„., j other. to jodge. The Tariff*, INS 6, whoch Mewl "Wag the Deserter... ' List of Juror.. I Mr. Ilecedlties Confidante. -..., The Calory ."11 , e editor ol the Nlittere Journal is ~ ~,,,ba b me otta a m t, d 1 We heararlY ends.. On "Ad. ....• 'a I brawn In L." ul vAllril lanb l'lll. I The Seat app o i n t men t by Fi r M et , o litl t , W a „ re fil e meol eo sco• ll .• the bill m- Rail Road from h dra nen. , te L aroos tra se or rt IA du tr, oho dero nett oi al the Wrens le rom Iti a.. Ayr/ th., ----- howevw due st ni b• tu Mfg two or P., 4 't _0 , , in :44 o t Po . r. ta ... noill. Had t . ., re, eivo orders for the supply t per:, illsol, fak die Cold Iftloilwall, 1101/ - 01and;ae.'..."...1..".4, Denawoda . 1,0 ha , n ....d d • Gams. 'Emma . gentlemen who socceeefullesrto IFI l h 4 Ito • o . t'.ov 1 to ioe - o• to o to t. Lt o I t , , oill 00l los IA orabot stabiemens costal of any a g eway on t h e mona , nm o m et e a t tbeir pony and sto palmetto, told Ablated irath , üborn-Geor g e Stearin. ra Ilpulacan-Asehel taave. Jn Hickey for the Treasury portroolioo. silt lo ell 1 o I ... .stotototio'o. so o• ' o s . o tot •-• 001 t ii oto lis inlole ill New York. by the confemon of the operator. atensalva I- "'MCP. Int D. bud' 1.."..- ° 1.1.h ".'""" Brookl.-Ephreen K. Hen ?' • ability b e re deed e d It 3 I'. may o -fim .1. 1. I . 1- t `IF , I '... I,r a. I Ifour if can be - What will our Mang friends who hove amazed thie yea CI ought to IA oratme, .ne doubt not they „ u ment j.,,_E dama n a d a , A. m . Tmaders. new i n .. o lt ro „4„,,, ; t• ~, ~„ . , ~, 4... a. ,:,, , r .. ~ , , i , 1 , t, . , i , . „„..faf ,..„ f ..‘ • _ ayaay _ . . a a, a i m ),„ bane lien, added b y I are. One of them. to panteular. Mr. lank. hao , Cro . rd-J. G. Coddeback, Sint. Tamale. s eergi „, „i 14„.,„,,,, I . 1% o,„ ~ b„ , 11, d 0,..,.. n: , da. 4 a tr. ~ a ed, 044.1 mid The above is atoll., o Fie of 11,010. at , the Wee clam. of betel estbra-eny to these trunk lo mat!. low in Ihe eolllnaloon of Inv eat- o " . P or , lk i. o r P" i l ,bt: r "Pi i r a r k° ,%,":; C :p.,,,,,„ . Was `lpeilter ni the Rettatela this Slnte .4 10 tle r: tll.r on al them be, ans.• tlo jdo temple A x Mao I, tot noske the present foots" We art cone. to learn. ;Mineola as to he beneath pn, or contempt, 4 jr . b . ~,, T .,... • ring the Buckshot War, sod fled Wel ri , 101- 111101 and resrauot the domande ot .15/0 cap- tariff °doom with the people. But what _ 1 Ancona fact wet. chody deductble from this' ~,..., ~ ,,,.......u ..,.._ ,, ....„..„.. 1 realm -Levi Sommers. ly from the popular wrath awakened by the italists. 'shall we think of this federal croaking about . _ report, and the! s o, 7 er about to ent r ,LIABILITI, are.-W hen the Senate bal. otenang i brsd a e. Bend-Isaac H. B. Row, Fayette Trow• 1 mi i,,,,,,, planned by himself and his spend- t IV. have often heard it contended that ruined Iron Works, and the Injury the epees ET Oar thanks are doe M, aro treeter. .r.g. d eat h areme ast me iodine nonem, wbo; th e . s S raw even ~,,„,..., a t O m , ~,,J, „,,. lo ,h, 1i0.., elide, 11„,,,,,,,,,,,;, -- . aW . , ~,,,.. I ekes. He exposited the infamous doctrine the repeal of the usury laws would really try is receiving from the importation of I . ' . M•••• ••d 'II"' to 1 1 ' fin fi•fifi far aaPar- b, dn. ocheylk4ll Colltemsna note deemed worthy ~, that • solemn majority was to be defied- ,be a benefit to the borrower an well an to English railroad iron, when we remember f M I 01101- 4.dn Miller. Ml. I I ong mad Mem &monsoon, the mamma u .r. 1 • . in Alien . ue . tarn damn.. of. " 'arra ' ''. "' a". P."al glance " h " 1 1..,a. mwel 13.”11t NIL embracing the maracas), 'Andy-Daniel L North. I and an t•election treated sus if it had never the lender, bat we haw no faith in such that only • few years ago. Crittenden and w stoo p o at en a c, n . ILT The N. y. ds Erie Telegraph, we under ; ', sewed its turn, by giving Whiggery tempoary . i „,.. da„.....,,,,, a.....,,,,, ,a. Kd n. _ _,... Late-Jah N „. O'Day 1, ~.,,u. w....... .been held." In the whole record of politt arguments. Under the mama n3etent near- Ev o ns. gentlemen high in the whig rank ~. s, „,d, i t , 5...1 end at . to H aat.- power in tlosteatn atd the NA...hand . s. I „ , „,, ~,,,,„.„.„,,,.„. „I lh ~ ' P •• , • cal profl amount mon, igacy. nothing equals, that mon- ly the whole oot 1 loaned now , la and looked to as very proper pers o n. aftali." ham. dale from Nee York. Ist a few dm. therefore, ere no longer reepoted-tbe Coal epe strews attempt against the sovereignty of loaned at the legal rate of six per cent in- too occupy n plate in the cabin of Geo. '••••• •••'•• ' 01emocrat. madam, lost ther o all d ieD .... R. . 7 . , E ,... i.„ ,, ...... Thu.. wo may expect to Vtl ill • tn. b e ~ a o awance of wroth., tt Not • Ilep a uow Woof to ...strew ~. ~h , i s ‘,. j 3 • . 0 ." the people. Mr. Penrose left the Dem- terest A small proportion, wo waftr, 1. Taylor, made repeated efforts in I C ongress stone A the W loom 1. ma tke eat Of PI ante. the tinid and desponding mmer about the noAttl' Intl Itrolgewater-Jeremtah Braude, Alford E. Cos ' that parsed the Holm. and the sA. m lts, mastic party under eignificant auspices in loaned loom nine to twenty-four pet cent. to have English railroad iron admitted into • or ow patrol Mott or the ratorultan of that of , f ~,„ UM. John MeCnltmo, 1885. He it was that beaded the band of , when money is scarce; hut it is only a the ettutdry free ofthity. and for Ws every What ! More Patent Med.coo rt, octal.. the ~..,,,,, T....1...7..0.. far. of ...,..... „„ 1 m irage wsa geeteralls reetrded . the tea o Ilsoralrai-Nethen Gan., Horace Lattle. Eli- !Senators who deserted to the Whigs on the , small ft 01 If the re.uition Were re- ,whig Senator but Mr. Miller. of New Jamey inn of the moo lund , tho ii oh , nailer,. he aNnwe at li. "PP . '" I° "` , o. A " . ayropollis. 