The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 10, 1849, Image 3

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    =lb— - Orrffibil
Mint VWlnd NMde& I glirOne of the best ° April foot' Mickel Ilirffli
The territory not yet formed into Steles, lever perpetrated, was that of • man, who i I. Rs. Ms Mel.. by 6141 n n oas. an am.
will make forty-six and • half State. es Ming at Maruillea without ns ed one).ted d: 1 ; • ' 7 : 7 : ;L. :72: .....:
... ::;;:, 7::
... .
tarp as Penasylymia or them thirty-live sirous o going to Pane, lill som epill ' e : ,r,,
Inn dust or Rahn, labeled t as c „, ~,,,0 , 0 , ot , t , O „ , „,,,, „ ,
b° North of
841. 86
• • r theroyal &nu or ......,,,,...,.......))...”. ..... rt.t.' r.
~,,S W.. El.". °°BW ball
86 deg .
008"8""re'°"'r whre e knew Ley ta aim, a, it. how- e rmt,„ r wmvser a h.,
- min.-or dam States, suppeshig the P.m., an d . put them
Illateari Compromise line to be adopted would be dmeovered
. T .i tba w it took, „ i n . d . ,`" mu o___ , " •, ..... ...smut out
lbw MUM Males mil rhea ~.i.O of he owe 0 0 ...1. 1 "• f b ,„,:ti MEM
Reventy-eis. Eloverdyps Mates Tyrants ! where the /Seem", o t •j u t to T i 00 0,„„,,,, o , tt0 .... et , , ~,,t „ ,„,,,,..„,
tremble. universal MM... ,fliMer Mei Lamb Se i • iii - Ns Lane, mid 411 mem
. 1 Thu aeon lady,
. r uled by all that could
SimuM Oregon, California
f r. m eo a L d „ N e o h w o l The asuman of the late grand ball, ni , make lite ilearable or ellractiVe. la euddenly otri,
t 3ll frrit. gi t y o . off ... t , % itil ..t hit t ßitii t ,..i.';,.... -- "e...... - - . - y honor of the inauguration of General Tay- I inked by Mai &nom,. input Samoa ; that 10- t
the A l gae& and -- th - ir United - --- Stete - s - o - f the !"•••..... inv. duet moth's fairest
have e divided 52.500 of the proceed. 11110000 d.tro,er of an organised maser who d e
Pacifist the Atlantic Union will contain fifty , 0 e__" , _ 7 wth,,,,,,,C,:0th00!,,zyd Proteeteet Asy- In c h. ooo , ° :;,"r4 e ., t e j o S loved ,„,,„ • .. - -
... ....1
lof . sang: ',. unerring, the mind, the re
morm Sovereign State.; the Pacific Union ...".
wit of oegannoon n drorand, reason internam
nineteen ;gigantic Beveridge BMW. Ty - Imenues O. POPULATE , -Mrs honer, l ed, and in broutdat and the toyed are remomd
cants l still tremble residing near Fahnestoele•bnok 3 ard, liar- I from us, erezo , az . owre th . o . t . w* . pc i r:. er., ,t•
These calculations medfued upon the rieburgh on blooday, the 113th ult., I
meet report of the UnitediStates Commis- birth tofice leme, all of which are alive-MVE,,,`",r`•...,;•;,',%°.,Lteptfliel', r h : r °11..........".1 1 14 I
dour of the General Land olfiemand take d o i ng ...II wh a . makes this CMG ling.- I mewl) she was., affectionate daughter, a kind!
in all the United States territory of 'MY LIT iii, that at her first confinement M. gave , and Waring ester, end m • fnel woe o . eaer eoed .
kind not yet formed into States birth to two, and at her emend to three, and sue. Duni, the lust f oot • kor h ereon; l
Goa NMI the Union - West Cheerer and at this, her third, to a t o _„.fr ow i n n u erne the wrder tched wish rotor. mod anxiety,
I ' he mummer , byove., deinined led..argon,. heel
Jrjemonfien. ten children in four years, and all living. , nervents met, m,a parallming in ord,r, every fee- [
, _ oily, and m+ fermiu largely stkcal elielenee
WEST WILL noon air[-Wes wonder , PITT...MO, May I , She has inn. a ery large em le of moons (his'
what the Troy papers of England will say The lido rains hat • caused another fright- I real Graudfather 0 . 5 1 0 of 1 , ..e .. lot noun robot o f
when LM amount of the *baneful doings in fail rite in the Allegheny River, so rapid is, 1)....1....: . :r7:. 1' . . ,e 1 , 1 0 4. 7 7. 1 r o t .t i : to g l
Montreal reecho. them. When we „mem- khe ran that large quantities of lumber,ll;;Z oo w ie,,,,,„„ o e""
bee Mar OnMplaoently they have alnt 1. , wood, and Boats have been carried away ) She reel. mOm low, by the . de of berniker
laid the outra ge s committed by mobe in t • anti destroyed.
, r and marry dear ineudo, aria.. we leave her;. the
United Staten , to our Reran.. form oil The lower port of the city of Allegheny hand• or on unerring Deity. the writer would my
(Com ]
government, we cannot avoid Ending But i....0...iy rre .ye r ey.d an d th e i n habitant. "he .............................fnerel"
an Republistan mob era burned a Level.- compelled to take to Sight ir y boats, from 1
DAVIS' PAIN KILLER-The ones of dial
tine Hall ! This was left for a Tory 11104 th e g one . of th e i r 6,11 mg. medicine me unparalleled in the history of potent •
410 penetrate. Poor Captain Maretatt, it upper — ... , mine... Ne medicine ever before acquind waoh
la well he did not live to me this da3 We ODD FSLLOITS ELLCTION --J. 110 annu l' triv,...,,,, with the community ; aid this papules
do eat see how M. Trollops and old Ka election for die , . or the Brand io'dile r ) . . I) , w0e...7d . hosed gm the earn.
North of siemsee t ope pis t o t eiee it .- got. the Independent Order of Odd Fellow. of ,
t er n
. of um poll. IS
of ;I i I: Iti " a " :1: a " ; = lalor "
Pod the State of Penne3lvanie, resulted in the d
0. 117 4 ,_0_
_• ,
choice of the following named gentleman • Z ,b ,":7, 0 „: . 73.:L i ." ‘ Z.Z . "'„ • .1 . 2. 0 .
Far. Clercs Accimar -At Roches- It. W 0 M., II S Patterson ; R. W 0 ,„( t i„. „,,,,,„ ‘f r, los , teat ~,,f r„ ....„ . .pet
ter, on Tuaday evening week, the canvass 0 31 , George S Morns ; It W 0 W , 'OOO, mid the following extract from oe of Marl
in winch a is held
or Weld. & Delatan's moos, was pratrated W H. White ; R W G li , Wm Curtis;
by the wind, just after • large conemrse of RWO. T , F Knox Morton ; It. W 0 ii
i l 0 . Pomo to Mu has punned has been
people had usembled to waness the per Rep to CI L.U.S , W A.Wells phased oith n mar as we know, and hairdos.
foramens A scene followed winch it is :Se 13.crov -Great efforts wall Le made i i i ,:;`„F" r n i r,j," e l j i , i g ee . '" r t .' ' , i ' i l: dii ir=l y h rs=i i
impossible to demribe. Men • women, and
in Mumma. to pre+ ent the re-eleellOn ',rata
children, were thrown together in heaps,
, (10 ., 1 4 1;ei c i: , on the to
g tfi . o .n r d niV h S . ta . tm . :l , ite , , • - -
and trampled upon by those who were up- Iftv,* ,IM - : 1 1t.1..14 . ,
r 3 ,"°„":-.l'.7 . l"L".7„•: d " t r„'Pl e ' n t i j."'X a..., Th. I. I, it is undervtood, ,)91 „
New I oot
multitude beneath, who were trying to ex t "" i l""P iil d p iii ,"" i " l ' i , T ~ i ' ?ee r 7,... ~,,,,„,,,,„„,-,,,, „, ,
triple themselves. A horse was in the "" t" the " r ' L t t c h : o " i o , o r o i th :" ' r t t . ommr • From+ i o Imo , , rrr ,,,
. r , 9,1
r important ir tu set irrr.l. r '4 44....,-4 ,, , , , r ,. $1 ; 1 1
ring at the time the canyon fell, and hems Pen i le . reg ard
mach frightened probably trampled upon - _ ~,,, .. 2, . ....,,,....t. .o. at sa
many in making ha escape. As soon as the it is said that Gov. French of Moots roir 1.4 . ir , , er ,, ,,
multitude could so far recover thensches has come to the emu:nowt that Ire does • i i,, r! i r r 'I.
- a I Vera ow so er;
~,. 13 i•
as to look for the unfortunate, it woe found not possess the power under Our f'onatitu- . 47,,,..7 r '..,, sr , i r ii i 41M,,,,,,, i , . -..r,',1
that two mon IreTo sense lea from intones lion to appoint a Senator for the tom for Mil l ar au g a• , tr , ll. la dos Z
reseived-Mr. Wm. 11. Crowell, and Mr.which Got.. Shields nos elected, but de- ”............ ... •Lad la • 11 . , ...,
George Ives Mr. Crowell died in alma dared ineligible by the Senate
fifteen minutes, and Mr. Ives recovery 111 Thin makes a railed Session of the Legis. to
doubtful, as he has sustained serious reps) i a n , nnen „,„. ) I ,er
to the spore Mr. Crowell au a cooper, , ~ ,
,' IT r io Xr iftr: i .c r i 7 ..R ''''' . n i v i rl...
..a fr,.... a h 0.,,, f am il y my br o . ~., MciallOTA -The correct Minnie:on or
painter. ',this word, as given by the Cincinnati De• sti c,
apatolt, is rent-transparent water, or water'
Sacover Tat at or Tom RAND -.The sec- !not entirely clear
wed trial of TOM Hand, alias Shuster, for BENTLEY & READ
Star " How do you like Gen. Taylor .." me nos renslns Soli Menai olork of
Mailing the gold maltbard, coins, snuff. hoe, L„.„, ; „..,„,, ew d .,,, .. 0 . ...,,,,,,,
mid jewels, from tits Patent office , emu-Sp ring an Sommer d S Good lb
s r
rate "pad Oro 0l • I coon, . Ile turn out a
send on Tuesday and terminated on Sat- t 1144111,
WO. deal betterthan,we can celed. " I
arday by • verdict of guilty . The ant of -
Congnas provides • punishment of from par The N . V. Cornier time oomph- ma Ow d ear.. 414 .Iroua of yurrlaidue Oa
twd to three years in the Penitentiary for mente Om Ta)lor . " There is no affect.- n,1r e r r .r e i .,12, e r e r e Vi7,,..7.:,..%::.:1',;:t . ..:"" •• ""
...oh an offence. I Son about him; 11111 to ladle+ and ch il dren mut.. OM ....
It nnar turns out that this notable gen- 1 h e r . partieolarly graor o ns, a. if tie fell m e t itstlzt i isit ussustossu non an k t r.,.
Emu. was convieted in our criminal corn ... t , ton , b,.., ~,,b.r et o rni die nature r ~ . ~,, ,„ ,„„ ..., ~,,,,,,,. .„
Jost fourteen yens ago for stealing an over- I
00.1. of cloak, but, by the intercesmon of lion. John Wentworth, of Mimi., has
his mew sled mime unexplained reason .,' announced himself a candidate for the U . S New Arrangement I
the tudgeMent was arrested after sentence, '
( Senate, to fill the vacancy """
" '''''PRFIGHT It Inlll oION
and the prisoner set at libtrty rejection of tiro , ; M oo d '; chum. 1 /
Jon Webb has been arrested as m no-
The Foreign Sete . lel II Tie
comphee in the robbery of the Patent Office,', I
but will not probably be put on trial before An abstract of Oro forerun news by the Vim N. Vs & Frio Waives&
the met meeting of eaaa.atooaa - Wash tiuccicii..ii be r." 4 . our Paper r" diV c , 5T,,4".777:::,,,!,;:',V2'"; '"....ilgT.
seen Globe Iho gnat feature, a part from the highly .r all kla la beiworlas ilreat neat mese. yet, or too
gratifying comunroal new', is that rewire r „..., , , A.: : ~7 . 7 , .....r . nr.4 ....................
A 1017.0 GI aI.TO ST novo -Letitia, has r, • rirrh ol to nor rfere by form .if arms I Walt, 141,71/71:lur been f 4 • • Imam. aifyaltarl
Blml•dell, the emote girl who mate"t4 to to rmtore the n, to ind temporal power! I tr i av i rVe ii ier= i ii i V i e i r:filr i ti7l.:roreite7
Laving administered morphine to several In other words, Hapublreen France ha+ de- ore roXro , d:z o rui .o :•l.ll toncr mr , o4rertr__,ooor morr
members of Itemanno Illaisdolra r.. 6 1) iiined to irdsrfere again , . Republimn," • 4r, L i. , ~,,:r.„ rn i V en , „':"....11,,....=.....
at Now Boston, Mass., by which one child Italy Freedom is essential to the Relig- 00t , , t t rr.',Z,"; "" . .Z . ..r i n 't.,",,t i g.:::=!:
died, has been sentenced to ha bung next bon and the Redemptim of mankind; and ; i i i r: gm mann nvorr i ro n e wer Moro si• ~........,
August. The girl is said to Ire young and it cannot be Lacked) supported by base • • :,',•= 0 ,.!: ~,,,, too, L 0 TIVTANT
pretty. Silo was on adopted daughter In expo th e „... „„4 ~„..,..3, ndtroootod by
the family, Her motives for attempting to
~„, dishonest loaders. We care not what the Stray Cow.---{ “ .ll.= ° = ° =:, ` ,:ti
dentroy the family remain in mystery xn eretisa may loc o Franee can Oudot° in It- e, r I i lark I VOW. 11, I , ar The OW 111 .I. voiweleal to
Judge, in his matinee, said-•• We cannot aly, with honor, only in one way; and that m iir t o • .l7.7tr:l7 ••••••••••••••• „V„ViVirrarr
amount for them upon any satiefactory is by aiding the people; and when she rii
principles of human action " torferes to help a Ponce, or • Pepe-mem NEIV GOODS
Ping the position of Pits the 11C-abe S .
filidr•Mrs John Quincy Adams still be.
.gain Freedom and spinet W e niV,Vettn e etit e r=rt,reint e s ‘
Y. it critical Mate at the holm of Mm,.Fr y, "
b. Right. " Sho dishonors her fais f ame . She re* •,..,• oh.. me..." • mismommovor mm mil
In Me seven building& w h ero, iw° wee- violates her pledge e - , ee t; : vat
wow., 03, lIILLIIIIOI/1 1 1
ego, she wan prostrated by •
it - i
stroke. The le ft aide Is said to be enttrely, .. mdd.i.
Low. 1522 gt CA. 0316
dead. She cannot in .moved to her mot r e.,
Ild ' lmpe might have done better , He maid • F" .°e " " t " . `" "'"'•••••••• " • "'" * "":;7o,3r
house -Washington paper . I 5e ... ..._ _
not have done worse
1 ItROWS, ...Or Nomilaw Moan a memile mite
ilerHam Colonel Bliss resigned his mil- And yet we take hop from this ann.- 11, run A L
pied French Intervention, It indicate.
it" r ". ' d"iii"'"h"ri be "itei'e I lr " h ft tim Vestinp.---Al===.ll=g:
..,ff mi.., t o .....i gno d G a .] , fra a fr. g lin t 1, • MOM. MMOOII.OII 0 mho ,US r •
lemma from the Mammy ale,, in Gawky at /4 ,.... e l, tt. Boot.. ." ,„, . ~ .
not quench- 'wt." , ' , mt."... "t DILLS It SISPT.
of pinta maratary of the United States? °,° th e lire .. d °7 l .lr . ;7 . 1 ° it".°lo.-.1 NOTICE.
Le there say lady • still living" in the vi• "
e d .4 , 1 V'''. .P . .,". i. "" *Tim Perunrwilo mom the as a( V • eloodlere
aw l of Whitehall, W•shingtem admen to ne as unobstructed its au ex- t.„, it.. t oo , .....,.. b y ..,..; ....„...
county, I
who ean uswer.-N Y Olen paged. The bayonets of France are to be 1 c Woke end accounts am In the has& of Rd
i trailed in to eomplete the won begun by, surd l: Ir. oyd Rens F_Sr . orreer stn . r of ,
Swine TWors-Scatffm. 0 tow , the butchers of Vienna, and the oppresses I:!tr o r e , t t i = the
____•77 ..d rZ. ~..,,
... •
-Th. Siamese twine, who have ben living of St Peterabur& The nag of Italian' zz,,...., „. ...LIT.. - ,
some years with wives and children, on their Freedom is to he trampled under font by , F B CH tHIMER,
own plantation Is North Carolina, are mid, that of Republican Frame The armies of; ROST ti SIMPSON,
te be on Behr way to this oily to embark the people in Italy are to be oppmed by the! ~_
,____ m„. „..
for Ramps, with a Amy to tumult the mint " National Gurd" of France md we pre- """"^"' • Y
eminme eargeme ili the imeticability of , .one the Mareellaise Hymn will be lb. re-
as heralloa to divide the lipment that quiets of Italian liberty. Sorry .purl to
limb then together. It is lusher said m proud a bellinninf
Olt eat of thlar sisters had been adopted This is not a question of lowed, but a qua.
We the Wily of the Emperor of Siam , tion of Right and Reason. The freeman
will take Ma pima is reward toil with ref- I
Rem Rosa A. . .-The train etlat• ...... 0 .4 to the dia., merit. , l b e
leg west as the N. Y. as 11 . Road, mar ofease, and will regret with us the mediae-
Mill Meek, on Fella / .vain lb. il th I°M ,
sent of Frame -Pransybanfan.
M the Sum& TM Mich Sad bon turn- - -
„ad by some gallows.boasi ,Wan for mall. Tle.• • MI thee lied. I
die. The elegise wan aoadder- ' I
The extraordinary. number of removal.,
ably &Di the the
hot to h. Sew.; mad* b the Pont Waster General sad his
.styor ty feat of task tam sp. No, reedy Arstsmet Mr. Fits Warren-in the
to I
ether damp. The malls did not arrive IS I hoe of Get. TayWs mod solemn platipel
Ws plam rani 10 A. M. Ilaturdity. It is the eontrary-has &wakened ma a pro.
„ ra d i i eye theby& laborer. OMB bad/ hand smuotion throughoat the mantry.l
sheik ter higher wage; and that this mi. that the exesatimere themmims an begin.
afilli WOW fresa.them. A Imp Wee was 1 stag to weal from the week I. Whit they
head ea the hag, aWm &lane from are engaged. Until reseatly, the now sp. ,
War.-Bingianhea Vaseerat. minimal, were eineeieled ie the mimes 1
of the National Whig and 4 formidable ar. i
illir IN". .b. ....... "." , ray did mob whit of proscription h.
mow. , q4b• 17th h.... than him 1.40 hibit, but theday 's
anoseasesseut of the champs I
the dilterent ports le the United Math he, l a caw daaaadaaak and faa pulps ara am
On Reneleso,he. them Inman.' ..11 .... 1 falmished with title desirable intelligehe !
wessels-em 11101 , 0 1 ad WIIIIi/ -4, .. .1 What bat a Masoionsams of the wend.
obi& Weeded yeemediet Pm" "...... ' oho of some imp politleal Woe& Gould
add ibrellill alb.. 81"1" of Mall . li . . ..i.have Waged ...b a step at the amoral
sheik iftEbr 010.1P4 ad , a .
_O. ........_____...lPost Glise ? They ham the light, hereon I
to Vera Biwa. eta ..... "...Their heeds are evil -Lancemfer AMIN-
Mak sat y Wally dierad pusisigers. r.....
There le no change in
hill week
mom ROOK RTORII b thoonal se tbe Awe ibminty
evybyd by Numb • ...aptness. Op. au%
.**. 4 14bYley Numb *my Ye Jut Mys
nibs mobs rt. yaw ay*,
11=: ' WroVnerillnr.l4
•••••••••••• rdi comma liasdiF. l .,
tin • Ir. Oalrimr.
r*"itt - T 4- 2
44 Vlre Moodar=sisa,
•• . tbe
MA at 1)4.1 aro,
4. ,
di 4a W• 4044611104.4•141,
YgThestris Onnmer mod
•••••.1 Wm" imdir 06 .
.frarao="%ark.o. Trekle. to.
4.11....•=and IN" 0.••141...
Ma 111.1 g 6.•• el=reof *MVO.
sal Or. • lot 4111.04, 06 •••••••
I 2.„
al p.a. 4.1 raNy pay .1.04 mdlt.
14../..e, My • OW.
01111 TWO 1101411h•Jormarrit.11.,,,„„,:
Mes 4 Willa Wild girt. died •
AO., Ski*" NM lagai
I itt . a,natZZlt 7VVitng:f
rr. :7l-• tovite atiestimi plarrhapre
Stoves, TIMWIIIII4II, 111 . 1 Haadr, Geo
eerie., Hardware, limit s
Thy er reM uy port of Meer stn. lel lout se 100
LW. 0•11 .4 too Os before 'wire:b.:dr oast to
" 7:71 - 6 OMIT. b. WY P.N.
C..ds means. .t Cast
t.. 1 .7= 1.'1 1 ! .. :41 ,1tEr1 e' Cir:774.41. 77:
••••Sly key& In • country
to raii at G.. , itime n :Z7lrp t :ll
gauntly •r• le.. owlarall themselves ibr
n. =:;ta r rairl7l; ""'" ""'*"."'"'
!GOOD Rll.. Covet, Ploughs for wall
: A I. taa lea Drool Clotho. Paul
• '"Wa.,1"..:1741;;;:
40.11ve dipms • Imo aml a.m. TIN, ant
..". W
. •=eh :•"1.71:VP
•"„Ir t . boy YTa
not fully to remounted iltrinseltoolotyooto too
A -=•=a,=....41,1.:11-".
I•tlia=ta n tr4 7.1.7°.4.74"11.1 , A1r'
Ira., on Ilowlay 3loy 1 lilt. I o 19, ol 10 o'clock
1 . 1111.11' YECKINS, fn, r.
Last Call !!
I.l=nde4ted te ot g the sobeceibero by note
tes tile .rowan to dee r Vg.•.l7, et '
the Mal which we .1101 give wt nor ewe expellee.
A word to the wire i• salltesent
Montrose, May I. Wen. M. POPIT.
IN Dry I
1.01,r .i.1.,/f . nl
Aka rw .er.,.r
on y.
Beek 1111.1141112 ff
Ar,nur, Alextrois, Po.
More About Those
.=:•=cau," - - - " , '.:;'.:::It7.11,
/101 I.OW •11. me I.OWIOIT,
.I,Am. Motor. Or*. 11100. Um* 111.41.wa, I , ooeo.
..11.t by i11...y.1111he. e 110
Plago.l g01a.e... re+. per ;rd.. P.0...nm-
Mons...ash .1....01.11.14 Fees. brooti.eloo
nagibasluir. Lamm mad
Ulm,. flotWer,
"".4."•:"".t.4.:;tn0. "." 4
ninefemale Dreier* m.: Dealers in Merrnien.
Assn aria. the .00.44
1,1%41: ge
nnwb „7.r.7.:=l2 t.nn nn
lierresin. ;at......fmn to Fla myna righl
arranninstn.innylinnks oriaki. of Minn., NM.
14 )111%Otlr:
s Md. 1.
M. is
Moot dm, .r. (NMo
w/ V.'
A.M,,4". II
1/••4411, 14 ow • 10..1.. 111... 14
do I' II Wollo a iM11.1., AIM ) 13
do 1 . ..14e { Mo. 11gor, 1:
DI 48
1V:7.1/IVr.". 4
: I. 11. It moirod, .
Mloodmlllo, M.. /I) IMooe, 13
do J. 1, Me. a en , 13
. 13.4 a m. 14
011mon, 1 BIIITIVII
lio iml4, 1 =
, 1 1 4
do 1
1:4;11=411. (11'.""
mm. U. Wm Imolno, tl.oorl id,
. J. 1.1.,
:I Joh•WelOomy.
llllmon M Toomm ii
"" r. ' I: It. 1:; ''. : 1:".. 1:
1t... t ' Ne*Moo,
I WI..
M. 0 MIA N 4
114.1, 4.41,441,
dim Mom, J. 14 1 1111 . 4). Mm, 1:
lomm N R. Ilmo a M.., .
Wo.I. MUM t 11.. Pi
Ilom"rtilm II
Moo Tomell, I.
do 14
do :141:141 . 1.1, '11 47 it
M R. 14). It do.
M • II
m l.. I.O = A Oa. .
P. P. Skit. A Pm,
''. 1. ‘ 2: VZ,
4. IMAM 4.11••••••••, ollam'e.) 14
an II
Vella Mt 14
Mar Illliot4 11.11erePt. 1114aer, 14
4. It .lione a M. 14
is 14,411. &Asset, Oho. If
An 11==• Co.
1.1464441,11. A. L.Abnp a 6
1 t in 11mM 14
And 00.1olge• of 1114 Om. 0 *ea That ne •
...a •4141!
•••••••1114Y pp. 44 Ple On. Nem
1a.11.164.44 a ••4 Po tin 0•044, et •••• as
1111.4, Me .4. of.= oval at T. at I
i "OA . 4 •441 4 .• my et IN Narebasta deiblPi, /OF ,
Mimi awl *melee . .. A nr11•A• to attata,,l
•••••••••••••••••••111•••••14 IWO. Milk
PA111 , 114 W11.1.141/2,
pitratot. V .11141m014 Taresibr Moe* em ail,.
Tberpea.liky I, NO. •
Make . lir :441 " els f " flet . , X
: Om aaamt...1..... a.ampielam ...mast ..,.... I
I a ar. lara . r .'"' WM! 1.4'..1Mt.
Epoutorif Notice.
bed Irmo
1 Ap11:11,UOV; MOM& I§lol'
New Goods Again.
I MIT toprrilg „, mat. go. and Ramild
ft '•"=gl7" r11: t10 L8:7 " """ LIT
C OOF48 . 1; Mbribbb.t. este by
And New Pellets.
re uee
4.0011.0.11•4 Or Mai,
Pet.rl ttl=e. um.
mer no t Ilromletothr nnev
lt I,* la I Ix
e."%".t.V.rel, htsite
'lktrelMle YYntb, of ten
g:: •nt nee, w
" 7 ' ..!,%1::::Mi
reguerreotype Likcnesies.
&Weems. • & *WM&
DEP Irma to !Mona Om Lula, on.. Mont... aloof.
giro. rilrZnion=rtoTo:V "' Prr:g
a MI Pm via. PM, of Om mom loortallal tom K eel.
or, mar "M. 0.. op Ira orr mar mot. aam> aara
11 ." :1174 ) Ttp? "' Z ' ll:=:
al NM to forlo ar arm., me. 4* owl Morallemea
ma radial to rall M Pair sad exam. MmoamoM.
harp satil P, M boar 1,
iß Tl gim al4 4ltal tin: 2ll , e .7l. 7, !... o. 4th.. t;
' w•"11!' "".1.7gn1r4:....
''''. 4 . 1. .. 4 :". 4. t""Var1 . tra"
.1 . ...,....
TAP IllenktAr• of VlA•atery rem
1.4,11•.. an Invited to. atAud qs=t ".""' y owl """"
MAW teile• AAA A.A.A.M. A. APICAII!../.'
- I, • ln 01. K •amp+ it,• et
GLARY Al, Ott a...l. =ay.
mak. ram.. gr•r, ••••••:r.;. •
nox • set..... g eemottamarartm,.... ! LIR!! .0 IF %LIN irelithe
mow nay to 'moto •11 Mods utyoutloroo“to
it r ytot In tlrook Vaud. GEO fueveaol It to !too Voolt sat..
solo of elm moo Cop, Wm Vltult 00461444.14.4 4 ." 1. 4 1... 01 4,
i• lb* .1. of Om Now ...11... Ot• tho. ...we es soo4
York ...00 .01.044.11. 01,0 prirperly .100.
L.l.trz.z . :zr,=."!,7::=:,:r.zzt , ': , ""' BRANT'S .INDIAN
I 3"^Ti'.:r,fr" - ze.:! - ' 7 4 ';!'"' - w" . •,, --
'= 0 —" 17.4 " -77 : 4 :' .: %%.,.." . PURIFYING EXTRACT.
Oreat A t oll v SC UPON
3 Ir , """••••••
11111 t Outtorollteraltave t tot Hr. • gtotl ott.m.t o LOttglooi mot t , t o o. t'it:trtr/tl7 . ltt ate - orltultiOi. - 17 - "
SPRINGS,j f NOSINISMI 00008, N COMICS - - ruousAra oe
::;1:2L:3:: I "'" , ""'"11"'"'""'" * "'"'
""'"o'r - "'"*"'"'""*.
...0h... Ito con Rotolo. you . 1, •
.4 so op so
lo,ll;zrtry ch o m p peer TIN. 141.44•0114,
V.., .Times Mo. C.N.
don we 14 41* rune y. • egyeelhor.
P1L,01.3 °Atte. "Zi.,:rar" - ^,=":"4,1,:t •
A :::?4.=,,=„`.'17%;,..,`V.,":1.:=1"..1..-
0:4 4- 44 /*a t•Li , r7 - 11 - 1 1
mai .41 41144.444 84C Se Meet 1e..116444
rzatrzr.:l7.l:l4—” b" .
Comp.. rmuo • me week.... .4.41.11.
Batting Business, , le. 1.4 eft..
. 4 1 . 110 ... t0 r
tiovu o no at .• other Stotobllotoottott is Moroi.: rr
I 0100 tto rotor obt V
A 0... r rww
,f1.7.„="t11.7r",.=" 4
surpgue a 00,
llovo Jost ..•w .k Itot or wow, •• '4.7= Zs: . At r=
SPR - ING GOODS, =""*._
~0. 4 4, 4 0. 04 . .44 , ......r .n.. Pmelleads
Sprill Sly 1106111111Chl,
Iti.oma.lneyrume.immi,Kmemetur W.* Cl* d"'"'"'"""
IfI4C am.. • 111011 &O. Tr sr r r.. rd ...dg
.10,ar. 0 0 theltout to . ot Mo, 4 . -m I . "
t 00nt00.."... 7. P
Most Horrid derofulam
I.llllllr 45.411120.111, IMO wow Imo boo• rota a . onal 4.4 WNW INI
A YWCAS, 01•4441, liworld4l.l4, - Do Lao. •to ow ?boo. c4.4" .".."'"" WY " os ..""".=
g r -.=4,r:v . ..--- ~...7 , 2tz t 4..,,,,....., ....... by Too t hy. ...x. 41411.4.14..
r' r4:l= otourtb:rl=tits .0•4441 le bin boa
OWEGO ( FEMALE SEMINAEY ''''ag_"4.lll.:=V-%." , :r=M_..=
Cate Mary raltmotoo,
.. ' 1
........ 440 . 7 ...... 4r0 .1„. .ty1_ zr fn0u 1 0rtz .. „ ,..... 50r•—• 1 ...... ........ 1 “ 40 ,...-- ....... ...3
Now V m4ler Me Itturrelitt t
lAH A. CHUB, 1 MINIUM Y. FELLOWS. , ...... , ..........." - ....."••••""` d '
_ 1 fweily Line, Deep, Waugh* Ohm,
T. 1111UPIt. bowing tuttitogono t4wooett rotalro owl
taken= sa . :l4.4l . lrottOlotoly au dot totolt of! ...I . "a4=s.l' . ===rll tr o t .
1 ,71,..,7-......: =1,,=,7;;;;;=.7,:: ........ tat to yet. of. *Wm .4 Yolb
- Vgaztr..—..„...—.. 1 0 , *b.
' 017:1;;;V;1;10 .t rz.r -
:Imola ettrzt:l44l= i - loit= bowl.. •bolit4 , ez04.411.24 lbett, ma nob* 1.1414401•41 W..
.1. 1 ; ... 4 , 11 q.t. .....1 " ...,..: '''be b. .1; .." 1 ' y ' ..t... " "' """ " "*"." "
. "." ite....l ' ,l "" Vt.t= " 2 r:i r .""'""*
ew.M * T r " tro . A...."Crter, " '"
"" ‘ "" ofIro "
11144-11.%4 to the Ootrt lototobt mul 44111sectiotot4 taboo, ILbt• Mao.. of isom4:4/ Yr. 4- m.........m.
owl to do- 444•Otte of elsonte••• pi 0..... bor. al. W. oma botiol--by Womb
floe dobobutte year will onto. of too mom.. 41•1441 4. 4 4 A... wbobro••• ••• Moll dropplolb ma by
1. two tow. re........... 'h. Opel.. To. will t .4 ••• b•••• ••••••• 4 . •••. 4 ....... 4 - ••••
t =1 . 1 ,. ...Z . : 44 •4=3 , ,..?== , v m —4llltlt ru.!t.e.l„ '..... it. or tam.
gr,T .1", , .. , ....................• ........>. a. .1;;;I::::74= -. ta . '" ..m.
nr . r ....... tht•byt the year.. vtill lot Um pr. of 1 • -
...w.;4.. ;,;-:
.. 1,.;;;; - . a.. -- ;:z . 7.;.;=; ;;7.:;;;;. - .-t.-.;. L t- . - ---
i5t .... 1 7
Nt " * om - .
;.r. .. .. oo ,
blcnow bobs 1.W.Y. • tNO Ampl=, .
rs= " l at= *.
r otos" ,= ' V s . . '4O ...t: to mxTaTir.,7e.77-------
tr,.,rr -- - --:•- s -- -, - ,:;:::ran,l.- - . 7.:::. - T4. - = - ..„ -- - 7'4:
bob ye`
Lady b mod m to pool. Ow *elf • Y. K. ell 1•111.1 , 11111 t CO. -
IM, •• loosdwl• sod ossor-Osos. batl to hue Ohio same
noted lo doll. Cory ankle se 0N... FalshiOns, Fashions.
Le laimo. 1 j 0.......:; ! =... , .... a . do lbostor 4.1141 r 04 . 2=i
Bson,1•04 'nat. 4. IWO. lonstele o 2.2.1=11bs moon; so 1....1=1.1 472•11:bolor. ,
, es, 11W . 1atta , =, ,, , ,... taim pm , taw
, bys, Ps oodlebn • coati IWO. ome.
21•41 4. lOW
Co se lostromest, 2,50 .4 4. I 1,121211 war.1......0.... ~. .1 , . 4 2 1 . 4 .4.4 r .
Um.. sod Painting. 1•.. M bolos. 10,121 s .. 4 11... 4 ~.....
1.....1a5i• .i* 14.......," lo,au .. • . • --,
I.. Sig eta ton doses, , moullll , sod Point, /Isobel flOto. Iloes iss.l Mos-
l - slo, Nisi mod ...0,.... ,, .......... , .. ..
U .... th. a.m.. wawa. oporki
ames..l b• CMS 1b.., I 121141221.4
sod • preetlesl losobledde of Ow '
c.c.s be adotaloobl by neboonot nab ! A1=r,1=.7.1• - " ... "Wi1t.M ..
I . V . l4l4=extrosoollgy *Key : to ,
~ 1
Wee ?ob. sedgy papas coo 2 years
or sec.. Md. bessebon, LOY I FIRE! Plitll
, sod =lssio..
o 111.
1..... 1. ~ 5...• md... 6 . 6 : . Company, Al aranvino, n l.i.
lasi Tel Innen luared .
effort ....
I i ,
111:r Ilefene s meel may be =No e lepponeeinime I. AN a Large A••••• 011•11.1 WI. VON.
xi IhNewba mile.ol.:
RI. M. Mover Miaow, D.D.RML. horybraskia. in...m=1..1r = k m a=== I
Rae. Kiri." Milo* MdMistphia.
Is". RIM MilMier D.D. Now Y.A. r Sam et Om gobat . . ..hotoes *We MO,
1 Moro. Iwo Amer Mt Mk. hOmlloot.or wooed.—
Roy. Cortland Ile•M ' osmalar, IMM•01m, N. J. 1 MM", r,.. "mom mam M" , Ma" m.mam , =-7_La mmm m •
Roy. Edward MOM% Bandirmh. i Imowe.
~,,.7 . . ..r. r . =rem ~ Mr .
Ma Mmike• Dam. I =0 ..1 0., doom "X. °mow. 1.4.
Mr. r. Mom., e. ow nal WWI awe.. woe .a.i.M.O . own..
Mr. Muni M. Name. ilmotall,ollm. delleabe 5m...., sr 1.0t...p5y
loorksol U. Hamani.Mmossiis, R. I. 74."1" . •=p5 . t ' =,,:....r=lperleeflllegoNte
1 4. 11•1•• M at. P =A,N. 3. Mom Cabot Iftlis ,••••• el
JIM, fibliegy or Wistierbieen
3*. Imre. Plimemmos. , 0..... .........*6104 momboo ire mipe., ••uMe M. IN
ChM C p
. lhaone•y. ...t.n •••• Mr W•••• •. "
!Mr!, .L .. .....r ''. L. '1: .. !. .M t tr.... .' 7"- ."- a..
. - 4.,.-;;;;;;FQ. -- ,4 .. Er... ". ' .. " .....— . 1•14.71V - iri - 71:
cr lllejjr.• ---".. 11114
• • injuoil. rilift. • •611. la I• • ..... 1 •• 1 I
Re. T. D. Teems. 71e1ebee. Mirielpfl. bbee•gel .... ...****. .*****tebeeliepe,
Jab &Ma Jebb IL Willard. Tley nom% ,••••*r.. • be. ••=1.1.1,..*:.=,:n.
lierslaary. ' ON 11111••••• la rid. OW • le•Mal
bon wool
Tli• Mom Lewin*. 11.11•6464.
AW I woCe. M.. D. New Ye& _ ra t / =era* oe see win be ree**** 74 l
Me R. Mow. •• *. I , MUMS ar.
........4.tro. P.
•• Mut P. Telienee. h. "
Wiwi O. Me*." • Wl= teele* beeemeere we Mite
J. 7 71.• ROL lON. 17N I '"
gol Wu, = ml 0.1••• LS.. ,
Wbolisiale Wee.. t Dentor In
11.1,141.10.... Par, no, sod Maas efall
14. i
FM, ilmani Mom.,
I Inonmin DoLoimil, lam voMoiif
limo Mak uan.
t 1,71.
inn, Cation Tom CUM Mc,
4. .M
nom limol goons lior indite inein.
Mita, Monti ioni Onnoo, Unita K W
Y l .
Mom Lloommill Panty
MILL end MM.,
trunr o lloili, Mt , Men HMI+ awl Mtn
Twoodo not Ma,
MoroiliPiont Vein. Monition Notations ition.
L Mono sod Pi• ~ 01Ul Mun . e Limn IMilo
imn Mat and M. 0.. t. MM.
Tara t ° , 71=41 71t =Wit
nnnoto—ltto num, roitilion .r.
•".r ..X.7.7;77* ,2.7zi.1".r.cp!
tTaf reiC:
.lb awl White Ayer, lbw= ow.l
I,llge vaNdin. WM, tn., letrool
advs., Syr terb.,....
" 9pl
RRL TI'RIIRLI. •••~l+nrurtl~ ~ YY wM INw~
Poo PlVlVt,'"ima*Wher -
Fbidas-4r`=r• "SIG TIMr
Are Ilk
Pau. ral=aangvnr• err
Ikon. Mote, awl other 11131 1 / a rr,
*wit, male.....•••••••1111+ mini Amor
Ma. *eta ear St. mr Oft U.
VI.: PAM, trnms.zet,==MM••••
lIAlm, 4.1. I.M.
To Farmers 81. Dairymen I
T2.:4 — .1",":11:: t",==.l;
myl tn 'MM.. ilte prZipatalmittmell•Melmt.
••••• olbett, me. IN •It 4 emettmled la Melt •
M r
llVe . .Vl:ltt:l ' V ' beffe:tl ". =: - •
Mt IM reeml mtl lake mi Me maim! TM tmMIIM
••• be Yam maim It .1 mom mom*. SI •
Tbeememeter MM... to me mil MOM 01•••• MOB 110
elnm IMemel Imperatme ebb mu, vb. dos..••••
Owns amid ler Iel• OP to• demem • • *RIM ••
rintee mren•M•IMMI Me Wilma of tbe Mum Artb•
atlnteMa et m teem weer, ••••.•••••••Milb
imeoltl van,. Ahmed Mk mash impapf.:.....ft
btUttliiinriZT "" r " it= ."."...""
=lk72 n g:4l:l,E=
nremllt • •11 •
lIbm••••= l a r ty M Mem Moltillbl
mobar...lbee• m mt. so bgals. meta le•
t Nam In OM Amu.
emuMetio• BM Mel nt llen• firm,1••••1•00.0/ r• 4
two, Ww/.......
lakty ilois owl caw "Wow Wwwww
how lows, ow,l inkwr wow. wiliWo
ortAl wotialexWan. WX. NAIVE.
Mworn.w. Mont AIX MC
•••11. "'
:Zara * ttte " ""4" ,
...I:, wriwwl , WI Win eV Wm •
r=" u
1 . 3= treittiow
.4111.0r1. Aro,. 4.ll.9llspledeslualq.
in, be nommen. I=4l 4..V•61,
ew Clock and Watch
grarle'r Joan vaail hue 11.• nosey. TIN
mull* ma.* a mew
. J• v Ite Hale* maL.ll.ll a
I.a. am.llllll...antlarralng qaly.
Ma. Ma. amok. 1.1 mamma reps..., masa 1.1.
au,. ral. leimnaino has.,
:147 . 15r . e . a1l so 111.1.11111M..)..1, sad What ..
' are:: ;11711 '''''.." ;",..4rllr
New Goods---at Tun,Ws
e 1... Mom
1.7= 1:::el
pod.. Iwo.. and eolon. ••••••1•11.
=I..•••14.11M lier . F.l/8•0 1.31.
= 1.1•••••••
Al.lllo-1• adlit. I. Ome. • pima amsrbort
ailA of *0 0.4 ft..... 10. ,
oltitTs e=. e. out ' '""" rl
11. 1.1....••• ramook
Ileequehanna Academy.
s g w o =fi , a , •et . lea ay
WOO., A.M.. W Go
11.01.7rL0N 0 mP
Looorsa Ore. L..,
lo.Al4...korryine= " ri "°"' "
Or . orirr rlar """."'
Ider.o. WM. NO,
..~;~.~...., :...~~..~....a.
C. B. CO 1
rfrtitt... N Y. ft It?. 11:11nr.l. NatesNlNeaM.
waroftlltemT.;:is Nebet. NAN:, Nowtstlf..=
Arltaxt. fraltlV:ll7=.l.ll:
talnottut to l ' loNst totnellosto end ammo On Ou.
oroooo ..od. may 1.8 NNlNtenaml
900 Nang. Raid.. (oel, c 100)
11110 do Tom. embrllaleff all Om dianolot
intake mod vodeheo of Green &
Mock Toon
100 do Maekorol. Moe, 1416110. Noon.
nib. Treat. Balm Mod. boo&
Toogoo. ILL 14.
um do N. 1 end 9 Ilertiog,
50 do Cod&e.
100 do amend Ades.
30 do I'dmo Giador,
43 do Brozll, & 00m 1 11 44.•
30 410 Mord.
50 do Now & Nkdoome.
93 do N. 1 & Polo bop,
900 do /ins 55•04.5.
50 At krotoo• owl Orono.
90 do Prow, Cdrooo.Am.
93 do Pipes
AU olden foloapdy exec.&
N.Y.&En.RWrad ---
(csrs. J. w. reomprion,)
NIIIINNS ft TIIONNION INN•0101.•••••••••••to N.
IttrwanlNlNllNNANltetwont Of* Ilt•••••1 Now TINNINP
11•• oseory .N Tbarodoo.lo
&Ado Llow •1.141.1•60•••• brN.eew NoNINNAS
NMI New* at Om* brol
fortnell all =I: mkt
MMr trl32 . l•Xlmay,
n 11.40 Om 74:
as " "". ..111Mialf•tt= h 7f
,NNINNsa on.. 06.6•1 N. Moo on gen 000 d *Yaw
NW. ANt. 1001.1 J. W. 1190900010.
• •
• 6 .
r= ttra`r..=
A, •
Shawls sad prins OMB
W sr wiY6,61.“616 odd. 661
ow impels*
110 U O JllllllO 11111
AIM I••••
• g=
MAIL 3 '4
164141,91. •