The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 10, 1849, Image 1
elloa fklatateraitt." 0. 0. 0011PST640, Editor awl Proprietor. "MOP —Ono nol.4•• .maw "" IS .. " YM "' • za.:.=noall lo P fuse Wl' YI ""."4". us . "1, I Pus nevolveseten EMMMi?3M9 === 111.•••0*, Of kw. Yearly ...en °Man.., 0 0,-3r=trze w0e..., sad •xpodlUausly duet on favorable tms• before, he had been in her society an hour mend is relieved. Mr. Pam bas made his 1..... 10 ratthranYl and h ad been ...gad changed ; there was moms misurZwienMin • lin some extents. ornaunte, by which he about the time you went away, bet that 11 will be so really ; and my brother will le rewarded for his cons...lcy with • heart the really felt a sort of pity that a young declarations , and I have refused him , and , aaa cleared aver, urge intro 01 money for was cleared- up and they have ever mom print...and invaluable Now, good night !man who had wealth, rich relations, and re- told hint the reason; that I loved. kV( I, his own amount. emu alone or some , been intimate . lt was your am r who was 111 • le apectable oonnexion, should be mach a per- adored Frank, and he prorated to keep it ( Concluded nest wen ) foot imbecile both in body and mind II hen secret " /hours with the partners of the Ann, and , anxious that Isabella should cools and' when he left de pavan offsee, and Meek • mend the not o Pber days with your moth. he had retired, the laughing Augusta who "Isabel be will go . and tell my father buds with his old ch um lar. Cl ar k ; that f a r " A True Woman. had penetrated the design of her worthy .veer word about tt 'I , ii. p .... 0 1.3..i . .. W e il . Ben., 1 .. at •• 5,,,,,,,,,,,,, h. Joss, . ...„, m we ll nem . catkins° did not seem surprised when / " Stranger, it's singular that nothing of ; I remember meeting this ...oh in the Frank told him " that he should return tolof this was ever mentioned to me in We let. ~..... or . 1 ./ .....,Orrn .1..... toner , ease new I did tear that the rich lover, first as last lam sorry I did not tell him Anal/Mem immethately-bed made • con- ' ten from home-however, it wee very kind ,a. yes. ago; it nit. be emdited to rani ' endorsed by my Pe, aod hie pops might six months ago " ,• I .. d , to Heave n you m t g , for I b ay .. nexion as the Junior partner in the red old in my sister. I suppose she thought it t o papers, and I know nut to whom it lie I injure the future hopes of my friend Frank longs; but it is most exeellently done, full of Dutch house of Lang to Co., that was 400 ewooli worry me, You spoke of theold man But my stare ' if you 110er dream ( f loving, sad presentiment- • I' w er w old th i e n a eo pro mm , :t f alLtan o d ld ing . ,..a p n i d oy e . n . l . y ,q lan o d . ol . d . w n e l m , an living with you. Who do interest, and I Only wish the preempt of it or marrying such a horrid fool, end each an •NM cr wind Augusta, all will be ri e tt. i wee a little more fashionable ~,u go ul yd u e n . e r vo ue t bt os tee e . i mi .e nr .o b l i om m o nr b t o h i o d r a e l that , F . re d n e k al 's . l ,; l o at „ le a t n t d er th in a f t onn in s w m a e y , , th l a s t ha li b. " Not a word an mad about Intel, though ; . Why, Mr. Galloway and his wife My I A Young lady of nec mental endowments I . Ft i n s k be di . d:k about e.., A nate Mr. Clark wifa's father and eiotlier , to be sure" and extraordinary pen.. attention, bad der of your dam " his . Its t larch non - only two menthe (hank well, and 7.114 Csrn.stO.. "IYhy, how is that-he was unfortunate , five suitors equally •Saidllolollo 1,10/10atten- The history of the young Peen nay lint more " the history of two thirds of the rich men's 'll,O two friends worn meted in their owe .tentione Unable to decide to which to be. sons in the city of New York. He was the roma that eveningl h h l a s d fa "" ith n in ilY th "' s ferini a ne w s h g ic o h ne h" "y . . "gi r md tool" generally, b e, be, I "To be enre he wee-he lost ell htsprop- 'stow her band. sbe . gsve them notice to call j. satre , „ 1 „„ la . b . " . not..„. me{ Prof Clark, liked Ounsy particularly-ha arty-bat it did not make much &krona. upon her at a tortes. hour on a stated day son of a decent, but ordinary, and reeve, e lire u lia g" b " " ere '''''''" "- --- -a.! made u his mind that she was quite 1 I bad made money, and got into a heavy and cad , state his eh., in the Mem.. of 1 table tradesman, doing • emelt business - hie dimes.] When she received his or- _ fe is 1.... h . le, as wider the eye. of , business under my own °nee Ilia house the others At the appointed time, the The senior Pete " poco a peco"-a , puree! di•rs to rotor down into the parlor, she nom- ". 'a handsome property-and finally got down plied ... I h ,., 0 mr . Galloway 3 ... t . t . of , l ber . father He informed Frank that he had, in town, and fureiture, and his country lovere arrived. Four of them were eoufi mto Wall street among the broker., and violet exeitement He charged her with i me. arrangements to introduce her to Mr. I residence, were sold at sleben, I boa I t dent of sucems, but the fifth had a dowdeast f ' the clergyman the next day, when , them at a bargain, sent Augusta to bring boob, and embed when he beheld the object was now among those worthies, and carried duplicity and deceddion and love for Frank 11 . 4 k ... the old gentleman, Mr. Galloway, went matters about for • reconether. Iler of hie admiration . • hook to the stock E had grown up in idleires ' a d : ' a7;6 he T w he es ' f ' a? I 'V ' lr r r a I r'e"t'n need oTg i oblawnymfig"den°"imim." allowing s .: down town. He wished Frank to call atifather could not st a nd dist, it lowered that " Gentlemen," mid she " you bave hon. milliar with all the vieee of a greet city ; s on. ,1 remonstrated,an i d .o be r - gged -- h - e;•, - f - er bur' the Broadway House, and see 'Mr . and Dlr..' terrible pride of bin-he has been • more cored me with your proposele of marraige I could drink, play billiard,. smoke ci,pro on n sale, to listen to reason, and he guided , Clark eller the fun woe over Frank mid feeling m um hintaelf sauce Bet you E c ru! I ht.. ae yet, neither refeseil nor accepted I , knew all the unmentionable hoe., .in tow. liv Ids ailv no It was all in vain . Isabella ; he mem, come and coo os-G umy will lee delig any of you, I now dean., that mob of pout Ere • month had passed, Frank bad part- 'to me you Do you know, I thi n k that you will state your clams to ley band, in order Id make a night of it equal to any M. a, Limo lodged that the VllllOlll of wealt h,' e . et h ed It Mb Ida family and wee mice more cross- and lesbel-" ` too i i may know upon what , grounds I may about town . At In he graduat3d at Co- comfort respectability, lumbia College-he was educated ' Foot had charms, but, that oho h r oo l d t d t r oo h - 3 - yr.: 1 i ii nfLhe a Atla . eitie to ._ his futdre hum. in etch • " ll.h, Richard, I will ace you again I be justified in bestonine it aerate married her Richard, must be on my way to toy sista'. Good ' A aliments) es fellows. horses, fast drinking, card playino, and • ill l'em-her heart wail Mr. Graham's nights," badileatroyed bin consittuom in •• Isabella I .hall now leave you, bat le- r imd wee quite comfortable and happy in the bye, new." And Ile.Graham went up to "If you marry me you shall live in a the ht taat her faller did not murder her the miartmente whech Mr. Coleman had se- splendid house, havo servants and eaOT/0/1".. yureel hie mental faculti., corruptml Lie lore 1 g o. I have a solemn duty to perform . I hu ll, or her ., me only left them „ to toote d - for ~. at your command, and enjoy all the lute, tweet, and deems eil every 'vestige. dal' v II Sour brier, when he was dying, rue he halPhoesessed peril.. in elid•111. d .•etreoreltnary prophetic spirit, formawi:rber shift for themselves." and Dlr Clark wm "Il e is a splendid fellow," thought Rich- ins of fashionable life. lam rich." aide to shift for both, as ao he wrote Mr ald Clark, alter 'Frank had lelt him Ilow , B spoke next or days of Infancy . Al 22 the licentious i. ily what 11.2 occurred . Ile forerm t h a t 3 osang profligate was sent abroad 10,0 if yon would love whi re nothing bet poverty Gal t low ed ay u i n n o a . lt i ter, which that gentleman he has borne up lignite's all, and not er I "My rival lies said very truly that he is breathed an unkind word of her and Isabel , rich, and be offers you a strong inducement ; health, could be restored, by Pam s or fon- existed , and refuse e husband, with wealth r° urn i •Inn method aid, end to asttrtani if in dare and position. Ile made me pledge, that I , how she has suffered. And after years of but I nor of noble dement. My grandfather VlLterall vi.argotic he retgrna a man in the prime or was a duke, and although not wealthy, I am cities, any new pleasure mold be procured vi meld provedd your falling in love with ob- ' Ton years after the closing events of the life e Yeare split in Europe, where he, an ,of a family with whom an alliance would be by a men who had the moans 'I 'Lin o°' ... tint, and poverty God known how I the young man of wealth, position and lash ,_. tried to d . so . But you deheivod me . I """, chapter, ... lovely .... g in s m ., ra m p..., has made a splendid commercial considered an linear, by the wealtineet heir. n that the worldly wide Mr ig All ov 13 had il, eche moo bee. wee like an uosoiled the cityof Nov York eae in a state of u,,- position and acquired& fortune I meet go, goose or the lend." ki chosen a. the most proper pert 111 to ve, lire 1 , 0 ~ , while paper-I god when too late annual excitement; one of th ose great events , home and toll my wile about th is," and he , C stated brie Amine Mum,- had occurred whic h mark an era in the his- • left the Astor. When Mr. Grew. reaehed 1 "I am a gentlemen and have now • rope the future happiness ..f le. !meanie] wind I 111111 ' 0 name written there . Ile node me For three months after Lis introilm lion promise that I would endeavor to marry tory of • nation. The first ma steamer hod his private parlor he carefully looked the , lotion that older erne euvy. Next year arrived in these watera, from melee e the blue door, mated himself at a window overlook- 1 1 shall run for Congress, and I have no B ear young Pon, whose nano. woo i ' 222110, y O. ill on who had respectabilit followed tho pewit maid 1 . ote s re o ealth I l ion e tried faithlully to preform an d Atlantic. Two armed the sane day, The ing Broadway, and undttated long upon the doubt of success By marrying me your mein tip for all places At the Cheat o. il.. trust -have I not deer Isabella," Sirius cone up the river, and souse of the 'new features that seemed to be impressing name will be handed down to posterity' left her Male she lay ebremt of theme!, es into hie return destiny. At leak D twisted bin mouMaehe with the air of opera, and at home, ho was her evnip.lo,l .Oh vim have, but I cannot indeed, I r a° - ristleT r a . rden, and came mhore in an oar as if it heel mem °mecca. with his thee., me exquisite, and said lk loved her, if the sentiment whieh e odd cannot loco Mr. Pem " x. bat , and were !initil at the foot ot Bet- ho drew Hem hie bosom a miniature, and "Angelic. creature! 'roomy seal I think mit., th e heart and 112.1. of a ility.ii tirg " T. 11.1, No., father delivered to MO t his libertine, could be called by so holy a name •,:d, d letter to be pl.. in your h oo d. b„ ter Piece Om of them proceeded up took the guard Minch oemered it from off you bare already made up your mind in my e„,i I GIL ' erneli to Morris etreet, gated fora few Ills neck. It was mode of the long, black, favor. You know how ineffably I aim ad -Inri she despised him That was do too; l ii rt nit 1.111 rgene) oho h o d k oroo d to dote , h i m Hot 10. ,.. 0 , 0 i0 . f ,,,, 0 .. y day It o hrfu arisen, the" - last brick bon., as though it was' say hair of the (niched of the likeness . -I mired. Who is tim most Maltimabie dress. pride hail beet, aroused , the thought el frost reposed Inc me by my mood, who too a familiar ecot, and reminded him of old As lie gaged open them, he murmured to er in town ? Who rides on the guest bones? times but he did not enter. After which himself- " 01, Isabel ' Ion,: tears have we Who frequents the moat fashionable pleireit l '""' runny j " i "' of her b "" r ` ° " l ' l ,5. • d ` '"lo" the letter to-night, ra°° ' he continued .as tar as the Amor House. boon eepanited, and this is uhf I him. had- i Who is a With. Pilau or 11. ore" ? /tu ne/ragas/4 The wealth of the Pon faun ly wee immense Their menage. were very nle Ger I vital l iv all Mr rem to v """ it, meal 41- morrow "mr"i"irr.rrir° me entered it, anil i deliberately wrote upon the mare err own wretched meminvt, be remind nor aye D, but p en honor, rm too mock. pleasant to ride in, their hotists wtro lux I, i t Hese is tho Jitter y is from yew Bmkef 11° mwelawime " t ww eww "m" nail "' of thy l '""`Y nod 1 " .-11 ""' ' Whl-' 1 l ''' In°l ' n ° l"' It " ' residence whA-what &num could have persuaded 1 When It came to E's time to srak, there eritintly and erikeedulle furnished, too and te th er, • s,, .l Mr. Galloway left the nowlyf m , es. 1.- • • - c - • ' '• ' • did gi v e'..... .yrl follow "di mu , ' 'lhtantgrag? ' r 4 ".""'" "-' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' o„ '' ' " '''''""`" '' e e Ile told that hand.. man, Robert B. sworn to, armed a world-why leu ipm oo mend Peteno about Lis busier, " the would per • ml it respectfully to her lips, broke the Coleman, who seemed an old acquaintance, the he to it all by your mei mace winch has harassed reply, "how can 1 amid his Inv mg mien- m al , klitlt doe. by the side of a chair ill 210112 to me, (1119 ' You k [toe hoar I.k the no (VI of the 1211.10 W , and read every that his servant would be there with be . ended . miserably Can a to , that you ''Well,'' said the beauty, "what s. D.nk luggage . soon se the steamer woe made did indeed love me, .11 that some =forte- I Mr. IC ?" taunted - yet I hate him " o id AN hoe she pad finished and fully fast to the duck , and that he wanted the nate impulse, ur intstaken matte meld I "A 1.." wee the reply. "1 yield to a 1..... ' 1,110"+n lied wheal-amore honest me end( rtioo.l it, she plated it in her bosom, handsomest sips:tickets the house could have mode you do-what years of misery gentlemen. They have the advantage of ni son e respects than her Akio], She had ,rived her hands upwards , ivad in • low bo.h,h rto both of us have been the result I dare, me an every reagent." And he took up his become-4,143 in he ro mith the Iri ,o 1 ~I'ittoorillid areent repeated •' Father, )Dor i "All right-it shall lie atmieded to. Do nut hope-mid 3m my mother-with her- hat to leave . Frank-whose name ea, Ilii hard Clirk- . 1.11.1 • ill , awe you men though on me 3 . 0 tn . to go to your room now Y ' eeparated from bee husband for pears 1 " Stop," said the lady, "and make your " b " b." been fi re " " e ' l, " m "'" a • '‘' b " I '"''' d'a "" r. lived, ' m l b it ' I No," satd Mr. Graham, ^I Well get in- will be this suspenee no longer. A few statement no matter bow bumble may be corneae, itig her to sthool 'I lo 3r iii, 111111 II 111 lIP if) misery and to death Oh tiled ' to a earns and drive .. the randenee moments eonviersatioo with m y sinter, will your claims." o had mare, been to her htle r's h ar,o, vet l'oin I. '" h was the last words site mid , ~,,, mot he r ".. m . ,r explain ate mystery . I'll go to her at ( "I am pap.- he IoN ea her, led inn 'her tr. 4111PIIII k ..1 for many data ; We was very 41 At last tour (sister and her husband, DO Peak ono." I "Go on ' they were engs..itd Ile ass a clerk to the alit recovered, and • few wsArs afterwards ..... a yr .. morrie woo , oo into moot. same employ as r m . amt b een , en d oss on the eve of the find of May, in • fashion. i oetvea, when eho married - le t me ..., thee,. sister, I That evening Mr. Graham spent with his I .I am unknown in the world-" her husband and children Not • I "Go en." v means Therapidly in the cenfidi. nee .(I the rank 01 , 1 0 01.30011 01 Broadway, 01.01.111111nd by I aea dy ~, y... „ .s.-1./., y. boon gone we ed wee said in reference to Imbel, until ; " I have neither We Wt. or te...... The relation in which he stood to Itimuln the wield, and advt. of New York, the 1.. 1...... b..., , the childrou had gone to bed, and the hue- 'to deem fashionably. I work for my liven. was something after the fashion rd Inv OP. 11 I. • alit dill [Rebell. Ogden became the wife „ * Yea, Bob, Inger ; its ton years .•' but excused himself in • phuout manner,, , hood. It is hardly possible that Ivan make language to or upon t. melee( 0 . 1 111111- of Pitarro l'tm They were to speed Weir "By the way, don't you remember young that they might be alone I you happj, for low offer you nom of the ey, . sure as I get into bunco, ° s, and en. hoer) onion at the country residenee of th e pe..e. "Now Sie, come add set down by my side, inducements held out by my rival." support you, I will ask your odal man for huh(•r of the husband " Remember him-to be sore I do-but, and tell mo all I want to know. I have! "lam to ju o djso of that ar ; G1..... 1 " his consent; if he eays ~ (Which of eourse The newt tnofning we. the gat of May ~,,,. „ 0 . ~,,. , heard that 3fr . Pom is dead, and what our- j "Nothing. y, Ikm you, end . r lake • 1,,, will go all .1 b., t o .., , I know per. and the Metal couple, surrounded by Sups o N o u n ., ver y particular, only ho is prised me more, that for Ida year/ laabell., ....p. r . aon Hawks, who premilte• in St. Th, 11134 . , of blends Mond 111.011 the burrimme deck of dettd.. ," my lea" as I toed to call her, has been , At t hi, Messrs A. B, 0 and D bor. in AAA a A 0 Church lb will marry us, and ay,. l's s nognificent North River steamer, Justand exoleimed with ern „ Dead: - Coe d Ood, is it poesible!" `acting the part of • daughter to my moth er , into a toed laugh, [Canton..? .1 dont like it, he can lump it, thee. all r, lent ing ‘ lrom the landing at the foot of mitre-. So do we-I love yen to distise . Finable ? lh has been boding about -whet done it all mean I" 1 " Nonseme-what Mould p you' got to Say now." to wn, ll ''' I " ' ar " 4 ''‘'' the I ' d b* " .l ,2L_P ii " 00 and every body impeded and sashed, - 31 y dear brother-why rho marria, rim -I take four papers ! ha! be! h.!" . There Mno one else you love-young P.m .• And as for me, Dicky, all I ha, eto oar , Ill, • r, and her tromendom midi ,_ ..-- . ___ .t.. _.° I'm.. . ‘ , l ° I he would din for the last three years fie Peet is • matter she must explain to you in •• Silence" rid the lady, .ia ono month will wary you, he hat a dear field . Ile i s to suit your own 001100111enee, we can get (Ter.,. earnmk Me ....... .lb e l looked up in the Toler all • Vagrant person, and Ido behave, that though Sou you all .ball hear my answer. You may will be the happy man-now my dear Jade' along without Pa" group was no to a brig which had just , . pre..ten, to' being mat to Bellevue one may regret it, yet when you know all the all withdraw •' -we how easekev words will c. 0.. Iro n." Mr Clark loved Frank an if Le had 6., oi urem i • a e nd nes lying at anchor in the 1 e ight ;in the morning when they turned ciremastmeem, you will not blame her tool At the end of the month the fire suitors Debella blushed; she felt guilty-ehe a brother . Ile was the son el a boiler in Di. rth Riser . Then wee • botia t