4,..,.1., and cupttraltng promises .„,.. He "" . „1""'"" r "..,,, i th "",.", h ,,,.." ° , so „,„ . th , • • ' 'bill to charter the Bank of the United states moved, and the banks and y ivate capital- voted ! So much for wills honesty. thfford-orten Broacher. mow Paw. meorwtose . lb. .. n ' nr. r • ''''• lode b • thew o raters :Ltd Me l ee,. the Whigs, ---' " I "'"....- ..°. --- . Deenock --James Lathes `J else Gibe J. 'O2 „ ban n 1 Pe the Douse amentherante, :the of Penniflltania-an Inetitution that has ista allowed to obtain the highest ittiereet ', What if • few thousand fons morels( iron . Tna•G thdt ''. 1 .....":"`" •• " ".°." " I ` - hoet CAL hese allot them lot II forgotten. ar and - 7 .-- ~, „,,,,,...„... , ... , T.ldodge inflicted the tieepest injuries upon our rep- they could force the borrower att sulomit to, were imported tiering the last year, ceder somas of ons c.a. ~ oat. door like Mree butes , rod, nt Mere. The roe huo been • b4th I a ' fen """ ° " " '" I ' " .. I. Fnendraille-Anthow A Kos 'd Malian and our credit. The appointinent , the esollall.t. rate of interest would probably the tariff ot 1•40 ? Were not millions a .'" , ° ken cut and as now anwoded wde again ma lithoon-Otas St a the aa,sou ar .• ta u ` 1.81". lien,' ""'"" "e"." - Power. that lo,' . at %V..1.4.gt0n, that tot Tana ..." : • „ ,•,.„.., n,„,,,24," ° ,,, , Ar ,,,,,, Th,,n, 'of such • man at the head of. responsible I average some nine or ten per eon!. instead dollen] worth more of breadstuff taken to fore t so• shoos ono ow' 41 ent n ''' "er n 'g' n " ''''' dos, wed he ossei or . veiled. mod los their thr n ''''''' H•rn ' ••'.• • •••••." ' fi '" l... fi if 1:1 D. Troatoni ' ' fi " 'fi ."' ". o inr " • ' • in the Treasury Deportment, how- tiff rom six to , which is, we II an ' Europe than were... sent oull pravielle kr pwaent .11101011 y so thst trod of elt• r...g. ' bill - finelly paned. no nineltd. d h, Mr ...mottle , ge efthrts aro now duetted to undo thmr deception , Gammen-Rola. Mlittne,Mergen Shults,llea ever frreleful it ma, prow Mt Meredith to ' about the average at present. the enaamem a the new tariff I If • - - ' lent .V of the li e b. restnentros-and h. aln•ady 7 be, is not a compliment to our good °MI, If this would pot be the ease, why ant hundred thousand dollar. were taken from The Coal Trade-The Tariff; 'aad to let down ..apertanon asmildl, sod satiably , resolved the ...one oft. Gomm. limed-,.', soMoloch. Jab J. Rowe Keyntone. lauds strenuoue efforts mule by certain par- , Ole profits of the inamtfacturera-millioss We nos 100 the hoe notosolle Eamorotto she a proestble. Altogether ato a menet.. move, and ~ „,,,,„ ...., ~..a.. .1 . 7 ~...,, 0100. ~...„, ~.. u.,... ,._....., . 77.. .. We do not wonder that 111'Clintoek ' ties to abolish the precent law.? It can- leen, edited to die profile of the farmer.- proweedons td a••W he l rong ot ttoa t ha ow. so ' • . '' we warn the It i 1 In lach at it a•Me. 'rental. Go to IA told Ant lIA wader, that tt be. 4. 1 "..P-Lowfsh Bunko.T l Y oung, Eq t 1 Jdoloant-Geore N. oer. s., he e . 1.. aC eeMplisbed, and , not be for the benefit of tho borrower, for Bse ut siollat is this to tho who am clamor of don tes.on, held ml iii, Slane. House, in dial , T h e Gu n to n.. I . m eal .. ~. a f a a . . La „ area. ship". a„,a „ a. a. a,. i.,,thror_t,s.,g ...t.... 11. N....,.... highly experienced Chief Clerk in the there is no provision ill the usury laws one for more protection ? They Iwo no 9. ..N h ''''' En4 ",";"' ' ''''''' " n ." L " ''''''‘''' N....0n...Lb., Ole rep ated d,...larannt a pre- tent of ti. Era n'' ...I'd. die otnen. wit'. 1 1 . Idle., -Andre- I. Smith. Treseury Department threw lip his commis- 'forbidding lenders to take less than sit per sympathy with agrioulturiste-exeept jail O. ..an . 1. ""' '"" """"' ''""“ ''' '" " in " ' '"' ..ca to Ih. ,1...1... b, Ohl Zack and los fronds. ..no tha •••." ".."...". •'''''' I. 11, ." ..." •!...... - Pa et. AeeeY4 Won in diegust when called upm to serve j sent -the limitation is only on the other ' previooun to election. Who ever heard them cause of the ¶.. the C.l Gann setur Me " the llotta .. N . ........1:df0n1 0 -Ellat Aldneh. Ebenezer Avery, under Charles B. Penrtose.-Pennsy/re- 'nide, that they dell not exact non e . Int. . tho lole pier of finer and grain.- I/ 11 1 illiatil Jr. • P" . p ear. wh'h II 01.0 I '' P":"" th. '' 4 be vaned out or NT". ~ or pramtbal i.eTar opianm, I The nen.. or Inv vv.., .1.....,0nv ore t'Alll.. s RoWs-Michael amulet sign. i But tile said Stet, if the law were repeal- , But when the profits of the manufacturer Ar 3 "' d ' e I' m. ' ''" be . " L '''• n' ''''' n''''' n " a y' ale, ,s t we notes; that pole. Amber of heeds El 1410 I I , 'n ' FRICK. SON DI IN, t• 110 V E. IAT. S o gmlle-Wm. 1- Avery..... o n- ed, in hard times the Jenal rates of interest are effected, what a cry in misted Inc more • commons of three. coaa.,on, of Mon. Joseph' bait ,.,.. ff ... o ;drool', from oo other remota under , Tim trod PCIIININOVEE Tholoosen--Stephett talon. ' N.-en...no. Ent., IN • reast.ch at , would rise to eight or doe per cent ,and 'protection I 'Richmond Va on his way house paid • 1 S. %At r. seorge it, 0 r,,,,,,,,,,,,, y0„,,,,,,1 1,0et.4 heaven Matt dm do • an. 0....". nnd ...II I Th. fn.. of No. Damn lid IInode! dm . Salon Notes alai tne X. Branch. h „ . d ieee ' en , e , ; „,.., eh . et ; e e , that then espital would flow in to our as- The tact is, the qoestion is red ...sad to Try appOillled "1 0 Make' a relo o a ~. ... a Th , ....., k ~,,,,, b ro m o on .° Th e ' As i a o at ,tott eadd be P te- d 'I...At dn . "mud' adi." San., of thw eetteroe A Gov. J e t t ,. mo t , nt. 17..',,7, -- --- 7: . ° 7 : - fiL" , a . 7j lc' siatance from other places. But is it not Ithis, shall the interests of the farmer or the ilmt‘-'°• ll. 'n n '''''` n ''' °""' ' I ' .".. ' '''' "'"'".. ieant brand by o e reckon, how to understaffd . itoGrtg tM ow. ortd s dot., r. An... 'd .I. the Whoa, to complete the North Brooch Cand. nno can costie . rst t h ' t .. .better to Inuit much. to the uso a the manufacturer be wooded to 1 Tin few Am • servant, but nne of the sneer which report ts do mad ...tn.!, adopt. 01, ....I order. el I Shot. Pelee, ellgralted opott n Th. mat uhtul t h e Democrat. Croon remerks: ,capotal we hsve at six per cent , than to pay thou'eands that are taken frees the manes WI, prolate., end eh. eredenee to a:. them. lei .of the nation." Th" I 0, le wIIN w• e.II two or three er 1 i re ollbtf t th ' ficturer under the present tariff. odds well . he Km!" 'n " ... PD.." a° B "`" "T"'" Go et TB, lor, honor r, ha shrewd!, attempted to' brdast• an. , ~. en . ... "..'"",, ""- TI email note proposition introduced on' j r ns i ng hi. • I is P ` en n° ' n '' r " m potent. fano" Th. rohwanr , of the report. ton en Inotoen loan the charge of double-dealing, bons und ono fort. P"' " I ' I " . ' .h "" ' 01,0 ''' I this subject seems to bo sery i h epee...it -saltiest every ref.. le.. "81888" t •.... sake of harbor to a e 'rarativelv so II lions to the profits of the fanner -Sunhat man exalted to high stewardshi ° o . oo• '• e • 'l , .., vow ^fi" , l• n ,,, s b• -, . , '• , 1 ,„.a.„,,, ap0 t ,..),..1),,difee fo driree. , flow, boo. The late I:mance tn. bed omit. „. ... i ., rd ... to t the whole scheme le b b I ' b ' I . P amount of capita, from ot 9.tea or Na- (sot, ssesootto _o___ , 1t • p..p th ma , ot t.• id. , Y •PPesewr°' tions for whios al we are to pay at the I r"1"'"'"' I "" h ""' '" a "" °I °"` " w " °°"" "mends m of hts 1....10nei, sow on. nu - um. Paw) Id nrd ndal• 4 ' , 1.. .a ond tan" . ren YeereerlY vittion•ey. e" I' P•wed int° • 00 . the relative positions of the eerstid and j„.,. ' °.° I Important !tom GalitbrniL eased rate? in be eidO a ud . eitider . "adlren enn""...... a ......,•• toll n ohm, it. aoh Moo. ~,,...„,„ss would Nil to same the sant .- sovereigns oof the Colon. The potpie are , Of course I din' tel It lal 11 Ths B ir • Wet." 118 riday ha the fellamiag " I "" °° " ol '''''""" r ` ° "'" WI ".'"'" • "'" .renn.d el, in of pro.nonnv It gel w hether!itew• Itn an. ban' tho P.M" , , quired to make thie canal. The ideposi• the sovereigns -with them exiats the yore ' • •fi• . ' ' fi. ' ' ' fi • fin° ' and deeett ens dormc Ma hat el.. ton emu aw et lo.a II satisfy the people. titat Nit •ta *ha conetruc• , aid th e th,...,,'1' . '1 . . o .r •ut a ' of " "nt t`,". . tion reqnires the batiks, for the privilege ato exelt and to cast dosni-their only I'' not remain any longer than the Ingh rate ,•• radd la ws,” for aw. Indebted to • mer ••-••• 1 COntinbed-al,d would it be well St eon- e.oodie Bowe on Pend 5.... It . fun. • MM. Doe Sta. The "Repoli Is ol ratty tl lie molted On m totot 11,11 Ills anteprraotp. stormiest Inm, to the corn a arn Aiw .0111 oldet ees of ; 'Ont.! email nra... l"." ic• per cod ol are the law amid • sense of right-the sd- t i n , p , , hi g h ~,in e „ n „Ii .1,,,,,, ,• , . ll The peals nf 8,...,11,0 moos hwe la en • Medan. before the eleetwet ia eutte Itio do. toms 'D r ,“,,,, a ,,,,,,,,,,, , ~,,,,,,ttro ', their capital to the State, at Goo per cent ministrsters fit ' law are but their servanta r 'l'l - .. ....h... mid n rot Ad a t ed • .lit rapist , dr .el ' s g • I I ....n . Iradl Ina Ina ' nalfa " . - ' 1 • I • rII • :In 'Ti t look, dto their per annum. The whole banking espital oft sr, y s.. 'or the Flag a keeping among I. the 4,111- hol, easel et stens thet s• a prom, d 1.4 .. to, and ~ mother thmg. a A.. w.. (41 eaffeall Ihe int. r. els Iu tIIPo o , o t' Id ; • 1 - • parntively entail amount of foreign ?We San Frandsen, Dee 1, 1848. agate 111,041 a ad this a c m e , n of doe Iternwsate . pany toady. we ehould ay ofl 'seaman. , ato moan e ti, On 4 se. ) tos woos, est the Commonwealth is about twenty-one+ , Slink not. The price. n s o ot , , t ot. rtt Esh ro .„ on ~..„,,,,,•,,,.„,,,.,,,„„. ~,. ~,,, ~,,,,,,,,n , „ d o e tons ..., soo , oh. oo 15 tt e ehonee os d he, d millions of dollars Fourteen million. o Mr. Clay ' s letter on emancipation, a. Business and labor in rite Eastern and o obtitined for got dr hero nre enormous.- .."b'" '" . 6.'l' " "n 7 ."" a • It I " AZ Il s e seta arplreatfolo lor aw r 1,0.1. and th, r. in oar thie tis Ineeted in Philadelphia.- dressed to It l'inole Esti , obits' :liter Or- ', mi ,, ,so 5 .,,, .„. on .. . n ~, . I hi . t•oos 5, 5.5 they his, tood o. t wood., et nes, oet ooto os tow or oo es r 0. ., ~ t Wore Ito octet, it w uld low be credited. of uld flikela iire le the lire, r , et teem iflnfle 10 Now ere ask the members from Philailet lettlg, Fob 12, is terms al It occupies ... _, ' . . . g '' ' h.' l' ...." """ r'dt'" ' th." "'"re ' New Illanapshlre Election *II ' ' .11 • I will tone Of th Phi- two etdonin • 111 -T '1 l o sill to lidt dI • ha, e hein dof ill II ~ , .. moos. to poi mote titan -ix per cent , oett a d st , 0 tbs orders for mot/elate el, Itra rs • .110 41. tow rale D'art .. Mal, e f .0,11 .to Ile regret• p 110, 111 11 1, 1011dr, ese s eoo. ri ;one. tts ar rent i ... y „ I 0 an afford to pay that The gr.... 1 creel discovery of grad in the country, • di.- The nal., or mining r. mor. - that the dol, pm. Th, Democrats lase pm achtevad math, t oc. „,,, 7 „„, „„„ o „ , , „,,..„,„„ ~,,,, ~, , 4 „,,.' adelodun bat ks smelt your two per cent 1 the gradual abolition llto avery In Ken- I d , majority llare. in Eastern Peons It Alia 4 rassee, able' , Pt 11 .. 41 " ...V . 1... • Itrctl doe eh. have an to ..... tatt o oed sale and menu, oh rosy en N..ar Hampaire, who lit. emend,. worth dente f dli, r let thr tr MG anol protte nerd... fir the I loan, for thy privilege of issuing small lucky. That • period should be fixed. say ~,,, ..,,,,,,,„ o . 3 . .., . , 0 w ,s,y•, i s, , , sill hard) v pas se fe rso tot er oso o .eoo or"itt oes " In et • es. Iran the mine. d notes ? We ha. yet to meCt the firm bank 1 t 055, when all born after that should be . Hann 111. all the orers in them heals Mew "'"r d " .o 'I" . ''"'" .. "g ""I . ".... "....) II• trust the 01. mons., reposed i 11.,,,, tout the wholesale or re . teil tolerti ant tosto. ,if not 11s-tonal tont Ent is also, than any lb ..„,.. 5 ,..„, „.„,,,,,,,, .„ I thew candidate fra 11; 111 l nor as about 51100-90 en T ., 0 r ,,, h ot ma oetne for 0. oleo. hen - sewer wh ll d o wio it, and w e have mo o a 1 f rets at the ago of 25. All best before it, I ufaeturer or builder itt thie city, who ia. coda "II" I." "IT..d I I " • fiPleerY. oar beams, aotol of sor oat,. noto., too roam.. gnat oaf , Marra Io.V. Th., ._ Maul id oil II i four& f ,tof f ~,,.„ e‘fefof, few tl.is winter. Then there are two-mil- i remaining slaves for Jite lout liable after , m n re ore than, Ida per nt. interest as a matt- The noble. xof gold obtained - ire truly prowess moo. notch ash Ire , . 1 . Mono oar In ifte IA Concreadonal landoel, Turk, Free anneal dm, uct, that the p . m ~,,,,,,,,,„„ 0,,,1 lions and a half more of this bank Capital , wards to be hired out ibe three yews by 'l' i ne p t .: co no the total ...env of hi e ,epttal, ant t.ttiAing, nod the rmantitit.s every day •••n " n ' ffir '''' nn ' t ' h " l o h " . • l ` ""*" ""'"'": Sod Whea, is melcrad by a majority of abr. lad I located in Pittsburg, and we are assured by authorities of the Etats to pay het to onit their purples eorforaltert to este". e OA 00. , the wealth of dm I d d d for thei• Will in .nine meets out of ten end in bank. bo ought to this place equally eo. In doe way a hammier...4d between the pro. lo lets he b - • med.. wee •Pw•nde 1300. It, 1110 erotic.. to other into n -4. n loch they had 41, .4. ill gentlemen from that city that there banks transmission to Africa. The offspring of. y, • 1 Es ery article loll,) m 111 lisooil necessity is of timers of veal aud the ~,....nt. rs, keep. 01 0 ~ lad Daniel Co h. IL Prater, ',enam ..tn. el.-elect- I h o hoo hen-thot wt taller ii,,'Aa, .. iw dal, the, will not touch 11,1, 10 an. This then bringe thew to be free at 25 to ho free front their ri,• assa._a W , .y t t toe est s a uers or ...nu ~, t , no very high at the Mines. Flour has anetaa • ',"' " h " 1 " .... ''" ' l "' "": 1 4 ' 1 '" l ' r " . ed be e mnined• . a.. 3 .". -- •!••• 'eel. t.... I Id na enema tn carmine measures which tho Ns Joan to a country bank capital of losa l birlh, and apprentieed for 3 yews to main- shoubinot be allowed to take whet they eao •• on sold et TOI Om lb ; roar querts of ''''' l” T.. ,,,. -J--" , "- '-'-'• of '-', 1 the 341 lanortolantes Wilson, Taylor Mali. " aff . • ' than five-millions from which this loan is to taln the oolony, until the commencement of ~ ~, , pair., p. ~. a atop at Eno, to Ma umnst rte. " • helloed it. to Mennen., stud comm. to the to. I.to obtained, and we venture to say that the new eysteen. All the legal sight! of ,if ffl al Whefal fnr n hnrv; hove ivnneldeln; Hmte. sp. ,as wv as tie . c era 0 olle tor ri , imp McCaw...sof Sell, Ilt ill county ard earl... Alt t 0... Id en.annla 1./ "h." '" n P hteat ' l'. "I ' ^ gf Mona of the Stute. The democroey rak of tho in. goods-what righ4 1... g 0,..... 1., i, . 075 per I bit ; PAL, 52fitl pet berrel. ...Ted te tone an eltioeut organ...non wetbout do' lost 1•0111 e I:100 ote, ' II. In the lth Dan. the ° 7 „, „.., „.„,„„ „ ~,,,,,,,r 0„,,,„,,,,,,,, l on ~,,,,.. ono hn t lf a these country banks would not IthezoLrle . l.:o r re .. ef tda:res .. t h o . re . tu n atn i °ni n on; torture in one case more than the oth , r*: T e rages of . Carpentees ma. $lO per he . a".... ,. . ,... 0^.,, II 'IGO Thhh...l h Y a I conduct 'rhe probable defeat of n onto teal not th s . •- - P'" 111.11 • •., n ' th " We anewer that governmettl Ma n rigltt rd• an) ; eo. ~,,, tr Ii Xere earn 98 • ioy or 11l The mob loadonate n•golator a 1.,,,,, i. th. re• pOrtation of e ll 1.,„ , L ft er . ~„„fan d day- so to regidale, it it rho odd be jotl e ed tot ees mt I ; a Cook, $Oll tot $lllO per month. latie• be wee demand and apply. aIM mow ed. e4T3 Innen oneJontY. . panty a stOlelg:lnd Honeet, to the hest polio,. to ‘' l P 6n their .ri ' a " al. P re " l " MO - sary and eapeolient, the rives tI Oh our nod I Brandy legal. a-1 ox. go dd for • bottle .. memo also, of mane, to the calor protium.. n The E note to needy ...remotely Demerara... r „„„. „ b „, ~,, „ Nob . „,, 0 ,,,,m y 0 , im a m a. to the colony. To be continued until the , Mere, then, is the wtot of 11,. aloole It ~,,, r-ttwi - th , Itouw ha* ta Ds to. note ~,,,,,,,,„,„ „,.ff , f„,,,,.d„, lry a mide, 3loney differ. Dont arables 4,1 Dread $2 sot Moot.. ts, $OO per pair ; legitimate and soly troe cute, hody If too renkly I tbaned I DeommArt, I Fear.... ' and he oho dos n rt., to ere 11re a nett. t Mateo ' ftparation of the races is complete.-dll6 . iiiiniii , in iiin non , iini i., „ in niiii in . O o ~,,i „ , i . r „, 11 , v., . d ,,. , ck .. h .. g 3.000 Atlas. waled. h will be Ift.en that no 'I IT al an mark I Only 11•01 1 polittcal no w. II A mond dragoon. j ..... re euxily m sr. 1 lira,' idd to toll, Ilrat II dcr .. to. , .. ' Eton, ato oio port it c itt In tit all Tiar as implieated, or even alluded 1,,., l a d, cetts r , The correoperalent .1 110 :,:. N. Sun floor Wash.] We nom meow that we droll rd the power of ,It• ra ~ ~ .. t'a. Pr 11. il I i 01111111 impossible oat they complain of, and are mkt. 11,atfarte to. (,„„. , Ow gd Amman Pea Water General, by Oa We knew what they had efficted, to limapat, I 0 d . c la, •t . pit. 4 to's heed its. need; boat the whole rano., fmn becoming to mob , New „ m . „,,,, a , I end were fearful of the prom. Cot a hen tee saw ' Ao, ii nt n 1,1,1 1.1,11 for $2OO per w enlthradY nblogna..P. the 1......... ills. 4 44 Mr Brown not Ihr ammonite officer at the the ant 0010 0. ii. moment leaden., our from tot fills 11 4 , 4. If 111 , 1 ion 1140.1 or shanty md he inrapahly boareet, 4.d, 4, ta l an d 0upp1,... IP. Office Departs... and among the osteen vanished, and we behold that a 1 0 01 0 1. and an oil e t inn, i, e ht ii . a $3O to $6O per We wish thew "M.....dtiettinti, 0.. 1 Itnd rantc. tit...nil Paelmesters meluded In as range a pow- I goes,ril democratic terraria...so mould we that aiderodo as the; n. only No, con.l”rate wh. ~ les but three hundred were dap:aced donne hts, the Republic suffered no dooms itt lho th. o e hare ....hi) tottottata.al front the ...ranee of the four yeara nf Agee fer aerobe..ie, pollute, aod all have been deceived, Ad hove trol, daremered th 11 flea lat. xry iambi pro ,„, fi „„ , b „, me roeio alter tattoo pot together. The order and Peons.) I the Judas rases not tool Oa ...nu. of th oh wads most bane. Aran.. to Ann: .at 1.410 maintamml in by P. 0 Dr.pattenent by its late' abater. a/amnions in re.rol to the Tend to P. nitm Isar.. °Mary muter the promos of tha choo s e to low T .,. boa bee „ „,„ ,„,,„. 7 „,,, d a r C ot . TM Report proccedel-d 'protege. sod the Immense inereme of mail motes , , , a ,,, ~,„ •,,,o „ mt ., b i g 'ammo .. "A careful suns, of the to trkt tre • ran, dm.. in ont new Mamma am the Nara. end-admire. I m , mm ,„,, o, a t d aw , on d del tea noel. it Noe context on to oW al till Lotfidete . awl all Ilfe ,„„„ 111 ...., ~„7 . 7 , „ ~,,,,, ,„ b 7 . 7 , 7 P. , .. ~. Cad edi s t. coot be forwardel front the chlboratt ~ For our own part we a n on a to draradtr swims in 111 19, will be bo t tom d for mammal. : ' ProN Manotetral the ...MO erna. AO odentiO I wig aenthong moon. done It, Congress of pulite as that none need envy his nelehbor's market, na ' el Es.? 3,1 General Johnson m the oleo donicul• I „„ m o. „„,., „ me m a r , „f or ., rm . „,,,,,,,aa teo r ...aro , .1' .Idd'a Gna...........11Gan I nes of hie peon. dunns hie tenn. I. the rotate. I by ~,, ~,,.. h y eat A 44 ratorrunte'' eel all 01 It int In the matter of pro , • !ode prompt to confess adogh ex ..... anon of 100 *en s 11 , 0 „, 5 . 0 „„,,,, ~,„, „ „„„ 1 ,„ 1 ., .„,,,„ ~ „, roo We sort that Sato:, well 4, 0t41•144 t un ~,,, ally , „ bon at taw+. Every d, n isi. nt of trod,. ,0a' ° '°. ,' aufth so to attend 01 the albite mt , mi. und wool mamfoeture le brans m.o. 11, nod Motley to corral. holy 300 mantas in 111 , Poet Office Deped, 7 „ b ..,„,„,, d ,„„„ r .„,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,,... 7 ,...„ 1 „. P•mtnillY ~ c mic.,- Th.' .",,,, "hod only a atent dorong Mn Pollis .%c111111111111rallan! linen, . =../rl7lL' l ralt r = "' lnto .'. ;(fr;e ' vel : P .l lllV;lffe k. ,:r . irl !""'"P‘h."• I'" . • "' kr ''' . "'" dl ^ .. Y •" 1 "...' be ii ,„ m a y bao , 11 ,1 „On., „„.. ,„ ~„,„.„ lli ...1 Nlllllll die penal of . mom' We will elepremeed.' trim, all the old ly r e tit one Aare ngrovo .gad (The Report then prerags inns,.' the a... , 44 Ilat rola,. 11101,1 will ooadmpie that number in a f n a l Ka h a n' dorie s( the paw year fray all the so month. Who will take the wog,' . . . ._ _ , THE DEMOCRAT MONTROSE, PA , Tim 1“1.7, 21. tale_ mutes in the State, which io 3..1-9.13. 1 tone. IN- ~..., ,..n ~ ~ ~. md4, ... , .. .r th,.... Sam Ws them O aas IN VER•sTOCK from . enme amen toward thorn ;rationed Dernorrais who , 1047, neer and above the mold allowance he dos %metl against and &Puled the Inability pntictple in MIPS es". ","...' . ' li, l*l*l° ' 7101- the ease or the Farinces Hank ni Min., ix moves , 7 " . 117 ..." ,1 lb. n ' fi.7 " .7 " . " 6aa in 101 l ' sal. if not aholately orenchebning. So far as we 3,300.00 tans have men any expreenon—and we hays an. it in Th. ••1i....1 ' 7 ' ,.. '" 7 °I. lb ' " n " '" 9 ," ' namtietion lastanem—it has been in deeided. NS rjerodwelo Coal in 1213 is— ler condemnation ; and wit hare no fears that the The Keinsylkill tonna. Is:50,000 Tons mean will not he folly wrotained by • betrayed and . 1.1a•ron• & 11.41.... 1:41,0011 „ -rmally Indlgnant monk.. We regret extremely w Wyoming dk Shamokm. 2574300 o ' that any Democrat Mould ham so far dennied from the fundamental doctrine*, in hi. creed... wander er total antonnt. 3,3,7,001.1 Tone ed from h. duty his party and constituents, se The Report then continues j to 6: found tu wish Wimpany. Asti epecially is it It will h..... that this tonnage di finntsh for I m.rh awe • t ..„, b. l ... t i o , t r h n i i i ., l4 , lh:::7 ,d opteliwinti rowdy hue actually eoweinned Th law year. e rern tu of wior be 0. in `‘P" .i ". I, There Inc been nothing said er done in the ". "'kW ("'h ".% North am.ch Canal twit yeas) will resume es'regutier progresinn Th. writer increase 111 the ronaumption of our mice ear last or in relatien to anything doe of any Coal. law betw 1. 0 lbr yea. Prt . interest. The moat of the time is accepted in Ina- Ana to IMO. adieu it fell to In per re Tlakilla , Ws pwaible Wandatd, there will Tinned trt: fool, 41000 was awe the largest quantity that tee eonpu ea. b• &hyena le market. by the carrying row allowed to come into dm Cepital on soy ...di 4.. oitooty Rork*. tile ...ion Om fat has du mow of Wag tb•• tory lazy o. A o 00...4.01..i00 0...4.01.. 0. Orme rk the wee OM tone obeli! Tblo lo do trot mato tho mt. old ito 101 A of Aril has pared Yak litsooltoo pleb sod ha eon*** i• es clear dot all mod Meow oar** doll.. 0.d0.0i. .rband. Tiro Snierned—The Philadelphia N 0.., (Whig) We *wile TOO Wn11)01 to *ay derail id, ea* if • there • a* • Odor* of woe aad pne Am *ma.. . 0 h.peaty le rill applying is a* r. 46.1 his mil*. *OOO goose pentiaidar. I VW," a* wore. that** Molars " elloohne • 40. "•"" .‘ R. " " ' i• woo (mambo do • Roo.. Viola Qualtoo • vra Werde all parliinpalan la the moo , arg nespue.) W. auks* **Oa it . 4. 00 Omni Taylor .0. 4. the Poe. Sot Om hie nailer, Oda loa woe eimeid lon• boo barn bageol lb. • MWW •••• i . .l‘r•aloto et Illodollaw. NA book. WO mg vent, sod we Owl WI *o.. the pal h le roe Fe • adril NW= lowa loft • MY • ••• M e. '"ldea.edie Am radials he • IralOrdesm. W• *Silo or lot As woe*. 1.••• ' fhbo ear imempowy ems No.* by MAL Ts &MK ae law. Or 000 0.10.., 404. illay 4. No eamplee Meal empty Goo. 'Fes ao P 0 . 1 .1 1.••• wain of Jr geed Nil man aol red ingeelenoro eased *al as* dome I. lare dog.. wig 'Wee op* hindeboil • 1•I peefon MOMNo that haa Moho U W••k• M wi b, • MI6 pm Um Cad ....5440550.0 00. o Arg • ealoonieft a. N. a .4srnar +ft!. dorsolee fro.Slioslnn doers* dm nod WWI de Ihe Mei No go hewer* lionming aa hi hareem bonner, OW. et wild sm. pilirly So eelm.• 1146. 01150 am. • moonielumen••• ANN lls• rams,' *lsl.( as- yew. Aare. Kllailrea 4 Cs." Memo NAL No &pay WI Mal Inidgore No,. Or N.Y. —The inttultripal election teak Omer Reuling on Friday, tendon, in a complete Dem °cram 111.LII the officers eseept Icy° which was loot ihronah diviam. Drinnerah !candidates being I/1 iheAid. 'rhe average I, ' acrylic tonjont, Antall/O. Tur. Finer Itostoo irtoo —The eilltor of the Pe nney!remeent. .111:111 W. Fonsey, has reolocil hol eonanto,oon oo Depot, ohm or of thi. port of Philadelikaa. As WI tick. of a thionerahe paper, li, odopiod the proper mine io relieve tumid( trona the admin. of holdall, office tottlei %lug adnionis , Tow :4:i - coats the tale of new wonted) , work pamphlet. captaining ahem negee, the linit and emend Nee a which have beau received. h is a .• Jenntol f llcalth. adapicil to popular and profeedonal reading. and the expositref (40.4 , - en' edited by hilward 11. Dixon. Flom a brief review of its nententa we are enovineed that it i• maul work, end two that dieeld hear. general patronage, not only amain prefewinnel men. but the renunitnity at hug.. Pner 23 rents per N. Add... Ilea Mal New Vet* Peetoillhe. Item.'. RAIL• 011,14. arm idthe row of new parr recently awned in Now York. I. fide fully Wheat.. it. object. wed ws are awe it trill be found • groat desideratum to warden; and wiring. k wird. Repro .(.M Railroad@ at Ow Halted Mora. witk tablooaf drawee Iran Oar to place. deo tiro a mania .11Lp...0n at the ear. and rarities dr dial is of int.* to traveller. T. Ss • yaw. IT The Raw. Dostainst Arks* asoks to so We stook is se satin sow &as. lookitsg Ss Saila es "ow pis. The Argos it moor Oa WM a ow ottabiters. art too enalialty with (Heed Howes al mai. atostss lima.% Maus Mumma Om Musk Is • romabwr, ma • MIA laird soy of Ns 1•40- , germ in htuml ••••44. owl dot la =Om • poi Mal is rum TY Orem*. Amer hr Much M. Imo re seihrl. W. hall sdhstimft MrsaMt by &Mr ehmsto hos its hely hoed enothed. A healed Is Olselossik sot Wog able sissi as obsaisato Masai, fastesad a basd ever Ids eldeassy, sad dun smoked blis elm Tsa *mum Oaaaos Ores NSW an Theindayha Ohara Ma boa tbsa Im bed ibutreirmi MlT•Aerark bawl le Si Dregs But say the iiiivocatee of this bill penal ties and taxes are to be imposed on the banks refusing to accept of the provieions lof tide bill. Why the banks will laugh at your lunatic... Ara not many of them now . required to loan tile State money by their „la m .; „,.„. ' . , „ „„1,,,, ,„ r acts of iorporation ; but will they do it? Tn rm Loe Hoot 11.,11,1, era. _ „ _• ' • , Toe ranY ri, .0 omits win sereiyies tee es manifected aa k the elai . ;inlay the m iireisn !as . ...• defiance. and no judges or Juries will ever miter of the ll.•me Department meow I ere- ,On t" • no. 'ld' j re' "ie ` • " • ••• •••1 he found to enforce at. raped facto prone- aced by CringreYs The following d••telle• ••er e 1 1"d"hre ren•l•••""••die . 1 0' I' , ere therefore interesting : le, m i•••••••s.ary 11ir ilo• 1. i.lotiire in " ions. The pa - MMnn will either be amended It i" to dn'T B •Teet•d• "nd Chit' Clerk. dr ' i " ••• 1 • 1 'd "' • a• b y ito irhen,ln i n ri a , Soon Er. inn ri „„ roth. the •ornier ut • sea,tool •• M ., " ' • al ••• in , ~1 • is es i* or that thin is the eelienie toCr' km aer .• ail ; .„, 1 „,. s, ~e It. ... t. the banksfire tie xi • p,.r ^r,rl - I d•••• ai 0• • ' • ' .1 , 0 i..1.1 1 o • . • -... .re diteeilj ithi, Y and the small nhh pet, ' • • aet sin ol as a Week tapir sya yire • • ' • • ere book, wholly nopitor, and ' •••• ' • " proving the slightest advantage to Cox,' '0 Otto'oolo 11 ai -ie. , who lend themselves to its passage. ' dienee "erl ee lllo . l of Ow m , . ay,. trust that those Demure.. who have leens .o us nif the —lri::iith La eT nd rat i offi -ery ee. D. ; ; : n e r.:l:..ia this great improvemeat deeply at hearts ,ho tr. and who have voted for this Whig propo-1 8 drve3. •ndi I beide, the ' bition, will abandon it, and go for an bon- i'dretrde -- reddi the Wne d•" •• ' est loan to complete the North Branch ca• Indtuo.n,l de" ••• ••'• " • p —x it tl . f . zu r i 3 t l . ie w E i l h e i c . e c ti . , „ .. „ . n • i liz i Y o . n . , d , ...O r e r y : l. ,. nal, and it may yet be carried. If they ail- , , here to this bill, which we regard merely as • hire to lend them estray, they will find I fie Budding. That ie, the heads of th••se „e th . ei . r i l n ii i g nit h b rt las w te . d te , tk a e ni r d im o r e ro ir v t. emi li e , n i t . . : several Bares= are to report to the Seere lad friends effeetnelly destroyed. • tory of the Home Department. (instead of: reporting, se heretofore, to the aki•ve named : Small Naha Vs. AMA Dollars. heads of departments, resiieetively,) and to : Jut at the moment that Labor is rejoie- the Faeoutive.—Peensyleseion in; at the pr..speet of an inereue of the: precious metals, by a eohnige of gold dol- Hassemt floeseme, in • remarkable ad- Ilia—directed by Congrese, in the hope, dress to bin Texan conetituenta, published, : that it would ; protect the people from low,' in the Washington Intelligeneer, Ilan camel , and miaow to industry iisjust reward—our out on Mr. Calhoun with • series of extraor- I :State Legislature has determined spa nen ; dinary charges, which, if true, meet strip, trod:leg the benefits of the expected inue, the ims•t Southern oracle of the respect so for as Pennsylvania it concerned, by the and 1111.01111tiall he has so long and widely ereation oft new hatch of paper money.— commanded. He menses Oalhoon of an Paper dollar. will drive gold and eilver dol- inordinate ambition, to which he is willing lora into the coffers of the bank, and the to !sacrifice the Union--and to email which iron chests of the rich and parelmonlous.— he hope. to break the Union and estailieb The toiling mamma ens always peid off in the • • Sootiness eonfederasy, of whisk he @ball ; worst currency—often-times that which I. be the bad purchased at a ilieeount by the employer to He °bargee bins with sacrificing the ,be paid oat to his workmen at por; This South by the commodes of tile currency leads to improvidence and poverty tion scheme at. moment when, as Mr. Clay —sometimes to vies—and frequently. too' told hint to his oonfoeion, but for that frequently, to ruin. It eannot be laid by movement, the protective voltam of the for a min) day. It may perish in the bands North was no mans—that it would have of it. holder. Therefore it most be got off , hem. assailed at the very nut session of and tp the earnings of • week aro often magma. He Amgen him with lialettem meandered on Saturday night. The ° relief ; and falsehood a• • politioian— mooting mace of W. talohnetoo based upon State; that Mr. Celbun as early as daring Mon- Credit, led to precisely these coneequeesa :roe's administratiou, salaamed with Mr. Will not the email notes lased upon Bank; Monroe'. cabinet in the policy of restrie- Credit, doubtless sugpsted by the woe Meg slavery from all territories oboe it Ipublie benefactor, earl the interest of the bad not beim mitherieed bylaw, Ile promo workbag alum. in a still more dlootrous ; Mr. Calhoun arnaker WU...tapes the pen. degree, vim of 1787. Oh, blessed Whig Polley How elmoent I More and worm than all these darer, of promise—how berme of perfonmems I, he mteallme him of tables ad v antage of hie How meek lath. minority—bow bold ki 'rake as • satinet adoisMr Is abMrset power I When VII the wow learn that from lie. areldme of the Wien, his writran your reel elements are Hypoorb7 Load opiates endorsing As restrielicir of afros nod &MAN. I What new ImMos do ; ry. At any rate sill math eridemes of his, they require to know, that your matins is teem.. oploir, have diampeared hem the; unehaaged sad neelmegable.l Mee af the depart...to -We roped OM; gilmllidenses on the Erie Itsilread e tlmatelese. steadily, and the praseet im „ oa k .. u g h,„ Tm•lllth will b• 6 ", t1 " Ann emblem of everytliig semi& am- 1 Iron Binghamton to Owego, 82 t "'ow , bides Wink raleinthr . it 011111 forth' will be ready for the ear e by the letter pulri . 1 .... b. w ill b ir gi„ ,of May, when a very meltable *maim of , , country will be broright into clam sooner ace w - I lon with New York. The emtractors west! The Wayne — OZ — Beemeret publebes al of Owego ere psalm' ahead rapidly sad Mug lantaf Irma the Be, W. Keneey, pro- ' have already amempademl moth. Div- toiling against then. Taylor's violation at kowtow AM. the Sabbath en his may Ia Werhiegtee, m o., The biter is esweliel I. elreng losnimble. rsi Al lstaaltalt al Mt iy WNW Al It • oi.troo.-1. payable 010. 11.11111 p, 1 , 1•11 , 1.,10wn..“ . IN. I " I k oli , ^ ft. ef • oz., „ „ t , to o to t c as 0,11 ke. • I i.lllg Cl}o. A store Tttet at o i:otottal ;I 0. at, a•oi It I raid sl7Atto tor, ..sterOny. II en moot to to laws, ne it.. not ',timbre in •orth $l5O per 31, and door I probahly at least eine. -fh r dollars in ev• rat rn mers • tan inn 810 r day rery hundred lotion' in ant 'Mete, sre still ' The entire Fnlntin'in" f O "Pn ben" ot the lege' non of interest. Of late years, abandoned (lair mite and hoot., •nd arer ' the dicgonition on (hr part of men in mer- eon... bete. The Santin ieh Inland. an motile busittesn to dinreesrill the law, has deterred of . 111 fhtif 14 .ig" been increasing, and lite eonsegeettee is that CirerY ve^vel 1.1 . 1 .3' P." on this 1101 . 4 1. - , failure. are occurring eveeo month, in whirl, filling with passengero for,thlit plans in food that the snots have all been Mr. formerly Consul at -- I devoured by uettrious Internet. For usury informs me that two of hi. ..resift left him liktldont prevent. n Imilure—it only dela, s ; when the IWIOI first came. They have jut ; handing loner, in the interim, the proio returned with .75,01 M. erty that ought to go to the creditor., to the F o p.. —of the Navy who retuned nate-shaver. When there ii nothing mere lend evening from the mine., inform me of left for the charm, the man fail., sod his' one Ine•lity which has been found who's creditor. get, perhaps, lee cents in the • gold). so abundant that there is we mot.. doll.. ..ity for washing the earth t 11700 perio* We know that the English politieel Peons le the . 99 ^ 9 ^ 1 9199 i 9 . 1 by 999 b, 94°. gold, .7 all take ground in opposition bob. Eheoth hone. ere toed to d ip too So.. ry lawn, but they never theeeeded in per. and have sold at the mines for $5O mob. suading the wise leginiatere of England to Uhave convened with teeny old Wised, abolish these laws until the accumulation of minowbo bath been at the mine., mid of capital hod reduncl the usual rem o f 1,. gathered large panties ; they alloay thah terest below the legal standard. The only they only want two month. Mon the nowt change! made end! within the last few Stumm and they nhall have enoesh. yearn were nduotione of the legal noon.— Although this country mod tows are Bs Pp. hotline° In 1554 the legal rate of in-led with gold, no vegetables ena to hod.— Wrest was Iced at 10 per cent ; in 1624 Al We eat Ent little elm thee beef and breed r, was reduced to 9 per cent.; and in (boon 4 10 4911 . 14 °Poo". bow low" b. - reign of Queen Anne lob per eenn—.t ,ll . ll 7. whM rate it eutinued until • few years Lama Feu CALI .—T64I Hoe , beekorben we belle. the entry law were to . Tommaor ps bum m s i p m s , g a ud pmetkeilly sbolished. It win be time for g. n p„,,„m ss ,:y ssm ," gOth," rrbloh I. us to fellow ibis example, when with • a.„. A ss . Igel rue of en 6 per emit, the market mice !....4 ! T h. •iott.,. m raiaaraar .hall be 8 or 4. Colonel Fremont'. expeditko, WIN Maw 004 MOM num", and we have done.— 0tt . 0 ... by m s ush ms aa g airasiaag he 16 we What. 49 ww.. 1.1 41 1 9.4, 1 C eaptlvity nice mosthe—ble lib huhu bees ilowing in of foram. aphid to • or hip lu m py fh.,n, raa g a y hi m !mete, whoa the times are what i• I ,as he sap, o• wood of his bath. bees hard, In soneep... 99,1991994 dimothred by lb. Indium to b.. num !muse In the mat of interest, would be • son. of which Wendt', it 1011114 meg et lomat. Mud thews are gentwally the nails the sod men coo ember& ursi german,e of memantile beTrudones The writer hod boon very neeemifelly !mid our-wading. They womb woe pm- e•gmed be the gold .1.... meg bad AMU. !duos end formiglit. If men ham eaten ed g o ld inane, t o N agy his sia weloa,, !andrentellen too metsb over eight, 111. bet- GM statemente In rupeet to Gm eitteee it ; ter that they should bear the unpleasant the Gold bode, sad dm putty it lb. motel. enneequeneee the noel meriting, than pot ro th o , msms lb . enry.nooo of the evil day by a sound 010 , 04 to rake- whith we h... s mpts f em slants. For thopeesity IrM mural, have veal of stlll Anther diseeverles, aaa 91 to be paid In the end. still Asher mime, which might buil Tor thus sod other rumen In an op., .wp b eyn. nt . .,h. a ht h it th . sit treed to l tim w. - lb* emery tbe youi le N n..mo. Eaglet ; wu that our readers will a g - & a . 70 . 11616"41 " = 64 1 4 .1 bib". daft is Them n."." tbovesedel =Mem • mensuree ef web doublfid imuniely•— mit*. ohs 00 • 4 41 1 11, MI& Serwriar Pm. gallos dlibP7 • euss. 11.., , . I ii rtilinii,olite, oval for years i•iiu• 110111. it it S moat tiontinue ui oot rot soil a petit irode must be ow between this and all porta of the ratan I brought from - coat $ll 11011. Tl.' gr•snottoimit 01 sale. from it unl. 11 s3l.liint. lart..or teem with • ••. ...I Vl` have aeon' firer $lOO,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers