rollaid *Wm. -77 Ta.. Demotes!. el immsettir GI, sod gfa , - If the late begidature b.. bock remarkable for have iemlema H..- /mom 11. d.... • P.M.' nothing Ow, it i• emor ion. for its repeated the. , Diener as a testimonial of Moir admiration of ho emus attetnpm, (or the ettemploof the whin...eon. iintilie career end semid sad private virtu. lie, hem thereon 1 emote or otherwim obtain mom however, declines it in the Miming closing pore -- - __......_ THE DEMOCRAT. inflect for them to fill with political friends. The graph from he letter, lost enove on their eh...-board was • bald reed at. , . I regret that eiremnatanem which I need not ----- iiiiiiiiice . — 4 pA , _ , . tempt to legi•latedenwerat• oar of --...mee, that Gm. t detail depnve me of the Mammy of accepting your ... , . . . . • , . . - 1 John.len might be permitted to put more of ho kind invitation to • public dinner ; but I regiet , -.------. . friend. i.. Ttu attempt war made in • prop.r this the le. or such map at bed pride In Th" . " l, "'I U. 1 " 49 . ' hen of Mr. Sesery to add • row motion to the bill soots degree of • fennel character, and it is my - Hr Canal Congelndolattlr, for the woad... of coeds of joshes, providinedsdre In mingle freely among my slat rho.. and ' lawn to thiseoutton ordisnemecreue.tet... COL. ASA DINOCK . that the onomenesion• of the Audi. Gener a l and neighbor' of Lonemter county, without the wet l ...... ;Surveyor General, (who me, evading to existing areint. ',there...sin two, ovally inv. you., - ___ laws eoinnussioned PO three moms) Mall expire on ows md WI, la call an sow Mmy residence. .I -- Nodes to 31111tInoteo I - the la of May next, and also Owl their sheceolors..... y e ,. oeswelowooe nosy permit, where you The Legislature of dna Stele pawed, finally. the . Mal Men be obwett by Gov. Johann. '.'b. move I thall meet • cordial and grateful welcome hem bill abolielting these I. intolerulde bony, milt. ' w•• • MM.. , wow"at towdeot me , mid w. mw Year fn.. and follow.eitileo. ha trainlng• It eubslitute• in lieu of militia drill died to soy, d failedin the Homes ...Ph now. JAMES BUCHANAN. • tan .1 50 cents • you, and give. .i a • year adopted in the Senate by . @Mel party vale-1y la To lien. Ellis Lewis . ' (end over 1000 whom) , n , w o; w o w 11. Did ever whiggery attain le power without 1 R . ,. ~,.. „ 1 ,..,,. -56.. m. 0 ., Thom .. Wooly to each Yoltudoor company imelf mood.' MM.. Our mildew m•Y toil sittem ' " ,i rl ' e r " Mf e w "U.."' " n''e. fi ' L ". 'h. " 7 " , .. • rellemen of much experience law the boinie• thi• inforwsWket. tie it W wom/Y wow. Awlord . ' ""-"".""" "."'"g" "P"" popu lar "g---- '''''' ---" of modem.. Into: . fix lamed the well known ly Cot. Csanterza hoe adored th e disconunuence I fw.MM. We have yet m• the 0 . °Wm... • p oninne fn . w nek , p own w„ . wh i n , wiii of kin „ Hi ", o w i nfn e .4„, wwwwww, w fee ne he 1001111 10 frailty, and it. aliment, fraud. mar go polio ... ,k , koo in k very „ kn . fin ... iki,ef,.. the telaiteets eulitimma, sa .11 he seen by refer... i mof Swat m the UMW. . , Btoperiont of that place. What a penchant for Moll Robbery. ',. • min . ' thee gentlemen 4l' mach exprotenee .. tat ' On TheroblY twt Ows - Deldwd EN- , Pod... , haws) oh ! 'Plum (.11 mosso. the Ihiliels r,.. ___ ____________ Col. Asa Ellasock. , ter at Great Bond, wee ensued mid wooded into I Trade Ten, of ISIS l From the proceedinp of the Democratic meet. ' Town by Constable Langley On charge of robbing Er The Wathington UM. say. that Congo. ing herd in the Court Roam MI Monday netting, th• Mod. It en... tbet FewolMtetw St "wow ) noeoo . , Wm a sppropnation for the alone. of It will be Nee. that the Democracy of {hie [(113111y ..." drone,w well W a"......°". for m ' ... MI i ' -n- ' "' • have rmors...4 reconimendid this gentlemen se length of tuns have been carried au for mono : B .mm us T .... d Aw•Mw 5wft . ...7 of Me . Home their choice for the taidate for next Caual Com. , wed. pow bmwee° the P.'. ogee wMW ‘...-110e 1.-h1""""."'• W."'M '''''' h." b." better 4 '''''''l mimitmer. And in deference to that choice , a. well , nod ~.... Y.". much W the " P P M. ' ef .ta, and ,bud forgotten to erode the Department as to our our we this day rigx his name to our the derp chagrin of Move "ImmeilY wiemmed. - 1 Cots-The weather Stun Friday to Tueday mareshead. We seed hardly my how notch we ; AecoMMIIM; the owed u'd " •r " mmee "" °mew i sr. Inteneely cold a* We have no 'cm." M . ' , on, how wdeetlY we oho , °•"0,1"" " , m g . ''' . a. W m ''' . 10 1 1, 04 001 thy 1 nwellectlon of 5.0...0r, and .... 1.c.... hereafter lab fat bath hi• nomination and ohm- coin.. A ht. , twohmag e remitmetee wade- ' ~,, ,et thi n wow. a .h. 5 . 00 boa. tine. That he le well nifalitled .eroding to the Pent. to die mail by our Fiona er and the 1.. Tnennktow cp nwithiy , wen denkhunkk 000 n. Joffe...onion le.t. (i• hoot., capable rind fsniliful,..) ' P.m..." eV°. ( who ... bet.' w Mat w. " ' mew ' ; ism ; L. the snow hoe fallen weedily all no eue will dispute 1 ad that to thw seen. of In. 101110 6 .." 0.- ...' °Me , 'hero ° °MR.' . bir . ' day, and the merry deigh.belle are beard in the gun, wd onga , o f wo k, to n , n o w, n f fmni,„„g •' Baldwin wee at once suspected, arreated, ried we 1 dn.. It will no doubt make many af our ferment• eau4l/01.• for t h e Wile,. 000 paw .11 question- i wd . 1 w 001,... Pima Smite." dehverottl °P , ve.i.m . and ...peeled, daw who are ehad of bay for their Is • au feet, unisersolly conceded Igo ow f o,„„ e u I lint). NM only the poi I ~,,, and nwitey, but elm Mack. •• Melt Nee l'' bet .the whale we Midi It to add here. elm, Am infonnution fromeother wo.; oomemo•mhe , tenon and p0p...--the Praia ' 4I W port... of e batter weather." mm. One ex. hews of the Mate reprtsut Col. Dinocia plane.; few Polo wer lo MS.* Potimmor.i trense elm. invanably Mk.* mother, as exceedingly flattering. en that we ,o) ream. Thw di MM. , of Mr DeldWto b.' ...tie"' . Thureday running..-Amer e foot deep and dill lily anticipate that our e labor nill not be in tar o " ever, Weil , tlf matecteHe and worthy o emo•' falling. Weather moderate, and thawing me. Without idle beg deparegentort to nay of hi. 'we , Iwwwwn , . M. •bilitne , end • Tlet•itd ed g e., , competitors we Bill iws , goal n o non of 11. .... . tan i c' .°M. sea 101. b mt. °I o s . M. Prefewsum (Mel Tae Tm-mm"... -V. ° Peteeme by d•Notobw cane linfore the people belle commended. iiii p ow ; nod goa d n t ionse . w . f„, „n egr o, n il are , in the Roundel° Herald that 1130 New York it , r re J c.a.), .., 11„. 01.1, ~10 urge ww „ o „..;„„„, than m e Ink,,, aback ot tie announcent. T . here win i Ene l'''''...o. l " 10 . full hde of New.. hotweee 1 Woaquehanne. Ihit of this mere noon. ,drat mem no memo., no cense. and no apology I limn... and New \ orb. Why y te hat. am e '1 ' for a. And yet there is 0 ease, euil that eon., opened I/1 the ~1.., ? Can any one telt. A good i Adieu/mend of tie trtislaluft• 'odor, w . . .., 11,01 „ on o f ..,,,, j deal of end . ion is felt by our cilium.. and so-1 The feeling. of a ...rho has Jew awed e . that progenaor of three-fourth. of the crime. dim `M.riolly o . iiesteck.headers hem • that thew having pent.. hoer. in • mill more penion. 00.11, 'rah i infest and moor, every community -that dein. ' then etteltemew of 11,,, In. h. ,,,, Wok , . a1t0,.1 .f. ,, y, ~... well he intagnied. Ile would 1w most Info, appoliteend per e mix. inumfura t iee, pr o uder. tn relmien to line matter se Irony times likely to feel great whet --thmiltfid for hi. mfe . which has weedily bee. feWentng iM fiendish , There le • great deal of grumbling--• :real deal than., and ethemelydon illtng to venture Mid.- I clutches up. hint, and hedging op and patrols ring NUS' be it w not the Wm.. , to g ive . • 0 .Mee Mr. finer again. Bo feel, we apprehend, pro-' nature, iii the here ! Ifs, aie time thaw who he. been fooled ! We, and eorwcially the Demommic portion of them, l emue of all. It made hint completely captive. dia.. mt. of jaw in me v, knew S• In FenneyManis in relation to the late ',nista. I armed hint of tho mower to revel the seductive ' Tor Wthhudiereurr Fiax -The On in Wit.. tore which dimalved on the 10th lowan* Ploy bModurtuneuts of Mitsplehos, and then let loom the 1 hon„w„...,:toWnonowo bat wee k, nooenown t „ or Joel reliemi. With • Wear Federal majority in tempter to d.stroy hint. Ile fell! to the deep Min 1 „..,, , n„,..„.„ by the Clasetto. of that place, et Semate the . • woritieg Federal majeuity (owing to ' may and Nerving **crow of • wife, the agony a 11,,,,00..07000 of .bkh ......,..4 by ..... the early defection of . few who were elected an fnends, ..,d the impute and vier of .1. Fri 1001,„ „, puh e o e toi o, on o sow ,o w 4, 0 ... if Denteenstra in the Home, and • wily, corrupt. peel, we are told. hr hoe scarcely wen o 1 ~...p..y. Among the buddiurdeotroyed are the sonsempulene Federal Executive to plan and COll. really @ober hour; a it w • ow.. ef wadi.. ! p„ n n y win o .. and Churches Iwo Mores, two ceet ...chief • the danger. end perils to thr mment unpriao to us that he hoc 1101 sooner been removed ffeeeiii „ fneo / keen , enwhien. n Tog ... fin, ad ff ~ iestastions and intercom of an State, under srhieh ' hem the A. in which he has fallen. We sup. ... Rama, weer ., 8e .... and , nwinnnonfo „ iido it Wm highly preeperaus W.n conottered by the pees however, that the nem appresch of hie re. . f1i ,... r .... r „,, R ,... Th . „ RR ~.., ~,, mums imminent and threatening, exciting the , onwel by the .eat 0d.i.i....b. ho. dew to ma, rowty emeped . the meg. of the werifter Mi.. profoundest apprehend.. That melt is the cam , Greet Bend friends fns moving in die matter as I -duel every tithes a well.wieher of the nude they where ee w.hl, and •• tt hen proved • they should open his riper containing Ilernaborn ad. , ought. moos with an intuttive ehtiolung and dread, lest ot . The rem w • Pemba... ...lie ettemoi 1 •e 1 - might Arch. the trieeees doom-Infamous when. i mieeratien for all cancemed. to Wonder the people, er dui/race the Common.. wnn o., „„ nn . knonnk. The ; 015n of rwiefoi. , IIJ - Tho Wyoming Democrat is out thie week i nn „d or R..„ . .„ in fee,. 1l) ni , e „„„. , n with • sand edition of dm chime twaddle for the sae. to inwero au" erne.. of Memo M i t e n r r e 7l . l . l. Y.:f n i '::: • : e .' " W... " f r o ,".„:: I " *.m. w " ..* " M "'" .. me " I " .."*" "'"'. Ilr. Joule toted "but en." with the Whigs on I halrenalted to expo. even • he of their on. ' bank mount...and then, to add impionmeso to the dimenibled th•sikfulnese and rewiring. non that ; dunk. of koinnh . ,i „ k the , 1 , the car of their maxiely end fem. Is. been re- ' " "" .." w "' "Y 0". moved - I Jame. Ihichanan. Arnold Plumber, larael Pander, ' es member sebum N. mere Willis tremens nlll thereesre be Ma and several tuber o rad,eale adrised him to art A. here said. the Legelsture ha. adjourned , which ,. the ..,,,th then ••• " ' the •fir." ‘4." w•t g • ' • P ••" "' ". " ••1101,1. that I lta voted with the whip tat once on, anon having been oneersofully reword h, the dente. ; time novitiate Orhan it is notorious that fie voted ""n C • •r ` n'n•n of h . l . r •••1 with them, or dodged the axe, alumna invariably Jaw, to be &tidied and obeyed ii nail wattle one week previous to the adjouramentl Ammo the multitude et ruse sir winch it pas. or theinapalence that undertakes to drag down rd, we nonce wrenl of caniderable import. ce le B e th enee , Th ee h e „ thalteoPle of the etetaty, which we wall here note of his defection. That Mr. Lane drd n cultde lam lilt is the "'Pk"' of , the H ` •••1 ' with the whir," nod that Ile did rote with them Canal (the lame one mentellltd lasi week) w one ie wa et relnwrcs, on bee, th•nt It w ••• • h ' w • awl .n en•h • ...PI we only tiesert, but an prove by the Jamie's,' rather 1 •. ` 4% •••••••.•• •• be ` lrk ''' . A Wl l a I thaw who have stamen then.. .And That Memo. da hwwrowttett of the Letatoe• 08 P RWIre"I Buchanan A< eouneelltd it, is whet nobody will Cw. n .. Y. (the •••"..." conn e ct the Jw.k. ' twin, We de not impute inteutional newts... min ('.l region wish " 7 1' /h."' and "'" meets to the lientocret.tivou, but behet e be he h " "m" ' he •••'••• P' ••••• n ' ••••• ' ,— .""" •„, ' been gross!) nirinformed. we eartionly hawse Mr. up the valley of M.Ainl Creek) elm wowed both, I .YlMl the ',am& engin. ond indigestion among kb Dela. The Ifomthl ollintrletWe woe crape fellow members This we hove been avow ed rend aineadaninte of wane importauce, among which wait see ootheriung the re-wase of the on. I Th e wattling relief Mee in circulate& by the honk. ,d e „, „teem to the umard.......... 1 peopoeug thei , rm. le awe feared. A man who will wilfully wellatiost Air three yew& Another jedde, m i a pearcu t , e„,t, s a t e d m tpm l aa t Aeon annspriatiog 0100,000 for ths avoidance of the in eanduenug • colitroversy with • Mead, eon b a th , '" ll•Mt•wi the ett hththw k. , • honk be espeeted to deed Patty and honorably, real. wanaleo carried Amalie...Aar retwiding thal seen e .h,„ e preem i e o f pee r, Ow belie .t as the State debt Alan honeefewth be' r eee d . pW In par fund.. ha aversion, wee likewise The i i n pugt i on the, we .e., env have bee., eiMeed by bet. Hamra tot easy woy genoually a *Weeny meitinanY la Tn. D•••M• Mob, ..d York paring. ine•th . Mr. Little, until hie nom men become apparent lon= [Mat] also pared both breaohea Another danug the ;esi watery eee proehiost Will. to enable the non•seeepting wheel aeaely fuse, but y Th..... 4110 . 6 .4 le ietaiu twenty-des wet cent, or Met, eeth up to Ud< lime menuaed, Mr. Little the, eel S" ‘ • I•••• to be "O lkd " .w ' PT . " . a wanner Mond in this county. Nor one who wadd thole. omplyiag with the law ef 1848 any none be. Lan labored uwro „thew, and t . d e at ip M y r ee th• +.7 eh.... hie pnenottea higher boa& a. g....twar dud The revenue bille hero hkewled ell pared. a l NV), y htnye the Ole. AI B i lliotd tt.atetend Bewliq Alley° " Utlierrem of the &bat that origiaated h,oted easnee Mane are to be awed $lOO •anoally, mad all bOlb )„, eel eeetheeith tad dealer. In fore*.or Memile naerehendee t ..b.. *Me mead' te 4;000 to Fey e. =amt tee et $10; de .11000-13 ; a. sysh_og•wh; $3OOO--dl3O de a iopoo-73 ;a. 1113.000- 11 lee ;do $llO,OOO ad operanto-10100. Palest Modleiee dTalas Megrim en taxed my barely. The Iletneetead Sempha bill (ee.S., mph,. the mien et $3OO haw key ad he debt) me hinted *mg', enemehilly. md I. new • low. Se ale of the till Millehleg Malec& The peeMe• hate be. her Mr *WM I , Ohre 'pm. mad amnia= le serMet do lam el Wm, l• Mele am he atm lea. MM.; • day wee repealed by my heavy reheilie• A gnat may Mel, ead r indelloileamher et demo Who emet pad, nem of lb.. boor, emmeeme Gm* ermteml• Tot marl nalmins et dada. the piles ••••••••••••*/#44eigor Irby add be/omy meetly 44emied, So mild the emdedmehmileseel waft et ISt, 0 Mr. hat wao mama& so Mom N.Y. N. ow NI ON hied powwwwa, raw ma &ow— Owaa wwwonabaw hr bom We le make V. Nwirdlo &mewle kb. Tunroe.—Tlte ireaakery et 1.... P. Walker /Santa hem Wheerin) la the caw M Free elaik at the elem. ef 04 lam emir, it everrettom bomb ealtleepiebt The Ameethly et MN w. 11... it mem% Mr IM.••••Wk••••• erl bUihtitla the aeme old.* am• math by ellte pear et Wee .et ON L WWI en.... 4.4 (. • .ftll.l)W weesed ramming him berate (was reeM eel lM Wet appeeries 1M..... ef Uew Ur Me*. Me bileamee t (44 le L) TM Merle edepled Wen norhilleae grid. Mehl the erne esesktity. Mr. Welker 14.4 OM 44 impel pleipe le the larelkahre W pee* et Wimeemla 1144 he intellimehd by the pdrelplhe lb* MM• emir. mire.reb 11=ree Mamba ••• Eer wee l ablihregt Milableelleek blearehnh b. the nee. nareelrelble rob le tie roe rep. 40.04. Wit. K. *may lathe berm irikp.u, • e••••«. Warm Wheeed. eliteitdeetrblhebehl rid pally wok se be nlystsed. I Cr WM MN Mame et Iho Bums ON. SIM nod - 11. IS of 14 assadidei rpm &MOM.• 4A .W. io ILT no Leo... of Conneeticut i. thud po conentated: Howe. Dem. 108, Fed. 105, Free &eil 8. Senate, Dent. 8, Fed. 13. The Free Soilere, d IN peel, were mealy engine! Democrat., end er,llll. very likely to nudge Seymour Deventer Over 180:—One hundred and Niat;Derneerano Poeta...wee U. .1•1* G.F. Foy. aim., ..meed •. ...m.o. ',am.. endear. the axe h. moving Who eay•Old Zook hoe "no hien& to roomed and no enennea b yrnidtl" IT In the envy of the uml of Thomas Hand the tubber, of the Government yewele. for Ante days 'met pendant, in the Supreme Coort at Wash. eugtou, the jury veers tumble to agree, and we therefon dwohomed. A uew trial Intl of emcee be had. Cr Gen. Taylor, it io mid, •. will make • to the ?iorth," Ow =meter Wonder if the whom, will 6. welcome him with bbedy h00d. , " Pethops be to eoimmg to me if be mutat 0 . !else' MIN of them tweedy tree modem ',["j•••Geoetel Taylee hate, teethe., praeonp 'll•ll.'.—Mr. Crtilendew. A correspondent of the !Wilma. Chop, gni.; ling on the 9th, mye with graphic eoelnem: The ednautivlrstion hes kern in full operation I Ito ear month, and &trim. this time there have: been torawnio of four hundred removal. and op- , ismetnent, three•fotalho of them oonnooted with the rato °dice Deportment. 11". think Ass tllve to cuffing,/ ke.4 foot enough to suit the d ' of the meet rm.:sone', • • • Oen ttelanthetandiery. he bad on • friend. to re-, ward, and no commies to punts; eon. memo the Nippon of the entire Whig party. oaken ha eau like, es Col. !loathe!! &larked how,. a and • Pear Uenenal ! Ili. pkdp• are n great deal '! hie principle*; he hardte here teaat tag are himeeff Reece. or • Homo iltsoce was "In. Mar." —Mr. A. T. Hyde, who has Mel returned host New York with a epleedid week of New Gkeede. informs on that he came in sompany Imo aityl to the Great mad, wit • madams wire was, Joel returning m tho latter glom hoe nEing nick Inn, 910,000 of mold dnl Mr.' If wro paw me lamp which weighed time mom. , and venom other specimens et kw, weight, beide. I '"'" ettrln 1.71 Teti nod belt ogles P.' Ossette. mende/I (Th. gentleman sUwied eae liming retuned with a pigsty of the M.N." We Mood. is Mr. Charles Smith, fersaarly of bessz, this sessly.— We entderolud Mn. %Mb lemeght o lots st the nal Nef . right host the wdighsgs . --Ea Data T.. Ds•oeurto Yar..r r April is . Nimble NNW. It le ombolhitod with • boahall monk of Jou Whorrosh• of 1114•1•,N0 maim Oohs 0 ENO Mirk. Ammo, Now Noma itlekt.... D. TIN Ilapubho of 114.... VrooWd • " "A Domitooy Dioroholo• N DIN* . •• Nun- WO NONNI Noir•••," ea., A.. It .Owl. dory lb* bah moan oro ha Wawa* doh T. r. Kahl, PNWhow, No. 170, Mwbq • N. Y. tr NVI pdfaidsor pier •• W Mona N. Fans ••••••••• I. woof ....►d sr &mar A. Wm& hmst&ifinl sY WsMr I Om .P. , && 1 1 . AWN him beim nessi.d. TM& Maya - - 11.&• 011 • yew so& sr &nay &One& $lO. tal New an Is. N. Y. I. Owe Winged Y.l • =soft st la It Inifinpwaier Menkelw 11•1•Nly Simi Diswrian win be MU We Owl •••• •• ant wiA. H. Timm iiiiih••• minas/ minion pief ildwa• win dwandim Wk. Bowl an I Oink r. M. Per we% IL L. CATLIN. &alp Ceiiiist Praceemilliere. I the repairs, would reach • much larger .ua4 Tim Aspen, Over. I From Panama. 0.141. MIT PROCIIM.IN. 'at this time , than that estimoted by Mhe • Rumor tell. 1111 that the Hon. Wm. Jr.- ' We km before um the Now York Cour- True Bins: one e a H enr y Rei ter rot Larceny ; board in the annual report for the whole cap is appointed Judge of thie district.—J. mte v. J Jame. A. threhanan fee Mayhem and Art- year. We have nothing to say against the Judge , ter & Enquirer •• .0011 and Ileum m,i Nathan Stewart ; one va Inc. , Mr. Power has published an add re s s to Ile is a team maned lawyer, and a an of good • totter from Panama written by • member Lynn C. Robrtie roe Asia. and Battery se ..lsrolo the people, which we aloo give in this pa- morali. But while we ray this, no have no Of the New York Union Mining Co. (of N. Breeder. ignored OM Pil. Thou. Niehelmufar per, In answer to Mr. Pointe;, in which he l o . a h a rj on i n sa yi ng , that .Judge C . ".Yriflb•lfl which our follow-townsman, S. B. Mot. I Mulder; one va :melted Connell! Amault and has shown entire ignorance of • indica ho nee e h o c• ~ii . i 4 th in County, t,.,, all iin , :Bauer, mt.,. biome. wig, mt . kill ; ea. professes to understand, or what is worm, ties, and mold de toad, have men nub- va EY. Riehenbilw Perteo. no , P. , so attemlit to prevent and tuisrepteserit j i nx e d to • lot, he would hove received is &Jewel Welled to the letter as an endorser, 'of of the lest Grand Jury for baikling • new fail dim. greed to , . truth. Mv. Power talks about his regard eigth teethe of all the people. ' Whieli flues a Wald lugubrious account of I COVIV 1/11.0.61,1,4 and sympathy for the laborers, but he mid dud. Conyncham, has no euporier as ' the diffieulties and almost - insurnmuntalo Caw • ftintme Ceeklm. Imbetbil m len !nothing about the debt dm to them, and a Janice in this district. Kind, moon.- obstaclea attending, a tour by that mute to ..,teorion,tor Aaron &Battery on John & Lydia the necessity of an appropriation to PM' dating and obliging, and a mom IrP ul ' . 1 San Franck.. We make the following Camel& I . J mewed • v•rdid••l' volt , them, until stirred up by the resolution. of judge never eat upo n our bench ? Det he , ... 7 . Ll°. B.. . "C...t h'' Rid. ' 4.l ‘ the Senate and House of Ropreeentatives, had to yield to the whir guillotine ; nothin. extract for the information of all our mod- Turret far Delrt. Com'ils. ea. Henry Baker ... wing his • llu • • tohavelimold be'd ' his behalf , l'd an, and the special warning of all those who Dern. plead gain, end wee oentoneed to five days soot. now Ittmil to en, co uld said in is no plea mu , impoarn men i mie f e n ee ef 05. Brundeue vs. Bob. ' appropriations so reduced as to leave a pm- be put in to save him frost political dump- ' may contemplate a trip to the •• El Dom ino for Moe woad. Verdi. 918 33 for POT tion-of them unpaid Cro another yeor . We heti. Tho deed is done—and we hope : do „ by N ...., Bentley, Lime & Streeter fer KA, Bee/torch, have xamined Mr. Painter's rejoinder and , lie. BILL JOHNSTON is satisfied, fully I ~,. Chamberlin & thew ler Don't. Avery & Fbeter , .., it ti . • Con tl tti will' se tg d w o 1, e en, d 1, oo s I Our committer, to whom was ► assigned amignee. a N. I. Pauli Wee l'lllr non tt'l t,saeod. .... t • . oto -I "...-,• t. - re .' —.'" We o. ' ' the duty of rating our freight trans rted mated. Little & Streeter for Mir, Beatles ok.,',,,eitow that every cent he estimate.. ncem• few wings who opposed the appointment of:. „„„ - - . x , . _, / P• , ftenachterftelPt. Ward ea Corm Venial - 11lb sary for the prceent year, will be required J u d ge e nn y i ,„h om are also earns fied. to r - altenla, mirstriatety engaged n kw f e e ".,,, T.. , k Ch . "" b •fl i• for 31 ' 3 '; The report, which purports to be the re- , Toy will hare the reflection, that they work, end after having narrowly escaped Ladle &Sweeter for Dart. , rot of the bear le anew , t o the txsolu- h v awl en ex. 'llvnt men end did . the financial proms. of some of the egento Fleury H.R.. m a rooned supervisor of Latrine in P.° . ... . . .. . a o oppo '' 'j i of die town, they tong:Wed • minima with mace of lase Butts, eseased., Can't', vr Wash- , hen or the /loose, does not motif.) , • ith Me xrmhuvt muse. Although the edge •a ' ._ w _d_ _ .. k _ 0, „... . I.l'omi/wiry rerLememer mon, now. Mel. , requisitions. The Ileum mho to be in -, prime deinoorat they can not amuse him of ; 0 . ,,;„„',,_1i ,•7 .. . .7 'A 2!!!..`"Pi' I formed how ...It •••••Y i• ".tn to PM . carrying polities on to the bench, nor wed- I ••""" , "u. P . delivered to Iffeetin. old debts and the ex pen em ic• re p a i r . to the dling with thew in any way, tel would and, . o will soon have ail delivered to us I '4IIIW :Ist December next, and how roach after: d eni m ° f rom d o c h orooter o f ble „Bice.—, in as good order as could be are that period to time usual time of riming the Thin 'persecution of an upright officer, will The moans id damped:woe ar . by mules, appropriation bill; but the report. doe. not ' Formant to twice, • large number of the Dom- .,. r 1 „,, I notice the MOpplng pow' on the tat Dee, i„ e i einooo t e t i n b e i n o ng m e t on m. .., . the heads a ~,b etb „ who were I hones and natives. The mitres eery nearly • , much on their barks mean be * " 4 """ ada `°"'" .. w.wNed .. '''',' at the end of the fiscal year, but runs iiii to w h , o n , E , , n ,,.... i n j j,,, L e o n t ofnee, ' carried . the mules or (can Ileum in Om village or, Monday ___,_ * " ..i. 7 late first of April. Tho ,h rot of this die- • should . have artist. to create four homer We started now i tn. Gorge. on the at mar of the UM liis when Me meeting am called . .rode. by '. ' regard of the express terms of the reselw 'dietrict• ia to us • wetter of sur ' • and , ult ,and travelled that evening about 9. presx • , H. Mated—i foot • ou e th latter ' don, is obvious. To bare utedo an esti. 'render. JOHNSTON paid 'em right by ,""n 7 n .•j r• .Y• e . boon ll* 13 °•fl•X W....R."4 by dr. .1.'6. of mate to the let of December, weuld have roillotining Democrats. , They will lei." of widish must be , remrved for • vadat , &maw those, Dm, al Saver Lake am Preardent. en,g the d, a ft) ' ~,,1 report ' , l e bale when 1 feel a little more la Me bu mp° eep on 0 m row:in future, to put not their trust iii Princes r__ „,,:,__ 6 ,_ ._ __ awful , eed BIM*. thisss, .r C 0.. . .. ArAton Smolt, Mr. Power's Olen is evideidly to mix theex re once. nor Whig Governors made up of apostate j ',;;;;;•: . .." . 11 6 .. d r: t • •9 . 1. 7 from o r il eu ms, Moo, A. Webr-reutb, of CHINK Wm. papooses of de current fiscal year, with ' p. o . e . —L o se,. Democrat. C. W.nhar 1 4 *n Nt ,,, a ,,, , no , C M ..m , a those of the neat, so as to pueh over a ror- I Gorge., at about 101 o'clock es -' la ne E. trice P r e n deme, en d 0. 0. Ihnerteed vim rho--he enormous expenditure. which i 7: ---- - land B. C 0..., of Montrose, Pecrelsrine. P ha. ' nl, in. -- " - ' , , _ where we arrived the next afternoon have been loured, into another )coq and Apo ;eareneses on the toed from Gersona to All the oneuo..o, G. A Grow Enw . . °Moot hid. t h e °omen . w imi ; may nimem hetweo „ rrespoodaot of the New York Er.- n .... the followto g rmnlatlen winch lien unanimotwly a careful 2114 ceonomiesl affininistrution of ."3' Pee' , di...a... follows : !about 4 o'cloek , too tired and eshausted to adopted: 'the public works, a. .d a careless and an ex- The General has sickened of his too-par• lout the diseounagements tioetemem await- Reosterl. That WO. 'h..", FAR, of War. travagant ono ,ty Cabinet and th ey are sick of a no-party ' bog us in this n.iserably dilapidated plum. and Wyoming comer.) be Me Senatorial delegate. -- Cruident, and of each otlocr. M.:retied as lit requires but a moment to leant the and that Hon. M. C Tem.. be orwmproventotive JACOB COLLAMEIG. Mh0...t0 the Democratic State Cm.reamn, in 'going to 6:change the Treasury for • jodi- 'gloomy prospect. of a pomade to Sam Fran be held at Pinder. en the a te of July nest. with On the ibl of January , I 343 - Mr. Ill' e- moo d m. o . I ant nut at libel ty to tell you eiseo. Betore miming any thing, however, pawns no „,,m,„,,,,, amp tht th e. ..„,„,,,, a hob, of blesseehesott, w h o i s about t o be, what it is,but the change takes place. Judge in rt spec!. to he chances of getting from sup.. Col Ms Domes. for C.. 1 Comm./osier il he has not already been, rewarded mitt, to remark, that from Clogree to this plane 1e.1.• on, will probably bo just about as in-, tins ;ire° to San Francisco, jut all ow m e 1 • Alter the a doptio n of the reenletnin, them Mine a fat office by General Taylor, offered the gi ant ,. o , Judge Story once was ano d e i i? no further busmen, en molten, the meeting ad j , following scandelnos resolution in the Na- poetise', the came provocation blercolot : thole are no difficulties which are not eaaily (signed he the °Reels) ttonal limo@ id Rep:este:ado:a : ~ I+ unsoonfactory in various particulao a ion surmounted by • man of energy. Weed, I , (LT , A wh . c th , rathe ~. th e m . m ,,,,,, mem , n0w o r Renal red, that the Vonouitt ee en Millie- the To enmity note iffistatoling the iniseratle canoe Moe, y Affairn be directed enquire into the Inn the first place /10 iii refractor . the the it:doe:lb:dole poverty of the mule path !eaneder sae defeat,. New Verb coy, o provenn- Proident of .Ir vorj questioe bating cemmilled MI.. ll boon G to Panama, jet in the lane of all t 0.." We will answer it by .eking them , the , l evm dienn n of retintee t.. sine a.. th a,a ...on. comnet „, tm, : rm .... ~ the United States. teithdra le to the Rost to the lice sod floettint a irrettictJbl3, at a tletem atop, there are sufficient notation Conk of Me Rio Grande OUR ARII IES tome when it wax the whim poSey to protest, ,and loneuttee of scenery to corer...ate a IThe oases are very wetilar,althmeM to the brier NOW IN MEXICO, and to propone to the them 'l heti he hes . party to his non nOrt . l , Or.ler for enduring the fatigues and loom the whim were muted, and in that er th ° blezio•an goo, ernment forvrith a Meal, of atone or any where else, and is too proud tu, analetilis ul such a tour. s , I Dements were divided. -°' rare on the follono ng loaie, tunnels : hire liiinself and his place out to ell body In regent to the number of Person. in TUE CANAL BOARD. T RAT WE RIELINQUP:Ii ALL CL kill that hog; am/ in the third !dace Inn bas al•Paeanon at oh. thee, waiting for • affiance The erne!. eetdorned Seam the Reacher. Key. TO INDE NI NUI'Y FOR THE EXPEN- I waj et aspired to the position which in noon, to ship for California, no one can tell with mine, of Wed/seder, is le all its pane amity of SE° (IF THE WAII, and that Qne 'monde- to be placed within Woo reach. -Evans is tool attriegree of accuracy. There are doubt . eon:Mena. mad careful permed. It elannually 'ries between the United St tee and Mexico! give bonds for his wood behaviour, and tette less evil one Monaha] who are nowt eager vindicate. Colonel Penner nom the otemohy n-. shall be established at or near the desert 'olereditlin 'Alas. in line Treason,. Clayton ly looking fur mme opportunity to lea. Ileenotte of Mr. Pow e r, (pottiwbod i n t he s ew ., between the Nieces and the Rio Grande— is likely to exchange Lis place also for • I thin plies lor San Fraiteime, but many of i e . week,) std .. point. ram the 0....,..,..... n . (hid biotic° shall be held to pay all junt foreign ntierion. The President caned I the. I think must look in vain, from the k m we t www ww ww which are e m ote .. t h e claims doe to our citizens at the commence- ; trust him. You have probably remarked 'fact linen the course of epeoulatiou will set statement a the latt e r, Mal eon o . le• hidden meet of the war, Ind that a Convention; the eigular authenticity of certain co mu- !so long mool so hard ammet many, tint 'under *bushel, w mymolled by mere OINCTINies, shall be entered i n to by the two nation., to nieationa made to the Philindelphia Noah their M• 1111 sill IbCOUIIIO exhausted std Th e iono i nt i m , of the Doose sa il e d for a pprovide for the liquidation of those claim. , American, signed '• Independent" lThanel they are C thrown at donee upon the strength statement of the amount of debts due prier' and the mode of payment." ;letters are written by • man who used for- l ot tho.e energies which eaube ozonised al to the Ist December last: also, fur an or This scandaloun resolution excite.' a turly to be • reporter hot one rat your city i moat any where else with greeter eafety theme of tea amount of money nee wary burst of inffignation through the entire papers, but wan diseharged One pillow an th an under ILO 11111.4 e.• of a blueing cyan •ltopay all t h e expo ... of h oop i m , t h e en _ country ; and in the army wen greeted with account of • ball in which he aneribed 10 a tootle' lien I know that there are • number CJids and railroads in repair, from the Brat I se Ils 10 {Mani lain ano ultra)stent or month the bitterest denunciation and emote That person bearing MS ullll name pereomal rat - of individuals here, nine Lave tined so long December last to the Ist December next, ', o it f was a.p d , e , f , e . a t t . eal tiv l l o y ., a p re ,.. a4o , r i i t n v o. o l f . i n t fi 4 e , 1 , 1 h 0 . , u t s i c , 1 i t , r y a . b ot i i . on e s m a p n b O ), (l7 t viet t io c ne so e m b e i w oh ha e t e . r por e tl r o y t . .t i tilm , tan their home .11 8 a: i e ., I . ta r i tl . l . y d i e v n id o . u . gt t y ...h ~,,y ... 1 . : also, .. tenon ,' &Mown, nue..., telwetweEffetell t. per- woe the nom., lee v il e ..,,,,,,,jori a were the Secrets's'. dependent. His name is comp.. .• teen arc daily disc:using the 1 ohs. enneromba homes t oe rag ...e m b e r toil...beet re r i .. weeld , to pale the nlor t of Ilene, Tire h, oo ke g . In, lope Cal iinet Inn. subject in a retort. and I should not Min our stem in foreign room:tries, making the worri“l the I inmeml is orse than the , next, to be used in remain after that period. Meal. tho liat mop i.•eal to nee them leave for land to pay the eelwneee 4 rePelre after heart of the Jetta. American (del( within eon chepparel or event his postoge accounts Cliegres in • week's time. Them are no hen Genets] Taylor read it, in loin tent:titer did lie Loa 'final)y dineovered the t mech. hors that are not already overload that time to the aeool period of passing tine nomm i npneopr i nt i o ,, net, t h e t atter part of near )I , mtert y, no - ein not doubt, with un• hole and there seems to be non alien no be s ought od the way eny old telt of a thing is ManO or legieming of April Like infor- rdinsembled and mortified amusement. and but for City VIII In trot. Itio n iam, he thholos sg fur, is not to be imagined by any notion was ruquired in re ga rd to the [ n o ti c e it lie limoa ....need.. like other men—it that lois ricer nary of Sta. pettifog. too one out of Fattano. A conetant l oo k o ut l No dfificulty, power. he is the mart of sense he in void to Is. bj , tench in his !milt iea ; that he in only great is kept up about twelve miles from lore for or mem.. of opinion, In , his ardent admirers—he erode have re- bootee his mate la so small, and that a ienodeo end geoid one Leave in view it regard to answering the nmogotioe would. membered ell wh o too the hardihood to I more useful m M on end a ore ereditatole will be boarded by parties little less deter an all probability, have occurred, had it not ender... the treas. n of thin infonaut; proton. Secretary can be had without deranging' mined in countenance, than the buccaneers been fur the facie that th e board witlohelot cal. FORTY-ONE WHIGS VOTED the circulating talent of the country in ti v wh o are held in such terrific remembrance FOR IT; and pronely:lot among then° Incl oo m oby the natives of this place. I sup.. i the amount of indebtednue from the Ingle- . ntnew, and .thonteg Ike no . . 0 .... , , find the name of the present P o .lo‘v,il e , A. " loodependent" has not load much to from what i man am, that at the knit rol -1 pay old 46 b i . , ,,,, e l h....h. a „... it d ra g e General. Jim. Collamer, then a menober say recently. I suspect that the Seeretatv euletion eight Modred tickets might he roads i n earth . , the Int Decem b er „ eat, of the H oene , w h o now alts a t Geniral Tay- t u n been collo dto aet unlit, and in hopes I.l' twenty-four hum for steerage pee -1 far /plow the amonnt actually required t o r lor . e (dd.• and a•kis , o him in the die- returning Ilk VIP, has determined to •• go sage to San Foaneieeu for 111200 per dam, l that porpo.. For instance, they estimated duce. "r hie IliFil . 1 " 11 ." e‘ Pre"ilt"t :cod !eels 100 ntore '' pro offing that there wore t easels enough to f or ebb, raper b ut gfigp 900„ when the L'rers Democrat rand ~,roi,g, il , ! 5...• II nu. Placated elloold pro; i• 1111.301,1b1e, •11..1111111odute that .11:11A rOl persons. But debt. se reported to the beard hy t h e i r own huh C•ogressional Globe, proc oo de ogn ni t ~, i t ,„ it fi n d • Independent . ' outdo know- theme •1 or no leesels, and on yst there is no oaken, in the repair department alone, lbw... P.M , 33-04 big none than other people, be cure that pruspot 01 there being aey bound for this amounted t 0.230,383 70, and the estimate This in t h e tame Jacob c„fi enter , wh o in Mn- Secretory Clayton will be ennexed to port. There is • hope still animating the f the same officer. for repair.. including 'Oak Airing ache World the evid e nc e . nit oor diploma.r cornice, es Texas wom to he meta of the poor disconsolate Northerners , bridge., to the first December nexLemount.Taylor,' lino erity and load faith io :memo' to th. Unit. States, -at the to w- here, that there will be some sailing t o red to the ono of 4 1204 . 03 7 el, ...Woe to• Proclaiming agai , t , remova l. f r , . tali e lie.t ',teeth ill perhol " Ho ••ill go to Eng- come up front South AMOlieark ports, to And more than this Ile in the same non land in the place of Me.Brancroft. I gather the sem of $525,220 48, and $lOO.-!which plea. information has been mono -320 48 more than the eititnate of the board. e on llirc",. l . l ...e.e.ti"lle a r. W .°":„„e , to 'lie. talented through the British steamer. The N ow, an , onhemtminey assert, avd w land none, Been CliMlllll a. 0111.11 DI Olt, of To Manuel...rem. , captain of this steamer, however, was Ma ready to prove the fact by the reporta of ‘‘.,''', W w" °l ` . ..,a '', o " ol7 '• ,'" old , and "'"" n o ' l ' a A Freenade writer in the New York bl ' w '''"'l"°' tine sh ipping merchant, at th e no p ere w n n went b y the boost i. t h e IMMO , t h e rattier o f t h at b rave nevi, 11/.../O ,• . ~ those paints on hie top berme shim, diet ' H ouse o f R eprooonu , / l„. I n rep l y to t h e , life wee offend up in the valley of Mexico 'ee'we' ef eetenter'e oak. the fellowieg there were se many people at Panama wait ! call of th a t body, th a t t h e na y. ..„... ledrillee to that country so bitterly 1113111- apIIVA to the manufatterere : ing for pump to California. The same, Wooers kurvingly and wilfully by Mexico and Oollarner. He is the - I see in the Southern paper. frequent e.t.d. is now daily expected on Isis lettere the sum neeemsary to pay the old• debts same man who has outraged the gallant notices of manufacturing town, being laid trip, and we hope he may bring inielligenee , and keep the canals end railroads in order, Colonel Geary. (the leader of the Second out, factories built, and every indioation of of the sailing of • large number of ship for Ito the Ist Deeemlwr neat.. 8180.3 20 48; rennulmon D og h o .t, which immortal- New 'England Induatry and perseverane this port. lie may have lied en better mut , I sne th an li my d ame sal the time, wou ld t., 'cod ltself at Cheptillepoe,) by removing being rapidly transferred to our Southern Gess this time in satiating confide.° in hie , go i n g , o w e . they can s h ow t h at t h e i r Itim from the post-office at San Freesia. MI Woke. States. Let me tell our New ststeMente than before, but if not, the men- I own elk*. Rota. orto.wnil and falls esti- Ile is she Donee man mat proscribed the Sealant' blends that they have much more pang with which I man associated Inane dele mate., and this they have not attempted to fatherof the breve Captain Cheatharo, by to dread from competition at home, then gated one of its mem:there le go demo to do. • removing him from the place of postmaster from abroad Only increase the Tariff l'ayte. Guayaquil, Valparaiso, sod other ' Is was the p en m to en m d et i on o r t h e at Seeming,. It is said " Republic. are um- above the present average, and they would p lea for thelpurpose ot chartering a whs. Hoaaa. and Mr. inter fall an d „ wows ,. grateful." But it Is not so. The people and that nut onblej4:, North , but the whole ler fur Panama and See Francieho answer, that brought forth and exposed th e are honed, and it in their :tenants who are South end West Id rush into the man-' The permute who have titleu for the 1 sopro h aea thi a asuwans to ....a a t . trot h too often unworthy of them. General Tay- ufaeturing business, which in the end would Ordifornia steamer are begineing to le en- I from the ',m aw .; na g m a imop i e• t h at for is rewarded only Menem he fought in prove destruetive alike In the interests of, smilingly tansy at lair nut smirker. hi" I e.,lad Mr. - Power'. ire. The feet. ma id the Mosinee war—he has no merit heed. Individual@ ad the country. TM present reetored that the mew declared before they 'be no longer eoneeded by Mr. Power, and -that any Geptain in the army may not ineream et menufeetering capital arid man- left hem, that they would mislay with Um so awn. to me swn , t h e . h onea g y, ...Amato i n one of. And yet me of his very lint Outcries is grades! bat nee. all over the captain after they got tolled/ point Id dm- I lb i g g eem g e d mn n e t h e Hoaaa. world be, w , mete Is to mimeos Posterneter 0•111• Mi a 00111417. iedielltiOg • Wail healthy state el, lination is Oregon. 'dull' and ildsify lb. anneal report of the man who publicly calumniated his country I 'binge, and disproving eltmpeber the wear. i I set told Met many of the ernispestr• b oas t H one , is was Literw sa w m a br a most tremonable vote, add whom inn tion of politioiane and dm political prose, I from the North make themed." vary rats- I paw s' s . o f ...s o , an d all,„„tt, std °Meld sots as. warted by • proaeription of that the Rotary intermit of the mestryl amble mbjeste at poverty by ~,V i ; 1 make a r a w woo, rather t h an wwt t h a all who fought in that war, or who defen*rn depressed mid langsisbing."la I mere of the plum where tree one. Truth is often very nepdatablo, , lid it .11. 10 . 1 the dem.ile fee 1 i I -.- • --- i wow, thorn as. be Mori tiltvillidellt ef end Ile millers thequeetly reipmled h 7 I °moral Taylor is ntepoesible for the. ffiZAVTIMIII. Mee —Mr. Polk was, mom; would gaming tables Uhl make mew se dlasoortemn and twoirli ,ontrages— far dime crimes sweiem plane welcomed to Riebotend, Vs., by the Row, 1 elOt. lodeed, Want It g1,.... 10 .1), /dale* lithe mtimatm a th e sepervison are'elthele..." die Nifirm's Hr.. ' TIT as fern's IMMO ille blab, .41 they bare asked for may' 1 ... f 14 •• .. P.M..." 1e1"... h. H h Mr. Replies, tea behalf of the people. ...v. ~...,.....„ ss .... a that g5,,,,,,4......." S . b......g. ~h.l knowledge, and if to, he nay right himself H. Is ' • "*". of his r*.afkb wok 60 tine thaw who weird the streets of Passe id Iwo not Mr. Power skew. on what lime sal het. the lliohlq• If theY ' , rde does following beat h a I St. , ill ImIL Wins the intilltlee for ilia' Go /as I emma, Map m w s r. at i v A. us the' milk he moment, he people ought totem a i swt . sa y m a a . mo w. ws ea ., a g. Freedom Beet this pant ear egad to albs I belga Au, vs NE Of MnMIMI Wager. that' It .... di de1d.11 0 ....P . .... eldeld he. — , midstream the "MO et . 11. d ie dlltied 1 . 1. ed.diddll thlt Whams, kW& I whom they mm as be imoided nod paid. they IPdhodifir.l.i.A. new. east hie lost evening royo won. the,•"l4ll like Is muss. " lk is fohliii be ' eosins! of our e..k.. H a w . at aess. mem / believe it woidd Asa be illis ass% ' sir, and fontver, that brilliant orb of light,' a11...b10 all GIN weld ha tolont.g, Bet 'Allantie, dame hie art mantles nye epee ; 11010 .. de Wad, Ido he that 011, ... ' wben he ammo frost lb. billows of the ...a Ibsen he pima.. lolhimatios, that nos l the wooly beat& of ors Swots thowthorw , Pla from the States w il l mg e mi t s 'Mk , and a , ____„_„.,_ hia ga y wwa d a muse to Califorola. If they do they VIII th., 71 . 117.7 . ....7 . b .. I. .4. hi m loettinbly how dlonpitedatiweata whist. will Oslainds." brad dine low the T ithi beeem of the oaks It.. cogent the ittiondoo , Thus In .0. pwik. M . 1 ., 1,,,,,, N H oessiderahlo slats...slats... e oboe' play epos Awierieen Is iSks ilissioss Ism but I wi Ws,* Itimp Is show IssT i s OS eel if by Idgbly lliehht ailuitiOtban sw ... min Iho.oed do on *we The Broady. A dverthenhas the follow tlw h& hew h, ovilleffitolh , which is very neatly told .• A gentle- The sapsrvisots ye hose prosesdiss with m e or as easy had pion of yirglo gold, Ow Makidol l " , "OW. odd himMd, presented le hi.. yesterday morning, which it pessusei, t he oppsesive repas, he owed ..5 ..n Gnr WOW. Thus is what whhd 44 .7 " 000, 9 1101 . 1 10, the 10 ."... !we eall very hondsosse smitten. es does soda sad theS tee 0.1 Walk ed eos.e Mrs, Gold, and the wine I" gamely, at the woo expessins Mea— ner, la nap Male dad* Obst tits aneest A &host waiter in - & - arits, 0. 0, of dos prisew the 1& Dessobse Is.l *NI iiihredm °radios sad Cloillas," WYh till shoo imeired doe I. Mi• irnemilem of Nerturey 4411plumOollo f mils& • . There were counted 24 dead mule and borae le - tie •ond
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers