The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 29, 1849, Image 1

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    " Wrmarmnat."
O. G. szinToxe, Edl.tor-owl Proprietor.
”ar or Moor of •014 , 411 n
pttotII:MIV:VV SM."'
:rorooolortbosearrot rosy Plll, {0 (lOW* ingtll.l
°.? "41'."' 5.1
lhodinw C..n of roawn ea 0..
Yowl, Adowniow r a
Onto oceopy not wee poen,' 110
" 01,U31 E V I
co. Au Kn. JOB WORK neinlY Wol wIIIeBOBBOY
done en Avon.. town
- -
~„.., ~,,,,. hod e r „ 0 „ together. and ga id b u t look, it is old mother Milkum. She ri- i• It is, but my friend is-i. in • hurry ; I heart. Bless him-I'll try to do it some quested, nothing is to be said by them at !:17,....BIt'o,,iinsi:llo:11:71:71.1':1:usgim:oneno!Iftiria:iloPeohrkd.o.'bP.ii:
SD . ID .::' I,i. 11" a . $3 50 „amid board. The loo•lholy at
!ses-sli lint at her, sho speaks-listen ; I sonpoth-in fact-he said so-' day. He is worth a hundred every ' day present to your friend.'
...... __ _ • very g i o ~ i i„, r „ ed h e „i i „ Fi noe3 it e :. I desire the masers of Ch ri RR inn Inv 'to a body, sibyl ' , deer ...., the in lorent. ri ch men's sons and hangers ..; A. • Very good, dear uncle • I hove told you 'it ; I wag a clerk nne s ;i t didi - m o d e ,. me
" billet with the Wife of thy teeth." l e t our, end she hail a perfect hankering th these unconverted persons setting with me before In all my fife.
t for his beino poor-phew ! so was my ll a about Jack ; may I ail another favor. from getting Inarried.•
- , p ro it, fo r S e loon rlal souk,/ young won - John Nelson , Francis cende,...„d Helen I D ee d., d i d you ever i t , your life find, father. But John . he has busineas habit.; :I will refer a merchant whom you know to • But I never dared tell her I loved b
re J. ID ma.
e h.. hoarded tt id: her, as w. II .to fro- 310kmn,' and down sat Mrs. Malcom. yourself in • fix-in • tight Owe, wile., he is head dell ;he only wants money and y ou. He hen a pretty doughter, and Jock 'or asked her if elm loved me.' PP '
„ 0 „,,, m ti the signor o f my I r id e p u b rend fad fo r their nodal Indies Had • thunderbolt fallen-had • woman you would hare libel .....ingl, to have . then he can go into business and be • mer- , loves her. If you make all that s t re i g h t, 1 . sh ows on ore e „mew, co rrec t g0,,,,g
Rejoice. with thy
llt was a regular thing to have grace at tumbled o v e r the thi r d tier-or any „di ne . , wie d ge i et l y out b e .. i twartei through a: chant , and then I shall he Mrs. Nelson. ten chants. to one but Jack will have some man end have done what wee right d
and then died decently for very. But Mies Alive you may S well wait unt il ,capiii. Put it .treng •about inorsi charac..prolier. You wanted m y comtent. first, :I: 11
'Jill .'W b . "e t a"' '"'" " I "' h " ' ai l :tad meal. and eye RR it lg prayers. But Jack kept ry nceerrenee, Jock could have stood n, ,gtmlet hole,
teeth ;
ia ,„ . ~...a . , , , , , ,, , „,,,,, lona ago e n , 5 ,,,,„.,„ „ ch ., r ow ., and Frank woe rarely there, till- but this, and Alice ton in the chattel. he Wiwiefeeedne..; if so. the. ihne/ the feel - Ihe gets into the good graces of your worthy ter, " &e. The merchant in Mr. Rich.' 1 now you b a y. it, You roost y ou ii . t „.
:,it n it er t h e p ra , cr boor had putted by.- was hopelessly crushed, and seiseing hi. I ine a oar friend Jack For an ' , win , he pap., end I'll contrive to send him to papa, 'Ah 1
, Frank; well, well-I'll epy what' w ith m e to-ni g ht, an d if y ou g e l
eat bean;
Tura• torn that not hare h er swa y so raid,' . so' Jack was rather inclined to religion; be hat he rushed down the aisle more like • ... speechless-it was but for an instant, arid see how he gets on in that quarter. As you say for I believe you, and I don't think I work and get Aer consent, now ° than il
mew wu „ tr „ ne k i n ky or o f curly pu r r s , hut he 'maniac than • sane man, and left the place ' and then out come the "an: it wan there. I tar that Frank, he must be • bird , his re- . there will he much trouble. Mr. Rich and; hare mine, then y o u a re e couple off ?:
Have yo not wondered, hand in hat. amone, 6..1 id.
„...n id... in
I regard; and he ' for very Aherne. . 1 and had to come wit and it needed but questing the prayers for that old wom.o. I are old friends.' /
melt'. pkasant bowers , teed of all I have got to say about it.'
oe 0 ., ap ,,, ,„ eoeng A ,„„ and „di e d . (shrew , ti e
d er idollyond m emphatically oppos- Poor Al felt for Mm ; tate undethttod I thi , Ila its , oetr.ged. Wriirent. ond t . end then fetching the. poor innocent here.: Frank next Melted Alr, Rich, He 6 0 .1 Th e ...I t .. th en kd ,irk, ,d, eraa
ben.? de to the interference of M.. Maki. 14s, it all and was indignant. Helen blushed, , feel that she,erhaps, would think him and leaving hi m
nu entdy. He must be a him in his private office alone and entered. completely bewildered at what h d owe% r
800 To o ,„, many years ta r rihin down; i i hn di n d y , J u d i b e li eve d i n Dr Milmi t and hawed her head out if , sight, and Frank accomplice in suet • ...woad. Pie.. of , deep one; but • ous verrons,' enttop Moir. ' Mr. Rink, my nante is Frank Candee ; red, to relate to him th e princjpall a c y aa j a Pi
u tt .. ....4P . :
,„,..,,,,,,,n, wan, 1,.. , red ,,,„, neend.ol hit chinch twice on Senility, -looked at the reprobate I- he niece.... tri c kery. His face ... 1• 01 . a. "'her , he went the happy girl to her mother, and to I have been brought lip in the en a n ri ng i his hi s t or y. Fh o more he Lentil , the , a
en d e, dime ti me h e won t 0 pray er mar:- the m. Bred is about evening-be 'th. from is Bent. end we. , to lier aide,! make the mother a confident of all her plans, th em of Mesas. G. & Co., and my undo is . fancied Jack, a n d whoa ha took big i i,
WWI. beam ,
A..., m at o b . s bath mooed his phim on that tinge on Sunday and Fridoy evenings.- speaks, every word is heard dinttneily, land in • deep feeling voice thins addrethed which she did d o that ni g ht l o n g W ore her, D r ,-
and shall be happy to ;•and calling him by his Christian name, maid :
limier. he phook him heartily b y the hand,
sem ponied brow. But on ono occasion, • leading warden, • I tog yeur pardon, sir, but while your, the astonished girl. , beautiful eyes were closed In dauber.
Olt, Cults thou, au go heartleaaly, mcok rudely to,
(who hail had his eye on Jack f o r several hand is in have the goodness to pray for • Miss Alice, do . not for God's Peke 1101 When Jack left his lady live, he did not 'th;gl:yno°,7.,bita well,
1 • Tito day you marry Alice, I shell give
z. har n 1 },.. ...? ,
n.... 0 ., 0..... „ , ~....... b , ,, , rh ,. „i gh , e) te „ r „ e d Inc nen ,. en d o p en ly asked , one m ore e i ett er, ft is the old hatter I board !me the cruel is to sop; ',... for on In , recolhot that he had been their hours, end ' I ant about making • portnerehip with ' her f i ll/GOO to put in y our new emimm ,
..... ion. Imam • Bro., Nelson , w ill p. p./ rap a pryer .' w ith, Ds, Milkmen No-Beekman street,: , Mont that lam a party to Yar , Live, at- though he heated home to meet Frank be- ?Ir. John Neinon.• - Now, be up. the house .7 pothisely.'
1).... 0... ch ... *a... ha."'"a"MlY•haw infuse The horrified but modeot Jack put out at who ha s just mado the last regent t Ira tempt to make your aqualitkinee. No, TM, fore b e ..,,, to b e d , he found 0 ,, hie ... rival.
'At! Know him; attends Manor's church. ; 'While Jack was pondering over what Ike
lan her lean. nn „ en d nee , s h e ,. hi. face in that the whole party through while your ha. in for Inns ie... I have leaked fora." to , that worthy SUOring fiat asleep. He roused ! D..ghter speed. of him frequesolpt el.:new concern might be, or wimt it meant, h e
Senn bright-brewed Mier tendered thee, for aye,'' , .
. croft.' again . • Bet the church Wan *till in; and down pat Frank welling pleasantly , sorb a pleasure as the greatest. in my lee. him. ' arrangement no doubt.' ; reached the counting rooin of his employers.
tong time ago.
, ye , , mmieg hoo d „ e l h en „, ifi ne , d na , op e n Jack had no fears that Dr. 310 nor :upon innumerable Mdse.. Isb were looking, I kn.w no on. who knew Yew until my ' Fraelt.l Frank! I thy.' Frank to ' Frank havilig goviul the we with Rues Th e y c e ll e d him lets th e i r h ee l, °B°, t o ld
• Iloilo; Jack, is , povement thus far, now opened rielt nu], Mtn they were loth to part with 'hi. bull
. m wester was" wo u ld call on him either to preach or to at him with netonisliment ell this while; friend-I told him all-and he said hc , over and look e d a t hi m .
And when thou on her yirmit li p s, freak, so awe, pray. and heroine still more regular ill Ida and Mrs Milkunt's p 3 en glared at him with' know you, nod that is why I came For- I that you?' . extensive. lie lauded Jack to the skies ; , that a propositi tttt had been made, so clear
and you., .
ge ,,,,,,,,„,, thy ic „.„,,,,,,, 14 , ed „„, ~„. j oy ar e It nerd missed a sermon,- the ferocity of an enraged Spire... worlds anil believe me, I would not for ' . Y., Fmk, thin is a serious busiest.: ; Ids business bobitp, his hive to bio mother ,; ly do Ids advantage, that they must (mews,
a , Dr. `dance
was me the only attraction ; ' The grater was tne d e and t h e oongrege ., hovel d om od e. I w ill bid you, • What, about Helen? Yes, it is tedious, ' and finally opened t. eyes of the ostonialt- :and then they related to him all that our
DM= thy of blime'eoloo.when.inikand on Ave by Jaek'n sot l'ho ho had a sent lion t h am i ese d. F ree >, waged t„. Imo 'good „ me i ng, an d hid e m y mortification in has the old woman been here'' '. ed merchant t o .lack's love for his (laughter. • rcoders know.
thy boot. there nod paid six dollars a year for it too, Mrs. Milkmen, and In and the pretty Helen tiff - street.' I, ' What old woman? You must he era.): ; Mr. Rink was a sennible..traiett forward' Jack went home and wrote a letter to his
With all a woman'. trusting love, she Ind her head
and had a prayer b.& dl his 0w .,) won a ! did not reaoh Beekman street till full two, 110 was about leaving the room, when get up. I want to talk to you.' . man ; he loved bin daughter and preferred ' mother. Bin darling object had been a
to re?
p arc h nom . m mm y n pcssing anint oblivion's' pew. There were • great many . other ' hours after she readied it alone. "she extended her hand-' Mr. Nelson. do Frank raised himself up in the bed, and to have her marry a man who had made his ' thieved lie would now be a merchant.-
oval is sal. ' l eas
But thaw, the hoary or early love, that never Jack al that pow, for [hero way prated tic- he reached his room, where he found Jack' ' have been impend upon.' - !go ahead. What's in the wind?' , Frank if Inc had any reason to think the. te had pocceeded over all. More than this.
etr h t ... f . ops .h c . ...
... ,...u.. , n
0.0... ,... n
p „ . cry
: s tu d, e I,„,dira girl with dark 'alining i ° despair, he exclaimed, 'Jack Ws A mountain was rem vet form Jack 's , • Frank , you have been my friend, my ; attachment was reciprocal.' hr could now hove a home-a loved wife.
en d n d.„„ „„., liromeri hair, dark oyes, and ehecka, and do- all op, now, and the !Sooner we evacuate breast sho remembered hie name-th., Jeered friend. 1 lbayslovedyOW and treat-, .N o d ou bt about ft-n.. 4 the least,' re- His m o ther would he with hint. Tears of
And sioniliata.. nal. forewd doh h, hod grasp-' ci .1 oil y the prettiest Mouth Jack had ever theme premise. the better.' , was something. ied you, and-' plied Frank, .hut rat ft idol would mg dare happiness were in hie eyes as Frank enter
ed giv weakened frame- looked at. Jock woe in hive, downright , ' • Who( is all up " , l ie proceed her hand for • moment it , • Well, what's out? Go ahead Y ask her, and Los not done so. and will not , mi the room. Ile filing himself into his arms
Whom, nom. no low, len'' , r ugh-all" ...I. rea l lone. and 3r( he ,Ijil not know h e r ; h e ' •Oh ! never ' d Helen and I left the :was only for a moment, o bet it sent a tiog- • And you have deceived ate cruelly, and 1I mu perfect:a y ecgta . tay• uot . jl.he gets your i -he was overcome, sod could not speak ;
&Inn whe n limo age. h.,' i t l a n on , th ortmi l the name of her I old woman and took a stroll along, and she ling moms.. through . ' eircry little vein in trifled with my feelings.' ' consent.' he owed all to Frank.
Nn torool, hot soon tier icor. c... might pan. .
father, and all Mtme M. He was an ex- declares she will tell all; if she does-there „his wide body. 1 • Pshair ! What is the matter? {That' • Perfectly yight on his part I like him I • What, is en pay now, eh ? Any thing
ow , . when ~, ...,.. ,
Who mt....A or-. nt) rsrehinx 1 0 - w.. n eiiad tett•the mere/ant in Broad atreet anti lie-; amhe enmeshing broke.' 1 • C...., Mr. Nelso n, sit down , you lan have yon been doing? I introdliced you to We - totter C. if; ciao broke ?' paid the indomitable Frank,
thy loomed hcacl• m l in St Joh n ' s r e, 1,0.1 a daught e r. This war all Griok to pnor Jack, who sure need not be in nook a hurry . that' a devilish nice girl, and here you come . Will you call and see my uncle; as John Jack would 'have related what had occur.
And toalhnl and omhat thy 1. "" 1 "a br '''' 'nd
mid her inint• mis .%11.‘. This mil, all Jack '.w began t unhose. liimilelf to Fmk, impudent friend of yours. • blitwing. Jack you are ungrateful.' •is to be my ported I feel interested ill his red.
ammthed thy rr area. hi ii
knew, to il things rem:lib:id in tido skit° a 'and finally told him all his troubles. Frank Jaik felt better, decidedly better. She Jack was now really iodine.; human; grommets, ind I ahould like to have you 1 .1 know it all, my dear fellow. I say
Who en. bender thy n.oome loom owl held Illy
band m dry,
tear o r mo r e . iael: Iroirolorl nym.r the mat. , forced it out, for he now that Jack's morel- , certainly was not very snary...l be did 'nature ems tilt stand it. You introduced satisfied that the arrangement he is about I how long du il l eupipowithe firm of Nolo.
Wh o M on d m stem agony, Mal Moe taachstP.. to r anal go ./ at these In ight open till he fixation was very much conned by the sit down, .d she nat down hy ids lido, end !me ! • Yon-that cock won't fight; you did' making is a good one, the more so, as if you' & Conde% will last eh ?'
ithold die' . wet n e e . ) deranged nb nit them. • But !presence at the chapel of some young lady; ' then they were both together. and Jock had' not know Alice frin Adorn.' I become his father-in-law, 3.0 u will feel in-; • Forever. I hope,' answered Jock.
And then, when hope orew burl], sem, who inch
oh. boom ham e 1?.• it in olit Jack. • I and the mental he got this due, Jack had to explain how it all happened, and about 1 • That io no .ort of consequence. Now ' terented; but One thilla I wish to assure '. • You would want the company Imu ,
to ennethi wan,
Who sold,d thth thy feeble al . ers mil. more Man nolo, danced Mt...mime,. upon any innate; .to inward all a it. the boarding house women a. the chapel k.p perfectly cool end calm old tell me a ' you.. want s no financial aid; Ms business , then, Nelaon & Candee & Co., whieh is to
mother's care! I know to looly, have no memit of g . ci ling , • So, no, Mr. Sly-you aro in lore, and 1 and then c ame in his moth., and he i, that occurred after I left.' . habits balance the $OO,OOO my uncle pat ' ho sliss Alice; but that won't do, as she is
And an. thou now, with hitter wade. Pop.. th .. omplaint.•.l o ith lid, and if I had, I am ' with the 36ttog girl on the seat baek of us I som ,
had.a long story t o t e ll s h ou t, hi s dear iild. Jade did so. 'in for me.' nly to be the sleeping partner of one of
'wary d . In t quo?, a perfect iiliot I should disgust her.' ' to-night, and ithe was a witness of the whole , wetter, and how they loved each other, how ,•• A n d prey My most verde. youth, what 1 i fin you elong. I will Bee about that I n the firm.'
N.Y. nay; dew • dead. of early love M. never • ,
But Jack did 11.4 ocilect his bud., nor !emote,' and here Pratt laughed till all ran 'he . wth pear, very poor ; and aka, ho left , more do you wallet.' .If my daughter loves hitn, she .hall marry, • Ithn't Frank, talk that way. You know
may (meet!
The m o o , ...nougat that.. when occiegs: hi( nu Sher N o no; Ile wroth en his moth- , again her alone , and came away from his native, .To bo introduced to her by some one ' him, and shell bring him equally as much I I never like to hear any joke s in connection
t ,tioth . , , . i
.i . rr ev,r xto ~ . .k, and early and late . wai l • Dat, Frank, hove a little marry! ;riling!, to try and do som ething in
. N. Yor . t. who know. bee.' I capital as your mode gives you.' with thew I esteem and love;
""' ' '". '" !"' ! ` r """'''' ""!' .'' at mho enivitiog lion,. lint . 1
. rtra.ays-why •i • Mercy ! didn't I give old Molkuto fits ?of ho t early 'trow e l., Franke friendelap,, •• John, you are without exception, the; Mr. Riell and the were met, and beryl • Noneenth; I iutend to merry, myself
whion,_ s mo k y , h,. d er „t o t t o th li g i gto od_Ah m . ,ph Sate• Maria !' and here Frank told Joa and days and nights a hard work in the , ne a t unqualified of antediluvian . the worthy ad gentlemen Mattered messily ,in fact Ja ck , lam married.'
When ad.*. or Odwmily hath boned i hy e rrni
Ile 1.11...1,1 lice 11010 e, and at night lie , what 'tad moaned Ster lie shot out. counting house and the confidence o f his, simplicity and Paradise greenness that ill over the partuornhip pr.pects Of the young' • You?'
A. t i me ham a t m . how hooey bowed dawn la- o o iheil biotite-4 so d forward trodottly in 1 There was comfort in it, and he blessed ,entployer., and how ambition bad grown up at firemen( extant on this continent. I shall, p eo ple, about friend., end the marriage of I • Yee, /, Frank Candi. am • Booed/et.
un ito r sj . h ko ti o W ,,,,, M.p. ,. ..
n r e,, ,i nii ( do.i r n t , i ,e,,in h o7, ..., ,,nor ! wrool o r c il what . alici , F .. ra . n ‘ l e r . o . r
l e i n re ak s, ii h ig ni : request ,bleb threw , within hint to im somebody. to be • vier- 1 withdraw any patronage if you go on in this t J o hn •and /slice, and when Mr. Rich got I Know then, most thielent, Ism the bus..
i i itn.•r she ever gate o ell 11 chat; and then it leaked out that he went !way.' !back to his counting-room, he felt that ho ~ of Helen Milkum. I wag married the night
hove .11.
And tooyth ehy fornirtic ',nil or, a. nal. i. e,- tl _,' ,C. ~. ~4 . 1...,1i . I' is IA Lei • N'iw, Jai k, 1 nth i• t rorineri ynn nn the ,no Tr Aliloor'. bunt to Pen krr• that for • • Alien hareelf requested me n. to seer• I had become so heortily introduced . that be Iwe in prayed for or, the Chatham!
me owe • no .10 rely and th.t.toily, but w ho had no very night we get a new boarding . houth.• men,' e h e h a d thought of her, and; rot with you, boost. I told how you were i oho„ really be disappointed if Alice did 1 • Het. is • good girl, Frank. I always'
Deal .ugly the. • i th her, eitro• own, mita ironed cig. „ l, „ no 'hi., Ine hail mark for himaelf, ' Wbat. Frank, are you acquainted with I her only ; and now ho had Cu more wobi- ,my friend in years yone by.' 1 not loth John. Hs seated himself at his liked her.'
and the mid:
~,, may e ,„ t „ s o, ~ „nee she se , ~,, ~,,,,d nod 1: r n. , 1 ,, n , • fem... fri I save Lis es client in. t. - her Y , tie. to lie for her sake that he mi g ht .1 . the is a ...Al e g i r l. So yo. told her; desk and wrote the following notes. The 'So did I-and hated her Aunt the won.
f - Jack it itl • I t' • (If course Im ; kn. her mother like more worthy of lier, end- J ee k mope; she taut, did you ? How long was you there; ,first was to John. !kind. That night capped the climax. Burs'
merino bode • -
he 1.a.l ~., ..,,,f, I ~,,, pi ro „f, eer . e tot take you to t. house any time, go. has held hel• be. down, and her bandker- , its near 11 Y ' - , Tueeday meriting. 'hard has bewitehed that woman. Sim Is
out thew woo all hnlavehneen a lid, yet tior p ow . '. ' -„„ e ,,ty ,
; chief up to her eyee. Whet • fool I am,l • Deuce it is! I must base stayed three ,
I •
er melt hiroan i hie mdy i.ii mm.• fame I i ii, ~holey n i g h,. ~,,, tiding ~,,.,., day •
Thiae, ems hni. men esh pcmi lincht , and m.o. go , 0 .„ , , ~
~,,, 0 , ~.. I
0 .
„1. ,, 0,
~ , t,....,,,. .
Jack tgrced, and did get a new boarding ' think. Jock, she is laughing at me ; lett ' hours ' 'Dear Sir-If you have time to pipit., I , a regular hatter nn religione topic., and It
1.1011 be pleased to have you wane down t o was in toothy to poor Helen that I married
the rich perforne: m op m i nt ,..l I ~,,, m th e n e at Morning. paid the 1411 for ' no, she has been listening, ehe could hovel • Good again 1 Three boon alone with hay office at once. I will wait until you I her that night to save her from her Aunt'.
And maul. trine, eholony woic Irani ion ~,,,,, no' •••'. he I , li ii-m•-imi •• d I •• •
g ••
rt it h 1... r . m • ..1, - • r .d11e,.. lbw Im. ''- .64b 11/1,1 IlleVed to a Sp... house in the 'liMened.l night, a. she looks up to see r, ik first you loth e come. We con then talk quietly over pour' dutch. We have made an agreement in
bonny of her hone.
, why he Mope. She witlitlra. her hand- , • e said I might come to-morrow a. ' future r0 .,,,, geet0 . t our ki eere.
Yrt thoolto thou roll gem wood, and ,olly nnh Fi nd t ly ~„ ..,, g thee „,l. o , p eed. p le ~,, v , ~,,„,
I regent to the 41 woman.'
het moo. p m , ra y
~ oho in , i.. Poo T...• il slimt That day warn inovrday with Jnek. kerchief, and her watery eyes meet Jack's, . bring yon to make an apology; and you
loor of Vic iiii., iint precedes .14, linak. Ili, itikil to a• mudding up in St John's' two bright pearly tears are trickling down mart go, Frank. She aid after she was I Very Itespiy, &o, J. Rten. 1 • What kind of an agreement ?'
To Mr. John Nelthn. I • Simply this. Helen and your tumble
r 0 , 0,.. 11 . ep ,,, e "servant go to MI soon a. the
Aitii ..;:, ...... -.' : , . I have if; • lid .1.1.. a. , al, /Ica linked a l lutro, and t' , ittLiog what he should do her cheek*. , introduced she should be glad to sec me el- I
(that is, you and me) go into Waitron, mad
- . . . „ . ncr. Itir braid •an I /II 4 . it. I will eon-' nil P 3, when t . the first time . should , • Doll't laugh . me; but indeed I had to , w o3a . , The Mitered John
de of Mr . Rich's porter and ,
ood filth eves heron nsent thaj I should shoot
a 1.. i t o il i , n „ , ~ ,„,. I , 1., ask : he k mi.,' /tank, by slit • with th e gentle Alin - tor', cry. I was thinking of your darling moth- •/go up there; over the left I wit -
re rr 7d it h , e tol l l n tho por t er he writtiti 0n...,
:Now list en to me, Jack, exactly to min-
THE INTROliri"11()) - 0 ' "".' ' • ', ' ''''' " ''' '". ''' ''' s ' -' ' l ''''. '''''": F r"" k • . ° " 4 'lls. wor t h y *...
" ', in!ii!' • • then took hi. hat ..a stnrtai, taki. a turn her A." with .. 11, ital.."' re. to
come Within a block do. foto. residence.
C.t, • 1 • v • '•• cce., l / 4 „;girds o ~,,, ot tleaglited aith .leek's promptheesl • 11 , hst a lovely affeohonate garb bow 1 ate., and be •• good boy, go to sleep and
• OR ; round the Battery Sr. in cooler to
311 I, ' l I. ' I '', '1 . l' •A 1 , 1 .. le.l . 11. 111 e, . :tit, a 111,V idimi, dint he h ad insieteti , kind of her,' t h oug h t Jima. dram of Alice. You do not know youracif.
Mal E TIM il.Lcust.. his t h e It is all op with me-•fu-lA"d now , 1.7 My, ".. 3" : " . t i . e rßaehel""w
1 .., hee , , is, he intend" . hall alone, I mink to-night. wan
1 ' I ""I '' " .....I Ca. , • , -of." , lelitist Ja.4l P. sec Alice RI& that ' • laugh at you! No, But . the con- I do, end fool that I am, I love you better
r I t' '
In lb.° rats m ' , foe'. a' i'iii aa.ii'a •ii ''•• it II 4 . re Co. weck ini. oser the moths. ,mg t Lill Itrary I wan thinking how silly I moat ap.' ikon any other human being. When you t"" Prospects .'
to get me remelted from my moment situ.- ing for !Idea and when I get her, we will
ey was m„ L• very f tat, id a few water h.t. , ' was fore. a•a of .l ee k . Jock did an onnsual thing thot atontoo.,,peor in telling you all that story th. you 1 told me that you loved this Ali., I•knew come here , lick op my traps, a th a
ghat , was a eerie ,. buaia„,.. I keen ' Mon, and wants to give toe warning-It's , i d i P d h r
..,11.1 realise a kn., ° i n e woo l, J,OlO W.. let., .4,1 Aro. illikorn uan • pions lie aske d pot mission of his employers to. be icon care nothing about.'
MIA in him however. Oh Frank " ...te an s r . '" on. "7 -
Mellon was head derk i t , it l ord . i m ,,,,,,i„,. „,„,„ , , ~,,, „.„, doololly so; ad nit ott aimed f t. eounting room, though ill • Oh, you wrong me very much • indeed ' : your worth, and that you would make any ' ie. ,
II •
tntroduction hilbeen in ' •' de y . .... t that l e wee ".1 1 . 1 .117 r
!you do. It was very iothresting. And do , wont. happY , and what did Ido 9 S•Pri- !,.,a .2 ... ed i t ,..0. John. Y suer. • Pshaw l'rank, that is al over now.'
house in South tared. It to in the ycai this time iliti ....old • I gr. of ....lob. i• y was nes imeket night.
183-, that our thie erns Jail nall a [ 'recoiling at the Ch sham - • t el :tint ( ..r., • 11.1. rtaitily, Mr Nt.thin,' was the reply ,- 1 you mean to tell ma that impudent wretch I tic. myself for your 'take. The end justi. •. I eupposed-you got a new Ints.
i ! -* The other note read as f o ll ows- 'doction by the hands of the father. (lion
. • nos 3 II• C hath am •
whole Routed fellow. In woo open, frank and .1.11 • 4 T 00..., ) o il We most extol. you when you du .1., for Frank,as you all him, really aided you when ,ea the means. I introduced you, and left
lTtio morning. '
gonerone, and p1e14,1,..1 a we ll informed drew ei owl. of the a io •o n verti il, fro -I ',log it is rare. 1 hope nothing serious ha. hap- you only got $5O a year?' I'l once in “ rd " b°"° - "' lib "' i:n• you " - i his Beer Dan liter '-Sony o you ham, dm- my love te Allotall, end now adieu,
g to hr in Ines ,
1 Y
{turtle g li as they en
• v down ital., sod about all this
, ' Ile did, and was always my friend till, What I foresaw took 'pia.; you fancied
moot which wee
ling iotproverl h ti ., , ' eitiaons no•r him Mrs. ildkom idolise inmod. •
reading sod tytd. digesting inorythiog that 1t . Indy 111111 Itire'inril She Lad a tt i, cc i Nothing, theft yon, sir', said Jack. e nd, now. I never hod any intimate with any 1 you were aggrieved; you beeamea man at I' a . .
, ge he f rom ever
h e did mot 11., .1 reached his 2.24, hy t . with h e iii m id Itl en , awl F ro nk, home he weitt at II o'clock, and 111. and young ma hot Mr. I cannot forgive him, once. yon .ted hke • man ; that girl it I, in,in qu ir y gi1..) , _. ; „:„.., ; ,,., ;4 1,,... It irm t t e a e t merthe o f wive . w h im J o b,
was good . also, tint, . w et ~.i . . .4 ,of ~. tell i.. Lye we', every thing that Wore refixed until half past seven, when home this. 'don't mist a ke her, read you like • book ;1" . e• •
lie will 0 into g,,,,,, n ew month rt ached the residenee of Mr. Rib; hawk.
OM Mort boiltful fell as in existence. Place petticoats ender V. 5 3 tors old, was portico- eat. Frank. • Oh, you must not have any quarrel and you told her as plitinly of your devoted, la ° .
f • d ' . '
wlth • nephew of an old blend of mine on , .
e 4 the parlor, Alice was then. elone. She
bins in •ro at with a yen female and . .arly meet 011 Video 3101munt and had en- I ',All read> Jack, eh,' about thin You will think differently about lent to hoe as if you had been staggering
I der the firm of Nelson & Conde.. They are rose an Ito entered, and with the simple
vlrlalk Wile nowhere. He con hl shine any- !geed that Mo. 0 accompany her mut her, iljes ' i thy .d bye.' !through an ordinary acquaintance of • year. , • , and „„ e . i wont •Aliee.• . met. her with an embraos •
where el. lint Otero. Wit it Cio mole sex I aunt to hear Bureharil After I...uric., - • Como on then.' • Never! I will tell him what I think of She hm in fact accepted you as her lens; i "• il° • d ° " ° "' "S""'" ' 4 ' iiii " i° • Alice,' he continued, 'this ha. been •
• •• ' boldess. The onele puts in a cash essitol
be w an on hand, li had been a olerk with , tad Jack to di m e up stairs. Jack compli- And awry went the two heading St ' lk and never ...A is him Wm; end I, it amounts to that. F. if she wes not .
°too , 000 . o , g ba ,,,, no , go . ea , Wight day in my exthtan t a t It d e p ite d a
• law mercantile house 7 year.; he com a led. Frank eh. the deer and said- , John's Park. !must endeavor to find thine other way to be' anxious to know men of you a. you are to .7 . • .. ... " , il l " ! upon you, dear eel, whether it shall else
' tmit sam• mount too nay Le marries you. , .
olethool oieli •weeldog out the .t"re. and' t Jail, my dear isay. I have • particular , • What nunther is it Jack 4' introduced to you.' hop. her, she would hays aettled matter. ,
I have just. sent for him to some round sod' in darkners and diappointment. I fen.
row from the station m y o ung.' fleck to favor to ask of yeitt Will 3ou emit it 1' , •• Why I thought you ..d pito .d be. i Indeed O And there eras •• very wick. ' vffy quietly and quickly by to you to .
tlk • d^h all be detained h te ' l yea long, thooffh kept at • dist. a
matte., an s •
the station Ate new filled, a. his salary had' Jack thought Id Al ice, and his design a, there ? ie. 40.' ed smile about the pretty mouth of Alice, so about your butting, and have no more !-• as "
, down town too lath for dinner-all nn your e b Yy m y,"`" i " we e" . Hue y.° ..." DM°
risen in p.portion fromlto per annum to: netting • favor of Frank, and replied- • • Oh, that is all right; a man may know and a sing , ir sparkle in her bright eye as humbugging. The del loves you;
now d u- yen buss, To-night have tea .6 ." i.
$l5OO. It is noodles. to say he enjoyed • y e a , w h e t i e it ?• t• boom without knowing the number, hark sh e wed rather fondly . the Innocent ' oequainted with ol Itheser., bar father.
0 ..... ) ,.. ~,,,;;;I . y - for', • I have, and he seems to take it for gm.
nu can guano who
the entire ennfidenro of Qs Ann he was • 1 •II want to to. lid. to hear Boreloard yon Jack, I cannot stay but a minute ; I youth seated by her side, when ghe maid I'll Se that.' led that lam in love with you.'
I • Now don't, Jaok, get me 1140 any more; t hat .". will ba •
with, Jack had a mother, Oda father was !tooled, and I dots% want to take old mother; will introduce you, and lien you will know • in-deed' ' Alice • raise thew beanie/ILI eyes, and
dead.) .d she reshleol in • village in Con-1 ?Ilium, her aunt. Now • that's In gaol fel. I what to rap.' 'Yet' replied Jerk ;• he sball apologise, ...apes. Will you go up tomorrow nightT 1 What paid the rimming Alice to thin ? ' kok aa, in the gee.. May I b e ,. (10 , pa
norticitt: he bad no brothers or sistere.- low, jag you ask, ad take the outs with' • But Frank -' and to you, ten. I will bring him bete In-! • Not I, faith ; but y will write eer y t What did In say t Oho wan surprithii, do ? w het. .. erm ,,,,, r i gu e ,,, I asaa , ga g
Rvery year his .mployers imme him two, y ou 1 . Never mind, here we are' and Frank morrow night if yoa will let me?'
'penitent apology, a. you can any it up ; eidtionded; and Yet the ""l a w "^." for you?' Now her eyes roc raised, and meet
. The pleased girl notieedeer. goottand, you can tell her you cow-hided me er any d IllOnlent doubt that she was ineffably hap- lids in full , eloquent in elms.. of ea(.
play . Pell, this would some off in Jo-1 Jack agreed, and that night feand the pulled at the knob.
ly or in Anent, and wan spent with hie' four seated in the very cant. of what hod I J ne k ... Ra tti n g a p a ma t ima. Ti m ... I rye b e s e h. w. • senslbbeMrewd girl for, thing else yos like. Now go to lied. IIPY• Tb." °•• a myste ry •, 11 .°' it that "he'd... and the warmest efectioe. The &
mother. Jack was from that swain and been the pit of the old Chatham. Jul rs. • rant anowered the bell. • I her age. She saw . once that his mod.t: have got mote trouble. of toy own about oldlMrove in vain to unrarti-not trusting that titer and mother an sanding behind them,
I time would enpleill all. ahe went to her own
when he time to New York for the first : Milian. bad chosen the most conspicuous; •Is Mies Ali. at bows r melted Frank, Idieldenee was working Its way dear of all' mother 51ilkom's niece to deep off.'
.„ • itnethes of the scone upon wbkh they ha
Mo. be O. • Wenger-knew .. body. I seat intbe building In emir to lestoninh the • She is, walk in. lobstaoles, end that he was betanoiteg aware: In the morning Yeah thought over the ;mot , to" tire, haee.llOs bY l?e, b al w ".., noiselessly entered, end when that Int kb.
and no body knew him. An'advertisement ' n a tl.. is • way that we shall expkin her. They entered, the mem. elosed the l of moon. iti hi s ow. abate.. that bed !events of the previous evening, end half P.M out not trwww or. r wont or l o ve h./ bee w e t tehnied, th e i r bl e w,
appesied in a ...move 'Boy wanted; Jack I attar , . door, sad then showed them into the peed.. elosabered and lain dornotht, and that be ' teed° tap his milli that Freak bad le reality tbiikkiii.ll..d . prant . 'h. (.."" of all followed. The bapinees enjoyed by be*
applied, the eatamet liked hi. bike and ; Jack east his eyes around, when let in ! They mated thenthelthe. • Quite a aloe was never aware of before, and indeed of !lions him • real ironies, and be went elm.. r d r lf d,.... rry i. : _ 7 -......, , ,, dd, t ,- tea.teble aide that nosing, we Ma net
M got tb• ph.. Far the
at year he pt . the very new slip behiolli z Apoth wmi Ai- pan s ' ...tied Fiat.' eriJettily ream blabs hint and °peeing his eyes et owe, folly to him aunties room, having speed .kw s ii. t . t se. Prewnt her. • • &tea° tod ay d.
a pith of 6} et.. puddia at George W. I Ike and her father and r She bad tabs people.' iby the dotes iror .. we are acquainted,l to meet Frank at tide roost. the wetting .../. an i'it.irn.i. , i 6 . 1. r..........d heel The Ant dof la Nil meek, the twe
.1910MA6 team IN Water street for hi din- I waked bite , sod there se an intelligent , J•ek wee too r sthelt abashed to seta l widl tmough acquainted Sow, end be
Jaek, he little dreamed that Frank Riber's not° to her fond mother, from who,. following 000000 oproood oodor the p s ea ,
she bad ne arm.
mar, and Wept with a irony wbo bad atm I Ivan In bar dark yet end • pleseent . wars emptier remerk: sod bim bat got 1 opportunity I find I will letroduee you to I had another shock of Ow earthquake to give . .„•-_„_,
_, . , , •
..pletive beading, i t , the pe t , !irk Sun.
Dime to Now York with him. They hailed mile atem her lip. They blamed In op in his mouth a Alfa, looking moth Imy panewts,' she soquiase. In his imam I his mashie • meaty before evades mad Jwk fwd Mr. ........:1"8_T"... - , • Married, am Monday evening. et St.
For the at bow, table h
from the =me pleas Prank Mae. land Jock, bet kit did not know It; be Dever swell sni t .lovely tan ever mimed dm , ad rally bed • sort of witty to knew I east mad. we. Paselng ' Gage's elneoh, by be 3.m. Dr. War,
Jfeek, sad he ha Mend. ad may, eel • drama that she or any Who woman bet boa She mated tarps gemmed alter whet be would the asi ' Certainly yes A. we haws mid befewlkosk ha melthy dweeah "...lad a." the 1....thd0 we.. Jose Masse; to Aare., al, child of J.
Mee mug ram in • hearties Mast be his mother ever theeet a him. Why setoulabed. - knew beta what tdo thee I it.. • eauesions sera a pampa 'boa of •Mc the Mar of Allow Weald pare. He had Rink Is ag o f his eh
An., I J.
so desk that it wee al in weeequeeee of -
Apt* a sot bed Is to :ea. Nest year elmeeld be I But Se it was; she knew by Skink aprosaa bee. . Goal wean& . Ala will' pm slew. me to al arid ••• Ilseisoe for Mesa. On OW
JIM'. Mir shame tighter, hie ear, Wee nem, sal Mow a sheet la., and bad ,WM Slice. • shrub& evening. I milled me whs. 1 a repeleft lotrodeeed I' met to see an enele, wits we. .7 1 =1.1 ,11.41.1., !de_ ,„knew titt, nillbt beihmt
- tt N.: t ries-The eadamtel bank this
keened to $lOO, wet he Nit that be wee hope to low him far the sae smodesty of t far tbe epeeist person a Introdeedeg my . With passim r cold the keghleg girl t and mieselvely wawa le emmeete. ad ''' w '''" wwww mania ha' wWWllkit w day estiodeted bewares briber maw
6=1"• whisk he Mesa was Ita tabmwd. The mat Whet. b. rem Mend 1 sums may.• and Jim& se& ea again end sem mama ~..o d i Imo.. sad "„,.. d . Ai m ad reserve lam for • mere Veering death, by t h e e w e o r Nam Ilt Cade., Poe me ~,,,,.
Wille 11~ two meow men ee se- chapel Is weeded to man, the males . llii. Nelsen, Mime Iftiet• Mir Aliso ibis elhe would we bleb be bed nalmeed is the isterromia memoriam emeesd. sad Wm a I .WAIVI.Iw Wih mew or .Wok.est Me pope of dela • Closembeien Mile
- tidy difteene hi every meta es Jack ea ma tromememed, the semen is presebed, Is lb. Mem' Imzih ebbs bowl mane- Immakte of Flak that metes/ Fmk tea ble Mem 11.• al merehme tea dmistel. W. ea s t Meld ikm kill wet ilis ,ma .., 00 5711Ti l NILSON.
Munk same am wen ewe nom mo ea the RIM Dlr. Beriberi ken. eat be bay mid sat who. /Reek Oar- beteg meted as weal pet, be boas bit way es tb a =loc ai ef Jobe Name. JIM. end to mars me that beta hewn letel FRANCIS 0.411DR1."
a t i am ma pe the hater of the del he Ina mos tether ' The amuse M these sew eembisedems
IWlters ma wen eseemeed . Jack ma bot; emit ma mil( there ere say time. veg.-.. 1 mkt yoa an, 1 wee in • beery her good Met. • Ala be ad gem lie A. beer
mime waste were le the am lank Sal beta, GM- dimes, end Wend es end mall tare arm YOE ere sew esepao mesa he mom time. 'Welk be it • Noble be extended Ide hoed, be remarked, . I es. Satan than abmwees. Mee ilea e - atielt our trial Jab bed mode, will him
a. Nib Mil may jawed Medd Mares. he dab; in th bows .who desire eo tad end I hoL a yen mill hen • plowset fellow. sad li SW lasnalti billm--1 1. 1 . 0 pasta yew my boy. WSW, sigibibli . "Id ihiNgel lo4.B twilisw•lit . ", m 7 be Snead-wall el lather tel. 'Ada we
at aesseistlos, ma .11 be time be preyed for, let that speak eel sad time ef i• tab; ../ be hi m , Ad Mm, es mama ma Was me eve lm s bee ate eimememer sur Istergsg NB 1111111711•14 reolllllll wey emwea„_.....l spew ee the fame swam
/seed, eer Steed Jae la ease up end take • ea se this swim inrynaminble lbsein " = l hie bet ea Aso Manly a basal ea eval Wed lim odd sod Wilmot Was IWS eivenie jos Yaw. el Pr. Ilia • I an wan r e w r w
Amer Ul a=
been dead Van Preeidebt of ham; illmseely la at prewiess. area Lis base tam* ma hr weeks ad $lO,OOO to Melt, led Meemsotte-,,peer boa sou. I IS" 16 " ... f i rr C,„7,
elmi Taney balt Mead el . Thum Is • east • Mal .ilissee pro.l • lejell, 1 smap-shim is my siliesedbr: fteihe, Meat whisk he dill sol Anew 1 lawirs emplopm, al eliew atm es to a 1 01 41 11 .681 ._.__ 46 ett nn . 41 .1 1 ".... 4 7 . M n "" Al l
Nerd to
b.... is ambooso linse, par ell Di. Ng- vast you soda las beard • et Amy I a.......11.1111i. NW- era newt bin ,it met SOO pit Way Mehra vow topottoblit inn. Aaron. NROiti 1ti.t.....
you, and the repot are vete irtielest t e,
----....._ '
-..-_- !entirely so, I may wag, wad.
I Jaok was silent, end gaud at him in atu.
. ~ ... -
1 ' C
felt for his bud
llll__it,,, L., „...„ cra . • e Ur om il".d e b: eonfo n u i Od h eßredt i ; hi...ft
Pl" ' • '
, • You love tier sincerely. I ant told,'
.. • Devotedly—oh, my dear sir, this le an.
- .
~.ele.:- --....--- . _____ . --.__ - -
-- 1 than I expected, le it possible that you ..
; indeed intend to let me hems her I'
: I don't hem et resent of any
gsawatr alto s,l,alZ.C4cati, 'Mr Ildtttnatatn, NV6¢ll34lhaire, 24artairlr, Eta ammolatap
NUMBER 13. I °'" 7° '
not hrm m•. L•v q•— 1.1
Arno beet mita, Ate punks IN ti
biae; Kris my ANY% Jut ban
oldies be limy.