I ff!again spewed Turning to reds itt sue. felt that she had wronged Frank, in con- , one or rho upper %Verde but e prounum to carry p4llllollpre ashore; A ..k. early in . pee tri o s 7 0 , Ithe loafers an t or their eds. to get their' g reatl y " firod, be was a croaker-a corps e. The old I " Great God ! how she has euffered melon, the lady them answered . seating to the visits of Mr. P e e, but what young mee k and Frauk preeUrol I.lan tie 01kt, ekorknag se the little boat paned flow mho must have suffered-loving you "Riches are nee produetive of happiest/ rmar man did not end touch better.' *mid she do 1 Even Frank would approve situation he hold . lie was gratified when the etern of the steamboat; oho thought ..y. b.,b a g I" I better than she did her own Levee-blood, Boned edibility of blood is the pewee& of of her own.. if he knew it She li.tily ho heard from all quarter. dot Isabellehel for an instant of Frank, at the ems me- .. & nag ., datiom Fuse is geeing, and he ruined himself in Harlem and married to a man who had not one soli. all rummage °a. a o. replied " neva," and left the per fee am I abandoned Frank, and wae to be man nd t....iiited she beard her own name shouted, •"Im Ball Road steak operations, and died of •F l lac y redmming quality " be that Ms but the md garb id se OWO 0.1111 young Pom, whom he knew mil detested ale]," She gated for an instant at the re- 1 . 4 .. h .,. Madams men do lire matters up rapidly. He had no donee. in m (keg bout-that *0h0... Pa...11r - - Holy Mary ! that's • new disease, for quality Y" . Yes his wealth, Sh-that we. • good anew is to be pitted. Have Mho, the trouble to Mid out the names of the nue- It. ie • trill% petty arrangement to them , all his empicione and opinions upon de it 01.0 F..k, he had same& BM 011 401 11 a broker to dii.d. Why, Goleta., New "No-he had not even that. It wee all, paper. for which a spooniatke le cotton - an operation in the matter to Miguel. " It. • burning elle. her I )2.1 and eat down paralysed Theliand g o .k i. 1,,.. a ng, e h l' But, bells, who, show. Ho was • gambler- adm kard, you'eidenrito, and I have ertainml that none of you, who Lave .took mirk. Melt. them.. calculation, and • sin if tt, 1s eo, and flimsy, you should 0r...-. began playing-too deem , bimil„_ . „wa* i„,,.. a b.. ? Di e k Ch id k . I are Y- roue, and without brains to elm. in Mk; ''' boated of wealth. nobilitY. Amm' realm( widows and mommenmt , but love u s ed I telk to In Suppose Frank hear s or on, no.• Ludy under erg , tee. the ....... e. wk., Disk, uld Mead, isoo past sw we say line In a yew after he Walk married, 110 dare marl eke prier_ : ma :Z . % r af 0i1.....4: marriage! the union of . child for life, to that she is travelling all over town io mom - the little 'sot, it ton almost set ofd ght, in Romeo,. ',abandoned her . Ilk father refused hie aid, fhb is daahanaat. 1 another being-is • sort of plain, merry day pany with that young eon of • gar, cone and neer the I.ding W hat wen the feel- .. Bloom e y ~.., Fmk ir a poor ewi y.i o b . ri. rr o .mmeo.d forgin t hls ' ing e m . . who . % a mid tbeh.iguill....itery D' -of vs mateer-if the parties are equally mobbed fond him I tell you Frank 12 no Aitken hip el the young Gide is mile bun. to I dean n it ma noted else . Where did you father's name These forgeries were ot, act , abe im -of constant occurrence. It is not Means and if he bean thot, there will Lo stowthing homer and her ficai: Pear Frank, the rieb ...., ft ,... ~, then, that the DWI morning illr. Pon sod broke; get soma explanation from her G us• borer had succeeded in eking • combined .. • I up, when disowned, and Ito escaped being mem ter • paw; bet sew the prhatr in Mr Ga ll oway met-and, in an hour, they sy, and then I will write Frank " bride TOm poor lever had lost me, bet Aeg ...ou By t h e steamer arrived is met to the Stake Prism Mt Red to Europa advance. TMehre d. I wit h y t he i. is hd t i bLass ,.. e ;For two yean he was dant, when he re. I give him my Mu wit separated • the buena. was done. A eon• lt was in pursuance of the wishes ot her Immena Gm Men. Met bad Wes slued to the agar that the lover, that Angst. asked " Isa" orb) she The ling Angeline, Capt , . Well and hearty, eto is the old man, old 'toned he found his father ruined , and then lion that be is one every way ealoulated to Edwards, bee woman, and all my littk folks ; got sin of / ft mu, he fell into the meat low diegrareful' mike me happy " .. ti. . in. seed the one sisidii marry the ward of did not send Herren about bin busmen -- arrived the night presiding and amber d k w .. mined the eldest toot' after you, and habits, which deafly OSUMI Lb deathly. leas , Need we sett .. de other. For the support ef the yaw& When she heard her reply, oho observed to in the North River. Freak was a panes- th..ig... 04 a n, y a b.i , 1„....„,..b.c., bat a i . e ., lived w i t h him a r t ., t h e fi r m gi mpm h tt .d v . diwppea.od quite seeds Mr. Pan agreed to pleas his son in I her very mirlously. '' Ist , you me wrung, ger mh. from Amoh. l . o ( ma me suddenly, ead the Welly .a lte r was said P re ' • wire article of mune Do you know her lyear of their marriage." the brokerage Menem give bite • boas., I Freek dnet damns it fie k far away ceedink on the when be observed de b a b a ,' i s dad r i prank was affected womb, as his DM. MI. Mimi ef hi. de...L.4 in • f e w knish ft used emu on uarma ie ease at working for you, dreaming of you all the Goo and fee of Gaon.. "801 me told-but where is ate ?" ' ter ati In the de of the sufferirme I yaw, by home . .•d ledestry. Mum eat amides* de sum of fire hundred dollars • I while and thinking how happy all will be Ile felt hurt that eh* dould have Ws o Mn. p e . F. lof t= l et girl, her pekoe& gentleman, may a diMI Lot a meekly men, year what We Heed. Mr. Galloway was • 'bye sod by.. And you, I tell you aka it New York about the time he we expected, .. No a h.l r roldoel man-he sweepted the emirs., on is lea, Fniek will bear of It, and . will but supped elle was obliged to leave towel o gb. b... m eldi ng were ./.1.• m .. on l ad last, the recital of hindeep devoted ion ,and asteetwellbe knew him. Young Mtn d off a to himself. and her atleatire ', man, he peld the Mater. Is awe no meal la. pan bound himself that hided Ogden awaken from Me dream, and-" and would soon be bark, With mob deft' midi., for the put six years-with your / aid dutiful aoudad to his nine mother ;I h. ebb?-Odd Felle 0111Wia Ilaartycoung PM. No dower was "Stop Augusts, I will not listen to this when he get eve shore, be berried to di ~...,, ~„ ,ha court listen no linger, and started up Wed W 0 1110011..-all• WY to go ma of his Frank omen doubt my love Cr o aninaleot home in Morris etnett All of his lenity oD m Clerk c• I saying .It Is getting Me dater, I must bel " Ma" leld eit legeleliim litilw• Sirl " . 111 . bud, ebb so mere property than she pm- if he does?" te em mil ma ete lma m . ew H i ll. . Win yes mess surprised - what Is the gob% think los that at, this how I will Ind I ebb et l.. work ilee eillleelem NSW Ides In remind When Mx MM. •• You WS limey that fool Pent, I sup. ter Margaret seemed to avoid girds ithe it ai m., le wili be a dike thee" " Tbelb ara. eehl our maser up?" "I really dolt know, they go ka Amin r "Yak IV amt. eld.l li wee set seesawed b. the donna* shot poem yet. have got to do it any way .'• chance to ne her did i .lase be mend .Notideg-nothing. Den my mother yell ebould aimed en her Mehdt Muse. , _ . ~ , __„, ..„ she we to beteg to Mr hushed the ebb •• What do you mean?" that sim should eseimpany bin flu bar owe nu n mid wish my e ater mid her h at- Beth looked st nob other, sad bed named, dm ' s rfte em Mae =l t = and Imeseres depressed in love "Why, I overheard sty fattier say that roon he ...meted lease hire it ha 1e .,,,,, a sedernand the morel theogbi of eaak,l awns . Moe' TM WISINWIN , mW mil Imlay. GI ne, them wall ef no yes would de so, fee it lOU Mend he She could ma Woes Ids sweesk at whim oOhso ; yeer MOW resides MR Mid asesest i ski us I. many him Mel weree.- bad a W.. ho. yOur .441..... it." they were dem Frank immememd,„. f em me the Obi WWI to Mania skeet: Isabelle, m .. . 2 - NI " A you Mel this? Your father , -Isabel." amt pal tom WI OW.. eyes ; wise a. wag gag .. as ,.. w ith her bus. 41Flatie a week de yams Pm was la- has • =hem Moe to me-he dull mho, there... OW Madhillamm Men feeds bug, um le ear mothee'll midden. lad, tetrad h. the faMly d Mr. Gaßoway.t- it to mar' but she did her May, sod Ma llpd ell- 4 .. gladly eammed by her The old lady, Labelle was i s with Ids at the very . sly Ise meads that I told mi."- ay, to the maniege. Ihsek am ma weep gig ... tumu li t e , k i sm slio old ..yea, at 1. 1 OM eight et We seemat Moue eves Rabe Before elm weld triply the bell rang, and • -he Nerdy Mud his dine Whom she bed e b, /... hem a a ng i t hn je l a ab. bed eel lewd huh The owned be. visitor was meowed-it win Mr. P. Paled Inland hor simple Mh. Mid her " • pa 1 . 611 so‘ b. loposatat, and so she eispg. / Me de peer , lever, ado wee for away, Aguas loft the rem The visitor found' fond sister," and 141.1141.41 OM were "Stela 1 e h...m. rebel. y m ; raw what . 1 red the rid we, win tea pneeeet, was tool Imbed alese-es boar passed. when Mr. is married," as dough ho amen doubted ....a. a u Togia a. i mas.i r vivid, Me shah. bra aht di eel heft* Ps. heft the Moe, aid Imbed rejoined the ftet-loft the home ti le at swerM -- VD.. ... ga..._,.. e a. at, hanalf. end treated Mr. Pisa as a you iMr Mead. at Mehl.% said- Massa Se hit amplewn. They were glad 1 ra g a s pi ' lady dud tees sly sembism. in 644, , .. Well Gamy Its over now, and my te see him. Be bad Weeded Mika be- I .. T. bean they ... "D na , new' Sleritt•g2 Me Fames MOW. With jewelled maidens She may eel smile en overtly swain With soft, bewitching eye ghe catmint howl • fawn and uneu That lavieh wealth hut brought her, But, eh, she hw much fairer charme. === The mm end My ow het cheek Together I.e to dwell; Her loughiog blue eye. wreathe anotod The bout a witching spell ; Her mile is bright as morottnee glow Upon dm dewy plain, And listening to her vol. we dream === E!!=== Pier ye, more ray mud tree, The Illy", sup is ea. more pure In purity 0(.11 d» wad dowers in the wood . • • Or by th e eryabel water, Thera'. alma more pure or fair than ate, .Fhe Farmer's poerfees daughter: The Numbly hello whom oil adore, On lowly pillow how While forth open the dewy lawn The merry maiden hire: A with the lark'. otpnereg map. aor own clear mice ow hefted— Ye may nol which aweetem wog The widen or the fiord. Then bill nin inn of jewelled rair,— The brightest Jewel )et Ism the heart whore virtu, dwells And innocence net ! The glow of health open her cheek, The grace no role bath taught her. The foam wventh that beauty twines, I. for the Farmer's shinghier From tLe Nual Erik Be Strong and Bente— Min ße Firm and True! Ile strong and brave—be finn and Irne— In thole haw to do; When freak and 'le, nn. with you, there Moat be no nuernent for d. Flow! If negged won the path ,1,11 tread. And hope a deadnful ghninnz shed Where. far before, OW good y.. k l. hedged by many an Alen. peak, Whdo frozen torrent@ rage betweeee, And yearn., chewers eaten ow, Oh, falter not—preee on anew, For truth and nght be then end true ! If error trietalph fora day, And x mug aeheeve tyranure may— If noon:nem ode grew welb years, When up in lonian Weed wed leans— If all yaw efforts won to be Moe www-nakee falling en the we. • Which wove the darkening tale to eked leave no whiteneen where they fell— If heart grow reek, 1.1,110).'• grow 'dem, And heintstene wise the weary honk— If blear.eyed, Ileeponekney Stoll came where 11110 W. MOM In be— .lX oare t o ed who. Ileree tea,. eaeg ! Nal all the ane. of do nail Their home.. the elegize nevelt ! Vole nea the high resolve,. nave mere, Winch nerved to netele deeds Wore. And wzke 01114 , h van Penn Thy hang with na rapture Nell! 11ent tin amid the tharneehy het-- boned through the gleam elay cry lumend well thy Orel. De Ilona, And .take for truth arid right the unto. Mangle night and 810/111. and Pea ..... °natl. And threeteheng clueeele oak shake, doe eh Ilnward end npward 'neaten., To /rata end eight Kam lbw New liwit ewe ISABELLA O( DEN; The Mich and Peer Lover A thir Tnra Sroxr. I r il . . VOLUME VI, 11:0 Sollagtro. We ae,iildlevrathrre, olgrictneatirr, Mortinattr, ztra Sgiewriltitg ,(ONTROBE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY to, 1819. "1"1 Pa" " 14 ' " gigU ik" a° Y e t i rt. tthiaai r a . r igi i .61... me to de" Aram Loam elan to se NUN we walk A l a." 1. ' 411.4 6r Y " " 'VII. us ai'iiiiii - C boa &mu% .. up ... NM mud ow ask ves If yea love belt I know you do. .h.lek of her Wier- " 8 " 08 . 1 al ". liar he 18 .8 To. . 81 1 ..... If 1._,J.21 /SW*. la thumb la shear who.. is ith7 ..p 'bag Wald *rm. do hi .....,a lopi of relives liberty. but Ind weft 1 6 1 0 1 8 1 l 811 . I". V . .—"". 4 " "ma I° Ila a Wawa be b. Non 00 ...awl"' ibis pm. Mt wil l tell .11 about the se- m ai. A ni .... hem letter, whish led to her seurebtip, awl .... /. Pm a... WMW fest The ——------17-4176 y N.. 80 .1 8 ": _ os t loom will he Nodded. and my darlhik level betot.eiele Isthe 88 • Ma . 'lsa., whom I have lens repaid ea • eller, why of the Sabisib." crudarad are iwl► . .. .. Childhood and Yana, NM 11t5 ., 201 dower. d flemeam , an bemired ..„. al in their own bright (pear —lW L y their own sweet visions. Light u He air they breathe, no memo no anxieties pow epos them, save thew which me Ilk. the mill dews of nodes that fall ea the linshing dower., mid pees sway in the ant rays of the awning an. Childhood and Youth, Ile been, ewe fade_ soon eons. to Unmet, by their nett nem end beauty, the admiring eye. Remo retain their fragrant* long after their love liest hues are fled ; while others mere gaudy, more strikingly brilliant, aspire en they aloe, their bright pooh, anti we know them no note for ever: no perfumes remain to render their faded learn precione. How necessary for the young to cultivate their mind. while living among aunshin• and flowers, and thrive ieetruetioa hem them. As they grow in inn, and enter twee the active dellee of life, how desirable it I. that they ehouldperform their part upon its i Ingle nags, n such • meaner as shall mil der them imolai and reelected They will soon be parents—soon have the are of young mortal.; surrounded by them who will look up to them for saimement mid lll situation. Their minds must be militated, if they wield be happy anti mike others so: ( their heart. store-houses of Intelligence, from which should emanate all that me de !light. Home tenet be the bright spot. - earth meet know none which am equal it. It must lie the resort of love, of ream of Jo). Every tld li del r d'' ff nll' r= * ;tntot ofemd. ttiell 4 etudied : it is from this sacred tome the In fant becomes grit nourished. How lbw' brightriyes of the listening cherubs gleam with the varied emotions of joy and gna', te at the recital of it. Inresting Merin I Let truth be first stamped upon 'yeah,' intellect', for great is the plasma derived from this pure fountain of majorette!! The moCher can gain much by 00enining with I her dinar.; they can be calmed ad milled M this way, better than in any other. Chil ilren become weary of their playthings, and are often irritable; their feelings mast he soothed by their mother . ; this is her peed. lin province: and as they grow in mere she mart strengthen, her °forte. lions must still be the elyeium of their souls. If separated, much still depends upon the mother; she must follow her children with her letters and her veined. tier comma °heti°na must be pooh as to keep alive the flame of love, and draw their minds hash to the wanes of their childhood, that, however remote they may be—in whatenr siltation they may be placed—in temptation, In sick ness, in health ' in proeperity or advinsity— like a charm, h ome and mother met opine* upon them, and prom a salbrass to guide them in all their demons way.. In alliction'e Money hour, when the bright orb of day is shot from the weakened eye—when the voice of wag is hushed, mad tho rambling swum the lowers sae enr— when the same monotwous sane ensure from day to day, from month to month, and not unfmtpuetly from year to year, it is then the mind nooks relief : it weal. njoy meet, foe it is an active principle which will never. trk!e'siliferhieleir More lame the spirit. Nothing can chain it; it will week —t will nominate upon the by wear j ofjoy and grief; 141da and, shades par over it. it Inning consolation from Me own rewarees. The books studied, the la wns imparted, among well digeeted, leis. eellany, lyrics, poetry, history, Inn.. all mane to comfort and relieve the aching mind. Vernon. in distroen on overawe a thomend nameless evil., by melting or riempeeleg; moth a train of thoughts ooweonies pain sad lifts the soul above earth. flow nommen to enrich the mind in early life, o before the evil days cone." it dies not with He body: it rune parallel 'with G.A. It le a Hein, undying principle. sod must he eariebed hoc The more it knows of God, the mare l it will be like him: and the bailee for sublimer enjoymiets above. pe e red eal that views Got in all his work., in nmy tree, Anb and dower, "nimbi= lodes& and hears him in the wind." With every change, with every objeet, useelatee the Deity. That soul Urea a life truly gnat, and will rise high in a purer clime, wild that bright eoestellation of tenanted b inge who worship conthinelly Wore the throne of God and the Lamb. Let the youth attend to these things, and for a moms{ impend their anxiety for thewtward &deo. nest of their persons; and reineether, a well educated mind is • jewel far mere estimable In the eyes of an Intelligent man, the the meat beautiful eeterier, &defeat of gbh trewure. It is the only soiree of enjoy meet here, and will enhance their himpimes Matelber and a brighter world. NUMBER 19. . free ow.—Tbere Is no sorrow in the world I °seer what we Meg aria Evet7thing is smiling end beautiful amen as. The forest is net drayed—tbe trete and brooks are not trabill, end the it, I. not elothod in ask-sloth. Nature throe/b -oat the year I. dellothd, sad why should man be sad f Blii heart ham not bra sehoided right. hi. parkin has not boon subdued; b. is shoveller too seibli, mai therefore isionslde. We bow many 1.. .lieidnitis who are area sad stabbed ma they ran be, when they are sot raids" leery fur If they lees • sierra by way et trade. they feel like Arming dies ; if • debtor has hewed bramtrept, le takes fall six moths to erre it. .sown hem their brows. We are seirsinted with as. rim worth et WA • robed amend dollar. who safer unarratably is hie vied fee far he shall die poor. Bo row. net whet it is to rjoy • reamers peer el Wed.— Another we bare or, who som a per his tars without • aura, aid In ak". o 7 ieg sorest the Aaron Ihr idea their d ay: I l e re d rni l e : ea t ri C ag end l l e si plasers. Let der I d le. Re burr briar rob rather le lb* herb and kliadriess On tbirdr lips, sad all dm* fearliwil retro . r od rah& All reel& ho lore It won Ileavoids drip shot wa read ha roe to read se le his bomege, and redo with Melts wider thin 1061.111 wee*, sad *riled stare uAs Ighniaellilit skim Half aor ipi da latopory. Wive yes IWO avoserao to oatoOlk try vbs. irif. too don in la ~do babel ot war brio= Wag Wamaliag, M may am "OW* Iwo lon kkg Wat rots aisommi.