:,......0... 0 ......,.h............ ...I .1 ).dyers itteasokarly we find them lees) on &MIN. end breweries, Dr. These ere' If it k not paid at the time designated, the ! me have Peter Sten Smith as C.llector of' A name ..ding was to be held on the 2691 - , Ision of 1040 1 00.11 he pretend that he Med, in ollane• [Per 70411 he Whoring readolion le remelt i lo be class., se medicine venders are cleated, o- ' o Consteble ie to Collect it. 'Philadelphia. • t The French are enrolling themselves aa • _...,---..tm e . i n ,,,,, ,u, m.o. Mem. hi... ........ of b- a.., .P.• .. Sob Sir .0 not interfered with-where Clayton -It never would do in the ' body•suard to prelat e s Lord Elgin. Thy, o Remfred, Thet the deroomatie mem- for then lie.. • mega. from ea . 16100, the the Committee a a sub-district and the di- wrirld, sie Filter Lowi ,puddle, Dale, or oivertiment attempted to gain pesos.. te the Journal will .hew, dodged the solo ea many, ---- - .., .. • .. 0n „_,,, n ,,, ton , ..........., . oar ... hh, tam of this House (other than those eon- minimum mmget to be 92000, and the max.. reek. disagree in the employment of a Oilpi o I ntl be the Imo Our Ise Mere a the Cetada telermyth *keg teethe da ... , 0A r 0 ,........ A L A ................ fined by indleyosition) wko dodge the once- ,9100,000. Eon... of • violation of rot. pot. Mack, , the 1 . epic a • sub-district Itn.e sill out go Smith. air. Yo THE DEMOCRAT. '2''` "'"".6 ...' ."" f".`,".^,' . r w,',.." r h ,„:" Tb " ..`„,' 1 "°° `b° byte ' tZras tl aten f t for the day, 1 Th....., ° e n ~,, ... i n ot o f genere i Mt.. • but 'hey were promptly denied them. sok., be ! mum wig, mg ...hyaline toot execedine /MOO the right scut • teacher, who must, Low- N 4 1 .1 ....4d f1 0 i • c 01 0 t r: Well, then, let us make him o., T r. h: r y , : . t. , inoelligenets may b• atilt more . , w a y he had non ~,,,,,,,„ At one d t ot a d 0 ......„,„„ 0 .... in whiab mid vole ie tskon.'' . rector.. . C109100.-But you know, sir, that is to --- ; in... hie cond.. Th. pogrom win se his. Th......... 1 be manned, iv. like • All Matt Virginia! are mode subject to aome gentleman from the country. ' All monies eubjcet to taxation for State go either to Morris, your early friend or Cammellala Allide s & hem long ere the ...0 Beioneh sose theoght a W.& Mrolve into 1110 P•rnp of Me Why., Benk o The Democrateef9namia have deicloorged their & county pw,f..... Mon AAAAA , April 213 . • u.r--- oo oo 000 foo too r 0,,,,,,a,..„,,, 0 „0 o to,„ ag t, men and then ante, of whom Mn. We appeared whole duty to the country. As far . heenl non,. g o w n .] An. All day rsterohy a most fearful excite- Prmident.-Then let it be Pnehmister. to be chief. At first they a.. di...... ad the Whig. I.e a member of Cong.. in the Vitt The state appropriation of two hundred ......th ~...,,.... h., ‘b.,.., .... maims; ~,, ~,,„„ ~,y , „. „p , th. y M., . 1.. th eo un, co r . th nnot o-ons on the VlM...tel. thousand dollar. is continued, but it is not Atnerierin, he had not then become odliciently Mantel. to cL y i o .. - w,,, rm . i iii , ~,,, Th . Nor , ment existed throughout the city. it was moderstoed, were t ho At L 1 I'. M., the mass meeting, calkdlo„ * . , favored with an appointment ot one of to l E w r ti e i r w l w i r e w ,:„ id g l o i ,: ' , 6 6 * ,, tr 'we*" of ail. it, end 11.1 y noted It down. 05Ir Botts,-. in the Vlllth Memo t. 'lately 111.0 the basis of taxation. wt..* a.... ... '.`"...... eget. the Dentrocr.c doctrinee of 1111beid. , ...an. . Hee me A& Lott. 0 dodger here , Ah ' not he. represented by the pow. Neeretery of the Noy , , The people do not vole on the que.lllll of i• - -- - - - . net liebtlity , yet he peattody aided thew defeat by • . Pee Meier Fri.& for that rlace. Never Cha m p D 111 country, I."' cooler Noccro.. The Court en Saturday 4.4,.„. th, ~ ..... to, .'newt e ,„, eee , on Ile was an bend , fore... in the fight, end ease ale Post., -snot one, probs.', to the Illd Me. taxatio n mind : The General shall be taken care of . ' 4 e" tth e "."' and "' po lar re considered the ...ion of David 1 .. ? Sark- D „thn,. 0 e e .. we , nom ., 1........ annmated ho• COM... by ethos warA tee Siete Iriel.(M: Flour., t-feall In all Ihe Demme.. The Superintendent is required to fur- after g „bib,. mm took nude was present Strong rs or SM. bake, for a tavern Ise., end gr.. , but ono favor to ark, and that ia. th at you Preston.-Well, 31r. President, 1 have " I" i " . wwr* passed, and a petition to the • tend. to hie .l ay . • 4.10 refon.n.live,emj rut. Whig &legalieri saw. it! .w. ton tnoy hs^ .4 Imo. , el the XV. down., lately nial toe ach School a copy of the new Map Queen to rowan Lord Elgin, was lofted , o n , eon,. as dud Mr. Tag... we find, to our great mom. to be coerced into the dowharge or ha duty in mat rerreeented by Mr Drown, .atoby no meat. a ii a sta. a Penns3.lvania-largo six. A call st th;lhopterr:an rooms of Mowers btv• 1,,,,,,,,,,,..„.., rere ., ,A ,,, ,0 ,.,....... p .. manner, or else be col off from .IP per th em. cert.. If the Democrats gem, as they have a _. _ _____ . o ut the . „„, „ 0ne , , ..1. i n 0, eit i„,,,,, the and adopted. At the earneM request of iie had rentottered • mune of dodging , end wan t• chance to do eight more men.. oto the Cone.. CABINET COUNCIL No. 2 election is rover. I confess out doings nitt tic ttp o rincipal leader. the people dispel . ..l - moie & 14001 k. sill well re. mall. The. Wm the 12th to Ike Mot of Mat., 1049, during Present- - The fletterar -blr. Clayton, the 4th of Marelt have produced to sad ' . l T" W. some beautiful epee... of then • 1111. eke., rlllllosl the entire petted of the Book contr.. ut ed the Mee. 0 .. it them.' :tie . wetly , atonal elem.. m . n to mum ni Mar, lend, Doh, The five gentlemen emitted have been 0h..., work to .h. • , which we . 1 i • ll ink will tempt the Hew, 1. owe le . imr. found recorded in . me. sap... mast Wee., most iseerniptible ware, Rhode bland 31..... North Comb. Ir. Meredith, Mr Crawford, Mr. Cella- , state of things in my State; a. I fear die committed for rioting,A b the th man y • • e.', oat tia one who gees them to he de.erreo. the Ito of votes. Dank opt.aone, Othough it •-•• Mt- Le'.' • .. A 1.., 31... Pf". b..... mote... tner Mr. Preston,- Mr. Jolonson-Euing, ..President. name of Perry, the great leader of the fire , ~.., 0 .,„ 1 . ,11......, w they do not esp. to 0 ... r. et w e e. .0 0 e „ r n e d .. ... o . „ thee . W h., then, . excuse for hos dereliction .' Indiana. M. 0.. 11101 ktiellt 1,4 , .11 we drink o the Ileadatuan," ...it. o President. (dejectedly).-And Bo do 1, me . I , • • I be o• ~,,, oi tone a grent while howl I. n a Fury .mean um nip...! Here ,o ,be r i b... Ple. h.. W ...ens. I. treason le they mil n 0... romp.. gam of et Woo that Clayton and Collamer look trim...nit- the Lord only knows ot in this city, 1. . committed te Ids party end ht• emetit.ntst Flowery IL Ir. not number, the Whigs will be . a ininordy in both Meredith renigned-Crawford, Preston, end Jobmon -Mow ilul it happen that "" rh "g e wt. °nee ' .. arm •en Ur.•'-The Dram, law we. made roofT da • idly V d . ~,,, ,- me* m a braancw arras, on which or Din rag. - k . .ti of the llons, Journal of that year " tedimennee," for wo find he was net •...Oh. breeches or Congress, and Deneral Tsylor, ftlhode- Johnson, indifferent-Old Zack - monomer_ Cheatle,n, hant, at Smltyillo woe ',mond st - 71 .r F ' ,, ve b nmg : """e b n e‘ r '' °. e"° , The President.-]low oho I d I know 7 , that . . ° Pm Y ... °g m.. I . ..11 wes .. ..to make &ends fee ihe o North pored of the veto, voll be ueefol only no a.m. MI " .4.0 d spot, enough. Nene abet Ion& meremord, 0 0100. sae me& top... to the c.d... ' rood " ~,, ,as ,„ 00 ,,,„, ,i„. ~,,,,,,, of the t o., Drench t enohow that quemonwas only on em. bill. pieord by Dernocrebe nituonties We $4.11 The Premier.-Wo here now l kie:Ln7 , • Ask Collator, I -.kick.) Cheatham the." 8 1' ...1 . C ." .. .. 6.1 ', II." armed. h S .* " killer of that brave youtig ml,lier, who af- ww.. ‘" rwe w "" rmw g .th ' " .." r ."°. ' of &Br &et em l'h e Dank had proved Wye at that time, wit h . ..eel whatever of he. .1 be at all surprised. tot., if the Democrat. gtou ly a month in operat.i., Genera ded by the leaders to wait till armed, and • bolt Le r ' ,S g Zhl i ral ' 1 rnive7ocrthrod7l.llke'into:r7m:lt. tog .tied upon dung M. won.. What then ... o h, to , th e co.tiog electoons, to be wrong ' havo hod a fair opportunity of tming tse • I 'tor lightiog ~ n the Rio Grande, came home r , r : ikon no Imola otio , t. We congratekwhon en &elf . nnten ...mom. Doe Do .ti er.... tip- ...00 o we Anoet. A hen . A d h . 1 • R • experi.ent of the Pr !sideney 14 it. quite only to volunteer for service in the valley , ww *wwwww.r took dace between wi.oll .. e on. t. moogh on the llotow of epee... to carry . . '• ''''''' l''''''" .'bow " " P P"" 'eh th , """' pee to P"th"Wng m. being, "4 "ed t t'tglY ."- body imd hr.., t. th e g 00 5 0 ,„,,0 s o „ k to„r• th. mos area. both Whig's, Pree..l., . difficult as you expected it to, be? of Si ox i„ . Or h . i . oot i, o. , 00500 y „ twenty English genttemen and these e0n 11,,,1i boo femme, y etwee.,ss wo et. lon, tco. the 0 .0.. 0, (IL , :nw.. , ...a...) m , • , , ... c ...i.,..; ,„,..... , n , 0 ,11 . ' '"‘". , l'resident.- resident.-) t a Mon.. times, ' II I io. p eony lo „, hee ,,,,,,,.. .. shoot ., tAA nn i es, who mold wantonly Bred on them. er• .whether for - owl !Wessman.: Oiilr e few of the small party had Rms. r.l.r.f it ewer lithe Whip 01 Sunmeharine I tee Metzoor the:arm It nee erten celled ttp "sat Pretend ._ .............. thip. . 0. ,tho. then I me dreamed of. lam sub. occupy the White House, it mum be by the .... let it not be ...tem 01000, e ii, not reriend heartily to 1 , . enterpnee nod go,• dice page km ... t he 17th of M.., when NI, I . 7 . ' .. o Thee coo ' le " • 'Meted to aline.. daily humiliations, either Montan.. mot e ..r the people, and by no "I bieh th .Y discharged upon the maw and • 11 na.a. e1de... 1 i f I wi w il f w e• in °h. or the party that bee " . hen,, declared toy the 1% hits s, to l ee retreated. bearing °Hone of the par . ',Pee r s,r a liberal wipport, the fault o 111 be Pearce, Democrat. offered the follow.. provtomioi , e ~• th, „ r. balm... .... ....,... .... I , - t f k - io Ise of the various act of mine, to that ....old fit hill, the If ved-toon by dim -) my wbn 0 moo- i 0. That d 0 em for otter the pa.. of Otte . ' . ' Pr.rm"" Td .41h• lob, utterly banknom end des.. . 0heu...,, .re t wet. I.f b li c e itr II .1 /7•I/• C ' f M ''' """nawi in ll.' leg l' Y . Pi 4 "/ 1.11 . ore the • ndintr... or y ce on a ...... e. o . an. at le lir 0,- . act. add bank ehoold ref.. lo pay on dememi secret of 1m conduct-the whel...de and only wnsims, and week. bream. ass of patron... ft 2',..01 b the cries uttered by some persona in. The Harienti IMlev• mede at the roomier amid bank. dud. .' mon. eWu actuated hon. We. defy him, or the to pewee. is op e e ,,,,., poor nt t0 . 0 . A. the , or inability f 11 *"t t It/ • I It I h ' " to 501 d . .. nay e to,ettmens -.Pa r n 00 prop e, em . 0 0 t e purly ~.„i, .