett evinced their disapprobation °
the Pirosidenes conduct by the yielded
damonatrations, and vehemently applauding
Latira Rollin, In the whist of which the
President Wormed forward and , told the
"wilier that if the Assembly were threat
...l with lamina, it was only by hint and
W Moeda Led,. Rollin then quitted th
tribane, Mag that both be and his par
ty bad been Waked, and that tha liberty
of pooh vat at se end.
A troooodose uproar then rose ea the
left agid lour of the Seerstariai, paean
members el the Reese steed ap and rWisa.
ad their floodead amidst the loader a -
ewe boo the Moneratt It would
Meggli to give se idea of the moo old*
gees of He soma left arose and
abort todie °heather ins body. w
Nair esfgeeo entered then to ewe
Hale soda end after goad deal of t
bad M hat la Ala Nubia' awl Wok.
Flattest mod up sod dead
au Nat roost say eirrateloa
at Ide pleith have oppearod Adagio
Lean The ioaslt then b . :l
go to oak.
Id. Leers leas sod MN. egidemead
Neste eurd demeeded that Po&mot
leysiry ebeeld be Weakest late the
itreolecece of Web M. eleveir ... 7 . lpl
bee Me attembly, by tarp ty,
jested Ibe desead end pond to
of the day. The edleureatese meet pine
ludf-post 6 obleek.
Tbe reetdoef tbe eleetbee le Algot*
vldeb flee elopbees are rettosed, plass M.
Emile Girardin first on the list, and Henri
d'Orlean, Duke d'Autnele, second. Th
votes given to the due d' Anatole were de
clared uneonstitutionalme of the 01110-
tora! sections but not. tn others.
Fide. the decree of banishment is abro
gated the Duke will be unable to sit. If It
is prevented from sitting, ho becomes •
nneo a political martyr. It remains to b
seen what the Legislative Assembly will do.
Italy —Thelateat intelligence from Rom.
tales, that the Constituent Assembly bay
ing energetically rejected the propoaittona
M. Lestreat had given authority to the tri
umvirate to tr6 - at again and that the Dime
irs proposed to the French Plenipotentiary
tha /Atoning candid ins
Ist The people Audi again be called tt
exereise their sovereignty. by tneatts of uni
versal suffrage. 2nd, The Austrians. Nea•
widens, Spaniards, shall all unodiately
evacuate the territory of the Republie, as
universal suffrage would be a mockery un
der the pressure ail foteidn bands 3.1, Th
French shall move to ad vane from React
The Republic always generous and fiater
nal will grant them for gurrkott o plact
exempt from Icier. Whoa they shall trice:
a roception mutually due to each other b 3
Republican hmtliren they shall remain their
friends—no e protectors to the de
ocraey of Ha mor nn will constitute that with
ut for foreign intefereo,
It was also understood that n deputation
hail been sent on the prey ions day tolleetat
n Dia proposals to the Pope to return. int&
a very limited temporal rule and with t
total o:elusion of the Cardinals from all pa
lit ia ul power.
Danish Wur.—The war between Gs
Danes and the Prussians continues without,
f resent appearancep. the remotest
prospec p t ol • satisfaetory adjustment di the
paltry matter in dispute The Conn tol
Fredetica has been reduced by bonbanl.
moot, and the Prussian troops are advs.-
' hut to Arhaus
The Danish enlist., at.. std.-11v entire
iog the blot kale of th. , t:odusti ports
Get teeny —A ditision of the Russian
Beet hating appeared in the. Danish water,
is considered significant of the ititentions
the eta,
6 very 'Ally
fr.° I:erntelly. It „1.1 Ii• kW.'
t 10 Westeril
s tn. , re 1,,
11,11.11 I\llll Itat.iNia awl all that r.
'itttitttlar art: ,titl tt I,ti
,tot 11“. ,sult 111.., View I, I •
Itlo 1..
:11.• lel vaA. to.. c. in I
met.rt uit lk 11,1. aio 111IW hem
111, , II 111 l s , b.•
the c mlpelv 1,13 L. abl
By the 1.1t0 , t p i•tt.,rmati.ut
ha , he that
t i th , Itaint,f the 11.81,aliat.
til • gautv,l n Oa
plae.• trearlo.r. and pay the glrti , on
or roam 111011 to St: .1
In tile ,rlllll. tht, 1,
are , 3111 t.I In'
11 It 01,C9,i11 l'ient.e, the only aroprwt
hangar Meth, tz gt, urvut
impulse to the Can,.
The no , ting of the Etnraors
And Itowlia at Warsaw lasted but one day
N , has tea ~pined as to the object o.
the iatervivw
Cum merehti.—Notenhatat ding the un- . ,
accounts admit •til h •
• re:din:4 from the Cowin et, a hotel
Ii es inn. hceu 111Z111111 . ,. 1 1 ill 101 illy .11 . • -
est- or business e the ilopai to ii eft',
st steams, though no ail.isl i .iprii. -
eta CAI 11 , 1ti,11, hai i g Nihon Mace
he eiin.tantly rt ,
En tope voihecie to a 1 1 ,53 made
el impart to iithor nu, hot • n 11 , gree tie
„steadiness, if net ithirm, which pmilern
In calculate a ith 111 IV reamnalile
my the seine of produce I , ir a
vet: at a time
Markets —Liverpool, Jane 2—Flour,
. dull and lower, soniele
soda of Westin,-
ming been made at 224. lid. per hill and
!tat description, as well as Philadelphia and
1niti,,,, , , e, is pretty generally held Cl 235.,
his price is not obtainithle except ill arc
ad tray. Ohio, 23, lid a 21s. hd.
Indian Corn has gene off !Tatty freely ci
3. a 33a, for white, and iloa. lid. a 37n.
lee quarter for yellow.
Oar Kcal Ills. a 16s. lid. per bid.
Cotton quotations are continued as at
he departure of the last steamer.
Salem 11.1 pi Lakr from I'..llforota.
Arrival of taw Cresemell Clity wit
clew 3.1111.4. It. Gold Dont I
New ORLEANS, June 11th..1610.
The steamship Crescent City arrived at
this port )esteitlay, after a passage of vi
days from Chertree. She leaves for Ne
York on the 16th lost.
The Crescent brings 126 paseengere, in
cluding Lieut. Governor Meson. and Capt
Forbes of the steamer California
The date. from Son Francisert are dow
to the lire of May, and °mem all the pre.
wives statements of the abundance of th
, precious metal.;--indeed, they are far Owe
the reality.
The steamer@ Panama awl Greve ha ,
dh sailed for Sae Francine taking al
at were welting a passage at Panama.
The California weaki eel on the 15th 1
he ass destination.
The Cement City brinpnearly one miff
, a of dollars in gold due.
Nothing had bete done towards estab
-1 Ishing a Provisional Government for Cali
ente. Mr. Jame. Sinclair, of New York,
tuning with a fortune from the ado
, on the panne of the Diarrhea
taalusa of a allavar.
Buren, Jane 144—P. M.
A. ming at New &Hoed how Bt. 041
APR hi. tom that the =homer
1.10. .4 Wawa% anima at Ma
as the 1111.1 Monk prise to.. Meg
sleep et war—tavinstom t spm
Nast et wit 660 tae
—if of vb.= were mem.
or bat 100 mew bottles%
..(sties ..,.1 .d by them oa
trel7 dreadful, 12 of Mem
or the women bad bon Lauded '
Mast with hot We.
Phil Maid was in shame of
a .1... vemal forme* aowlemast.
haat 'Wreath., of 800100,
the Harbor of Ito Woo
Selolßur awl the Claddera.
1,0.141.411d.Z• of an n. T.Toitfso
CUM.°, lee., June 1.
Considerable excitement bee been wee.
coned here, recently. by the diacovery of a
ew and perfect remedy fur the cholera.—
Dr. J. H. Bird, whose name will sees be
.n every tongue is the discoverer—he is •
ractical physician of this city. About six
enths since hie attention was called to the
bjeet, by reading an article from • Dor
an chemistry in one of the medical penes
.dicalsan which it we. contended that inf.-
.nsa depended upon the presenee of ozone,
nd that chemical analysis proved that the
number of attack. was slewr in proportion
to the amount of ozone in the oftemphere.
Viewing this in connection with the fact
that cholera is generally preceded by the
WM..., ho came to the conclusion that
both diseases might be dependant upon the
sante influence, modified in degree accord
nit to the greater or le!, quantity of this
deleterious agent present in the atmosphere
t the time. Dr. Bird sot himself to work
o ...air, what opoit would counteract
he influence nod destroy the deleterious
propertiee of pwee. His superior chemical
e:Arledge enabled bins to suggest the well
known substance, sulphur, as possessing the
property of acting upon it in such a :wanner
eto neutralize its baleen.. In his invest
igations lie found that the cholera fled
cover prevailed in the e ieinity of sulphur
pringss or in situations where a:thither
is a-
I hence the conclosion that sulphur
right he, and probibly is the amide for
I 'bolero. Dr. Bird's experiments have
slimwn that o is present in the atmos
phere at this ti me,
e, and that the amount is
in proportion t. l the severity of the tbsease
rom time to time
About a week since, Dr. 114.1 determined
to try the effect of sulphur upon himself and
then troubled with uneasy sensations,
plight pains, Ike, the aigePtive organs.
The result was entirely satisfootory— so
numb so that he immediately requesterleee
of the trot physicians of this city to
test its efficacy in their practice. They sa
the result .if this .eiteily is wonderful.'
All the premonitory symptom, of the chulp
ra such a• !Aim, a sense of fullness., un
natural movements, slight diarrhien, &e.,
have uniformly yielded at one single dose
es' ,Hirai ti. four grain. of sulphur. In
, 11,{ s.'icre either cramp, iliartlnea,
vontit , ng have been p„ nest—.w n bete they
h t,. , conitnetion eat of
it, tl.•• 11111111,d c‘or)
r fent • lo.ors:bas hod the effect to
rate the patient's condition at 8,1,,
hi, it-v.l, in a few hours to dt,,i l ait,
i•,.1, cholera symptoms."
S.) far no ire Iliacacy has been trate.' in
the n. sit stages of voila iiiii at satisite
,orete-tilts boon been obi aineth
It sag,toted by Dr Bird tint 001,1-
1,111(lii 4444 of powdered charcoal, uric port to
four . f manlier lies scented to make the
remody more cflioient
'elle II illth Con rie.e. Las np n thin int
o seen, -.object the 6.llonine statements of •
per bon whom the ctlitore know to be id
081 el:erecter seal judgement
Oor iantistatet one toy chance in Chicago.
rriday, May when Or Bird first tohnin•
istered his remedy to persons attacked with
the Aoki a. Thew ("RMe were pent,. bo
on, twelve miles out of the city, labor
,,es no the Clikag , , no.I Galena ',limn& In
...aninsty wide Ile liira Ire
,rid three other phy nil ions, he visited . he.,
011 It the sti,i-tt it was
that ot.e the patio-not nag alresoll
1.....1 01 0 jog core we mac,
amt 1111,. a
r fivo ..f nue The lean HAP k•i.•iane to he in a
•. 1 soil ~tfe • Whether tl. • reinimider Were
iofo ,sit is r.t po , itive. In nine
that in to say, his pulne was hardly
pereepliblo. The women were e °noting and
Dr. Bird immediately administered the
pills. In the course of ten minute he pave
me of the women three of them. The line
led time afforded to the visitors prevent
ol a fair observation of the effects of the
medicine. Their stay was limited to three
inarters of an hour, the time being the at.
mown. Upon the arrival of the ears in
'ltienfri the next inorning, the patieetswere
ill reported doing well, with the fairest
praPpeets of recovery.
The meet day, the remedy was tried up
s two eases in Chien°, and both recover
:a f the attack,
On Sunday or Monday, a telegraphic
leseateh was transmitted to New Orleans.
deifieig of the nature of the remedy. and
illieSting that it should be tried upon some
if the eases in that ity, which were in the
unit advaneed stages of the
A reply was received the nest day, to the
Irect that it had been tried as our Inform.
et understood, upon persons in the col
peed state, and that the treatment had
the desired effect: .
The opinion or recomendation of Dr. B.
in that any locality where the disease is
wevalent, it is • proper precaution to take,
me of the pills in the morning... for these
atacked, to take one every two hours until
olief I. found.
Saw Cat :remarry. —Counterfeit Fir
Ddlar notee, reporting to hare been 6-
,1.4 by the Troy City Bank are in circa
mien. They have • vignette of Manhattan,
man embed en the earth with a stream
ter mooing net of • motel ander his loft )
na. There an two portraits ea either old
tb• vigeotto.—tbe one oo tM hit Mae
hot of Jeferoon. The Bank bas erns is
mazy oote• with seeb • Mamma, or
The St. Male Repelahma sap, •
umber of mosterfeit tee doper mom
Jefersos Cosoty Book, m Euratom,
„ Y., Mee nemtly boom pet to <armholes
that oity. - TM mow Lee • good ap
are oasMorsiroma sag
y E. Mae of Me Ommtrelhes
Ososterhit Thee Maar we, purport
to be ef thigifird Desk. Choleml
lif leo else le eirsoleilles. The
tM ass es Me imosim lame of
Mt Me emporolog la wry mane
pep- dual sod Si y.
Mawrani Da7M7.- - =ll,6pe.
the milebreted bleb omorehr6 awl
hews, witty of
l =
TIAM ; Meeley Ire
Mesa 111.8 W resebei as ad
eige, eel the lesi yews-at bet
pima le bar Nebo Allege fit tow
Welty sad pier.
This persecuted pmple eentinuo torah
er strength. Their career, thus far h
been tntly extraordinary. Driven fin
plate to place, their leader ruthlessly mur
dere*, their property deatroyed, they toil
here to their faith, believe that they •
relined to become • great people, and •
•ostgantly receiving 11100.11000, not oa t
from the new world, but from the old.
heir principal settlement at the promo
ime is in the great &It Lake valley—a
hot of midway resting place between th
rontier and the Pacific. The SS Louis
Oregon of • late date, .peaking of the Dor.
stone sat a
„ .
'• Theo is in this city and ncigborhood e
body of thorn, which, though constantly
sending off detachments on their way
to the "Promised Land,” is still rapidly
i • ing. The nundber in ST Louiv and
vicinity is estimated at 3,000. In,
Wisconsin, Michigan and lowa, (including
Kanearillo, on the Missouri river,) they are
computed to be 25,000. In the Great Ba
sin and western California, there aro prob
ably 13,000 more. Tho Mormons matter
ed el...hero over the United States may
swell the Mormon strength in the Union to
nearls. 50,000. To this aggregya, which,
allowing the mishaps of this ••church," must
be considered a Leary one, should he add
ed the large number of converts in England].
Scotland, and Wales—all of whom are ei
ther now preparing for removal to the Uni
ted States, or are looking forward to mine
future and no distant day for that to them
happy and touch desired coneummstion."
The Owego Advertiser, of the 7th inst ,
gives the following account of a moot da
ring attempt at Burglary, which happily
pruned unsuccessful.
On Friday night lad, an attempt was
mode to enter the House of Mr. Hamilton
Lamont, 1n the east part of this town
Late in the night, Mrs. Lamont mks awak
ened by the noire of the burglar, getting ho.
at the window and into/ride ermined her
imahand who sprang tire of bed and me...d
e,' in catching hold of the fullest', head,
but his hat blipping off he eneapeil, lean leg -
it in the 112..0,3 of M. L While struggling
with the Mr. L. laid his hood on a
rase knife which happened to baton table
I.ear the window with whit h hr mmk, d the
roldie. on his hand or wrist The bat, now
in the pro.e.siou of Mr L 1111114.1, ha, he
trat ed the owner, who loan al.neondeol.
. .
Not long sinoe a nom of looney was sto
len front a public lonise in the neighboring
town of nags, and an innooent person wan
arrested on enspieion of the theft There
is now strong reason t,. believe that the
burglar above alluded to was the thief, and
that Ili. suet,,e encouraged hint to pursue
bis elindeal coarse. Non, that he is sus
i.oeted,he will probably keep rloar of thin re
eien. 3fr. Laninnt had r.,ently returned
( . 14. a tripdonn the river, nod brought Intel:
a large 1.111 of money. Thi. W. the bait
whin]. lured the villain.
It is the law ef Turkey. that all slaves
shall be libeiated after seven years service
Christians may take lessons or humanity
null justiee,frotie !klalitinimedans.
talvermaint Pre&ebb...
Rev A. It as wren will preach at Umtata
Corner. on Nowt, neat at Welsch, P. NI
,zzrxtz,.....7:::7.2l : :: : : t rZ ; n :
z~crG r:J
.~.., i ... ~. ~.. me M.~ . q n.aww. w. 1.. r.
s.i. •rur.r. e.Vw F~n~r~~, ♦~~MRW.
Irnal aVArf'!;'7.o7=ll^,r,l6
A Fresh Arrival
y 01:olo nmmaalam> naaarM 000.00,00, r•
atm, Lamm Mr at 111001 t a Adirnoi's
Look to your Interests!
172,7,'„1ra - """ '
mar Mmes. latar ma. ma. amakm•A M ilmarem, •
""n" rlll M •",irv:z
anal . ,
m. /or •MmeiNt • I*. •••"...
t•ely. ••I rettlat.
1.• 1•10.3
/10 Mod .s
J ed or Stolen
Leol• •••••••• • Yew.
u •I . t .t aloazi ailza runt •ILL
two o••••••%••••bant, *RN smit•ZU:=
Jima IL MD l INIAL 111'Y.1.L.
Infraction . tier
M. tit •••11
Sono . • ••
Me 4. 1.0.,
More Arm
L1D J. W 72" 4 , 1•_111711
%lima al
Ita••••= . l;recote
. P. wii....a......
O. az. zonatows.
B:ek Bluellex Brne.seNdi.
O. B. OOTTniff t
Whelenale Grocer in Dealer in
I.l.,Prvins. Mut ta. F10111,•••111MO•of
ex. le the Canal 1.41...—!'01L CASIO. ONLY
pm?. 1 , 111; .,
N eb.,. ugly
Susquehanna Academy.
II It Nrsur
V,lut, H ue.
0rt1e...1. MlSluretle NBA Or
LoWe r =l=:2Wt:2o2:24=
onZr BON,.
Mnatroan, Jew 13. 1.1.13.
Administrator's Notice.
14..reppom 43 th• ovate a wavh
..... wnr. •... ki ..11.
" ?"
4. -kn.--
,'CIS" ~ ....,... ~.
~~ ,+a.~...,,.. ~.. i ~.a~,..
Sheriff's Sate.
. t nal on ne no fat
ms m "" . r 0071 . 7144 Vlonn van. soon on n0a . .1 ..
'' ::; .".. o r l; ' 114.7•;
roori=l.lO7oaoto .trrol ' etf.,l7:= l . l'
no onnololon . ren . t.e . 77 , :=Z:c . :
=Ma Ain Tann vaned In • lin la On In
tello t ornTrlO . 3.74t ". 7 . 7lsetVl
sa al Sam ale; WI Mean
lon. tan Ea mid al
"' IA:1 "M = ; 'M ""....TZ.II'.MMn
*nun Inn of a a In no an na".
«id Pal* I* to Or
= ato.olt—ooo= " 11;11..= " _ yo., •••
. • =lt • Moo " ""••''"
4 0.....•••••nt Una.. Tr*. """.•""••••••••'
14 . 47 . 44:1= =41.,t .• 4•'••
New Daily Line of Btagee
t rorallon.CTAlOL .111•ne ocm.
:W=%TX... ao.•••
OC Mw Z:••:,74:lrat 1•••11: . 01*
Co+111•••••••••••••••••. , cod I Mel
melon. e• 0.14 mint. Ana 01.
c 7, maim tbele10••
rT 1•.. col, .1 .••••• 14.1
.las. N. %. 110•0111 • CO.
Watch * JeirehT Sho
Mb • lAMBI tem wt ti• TRIM tlmb
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BONN . I4,"IrS.
a..., • laa, Neck or Nelr e
flue, China P.M. no.1.••.1 r l. me. L
Ike Lie.
A 4 sd L ~004
A., • get at .I,lt. /4,l•Mer
Shawls and Dress Goods
welo ; W
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Ow low. owl. wk.
sabsaWsrerpeetrully assoome• that tom,
Minim Business,
IN Yu oflll.l.ltalt naWtlollll. loky
I dem* el* .4* Mil, SI tea a. I .
taw immad atealeeelon anti kern ea
y say enter Ketelaittuntat la
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N. agate.
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Ciladrinro. lesileelly Joan
Yam% ne.. ow,* Yr Ys •,W so *min
Oce., rot *me say awl . 4 , ....Tn..
Ns, to .161. I.* wool. IlarY• 011 war et
rmallown portile•lar 50..1.1111 .144 ditty, w *OW, Cald• Prvvl•ee. *M.,*
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ft War:O e rin t ant: l l7:lll
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New Goode Again.
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111ra• 11111.. for a. Wit 1115“.primur.114.11.01104•14
1114.• at., *.k. I.lunecclk Tamwes 011,1.11.
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Dahmerrean Miniatves.
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...;za , 1.10 Nen 111 . 11 , 1111•Ittlt
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llMPlWitaite, Nets
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la X. W. & Erie Railroad.
411+7. L.O 1111.7.1.../ Ndel be.... • pen
• se.i. . 41 /004 1 / 1 11,44
MW ll7. 11404 .1 V..
7,1 7 4 4 .77. " 17 . 47:4111 Ittl: err.. nf were e•
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JII uf • M. will Or• ad at ••••••II ol.••••
so. g ruk
Wail, WY, •AA 0 • 11611.110011 i.
Nat awed wielemel ONe New* a ao.
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NaNDAIN raw, AD Am
uml ell Armee of • Inbar, sonen••••=eto
u•••••• • •• ••••• Imola ea.,
dry ••••
The Breast. Tient, Lugs, hid Wet.
7 . 40 ..1• a cry. J. •re la die ...M. fIIV
24,...4.••14,.. ter... a own,. I. Pesar.••
• mt fr./ W Weer...wrap. 7. .111.6.1
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alawara. viz • Igo.o 0 Mood. I.o*.
rwa No she 10ms eal it* 16.41
Oen. foOmmittaree/, e.t.a lef semeom. 0. wane.
10•1 *maw Con.i.go. enol .4.101•—••41 LL
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Mt meetly tiot imso been ode* I. time pita, Isle set,
Item *elf ee arl effuleal I.o.eneog .4 IA
Ammelol otoolleottem imme mrtesetemtm• vb. ma. so is
Pon ittmoas• Mamas,. hereon *it Othonera 0.••• Oa
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WrIMS. rte.
Pram O. tvl se a. Mamma sod rla W...• es al.
ye—. air row Is •011 Ow whet ea
mgr.* as wpm.. my tor dr fora Mr Oa riv.
yaMly Mae ••••••••••••• •ftwA
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Ye Saba. to mod wow on,. onroo• co
fr* ro dr kw ay*. of
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IA woos if md I CIILD, wand. mg.
WV= 0110.11%annt
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St OM gun .
‘4"'". is -Sr Or sus I' • Irons swirl
el Au. 11... —'F. X. It.
Awns Uh ad berennalig
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OK.* ••• /1.16.4-0•11
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Tow •••••• Igo hrst ardor srYY NO.
.desenr..lll.4ll.hve 1•0•4". poi aura lbw
reo ,t orl an oaf endow •••• MICK Lava.
ma - we rasseeme. and *am ledues.
Manner bran prpormeme opf egia• de. 1F.14
11.46 r• oil bows. •••atigv..ll rain, •••
girl kg Or re at* Yvon.
No math. •••11 *war rows 11.• An. bar 1114.4/
own we WILIAM 11=. .11;44 . 46;
tor mei soma ...Rea/ lona
Assuni.—•••• TOIRMA. MOM, M. 'MIMI
%v.. MIN; Kea. • hvber.ll.•4•o3. Ilandit •
elm tenalmourgd.
F — uldons, Fashions.
oinki •novim kr tydrml P.O. 4.44. le.
• *MIRY.
f B 2 4O ' if ea t " 11= " "
14.4 4444.• • onotOort . of too
Mod 4. 161.
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nNelson "."
Jme received. • largo spylly .1 lumbar.
Inn. PAN. I==giVne . a. Amp
IMAres. ••• milts• *Mom 116.4 N ea ••••11.
IfisgiNee Oft. I. Mei Ilsm.
MM.. et we IWO waft.*
*Ws NI., En1ire...611... ray
diediem imam owe.
Mao. 1011,100.
Esr ,, ztr. .. 4mamv.
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mt. • t. t. rat t CO.