ed their dear? Who ever heard of • mem AeADEALY Important to Owners of —, . . . t dow rennin; out which bed been variously Dillow, (a I. lowat/i.l Stool • r..... . 'fully sub-modal ? Working Farmer. ,OF THE PRESBYTERY OF SI.I3OII[HANNA.' e", W n=ttr,"4:ll:'l4l:l •• , - i . ISIPIROVDIENT. AT FRIENDSWILLE. • . ..n, r.,,0w ~ tn. no zo ono. i i ns 4 . .. . walla ended len. af Itattostil 110,1 WM COMITO —au M.L. Oeo. FUMM Ih. mpg wow.. tune , r fr - ' Thie is • word of very comprehensive sig I T ~„, 4 ,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,,,,,,,...,, , ~, ~,, , . t _ .,_,,,,,.., .. r,,, , ! ,,... yr. „ 7 . • _.a.jrt oificatjon, •Ild when need la faunae.. to 1.:? . ....4 . a ,Proo ...n., mu I %lAN tu t .4 Ili", : u . ,00 ~,..00, . t,". • •• .,,,. .., , : 0 u ....r i /r - . .ot . i o t o ot i '4.`"'",' - 1 .- -- ...- • _. Vi'' _... l"'" , 1;"..a."'"..."ghl always b. au- I "4 ; t: 4 '37,l % ' :=l: l l,Ttl,,Z! ' ir,t ' l,,°!:ir .t;'.`l."%!:•'; -'.,-:;::-.!,',1.f•;.-.-:..'L`:::u.I•i•:7-';lia , de stood on its oroseeit sense. I Same annetlffelifibit a very eornmeida- ,„,,,,., ~.-I. ~. ft r Dasturt 1.2.11,,r11.411. Ir..' le t.r,. . , oo r , ro,o, t; ou , r. ‘,.. n 0... or o.ro, oorr or r,roror.,„ ileb-notli Plosehag. , , bin spirit; endeavor to excel le Omir . calling :ir m t i Lttso w s,n 0; , • , : f, t Nes sem,. -nom. wenn, ,„,„,,,„,, 505„.,...,,,,.,,,, 00 „,,.. m 05 5.,..„ ww e s We' have written so math, ...I .p.... 'and Leo o w ., ...ions to .q..... 0 ..•••• ' 1 '.. 0 0 , .." ,, .... ''''' "", uu, " fle u"• , 0u " . " ....... ,m, ...•11.1. r,114 L,....1,, .lam .. 1.•• Int ...Out lu ilt• Bo often on this abject, that WO feel fearful time an d h t ,o.d. ; and while °the. osan. ram raa ...Po., rule„ • wee., ..,.. „..,,,,,,r,.,..,,.......„.,. .,,,, of firing our friends by repeating the ergo. 'ircm the moat illih” spirit; • P ••• 1/ •1••• •• o coTir=7"ii:=l:r!'iroo:Po r ...faints.... '3 000 s t00 ° 3".75. .ono. noss. I. noe a1.. 1 .3..., sma. ten nosh in its fever; but the daily questions 1„,„, ..,..at wed dose not quadrate alAre. Wow. fro aurve,ma ...new, .100,- ~. , : 7, 4 !. . ., . .7 asked in relation to sub-soil plownig. con- ' or a ti r ow l y with their own views, or which is' 0 5 t 5 ar i 1 w ,„..,„,,,,,,,,,„.,„,,,, vine.. us that hke Billy Lakaday's recital 1;,, , .. tri k 1y . o ,,,, m a naqs with the theorial tp ,. T . orow , 7:7 00, , , i i v .0 v ,z :,...!.z:.:.tiz‘v=z,. zT.,,..,!,,%inf:.::.,,..,,.;.:....x;,..1.;,....,;v:rx, of iiia sornown, it must ho repeated again • an d Traditionary WOWS of their predeas- r• 00 so, on., io. n, 0 ,,,m moss, ...um v , t , e,y.0.e. , ...-• 3. -o. .1 3 ;oh o • one •• ' and again to ensure its dissemination ;eon of • darker ago. They can perhaps. ti0r::417.;.. ,,, , e; ,,, , ~ ~,,„„„„, S'.V ; ,',„ ' l , ~, , o , ,..,„ lif the first place I hen n tany surface soi l sdisourse ° eoopieutlg" upon mooted pit .. .., f num I 1.711 ,I,r Let, r ed underlaid by subs. its it Li 11 me coned- ', o f no practical importsitee, in inetapbynien w ;' ,.. ,, ,, ; , ,, ,, ,r , 0r,:0. , ,, 5, , , . •o i o ‘ o . 0 ~ ,, ,,0 ~, , ••• 1• • •• e• P" i• nr `''ll •.r. ''g `'''. """" and theology, and often engage in political , so n than thenaelf es, ad ibereloore it bi eomee Raoul,. involving questions too profound . „..".„?!....„7,7„„ 8 , ,',', 1 ,f i 011:! . ,E, , 1 ,. • ;., ,„ ~,,,,, mo „ ~ o , necensary to treat this 'Mb- i'tl: 111 0 t hor the ablest statesmen ,but on agriculture T" Z,7, lltru 1:11 utt r . t. ',qt. I . ~ .1 , ,, ~;t utt ,',.; r:' •; manner as to render it available r.r the. ito. , e j o ilr ••••il b•• 1 '•• • lb•••111•1° They •••" Z.:griiiii?;l: l .'o r ,'4' . on.S;Ol'o'o,:',...". .o; 00,- 7,', m !!,..,;;;; of Pl3'."• L.Porio , .'t "3 erred ".. ',. i t , plant. reap and mow. and this is the , mls mono le . 3 s oi l w noto Fa/ r,- • raeria o.ar-.i. ,„,,,. • the stiff-soil cm be bronght in (• ottlat•L %IN ' extent of their capability; or the fadamen- •••••••." rs'''' ~ 1 „,,,„ „,..•,. ,•,!;•:',",•,•,„,,, . ••• , , ,,, .. L :o •s, o r the atmosphere, .i that cheimjs:tol 3 . hangetyske , ; io p ,.. ipi .. 016........ Lin are a, ig. , ___ . Place whielo atda it • "P •••• ' 1 " ° "'"• .. .'ff Ito orant and uninfurnia a though such did Administrators' Notice :,r,7•;, - ,., , ,•7 , ,!•;:,;r t .:7.,;;;.::;„:.,„;;,== , ,, , ,, !date, and the sub -soil i d,,hil, i ; „Ina,' ~, , r n.i.t Visit their dwellings mud you it.1z0n•L5 , t ,, 0 , •.. ,. .. , . r ,, ~...., . .7 7, 3,, m the atmosphere t o rzos . 1 ," . 6 . • ''''''''' il o Intl th em w i t h ou t al. agneultural paper; Mac twos ...woe n a sit e s , o ,' o s „ . , ova I, Il WS So without Ilue I Ily nnaig the sulo they pat rohise the any and satin tan pub- . s. 7 s ,•°r•sas; . "•,',',.4` 0 1r, 1.,•,•,'„'",'",',!,.,f0015 ; to,•, o• . rt. .a z ~i ii, .00r . ;,,0 ; i; r . t . with the surfs. mil. ad that tn :at . sub : oio4tioory of the any; drink deeply at the war 2t 1 7 0 I •I 'VU l• N1,111.111‘ • t ott• • t ;4 r ' ' ' i.r , :.. `'' ;.., ~. ..'ll. arts' frequent ri '"i"g" is "•"••••• ' Litter r.00t•io• of poke:lent and pedalo al , - fully equal in qunlity t s the viper hieWno ha o min.strator's Notice. ....,,- r.'.' ...."..........'............, Ad i disputation, and are ever ready to eulist . ~,., „,,,,. ~,,i , soil. 8 ... it.. •""'•'• • . I . ••• I " . '' . •" :the:r energies in the promotion of ets) en- A ' O-'4 lor. 0, ,i• ,1 ~” r ,r 1 ..,, 1,0 too thin to contain suffieient pabtoltim I or o „ rim , i ,„ . that • h•„, they ... mow , mzoft :jrz o r oo.. n poi, , rt...v hn, 1, 0r0r,..; oo ro ~; ,0.„,,, ~,,00.orrro oLOOO ,r,r0000; vOlt•In w Itl. I platds, and therefore that they mon be ... h . int ... wt ., .., .. p . p ., d.pead ; bit if that is done by toning , • , It is of little avail to reason or rata. , Clover Seed. up im ,. •••.i .',", 1 Y °•••• .t.t ...1 . 4 ,.. " t o t .• ••'' state with much pople. Like Rea* Prim- ' so . u,1../.. ores,..anse..... o•• i ..., iram er rm., so 0.., io r,, sys.. ann.. vo n . • toe suu-soop the anis am rim . tiAll, tNO 110 , •• / row ,. b , tho %1.., o f w a b o d o bt , m ay „..,k„ rit 0 ,„ ,:R , ‘, , 1, LI II .. , :u . ;? ; tr F u ,; !:;:• , 11, , ~ tlt ; tt ; ,.., :m•i• ,... .f . 34risson essay itioalkies desired ; and Apar ato it is,. _.,., r . w . p. iit boat. and will mod. the ad I\ V ilir /1 (Ili 11 1,.1 f _ 10 oIIA, a a r 111. wawa. Ileatee. preferable to prepare also submod by mot- ' , that they hare exchanged for something Ts 11 11 WY Ill' Andrews. Pule Killer. "' i " i '''' a •h° " 1•1. " I ' ll "' "" ml """.'= k.vni“nt,k, oh.n tin.' w.t.non, in .}..- ntill:I. Ti r RR ELI, i, ”,/ ~ r.,,,,•r fq ro. 11, •rJ 1.. h•olth to br i e q"""I"" "fit with ii•° •••• ' I ' ••• ' .l ' green eases, that which is virtually or Main- ts „,, r ,..„„,„,...„ „„ ..,„ „,,,,. ~ ~„, , „„ n ~,, e ro1„ oo Poi s son me vows t„„o i„„ t . at a aroma or two yeast' o. ought submioil i • „7 . , i . 0 .0, plowing, we may thee combine the 100 1 rotor. and solid or rah.—lllaine Ce ll i. 1 4,14. ....r te . n,..,......1..•:e 1, , without fear of injuring our crops, but on , . I ", e ''' " lea ' 1•••° i.•,..°"'l it; The 'hove is a fair description or 11.. n 11" Drum. Saes. treatment 0 classeo of former. named. Whenever S imulitnes the onto-soil is e •nip-end prin. 'ln ore hear a stupid ambitioniess, self-enneeited ' 1 4' .. .1 1. • ,,,, ^ , • civilly or clay, and will not permit the AM . - ~,,,,, roiling ...,., aga i n ., , i ,,,,,,,. , ,,,... t . ~,f , f 7;::e...T,, 0 , ,, ~,, Ilea water to pass freely dowa, thus cane- in n gilture, calling all th e requiring ' m , , i i „,,,„ ,_, in the nude. to haulm mill, too cony act rho slightest cultivation or the mind to un • lope:Arena wet. deep and the !Mors fr•mt . mooch excess ~r °points. canto ,t ,h i.e Lo I. ''.•.. ''. l '.". -Boo ' f0n.n.i•••!•.".i.••.•1. this' a nee localities we Mel a . 1 3 i S'lt tat, u'lti. % " :i - o r n o ° ; : l 7 . 7 • ; b w i r ,ib a o r n c ri • . •••• . . 1 n,., aderlaid by a !media. s o h ,nil, ~Lich IS, , r . , ,,., , ,,. „ 0 . 0 , 00 ...., i .... y i ,,.._ ~,,,.„,„ as compact that the roots •,1 i !oaf egromt ~ , mi .0, „ ..... who b _ iim industry of a more ts vadat., it, mod thus for mum ::r being ~,,, pip, ` , 7 lm.b.mi s h „ im . o 4 , w „ iii, able to ad opt their oatural c, lifigli at l• mil .. " lamas die.toltolledat nor school ath d an addressed the t ...lot r . —•• Mr S.—, I thought so 1 0 0, Ito loth Il''' "". 001, 0 'i ' I ,wisp '' lido Ks. drop in nod ore yom•bmit my John road to, emaoly the °fol. WO 4 0 - chs c:. You gin like call noneensial lessons that sub-soil, the eat made in or thorough .., of. it tires him clean out and dont do him nn ten permits the ex Mot of water to p i aim. nooft nntioer. Now Mr St—, I say this lo. " l i il t i h se e n b te . g ' lM P ti ' oM ‘ s o o f lo tt ' a il. pl i nc.ts e t eol ' o l 7;..i F._ • . • :: , • ,"V n i• ,..... .//.. „ 1. ,, ff..._ ., 1 t . :,^• . • . • _15 . ' , 1...." , !„• ,,b n . permiaible to.nhe roots of plants ; nod in '_'., ..,•••• 0 •177,.._',7•,77 0, , , • r am : A . . •• • ••4' . ' ,1. 1 booth 01300 eta camitnents of the atoms. :‘ . '.. ." I ... •••• .?" I on, anima soterm, and a lolly jogruffy, lout phore ad the gases it to manias ean reach , on . m 0.,.. waste hi . om . 0 . _ rammiww __ (be ro•ots of 'Joni% era to their term; oh i i „ ,... b .... t_ that . 0,0,, , ...,•s well ...._, whi°4 °°°l ` i not " 1" "'° "nit"' by !''' , both "to% tone. nd thank the " aniOrtu " on ' t " e assist.. of 'the sub-soil plow Nor Ann. .1 . 00 .d5,..i.g.. of ~,,,,,,, , oh, . ,nod ,ninther , for by her errors they were eonvin• i ,', l . , 0 7,..,,i , red of the necessity of learning their Igo hero. S oils may not only sweetened and otherwise i.uprored by thi s 'g on g' g r....H.11 Y° of all MM., an be practice. hut M season, of excersio to rain 1 mo T a . li• b i • r a o • fi t ..". llr .7". or droughtn, the crops are snore likely i,, imum i 5 ,•0 , 1„ ._ ... ' ,. 7 . .. i i n 0• far te erp 7 b., • 11 • .. ... 1 "• 1 anweed than if the ground load not lea 1 -• '• . h understand' ofrom Is own exinnente Ai can sub-ailed. „ end profit by teen improvement; or if he Emesa of rains may ff ••• ..... • u" .l in lshald rear] the rational. of eientifie corn, , the drought tho to ors opts go down to a w h o an . not praetield an agriculturists, he, lower point to and •••61•••• • • • an. ".•• the ,an readily detect their errors, while the whole plat is sustained. Durieg t h e, dent truth., which may not before drough,t iof IS IP, we bad a rail. opportunitY, hare natured to bim. will he readily minified of OblLTVillg this fat While l'a'te of ""r ' am ...„ I imprm„.o.... lash. 0o not th„e crops on soils not eub.snile.l, m 0 e literal, selhafficients refuse to araif them/olives of lost, the name crops not the sub-roiled Mt', the speed of locomotives when deeirin tot flourished m itlo °reading rig , r. tract rapidly and diesels ? For, without! Less manure will duce eq.] restilts oro , tim tom of books a register the gradual ha sub-soikd bond 'pro •••••••i• .n . ••••,* • proements in mechanical philoaphy they bona acid pan a on at mmploo c i,,,,e.,,,01d still h oer been compelled to travel and retained for the use of plats 100 deeply' in waggon.. Success. nodular., happi dithltegrattol roils; moss games ro n„i r . 01, ni nigld nigh tom' s• at an inennipatible with i t Jem, tore Paned v iii \is: h . . , the carer's Why do not then whieacres select divine. . f Mar:ling so t. . who me notoluested V or doctors who bore It • •i• oi I ••••7 rats 'doll ''‘ " I. " r '''' learned Olen profession without reading? the waar ni the ammovia it " Lai in ought'. i .„... wh0p .., 00 . with ..,,, m ... itinp down (role the •th"'•nite•• "is in l's.P.' bonito? Chemistry, Natant P a hilophy end tins to the quantity io. son facer of ' , tato! , s Natural Maar, comotitootes the grammar j of earth esimmed, and aloe . e ca.. nos. of Agriculture. .1n artist. might an ell,w off to the rivers and otre . tata wilh the attempt to paint a pnature without Bret I an .3f 'd ware I .. "'"ff "•" ••• •''''''' '•- learning to drew, or o scholar to write a Ill( inileepeneol and well .- 1i . i ... w rut..l '. ''" 1ft...,...g, - it !I, Mt Graf Naming its alphabet, all these gases can be Mosul toed, and a the .. p or , , ...r to hope for access in his' wins be still in excess. they eaten carry lousiness.: is day, witl t reading add- oir tho fa'tilisinff lo'clt•di"" .Led 00 o iir•• cultural bm ond papas.— Working Far. received. Recollect elm ilia a ram°. is available for the use of plate, nnless Co f moms —The nailing distance to 1,.....„.....-, : ... .„ --- either in the form of n Bus or in tolotion C Ott' -his aro • tll Cape Hen is 17.000' .r . '" , r 7 :3;1,", t 7,:f ~.. ;7; ;:.,"..,',..".;: ":re in wafer; both of which states are more 'mi . ., .. rm ..,,,i1 a.. tario i ss d to 0 w 0 ,.. likely to trannpire in thsoiled land than ih n 3 , c s , i s .1.. 0 ii,... ,„0,.., ti t . di._ in land which is slightly I.lowed. lan" • lov way of (Thames and Panama in The meta of plate are much I mg , [Lan 0 509 elk.. and ea be performed in an is generally supposed. lo ong aftod they be- dar• —providing there nre no hindrances at come too minute at thew . 111 , 1•1 to be t isible the Isthmus This is the rant expensive , to the naked ems they coontilloie to, el ~,gate, route --fell dentin to that around 0., c ape and as thee receive their her I io iocipalle nt, The roveo land route by way of Indepen• i their termini, dP ends, i.ei /.1./.1 010111.1 'I • donee or se. .T.wer Ws, not. In Fort 1....... • ht • condition to MITI( anti supply Quid fed 'stir, s o .oh po„,„ Fort 11.11, .ba Slob or, Tito average length of the roo 40 of the corn Mary'. River, &e can be travelled with I stalk is found to be from lite 0 . rim feet ; waggons In about 100 days. This route i of the 00611 eighteen inch., ad :them in entirely impractienble dazing the winter, phonts in p tale roportion, seaan -owlet/ to tits great depth of snow. why d, we disturb the surface of Om R a d ar ,. who. M a.male,l, I , r , F on ground between the hills of own and pota- Indepeoroleuee by the 20110 of April or the! toes, ail Mod that we benefit our raps prat of May. It is said that emigrants ho I thereby? Dues Bab treatment increase, the , r0 ,1,..i o f ~,,r 10,000 aro „„„,,,,,, o . the fertvilising maim isle we have previously 'tine there at this time, and are to be eon- i put in the ground, or dam it open the sum ,dueted Items the country by the eelebra-; r.. 14 tint adndasioo of air to the roots? e d Kit Caron. —Flag. F,........ If the hitter, must at Abu same facts .. .„,., old _ _ _,- _ apply to the lower as well as the upper' • 1 1.. M..", near F•air.", Pc. b.. note? been held to &newer for Gutting of the ear an who was awnins &uh en.tumui.... base ...Udall those tin"' 'ayoun :tar The g o ld fellow entered th g e r hi um a g nd 11411. to our oatisfeetiow, as well as to that relieved to him either to bu shot or to of our neighbor. Many who at ant were r .... hi ...„ .. 0 the rem . eheee the unbeliever,. In the use of the sob-soil plow, ''' who admit its necessity, and none who have, ' e la e r e r i eet A e Z i ll th h e t h e a thee " h t et • T the le i i t h h i t ' L i t i ."r i o b i kwa ts ° C . ll.° ""°d° to ° " 6 " I fal girl to bar lover, who denten that Nth' . she would hare his spy{ how, whether he Oar preedee at prawn Is to plow 1 i. e .., et . we. . i . on neon plow hill nventson hens deep __e, Mn t _ t. _ .. unlucky . multi where the aloha will adult of I. and then 172 , .. 1 ..!19.•• t. en_ *ant . equates , , to follow In the furrow with a sub-soil plowo . 77. 4 2 l , lB9 u=proa l abl i L in lessn irs. L ks i t which eats throligh without Wrong one to t ," • •••II ...on. fin depth of meneteen Who' non bekur • •l'"' 'MI ti , Inn •• sal le • trentallilt t ne bottom of the *roe. and this test- r s- - o . net les dose ono for on Ind nu nen ....: 11 . 40011k11 Olierie the nose used Epos i• N. shall do- .11 4 .., ~ ~ =V mi. .1... Tr..w= In then partladen In • futon artiste oie tie .„.24l:forre Pure deep pimping, and we do not her hot An dysawkll.,o,lr4sea.M ~,V....!% ss ,„. oar practical readers who an not already r e ir= t ronat e n% ef adessw altm. .k r .ml r . fi t lUD anon wilt .0011 heroine . Utt heal. ie. flow oho. de we 'hear of meadows '''",4itio7Tir .. " nosier not, and OS lossalsing lis rotes of goo . 0tt „....., t _ te the grams waled dal air isiss sassiad ans . m5 .M.....at iapsnassth soilbelaw, sal Ass sesassa Z . gs::••:T;:l. r rr. r 11 , r, r rrrit j rr rr • N •j rr•‘,,,. ' . • Farms For Sale. r • ERESI N I" •• 11Vorlot INralmo • , L ' ;!' •• k *At ..41-04'fr- XEW ARRIWYEIT . 1i,:;,•;1: 1 1'."' , 177.: ,. .*; . .: r ;';1. , .a , ,.' , ',,::,':,,17:;.; ,, .',. r . .':'; STOVE, TIN, COPPER H. SHEET-IRON Marrow.,Dec 141.11.1•0 P . Mt '. lLl T r? .'''''' ''' - '' " .Vl:l:l ' , ' L ' ,'' ' - '''''' :;•"' Doctor Touraclt for 23 cc ~7 , t., soul, 1 - • fr 7.111 TED-Pg• 11 F411;8 . 111141 Tlll ,1111 11• 1 3 I n l 11 1• 1 1 n 1, , ,,,, , .. I'l • , '.. ..., I: I. onle " V.:', 011yirenn TelgOti.&lo. 1 10d14.11.16. .• ....,, • ~, , ~.... ~ ~ , ,, ....411. TA. 1... i 1•;;;;r; .Wil; , ~n , ' ' ,-; • nJn; iiin' i ' r,...i' ni' ...' 7 '4."gr.'''''' "' . ...1' t" ' ""': 7 . " t enn.lnoni • Jai, al in l , Iln . ,;; ... •' ; n; ii In 111., nee t , ..e.1. * * ' 6 ' '6'6*. . 6." .7:., * ,17. 1 ,.. e. *" ' *ri '''' " ' "." " 6""' ' 6 ' salmi:lnm , ', r 4: :. Pik, Proof Chrsts. , --. I4llllr n. 11113, Mir Inn nun,- w0.v..1.011n nr ..., ~• - CI INS & WAT in a rra 3/ i n•P , Inn re'. Paean 11t06;::::•Vri.;?;..7.*:;.7.:'.',",; T , 'r"; ,, :'%' , !'" , :%!," ,''' • -' ' ' ,l,' '•—•.'"'""••''''''"' '""''"""' :=';',4l'.:l;'l.: ;4:: 'L„!:''..i :':.'„:1;::'.:' ''' '' r' ' . ' 1:17:' ....,, ~,. n, t,.., . ... Inn Tn,tionni. I nu .1.11.4'14, art . ... nt•ell; ' T n ' S tniV . 1rLe0re........4 •111, ii 11,111.111,1," Om vlnnrtnh orn- ' . • •;:. 10111 is !:g.l'g l• all Ile.t.aot temp...ain even 4..4,, .I:.Y. e. terr a..” , • .e.' .. en el .4 ...1 6' 6.- ,, ~..„„,.., ,ty.,,,y.,„,ty botm...„ti b , teCy: „,,,', orleethek en.l ta hi:, In wlen.looribleNe "ea i Vreg=gtrt'74'llt.4.X ~.7r.::::•1. ra10t;11..•t!1V:t""4.T.,.7,:,,rty,t,:::,....,:?,t! I •=7',.:,...:;tt";', z.:!,- „.....•,,.- „..c.:,;".V.17,ZaT,r„:',;.„-;VP:,•...V.:':::^v,TV" • ab•• : they nye reetinmen.bel ...... met , eel . .eta Itn. b. en.l no 11.1 . gar...tr. • reel, at . Nen. harottLa kltii. .....,,...... tom • yonerta ~ trete.. wit, •nn lentnll” patalte bonfire. IV r ale: nnnthren In nmnoine. am 1••••1.1, •Nr•••0•1 nre 4,11 ion1•••••neral limn% mn. turn n Inrge n...nrnannt nr nun llnnnlyin d eer An• Pleb 6.1......14../............. tot • • terlel of' mos. r.." , . , ••• e: e . 1..... en . ol ll . ..1e... e 4 . lbw IT ream, awl . .1 ka014.1, t 0 orthalr •Inillaret, :a`lta' I.` ^.4. 'rlelta rall•lbetlnn' .Ow la aw/ ...MIN, .4 by mloherlnn• 1n...11141e nen In , Innern-cwhinh n • •111 refry tbe yob... • len ggee 7.= ' ,., " : ". ,,t...4 ........,.. ...„ ere„.... t h.,, 71Ty17..P.Tr..T.; 6 14 44 . 10 : ,Itbr e h , ye.. 1.. ... ..,,,..,...,....,,, ~,,..i.,.., ".,,o, .11, 3 . 1111nn. Carr. 11,31.4 n!nn. Fa , "I !11. TeiterA • . a Iht ryne0:4....1 n. An • 1.11•1•,. n 111,3., north 31 et l,llnrf 31...1n len a, lnerynnenr. nom, nod* kiv ..... ..... ....... ..,,,..., of rllhnrl /111.1.10 a ... .1 be la 4.1. 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