MOD In Ci. Inschition. hi. leSter Morn 10.1. From. cots t Tea Gans". Sean b said: onnie. are bus The Canadian dive.. as wroues u tun • r ••• the great battle with the Sikh., on the river: rLt Sr Lott, March 29, 1 0 49 lbelum, took place near, ores some say, on, bi g lb. ` 1°••11•9 "'O ho "by t n n. I We have new. from Sant Fe to the 25th the identical battle ground, which, 2,000 don now going t on on their Ids of th eme, or pehrwsis Cool. Fremont has arrived years ago. forubd the battle-field of Alex .l.Them I rtk aro u nto on . . er tio , n a . t a t y h e e : oleo. of • shothos his way s , „ throw . , taking Cooks antler ~,,,, pm, . route He lost eleven men in the moon., — The public mind. as excited by this tails hh , ,, hos . she .... of on l y three . vita DAVIN% PAIN KILLER.--Tberew me elap. I , annistion, appears to be in thatetsto of in- .._ _., ... L o m a, sw ,, Kin and N 0. ., i:opalwin tbismie ka t. 9 1 : „...... the ., donde. when • very alight cireumatance 'izz in o gio • . Ivan one eysiem the pain is teemed, mote malady,' ii t in ... ". ...,,,.. 5a 4 " 1 ,,. d r i tti: e tt.. ° ' * Fremont did not reach the top of the leather by extemal er menial minhealbses ma tel mint— '---- "-ni.,,,,i--,l;a omen mountains on which Col. Benton'. last ae- :me& in reset. n, when its renewal ma be e m it., Pnnitk'n• Par.**. nn ••••• i ' counts had l e ft him . He was compellid to dently reletupon. 8 mod :t rie tern i. ..l tn.- themselvai that deatiny has in fact render- whew th e sneer fell to rt:v.,,,,,z.„,, i t ,,,g oo m, T ro th.. s ou l eel inevitable • coos remotion which the . r t ii e re dsi i n th ii , r e n n il ' thirtyto fo rty feet, covering 'Throat end Breast. Paine intim Ode and minseli, rowan of orators, the arguments of me up all his outfit and killing his mules I Mille , arc. 4e Be easeful and mann, the gene , teen, n even the volition of the public mind Ile left the valley, and took through lite I In• mucic 1 . 1 we knee no tine. bat yon twit he cannot prevent or long delay . For °in. hills Hen be sent out • porty to obtain I . °. ••••••••• ame sort nithn'n'n'n' pat, we pretend not to the girt of prophecy, , relief and return at stated Anode, bp( they •••••"‘,,, •• • •ri• n r•ir•rn•l•nrnnl•n•••ir and can only wait the fulfilment of our po•• • not returning, Fremont started after andl Edon deed?, without dogmatically pre overtook them in els day. He got to Ta-1 gEr.t • t • fltir : dieting 0 " ! g"• 111 will lead." With repro to annexation the Co l on i st 1 0,,,,,,,, , w. 1 ... ,,i.h.4 with . r„ . i .. ;..... . ~ ...... „.?,.. ..1 .r. ....,, , , ..: of the 6th inro make. the following an d 1 h" de. t• t b the Quarters ' in °0•••• •••••••• prftee n I. ma ion y • neueement r le en. no ... ISM . A • M.. Nonnl t ra mentor and Cominiary Mr 0. • P le I.• 116,1 " Now. as the North American colonies Ivaco Broil wow bet heard from at So. olonwn are at present situated, they a. on the eve ' .; oo i getting on without difileolo. He of ...Win new ''""'"" 1•1 "-•°-- would be in California in thirty days. which mast necessarily be followed by newl political ...non. also., moo . Levee rllOll SA,. FlAIICI•CO —.ln • • W. 1... ~ WIT'. it 1n../ be lAD/hon. of Gold WiWatf for Shipeteott 17,72:::,„1'1ta,,11i . , : ' maid, any into.. in continuing • anon.- I—Baltimore March 27tA —The New Or- swum .......L, t a Inenlkin. rdmeh. 17, tune of pawn. law. no Pen- leans Biefferin of the 19th, announces the ;47 r; : eeptible advantage, and in the event of warierrival at Panama of • Brig boot S. Fran. 14:.. o ro s , o, „ o ft would impose iie cruelly to the belligerent cu. which re rte $5,000,000 of gold at too t l e ' u .n. ,, tia.:l operation. of enr neighbor. • • C.- I that port to be .hipped on hoard the steam- V 0 17,41,',„ . r eumstanee• now betoken that it will not he per California A.O. pe Aur6 11.37 long before erouniereml prefer.. on the 4 m :•a. r la In " " re. BUM OM hand, and colonial and imperial differ- I Palladelptsa Merck 271,1.—The steam- 1 r".....• en Dr. Franklin and Amaranth emus in I New Seek Cattle mune on the other, will carry into effect , what iss,, been so .01....4 predieted. , collision north of Illinois, be which the lat. At en0te1 .. .......21 ... 0.; • a We shell have no cause to regret ter was sunk. The loss is put down at ~....t., n om . that change, r h ea ..., it shall take p1 ace ,1630,000, on which there was • slight ban- .L .,,,, ; . 7. ,.. 1 .... ; . = be it. owner or later." pn . thlse , e. .... • AMIN .at from c , I 9 44 pet re, In • epoech made by .1 o. Vandttart I Lowiss . ,th. Jr , arch 28.—Four large ware- ...Ps .......... Fog, at • public dinner give hi ' in Hain ' houses were destroyed by fire on Sunday .. i ir.....7:: rlr s'iTX °n ilton, we Ind the following senten.x • as re- l oo t . i which is heave ma. moo amiy MIN, ..a trot o rell at 1 The . .111/1 .- ported by the Hamilton Garotte.' tart " see covere d ' by insurance " Petitions should at once be net, not I - = .1-I . z dwr-y•-•""noorourtworroas only to the governor general, but to one Patsbarg 3foreri 261/1/—The steamers _ •••• • "" . ' ' ''..-c. ",. "c"." most glorious queen, against the reprosen- Alphonse and Laniartine were totally des -' ri, x1..1.4,,..., tatioe bill, winch would give u s onto the troy. by lire, opposite Bath, Illinois, yes - I _ _! o ••,:r s = n , w brin•llnlin _ i hand. of the French, when there would be terday. The books were all saved, its were ,1V,,;„7.`,,,,,........Z;..,.,, m m m 7=lza nothing left on but to conquer the French also the pasengers and crew ef Team wet le mpeliostylle Tbeeklel .p. Fe... . MO. ..ono • enal.saseen{ the ore. nee soil, or to seek • more friendly gee - I FllO,l Taxa. —By the arrival of the Arin i • in ' music school ornament: T o . steamship Fanny at New Orleans, papers F• ? sl°°tre°l •I ' rrnr i i ' indirnt of the - ' 'hale T received there from °sliest. to M ina a • Int o mil e W.. der n o, 01110 P at ri ot says sr.. anne Is den... et ...OM • ea. la Ilede se I the 10th inst We give • condensation of ...,,,,,„„.„....,„, 0a .,,„. • „„,.,....., a 0 . 1 " The only 'on lit' of the day, worthy of 1 lA. ~eh T 1 for th. , minx*, prryiennly 'Mem] credit—you most wt give any in "'re the i r f r iZt l i h r F n e iii7Company• 'n in ' liar i°. °°.•••••• ir d r ' r ' n•nrr ro ' innrniri ' inrr° ' mentioned in the 111 • wnpators—refer• to ' wan or g iiiin . ° a „...... ""' . .. 0 I ' , me Inv IniOn w•nwen n9xvi the 'under current' leaning of the Angle- .rn•ln count and wonid in•nn n'r MP..." I • Tenn. _Vie too toe In dm.. et Al le.. of 5.... a here awards on 0 .... m0i , wil l, so on the 15th instant Parties were leer- I i hew es. mon rime . Mem le Corpus Christi .., their brethren of the I mud States, unjust- L„,„1 gold region. Traders and trains are also, r.m . .. 7 1..... f. :..........., ly and untruly attributed to them by leaving for the Rio Grande. Waged tae, cur w.. ..7.:11.: 0 1.07.... ken iwww w.w .e.. wsw ee1.,",...1 Daniels in die time, bat true as the gospel nom " , al. passing between the former p in t and ..,,,z.„..„„,,=.7 ~..3 . =,...,,," ,„ ,„,5,,,, Antonio Arrangements are in pm -1 1.......... suit au triis The Montreal Witness bra an ante which the advantage. and disadvantages of i Iffent ione ... fo t r w the establishing of a pack mule • annexation are stated.—Keystone. i een that pia. Avid El Passe, or , San Diego, which will relieve the emigrants "Tun NV is Sena. Tn.' Co. "—Wel froin many petty annoyances Mr. Ha hne clipped front 8 °intern paper. the two non. acting Postmaster at lonian Point, 11.1 i i ,... of ,ntaligen.e t h at f e ll o w, that the attacked night before last with ohole.. and ' white laborers of the rNorth may read them, died in two hoot. There is no cholera. at' and under..nd from whence the, have to Imam. The Democracy of Teens are ta- ' fear • destructive competition. The man. • king me...ea for • State Convention, to ufacturers, in this ' , tate. so well so the esp., nominate candidates for Governor and Lee.: haat as they whose hones and mucks Governor render the raw material valuable. will ere: The ...11 pox bad limben out at Vido-1 tong open their ey, sto the fellaciee they ri. A Mexican boyar. an the employ of hove embraced. in aopposing that emigre- ("Anne' Kinn.•y, war in wilend in 11. e most' ton drawl...tea the value of their lalur e'olWe manner It appear.; that Oho mu But read these two wins, and reflect a lit- dere. in hew at tempted to hang their so--; tic upon them .—Lone.terion Tim to the limb of • matopote, but the limbl Iron in Alehome —We understand th a t Inv•Awn th , e rut his throat with his own the mining and ma•oinetiere of Iron, in Ala- knife, end arum ...wend, d him tu the tree I baina betaking rain•l awl ens wraeing p ee , The murderers hare 11.4 been disco, wail — I grew A ..11,1e Ine .cove in nhalhy enmity X. F. Roe . makes from ten to lathe thunvand pounds I p os ... 0r Mm . c ..... __,,, pod tai nr "'"" r 'Y' and w ' *"*" L° ' il l ..,,t . the .21i tdt Mr. C a.d..... me,..h; to do all sorts nf caning and the making of the moat temperete charaeter , brought of bar iron The for is raid to ' irld fr " rn 9oward his long h.-Oiled financial retorin 50 in 60 linr cant , nii ' l i • b• in••h•ii•iihin lindoet, the main object of which was to cut The principal obstacle to the extension of pow., sw ... aut .. , £lO a , 000 per' the liminess is the lark of easy transport.- Fit byn CI ancell. rof sunup o woo me the 1 thin the 'keel...num whoaddliced an epitome on I Iltamotfartortna of the South —The Au ,__ all the arguments which, during the two hat I.M (G. / hbinteeclort. Co. h.' been months had inspired the strength of Mr. so eiseeeseful that they arc eh°. to butl i n C .hdon's surgeon.. The debate which ...Ili at doe nnltn". flf s lB° . •°° '''• followed falsified all the expected°. enters prow. mill in turning out • 82,000 yards tined by the fronds of the Financial Re of ' kik • •`••' whichwil lnnnn b• inn ''' . form languished from the I ed to 50,000 The demand for these reida beginning, and the question was disposed of r indl y ii•nriril• the '' u l i i n, Ennb i•inin on the g same evening, Mr . Cobden's amend. iro. • product of .1111 yerds rum day This I moots being negatived by • majority of 197 is dm tree p diey of the Santh Encourage _the lumber below 275 to 79 Even the hum. ' ' n ' infn ' i " r " end n ' ike i nn " nif '"- radieal per. admit that one half of the TO dependent of Great Britain an the North oar , L a s haw, noted 1„0. the ...swot: for your manufactured g oods ,if they had imagined that it would bare None COAL or ens Partric —lt is been carried.l (Mimi an what nod authority, that I an in ...tilde mine of bituminous coal th sELPinni, oast. P , nik ..." l " l ' d Mobile on , t omen.. momentum rowe l had 1••• diniii•nrnd ' ' h. ' s " nnl y • mile mad;thy the eitisen• and the autho ri ties and a half from Acapul co. Thus it mama ra , ha , ‘ ,.. 0 ,.. mr . Polk .., e ,,,,,,,,,,, that thin Ind...lan , inin•lni ..... n•rdia in from the steamboat to the Mansion House, I stemirn•Li•lllin ' in fninni in nbninkin • no where rooms were provided for hinwelf and she •M•a•d lie. of .r•s•I winch he. e. suite, in • heroneke drawn by four nem manly been opened by the ampabition and __.___. h ____ ..,_ _........... ______ ...V W ' . 4 the P ' •6ll. ••••' 50 ••• pee' sabred were ".'... nieet int ... terig se they "" were74- phi. Withie a short time pad &rakes of moved. noel imt been abet/veered a Cap. Horn , end rosy are al. known to exiro at Taro ' Den pinta in Chili, and as far north a. Ifueeenrer r e Island With Buell remora. mo the Facile roost of Amoeba, there Is onehieg to prevent the empinyment of allonmere in owr damnle eommerne from woe. to Gem. which mint eitimetelly Meg fan requisition .d Prollitabie employ the loved item mutes in the world. OALWOMIIA GOLD —Lerrt. We hark maim the Phlimaellehie Ledger, I that sheet 160,000 meth of alMetia phi .ma iteseitee yemeeday it deo oho, ne• hived hem Beltheeee. tehleh . 141 4 • Mee Ina yet ben reteiveli, end estedeed see Ow lONIA Irelpeol weer. tele& .n ee doubt op et' them meetiamiel se low* UM $lll.lllll wmeths@ ef die sei le by fir the We bee hese use. et Mott " pr Me maws Am It le hop is VP pe ets. Meay speisele iteee very pee dad limo. had meld well lay the teeeb he tepiellhei ee dhogies he les. ter A Mow Mai Proriars. ear VW* et die ha of Illedwadis dotal... lb me QM alma sey aull of s mars ..t. baron Mlle mast Yon Is .1.7 shed line. inner =ging MIS On a IPSO re dm. Man Ma'am Oet.9.—Oar ',z ebras NW Oat Oapisis 0. 111.0114.10. et INlss ia = VIIIIMed an lumik SO tree Ores a im ons% The SL Leib Union of the 15th, in apetking of the rise of the fiver says,“ Geo Tayine• plantation is entirely under no ter. The Ammer In • fog, went ever the 1n... behnr`ihstan Royce; and when the fog 11111811.11 of she fiend herself making • boastlfol ezaundo• over a cotton plantation, and bad to pot book to tin adage when she left the regular Ishmael of the rim. The Aiken.. is said to ha on the rim. The sus. may be add of tba rims above... A genthetan from lowa repro seats the Dr Hoboes sad other Avers is the Interior of that Illeto, as kw begitelog to swell deb anal "rim good." Bo LLLLLL Morsao.-0. dm evade, al' Ik. 245 b alb, at Bates Now. • ie. modem ozplooko took plat% Asking tbs. 1..... and alsnoloi tM air& It wool otbilmial ttu outtoptalso Mary stin k* by so by, bat obtonitint of otbera I mom dot it abet bare bon oroullmol by do barribrig marear. tkroomb trooluordly tom do mob& TM bow.' on for a oreakkablakt gem an bitkirolly lemarsgva Os .—lde hen ben Oa Plod de Las (Nib) hand dot des*tMultlit eh, tM C.d. lislbodbiednireb- , ob ir t i r 4 bars Ekmab tbe Adadsmy, T.a MIL Lyon" dm, dm, dad dideddidnoymil by Ird Tidy woe 'Mold odd WOW Is m aid u.:.. .bbl WO I s iSs vied Imewk z71,--.1.;.•• NMtrNr,th., . 0.1 12 Con Wm., 111. Sa • ST if. SI *m.o./ or SW 13 TO priso 10 SS • II GO •otter. o. ego 16,111 Jo run, le o Wool peril, o Market April L or Iternie, vell be wee, Yee n =ere eTe It: • r:e lbw Weigel 4demo dell, *lab ==== Not Ace to Builders. .1. 11.• . • on. too Oleo roo Mao to by • 1:1411t striAlraly• ! m g:n:7lXL b. ...ft..... ty oh. sm 4k, :24 . 1 4, T. pm. l y tke ... o.• ,,, lre.troalsoitheo or NEW ARRANGEMENT! ra=17..717.7!17... - """ - Batting Business, .• t o .• n. oy s nib, Itatoli0m0•1 Is Ow am, tttt or 000. sk Mord NI. 1.10. e iD i Nr:007.1 SPRING GOODS. J._ re.s , ed, • low ...prig at hombres DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, BONNET% I=tWWWWI•Ta - t - Tl — m — wirt; Daunt ItitOoma. mad NY; WM., a*. at t ^"V"•• *Mom* IV*, we.. au lbmast (watt Many art.* a est :a tet:tert at ttaao, at Ye anattt,== . 4ll ."'." GREAT BARGAINS. W r:Arr-- ..-.- - - FisEr 7 =. -- "lrctr=l , 7 an er ..los •1110..•-•••• • oenX:l=dr=r•2::l' w. maraaowre Lea I=."="7===t''', 4.011. se Oa,. el Mgr 11.4.11,• mod 1110 ME HOOK al•lile vo,. New Arraageant ea d iffir7V - *^..t1.7.4"="2:4 mom : • Om. . _ Iron lyes Mr sr. sorb bY M/Yr..../..A MINIM I I,oo.l—oramo /1/81 , 71"0..1.—a11er• LAW. AMY- I Alr—• per. arr.. at WC1100,4 NLCS or &Ora *Ay n't Aso—SUNDAY IVNOO,I brybrb—Darrr 'Lamar rs—blabllk 1100{1— DTA TiONSINIY. • C., ore. berborrsortreb. wail, Curtails & Meireir raper. • rod sorgy of Ayr art Mr Yr. mbar& *or 11 nook. alUm lb .o at Mo. sal lograbeimid rabbi n. r bay MY drew so by yr.*. rbyeartirryb. r..rr ru Yierra lbe le* ruetr.; return be Erb be err rryy rola. err be beg sr= .1 by braribrymywy. la arra. My brit Orr Or bibrelbs• , orabilryi • Cr • her yoblyb sr brb• Mr die by pr.. fear te• err •••••• bur. orrdir br re rre t . 1.1= . 7.1::=111=17 4=l=l bre Am Iy .11 rob rare Mr ;err* .11 • lop elar or err. wir sr Yr. de or Rd Mr ye 'rare WI An* try raw Orr. T. bri orb Om ea rued. mar. ...Mr. rya br pot et. rear ray Mb *Yr ly Ly• bar. aridlobarl. Orly: 4 1•• " Morarze: ilbeis err SM. mum! won. +of t SM. N. T. & Ms Raitroad FREIGHT LINE. 111111191120111 &11101111PM111 FONWANINNO LINE FINE INEAT lENt, (CAP?. J. w. swomen.) rrirrg...=L"::'s=Udn ,ra% ...T.lttWalft Tri . •011.••• 1. 7=Von•••••••16 . 0.1 =•=.... • ANYINLIS .... . • ......••••••• •• ram IrAI Ind ex .... I === ,Ble , leadorso In dia leeindles sr Welbeas, mob ha, ' Album Haney, Jackeem Jahn. Aldrich Alhart. lAdmos Simms. Ke y I. 'INTIM Henry, Lumen Chador. ' Hodson Hanna., Lamb Antbmy, I Spat Mitchell, Lamm! Phi* , I Bennet Homy, Mikado. Mb. Mary An• ' Baldwin b..., Minyby Timms, I Slaked, Law* Mohnen ham. Baker &maid. Manama. Therm N a b., ff. &try g Menem Men Sara R. IMown Robes , Mika llloyhen, Direhard. Mm Carolina Mall, Km F. I &Marin. Lyman M. Olney. Caleb B. Beebe, J. M. Amor William, 9 Buckley. S. M. ratch ham, I Carey rat, Pah NeWahm. " ' McCully Jam. Pah Nam., Char. H G. Rehire. Immo, 9 Caswell, Webby Ann Robb, Mr. Cam. S. Reynolds. Effs. Crain Camelia, %chargers. J. C. C,.... Mrs. Jolla A. &rabble Wliiiallie .01431 Z John. Mom, H. C. 'Card. J. C. Slone. Jim Charlotte. I eke... David, Stoddard, E. B. . Carswell Iwo* Baden Harriet, Cook Adolloo. Towlearery IDerwers. Mn Orbs& C. Tenney PRISM. Darnevr.Mm. Hernial. STingly. H. A. , Essieiams. Mrs. MatildaTompkba Lowis, I . Fauna am.. Thata• David. Farlin. S. F. Twirls' Chad.. . Fesenden. Edwin H Teaybin Edward. Goodwin Michael, Vail. Ember B. Gann Jacob, Weds, NM Margaret 9 Goodrich Demme, Weed. flannel IL I H.., Mrs daphnia. II William Haan, Illioll Comm. , Web Wahines.. , 'I dly Illemainn , - Harrel, Rev. S. M. :Teo H IM. l Jaime David. Yews'. Moe (lurk., T. ...MOON, Thema. J. °TIPP It edalCm "' sr„.J tbael• ar Pal; ti ...Ps imams. MP lal• *Pp poi pry , *Ow aomopiMnip P. M. WILLIAMS. Ape. we, For sale Cheap! One elegant Boggy Wagon, One 1 horse lumber do., One Single Barnes., all of WM. Is mad, M. owl NIM sold *op MM a Wlrolosiel. WS.X9II NOTICIS , rt.• .a Ame ng Aware,' am... to Ilse At* of Anmehly of Ow 001 day of dinto.r. A. 111 Mt 3 7 0, ....4 . 0 . t.7... r . • RILLIAMAI,not/. VIVAiteIIAVVIGII Frit err.; .1.0, ebeme nye VV. wila n Ammtfttrei.. oftetat 1.••;.• • 1:11174 who II , : tear . = la. 11= of .1741 . 1 . , to a 1... Oleos 41.110 apt • 11. 1111.1;.. Voatmoir. Ma. 211,19111.3 6111•••11. NEW ARRANGEMENT. raL=M 4 Ja. 11, .......9..• ........,. ... Me stOr el" MILLS & K at Magid ray Mlle a rnar • • ...”11. 1 1, ee AZIOITT MST untll MT me. tem • •••••••• ••••••• isee• p.m Palver. The 11.••• ail memo of tke 5M.... 0.111) . nnsest. to Om es • en. ■ 11111.. 'Hoare, AFC I, INA IMIIT lIMMT. Executors' notice. i tz e r; ladebtall se 114 eital. O.* sr. Ile WM. MeMate ite r e*. arm duly "?. 1111 : 11_ t ", Earns " " '"'" Elheriffhi Bale. Itotot at vs., to. Mo. OM of ..ortotT.- 13 mom M. eit .1 to ote atintoot, I .1..•t0 pollito es. Voort 11.1e41....•••• se emery At. 1141. IMO, to ,at twW1,1•0• v.* a +ell At; Low.. ..... a. m . ".____Q * 4 .... ":Zi r tr b raink 1.6.110F1r41 ".' :W • *rod bems—loget.....Jee. 611.Inth 'Om Mae wef 6.wY IV. *IN 1... *SI rot Mahn 111,imm. AkIMI—All outYl• •C Mr= ttwa am , 1 ,... 1 . 1r et 11. .M.V. lo=.le ! sti 4nr. ' s. et 111....1at vs J. as lILIIO—/i6tlra Ganda e dmee fl+w4.O.YfM onsio.d.V. It= "...'""ai rerm•••• ••"""6'" Mw.Zir lat ...or ene4.111•00•1=1.91:1”.1.“1•Mol IlramMeolll pair le Mr Se.ll 1.•• of Ur gm* NMI.= =mei/. MI pmrdon estoarAlr•Whest 11111zz . t. I Mr Row Alm—Ali that eiwitia bus et panel at lewd limbo la the invadilpetftititwali, i• W Rale ammo*. IMOIM ad &maw= lbw% is wit, liitglatitiwi at • pwl sweat, et slit Ivrea misty lowd etwitywi nom* MI6 ' r lir Wog abl• • maw, 6111•4•1110 *ono. by do Ors MYMid sod by band ammo& to %.a. PAN donb ay.% Zoo ILI pond. to • royale I. ana. Ye at Yr rM IhodO• mal • mow of hod onnoyad IS Jamb& by dr lan monad b oo Soo&II palm to • pm, the ow* Ina room of dr bnl morinoal WEL and i th= eon sow di MEI miniornmia I *bra by_doodd Ptanablyobooe•bod yd. if *p.m war ware so • boob own bed logo lkoiboloo war dr ler ormkord aboadlai an Yr Noel NNW LEA= ob Thon ; no Ord,. lbooso boy Yr will land Mb dopona Walla pbodarbo • low hae If• blo b bb iho Ilfaadomon ownor of do MI Low ,Iloorl •eal swarm •fhollonvoyail to Ibmw *On LUC Omar bf ilobboi• bib NIpIN4I pmbas mod is • %oh wlkv. Own pom dowlaodln of • pea is • r illm n lNtaloor =atoll Wainb.• ••••• 2". 2/=, be do or rr I W" l nii i g e baa• Taboo In •••••Ilan r Looldbotdow DWI. eir ••11 Imo IL flotooi& Ado% of IL Waw a dm% wo. limn Sim all amat=liffliti PR X ' ARRIVAL OF MORI & SUMMER GOODS FOR AMellow* 1.1•••• a( mihrlz 1 . ..114.1117,1•dtal ••••••• Ye. awl Clmell• sal W. Ml.—. Mara 1ipm11.4.•—.4 Imp .16illo of ' 1.0.10 Mods of 1.1.1. 111W110. SW, liampor4,l:... tar e en' Artil . • logrf Calbma mid INEWM = " a 7:3 Ara r =, M., Odom. .1.11., eleragoam. 1.•••,1.1••• sad Mt haft lialCariCm•da, /swam 01•01 e, Zratlra=r "... Vr, ...I*, MOM mol nee. ie. ,1J• IJ••••.4.42•l7.rl.llbadoil■malme. .I.iu...•=.=== ter am arl Maw ...c:Llzr. 'n ar. a = • 11. `d e w . 1•11•••11141.or • or gove . llllaw, law.p korSleslo. Pea low. MdbAsik.S.ftelltod, Ilmod lin live, Wed •••• N.a MR I. NM boa Tor% I*. Ni. rust Oro. Rl.****••••••*. • Cadas• rml Mass Myr, Stanit ••• essilles.lll* •••• OW, Melo mol A117fZi71111,.. '—' 7147111•••171i= as 14.•••••• etyge..“l wit r Lona*. t 0.110.11 Y. 14.6111,1111. • • ~; P , ' 40 ;4 . , t _ kt • • iv ), v ..i ___., .1 - t .., 01 I 0 • 'A • -.... • BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM, Noe mt. lA* 1•••111.1or . ver, nog of Ible sox Orme., 6.4 * dn ON ned ••••I krog•—••••1 came OS Wel* ntred ow, et. weik.•--..1 Su se Mb ac vvvvv rne. N so wserlp ••••4•• tign "*. sad Mend, Iv D EMMZ:'II COUGHS & CONSUMPTIONS. smol Nal .11.••••• of pubanest, Mre. mach dolma.* ea :47 tr.....5a mule, wino, bo. The Weil, Threat, Loops, old bort •T. Rah* m. pod nor • W... In oboe I r an, en " Tr" • • aaaaa cv -ore, st Orb en7allta. ,••• ,••••• 71101MANDS OF COMP M 1.710112 owl wawa ui ed. rk Poss Ogi INOMareg Mew.' L... Law, sod Sme. IN M.o. Aplta—sowl FINALS WIAIIIIIII AID COMPLIINTS. us *or moo mol offiwoof me, • • ...IV. IN. Sawn. It nos. as 11... mr. 4 TV0111.11.1.. Am. ...a =16.3 17111.1 i 7raMe d isarr. H.I.M. 01 LIFK. Cram d GM ea law WWII. AA lb IC* age— tlie or cum I. meame. aml dm*, su re.", ee to pro* sowdoe WO .a .1. ..17 IN rm.! OCONSIMEMON A IMMO WOMAN MED. *NH.. ow ea to "non die raw is am w m. le al. ewe save *A... .1 Ortokias rot or/ — w en, ". •••7AiT:2:oll4. :"t rd '... " eZLT. Ibt rawarr: **M. c.- N N rr ho sod C •7n pmed mews. 18, AMY O..** UV= 00111/111AUWE 11do ewe of OWL 05.0.4 of Inoofoxl tor • ood IA —Xer *nw ore X 11,1rocn.* V. rd ray me,1.... ESRMig;N;;iI Ig I II t4l IIWIE ip 0111101.111114 L we *hwy. _J hy SI. Be"! I. ells mol,•• ••. ern.. I hes ro. nteLet . ny cr.,. II Are ' : FZE .r vrCI hews. .WM ...awn. ma ..kinc 'mow feywHy dc. ..14.1.5am. Nord esh• mows Ow i.I4J M. .be y M.* ...eft clam realroc i f '6 47 . 4 =.l TIYIUM, Illashchh N. CUM CC Wm MM. lan. IL he. C.ll. ll* A. March ••••••••••ft. ACADEMY OF THE FUNNIER OF INISIOTNANNA mor . I• 4•••••• •••••• Oho •.,•••1 •••••“im udoot.”•••11 I••••*1 amigo, •11.• P• 01. •,..uore **or •lorlft r P•aidal a... le •••••• MI6 •••••••.1 •••••w*me. 11. ...lam aka.. .1. Mow Ur rercibq a••••••••”.•.. 1....,•••••• *a. tr•n••••••. 'mum 1•10. MOMS •• 111111•••• 'rms. *mom ••= .. ....1•15. •• Al r :1. . .10.•••••••11•14•••••. • ••• .1.•••••••••••••••• a 0* I OD Ova molad• MI SINI•11111...M. 11••••.1*•••62re Weir •1111.1., oftello 11.11...600••••• *B.l in am• •••••••• lord *mos.,. .ii6kl • ..o" 'rod , itrok IN, /I. inCIN/131, FE! FM! WAMMATOIII N. MAL INSIMANCE ONANIA7. At 111~tielli. W.T. OM Its Ilium Ironod, AN a L..IP •••••••101W• One. ram& 0••••./ .•• sew .1' 2'..*."^" .16 r z 2). • 111■12. 'hogs, ow likameassoisir, a ' VArrvww .. `'"" • 4, 4 . tre w r... 7 ,.. t: „Er _mi..- ...... .r_...• ..... .......„ am ..... .. tiZiiiiiiaiii =Lliii=l 6 €III4BW, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AI the OM Ilwrmely synod Iry 1..1...111.1 nwr rm. GEO. lIIALDWIN, ATTORITMT AT LAW, C. P. 1111M211111 U ilrboassalot Cream & Doelat la 0144.=,1m11M0m,0d rslallinsOsii&& Auditor's Notice. lowly Ma otopokttot Oryboo• Gott sod tot. rottotpor 118•••••••••• •• ittoo..• •••••••••••11•••Atto Ike Anse* of thookollm Ilyaoattoa, 0.1.• Mot trilloadtoommat onions wad combo *rm.. to WY. sem* Iteko d... Mod Mow. tout... •111 snood to fir ► Alo. . of abode. am AroMiwo *mid ea Itto Mite la Itestaloot oft Sm.. 14 dt, le dal tbe boor.. MEMO tor thoy *homy .1.11. ll*, C. B. COTTEN, 4=MUNN. StIIIIINON. Nag W.. N. Is NEN. . *a. N. , • mmt WONlearim. ON. N”Mirindra 0.; fralla Now T..1•••••'......0.1., hom Y. pm., rFYooY brao.l.l•llrst 4.004 aria Amt.., bolo •••••• .• Nike arum iN .1•••••••• CNN.> IoNN••••• NNI Glenn. fo, *mg Nl,Nomolowt may be 11•1=1•111.4 100 Packages Italian (sew eitieo 100 d. Teo. esahtsele, ell the &Mmes. !Mlntruieliee et Owes & 100 de Weekend. INee.While. Sword Melt. Teed. New Rhea. Swede M%ZMSM C=l Eina!SM!MB 50 do Nov & 314.55,5, 95 & 515. I & Palo &sp. 900 & Gram Matcher, 90 & Lemma 559 °raw% 90 & Prunes. C 55525, LIEEM amlr woo. letes. Atl a. rlllll.l. IV= tr.", ...,aso• my . 11711=0 . • „ :11, A., mob Dem mi Going to Calitbrnia! A LsecoL 'rm. to WM.** meury• do. ow Mn Ow ma a* Wet lamod 111 " :=1:71 nor "" :::• " 2 " ra d l NMe nut.. lb.. Mr. .6le tolws r:lVllrn;rr ".. 7111.= tr . Menlyse, /. IL MI 50 ""t ♦l:4esgoAarrta Moves MA. X.. ins maw wag. B CHANDRA& Administrators' Notice. A "Wen* le Om Mato Nore lag el MANN. ••••,. •••• mire. No ea. V.' "." ;112411rr11311111111411. Z. 44, ' 1149 YIT•N N 11301111•111. New - Dally Line of Stages Metwoon Illortran &Orson Mad. 11.1111101111•RAC41.11144 44441..4m now n 4 46 14* 0.444,14 *I. tr....hi tam. moil Mem N. Ur mare*. .4.1.614. Men 044 WM a. dr •••141 et do Can ..11M OwNISI awl imaammobtl. Wm, ma Awe ••••• .•=•• en "" ••• en vy •tr =Mr •..r grjr• 11... NYC Ass. AA INA, A. MAO ASI k en. To Tarsiers & Ilabirsea I Melt •Maraffor limbo ame•ard Oaft moo.. oarboa ma *Om TILOWOLLY TATA TO3M -11106/ COMMON moidOmmomm•iilmom may hamar ma ma Ma boo Mom ma Imm lo mimMal•••••••••••••••••••• Ono woman •Mano ma OM: le emoymeol me• • ram PO Ma No am Mr mama.. m 6a ' eamto M IMM•r. MOM.. le mokolfy mmonlat 6a M O tomm ••• Wu me Ma We. TM m.o. am Ire fahm molnaldag• MU mem amowisof. 161 • Ilommooor wad. $a Ma MatOOM• 00 as •• •••• ••••••••OMfmatot• of Orem.. MM. moodmar Ammito••• MO••• • m•I•womo • • dr*. or mom ammod••••••Malottam of OM Com IMO, M.* •MMI fa mom maw m mlo \MO M.o.= •••• Mad Mmoratana MtlhoM th• MOM 11. ••• mom 161••••••••• 6••• Ma* manal6•6•••• mid Mom flooma M••• ImeMomartimoM I Una *ma Moofer wommilmolmlm•polOm of Ow ,inmoo OM.. ImOomift. it le dm Mom Mot I sum subit *ad vIOR omm ahmodolmio••••••••• Mama mollo M• Doom. TM Thom*••••• MOOT •IM samolloo Mom TOM , RaTM ha mos ma mid •••••,m Mon is so MOI •••••log OM mom Me mo moo doom mowmoMed. •• ommi•olim 661•1011•••••••••1•MmooM••• Yam Wm** to molOr Mom Tloy•••••••• , ROM tamollo Mama albs *me OW •••• mot* some... of Me re. ram. IMOMMOdismTA. O. MATTE. Moan, Mlam• YR IGO. elP'gWi2!2l Re Pm Mempl Mm or mmimom *evade. all :Mo.. MM.. Mom Pm- =tt= . ... , I 1.2. gonew Irf Med 0w... at Ma. Memo. Awed 1••• et .011113”. 11M31•r441=i.1.11214 "•a"•• 143.11%n0. r..r PIANOS PIANOS ! !e.g....M.1A Yr o.nety ha.= la Oa W /1.1.ne0 1•41.e5. Imo •••••••• • ow. 4* me WV.. ""."."; _____ Tares For BW., isan. , ... * Wihr IL "... egrAs 01h01v ..... .7 . : 1 aws o awl wt. a. IV* mf . My. Volt sad Pr Undlned. ftetWar S. kr •••••••"1.11050.01.1.. Ifs *me ow. be i cr=x=r4=l penelbsoen. ••.• to .. 1.. by sad psis, eon. ... 1. Me rr VA. Pm Yam robe of.a. J. 1..111,117, limenee. V=lhrllMl VIPZIVII a lillaT. INa= Mom Desl.o " " 11 * 1 11 1.6111. N. Amyoh. Ohm*. Tiggiry, Able/. MOM D. &ea Maio Defame. LAN W. 66. Jiljka ~te r, . 1 4 1 / 2,.. h0w • 1 60 •••••••=Ol. mad air rm." Ai dr IkOmme• 04e.1“..1 br Iwo away ' Ihopellana. awl Mat ilk• nom la In monisell %On Illo a Sit In Oqimmes Coma Pim. al um, ilhe IS* fir iad 44 res. 11e ......irmir cautuirisoww, aye. ii.r.h il OIL 1 MIMI MOON.. .LD.III onnaiyMbnal6.6.lo pod ibeW4l•6•l U.. Yr •••1•.•••10.1.•• 'oft ombedtempd eimmoip Mier .01 ir vb. liner Ma yob aluir Arms fro bib.l Mr* y. anus as .0.47, am, " 7 61" .•=11•=ake .lr"."' := 111* ~.I.llla•blesidbea. nada 114:4==.1 1.1.• my be Inman.. 11.11.0. Playulaialmide PM, ' by C. bbalrliet. suPria.o p.:111110 A `CT Mil" --"-"---", "" :%te" at Now 0000, Ftir COO •,••• A1t.4..•2",x: ter IC POW • 00. DAYTON, CLARK, k CUB Railroad, Freight and COMMISSION LINE. WMe a.. Caw. Wm Cleft. n. 11.1 moo . 6 •••• lime maY. Me Wpm. wy. we ode weft. Me• Me mei. *WWII by• am. *kw. emene..l m pm. M Mae .111. 4111=1.1. -' a... oh - u, Igo , r =t,.--_- - - -- L.`i -. NEW ANIUIG6I6BT. A. J LTII.. " """ STOVE, TIN, COPPER 3 SHEET-IRON eon.. so Ay ••••• olisfidoglo o oaf Jogor of. V. X.., 1104.1 shot. be *Ye Is IL, cows., on Wool lufo •••Orty C 001... usa dm owl. flown of ileo 1.,..! W Omool yrs.. }loom UV.. • sober. amooftartai of TM tforyof. mai FAMot i o n , of ley, f00r010t...11 of .1.11, be .1 bo Otobk of tooly fdly o. 'offAr:r. o, olq w. • s.e 134.6. 0* Su U.* Mus, EU Mum. rufg a sir. /Ur A OISIIT 4/4/03141. Ls, low wari•ty se Mt sad ea mao• Csiin • YOU at W. Dnon • Freah Groceries. Jost received at Terrell's. 001. 'MS le pest vales, VelSee, Smears U.N. Slsetenel, Seises, Illsser.o Sgser,0•••••••• 0.41. en Mere. leaser Ss., Manes of Selena. Ness. see, Vasa, fases Poets. , He.. les swat Se moreese—ell •111e\ *II M eliol estsemely G ° =21'..7.:=4% WLLella , lizatber p.—;.— Ifttennori Il M ~Ni M i~ir~. vMn w~.~4T wT. U.••. .Y Ihnty.s. V lbe 0t0.b.,•• TOWLVII • Near Mock and Watch 11161.4111UNG IltrirmiLassuasurr In Ikeda, WI.. aer• the em.. lb• ••••• thom ••• of doe 1. ••=2 I. may. not he ea. noir tong 1.1 er efte• a. we. UM •••••••• shy, ibviee esonnele •• • wow M.x. •• be lalesie ••••1•• • 1.1...• tbes wt. be 46..* ors b...• •••• ••• ••••••••• Me pm, ••••••• ma mow men J. All .0e et no. sad ..111.6 seal •• ••••••=at •••11•11. •••• .. b. =••••"*... I. 21 . 1. """.." .."11k k 1 1.11 New Goods--at TIMM& WPMa CLOMP, maw. Waft. .r, A. • w=„C. =,:i...== . Wasa ft wa. alma WI aft wow Ma. aft. Al tY MA Ma wa waft.... may ........ • wow. Wag. 1.1••• aft Waft. WM.. ••••••,•••ftwl Ow. a. O. wd Mb Aryy ftwo. ud Mft ••• wa• wer, Yea W ft., ow rwa., *ft am.. Pt maw re 1 aft •••••••.. Nw. K aft, AM. lIIIIMLL WARTNINA Tt •••WHIi• • ...MOW 401.11.11.4• Is .1.1757. MrMe. P.**. /or frr=ebna, I. l ll.l%ftwed Mama ileadia_A rt WWI 1 4 11 g, 11.1.**11 4 .1.11L=. L. Ir. 11,11pL •• Nary In as or *mom no nano,. on,ooo, ._*., Adinatla .1 Ow OnOTITOM• Ornmer. lon ••• On* Urn, IP noi= nO•oono i nnoo ood or la. Honig. gSi 000 of Ili Ik Milers of the Eitals it B. IL Mir busied. 'Wm, .1" zn nT. t , =. 7l .llrxte of ergo wfli. Ned eve, tra, war VIM evf M• 014 M .• Go . Vms• WOW 04•1* ad -N n n i""-..cstb Sow Ow& ' rue CRAMS. 2•763r1EVA.M6.g. 1 ~'''l'i'7 L ~ s~ ~n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers