The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 26, 1849, Image 4

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• 11
. I
Mimi. db. Apw U.
Pranks' should all hag boon done last
month, hot if any has been deferred it should I
be attended to forthwith. In orchard fruit
trees litdo Is neeessary beyond thinning out
the mall branch. to admit air and light I
freely to all parts of the tree, and rougmell:
all straggling brOllolloB Or those that ergs
of other, !spoiling the form and balance
of the head. It is too late for raper, or
stone fruits, unless it be small 'limb.; or
twigs; if pruning be necessary defer it
"pale around and gine a top.dressiog '
of let. PI re to all fruit trees, if not done last
fall. Vie well rotted manure; some decay.. ,
ed learnt from the woods, and a portion of o
ethos and limo mixed with the manure
makes a good egapost for any trees, made- :;
Wady for peaches.
carting must be done, commencing with
cheerio and plume, and finithing with pears
and apples. The grafts o all f lag mason
should be looked over and shoots that
have appeared below them out away, and
weak &hoot. out back to a goal plump 0,-e.
&seders that appear around the root 01
Press, and all shoots on the geol. oof 0100-'
dards should be carefully removed
Transplanting should Ise finished as . early
se partible. Some people cannot th ink of
pardon to see what tore.
t o ufd L°:;Z:11 m it. or what care it nods
until the ground is dry and clean, the eon
warm and bright, and goo leaves stool blue
gig begin to appear—thou gardning be
en. so oloarmongithat it can not he reels
td—something mug be done; and then it
is so Lite that a great many important
little thing. mutt be deferred. leek% be
afraid of a little blustery weather;
but get
every thing done in mama, fair orfottl, and 1
when lino weather COMO., your trees soul
plant., your grans lawns, your seeds,
will have hot to grow.
Rates should bays a careful pruning and
a liberal doming of good old manure. The
TWO cahoot hats a toil to rich and in
poor soil, or ono half way poor, you cannot ,
lame • flat ling rate bloom. Many pee-
pie will bray a good rose, and plant at in a
miserable worn out border. It grows per
hope a very little, and produgs a small
starved blossom. It has neither the size;
eater or fragrance that was expected, and
then the poor mowersea are blamed for
ever-praising it. Wall, tonsetiones they go
too lavish of their oommeodatioa• but cul
tivator@ are much more frequgtly at fault
in their treatment. All row !Mould hare
• deep, rich and If pogble a somewhat,
Mary toil. Climbing Roses should be net :
hack a little; that is, remove the @mall
week ends of the last MOWN shoots, and
they will push more vigorously afterwards.'
All straggling, eapalluese shoots should he:
cut out entirely.
Wee &erblooneing Roses that may hare '
beg protected in the borders should be un-
comrd, if not dons, and properly pruned'
sod domed. These wintered in cold frames I
may be turnout out at any moment; out
them beak freely to obtain strong growth.
Floorring Shro6s should be pruntol,
too, if the heads hag toconme donee: t , tie.
with a deeming ofmanure is ngemary to
luxuriant foliage and a profution of lolos-
illeriottreour Permeate/Vests, if old and
large, will not bloom well. Tho roots can
not Ind nourishmentoind they fairly with
ar away in mideummer. They 'ought to
be divided—(it aught to hare boon done
last fell)—and re-planted in Creek good
110 a
simmtele uum he sown in wall prepared
berders towards the end of the month,when
the pound is dry and warm. If planted
to soon they will rot. If an old hot-bed
sould be had with • trilling heat, they
might be (awarded in It and • month of
time be gained.
Leans, Balks, fledges, , will all re
quire attention at this time.
Those who wish to lire well will not for
get the Kitchen Garden. No doubt most
people ham Peas now nearly iu hl, mom,
mod Lettere It for tabld. Them aro things!
that non be started early in any sheltered
owner. A little trust don't harm thew-1
The general crops may now be lent in, 11110 h
IN Potatoes Beets, Carrots. Onions, Cab
bage Cauliflower, 4.e. Beds of See Kale,
Asp,Srages and Rbeeberb, three culinary
*Ms that aro really indispensable to all
good prdens, may homed, now, and old
Inds dimmed and enriched.
There are • muhitude of other matters to !
be done that esso.d meta the attention of
awated!armee ; what-we hove given me, of
arum, Intl more kints.—Gewesee Farmer.
Iln ALO.O Mt:sm.—The eponi ■ ntaa
soomplishes, the some he msy An nett..
tool sew grows rusty. Toe slugs find'
Mau ma who aro the moot forward to In
god or to improve the times and manners
are always buy. Who sleets our milreeds'
and to stasubesta, ear outline ehops earl
emnafeemrie.T Men of Industry and
estesuise. Asian on they lion. limy hoop
work doing eismotbing to bomb tben•
ether and ethers
It is Jest so with • ma who Is Warn,-
leak the mom he gives the more he reels
Ilke defy Let s maa moms. el a grace
sow awl idea for the matribetlng boa, and
ha f igl do Ito Isere; so deader hew doh he
soy be. Bat let him give dollar and so
ergl he methane to do.
We go der sethity—to body and Wed.
In wog the geld grow sot
Aft red the Meows staid Rey
ell thew In We &ell ra th er
tire death @Wald dad se neelhgt• maw
nein tban din/deg In a nine—brearang a
tediderled Was mesh* freera idea
..144 yea wasp door bardeed a
D. of blisaaaniat H. bang
Idsaal Jy ber oraedases vacy gaseraudy.
al* ma mealp—Jast arealiai s Ma—
Ws all." .011. f lab all—Tanta yea
ars aliaalme
A «dm our Ober sae subsed;
bets le prig thal be me, fly
Jae e r n hi mews
Wenn I Wanni-49 yon would b fsdr,
work. When • moo steps week he in of
fset din. lie Marne in the midst of abon
; dna, ; for what is dyspepeis bet the went
sort of entrain.. 9 God may hen ennead
the ground, but he blessed labor. de made
mall to subdue the earth. Yet he is also
the blessed erector of sleep, 999 k .f 99 •
leen, of mirth, hilarity, end fun. Enjoy
r iz i rll ng u Na y s,. h Lil o :e r r
u on p e f w o, a i y u — no
I to lin in idleens, is not enjoying soprano- I
its, nor rest. It is being miserable, andi
that no man has a right to he. He who
works, and has enough to work with, and
• in sure of enough to lire on while be work.,
enjoys the condition of happiness. Idle
, nese is no lens a crime in the rich than the
I A widower. named King, hung himself
at Newark, N. J., a day or twosgo, a few
hours before ho was to be married fur the
second time.
A Galveston paper, depreciating the
number of divorces granted at tli recent
mission of the Legislature of Teen, says,
iu that State the marriage contract is not
as binding as a horse trade.
N ice You. Petires.—.lbashful young
gent, walking with a lady, the latter with•
ing to commence n conversation. remark-
•• Pleasant evening, this evening; quite
a moon."
Yes," said her attendant, catching his
breath, "yea, very guile!'
And again all Silence.
A Fire occurred at Toronto, Canada, on
Saturday last, which destroyed property to
the amount of 1606,000. The magnificent,
Cathedral of St. James, was included in the
. I
Seventeen millions of passengers haves
been carried over the blammehusetts ma
roads within the three pant years. 60,
Ellett 65 injiired.
The minter stone of the l'ennsy!mnia,
State Imolai* Asylum near Ilamsburg,
waL laid on Sawday s:fternoon, with ap
propriate and imposing eereewinies. An
addrms was delivered by Gov. Johnston to
a large audience.
51mailit Not: tai!lar. .
lio. or Conaoroos..• ilisisokor.
Ansdos. N.M. 41.- Y. M., do
.1.. 100.01... Ma OM WS do
T0.d.,.....1. it........,
'Ns tr. iikell, , Oirstd w. or 8........, sr
it 0....,,, Ns.. • 1... Ps. MS... V,
111..... Mods, P. Ps to. laserter, por
1.10.......... Ai r05m01...... . I
1•••••••—•1101.111. , Fdrr00........... .
=112•1 • S2 • Zr=Zr.... •• ll, 4 1
10.......... W, loir 11.....
Po De... amid. Ur., li.
li. et Ihnosolooro, do Israotoreo , do
112 2211= ; L7 M42•lrt Noy* de
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•0.0...... is, "WRY. I* Pottnilt, Fel
Is of NoSionds,d, r..=.
ir 1 Oat q a . ti •t y 14"„.'..... • ,„‘
CRAY. MS . ' 1 M., I
101.0.1,14•11,1...., to,
Cr 1.,... S New.
Irwin. ..... IX
A Z:::rttTrot 4 7:=1.1:a%ti
maw, New VS.
%.,try ~7.:,:f=
....z............. mos, Itleo. Iliala.,ll.
I 7..art12 . 5M11: reVeio , e:P•••• • ,. I;
I run, ........, , 1111.4,
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=1•1, 7• 2= 1 17' 1. rolnitrit
11.1. .1t1.11..,111.1! ty..1.1.40 , ter, a.
I r.. 111.1••••• • Ks- Mid. ISort, Cr , do
..... Nara. Ns. 110 Mob, .
111••• Nis.. Soso. rort 1.10 .
•--r--...r.: k r— ,..„ 7"...i-- . ... i°
:=,..-.2,—,, ',. ri ' s ...Y. •
/1....•••••••, de. 1.1.., N 0... .
A.. 1...., Ai 11....... Adm. .
Asoll.s, Ns.. la Nos Mhodoos, .
Attar. R... ' Aroinillo, .
Ails %.•»• JAS. se., .
Doitli or Ma.,
1ro : :21= t iliti=elwina. 2.7
Ital.dinisais, Cloyor., do
~ of dalmtem, 1.....,
•. .8 4 mmomm ....88. I.'
M SC... Y • , .
•• ...W.., 1= mi...Brot fn., m
0. a immamo.
.1 • 22
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..0.. 0d . .0 . ... , . do
4 o tl
_n.,1.0 .W.,memme. .
. tt derodos, M.* mil Inat.olll. di,
Po of Oar, tbs. • 1......, Cora., do
1177211=di. 22 .•=to,
.17 7 •4= .7—,:: az...-- , -
....--,. - es.. do
....... . Mi. 0.1 ram, las,
Do. Idoroas, n, v.,
I .
I.:: 474=•.J.-.r2::=Lle.t:l:..=•.,lgt.
t r712=71.., 7.,.
Isof Own, do Y.
Yee. %M, D.., i,,
27 72117=17 • 2 7•7• . :211=1=o, 27
SI 011..... do lort.r. Cs..
1 lio of .....o. do 01• Leo Ar. Co, , 2
IM ,y NH., do 4...,
117 72 1277rgia% :•7' 27 3r"-=., 1:(
Is Snows. .....,..1
Coro, ,r 1
- lin or Troy,. 1in5...........
1:7 7 , 1 0. •‘...= '••••'•'
D.R.O. 17
ii I 1:: ir l F12F712. 7 ; is : li=, ' l;27L . , :i' 22!
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• 1 1 : =.:1, . s.,
I.=Hms:.. .
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a n . ii .z. ."% : %qr.i .. 5:17,..... VFir'4..... 41
do 11. Oty,
imm.......... 4.18.• sod.. d r y
C..... )111.... Tis. NI.. 1.....,
• i ..........r.n, ..yr., J.T. 4 •
a , v0taa....1.110-1000, ,I•ono• se.. i'
1 1 cy2V7•4 a l=, ."..
: 1 1247117,,r4.0, .: I
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U .WYMeamobits. . •
'I do:
• on ..
Is, ..* ism., I
new allisoy., 1
IN YOdree,
ma l mma mpp. rit =.• dm_ Opmem, ill
em....... none As, 1., 101.1... On., . ,
. • mm • /MM. Mimm, ,8 immermap. AI
M... i .... dig....1.1.111~.
yr . too, Ns* ,
y, , J, 1... a 11...... It
• =••• • oa ."”. • H. .
C... lir
Ito.. • •N. ey 11.8.8. . • m
' Ng.
. 4 . P . M . ; , =
IM MM. ••••
Wet N
AN NINN= . 4 "
I n= 114
LlOlt of Lottery
onnUMPO kihi.ProlollWart Manweerr, non 1
lk Me.
Ming Harvey. JarUm John,
Aldrich Albert,
mamalealor trll=,
Smola Henry. bine.ln Choler.
Illrdnall Harmon, Lamb Author),
Bowl Mitchell, Lonowl Philip.
Bennet Mono, M Makel., Mho Mary Ant
RaMorin Ira., urphy Thema., ,
Blakeldy Low. Mohnen Judder,
Raker Banswif, MeManu. Thou. . i
Borba, Min. Sarah E Munger, Mrs. Sarah R
Brown Robert. Mole. Stephen,
Birchard, Mi. Combo. MoneJl, Min. F. •
Baldwin, Idol. 31 Illne).l'ideli H.
Hobe, J. M. Ironer Wi11i...,
Buckley. S. M. Parch brier,
Cory Poi , Park N. heniaah.
MeCarlly John. Park Naaan.n .
Chao, B. G. Rotanwin loarr, 1 1 1
Carroll. Welthy ..den Robb. Mr.
Coe, B. Reynolds, Earn.
Cozen Cornelius, Rreharthon, J. C.
Conde, Al.. John A. Stubble Willintn,
Cook John, Slocum, H. C.
, Call'. J. r Stone, Km Clardlons
I Clanions Gm id. litoridard, E. S.
Cornwell I.ortio, Nolinn Harrier,
Cock Adeline. 'lrewli.bury Inane, .
Darren. Mrs. Orinal,, C. T y Patrick,
I Illarrnw,alr. IlennenuSTingly. 11. A.
I Enamors, Mrs. 31.1.1daTompkins Leon,
F... James, Throneso
FlllllO, S. F. Twininrz Charles,
Pomade.. Edwin R. Torphyn Edwana,
'Goodwin Michael, Vail, Wollner R. i
Gunn Jan* Well., Mo. Mallorca 2
Goodrich Gorge. Wood, lisorwl R. .
Hoyt. Mis. Saphronn 1 Willreion Hanle. .
Hill (Jvaric., Well. Welbititon,
I llolly Bk.n.. Wan, Henry,
Bowel, Rey. B. M. Wares William.
..1.1.11 Dad id. Young, Min Charlotte T.
ilohnaon, Thom.. J.
11. J. I VEIIII, P. M.
dlrmegal esdarteend maly be eta la few. ad
A/rehabs., Pedals, Oa,
Demlafs, Omani., Dry Hamra,
Hardware, Mane anal Ohm eaareurtuela,
Jewelry. Minor depueone, Perfumery.
Maasmd kn.lnvnb. Reaggral De.. Tram
. 2, ChM.. reamers for Medetned
pap«, 4. WM Arta, Ha
mm Bal. 4 Shwa.
BramAeo, Yankee NaMaaa.etr.. e Ir.
umwee. awl tin
lkinenwe, Move.... 0, iu,
Farms For Sale.
ATV' ,`r.Zattl'
NoNtfoof. mod *Oft • few Noun. ff. of the
Nom Ife. wad Me enotoioiftg
NN/aor Mof IND arfo—•101 woof 1
praremoso• *Nos. WIN 0ffe.9...
liy owl *or • furl N.lo oft... Moot .
flwrl Tho. ...MI
he odd talt......A:Z=er: )MM.
.7.71..72:727.::—'7,1r0trZ:=;4111 Jo.
Vali teems oopthe of Wm. ?NM.. Itfq •
IN.. of of Ow embonilsons ok WY, to. . _ _
Ilbranaa, Doc NB, 1.14 NINUATON ft FRAN •
A L. INIMSTNII, reffwatally Is bems un. e.
by Om. b. O. %lII*. I
ney 6.• us. of 11. Y. Roam, Hooll wfloyee
to7alZrirli '":11V=t11.1"."a:Pt:717.
*bw .. ready v.>
abake em awl On.
IN**, t.y. IWO".
UP2lll=62,ll,Mills, Uw Yv y, ••• 114. hie
84F19:.0 33113.
k Naar.
[ ' / "1"." ";73:4"' 117,
" . " 32724thr. "
Doctor Ifeeteelfilbr SI ants! I
Bram a dr Ine••• 11 4 44
. .114;ter • 1:441•04
y 1T . , .141147Z=
- 3.11.11.nnw
. 44714:4 7 671;Li, //. IF.
144•=44= 'I
ne One 10.40441. 401.1114711401.44414171, .1.04 74 4 1
tenth the anal Cl,ll O.P. In 44. 1 111.114. 11.1144.14 el
Yoe rol 440.1.4 41.4. 0 fully 40041.4 4. ea. or sawn
nnod'e 44•41, 41.1.4 van 410.4•114444 on nwn.4 4 —. - •
An •owny 4,014. 4 .44.4.ents 4/141414 11 4.111141 noi
407044. 11.
....44•4411.4 .414 *nal In • 1411.. 44111 11
ree.n • non, 44 . 1146 1.4. 4 en my. ha 44
aut rev 41.440 14 114. 11. 740., No Yr..., I n
I n
44 un44-110014 rt•rno ..1 •
ram, arw, Innn on the n 4•1401 ' 840e5, an .40 404.14
TlO. 401411.1,10:KO
Illyresus VAffellablie Bledlehme.
Tho 11.1 Fowl, Mellmi. rffec.:l,
P44ll4 4 •4“pinin.inricirool Wu.
Poorly rPl,rd, Wort .pprora
Kra . . ra. ,makvaaale,
11.111.t.reu Yb oa as, Wmew
ho2lll= .1161......1 to
Ulna . Ow FM*
'610114111••• 11.• Mom.. %woe. Rm.
Tram..LL4.ll ••••••• •••• emmillallly War 1 1
1....r.11 . . , ... 1 er 1 ~. M .M.. 1 ,~.. 1 y1. 1 . 1 ~. W y...~t44 M ~11.1r.~~ M 11
1.67;Ti1a. 110••••••01agio
7•11/4•41•• 411=, :Err
I mike la e7== =Mem. ail emit
goZ " Zneole•••••••••••••
so WNW., at.Zra ".*
=s i t OM P.m
. 161r ., ==41==6
az Warm Willims,ml b. MOWN. 1./101.1s
tionned .
. 1c47,46 Imo pomehrl
=-40.731. 117 ,...R
41 Me Deft Prln...
II m
•••••••• arlikimp imic waft,
in nilijiM i t 7 ,_ . /lew Vick. 1
.. w ._ -.... er .
a ......„. .. 75 , rt ,IL
p6 a.
Ma If 08.
*smut to Owner, .f it•roes.l
••••••••.• Celebrated Nuevo CNN.
W " at e = " nrd ' art ' 1713 . 1r•2 1
.46.1 syle , a. uvra .. y r ... 1
ow4 lll lt
fm rm
r the dame eallnd the Waves IntA been regarded se as
meurable malady, and thoneande here manned their same 1
Maus of Ileets. east .y. then le'nd's genlue In vale, to
find • warmly fw this &Mellon the Mat .1 , ....n0 um
hint st last•hero attained More than SO. eases . beeves
:" r..7.•.' TR - ..;',1:r m.,, - 1V - z;7:"..` ''''i
47 . ..rm.".;1T.'.. - 7.,„'.1...TV1.."=7't. - 1"
lili4 extra ' tutl ' hary re ' mtby, since Ite . utroduethm In Ills
l ultiel t..'Ftr . "%;'!';;;; '
. ; ' -°,"r .'!“,....T . ', - 7.';; --
„,...................x.:1:.;;.:,.......n....;... "r;
..7.:re., - ..:?...!;.'11,T...;;.,q.:,.= .
: -,':'.7 ,; :':: ll — . • r,a7nr.',l:: t°, ''''' . r"'''''.
:=r,,t.t . .727:,,,..7.', ,- 17 , 4% . %.
~ritorthiS,./.1•041,111,1......i. t.t . :1%.> e. ..1. ,
t"::!‘........., - ,..7.T.°.'_Z . ., ':.t.:rzr.".:114:,=..m".'
.. meet he quilt norltat - te et, Permit that I, re.
= otls7erliTlfttrltlVte=b 7 a,TZ It
Give the good , ' tt tnel tad hoar meeninend
in - learetes —he ninon
stomp of flelltm • sl vvvvv
enre fur the MA tat. teams In OW buntil Rale, lum In.
.luml ••eral ,•••••1. ...a ...mon*. it seal
h e ,celuiern the public !outlast II mint
endeavor to palm ad thtir nostrum as te . tusl7
r•ll?tllrtn . ele 711= V:: Intrertllt7;:t l ' ;.:17.1
Plstee and V .reby olfer the rum of • flue Ilm tousiathend ;
node, to any perbm w ,r win wh. lOU prove ,
entr All othemi we ImlnteloMs
We c eaty atatbst the pular . ago. all Ilea, Postarre. er
'•rasa 1M
or It 0 0 mal t en the holds of rash moor, he sure In
".;--..; "Jrz.'.'''' •-';;.:
:.T1,=Z...11117.m,.. i
....I/treats per ••••••-• liberal discount model
t' . :7l Bl'L r att "" Tt4r ' nu n tr, P M' *
‘ IICKTItr.If inck....... N....0.e
Andrews , Pala Killer. 1
i Death to Pain, rare( la the ..r4, liegsLlA ta Ike
mega, • balm to lingnd la Oe sehote vvvvv r .a. r,
.. .1011MYWIle 11,11 , 1 161111.•11.
T1'4 . 1.: „.... ..,q"itzi..7.7: . ...1 7 L7.... ; _""zz1inz:r..........'.:: .
V . . - •=7,=::=_Tzir
......., .............., 1,••••• p•II6-1,... •••••••
.t111 . •71 It ' st• • •=7 . 1 ! :: " .17 irt:ll:ral
:1 and .1.1111•••••• .1
Pot Intilter partlettlam me pempalel• M Ist load vvvvvvv
•t=l=l:l' =7 " •:• r a ' 1(71171 ' ,g " .4117.
cages or ...e, dirtelle.....c
Th., trlmespbant maces. of Andrew, P•ln Killer Inre
rt:ll " ht Wert r ra " artrltrt . N.lnat = of r:rt;
my W only wild thelf elltelnous wenn.... mem...
1 Ou nallen/wt> attar:.
, rll and put in simulation
=1 " no 11=1 et=s wirbnelge==r3i7. l
T.:ll=l7e= :•=l72tt:4ait 1( I Iles h.
• I re7==. " rt:gll:7l;:erfTrlVinglt,rta * t tt
1 r ltallt77 . .qlVlttrt . =•:=lttnroTtraC t rt .
t I gals and Mall, "kW Iwo . r!. blltebell tt. Go . n..
• I TO' :,1irtZT:;11=7: , `.....7=:1
. ..trz1v141W.,rr,r.,'..t,'.7:::.t.11= ,
'2.:4::"1...=1 , ..a.r. rz,“;;",,' . ""'""' '
.. ...
Let Its Works Praise It.t ,
se•ldlheal, sa ofb ha hus d. tnll.lleeN.,ant
' dNI ele
n w .
IM P LZVil4! ' o7roore=l:lZ. l : l :re tZt::
duty 1 he. of Ihmalle• to pr0.....111.....1.01.7n1y
eetarhe aeS
:.;,...11:tr:71:10.11.11. none :11111 • .1411ty
It s
Owe untinown In the hnt•ey of ...In.
" " (I; n grl3l: 4 l=
4- ' 1 1 .11:0:1:e Tearey, Unlemal get
fw 10 PreprnlN , Tnany.
none N. V ...11 mold hy sirmis Ihnotthaut the Ilnln
Mat.. Snict nem Teat .10. naennt Meet.
. ,
E. L.Soulelk_ Co.
1 / 2 0i
' /rity 90'V'E,K,E tC.3i
Avu_ M.
.1 . ,,M C lOR lENTAL ' 4 ''', ' 1:
w s_ ( Dr. E. L.Soule & Co. , r. - ..:, , !:
r , 4 1 , ,,' 9 ervi,KEAG,N, ..„•,', .." 1
ht ‹ri: •o•Avh_ m. • . i,L..,--% i
r 1= 17:11 ' ). rrZT•IneTii,27 ..":: . A ......
=Tr:. Vat ' 4144:1 " ,: " :1Z::Itt:Zir. ' " dd l i
ne.. nereoes eeelllty. he Ifilmehelree4. en.. erat NW r
Vlo7tl . :mare:ll::a7e=ll . 7tlVlZZe r .e:::-
hone aid ee a lenity meellelne are werlealleel. le, have
n ' eL " ”elrl7= " l7:l 77.;:rr
Tz....,...,.....,,..,...t ,—. a. ,;.....= . ,
Web reenet . mid of nay .dher MY mewl.. one. '
In . 1.11. e A vent. a Im...the. dierethme.
14g:::14 . r:r:;:ereVI rertel tilla. "'. : ,
exlnet hes been 01a.g.1. med .1., p.m %me:. IM Ire ,
the le•r. that wen ereelno. Iwo Mem gratheval
te. weer eel. elileal p.m.., De. IL L. Peele a Co., ,
art7=7;erll7 ". .• '7 4 " et Wee. llver
nnt ' s 14.rer1t..7. ! "' . ".. 6".' '
__ l
Slkateder, Fire k Thief Proof Mai.
14 /w
EVANS & WATSO ove Seem. eelenie es ex e•e's•
. ....- dif•
seftweet el. alma ' Wide, le.
• I . - lOW Om* Pelmet 1. el l
le, .n** lerelereselleleeoftle•
*I es le dee el 0...
ell maw. .0 we ew lhol• Ire..
4 ' - ' 2l== ...
rl:; t%ri.
* eeleiler 11“
=rte . rar.,==ll:=7 ,
...... I .... ttzt.
,- 4 . 2 , ===== ..... rt: ,
—. *I 4.1.1101... Me weeMe• mai. any ./. 1
trer= " rene "... reeere :11 " 1:1;= ....
jNON be "Zs L... .• Moe ....• m mu=
oy a lemm *se .e ow 1.0.••• ....1.1. Phew
pm/MK et yd. di.n my me., al.
• - •T,,..__
_!rn',.:l.'•••=ll..'""at:r4,:'" ,
Alle_i n n " l:ll= " =.l .7" . i rittrtyVer,lr• I
sm. Id 06,01.0
1 01111010.0 mane ir a =4 Ille, .1 =rl4
..01%%.1 90.0. 11.=• . 14Z .. N1
MOIL 6101.rrittefelledateetlallevalfilYY
OM Wlt we lielemow. Ma me 1.......M.ene ge Ille
Me% M. rmiribilw 0..* ...... 1 ......•
mil Owe am W. pareimbet *Am% emi im Mb
ra.t . ::: sr .. = = tz ...•,..
47.1..1.-1..... 4 .,, ....mor 01010%. ". ..
Ml.l2g i r A...... V......"
M% NO 4-0.
v.... 1.4
„...k :ez .......... zv i.„.
fos • mo ."l 2.amil Me
4 . 7..
~ ."11. 1 .
.. rm. ......mM
Great Scotch Medicinal
= t,
The Edinburg . ll , .ote . ll . See
Y=7:..7V7;:et:: 9 ;ge
Lun. ,, nre. rn.
rubr urismo from Impordies Or: 17 .
m rom n
I "."
1, 11... or !^^
na mom
m ond Metal. morliral
U.17.71 "" - "'"'"'
I Mao. roe *nom =
11 " 1 " 1 " 7 ".
rr:f , fd r 27 4:i
oni•r ""'LritjentY
pl thtut:L...A1,z0(=,.......
: ' 1 1,7f1 7 4 7 :7:FiE77 f iL :r .,":7. 7" .1" . Lill I
, Smtleo.l wouse Melt '•
weel - Willonal.thte
Norm ..001101. MI ,ney tim Own rod also,
IdOof Mo. pone imethy fendliel who axe eloom to be 00-IVoll:::l7,==am."Zn:rtl;i;=.7.7
1Voll:::17,==am ." Zn:rtI;i;=.7.7
, I .Melm, te . e . loonulte O `owner.OM ma ofitenernld..l,lllty.
` we of
e of Pea. enmploista, of MI Ws.,
CIS ears or
• QM ewe of esalolo,
• 2100 moo aline romplahlt.
dtreo7 ttz t emosd deoPel,
= 4 .32:1.
Pave, Ulan+. firModo, h.
die llrp:l=e7.7= " l:o7: "ae'.."
To Mothers.
= :
, FP:I74
Per.ple—lt In their nTro....r
our I
fir ' n ' tll r eTn=r4=en nolLtra;4t . wbole
• ..ns—lo • wool Wee new rigor awl Noe. Ilke *lode I,
I Weakly Children.
.IM 6. "'Z'" ". 7rt
6.1 nem.. ou. ow.
rine pre“ous to A.M.. as 111.1ponto , t. eyelash OM.
1 . Ferro , . It to meet Ma Imortaoll . ereell. nod lo , Aousi ,
I nee peer4r othexerteebe were
ANSI. Moot ewe, mole Agoat for Oa.
llx rears Age
,at::=41.11:1 LITC;
Or SW... atempathivem grab Ow, awl
! t :17 ;11:7.7.7:11:1=,":47.172==
owmta ghee.... by Ile lagraasellua or ma awalamble ;
woe. boatltaw.,
Iwamoto he ..n. ea they ha. always Www. *ea gam. ;
relV " 1:1 "." =: " ' ell ' re """" thT
=v....L... •
affl .. Pt... mkt etaweetbea watt am MO
tha " ..they ate WW at:9sTenie, twelta, Wm:plat
troZg:ftr .
' I
ara • ery waveisleot ta e aka
a. la the too., ,alto ui
W. a
, 141 w. "
,* = w. x erl:l4 Itiorrargtr=aVorbt
.~ndewlxnarmll. .e
acautalmted tal. Mb. .11 .rg:W. them. ,
illknmaah. Rae, Muter
' '''''ml xxx. [sew of pall
. idt'aint:ar ' ":"Anrral= . yr=
ass lawns., Wal* a( tialabtatqoat rata:
alga.. In. uttalwatig a, awl palat Wolf
cawmtmaaty &mato of Wet... Rwan.
= '''''''''''''''''''''' 41 " te " tw= " a: rre::
:75::Zat =V: :VlTX:a w ubleen=
" V " ' ' Ve 4 ll:e . oV " where all Dr.
" Wall; 47.. " 1 " =t. awl / AI. •
117117gTry= " InAtfr . ,7:4;1=11 . a,
!_lloot, (twat Wahl, P. tt
The Grand Purim
7: 7,4: " W " 4 ": tr e =2Fal t iF : . r li .:l :ee .4l'
ea I
'""'" "'"" •
WWI hem* Yerwl .1 M....
on ...IV mall* as lilts a way. /11...,
inammesie ,rl. In kliesilitiowieft.. •
I ':. in T raatt en ' gar. ttry =n
r:lTl=:ll . :l7•=r4.4==lilott: '
11=1=:: I:e====erd:Z
ionnentl7 as.vial..resse
0141.•• ma do lindy y
shy. nail. mon lin tn.
rltio t treie ' Vaal% Ilea
„111=1=antl 7t17=="47.1.111
r in Mel.ibe men in MI.. WWI
Irragrprke.... par It:. P.A.. NI. 111. Oa I
Xt. IN.
Cr ••••••st Or C. V Ms... 41.110110110•I•1
rneonee ree,nol.n.neeir ••••
Ward •sx 11 In • Jur M •
new.. 4.11 eiblionwee Ills. I
Vn.1.10 anml ohs .
" 4 . ll " Vir gV " .1•••••• ••*." " M.o. Tem.*.
ffiglwidge r bl=.... O. A.
••••••••••., 11•••••,Owel Mot •. , .
BMW • ler Polo Knee I wool
I 'lr .. = " " C' 141 .0 1:7 17 6: 7:
agralakiE., a, .
Iret•Nitt - S =Low • • Omni,
pr.% J Moms, CM•4%.6
pel• [Orr ha. *bow. 06.
•••• b•MY IN =•14174 . 0 =IYI ' 114
wonlj. •••=mt •••• Ilot " Owlit
T....Mk•P0g1.......,...••••ri NOW.
• aNkir •immiNg.
Vegetable Lftbostapde
"'" r.. 1" Tr"
has now h.. fur furl. use. and
pasneuWer reronesteneed
=l:=pl " ; "' ZrViZZol=r4 .
This illerwe wirin;ful. Caw ear. and Me •Ww ni
omit a!ir see detretelne feature..
INCURABLE. 17, ar , rg:
=V= : , ' " X:P:Pi.f
-l br
went jp.t I/11. ...OW.. aFtl a re.
COIF!, ler t.O try tt want maw tintillower,
• I and a ewe se cern.. d 1.11. 1, will give it * .
• 'Z'::::=`.2:.:1T.2:;17:42 , '..:';;;;." , :47:';
earn* nif. la will con III! MI.
11:11/ ern. were Ittleti painful rwaplaint. and fan
u 1.1 ou lure . •
=Zit , LC. ' ial ' y be calefilZwein
14 may 1. um, eannen--11 sixty erre be *ewe la tie
: I 4 7 ib"r . b:IPE'
::14Eb rrn''ni. 12"*4 " te
7ia lieu
he. awl ge.. BY*. irtesrcs—To °scat
especially. awl where.. t. etnnelalitts proctil this
t• a/Wed.
einem tortnd. Paahinhlra.
ale thiaroatihly mature act in this Alma+. that
tetrrtl=ra ... ..thtt: ' l==t;n 7 e l
a all !
a e
rai.. oh that is la cauttrouniltnl of lel ill.tnict sr. Wile
paten.. nub rag a remedy ollstinct
• ample. at • mast psi.. charortert is
747ni.rrsT:t7a . rjtr . .:•71Ps ' arYei r rer
other theme otlaittainic front initiate 13.1. nee Tate
I "trf....,. InterlS aie
MY manheine. Is re sperily il4nl the ra, sthetht r t -
iit:Xar.`,..Zr . l74::::;.Zl.t.:
lhetly toted In ascot Iwo or thee Inatles of thitoine
I oine. anti an this cure Ic .1•0.1141 Irani action or thi•
ri=y u cTerr:ll====i:l .""."4'"'
Ors ashlarias. tied a Catts la swa, • re.lllo, Its are. It
alma as
enea eonealal.. MI alto be delappewent• of Ole at
alabe frame.
g':"" "-"".
er5.....1 arm
Tao 14.4 , . am .4.1 ,,
taeseses rerneal...... aubeenon tel
r r ,.. 4l4l;rezza. :. ccccc rreo Mery au Nu oad
enna In e.o.m. ••or doranprneno, frau, •
elfoole in ram 1.1. non abl. and
=at= xx :a- 'K n.%
0 f;'.1=74;7:
and ...rat.
end .1... each Wm Me See emualel
1 =1 . 724::11r=17% In;
1 11: 4 :iiiri.E. 117 / 4 1 ..F.i/ 1 . 11 .7 1:2
meirnodO•mo lang u Nese r as in,
me. anaoa of wadi
mIMINLY. aro.. al.. robe out We
bead of
me n. be Tape. raedfe , easa -
•nol moor. ea rya We aunty
• M... 1.. moon neer. Omelet a.. web all
Iti -
e:Ve . ;=! . :boteoe P"na' '55
; • III• \
uMa lau mode ase
* li
Nompal ma . Ms eare. sreAaelae. Peeda.
' tet=.72:r.e= ex =1 ". ... ".4" 10. ' 147;
rwMl 7.
• Ike ...I Wul r e. am. Ca.
AIo ".
• • Mont kw
111111emts Mat Oreadift.l Cough:
TV:=V:47'l=ptraring w.
f .... .
Ant ,u• • m0....r V•or ebild,car b r•lest
:=l "Y a.r—VVFXCtrktrautsnied
ow, when tom Mcg r el mon we, „ Int=
t7 We
,7 Z111 "`"" t . I., """
eke d
1/I . mallumeZ . ieAl=
2141tria l• lin• . 411 . 111.0t a New Ile•
I row. ritr i tt; 4 . 4 r=ir1..7 4.
I;r •" aarar=m i• —.::::
M our
weerledbleidom.,..• nom
I, ve
; re jr• WI a r e tart: alm me=
ever mblk.. F. I, F.Y, n below Nom pol,
117 , : sirs: ===="l7? 1.12
...on Ile ern. brombase mon someriadlog elm Ye
hritaliMeslo l .
M Los* Welle,lNVlNwl• st. Rem /I.*:
Ina ill yam abliert Woo bra.. awl
r i ellelee. " 4 " jd=
" '" =.l722=VM., ad=
Vllll •••• ••"" atrlK .
Illonsb. On. MY Wen.. Lars. re F.
VW w e Y . er= e NOM. NAL,
11.1.."%a= C.=
Fresh armories
Jett ressitilli at Turremi.
TM rode* 0.1.44 VIM&
I up
Ql.. Tell" ,•
Tr w aotrassoiloarylails. le W.I
1...0 la iss.. .1/es • ls
sayer. al ..... hr. sual wo.. ao.risr so
map avid h torte .111.1 assail!,
...... ..... .
............. ........
1;:;7171V:= . 0:=1:1= ."
:Its; rall:sraaro7soLtA 7 . lw tree
V mar aw so. Mao 1110•3
" p n rr.rre . t "' o; '.
at Most ISM loss.
.71.•••1111*. It ...saved how of own That,
..lade 0.7 Ras.
Totli aboss
• ; 110.••• me. jf111•...M.111:, ow..
11, Olar.ffirells yaw,
pormansotly. To iknao arlba Moo 111. assocs.
IT el• Ississare. a... IT
:I '.. . " l . .stntrals: " .t " ootTate:
as es.
lo aka Iso., awl wow,* ah• memoir ye... I. •
01••••••••1 . 311=11 V=/.1=11.•••••41 nove
-1 kl; " :7=3,7l; " Tia l i r ffZ1 t. 7 • 4 1 7 . 1 .4 ::
rz y.., ram mats .4•1., 11,.. hew 1••• sad ••• .•
1::114M dp I.ff
t. 14
owl Irene 111 I* I raloall Imr•
t . :7l .. .frentr
;I trr :
•••••• CM Ow I rwma kla/ad sod my 50... lir
• WU 11116.03.1, ell 11..ilowfoe..
h.• nay own. morn Omn fair thro•ormx essesall..
'az ""
%41,e1 . 1 , 11.1•4114.
Towns.mrs „..
"‘" • 0.r...n
••• 1
Oct 1917.
•••••••'• ••‘••• ••••• • ••••
t• 117::.
realm. Men
71 . 17 .""1 1:
•Mir• einty•T t•ol .1•111r•It I.•••romairat. , l6
.. TM. ... . boy. Mee
•ftnr am,. • Pm 1.•441.•
::::::;.•: ' ;1••: " :.17.1: • !"
Ler ,
ablitt '
7.1! rorint.ntitrtrm.:renoi tt7•=n.
:=Lt M. n
uwellettwalabokre aml p 0 ,...•
:I=7 TZ; ' :: " Letly ' rttt=
saw ' . eal.:11 *Mute re It
~,._ i ~~?.1~
arreffiatar Wm**.
TNN 11.11.11/...
=1 . 3t1 " :
11-, le TN Nom or, he = 91W=
V."" NITirgePIIMM. IN W•mioNN
1/1, NI. IN.
NWT:: Ltirdritrir• =NW. NO=
In ." 1 1 ".
6 11.7111VV. Arr.lll7ll l 7 ll rlrt_ NUNN
ea Welon.
.w... u. pr. mower sei- lays. aba of p.
s .. =, ••• eN. were Ilee
Erlt.. IlaOree“ efl i== d;
olowdar . 0 .• ••••
nos a er. .. =ll.r. rtl
W.= =Or droll,. P. 4••••=1 " 1 •New il liiM
sma all."C":"Iig:
.=.. Jo U•M•A
&Einar • asAs admi. 0 . 4 ..4 .4.. .." .1.. i .
p= . 1 ). 2 , u .,, v ....
n u Id
re , 5wei,=,..11 .... .. g,, --d.
WWI .1 remplfy
lop•Foffogle .I. by • . c