. 11101C1V.49 Fewer Haim. Btoos.-Jemt. trine- I Segos Comme.-Whether we obtain I Apace°. me ran Pelsomni.-It I W y e n. mpo, Charle• Kimble was lessee specie from California , certain it is that we stated, nays the Peonsphienian, that Judge , ins z o o mm mu ...Lot. ea. been moo . it. NEW GOODS, of Covent Gardee Theatre. In his gores ' e are about to draw • large amount from John :Marcy, Secretary off tbe Navy, just before i : eie , ~.,;,,,,,,r . r i t e r i i i , eiee, :tt iii. 7w . c...4 4. t Via N. York & Erie Railroad. to uphold the legitimate drama, the r House' Bu ll . Exchange.on London has gone dowel • retiring from °deo, called upon Premed°. • enurrelesoit==.lll% , :t4' FI T M.o.+ .......t.,..,,. ... re late debt f 150.000. Thera wm no ap- 'to 106, and the pir rate being about 100 i, [Taylor with the bell winch boa passed Oro' • , h. ,;',,,= i rm. 0f ,, n 7 .... ...non', .Z.'or.i IT:••••••••....,ot yr= =lr Tl i Ze • rei parent escape for the loather of John Hem- it follows that specie M bow worth nand Congress restoring certain Officers a the A = „,.. : ,, tz ,‘„ r „. u ,,,,, z , , ..., . 1 rx. , : .,, :: =ix,. zixr.2 = 7 , . eg , la. and the inimitable Siddone. Bank- • three and • half per cent. more in New York I Mmines to their places, in order to ommult ' 0 m ........,ri t 5,1 ' ° ' na v al.," mollatelo ..........4 eeorsM•mrw raptoy and ruin stared him in the face .-' than in London . We may therefore look:him in regard to some question involved in Aamthistraume Nat n liz F . 1 ,,. set .... SENTL. a SIDS. Frances his eldest daughter, then between for large imports of specie. eider from Es ,tbe cronetructim of the bill. no Judge Aileen and eeventeen years old, one day land direct, or from Mexico on English an- 'stated the points of the nese, end while . A h ... ,. .. - ,:,7„, , 1, r , -- tr... - L....,......,?,, ,, „,,, , ,,,„.T..... 1 . 11",;;;;; 01 ":". v .......'"* .. ..it 1 r seVr•Ter V....."`a proached her parent, and timidly said le munt, within then next sin months. A few ', waiting for the P resi d en t ia l a dv ice, was , t e = ii.i e ,, e ,, e=o ii . ,.. .t i tt i t,Oxiotz f azil: ,etiet? „ est i j_ ,itai ° f " ""*" :=71'7,111, Lem that the could play :• .rerkr and .b. m Ilion. of Mker will be very acceptable • greeted by the following reply a the Gen- • em a ti e: .._ t .Ai i i,n i vA11.1.4141t4141 , V,..,1 , 1, • •••• I would do ot, for his Juke, if he would permit until we can get "them ship loads of gold I eral, dellmatwith inimitable endear- [ .9 9 .• ' 99 i ' • '"'• her. The young lady had been educated from California," when we shall repay John j 9 0h,,1 do ow-nnytheng er th i ar e e e l i a t o e f e eq ; AT.47:7. , ;. ,.... =; .. ft ...: -s 5w...4 3 , 4 . , r . e 0..7 o with great care, not for any other n rage Bull with interest.-N. Y. Sun. Judge, anything that' lawf u l I than that of private life, and it went to the -- father. brent to hear or attend to her pro. I FL LL HEAD ON. l. 1 Ton PARTY or The CORNER Y.-The ,A 1 Z TempernMe ee penal. But the circumstances were pre.- e.t.d., soinewhefe it. Pennsylvania, the' New Ynrk Herald an original Taylor paper • ins, the ea. one of dire neceessity, and a following wee among de volunteer tonnte• 'announces, end bears testimony to this glo. , glorious sacrifice, was made to meet them. Tem RA I Lao to TO RL IN .-Elrleye . A !Md truth t 9 TM Democratic party-the I •of Thomas J •ff • -h s hoarier, chartered by county courts, ~.ttirt• Part' 9 .. 9 •E. on a,, Fanny Ramble meek bar debut before one of the meet magnificent ao iiences ever as- freighted,_ _ gross b o e t .. hY with drunkard., witl h it,, with the exception of the from rims of John Quincy Adams, and one month under Gen-' sembled within the ballet of • theatre. The for dein" , r o n:.: ll , 7 r e , f engine •._ for i n di r ott i e tor' , ' eral Harrison, governed this country from present Queen Victoria, and Donna Maria. ieit• oi t' . ; . : • Fired ...' with alehobol and; the beginning of the preoent century to thD j of P° "• s e l, with man y s°l° '" d ' e " d°l°°d o f with delirium tre f mem. Thee pr • .da je y t . ery 'For the first time therefore, in the were in tee State Box: and the house was I ... , . ni party, orof thelte modern publif. Whigs , e o e l e d e ....F e eder w el . j en* blue of rank and be.ty. Mrs. Si. : of the dying are the thunders ef th tea 'and the shrieks of the women and children . the does and Sir Thomas Lawrence -monarchs of rim most dueling genius-were prenent. are the whistles of the engine.. By the er under the mantle erf Oeetrial Tayl ", I 6 , Ti.. triumph of the debutante was complete. I hell , or God, we will reverse the steam, Pot ~ A We. Wor..-The Victoria )Tex sue nobnoood t h e a h eetre i n a wee k, ear , : . out the fire, annul t h e charter and save woe . met) Advocate gives an amount of gond coo- I log everything before her in the way of , , freight. lmmo who is believed to have lend her abode vary or opposition, and " put in" a semon • tan or NLICSPAPERS -No man shouldlin the thicket s of the Navided Bottoms,' unrivalled for success and brilliancy. Miss be without • well-conducted newspaper; he I Jackson county, for ten years pest -The Head& name to America-married-wan .is for behind the spirit of the age unless lie . Advocate eays that the principal reason for I mom.. / h ell Immo . ..- ..... unhappy in her choice-and is nor before; leads one; is not upon equal footing with , believing it to be a women, miserfrom the , , 4m. ..non. ..sse c nimisea us onee more in ban eharaeter.-11Eue Sloe. his follow-man who enjoys such advantage, I track. which kse often been oeen. and which ', nottee.---.21 ............'.......... is disremrdful of his duty to his fami- [resembles exactly that of • smell and deli- M1L. '). 99 . 9 ...... ' 9 ..E. w".. 9, Coat the °i.e.-This State is supposed ; ° ' f iri ii ,.., „etirding them•o f f emal e.Pro b a bl y, if i tto eer'r ee•erreerrr'ee 'r " aer opportumty ca re e a woman, p0..........ety. A. LI AMBERLIN, See to be very nearly as rich in coal a• Penn-I Y. ..."."" .. r . . . i .w hes .99 ' ‘ 999 acquiring a geowieage o wnet is pming n l it is some pmr insane creature, leo sylvania. In the'report of the Geology it k e , etime er . .• Me welid, at the cheapest possible teach. , taken to the woods. Though we should p.n.s,. Pen.. Amgrellehreo. 11.....4 swe., Ohio, made by Prof. Mather, would have died from want. • " . "' ' ..‘ •j°l° "•nii:trir e. led that the county of Tusearawas contaiesl .9 g . h..... • • ih.ilY with.. • ..."- I thin k • ...en, er, and fro to say that there will be :and exposure, before many months had . . , more than eighty thousand millions of both- i :, manifest that family a want of amenity : eapsed. -PhiM. Post. hee l Viijiii_Lt!i: t.rir...i:V ° " .."n° "ir " iiiiiiiiV ° ! Nov. Math., March IV I+4P III: population p e r, i tr on n i,% " anal-enough :741 y for state i ri ;; .of r n . a . n t e r s ik rs in s i nl , indiction. ° ,, f Income', I . - _-- -- gy in cone.. own t. ner h • et NSW CALIFORNIA RODLTI/ON.-A I - --- - to mue. l i ta : 'letter recently received by • merchant in : Feir For Sale. bar who allows himself such • rational This ie an Interior county, and st presenti thiigiiiteit. y oung , e . miay . h .o d ;St Louis from one a cid. r ho s puty, Ti 5 L.. Z.117 , L.Z.. 4' ::: Tt r tb` e • e r , supplies almost nothing, compared with the _read mi .,. ii 0i.,. If i were . boy ' eeen o flannoun , ces the the coh.a &matched w00...4 sum.. ow• a.l new vow mml See Rath.. roma.. to- Butt of Ileigs, Athens , and Summit. , to Corpus Christi • lg, nondescript ani- F.h. ... 77 ........,....., : . 7% . ;7 1111 r 4 , ..11. 1 twelve ye ns, I would read a newer°. j as population increase. in the interior, weekly. though I had to work ley torch- mal which his party succeeded in cioptering o r .lonale7lr m =en...feoltivata.:.. Th".."l=rat I. inane/actor°s will arise, and the mid a the, Ho, c . ,.. ... 0 ~,.." . 00 . gt, .0 pay For it. near the river Oita, after Aehose a 3 days. I I bis::!, Iv f1ey . .trz. ; .r , ...... t oor,! : t .... mt... interior be in me. demand. - tTM leaner .races that th e animal rowel...xi es Tit.....4wy ........ -e.g. ,":,,'.",:,Z0n74 . 4:= In 1834, the coal hods had scarcely I 5n0...-- My uncle Phil was an aw- • a horse in many particulars except that it • t .,,, r d rm.° , , E , ...4 be Y... the 6.4 if 4. 1 commenced in the county of Meigs, and this, ful snorer. lie could be heard further than :is covered with • heavy coat of wool, closely I 0 .: 0,...,1E1,...,9 4 . ...1. r., . ...tr.., , hut year (1848) there wan at 10 2,500,- i • black-smith's tool frge; but my aunt became curled, being in color and finenesa of it. [ h9 ,,,,:`,`,•,.9 9 „:„9 h 1j,:,,• : 99 g,0,,,,g a .1. • ERRE i 000 bushels got out in that county. So'. occustomed t, that it soothed her re-:texture very similar to can hair. It has: i - tam. 11, Nallollllll le. in Athens county. . pose. Th e y ~,,,,, e vote ' domestic enuple, ',no mane and its ties is like an elephant'. lAt Auction,- tiVir4:7:07,"110411,.: 1 coal was exported before the llockin tonal and never slept 'apart for many years .It'' The fleetness of t Ilia animal is nurpessing , .:••, , •=7 . ..;;;,3,-..:,7:::1•,;;,•,!!.t-tz.:•;.1nz••, ; I was made ; but in the current yesr (1849 i length, my undo wee required to attend a j th t of the deer, nod it keped wiab a one 3,.„0", , ..,- i ron iied Meer, 27irer• od, . t the coal got out there, reached roar a mill. ' court, e t some hundred teller distant. The bstructions ten feet high. IR Herren, lle 3 years ,old-„ dolt. loi,l ion of bushels, which goes into the eon- t firot night after Isis departure, my aunt °era. : gumption of towns, that, before that timo, r slept a wink ; she mimed the snoring. The LAM +Nell RIN W•NT -A variety of • i onet) Take ef Oren, consumed no coal. scented night Paned away in the some way 9 [99 4.9 1 ... Th. " 1 4' 94 are going . 1 . 9 . I I 7 . 1 "`. 9-'• *ad Ball . -eery nice. i n ,.., . v ., iti the paped. For the lone. of II)o ,e , of tig 5 .. , , ,r 7..71 ,- .4: . :,17 . 1 . 7 , ' . 72 . L i : , , 1„ . ... From ststisties which I. find compiled in withont sleep Rho wag getting the Cincinnati Atlas, we learn that the Pro - hod war, and prelapilly z ooid knee died, , who are Pouring out their o)rnitatlty on M I ~,,,, ~„, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,. duct of coal in the state, for fitter ..f the i". 4 ' had it it. Irmo for the bi g ... eaa no : Lomortine, we are happy to say that hey. • ~; ntr. r . .. ..,, ,A n. :. ..ite root Intenr y t n t( mm t . . a o 1 a very mow tortures of about two Mali,. eight year.. was in bushels an follows t 1440, • 1 vent g irl ; she t•iiik the c,,lfee mill iooto ritl , 4 foram •till left, lives in elegont style at ' 2,382,358 ; 1843, '2.907.805 : 1 0 47. .4.- aunt'. chamber, arid ground her to sleep at r Register's Notice. 044,923 ; 1948 6,530,96 9 -.V. Y. Post. onee." , Paris, roles in his own coach, and is in no i • . • . ____ ________ • diluter of tarnishing by starvation.-N Y. PTil.';=,:l=a:r:r"'""" -- ""': Tun Hoots.. O.- Wh. the war in I T r in..., 1 Eel.. of Ch. Verry. deco... NIDISSOT A TERRITOR If.-No Allelic!. 1 newt. w , ett , f ., eedere wee. the per , i , kiii , t • Judi... Mellen., iliter. can view the extending dominions and mug- COLla in T... -Au odd moo residin g ~ „ Ma. laroeson, deemed. I make • new declaration ; they must declare • =meting wealth and greatneon of the Unitedi ; , , the right, 4 moo, th e i n divida., 5m.... a l in Mansfield, De Soto pariah, 3lisoionipp., th,•• ill Poet, Re, Staten without. feeling, and in an infindeoy „ „ Amu:twin Ilsydon. &c . d. i above all croft ill thud or is "".•9 • • ..... • ....et the 1,0 .. 9 . 6 Pc* .Itihoi Ileydon, Eir. higher degree, the pride of country nhich , ___,, y many years ngo, avers that gold mil-. in , „ e „ Froooklen N. Avery, deed. must at a blow, put an end to all gave utterance to the ancient eselnenationi o se pouch abundance in sumo of the moon- ' e trickerfes of En 0.6 taw, which, gar- . „, . ~ . „., Clerics Tingley, Adair. "lam a Mona° Citizen." „ „ MIIIIOII Denison. deed. mend up in the channels of ages, bind the, h.. 9 .°). td - not". ...no as is rep.- . Wrahly ihmomow. El, '"" ow n ""' '''''''''''' I . X.o=firm One Territory after another-and one katet end teii, with lice. They ...noted to be in the placers a enlifornio. must per- i „ „ flayed Welch. deed. ............e. rm.. wan.. or rum, State after another, in joining the bright 1 mimeo republic n truth, by making. the! kith' - ' Elijah Bargain. Adige', ..1.:17::: . '"ii ......,.. .... ••• •=,`,...,....'"...if.... constellation in our political Heavens, "' l ' tiern•frod or er h I h" . „ Akron 14.1. risen.. aced. o w . wad *no Pie wean.. .7 . 9 . " 9 l' ' 9 4'..rative " cold • nor modest lady to her lit- Me., Oakley, . FIUNDREDII-THOU•AND• • rapidity and power which beggar the most l ee kie i . e . teed ,. „,, j e , k ee ,, tee ,/ f,.1, • Y eauguine fancy, and Mom. outrun the wild- mo, 6. eueol the e. mod yea. W ... use 1 Iliell9i, and child r en. Until thin is done] ,I°°°°' less '''' " lin° °"" in" "" ing 11 ~„ton accomotante hict ' eti:ertn . o 4 .si fi r. imi L a ; ee 'e e. V . e eefie - eeire.r ' eeeeieeie we.. cat hopes., °tel" he had just read in the newspaper . the me • ' t h e it... 1 . 6 .' .ill "•• b een fought .[While the little fellow was thinking of lei on oho. 11.•Goster's °Dee. 111 and for Ihe trolley of : rmr Them Leon Quantity, awil at The Billir , the organisation of Meneno- i ye a, _ note ., Jeiri . eeee wonio.honno, and that the on. Wlll b. mew.. to Territoryh. hero.° a law. It in des- I I !cake, the old bonne dog walked in elves- ' before no rods. of the Orpbetelo Court. at Ilomj , ha . h. Peer Ths. lA. S.. me lone. ma 6 noel hy Prlrsorenik. ne fie.. tined to be the El Dorado of the Norge - rz o. A nn , , ,,,,,,,..,,,,... i . , ,,,,.. ii ,,, iiriii , kill, his tail and looking oink° Modifier at , tro . :, o:t wortay , :es n e 11. t h th an of Aped neat...rm.. Not hos Noe .y......... to the r ublle. the Mecca where the tired wanderer ante] c i,i, „,,..,.,,. r i.,i. ~,,,,g , ,,..,,i,,,,. Oho cc g , the boy, when he meheimed t .' \h. ma" - t ' ej fr. °e 'en Cht " 97r e • 1 ~.. eimb It were I sum .4. to pt.. to Iho woe/ el o. m „.. e BROD N, Re, • 0 ° ° o'. MAI. T i' ''' the inhospitable sco nes end sentimetl wreck• l inarkable propertim of guano on a promoter M 9 •E'" I•1 9 shaking leis ...1i 9 . 1° t wooer'. less., I tiz s z,:e w loco. mad enb e la r am.. ''''' wbe a • of the past, can find a ...K u l abiding tof growth. ram the a low ho er . ar e , ODA- I Tete Misc.+. -The propellor Hart. I 11... , mon It . 1 . 1919 1 --, ta g . ..Eleamytt"V:Z'ltlt" gx...,..,,..--Ar r',. '''' plume-the alter of o spirit war Ili after .i n g cucumber seede, the dirt began to fly, r e m , - 1,1,,,a na il e d from N ow Y or k oo tae ' s heriff's Sale.' es. the rage tof the storm. Mines., will he. !001l the vines tome up like • ...It end iflth o f r o b r, s.„ F r ,„d„ ~.. ~,a , . I ear ~,,,,, or.. gm. 1.4.1 opt 4.4,0 of Com- TNIR WORST 110ROFU LAO. without doubt, e powerful State. It will , e iri e ,,,o, b e eteete d o w et , ti re t o p o f bi n 0 , er in to the bottom of tJo ou Stream - • ...so ism..,l ant 0Rr0..... rob., mle at 11........... .......... Eopeee. Peos.. nee, comprise the most en chanting p oe t., o f the I wed • the vines overtook him and covered Ri.te, n of her pass.gers reached New , V 99,1 T'O' 9l r ...... 9..9 . 99.0 " .99. ' . I I::::4set.O o° Titoieltr, 'AO; °j ''''' ..° "'"'W ''"' tipper Iffinnissippi, (ell above latitude 43, him entirely. On baking out his knife to, York reeently on rho Brill. Mail Steamer ' "Aniloa e;ronn ro.o. o, r , ...• . ....... ...• Who I 9 ' 9 ' ....'•`. • ''' ...''...."'“" "ee' 80.) It abounds in water power-In fr- mut the darnel dittos: he found a Imp fr ee , iy e ,.,,,,,,m, I• e.iwyEettryzji - ez•w,41=1,4:::77,:z :!,...,..... 1 IMPORTANT TO THE AFFLICTED. ante where pine. rear their grant heads-, 0,,,,,,,,ber gone to seed in hit pocket 1 : , .„,,,99 i j mr9,,,[9,•7,9,,;„..„9,,,„„,,,, ~,,,,„,,„„„ aeons ee ,„,....,„„ t et le •oeOmal me mall Im m elemea fe. screw and in copper, lead, and iron. 1 - • Avery destruetire fire occurred at St. ' 1... immei of J.. T0n.... mel Vere by 6. m ., of all . amma g eollom mad erh. nomsed. ' In that distant clime roman., will he NEWSPAPER Posr.e.-111y a circular dollop.. 8., on \Wednesday week. One I;::;',..."4:;V::;o1""•==.7.7- . ilM"..:=717:. I ' ZigirglT Amp 111118? CHIA?! ' wedded to .bstatiol reality.,end the happy' from the new Pmtemoter General : we learn • hundred houses are said to have been de- t - , or ik ed i r L. ::•!• , ...i .4 taken te ...11. mu 16..1 o 1 we et ,. ottee .„ wee , w wee . eett wete r L I J.. Tora r ylloom offepring will be moral arid physical wealth that tran•ielit newopspero, olor es, paper. s t ro y e d em-bmiow ...noon it.... e • 47... h... rare, Aleo-4111 . thmt e mat e lot .4 Imi.lyinm 0n.... lit the caner. roam. Fa. men.. ma am. 0n.1....1 OD.. -Binghamton Ins. in t nerd from the offtee or pliblwattoon) will ~,,,t „ , .„ I „, i ,, neeeperee peee4e • W i rt. The late' Congress passed an eel, •1F, , ,:; . ,1 9 41.. - ... - .7,7:i . ,: , ,,..i . ..7 . 1:::i,.; . :„.1%;;; , ;; - , z...7:4 I.:val.- -^..‘ ----- -. n., :marnrentlie la ma Ivor AI we Ise • Tax S. S.r Ls, SOUTIOVARIL-The one t that 9, one cent for any distance ire reducing the number of Paymasters in the • ~.09, ~,, ,„„•r ~".., , ,,, , ;,,,,L„,1,T.,..;;;:, , ,, „ .,•,:z7,;1=, - „,:rz,„ .0 1 .- --.... e- , ...-:...... Iet•ICAL Facto. deekennville ( Fa.)Rep. We... gives, wide th e same tom e , en d one en d e h e n . cent for Anne. end among the oomba them kopo- , 4 . • ti1n i ‘t. , , , ,!7•4•••.ttr•:.•7,7 , - 0r,.....•=•• .......... -............ o ... a 401 ... 1 .11. 9 it.r. the fallowing ".°E.• 9 . 'any distance exceeding one hundred miles, laced out a °Woe, is Colonel Victor E.. O • b= ° u7siia,••••.• t...t. iloe r o'beii.to j e-eoi!' dr TC.".7.17:::::.r.....- 4t...PTrg...rr.......! the authority a cept. ADAMS, of the' where the news per io sent from one State. Pl°l9G • °f thl.•C°9 ' .7 ' - ' ll " d f °rd & T . r . ! . .:V. , ` ‘" '7:l'''. 7: - .','". "'"'""."; .7,::1 :41.1VV ' ' '''' • ":"lnt' 7 "` • ''''''''':.::: ! hostel Lucy. ohms the Editor of the Re- , i nto onothen . 1. 0 . n., no ... I , aerierei .. , w0ye,=.71.. 1 .....:..•°„„r„,,` , .,",'',=,,,,,,. ~, a ,„„ e „ ~,,„9 , 7„9 = 1 , 1,9 , i •.9 9 9999 499 .. • , podlicen certifies to be • man or remotest jis in all cos. to be prepaid an heretofo • ffig- , The Hurl.. river in now open be- : yor i o,,,,,....riier.,... r w r ew .,,, ,gr •a r .o it ss ots ,. I , SY ONE DOLLAR'• WORTH. bility. , re: twe e . e'.' York and AihttoY, .. 1 "vit. - 4 . r,,-,r...,.r.r.r.:. 4 , :r.„.n.w.:„..4-..,-Ltr. • ,..,...z., ~..., - ....,...,...- ~,,,,, -,,,.. . Captain Adams staten that on the mor- • Earthyriakes in the Wi•siern blonds. lion resumed. TI M nenson the river has MV In.. nan o ,. i. i • ~ o t • t • • ' • 'h e .„. ~,,,,„'",„,,,, n , ~,e , ,:. •,, . Dr .1 P 11.1•114. til R0m...a.... Co. It V . 4yr 1.. m mer of oar verealty. el. are ...hal Ohre tha'nemi eing of Sunday the 18th ultimo, tebout 9 -The A. gen have Moo kept in • state of he'. 6 ' 9 " eilthO des I t e ;;;;:isibteor :, x. ~.;;:..,;7,1Z,1,4.'7!.1'7:1: L-••te......... ••_,:,••• •••: ..•••• ••• •••___ o'clock, when off the south oint of OM. Iconatont alarm tor nearly two months past' ~,,,,..,, n, ._ - _ , 0x,.,.4. 7. , , z . 0x,:tz ., 1 ,77. 0rt r i . , :c 0 n; 0 ;;; c4 c,; a r. r . .. , .4. ::: I AEONS 'torrid Scromkas ; lowland fett l ed, about 12 mes from the St. I by • Stlereletioll of earthquaken which have rertEr i roem=saininor:el=y!io . t . gu e 9... 9 . , ....97,--.. , ..,,, , .. -.v.- .- 4 ' :IT: :...7.',...;:z.74 - 17,1,,trr rr..r...re,z7=...,..Z1 ;An'. (FM) bar. the alie ti on •IX himself, thrown down many 14.4341 an d church. on ?Z ee , ,=,Oh=„ 9 ::::,; i 7cotos,, grle......vme ;! . .mm":;4 .- ;;;:,.:".:10,1, • :.74 C.:: ,'"..,:. 17.•717. r .;:.• ~,, . .7.74 . 4.417. yen ../ . 71 nee.. eV . crew and pasenengers was euddenly rivetted l these Islands. The alarm we. heightened trzri3Oz,..•••• masse wid ....14 - r- , L.... 1,.... ,-.. ,-, • 0 . , r ~; .,, , g.,...;',14-, ,, ,, , ; ;;...41,,r..g. . :::: ..M.11,............., ~...74; .are. ...,.• ''''""'• epos an immense is monster, which he ,to en intense consternation me eaglet in :•.•,,,...nt: r...7.--.7zrz.,:z : ::....n....., ; x ::.;.;..ttri..:4,............;,,..,... „,,,r, •...... 0,„r,.2,711.,-,:=;-... ; ,....,4%.- 3 , 7 4.,... 1, 7 2= (ths Captain) tank to be • • serpent. It , December by the appearance of • a brilliant :::,:z.:- , 17:: •3:l".Z:ltz ..N. •• elf . 44l..l. e .mt ee rSt e V e ' e L t Z.j.r: e l "'„,74.7, l P,r m :X . ,:rga I . :"..r e rj e =4 ' tr. RI. hs 4 , 7"... twlt. Nto Fe' , " • D... I Sad it/ head (whkh was that of • snake), aurora borealis in the west. Such a phe- en.r7be Not we•trl. h. ......tr,... ° l • Zi...ir.ii;enee 9.•••••• .4 ....to. ~ we. 6.6 .... etalre 1 feem a r.:4 "474.-1.7:7•17::aly ea. a.... el amoral times out of water , seeming to taken o omenon is without • • precedent in lb. = 099 9990 '.....1,, , ;.1,711,1 0 .. ~.. ---.- ,,,,- r -.. -,., .--.--- --v.,- .-- - - --- ...d m-4 I A w n. eno ..1 6. In rtes of 15... t ...ty ael neelr tle• le bb..-........... a mom of the vessel ; and at such times, Quarter. dimilayed the largest portion of its body, W oo s , , 9 1"" 9- : h rri Inn ° 99 11 9. "" r h r „ e T e t" ?wily large, Deep. IllkelUrplag elect, i ; "14......,;.7,:' o t i.%1....." ..., w - -.1, . . , • he in; '' sad • pair of frightful fins or claws several ig. j r..,4,Un x twebn-eme'ima. - ~..nv....a. .......;„,:Li",:- ........2,:t=e,t tr. Ant in leogth. Ilk tail was not Nam at Ornalle, M. I. aryptarimone. ..........11.1... .111 .....1.0,111 ham u se r el . le.-. seeei left ... me Ism e ronal D.. ........lbe m. me ....11 11...........1 Am .am of siey time • he pedging frau the dimensions , !:sans.. e so 10. I 1n.... WRY Tonto. solos., of the handy. the Captain etymon the ler'. • : woe- toe. eoodo be oft. mow• is . wow, ea... 1....e.t0i mowed it. to ...a.," mo s or b., nosey lomobt a nesoumont • mweswe osoe lir am.. °ma mi NI./ 10 .... meale. WI sea. to be about ninety feet in length.- I °woe the 11.... ear. of al.. of 1.1 money. In be hoe loomeey A. hi seek spend small Dom the bead MI Om warnmaeammeaDlon..x.. theneeby the Ille. , Th. eon Im eneJle/ .by Foe. '''' 11.Peallea• 11. of male traell.bler .......10• e ... sr. wee : we... by lkon nes w.i.., ear et. moo the body, and it appeared to measure about' zire . et refit treet,then z :ll , l 3 0... I e .. ....e: m e ant : Oyu. : wv ,...., zr. E . ...t_............ ...... am sewer tlets broadest part of its I Ins., Ow en.: MO.. Is .re A poielbta' ram 7; .atr'',....... .1 memll AnesEMIL =rai bea. Tbe MOD. moved from the s lew la Me breen.......1.100 a.m... Dmerael. .6.5. mow. ...le Rome. • OM. meal and /Deed WOW athwart ita I p0rnA4.4.4........ Tli. la mean Aanima.-AMIL 'TIMID, 11. .IL lienniTr. st ineselt MM. row. Da. toml.a.l WA. Amenp.tra. Nee M51.4.1111..e1l Pariah TarneAt. C. H. Mehl • Ale R.. 0.. •......IM4. kook k frost dims bows ; kat Ono, Aa atm att Mao. partial to en eistoontetj with his soslieship, °sand th.rmoset to be liArt. A boy on dnk (not knowing his kt) hod seised • harp" and on. is the set of skiking, bat on seeks the skied manng to and ids moss this therted, b exii (not knowing the ardor toss her the Oar ho tho 16-11 is koseping 4dr The mkt et the milk ws• tart of ted ski brim. When lab in.. It um brans toured the Nes* of do Bc Jokes. Om= Ihniasas,-4 *WA *fours who eskosed hen &Ask to W me OW be sm. lama, Da= Ow of klieg Makes mks =vs b• pinyon to ski that est Mend net so •••• sollow, sod is as Modems • toss so me Use s des iw he who Gann hi. by the west Wks brow, sad ins, as maws omen, de, by ibe m a , alba milibidumnb Poe. It is said tisol Team Balm boo WWI 1111 Chlllends istraihre lie preirhe irmsgliellyw dime Om The Trandides am Canada. I ,i7dr.W.TITEnJ MONT 11./1 L, Tuesday. March 20. Vgivniti,==‘,.;,,,p,44.7=7,l The hill to pay the rebellion losses has re 44.1. passed the Upper House of Pediment by , a majority offour after eneonntering a very violent though ineffautital opposition. A proemt WY entered apes the records bymod lg. to Moroni rad: the minority Gat armlet, is felt about • the probable sours' of the Hoverer Genes al. A rumor is current to-day that bill miss* immemsr—if•oror will risers. the bill for the went of the' Qom.. Addresses were pouring in from all parse of the Provisers, and the tons of, some of them is very violent. Many plans ere proposed for sedum if 'be bill should be sanistieeed. The 111111trfiroolls le quiet at preseat. No movesnee .111 be wade till the Goyessoe's Gomm Is hoofs. It is ets- Md AN the saleority 'stood to deep the Iteprematedv• %Mr Rework (Dm.) no non eland /I eye, of Nook lir. Is tin int Dimond. Ma Anted for in yous. Piz of On aro Domonsto sod Ono llbloo. Loot year It wor Jut the MOM. For sale Cheap! One Apra Bowe Wave, . D.. —W. bops tie foliar*/ ..". , 1"""" de *. fie. tie Weabiegeas ameseamaeet ib• -- eteres . be re ea. ea Nadi& 8... a. may be eaerne: " . .o" . 7tiirsaiar r d"" riatis •• Mr. Ilineake Jaime. theme. A1t.. . . emend. epee eeteries as the dales a I Clover Ilsed. neemuited u the Cent sod 5i..... le Viral o....trAteur l ger Ma lhaanee, • Arm Mb& Teee Si.,.' added Le • I en adialasd 0rgie:44"""7"*"211722.**1 t Iwo illblasel et my yam- ap!" irstaaare-milmiew..l Mira Mar, Mon per I.lllsll •• Imek4hoolio perN, 61, aye. as. !le Mood 0... : Ma t" •..,%61. si 2 GO - wo44 . •.••.1•1161 111 OW Pkear. pt . ; NI, 14 111' Cw " 1: * " " 1 1.11.reA 'I 14 a: •le : Fee 411 m.. ISM rim Woe, " MO •V: AN. per.... 14 SUN Dow. Ova. , =Z S% Wit Int prir ".. : I 31 Nee Slibrotesestorsta. 01141401.113T111311. rr; 7,'.7:::tt7:::VVlt", I whill he hound art the 4.1. ind. the Win. of II MUM who .11 attend t 00... 1mm0,.. a tn. Iv Ali """""V*°.°07'71:77"..1.--;:-.1.".11171,!" NEW ARRANGEMENT. intr.V:TuTre ' rlre; ' diTir:: r f:ntrd7::::7•Prr:it der Ore or,. rd MILLS t. kNAPP, eu..1t.1 Mech. Maul emus it Sher wan. he% Intend km...mann hand • aeperall assortment " Wl i ten=l7:l==; of shleh.ll a • Amotrr 47011 T Poe eash until the Ist a moor.. a new Jane. „„„ r wis Grower' „ ki Om en IP, 116M'IMAPP. AboL4lll that mot•ht tram or wool of hied Moat, in the tommOtip efSphy.ilk, the emmy md Mode •fatembl. bea•drel and d.. nb d m fa lemo. Itt : Brimming at • pt tomboy at the mem comer a hold ommyed to Ebeaoser nth,: behm oho • ember od load ettomoyed to IL [ Welch, Menem by the mkt Ilboaesor MAW. mot by 1111111 ammerod to Ihtdm Fielt, Haab 12 : doithteh Ear P p.. t• • pt, &Mb ear. aor of the mid helm Fide sad • mom et laud moramol to i Llmtdobtommor—thmoy by dm l b.mmtb aM: mak moot ran. .1 tht!lr 6. = lett sod ' tho math wool ammo tot' Mad aommyed to nude! Berm t Olathe bx oth ethl herb itheethee Seed; 10 Mime, thMll2 pseebee le • Wail al. bee the needetheth threat ef the I* eeratheed leelLeterithg *be Meth Ur et lerl thereyei te Crawly. thew lry the mid OrmAy's bed N.nb three. Weat 45 pram le • bath leek troe, tle; Neilletheth either et the Nth thes timed loth mad • thaw thethyth be boa jomb• wry by the mid Itheyeeth Lelre hod, We. 41 reelthe th • beech airbag. two. Meth; 111 pere ••••••the el • ;web to • . W. WthelN Ithel probes le tbe Itheeththy ; enthithes 72 sem old palm; be au ewe nem ee hoe Taw Y eth.i/thlee et the mil et3e• U MY. es end Ithes P. Ply a. Meth et IL Maw. 6.111. vs MOM Wee She WWI. T. T. a jaUl l ett I 0. MI% MIT "f724"^ - ° , °'-'• • ;r1 g='• D %TENT 1a.., Loryine awl Qurt. Match. """' r''r 1rr.V.14 "Zit D." LEM=lll=nl 11 ':; 1:::711.1liale Olive Uwe.. maa a.- 7';'1.7174"".'";." FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR . 1949. A ' %lntra d a= . 7lkelir7LlZl=rrV .""' " Maio. omen...a ear*, Veils, aut.., gine Manila IeIA Liana • A lu•ge varlet, et Cadre. sad /val. are PAW... 1 1 :7 , Ill ' ItIVI R ;d:=11:re,=7 ". . UlrE: l l ; F:als.7BllVOrrittl:plarLla:War. BiR M p I.H ... trd ar •T;; ". 4l7l """ 7 . l7l "." lterlc "" li '''' A large do prolr grAgraer Goda. Aomori garble 111::•1;d1rg =l:::terrrnletn . r•YeVer ' : t7r• Das r i t sz r:fi 7.; t ; Ft . . 17 I• lrt=e: ' ltl= " ol:=l...l77l, '"' ....ow eld, num, wt.. No". sperm sad 4t: ' 2:=7 rtir ' a‘.". ""' Blasl ot cash, PladOß BRANT'S PULMONAII7 81754' ail 111 PUIII I' I ! P I . IIIPI I For LIFE owl HEALTH ore II lb. ELM. we of all Ow vuienn meedii pupa.. he b . itl ' n r not r •. .- Oar 1.1. d. 144 &epee le 'epees • ell ••{4 reelhene owl MO., row.. ae BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. ACADEMY OF ME PRUNTERY OF SOSOINNONFIL AT .1111.1111111MIVILLIR u. WM Owe 011661..11.11. err dog, ApAl AA, Mk wa. tolia Trlrr A. .A. M., Mmipsi, AAA Me 14. E A. 14 K b =Am Oa sr* wol MO 4. et Oa ••••••••••• It le Ileft own 16 ita.ius as* ea I* ted...1.• 1111. ark .moo *no 111.11.4 owl Nodal Mg=lt s • •0 •• 4 1 . “. ..n • Mear •14sI. ef low 1.., .11m Yb mbiere.med Imam* 7•61•11,•6 04,01001. rimy. MOM el • • 4•111•16•1=111 1.2 =MY .111.2=.1.= 6 .eajr, p.:14=111 bowl Illornarm. . L •,44. Mr. 1= = 1.1., ft;:mohtli A. All. p . 4ll!ft l e.e wEe A. A. CROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW. r A.p . , ! 0111,• Poem., owirdby Col , Moat GE/O. HALILOWIN, A.TTORITZT .AT LAW, Great Beal P. C. E. GOTTEN WYNeeale Grocer it Dealer is nr,reuit. rime., rat 'from, sal Pm* .r.O I=lllT.:ll=Olitilittr"''" For Rant,---Ttf •Ltap - - 1;;;;;t=7.741:47. Zii7.47:.3747,774 rne2mtvr'-71:x="-- • "v" WM lATINROP. Auditor's Notice. pn r TlertirzeJ having . hefts apymuteal tbe Orphans ItOr:To t erwuethrr " Zr::/ret u ZZ:Mtetit D72:64tiril "" :2T;: .."""*" = charge a A..., h; tre m :4l.Vettt "": " Web, tklultyon., Moab., Mar. 7.144.3 C. B. COTTEN, 4 "Ztrt":%'"l'V"' "'"'"•-•—• °— MT; Tv. 1.1 Natoli ork.J.l.l.ene Oren. coccooortstico waled r rnnitcr7oV,lce tt=1V11:7::::::. " 1";;;r:ZO: " irccroZid . :;r " titrcZat;t a Z a nT e r=r "'"' 200 Puckers Remit.. (now ervito 100 do Tea., embracing all the ablAroot C d ez. N . d .a onetoat of Groan & 100 do alorkerel. HI, While. Sword no.. Trout. Bass. Shad. Sounds and T00,0t... rim datt .100 do No I. and 2 Ilerong. 50 do ullt.ao. 100 do Ground Spirt, 30 do P Itocac.r. .15 do /Intact. 3lndeora, & other Nola. 30 do Starch. 50 do Sugar & Mcdocareo. '25 do No 1 & PoleVlbap, 200 du Itnrco Malche, •50 de Lemons nod Oraugeo. 00 'do Pronto. Corms, A, 05 do INacw All orders prontpll) 7100813 Calmer. TIL , AN“ Ronk. al ri • r h. rem re. unJ rillitutths " il,:l•l:7';f2= •- 3 ‘ • " "•• • Going to Callibmia ! • •••• le. .In re,g6nn YY Mostmor. 12. M FOOT A Ilanla 41.4..4 TM W. MndlowlKAreals MAN. DR. 11rILLIVIMY antratior. au external . f.,4 “ tmalreMbom. Manly meommend. by men or ambience moneelas. or a certain earente Mon* Ahem , mainom, Milne awl xmln l• the Mob. Ale nr bowfin cm., Me darer., no*. honor, nevi v.v.., CRR rune. lotion, nom. Met. lamb it me. the We et Mom ma Val., Mato New Daily Line of Stages Between Ileatrent t Great Bend. A :Z.!"!:;1" - " - '^ - "`" re.h Mew the mete wirehinor Illethrnin.. %ewe thee. Mewl ea the ordeal et the I'M Omen hew loch. Wood Wanted. Me ~ ken • pr. to lo.••••••1•ton• Os• twr lenott Virmwt elout.•••••••11. t• saint by lbw em.l. eke.. of me* NEV STORE fire &or era ,f Al R. Wawa's Mow. r . kneel awl anunsno inn Pb. 1111tilIrVIM. '" .1===.1.17.1411 .1.• No. yank •••••••••••1 n4l 441. iA "."""""' "..""" 7,17.V1Z:;=..1177:: A rull •...nnent 44 an... 4 11.••• A/ On minx _ nun so* 1.6 we, an. • 4•1••••• mem 1.1.1. Alan ••• ousquelhanna A W. :1:2 41.r....711,74 TEF::1171` . ...V.,";;;:=1-arz ..... PAM. Venn. WAN,. n4I 1,441•. ape, panlns. Anan., PAO* awl Ow Porn* P, %Or, 1In1.1•• 1 Pe.. AA/ Ven4l•.lnAls Pounuoin Init. Pawl. 1 4 4..1.11••• n. Ana. An... 1.11.. Ann nal, n•el Ann.* Mow, AGO T.M. ...;17=7.1:47::irl Wo . .lwW. •GO Per% pm t. nap ppapapP. en. Mannon.ll•l4.l.lll, WO. *A nay on A40•10•411.11114e lain to n Ave no . I .r:re A•ttln 64.161A-AL110.1.1 iPmonme.4.9•Mi N " Pt lIIIMPOLZI • CO. 2,74 . 1,t . ..V= " = " n0trra0: ol= 7.7 To the !Allen of IM agile of L ILTro ...att. Mg quwxy avi ...imp as am Po 11. ms• dortostil. Thrfolll nun enln awl Inni.n. ...A...Ann. non 1 S. 1101LAV. ETA11117.111:1.11.1.:=...11••••=11111.0141/.1.• nneann, Amon 1 1.11. OA Min •A IA. - • •.: ZwAr5t.71•••21 . 1 . 1•4 To Farmers it 1101:1 11{ EirrIP 7 = ."'""9.; YATRYT 7"1% WrSMeM - • P 1110111.14 214 W .IV " P:Z=Z. . nllh.r 411 r " 4=472..C7MoVplltra::=l:= Y.. °petal. 04*. an. 1.1 onn•Anlni An." — rzat:=7.7..:=^,•=— latibe e..= mo.ll.lte 16 1 . 4:01.r. floe ;:...! ; =^=.%.1.: _ ....... . Now Goods. rt.......5.t...1.70/........... d'.. ... "." .... '"'"" .1 . ... " .= .1t 11 ." 1 ". .17. ' go,. ....s. 1.......60.n 1.. mil sad 1.111 .1. 11. =,...- .............. **to Mt... 4.0 DI M. O. I. dr. om. !LIMA. .11.....1 .............. ...ow .1. do ~...• 1.1.11... t0n111.......... or ...... ......11............ .. , .... 4. Mr. -173==4,71='.7".:1= * yap. I walk 1M111•1......• TM al. .11 •••••11.41..1.1*,•••.. ....,. Tb114*.....1.... 20 m maim Wt... A ...zillt .11... M. Imo.. 1....... ...........• /1111 - 1.... Mt 1.....t.............111...• ........ In Ws... 41 ~...i......../,.......... ..1.11............71. 11...... 11. Yr... a lifil.• 11.1..... .4144.1../.. 11. 1./ ..• ............. ~. 1 . 1•.11. . 1 1 . 11. il t. • not . i .nap-t •. .. m .. y 1... b...Ml pm . n . ma... i=x . 4l baw4 11111/. . .{ t: = , m rrii ; f ...1111..... .. YYi~Y~ 4M ARID wIM • eadwaratees, , _ et hkage •I mobilo 4dl mi.= us. %BO imor• Mem" Mmds. WU. ••••• Ira* VOS PIAN° B M"d" ;11/1..d• 0.1% demilk —.) MLA SMlllaWr. "LW. MO ' SALOON. rit .11 tpt:rsa4 4 it e il aLlZMnirslub =qtr. avrann . 341012 /Fr tb• all rctt.r.t.e Physlaustbriele rto=7:Ztar" . " . lr ettArrr Bur Lt.:. o rt, :3 E Fur c.p. at ie.' t Yew Yuti Mew• -- ;;;;7" - Tar' ! DAYTON, CLARK . Ra il road k ars Freight and ,qpiiinesslON LINE. T Y WW DAYTON , I. OL•AR. X t. JOIWOW. NEW ARRANGEMENT! I .1151711 respeeindiy iMalood41•••• ICY Mrirr STOVE,.TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON V"'"="; f or:Vat:l trat.'"W"=: IMArst PHe 'ittrlt! T.i.1.4"Pi:413•Zr".""°..".°4"mi.- .11 1 :1:111% . 4.1.7::::"7: Maar 4144001bA, • '•••• -. v Nt Lyons Fresh Groceries. Jr", received at Terrell's. riliTri re. 111=7 d.M sill 40 all 02.004 MIT .i t! , 4I . Z . I:mbar Frowns.. NW wr0me...,.. .114 tt 4.1114.6111.4 ETT=Z. mum's New Clock and Watch REPAIRINICI la hos•. I doen"nel Tv. Ow mere. Ur omberiber tool ..1111.....• Se On a. peeked lustrutt. hem ea* al On .1 • =r2. Pe.. 11.11. set la Fayl. Om stele. ant 1.. tbal ever v. alemoJNO. the* a Ow Ili. adh. wall* to • as. bar 11. woot• meads wt. • see*, Ina, Ong str.l Mars ANA burglil don.* mans. or pip nrroind. enello• matle to le. gond 1 .....11.•••••••••ally •••••My. New Inetrwir. somir Fa. == ' :••• l :e "''"" teTprerj .". =, 1.4,14.0311" .04§. to. Tourramend , s Illarsaparilia, New Goods—at Tamil's. ; , =:= I„ TLI=M - 7." 4 ""'"`"Zr• "Alt al yam.. mot* ruiet L".•,!,"; """ - "In " r" . ,t": =t7 "174 - "" ~ .="raZtrerli="*"••••*-" • •=,.... tie.. tat , if whar. nil •• toe rest at 'a.m.. ram. to Ilastrair. Nit. Ili lin i M. MM.. ,eOl MI, Pelt I , ma Com R. sod C IMAM. AGENTS WANTED • mmonal Me I'M— .:.• !Al.•••I e.c..m.,••.. nenw:— " " •%•%"" ,11,451,4 W A SAlrr'".ll. CHAIRS. -,ie;-~-i t.-~
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