The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 05, 1849, Image 4

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    Ell3 l reirnaittarC
411 ‘
ktAf tpo pri
Work to leo Wow.
MarcAfifteentA to Aprilfiftrent.l.
Meadows sad Old Fieldo.—qf you have
any meadows or old fields that are award
bound, or which bore but indifferent crops of
bay last semon, give them a thorough har
rowing as soon as the frost is out of t h e sur
face, while the ground in snit, then sow to,
each acre four quart. of titnoth) seed, ten
pounds of clover reed, one bushel of plaster
of Paris, five bushels of wood mile, and 5 . 1
bushels of newly slaked lime, all well mix
ad. and finish off by riilling."—American
If after the above, you will sprinkle the
sari's«. with 100 pounds of nitrate of sods,
(cubic petre) in solution, much benefit will
Field. neetipied by winter grain, if par
tially winter killed, s h ould be harrowed, the
bare allots towed with spring grain or clo
ver, and suitable top dreseinga, and then
the whole rolled Any routs disturbed by
the harrow will bo partially restored by the
roller to the soil, and the abrasion will sense
lush roots to tiller (throw out new shwas
from the first joint,) and thus giro full
" Tepare and awe Spring Grain Plow
dueply. and manure fully.
v Gardens should never sleep while the
sun is up."—Buist.
Finish all work enumerated for last month
not already done.
Artiehokev—Dress plants by the lath,
if mild. Sow seeds in moderato hot beds,
if not already done. Plant out sucker,
from old plants.
Asparagus—Sow seed; plant out too
year old plants ; form and dress hods.
Lima Beans—Start in doors, in sods re
versesl in bones in limo to-plant out after
fronts; they are tender, and mum not be
. expand until settled weather.
Early Windsor and Enklish Long Pod
Boas—Plant as noon as settled weather.
They are more hardy than Limas, but the
leaves will suffer by frosts—are inferior in
• • • -
Cabbages—Plant oat and sow early in
bet beds for fllafety—if settled weather in
April, may low out doors.
Early Carrots—Sow.
Cauhdowers—Prick out from frame.—
glee air freely to them protected, and prick
out early epilog, raised in April.
Early Coro—)fay be planted if settled
Lettuce—S w. Prick out, and plant
from frames.
. ,
Onions—Sow. Plant out small onions
or pips• plant used. thickly to aim pips
for ooze years um. Plant large °ohms to
ruse seed. Potato and tree unions plant.
Potatoes—Plant, rod if you eon gat them
plant the mammoth notoncg Mute—the}
are the atheist as well as tine beet potato I
known. If these cannot be had plant early /
kinds, or if your seed be of late kinds, all
leant plant them early, as both early kinds,
and early planted lam kinds are lees liable
to the potato dimaso than late planting
Sweet Potatoes—Plant iu hot hole, toff
jet sprouts for setting out.
adishee—Sow. •
Rhubarb—Sow and plant out.
Tomatoes—Sow in hot beds.
The reader must be aware that as the t
above is written some days in advance ofd
the dates referred to, we cannot preltidge
what the weather may be, and until the
ground be free from Most, and its recur-
room is at least doubtful, the plantings
should not be ventured upon We have,
, oven at this date, cabbages, real-;
Wetter. brosegli and lettuce, out doom, and
in planwheri they have been since last I
fall. Each one, however, is covered with •
conical box, or scram frame, made of four:
pima of wood nailed together at the nor-
DM, each pine, being eight ioches high,
twelve inches long at the bottoSslnd ten
inches loom at the top, and after he Snit
feat' last fall a handful of salt hay no.
thrown into each box. This, of emir., has
not prevented the plants from freezing du
ring the whiter. het it does prevent the fre
quent freezing and thawinge during fall sod .
spring, and to these emotive and not to se
vere cell is to be attributed failures in win-
bring these barely plants out doom. We
•xpect them to head as well MO earlier,
than if the plants hall been protected in hot
beds during winter and pricked out in spring
beside the advantage of doing the work am
• time of year when we had own leisure
than in the spring.
Seeds.—See that you have a hill supply
eh band, en as to Inee no time in making
your sowings; anti above all, plant out those
roots, Bc, intended to protiueo seed before
beinglnjured by sprouting in the callers. ,
lief bed.—Look wall to your hot beds, '
and give alr every line day. Cover them
warmly at night and 1,11111.1.0 the tempera
ture with strict reference to their aintents ;;
thus you may give air even at a ameliora
ble lon of heat, to nibbler, lettuce. let. /
Old hot bed. planted but tall should he
firmly aired, and beds for forcing should be
unremittingly attended to.
Bust!. En'tit—Plant out mating@ of
grape. gtineebetry, eurranta, lee., as early
an praeticable, sad If they bare been
kept Is a moist play airing the whiter
eta are plump mid well madtioaed, they '
will coon maks roots. These or the
gooseberry and earniet &add have all the
eye. removed mart three eft four at the
top, as by able misses they will predate ori
single stalk. and throw up ee esekeru—
arum muting. &mid be wildly shaded
an they will not take root wish eselelety.—
Thls le pa/Unlikely tree with the grape.
earreate. goomberries sad gropes two
years from the eattbge should sew be
transplanted in pram and la patting them
at be sere ens ealy to dig the hobs as
lap an you Intend the wets In espied,
bet also to a depth of at least two het,
On up the epees perrieeely asserted
tree- the mammal wkh imager*. Monte tree
lg. bat 'sot with tremeatig mem ; for
small bells it *sold *bar be srell
mgrailed with ow* et dote* am, ei I
a quality not liable to bait. TLe goose
berry is a rank feeder as well as the map
berry, and in oapable of appropriating large
amounts of animal memtres to its um.
Stratebe rr ies— Clean, drew, end fork the
• .
Grape Vince—Loosen the earth about
their roots and give them mamma. Swamp
mock which has been deoompmeed by the
salt and lime mixture answers a good pur
pose. Whole bones belied ear the roots)
o n f
t ir ma ins vi s T e s soon be . a i Liprot w rial .v ed ; l
will hurry up their action.
Quinces—Do not believe the old etrory ,
that quinces will take care of themselves
Manure them well if yea want fair fruit. i
Orchard.—Clean the bark of your trees i
cerly in apring.
Plant out young trees, and in din. so
cut off broken and bruised ends of roots'
and end of tap root. Uee a shay knife
and out upwards, so that the clean face of
the cut whet in the grodnd will he down
nerds, or like the angle of the drat-ent of a
quill on making a pen when held in the
yroper volition for writing Dig the holeo l
large and replace the sub-mil with good
surface mould, (front the wt ode if yon'tan
act it,) and marl.. freely, (cold manure.)
Many trees norm lime and other substan
oes ; to someed well do not let the roots
come in immediate monism with the manure,
nor bend the rinds from their pryer posi
lion ; the hole mast be large enough to re
onion them. Water freely until the tree is
emeblished ; keep the hark clean and free
from insect.; trim properly and not unne
cessarily an rut down the tree as soon at
yon ascertain that the nursery man has sold
you • common quality of fruit.— Working
"gtntt. 'Nal? In:V.7
11•39 of entoz7. 9,72 ilboyleoltmhaels,
rZi4laylos , Dom !3•1 , 9 39
P;rit r e L lari f : 4717!1.14 . := CZ
=4::=14 , ,
..t,7,7g,'","" • Vllosfi M;Z11.7.1i,!'" • 1 1 ;
obafebeerDonf. eloog Loa,
t . 2=tl 7 . '
Do of t3oromotoorn, d , Laffemotel ,
" o . :4 " 7,1 " rfoo =1
Do of Non hoombeff,3 OMPTluongoloo.
Book of 1, oinf. IlKof boos., rel
ue 1 ) 4 . tri,D,
Netrforl. IY
InSIM, of A 1111.1.1011,
Far ft Igurd rovno+.. quo
mete, New N... Orr
er New NW, IN.weee7
New, Butchell'i Owe.
1;.!(ie litrt=rlt Y :
role., Leather Mei...
. .
• 47ZV,1147i0 . 1, 4
,IT.1•1114 Ye* • ,
Mer j. Min ,
chnne, Nrrehaele• Ea.
dun., Nati...4.. Far.
;;14;;;;7(4 . •;;;Ii
Ur.1,1.—.111 lacity
Jr. lnuJlTu.
ic;il I
, ammo mut, a.
Med*, Itendme.
. el tr44=l:4 ' ,
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! , . 4 . 4 1 4 ..r .. ..vek:iir art Co . 5
Idea* NW Attoy do I
lie. a
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d. 1: : :;t:rt rare:
. nt
. or °melon,
of It..
o. Po hYryN. uul
=Ta o , 2
Mahe* ao
n rrelTZlatay,
New Tx, flew.. DorWm. .
Va.thaw. Yawl.. J.,
Mew Meta Excites., *la
owwe nelasla.sra= ewes,
.Noe.. Ruin.. Jn
DO of Le...,
' tiern,ll,4,,
1...1nt areftanly.
:If V.X41,7,7`'
Do of
no n(
nat T0wy,..1 Brom.
.-ode. Noold,/, d
P`g...ll's.lll7'"' '
jpiemos4 . 7ll•l7. 7
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41...1VerrIV:71= . 171
ern= eodal, 1
.. 7 ' 7.:77 .". id . do
%Om, t0..47.:4, . '
% ',Moll. mum,. .
....ova pond, ...mon, natio .
........I.lTenry Voll,. do,tnoopllin• ems*,
o. 1111.11.0
od ...,
1 .1
010 llly, Jo
4b .. r11?..' r, To, 4"
Mine.. 1 7, ,,,„, „ ~
..,....,2-:7'l' :',,::Vnii."';, ii i
~:,-,.•;:atz- •:,,::::=.,:a ..4 ,
:,..,...1-......,-.=.1..,„.. . .tvel:z...-,;, Jul
• ord.• eon 1.... .1. Yroootrt P.m... 4:
L.... do koloo rovoly,
II o: vp,ly. Dank
• New Jamey.
MlNN***lnm, elo
P V,
Mr *fin , rt**.
r* nt • Jen,. 4* &Om IV. e**.emy, Jn
Mann 147:7„4.1.7g:
. "'" 4 " ,...' :::ao VIM *mu*,
**•••l.2m. * Manor Tr. • 1.7417:4... C.p.aay p eVn
\" " g131:::111, AL r*. 41: I'M**. Den,
Mel: Mak Ir..
Mr., IWow Ilm Ilnu. de
x*. 11delord. '......",, .1
ase. Illyed dim dd. TAN,
IladVddr.S. , rn Id*.
diet lb.. Meal. Iladdadd • de,
addoded, MOS. Id *.
Mid. I, And
1•1.411'n. Ad admi.d. .1
/am & Ye.. ..„, M .,, .=1. 6 .
11.40r1d. dd '
3•••,101,1, de , dellood ra. Ad
didddsdled,ldde Ow= :orldd. Sew Idadlnd do
New*, Now. ~ drialled. dim 1.•1• is
=ed Ca. 1 1 111.,.. d*
Adlrledlon go. Ireallan de
I ....Z... •
J. . ==•••••
Codomed.Oviddrp,llda. AN Inalt• marl NY.
Ilkedaddneeed Ida., Id
feddradd% l r . dinddrdas.
.elided k 110 deldwi bras M ,
1111111.1... iIINIMI.
ra...... • 1. .Y.
AS lbw 11 MI sand, ' V I
lbw To* sad Erb Railroad.
~,,=!•=i42. a . 3. zu .
~ ` - c - ` - r - ~~~r
Salamander, FIN L flier Mel (Irate. saamememme to owners of Moran;
RYAN. 11. WATSON, 01111•ve• Ce14.1••••••011 Cec• • (h.'s
Mati " =a, WS "
' •rto t c .l. 74l " ;• " r•h7L.
• - .A.T.a " 2O as haser• Wt.
I, row •19. .1,1•611 Improved
•= M ea•••=5 " 0 1 1:=, tom th• 0.40 ••11•1P r ZtlTlt I len I a=r0t
. 000 . ••• h•• locatable malady, muthmatotnA , Imve••••h•I 100 •tur.-
-1 • r . .. 01=41 , 1=7 row net., •••••• OM.
110.0.1ds rem et th••••• 0•••.• ! bat ' : Irnrat:= .' l.l 0;• =4'
/1•••• It ak, tb• bias a••• mgt, awl.- It eft.. of Negate easgitrautt tan now
• r.. in«, ot•te• nf .00etin hrowhist
0, I 0.40 •
••• t••••tr, Sue awe. 4 ILI. and Itnaten .101. awl
...A.Zg...........="Z=.11•=1,1 Telni:ltirttig...hl.ll44l
:IV ' • . •== rest . Vlll rd i rl •wn e I 11 stl I fi
0 . 0 ° 0 " . 0 .44. 0, 000 0 000,00 i • i I
" T•Lrt a rat •ar .' = " Air 7 l4l:llt . I n.'"""
;17 4 = "1: —S r =h k.C."'": 1 " .;et ."7" 1:• " 7• 71"11 fl ' hill ' elt “.
7•74=17 . r711:01 . let 'mph 0 1t..00. Pelt.
010 01114.0 a7o.ole•tottni P. •St 0 0 /tlitt , . .r7,,7V11:.7tw,.., '" :: ." .; , ;,..17.;• ••,!", : ,'
se 0.1000, Aleva.reavor t I ee•••••••••••. ennso t •••,. t • th „
" 03 .; 7 ;:• 1711 ; ;0'.. .. 7 • 7 • 1 . 7 - L gtr; , %” ::00,7,t
• •I th •1111
nVo . l . llV7:%!:• •" gtr•••••L•mettn ' ttr•tle rn t' I
otto *as ••••••••ry 00. •• 00 0 th••the
10thlk•utt 0••••io owe et ihr•••••of s•r.••
to 1•101 On ht •ihitt ••••0• •••• Atm. tti•• hr. oh
VlA7=Zl7;t7;:aor: l tttat l ttrittVrrt e l: "
;• " :• . 1 ' 471=4=111 "." %nr4= 1 1.V h c 4.77 'I" °II
717•::=12X071:1• ".. 1 . =. '.' ."
JONAOO6B WATFON. cunt th• the 1.1. t .' Ihe tt.,l Krt.. • l• .•
11 . X 1 •;r1.. 1 t•1t . = ' .....: 711. 7 1% . :17•.,
t:147•A r t0:747.7:•Tat ' •:. ' • • •••;n 7 h . . ' :.:4 ' 7.• 01 747a. !
'Man and Ilrn•ner.
OhNTLEY 10.4 P. miry ot0.•• 00•0`.•
10111”1 , ..• 1101101.0.
VegellaMe leUNr e.
The /tea Fannin Medicine ever Ihmen ; decimal'
a conga...tent ineedentl le the Unman SaTlenol
if lamely appbed, and approval golaranned,
need ow diverted.
Ilyses Pills aro p0na . .... or Vas tbra .
' retn In:•11.11.41. are .11,
• ales . 1., an• r•rosseaded •111) unrernry. nannelenen.
runnis.n , e mann • "arsenal eaparicrsen with a.
an levarkekna ruereao.l era t.nn Bo • general run> le.-
nn , ne le Ito rwraintnia men lanky for • Naiad .r mare
rinin 17 'nano awl an am nal 1m0...,
tn. nn..., r ~~ n,~nn~ :m . .. r~,.x. `..
x gii~.~n~~iunrxi•M e ~~~n nn Y~~~n~4la ~ln
I I.T n~ n ~ l l4i. ~+nnr M~Av~..~n .d~ M~«nx~
• • • •
130 1 , 01100 ' , 800 8r0M00,,.
N• 0 York
ot.. mu...
Ornival DMA^
gra, k 1.0 Illnottroe It
Oct 31, 1.. I. 11.M.D.:11 t
Dry Good., ineladriag a opiradid selection
of CasAarrres. Muslin Dr Lainrs, silk
striped, plaid and fancy Alpac
, ear, Cobargh cloths and
Gala Plata, French*
English Ging
ham*, and a large va
riety of Rich, and common
calicoes. Rick Plaid and Net,
Square and Long Shuns. Bonnet rel
ents, Satins. Ribbons, and Flowers. Gimps
and Fringes, Broadcloths. Fan
cy Comintern*. Schneer*, Flannel'',
arerert••: "' Creckery, mrenr•re. Gan
rawri Sled, menlv, Sten, Cletils,
Mole owld Mae., Pei .b and
Ogle. Medlin*, Rkigal Rkwq
Piers, eq... rte., whirh he would in
. elle Idtlt the A...nee. that
they .11.1 he al,, or cheep, that tM .1 1 .11-
NI • Pell aeol Mae eeet..01.101114.1.
New .11116.1. Oet. SO. 1649.
nr.;71:7=====.1747=7 , 7p4 .
yp, It•sqrtman be
Medierne, P . Oil,.
floverriro. Dry flea*.
• ll,, Mem and( Ola. leare„f".}..
Web., .lesrdry, Rarer 5r..., PerOer,.
Jr:mod Imstrumexl., Smr,ired Da.. T.-
~ Clow* I j.••• Illogbonal
+ Aria, Mu ,
ma. Re. # Rho,
lineykee, Polars ?Wises, et, oh-.
rsol arl
Brood nothe,eamilwerea, Setioc., V.1./8,100
P WI . ,:/ " 6ler
Moj., Tri,r4k, Mao, Sole # Up.
prr Loother, (Mean Mop &Eh.
A eery large •••••tmeN
Mob Ss
8.1. 01:42,71
)4 Cal inn, Fmk Tow, Zs
, re, Mar, /faith., C 01.,. Wm
01147,.Z.,&:477,., P 712..
Chao, Otmer AWL iodion 1161 b Penni, we., etc
Os. all Po hi.* sed I .
*ll.7.llld=ros I MI owl. ma,
=4•111111•• pa, elm rat 0.111", 1.
Dem rt. rid does grafterdi 1.711.•=7.
Is lOW.. WI CM 'WY 141 M
p.m stars. esamos.sesbil.
Issbe mssils. Is 6,0 sol Nosy MY las Is
awn...Wm mlokleg pm. orf
' mesas da intammenriaa
l a n g ai
Andrews• rain Killer.
Dee. to Po, rellrf to /he nick. health la ill
break, • balsa if lomad la the whole Almon rare,
LOOK 01"7 . MR PR lUD'
r.he to, I lAIIII .1.1. rot !or I.llrn •
.8w 868..8 4 m. 0...
Let Ile Werke Peal. It."
NA Year. Ago I 'Noma% volts Ns, NATTKE/1810NA. •
7 "'"'""•
ler le I ri er 11,14. I
` "".""""" 1 1` " ? ..
r 4
••• ..... •••, 4,••i••••••••.“.•01 • a rr.„...A
WORM ILAZIGN. 0, • • non on Male.. order 1117. 1 :ted
; .............
- - .
. 00 00 Y 0 . 0 . I°. 00 • • csigTAIN n•)TANICA LI
• 111111 n 04,1114.1.1.7• L h.:4 :,
rextleme In care I ',du. 1 . ••••••••ellnet, Ameba., ever en to totrt non t rare, ; rel s, • ;
P riv \ * ER
Ikea aritrk
r ‘ tart %emir one n. pi , 111 Ff"rill: ',Loon,
• •
Amity OM miNclop
law n•• 111 11. e bee. ••• rea, • beete one.
in. d c lent, Lundeen. alracer apOlc. , /mad ••••. Wen . r .... dam r
tuu. n• reberrliy or too •ht ON.
, • otoe, itotter. of I...tin e no . tt• taktne Ifir P.•• , 11 , 11k. •• .01S it as hot
tt too I. net tenon. Ann ...toe eine tt tt . 1 1.1 . 1•10 , 1 rl , llLic
11. • Fuls..4, or ...Ile 1.• Inc come .1 rae. abr.
erre , . r 01, .0 NARMAPARILLAN• NVIKUPO, 11•0.
"" . """Ti ', .• d l ••••.• .... ,•••••••••••/••••••• ,
•••: • • • ••• a i•• ' 41 , 7•41..,•• • • . " ,•••• m•••••••• 1
1" a x,•••••••••',......•••••, 1011 tatooe sorret, Moor ell ro. TOIVOH TORN NOT.
10113101. Loanotto 1.1 Their neon.. never thonbt ryl:or tll tereo
r Ft •
S'OY 7 4 , - _;; a • • r.'.174."0";
JElar..... r!!, a ....1...0h
- ! The Grand Paurprative, !!!!. eatir-Ore 1ar11.1.1 ea. mime Ms two omen
„„ F n. flee own f en
neanle t ilan yof nretol tneo. bre.
Mblosso. gab. N••••••••, w•••••,11.• ••• v..... • v•••••••• ntzte,
ml Orr, ' lrnllb> All.
wll wr.
...... brorl, I .4.0 d ara tar enk. Hoort ofter ertgortoe, Jjerned
70n...1. ntn
...... • , ;•t,
non. and tot • boon
111 non . on • l ee ve.l. ftl
41 Mtn Wein Ya rN by 41 . y
"" "." Vll.:• • =ar
,••••••• •
16YTL1Y & ••&• •••••,,
ln l r r r
rrie rm. • boa. adel. frdl direetlarno
.nrra ! ra4;7l ' .l7 . lZ.7Xl;!..V= YjA l , llnre=rl4le 44 Slieelee time unmans' Cough I
enrolee. It woo rell awl .11...1.1.•1e bra Mar row
rionrelc " 7 ". llo ... l . =%7 "" :l4lll " eira * TerlarL ' lll . e=l ".". ...7.7 . 7l •
•"'•.• ' • I Are am. • mother 1 Varar /arrive child, not Not owl
' F. by )000 Ittonet. Yew I et..° .n•
0 O. P.n. 11..
U. A. Wt.. 00 . 0 . • ~j-rY'reia "tl
ittl llleter.:=r4:lll ;go her-E.:
asrl Yea. ! . ;late "... 4 . l:rrilet; telia ' .7:ldl7 Z n arn: ".""'
" . ""."." : " T ' er=tld:a• aw,
on tyre.. or bd.. two. It n new. one Anoint Ylaw o
ett -.tot beetle con. old i.let
Vo=l;e " totZtre.or i ti7== ' ;:::: ' .74l " :.;l. '
o alltiotelen win. • ole. f.. 1
rr • Motel ant t.=l . en!. Mal, s W°°°r
e . zraz3 •
error.. • Ime aorstentby no. heirt. Inose o r ' loWytt ". ... " ll . :r. ' soi linot or Inn Ir.. Net
an 1.. t 010 tber 10.11110111• 11 6 / 1 1.1110., ntLy tootetrbtabo Ilet She bad eve.
wboo merrn•lraire
tr.oullenttb ed. *a. ens be utertelood the wanfY4
amyl. an. t.
I leot of sal.. I. nod then Tifton one I n. Pony. woe On to. nato.
fen. •• room. Heal ewer : ra . l . lxtlereltdoblorlf rntMl ol.lllo===7,lollllezl
to no
' V .... rit ' """'"4.1"."
`," tr. .1;
1.• U .
...*..ta to 11 V Cumming tetbeloyettoof oretaty...... sod .0.1
Ilotte..i leaf ewer a.ary• e ararri
414.1 tY• at 14. lottnlt.lll. IN ter. 10. P4l In. Envy No. 101 Deloth a.. woe mod et
Owen 0 . *mall •••I
rTw albaie. yearn 0.1.1. TIN
rot .1.1 Venn.. 0110 .0 . 110 w olltera. or 0. b. arils Me
. 111•• • =111'= "" ono.to1a t l noot Tenollawl Iter tr.toe 4.1.0 or.= t n.
1 0.1,10, R. 014.. Panittyllo, 0 A ' tan •• •• =r 1.10161
1in...111 lbentft nen 11111.0111.1. 0. 00 now Ma Mb. went ma •••
PimmenvlN.J Moos 0•01. A PO.. INA any. i t t ott.
• 110 e 01101..1. M. oid.oll .0 AM.'
me. yea. e1...111.00 nelle. bar at es. mata
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