„„ . ndir,,,i,, ~,,,,,,.., I am not the Fetid.. a a Oiletl 0114 . .. i . the eroud, one of the gentlemen tot o fired y, ~,,,. „, g .,,, ~,,,,,,,w y imi rook 111 re Wm, no told ot wirer ..... ... , bon. de- , em br,o sour sem. oie.bo , that yeah for km ~,,,,„,„,f tgy .,,,,,,,,,, p,.,,,,,,w0m0 ...her °LI 3 - • '-- • r . ' .. r • oral) , . •- ' moguls me Dna their schaego moat her. loon w a ne rowel a .I‘.. Hashed Num.., 7:; . .° 1. 7 . , .." " . .l ., :;; 1.. 1 . g . e . 0 011i1; . ..... 1 e b o ri!p n tifoa: A ... ent, ether am , .• , eekd to seem e, and beeame they did not to the mat -nal party, too uo ... I. Yet .. had. ". •the " ." " .th °- c . not' in time I mould not 1011,11 Johnson -I see that the ulnae Whig taken effect. During the whole night these Mr. SPAS.. Na ......., o e hone mos beeo ;des, or tele p enenty on which nod insintotion may! But it in. he . 9, • "we a the ee• thein g "'", Gen.' T. I°r lan hardly have a eorpotior• w ee e. le" • ' r K ~ . . . , ° were drilled, armed with outlaw. and pis even a • each of ten hoes to make to them. Inv. o entute t t ,is out against tto mt. I i , he ~...,..i. Market. seemed, Ma ink. place. Ws recto ed mor on.. be eau. 4, of me h nfoool hairtng been renernied Dint !eon: the perry ha. docerentlemed him m. „„oa 10 PIPOPS as duce pthau or to defend as in- ~,,, i . 1* • • • harrowirog subject to a 'work . .. Pantonents a Allen and Meeker -Mr. I " •• e ' one ,„ „ rat s h e d, we proltemed our silo XX Man for e.o o o :O o :l p ?.. p tilv;:d . g.:t th :l ope e . n . ..: 4 ..T.: , :zh . yrog • have supported Wm." The u tree : we ewe, ~,,,,,,,g , ,,g . ,,h, r ope', bran. a do. National Ain, rho militory were under trine all night, Crittende's organ denouncing the latter . m , Jae rent mune e. snot fro.n n ab .„, lee. or f ' ' , ro a tal I. eholl o.p.int throe .eeetr.s, who. .. e . "'""" re it e ' "" 1 "" thi..e " . rhe "iIY begtolattire.-peasse/... of need.. sad the addlery drawn up to the square. Meredith, -Bui, General, you ere not with much hitternem. ""' !" . 1 ". 11 . de.t . farre et. '" . hien, ening 0 asfactoar serum, ...rod coon, elui ewer we have to offer is that of ignorance -it I have the beat authority for stating that o other oor onto. ..mat themech es ...........d, Imre ;mom to take po.esion Of all then me. 0 1 noottoe , aal we h oon ,„. io m.,,a. I n t oo th, Meet Dhaetrona Vire 1 called upon to talk on obeli we questions The President - tientlemenTboo ' t laugh . wir Bei • moot Durban C . d f th or .Is.• I. ...soled to . up,. iipou o Th. Mt- a.... 1 to iiik.....,1 p.m,. wri...to.l . v i t . o er.ir Tr 1 i sicon• with your *kilo. o we had not men tW &mot. env.... aI. 00. We learn t. too 31.oadY nit. aet ho• _ i,.. .. ,., ... 4 . .1,., when I repeat. lW following pledge mt. tot ~ 'l' ~ t mut. er o. to 'I is all you know Dr. IV J. .k. Hither, a Philadelphia o"I For " w .°41. 8 14. Si" Z.Woutme t eo ....dim. , . i•• 1... ne e •tb ''.. Fr ;:,77,7,,','. 1 :',". 1 .,..r„','=„"„,"„"."!:,4 °l"',„r:, remoillein 001,1 slice Y 0,... and palpable defec. P fin lime, 'ow on o. 0di.0.,,, awellingn, nut- ab,. /: W m oo„ N ! . It Counril last night, Wok remark. to Mo. am not willin 0 to 111.; the entodidate . I any ti. it, .r. ...mint). se.. to me 4 . fl , , ~ 0 1 .the ninon hod otaented etc ei e ror 4 on &D. , orsi.lieshie, mod smite their owe.. before' end 00.0 down. doe no- ........1 and win. houses end loom r, oezeept one or mon belong.. p 1. . ,,, 0t0 . , ,,,, ,, apt 10, ,, i..00 , ere, d to . ow ti e I urp r to CA TaeW one of the II ever • rbil or-est...holly every thilille liilrtyle • tot elter. ot Ilo • rford. and on .... t..... r efit. odiont• '0 00 0 If upon u Mow th• ...00niterofeeid recen• o n e m. t n .., pled we k nown w h e t we now due estate a dw. IV , Dr. Imo.. Siro , bsk o, w i , . . . t lo ) ries in .akin in . ....i..W. aloud nave that • Hell springs dit . ectly fr.. the M.i.e. 3• ~ t00...1.t. The to pen prob , I , ', on o . nand . me. th en 0 .1... oPP. . h. ... ".."' ' M. tdoof he ow.. cams, we are frank to ray W &.royed 10, fi re , to. , they with ahem helf a 1.. '-rd - Ile demanded to know by whom author ! ' we aof tho • 4 ee. " ,,,e ' coo, I ‘ u voe Cometitution end the best and pram... limos.. oW rs dn, in mere , to• , or en ..... .. : . m , r .. 7 t ta r s, ,o u .o f4 o r . htt 7:At :7 . 1,... , 1 . : ~.I le , . 1 e 1 . ..1 .. c e lat , , . „ Weer cadd has e received our sopa., nor could he ,velieddeLobrery, anil needy hall of 01. how, treP" r . _l° . .., . .., . . ..., . . ..., ~ .it v those lecti had L ien armed. Ile said! , 0.,,,.. t h e & tun . o f 8,..., N .. I or ., 'Mist sis oi me country, and woo to 1/11y 1,. ~,, . • .i• Walla told ell f ort. on wt. lo elm. to ... .0. Mall dm& doe mod bele. nomong the stn.- hare been re.elected. mule. by oh, NI haw lite hold ...tore belonging to obe Cloudy. 'Die to 1.1 t , ot th r Mjest 'do the di:plite about Do. T i ... b.cond g c,, ~, soh Indy deemed. if elected to the Pt tut- ' • Hero ' l'' ee e • Y . - ' " '" "'', ''''''. a "''''''" """"11".'" l''''''""r'''''' '"'''.'......'d .....' .....N '' ...we of the Joitroalsove ...have coon. was firm ober„vered tot Meg.. Atom :r . nt. and lov the aid of heaven be would o : bloc lads abont Diet biter.' Pr. t...... 1 I auntie! office, it moat be without no, ago i... "' • . „ o , e , o , ,„,.,„,.„, oo A fi n toll eg ~„ o „ en „ „.. e n., "tai1,:,... held b. each. aed thero. atee thre ard in Weir .old.; us; for in truth, ootwolodanding P. M.) end it: en... inoist hare caught throe.c oo no , , ate nto ,,,, e ~,,,o th. that It wee unconstitutional to ann th. Go, c I nor of this Common.alth the . loader P o , one ., . th .„..„,„. A 1111, ,1111.1111, ani otutr i o t • • I I .. 