The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 12, 1849, Image 3
• Arrival of the Niagara. The steamer Niagara arrived at Halifax on Thuraday, with two weeks later advises from the Old World. Her news was im. mdl•tely engrossed to St. Jokes, and thence telegraphed to New York. It is not very important. Cotton is doing rather better than per previous advice., having advanced id. and tho market being rather more active. Breadstuff. have still further receded, and market dull. Flour atande at 23e • 245. American Stocks fully maintain their pri- ' ca.. Money in England in abundant. The Europa had arrived at Liverpool March 20th. The Herman had reached) Southampton. and was to sao on the 26th for New York. The Sarah Sands made Hie passage out in 17 da>e. Gen. Taylor's inaugural had Imo iele-1 graphed from Liverpool to London. Fusee.—The trials at Bruges are go- I ing on. Two of General Bros. murderers) bad been guillotined, and the others par- dated. The Red Republicans clamor loud ly against the eseeuttone Mr. Prudboranyr! is mpenially complained of, Th. Flubs have been abolished by the Amenably The Socialkte ummally active in arming disaffection am o ng the troop.. coossuptcnce of the state of Italy, troops are embarking ut and the army of the Alps is to bo reinforced. The French rondo have fluctuated. Official notice hail been given of the eel nation of the Ifolticio armistice. The Paris papers Ante that Metternich is shortly en rooted at Paris. An office has been opened at Havre for the propose of registering the names of all who may wish to go to CaMorris. The elections have been held throughout Prussia, and so far give strong indications of • large Democratic majority. There had been considoablo rioting and attempts at fraudulent voting in the Duchy of Posen where the Democratic party are in a deci ded majority . . SIIIIIO of ihe Legitimate and Red Repul Bean papers of Po other in uninientired terms of wishing to overthrow the f inn of Government It is rep tried that the Sivilans have pre laitinta Lucien Mo. at, King I d Nide. Ile is tho son of Murat, formerly the King of that country under Napolunn The cholera in disappearing. the tend number of Deaths in Englund, is Sall It still rages M Ireland. In the mantifactining districts the de mand fur good* had fallen olf, and the mice of roanufaigared iron had .lo receded. Tho navigation bill had passed sedond reading in the British Parliament by. ma jority o f sii Mr. Gladstene explained that if the Americans didnot giro them recip rocity, the bill aft ottcd the means of re'tal- The King of Itollm,d aapired on the 17th ult. Ilia saii. Ki ig William 111, was In let at the time, hut home !Lady pramic.hil n. hi, at ahem probably ho hag peaceful', as ended the thrm,. Anstria has take:: the m extranrdina ry and unhod, d tie step The Diet ofl Krenosier. wLi.L won emmdketi t mother by the Into Emperor. anti Ims occupied :he less incantle of lie existence in theoretical tits- I missions, has bnott ditoni.sesl, after having promulgated a constituti .... not only for the countries represented at Kt:master, but for the whole A ll.tri3ll Empire. The great ob ject which lieu been k. pr in slew by the designers if this constitution is the making pf dl ItUSSiM into a free inth•pendent, indi visible, imlhm , Inbleconstitutional monar chy. With regard to thdsocial and polit ical regulatLmn gusrantettl under this con stitution is the libera:ity of their nature ran hardly tail to excite surprise. The prose is not allotted to be put under ship The complete elpdrllt) ate' tolerations, td all relighms, the tiolepeldlonee of every church and moo in 11,0 managnment of its own property and affdire, the extension of oducati m to all languagns and its prseen tion as government work, are capemally no. cured. The Imperial diet is to consist of two Houses, whose C orditution approaches , nearer to that of the American Senate and 1 [lon=e of nutmeat:motives than the Legis lative Assembly of arty other State. How tids Codstitutien may work when reduced' to practice moot of course depend upon the' people themselves, hot it Must be atheittml that it places in their Lands ample menus' of ensuring a political freedom scarcely in fader to that of any other aountry in the world. In the meanwhile the Hungarian war proceeds with unrelenting rigor. The: , Magyars havo adopted a guerrilla warfare; and Prince Winclisehgratt no longer taking the geld, but remaining at liar., shows that ' the war has only just commenced. Inlart; the King of Sardinia, in secret now with Kossuth, trusts to the prolongation of the I war in Hungary, to recover the lost fields of I , Lombardy. King Albert, hemmed in be tween his own people who urge him to war, and his enemies the Antrim,,, has no al.; ternatire but to &dare the armistice with' , IMuletaky at an end. I.—The West and Smith of Ire- 'Auld seem to be in a deplorable state; see-, oral frightful ,murders are reported. The, cholera le committing extensive ravages In Limeriek. NAwithstanding their ead and . c.v...., Onto.—Moth banshee ~hf a . r es up eat et teti_o na y eb ill n nil. planted 14 a greater b "" ° ' t fh sod [lin g the anutitution attachment of the Irish ju this. theirill'd• l ot t n i at o s.,",.. t .. the Demos eta' Rated.7l, L e hord f ".t°,17."", the sally .wing , '; ‘, ll 4. Free r. lll; voted .m for " tkei i bLl and the has hw "1 4 " P" . " .11, Ihr `l be " 11 ' 1 A total reform% the judiciary Tylem ensmy. and the Oilmen of hi me may f_ and me= of the (Marts. thee bet diminished. The Mends of n . 104 hensver, elm with mosidetable a-1 N . 1: 11 ,... 111 "" 8 ,.,.. k b / th eP" P l : ll hem tide remerreenee te a memos Mike bar' . ""T I ; PwiPee themmlves Gaol es mash Ms and treason. A system of 0.1.11 , 1011 &heels and ad. Tan Toast, ens roe Poseem.—Letioaib lb. ay sod he Mote. ; any max leek at Ma sense of Alessi mar N. ilawitaa 1s .4 ob, tiontiom of tM Tariff of ISM. sr do. j nail" ether reforms, propend to ha Air lib. WAIN. el the Bask of the UM. I tad Maim sad In wiS menses bine& with IMO treohlm adds Etna aid lar- • to Otol troihroars dela ot ifr.";.= Tim .—Tho Oltoloro . Obb N awry toter asorotry of tAs mosomOro [i t" .1 61 ma d S th• Misrhairoi Starroboato °owing up We mum so Ma moo doom of loamy I d . h an , .r mat orommod during 1/4 eissupurioila : bast "ma hr it, i. .I:6.di .CIA) A. low rim st new. " 1114 . I amipnent pesmipro. sosi odor moomiso. w la •••••1 .111446. to dm iligy maps of , Parlor Work to 1:11ti Wool' the laboring moo iu ApM, for Now VOA. WINDOW {Um Gearip. I Free =anklet. t . Wanntsavon, April 4. IWe yesterday tamk come notice of Mr. NEW GOODSI , Mr. Foote km to-day a letter from Gen. i DIEHL:B selk•me for Free Bunking; and Via N York &Erie Railroad. Cass in which he denies most emphatically now {meson, without a word of commons, n .,......,. , , , L . .,, ; ,.., ~„,,,, that he has either received or charged, MM. the following ilf ;quoit and explicit extract I ol , we and .lookrsnle tut a FIZXII nl7llt7Vartt; J i er pay or mileage, for the regular cession of from the Annual klessage of Gov. Shenk, n't,.:Zt!,7,7„;',V.W1==t°,,,,1r5:.,...d - • , COMM., though he occupied hie seat be- Jan. 15th , 1545, an Executive who saw the na roust, • Yid 111•1{00, elaStlMar .r d .....a.. 'fore its sittings' had terminated. The let- I rlght intentiroly, and corer feared to de- ,""1.11'47. tiIZL. IP. "Y ' ..". ter ie dated Cineinnatti last week. Ile re- : flounce the wrong:—Pcensyfronien. , 0 ,,.,.... ~, 0,,,,... Pone" . eelend nothing but for the extra seesion.: n A ac tive nod been advocated and put B Jan,taxed Pla,olluth•m;,PlelXter= n l:l• l i=, The certificate from Mr. Dicken's, the... Se- ' into practice in some of the States, called ''''''''''''''''''''''' 0- ..“--arvorgrv , i retary of the Senate, will be published in ' Free Banking. It Is based, in part, upon the Union thin week to that effect. Gen. !spook.. an d i n par t u p on elate stocks , by. I' V=i,r...........u , an 3 ravr.....11r 1 lease says that though hie polities' enure° !pothecated with the government. In other', li s now nearly ore, he does not wish to for- , worde , banks become the creditors of the: Fashions, Fashions. Ifeit the confidence of hie friends, and for this Commonwealth, by purchasing her bonds: ',l74e u nTemtrim."'" 7..V . .. " ,;.:rrrrest'eestitirsZ ' reaeon the letter was written these arc deposited with the government. 5 . ;;;7, ',,,d,‘ ",',==,Ar=on: loot Poo's' )1, 11...5, el Moho. has to-day accept-' and the government endorses. and returns . 't 4.l I.) . l e d th e post of Meal an Cenneimioner, to': to the bankers notes prepared for eircula-1 Music School ' wilt h he was appointed . tint to an equal mount. miss a I . M. MOM Ni ~,,,,..., seen. the ,114. ' : , The Hondo, of Col. Bailie Peyton are I can perceive no grounds to con fid ence Min iho Mt 14.Nrato ul onnons a ours simorl quire sanguine of his receiving the mission in this system It must explode, in a emu. Ittitiliit•riZgrint'="' • "r ° T""t 4 '''' to Mexico. try where it in adopted to any considerable ;'„",,t,',:r:•,=,.:L.,;1,74 r,:r...” . ...n . ', '.• • ItarTeaml ••••••• , ••2 IVA, yrheneopi • revulsion occurs to tee[,.rv ;; _ , __ ., , e ;o _, .;;;;„,.. ~ .., , . Iltslrgellie Fife at Williamsport. my entree took. l. r• h..- , its stability, for it is a deviation from true', t 4,1," 0 ,7,,„,,n,„'„,',! '• °' '' ''". 0 ~„„.,„,.: Nor-' priociples Sound end safe banking can on. 7 dn. do. ' nsoom. "ineo , Philadelphia, April 8, IS49.—The I only be based and condoetmi on tonne .-- , e="2"..l . ,.",rn=m" .r• "'"' "‘•"""•'' """ , them Man to-doy brings the intelligence of gad and silt., Neither Milk idulls ) or: t ...... 4 en . 4n. ' , r.o...''' ' ' . no la very de.druetive fire at Williamsport, Ly- banks can lend that I•I th I - t • '''' . r.....". 1, ......... VI lIC I ey 111•41 go.. Tvlt .••••--1110nroor, Milo ..le Prom, Hum, r, O. 'coming Co , Pa., on Tfiursday lest. The nod if they lend credit in the shape of bank ''''"''''''""'"„'"" . •''''''''''''.'" .no :" . " ;Square adjoining the Court House was :nearly deft in which was located the ';',:4';;°;,,w_i_tir_.„l,,t_h!,,Tes.e.:;;;;luoi, redeem t . ilet '..''''-''' r'"*"." Notice to Builders. Old School' Presbyterian Church and marry ~,,',.." ;1V ..., community-, a they lend and lurk '13 ° T..."`"rd. , ... 1"...° , •'' ' 4 °' "aS,o'non.d.: ' l Phu.dwellings. The ktter says the cirmhition ilia; which is not money no r ll e re n.",::. • :: ZIL."'" ""' "" """'"`" ''''''''• rch and several private dwellings were repr i e c. tathe of money. . thmtroyed. The origin or the Are and the tt i ..y.ten• of converting state st. eks .no:Veson‘ toe.: k•on tooKnso. to: nneonomed fly .1 names of the 'offerer* are MA given. into banking capital. and hypothecating it “T*..",r00men.5ea n ,e,....t111.4,11111, 1....een at the ass Aryls - el of the Crewel City. ..• • to•oodnd for C. papiimit of hook k. .;..., it ;; n, ;; , t 4 , x nm: ..., me v*. s on. mme ne,.. The etearnship Cement city, Cain. Sind- ' ...• w° ..4 • 41°.i.. . .... I re' . 0 . ;I " ,.l::',: i " rf° . 1 r rr 1 L . ,7„= , „,,r, 4.•,,,, 1 ,.....! real crate might be .and for the same pur- ~,„„,„=O-...,1_,„.„0,.,;:„,,, --, 'nerd, arrived at New York on Saturday, I from ~,,,g , ,,,, .;;;, ii; . ; ,,, na ; but have , pow, whit h woad afford an equal if not tt . , st - 4 irost . oltontasot or& Board oe ter s,urity for the !mimed. sal' notes. At• it mmmmmm t• %LT . .., previously announced, she brought no news and by this profess, the whole value of the . SPRING GOODS. , of importance. I The passengers by the fresco` City, ' r°° l ,°'''.." 4 . th . mortrY might he cony*, - Ind trim honking capital, and the people in-. Jost rso , it tnt, tt largs suipply or heeds:moo chartered canoes to.take thou up In Cor to actin" of hanker* Thi* p r 0p,,,,i,i,,,,, gone, for nine dollaTe,ll,wt ik a . ll t , t i o , e lo i e r shows that the wind*. scheme m illusory and p„.. ‘ . ~,,,.,.., .O, , ~ ~. ' DRESS GOODS gnnn, baggage, a distance o f o rty - five road frurn blormna to P• 11.11 is in vet • .".".."1- : inm-, he i,Lr t.e.,;.: ire .V.lnt!" . '''" good order, a distance of twenty-nor milesll Yonne Man Daun s tai —Thy Lit..-et ne' baggage is taken over at tin dollars per Democrat Staten that a Sir. Yates, ono di 8 .'1',..i'i.".m., amt..; mintier: aim.. cr.. hundred pounds ; have heard of no He i- ' a compeny of yoalle men from Elmira, N. '-.. "`""''''lS7i..Z:'"' an " '''..- dont on the road; provisiona are plenty c at' Y. which passed Wilkeahone, last Salta- shim ea...ammo sioLis.nnono on Panama, and board can be had at $1.20 to, day on buttril a raft en route for California. GREAT R i IRGAIN sl,:io per Joy, and persons min Ike at fir, , ; was drowned at. Nanticoke Dans. Yonog condo per day, with a little management ; Yates was much esteemed, and culled with ~ , ~ marketing and cooking for thentseli es him s2,tititi The Clinton Democrat vtelen l '' ' ' ' ' , i:T4::::i1, , ;:1;;.;:',.%1"" ' ""'" ''' American eagle. at Panama, worn worth that two men from Clearfitlil county, were C. BE BROWS k CO. eight dollars in change, half eagles finer' drowned at the Durlatown Dam on Salmi.-' 'n,-" anon 2 . i^i , .h.llarv, bolt doPers tot ty cents, Ric Wane elev. 11e name of one was Mr Baum—' pies a pass for ten tom dill.: place , a dime Their bodies had wd yet liven recovered ' NTIV ARRANGEIIENT, / passing for one eighth of a dollar Pouf-' loon. aro worth seventeen 41011.5. Is to Is, PAIN KILLEIC—The • Or , Li.. rr„=77;=l:ill=r==ar.% The English steamer Eudora, hail arrised" Os' Suns Enei•od ri ,,,, , , intlY-mtiattah- 'dor onrroo or . . from Velparairs at Panama, on tin :23d. at' ""r Ws aro infonnod.and oar infantilisom is b., aid 1 HILLS ea 5, A. M , with few passengere, and onc mill. a ono. demi, orer 400..00 bottle. of goo arm. ...-.., -",;"‘:- 'l°7." "-I:7,:tvt. • :;, 101 l in gold bare, on English ecminnt. ooto wore sold tho last vont. And what so anon . 7onnoZtiontriVtaZonn74 . l7onto . ' -- -- WWI:, a hoe torraghn nioelf Otte suck 0010 , erid ' Wr '.'" o.° 0 ..t•t0. • .e , .,......... RA V All MI or THY. COOLER A.—The re- r.... w 0... aids erlinin. We ore lo!d tin a '''.'" ABOUT COSIT ports of the Woofer. pattern in reference to , rt , ir . 01 .. t . e , 7 ~., ~, , .1, , 1tt , i ,. 1 1 k i !t o r h e . ezt i , i n b h , .. 7 , • . I n i . s In °own, I the antlers lit New Orleans, are confirmed, Tho .0110.01 tent . lo 1. Ore 0•61 an •11 kin, of I'o,oo .1 although Ire Bud no rn.ferenoe to it in the ':''''' ir .fl 'i'L'' ... ""i".'" , "mc"'"'s 10 0 , ..•.. T. 0, 1 -0 te , ...t.11.......41...1.10r0n0r0 , _ Now Orleans papers se late Sr the 3let I' .11 , - .. . . . . —"' ''."''" '"""""" . . ~.... A corresponidet.l of the Chorle,ton Ow- I , 4 , ...,-“ , .. reel: .91 11E,111 X IL ' VAI.I. rit r . „ od, dated the lath till.. sa3e the ns:ess ' al r i ii " .: l 7 '. 4 ' n7 . ! ' tt..T:.. A .L . :..,T:7 , : 4. ..: i Executors' i‘otice, Wil.k. 'loather of 4a7 , 11. in the city- during A. n„., „ „,,,,,,„ the week was 421, ;of which 26Y sere ol '‘'..•'",. `o f' , . , o+ 0 u0.....,...m... . I ,r. ~,,, , .... , . -, ....m. , . ~..,I•ms, ..11...4 tto.,a4ssop eh..lera it Ho, nort...vo r, situ, king the Ibetter d , , whion it had generally ' , paled ~„.,,Zgt t5.1 . ,...1. t . : ,,,,..... ! ,... b io . 4 .... i n .: : : , . o,; 1:';J .''''. - --;;;,,,,,. z . ; , ;,.. , ..-,..,. , - ,no in. first vimttation. The steamer Josiah: a..... or nnua....;., . n' ' ' ' ita., ttt want, 12.W4r M '"A"'"' E''''''''. I Lawrence, at St Lntti.,2fith nit , from New , -- -- -- - Orleans, had ten deaths on board, or 01,..1.. , , n. DIEIR . ' Two deaths occurred on the steamer wg l rr>:::: """ " .• . Mr '""r" "..!'' sewer, on her way air. cape 3lartin, cjAT -In Fr,.1.11 .. ....,2 o, ot, ..- at 'rho eatner (len. Latnyette, at Lnui,ville, !L'l'±' . -- . . , the 2,1 lost . Ca) 11 the ch•dera is raging -- -- with great fatality, on the plantation. be- '-'- -- 1 _L 4 2_l 2. , - 1 11 11 1 '.1./ 111 T.e ;...i? '..i...Z....'°".' ....Z TEPIIF.:1111 as TISOMPSOPPS low Natehea —Doefy N _ oo.s. • ' FORWARDING LINE FROM GREAT BEND, fle Rohbery of (Ai, Goirroroent Jeer- ~.„,,„„,- 0 : 7,- , ,,, ~,,,0 1 ,,„„,„.. ~,77.0 0 ,. „ , "'"''' •'• W • TWOWn.:..) dt — Mot . + l,, f.e. k, R""d. I . 4."'Z'r o '' ''''''", ' ."' '!,''''''' ' .... '' '; ''': S ' ot : , . '''''''''''' I • Wig Yoik, . Ipril 5, 1 / , 49. ~,, '",i„!""'" •'re. o r ~.- -. 2." ..,. riles s. ,•,,, res,iorond tharmlar,lri:l7.l; ' Y 1 . . ,r , ..x.z...T , ,T„,z1 , 1,.1.1.. L1...1.1.1, 1.. r.. an.. it...1.•.,../,. " 8. r I Henry 11 donee nod Philandlir P. Jones "," '',^ Z ~, ~ ,z., , ,,,5i 0... w.5i.,,,, ~...ala at On.t 11....4 Were this oriel noon erre/did, charged with mow gut. 11. ' 1;1 '." ”"'"'-' '''' ' " ' 1' .... ' .. ............. 4 ... 1 .. • • 1 1. y .1 - 0.,. n.. 1 .... 0.... w... lbe COW.. Ow ' . '' '.! • the tobitery of the government Jewel. One IC:.;;;;;" i,,, 'i 2 " : ~,,,,,,,,,,. t., ~.,,,,, . 1 1#, ii ils:scson 'mos.... xis, yogi. oss7dis ' t2l,..r. I Ire.] and twenty diamosida and one lan. e , e , i•s , atn • is ... Imes m mt•o ti t" - : ;;;l!,...i=?.;;':,i:'"7"7r . rZ"'!“'" • ':,rlr .. ..'"..Z . tired and fort-three pearls, together with :,,Z:;;;"„,',! . 0 „ .."I'A !r.tta,,nx.: , ,1:1. 1 w ...,, .....,,• ...n;,. 4 7.. v::,,;,;.; f poo in g. Id bars, supposed to have been ''''....".o. , bmit. . 11 . W 1.1.... . 111 . '" :;=;: ' :::7.: r ar "" '"'" r. ' " '" w ' .• . I.le v. nhbar4l of the sword presented to New fork Wile Market, Ipril 9. "IT.= ,Z1T,.17 t':"1" 1 . „ ~....1.10...1 Cr them. Biddle by the Emperor of Ramie, the' ~, „,„,..,.., ,ss, 0,,, ~„,„., ~, 01 .. P. 1 .. ""' ' .E. W .1.11, 1 • odd muff-box, the pint-bottle of otto of t , iti im .so ted km., ......1 1.14= ;.;.7.' "q"" .... A ' . ... ' .". .'".".. . Roses, were found buried in the cellar ot " gs r ::::4'.."-t•irs o the house occupied by Jones, No. 11 Pike ;vv.:- p --,..,:,! ;=. 1 r:mr" ,,, zz 110\TROSE BOOK STORE , street The parties are now in psi -0,, and i.,,S:ona • 01 , ...e...•.nmrrww, gm. syi .'pi s , ' J. will leave for Washington in au looming, ,;;;;471Z,, L lZt,:t o .„ *2 , ~,, „„, . ~,, „„ New Arrangemeat. in eisdotly of talkers Smith and Steven.. Ist, ors. 11,11E.1..11...1,..1t P.... ','. . Henry N. Julian war to-ley robbed el --..'' 4E, Lai.= Is ' . I= Bytes in gold The °Seers tracked the ._. robbers to Jermy city, where William John son and William Layton were twigged and nearly all the money recovered. COL. W. 411 1 .11 EXPEDITION --We thol In the New York Enyttirer nr Satorday, let ter frnm Cl.n 11. L. Webb, written from Now Lem, klexieo,befr re the cholera brae nut in I:it enmmand, complaining of hitting been compelled by Alajnr La Nolte of tie army, to lend hi. company et Davis rancho, where the cholera was then prevalent.— ' Here was the original reuse of the calamity 'to 1110 expedition. Howas preparing, however, to push on. A letter from a member of the rompany, dated Bras., kfaroll 24th, says Col. Webb had decided to proceed, and the writer intended to push an and join the command. The - company comisted of one hundred. Those who have 'returned to Now Orleans. together with those who died on the Rio Onside, number 27. The batanee of the company. we doubt not is now on it. way 11000/111 MelliCW— Daily Nem. 2 . 1'''41 ''"; , F or ge e _ A rz:,:ln: ..!:: ,,,r ;: •• ::::, ••• 4:7 , , I I I•S•z_.:::..r ., 17.4 7,7, 7,77:1;:=.:1% , :;: 6 ;;;;!: ....; ~ ,,, , ,. ...., , K., -- 4 , ..,.. i . ,41 ..,, ~, ,•,,, , , T4'or•^;::1• ' 7.747'.7. ,='!;•!: ,2 'l; NV:7,7,11' • no , mv-IM,lN7!.,..ruragi,ty-1111.A. ntrOltgt . Iwo Moth.. Onto altto .500 it,• rp,l rnn, nr 1 ' 1, 4 I N - . n .•• 411.1, • KT %PI. -.. • •"' ••'' ••'••" •"""•'"' " Wan. Curtails a, Ilorder Paper. Fenn ibr Itale---s'"°"•"•" - ''''' „,,,,,,..,.....„ „...„ A cool reit.t4 of Moot sot Bier 'OK in lartto awl mall ' Inv . : mt ..... r ~ ~...11.,. wife. . nr..l d 0... ....r .... ~,.,,,. ~., „ 4 „..., r ,, ,.. ,,.„ ..., „ I P , 15 , n1.•,..1e.,.. arrip . Ti77•17‘11 . 7.= -.. , -..-- 1, .•.•• M 1.. ., ' ".'" ..' t _ r Ittr tehterpht r Intro. to ••••,1, thr th Mond for Oaths ,in tho notrot Mtor,. if• nor, It. t.ol 6,........ I P11.41111101W14. . whi. br h.. ~. M., it win i.....,ir0t e.e....... : A g ,*^:74=4:. r!..::„=7:::.:1. , ~"T •i'' ""-"- 1 .....,...,.. ~•—• ..•,...14r..:-,,:17•., --- • -..-........414:;;;Tt,r4,7,.;, INr•rtitlforrl. Aq. n. Iwt . . ~ ..., , ;: • rpy rolow; tor •rrlt. torroollos to lite ••••• of "1,17,044t r rt jt4, " ;!: . r„,„ 7 0" Porton ad. le - , 1 Brigade Orders. , b tlt 011 both Mot. ihrtV * .— n,:r..;'' whatlatte• oho aro fond or .o. hot do mot PM t 111;r11;11t4rti I=:7;of . trttl ,r l=;. ,. !;h ti ' nv, ....., , ........... tn... 11........j m In n. T.! " =7 " l illia , :it . :l l l7.lrre.. ... " 1.1 "rit: . : 1 1 " 4.., a7. .1 .7 .. 4.7 7 .7" , „..F . ...";. "4 ., F .: :: 4 : 1 npl . el, IL Park, k, mt Ikea, M.; I4th. wort • fro dt. eiott et R.l.> i ' 11... - .1 . .. • - .1%.; - .. ' .14 , g.; if . ' ree 11 1!•11•11. en 'hoe*, 11. 1/1111 . P %.., se.. ...11.:..!1 t....,..,....0.... mot the Voltorteor . 11.1.101, April 2. MS „ 4•Zoiitirir , = 7 . =7llllparoder at • Onto " " 71 gt fg`g. , r •' 7, :r;: r k i NEW ARRANGEMENT! i „:41...x.17;;;.-1 11T 7:4---.=...n.: ....n. ''''''l llontzose Select School. ! Batting Buiness, 11 , 24..;„i11.,2,-,!,: z-, , , , ,,=: , !!,- v- , .. ,-- ....Mai. of 111.011110 ar. snrcoms ..... ... . 1 1...........,.................... k ....77,..Z.Z.2 lotiod 1* mob eel... r10w1.1 , 1,..11 F. L Y e.. i 7414 V. ..... am. emmil.l Po Ow Omura- .T.r.e...‘ ~. IV,j,' I. '••• =,:leTnra.Z .'” I 1.1.14 • or It wren*. ' itier . l . 4nilear ' 7VZ7I:: " "'".." i Prestrry P 1.., 8 2 PII .4ZIA'Ari ' -- 2==":;,, :I=,'" - A.14.,,..,, ... ... ... , . spe cial Court. - — ltogistori - NUM& - ---- N",:,':....:p;.;.:4 ...2..%:::::1=4:7..T...,':::•::, p , -...—,........--19 0 -...?-..--....^.4 .......1,..1...,,,,,........ ~,,,....nn . v.... Plospot ' " "kr, r.,4„. - ,,,,, - - .• ~......„ Ow WI a, .:J,..., uest mot 1.1 WU." 1.11 .....• !Wow /WM . Aixer. .., ...$ ...... rt... W.... , .......... 1w , ... .1,,..... 5e5.,.11.r. P . WILL 1•1111. P.Wy. Du. Peet. X.l. er.........• ...... I .. , Maya., WV. /4441 410 1114/1 io . • 11 , ... • 1.1.. N.W., Ser. For sale Cheap! „ „ Frouldia N. Awy, Wed. ChM.. Titer Wat. ono .askant Buggy Warn, weepy deer., eV.. thin I Wm Weber An , I t . DWI WAN. Aced. —.— ....—.. —... , Om Single Raiment MIMI Illerean. bler. ....... .... ... U........., ...- , all of *lt ....1, rer e aed mil ..4 elf.. for ea. • .. 1. Ammo Wwwastril. I Tor won mow Ast Oa 5M01.........,. ‘...x. • ..,,,,,a ulif 4. $.0... ..1.17 . 1 ..... i -. hue, o..ualrezi at se rt . . mu MAW .41, An., Ilmet, UM.. i ii. OtneseZtrs. ..Y I==w guu ewes Whits.ww. Wm - $ 1111 ....r -- _ - _ - _,„7- - C.- "-- , . Iftelell Ninon ........ mum... au.. 110.TICIS Tim dm ww•Wols IwwwWilhelwetwis 1 . 507•1 * , tr"... .. . GO Y.» new ....., ~ 0 ,,,' Y. lim Iliglates 011 W. it tool eel. 11.• woe, 11. 1 ..V l. = ......! 161.7.7,7= . 4 . = ' IP, t....:...r. .. 7t ,- ,17„„,,,„,,„,..,...,..,, ..................4.h.. Wawa WI bt 1 ......4 Degoottootype Likenesses., ' 1 1 , ......r....=1. .......jr. sr. err.... gra . .•=z ,.. .. zr , t;rsu... 0.15 ,. .:= bar W1,Jar1.:1;091:41,CATut,...121.%; •14. reel. 70111.1.• ult... Au. Ow , _..."...... • Wormer • Illorro ; . i Mpg, Nom oir lasellallsairr, '.. ** =.3ede. of Amu, 5e.e....... Mt ..,..u........j.n""'". MO ineww..l. Yr Wllmead ilwatwor ow , ' re. ........ aims ; am won.. Yr OW ........11..1.11........... 1. S. lOW MIAMI. 1.. BROWN, Rvimr. fi=r4.l", Ir. ..7747:::"•,..=.= 1 =l:e.r.L. - 17:= 4 .... A. ,- '; , =1: t ' ...t:r..,z; ;rm.. 1' % ----.1- r . ; Lo 'll. (..%. wo.; 1 ..,„.„,...4,.. a1k...., - 1 01.- - lim.. ". : ...... j ... .. 1....11 M. .....i. Mb. , L i ........... rd., am bowew wo •10.1. i = . 2,, ...= :,....f.,...../11.. = . ........,,M.. 11)111111101.131C101 r . i mi.., ......... ri mmass . • . , .......c.i............0....emeghee1am5t , mu rower ..or or wear roar ,at Webb& a , - 1:drig"....." - •"1:1:17i,,r"""1, sow W.{ YAW NW trwl• al N. lea Um .1.4.11. TM 11....11111.• oOm I .......,..,...M,....=............=.1 A . „.......„ 1 ... 1 ....=••.: ... " .• ,...."..W?::1 . ........ to pm.. roar. tow reamed el tin AI reel. os. ore. e ...... 1.1.. .111,11.1111P11 Campoillai lialosat ....1. W. ert . ..r . lNE or, Wlles end 111.41... .171,2WW4 - (....1. Ye ........ rali. • ....1 SUM. IMO MU 1 .1.411 . 1.,4= 11. 1.1.1.. *if Os , A .wr . ............................. 1 V.T I =Z.. , Cr... - 11.,'M ." 1 "= . MOVE, Ilk COMER & SKIT-IRON ' m A1.............."...... , ...r... 4... 1 :4r..= . 01 .1. 71 7z •-• ;,t .„. 1:.:,... bw,-.4:::,,r,5t, .m.. 0 swim. ' Iwe • I. PAM. Mon . .. . err. WWI% W., tee •$ 3."64 =ita ... 7W W4 111 " = " 1=2 " .......... ....---,. 4=9M........i.1 0wa...e....0.......... ~w„c, :.. p , ..Dr., ~ -... ...=Pir s 't .. TiM ... :. _. ri7,..=. ia=1•1,, A = 1 06•11•1U11:111.116 I ....... lti r t "l l l. 7„ „Wri a". • 1 R' :4 ".. .,...t . ... ...'....., " —.. 1 111MS:471,11.11, MU 14!.11, m litir "Wi llibren, 27 . ... "."" rn a ....".."1" 11LS a sitar,. ,lat'm I Ul.: 1.• t ' sari. tetl• wed hew* e• PM. r =1 **Yr em. 412••••• . UM ftli."4loo.MAzu. SHAWLS, BONNETS, 1"„ ~ ~".';S. ,gfiUM= NEW AIMINGEIENT. O. AL GROW, I To Fanners & Dairyman! FRESH ARRIVAL , ATTORNEY A'r LAW. , pl. --,- ... —, .1,1-.--......1t v..., —,, ,:°.• Ily moms* then to OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR , o ,:f.r ° `^ ` "*"'"".."". '........."." ' ..m..1.%__ .......;•64 - '-- -.-- --.!- 1919. 1 coo. II feLllll,llll, rm...r.:•,,, , ..c. rO tbr O. elms err r lotto 11 . rotr Yr= no rln ".." :rsrlr ' . ~ : ' ALL,Lo are Of Irma! of purrhamn ri • I rtfoLl all end ri... Me lunge nest x.fleo=unr ' ' AV rp . 0 p . 1 1,, . .... .. . ... ........ ow 110 Irg sai U..* .74%. ....r1; -.., . ...ay v, , ~....... wt.*, ~.......s. wr y., end.. Caren.. end stripe nen , do n , l.:dee. Great Bend Pa i pat In dd ennui sad lid* inn Ow Nitro no paddler rat:rl ?I " ''' •- n - " g1 '.. 7,V , ..711 ' "."'"'" ___l 1 1 , == . 1t otillzero Mora* 1111 r. Ir room Hll . lltr. r rtAro .. 1:ore:•:.' Onter7.7o: ... “........1••• or:rrate ert= " or==:: La,. • 1:110.6. Whiff Ow., Blu• .t Orr. finuf... •Ooor rho. be from en to no g ... '• • OMNI. or 'I ells, York, VW. Marlin dr IMb Lin, or roam from.. you. the lrala• of Om Chun lkd Ow n.reirtintean• illtdelrett elL n' 7:aoons% :V " 'rme milallog O Om ouor Trlo :to orrom :gr.:Vero:or ' , 4= ''." 7 . 1 ro . butter n mu. ow Luderenil. " B le d . ' lr .' 1.44 :17nSeSF1 1 1 :;1? 7:47.::...".471....1:77 wee evin. ,nair:ditsn ' reind ered 7.V.71.e.7..... :.'1. 17d.1•7=4,71. A. ::: " I ' ..==Xl7:p e uter d--- ,r.r.::: - t,: . :,::::::•.::::„=:" -i- 0 ----...........4r0.....„ OW.. 1..14 midNl Poetet .10 .4 • rare, Ilumatrr iloths lat. MA. Pen. 111.11enlinvil • efer. r . n . SIM N 11 E.. 1V.1.111K0 • 0p. , . Lunl tri:%Z d t e reett:4l . llst:: zr.r ;"", - .3,77g"1 :'4;• EOM !!!!!!Atkijoic , Nummillffir. P 1111' RIF ! For LIFE and FFIIIII ore in Ikr BLOOD. BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFVING EXTR iCT. HUN DREDS-THOUSANDS Vour 990 a Lena quin.ol3, awl at boor Timer L.:0.1.41 aeu MANY TNOIMIANOS 10 Pm. 14.1.1..sirrhur •uoo who we. t,",; - .Ltr;tr2v.'";l= '''''''' THE WORST SOROFU LAS .n el dlio•Nra uf.dt 1.1.+1. •ir ScoNl tt t. • CHEA PEST AID MOST CEA ATII D. Ezzot an= =4 slum Inow smith BY ORR DOLLAR'S WORTH. r".; :14=7 Alo-I Horrid • Srerofulan mmoy :=4 Twiny Lam, Deep, Distkarelee (lan, att tAtia null dw ..r ~ ..~ .rr..~ r. n... ~~W; r ~ U it.....r. el. , ~l~r r •r ]4.r i 1 u.. ~A r4r ~y ....o r . u. b. ACADEAI V OF THE PRESBYTERY OF SUSQUEHANNA. • AT FRIENDSTILLE. •Vr11 , 0•111. A II an.l ifisis , 1"1. A 111. i. A Common ram.. Hrnorbe, 1111.1. w., ihrmlot re II ~,,, , nr rnnonstv Av im,irtenti• • ^•,^ FIRE! FIRE ! WASHINGTON CO. MUTUAL INSURANCE Company, At aranyMe, T. Sou Ten Millions Insured, Sat • Large Ateamoulaced CM.. W•l6* a. B. COTTEN I Wholemsle Grocer & Dealer Is Nuttol Put t N0ur,.....0es of oda Ll*, Auditor's Notice. Ti r ertt.e=r ' X l e " :".!l:7,l7lltpleat:ot! ' ;: " :7 Jtieo. tu exwalue ast.l ~,,, Ile elle Aeeenants ul rent*. 11‘ Vareulor 11,1nat will and If...meta ,b... n. wave. lal• of .1.1 t l eiant, elleeesaeJ. lu aveotitst el.ame et 11. auu 1..11,t•J atenvald My ulleee.lo Yeeltute or. eel tie 1,1..1a% /I,ell. 1.0. at ". :;2=2: VA.. J 1./IN./ill( C. b. GOTTEN • • lOU Pack4Aes It.. ;new crop., • lOU . ihe J•llZAr•lst rm.!. u awl ta Ulu. I. Teas 100 do N., I ...k1 1 WWI., 1110 .10 i;J1•111111 33 41 Nene I:in, IMMIII=I ....pgar A N1.111..8. 911 :I:: .In ',mons and 0r..., 1 , 1 du..... a. All rt.& nrprrnivls • Going to California! 511!=ZT"'"' ,„„„"' """ Administrators' Notice. A !Ir t New Daily Line of Staten Re/ wee.% Mentro. &Great mow .1 !:',!',.",!,!L'ln " . WA Mew. Ant. .0/ Al A...., A MOHO.. k Co =l=s ' ,111ong Ilamey. Jock.., John. 1 tldret I, Albert. Am,. Lynn., %drool Si., Kreler Wells... Rime. 111 p.m, Losiroln Chester. ' Rodsoll 11.mM... Lamb A...1m.y. Ikogott 11... hell, to ot.nrd 11.11ip. 1h..... 1 Homy, 11.1....., 1111. Mary AIM 11111.1441 Imor. Morph.. 'Mona.. ' Illaltrody /A. ,. . .11. 6111 • Joelson. Raker SllllllO, ,11,4.... Thom+. 1tr0be..1.0.1 Satoh E. .Voloyor. Alm Sarah R. Wow. Rohm, . .1. r Sir pl M e um. Ihrehard, om urMino Loll. Mm. F. 11.1.1..... L. man M. Intory.etilrb D. , lAA., J. 11. Putt, Wiamm. a liticklev. S. M. retch Ism, Crory Pol. Pork Nehemiah , 11114 ,. ....11, John. Post Nazarmr. time. II G. Robin... Imae. a Cuomo., Welthy .0.11. Rohl, Air. MA - oak., OH., I . ..tin Cornolius. RrOhordrom, 1 I'. 'IV ni .s. .r. Mrs. .1.11.• A. Slralkle. Wank., rml. Jobn. 1 1 1.,,,,,. 11. c. Cord, J C.Sint, rd l /... l l'harl.lle 0 1....... David. Simblo, E. S. ' Corn. ell boom. 5...... Ilarmo. , TemAsh.ory lona 10.m..m, Mn. .onrolo I'. 'r,,4,.0 Nine., 1...m....11n. lb . WOK STiliffl• . 11. 1 ' 11.1.1......1. lls. A1.011.61....k.n0 10....... , Exorol J00n... Whom. 1.....1, .. ' rm... s F. 1re.......1mi. I:cin in R. I T 0:r;;:01 Y (. ..1 '0 .. " .. 1 .01. Good., IfirAtel, Vorl. 10... b. r 11, 11...1.1 Joroh, WA,. Vr. Nam.. 11 111...10. I. 10...1. 5.......1 R. 1/11,1. Si,. 1 1 / - 111111011.4 1: ‘1111,1411 110 me... 11111 "...roe. 10.1, 11.111..41..... 11.1 k 11...,.....n. 11..... I. H. S. R. 11 or.. o'. alma. .1..108 David. Anon,. .11M.elam1.10. T. lobo o. Thom. J. ...LW. LH .HH.P. Onrae tut.l :•:11:1 . 1 ', .7. " :1:;71:i ' ,; 1 " •4 , 1"."1.4r. Y M ~'ll~~~ !I'w The Eagle Foundry, - " '••• : • u„ I the bet or lam !brag ht. lIIONTROIE SALOON, 10% i% I•to ... ft 0 . b1•5zt217..... Izalt Inxii•lP plts. ft. r.: : .1.11.1.•• the ln.• 4. een eel* at Ow 31:11212ibil DAYTON. CLARK. A; CO's Railroad, Freight and 0)11111118SION LINE. ide1.1.•14;V1t hele mho lai glirot filf 01.1 ..eedigt• 1er.4.11.‘ • mall wens Mil paYI .111 Non of Wry• t0n.... Rawl cr H hin;enr.d. a MIT ' kkk ekk Vuntl Jau IMO I II V. .11.1#10N. ‘1.4% W•ge lame •••," New Clock and Watch Pbtr" Ta 7.4 Mel 41 rime!. and •mt. I. thy eter •no 0rt.1.91 Alvjac , tHI':;;‘1:71:471....a."::1:117N.:r1:1•=1 °.+ ••011..• ;*:: : r ut " or: 11.71 :ttone "*".. .: "''.."" 11•1- '. 11 • etuorr.i. I" """'" ""' nnuormahlr .1011.11•••• .4.lnar. Jan 1.1,1.4 Ney Goode---at Turrell'm 1.1n04n ••••11.. wire. mt. worSi on 4 0..1.. btlikonws ond omen. isos, ..„.. 17 In . salmi... Z., WW11••• nnwwl. 11 ; "'1 T.. ' 11 1. ...:=:1 ' t ..'" (7:„ F.. 7,4 frr, ”: ...'ln ItIKIL Susquehanna Academy. Ortimera,.. 11•3411,. oe rugl7.l7V.;l...llr.whafer, mid loam, 6 : 1.1 :;:grile::4:17:::t:•%, MA miler eol.i. Da. Tr1:44.. 444.4.4441 Mb. 41/9 To Ihr Solders of the Eslile of L B. ion *rend. ""'" It I , 1111. i les will all• ex. the hoer Ile WO. his ...lee at soy th.• Fey.. ••••• TA". " =: "Z:ttrkT, 11.1.nret *M. la ••=""' 7,7..rar",••• ew Goods ..,..;..~.,...;~LY0F },- . r mw~.}i}F.~.~.L.eMpn.n e in ITEMEMI (.ten. :r : r.~... ~atis. ~r ~.. w... ••, will.a.l.N .YVYtItURR. TO THE LADZEIII. &0.n.0. Now Ow. 11 gwod. •••.•••••—.ll .111 11.00111 ,1,0. - 100 PP. r 0... b• POI at pioiroM—OLOO, r. tv."1.17;". COAPPLPII Pt CO. Clover Seed. ni mimn........4szirum 1 . OW 1 7 2..