The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 10, 1849, Image 2

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Monday, nay IL 111119
roe Canal Commai•sionar,
itbied 4.1..41.1.. o.lle•so,rnike mieeenweet
M ..
hank Illedlchses—An 00ei•
gems ef err subscribers grumble Memos we ad
vertise patent medicine.. and many ahem. m
dodo.. Woad greetly prefer on etlong she is their
place. New tow melt we have to my. we cm.
eel ;what • paper the sae we "OW do, owl with m
greater Malaa...reboot them. They my well,
generally beam than Indownhen. Invoke, All
tame *at N woad cwt us a meal deal to fill if eel
tap anew every week. flowerer, as our aversion
to than is full am great as my pines can be, we
will here make • propraton If our patentvitedi
eine.hating fiends oil t die upon themselves the
taskadding to an list ihre• Modred mon
'Wanes. (which can wally be done,) we will
Medea suratees to Ito nn mom etch adredioinr,
sod to purge nor cob 11111 l • of what they now can
als a• son ae our mowing centre.* evil, [lt I ,
may be well to state that about a entente of them
go out after two weeks mom, shout one half of
them icy the middle of Aerie, Ito think by the;
It of geplember, and all. rave .ne elm. me, by I
the 1M d January 1 Here then is an opportunity
fee you to test yaw aversion le that kind of drip
Rend as as the name. (eccompanied
by the cath, if pitiable) and the remit medicines'
shMl o mime."
N. B. If but 300 subscriber. can be ordained, we
unit throw at twtothinis of these advortheto , nth, ,
if but 100, otte.tturd, mud nt that rem for any ill'
teneediale number.
perturbed awl noodling wad to conceive. To the
- - - . Democrats of Susquehanna we nerd not Maclaine
virgisia—lieller mad Buller! , the Imputation., fur they know. faintly. Yet we
It tome out finally fIOW Ow pettoroldn ' cannot but forma le them the unman 13I•11it it son-
Minty 13, and there is tulle doubt 11 .lit of the 15 seys, sort sok them to remember the way roodeot
inumhore of Consent front the Old Iternintere. ma
king • gam of 4 or 5. This urtel:oeneu stolen groom who uttered tl, Arnold he nom be found beg
whanyery halt blue It is a o prow elision" ;her
not at all relidt omit after their Tayl , e snel.frand --
tnumph, and will denials., cause - 111.1 Z. 111 ," In
this to lacking Imes founds s oh • rou
Leanne' What • rebuke to the folm pommies sod
reekiese conduct of the new remoter Well may
Taylesiont eland aghast and mute before such a
-verdict. The whet, emend thooniar ths peo
ple to again retooling, of winch this ts Ind the first
There iv ...mete • doubt now, that the Dent,
cssot will haws the cemplote tuirremary In both
bresehee of the neat Congnhe
Illgookilog CoMY.
Den.cfal• held a nweinta
Tuaddtanneek ea 'Monday evening week, at which
they appieted Aadrew Gonlenier reprepentalive
delegate tithe Phimberg ith I mem
tier te amp!. Maj. Francis Bowman, of I.treeree.
fee Castel Conntimiewer.
Frees the pteeeedNge of the I.e.'', which etc
tied ht ere of the L perm; 14a1 outeca that
adopted. This I. as we esperted, although we are
way it wits brought *bout wse by koeideg
D.witatals of that canny in the mew protean' ig
norance ef what Mr. LittWo course has been, tan
end which, we in sorry to aay, the organ of the
party them labored ualonoly to protnate.) and if,
by troaddrrat.or barn any other course, snyiloag dr
terpolary to hot official career or ....potation leaked
emu ao it °commonalty d .1, an apology war over
ready •• the swam, lee vole) wire fr Me R."
of the North 8r...A Camel" The o renal" wee
• howityped exeunt —a erope-pterr, in fact. upon
which he saddled 41 hie multifarious political deu
tsche.. Wilk them. infatuated owl blioded am
they have become inCater of mid improvement,
the exam was deemed nullieiesa and wits aeeept.l
nen the Ihkelinhent
ed. We a. not Marti. the.' for we are caaaa. ' rrwo are mil with the the am ..... t
net the out of ten of them know anything about my tmn,f. eed b y b y . certain eler of thbth,ieeth
'ththe been BarelY they I whe twefree mYe deememin. fee the moter of the! '
ceeld net have known a ot they mere would have , [red
Tara have b e en 4.. " thith that the radical Celine, of the wound demote*-
, coined into a 1" . " ^n"." ty. may endanger the meth and nee., of the
they will pot y Why the, thread feel mecener
the itedenitment aentiments the, have hitherto , , thy ythyth .. ceethe
...knee ., It iethethi.ily
hthl and not in conliegliente of their attachment lo the prin. I
*crate In every other ermine the Stine newer- wed nthe . the the
teeth, these
many condemn hie mow, awl the %% hip Peery. , n.thyby,e too ,thb,th
lA*. v.v... it, a they hnee b e.a.awe a ra maea Imam the yeinuil• ad it he eau that
the come of with Inatome and renegade Done.' „. M than , boye bee , ily cythd their
eta.. fte..Jeh1...... l4urere, tawk.Y...A ...a ; way into the lemeletne hall., solid need) se often
whenw• with the federal,. or the rtenmenna Prow the
aga. Whin. — .. 4 withl A+ ww P our- n wwM he unpertble to tell which rile
lase. This feet of itself, ere Aireold thiek, would th ey Mlwq to. They
arakea Ilea d.ughm kw". f r " a gentlemen of the Mate, who... many
them goatee,. eken neared ikel way se.. Mr .. , ooto w two.o ww w , two paper.
prototype, go far es hie talent will &dent of one N which
compute.. petoidenty, and the other. them OM. lira.
• • • •
• IIIIMMINdiefetT•111111.
We M. from good authority. that Mermen
InUceabo biaireeptant Mr. fettle—debt red hien
elf of • peat wench at Tonkhaaawk en Monday
wen, in 'which ho admitted that he voted nen.
the ledindoal liability principle once damn then.
Man. of Me Logialatune but enueed bunnif for
Inlog by mined that ha cold An ewe to Mr.
.1.... Omar &mann) Comma for Am eon m fawn
of Wm Monti Breach Casa bill. To what mrm-
Alm awl went telethons, wow none
watt i• • tight mart. will mart: Now tim Inpr•
M ham the maltatity. and tbo tommity toe for pee
mmociog this pnamon • nen op mid deem no-
W• law, and nu prom by me
crwolMetble evilimity, Mat Mr. Caner was an
original, • remould • moo., irked at the
phi& Mama t dal ha tem • Meador Ma bbillve•
hdrodomilt) mut droned IMP.wer MI.
an Alo and Maid meson; and that.ely,!
no mob loupi• or Wet. •• Malin% annowite,
maid ovor have ban mama lam Memo them.
&video, w• behove Mu Cooper, Os whey Ea we
am& m let lemerabie awl higheenial •
own he Moor M ••• Me, llemendel Messy
Thy awry. thenfore.l• • Wm fabricento of Ma
lath.'. mown WM hie mammas.
WWI Wow aml dovelv• W Domemnbey et,
Wyoming. 0.1 wMl.h • Mllem,dromlimMot and
Maim mono 1
cr cr....yikr. di llwlagloor amd*/••• asy
reepmibility h do. nailer st W pen 1•10.1.-
motalim wig* W. Torpri, sestelmi r Me
Woos elm waft arm Ile my doe 11.1.
woo • pinpointed" by hi." Wm . ea* his .1.•
wie *Now Yeals. We an glad a.* w MO-
W , . OW le Ur =Wm, Ow we emit was be.
IN,. No o'llleins =NO omo mat irk loria•
WM widow* dm dr*. ~ Iramel a. Ur I.
TMe leystess is. lb Wyoming koseral.
The followeng is the imperil of the Inanition'
Keystone to am aall for In relation to
the W mating Demeerriee cherme maim. Mena.
Buchanan, Plumber, relater, and °thee. redieele,'
ls: that any commended and epproved Mamoru
In the tan Innielatere, inelothne his uniform sop.
T .. of Danko, hie votes eel. the ladle/Mud
prmeiple, and It. man one scheme. We de
thioka, wad of cornmeal neeemary. Oar
Then& of The Keystone doubtless know the senti
ments of dime gentlemen, with whom they are en
mate tenon, skeet as well so Mr. Winchester,
or rather, we mopes. we Mmld my, Mr Little,
' who is deubtlem the sulker of the awoken..
Er We cannot &newer the inquiries of our friend
of the Montrone Democrat. in regard Ito the. cam
duct of eortein prominent refemd to,
further than Co Ay that we do not behove that any
one of Main ever thought of advising. approving, ea!
eacowing the arta of any democratic mernber,l
lagainst making the olackholdare in Make, Indirisha
ally liable to pay their del.., and Cal confident, if
called on, 11wy will repel any melt imputation.
When we penned the brief nelme of Mr. Littler,
omnibus and ribald manifesto in the Wyoming
' Demerrat, last work, we tied raw Intention of no
' ticom it farther. Subsequent redeetion, however,l
has dented of one point which it may seduupe oat
be amine to bring before the Democrats of Somme.
I hanne, oho hare eo readily and ea freely—ttdo
freely, slam!) done everyday', in their parer
two accede. le monde sod honor him. It Is hie]
grow and inking impolatiou to them of mower
minable dietatien, and edurioieterbeg of pkdoos
to Wymnion Desperate . ' at are imetigatimo eJ the;
erliter .1 this paper! fleetly! in hie wrath, this
lehiralroue ow+le has hit urn • new vein, and it,
PO doing, has impu to ted os n sower w. litlk
dreamed of, and me one we never powered i
side uttering one of the met deliberate moults to
the free and atopore aaaaa tr Democracy of Savoie
, henna that it was pomible for • link mind and •
7 f Mr. I ,iu hi. tutu uu,..freto, prononced.
by impliettlir, the mthvedual prinetple •
tt mere partf tabetreettott," and the Denmerete .he
mead by itin the last legialmare, hmernening
h,peerilea." Modest, eery! Really, M. time
mum M a gr... men In make meb utiranding
eaveroe, mad burl each twerpnp anathema.'
"On what mat does 'hi. ant Cave, feed,
That lie has mown se great !!'
IT Ile Lade, in kw recent oar!, realm aimed •
• o nmegoele led in =eh as °Mame way
that mans ars masted to anderstand him. It w
presumed, however, that he enema hnoweff, as we
umherand that • kw years age. when paroling
through York &ale, and menewhat shat ef luteks.l
he &enmity lured blomonary,” and performed i
all the different function. el' that ram, both pm,
chins. taking up, sad pecireileg, tho eolleetirm
It emy be, however, that he only anodes Is hie
favent months reading wtih the Rev. bar lane, in
Spriewprille. • few yearn ago, with • view to Epw
re4m ,
Cat 8. D. PAMlkar, we amine, ha. mu
sks...4.d oneehird of the P Imenerregfabliree
awed, mid paper new being publeabod by Hamilton,
Verney S Co J. W FnNta v Req., tramming leis
poet of writing edam which he hoe held with such
marked seal and ability. end Itemt•lit with much
prudence. The renewykenren r nutly rsted aa
• fitst elms lannecratee paper, mud deem,. well
of the party it represent. Terre: Daily, S.
Mem-Weekly, el, (two copies foe 1050 and Week
ly, SI, or de copies fee elr. If any of OW Demo
erne. fraudswant an earelleret party paper Iran
Me city, they can de no better than o take 11w,
bat which M the diernigeiehell xeettleana he wee',
Ow, se stn ...HI .It. and n n daubed whether
Ihe hue, even yeti thworned trbleh i• the seer
We fed a hide censor to beer what the federal
-. ef Cl.. Maie r and the cerporatiem aid eme-ha.
Wry denteende will my to dr eat of krolanen
I. New Yak. Will they anther to &noon it
I se a heaver, end • mere pordwity • rap to demise
wed oinked the ;wok ; or will they have the ea.-
', dm is selimerwrodge that it io the toterph of neon
end roles err partisan Wray, sad corporatism
! roper y and freed'
'The principle io eight; It le jolt; it is in wood
mace with the room area e.g *deo of the
row body ef the ile•Onverity, lif WI pone. wed
won end will. edlistoisly. prevail in Pemomylva
-1 eta, In thorn. the Arno mittomphni is be oar ap
p by Oa nowierof wieureneysf fedsoolion. end
' the treschonsir coolmot ere few sorroired &ow
ocreds, wits we Indy wen of rimed* in roper
live to the prior Mired be their Immo. Awe)
with wok hypnotise! . Let Os party me Morel.
setred. to this ober et drat enoesion with ll.
They we. worerthy Ili UM morel end oemildweit
of hoot mw of any petty.
A Nikeellso—o own of pdowiple, site siderteine
htt eretemsbenently e honor web we way di.
1 gr..... 46 hh., I mended le enr moped; bet the
emir wee moire htweedfte Oho deeneetalis piety.
withmon hellered I. its ~in or eeeeeww, in
eve Ore Peri err heti • piddle then be may
onetee NO Om Me NeNtiNWI Ile webs Goo OW
wear sf ell yowl woos et *goy petty. T hey
ate iiinitothy of do imeedinee WO re le. ef
say mem whaler a jest eppeedeelsei ef the allow
tile lortersot Olorily ud hypo...fey.
IT Um L A. Illmanwhillkalabm r 1.1. I
sod I& Ovals Ploamary, Pk WWI INig
1111. Twit, al hit W. Y lbe bags.
Tave.-. A nape ma nu t without growing Deillilleef Cy Vit. FINIHINIIMMIIin. St. AAAAA IN at DISTRICT or Coton-I Arrival of the America. •
'. "' ie.. "' " ••"' " in* " •°•reitend ' i " What a I • • a ti s.-The r • I M* 11*
prom pontoon the °moon e et•.- a atlas of le igan, before 1 The steamer America arrived at Halifax Later nom Canada
~...... smitelll May 3d-Nor.
q..... o f A . 0.... A „„.„,,h, eefe e party of the country occupies, when eon-lit adjournment, adopted the following
.....,,, ee „, „ii deed ;, .„ o g , i , . 0 _ loontrasted with that' a federalism. on Th d 'th ono week late f - -gine. the inuing of the Adana. of the
Res- joint rePlutions, submitted hp the Hon. E. nd .1 ". r """ renr ,B od i o h thoioy o gr g os; the i d to
u „ 0 .,.....„..e to „go, tat. m oan . ; „„ ling alone upon the immutable principles G. Bony , in the Senate , relative to 81a. Europe, which wag expotheed and tele- ,
oraserve tbie p ease , m oroliso * re es hags *
oro „,,,,,, , batter so ' oof ..,,,, e , ~ of truth, and the adaption of it. measures Ivory and the Slave trade in the Markt of ' raped in 10 hours to New York. The I ; moo d ;
The organisation of the various Words
the tradesman or mechanic, the" a radiekaw eyo.. tti the promotion of thehapPnar and pros- , Columbia .•
this ... on ho , . trip of doe people. it hag had the exclu- I Resolved, By the Senate and house a r : o li f: r i aao "g o. i' • brief •°°••l7 °f alt that it
tem of argentine; by
trade is mainly kept in the mutat, and his be- !Moe control of the administration of the , Represantatives of the State of Michigan, •
Flour has berme dull again, for ulterior purposes, if the nee from Bog
.f ta period of that the existents. of Shyer, and the Slave en d d e gie_ , land thould render them n ,la nip.
1e.... "el .. "'" Inne".l........."'"eriiretitertot°tr"nuTenitithe ...t r y I trade at the pet o f our ybi t i one i th oo ad to 23s 6d. Ih'heat is dull, although p ' I idly going on. The ..ilitailloo•-
la. . -i. an evil a ..a... magnitude, '...... ...P.J. 1 1
of monk. The bow may hero find whom be rani nuo k on )id ... I n di o . Itinues in the place where raniament magi,
for every great n ational achieve- ve , .
buy at the cheapest eat.; and the seller whets
meet. tEvery great measure which has en- which greatly impain the prosperity and Corn is in steady demand at better•prioes. ' and in the M 0..... eglass•
hie a armor merchandise cam 00•111liki•I the/new.
llarged our territoryand extended the area hOppilles• of the District , and cogs the r ._ ' COtton has again vended id per ppd. Several French addressee expressive of
" the " nth. "' ile '''''' w " h.° e "re '''. lof freedom and helum heppness, has been 'preach of inconsistency upon the free instil . Aloney continnesabundaot, notwitbatand. confidence in the Ministry have been Fe
". hie P"'"d" or doubt. in. ."' " he "' of democratic origin, and b•S had to en- , Phone ca.bwthed among us." l ong a heavy drain of specie The America stetted to Lord Elgin.
fad to avail himself of that overactive andlt was reported We Morning that the
power- ,counter the bitter opposition of federaliem. I Resolved, gat our Senators in Congrem brought over one mof dollen!
" e g en . '"""." " °°°-°°4 ` e ” .e g' That great measure of Mr. 'Jargon, the l Mis te d stucted and our Representatives re- I The commercial coonts from 'lndia by i Governor would come in from big country
Orss•roo WALKS'. II Ili Mld.E• propanng en
on Inquisition of the i/0IiSi•I territory, widths , guesd to urge the passage a a lew that the • lrt overland mail are regarded a. very , rat but he did not. Groupe. of people
lamas, his cammtnenio, in defence p
hm a nima on I ba”ittee become de mother of states.-and Isbell put an end to the Slave trade in the "...end." . were waiting about all the monks in ex
, Walker's amrislinent. We rand think me lass' which was indispensable to the growing I Digriet of Columbia without defy , and aleol From the manufacturing district. the ec- radio^ M bd o .....i..15,,bn it .. b.
rid by him ...odd be MOM. misled. population a the western
I n was , provide for pertaining )h o p views of the pee- ne.." ad ler resin though there gond that • y fano. violence will be
' opposed and denounced in the most un- ,pe of laid District upon the Iluestion o f has been no diminution of employment 1.". him.
Tn. A sn KYYSTONS is • paper for me ' I
assured and scaa.lou. Prom by the fed- l the en tire abolitip of Slavery therein. ' The French Government have come to l • The Ministry have sustained a gaud &-
tune. It wady conducted, radical and f or .
I 7,..., p . n. ,. I Resolved, That the Governor be toques- I.,h.e.:imorrlotan...trnoi...luttiotchoofpanzpokititor._ fel o in , t
th hLle d. m y s . la t t h iv e e
Ib T i o n u i z e l i.i .
LTreachery, continues MO intrigue, no kw than Again, when the Wriest eonduct of tea to forward copies of th e foregoing
. nue1"."...."•"".•"...."......' Greg Britain, by denibig our ships and ' resolutions to MIA of our Senators sup mkepate to the emergency has already have been tryino to get up an address to
mustortima 917.°M .00h • P.P. mint m° o men... th e freedom o f the mask and the Representatives in Congress. I stria for Civita Vecchia. the Grove nor roily in boob that of this
Ime be pouptamest by re '."er d Pen.d .- impressment of our chigoes under the ion- ' The vote on their adoption stood in the The article in Proudhone journal which I Assembly, but it would not do.
Mo. We neessomed it MM. 17........ t. a K..- I pe d en t pretengen that they were British Seat, a y. 17, noyo fi-in the Hhae, ' l ied to its macro implied dintotly that Louie I To-day, by a majority of Illply 000 veto,
0ne.... wbe 'sty Min cant a • ii•th•••‘ subject., with other flagrant. wrongs, forted' eye. 37, ..y. 0.
, Napoleon was uoder pecuniary obligation., the debate on the wits poetpord
paper, withant reserve. Tonne re 'upon Mr. Madison the recommendation ofd
Ithertmg Atrial:lra ail Wabbneei- l l f** Ttie " ;k in sfom b iess * r o * l:e " re *taer a p pointed ''t.
P te `di :e io ptni llb 7 f i e . t olt i ra ht tro °'d up " po ‘e o ro t o;a f f l os h"" aioa;
Tor n - ..,.........,,,,,,,o• o , the declaration of war, in 11.12, to vindicate
P the e „ ; „';,7,,,,T;,,,, t ' i f t 2,l s e n i o L o - eo , - eee n „ --- 0 ,,,,,,„.ri e . 'the bris.o.r.o.f
country and the rights or A few evenings ago, two attempts at. I upon the exile tea of the threign office at have refused to allow ill. sitting a that
had to encounter highway robbery ; were made a :short die- ' Par, have propord to abolish the title of , Hour to be transferred to Quebec,
l" l ,,,T e : o , t iunt 7.,, hg ''';', `h ',";:: rb lt' ed , n r ":, 1 5 " . ° d:: :Lia. and tontsof federalism in the tame east of Croon on the MVOS rood. - A Ambassador, and subetitute, nein the Uni. I
I .—. ee - L..1 5 -s ' o ; -°,- -- „7" - , - „,„. °-1° ,,, e- -- 0 ° „7,, most insultin Tone that loplence and ma- gentleman from Elmira by the lime of Post,lted States, that, of Minister Pleniptentiary, ' Mr" voxtx, May 5-6 P. M.
°°---4 - `"“°' " -t.. " ---.. -.. mink , lit it yen bi g ht's:or. They were chrged with a lady in company, was coming down ,Vrith reduced Wage. Their number like- The Parliament wo. not in merlon to-day.
we Rum d'a s omme. , lor d. P.° t• me° l n't°°`
1,,,i4 mu t e , French inguenee, end es the River toward. Union in • buggy ; two , wise is to bared uced,' and the following It will convene on Monday next, and hold
its sessions in the new building owoed by
I edr 0 "'"" i"""'" . „ we bin ,„ ;;; ° ern ' " , °* ; °°° :n i '' I being the an and abettor. of Naphen , men, apparently Americans,eprang from the risme e are peer:need as requiring • regular
' en " 000 of car •• f e n s " we ry° y e. “ wve. " ° ° in all his ambitiou s ethemes of conquer ' side of the neat one catching his horn: Minister : Al St . Petersburgh, London, Mr M... aged the Fret Meson'. Holl
, the rounds attached to its mementoes Sodden
and imperial aggrandisement. Every op- by the nine, and the other demanding Li s , Constantinople. Bern, the )louse , and G oo . But it ig rid to alternate four years at
I" he " .....1". It "" en. " . " .• "'""; I probrinus epithet that could le sugge.tml money. Mr. Post not seeming disposed to ton. ' By a later resolution, a Consul Gen- Mnehe e .. 1 T°P.tti ° ' A I°.°ll "an ..•
, gaged in the Custom House Isaac ar
-Ipm UM .IP • Y . .. , I. • ••e• MT 1... Plod ' b y by mind e ohorgoa oath the toossoity . in• obey the command, the man having hold of end only is aopointed at the latter piano
' Are you not a hula reOwlfieh.fnendeof th e "P.P ° I Br itoil by an innate hatred of the principles the horn, directed his companion to Mte , Opernsany te nepuiaed with n ' , gon d, reeled end de in custody for thßt int the
Dv..." 1 11 1... "' 51 ° .."‘ )•• 1112 democracy, and a lingerisig fenders fer his Pace,
Pella whie ha should examine and seo project being no km limn th o i onot j„. „ f pace, or ais probable, to ite det ned am
ear, The agitation mai eeMlimeis in
Ices we. tan month. OINI • buff ago, that ia.rot I Br i t's initiltatiOn,• w•s •pplied to the ,if the man ny money ; when Mr. Post, of the Belga with the North Sea The .
the eastern townships All is quiet in
P. bees. mt.... Ward se 5." t.-'41.1.° why I deMaer•tie p•ay . They •••• ob•rged with watching hii importunity, put whip to Lie medium proposed is a canal withosit. locks r
le thin , Del yen not remade it " • I being the enemies of good order, and called horse aud inede Ipie escape, while the two' The warlike contest between the States 1 mpreal.
7 . 110 , th house. of Parliament will meet on
e5 „„,i i ,,,,, .... oe rr o d,,, J ogshies , .„4 robbers were engaged in changing positions of the Continents continue. with unabated
the very name of democrat, itself was con- with a view to compel • gorepsonee with fury sod with mod direstrous results to all '.."°°'
sidered by the would-he aristocracy atlas their demands! the parties engaged. Later From Cotner sta.
IJay oso tooth of reprooo h so d d eg , e d e oi on; Not half an hour alter this femme:nor Thu Danes are enforcing a strict blockade 5,,,,,,,e, echo b, 1 , ,,,,•rerd by nu
and was applied to the pony in the roma tidal:en Mr Poet and the robbers, hlr of all the Gorman porta. It is elated that '
re tr - C Wea
ontinued Bad ther- Mr
contemptuous and insulting manner that John Arnold,-forsnerly a stage driver be- emigrant vessels will not hereafter he allow- ;
' Gold Biggins nut Opening Faccrobte de.
the term horofuou is to the democrats of the ' Peen Union and Binghamton, who was also , ed to pass unmolested.
present day. . ,
brim, returoing from the latter place doa buggy, A telogrsphie despatch had been teceiv- brim o„ iii, ~n, st e ,i 3O no n tr n ,,,
But, notwithstanding, democracy tri- ' was accosted, stopped and Melly made hill ed at Frankfort stating the Prussian hlin. Crux, accounts hate been received from San
unthhed. The spirit a to
the country was escape, in nearly the stone place, and pre- istry hod sent in their renignation Francisco three days Inter than our peri
-1 goosed. The administration and the hon. eigely..the IMMO monner, as Mr. Poet. Ire Arrangements bare been made for return. ; pus st.t.nunts. The weather continued most
or of the nation, in despite rhaonaiom, ' oupposed at first, that the robbers were two tog the visit of the French National Guards unpleasant, end the placer. were gin 000- •
, ito,trord conventions, end every other Pea- :Airmen playing a joke upon him, and in re- to London. tired with snow. This wee preventing Per
seeable project, wore triumphantly 'indica- ply to their demand for Isis match and more- The Bank of France w ill shortly resume so n s from the north visiting San Francisco,
red, and the war cloud by the onparallel ey, asked them if they could give Alin the spade payments. • rousing business to grow dull and rho gold .
and met brilliant achievement of the so change. They told him there was :so time The Sultan of the Sublime Porte has less plenty there. The largo remittance.
-the repulse of the British army at Or- for words ; and the man at the bits letting signified lois non-compliance to bias • port of geld duet tent to En o
r . chi
leans by American either, under the own- his hold to give plane to Isis accomidioe„ of the Egyptian fleet. It is said that
on whore, eoido i holos t oo the va n ity.
° mond of the immortal hero and patriot, wink he should rank for the watch and' application we. instigated by Rungs. Tho poi ., of d o ,„ siz, and upward per
- levy . ounce ;but little could be had glib.
'Andrew Jackson, Now, to charge a man purse, 91r. Arnold whipped up big animal! Prince Oigin° br•ordered
with brim been opposed to the war of and cleared Isimetlf front the further depre- , mos t on all the inhabitant s of the lom- The mail groom California lay at an
-1012 and to the democracy of that tlay, 1. dation. of those daring highwaymen, who hardy Vonitian provinees of from 111 to 40 nho , in the My . H .", ...,,,,. nnginn ,,, n
ono t i i e , e d i s th e hi g h., d egree un ki n d, had, pubebly in both instenees the objects yMISS. Those who do not appear within 5 and crew ha dl
and by goene, slanderous Suet. has been of them violence for Th. Cook, the Rail- days will be eoneidend refractories. I h , ord ., Nobody was sowoiniog on
, the triumph or demsemeY in that irtanee I Road contractor , who
; was expected from 'From Irelend ; we bats the uspl quantity , beard except the (!.plain, and it was Ra
jßut gill it was not sufficient to ex6nguish Ringhanstoss that evemng, we understand , of morn end entail. There. nothing °I. , possible to tell when or how be would be
Ithe irtinete of federalism ! In every dif- wttl. • leer dun of "re." • •f .P... 1..."....• The ."
the en. ' able to empty the place s of hill missing of
' acuity the country hoe Si••• bad with for- ' The country abounds w ith a aorta of rat m... Duffy,
°f an, Notion , oeo ege t., dia. G oo n and men. There was no coal to he
procured et San Framing ;sod it was n
oreign ..,i0•11, the moo feeling... to • ^seater deeperadoes ; and it elands people in hand,' agreed, and he has been set at liberty on
l eg egent; , b een ethn if ee t o l who are suepected of having money, not to bail for hie appearance at tlso next emends- ported that An meet had Men sent to Van-
The libelers is Reply on the increase !II
1...,...._.. ~.
I treaty ohligatiorse, by - withholding the in- ' liable st 1 "... n° 'l...Kt . ° °".° ll.° ro u ultr l n 'l' eti l ie *" e d lit ' :ii7c7l l ir:wilt:L lT . a 'l'd
!demnity they hod remised to pay for spo- ' robbed. Burglars are also abundent. and Paris, and many persons of opulence have
, h e mp. up „„ our 0 ,,,.. ge , on ,' president ' the
of of tillages, especially along the become its rioting Up to the 19th, there
1 The deficiency of nal need not however
ha 1r v nted the t of thesteamer , '
, Jackson osanieeeted a disposition to sustain lino of the railroad, cannot he too . partioular have 'men 1762 mpg, of which 1022 had if oho had o cr ew ii oo rn ooshp a„ ; a
I and enforce the treaty, fedendism, true t o in securing their doors and windows at proved fatal.
, Tllttlile.pit*niElill;ebsl in
I :l; 4 si e E i d i ble b n o l m i * iso r :t. , f 4 7l:4 n si i - in , 7 , 1 . , '.: "'1 i w i o il . en o u g h
t ' od u I i i g :, , h , , , t oi i, I ° h :l: i t ' o r :.
.. Y° o,
. b e h .
w t . ' U:i the i
1 10 d 1
h u t
. l t iuo f :d • L b .7 ., rii i l' ing :4
its &plant hostility to plemocraey, was night. -0- ..w. Goer..
found the apologist of Louis Phillip., and !
A Fire la eelseutsamston.
, gainet lbw, own country. A federal son- ,
p On the 3d inet at •about 10 o'clock in beautiful city nine den. In Tuscany I
I :tie tofu d, in the m t pe r
par y m " I Ilsd been • general rising in favor of Tl r i a 1100 1° 'ton liti•• in Prom to° " tiil ' eri " C ie
I to 000 . 500 7,,ig, th e Louse, do making I,, iinnr : the evening, a Ire broke out in the
:K. 1 bloldt k o . r ow bi n til . d . ing o lli . t r n o llt , et i O n e . ILV:II,PirinOSOCip I.
propnsiion to defend our harbors in Grand Duke, and th e may whit wan Inept* i n i ,n i M„ b o e :j i ,"„l7, o dn o l •r; co A . i l i tti n S n o ß ,h •
(Abort 1 ompkons, situated
event of war, and o distinguished leader' ,j." ho
_'-' ly dictator is now tho prisoner. The land- itho - r . g - e
said, he humid not rote Jul it ere' if therm- ' , Meek embraced
~. ~, ." \\ ' h ot ted ins of the French at Chita Vecchia will i i , 7 ., •
my teat at the doors, battering down the, ''''''' owned by .., 'd' tel Ma' la
doubtless post an end to the ROMS,. Repub. n' ' "I" ' "P • ier ' l ' ' l •
bobs al thr eapitot 1 on the censer of Court and Water streets- th, nod t o rgi oeie d h . I followong shawls:
, nho lota
with mooioo o H0n..., then ' O'gara, nod the store formerly necupoettly y th e restoratson of tho ir„ Na n Di as
And what has been their conduct durin P n. „ • "' re •inin g , belon g in g to Thomas Pop. Venice in besiegml by the Aostri- 'O9 h '% ' 7 '''' our *drinr° ore to the
no o,_ ,
R. Orton for the Bin bingos, Courier •'•
ane by sea and land, and must surrendor. I - The - ols re am er Oregon arrived there on the
leadere, in and out of eononng OM TI ' it
,In Sicily the struggle has commenced with 2 , mo , oh sod do , foo . goo Diono , ;
stonily hiking aides with Mexico, putting a ir *„. iere w ere ell redueed . " eh. in dreadful tensity, and a sleeper:6e battle rect. with the isstrosion of not stopple; di
I do
own country in the wrong, and °berg- , a n e e ...."
mg the war to the misconduct of a demo- . A 0 ondentand Mr. Tompkins hod no
• took place on Goiol Friday between the m i h al rte . oast an, as ll e the una etote • on
• suaveness Mr. O'Hara had an leper.. of potent.; which continued all night and ""econ'po7Wirs,:o.onr°,,l",,,finuXog°o`...ewon; soon oy
. Neapolitan and Swiss troops and the people r ,,,, t
I oral', administration, Pet as they did the
was a 1 or 2., to Mr. Madiaon and his ads'. I d ow°, l 'Y 41."° '"'" hP• ineur°flee C°; ended in the defeat of the Cataniang. A
sera 1 Vet every tyro in the know'
.ino of and there was an Insurance of /SOO. on the mat number of them wore killed 'and the the desertion of the crew of the Califonlo,
the eventm which 10;1 to its commencenient, Orton Store by the Saratoga Mutual hose- e g ity was afterward. sackal and phodered. l o ' " ""ire'l to "" every grin 1 t° r- 1
• knows that it was Mexican feculence and ersee C .... P . 1 - . The terror produeed by this defeat• ha.
;sr ' * Tt " yr f lo n ri: r treterinntis g to to 4r * te
le out from the roof in the
aggreovion that. brought it on; and . m4 ..1 The Ire broke ; mind the city of Byname to surrender ' ',.
l b
of the to. S. naval fora y . of
I actually voted that it was the set of Maxi- north part of the block, and thread with without resort to arms.
extreme rap • very few moments the Motion fora thud of metier nth
-00! Y , Palermo is now the only place of mph'
em. °t o 0 ,,,,,,, hr .... p ro . „,,,,, o r
'flits war has also terminated honorably I rgbaeonwob°l°Trrf
; the ; block was . enveloped in atrength in the hands of the Skaggs A , l a .. ° P 0 ' i 0 e ; ;;'„,,..7,; 0 1 4 oo jii:F of , u
anti nelyptageounly to the country, and al- 0 _ . i t a ° '''' d e " a nee r d r d i j i . " deeperata magenta is expeeted then, lout t „, oho
onino . o 7 both oho . i . so _
doily doe. federalism begin to claim the r 7 ..,." 7: . .."' .... ..... e ...... .... e .'• , trith very little chance of month Infer- , os'ono of 4. i.,,,,, quakily of ~,, it ..
glory and honor of the achievement! Ero ' er „„ r °"' in •
ped t a ls b " t t a a i ss m 'n ti t*** f ih r 7 rtri *.
1 nation has been received by th e Oberon owoiod; Tad woo ii.wooioon cool, 0n,d7,;
long the fedemlisit will bo as indignant at e e• wr a n i al portion f " th e ° o n & error'. that ... its buditti Cotriop 00 fond to h e f or mia o , w o g., ...a by
, being charged with opposition to this war while the ....' caeca of others en . ere Saturday eveolng, the I
-• .-L,' was in fin.. E r h ao.oton I lb. Nag..
Iss 6 0 ,, ore when to g of their , odthth a . ; strewed about the streets in the utmmt i n g oo . eh... tea moat mad a im ,. oite o
party, during the war of 11.12. confusion. John C. Ronk, eabinot maker, we ,. o 1.. o f „oh.; and oho „ noon ., Ike Inig_Clam• wee up for • Mau
It to no toned,. that • room oithoi , p ood; sueeeedai in getting out the most of the • tia,...p red m 0... of aim , 'downy
,shoute Sea Francine, and woad sail,
tht 10th of Ateil She walla any
ers are so destitute of ih. reefing. and spa- h i a buser ' ni t i g, l O, ° ,7 ; i _ inwe Ll b " o rn _ b _7_ h ri i o t o tl i t . 6 0/ "...Y.. LOA.° from Hp . Ti., bola, w hi s t. b.,' blob
I p.thics, which animate with patriotism, the .._ 0 ; j 0w,. ....e.r 0 "...
portionen n e e,
_•_.l. Florence have no rime. to doubt that the mod op oath berths , ... an ., a ioowasok
I bosom. of the mares of all parties, should l' o ; ,"Z o nee r o b r t g ,,,2 7: • :r.. Grand Duke of Tuscany hp " inened 1° ! the boom on desk Vise. ad sixteen rola
never obtain power, except under None TM. In P r i : n a ::12%! . ..2:, ~7 ~.2:,...;. . .!. - ilia capital. It is reported that the revolu- hio „ owed in th . env ,. ,i,..
_„,_. no ohoso
cellar eirougogances, and that they have I on f o lb o
of hi. .
stook •7 riff,`_ . _ ...,. I ._ • th ry government of Leghorn has been over- , oio, look in in la . hold lz, loo,
never been able to retain it beyond • mingle wo 000 r
000 ?,, .....7. 0 ,; ... mod by the people themselves, on that of; owoy i5 ,,,,1 woodd as „ wood; •
constitutional term. They came into power.... .... den • .- Florence had been before it.
mere personal injury, by a fall from the win- Scum) venal. bad arrind at Bea hes.
lln 11110, under the business, d e w , i n sh e Pu n of di col his if • tut"
Th hots Hong Ksmg is to the 27th!
eine, too their we, north. •
!produced by a rotten banking system.- To. n , s . Je r i hi la w ; o r g 0 . •d.• I of February. The dispute abet opening , o ,„„ ,
_.,,, had a ., . owood
!But so dim:order was the oombination Itil:°;111,,oei. block wod
......e . d n o lc L1r 0 ...i. the city grotto at Casten was going on, but of jaVr...... ° 4.7,....,... ht di , i ff
I tfoO °l tt o l t i . o l !rt:t o n • m could Renton Piece, a Week on the north side of thar„:7 E' great; - n o r ~,--,,,::-,,, th• :i t ony lenge extent.
of h.
owe ,i;ooloffo. nod „ woo. Ike Chensngo Bridge endatolument, which enforced. Two Bach olicers were INN.' Tb• a 6" I''" She IttUt p im°, illitt
oreeented a wooden side to the heroine ' 'these whisk, have *owe to es beta thin,
ttoo. so It will be with the heteengthiou., h „ di d. woo
to aodoood oh r il i t red it ' , b. ftb.d thni woo rthdreph• Mak
combination which ekoted Gen. Taylor. :LA. imiloomt cam &
to saie thiebl k. 4
_t,' b happened to them. Trade is India and ,=„. t ' t= i = a i rd "
it is absurd to expect a party, without oho w00d ..., „„ _ _, , ~,t.... Obins was in a satlefeetory dads
y sgr.emont of prinelpio, or any pigpen .... •••'. P........ 1 ....... p Jeney Lied it.. heron wanted at DWI to '
I A Iwo nubs , of Wen hrog br
ad tbe
Cyoo2 Ihsl
odoomogo. ra ry establishments, cabinet ware-rooms, and' Mr. H o m e; so d „wired from thn .1.40. 'Cayuga from Sao Premiss hod now
maintain power a single day, beyond the , f d a ib , of ~„,,
a nude store, ace. too. , removed their goods I I if ratted that e ~,,....e i o d y 6. forma buss SP P. le i1d........ 11 Whal
shortest 'Period the ethatitotion will allow nen nre s° e • : .." ...- about to be Amsted &swine England and l3 " °° , hot htt° sot P t tent° it °°'..."
oho . thath ,,, P 1...... tit. vigorous ... only . pra m..- Frame, the leading features of which will'
ez Tr oo w . P."`",.•.w hi. -- - - owerti uerttz of UM anus" SIM cur tness I. t h e f a . e d.t o k ee o f b„,,,d, , f i d ,, so d
The history of our state politics he very rat, and for a limo oho
• . 41 . 0 • The ....• 'ft. Ford , fruit from Franee-ooth, iron and twist from
" at ''' . nt we will show n sot °°°°- doe nil . the buildlOg took =ltt j *** ust E l sa ' Whhh"' ".°° 1 1 " mo p h° `
Pederallset aided by renegades from the' of " 0;0..... the 00 , 00 ..,.., o Iv eon erred op.. French easels yOw alter
at."nti° "As, may lbw° sad WM " 1 sad extlegaid;rl the Wis .' s.. r igs teal dings Min d li rdf d i k° hi " "" be liber
al the fowl epithets eon demeersey and 1 00 fho P ally by the goverament of the
earners required to he k
denteendie mon, that bad vulority nod do I wof, fo ° Pl mit : thoff id, lee How 11011shbo•
ta I
odes Weikel' by Inebriation, to Newt. 1 fins mg= Is sot Wsunt, although It l. 'l T Won Meoworc-Tbe ealary
but it tow sot ma them The decree of; ~,,,...od tic bile ao ta a candle that of lb. Judge a W Unmoor &Wed, In
tim people- you haus flecetooi re-aleay . ,Lirb.....m.a 1 ., 0. on.t, wien fko . , ,, cdd aw b. 1102.000.
lOW yea f-bas goes (glib_ Penneyha- ' wee g age, straw, add Wier aosehustibbsl The saw of Chief Julies Clibees le
&lbw the Millet •TM 11/14 WM, sail weesed te POPO&
We IludeNg light, which MVO favorable cic. Three sew distelets Med with three law
illgrA And about four ran old, the Sad I 00md „,.... fo sic i n „ no m, f b o fooioo ",.....,.. ) b u5 ,...1 woo^ 111,000
of Wf• J ooo ph. Wok nolakos h. on"P . 'aootootto.--singhassros Democrat. -.' -'' Immeamal Ma Of Jadiall7 i....0r 'maw
tAnnuldp, la this musty, wandered ate the I Moral WWg rule, OLIN 88 .
womb es Ilseday Nat, and has net yet bees 1 kftwaseva.-The mat of Govensseest ofTbb, luet with • Time
found Hie Nuts were diseevored about , Miseeeta, is NBA Bt. Paul. A rem paper ere t i. w og goo Netter lbws
half a talks firm WI haw, where all trams 'is about to bo mew there to be Sailed Ihe dos N WW I Ir. Ws ids - POW
of biomes lad.- WOW*, Democrat. I "TM MOWN of St. Paul" Phi"-
“110,1N1i Sme—The Tribune, while!
moormog unit sighing mei- the loss of half • deem
Congreminee, - 11l Virgil., rays. o Unless K.,. '.
luckyand Tenor semi mind their hand, Gen. Tay
lor am> have Oppoeition Crammer. lecommence
with—not no pummel: . We ere mote ,
then half inelined to think That metcontemporary le l
'eed prow...neat' roll he fully realized', even dr.-
Pre the emot,on, of Kentucky and Tenumeee
IThem Stele. esn hardly de 1\ Of. far the Dem.
c ...., than ut '47, and we have strong lopes they
wdl do better, telola we are very certain of'
game m ether Stales yet to elect.
Snide 4 Rp. ie Ow CMS Reve•.—The coal
miners and laborer. in the Selinylkill region,
"Kutch" for higher wages on Tnesday, which be
ing refoordi Owns, they othani.ed a mob and am.
weeded in stepping operations. in lthocral mine.. A
good deal of excitement and disturbance was cams.
led, and one man was shot. meeting of the coi
-1 hen and laborers was hold na thritsiolle on Thins
. day, and a number of resolutions adopted which it
is thought will pot • quietus to the indboaratic
IT The miner of the National Era, al Warke
loran, a Free Neil paper,. as Greeley =ye, I,
With Looofeco tetnleaciea," propenea raml.hing,
a Costly paper in 1 ereember, if he can get 1500 aab
ILT The Brierdolle Ain..... publielied he
Ilona &Co New York, is a mow iminabis som.:
to mechanics and men of scientific pnalections
w. notice that CO essay on the subject of the
t.nt Lows. foe which the publishers paid a prim of
COO, is now in canals of publwatian tail. columns.
Coutterm or IterdeLlytte.—John C. Itewie.l
Free Axel Democrat. wes chosen Speaker or the
flout* 011 the 2d of May by 5 majority. C. W.
Philtre 11114 Itert C. Woodruff; Itentoe ~,,, tette
chow. Clarke Ou joint ballot the Whigs awl Whop
Free Soden have a majority, netl at the 2d they
sleeted Trotobol, Wher, Gamete°,
rr The I.llrefiLikl of Tvostemore haws ton JJJJJ
nod U.N. W. Trouottlo for (:w
led th
Whigs iiINT lur.erll:gnome...l4lcl B. Worm. 'Flo
election hake. I.lec. Amnia Ikh.
The earnings of the N. Y. Jk F Redreed for
April amount le $62,123 N. Fee the mime peeled
-1244., they were 1127,796 lecteese 336,-
324 36, or attend 125 per Celli.
Req., late ha Amiekta Paw
nlaataf Uenenth bee been nenenUrl far Outgrew,
by the Mawr* er the hth Draper, lathe.
now represented by Nr. Wick.
3-T The Wyman's; Democrat et the week rm.
Mine another thwe onetalment at Leaman,'
threeA fume the met, end 131 Meamt.,Wineheeter
& Cie /kw. and refined atyle. It mesa troth an I
menotiolekelie thwet of pTIO•A meteme emu mu.
elt if we de net Muiet hem pureeing theta with earl
supremo. and re event line awl entree n breathe..
the went et temper. Oholeer ! Werrear if they
drat think the) will ware awnebrady, ening that
atmenent and hillimmete Mike ham NMI them!
We Mall pe) them nor eemplontent• again sat
week. Meenwhile we Melee them e. k..p mak
CP A riot wok place at the Mao Plow Opera
Meow, New York OR MOORRy night, Moak ow
nod in the *aloha.. of Mr. Mai wooly, the Eng.,,
Leh eomohoo, how the Oahe, and • drawer el
rotten ape, apple., choirs and other nolo&
P. 8. The Tribune at yentenlay enteciee the
election et II tletnearsis t In Virginia, leatrin the
Whip but ONE!
Floa.—We Ism hem the N.. Hoorn Mersin
Jawed, deal tho 01100 of o Morioka Meme•
ry." .1 Motiflom, CI.. tow roolorly dootroyed by fire,
PridlerAnti hut. Tut pomprrty •f the Nor
owy to Mr Goon. W. W...., formody
of 14.0.. Mr. Week'. Om 1.11000. louvred
Orr 0100. The boilaorf woo tool lowa ..
OOT Temp.—Thu Cheep Tann*
here from • pintiourn divot fen No
Nee, Ile luny of tie Chhibres,
roe on eniebq at iwilopoehee bo
som thooseged with ibo pelmet ari
sing woos No peen set aro reorniep—
TM tad of may wore won howl upon
pleb orriehot reminvole sees
elly of preerhip foe too time very roe
Bar et No Illinois peers oodenio the
the time on to. tboure people her
the Noe Nee oa Oda route to Oahe-
♦ sompsay bars IA Dahuies for Cali-
Sunk sh ha& They awry thirty hays
sal aped ham their Ma
114 shrr au, is an or ha
saw supollishr, so writ es a& oohs of
essahlyi she rail Maw
(Mt Work Leen join Italti—Roper
tal Bade weer Armee.
Demo My 84-0
TM Meow kw mind se this pot
hone Cape Hayden,with dotes Ie t!w
of Apeil. ~..k lam merime
manta 'TM Peeekleee wetf
ng Wm W. 10 me et= GM
iMM. W Mee boglit mer Anr.A b
whish the Deedelemo wen oombil4o
, rested. 'Oh akmet Y to 400 elm TM
Hayden leet 100 Moe. ewl TM**
thiewet prevision. 0000 Med of ems
were emitemil by die Haydn&
A D.& ...
Jep a p T eril Miiipm iein I as" .
'U- of Clip Hamm Is PAP be& Ps
i milimets me primly Implied, bee eel
i Pedelly.