1 a o willotit t . ' l. ote "au. • . podohel. d to, hot tor a ...tom d' . . o hiol oar''' . ors. totwoutoon.elll. IP hereby r. oked . the freqinnt honts we h. bed a late, that they wotte ere......" ''`'. • ... „ A ki„, ~.„,,,,,;„e , g y,,,,,,, , noi 111 , PI dietished aspiratiouna :nod L. one portion of tW paddati. aaginst An ",. -• II c !,4 r, said Ww' ' l ' 4 " w * 1••••t - Ilt Taggart roll the Dresser:Os sfellig would diet.. some nom drmteabie end lo t th. wry he., W.. we have nod Innoraln cent • • Premier -W4•11. it is t. II Dula to now. those olutie. I inted g i momoo t indled 1, olio , of ~ . ' Tooling r. . Ito Cl en. Gore he aid ° Go• not ..... oh we o 0 pas •.y tn.. 4 niw .. hs•-h! ~, e, .at Mr. 1.. tog. pia, no. mho - artful k om d, ...d o ...a tr ...., w• were n . pm. ted oemdo we loma w.h. r airy ..."" di it ono. We intent get. to work. Tin., party pledges rof ev.., i Wooden . ' I keen . , , ,g• - •.... 1 oink atir teteurleetete the etthite t Wet ~,,,.,.• pored W melt en ezlntrinon of political profligacy. covered 10, tonetrattee. are a needier of app:. moots to make 1 ott a ill Wlit..o me ot hen I.y that 1 oh., 'to lot harellenev, tho G 0... fieneral o and ea 1 send pima body of II • • h troop. - .071 Mr. Dootte mond sat. follow • Il es t i or ea we mt., made gord.r peon. lest '..r..'ird"foin';'.'pot.l".l.l::•„';;;ll::. nay .::: ." .o h on 'h t ' a n' t.. „ oe " ,!;:; ( !, ' „ ' „ e ,, " . - . 6 1,,,,,,. g..,...re to oW I. W t .., that must b • Moon . .acti i f I t001...t00d bold 1.. lam, "at var..° with my own , 30 . to mitten h‘m sod 0.11 will one eon.. , meek, to Sii.ollll.d fortify our attack. up. Mr peon .. ..,,,,, „ „ And. h 0,,,,,,, „„,,, eno .l 1 •I el • C "' Ito d• yat LW lilt 010 . ., I lielteve, to mo t hot o too ~ e aspire liiiio . .e u. a plum - too Mit ilandestine mming of the French. ~that Cshinln 4 , 1' the onom Petah ...". D.. ..Neetisio-• Th. the einekholders of mad leak' 1,....• corrupt Mod 1.41....... •• by the n ' • in..) cb ° remer..t. a.m., wheretnWhiole, )on new the prom illy of o ieldier to the Thin sidijent ;own o nieans a plan alt onu popidstion. Dimon these men and find by ..4 .., fact to elm. otumbialiss caw •of •o pot. shall he W.I. and austral!, tie. .p a y and ent. ., one ...., h . Ato .. HA , An !pi. 0.4.,,pf.„...... pop., I tae p.p..... . , pl' M' or n wk.., 0 , rcnnnyni, [And so the C ..... ocil woli.]-Perm. . , dream soon., or other obligation. , whose authority they were •rmed." ~.. p.m. nu. oho h W poesSiburil. ned a 1.., 7.7 .. : ;I I : " .. i _ de 0 , , r ,, off. I. fecce of the. p.. we h " te lmslignent 1. eo. Dotal.. lo explain. or in inty President. -Yielding, Sir ;is it het ge. a , Sie iseeeilit he the ...tor, in .or e • - It is understood that Cl o. Bruce and Col. ROBERT IL LITTLE, Eget. , 'her own soar., nom. the mot storkholders,poiony !wk.., in. poor, to every one. No such effort 1.. d , ,I, writs o wry efetool. Le .odor e . • .op ...no n big on daily, in defiance of my wishes, eta More Canadian Troubles. Taeho do it on an order from die event ' *Wv '' .4lhr ww*".""th"..."11..." mow eon be mi,,, , roi. Ile no. &under ale. and , ode.. mt.., in 1. , 111101110 41f toy pledges 7 Iloy rim tr., Thur.., Apt il !Al. 1 ,,,,,y. .• I ..., ' to , hot in.. wort of. otology ".. is man erfal, a • debts of hke amount era by law • I . .übbt"..'nd ""'"" d'g't"'' end "t • CHo i„ -1„...t be at tided The -h.. r. , our readers for 0.000 M. 0.. $lO, ...a ooen „..„,...... , writhe nmier th e ea ,..., . o . AAA oet, with I. mato •he •“ etoe . / Sore nannemap , ...arra.. or .1 h 0... . . The Earl of Elgin, Governor General of 'Die .111.1 aro reflood In be given np t root to lie borne; we mu. Bite . .. ,,,t, t., o•t Ind les p 0.. ol •!...ct .... le fore tool, el 01l it be 1,....1 .on l',• atm 31 , 1,00110 M ee. I" ^ " ne "'"'"-• "" th r " . th he ne " "h1 "`" .." M. 0..... h Dow . 110 prodraolt &ids Pre.. -", g . lanada, eatne di,. M the Leeidative The British me rapitlly at • g and • dread ] I herendowe do. • but th e milord fa. of het W:, or the result wdl ban disastrous. 1 . .,.., To ur. to e own. th e teak le 0. thong Imo n doe/gets the one.-Mr Ta,. t es t and other Demo. a • ". ' li. Water the re,er - more to h. mete' Collodi Chamber t enterdav anti gave the foil fight is expected. The 71st regiment , lo and, ow ow. hot on wren.. irmwrinnelt .le. mots twig aye ! , lo.n. on tturneretts t , during theft. ite- ' Prerident.-Wb, Sic it did not take -.- • . . di .. . d -!, ,„„ wo ., V o Royal morel. to the Rill for Pm meld of di, art tool hoot St 0 Ins 11110 morning, ae • road of his officood career, betrayed I. tone, and Irr Will • .. Ned Bowline . pl.. sod us a nore ""eh t" ithith e " I ' -o ' l ''' . --.' • - w wr ! Rebellion I. ,01.1. the recent ,l' • *' the Pro, incitel Cm sky are momentarily en i,i !Lwow. mined, expo wed our mon. Mr. Ileuedut, f pore ,e , .., iliont moved toe MI- 14 , 11 OS. sue bed to the Bank& wt &ever 01.0 him no ltd... ow to, emottomm. the Ilaraleir. mu ...... i. xirtite wax not print awaited the seige - . osopprovol of hos esreer es men.. of the 1.... Imo., • o retails eto whin h have clouted such t. atilt.-, loe. led. We etc.. whereto err.. iheelmoire. m Motion to Y. noon gave up to the remould.* of ow bode nor dow -i.0., and mom... et the right, and I Se...r o o to - Ti,a no d„,,.., o f I I o b oo k „l i .l' ho fee, awl bOiM., e11..,,,, ti0n or ca.. , .„ 4.p., ...R..... n 1. ~..., th.A. ,, we 0 , e0. _,..,..,.., end no ., .... nee ~,,,,,o , „ tom. ito this 1 . 1 , , ince s whereopon a vet ' Vigo r Can • oda is in a fearful elate of ex - et the 111J0,111 , sot of doe undivided ...ohne and e n a. drawee or endawser, or both . drawer ' hare t een hot • tulle of the evolenee we might t - . I tlov I . heads c.fr .. s toat, that 34. Ist ht. a u : """"' ''''' ' 4 "' k l''''' iw Ihh*W Y I " `'‘''' "- ' i' .. ." 0 1 • nod enderwr,. a, ene u, ho . meow moment I edd.,.., blethe rs ,,,,,, we 1,,,,,,, io o , o k o o Ol eo , nude 001 Ihe re is a copy in Weil, 111 1. CSi ell C hog. The ovorageol Tories fired Gus Park. At Cohort:lu the . ven. ern. tut. in "TrAt't'on "I sae Den'''"). *l'o' °'''n'''''' th. e " thee." "U..; "'" I "", ' Me. " ' e l wof • ore ...on the &owl Mr ISM o us.. to.. • ... at it. put gra afraid to print tho lint a docapita merit Beilditigs, which were burnt dew, effegy TM light could bo l e." at the lako we had molted there to W . matter". in..- t h e te .,..„ ow, he ... At by . A .., An ~.. co 1•, cud,. tions •tid... to. to elm.. stnoold .....re to the- Man one dm.. dotter., . ompelomment net km we au' give mare " w e e. " ... .7 7-, IT A homd otookr w. 11...4d in Lode, anti the Le , dslative Records of Ulmer nod thirty milm off . „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ Ti ,,,.., ~,,,,,,,„,,,,„. ~,,„„.„, than ow tr., or hmh, each line sad ...omen. tau.. awl. m than have yet ewes. CullII."' -lan . Zia ''Y rate """ f I " lon '' .ila• ant a,. .t. Oh • most ol t The whole . Rome county, N. it on Sword. 40. A boy abuse, de. Goner. '' •e. I '"" •• '. l, no • . " ".- Pr er Pr el "." . "0 ass bolt. 01 the docretion et the .0." ble and eaten.. lalotartee on 9. trot lot the modern lowno.pro. tutmen. gnarl. ea food Mime:llly in Wog do or sppeeraile... a. 11.8 Now Illewommo *MIL •!named Morahan. Hatichtaling, 0 ~.arent lag, km- , T d I d Mr. ege.art an . Inman... eye, null, ' ' '''' edeeL-I "e "' """ ”" "'"' Fly owl., and wan Food:done hetet es & • • - • .• 1.111 ties of lend have been cull, and large bed* or ore ouncil. dby fr.... ow 1.. than t ry the _ ~ who woe on it Mu en The R... law j. et.. by woo Legoela• 'ed loelather, n k 1,,,,,,,, 0 ._,„ Pr n after having had the hardifedool to vote for .. . o . .t o dedrd spun as liferl. I, commuted. ,it of ntatola rifle. en are expecte to Da ' W. 1.. with an ..e. Ito he el, ...Imp of duty, to lake proper cogion.nce of 'the t ., ... the. ~... 00 01 . one , ~n 0t, ,,- , h e hoe h. med. its appear... the Marrisburg II il I' .1 fat true r. lotion to withdrew " re ' "' ° ' ' ' ' u 1 b.n. George Moffat, Mellll3. Of the Leg- assist.. 4 tiro British. e• '''"'"'"'" M " L ' ''' '' ' ' ' e'' ' ''"•• "" Democrat. 'a oh 31r. Tag. i . . say, and Mr. p.n. h weep. the eta. of Mout two-thirds t. that he comnoned . i t. twosione hoe Whi, roue troops, to make a pea DO tho Nne , es • Mai i, c Conned and 1 1 te*Ilent of the Thu- On the flllotwo, I W lumbermen are dm Illor ,time time peet , twee mode the grmind "r ' ".• ' of • p a g e of We paper, and contsies34Nectio. all . hed c h o ked, toe d e o,„ A „ AA ., hen, . nigh t Wunder, and to deny tho se goe:ot. doconne . . . . ~. . I.lllle, en usual. deriging. , o mit American Lev, has been me,ted on prepatio. to tots. ...real. for . me. bow, acrimetteme per.. attacks Th. __. , _ r well enough in 11. place, but on. of ...Its& movie. and h. g iven h. Whiskey 10 &ilk. of bleinnitv, whirl.. • I I ", ehathe l in th Y -",-- a charge a Tr 0.00.00, conoteeted with the it IBM me M took tip . 801 l . ex- ,- o , oo n elf ht h. a moo.. re (doe WYotioe. , „done Ae A . A . 01 , 00e roo . on nno , too , on .. tote of notch inte. to readem in gene.. We . The dere.. • ... mo o .... ~,,,, mi d I,old ter to Gaines, in )fivemoer, of 1046. Wile 3110Vellt,11. • May 1.-8 P. HI. ~ riots 0 yebtoday -.V I ' . Tribune Dent.. -our stn... . fart* h oft. been ' e . ' doece. from .1 M. we nightly ot mon m' meow.. consider:odr property The boy was was it 3lr. 31 mud 1. that you did not. ten Bank aS, o. lusher. Mr Ilmenhet moverl the- It was reported this morning that . dep hommi, deno.,l--our mow, Meowed and ona. one or two ot.necs in mentiensog its pros... on &whored . the greond of hi. .. tem e tonoth.ood ere of Mi. resolothin when littokoto we* Earth.. rstrilleednrs. clot em wet rondo, tr, en Quidwe m prelim* oat. toi lel I. dello v 0. no . . thi. Colombia o pro e. oh 01, mir !an.. A who ...0. p r. crud. '...........,‘ es • 4 „:" • , . . per weamim which more . now corr. louppowa moral ineompetenc, . men.. .root fhe New V, tk rip.* have receit ,ll i n. •to f 01.,. 1,, tlte I ieNlrnor Gen rap. Thin o * vow] io. Mr. rt gr.!! tut , of Parmodor ? Mail I known it. he never • -no fa. t .w ~ des., ho , ,..xer eidab, end ... 7h : .....,:.,.. ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.„,„,,,,,,,,..., giving the ex. prem.. of the bah ea far . id . murder tellignitee of a am.. total. ak at 31.1 re. ereated • gnus deal if ea . ..it...e1, and es er , fr•r• iir liell. 1.,.....er growl, ha. e been „........ o ;, they are of erne. aortic.. - Tile Tsi radar -D p.n.*. tie pin to en- aludild cite aven appoint. a- 31credith -Ilemume I did to I. Imo. of it • • - . • altll the 'ht. in. Affairs have mach. large mai, numbering some 6or 7000,, ''' ''' ".".' " t " "'" t. '" e """ 4 ''''''" the """" he thellath of March :mge 695; the llouse con• ' mit their landing Notwitit h" Iw *" *I " 17*W * " .W. "" °". ‘ *l**** w* "rah ' f le' P."' and ""'" Mr' "e " I ' Ve" ''' "e oder. the 801 l . extend .. 0 the Far• wore.. the ...of the 411, (which are doe tn. "' U. I r " .f. '" 3 "''''. P 1... ". .'• . 1 1 ' , f • 111 •s' 1 unnilinsi their 14Torts to prevent them thug , T.leltmldt .... keg. ie . .... -a . the P . "' .W... 1 estrmrolinowy tredieament ; ettd lem " 0, nlr. '"ur ' ' ' n ' t n""n " t' -'" '. Ceded in off tii • land. •et the C ',... d ''. el ' . ".".•• Th ' •ew" " .el mem ~. m.... 1...,.... Dank. On the.... of the e " .••4 . "'"" e • I'" the r e. " 1. " " " °I ' e It ..... 1 iu ea R. V.. 4 0 " ".* R ` 4l. '" 6 ` and.lll.sen.i.,,ili.k„ ..; ••r t I " I ''''"""` “'"!'"' "e" ' 1 "" . " t '''""'." r I m 8 i 'n' ' '. to io lot w. lo do bone •to p.n. , ton ..sae now onto ,. on . ~,,,,.,„n o„ or the on, that et ... nen , Mate debtd and collateral intim.. tax. Nci. . • Illersadees 0111.) end Mr. JO., ReEtwer ..... " t I ..... ishis lee C• until ahil a.m. I hued bury- allot. three m ile s le tow entre.. two a """."' . r "` I "'" ". """" " °l " n e r T" '... wa.. token,. .... ,ta..r -an Little • jecting um without a . mean. • t ' l - 111 etl that Mr. Moulton intends mining thee . mownied of mien. to the ma. a war RA ... A. he . been At , en ,... ... one ~ .. _ _ , . I en, .1 or , not... w Melo was sneaked Iltat ...or . . . . . g I reside)", - M r. ihmetner to sac t th e „. „ h ., ~,,,,,„ I. ~..,. for the olpsolidhon of the I non in LW A. ." I''''' 1l i''"' I' ' " ''''°"" 01"" "' "00' '' I". ahodlomg 41.1 Mu I..peaWrs elle', nowoh. '''' ulee. ere wit...0rd....A nearty.. all emit." credit of removing 31r Diem nod C.ool l . i• , • I k I 11 . y •, 1 , . Astor. m tido I ,gollichtleotaitet,W van here i A We.. 17 Rued 113 incre.e. tonount plod fur pon tot .eing • nrit en. own to the mto i nen. 11, to-nu. i . to tolote hearthi....ll. c lase net', at. M I • ' ' ea ''''''''. 'n°n'°' ° "..'.nd the Dem.'''. ' . licenceirbt mock bodierewithialbeCennoonweakh , Cr o,o e omitted . mention le. week that Mr. °eery, of Pennsylvania ; acts that 1 • en- ont•ide, the Governor, en., ing his earl lege, Largo meet toga ere Wit g held in Toronto ..rallo voting env not meek °torah patience. and which I , a rotw.iy, toor do we mond tio, for the hart te soe _ o. . _ _ ..MI pereent., and by each.. brokers'. per cent. Iteldwiet, who was to few deposit. late. in the was to DM with unsavory eggs, din, &e., • and Kingship solo numerate petition. am 31 k Da itiocnit, then awed the following did not libow of MS they ionicient for nor peg., mul 1.1 enough in an . „:',' ' o - Wet. 19 nob th at tie person shell keep • 1.1 0 ]h ie county for peculation . on . Teas, ha. ..... ' " ere """" t "'" - amidst a shower of to bleb the vice royal eor• getting up to her :Majesty the Q... for • ~,„,,„,„,„,,,,,,.. i . 1.. been libented as recopyme, the ante. of boil tee lege drove off. One cif tW eggs struck recall of Lord EV .I " .° W ''' , "" h° "" two* -- ' - 1.. The said Farmer.' seal .11.1.010 Bank loe heeeee"...""Fte.."e-el"a"'"'". Cella err.-Thew removals went de- ~ B o „ g „,,,,,,,,,, ~, I , y.„,„! As I dose my despatnh thiogs I.k quite li,.toten into Me Wee, we an resolved to meok otot „,,,,,, A , A keep A AA , e.... ,....... 5. . 0. 00. h....ith ... 0.. i.,..... .. thh.b ., ~. .....,.... v.,. mended hy Gov. Johnoton, of Pemsylva• • I vita. peaceable. dolt. to" " ww iih lll° ' W w ". l . t". 1 " , " 11.1 .• , per ou Philadelphia att.! Pittsburg, (or equal it; me. grunted for one year only. For snch Men. in Me Loo k Ml far - Wead;gionkers I , oio ong no, Stevens ,,,f show .... 5t.,,,,,,_ In • few hours the excitement in IIC _ _ ._ .me ~ Mal whenever . . toos•nd W. c.a. to be city at..eery of Phdadelphia,9loo Mall be paid, T became uncontrollable and by seven o'clock h. sort of II 11 set.. hos became guile the fortner making it a personal matter. . rim n . . , . . IMEMOVALR. barn f„,„,, eang to 'time in the mark. 1,11.1 MB chaise to he . , , , , . au „,. , l td talon l l' a nines Maio , to lie ' lie De " . " 00, , e. the e ,"'''' ',"" u '' forfei t l d to.. aitto. to ha wound op; end that and . .... e...• .e. • • tete. O f, .... prevalent of late. The pilferers are Tate bold. Mr. CMyton.-Let its get to business, P. . . E Gen. Taylor and hie cabinet are Mil] to Uwe" ".. Ph... re 1..... Wino,. One oittetendao. &lots, Whitt. and Mrs on ma.' any lumen keep. miter wthatit beet. diall, on ~,,,,, of , h o t 0n . 0 , d ee .„, wet , ereo , Su e . otion., Aboot, ti t ,. onn tynogyed sec, untombately held in the (' /t amp de Mars, loosny engaged in chopping off asp head. a ~... post ra e0n.... of lite Wino... rodutent .1.111 h. e t wo o p. e n t h e .0 end re. ......n. be fined net Ire than the moment of eremite.. tatting woad (.morn Owe of Jew.. morels, what is lotto donel were ironed. Persons were etwonimioned. ft g „,,,,,,,, 0 ftft. g .,,,,,,k m . w g og i g h our "" 11. " 4 W!*****! " " " wwwY b******4l.4 "* 1.7. ' e d ,...., - „.7.1.1,.. , . - x . i:Tittnl7l7l7:ll IVINIi r mesh 1 ie.... . .M r More th M 8 MU ' M. k. e.d i ,e, .in . .noel neer . Mick Building, and boung Opl /fork, (Aside.y-Why did 1 ever W ;_ whlrm Itm ,YW,"l: l , * • I .:Y, th,"'_ing lbr'.:.gb!!.' ~,, a 5.3. to under amid . distinctly . as net their rrynewasto. es 0 1..... B 'a ....• I.:A; h e .Id f„, ee d ..., e d in .r.,..., a 1., hometown. not exceed.. three moonlit, end perm., Moss it into . vet id tirades Rase- say In toy ktter to Allimno w I have no ' ere " . le l e .." e """ "tell. 1 01 l . . Ter objecting to the principle of an ademoistray Y. s end the incr.. of Ilaidting repeal, moil • • de. I A ..„,. AA . oore e Ayer , r co.. prosecution. <x end then o fooled," in o qinck OW," 10 the fire bells were •dm brought Into m00t... • pnvate purposes to amoinplish-no party . -.-„ _, gii i 0 , ,,d.. ... .... d oi . 4. ,,,, I iron removing it. political "portent. from .entenown to render three in0n...... P..° Mr. T ioggert "sad ate Democrat. roomier -Mr. N.Kone DO. 21 • atral 92 provide that ne pen.' Calmed people'. Meetner hoe. itt thc western pert prnjects to build up-no enemies to mud. `. e ' "I".' ...• office and •ppointing its friends. That la et mil . pow., by torrent. open their ~,,,, Aeon ded,„d......r. shell keep • beer-banse, eating-kw., ronammit . the A non o, A wt .', thone people ..., th, -nothing to serve but my country I • , o or more wore amettibled, and, after strong fig ht. Att.... to hk e t t o . tho m t o . 1 Ohms bail been eased, the • ~,,,,,,,• chowe making . strak-bod.. it. - Pb e wet.. ...int. . individual 1.00. or mster-ccllar, when malt &me& .......S. , ...U.]; Itut is that little bol of lesatenetem wee • If elected, , I ''''ld 'thtlalth the "'" ' " Zo ' d, °to the Para-. b1i7.,!.'"" a kha pretences adopted by Gen. Tailor ~tunny liable foe 01 d e ... ......, how oda., and . prolishaine of &rec.. from be. are sold. wilMan • license; .id Ileen, to he -- - •I''' , may see a practical illustration of a opeciesof moral President 0. a pan t y. I woo,. etincavor to 7,',. ... d ..,,kito. r ee f s a n d and him eupportere pr o em. tet the deaden. ...,11.. ,, , e cardinal &Mine on the Dentemmor e 0.„.... n . .... A .... AA , „ non. piatened ..din lo olaao eer &soma of sales, by ov a o h. ..... k o t n .... w ith ..... a , A independent n party '1""a""i'": I 'et a tan Lough the streets and Aly nine lie then ."fecal t is • . party wk. or ,. J., o &mom that h. tt. only er.d the Ins .n. then anaed by the Monocrats, end negatived nie opprailier of Mercantile 1.. i . follow. : o ...h tr _th. p.,,,..1 . 11,0, ~ ,1, Sopetwory, 01100h1 feel beuitd to adminkter the z 7,7, - , o'clock, the firat stone was thrown th '' tan 'thw * Wing was to be the Preeitimpt of the Ilene wend.. imeetion.. who.. _m e u g h d A., e, ,,,,„ ot, shat. ~ on . Annual Salm 1 i • f o e the per,.. o f m i li t ..... i.... fr. ete . moment untraMlnelled by party rot% ,of the country end not of • • platy la. ke. 'l'm- ' a window, into the midst of the Logialative n ' Ito urenfird.odePPnard..Plo to o t 4 lit . P ro- pea... of the hall [pa. 71.111 Mr. Tamen tool the let e 1..-990,000 and lowa., gam (Atom!.)-M a hn is to be turned out now begged, in a mmner at ono Lumina ha ..• eyee!! ' .. I 'V , Id the thee irt Nu ....a... A tin and disgusting, for the nansinatie. ph mom a 1..........• - A. l echo.. D. wicrats toted any-Sir. Little dud.. 01, tet tr. :., .. 1 . 4 . . APRIL THIRTIETH. Mr. Clayton? 15 constant Mower was kept up into the win , ever rty and every fragment of • party I-•, rod even shameful. it mm appear, eh... 11 euen r. 4th o 3,000 o u . .. Mr. boy/ea-What do you pay to ap -3° The Aril tomdww 4 W" . " Wm" . ' ewe ' i - C ol.W bb W • m II •,‘ , don*, Ini every thing •". ...led. . n in !bu l l nion, a. made all manner of prow ow 111,111•14indie party. olmors tweet., encored TW Rao. of Chsts.nbury was Men bronght A t h .. o,ooog o DO r Ming e 4 1111.. .. aa, 81 1.011 &wet. of . lormaleturi, bola. th e Howie, • sopplimet for • renew.. Ha 6. 0. ,000 0. 12 edited by Prof. M•pes.haebeen received. Donne- io ro , ,„ 0 I POll • •unt era ' el'' "'"''' h"' "'' " ' nth". "" . " thi " i. Ise. to obtain their favor. Sin. his deco ~ w. ,1, mill ^ iii&n e m a ilwiPoicsh& eat. - o die cheater. On the moue.. take it op.. at... 111 " 1.1 . 11 . 1 . ! , 1 ..., le ne. " "' thee ' h. ''' . e " " " " thehil- 0 0 Presideta, (losiptg his remper.)-pid I ' Am lobby' A band of twenty-five f 1 rh L.° L i on h• is deliberately violating every wain ' ..ID ee e •• Iteree • W WW""""bm.6." n t pledge myself in el y inaugural .. So 1 ,._ .d.r" , f tile , 'l b r ", h**l ; * ,". ~11,h.111, of and instead of Ming tb• -, o.• ~ , 1., . ...'' ea'd Or the Rank . o ^ ,- *. 11 the 1.0. W. lability midi.. non.. do. '. : .... n. ....7_ , .. _ __ __ 0 .. . _ _ ._. ~ , 0 . country. • ertn• an elo per Ewe copy o orwe ve - r • Dern end one oaring mac. numen In mho, p,,,,y o kyd o f ..w . w r). le he nmad hem .h. .. 4 .... 14- ... m ani paws.. wcosel reading.. 11.1 paw e ' en ' . ".• 17 ... .. 77 . 7 •••• far as it Is possible to be informer , I ihall • , the peep en waty espies for 9k Sulnetiptleas, eh. neirle . Id' Speaker . chair, announced. ° Uentlemen, by la w ... h. a ... day }rot h , • • p.m.. are always shoal . and the Da. t o., Mr. Istile's ma. L. not ma. weer la the . 1 e• 00... ..• Y . • Make honesty, capacity, and fidelity India . 1211MOMO, Wall be Am bombed Milani and data received at thio ofike. the French Parliament is dimolved " They party • ing himself to be • violent, re n stomp ,: This I. • melancholy tom; hot it .y. ..1 ..,, . ..., v ,,,,, j ...... 1 ..... ..... mi.... App. t. , pre sat it to to Whig, and the very tiektesenee a Tivions to their pea awl their era 0 .2-40.3.) • *n " 4 ilighn'Y' '''' 1"'"...1 ' if •we meet ad laid with " How , . gogo•wfi . 6 ... 1 " 1 •"' th''''"" "PF"ft'd "' this Sir Allou leNttli at Donne an's Ho el - wit... there indeed ere- mend Of ii easy Moe I gooshoo ~,o, 0,,,,,,,,, Mo o . . 0..0 ga, .Mail .. 8 ihr wail mew. m WassalimmY Mho aaeLti ... to w i t .. • 11....di0' selection I wonder if Pratt would'. take „,„ 0 ,, • ,g,, , i • part yel.o in power. It is to this had hi fiat the M... tra. who . en. real. the hoportiontie• 0 the Iterdo w e e d wh om ...1,.. ..... no . ono ,. thisCansamemith, eighty dellwa h ~„,,,,o ~ mw or io. that plate, and make it up. .ue ery . r nee Was now ram. .0 it Was th y. ha g , hypewyky of (31011„ Taylor ' ileethels elects Mat all prom 05e.... 6 . - 16et he .t.y itaY 4tte. - ,00 Mr. Cragford.-Have you thougld about no and that the Parliament Moue. 0,1,,,,,, o bi gg g, ma w• refbr te tio re bunts 140 &ad . capitol, nee withaand.l.l..... awl Mew •• like dwelletios. • a Nu pa, Isrmasto meeeeller ie m eth er way. in... of Mete "ashy ..." le this a. 9.11dy to hie corneetweiditand Me limelatomoto et the 10.000. the Weer Mph mgeoe,) engaged). 1 body for the Mitziesn Mission, dr f wme in dames in • hundred plates. The oi l o f o bi a worth we tan aim ape op m w y le the U. st y ea& • rapidity, and in an that die objecumfthe Demater.4 mores anielsweiremed, 000mey. Th.. ...... gi..... gy m me.ge, Me momilowe o . 4 .. AM , . 1.6•01. 1 .1 Pm. Wen A. (Nme ‘ yw o n oo s . _y oo , p a o „, o p on t.' it ' :IV hoa r the _ .__ of, namely to pre. te the people. I. , of slaUgby moilimi mul all meaner of W. erd yyilie blibUlea y dy .... b. ydyy q yy. by noes. s b WM. basyissia. or WY.' illidate he e n A. I. M1.M.1. HU seanne. ."*" " "e le. ..." Ident is dimegarding may to my Y d It Pnroth II M lll Ls ' . m lame. The ,go b had now augment. to 7,- ...11. at thms m.o. lathe gte. W sawilleimollell sae wt • Mem. ma pay Dom , Ilea is arivalost la y ellylim. .• 6.1 i• 1.44.1. N. ....". 0. , th. I. - ye ems goblin the gra tem OMe NEWSOM. i ' olgeetion admen? Beale was • fik aglooo, and to burning banger were ' - ,laea We awanty Tremont weeredkr. Nib* ealee. "'' deeenwe time unw.mild-for fite II tray. became keenly Warm. t eat yy le-1.._.. VIM Sawa Law. a the war-a friatil. of .7 IltalPw -, T„ _ ,__;lveyed with the mat stoke! India... on o b. s o d sis lad eganna. 0 enteral lewenbeeel , realm seloneents 1 Whig. = tares A.., ma.. gk.„,,0,0,,, I The editor of the West Chester vary I Cr ..i.„, ... the 14 .rim - . 4 0 0 ". •"..Ithe part, of the epeetatare. At first the bot ' m i l= to desalt* sal to b grey Math Ina cot ahem Metier., wlth Arlene oho "I 410 wets, Wowl SIB ft pi. $5 Beard, who was • iteenet of the lest Leer 1 • ems ... .Y. 11...... re f fiN g " PkY. orl WV " I ".r.d broken Amid opportanity offer. fin NM a its Moira.. el eensrloa. maw bat &mei at o o MIO at 500 10 libial s e and Is hear familiar with the soh- I Tho Pr...kr. I ..ep... 7 0 . d• 1n... to the bonding...me by. Hairy( in`` °so wed nos, Tyler a, p ...... my an sad.... gear am a Inlee to gernerakerml gi . . art . IMO W I,leat, ferablwe the fannies Mama of ale , dr, dot oar Mesieen fries& weld rather ha bees losi- d1 the arehlyee and maw. courses that ankh la bas egmptili• ton se was apply we ramie. lbe elm &reedy ' let a n lIMI se BM. M legations in the &heel c law. Thaw an , ..., Mr. Cw.fill then ihfig gfi7 bod y 019•• ; of the Weeks for 'towel Modred rare.- w e b,,,,,, id,,,,,,,b,f1id A. n,,,. war . tern when mho mewl won, *al pay :. • • . ..___ _ ~_ _0__,..... " ” reerleut.-Well, if is NA the • i Not ,TlOO, worth of property Ilse bew f 00 ,, 0 ,h......ift 5. ..6,,,,an5p. . . moniTsosE, r• Tarreass, ■r7 s. Ina. roe Oasal Canotedemer, COL. ASA DIMOCK. Were ue. We.. mien dui Mr. WW IBM might tify eilliallee era the War, Whis oar= I Mee name the While& WWI prieelple. the prefeeerikat mell • mow. wail Niue ay& tol, w yoke. le pew stlie emirs WOW the :forth Beulah emed. We ale how that We le Mk &Wine primer, • wheelille waYietfege, *.eder am We wave% .. sillier mi. es- MBSEMEM Bei ear ern 0 the be no neon fee nth inn , warty? Wes ho en nein be then igh bb de. Ine Wel* men Inneyenien se nen ener , err thee will thin Mamie Indinner Meth ly, We nen In 0d...d u. ki. no boa. 1 an name bit nen be moth 60 wen ..re ; thol linnhy he ben the three. then gin lithe ninth enembetha lib rum den mane le 111.1 ••••••• .the 'mils= eir the nyenethe da. Aft that WY* Wm yenta( thee It the no o in Itherkien" lei net et MM Ithe mord bin ft a pay the Mei there... Wein" then en nth then et =then en nmei Winn an ono an thennit paean, as le the nelna HY their. the nen an meth by lb llennsene Maw waits. Irbsallnith Wire thsenghly 4 Omagh 1 . Proe -. .", it t on . . I Mr fient.— Wei... ~. a Y.o. _ _ , • 0 . •t SM." 2 ”........ i.k. " • " .• 'l 'no Dimon 11,te ns•p...a to ton o; I moos 000 the poptiet Oh it, I meet . onn. Tim milii*O '.... r -:•144—• " - " -a ' 71:1 yhar 114 ....... 4 AII7 f .........k " 4 'I N ."( g. tas eolloint to keep the Sehoob time mu! yiold Bank to lb . puty.why, Oteltle); tree treelomi with Ind Amen ea the part i. 0 0.. ... us Ob. pomple — mmost Ponbino d On* .."...bni In. In" I" M. H.. 1 Mtn Moo t.. ...W I. . year. The' why Skit my In my MtMo to On. Peter iof the mob. ' the hems tin me sow being taught, b WS ...moo 0.. NM—n.. Wt. P•• ii. lamb en mined to he kept open at 1 Sites Smith :•If on I 111 net high odes, i Azoimunni __d.P.i.h.___ o o.,_ ~.1b•_,0 . • !wow spin maw tb•manne t• be I Otommasltli, end An eloontlb , In 11. Inn.. WA tom mouths le Gen yew. nitisont. lit out be ntrammelled with - party Alio- anninn.....11 ... 7 -- ''''''' n g ins noir mtabilabod ip. floelplee by it I The Tutent7 of lb. liionol-food is mil tam or internal of tiny bind, ..d maw' non moment . Fin o tho emmenstivesl o g o ggoo of soy •oo •1111111110011. Neon ill prat. P.O ... 7 noway tommtet i tho Oellemor of Selma loom. The Cot. one WI Mom whieh the eontitotion and von Armand on the °harp of moo. O. tw o . o . a.m..' t oo. la ant Wk WA 1n 0 .ibn.. 1 . 1 . 11 u7 u humuut uelliPiellesse U to a• • time as 4 Mom whoa sal lb. high . 'Morals of the oath. at law tbnb' nol In tb ... .p.n. 'WY win moon- I wolf Wm an .1...1.ml WOG by the ou - '— - , ifir.a 1.- , ...I . - --- '..d WNW, Lead r, p a d . . 1. / t ... fia t WOO ii•r - i trick the Maio Man ire tbelwavii , . .... . to Oa Col !optima 11. V/ .1 SS Mplir *Blow !...r IWr j74.7.7.7.iir.«. - 4;:ii. Wm% Is to rowili* two pee amt. toy pllotting sat swim* a.- ...mmly (adowl) T think yen oaf Irti ism. The AO. erring% was ander 1111114.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers