------ I millarious ittllttenee• which pervade the at- was unopposed, the Austria. having alit - without the means to get • pmeage- great ) !maim to Me Honest Public Servant.- i NEW GOODS, . 111. s. Scsow, 1 ,ATTORNEY AT LAW. eareephom. It lea meat melmeholy thing sad from that. point. The road to Milan suffering among some. On the 2.06, 200 It ie a truth Met speaks volume. f or C,,le. to follow one of our own citizens to hie ms eeported to have been erowJed with signed an agreement, to go to Clegree andloel Fames!, ono of the Democratic mem y_i! N, York dr.. _Erie RI" , ad. I t „ t t,"„•.........elreasszsee se zuninoonwn Brave woo fu from home and among such • the Austrians and their baggage and m o n k - to Vera Crua , to go there by land. It was tars of the Canal Board, that but for Lis! reptile, The day we arrived there were limn in full retreat , wholly out of 0. stimetion to get to Cali- hold and fearless roof u the facts at- T .z..................P.„'„T.,==°,,,,,,„7., , , , ,,,.; tee Ameriems buried. There seems to be Advices have been receiva fin,. Vogl], fornia by the way of Chagres. , tempted Is be itopprmised by 'lir. Powa et, t1 . ,....,=,„:,:,:',: 0 ttr:,::::,%:„r„..... it s "....- ' CL, 311. COTTER I • great abundance of fruit , Ind our corn- Co°n rotate made by the Austrians open The road fr om Gorgohe was stiewn with, his Whig colleague, not a 411. a old , is. eel,- es miteareenweees"ttra t irectl: W. " 4 " 8 " &roe" & Realer 119 earaava ...a, ,1114.Fne/gr. awlyelotwoesarans stalled. party so fir are eery . moderato in feting it the Pied...tem, who defeaded the bridge the earcaszes of dead horse. . debt. would bare beenwai l d . , d amording to a ~ ..=.,„,:t s , r ww .h . , t ,, t and ea yet we are i n excellent health.- of Memana- Carle , near Pam. The Am- , The Weight is mostly earned Mon el' wractiee . that bad Wog earn ,to our domes- 000 _ ......... ,0r...... . ' I L' s 'iletlen sees,-:Viorsen'tair mee "" Cape. Brno, of th e Northerne r ,. waits un- miens were repulsed , after which the Pied- negro.' backs, et 50 50 per cwt. , 'tie creditors. His statement wee so frank,' B ;;;;;;;,,., 7 „„,;;;;„ ;• ;.==z4var::, , cvn tit Saturday morning fur the California. mint°. partially ketroyed the bridge -' Few merchants from Valparaiso, bound .just, and fearless, that even the hornet, Arm, eamka sce fautentaltilliNheoploy , or ow atronlasts.lloe• sant ewitoarrs.rhe 4 honal I ' l "‘ " `large ' n It c., IN . G, apply or b pjS .. .. He is to take our hitter. It the steamer When the division approached the bridge to Jamaica, stated that everything ia the Whig s . in the Legislature sustained it, and I .."•• • •• seize motes in before that I will add • I'. ei at Bitgabors, the King himself advanced , shape of • vessel bad one ( rpm the enact voted in accordance with its suggestions € o ,n o be Yours, truly , J. T. MORSE 'euthlonly Inks heed, and war the first man direct to San Franck., so no resettle could when the Appropriation Big came up. We , ~.„,...... •A"tri a" t.° I DRESS GOODS, [Signed mod full endorsed by S. E. to mom the bridge. ,be expected at Panama. call thie at the same time, • high oomph- I (1;;;;;,„, • .:..“,„", ,:z . ;;;;;;:z4rt!.........- ..- , ....,:rA t z t ,E...... teh onr- 1 1.... ...- Mulford and twenty-throe others ] y ' The Milan Gemette publishes two pros- All the vessels on the coast could . not , ment to Col Fatness : and • bitter rebuke , lor se zr ex 7.1 ;111,7"" i latnatione of Radetaky, dated the 17th, one earrWaway those now there, for • long time. 'to Mr. Powza- cep after the latter ~,.., tata a...a, ~,,, g re .,,,,,.,,.,.... : ,,,, , ,.. , SHAWLS, BONNETS, ; 1 Arrival o f t h e B erman . , addressed to the inhabitants of 3film, the! Gambling and d r i n k ; were mm . mou M . had professed to be ono of the exolueive .". 50.... es to lienTl.l.7 a SUS. ' ''`' . ,: .". " ..dao tOmrota oar. wswie; v. h..... *eon, lono oter. the ovvel loson. , other to those of the Lotobardo-Veaglian , Pamma. Many had been deprived of MI, friends of the poor man-Penneykunicn. F Or sale --- 1 r.T'C';'.° r''...."."*".' . '..."" The American Stennehip Hermann ar- ...„ f „„,,, k „ . wt .,. , .5 2 soy. of ova ...ollre an kingdom M large In the hornier, Redid- they p ossessed in this way. . . rived at New York on Friday let with two ~ a,„,, i n f or ., th e Mi1.", 0 0. 1 h e i„„,,, e th e Many h a d w ad their, pr o visi o ns, a n d ReTtran or eft.trovissa.-The Rail " " fo; tr" be "' "' '''."..........". 411.1...1! IRNAPP , o Road Stage from Binghamton on Tuesday ----- - -- ' dam later nick. from Europe. city to carry the war upon the enemy's ter- , great went wax impending. GREAT BARGAINS 1 orning last brought.. pumas. Mews. „ o PIA_ ou fin . She left Southampton on the evening of "li..Y; but "..I.gis. the P...h . i'thshi -1 Th e , North mennen • I WED Barnes, Samuel Brodbeed, and Ed- A we1:,...17,71",'„„..°' L' ° ,..„'',:,";_,„......_,..1=0i ; s ' "m" = " :=e,"otol. "." " m ""' h the 260 ult., and hm 120 passengem and 0 n... he Wm.. "tom that he 1 .. v.. . co t• is l itt le doubt, sole. our public ward Platt, who fell this place about, seven • .. 3,etetv.irreentwit - s7,sieo - s - u - 7,4,74Ww - d"7; U. susibtows &ow • very valuable sae Dom Bremen, Mauve, solgei." gsrrizon and • well Pro.ided . 4- , k MI Dealtere. oneoe , twits, lere. _ 1 NEW ARRANGE ENT mid England. -- injured dud,. thep ie s-'weeks Sin. for California via the fathoms -- ' " ' m .' Adel. He home that mil. will remain wor k . "...J . "' g . . , -- - • , , i • t , huh , ent and g sumers, that tho Farts. route They wetrt to uhagres in tingteemer 1 - 1 - 7 - . - There had been but little change in the tlotet t ....I. army toing ready ' 6 It .nn for e t c th onipletion of the North Branch No•thern. crossed over to Panama and ' re. id Vol! ilirigad oteno 0.2.Y rae7111 . ~,, , .„ . "'t I markets during the two acre preceding the for the rights of hie eovereign. Canal will he found to works effiriently.- waited some two weeks for • reseal bound ;tr. ••• %tr..- .. 0 ...... , ......"..1.• .. 2. 1 _ Hermane's departure in csisclueneo of, ray Telegraph. rho general Appropriation Ern reseed t o s on , w rane f, w h en , h o .o l ing tlioo.oo. •IiaItifTARPC4HR. An t .. &son.. 1 T....2.,%:,.,,:nrzt.,-, wg . :z4lTalys:4l.ll.l4. ' Sunday intervening. The British funds West. NOTON, Apia 13., Do-10 finally Tome:ley, after having ammined ma- aged et the prospect. a being nun an per- ' , ~,,.., „,,,,„,,,, ~ two .. sowes, eta fsmsee P. St , 5... stto or' Me • Stile on Change . I i he :Huh. The' „ ; Letter of Col. Fremont-1 , 4,40u, ,4,. math amendments to ill original form. It sue their tourney in any reasonial•le time- Ihiri , o l ,theo ° ;• 00 1 3111.1L1 ar. KNAPP, ' 1" .,:::::: i i " ,,i n 1 e y ° ,7% '1 1:.t 9 .. 1 e t ,.4 0 ;,..1 0 . rants Confirmed of me Suferftlgs R I autheims a re-;.sue of the railer notes now there being fifteen hundred waiting f or pave-, --- , ww *away... Ludo. star WY ono. nip.* no% ' Ilineacli and ea ;mi. in etreoletion. and mgr.& the annual can- , age at that place-they concluded to Man e' The Produce " m " llmm me Im" and °"- Mr. lied. lro• rescued a letter from celled. tof $21)0.000 a them notes for don the enterprise, crossed back to Chaves we ere es ta use e twee emir now. ob. COI NEW ARRANGEMENT! ''""'"''-'-'-" ---" . changed.tr. waist Col Fremont. def..' Im 2 I lo• dread ca l pr i es _ three y ears This is e q uivalent t• rt. np- , •ild returned to New York in the same yes- , Tin ....smettall t 50.u.11.111 die t tees' The sales of Cott. at Liverpool lon IL" AllOtrr CO/ e ve Mies and misfortune Mee au , orded his ptheriation to that amount for the co olople- eel srldch took them out-leaving their' "" tm. "'"' .......... rm.. ants the . le1;111.e. orlon 0.4. • wow no. 1 24th amounted to about 3500 hales at firm journey over the It sky Mendel.. mon of the North Branch Canal-• emu. c,,mpanions, Messrs. Robt. Brown and °Mo. I . Ratting Business, 4.1t.e 0- •=V.. ''''' t; :it VII V:g * :;' prims. To w „,„1,„,„ k h,, k ,r, p „hi f ,j,,a , sk „,,,h, havirog he incorporated in the Bill a pe - 'em at Panama, all well and still determined ;ewer" 0rg........: ...gr.- oar to drat, ratewtalts saw . • .1. The advances by the Sarah ganolsetrd e r m . n . p t zo an horrors depicted by C o l eiffically appropriating the ssrphts in the to And their way to the golden El Dorado. :m u it.,"=,,,,r,""geret i ci sos ete ° 74 - 4:i u t ee e s eta Europa had been received let Havre, and ' treasure alter paying the interest on th e -Owego Curette. , e.t.a eye. °ran Je4.4 0h1eb4111....1.1. rents r» tee '' '''' ' produeed a slight re-action in the Cotton , . . he.. .tee es., 1...1t1=1..1 , " r the to. / arket. 111111i11.2 at Havre and in the rho number of dmrle is, however, not ' State debt, to that object.-Penneylea- - Flat vex SUS M0111 1 11,1.11.-The wank *" m '"" " "'""" m " " m ° ' ii ;tn.... . • • quite so large, but it is too true, that the nisi . French manufacturing towm wasionprofitig on the Sharp and Broad Mountains, abort • s wi' m. " . ' i 111 N. en. Int, and „ 1 ..., tc , A b,, ,r d fi , i7.l . ; o 7r 4 o e. e3cripelled to feed on th e An active spi bog We congratulate the ltheade of the North distance Iron Pottsville, were set on fire on A Mango of Ilinistry was antic Opined. trator's Notice. Branch, upoo the prospect or the final um- Sunday lam, and the wind being high, the t ~ft„„,„„,,,,,„„„„,,,„„„,,,,,,k , ,,,,„,,,,,,„„, Col Fremont throw. the whole lAtitne The &MIM ol g,old rmeived by various , i d o ann of this great work. The provision fire raged with j 51.0112 fury throughout the A see.... or Owe IN.. se. nrostnl to woke Ion; t i l A p , A O: A t In.: highest F toga net of the guide, a man who atereantik homes at London was about contained in the appropriation act, applying afterwmn and night, destroying annum.° :11;;;;;;;; ^ .744" n itallr:,:ze=='W 1 i • ugliest character, .410,000 sterling. and will . 0.1 the surplus Melllllll which may , at any time amount of Mabel' and curd wood. During On. O. WM t PENN. 6 4111.411111006..t01ier ! All efforts used by the g o vernment o r be." Aside for year. for Go , Dittlgsi but , hereafter, he in th e Treasury, after the pay , Sendai night the bills on almond every side ', g 0... n ..4.. oe., mere ere sal Co. toe . 'oe ar Olt than occasion he became completely be- Franca and Greet Britain, to renew the are , merit a the interest on the Public d e bt a n d a Pottsville, were br il liantly illuminated. mum 'atil..Lett. SNAPP. misfire between Sardinia and Atm n i. had - , ,i,t ei: Br i,,,,,, the Pm' ' b Y • '''' the eapenees of government, to this object, On the North siker sharp Mountain, with- Far. tip. Sala Sarreer e....1w forts failed, and hostilities would therefore he ".• 1 ... 1 .. 0 . 0 onl. , have mlluteed th ree S.) , will, we feel confident, secure its completion in • emall circuit, near the Palo Alto Home' -;,, - „....7"Cit,t;V:rer:tt L AZl: tmvelling-but omit : pied • much longer re-commenced end culled on with great in a fee years. Wo regret, however, that one thousand conk of mod, which had tos iron,: 0 .,;,01 .......,..1...,74............... tune; end through Ins ignorance . vigor on both sides. "r care- provision in the bill which authorizes •• re- helm out sod piled Up ready fur market, "'"'"" m " - "“""'"*" '.. .. . - ' prances they b a d to retrere thew a t e ea . A . l r t o h n o g u i lli , t „ lie i,, E3r , „ , nn o s ,, , , t; o n x tl , ,i l e . s . "ere 1 00i ,, ,,,, , 0,... . ,,atr,,, , ,,,:,, ,, ,.,,, , ,,, .. ,:, , ,r .„,,,,,,,,..,„,,, t , ,17.11coottoril,i,u,AtvlileybitAt ie ot A ,.ll A n A ll i ZZl A ido rA t i ll i e ,A i . r ,7.11,02211.7:.,.. sap to , tl i r u e . r 3 t . i . r i a g n , e , , , l . with- 11. A A ._ AA. „AA A .......0.0„... AA. Montrose Select School. lam muse, jot it was gee: rally f. al ti 11.0 g" w.. ,,, ~,,, ~.. ~ much ri t y k r ° ,, ,,ro, , hie f iodation of th e eomtitution, and non- it we extingnifbed by the rain, herring des- g;..- .- vt,ttrza,:,-, , ...?„,:-. VIZ?. King Charles Alhert weld Lc Rodeo by . .' ' tinning a depreciated and irredeemable ta ' troyed en amount of property WWI can-', ar.= aw. , .a... 4 4.aa L d4. ‘ ....... , Lis v0n , ,, ,,, , , ~,,,,,y, O m ~i,l, .. ..„. itig.:l•Cili.iP,Pl !My, . " .....•,d, t .: ° ' d,,,, Y ht:ba ore „,„„ 3 , e to olog tho Movie, and 12 11 cheat not readily he estiorteed.-noihrAltrs. i tal taarorto.. 100,111.10 Mt sig, Ineditat, 41 a rime. t manor. ' '''. '" "....".. a , upon the public cre ditor. itor . me ' _;,' . .i , Ist. , lli IN 1.1110 IP 111 /IEI WITH, WT IT., * ,•,!...1,,'„....t . .7...„„,„„ e 0 ,.. 4 ....., es .i :1 l'o.l B ecton is e,,lle,.tilla frwm From CI upon Turk, their, es Harlot acy's maid iodo . ' C. All the sound Demmrats in the Lettish -1,,,,,, no , hitter co szoirount w h ir l , 011 , be et once pub mid ands 1 Sesids, r' snre ' l l a. ' :" b tVealarstel' i ss " cr ' 4 %!;:: ' 8.7 . """' "'"""". '''''''''''''' ''''' 0 WO tett to love:de )suns n o iftore preferred ."fund these notes, Indwd. In .. t ~• • of the d e t ails are so terrible latest mound. from 1111 ,gery stale that .., , . ... voted, but. Whiggery, and emecially Gov. essence amo n ide a ;rem, r ma ,,, ra motm , a ce , o tetizt o. reek . do, h OU the Imperklists were oot 11101.1.0 t ,„ I , 110 1 DC ta otritacol to sapper,. bent. Jolutaton, is so wedeloA to One darlin of and tut Iwo , . to. . del" Yha "WOOS • rs.sd). i2:4•ZINI-131.w.".7' i..... .. 2 on headway against to Msgeare, as sure Ar t „, 0,.h.„,`„ April ..,, k _ E. ,,, j „,,,,,, o r' his own creation, the relief issues, it sa e mid i n . ° . ..d " .. ....... 1 tossolotsla . 1 ..... ivtii 'eV 1 - •••• re... - ~ too Lad latterly crowned the. arms of the Loom, retard. recovvry sad may pena from Ponal -,- Item. 5. 2 .014. Male, trit4 ha of life-44 , 1.y Robbe4 h. w"oid -4 sign li. ha without • F. - Dave.. 1.0111 Keeler is S.l the thi e P eo l il . .eel 1 'W..... too and the Amtrians had several times Lee", -.Th.. wk.,. of ~ ~,.,„,„..„. Ch....,..,„ • vision to re-itsne, and medium theta in ex- e w e It toe he oionlied ..otterli; 4 . 7tite m nisty:' - , • . beaten with considerable Lim I t ,, w .i„ 0 . ee .',A 4,A „.„,..,,N e. gigi,,,,, istenee, doting his administreti.. He had end ant ofwete lee a Mann to cheek the no es., . Music Schaal. Tho 1..".... 1 .° .1.1.. i." Inn King .f. engineer and three firemen 31, Bloom. h tried to aorool the approoprietion to the ;i5...0r... 00 e M. , " re.r••••• , 90.0-19 , .... 0 . 99 . 9,9 “ 99 .••••••••‘/ 9 . 9 .:::tr• Prussia Emperor of Germany, nef roj, i red , , 0,,,, , k,„ h00k. .., ~,, co , b ' Neth Branch in all the rms it was Pre-, 0,7 t:' . ...LA ... V .1i... . "` ° mm. " . am "' - ' :ie; 3,oot • sto=:=l:Pereete 4 4:. by the Frankfort Parliamad. This nom ' Led ~,,.1„, o ,i,„ 10,,, „f . ,', b,,,, 0 „, ' 00.011. end when loc meld not. vid the dose ern:rf l uitYet hree ' eo ' ;: ' ,7,7 l ,roo, " ll . 4 .* eo d u l a . oTor i tt pi" m ijr,..,Zriess " zi t seret=""""tecowe" * .straszw"a to; wattled deeifion mimed greet eseitenact a thi„i„ g viwo ill. „.. i ,e,..„„.1„,.,„ en d „.. he demanded.. a lOW resort, mane ex. et. a., os anima. wrlr more thane., as,. tor rho 0 . t0...ad. ,. Wor torr toes. wows. 0n... and would, it we roared, lead to tomlemonnt per. , ... e a ... 0p...p..0. Ile „d r „,,‘,.. ming in the shape 4/f irredeemable paper, rt: 1 • 7 t . ....Ln . b....t . t , 1e. , ...1Z41. ,, y....t , P . 1 d a . , A 11 , e . Z . i11are 00- 7t... 7-...,, t _ 7 „.... 7... . 11 ,,, n7L .,.. ......., consequences 11001.011 11.11i0 01111 Allll,lio that the rod eer eau retrain The Itepohlic of Pahnero had reported ...I ~,, d m „..,„, an d ..,.. T he Keystone ' - - 15, - 11.1 wew... ''''' the Cent heti. and forupem neer by tl e r • o „,o,„ „ oat „ ' I I • • , ---- -- - ;',' , . 1 01? AK:;1..i16.1.'":.4. Babe==.7l;, ° ,l=e, " ;"" en King ,s 1 Naples. . .I . fly' " l a st ....- Tunis as A. Say wee - Tho headman - - - tsoseso„ _ pen e1e0...... NEW rYR 0, j novoloenol m o unt. noorlono, h, ...en The fietieh and Illitiell fleets were shoot I'm '" "" I ' m ' " mtm , compel abbe tla prop]. of this State h a v e ..,.... - _ 1 re.at tanao- n owew torawarato rawer Ilastetical. new oar tar ,ao 00 more...sal ,ee taas oo ...I.lnnevetions. 0.. • el.. Itaces.. _ to wi th draw , mid the Sicilians were prewar- . go Wee, .Ipril 14 -E f the Stetherio gi, mo the hero et Chepolterc, in tins late , 0m...... r,.., I . n v e So so. ain ing for hoottlitite, Ulrich would name:del . , ,ail tes alto•rtio on. saw have the Picayune, rlartiew L. aft errdimlao to it, as to him.- , 1:!r ' r o!" ' 0 `''' Wrs.srZL'''lll...B": MONTROSE BOOK STORE ., - . COW vora..roir, Tex an me t t ,, th e trrial, wt., It is a rceognittort of the semi°. oe bas i c , T . : ro •• a eari,la 10100 lit The King a Naplee email with groat Paoli, LI, 1000, W . it'll 0.13 ft' on the vloohola i o ' rendered his mentry obroloa-1. unino2ll giTi0.,,1., lb, it o tb, % . 7........r. - •so". :a daboulty k, ep Ns Ihr..netto a ',odd rlde nr , gre-sing • Rao tory 011 ❑ CO, Iojo Cralitht !adv.,ey td repuldimn prilleiple• at hem t i ov. Y.,. 712,1 Oen . a:. o as' New Arrangeme2t. ; BRANT'S INDIAN insurreeti .... was about tor, oiling out ito Cab lion ot a roma oleo of one hundred otol rail--his eP"lh't. integrity ...d hiali-enitledr4a=fie', # ms , hto. Ai.. R00n5......1.111. 2 ' ~ 4" ''" °-"' """ " "'gir l ' ""'" ''''' ".'" ''''" " "-"'• PULMONARY BALSAM , .brie, and .I. N ongo in„„, ,i,,„,„d,,,„, r , iy, )flits have died At M. 11.11061.1 Olt. I striotif m In Ilartford, his residence from 4i:ior 0V . et , 0. 0. s ~ r, l e .... . , T e e „ ts,, " "' l.. "' M IA: e7ercontr: unquiet. . , i.;,, Ineto seventy emits 11.14 frotirch..l.l l roproora. 110 L ea taken the large., Demo- ...etre terms. sm. wieett.S lll"' A:. at.. ":"'"'"''''' 1 Ito rettirng from the Bank rat France ere I monk va l e ever given at • conteeted .tee- 1 MN eM oartnnor Ow See ohodun ot du. e w e.. or MIetIeLLAIMOVII e , ... ...., ~, , ~,, .., ~.,.. , , ... .... I were net quite or. lavorable for the bade of Pottsrille, .4prol 14 -The coal dealers ii,,W, and rum ahead a his pm) . lake. to , 1 ~,, 2e .. er .., 1 „ arc .,...r fai . i . - I , e . N . Lrlll,lp n, ril 9. ..„.. I ~/ 173, ; 71!. . 2::2, E rr .: 1. . /E11;17, , 7t t ..-.4 , 1111 7 24414 . 4.17 , - . 500ni ....,...._... ...-Xl: = '' i t:„. ..' 7,. .= .7 41 . 1 4. 0 2.1 0z , I l within fort . , -ono of Mr. Trumbull, where 'oce ., ,te eso , noc sem ammo ez eme, "R t e: tWigner.....,7 o .°r„l . ts .-- :',"rt . ..,, t 4= 1 ,=;',47,.. ".. 1 ... Le t e ....... '''' Patio as some of the pre, iom returns I held a I mac 1110011 Int to-dm, and resolved, A nialiiirmatioto on the part of the So- ht k „,,,,,„„ 0 ., , kr_ would ~,,,,,,,,, im Whig majoritY is mire th. thme.lion- m i:',.;..!";.,.'_ ,;,,,,,, t , „„ st „, w „, ~, ~,,,,.•'47;a41,;;',,Ni1i. t r!.'t.:•'''' lit s uos.oo ell Ow e ve yu1ify100..”......17 chilies and Conomnia mos , spvci. Ain „'.. el 0.. 1 ... e „,. ....... ee .'.... 0 ...... , t r. ,. Bred! That is a te-tininniel of which lie len , sfi 7 se wee to 0 .... .010.1 0010,0 , et e . newt. to ememsews or ' es moreelool .2 seine vs Ow pre n em... oro nal Paris on the 25th and rent military p re - , w ,,,,,,,,,,,, ht , iho ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no 0 ,,,.. , may jostle he proud. It is only 111 his , 0 .,,,,,„„W 5 ' 5 . ,:.,"',',,,...."'"''' .. 5 mis A.' e 1 .". I Thom Cartels a Berger raper. . MOM", INDIAN runtrotts, I CaUtione had been taken to preserve the , f„ g ~,I. , •„„,„,„1 o „,,• 1 w„,„,a,„ „,w, Itetnomatie hien& in the legislature to ele- _ _ __- - -- loolnon MN ore o no/monk .... too OW I. public pearo. lvote kin. to that dist ingeshed petition tot 21,r i2r ',6l l r,ikir inin(4s4 , ma rgiltig, ; A oomph. eat510 5 0e0r.a..14.....1 towns ' NNN. O .4 ..."..'2. 1 . No. The French prerionent had reeked Lager from Colonel Fremont. ' which the people have named him, but nev- ,- -- _ - , seg o s: w:" sr,' ..::: ,•=,!-,, t „,,,,,,, „ tw „,„,l couoms so copssumpTiONO, telegraphic ilespatt•ln'e s u e d that the W. 111 1 2401. April 16th. , ter ni"... worthily be5t.....1,-A.." )lore" IL L SUTPHIN dr. CO, V.NN. : 1'.:42 - I;:,.r.::47t.t.'=`;:=3 e i Ltg.trz"...r , :r.=!...= . 7.1.tr.".. M.: Sardinian army load ensued the Tie. on The National lidelligeneer of this ni ....... A.gi"... nave port eeron. • v.. et In ...1.0 1010 the Wok Flo. .0.1.01... Ml. 0 ./ 00.0 the 200, in three divisions Ito the 2lst, ing contains Col. F 0000,11 1 .• semond letter, I SPRING GOODS .........•,,,--..., .- r .....,....”.-, The Snail, Threat, Woo. nod big. I . Melancholy Murder. , .••• ...•••••..-...... vi,.....; Tao /Wow. awn ned a... saw. h. do Law.. Ow the Austrian tinny lied I nd the sam' dated Tam, New 31exio Flormry 66, 1 mem °mew, mete hee h aw othee th. Onede I :11.= 'Vt..= onizt.rTrior, ~,,r t ..., osorr rororria,, a. 0r...4.w ...a,. ise re...1el river, ,s e ex experienced some resistenee. It giving farther extracts front his Journel ol •. A " 1.4 " a " 1 Y I ' m. "' w " ' w11 " Spring Style Banarls, 1191 ,, e ' 49eZ , •earie . •••• ' •••••••••:3• 97 • 1 ,.. . ''''" '''''' ''''' "'" " 4 '''''. - wail euppraed that. King Charles All ert the Re ilk a mt., of his party. H o in our borough this morning between six ~,,,, , , ,,. .0 , .,0 , ..,0 , ,,, ~, ~,,.. ~,,,0 , ,,,, ,, ., I:mm.lv sou nes no m ilex o f zurz . ...e . : o nswe i w as. w 7=',...== s t s,,`Z .. . '.:' 1 ........ would be homed to verve .. 11, 0 riv er Ti s ion, says, " one mt., omAh o e, fetr i o d en d end ..... ° 1 . 0 . 1, John K•••PlY. ... "f tae” .eimaing.i.r.......... .4, ;:f gx.:=7.,:..... ,„ .w.• toned mu, Tnersegre, op corraraprroge and that a great battle would be hotgla on tromp, acre lett behind to die-rsthem, our oldmt and most rmpeetable mdse. w as ~Boors a. Barons, eta. ,-...."-.,-„."-::71=7"'; ?"4.74%.7'; ;V "1 - `' - 0..-' - '7,7 rsZ t etett • s r"' tatt = the plains of Vervelli. A French expedi- pedng oloware to sme I 1i001.12. from tiiied.l.d in his s 's° ....., se,,t. r hs...g ti:lea tt's, el. , t'"tele tn.t!smi.a....i.o , trj !‘ .....55".....72.•r5't.! '" Ina. "`"••• • so= hotrolieropo=ts go 1/21.....:41= mod tlon of twelve thoneand /11. was moody to (odd ataA starvation,. were °lmpelled In cot L ~ .. ..d d i t • e r l y. b h . a .. t .,.• % • , l ; M ... % r t e te c d. t . ; l 7,: p l e t: I " t ":,„=„"Z oo ' Z' t 47 . r,:;,„„ o- 7 : ,7..- - ,....::::,- ,- - - rra/11!" ..--:-...:7,;,;:z•z1..t.,.',':;'148t""' ' ' "P" ' 1 sail immediately, sheet the Austrians set the dead ms of their comrades before, Montrooo, /1.011 2, ter mew rn e ree y o u. wen AL.. ree'tli, 'se m , fmt in the Pontilisal State. t h e y k etone m kt" s,h „fr or i„,, wk .' tined for the commiesion of this horrid deed. , THOSE Of JUDGIEXT, NEAD ! _ _ ________. , law ea...ft.. m... 4 Atoh•-.1 • /.6 Executors' Notice. Cetera/. Omen %NV. -In the sitting of nover before mrrated. The latest amount T" mind " Mis Y"Mig me n has been im- , 1 PRIM Wgik NIMES 111 reIIPLIIIITS. 1 ram to the slave et UM Mone t . the Frankfort Parliameot of the He ;net , from Co. Fretnont and the t h e y 2110111, aired G . ' • ....3....., vend h. I'm made rte ~r at Atr0mt..............---- , . - -,. .- ~.t. : 7,7.trt ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the adjourned debate en 3f. We tenn bees of lois party mate bloat they were m- es three immecessful efforts to commit r : sz sae set bon ser . rigion, sit annanthato= " nd := 7 , -.•-r;„v„,rar,r,t7,,trrztT, ....1.........1 ... s o , . ~,,, . oof the not,. Ilavonr, 1110 n, . OppoitoLthn King of Prussia hered- peeted to 10000 SOOl3 FO abed the 17th a ...kb , „_F°..... ".. Pi. , h....v.. h. mostrerstrw"artennownrofe=t747.l,ti ins!. It mono. 114.1 dlthnonno erell.r. ' A ' ;t4r7Zili 1 .17::'44 I I Vzlrrai.7TV,7l7i: , r•r.",''''''' ''''T.V . '"" Retry Emperor of Germany, was continued. Febromv. Col Fremont denim that the h...." ..." " b or i ng un d er • "Y s y m p tom ".11,r,..r.V7.::::"1.7" - i,==, -. v.,47....' ~...... -- - - The Homo divided next . the m , di'e nhjem oof his admen. see 'pad. of insanity. erefrsin from fur th er mot- ',,,, v m eo w, r i t g,„,,,,,, tw „ st „„ „ t w - 'Werniattfraiii=l7,l ° " ; " 'I " .ar;41":"1 1t1.71.74i pr the estimate., ill favor of 31. l e d - - ' meld en Ill's unlimmy occurrenee.-Dam- , w=tter o l o ,,s o z; . .,,, 'NNNI2I. 0,4. . A.„,„,,.....;.,:tr,w4 - - -via my,: 0 0 el A el . 0 n ' 0 .. P . ' ' L n. I I , I t" u r« " " . ' proposal laltd II& Malian was rejected by a Ilaltimore, April 10M-10 P. la- locratic Um.. 1 , maws edam.. forswear - --- - - . i N.l. si Erie Railroad ......--.....................r....10.... u. Orw na trwoottr majority of 30 fortes; the number. beilig- , C ......°` "i 5...". .. Ts's ...S. -Brig.- 1 ors. i .e. n.p.onsp. l it tot,. 14 1 .2221.. It N.D. , nor o .v.. go to pon. non ol Ilon OM *es me le for the motion 52, against it 2.2. o.r General Pillow deelines bein -H orn di- ' swot, wrw In own row.. r. , aw1...0w IS Landon, it Watt stated, that Me Nmi- dste f°. ths 00 .orti'...hil. of T.1.e...• 1 In a few as 3 . les. Farnham, the social HITCH BY THE DEPOT FItEI G II T -I, IN E . conavairrunkit enimbeery to CalMornie, will deftest to that' gallon Laws could not be ferried, and that ..D . a p ft . i;me , , H .4_pr 7 if ri. lli f , n l , o 2o. P . . ,4 l . l ,. . 7l S c x - c- &moot territory with her hand of young I ITCPUE99II& Ti9o9ll9llOhni A lITIAM ell°o3llS IMMO, &ay would he rejected in the House of, women. This enterporim may be regoirded VIP 'TOWIII. FORWARDING LINE FROM GREAT REND, ; 4:3= ri:gt:7,,= 3: ,7Zol,,==rw Linda r Navy.- . , • .. , ..„ ~ ~ s YRttaer's trial for the murder of 3lts. Coop- as ono pe culiar to the spirit - of thie nine- , Neo XI 10 WlitilleiN Tetwrifon : l Os. , Lw• ........°0 .. 1 'airi" .. sgr-of . rttttl l s t ;j: ":;Vi o ts , °"tiier ow 1.:74 P '" . • -.. " -. 7. -..... ..'", • • .• '''' - er is going on in this city. VW ease ie (meth cellar•• • and in its remote effects it., ~ ST:=Ll,Z=.ll. 2 l====,' ."... :::: ::....1r.t....2;1:,..7-7.e.7,1,1g: NEW GOODS The A " ..M .Y "Ur P." hour tut evening , es . eitine • ere t deal orf beereet alai nu- wilt fornbahlyea' eerie' almmt ad great ' an ~,,,,, ~ ......., ~ .,......., ...,.. a. . ~..,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,„„,....,,,,,,,,,,to , ..............r.... - n ter to no , rsorui..... brougld to • • does the debate of the law en m twoo r - w a,. ° „,, to kkyo 'won eubpremed influence on Ce W.W.I& as thlending rof the D meet team to:was este fie pee /Wee tenth!......enlllnen ..2.1.0..13 ........."...."' *I . '''''''..."' l' s ' . .r . s rl o t,'„,"l,l" * ;,,r, the "' I ". " h " 4 w" finally ""1 0.1. l '" I. is seppmed that the trial rill let for •a Pilgrims at PI mouth. Alll new 5........ ' ......... .0 , wscs . 0 se ' l s m. ' t st '''' .. " ..' '''''' '''''' '''''''''''-' s et, '''''''''= • '''' ' ' '.... es t ' sale- theemiteir 'gm .1- inii. ' ""' ~-.""^"- - " www w ."." 0 "'""'• '," w Y I ti.?-:1'."- -. .7....:"1. " ..7.. " 74......=.• shied sod .... 14 ".. Mail will I.S. Ida. , week, We understand a despatch him brrn wrote, suddenly Y "elated, are in danger mem, trot u. au o we. TVLse. r 1,.... , ..=!: X= r uit,:r . ,Zii;,„. 1it,,,: ~,,,.....4 417,44..„..... MI . 1...1m" vela s. By 1 i * lam "" bs am th e in tout, front Pittsbui g aostroutoeing of becoming ton mite in mann.* if not too I-- bus P .M& .....""g" . " .. a.- the dentruetion by Are of an Episcopal demoralised in habit.; and the only pre- CO-PARTNERSHIP. -',.... "V..:-.1" -- *.., - 7 ..-",....,...-7- -- - A la oo amnion of polities," sub a, Which ham not ebeeeh Inn thee eiey. '...r....,4%.... ... z .2.., ~ ... ~-,- , 4 Or te. lee ere a/ bet 11.1.4. et Illeaalwri, Coen, mr4 oho Omuta.. imputed to club. by the prew ___ _______ !vendee of this le the resume t,f • sufficient T11,.....,-. .1="1"..:.=:, , ,P,..tr.........--.,__....0-„„,,,,,„...%'- , -.....z.„,,,-- , .....,„:1"".- WS -Sao to • row ell TPt M.o. vever..... I numbm of females, woes and slab m of the ....Wr ::' ,.. 0 ,,,..... n 0ri,, ° .,! ‘ .1. 7..., ,it„,.......j.www............... n w.,, 4 - I= --- ... a - Wait - wow - - -- . 4......31 .. i.rid. - .. - ,..A. -- ... . I ..... ...trant . erwerma -000, s s, ow ten., laws. roo. set kw will be permitted. , arrival se Me Falesa. A Paris hoar of Sunday, the 25th alt., New York, April N. 'adventurers, to soften and mall the rough move* enesh. esteem . I community. The esigretkin of the other 1.20,7 gr. , 1 I , :zrimajki . .1-0- 1 -.....---.,-....,. ~.., Iv --. T.--.......... , __,.....111"...t.Ter..t 9.. 4 11 17 1 Pants • 01 .7.: Oms read.. P. 0 •1101 is Podia, The steamer Fake. reached her deck r oe . to caw..* Instead of Wog &00. 1 .." night mid yesterday allzww.sis• AS. alma 4 o'clelt, a few minutes ?Doz the' tooooko t . kt i t ft, by www ,, , °w ow to h o le, „ I .114111tINIO - .NI In voilo 1,, :0% nea. ~,,,, 111. eta IMMO. OestruMin . r eemont mon-mu hexane/di wore sweated in various qoar- Monsoon. My the politenese of Mr. Cale b". Tb. awn a 4 p•in.b.a by awing a.- man, front Provident.. U. 1., who returned Mehemet., both of tawdry and infantry du- . from tho 'alma in the Falcon, I wee fur- An ha night. A. popular =enmesh fnvi nahed with the Ildlowing hese lainerrew easiness to be @pokes of. The Th. Palate esikni from Chaves April; Wear wen, every wlhwe seder erne yen. } la. and arrlred at Havana lea intends. Imlay aadllia. aisle. Bite left Rama on blenalay, at 4 P. M. lkiansta.—fir•ilohnoples• Garda i gram a /Mee from Clone of 111. 16111,1 fiatlevlust Avatrise• bay, evassaNd I monism ban 11118011...- Owl plan sad ended of tie boilers of tbe .Meat..., to male them mane to the 4. 10 11 0 • 19 . W. bare 10001•0411 heat. oar , I=ltl at Tuba of is2la.A ylat bon punned is Taria,l rim Mahan in Interim, aramarang ' at trPof MA Minn an Me Irani rodhmontem nay boto Lombardy. The beedgmuters of is hilts man St Tn. MK • sea tam. oa the Flonmeatem bask erns Thin, dem to is mai Mena ham NMI% to Masa. It na by the bridge W e We ma& brae is Infalefe, that IM smy onand sloe *cgs.. The row 811tt briny nog . we ii;;“ from Calll- , w t of dm manor eallfor -41 !me __ red at Pumas i.M nia bid moved $1 • . when um. bulb About 82 ammonia* mum bask In the Paton, who started with Me view of Rani to Ben Freedom all hope of reaelm• Ink Arum baring Wen abandeeed. Timm maid not hare teen Ims than 2200 pa moue training Pasta so the o(Aprli the mamba would be swelled to 3000 mry awe. It was serrendy reported Mat the tuar or the Califonda bed dammed. It wa* tolerably' healthy at Panama. bat nay I hot. Two young mee. who kept the Atter Homo, am mimed OA. were dews wW the taw. On the 19th Idaelt a mem war taken, at wida 836 were heal to he MANN UAW At Oullansi, sad 100 y Tearel:"Z 174;.01.; PER! PER! • eked out! 'f• ,on or poor and esniageobla en„ pLy N WA TON CO. MUTUAL INIRMANCE , girls, which prove great social Ilan- I B O E ,71. amaipaps, litrawornion le/ to oar groat cities. Ramiro& of fa- 'lop anorna• W.Va. WIC •••..bmsb....o her %a Mllimisared, woks, who would nuke wood vim and Li k ." . . " I Asa • Wargo A•••••••••••• rasa. ti MOMS. immoral, ,„ Wan 1101 O , allies vored 4411 who hive the tnoi prom of that territory at heart. California lobbadnes by the aser m rodWoburi BONNET RIBBONS, Mit Go prapwl MN of ahaG~la~ theh, aNdl • • .•••Mfal •••wr,w IMMINIIIIT GOON Pei • ••••••••••--•••• •••1116 . •••••6101• , • .- . a." •w»•»W woes. wes..wis i m " '•••l i,t,.., t •••••• =2:"riowor ske. for the better, =lOOl ...dambit to .._ ,_ __. w.—.... Ga d. •••••• e.s.. '' •wwwisalw. el= •ew met. se the yeelde Gout, seder, ciams sus ammo ,. .1 2.,.......v...., .buf.....„ M M supioaa eawMN• a hishly besidleisi laves web:weed Yaw ; .11•10•111 pa 1.01. esl . room wrolmow. Meows thesis Id& et the eine thee ed. ;•••••••!.. 6. ;• •••... . ••• ,r i r . c . ........ - 1.i iii rd .„.... : • =,... ,.." •••••• • • 11C... 1 2 .,. ..,:eet. ,......,04 • Var z. nodes their owe melon •ad hoppieees. The Mr shame :shish provosta snaky bolo D ~aerg.w~~ ss w . w~ e .~ s we s •wr G ~ un t asim o—av-zw.„.„ 0 . 7 , sedertwhine this selmirbo, to to b. Hint• ishotnewore • rsNbee awe os ••••••••1 Imo ;re On Ur tod : sod will be a some of panful nitro- i too ..............4 . 11......e5 . ...i= . =.40 . = to the! I. atm Nib panful Coteat2M,l•l7., we ew=ww.ll=....esriso ir1;.1....1N = wtrSt= li lialtelM" =Ye= :it . .... w . A empsey has twee lbw:el at Hobos ,r,,t,? ••• =reir n•"" weetre l•••"* . ••••"i t.... 4. rer. ••• = "" === wreolVa N. Y., with • ospitel ofINNI,.OOO, le greet „,„_„ * " . 47 ••••• • :4•*• " •••4•••••••• • .k‘ .. . .H . H.17 7 . - - 6 41,===.; me. • formes ea le the seundletwe of a — ei."... G.r~r. • hes illk sure ef fleeekkhiti. 3 . rireki7filiotererws ... swiew.erwenna l iemosswire Hr•. Is the ;IWO maillsbelller. ..•r e it. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING i SUMMER GOODS FOR Compr.• N., killk•--As Main will Niger. law woe., ot • L.t.ra mow, White f1e.41.1,1. An Ir. Oa.. Valls. W.", Yhte 31.1•11•1 k 74174 ) gN w~:.41`...11%.4 ' Limon...Mt* and Flannel.. PlreMy 5111411.• 41,1TrztlX:==r,;:t . .T 477 eN.a Tl.OO r 0.1 ers Ir. Sr.., Sy.. Merl, 11.11 r., ;re:: a 1M r ". M (1.7.1 , C0ra. nr,..r.11.0=1.1717.:f "." Maerweel.o..lll,lll:Nyan. ir. rod TN!. ror:lll7•XlTriret:l " am e. :l%.lr me* ratearla...l.• e"'“""4 114111:7171141,1PMUIV. Marelel, .1k • ,„. • , 4 =4 :r . g.ra k _• ! ..__0,..x. Ir = . Is re = .*"S 7 Z ttiirloh. y "1t.:44..V.g 1.... ... I.l....yrrolia l sorno lOW' ...O. r...., oat sla g 1 ............, 74 ~....... de Tay tfflabothe i ell tbe gill Zr 1' 1 " d ' th... ' ft e' 16 " 6 . 4 .' Men au Mw. *hit. Ind. . .I. ma INAWM. 4 I ~ ' d am . 1 qtr.=4, Z fll"' a. .o. ~. A. 0. 1...., E. wart, 41,1 ft i er 11, IllololiA IMT. 1 ih hi• 114.• p, Own SY*" 141.n0t mg AI wawa pnor . so = EZZIZI w olol enri. *rpm obr i ---- 1,...,..1. 1 , x. . r ., Tarn , ilmitir ,,,, s .. , . TT a. - * -l e -- 1 a. ',.,'—' i l ts."lllllililliatrillithilellay...4 wi. pit _ l lii. 2i.to I , ' • rti• 4-',. •fr.,- 1.4...... % •41=61=11111r ......... ~,, I fte rilr.rejaahlihkri 101111 brYlitlige• lO* lik. 4.0111 n IN MI • . , aisomail nerapnint . dm world.. N. T .. Swan Or 40 • Lwylo '" ". 7.1. orlom raVerse. matietoons MOW lowa. wo 41••••• wowsW• Woo do. lOW riol/W We Wow Woolf ootomer..ol WWI, W ogo ." % . 110 W MOW lloWoo. 01.• a .Ardz., emo. 4.151:=71,4WE mo gl e yL •e_ tt h . % ea. •••1 40. To Tarsiers & Daimon I mherar a i r ..gro TOW TA TITTO 011011 r Vlt TlOrt 111. /TAT Teroblod LT. loIvo• TT TT. 0 . 0111 11 . •=ore • ....To". ma to WIT TT T I•vho froTo Too to T r Y . TAT TATO TNT, ••••••To 10 I. To Toom a T TY ow Tv Ttoo. To TIT. T Time owl, TOT.OOOTIT. Id • Toormolor1•01aTITO Tor vad TT* TIT rao to o.110•••••TopormoroTTI1.01, IT Tows TosTi 100 40 to TOT. O. • Tar or . yr on.rod oTT.11101.00.0• et 010•• Ilho to 11• lowloro=107.111.; TI• no Tom. III•••111 , 0To aTiVlTlorrolvasTatomoo IT Two Toro. aTTlTToTTloolomeoloe doo To• vonTrimmTro,TOTaavoTlT lof 11•0 cz loo 7, llTi r: l•ll . 4r tt lF = oolllll .h.. . 1 =,.. 11•41 .4.1......... ••••111t00r azz 11T ozolllT 01 000 TIT TooT TY la Ton TO Thl nVtorYrW .11 nluri no rralNJw m.... lid TT.. TUT TUTU= 'IOIII W. I. Mk TO GOT TT, Yol *we, Toy MTh., Mont VT. lOW The Eagle Pounda l. :Ate "Irta. 0 N*1.01 . , r• "1 .M lwo*** •M bad of Vadtbaa= "7..•Vrerfld?llt:r2e7l7,:flb• ablo••••• al *on bt• aba as. ... o "tana, , ± tralt. l?!.• MONNE SALOON. ISM rele....4.Virj ore mums/044 le wit gyea ' 9 . ll Mir Vs=rizsatp=4•4.., hie I to ' mes. Pip. Or.. Nos, 14:1.1...1..: rtt 1tten:2414117 ." " "".11:* .21Z211114 297=111E11 1. .1 1 say b. es.aertraZd,ll4l., 01V+7.gri . r . emilarele ••• MO. • /0 ",%!,-"t"'"`" - " - -11.. • str i New Clook and Watch urrAkisznitunturr le Sr.'s 4.1.61aam0 Ms oreataes eevenel Ifa, letrat. lanante• eat Is rya. Y. Weal aloe. awl ea* that efer binelati. ,ley. has tee Ma Om de. am ••••.! el" a • s ' n " =Mr= = ema ...geed of pay mead.. earl lee ry. M 1 tte, stai tlawasapogar wee aaelialeme leery. Ilea belie uf Welt. lemeeltwats errand War •••• ee ale All bind,. trap WM. am. areetmmetir)rwel, Aar mow k Z.;: "" notia.,..ll euriosevsprovtl, .411*111 le etutenue. Jae. I. lea - - New Goods--at Terrell's. /WM lA. A. ..e.dy •111, awl errailifo bwit .11am aml Ono ". pod. boolioarl *a. etc oftloreaft• K R no*. yer....rous. Me, lush. r vilaes .... *a, Imaymirensjeta.Mor Lemrolredool.N.O. sal all.• ow. Worm, is pg. ve.rly. ea.no, alas.. NS, Oa Wine T.Z117. -- ..M. to ths kfl..~Weal* se Maw. Paratli. MN .Itryo as.l., Oboe Mad 1•11.11.1 .{ll/1.1.114 kIMI•kr 1/.....“71. esteM... 1... Y...... mg, all a( . " uMb.nls..wu ptem MO raw MI to wit. floghvoe, Nov. 1 , 1...1 AYLL MOM.. Sammeaaana Academy. rm=kr.z.rnzr:ra...=scz Oftbduryik, ilesang, MM. Aria* 44.• 0.. 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C. B. COTTEN+
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers