The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 12, 1849, Image 2
Wof the tektite, when illmwiyab, its goy- 'lrPe Monti Draneb Aga it. The Harrislnsing Keystone. i A New C0m...-A WI erecting • now 1:1/11111•Y!gegassugis posts if promeotegie pomir L l • Free Damillng. i .. • An Meetly* Judiediu7. ....a that „s ee. i t , opp „,,iti o n to, when am muerte apropriaten bell was uilderi, We onotted lost . week mune .h uninte i nnonallr h to to be ealleiLlecrence, out of p.s . oftb=o h tles .f ot I T • • . is • atngu ar ford in the history of nur . We pMnoire that a i movement is making 1 . The House of Represent.tivea bee pas.- AL It underwent merty &m t ge. dining:nae&rsoott 111Ih , e Ilouw.. Thur.., Mr. nen menu. the secession to the torm corps ot e avers . ercer, hes .. State precisely evert 'fifth election for Gov. in favor of blr. Diehl • mien' fora Free ed the reeohnion submitting to the popular she db ew dem or the middle we and was ,• named to et ad aby appopriatlen all the mi.- Hawthorn Reyna. at the ilea. Jaw. Nheeen,;the Lem•Sture of th.S.m. 'retie has resulted in the Ch.** of a Fed- Banking Law based upon paper, limn) mice an amendment of the Q. 14.10011 TresHorry, enwr the pay. I K ete Secretary of Stew under Gov shook. The .0. o n th • pommy of al* bill . emend the 'gruffer. The Demmratie party had been thou De.... .h. .1 b... been in- 'providing for the election of the Judges of Madly meowed, Jong with all Syria. M lemmata balance is the 0e go t .. gam. In ' g m ear beteeee Isom , of the AMP... Fe1..7 ie... f..., `Y ... ha. been •" .bra, reader .. d .d.. C........ eato allow the p.p. to elect their' succeseful in twenty gubernatoriel minima.. cline& to that *chem. carefully examined !our Courts, by the pm>ple of tid e St e w . _ the "i woonn g t i. p w k • o f Egypt, DIM"- .eoropletton Id the Nenh ff.e. Ci.... the 0 .• ~.. peer, wore ''" n, .*amen, end , i.e. Me., rib. Teggen 'mod eye, end Mr Lit& , out of twenty -four, or four out of each nee the till which that individuid has reported !Thie is tM proper response to the o nanws _ an ' under the new onangemeto we have no doubt it .„, OS lON taken by the troops of the latter,', mom to be allowed the pdvile. of appointing I After the inn or p.a.. miffiin ,in hie place I Tao the following iteeliett I mien of the Swale some weeks am, in three : w ag - bi g , eon yb r ,bem Bums. and it etill .e. s and rupeonteedant of the work. This, swathe even more so in (mute We an pleaned to 0-1 . The He. paned the hl • appropriation Was twice elected: end McKean mice, as a for instance . of the seine re.olution ; and what le still An amodinen. app...., Democrat. During tM meond term of the' " Seethe , : : . 5 .,. ... 7 . i :1i1: 0 a n t , . . h ux h. i v n e o p ty .. tozs i t..l, , l:e i t....e ‘ r, ro a l s ie w . e k l: te it y l c h :h p a uh fLtu w re iu w . i s l r l it:. in. subject M hi. altority, haring unnondmont wait very properly emended, on motion record the 0r5.... to as streneh, and predict b i ll on p th j oy been' ended to him by the treaty , of p.c e in of Mr. L., so as to retain th e apsemong power for a a career of great toefoluess and provenly. 8100,000 for the ovoid.. a ,h. ache, Will lo- latter named gentleman, he quarrelMd with Itemise, by another logi.latare, when it will 1 88 , g Th e i n b g bitetim of Datuamus kn.. 1 ooemed by the Whig Governor, in the b.d. a the, The ...... iva...e D....". of use t •- •.. doted Place wn prewoedy eilopted-th to au 'Ws party. The part' - repudiated hint and carry . II busioess of Limiting by deo mimed*: The question meet, b• d er kl o g the reputation of being the most benshy 1 cuout Comme.m. BM se e m th. "rime.. , which means elm. th e entire ma of the party. OTT. general revenue bill roamed the Holl•E'noniinated Simon Snyder as theff candidate. counting bills, notes, and other evidences 1 l u men, and intolerant people of Tto key, but the „bigger)... My mooned ; end on the following will find the ti , yetone „ear. eserN nom on Thensday. , 31Kvan wax taken up Ly the Federalists of debt , by reeeirisee deposits, by buying' he submitted fleetly to Ihe people. Neal's . ' , Immures of lilehemet Ali here I •-v..11Y ! among the Whig Ball gout arose and moved to 'I The following form ND. Mabee salutatory well, , in tnibroot. ~ ,, r ay, oth.,„ elected and elected. This was the first Fedetal ' Ored selling gold si, , diver 6u/hon./sr- can prevent the eomplete and oho.. tr. tended greedy to subdue or control their lor• son further amend h. amendment me as to appro.. evidence both Ills mntimente, end hot strength and ,th r .,,,..„.„ en , the ,„„,„ end . th .„.„ ) , or the, governor. . leign coin, and bills of eschange, in the umph of the gem.. principle of popular MU spirit . poste only the balance remaining in the Treaseiry ' vigor ea • saner. and we trust a will not be wholly I coonnon ~,00nottt ' After IfeKem. retired Me Maim rats manner specified in their articles of .a.ia- elections as applied to all brenes of goy ' , seer the payment. of the interest for dee prairie profidew to all our readers. elected Snyder three time. nod Foulley , !lion. for the purposes authorised, by this ernmetd. The people are ever the sated 1 szr The bin to obolieh mono troinings has now , d ••o tab the eel et o of c onrer •• Torn of .vin.. of pane..., who rofew. to' once. Then Mister pthr, an no a . n • ei n lbtile Federal candidete..., and h,k exerting °itch incidental pa.- Land purest depontotice of political power.- . parsed the saner. en an •emended shops. and has' . . -..- ~ - --s -- - - -. and sof.e.eadvot W 1... th0..1 , 1'. oral or the rim to the d,anorratth peen, lam, w o o, ~,,, , ... lh _ •n es carried bye .1.1) tua t hanthg, ars as mall be ticceasary to carry on such 'Pennsylnonien. en. fonh too.. .1, ore lowa &henna theoretically , tn... got to go back to e Home for eon., --- `s. , - ,- - s - - “... .r r e '''' ed • The . "'"" d ' ' nd pram.. ,in on the ....list *lemma of ite rence Sid. the Dentoorslie mandate enc. bosh... to choose of their number • P.- i --",....„-- 1 . \ ... - . - _ - men! of Mr Bali,. emended by Me L,ttle, wee creed Thee. enen...then it writa man ...tercets,' eeeded Heister by an verwhelming vote I indent of such assorintion and to appo int al Tu. Moors or Pr..... ..-A Judi . 'h.. adopted -_y nap 14. A proviso was can act as emiremently cool. the 1. tbraltsts as 'nth , Effort CO Extend Inc Benton. ,Wew. t . twi ce elected , I nd W„p his enc. .roshier and such other officers and agents, ' curl decision ha s been lately made, that the ...._- - the democrats They ore frequently found com. , On Saturday; last. the Whig s in the ,ees.r was also (wive elected Then came ,us their &ine. may require, and to, regular Mailing of • paper is print...fog& THE 1)E31 - 0CH T. then edited to the effect that no engineer or super adtholent shall he , mended until it nhall be wee. Inning with lie former. and entering into meret ne.. n ththe.. „ . „,,, ,, , e , e , the th „.„ th „„ e „ ~,,, pro _ Slate ,ettatc rescinded ll e t res..l ,. uti , .. ts ads ' the ,n el e is r art c rzs en an h d y e fat . a ., ~,,, , d i n ,y lin o is i t . r t ht , i . ,, i 7 e :l: , :z i oz e adre .. k at p p rzi s dfX, ,, La i sji p i pu erf, t ot . ers'ev e iti d ti o n:erif i :t i. a . m:e l li n ti;n i . 0 ;1 h :ha . i t the .. re; . - . - , oli. d . 1, , t there is 5 150 .... the I thoenor rim f. sant bel... The, are often heard eondemenng .1..." I''e WM of APPI t . ff. , ff' a Aare , p i of ' SIONTIROPIE, rt. 0,1-- :pomp...led. Tine proem* end render the lenelens ttanocrone pm... em, ultra end rads A geotleman who was present when the pie in consequence of • division in the Dem- in their place.' 'consent to the mbaeription and renders the • ' est • nod det....,...„ the 111 . 11 co h o sopport it - deed aas dine, say , it was roved through , ...retie party. , Now without the use of itches or eapi- 1 re.iver liable for the amount of mobeerip --- • do. .11.1 at a,.. 101 l tomntort , but an het. net wberreday„ April I% lac lg. Thew person a do the. demo. ram . pan, more injury nth ., .1,0 party „kip. It is easy to see , Rittter we'd nut in disgra c e. and the ids, li e intelligent reader will perceive - m den. Thi s de6sion jai objected to loy some _, . ~..... med t , think the operetta.. of the new th. they ...old if the, ...lid go moo , l erg the , • k . . TI d . Di nweint• elected Porter twice and Shut It ' once the extraordinary powers conferred by las unjunt, but IWO consider that it iii fair ".41afeb. r .• ....„ lens will replonah the To eatery le an rm.. of th month. ...on, 1.1 is a arrant a re ...neer.. 1 „ 1. 1 ';' ,. ) .. P . f.: _ . ot 11.• work', lb ....Amon. Amor noted , ~,,,„„ ,„,„ .. •„„, .„,.,......,,,,,, no the nor. nl-I is mimeo,. m . s spe- . L. ~.1 . b 1„,,,,.„ im th o cm, pnr rate men who ,eek for the menet hereto lii bee. Ti,,- unlucky peri.,tl bad *"ra ta aged:l, l li. extraordinary mallow No bank ram, and proper. The gee eral custom is to mod ‘I ' feel d this thelast I ' ( hastened by Shunk's resignntion,) and in ' existence-no bank that ever misted- I papers to certain andividusla who may be , 1 tam 0 p.m. to • name then, to tostroth live,an see oat is inems , , Denterratic It eeting. ...I d.r., 0 , b." it th. de : own *;tide par- t e m ° f on nth ., tenet that win •me F„Ki.. , •Johnston • Knees-ed.. dby a majority of a lit- enjoyed suelt deepatic prerogatives. Whet. , likely to eubseribe, or to send them game r." ' ."'"'' ' ''' I ' "dr I ' n-"d '"' d"-.l' " '-'"d 1.. • Th" '''''" l ''''' .. I. ....".. ".Imam' - d hen.. anxiety to lem than 11 , 0,4. holidool ,de. ' motet this section, would becitne of the el.. ally through the ...entry for inepeetion. /f Th. 16 •....." .. C...... " 1 . " . " ......n " Cn et de h.11...e nre pleabil to nolo e, wths bald, eon.- . p m,,.„, „ ~ ~„„,e;,i, ~ 1.,1„,. in ., aeo ,„ o f r ,_ tn poWer. an ~hate, . ,tic ...11rneet eit the Court House in Ilonirow no Ms..- . t, I,' • ll e td. . I ...I no. athot e.t.a, ta hthori do roil, • . nen.... Idoch no. I, ~!, e one antha p il inn th resent tell t hot. ', All these Federal lidntioi•lrnti.... idles ' , mime who invested his font. in the A.M.' the proprietor reeeive ° notice after a reso d., mug. even or Coon seek .Aprd leal• ter the in. .•• . ' shall find 110 f ner ii. 11, • c.a... of •• The Ke y- norst project.; Th• *Mode e a oral. os been failoree- tins cot ire, total fuilores of „an ii Ai. idrint b01d.," poesessing the ' ...bin time to disenntinue the paper, he w 0...... or einw „,, y p rtry. „,„,„ ~,,,..,,, th.. the o he, for tins, .10.1,4-4.41.,.., and t 0... on • ototto ~ ro.s. , t , „ ~, „ .. , _, ~ , per „,,, th i n ei n ee , ... „ n „, 0 ,, en t i n , meetio, 'bath rep Iti ti e eases if Melte an, I lei der. and Bit- high I to .1 rerrot ing his bank officers I ses the rah. of the papers he has vol.- '6 - .1..Ti, 0. ...cony...mon, 0 hod. i 5.... vat the queen., 0hoh• os no doubt well &sum& ,theetheer, co os. oi ~..# , en„, the., ~...p. . n I 1' J. ner floor. a' ol rea di , Pittsburg en the .rah on he, net, to r “ 11l oom ne. and 1.1111 am& W. in alit, to obit . Ile coldest, era.. ned nay „t to the pa err I t thtli h. co-., ~ rtheittattoc....l Ile plod. eto . anon., prnv, . s . .., ~ in , , . t bli ~. di ... plraqurer Dot lie need not tinily delivered, and it he conlinUes to send oca • Detrommic candid.. for l'anal . mammon , , ee intim be n0....d0ng nat.. m the ...P1...W. thisf H h •I . I tin . Fed,` lin favor of the DennimAcy is a sulfide. The mat .aired most see the en.- . them •after twin., he eanni I reeerer the Jot ..nce I. • ang. t 0 i., „. end roe the „ e „.„.„ 0 „ 4 e ,,,, „ r i m ,. b ar „,„ f r , 1. 1. , .. Ws, Its hes been ...eyed by the. end 1 . 17 . 0r.,..„,.. 0, ~,. „• pall) thelf An hon. et ral lea.lers tn g, t mot e time for the coosum- Lproif of their popular condemnation r nn lien ... lin . thonopened before all eye., 11114 ' subscription price If, hewer., the person *all be deemed necemeary ' III , ........1 1 1 thea,l , is e„trem, la nult.neet. We 0 t t, :: ,,,0t to., oo tt t „too. t , 0t,„ , ,t00 to .„._ _•__, nn tt tl,,tit. tto„th,„ tide in elnedv rollimr in tigainst John.. !pnblie hed with an impudmt boldnesm which ;10.). , 1n the paper la tegukrV mut mimes Pee enterer tit. Om, stood , . comnit , " tier. be 0 dep :b. mon the, .- die m i d e 1 .,,, th ,,, II , the e .; i -, o „, ~,, ~,,,,,,,,;„.; , "... J. II DlMOrli Chen... mesh sen fot rc het tom remember the' ism of t,e,,,..„„, nee . „,,,,,, , a , , th ...,,,,,, 0n ,„„ then„, We have heard II al, t"-day , en attempt with an equally • 'stable tor., 'Peso ad- ' proves, too plainly how meal, the privilege- lit and refuses to give notice to the peblieb. will be mode to rush this resolntion tlet mien MiniMrationa hover been nil a filte in nun re- hooters expect to receire under the present ler that he does out desire dm paper, then _... . ~hit roor ii... 1., • em..., tea . 110,0, PM dean Agricultural Meet DM . the House and 0 . this succeed" then the •era.: they all disappointed their" friends ' State athnted .. ion, and from the presetm Ihe Moll be taken to have eonsetmd to tbe '4'. '''''' ''''' ' . I' " ' " . ". r''..''" '''' "n" • ' ' • . h cud •5 dI f I ten), t tL ' I tur • We e nnot ber I tit I and will Ire held liable. Under Mr Asia envs.s , " , ni.m 6 f P. n .." ir'''' , Mn e 0..„ l',. I r .-A,,,,,,ni, of ti., lote of d., ..„0. o, n hoe.. er ih , , kineo .1 .. oho, hill vino repent.' the law *.*Brag t e seri e the welt, pre, town. to I a a egto a e. a sew m , me . an a lecture on the - •elto. and mgr. ei , of ago. ..don., , a the North Ikon. b.II 01, CI, punned the 11 it.. re.. Canal 12 arantestoners rill also be pressed enemies. But though generically similar, there is any Democrat in the Legislature , ekisting custom, papets are sent to imil. ~.....• e - . 0 . , rood ii . '"" ''" T '" " la ' "`""' ~,, ' , flan,. ~,,,, ,he toilworn., pfitheal c0...p1ea.... •• l•• • I ' 01 ..... • . ''''.', nn 1 t .,. 61 / 11. ..., I T . " d „ l r . We call up , lll 60 Hem oo :Its of the linnet. there arcs leet ilia differeoce between I luau Wim will t.MCit such • • scheme . offensive ividuals eubject to be discontinued, . brogio 114111. NVolntst the rneflom 0 .11 be o, 11 otienthd, A, ..., t ,.... ,,, .....„ A „ tt ~., , 1 ., 1..1.1 air 111 I, . .I..rk. .1 , , .. .. I.'" linen .` to resist this [es dution postponing the tittle , e hich serve rte distinanish earth from all the, in all its parts. We will not believe it. are sometimes delivered to individual...sub. i ie • el , ..• emu. cf. ih. ... re .. , ..„ . f boom, bolts. find . . both by the members of the anneal...l So' ea) ~„,„••T;ND hots 17 'son 0 hat pony 18 ot falor 01 ..„ .1..• IN, 01 Not. hth too .1,1, s ~.1---- If •if .11 orb., oment still. all their energies -r. at 31eKcan • s aas the ablest; Heistee's Apart f the mre idea of a General ' ject to be returned."-Dem. Union. and the farming conimetuny m g.throl Mr. a 1.,. ~ , , o r„ , th..... , , 11. 0.. 1 ena , 1 ......... • 51 „ .1' ,, "s ewe , nett. oth The Democrat, of the State cope. them the most hinnoless , Ritner's the most . m.. • Banking Law, which r hos many num rters 1 T , . _ ton may thealt itt r,... mil,. ...... 1 0• •••••,• Il ."" • I.I ". , I ••".. I, I ''"' II I ' •• ` ..6. "' ln. t: d , co, 01, tho best interest" of their Woos, and • Johnston', the nonnt timid.- alto have probably never examined all the , Itil li . . • Ist. sea - The Federalist. bays doubt net will eve "gad leetiere 5... Judi " .l " W.. '" BM • " - ''''' ' '''' ', '' ~. '',",',"' " '' ' "" Y '''''' '.' '''' ' ' Ir••• 1 d d th' t their' Federalism, like *eery ry other evil thing. rints of tM question, this paramount mn- i ; „,*,,, ,„ „,„„; m coml. omits ...Me. Is * fl oe* a'carried UM, the only State in the Union, ,' The Democratic ['man et .ate., ...s. •• W. '.. a ' .. 1 ' ,,.7,.... d ,1 ' 0 1 a I '.' „ . . ' 'd ~.;,,t . .7,i' , ' 11 ? 1 ,..111111/1 bderul halo], •In an emergency like the present, 'gams worse es it gets eilder It lea fallen oideration mud n.d he ovethioked That .. in which the dare openly to boast of th eir Coast . ly.glirred Cp. ,i . ,,,,, „,,, i ,,,,,,. „ eor that , ss..l he othnthrhat th . ... e 011,1 Z,..;,. ; , .,,..,rra.d ode. ITlnt, ha, 0 n' in to Y unrestricted and I f after l'cons)lvania has been repeatedly itt- a most pernicious height-fr.. /leKesti to the operators it. the cities- those who ern" i .rnm . .. • eq.. ett - Gat tentatho on the Pra.nded -- e'd ..."'''''''. , soma , .1 shoo Ile, eothe to Iv or ol the i wire aen..rslly he „ , ...tor. dln n ...boon ot the f.d. r• 1 ,,1 10 ,1 en d , t a 't il • e fen m afar off-belie , ing in rage. Of course nobody expected anything p ondered by the worst of Johnston ! seen pre .g, __ , _ . _ . wenn" n ut Tunkl.....k. treed e'er d mi.'. iii . ". - hao, ni th e .1... tal Mei.. ar t ih i. • lento... al a .rs , • It. th . 6 , ' I " n• ".,••:": ,1.,.., • ,, 1 , • " • :,, 1 ,, she it t„ to Ith .1.0.1 the t. there will b „ Not the least. rernark abk thing in those the neceidahility rrf the idea of free bank_ 1 eh. 11 lico the hold of truth as not aim out by the 'llfluence of wealth, the came of o figgpLomes &fgt.!. 11•101110 lh,• 000tindo 0, ~,,dth un„inho u0i.,,,,,,,,..„,,., than oddamno, lam ~,:,'::' r ' , V, r „":1,‘„,',. ,!' m ,;,' ,7r.,,,., r , ~,,;,,,,„,,, no hositation ',ohm' the non prompt end mite. is... sis the cut ions fact that. et - cry ing, hope ...Aut. into any such ldll all the: ,Le it, A nt pr,.it. eisturbed our Wyonting foends. mile.% trio, ".. radar*, addled some 61, Of 1 On thousand della. „ o „, 1.,,,, 1,, ~, 'I .,- d. , d ..4..,,,,,i .1. ',0.n.0. MB. I, nt then enree to pot a atop to on) fur. one af these Federal Gar ernurs iras an Walla pasiviel.ll., which their thole...ions.' j tt l; e g thilik Anthony. Federelist, is elected we hear, and what we n0n.... the II )orthlM II.• to the p.1......1 ettene. eot do tmothrouw.,... in. .1....... •d lo in , .PO . . ,, il . , to Iv lona ther proeceilinifn of thio charnel. The alaraate Democrat, and all were pompom- could desire Ect us bring i r" " dr ""d. .. . C • oir F.d t ' 0 tio. moc anon, as pens The Deemerer and Wter :now, Ito df• ~,,,,,, no ,, i t , ..... a ~..,..,. a a i s mg....• g,,,. t.i t i. t p , ..ts th , ; , .. ,. . t ......,. , i !,.. t. „t„ .tt tt, to„. tit . „djournortair • iff sure the people from 1 tiNcly.rceent converts when they were ,wished, d In. „„ „den ii„„ 0 .. o r T roy. et en I, e d_ ;mentor, .. toga mg. . , o Lon . . b d • t r; ~ . , 1 grass from. alio first diwriet ; and W B. worry to me, amktng eraser . the ....." 6 4 . , mai c 1..., ~..1 ‘..” .”,,i. donht oh. ther it a .11 `,',',;.'„•,, ••••••,:', , • , , , I , I „,/.:„ . ,.,' ~, a ., „,„„. j . „..,,,. en „,. lea and the Com„rifftweeth pow degra- ken up by Pie F. ticritliS . lX. Neither 01 01 ,r 1 01: ,., •; ,. . rc e . ... , r , • Ott we nL r lr e n l 7 . I . , Thutatott, Dem , front the evened district. mom) came to um Imo 0, ek dowsed oral. ma,. ,neat „,,,,, „,..,./.....,„, the ....„., , i p fi woe rpmaa a!aa. it the, ..... . ie, . 11., op to M. rehire note dotio„ E Vl , cy Democrat should lic pr. ud to the. ntippn I red d the adionnetrations of thif i oi t . . t t. . I . k ‘ .- I.'n' ' kk . ' s 1 Thi. letter Oho national representation m two to three columns em h. of ngtherele nod hal- imam the floe. enne throe or fair d• • ago, era.. ..... .., 1., ,1., • ... ..t., ... oid in defeating thin t flat dt ~f Federalism t.. olio rs 31.-Keatt Ind Iron the trusted oar nodst est s e ore wtol te pr.. . deeds* Agee w our humble, indwedual o It, for by the Whigs with grew ..10, and vmed roe h, a , ‘,..,' t i t ' a ,, , a . , " I : e ' i 1... ' ''' '','"..,' ,. 7, .1',...„"1t.',...rj.."' dealers will pale intelli- viten. don of the Democracy berme be tin it- Meth.. of paper money ere 1 r. '"""I '''''''si,'" Never 't ro *7 1 1 i • 11.11 efficient their ineffectuel Bon -Ponnapiranian. I'M in last Congress. The Federal loss ainee November is •abont 1000, compared which we foal peculiarly eaten. The in addle , few Dent... It w o • ..„1,.....• . le. on ad- and ' l, ~,In ..1 eh ' . ' ,r...Y.: '," r• ' •‘..• pan ~ or ..... r. el.e. gm t marl 001 Alt d. I e.o .e name 1211,111111 for .1 H • sthr bad b r t ot a war r t o a : , with the Presidential eledion. TM Leg- and paltsfoggitig bl.kgetardient ad, IVA,g oe, .1..1011 metwerre. Th. ea'ured fm n work n. ... wenn • ortha th. n., of . depot.... or. their the tar It , mi. of an evil. tlian n e e the cit- blend a Snyder • ay. McKean 11l er Whig Frani), idat•ru is deral.-Pcnnsyloanian. td 11; iMer g ood J. In tun .ed Mall not deign Moak , The Demo. rat , 1.e. , . the entree Whig vote, nod with the ma or u few pot to agrananeeti. owl no r•orl. r. . e odb die itens rd• Demist I, suin to see the y onimb.. opt. , • E. • , . . n•:.plo . ~,,„ tit , ...„ wowing pt . ky pnengennii in ; nah. of Proaern• .• .... II 11. 't .... ". ..' t the tre - ent Le idolure retorn to their Rani,. Et ery tone the Fed , rebate "A '` Wing • • lane more respectful end decent ...tone, in...,,,, a I , sraa „ ene d th eo „, t b, n 0„,,,- me ttttoto o tt. mo r . • f i r g . . . the Pennsylvanian. Although tut very I ogg-The attempted partnership of the h No pot, .. ~,,, od, in 011) 1 ' I d I • d i t ail no dim...Teti , the.gtiverldnent fora I tor inn s I le) • mn c or „,,„thi I :Mato with the Wanks for the purpose of elates" e. mealy mew ~, l e , s „„ ett ese . roe N. I When it went into the Poe.. it was taken . in „ T „ „„„,.... „b„ 0 , 1.,,,, ~ b 0 r,,,, n „.„, „„ th , re, thaiti. hernes; am. at and trite mot themselves so odious that they could never ' ... P ii.. " .r Y " rh° rri.d mr. id ---- raising means to pinto the Moth Brands .Jul., will receive mow ahald anent... ..1 1 1....0n in the urgent renothalmoce of Meant ee. nmarhl nod 1.,t nth. of prop It, .111 d l'lt /PO, than is intended to He stann7h ,. h t lo .„ , nno . kr , n,n won Woe 0 „. 04 0 ......,„, esseitibled. it it. elm ertheless, • true exp..- ' coo ,. i..„ 0,,,.t,t ~..„. d0 , r00. „ . wo re. The jereitiemion of Ilr tattle for h • ~eta net, of Delmer... Stanton n very brief don ......... lo the d. ....'..., ot ths eon., won 1""' '''n'i ' '''""' h g duly "' . '''''. I „.• art. „ „ ~, „ion of wadi.: opinion. they am. .. 1 " ... , 6 / • 1 ...1n...nth. , posed the sobetnee ofJohneton an 1 Ins a.- I ust ten 1.11 no Chlllllllll Nutt 1 I ) , . ' gret that tins inip... Lineasure, the coin when°. io/bh0‘Y........1 .. " . • It . ....thoilltht b per ...tedium'', it, the. preothmquestion twinge.. 1 1 ., ..: . ... th , , , „„„ . , , . n " I' ' Pr ' . r '"" `''' " " ' '''''' hairnet. --Ped//syhantan of Monday. s ten it was In power eor . ' I " Is f All of their " I 1i...• . too o e.Yd ...doe of T....Shan. , i. • dt , „i I Ia , , be 0 Ith 0,11 no. einem, h ounce when the memo P "l'!" ". nott • ft "n a‘... an meows • inore ........./ 0. the "wee th , n, on . very muton of ibe bll from, ere to law. , b, „ on ,. ~. b., a tt, „„a d „,,,,, ,„„,,,,,„, „, • st.•essful entitlidates Writ o hatever pow. . ~.....„,,, i .,... „..„„,,,,,.. „„.. goo , no., coupled %skit so odious a measure ; and we the Neph Ikeneh 1011, and en Mr. Little ewes.] held th e ink of met nanwrdiaig clean. Wll•eraredy dry ran pot • er.e. oho!, de.. » nth> 010. ms. 1.111. /rhrec New Judicial Districts. inrny t h ey i • „ k . s s • t . reeesset In .0 rat. s •th e ., „ ii. , 11 . n ,.,,,, / ,, , , he . b oon d„ th , A d . t i th I regret it the more front the fart that some et . ti. me Wood rend'', soya the prmo , ro. m . 1, ... ,1, 0n0.... won . Gown.. ie.... ' 1 " hi. son. , 1 7: 1 '''•"• •I '''''.. 1 . .. 1 „ 1 ;,...,• ••. :,.. 1 n . 1 : 1 . ,'„,..:.,n, 1T :',;": There is n ...position, nr bill, before cite* Democratic party Itt their politiend ectinn 0:• „' ......." ' T1., , '...,„,........ o r „ii, „„d , ,leinok rats, in lb , it 1.1 ft r .tins measure, """'" ."' '"'.."'."" ""'""""w "'"'"""'''''' ". th' '''"'"' I"‘ ''' •''''' juar"'" b' '''''''''' '''''' ' '" " . "' ' k g i ' l•ld r , b ' r-rr " l" " rr "7 J d'iridl di ' the) . "deldfd 'the '', the gnat I"i'll'h • ''' 'h" ' : • ' ,j . ' -1 themst•lv. s with the iiimosition and that held ont any eneoltrogernente of took 1.4 s the Intl Tinos to three do, wohout the boon]. ~, f ont u loch to , ‘ernor uhliston 'dodged , MrlMu tenets, 0 men hill emthelttente. make r. nee trode•-thev bought. the edaliderie •• •. I ow, for hm Noon. p rr ,J,.th, I n „. or d. 1., woe' ed, of the people. hat e the n hole pethetol deo.. Mr- tenear.„ f.r 1,1 311.01 .1. -... -It bel in,..elf to hue.. can ied tht II me - et un , I wer" 1.." "MI • iii• " old 0 for thtee more preside. pd.., and, id ' the I o , Tly in the *Len market, mid Feld .' Ith. dem tern.. party e•tril demomertic pen t to p ut the...o the North Ilththi, ins even ~, the ,to haa t ...m e nd and three odthoonal men fmni ...other orth le ~, 0,,,,,,, r ibu .1 rel, eon, se eolide the !assent whin administra- ~. i n ,k,, . 1 We are curet. d withat ar - i ‘ ctt hed dearest. The lt ink of enraging ' . • , • ~ ~ ,_ It . thn , v. ., 0 , „.. n.,wdwittww to •Itef 1•111 e, nil.l plundered every day, by "'I ov et any renew . , *tweed eilit•lrk or the taw .Mdc , • been mallinted Ties we rennin* is a pre .1 , afop has lo Io .. oppthnt. ri 1..... n. •11.1.01 al ~,,„ ~, th o ~,o , ~, 0r , , ,,,,„„„,„,,„ on ,„,„, ~,,, inii.,y nnin nn,d,i, d hy th,d„ ,d , ~,, , 4 ..0I ~, c,,,0.i .. h.eue The F.. the Legisleure on this "intact conning all . re! We ed.. , tt . de' P.a.". . ''''Y of Ore M.g econerity promised dorms the lase this Judo:rot de.. I 'doe n00p...1 ad, co ...... ... ~,,," if thy, w ore „„,, tower ., we y almold . The MeKenn men called themselves „ In- coo ti t n when notes kr wee e im por- Manta coy whether ouch a pene& . De-1„.....,„...„.. ed thielmhol.... W”.... a. , 1 ..... 9 .. 11 . not object to it. We are not of toast who ,d ene „d,,,,, It np ,thith e ,,„.• th e I 1,4„,„ men, . 5.., i cord the e . romping I ..nt. l l: taste of I tom. of e".l.lratieg this work at the ears. noteracy Pe. emed Dein.rary demand, m, it. the awe upon the toll we find Mr. Tattle's e.t.a oos eon, th01e..., Ito boo olthom n „ thi d e t n of th e party i., pn„, “ 7 , 1..n. T • I - Primed" of Reform ;" the Mtn. men' P ':. . . 1' " e d like at mactietthle peri , di-not only to the whole t i t„„ , to „ . affair x tie s new In power, an the eves tolerate, Ihe le a ., . 0 ...,..„ , o f pr.,„ ,p., or . butte ft... Jed In Itif fuser mai Mr. Toggort's lean to it 1 1.. Aire M -113, a 1 i "min il l .. l l'l.'int ..n " Whkb properly " 6 A.".. " 1 " .. `'. I ' d th'l jr.16.""." men, surfcited rul er,he b. fun,otteu his ka . North region, but to the Sum generally.- Ms "mend wool , for the elec.. of any 111,15 1.0 l . „ nth , „ If for re.Ple °I ' 6••• .... 11,, on .1 " . " . I . I " it , upon lriends; but fro do nhjet Ito 0 1 .- '.. Whim" Neither of th em were willing to „ to itt00 .....,., .. . P Ir ' ' • ! i rtant as it in apposed to be, it t ... to the extremettes of L i s Yet , .1. mean., 11.11 ff bow important • qq,„ ..„„ j.„...„,..„. „,,,,,, e ere ,o„.toted 5. hang Idled a 1 . • w hitivir. .Is i.ormallY I .''' "1.."' king officers that n . , 0, not m'oe oo nrj, i" .-., he called by flick true 110 Me, .' Feder • ' . ren v ex j.,a ir, ',so tto the vide.... The D e mo eret. we ore glad . we. feri'd.t. fell. , Nathaniel 11, *:kind, for the a ' tl soothes of ccacte, se ~rhool, otiMit no to colophon der to fi nd pierce h er favorites allots' people. Ile ...nosed the people to celery , - . II notes as a • hole, or us n mime') obiect a Nip.... Wm., rd. and Clu., Horace Wil- ' The pr, ant j.t.licial 'thee of the slate, -out Gov. Shindie ...some ri•striet ion. hi tPediant ar.i......... lq r..... 'em it we jittige of the future by the pest, no • • . neralti VI ith Henke, and aotheriziog the Connecticut Election. . regent to chertet sof incorporations. flie, , P komilwiee.ned Yot..tomifflY ei.ittl i n d . 0 .... 10101, tor the connote of Prod.. Taw, Niter _ .. .. n.,,,,,, .„ ,s, ~,,,,,,,..,, a ~. ~. our , , . . s ver • tottide to disr. of . 11 the Ini"ine.. ' nom a. is now a member of the Federal' wealth if properly distribt. , ~ . Wire. eindieetteo"f th em by ort., toe ite their 11111 McKeon . Willows 3, sem, fur the rthuntusel n" II ' • , ~, ran, . .. ~ I . '..,,.., in the ~...mmo , t .• , P. t ••• •.r . sollen wrath df Johoolon. eon be , 00 ..„,„ 0 ,,, „f i nennth . net i„ n e . a t h e .„d., ,110 never 10/11111. 11, would prove • were '" • I d d , . ' ' red The supreme i a 1 ... -g , '. ..,. . .ag ay ' elected Gov. stow trt Pennsylvania. . But I: . . ••. ' • ''. •.1y f r P .tinnylvania and her people. The ." : 11,'"""l'a the "'". '''' ."‘ '"" n '''''' """''' . "" "." ... l'''' """"' l .l . • ' .... o ''. ' y ou . '''"'..' ' mi .• M " i ' l "' M ' ••i ' rya ,milile due to pet ferm, and • aro nee- I i , ; t i i nittal It ildhly elan.. a dead letter. Tins " " ' , .. el - thc Whit . ... tiecif 1 .1.1.... lo r. for the eon...not Iltualogdon. Blow 1.1 Can, R. • , ... rte. rn some I N11..1.... ' P r '''' , ''' • ' '"'" "r yea ' . f 1 1 1.1.1 e. and rorrupt perry live by httnahug 1.1" rimer °I . Me Peat t. Pfrenont .i11...d 1 ...I. Lot I. ~ e i...” ,n0de...,, n _ P " , ....., t ,.. 0 . t0r00 "We em.i d we ale. ienterY there ie. ..." brio ; Dowel Durkee.. the conones of York and .." n.... " , . , e the en..." ang.." 11. " . . . . ..A De rat who is now Wllllling g .I.leit opit. ___ The path of wisdoms, proved by riim.....e...... ,,, 0 ,, .. •••"•"". •• • thev ought to her throat] 1.. Inifor. no they think the game of polities is ehratry i r e.. b .11 • • firm then ne.. of thelllh) mer men bookneolong adoron , Dos.d IF Gordon, ford...minty Miler. , . rf...... . , „. toto, to tio..„ 0 .„ ~,,, oh , int, end Imildinz me a relordoli.., for s tit. they nit. speeches for • •• Ditt.courb . . d. e ff drY• I. r" arty] the error. which are art 1 - res - d nit and law judge in sm. •al ' • • • - reap. TI I . tle p . t prooni I iq . i • th e . vs %111,. " I '. ... 11 ""'...1 other 8.II " ..II a. ' " '°' ...„, „ • . • • ' . 1 c • . . ' e. • b r " '"' " . " •••'' •• • •"• 1111 J legislate for lbentse res.- in. Rion.; I D e 1 . . k nit and Write. dear Or threatetbinp dm ' "" ' 4 "" %.•• M""°'•"" - 'roe aiohmak me ii..o,,iste. or e... 1 de ff., nt!..,, , d . thn down m Isolna of t. ..n.trieth Ma. tret i„„ „in hee„ vied lii. ~o ~..„o r „ r „ Igers.-Lancasterian. "'"" ''. '''''' '''' • . "'"""' '''' M.'""" •• n itsn commotee the rannther boodle or Into tho yr. .. sod,. hold tit- Imo °t ~,0,.n. ood I d Ittlt.l d ot • • • This then .s . roe non „ The prowspfs or creo. I ......"/ " . . the . , 100 arge, an oug I o are ime . mong into the Federal tnarilid, ran d by pr.,t,nllllg Miraculous Escape. and Le . ~k , ~,,,, ....„ 0 d 0r ... mr Nth. Sebald , . -....,„ o o k.. n. ,Inoor Iths. norm it di. Y fine. , A" these 11 the Barks, Noi thaniliton tMt Mi. still a Demor.rnt, . nine, rot flest 'OO IL - redo last, as Mr. Cherie. Perks tie mall nous is • tool one. es a „Prone, let other I Bambino, ranch., fur Motor. r ' ln A'hoti. the ~ ,„ ,„„ e ,,,, th ,„ ;;,.,„,,,,,,,, 1.1...0. I r , r ,,,,,, high district On the o th er hand, several nth . .„. o th er ini. o r„t„,„,, i,,,, ,nine ~ e , nn . no n on i n i n no . many with an r"... . ..P "" the r ''''' ' ''' .." " Ih•u '' ' '"7 " Item.. and Marnblinier. have muted op. Wtt ' ' I I " iil "I ne ethers arc to smell, not reqUiring anything 11 1 I• • I • f I ' ' I .I 4 ,• .• i • a " me min..., .t not ....fa, . 1 .. ..t. ) .. entitle Ito elect net, and t tits in lira u ness other parson, was tieseeneing th e pion of lAerifere we might to do the sen. IA .1.. ter ..._. _ ~__ . _ww, hr ~,..... ~..„ to .... . near the c r anium of time limn the president „16„,„ Federalism mar • oriole ; but Jim Sy. a... thr., ....,. the, hod, ,'nn"' ...n t " ... Inn. . ." . or brief - .111.... Packer & Douglas Move this Once! . Merle, .... Tu. sda, hen rho. own, a rumor.. „,f ~ , 1 ,. jotig. whioli ought to be devoted to infs. . r .„ . at • t I •t . else ought to go and . Waco% .' Is ont th • . •• • •• 0 toe ."."ea3 d'iridool ..3 Ivo h a traiii ol trite., they became some th, t„„,„ 0 „,,,,,,,.„.,.. - ,,,,,e 0 f0.,, 0,........, M sits 1 ... -- " ""ed 'r 1ff.. .,"'" "e "'''' -..- nes. 1 /obi& th e city and catnty of l'ldl- be thot, is gostitud to receive this I Id I mr lore , And ~.1 It ... the 1.1111011 10 nli t h " . „ hap been uppont.d Manhal of the W. 11.10 th, ho o o l ll. what unntanagable, and monmeneed moving b be 1 'Pt - • mm, L.. 1.• , -t. r and camiot lam p ea.. „. r p 0,......„ adapt., and Allegheny county, we dna. ~..., for iii e iiiiiii „... i. . i .. y. . i . h „... „„ iiiiii i „ , ,,,,,,,,,,... p i thty. m r. p, e nee i et _ / oar Democrat friend ... dm,. lia Ins es n pr.. a . "m, al. ot 'ha 11........ ) M the emm - .6••"'••'•.6•I'6"' I "" " ""reel. '''.•".... •n • 0 bather the time the president judges of „ ww „, „r non w etor t„, r- Ire ore 'led that tont bre.aning bightened. leaped off, lea.- .. Wk. , rd') r*" d ' ' '....l"''' ' .. "1' II" " tb. , ~,, c..,,,,h. and a p, rim .,,,, 0 „, I.' s. Distnet Atte., for the ono • • dome , s . 'the state devote to business, will average k P - 1 ' ' ' 1 Demese...going!" Doesnot our inochlthr brow 1 " NI ' . we don't_ now.- ennsy roman lu g them nutlet, Management to lomself. Of Cl,• ,er ml..e, won Both.. per Pocono, more than one- half the year, while enure o(. count, hid power wtot unequal to the bulk.. ‘h.t 'I"." i. ''''''' ' """'. se' b""k " '''' I ' h '"r"' "'". '"' """"s" ha. ''''''. • •1 r. „„d Mr. „..11aeles them de not much, if any, carved one-Paid CONNECTICIrT I the. 111111 would touch • dollar of the lean pre. remitted 10 n corpe of napthwlla °ma p 0 . n. f..... f no ,th r ~,, 00,11,11,1 ~, ~„ of ~.. • , and they ram Powdering down threaten - . dand that here.. ilia icon Who. of en.. .... .abbe ......b..7........ett coi ledhe 'n's death pore d• aim ore y iii. , neon, .11. the Wetness of .. T. distr.., might, therefore, to noMient demi., which cannot fail b. he near the. bottom they ran off tha Week, and noteelf put out at all, umet be emith dby the no rat 1. ~.d.tioui • We 1......- heard it mot. ant th n. • I it • A I. T, ',eve. 1.., is 0.1,10 op . th. tartan}... Mut tinder those circumstances, read with profit by •all partice. The t Igor' ittriking a piece of wood at the very yergo I "'di""d."'"""'hee""'"""'''''' 'r.dt'Y "" 'd thr h'l'd 'l. 1.."'" '''''lnhdl''''' b ' .l ' - ' ''''' ''' " f. " , I ' , d ' r i'"'"l''''" l " rr. "'"" it "mild be an imposition to IM people to - the wiwiie„,e_tbe tin , th e p ew ,„,. And would there no et ti aeon e tome people of the from ch...ea. oth inn n wed to the poems,. of loth, , , th , , ~ , ~. „. „ ~, , /,,..,.....„,„, ~.. ~ .., of • precipice, Mr. P. wm thrown from 1)61 , b fore tliv vrdi p mot them to palm et. oh , n n ere.. three SSW judicial dist .ic.. . The ..,..,_ y while a tritimphmt power holds plate position over the wall. and stntiler to re- Sm. by losving meh no moon.. bawls of de pr-- ll ' . ' there is lit; well hoed A Mee... They not me- thot ...., • ....It ie ato . . nod the rated progress ,thpenontien rit' three new pre,....t.indon in Washington, ana diernses patronage in late, alighted, some twenty-ge e feet Wow, eimad . WiedY ..rdt'' '" p'µ.o "' e l . "....... 1....11 sato. it is siol. man,. to get the len a what is known as th. Honk. r hrththh too ads will not beless than four themond dol.. every State or the confederacy-aro full of exec . his f t ' ht three i 1 . , . an opts tr. m . We env eurpriwel thin ana taw woo. moth don , ~'»I 11011 no. ea. what they eau •t to , br , d ,,,,...., ~ 0 . ..,,, ,„... .„ ,„,„„„.. , . . ''" • (eual to the state thee. of a mall eon. i nwr•o d on me.ning. NO such party cm plunk With great prmenee or mind, pup, .0.. Democrat, ehtedd .k au. a me soon - hee l " retemoni .od e m s anal is worm n on :dh ~th.„ . . ~ ,/, ..„ ...g ~,,,,,,.„,„ „,..,/,,,,, 0. w„, I Iy. (while ... „..a a , b. j. , ge, tt n onspectod. ..1. too whinno awin that Pith "d ever permanently be put down. From the ' 1 truck. b • &alto ' rime t le a me wer M ...leg , Why, there ienet a man so 0110O1e, o• o sra 0 • 1/.4,' ore p..... med.. who insderstand vrhat . god., nth,. am idle, from one-half to two thirds ef their . hmiliation of temperer defeat it rises wit h down upon him, another bound pieced him boy es verde., to the ale. cot ..... mew. ai d e, ton 0 „ „„r s d... T. del of tote., ....g to rawer, o 11...... Mil e. ents id...ed, d anthertrifted the limo , Tho remedy, therefore, which the I.„ energy, menthee with • an imp..., Meet beyond Iterm's danger. The ears however., ~,,• t ~,,,m mem, answer • and that iish ea a man. se ,rat reft.......... , going ton ite t : et , the with of t'i • . ie.. ' Co. l -det de'' ..... ..d t e t ir politic interest. tell lor, is an equalisation "ev o lutionism emu thinhtful States, and remained on tho Cory Come of going over. , nor that would overwhelm our cuterupwor ) 1., the oeh o T t r . ... t i t iV It t ' . . 0 `t t e :',7„,... f ....... r n e r..7 . '„',.,1:,,,,% ...r ,7, ..,;;;;; . ,, c 17:„ ‘ „ . ,4 4- , ' ;,;. 1 ,;: ' , 1 ;;;. 11 ; 1 , 1 „: ' : ' ,. '" , ' , ° ,:. ,:: of the distri.dri, and the equalise.. of the plants the Democrat. flog tepon the " .te ar Y Of °muse, the whole affair was but the; meatth " l • • • • •°°° ' h... th. "`""" ' " . ""` A "i tremere oi ~,,el;:mis of win. m. 1.4111111 . • • 1, w h.:,i, i t ,,,,,,,,,,,th„ th0e , en ,..,,,,,d .. t h e m throe labor, of the judges we already have-not citadel of the fine. This is, however, but wo rk o r am' ant. Ips„. n Ith o wladge ref, .„ even the Denmerst hoa ...tied awl. in P. r... nth ... ~,,,,,, t „...... „.... id .. w ^"v 'l'h• Th ,. ~w. ~„,,,,.. ~, s,„„no , „,.... ? w , , 0n.„,,,.., Dia creation of now ones while several oft o side of the Octet. On the reverse we the place he demanded, every person pr.- epeci, irf 401r111,/ 110. , II IA 111 rater of •110111 n• ••••••.„,„„, „, .„, n ,,,,..., a rk . „, than, ii,. bode `rank Alndthwnt, to the 11' ~It. Is. unte by the vane 41.0 present inborn... are red more tom fi n d ,b e ~.„e ee tbet have indirectly poi- eta ounposed that he must literally be It b., as we conceive, moan, ....I the - on• the b. , ' ht fee the. ..........-beY• of the Cam thanom„..,-th , • et no tent mtanienons knit . enipioye , moo, o . „ and pt.. 1,.., of 5... m elk . brad this result, The country in eh d n ak, •to pi r ,,,, or e , wee their i„y tail . We. an soot to rev that Mr Lode i• one of the Menem and ineeporm,d .1 ..... um. of Ina wear le i Sinecures aro against ti t o robin of our orinvirteed that in delileerate and exulting ...h., however, to ass hio, onl,snosog , Thole ore o ne other points 111 the Demo. rd co / w . . I ew .. ,h er • and 1011111•016111111 by the Lemnature which imtitutions and the feelings of the people. d 0 h.„,,„ rat oil the pledged of Gmend Tay- ie the least partiealar."-Mauck Ckuvek 1 nommen at have ) wfiele. ... 0 40 .....ed I bet "eeh. e " e " be f' .'"h" ""' ''' nt the T,, : elected 111111-the .lection of Scorner. pledged . and there is nothing would pnidnee • a stn.- 1,,,._,,k„i ge . b,.0,,,,j, ~, 0.,t e ,..p_.,,,.. D r . „, r , thno nor dispueitien to pylons 01114110 W, pnditleva Y .. .... the 11l • 'a- dodo I l b' P..... Free Soil from Intlinna amt uhno. in , place ,. et „ rr i e g eenee i n ( wen , „r c h in 0., „,„,i, cc .., _. „..„__ ~,___,;...., _. ~.,__ I "..." [Mr. Pother wa•formerlystreiident ot Brooklyn, traieoversy• •e. . w o . k 0.„..... n 0..., ..... W.. what. he h. rare either did the wee en- thecae aid , thmalmn-the late once/wain cool. lost .4 ., ,,,, ,ethg th . j,,,,,,,. than .7.,,,ii fon „d e d . 7 . • ;:_ °• r n r r ni • ii ; ; in . ...t . 1 . i . " ii ° , 7 iii .. rii 7 e . ii n „ thi.,.....,.... 0,,,d Itrely on all question- a here 11.1. are concerned, . 1en....... oita Ow het et nne f.... mad dna the Destoent mob. no attempt top. of , Abdome. to Contrive thew b • -is last • ndl • lam mam impreneon th at new districts were created with the solemn mni•tity of en !lath at. Ply NM Lit& hanker than his semen of the small .. e." arced cooly the whip, barb tit ht. . t„.. etpubcont. the nomseutroo of Van nehaiok fur merely to provide place. , for r . ° • ° ri••• 7 ws.lii,lton-that in deliberate and exult- ANOTHER Dot; a it. enter Row - co" "i'" w" c"."'"'"" 'surl. A "'Ku " "'""'"'".. 'nd '"i"" " """. '""*"---n M"s"` " 1.."""'"): Hell- Wl'd r'd. I'd d' d'• r Won° ' le d.....raito putt' in P"'"''''. an " 'i n defiatice of all them, there is now every Cehb H. Smith of Indiana, whit lead toggle' niiiin . nni h.. .. a ... it .. , A . ~.„,.., ..,,,,. , These are Ineloncbolly fame,* we feel it our they i eern . the tnns w otre t e ,t ter .t ca on tr an •M••• 14 r '" do 000 b• ' U M , M wou ld h. prospect that the present administration i• dough Mem in the reconsideration of Gott's Ito molts thrill known,., W. comeitetenth that they . lim itr . adel et Henke. ' I yrinegleta hob, or Iti• atm 111111011.••1 prec. ,r i them . g I . etat• 1. eumme. But fan tot rote, 1... n. C . 1 • ' "I . ' heralded by whiggery from one end of the to I se as hostile to she true interests of the' msolution abolishing i. the Slave Teed e in the Ike of shim , rattan 'nib the Whigs . lank rims.... . • . "one it ias te m a ..., h .,,,„ . the poputhr ogee's.. state to the other, m • lone.° OntOr people on it is tosoillie to be. The country Distriet of Collate , has reoelyed from nen,. elm Reding it • kr • o bee t ... PM . ' I' i... .. "m"Yr spa do ...Adv.. It Iv. m hem., for him that hie „wroth he. for, on the p.p., It le true, the I m. P . 'llWall General' Till. oppaartily yielding Gen. Taylor the appointment of Clontntie when a...0w...tam - These &Medan Isamu the Y .1..1 "' h" " whr " .. ..Z o r rd. dr.. ... " 6 4 ..... " 4 ''"g"'"` I'M , Mt he had I from the experience or the past, have ... l . himself to the reckless counsels of violent Mauer to adjust the Knish. egg.. beaten . r. Van Botenan the onte. The Timm ..died ....... .. tb " . MM ..... "'""h""i".1."".116"1- '----I**"th."l " . "Y 1.......r...11.nete the extremity a .p. much reanon to tripod any thing but eon- 1., t o m wee.. could t o w the p o poie" 'role., • Setxx Aeoennit -Oh.. Hatimm, of • , ono palliation. coded Ono his Wyoming roostit4esto, per ....... , • , proving even the maw of &IMO. D. W. M0ki.... , .11... red • diamPrd of their interim.' themselves. The country men his nomina- Mn.... late M. C. 'from the sth Patriot, P. s• M ' ooo tint .here woo n. 41.• do tot. on ' and have attest proolanned their revolutiod to make. by the wills party, when le power, but they ' t i er , • ni. the ...w... .......t. o f gi„, Isle who , after deneansina &mimes dietatbe, Cwt. Om Ail el liken abont it • Why so ean. , the tho t° *h a ste e '.."' Bad D'"in.b"..""'.. """1"""i" .'"h th' 14'.1"."'"" ' I'd *"... " 6 h 4.41, ME . " 1 .. n" °f ' hi. A.. " ! Meximn war, is which be wee all his .... ' ,..A. to swallow byWind , , and whose 5 . 6 •• •. W M .." ' " ''. "6" 1"'"4 '4 J' ""." ' to hand. Mr. Lade voted NO. Ito mesh to bia , 'Wm.. th° ...... A. ' ...W ... ... M fr . ' ' ter SO 1.0011. Th. • =larks, per diem. ...It ik,,,,,h, Hissppeinson.onsoog gie.ontostitoonts rejoined him for his swillty, erase Mr. Link lye hie orateetion aide not 1 ... by The al, teneeein ___,,, i ~_,__ „.. e _, i Vim S.M., • Median Von Buren Free 1.1 .„_ ... „„ ..__ o„, „ _, the .„.._ games he tkt . i exalted by this7elnuming Judge Ansa, a freeman, he his ..sun no. on.. a t nind Wiseilweler r we nal. ~...,. ...,_ e ; eththe , T • the 77: . ... .a ethe n• e ..... who west hid length at** Com and Boiler loot . .H. 4. n ` nn `n• nYnen • ". ~...: ...... glut aro t MON la yen it des In fa sties ? IN bows, sow.soiln ...-", " .. 0 . , year. ego for Mayor by • nthierity et the !mount now, to upwards of illgO,Ufitt b..' I.peetinde i nod the milt is TM ' Owe, has been rewarded by Oen. Taylor n maw,. wide. egeinait. I =Me et the Oda C0...MT.. likolY te be laity. Theitrement project, if It beelines • i „ w o w ,eywrie I. hh. .. g d th i s in ., og :lei* on oppolos.n t n •• A. Va t• • • • a w ls. eetin meets knew tien wide elneetthes to Mr.: ------ red by the veal mein of • pasty. add $5,000 none to it . This mi ry ., t ook i t , og.” - a.oghsa osigh, the Hesse. -AO. dam. Idttlio oontoo.of arida h. mall No. to is Er Dm ANswise garossy. at liantiog. Diu .. Mu sw entimeguu Sind Ow ontOnito ono. 1 .16.1.1. t. e , ....., oe. b 1 . 00e ,„..„,„ o d e b e k t. a. ate.,...1 bat a thaw. Why toill pan Da rabbi est snide Doh Da In. eggeheted G...„. m ....1r Da. wt. , des. wr w! ...,..1146 par a.. t', l l • --- --,...__.- -- • - •' - ' - ' .-- .,..2.... 1....... ,.... ` ......... " .................... I Cantu . PIIntOINSIT Dr 1111‘011111AP.- inn,/ to rose amlatienot We Oink this mon Is sin ph. digg-Gwrons Annisigss rsipod.!•( sde on, hoe. 'Wen In r It nem idle to eves. , osests, • small ntitpla of crldg yew. .r i „,..k, .d,..y. far she bent& of ..t.- ibrlviria pssol ; wil it wow* do Wu, we nom sad M• onspod 1 mown sr ed., nvelloso van mos Mr win wee , ... Weir .0 oseser app.. woad .......- Fri w ,,,.•_,....g.,,hkg, i s , gur . 7l.. „op ,. ni miebir.... himpit awbbid k. Tin Com kon • ntidd tnnt m 1 ecommy.-Rogatows. gallon, nem determined to BM it may The ranee eleetiaa Is the pioneer of .bok.h.g . Th....i,... i. w h o . l b. leseenertee C. MN& .7 *dee. el oPsINWN ri . A , . . 6. .-- Isb. 11.114. rwth.., ...a it. ..I ....tirt. r« 3 ,..... i .,.....„,...,.. 5t0 ,„“ ) ,.. i .“ _ Mestows awl , rtsdisst mot 1.• • Free east" , Ouse. Ye/NU Is about to Woman the rasy other *video**" of this Impend. ......w.......6.., a .m. ( .... 1t ... W wo base cos ay on No iessliks is pubis . Consany. in• cowed. ---- rota Deily gals I There will be great re- iltasi. mug P hiestien. imatioa, hays mole ampere , whit was as- Mdt Inatitn of du lordson• Er Al the oh.. obeli. In New Yait en i. 1....., 1..... wk... W enter one impream Osaka dm wnstswny Tralarois Wleig• wen estioir mooninl.oleet. ' --.- _...:1 - !'" Sisteen hnadred. of of freight nu seat WO* thal 4la " 1 ...bob ' s IN 4 . 00 0. Wong. Canny, A.I. Ild jou ta w Wm. Er Dwain rm. (idle., usi pia ammo Ina 6•4 Mom and a enaholly of ...ante mei - I Liz t. tbe New York sad Erie Railroad from -- *h. sielin lawn WMa terra woks oupwiedy On do NW* MY*, tw• dialupdird wane. awl put, us 1 msg.. wh• ••,....g, .4.w...q.t.' hp 1 `, Om dukes the months of Janney Tie Illasesednuedis Medias! Oases, ao truth in tee •••• Imolai morn known both Mem • homoj najoelay: • ' and Amery, .to 5d timeed out 25 new doctors. Joon.Wo Whoosh, bruk, soma's, to mom jape osploood, porelotioo of : 1812. Im 1841 it woo bet SS& Ton Ettertos or TOO JUDICIAIIT.— The res..lution providing fkr the surentiment of the couatittatien se as t. make the Judges of the !amoral court, of the State elective, bee passed both branches of Legislature, and thee tke lost step has been taken to wer& the establishment of an independent Jndioiary. It rentable now to be approval by the next Legislature, when the amend ment will be engrafted upon the eonetitu lion. We mar occasion at the commence wont of the motion to speak at length of the propriety of such a contour, snd each day bas added strength to the eonvietion, while the press and the people have simul taneously urged the subject upon the at tention of the Legislature. That the next' Legislaters will approve the mum., we have no doubt. It is • tribute to papules rights and universal liberty, and wherever it has been tried.. it has in ascent of the States, it bait met the most deeided apegw rl. The vote upon the prop skin. In the Senate was rtieeteen to eleven ; in the House it was lifty-two to twenty•Sve. The next Legislature will be err., MOM alKir , dilly in Se favor.—Daily Nears. s i r Jug* Co , of Vemout, torn out to be another Ewing on a large wile. Hie executioner, Warren, k kaki, arks but three question., before he outs of a post assatera head:—•• Is he &Immense r ho la the appliesnt "I. he a W6lg Y' Thew quriies being answered satiate ly ' the ale dewed., and the work is doe.. It the President &eh. to sec how a man ass. when he is drunk with the power In de NA& elder, let his sell at the Poet Oise Do. panatela, and Imo Warren_ Meg of the way to keep his pledge—"=e Mends to nrward,.insd no eaeske to per lab I"—P•saspfeen4e. As onstually wrathy of amber hes puled iss ea its wep to morins We .MY think wore ties et any previews eneen— Dories Wiley set fisterds, of hit week. the dieweehises we. ilterally ohne ebb iisseowilas lefts, es Ihr se the ape read neob op sad ileva—eni this drisippret ty Mallb the whsle ef West nue Ow luetherme nut Imo beie Isw ova Wein the poet winter. Will. swam to yow—erd those wle owe the PAWN ve we hope %see iv their return hose, win► peekete full eash.—Lerwros Damara Maw Is broweb vIOI. ro ="a , New Tab by beplaba at be BA. rob bat Nabb bran So Lab NNW