The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 10, 1849, Image 4

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There is no more exteinivly known sad
universally balked superstition, than that
the <Manes of the moon have some effect
upon the Weather. The classic student
finds trams of t Is belief in very early times,
and years and obmtvation mem rather to
have confirmed than shaken men'. faith.
Virgil, in his beautiful songs for the bus
h, admen, written before Mu ist was upon '
ear th, thee given the signs of the new moon :
" If when the moon renew. her roflotont be
Thor , rah the dark air her hon. ow , ono glom,
Akar, he woarral earth and mann,
v4ritat arm drive. the eongrogrned nun :
Rut if CoCoarsen sign) the orb or night
when) through hooven her forth inorrumg
Rein, net rude Mad atoll roe the hollowed day
Another Latin writer, even earlier than
Virgil, says that if the new moon have
its upper horn darkened, the last half of the
month will he rainy. But if the lower horn
be darkened, the first half of the month will
be rainy."
In our day the popular 111.110 seems to
be that we may look fur a change of weath
er at every change of the moon.
It appears that there must be soMething
to ilistingoish this from most other signs, I
or like thorn it would hove its day and be
forgotten. It becomes one, before he re
jects it a' altogether unworthy his notice,
no account for its having taken such a strong
hold upon men'. faith. Wolper men every
few days uttering their grave predictions'
concerning the weather, and if yuu question
their signs, they "lonely assure us that
many years' observation goes further with
them, than all our scientific scepticism.
And there bare teen individuals, who
during the greater part of their lives, hare,
compared the changes. of the moon and
• weather. Toaldo of Panda made these ob
servations forty-live years. Every change
of the weather occurring within three days
either before or after &change of the moon,
ho attributed to that change; and that is !
about the time generally claimed. Ito 4 ives
us the result of these tedious calculations,:
that out or *very seven now moons ail were
attended with change of weather; out of
every six full moons, live were attended
with change; and out of every three quer- ,
tor moonetwo were attended with change I
Others have made similar observations,'
and hays arrived at similar conclusions.—'
Di we discover a principle here? Or how
shall these remarkable. eoincidences bo ac
counted for? lout us gee. brute the time
of new moon till the time of BM moon
again, is just shout nue month. During ,
that time it goon through its four changes.;
This makes its upongee occur at about a
week's interval. Now, allowing three days
before and three days alter each change to
ho iulluenced by that change, and it will I
leave but ono day in the week ludependeno
Nood we wonder. then. that out of seven
now WWI! six wore Ihtionded with ruin?--
A much greater wonder to me is, that six
ty-nine but of seventy were not thus at
In reading the faithful observations of,
these patient men, I ate sometimes remind
ed of the anecdotm travellers tell of North
American Indians. Sometimes they suffer
severely from drought, and after having
tried sacrifice and self-torture in vain, they
resort to one expedient, which they outyl
never failed to be followed by immediate!
rain. Spurn not to be taught by a son of!
the forest. The ceremony Is simple; any!
as can try it at his will, and my word for
it, it will rain the minute he is through. !
One of the chiefs gets upon some high'
bill, or upon the roof of a hut, and common
cos shaking hit lists at the clouds, shooting
his arrow. in the sky, and def)ing the
Storm-Ood to afflict them longer. When
he gets tired another taken hit place, and,
so they keep it op, day after day, week af
ter week, and mouth after month, and what
is most mysterious, —perfeetly inscrutable,
—is, it always bring. the rain! The clouds
have to yield. The Storm-Goil giv“ over
the battle.
Should we see snail a performance going
on in one of our town., we should pronounce
it ridiculing.. But I a ate loss to know 1
how much less ridiculous to consider 11,1
when I sees parson stopup to the corner'
on • rainy day, take down the almanac. end ,
very sagely remark. Ali 1 I see what made'
it ruin to-day. The moon changed three I
days ego," or else " will change in three .
days." as the case may be; and that too
when one minute's thought would teach
them. that not one hoer of their lives is re-
moved by four days from thine one of the
moon's changes.— IVright's paper.
L• 011.1 TO coon WELL —We again pro.
rote this advice to those of our young fe
hula friends who may ebonoe to look into
this ,10111.0111. There need be no maple, on
the ground that the aim is not euilkiently
high for a sonorous and cultivated mind.—
To do well, wbnteeer it becomes our duly
to do at all, le an ambition anZoiently ele
vated, for the highest and most gifted spir
it. The nate of the family will be the dn.
ty of the woman till we all get translated
to a higher sphere of existence—and
care will always as now, be made up ofi
lotsils, small in themselves, 'tie true, but!
in the aggregate, and in their connections,'
vmtly important. We say then learn to I
cook well.
The Width of the family depends riper
It. We know there are them who associate
luxury, effeminacy, and all dependent
with every attempt of the kind reeaturnen
tied. Bet we do not believe that health le
promoted by eating raw garrote, . demi!,
bread--or that to seam loop life,ll. Is ma
emery to ism esealhat Nor were arm
made to gram Wm Wile, or NM like dog.
Nor is it nitararary. mate to shun the
mom ofethlik we un p ack . as rash into ibis
appals .011.10.. raokarp loss sot
aerial la prodadng lb. aglow arloaal
disldal nor =oh aa le halm a rebid ad
poll& bed In preparlag evai 111 ink
bowery simpler ..seem It may Ip.—
TIN& an, tar 11111.11111111, boar who - norrar
.at any goal WWI Nona ow aretary no
ascabor, 'and lava no ids IN what it aaa
mind Nor an masa asokall any limo
adds thdr prealarda. Mama &s
-010, and healthy ddleasloo, ebidi Ns good
housekeeper knows iMolthrely Ow to &o.
don, are corgi ONO biro. Iva aa& of
potatoes 11000$ gad Ihradvas woo board.
A umber of lb. aanny Nimbi as wall All
among As Newnan' as hr an sky parr
A. GSA DENY ____
IseDertaNt Is Oilmen et Wireaable F
ibilliew. Caleleralete Hoe Y. Care.
iOF THE PRESBYTERY OF SUSQUEHANNA. W m ..2.274 — .....TZz1.:::
AT FIETENINITILLE. sod Kw.. the 1.1 110 yes, le
... e n a= b e7:4"7l , Zor:et4! .. " '
rtat7t W All.l.rert=he el% el lir. Ills Lbws n .,. , no •;;V:st,teel OWWW. ....
~. ... .. t 1. • t .....••• ......... •'.. A. ....1....2,1=.7',11,t7,......,:x:.=.7:22:=
',.........,....0der the weal sworn.. e e l e. rlbtwe ...war icier wry eirminrewinssm 151. to •
•.°Wr° , ...°Wrar. 1 , 1 • ••••••,•,:' ...... tea! te " •:l:74"l72fhl t rl:a:yr.o " Ihr M ' ':17 . ...?
r. , „...... ,- -,—, - 4 . ,„,:=z .... ;,, , :tm „ oe ....... ebnas. ww. ma MO, moo raw a ~.f
x ..... m „, ~,,„....,„. I flan lOW Flew W... of WI,. tof betwatlal
I"•Csted. setlrl;ftes Z. we* 0n... 1::: ••••• ••°°• , °°'.....,f I.' t ... r .°••• '...,
' r " ... .' .. " .. " ..... " * " • ..•."..... I W.l7l=7;4:4 ‘ h::7ll . ltatrad=sr . lr tr.: ,
ay. we *sestets or e .... . itt•We Lt... o a r y a ,„
Pdsple 81.1111Nre Vow.. Ileelleb erweretis. i.e . Mlles, Isyslualtle 1.... ware. unlreheally Waled to;
We have ones wondered fib/ , with the ' .;, ' ,V7 " :l'.' c rii?;;l:=llll4; " ="',ll. ” ' " i rs::: `, .=ent,";:.==.r:Mr ."" ittil '
immenes quantities of maple !sugar made in 1( 7 plog, .
.. , . to 011 rho ' =' , l;:" . .,V,; 7. t.'..'41:..".:=1:7:;•
this country, chemical experiments were not tfZ..,7,,? "" '. 1Z1. , ....:4•17 , ;.1e.5. 0010a1.-; maw...dews m aware .urri'onts a weir at
made to divest it or its woody tasto and to trmu tr awl.= awl.* ergr , ix . s . i . 7= 1 , ... , 1 , :v.; ; , , , ,z4 . 4:4 ,,i i;.: ,, ~, ,, ,z . ,z4 , ,, :, 1 1, , ,er t r=
clarify it so to resemble our lump or lual ;;Zi.44.,=.17,... ' "" a...11y en,.... the hewer. premosaeully he ...maw ;
sugar. A Toronto paper says, that to the! • nr,rm a.•• Itr.n . ::Zirt.r.=....
me peatute • hue e 1.., ewes.. to the heir, awl W
u.. ha tee. wy the res.., ams horse renteH
syrup for 100 lbs. of auger, the whites of, •• .1 h 1..., Ft1.4.111e . . who ow Wash. Wyo. wed eat Ater to •Whileter It te
. ii Ovol well ii..,.... a quart of ...,..,. .01k , _ I Werleelle, Wreh 4th a •.110b6.111,11. AGI 1 ::::ooz r, ittryned4o ,;:: , , , , :mt....1 . 7.4. 7 id*,
and • tablespoonful of salacratue should be I •
AGIENTS WANTED. 1 5 .5...0nt0 ~,:s:;:o Z. 04, ....a..11 • 1 is ""4";,7
Wiest reed a., row . the ere nye... ol the te7Wer • - ;
used, the whole to be mixed with the syrup 1.1:.:::,,7,;,21,==„711,17,::::..: ,r., ,vra,,,,....,,, oro „ a , y , y
.;„, ~,,, , h , „, A ,..„,,, * XI!
I before it becomes scalding hot. The fire, seuillheril rwoureetearnt in at...24a s ...reline '.,:‘,.., , , , ,!, , ,T1:tzat...7 . 1 , r1; ,,, , , ,rawg , ..: , .. i ' itruz i • 1;
I employed fur sowing if should be rue- i1 i r. , 42in .. .: ;27:r teetlerfelseheritTelr"=". • t:t nits... a shit hif OWlrorol, WI ter=tte Ira the ; I
I Wed MO el t i p make syrup very moderately, ; We. Irott pool 4 W A URI, ; ° n; „ ‘,..,,,,,,.... ~„; .„ ~, ~, „,,.„,,,, n ,,,,, , y ,
hut, before at is allowed to eome to • buil, •__ 11 . , ...................°- ,•• au vi.n: -The at10n1 , 10,....t0r 11111witlfewe
el.. he the lett ten 'tort. tm t•smr mew. ha m.l
the syrup should he csmfully elfinimed off. 1 AthisinisTraTOr's Notice. r.,.........,....„ „. I. ato one now... it ene
Wei much care should be observed in pre- ' ot LI. 5......0tt , ............te5t.........u5.,==5: ev. r, ........,......:2,n wit. avollort It. tzt! 1
renting it coming to a boiling beat, unti114,14:7::::,;;',7,.:,..:2:4,%,:,7,== - .17.=,„,............ ~?.. ':;.:7t1,":. Nar , r„...?%,..- I
the in of th• *"""" t" b "" r '''''''" d . “ " sr.i'..;4;7"`rxerreVrrOlilitintr.",= ' 114: . :rts . :=4" . siirle " ...Virrtrit: V.=
or, in other words until it becomes perfect- " Dent, to wy Pent.. lowww ohe era Pree . lb.
Ile white. The same paper recommends , Clover Seed I,..rwry so ehent we IWO filo.. 1
'that maple sugar should be put in ts or, ,/0 0V0a . , , , ,;er l'O •. ° ...W. , 5w0i15,,!11.7,111 . by1.:: , 14? . ..ri= 4 ,7.. , 2:12 • 1z1:111= 1 :::=1 . .::
„,•• ,M a r .. of , soh whew: wee le
hose. with hula at the bottom, t oallow - ''''' - ' k. •• Mew, re rate . lafr Ole egret. we see
the ayrup to drain ot, and cover the top , NEW GOODS! r''' ...- * --- ' . ' ----- --
, . reed owe to thorou g hly ere... the Moose dieewe
with thick layers of blankets, for a fortnight '
....,:itzgr i, r,vr resew., Al we SI Werh. A los ,
rinsing them daily in mild water. This is AIWA. TERRELL,
irr- N.Y. ra ettilt per awhere-allbewltlawnet UAW ;
the process pursued in our sugar houses. : 'm ....
[Or Please lay this piece aside till neat 1 1 sr:s7;= ' ;:s' it LI;
„t . e"..i . 47"sZen;::::. '::.
Y owe Gen,. SIMMIIRI rout. I. ,
suer sewn and raid it again.- Ed. Den.] nms rr.vv at Re W. awe. roe Umber.
nursing I oonarrned. These things ought
not tole, nor is there nay snake their
'atenoe, if the •if has any just olitiOSSl of
her obligations to behalf end those about
The seism. of bread making of meat
broiling, stewing, roasting, boiling, of vege
table cooking and of preparing the moltifa-
rious small dishes of ell aorta, which go to
make planet the table, and ell about are
hen—hen to understand, and prainina—
Prairie Farmer.
p11.11.00l TO OMR. LICE ON CAT
vbs.—A correspondent of tho Nests Eng
' load Farmer statue, that for ten years past.
he has used Gum Champhor, dissolmel in
New England Rum, to destroy lice on cat
tle, and that it may be safely applied even
in the coldest weather. The writer does
I not tell us which of the two ingredients hos
the desired affect. If the rum Is no better
than what we have seen under the name of
New'England Rum:wo should give it the
credit of doing the work.— Work. Farmer..
gwnikl4 , ,;T: '-,:li'.;-;.
Pwannybruale. -
'' ltZ::.74r'rief ' , ' Piti:::k!'" k '
.7. ,...,..1 7 71................. fe .... ... ,. ,.. „,
".. ' " `1 47
61 ' 1;:1,,..Y . ur
$1:.Z 4 '17;.,4,...., i., . ~.r ~....,..;?" ' ...;
~.....I.randhasal rodarts ha. aradat, do
1174 M."4 '7, :::,3:';',;;l!.`"' c° ' .'"'
Wel. minas, 1., ,lani.u.,, brof,
Mask of Closter rout, per ligrardale I
On Irksome manly, do load.,
la et, a oarsmen, , r.7.r.1
r..:=.4.,.. :v.r.,,;„...„.. ..:.
Nirneut•f,,. , pi. 41Nor; . rat.; Ili; ..;!
. a N.wilimeweled, .. , .......1. , ..... ' '
14.4 4 hetansnr, % . 11,....1 ... 4,
Mask etas, meaty ^ Was..lag
Vdraste ak. 1 Vora .
....analaMsa .4, 4 , ra
mda Hindus , Naas Marna
" ratratltTg:et
Naar, Ilalsisers;tr.
;;Vill=tall . o!,
Y.., loratars Mae ,
am nsials. Morslua4s,
i - • •
Veneer, ef Ausetenlumb, NEW ARRANGEMENT.
gellokillolleneweltel. I e WElleTElt reeperllelly leemne the elll• ee e •
z.7 ,21. 7 ,14 e ete,111a. , e te biome diet he has
per et Nm
J. 1.1 TLE • Ce. le the
'ZTl•e"Tr7,L7P:"tlWtera.•:trl 'sr .
Du Melees, "?!
eery low peen. 11,...1ney
Ilyhlw Il="4::"' • • • •
r r..• •-';i7,7l:;;Z"'
Albl. .M..
we., Mayville,
Do a AIL:s:
Do of A.m.,
5:i..;;;;:i5W -- 5.. . 6 Let Its Works• Praise IL" I
.....IPerroo cauaLO, alla
I nr,= , ',.,..,,,,,, , :a , ' p1 .„ 1 , 1 , 1f 5 , . , :i ., i . r ,, •- i;a . q ,, .. , DT4
Tr inr ,.. .a5 ,,,.. 41 — P - 1. ,, ; - I: , (i . evi ,, 6 P:s . r: .,, laa• '
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1 =7=7 , "--, t: ~,,,...., . •• i LYONS • D 0 .... bladna.....l•l • 44d. r ao•l ' all 14nr.:1 • V;Ilnorren ''''' '''
I ........ t 0 . 4., .1a • • - a - ..,,,,.... : , Dal,ona la . c...11......rfir......,.. ti.....iianu. to '
i 1171°111:.. n. ~ ' J' 4 3414 0 C31:4?3::••••., P.:X.7'4;V= , L7,t1:71,7:t t',..,,721.1:1;:;,.!1:.11;:%.2;!
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171. E rieDa„.„ P
"'.".. n.". • " D4l P
Danafacturera miy 3u.
. ~.., .
A.,. .,..........
.. i 1 ,...,. 0 ,, ..,,,,, 0 , 0 ,,, , ~ ~,.....,, , Ovoramar, 4.. maa 1,4. tioai It ia a romp., Dawaly.
, ' . ' 227 ' ..f. ' ..2 . .!..2 •••• -:l2 • l ' .t.f.r.' ' . ::•.•••• '' ' ''' .2 . " j''''"?.."•:'''
D. •
aihe. .t
• W.lminme
, 4:;1 , "=4:3!..23 3:: A".Tzargti,;ll3.7z,lot:al.t.ln2
r... t n t , :c.s ., . ,
.t...:41 . .2 , 117 .. fr . 0 . ar ...lew eeld by
. 1
re s r=1:::• " , ".0
We, nal rank INN* , do .
~...,..., A..... . 3 :: inn lan..
• Inetetabile Medicine.
:1Z:::17:4. 5 ..7,.. " :44.- %" ph , r .I,lledieine ern onset effgetrool
;:j•L1Z..... "' ' 0%,10' """'" ' ': : Zi".47..a.,,,di,m e. the ilmt•••• Sri,. 1
~ ,P,...eloven, V. ..1 lonely nprylird. ani approval gmaraatati, if
, *lewd a. darerted.
1:1=11:1,1:1111,a, a.". The 11,1 NIP are prey ream* el Pri, kW,,
ntlavamta a. antler—a., 11, n0,,,e111.,11,
.. 1.74.•11,...., : 1 ^ 1 :4,1 P 1 111: 12 111 ,r1 ::71111=e 1.' ,,,,LeIt 11 I . ll. Varlrrner I::
loon.° tnototy. b. Ida.. td Ilie N.. t 0.....111......... " 71% ta
'...::4:741„. ." ~—... ~........ „.., ~.............., .0.
,e.,,...... T ......, ... Jemamtaatlao the nap, ,
Ittar,, ..laid . alarm. nay,. Mooraa %avian ,
.......... ,eII. /. l a , l, " el. Tendrent 1..11 ...... motedlelly Mr am,
..................• ... .... lintoly MN.. in, may Vi vend Iv the.ple, pro. I ,
lo Yoe. on.. 1 ,1 7 o ... I. vol nyalatato . 111.1,11 .....= YU
11rnr..1.r:::::".: f roboan.ll, the noweella datritynalt.....ll
.." 1.11 ...a onaplabeley... N•nnt, 0....,.... INN,
: ‘. 4 ".......""....... ... “...' 1.... " I
7"....%Z.;1tr.""1.1'i........""''""1.7: gam Ender, Fire r Thief Prost ckeds.
...............1. ... :.',.,1.....,......"....,.".X............ 8=•.11..... EVARS So, WATIOL
... sat. In any.. be.. eatttlfta. all .1111111. e. •• „„,. a ,..„ , ~,....,. y.„....„ . ....„
Penman, . p,..,,,,,,,, ,a noinmoln• loi am. mva , .../ ~.... . N 1 V.bu t tr.........
1.1., .... manly. ... • olto . th. me 0nn.,,a1 ma xeno. ea.., ~1P.,,.. Ma . ......, ,
........... ........
in /oral, inn., ' T. aroovloirr Ann, an. • parrovil ropeVario a. , 111 Final . ...m.0..... v., at., tiv
1 M., onar. ..." nn Inatamto oiron,ll Roo 0 eb.,.. spew...ft .1 , . ~., .000,100. their rat Inotparm.
, ~,,, . 1.,,,, , .." did. In the roVate, eme IlaY, Mr • pea eV avrn, , , . Me* rit.rto•fr•r••,.....
... 11..17 yeeon end ma ed. h......k......... M N . am at Innotraded la reM ,
:P.......Y. ... 1... M. nonll. mal ly, a t rakaiN. l . l • l l , ll l, ol. • , . ma seamier of Vrolo ,to atar I , i
1.; VA..... •,:. :'....:, 7 " .. ^. .. ". I •,... tr., ret ••••; r.*. 0;;; . • -4 .'"?.; ''' ; ' irl "" Z;d27 1
"....rafrl,-.. ...• ..,„ ~,14 ... :, • .... •.....e........ r L . lietS v ,, ..,44 , ;,.::, 5x...., ... 1
.... ..,. tmla v., tv m. as • ntat,vl really ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.„, ~,,Z, ~,,,....., ~,,,,,,,,,,,.. ....,,,,
. llder onandy, . a... it 1. at on. the on.. eioaprst mak .1.4•1-, as „ 0., „...., .... 00 ,. 0 ..„ 0 „., 0r...A,.
''.... ".".4 ' . t .- •;;;;; 4...... ;;;., ~ 4•1;....... ...; •,.. ...r.r; nolno 411.. end In fill. In mthle.lealrovii•le male., '
om , welt, VO.
.. aen. .11, fint 1;•••••1. nix. tati lotut• z t• ; . ~,,,„,, „„ ,„,,,,,,,,, ~, m,.„, ..,,,, 0.,, .„, mare,
;10 1=Zi.i.. •'' ".";;...-- .. ... 4 .. ... 4 = .4.4. ; ...” ...• 1.1....... t. Th., rawn. &anneal, are ,
.. arrow 1,, it to Ow,: awl. P . 111.1,1,101.61 arm,* awl oln rhallovo. the Irifili . vol., aar ,min ,
: 1 ,1, 11 :1".:1 7.1:111:1; : , ,:, ..°." ' ; ""....... " ........1 1., ." .. a . .. 1... . la ilir tr ~,i, Pa, Oat al l mllwal . : ma, heat,
. aa l raar . 1 ., .. m 7,1.....,.., ...FM, O. nod Va. Nay, :=4, trZntriirll=47".".7ll•ll
~ ;I; 1011111en•••••s. ." on 11 oont .. Owe 1 .....•. mai two et Ye , .
1 ..............• .1 " 1 . 1 : ........ f tr... mannenlaa a valoalio W., ea , ..7,,,,jr =;:r4,?.7,,,,,^1::„. ,trtr.=
S. Taro meaty, - m Mar, nmann Jai,* air Ye we oribe salad, :M ........ poo v.v. ,on, p.p.,. nouvonvon' I. v.
Now &miry. . .. , . .
. 7.:, It; . r z r rt . Hof 11.11,11111.111.....=1411.14 F..--.............fi1var ame paella to •Mt pa
......., 4 n=l; • .4.1.;04 ...Yr.. I; owaiilog arm 11.. : "....".".1"2",:.'"•••• . , ...
, i.e... 1 ....y. pa
........ 411m elPatterma. ,lo 1 !... le1m1 • • -
tl,malemlal, rem Amm o y ~,av, on mope, PM.... Onbail, 1 11z r ,... - ..... 1... , .6.. = , ...r.t.i 1-4..,.
Loh Id mt. 101%, a.m. ennr,ll.,Taarav rea mer
i ...... 1 :71'....' I ft 'l'.:
"...... :21 "."' IV
10 nift n in l i Z lM l l ll4%. Y.!. I,...",itirZal'in:Wrs..itint,":itti
=...... 1fr.i.L"....'"'"'.............4... . 1 ki• ......rj:W . o4ftrr.,.....ear,l*.- tt.; rt. itotid J 931.... 9 ' 9•9 N. ; 111101. T. WPM,
11.0mmavy Mug., per toi, 1n... 101, Ore Pala rtet p. mum, ham tho &awlto ear 1 90 'oak ma , t mad , vmalt . aar oannelmadraloorklll
- 0.10, y , Stl.llnoslt, 1 al,,,rs In Ow PlVlntl . = .4 . 1121 of 1111, PP. of ni . :
.7.71411,=;.....,,Zai, . 1 a . .. 1 2 1,1 7,...... 4.. Z . T .
111,•••.10,1•11.11,11,11,,a,.. all T . , kaara• Sas
/1 Tv., V leo Compalmy per ....... "4 1 1 11 111 , 116:. ea. et ovr KINI• Woo par,. mlmenal In eaa
Miwarl=at Tv., Val . *, Dar, N 4l. Wl. & Ike& *tr.; li. •
Maley. INII.- WI.. 1.• 11. they r. pa alma.* •40.•
ammo afield. 1,11. all : 4 0,0, lON, 161,11“, Alrlogola4 . l I atzrl:on tlo=earrlor relallailammetla • nap.
11, Pr.., Pc. ma LPL TOW, Ire onllmay, VW,* MP/ al
PINT.. ar t
OVVrot =o k tt •• Now 1110,
,1,.,. To lb lelllen of lie Nib et L L Bele ' . 1.11.....1.1"....1 " . 6.1 D ..".•
ode". sw, .
, 001 1 / 1 12111111 W• 111101/.
1re= .....". " 6011111101. •11.11,11,10.
'T .: PIPAPOW 11.000. of /1 ,,,,, 1M0iti0b0
r-E=varalL,C4 .-- ufv--.6,- . PIANOB 1 1 3 1,310 S 1
~,.....,...........,.. ...,...,:..
........ zu..
. ...,.. t..... -.......--..........--.,—. "' id 01,10.0•0•14, T loratro , 3llolleetndriar 1.1111
.. v.,* Pi*
, ~...... flaw
.....1. 1 .7..." . ...477 ,11 ee re Marne eillwaa el T/"........4.T......;=..............17....r.Y........=....1.....t:
, Kw tram 461 . . Afj, 1 9 14 =leArt,. =ad earn. those P.m me.. ai .
. alt K ....
... Maga, lle Miwan,l4l,lo, Ito. . Xmllnvo laor 1110
IN a lonnille:
Ue 11V:e...e. Rode
KAI Ile.
fin a 10.."...
ImM YoughleryWe,
no et' Iluttwouf,_
On of n0n.14.1
reorgr: "P" "*".
A r • • •==i: an • I
Ailtramr. To,
I.vrry.....areugen nn.
11..• 'row,
" • rAO AA...
AOIW pry qyy rr wb
rtw amt.
VOTICI Wow 004 We Row Ow. W. •••••
• argolll 11, 11 Wool 14 kg 14 , remre .
Wm... Is NO /4.lo4oBo44,Whowskwowsolgaw
4 1000 """""*"" a"
Int Ma WA ' tWeira:=: railf
AO 1
.76-.611,4-.7.-pilm Ltr"'"'" r11 . 1.. " 4111.1.111Mer
aben, It M4••• •= 111 V " MMAIIPLOIL • 00. PltAttgill".""*.
~. ra: -. au...
„,p• ” ,r. 1.1. a m.•ateut Nur IN dare is Wt..
111.-thrixe. Oily.
Pee. , toff, (Ironer,., Dry 'hod*,
thorAtele, Mane omit Me. rare „Mr k.,
hr., Jewett', Silver gee., Perfumery,
Mee.eal lettlethanots. Swrgsrel Teem
ere, Chther Lthreert far Ittettkrart
re ,
pmr m B the A
l. tt Shert, Mir.
Yenkee Nation, etc.,
Friend, •ndl
Farms For Sale.
~,..,,—.,.,,.....,.„,._„„......,:,::;,.,..:',L T ::::;!::: :I ,t : .:
~,,,: ..4, „,.„,,= ., ,,
• : , ;!:.,::.n,.,„:: .1::..,,.,?. :
Mftetor Irmorself Ibr 9 / 1 ceint.l
~ .... p,.,„ ~,, .:',1::;',
...o.hurmarit. of • Pan
. ' ro:L . .IVT .'"'"P''"W
. k , on.l mallomau:tlLl=l.!.l7...'.
. 7 -
'l lll#l, ' f ""',;11r , y0r.0.,,..
„, I 1
.- ~..:,.. ...;::;,t;
.....n ono innmy cur.. 1.1....r11
. - .1110.121.11.dnuk la 0. .
or 11.,n0w1ettr...., the wo-1 lug in.,. frk.7.. I .. i”:
Ptr:lll ‘ ;MT:7l7rl . l7l:l;•=l:7R,tt:r4:l7l
Andrew. Pals Killer.
meal, brand an found ru whale Asurrurn roger,
" - •
~ki-11,1ennil 11. MII ...1.114-4“ lit up foi-V
End Imitl •
wnkflnrnww r7l="4:7ll.gona
T:64:1=1 " : /41:41.e.i " Pali. I ' 4lller. go'nlll.
mt.... of will...tot ow race.
r;r74:i ‘ olt ' ail 11 as r me. 11 mem. int 11:1 7.7 :4
Rh• errTicatre. kr
Ittl7 " 4 '
J • J.'
11 ow 41 vim% of Inllem.ll ant
spOtrolloon 14 It In
"" :VW:g ' a :tirre7ll= "'
I all;l=l " l:ZittVZ7;74tti n tr:l=::::
w 1 " ;11 ". •1: ""r T ' " *". .t:s
Amil• I. gay, (may slto•YI vdtbakt
It The ...V .11 furul.ll the pub. gest, with books de
• T Felten. MN
of .4.
.4=:•ar per
';*71"'"7".;:" I '
La.., Wild Nes YmY
RTIIRIMIR. N~el~i~.en ~~ l n l ~ T \. T~'RRRLL eW
N.IH.Yr, Rmdlrn llrw; R ßerXll, R r N MIIfoN~ R. L.
e~~.Me. •uemmrtllr . J Oeb4r, Ortet keJ
Great Scotch Mediclni! ' - . ~ . s .
, •• , !i •i. -• 44
' :.Ic, 4-- i , .gAXO9I ~1
_ ...,........, t. .,....1 01 ; : : -l it 1 ---- ,-,-...-
' ...,
1t0 , t. ,-- ~_l--- --, ,F ~- i
Vegetable lAllostriptio Mixtare.
Th e Edinburg Pur 1 e r Jen. cr , o=4l,fg!: , : erar:p , iA.Arinf IN
For lA. Krvlavo ALL OVER THE WO,
Daaryoy.S. re.4,l%!,,utou.Athertromuson, now //It. ...t r mam m y /re f•olly are , a.
raT.4.747;1,tt1.! "`"'"'""*-
pop % DROPSY:
L ""`'"P' , "'" ,
mad.f,'/.:r44;,,,,: ;17:=7;;;Va://:;64 ' t
ww.II•I3PMP /ram toripurolsom ullhe areadfiri par. of Oa malady. Mr arab. la
Jag. wlar rearm dr ...a mania •••11.. •••••••
rt, Ur IN 1.1 Rog Wrlll.rtt kn. o f
HI 1.• non M..
FatZ 7l4 !:are: , l l4' ;lralLtr:Zrain ' lt " r7.4 7 7eZl77, HITHERTO INCURABLE.
Mr le
al araraa. ,tar mi..: in-ne Le. it iw• •wi •
• Wlla. . an, . 'd
P iv lama
,tatt Itteteettur the Ilyshlander, tank ttr•al ponatten ...It M./
.m.... 4. 14. lett ttrltotta
a 1..., any aria. an, r 1ar...• maw we APPLICATION OF TIIE KNIFE.
=I: n ' T5X31.7.3?:;15r.F
n'• ?,'; re. :Zra' r eVlT'cjtrin,774 w nrjyri;l2.l.!'.l.
-. 1 " 1 - A7 Y E -fz" ,•• "—.
I yrgv.:;,•.:7',,,"! , , , .':;;;;;-v =t7;l7:,'„°,7r%:;'4';',, 71: b,,;;;
• -"
n f
!••• -
10,000 UOTTLE9. Y
eine sat nll Ittit tlw 1 , .
°MOW • al. Bone. ow Itertnett thew tly under 11.1 n. r •.
the pwr. t.i.tenbew. w
;.wow,i, by the aid at me no-wine ow wwwww,tew,
" r " . ""'""
' ."
,11.7 71:::
I ...rye, nd w, i n
the Le. vert reerlyett
UN ""
ww..wwe. nwww, b..... • " LIVER CORPLAINTA,
I rv N aw+M J lnlM
t ."" "..‘
• ial 111 7
roo d m of coneral .1..1..... MIN Oi " ZIZIV4I . ;I7IT=S; ' ,. “ .Ifigi iv....
1 them ifesoloo won I calm., a . . v. a . .•
.. " I "'"'.'"" r "'""" T.lVl...l. of lot
len. die 0f... w.f. Sea a•Olel .
MO e... of tily....
1.107 no. of f0r.... kb ...Ohl, Jeini .1 namiure ..I In ilkix.l,..t, fit
I . lionse.haio cum is ma.. All 4,11W1 folio do
MR ifeafroo.f 10.loof • and 0 .,
...1.: " 1 . otra? :ON ' ortrif. r;:,.. ~,..r..n
j tz ,,,, ,r. , m..1 , 1....111,, ..I.r ha oil pavf ..7,...; Xoo, r....„,,,,,...4.4,,
~.„ . .."^ ,m "47.!"'- , :,,.?,:i or Reny AND IWREcTVA L.
:1 7 ,,",:tr."44:1=1:',V,t"::,..1,71..!". :,::!",,:;',
in merl.4 nul in-
~.... ~r i, tbk " 1,•.11 , :...;1. i1...,...111. ............, ~ . ~ ..1........
louver., oath ruoi a e...... 1 toot lo oo i.
To Mother.. , PILES.
Thi...... 1 ......... , ..A..,,,,,,.1 .1,1.. 011' • ......'•".....'••• ''''''' t'''"'".
•.• • •
14.)/ • rh.•
CalWroa. '
.slllis , r nal or exierns.l.l,lll Le urea INC lei a i.. 54 • $
.;:g0i. ' .7.• it • .""
' 4711:411 •
'"''.."""""""-"" A CERTAIN REIII3DY
• Six Tears Ago
rTit '. 4 ' .l2; " ..t r re
Or 14,,alenw, to 11111.`
rritir.rl7ll7 Vlltltt."l:lt3ll:"lkiVit
upon the coommitat, 41. int.tio I.e. 4i. am 1.1.41
IWs o ' er.... Lax t00te11:11..r...L.r... MA 11
'llZirTe'at "I.lm
Inellotes. fl rt.:a In !lir col..brhy 11... that
timnuomnote 1..•111 •14.1
thrir f Ileum v.. 111..r....r
Shaman's Poor Man's Plaster
I terj4l.!::ZOTl7O7:.::O'4.Tift.L.7.'l7O;:n.o
a.mmowally so olete ewttr;• 01 11.mon.
rtlk.f.tre mod ....le, pl., iv rprentl •l•
;oolto, 1t0;N:Z0 ' ....., - Oot, whore. to.
't =l.B. • J. er. e ...... • Pool-
Farmer... .11....1..A.,1,..p0inene.
The Grated Puegalls•e,
Fi r : tr i f
... ,, ..4"ztra'AVX.V . .:lll74.r.lx.T.;:.
Sm. nare lrnrnvlly
an as e5.11,....wal so 1.11. emly lky
Mr nlw
111110f Me nal I. alroernol:U=l:ll . ..7ll
I:Atri= tr,r
=; "
.•eparskl.l.l4Mxl4.:=7". ".:21.:141
AR .Irer
,,tv...E.:::=itterrLllTONN Minn. le el , .
t. illta " :74 le 4. " 97: .. 17/1
17.11 V: YWIII
u..117.7:33 es t
P VPIIMO Is . lat
and Mal MM. orlhe mv. mm mr
MA I. Jxw, 11.3 Mir
sok M.
WO art.:C="
Calmly A Tem..
w1r ...... ". 41p41 ...I.V,Arcrn,
••••••••••Mk MX. thml.“l, A rklme, mum "
LOW eat Apr Pals killer I
wolaw warm. VAN AM, im we ramll.lW
use 1...,,.:,..;x=t05f eboWorrolbrlvidell
Aor....wisfral PrZyfu
ry rirettop• "
sitimind,Zr of wales MAnnAtwebas. "."
. 1 1=1417% . 41. 11r=4 Ohre, A lA,
ToW, W 1 .14 4 11W00r.
Llal Pm Aube., _. anl have woo.. O.
sem ...Pin Ammo I MMlreors. MN al
owl ban.. Meek Nek. MI slam ems lud
matyak*llledinwhe. hat ll.* pleiks.•••••••
wax, *mon AMr Modred .1.•••
nwelved sal fir Me aR Mt Doug Wm.' Abel
•nrAlieleagrodiM ilemosse,orkaist4•Bll
wars:lug NEW Ten.
A T 1111 l /91.1 VD MANES
leolo,o. olio. of 111101T111, VIM Po.o . Ow poor
~...64'.,. .
. ffl
t. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
. . .
V1it ''750 70;1=7 * r1i! .. 7.7 . 7:71;x171.11,11.,
an polverinemeril
wan air or PROOF
of Ike •Olur. of • innturim.. ne•er appman4l. /8 o owe
ral: •rilrileliat /ay.
~,,,, ..71.1,:;..7.71.,a11:4""
zzirz .uul. r If article • which cam .; umkr .
r‘10t . r . .....! In
. ..las, at 91; Ida .b
t. .72.1
W too veoefatrooroio
utdr=....", !fr. L'. VdMMln,~lledils,
i7.52. 11 = 2 ;17-.:41.75,".11r7i 4. 77 . 1
Z:t1:. Btri uu4 w
att kWRw
nottMal eactimatkatlatis mtleallaa ilatlantly M.
ba apvila Fag.. by all noteetable* last. Omuta.
YAM.. 4111L111 /1,16. thhorp44.4•• ,:,.n.
Silence tied Dreadful Cainlel
nt..1.40...Vecc,114 swig a the +mg.,. los
144.4 Yoh l• la iloo
ym nil joy, ig m • maim e 1 Taw in
her dum
mn gmr ber by ma
tgr . erig m • ,
•omul MYw gemigigeral gem. Mrom yngr mo
Tong man Meg Mogi kg osier M., Oa
trntl illittratr== tr . "rfr "7. •
• -• " 7 " . -*'.
111Yerran , a All-healling
Nn. MO, the ev 1.4 Wm. 11. Aurae, goo given
:fitgtierpiTlVlVlrritraterr - Zing
rowel. I, Me IMMeg Meg Mine., mg.. failed am
pm MIMI* vegg ttirega.wita.a.M.
eF Vt . i
i i=r?larelVag;; gelem!ggem•
TrZal . .ll:e=vidtg = " 2::=Mt=
Imme geogg spin
Mersei /g ••••gg. ng , n.
am. agi Muni. MM.. MT. gemmundim. TM
"gr V:
it m • Mom Mew Memos lagerlyek:ergnonmegOm
Legg=gmei=::::l Agehom :61
OM imit rrr
Mao mi. WOO, IMUirlale Minna roam •Y.
ma *room Mon.. Malmo on* lox mare, ma
rojoo " ,...7r ."" mrsPiro ioad " llat.. * Cra:a
iammoam " .--"" =.1111=aa . aml ‘
Awaits dal amormo . tolm.
OIL S rat OaarZWIN lamomm Mod rem
Mani FloOmmili ma alone
' Dr. Ilbmgpmes 0111.• mat 141L•une ilk • _
7=31:14 . 1:41
Itaver swum. • L MOO* J
WlLeona, Tal mid 1101$1*.
Froth Growlea
Oast resolved se Tures
MOO 1114•Mety; CAM. Mom 114*,
WY, . n:••••••••
Ober. Ma 11*. 4 .
zoa.wirr, • 1,
fl t•w , •
••••••• IMAIVAILV Or
TM.. intaseedlorried* 4 UN wnul
tt as4l 1761 ../. Qs:II•illea • le de Ms 11r h
rs • ma •••••=.22".7".
of OM
the bed •••••1.. ..
16. Oat AlIA* it re
. A:r
e melgewues .
AMINO AND 81.11.1 r
•-• .rzrnz".
tra. rkh
I. Yu mew t
cu, =
TeMOM ehilAree the peat te• *se ed I Ye
MOOS remmufgl= : a . l . rll., Ned IMO.
Or. Sam,.
' 77 77 b ri=7....:170
""`"'"" '"
• ~, '"-••
Olph.bow 14.1 . 4 ; .. A,„w to. MO
P. vo, ay OwwrowOo
' T . lrwet " . "" ...Tos; '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
41.1•••• •"" ..11sol d
go . r " ami . t " ::
1 ." 71:71e;
141 kno• V. can •••111 ~,,, CU. OM •
ales. iv.. Tune ...IP,. merv..4,
ate"'- ~1~ ~
"" .....
cam. ....... wvv.lea....• or.* &male
br ...h... os
.. t... ... :: L.F.. : ":d ., :" 4 7Aff:i 1 :::. : "2" 1 2 7
t 7 7 ., g..t r terA 7 5........... Chili
ott... ~:‘::...r.r.5. 1"1.7T•
::.:517.;:...17 unelttLEL= 7 ;!.. " . er t:
i 1.;4•41:41.7,"....:.......W:P.Z.v....--,
:,... .. ~ ~„17... , r .....-• -4 -.....4.z.
.1 .11., ... , .4 ...0, .1 all 1..
Nwlrl~ U~M.
1. a... .01.volly p...‘ .....
oua . .
• 111.1. M
Dr. Tremor, 12754 h D i er1i . .....7 or Dr:
rot rIN... "' T N• ri
IN N.,. y INN MN we. hara DANA Dot
Dm; 14 .W Nee or, OW MAN I hol aN.Nr WA
- ne/171 " : rtILON. NO Wows....
OloWoos of 119broloimmo
.&..arommol. .1 dasly rarlyilD
IA MD.. 'mu 444 U. 1..
IL ow* oat 0wD1.4.6“/
st Dm Clay et M.D. 11••• •••••••• ••••• MAW
A. TompeadD Dx.e•DIL L Do ow..
I°. .1 . 711.11..D11M1DAL
OW. I. Ow gmr lemon mad *on Ye et lit
Tomorm•• •••••••.*•, • ....r of mos who .••• ter
•01, oar km. hag. •••••••••
111,11•1 e. YON% Maw. al loraw=lt
W 4 p•••••p pg• Ye ap l• Jo rim depal
mos sr don love •161=51.:11 mr ad
timm• ••• ed• eenbloo ••• ••••li 10.
Nom ••••M•dra Opel by IP. . T•••••••
~,,,...„......„. .1
.T...,..t.... the atl
_ . • lUD••••••• Omar.
lir. says@*Ps Osimpserl /[trot
orltammumar a 1,111.01/VE.e...=
O. 4=••=g6...- 11 . 0 . 1 . la
a a
I 'rpm Lanus. luak4 ....4 e•Mr. 111312 r,
4., Am 40.111.1110.